what does a manager do

7/23/2019 What Does a Manager Do http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/what-does-a-manager-do 1/3 Burca, Keith Vincent Y. CHE427 Assignment What does a manager do? Here in the Philippines, being a manager or the “manedyer” is something eclare !er"  big or a great sign #or success. $t also o#ten associate %ith har%or&, in#luence, com#ort an ease in li#e, an o# course, mone". Ho%e!er, oes being a manager reall" means ha!ing a 'ob that  'ust points out people %hat to o #or him ma&ing him li!e li&e a &ing in the compan" he is in( )ell, ma"be "es but to be a reall" goo an e##ecti!e leaer, the tables might be turne aroun. *here are numerous concepts an theories about the e#inition o# goo management. $n #act, a lot o# classical theorists ha!e alrea" trie their best to achie!e the best %a" to e#ine it. +ne goo eample is Peter -ruc&er %ho suggeste that goo management is neither a ran& nor a title, but rather a responsibilit" an a practice, in %hich the s&ills can be imparte an stuie at the same time. *he goal o# this paper is to eplain %hat $ ha!e learne about being a goo manager, using the -ruc&ers #i!e basic operations in the %or& o# the manager. *he #irst operation suggeste b" -ruc&er is that a manager sets ob'ecti!es. He must !ision a goal #or the team. *he ob'ecti!es must be rele!ant an attainable b" the team. He must also be e##ecti!e in sharing this !ision to e!er"one in his team. $n that %a", the"ll #eel their in!ol!ement an surel" the"ll ha!e the enthusiasm to share %ith "ou the loa. $n setting up the ob'ecti!es, a goo manager also nees open/mineness. He must be open #or suggestions an must &no% ho% to accept criticisms positi!el". He must also be open #or more challenges  because these challenges ma&e the team stronger an the bons tighter. *here#ore, a goo manager is a goo communicator an a team pla"er. *he secon basic operation is that a manager organi0es. He must &no% ho% to elegate the tas&s e1uall" to his teammates. Ho%e!er, the teammates can sometimes #eel the buren an ma" not #unction properl", this happens unless the !ision or the ob'ecti!es are not properl" isseminate. *here#ore, #or the secon basic operation, the #irst one is neee, an both are e1uall" important because e!en though ho% the manager claims himsel# as a goo leaer, he still nees the help o# his members. A#ter all, no man is an islan. As a chemical engineering stuent

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7/23/2019 What Does a Manager Do

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Burca, Keith Vincent Y.

CHE427 Assignment

What does a manager do?

Here in the Philippines, being a manager or the “manedyer” is something eclare !er"

 big or a great sign #or success. $t also o#ten associate %ith har%or&, in#luence, com#ort an

ease in li#e, an o# course, mone". Ho%e!er, oes being a manager reall" means ha!ing a 'ob that

 'ust points out people %hat to o #or him ma&ing him li!e li&e a &ing in the compan" he is in(

)ell, ma"be "es but to be a reall" goo an e##ecti!e leaer, the tables might be turne aroun.

*here are numerous concepts an theories about the e#inition o# goo management. $n

#act, a lot o# classical theorists ha!e alrea" trie their best to achie!e the best %a" to e#ine it.

+ne goo eample is Peter -ruc&er %ho suggeste that goo management is neither a ran& nor a

title, but rather a responsibilit" an a practice, in %hich the s&ills can be imparte an stuie at

the same time. *he goal o# this paper is to eplain %hat $ ha!e learne about being a goo

manager, using the -ruc&ers #i!e basic operations in the %or& o# the manager.

*he #irst operation suggeste b" -ruc&er is that a manager sets ob'ecti!es. He must

!ision a goal #or the team. *he ob'ecti!es must be rele!ant an attainable b" the team. He must

also be e##ecti!e in sharing this !ision to e!er"one in his team. $n that %a", the"ll #eel their 

in!ol!ement an surel" the"ll ha!e the enthusiasm to share %ith "ou the loa. $n setting up the

ob'ecti!es, a goo manager also nees open/mineness. He must be open #or suggestions an

must &no% ho% to accept criticisms positi!el". He must also be open #or more challenges

 because these challenges ma&e the team stronger an the bons tighter. *here#ore, a goo

manager is a goo communicator an a team pla"er.

*he secon basic operation is that a manager organi0es. He must &no% ho% to elegate

the tas&s e1uall" to his teammates. Ho%e!er, the teammates can sometimes #eel the buren an

ma" not #unction properl", this happens unless the !ision or the ob'ecti!es are not properl"

isseminate. *here#ore, #or the secon basic operation, the #irst one is neee, an both are

e1uall" important because e!en though ho% the manager claims himsel# as a goo leaer, he still

nees the help o# his members. A#ter all, no man is an islan. As a chemical engineering stuent

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in the ni!ersit" o# 3an Carlos, $ %as use to being ro%ne %ith pile/up re1uirements #rom all

the sub'ects. *his basic operation can also be obser!e b" &no%ing ho% to hanle stress an

organi0ing %ith personal problems so "ou can still #unction properl" as a human being %hile

going to school or an" place in %hich "ou nee to eal %ith people. or me, initiati!e is also

inclue in the secon basic operation to get things starte. *he po%er to initiate a thing to be

one, the po%er to #in an alternati!e %a" in case something brea&s an the po%er to thin& 

outsie the bo, are all in the hans o# a goo an e##icient leaer.

*he thir basic operation is a manager moti!ates. A goo manager is not the t"pe that 'ust

commans people to &eep on oing a tas&, but rather someone %ho inspires that person to o

such thing. $ts not reall" about ho% much e##ort ha!e "ou one #or a thing or ho% high big "our 

 position is. 3ometimes, its 'ust about ho% much inspiration are "ou gi!ing out to each an e!er"

one. -ruc&er clearl" suggeste that part o# the thir basic operation is goo communication

 because it is the %a" to ma&e a team out o# people. or me, communication is a t%o/%a" process

an it oes not 'ust in!ol!e "ou being able to share "our thoughts an ieas. $ts also about

listening. 5istening oes not merel" unerstan the %ors o# the 1uestion as&e, listening

unerstans %h" the 1uestion %as as&e in the #irst place. $ts li&e pla"ing the piano6 to be more

attache to the song, "ou ont listen b" "our ears but "ou listen %ith "our heart.

*he #ourth basic operation is that a manager must measure the %or&. He must ensure that

the team is on the right trac& al%a"s. Ho% oes he o that( or me, base on m" eperience as

the presient o# the ChE Council, the best %a" is to be an eample. )ith that $ mean, he must

ma&e sure that he is recei!ing e1ual buren %ith his teammates. ot 'ust that, he must o his

tas&s properl". He must sho% iscipline an that he is %illing to change his ba habits #or the

goo. Achie!ing "our goal pace #or the %or&s ma" ta&e some time because "our teammates ma"

ha!e to a'ust %ith their ne% compan" an some members ma" nee a lot o# inspiration to o

%ell. *his %hole process is li&e #orging a iamon in the rough. -iamons ha!e to unergo a

huge amount o# pressure an heating in orer #or one to attain its beaut" an class. Proucing

iamons oesnt come in a clic& o# a han6 one must learn to %ait an %ith %aiting comes

 patience, %hich #or me is also an ingreient o# a goo manager.

*he #i#th an last basic operation is that a manager e!elops people, incluing himsel#.

He must &no% an e!er"one shoul &no% that the" are on the same team. *he" shoul reali0e

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that the" are not oing things #or the sa&e o# themsel!es, but rather #or e!er"one. o one shoul

 be le#t behin. $ts not about 8'ust9 oing it. $ts about oing things %holeheartel". *as&s can be

one i# the senses %or& han in han an %ith the presence o# min, but %hat ma&es it !er"

special is %hen "ou put "our heart into it. An e!ent %ill 'ust be an e!ent %ithout eication. )ith

it, it becomes a legac".

$# $ %ere to a a sith basic operation, it %oul be that a manager possesses an

constantl" sho%s his humilit". *o be a goo manager, "ou shoul be able to unerstan that %e

are li!ing in an imper#ect %orl an that people commit mista&es. You shoul set reasonable

stanars #or "oursel# an #or others, an learn to be o&a" %ith 8goo enough9. Humilit" is also

 being able to sa" 83orr"9, 8$ #orgi!e "ou9, 8Congratulations9 an 8*han& "ou9. $t ma" seem so

small #or "ou but it coul mean a lot #or the person being aresse to. Youll &no% it an "oull

#eel it because "ou %ill gain their respect #or "ou, the"ll be more passionate an enthusiastic in

%hat the" o, an conse1uentl", all those s%eet %ors %ill surel" #in their %a" bac& to "ou.

Personall", recei!ing these %ors is the best a%ar the people coul e!er gi!e to "ou.