virtuous person defined by myasekkya sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ...

1 1"Virtuous person" defined by Myasekkya Sayadaw **************************************** Virtuous person is defined as..... 1. A serene person who is physically, verbally and mentally peaceful and calm without any hatred, greed, or worries; oneself is serene, as well as makes others have a peaceful life. 2. An honest and upright person who performs noble activities. 3. An ideal who attempts in order to help others elevate ( morally and spiritually ) by being a prototype. မစၾကာဆရာေတာ္၏ "သူေတာ္ေကာင္း "အဓိပၸါယ္ ဖြ င္ ့ဆိခက္ ********************************************** သူေတာ္ေကာင္း ဟူသည္.... ၁။ ၿငိမ္းခမ္းတ့သူ...ကာယကံ၊ ၀စီကံ၊ မေနာကံ ၿငိမ္းခမ္းတယ္၊ ေလာဘ၊ေဒါသ အစြန္းမထြက္၊ပူေလာင္မႈမရိ၊ ကိယ္တိင္ၿငိမ္းခမ္းသလိ သူမားကိလည္း ၿငိမ္းခမ္းမႈေပးစြမ္းႏိင္တ့ပဂလ္၊ ၂။ိးသားေျဖာင္ ့မတ္ၿပီး ေကာင္းျမတ္တ့အလပ္ေတြကိလပ္ေဆာင္သူ၊ ၃။သူမားေတာ္လာေအာင္ ကိယ္ကစံျပအျဖစ္န႕ ေကာင္းျပတ့ပဂလ္၊ ( သူေတာ္ေကာင္းတိ႔၏ေတာင္းဆမား - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ္) .............................................................................................

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Page 1: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


1…"Virtuous person" defined by Myasekkya Sayadaw **************************************** Virtuous person is defined as.....

1. A serene person who is physically, verbally and mentally peaceful and calm without any hatred, greed, or worries; oneself is serene, as well as makes others have a peaceful life.

2. An honest and upright person who performs noble activities.

3. An ideal who attempts in order to help others elevate ( morally and spiritually ) by being a prototype.

ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ၏ "သေတာေကာငး "အဓပၸါယ ဖြငဆခက ********************************************** သေတာေကာငး ဟသည....

၁။ ၿငမးခမးတ သ...ကာယက၊ ၀စက၊ မေနာက ၿငမးခမးတယ၊ ေလာဘ၊ေဒါသ အစြနးမထြက၊ပေလာငမႈမရ ၊ ကယတငၿငမးခမးသလ သမားကလညး ၿငမးခမးမႈေပးစြမးႏငတ ပဂ လ၊

၂။႐းးသားေျဖာငမတၿပး ေကာငးျမတတ အလပေတြကလပေဆာငသ၊

၃။သမားေတာလာေအာင ကယကစျပအျဖစန ႕ ေကာငးျပတ ပဂ လ၊ ( သေတာေကာငးတ႔၏ေတာငးဆမား - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ) .............................................................................................

Page 2: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


2... Seven Character Traits of the Noble ~~~~~~~<><><>~~~~~~~~~ 1. Take the responsibility of looking after parents 2. Pay respect to elders 3. Speak softly and sweetly 4. Refrain from slandering 5. Give away in charity and make a sacrifice 6. Be loyal (tell the truth) 7. Develop loving -kindness

May all of you practice and raise these seven character traits in your heart.After your perfections become stronger and stronger by practicing these, even in this life may all of you attain Nibbana (Ultimate Peace) with magga nana and vipassana nana.

သေတာေကာငး လကၡဏာ (၇ ) ျဖာ ~~~~~~~<><>~~~~~~~~~ ၁။ မဘက ျပစလပေကြးျခငး၊ ၂။ ျကးသက ရေသေလးစားျခငး၊ ၃။ ေျပျပစစြာ ေျပာဆျခငး၊ ၄။ ကနးတကစကားမ ေရ ာငျကဥျခငး၊ ၅။ ေပးကမးျခငး၊စြနလ ြတ အနစနာချခငး၊ ၆။ သစၥာတရားရ ျခငး၊ ၇။ ေမတ ာျပညဝျခငး၊

ဤသေတာေကာငးတရား ( ၇ )ပါးက မမႏ လးသားထ မ ာစြ ျမ စြာ ကငသးနငျကပါေစ။ဒလကငသးျခငးျဖင ပါရမေတြရငသနလာျပး၊ ဒဘ၀မ ာပင မဂဥာဏ၊ ဖလဥာဏျဖင နဗၺနက လငျမနစြာ မကေမ ာကျပနငျကပါေစ။ ( သေတာေကာငးတ႔ေတာငးဆမား - ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ) ………………………………………………………………

Page 3: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


3... Standard Ruler ************ If you do not work for the benefits of sasana and the world applying with the education you acquired, but you just wallow in luxury, the degrees that you received are worthless.

However, if you try to work for the benefits of sasana and the world, even though you do not possess any degrees, you can be a worthy person.

စေပတ ******* တတထားတ ပညာန ႕ ေလာကအကး၊ သာသနာအကးက မေဆာငရြကဘ စညးစမယစေနမယဆရင၊ ရထားတ ဘြ ဒဂရဟာ တနဘးမရ ပါဘး။

ေလာကအကး၊ သာသနာအကးက ႀကးစားေဆာငရြကရငေတာ ဘြ ဒဂရ မရေပမ လညး တနဘးရ သျဖစႏငတယ။ ( ညဥဥးယ ၾသဝါဒကထာမား -၂ -ျမစၾကာဆရာတာ ) ……………………………………………………………………

4... Mutual Respect -------------------- Despite the word spoken by servants,or sons and daughters,or students ( followers), if it is true and beneficial, we do not necessarily need to examine, " Who said that?" Instead, we have to cherish it as a treasure and practice respectfully.

If the word is not only spoken by parents or teachers but also true and beneficial, it is exceptionally superb.

This practice is called "Mutual Respect".

The superiors gain respect from their inferiors. Similarly, they need to respect their inferiors as well.

Page 4: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


အညမည သဂါရဝ ---------------------- အလပသမားေျပာတ စကား၊ သားသမးေတြ တပညေတြေျပာတ စကား၊ ျဖစေနေပမ မ နကနအကး ရ တ စကားဆရင ေျပာတ ပဂ လက စစစမေနဘ ျမတျမတႏးႏး လကနာကငသးတတရပါတယ။

မဘ၊ဆရာသမားေတြေျပာတာလညးျဖစမယ၊ မ နကနအကးရ မ စကားလညး ျဖစမယဆရငေတာ အထးေျပာစရာ မလေတာပါဘး။

ဒါမ းက "အညမည သဂါရဝ" လ႔ေခၚတယ။

လကေအာကငယသားက အႀကးအက က ႐းေသေလးစားသလ၊ အႀကးအက ကလညး လကေအာကငယသားကေလးစားရတ သေဘာ။ ( ဗဒၶလမးစဥ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ) ………………………………………………………………………

5... Dignity and Misconduct ********************** Most of the people know the meaning of Dignity as the grandeur and ostentation. They assume a bachelor's or master's degrees as their grandeur.

According to the Lord Buddha's Dhamma, dignity means "Free from misdeed", right conduct.

Evil deeds (immorality) such as greed, hatred, and delusion, etc. are called misconduct. We need to be free from any misdeed: greed, hatred and delusion. Therefore, any business that is free from lobha, dosa, moha is called the business with dignity.

Page 5: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


If one does business with full of greed and anger, aiming for being wealthy for himself and his family, for wallowing in luxury, such kind of business cannot be called that the business is free from any misconduct, or it has dignity.

ဂဏ န ႕ အျပစ *************** လအမားသေနတာက ဂဏဆတာဘာလ ဆေတာ ဂဏ၊ပကာသနေတြ ထငေနၾကတယ။ ဘြ ဒဂရေတြက ဂဏလ႔ထငေနၾကတာ။

ျမတစြာဘရားရ ႕ တရားေတာန ႕ ၾကညရင " အန၀ဇၨလကၡဏာ " တ ။ အျပစမရ တာက ဂဏ လ႔ေခၚပါတယ။

ေလာဘ ေဒါသ ေမာဟ စတ အကသလေတြက အျပစလ႔ ေခၚတယ။ ေလာဘအျပစကငးရမယ။ ေဒါသအျပစကငးရမယ။ ေမာဟအျပစကငးရမယ။ ဒါေၾကာင.... ေလာဘ၊ေဒါသ၊ေမာဟ အျပစကငးတ အလပက ဂဏရ တ အလပ... လ႔ ေခၚရပါတယ။

ငါခမးသာဖ႔၊ ငါမသားစ ဘယလဇမခဖ႔ စသျဖင ေလာဘ ေဒါသေတြႀကးၿပးေတာ စးပြားေရးလပရင အျပစကငးတ အလပ လ႔ မေခၚပါဘး။ ဂဏရ တ အလပ လ႔ မေခၚရပါဘး။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - ျမစၾကာ) ...........................................................................................................

Page 6: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


6...Reverence and worship versus donation ********************************* If you want to worship and revere as Venerable masters, you have to choose and pay homage to the virtuous monks who are full of morality, concentration, and wisdom, and practically applying the Buddha's doctrine and learning Buddhist scripture with noble attitude.

When you are going to donate offerings, you should consider and donate such as, whether they are full of sila, samadhi and panna or not, etc.

However... if you just want to give away as a gift or charity with your generosity, you should not choose such as, whether they come from Lowest or, medium or highest class. You must help and donate any needy ones.

You are not worshipping or admiring them. Since they are in danger or trouble needing your help, you have full of sympathy and loving-kindness, and generously giving away your belongings. That is a kind of fulfilling the Perfection in Giving or Dana Parami.

ဆညးကပကးကြယျခငး ႏ င ေပးကမးလႈဒါနးျခငး *************************************** ဆရာသမားအျဖစန ႕ ဆညးကပကးကြယတ အခါမ ာ သလ သမာဓ ပညာဂဏ န ႕ ျပညစတ ပရယတ ပဋပတအလပက စတထားမြနမြနျမတျမတန ႕ ကငၾကအားထတေနတ သဃာေတာအရ ငျမတေတြက ဆညးကပကးကြယပါ။

ပစၥညးဥစၥာ ေတြက လႈဒါနးေတာမယဆရင သလ သမာဓ ပညာ ရ ၊ မရ စသျဖင အလႈခပဂ လက ေရြးခယၿပးေတာ လႈဒါနးပါ။

Page 7: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


လႈဒါနးရသကသက ေပးကမးရသကသက ဆရငေတာ အယတ၊ အလတ၊ အျမတ မေရြးပါန ႕။ ဒကၡေရာကတ ပဂ လမ နသမ ကညလႈဒါနးပါ။

သတ႔ကဆညးကပကးကြယတာ မဟတဘး။ သတ႔ ဒကၡေရာကေနတာေတြ ကငးလြတပါေစဆၿပး ေမတ ာ၊ေစတနာေတြန ႕ေပးကမးတာ။ ဒါနပါရမ ျဖညတ သေဘာ ျဖစတယ။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - ျမစၾကာ) ..........................................................................................................

7... No Way to Remedy =============== There is no way to remedy those people who are idle and who do not want to learn and study, in order to make them good ones....

ကရာနတ ========= စာမလပတ ပဂ လ၊ပငးတ ပဂ လ က လေတာလေကာငးျဖစေအာင လပဖဆတာ... ေဆးလ ရ မ ာ မဟတပါဘး။ ( ညဥ-၃)

(ဗဒၶ လမးစဥ -ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ) ....................................................................

8...Head and Tail ~~~~~~~~~~ I have read in a book. A silver coin is useful for trading only when it has both head and tail, and it has no damage, too.

Just like that example. A person cannot be successful in both secular and transcendental activities unless he has honesty and efforts. It is a very good comparison.

Page 8: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ေခါငးန ႕ပနး ~~~~~~~~~ စာအပတစအပထ မ ာဖတဖးတယ။ ေငြဒဂၤါး တစခဟာ ေခါငးန ႕ပနး ႏ စဖကလးျပညစမ ၊ မပကစးမ ေရာငး၀ယဖ႔အတြက အသး၀ငပါတယ။

ဒလပါဘ ၊ လတစေယာကမ ာလညး ႐းးသားမႈန ႕ ႀကးစားမႈ ဆတ အခက ႏ စခကန ႕ ျပညစမ ေလာက၊ ေလာကတ ရာ ေရးရာမ ာ ႀကးပြားႏငပါတယတ ။ သပေကာငးတ နႈငးယ ဥမႈေလးပါ။ (ေကာငး - ၇၁) ( ျမတမခငသ႔ ကနေတာပနး - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ (ျမစၾကာ)) ..................................................................................

9... Haystack and Jewel <><><><><><><><> Even though huge sum of money (millions) is donated, if it is surrounded by show of status, greed and hatred, it is the same as the haystack. Since the quality of volition is poor, the value decreases.

Although only small amount of money (one hundred thousand) is donated, if it aims to escape from samsara (round of rebirths), and to wish the donees be peaceful, the quality of volition is highly superb.

Since the quality of goodwill is noble, it is as valuable as diamond or gold or jewel.

ေကာက႐းးပန ႕ ရတနာ <><><><><><><><> သနးရာခ အကနအကခ လႈေပမ ဂဏ၊ ပကာသနေတြ၊ ေလာဘ ေဒါသေတြ ၀နးရေနခ ရင ေကာက႐းးပႀကးန ႕တပါတယ။ စတေစတနာအရညအေသြးက ညဖငးေလေတာ တနဘးနညးသြားရပါတယ။ တစသနးတနလႈေပမ သသ၀ဋက ကၽြတလြတခငတ စတ၊ အလႈခပဂ လေတြ

Page 9: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ခမးသာေစလတ စတန ႕လႈရင ေစတနာအရညအေသြးေကာငးတယ လ႔ ေခၚပါတယ။

အရညအေသြးေကာငးတ အတြက စနေရြရတနာေတြလ တနဘးႀကးမားသြားပါတယ။( ေကာငး -၉၇၊ ၉၈ ) (ျမတမခငသ႔ကနေတာပနး - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ (ျမစၾကာ) ) ..............................................................................................................10... Practicing by applying Dana <><><><><><><><><> Even though You want to use your own possessions for yourself and for your family, you do not use them.

You give away and donate for Buddha sasana and for the World (Loka) instead.

Such kind of deed means that you are attempting to diminish your attachment to your belongings called craving.

It can be said that you are practicing to lessen defilements (kilesa) or impurity of your mind that arose from craving, by applying generosity (Dana).

ဒါနန ႕ေလကငေနတာ <><><><><><> ကယအတြက၊ ကယမသားစအတြက၊ သးစြ ခငတာက မသးစြ ဘး။ သာသနာအတြက ေလာကအတြက စြန႔လ ြတလႈဒါနးတယ။

ဒလေဆာငရြကတာဟာ ပစၥညး ဥစၥာ အေပၚမ ာ စြ လမးတြယတာမႈဆတ တဏ ာ ဒဌေတြက နညးပါးေအာင လပေနတာပါ။ ဒါနတရားန ႕ စြ လမးမႈက အေျခခၿပး ျဖစလာတ ကေလသာေတြ နညးပါးသြားေအာင ေလကငေနတာလ႔ ေျပာရငရပါတယ။ ( ျမတမခငသ႔ကနေတာပနး - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ (ျမစၾကာ) ..............................................................................................................

Page 10: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


11... Two kinds of responsibilities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a human being, we must be able to repay our gratitude to those whom we owe a debt of gratefulness such as our parents or teachers. We are responsible to repay our gratitude.

It is a must to carry out a duty to leave inheritance to our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, and followers.

တာ၀နႏ စရပ ~~~~~~~~~~ လျဖစလာတ အခါ မဘတြ၊ ဆရာသမားေတြ၊ ေကးဇးရ ငေတြက ကယက ေကးဇးဆပႏငရမယ။ ေကးဇးဆပရမ တာ၀နရ တယ။

ကယရ ႕ သားသမးေတြ၊ တ၊ တမေတြ၊ ကယရ ႕ တပညမးဆကေတြကလညး ကယက အေမြေပးျခငးဆတ တာ၀နတစရပက မျဖစမေန ေဆာငရြကေပးရပါမယ။ ( အျမေတ-၃) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ "ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) .......................

12.. Essential Rain ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It can be said that rain is absolutely indispensable for all living and non-living things to survive.

For those who want to build a virtuous life until you become Arahat, very essential and meaningful admonition is exceptionally imperative ( just as we need rain ) .

Page 11: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


မရ မျဖစမး ~~~~~~~~~ သကရ သကမ အရာအားလး ရပတညရ ငသနဖ႔အေရးမ ာ မးဟာ မရ မျဖစလ႔ ေျပာရမ ာပါ။

ရဟႏ ာသေတာစင ျဖစသညအထ ျမငျမတတ ဘ၀တစခကတညေဆာကခငလသတငးအတြက ခၿမနေကာငးမြနအႏ စသာရျပည၀တ အဆးအမ ၾသဝါဒဒေတြဟာ မရ မျဖစ လအပပါတယ။ ( အျမေတ- ၆၄) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) .............................................................................................................. 13...The wise person means.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No matter how many degrees are achieved , or how much powerful one is, or how much extremely wealth one has, if one cannot correctly differentiate between dignity and misconduct, merit and demerit , one should not be called as the wise person.

If one is able to distinguish according to the Buddha's way of practice, even though he does not pass Grade -4 , he deserves to be called the wise person. ပညာရ ဆတာ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ဘြ ဒဂရေတြ ဘယေလာကရေနပါေစ။ ရာထးအာဏာေတြဘယေလာကပ ႀကးေနပါေစ။ ပစၥညး ဥစၥာေတြ ကကတကခမးသာေနပါေစ။ ဂဏန ႕အျပစ၊ ကသလန ႕ အကသလက အစစအမ နမခ ြျခားႏငခ ရင ပညာရ လ႔ မသတမ တသငပါဘး။

အ ဒဗဒၶလမးစဥလခြ ျခားသႏငစြမးရ ခ ရငေတာ ေလးတနးမေအာငရငေနပါေစ။ပညာရ လ႔သတမ တႏငပါတယ( အျမေတ-၃၄) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) …………………………………………………………………………………….......................

Page 12: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


14, 15, 16... Right thought (1) (2) (3) မ နေသာအေတြး (၁) အေလာဘ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ေလာကႏ င သာသနာကအလ ဆငလေသာသတငး " အမားေကာငးကးအတြက စြန႕လ ြတအနစနာခမႈ၊ သသရာမ ထြကေျမာကလမႈ "... ဟေသာ အေလာဘတရားအေျခခကာ ျပလပအားထတၾကရမည။ (အျမေတ-၂၁၂) Right thought (1) Nongreed ************************ For those who want to decorate the world and Sasana beautifully, you must effort " For the advantages of the many, sacrifice , wish to cease the round of rebirth ( samsara ) " based on nongreed. မ နေသာအေတြး (၂) ေမတ ာတရား ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " သာသနာေတာကေထာကပမယ။ စာသငေကာငးေဆာကလပလႈဒါနးမယ။ အေျခခလတနးစားႏြမးပါးသေတြေတြ႕ရင ကညမယ။ "... စသျဖင ေမတ ာတရားကအေျခခကာ စးပြားရ ာမ းသငသည။ စာသငစာခတရားေဟာ တရားျပကစၥမားေဆာငရြကရာ၌လညး " ဒကာဒကာမေတြ အမ နတရားသျမငႏငၾကပါေစ။ တပညေတြသေတာေကာငး ပညာတတမားျဖစၾကပါေစ။ သာသနာအရ ညတညေအာင လကဆငကမးႏငၾကပါေစ။ " စသျဖင ေမတ ာအေျခခအေတြးမ နမားျဖင အားထတလပေဆာငသငၾကပါသည။ (အျမေတ-၂၁၄) Right thought (2) loving kindness **************************** You should run your business based on loving kindness, such as " I will support sasana; I will donate a school ( monastic institute ); I will help the needy common people " and so on. When teaching Dhamma, preaching or teaching how to meditate, Bhikkhu

Page 13: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


also works with right thought based on loving kindness " May Upasaka, Upasika attain the truth; my fellows ( pupils ) be noble and educated; May Buddha sasana be passed on", etc. မ နေသာအေတြး (၃ ) စာနာမႈကရဏာ ***************************** " ပညာမ လတနးစားမား ပေပာကသြားေအာင ငါဘယလလပေပးႏငမလ ။ ဆငးရ နမကေနသေတြက ငါဘာကညႏငမလ ".... စေသာစာနာမႈကရဏာ အေျခခေသာ အေတြးမ နျဖငေလာကက ကယစြမးရ သမ ေလာကကအလ ဆငၾကရမည။ (အျမေတ- ၂၁၅) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) Right thought ( 3 ) Compassion *************************** You should beautify the world with all your might by developing right thought based on compassion, such as, " To eliminate the standard of the illiterate, what can I do?. what can I help the poor? " etc. .............................................................................................................. 17...Not one way only ~~~~~~~~~~~ Some people think that the Dhamma of the Buddha intends entering Nibbana (Ultimate Peace) only. It is not like that. Actually the Dhamma or teachings of the Buddha include, while we are practicing vipassana meditation to enter the final liberation, ways how we can practice to be prosperous, how to be virtuous persons, rules of conducts how to fulfill perfections, and so on. The Dhamma is closely related with prosperity in the secular world.

Page 14: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


တစလမးသြားမဟတ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ျမတစြာဘရားေဟာၾကားတ တရားေတာေတြဟာ မဂဖလနဗၺာန ေရာကေၾကာငးသကသကလ႔တခ႕က ထငၾကတယ။ မဟတပါဘး။ ျမတစြာဘရားရ ႕တရားေတာေတြဟာ ကငၾကအားထတရငး မဂဖလနဗၺာန မရမအၾကားမ ာ ႀကးပြားေၾကာငး နညးလမးေတြ၊ စတဓာတျမငျမတေၾကာငးနညးလမးေတြ၊ ပါရမျပညေၾကာငးကငစဥေတြ၊ အမားႀကးပါ၀ငပါတယ။ ေလာကႀကးပြားေရးန ႕ အမားႀကး ဆကစပေနပါတယ။( အျမေတ -၁၁) ( ဗဒၶ လမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ) ............................................................................................................. 18... Only donation with donor's name on board does not mean Dana.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Only donation expressing donor's name does not mean merit. On your way to somewhere, you give a little bit of something to someone who needs your help, as passing out your helping hand. It is also called Dana. The essence of Dana is giving away (abandoning your belongings ). ဆငးဘတတငမ ဒါနမဟတ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ နာမညတပၿပးလ လကရမ ကသလမဟတပါဘး။ သြားရငးလာရငးလမးမ ာ ဒကၡေရာကေနတ ပဂ လက ကယက နညးနညးျဖစျဖစ ကညတ အေနန ႕ေပးလကတယ။ဒါေတြလညး ဒါနပါပ ။ ဒါနဆတာ ပရစၥာဂ (စြန႕လႊတျခငး ) လကၡဏ ရ ဖ႔လရငးဘ ။ (ညဥ -၆၇) ( ဗဒၶ လမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ) ..............................................................................................................

Page 15: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


19...Only the one who practices practically ********************************** Your mind will be virtuous only when you practice practically. It cannot be said that your mind is virtuous by being a mere Buddhist.

လကေတြ႕ကငသသာ ********************* လကေတြ႕လကနာကငသးမ စတထားဆတာ ျမငျမတပါတယ။ ဗဒၶဘာသာ၀ငျဖစရန ႕ စတထားျမငျမတတယ မဆႏငပါဘး။ (ညဥ -၅၉ ) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား") ....................................................................................... 20...Miss the point... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ You made a pilgrimage to pagodas . But actually, your heart was overwhelmed with unwholesome defilement, greed (loba), such as, desires to fulfill your wishes, to boom your business and so on. If your wishes were not fulfilled, or your business was not boomed as you expected after your pilgrimage, you became skeptic. This kind of pilgrimage just resulted in demerit consequences.

ခတရာတျခားရ ရာတျခား ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ပါးစပကေတာ ဘရားဖးသြားၾကတာလ႔ ေျပာတယ။ သ႔ေသာ ႏ လးသားထ မ ာ အလျပညလမႈ၊ စးပြားတကလမႈ စတ ေလာဘကေလသာ အညစအေၾကးေတြ စြနးထငးေနတယ။ တကယလ႔မား ဘရားဖးက အျပနမ ာ ဆႏၵ မျပညဘး။ စးပြားေရး မတကဘးဆရင သသယ လာဥးမယ။ ဒေတာ အ ဒဘရားဖးနညးဟာ ေနာကဆကတြ အကသလ ခညးျဖစတတပါတယ။ ( အျမေတ - ၂၁ )

( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) .............................................................................................................

Page 16: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


21...If you diminish ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~ If the efforts are made deliberately to diminish the commitments and contributions of our heroes ( martyrs ) who sacrificed their lives for our country and of those who are worthily deserved to be grateful , or to vanish aiming not to pass on to future generations, little by little the character traits of the noble become diminished.

If the country does not reflect any virtues, there is no way for a country to be peaceful and prosperous.

As a matter of fact... the contributions and commitments of the worthily honorable persons are needed to be acknowledged and written occasionally. The virtuous spirit of the heroes must be succeeded by the future generations.

Consequently, you can be a serene and virtuous person yourself, and you will surely be the one of true nobility that provides serenity to others, as well.

ေမ းမ နေအာငလပခ ရင ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ တငးျပညအတြကစြန႕လ ြတအနစနာခသြားတ အာဇာနညပဂ လေတြ၊ ဂဏေကးဇးႀကးမားတ ပဂ လေတြရ ႕ အေၾကာငးအရာေတြကေမ းမ နသြားေအာင၊ ေနာကမးဆကေတြ မသေအာင၊ လပေဆာငေနၾကမယဆရင သေတာေကာငး လကၡဏာေတြ တျဖညးျဖညးန ႕ကငးကြာသြားပါတယ။

သေတာေကာငးလကၡဏာကငးတ တငးျပညဟာ ႀကးပြားဖ႔ ၿငမးခမးဖ႔ မျဖစႏငပါဘး။

Page 17: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ဒါေၾကာင.... ဂဏေကးဇးႀကးမားတ ပဂ လေတြရ ႕ ဂဏေကးဇးတရားက အေၾကာငးအားေလာစြာထတေဖာၾကရမယ။ ေရးသားၾကရမယ။ ေနာငလာေနာငသားေတြက အာဇာနညပဂ လေတြရ ႕စတဓာတေကာငးေတြက အေမြေပးႏငရပါမယ။

ဒါမ ကယတငလညး ျငမးခမးတ သေတာေကာငးျဖစႏငသလ တျခားသေတြကလညး ၿငမးခမးမႈေပးႏငတ သေတာေကာငးအစစျဖစသြားပါလမမယ။ ( သေတာေကာငးတ႔ ေတာငးဆမား - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ျမစၾကာ ) .............................................................................................................. 22...Do not reveal unnecessarily ================== Without being questioned, you wish to talk about your gain, honor, fame, or power ( and so on ) to show off; without having any specific reasons you want to reveal.

In relations with this, you should take an example of Venerable Abbot of Mahaghandayon (Ashin Janakabivamsa).

When Sayadaw wrote his thesis, he just stated " Akhrepru Sadda by Ashin Janakabivamsa " on cover page. He did not even include Aggamahapandita, but mere Bivamsa .

မတးမမည ======== မဟစၦတာဆတာ ကယမ ာရ ေနတ ဂဏေတြက မေမးဘ န ႕ ေဖာျပခငတာ။ အေၾကာငးထးမရ ဘ န ႕ ေဖာျပခငတာ။

ဒါန ႕စပၿပး ေတာငၿမ ႕မဟာဂႏၶာရဆရာေတာႀကးက နမနာယၾကရမယ။

Page 18: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ဆရာေတာႀကးက ကမးစာေတြေရးတ အခါမ ာ " အရ ငဇနကာဘ၀သ၏ အေျချပသဒၵါ " ဒေလာကဘ မကႏ ာဖးမ ာေရးတယ။ အဂ မဟာပ႑တ ဘြ ေတာင မထညဘး။ အဘ၀သဘြ ေလးဘ ထညခ တယ။ (ညဥ -၉၁ ) ( ဗဒၶ လမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ) .......................................................................................................... 23...Visarada ~~~~~~~~ The one who bravely enables to effort the right and beneficial work with all one's best spirit can be called Visarada.

ဝသာရဒ ~~~~~~~ မ နကနအကးရ တ အလပမ းက အေကာငးဆးေသာစတထားန ႕ ရ ရ ၀၀ ႀကးစားလပႏငစြမးရ တ ပဂ လက " ဝသာရဒ" လ႔ ေျပာႏငပါလမမယ။ (အျမေတ- ၁၁၃) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ "ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) .............................................................................................................. 24...Wonderful heritage <><><><><><><> You must train your sons and daughters, or followers of generation who only know to be egoistic and self-centered for own prosperity, who inconsiderately care about own family itself, into the ones who fairly enable to possess the right vision for race, language and religion, and for the world and environment.

Only when you can train and look after them to improve in order to have sense of generosity and sacrifice, you can be said that you are passing on the best heritage to your sons and daughters.

Page 19: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ေကာငးျမတေသာအေမြ <><><><><><><><> အတ အားျကးျပး ကယခမးသာဖ႔ အတြကဘ သတတ၊ ကယမသားစ တစစထ ကသာ ၾကညတတ ျမငတတတ သားသမးေတြ၊ တပညမးဆကေတြက အမး၊ ဘာသာ၊ သာသနာအတြက၊ ေလာကန ႕ပတ၀နးကငအတြက မ တေအာငၾကညတတျမငတတလာဖ႔ ျပျပငေပးရမယ။

ေပးခငကမးခငစတရ လာေအာင၊ စြန႕လ ြတအနစနာခခငစတရ လာေအာင ျပစျပျပငေပးႏငမ သားသမးေတြကအေကာငးဆးအေမြေပးရာေရာကပါတယ။(အျမေတ ၁၄ ) (အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) ................................................................................................... 25...Vague on the lost way ================= We, the Order of the Bhikkhus, ordained in order to attain the Path and Fruition, and the Final Liberation, the Ultimate Peace ( Nibbana ). If you crave more than that you should accept , you will never have a chance of attainment of Nibbana. You will be vague and uncertain on your lost way while traveling on journey (of samsara ). You might get lost your way.

ေပာကေသာလမးမ ာ စမးတဝါး ************************** တပညေတာတ႔သဃာေတြဆတာ မဂဖလနဗၺာန ရဖ႔အတြက ရ ငရဟနးျပလာၾကတာ။ ရသငတာထကပလခငတ စတဓာတရ ေနရငေတာ ဘယေတာမ နဗၺာန ရမ ာမဟတဘး။ လမးသြားရငးန ႕ ေပာကေသာလမးမ ာ စမးတဝါးျဖစေနမ ာဘ ။ လမးေလာကရငးန ႕ လမးေပာကသြားႏငတယ။ (ညဥ -၈၇ ) ( ဗဒၶ လမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ) ................................................................................................

Page 20: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


26...Loving-kindness verbally ================ Let's say someone is mentally miserable.

In order to lessen his sufferings at least a little, or to make him peaceful, if you encourage and comfort by words as much as you can, you are spreading your loving- kindness verbally.

As long as you think loving-kindness is only sending in words like “Those who live in the east direction.........", you will never possess a peaceful life.

၀စကေမတ ာ ========== ပဂ လတစေယာက စတဒကၡေရာကေနတယ ဆပါစ႔။

သ႔ဒကၡေတြ နညးနညးျဖစျဖစသကသာသြားေအာင၊ ေအးၿငမးသြားေအာင၊ တတႏငသမ အားေပးစကား ေျပာတယဆရင ၀စကေမတ ာ လ႔ ေခၚတယ။

" အေရ ႕အရပ၌ ေနၾကေသာ ....." လ႔ ပါးစပေလးန ႕တင ပ႔တာကပ ေမတ ာထငေနသမ ျငမးေအးမႈ မရႏငဘး။ ( ညဥ- ၆၆) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) ............................. 27...Huge wave under the boat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No need to be frightened despite furious waves.

No matter how huge the waves are, if a proficient helmsman steers and handles the boat with his adept skills, the boat becomes maneuverable among the waves and leads him towards the shore safely. If the helmsman is not an experienced one, since he does not know where

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the waves come from and which direction to steer, the boat will be pitching and tossing.

At last his boat will submerge and unable to take him to his destination.

လႈငးႀကးေလ ေအာက ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ လႈငးတပးမားေနေပမ ေၾကာကစရာမလပါဘး။

တကယကၽြမးကငတ မာလနမႈးဟာ လႈငးေတြဘယေလာကႀကးႀကး ကၽြမးကငမႈအရညအေသြးန ႕ ေမာငးၿပဆရင လႈငးၾကားထ မ ာပ ေမာေတာေလးဟာ ၿငမၿပးေတာ လရာဆပကမးက ေရာကသြားပါတယ။

မကၽြမးကငတ မာလမမႈးဆရငေတာ လႈငးကဘယကလာတယ၊ ဘယကဥးတညရမယဆတာ မသတ အတြက ေမာေတာကလးလမေနမ ာပ ။ ေနာကဆးမ ာ နစျမပၿပး လရာဆပကမးက မရာကႏငေတာဘး။ (ညဥ- ၈၄) ( ဗဒၶ လမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ) .....................................................................................................

28...The benefits of Venerable Bhikkhus ======================= We all have a chance to practice meditation.

We all have a chance to listen to a religious sermon( preaching ).

We can differentiate which is good or bad. To whom should we express our gratitude?????

There is only one answer: the benefits of the venerable Bhikkhus or the monks who have been protecting,as guardians, the Lord Buddha's Dhamma and Three Baskets( scriptures ) not to be vanished.

Page 22: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


သဃာေကးဇး =========== မမတ႔ ယေန႔ တရားရႈ မ တခြငရေနၾကတယ။

တရားေတာေတြက နာၾကားခြငရေနၾကတယ။

ေကာငးမႈမေကာငးမႈေတြက ခြ ျခားသေနၾကတာ ဘယသရ ႕ေကးဇးလ ။

ဘရားေဟာၾကားခ တ တရား ဓမၼပဋကတေတာေတြ မေပာကပကေအာင ေစာငေရ ာကလာတ ၊ ေစာငေရ ာကေနဆ ျဖစတ သဃာေတာအရ ငသျမတေတြရ ႕ ေကးဇးလ႔ တစခြနးတညးေျဖရမ ာဘ ။ ( အျမေတ - ၂၃ ) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား) ................................................................................................ 29...Pure merit or not... <><><><><><> We can say that your task carried out is fully right according to the performance of your work, if you put efforts to the tasks of teaching Dhamma ( Doctrine ), or practical application of the Doctrine.

However, if your performance is intended to gain fame or to have the affluent four requisites, the true good-will of your purpose is not right.

If your purpose is not right, your performance also cannot be virtuous merit.

ကသလစစ၊ မစစ <><><><><><> ပရယတ လပငနး၊ ပဋပတ လပငနးက ႀကးစားေဆာငရြကေနျခငးသည လပငနးပငဆငရာမ နကနမႈ အျပညအ၀ရ သညဟဆရေပမည။ သ႔ေသာ နာမည ေကာၾကား ထငရ ားဖ႔အတြကေသာလညးေကာငး၊

Page 23: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ပစၥညးေလးပါးေပါမားဖ႔ အတြကေသာလညးေကာငး ႀကးစားေဆာငရြကေနပါက ရညရြယခက ေစတနာပငးဆငရာမ နကနမႈမရ ေတာ။

ေစတနာပငးဆငရာမ နကနမႈမရ ေတာပါက ( ကသလ အန၀ဇၨသခ ဝပါကလကၡဏ - ေဒသနာေတာအရ ) အျပစမရ မြနျမတေသာ ကသလအစစမျဖစႏင။ (အျမေတ - ၉၀ ) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား) ................................................................................................... 30...Loving-kindness physically <><><><><><><><><> You think Dana means only when you spend hundreds of thousands of money and donate. But, if you help as much as you can by giving a book to someone( friend ), it is also called Dana. Simultaneously, you are also spreading out living- kindness ( to him ). loving-kindness does not mean only sending out in words like " Those who live in the east direction.........". You lend your hand physically. Someone accidentally fall down and need your help. Instead of making fun of him, you should help out. It is called loving-kindness physically. ကာယက ေမတ ာ <><><><><> တပညေတာတ႔က ေငြေတြ သနးေပါငးမားစြာ ကနမ ဒါနလ႔ထငတယ။ အခငးခငး စာအပေလးတစအပ တတႏငသမ ကညတယ။ ဒါလညး ဒါနဘ ။ ေမတ ာတရားေတြလညး တပါတညးျဖစပြားသြားတယ။ ေမတ ာတရားဟာ " အေရ ႕အရပ၌ ေနၾကေသာ... " ဆၿပးေတာ ပါးစပန ႕ပ႔မ ေမတ ာမဟတပါဘး။ ကာယကေျမာက ကညတယ။ တစေယာကေသာပဂ လ ဒကၡေရာကၿပး လ သြားတယ။ ေဘးကေန ဟားတကၿပးေတာ မရယၾကဘ န ႕ ေဖးမကညတယ။ဒါဟာ ကာယက ေမတ ာပါပ ။ ( ညဥ - ၆၆ )( ဗဒၶ လမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ) ................................................

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31...Responsibilities for All <><><><><><><> Our Lord Buddha founded Buddha Sasana for the liberation ( happiness ) of all beings by enduring all sufferings ( fulfilling all perfections ).

In order not to vanish Buddha Sasana, we, all Sangha ( Buddhist Monks )and all lay people, as the followers of the Lord Buddha, are responsible to distribute and uphold the Buddha Sasana for long. အားလးမ ာ တာ၀နရ <><><><><><> ျမတစြာသည ဆငးရ ပငပမးျခငး မားစြာျဖင သတ ၀ါမားခမးသာေရးအတြက သာသနာေတာႀကးကတညေထာငေတာမခ သည။

ထသာသနာေတာႀကးမကြယေပာကေရး၊ အရ ညတညတန႕ ျပန႕ပြားေရးအတြက ဘရားရ င၏ တပညသာ၀ကာျဖစေသာ ဆရာ ၊ ဒကာအားလး၌ တာ၀နရ ေပသည။ (အျမေတ -၁၈၄ ) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) ..................................................................... 32...Wish and Reality ~~~~~~~#~~~~ Even though you do not pray " May I have an attainment of Nibbana ", you are getting closer to enter Nibbana if you have little desire. However, if you are craving too much, you will be farther and farther away from Nibbana , no matter how much you wish for it. ဆေတာငးန ႕ လကေတြ႕ ~~~~~~~#~~~~~~~~ " မဂဖလနဗၺာန ရပါရေစလ႔ " ဆေတာငးမေနလညး အလရမၼကနညးရင မဂဖလနဗၺာနရဖ႔ နးတယ။ " မဂဖလနဗၺာန ရပါရေစလ႔ " ဘယေလာကပ ဆေတာငးေနေန အလရမၼကႀကးရင မဂဖလနဗၺာနန ႕ ေ၀းမ ာပ ။ ( ညဥ-၈၃)(ရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား) ..........................................

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33...Right Vision ~~~~~~~~~ The meaning of right vision ( here ) refers to perceive four kinds of requisites and possessions as ( scaffolding) outer skin , and the Teachings of the Buddha (Dhamma) ,such as, morality ( sila ), concentration ( samadhi), wisdom ( panna ), etc. as the essence.

မ နေသာအျမင ~~~~~~~~~~~ ဤေနရာႏ ငဆငေသာ မ နကနေသာအျမင ဟသည ပစၥညးေလးပါး၊ ဥစၥာစးပြားမားက ( ျငမး ) အကာဟ၍လညးေကာငး၊ သလ၊ သမာဓ၊ ပညာ စေသာတရားတ႔က အႏ စအျမေတ ဟ၍ လညးေကာငး၊ ခြ ျခား သျမငျခငးသေဘာပငျဖစသည။ ( အျမေတ- ၂၁၁ ) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) ...................................................................................................... 34... Real Hero ======== No matter how many degrees one achieved highly, as long as striving for oneself as prior importance, one will never be the Real Hero. Only when one does not place self benefit as priority, but works for the sakes of the Sasana and the World, one can be called as the Real Hero.

အာဇာနညအစစ =========== ဘြ ဒဂရေတြ မးထျမငေအာင ရထားပါေစ။ကယကးကေရ ႕တနးတငၿပး ႀကးစားလပေဆာငေနသေရြ႕ အာဇာနညအစစအမ န မျဖစႏငဘး။ ကယကးကေရ ႕တနးမတငဘ သာသနာအကး ေလာကအကးက ေရ ႕တနးတငႀကးစားလပေဆာငပါမ အာဇာနညအစစျဖစႏငပါတယ။ ( အျမေတ- ၁၃၇)( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) .............................................................................................

Page 26: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


35...Ashin Rahula's Attitude ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The novice Rahula woke up early in the morning; scooped a handful of sand; then he vowed.

" For today, I wish I could listen to the sermons and admonitions that were equal amount of this handful of sand, from the Lord Buddha or my first teacher ( presiding monk on the first day of ordination ceremony ) or other teachers ." ရ ငရာဟလာရ ႕စတထား ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ကရင ရာဟလာ ဟာ နနကေစာေစာ အပယာကထ၊ လကခပန ႕ သ မႈန႕ေလးေတြက ကးယၿပး အဓ႒နေလရ ပါတယ။

" ယေန႔ တစေန႔တာအတြက ဘရားရ ငအထကျဖစေစ၊ ဥပဇၥယစတ ဆရာသမားေတြအထက ျဖစေစ၊ ဒသ မႈန႕န ႕အမ အဆးအမၾသဝါဒတရားေတြ နာယခြငရလပါတယ" တ ။ ( အျမေတ -၅၆) ( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" ) ......................................................................................................... 36...Pariyat accompanied by Patipat *************************** While we are undertaking to teach the Dhamma as our instrumental task, at night we also have to recite Dhamma verses with obeisance , contemplate and spread out Buddha Bhavana, Metta Bhavana , and Vipassana Bhavana with all our might. ပဋပတမကငးတ ပရယတ *********************** စာခစာသငအလပက ပဓာနလပရငးန ႕ ညအခါမ ာ ဘရား၀တျပတာ ဗဒၶါဘာ၀နာပြားတာ၊ ေမတ ာဘာ၀နာပြားတာ ေနာကၿပးဝပနာဘာ၀နာပြားတာကလညး စြမးအားရ သမ ႀကးစားသြားၾကရမ ာပ ။ ( ညဥ ၁၀၀)( အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ " ဘ၀လမးၫ ြနဒနမား" )

Page 27: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


37....Wishes of the virtuous ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sanguih Bhasa Tika 's author Ashin Janakabivamsa 's wish ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How did Sanguih Bhasa Tika appear? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashin Anuruddha wrote a thesis called Abhidhammatasingaha of 167 pages . It was written as a summary of the essence of the Canon of Ultimate Realities, that was of about 5000 pages even in Pali excluding a commentary, without changing any meanings.

Taung Myo, Mahaghandayon Sayadaw Ashin Janakabivamsa wrote " Sanguih Bhasa Tika " in Myanmar and simplified Abhidhamma of original work of Ashin Anuruddha. When he wrote, he was just 30 years old and took 8 years to complete his work of 600 pages.

I want all of you know very well that Sanguih Bhasa Tika is the one which is very impressive, which was ex. Prime Minister U Nu's favorite, which is being used by those who learn Abhidhamma, which is always kept aside next to us ( monk teachers ) and used as reference when we are teaching.

His wish at the conclusion of thesis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We all should know how Venerable Sayadaw who wrote such an extraordinary work, wished for.

He exerted to write this Sanguih Bhasa Tika which is so effective and valuable. But supposing that, in the future if someone, who were eager to learn, attempted to write a thesis better and easier to teach than his Sanguish Bhasa Tika and appeared...

Page 28: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


In order to give a chance to that new thesis, which appeared later and provided for Sasana, and to shine brightly, may my thesis ,which took many years to complete, be vanished quickly....

No Egotism ~~~~~~~ He had no desire like," May my thesis last long, may my work be popular".

If the latter were better, the learners ( monks ) could be educated easily. The Sasana could shine more brightly. May that very beneficial thesis to Sasana help Sasana brightly shine. May it be long lasting. He had such a virtuous attitude only, but no egotism. သေတာေကာငးတ႔၏ ေတာငးဆမား ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ သျဂၤဟဘာသာဋကာကမး ေရးသားခ ေသာ မဟာဂႏၶာရဆရာေတာ အရ ငဇနကာဘ၀သမဟာေထရ ၏ ေတာငးဆ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ သျဂၤဟဘာသာဋကာကမးျဖစေပၚလာပ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ အရ ငအႏရဒၶါမဟာေထရ သည အ႒ကထာစတ အဖြငကမးေတြမပါဘ ပါဠေတာသကသကကပ စာမကႏ ာေပါငး ငါးထာငနးပါးေလာကရ တ အဘဓမၼာခႏ စကမးရ ႕ အႏ စသာရသေဘာတရားေတြက အဓပၸါယမပက အကဥးခပၿပး စာမကႏ ာ ၁၆၇ မကႏ ာရ "အဘဓမၼတ သဂၤဟ" (လကသနးအ႒ကထာ) ကမးက ေရးသားစရငေတာမခ ပါတယ။

ေတာငၿမ႕ မဟာဂႏၶာရဆရာေတာ အရ ငဇနကာဘ၀သမဟာေထရ သည အရ ငအႏရဒၶါမဟာေထရ ေရးသားစရငခ ေသာ အဘဓမၼာသျဂၤဟကမးက သကေတာ ၃၀ နးပါးေလာကမ ာစၿပး ျမနမာဘာသာျဖင စာမကႏ ာ ၆၀၀ ၀နးကငခန႕ရ ေသာ "သျဂၤဟဘာသာဋကာကမး" က ရ စႏ စခန႕အခနယၿပးေရးသားခ ေပသည။ သျဂၤဟဘာသာဋကာကမး ဆတာ သပၿပးႀကးကယတ ကမး၊ ၀နႀကးခပဥးႏ

Page 29: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


လကမလ ြတႏငတ ကမး၊ အခေခတ အဘဓမၼာေလလာေနသေတြ လကစြ ျပရတ ကမး၊ ဘနးႀကးတ႔ ကယတငလညး စာသငစာခလပတ အခါ အၿမ အနားမ ာေဆာငထားၿပး ၾကညရႈေလလာေနရတ ကမး၊ ျဖစတယဆတာကေလးေလးနကနက သေစခငလ႔ ေျပာျပေနတာပါ။ ကမးၿပးနဂး ေတာငတခက ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ဒေလာကနကန ခကခ တ ကမးစာႀကးက ေရးသားခ တ ဆရာေတာဘရားႀကးအေနန ႕ ဘယလဆေတာငးခ သလ ဆတာသသငပါတယ။

ဒါေလာကခရးေပါကေနတ သျဂၤဟဘာသာဋကာကမး စာက သ႔အေနန ႕ ႀကးစားၿပး ျပစခ ပါတယ။ ဒါေပမ ေနာငလာေနာငသား ပညာလကစားတ ပဂ လေတြအေနန ႕ သျပစခ တ သျဂၤဟဘာသာဋကာကမး စာထက သငယပ႔ခရတာ ပမလြယကေကာငးမြနတ ကမးစာမးက တကယလ႔ ႀကစားေရးသားလ႔ ျဖစထြနးေပၚေပါကလာခ ၿပဆပါေတာ။ ဒေနာကမ ေပၚလာၿပး သာသနာေတာေကးဇးမားလ တ ကမးစာအသစအတြက အခြငအေရးရဖ႔ရာ၊ ထြနးေတာကႏငဖ႔ရာ၊ ႏ စေပါငးမားစြာၾကာေအာင ျပစခ ရတ သ႔ကမးစာဟာျမနျမနႀကးကြယေပာကသြားပါေစ။

ငါစြ ကငးစငတယ ~~~~~~~~ "ငါကမးစာ ေရရ ညတညတပါေစ။ ငါကမးစာပ တြငကယပါေစ "ဆတ စတမရ ပါဘး။

ေရးသားထားတ ကမးစာ ပေကာငးရင စာသငသားေတြ လြယကစြာ ပညာတတႀကးေတြ ျဖစႏငတယ။။ သာသနာေတာျကး ပမထြနးေတာကနငတယ။ သာသနာကေကးဇးမားတ ကမးစာေျကာင သာသနာေတာျကး ပမထြနးလငး ေတာကပပါေစ။အရ ညခန၍ တညတနပါေစ။ ဒလမးစတကေလးပ ရ ပါတယ။ငါစြ ျကးမားမႈ ဆတာမရ ဘး။ (အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ၏ ေတာေကာငးတ႔၏ေတာငးဆမား")

Page 30: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


Page 31: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ကမ၏ ဆေတာငး after 100 posts After I reached up to post 100, I wish...... Feb. 14, 2014


~~~~~~~~ I paid obeisance respectfully, and endeavored with efforts to translate

admonitions and sermons of Sitagu Sayadaw, Chan Myae Sayadaw and

Myasekkya Sayadaw, and Dhamma thoughts of Ven.Thuvira @ U Thu

Mukha, Ven.Eindacara, and Ven.Vasettha.

100 Dhamma posts were successfully completed in translation..

By doing that meritorious deed, I wish I would be able to translate

more profound Dhamma of the Lord Buddha.

In accordance with enrichment of knowledge, I wish I would be able to

apply practically as I know.

Before I attain Nibbana (Ultimate Peace), throughout my different

existences in the cycle of rebirth, may I be healthy physically and

mentally in order to propagate Buddha Sasana....

ကမ၏ ဆေတာငး ~~~~~~~~~~~

ကမသည မမစြမးေဆာငႏငသမ ႀကးစား၍ ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ၊သတဂဆရာေတာ၊ ခမးေျမ႕ဆရာေတာ တ႔၏ ဆးမၾသဝါဒကထာမားက ၎၊ ဥးသမခ၊ ဥးဣႏၵာစာရ၊ ဥးဝါေသ႒

တ႔၏ ဓမၼအေတြးစာစမားက၎၊ ဘာသာျပနဆေရးသား ပေဇာအပပါသည။ ဆးမၾသဝါဒေပါငး ၁၀၀ က ေအာငျမငစြာ

ျပနဆခ ၿပးျဖစပါသည။ဤသ႔ျပနဆပေဇာမႈကသလေကာငးမႈေၾကာင သညထကပမနကန ေသာဘရားရ ငကယေတာၿမတႀကး တရားဓမၼမားက

ဘာသာျပနဆေရးသားပေဇာႏငရပါလ၏။ အသပညာဗဟသတရရ သညႏ ငအမ အမ နတကယ ကငၾကအားထတႏငတ ကယျဖစရပါလ၏။

နဗၺာနမေရာကမစပၾကား ကငလညရာဘ၀တေလာက သာသနာျပႏငရနအလ႔င ာ ကယစတႏ စပါးကနးမာေသာကယျဖစရပါလ၏။


Page 32: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


38...The basic foundation principles of Bhavana ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In constructing a building or the skyscrapers, the basic foundation principles are necessarily important. Similarly, if you really wish Nibbana, the elimination of all sufferings, or if you highly destined the attainment of Nibbana, it is absolutely imperative to have solid foundation.

The Lord Buddha expounded in the Metta Sutta . Only when the basic foundation principles are solidly built, Metta Bhavana will also be more efficient. Buddhanussati Bhavana seems to be more peaceful. In meditating Vipassana Bhavana, only when building the basic foundation principles and applying them daily, you will be very efficient and serene one who cuts off all defilements.

" It is a must that you practice daily in doing your business, or the sanghas also practice daily in undertaking Pariyatti or Patipatti...."

There are 14 kinds of basic foundation principles of Bhavana : 1. Be able 2. Be upright 3. Be very upright 4. Be easily tamed (obedient) 5. Be gentle 6. Not to be conceited 7. Be contented 8. Be raised easily 9. Be involved in less tasks 10. Live your life lightly without any anxiety 11. Be serene in eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind

Page 33: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


12. Be mature and wise 13. Be courteous, not to be rough and rude 14. No deep attachment to family members

ဘာ၀နာအေျခခအတျမစမား ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ တကတစခေဆာကမယ။ အေဆာကအအ အထပျမငျမငေတြ တညေဆာကမယဆရင အေျခခအတျမစေတြကအေရးႀကးတယ။ ဒလပါပ ။ ေနာကဆးဆငးရ ခပသမးခပျငမးရာ နဗၺာနကလခငပါတယ၊ နဗၺာနကမကေမ ာကျပသညအထ ျမငျမငမ နးပါတယဆရင အတျမစေတြကခငခငခန႕ခန႕ခထားဖ႔ အေရးႀကးပါတယ။

ျမတစြာဘရား က ေမတ ာသတထ မ ာ ေဟာၾကားထားပါတယ။ အေျခခအတျမစတရားေတြ ေကာငးမြနခငခေနမ ေမတ ာဘာ၀နာလညး အစြမးထကပါတယ။ ဗဒၶါနတဘာ၀နာလညး ဒအေျခခအတျမစခငခေနမ ပၿပးျငမးခမးတ အသြငက ေဆာငပါတယ။ ၀ပနာဘာ၀နာရႈမ တတ အခါမ ာလညး အေျခခအတျမစေတြ ရ ေနမ အေျခခတရားေတြကေန႔စဥကငသးမ အစြမးထကတ သကေလသာျငမးေအးတ သျဖစႏငပါတယ။

" သငတ႔ေန႔စဥ၊ေန႔စဥ စးပြားေရးလပရငလညး ကငသးရမယ။ သဃာေတာအရ ငျမတေတြ ဆရင ပရယတ လပရငလညး ကငသးရမယ။ ပဋပတ လပရငလညး အၿမ ေန႔စဥကငသးရမယ။...... "

ဘာ၀နာအေျခခအတျမစ ၁၄ ခက ရ ပါတယ။ ၁။ သက - စြမးႏငသ ျဖစရ မယ။ ၂။ ဥဇ - ေျဖာငမတသ ျဖစရမယ။ ၃။. သဟဇ - အလြနေျဖာငမတသ ျဖစရမယ။ ၄။. သ၀စ - ဆဆးမလြယသ ျဖစရမယ။ ၅။. မဒ - ႏးညေပာေပာငးသ ျဖစရမယ။

Page 34: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


၆။. အနတမာန - မာနေထာငလ ြားျခငး မရ သ ျဖစရမယ။ ၇။. သႏ က - တငးတမေရာငရ သျဖစရမယ။ ၈။. သဘရ - အေမြးအျမလြယသ ျဖစရမယ။ ၉။. အပၸကစၥ - နညးပါးေသာ ကစၥ ရ သျဖစရမယ။ ၁၀။. သလဟက၀တ - ေပါပါးေသာအသကေမြးမႈမးရ သျဖစရမယ။ ၁၁။. သႏ ျႏၵယ - မကစ၊နား၊ႏ ာ၊လ ာ၊ကယ၊ စတ ျငမသကေနတ ပဂ လ ျဖစရမယ။ ၁၂။. နပက - ရငကကတ ပညာရ သျဖစရမယ။ ၁၃။. အပၸဂဗၻ - မၾကမးတမးမ႐းငးပ၊ ယဥေကးသျဖစရမယ။ ၁၄။. ကေလသြနနဂဒၶ - အမသအမသားလအမားအေပၚမ ာ တြယတာမကေမာသ မျဖစရဘး။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) .................................................................................................... 39...Basic Foundation principle ( 1 ) *************************** No 1. Foundation principle says " Be an able one " : 1. Ability in faith 2. Ability in efforts If a person is competent with these two, one becomes an able one.

1. Ability in faith ~~~~~~~~~~~ We must have full faith in the truth of the Buddha, the truth of Dhamma , and the truth of Sangha , and the truth of Kamma as well. Then, we also must believe that good deeds result in good effects and bad deeds result in bad effects; no need to ask for wish. We must believe the truth of Kamma and its results.

Some people worship and revere, wishing "To boom in business, or to get promotion in rank or authority ( power )". If so, we can say that the foundation principle, ability in faith, is not built properly.

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If one does not take priority for his own sake, it can be said that his ability in faith is firmly rooted.

2. Ability in efforts ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ability in efforts means attempts are made not to appear promising demerits (akusalla ), and to drive the existed demerits ( akusalla ) away. At the same time, we should always strive to develop any merits even very little, as well. It is called ability in efforts.

No matter what kind of business we are running, we all should try not to commit any demerits and to perform any kind of merits. If we want to assess how much valuable one is, we have to ponder these aspects such as whether he is having demerit, or merit; concerning with him whether he is beneficial for the many or not.

Since one has very solid foundation of abilities in faith and efforts, one enables to construct virtuous life. အေျခခအတျမစ (၁) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ နပါတ (၁) အတျမစက " သေကာ စ - စြမးႏငသလညး။ အ - ျဖစရာ၏ " စြမးႏငသ ျဖစရမယတ ။

နပါတ ( ၁ )...ယၾကညမႈစြမးအား ရ ရမယ။ နပါတ ( ၂ )... ႀကးစားမႈစြမးအားရ ရမယ။ ဒႏ စခကန ႕ျပညစရင စြမးႏငသျဖစေတာတာပါပ ။

( ၁ ) ယၾကညမႈစြမးအား..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ဘရားစစဘရားမ နက ယၾကညရမယ။ တရားစစတရားမ နက ယၾကညရမယ။

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သဃာစစသဃာမ နက ယၾကညရမယ။ကတရားကယၾကညရမယ။ ေနာကၿပး ေကာငးတာလပရငေကာငးကး ျဖစမယ၊ မေကာငးတာလပရင မေကာငးကးျဖစမယ၊ ဆေတာငးေနဖ႔ မလဘး။ ဒလကရ ႕အကးကလညး ယၾကညရပါတယ။

" စးပြားေရးတကခငလ႔၊ ရာထးအာဏာတးတကခငလ႔ " ဆတ အလေတြန ႕ တခ႕သေတြက ဆညးကပၾကညညၾကတယ။ ဒါဆ 'သေကာ' ဆတ ယၾကညမႈစြမးအား အတျမစမေကာငးဘးလ႔ေျပာရမယ။

ကယအတြကရလမႈစြမးအားက ေရ ႕တနးမတငၾကဘး။ 'သေကာ' ဆတ ယၾကညမႈစြမးအားခငတယလ႔ေျပာရမ ာပါပ ။

( ၂ ) ႀကးစားမႈစြမးအား... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ျကးစားမႈစြမးအားဆတာ မျဖစေသးတ အကသလေတြ ျဖစမလာေအာင... ျဖစျပးအကသလေတြက ပယနငေအာင ျကးစားအားထတတယ။ ကသလတရားအတြကဆရင ေသးေသးမ ြားမ ြားေလးကစျပး ျဖစပြားေနဖ အျမ တမးျကးစားေနတယ။ ဒါကျကးစားမႈ စြမးအားလေခါ တာ။

အားလးဟာ ဘယလလပငနးမးကလပေနပါေစ၊ အကသလေတြ မျဖစဖ၊ ကသလေတြ ျဖစဖ ျကးစားေနရမယ။ လတစေယာကက တနဘးျဖတရင.... ကသလျဖစေနသလား၊ အကသလျဖစေနသလား၊ သကအေျကာငးျပျပး အမားအကးရ ေနသလား၊ အမားအကးမ ေနသလာ....ဒါေတြန တငးတာျပးတနဘးျဖတရပါတယ။

ယၾကညမႈစြမးအား၊ ႀကးစားမႈစြမးအား ေကာငးတ အတြက အတျမစေကာငးလကတ အတြက သဟာ ျမငျမတတ ဘ၀တစခကတညေဆာကနငတာဘ ။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) ......................................................................................................

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40...Basic Foundation Principles ( 2) & ( 3 ) ********************************* No.2 and No.3 foundation principles state, " Be honest and upright. Be very honest and upright ".

It is not enough to be honest and upright once, but be honest and upright throughout your life. You should always be honest and upright until your last breath. Besides, your thoughts, mental actions, must be upright and straight( not deceitful) as well.

No matter how much you are preaching, or teaching the Dhamma, attempting Bhavana meditation, unless you are honest, you will never attain development in sila, samadhi, and panna ( morality, concentration and wisdom ). You will just build a restless ( not peaceful ) life with your loba( greed )and dosa (hatred). Since you do not build a solid foundation of " honesty and uprightness", you just turn back to your starting point.

Another definition denotes that without possessing sila, samadhi and panna, if you pretend you do by speaking indiscreetly in public in order to impress others, or you give speeches about Dhamma, sila, samadhi or panna to gain attraction from others, your foundation principle of uprightness is ruined.

Consequently, Honesty is the best quality, we can say.

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အေျခခအတျမစ ( ၂ )၊ ( ၃ ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ နပါတ (၂) န ႕ နပါတ (၃) အတျမစေတြက " ဥဇ - ႐းးသားေျဖာငမတရမယ။ သဟဇ - သပၿပး႐းးသားေျဖာငမတရမယ။ " တ ။

ဥဇ - တစၾကမေလာက႐းးသားေျဖာငမတရန ႕ မရပါဘး။ သဟဇ - တစသကလး ႐းးသားေျဖာငမတေနရပါမယ။ အၿမ တမး႐းးသားေျဖာငမတေနရမယ။ တသကလး အသကဆးတ အထ ႐းးသားေျဖငမတေနရမယ။ ေနာကၿပး သဟဇ - ၾကစညေတြးေတာမႈ မေနာကကလညး အၿမ ေျဖာငစငးေနရတယ။

တရားေတြေဟာ၊ တရားေတြျပ၊ ဘယေလာကပ ဘာ၀နာေတြ အားထတပါတယေျပာေျပာ ႐းးသားေျဖာငမတမႈအတျမစ မရ တ အတြက သလ၊ သမာဓ၊ ပညာ ဆတာ တးတကမလာပါဘး။ ေလာဘ၊ ေဒါသေတြေၾကာင မၿငမးခမးတ ဘ၀မ းကပ တညေဆာကမၾကမ ာပါ။ " ႐းးသားျခငး " ဆတ အေျခခအတျမစ မေကာငးတ အတြက တရားကထြကလာရင ဒရငးျပနေရာကတတပါတယ။

ေနာကတစမးက မမမ ာ သလ၊ သမာဓ၊ ပညာ မရ ဘ န ႕ ၇ တယထငေအာင ဟနေဆာငတာ၊ လ႔ေရ ႕၊ သ႔ေရ ႕မ ာေတာ စကားေတြ ေဟာငဖြာ ေဟာငဖြာန ႕ အထငျကးေအာငေျပာ၊ ကယက အထငႀကးလာေအာငတရားစကားေတြ၊ သလ၊ သမာဓ၊ ပညာ န ႕စပတ စကားေတြ လၾကားေကာငးေအာငေျပာတယဆရင ဥဇဂဏပကတာဘ ။

ဒါေၾကာင ႐းးဂဏဟာ အေကာငးဆးဂဏလ ႔ေျပာရငရပါတယ။

( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) .......................................................................................................

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41... Basic Foundation principles (4) (5) (6) ********************************* This time I will clarify the foundation principles (4) (5) and (6): Be easily tamed (obedient) Be gentle and soft, Do not be conceited.

If you are competent with one principle, you will possess other qualities as well, no need to fulfill separately. If you are honest and upright, you easily listen to admonitions and you are easily tamed, so that you are gentle and soft. Then, since you are soft and gentle, you are not conceited, but humble. These are very important foundation principles to build a peaceful life. ....................... (4)...Now I will explain about "Be easily tamed (obedient)." If you are admonished by someone, you should bear in mind that “ For my well-being, for my own benefits, not being destructive ", and you should always welcome to the one who admonishes you as if he showed you where the pot of gold was buried.

In this case, you should take an example of Ashin Rahula's attitude. The novice Rahula woke up early in the morning; scooped a handful of sand; then he vowed. " For today, I wish I could listen to the sermons and admonishes, that were equal amount of this handful of sand, from the Lord Buddha or my first teacher ( presiding monk on the first day of ordination ceremony ) or other teachers ." ...........................

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(5)... " Be gentle and soft." It was said in literature that the one who is gentle and soft looks like a good harbor. The Buddha's son, Rahula, had solidly built foundation principles of be easily tamed and be gentle and soft throughout his existences. When he reached his last existence, he became very easily well obedient listener, gentle and soft, and very humble without any conceit.

You also need to examine yourself, " Am I easily obedient to listen to admonitions? Do I look like a good harbor? Am I soft and gentle?" If not, you should be aware of that your foundation is not being built properly yet. ........................... (6)... The next one is “ Do not be conceited." If you are well obedient and listen to the admonitions, and also gentle and soft, then you will be humble surely. You will pay homage to the elders; you deal with those of your same age respectfully; you feel sympathetic and compassionate to the young.

Here I would like to give you example of Ashin Sariputtara. One day he wore the robe unevenly and draped. One of the novices who was just seven, said that his robe was uneven and it was improper. Then, Ashin Sariputtara wore his robe again until it was even and asked respectfully that if it was alright. That showed how much Ashin Sariputtara was gentle. The one who was soft and gentle became the humble one.

Therefore, the Lord Buddha said that those who wish to attain the final liberation, Nibbana, have solid foundation firmly in order to possess a noble life.

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အေျခခအတျမစ (၄) (၅) (၆) ********************** ဒတစခါ နပါတ(၄)၊ နပါတ(၅)၊ န ႕ နပါတ (၆)၊ အတျမစေတြကေျပာေပးပါမယ။ " သ၀ေစာ စ - ဆဆးမလြယကသလညး၊ အ - ျဖစရာ၏၊ မဒ စ - နးည ေပာေပာငးသလညး၊ အ - ျဖစရာ၏၊ အနတမာန စ - မာနေထာငလ ြားျခငးမရ သလညး၊ အ - ျဖစရာ၏၊"

ဆဆးမလြယကသ ျဖစရမယ၊ နးည ေပာေပာငးသ ျဖစရမယ၊ မာနေထာငလ ြားျခငးမရ သ ျဖစရမယ။ ဒါေတြက တစချပညစရင ကနတာေတြလညး ျပညစသြားေတာတာပ ။ တစခခငး လကျဖညကငစရာမလပါဘး။

ရးသားမႈရ တ ပဂ လဟာ ဆဆးမစကားက နားေထာငေတာတာပ ။ ေနာကျပး ဆဆးမစကားက နားေထာငတ သဟာလညး နးညသြားေတာတာပါပ ။ နးညတ ပဂ လမ ာ မာနေထာငလ ြားျခငး၊ မာနျကးျခငး ဆတာမရ နငေတာပါဘး။ဒါေတြဟာ ျငမးခမးတ ဘ၀တစခ တညေဆာကဖအတြက အေရးျကးတ အတျမစေတြပါ။ ......................... (၄)...သ၀စ - ဆဆးမလြယကသ ျဖစရမယဆတာက ရ ငးျပပါမယ။ ကယက ဆးမရင " ငါအကးက လလားလ ဆးမတာပ ၊ ငါေကာငးကးက လလားလ ဆးမတာပ ၊ ငါက ပကစးေစခငလ မဟတဘး။" ဆတ စတဓာတန ေရ ြအးည ြနျပေပးတ သက အျမ ျကဆလကခရမယ။

ဒေနရာမ ာ ရ ငရာဟလာထးက နညးယရပါမယ။ ကရင ရာဟလာ ဟာ နနကေစာေစာ အပယာကထ၊ လကခပန ႕ သ မႈန႕ေလးေတြက ကးယၿပး အဓ႒နေလရ ပါတယ။" ယေန႔ တစေန႔တာအတြက ဘရားရ ငအထကျဖစေစ၊ ဥပဇၥယစတ ဆရာသမားေတြအထက ျဖစေစ၊ ဒသ မႈန႕န ႕အမ အဆးအမၾသဝါဒတရားေတြ နာယခြငရလပါတယ" တ ။ ........................... (၅)...မဒ စ - နးည ေပာေပာငးသလညး၊ အ - ျဖစရာ၏၊ နးညေပာေပာငးတ ပဂ လဟာ ျမစဆပသြားတ အခါ ဆပကမးေကာငးန တတယလ စာေပမ ာဆပါတယ။ ဘရားသားေတာရ ငရာဟလာဟာ ဘ၀ဆကတငး ဆဆးမလြယကျခငး၊

Page 42: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


နးညေပာေပာငးျခငး ဆတ အတျမစေတြက ခလာခ တာပါ။ ေနာကဆးဘ၀ေရာကတ အခါ အငမတနမ စကားနာယလြယတ ပဂ လ၊ နးညေပာေပာငးတ ပဂ လ၊ မာနမာနကငးစငတ ပဂ လ ျဖစသြားတယ။

မမတလညး ကယကယက စစစျကညရမယ။ ငါဟာဆးမစကားက နားေထာငလြယရ လား၊ ငါဟာဆပကမးေကာငးန တတ ၊ နးညေပာေပာငးမႈ ရ ရ လား၊ မရ ေသးဘးဆရင ကယရ အတျမစဟာ မခငေသးဘးလ မ တရမယ။ ........................ (၆)...ေနာကတစခက" အနတမာန- မာနေထာငလ ြားျခငး မရ ရဘး" တ ။ ဆဆးမစကားနာယမယ။ နးည ေပာေပာငးမယ ဆရင မာနမာနဆတာ ကငးေတာတာပါပ ။ ျကးသေတြကရေသတယ။ ရြယတေတြက ေလးေလးစားစား ဆကဆတယ။ ငယသေတြကေတာ သနားည ာတာတတတ ပဂ လ ျဖစသြားတယ။ ဒေနရာမ ာ အရ ငသာရပတ ရာ ရ အျပအမေလးက အတယနငေအာငေျပာျပပါမယ။

တေန ေတာ အရ ငသာရပတ ရာ သငးပင၀တထားတာ အနားမညဘ တြ ကေနတယ။ အ ဒေတာ ခန စ အရြယကရငေလးတစပါးက အရ ငဘရားသကၤနး၀တတာ မညပါ။ မသငေတာပါဘရားလ ေလာကတယ။ အရ ငသာရပတ ရာဟာ သကၤနးက ျပင၀တလကျပး "ဒေလာကဆသငေတာပါျပလား "ဟ ေလးေလးစားစား ေမးပါတယ။ ဒါဟာအရ ငသာရပတ ရာရ နးညမႈ သေဘာပါ။ နးည ေပာေပာငးမယ ဆရင မာနမာနဆတာ ကငးေတာတာပါပ ။

ဒါေျကာင ျမတစြာဘရားက နဗၺာနကမကေမ ာကျပနငသညအထ ျမငျမတတ ဘ၀တစခက တညေဆာကလတ ပဂ လဟာ အတျမစေတြကခငခငမာမာခပါတယတ ။

( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) ..................................................................

Page 43: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


42...Basic foundation Principles (7) (8) ***************************** 7...Be contented 8...Be raised easily

I will expound from the point of views of the monks and the lay people.

(7)... Own possessions of the monks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Content from the point of view of the monks means no desire for those that do not belong to you. Food, robe, shelter and medicine are necessarily needed for the monks. Despite the necessity, you should not ask for with loba. It can be called as your own belongings that are achieved without any alluring, but offering by one's own will and reverence.

Those monks who are contented with own belongings build the solid foundation of being contented ( Santussaka ). That is why Taung Myo Mahaghandayon Sayadaw said " Happiness (sukha) comes from content only , not from affluence."

Be contented with what you get. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As a human being, you have to work hard in doing your business, but fairly. Then, you have to be contented with what you achieve by working with efforts of your luck, intelligence, and diligence. As an example, if you get one hundred thousand (kyats), you try to balance your income and expense within your limit of income, then you can be called you are of content.

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(8)...You can be raised easily if you are contented. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Being contented and being raised are closely related.The quality of Subara is completed when you build Santussaka .

As a monk, when the lay people donate, you must be contented with what they offer. The offerings are suitable for you, but you said, " I do not like that...". So you are not the one who is easily raised ( Subara ). You become the one who is hard to be raised.

Then, for lay people, it is just the same. The husband must think nicely, " My wife cooks for me; doing kitchen chores are not easy; she is cooking for me with true good will; it is ok just being enough to work for my family". If you have like that kind of mind, it is said that you can be raised easily, and you are reflecting loving kindness ( Metta ) to each other.

The wife also must know how to be grateful to her husband such as , " He is the one who leads the business; I will think of how to manage to cover with his income.....".

The one who builds up the solid foundation of being easily raised, can be the owner of a serene life virtuously when one is contemplating deeply. In everyday life one can lessen defilements and one's physical and verbal actions will enable to provide peacefulnes, as well.

Page 45: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


အေျခခအတျမစ (၇) (၈) ************************ နပါတ(၇)န နပါတ (၈) အတျမစက သန ေကာစ - တငးတမေရာငရ လြယသလညး၊ အ -ျဖစရာ" ၏။ သဘေရာစ - ေမြးျမလြယသလညး၊ အ- ျဖစရာ၏။

ရဟနးဘကရႈေထာင၊ လ ဘကရႈေထာင ဆျပး န စမးခြ ျခားျပး ေျပာျပမယ။

(၇)...ရဟနးမားရ ကယပငပစၥညး ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ေရာငရ မယဆတာ သဃာေတာ အရ ငသျမတေတြရ ရႈေထာငဘကကျကညရင ကယပစၥညးမဟတတာေတြကသြားျပး မလခငန ေပါ။ ရဟနးေတြအတြက ဆြမး၊ သကၤနး၊ ေကာငး၊ ေဆး၊ ဆတာ မရ မျဖစလအပပါတယ။မရ မျဖစလအပတယဆျပး မတရားသျဖင သြားမရ ာန ။ ဘယသကမ ဆြယတရားမေဟာဘ န ျကညညလ လႈတယဆရင ကယပငပစၥညးလေခါရပါတယ။

ဒကယပငပစၥညးန တငးတမေရာငရ တ ရဟနးေတြဟာ "သန က" တငးတမေရာငရ လြယျခငး ဆတ အတျမစခငေတာ တာဘ ။ ဒါေျကာင ေတာငျမ မဟာဂနၶာရဆရာေတာဘရားျကးက အမနရ ခ တာ။ "ေပါမားလ ခမးသာတာမဟတဘး။ ရသမ န ေရာငရ မ ခမးသာတာ" တ ။

ရလာသမ န ေရာငရ ရမယ။ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ လျဖစလာရငေတာ စးပြါးေရးက ျကးစားျပး ရ ာရမ ာဘ ။ တရားသျဖငရ ာရမယ။ ဒေတာ က၊ ဥာဏ၊ ၀ရယန ရလာတ ပစၥညးဥစၥာန ေရာငရ ရမယ။ တငးတမရမယ။ ကယကတစလက တစသနးရတယဆရင တစသနးန ေလာကေအာငသးျပး မ တေရာငရ ရင ဒါက "သန က" လ ေခါ ပါတယ။ ...............................

Page 46: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


(၈)...ရာငရ လြယရင ေမြးျမလြယတယ။ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ တငးတမေရာငရ တာန ေမြးျမလြယတာဟာ တစခန တစခ ဆကစပေနပါတယ။ သန က ဂဏရ ရင သဘရဂဏ လညး ျပညစသြားတာဘ ။

ရဟနးေတြအေနန ဒကာ၊ ဒကာမေတြက လႈျကတနးျကတ အခါမ ာ လႈတာန တငးတမေရာငရ ရပါတယ။ ဒကာ၊ ဒကာမေတြ လႈတာက ကယန သငေတာပါလက" တကေတာ ဒါမး မျကကဘး။"စသျဖငေျပာမရင သဘရ -အေမြးအျမလြယသမဟတဘးတ ။ ေမြးျမရခကတ အထ ေရာကသြားတယ။

ေနာကျပးလေတြအတြကလညးဒအတငးဘ ။ ခငပြနးျဖစသက "ေျသာ ငါရ ဇနးျဖစသက ခကျပတေကြးေမြးရ ာတယ။ မးဖေခာငကစၥဆတာလြယတာမဟတဘး။ သကငါက ေစတနာထားျပးခကျပတ ေကြးေမြးေနတာ။ ကနးမာေရးေကာငးျပး အလပလပနငရငေတာျပ။" ဒလစတထားမးရ ရင သဘရ -ေမြးျမလြယကသလေခါ ပါတယ။ဒါဆတစဥးန တစဥး ဒေမတ ာတရားေတြ ယ ကနြယသြားေတာတာဘ ။

ဇနးျဖစတ ပဂ လ ကလညး "လပငနးလပတ ေနရာမ ာ သကဥးစးလပရတာ၊ လပလရတ ေငြန မ တေအာင ငါဘယလစမရမလ " စသျဖင ေကးဇးတရားကသတတတယ။

ဒလေမြးျမလြယျခငး ဆတ အေျခခအတျမစခငခတ ပဂ လဟာ တရားအားထတတ ေနရာမ ာ အဆငျမငျပး ျငမးခမးတ ဘ၀ပငရ ငျဖစသြားပါတယ။ ေနစဥဘ၀မ ာလညး ကေလသာေတြ နညးပါးျပး သရ ကာယက ၀စကေတြဟာ ျငမးေအးမႈကေပးစြမးနငပါတယ။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) ......................................................................................................

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43... Basic Foundation Principle (9) ************************** I will keep explaining about foundation principle (9), Be involved in less tasks. " Be involved in less tasks "means you have to undertake your primary task only. I mean like that.

For sanghas, if you are mainly concerned with Pariyat, your primary task is Pariyat. If you perform Patipat mostly, your major task is Patipat.

Choose your primary task. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For lay people, you must take priority to learn at your leaning stage of life. Instead, you hang out with your buddies by giving priority to them. You waste your time at a tea shop. You shouldn't do that. If you are doing business, you have to do business essentially. You should run your business bearing wholesome consciousness. " What is my primary task? " You must set up your goal. You must choose it.

You must work according to your goal that you set up and selected. That is what I mean.

အေျခခအတျမစ (၉) ******************** အေျခခအတျမစ (၉)က ဆကလကေျပာျပပါမယ။ အပၸကေစၥာစ စ - နညးပါးေသာကစၥရ သလညး အ ျဖစရာ၏ ...တ ။ နညးပါးေသာကစၥရ တယဆတာ ကယရ ပဓာနကစၥကပ လပေဆာငရမယ၊ ဒလဆလတာပါ။

Page 48: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


သဃာေတာအရ ငသျမတေတြအတြက ကယက ပရယတက အဓက လပပါတယဆရင ပရယတအလပဟာ ပဓာနအလပပ ။ ပဋပတ အလပက အဓကလပရင ပဋပတအလပဟာပဓာနအလပပ ။

ပဓာနအလပေရြးခယပါ။ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ လဆရငလညး ပညာသငရမ အခနမ ာ ပညာက ဥးစားေပးသငရပါမယ။ ဒလမဟတပ အေပါငးအသငးက င ျပး လညပတတာ၊ လဘကရညဆငထငတာေတြ မလပသငပါဘး။ စးပြားေရးလပရငလညး စးပြားေရးက ပဓာနထားျပး လပရပါတယ။ စးပြားေရးက ကသလစတန လပသငပါတယ။ "ငါရ ပဓာန အလပဟာဘာလ ။" ဒလရညမ နးခက သတမ တထားရပါမယ။ ေရြးခယ ထားရပါမယ။

ရညမ နးခကကေရြးခယသတမ တထားျပး အလပက လပရမယ။ ဒလဆလရငးျဖစတယ။

( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) .................................................................................................... 44...Basic Foundation principle (10) *************************** Then, No.10 foundation principle says " Live your life lightly without any anxiety". No matter being a monk or a lay-people, if you possess more than you should, that will surely bother you and cause anxiety.

Live your life lightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When not only men but also women go to a meditation centre, they wear too much ornaments of jewelry that make them anxious to keep and look

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after. While meditating, they are just concerned worryingly, " What might happen to my stuff ?", and that causes your samadhi ( concentration) ruined. Since such kind of people have too much to worry and to take care, that does not help them to develop their magga nana.

Similarly also for the monks, you need to live lightly. If you possess refrigerators, or materials( furniture) that are not necessarily concerned with the monks, you cannot be called as you have the quality of Sallahukavutti. Your possessions of such stuff are disturbances for you and drag you away from Dhamma.

As lay-people think, the expensive and costly gear for the monks are not the glorious authentic materials (furniture ).

As a matter of fact, whether being a monk or a lay-people, it is imperative to construct a solid fundamental foundation principle (10), live lightly. You must strive to carry out your task contentedly and lightly with what you necessarily need and possess.

အေျခခ အတျမစ (၁၀) ****************** ေနာက နပါတ (၁၀)အတျမစက" သလဟက၀တ စ- ေပါပါးေသာအျဖစမးရ သလညး အ- ျဖစရာ၏" တ ။

ဘနးျကးဘ ျဖစျဖစ၊ လဘ ျဖစျဖစ၊ ကယမ ာ ရ သငရ ထကတာထက ပလာရင ပစၥညးအတြက အေန ာငအယ က ျဖစေတာတာဘ ။

ေပါေပါပါးပါးျဖစရမယ၊ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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အမးသား၊ အမးသမးေတြ တရားထငသြားတ အခါ ေရ ြတြ လ ၊ ေငြတြ လ န သြားျကတယ။ သမးဆညးရတ ဒကၡ၊ ေစာငေရ ာကရတ ဒကၡ သပျကးတယ။ တရားထငေနတ အခနမ ာ " ငါပစၥညးေတြ ဘာမားျဖစသြားမ ာပါလမ" ဒလေတြးျပး သမာဓပကတတတယ။ ဒလပဂ လမ းဟာ ေျကာငျကစရာေတြ၊ ေစာငေရ ကစရာေတြမားေနတ အတြက တရားဥာဏစဥ မတကနငဘး။

သဃာေတာ အရ ငျမတေတြလညး ေပါပါးေသာအျဖစမ းရ သ ျဖစရမ ာပ ။ ေရခ ေသတ ာေတြ၊ ရဟနးန မဆငတ ပရေဘာဂ ပစၥညးေတြ မားမားရ ေနရငေတာ သလဟက၀တ မဟတေတာဘး။ ဒါေတြရ ေနတ အတြက အေန ာကအယ ကျဖစျပး တရားန ေ၀းသြားတတတယ။

လေတြထငေနျကသလ အသးအေဆာင ပစၥညးအေကာငးစားေတြဟာ သဃာေတြအတြက ကကသေရရ တ ပရေဘာဂ အစစအမ နေတြ မဟတပါဘး။

ဒါေျကာင လပ ျဖစျဖစ၊ သဃာပ ျဖစျဖစ၊ ေပါပါးေသာအျဖစမး ရ ျခငးဆတ အေျခခအတျမစ ခငခေအာငခထားဖ အေရးျကးပါတယ။ ကယမ ာ ရ သငရ ထကတ ပစၥညးေလးန တငးတမေရာငရ ျပး ေပါေပါပါးပါး ကယအလပက လပေနသ ျဖစေအာငျကးစားရပါမယ။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) ..................................................................................................... 45...Basic foundation principle ( 11 ) **************************** I will continue to explain foundation principle ( 11 ), " Be calm and serene ( composed and self-controlled)." You must have self-control of six organs of senses - eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind. ( see, hear, smell, taste, touch, feel ). You must guard by being mindful in order not to let the defilements enter.

If you want to be peaceful and calm like that, you ought to always train your mind by contemplating any kind of meditation.

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While riding a car, you are supposed to be reciting Metta Sutta or spreading out your loving -kindness or reciting the superior qualities of the Lord Buddha. As another option, you can also try to be aware of breathing in and out, By having a habit of practicing contemplation while traveling, if you are a monk you seem to be revered and glorious, and we feel your calmness and serenity spread to us; similarly lay persons will be peaceful and calm as well.

If no mindfulness ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is obvious who has no practice of Bavana ( mental development ) looks around here and there; listens to this and that with no self-control; does this and that; these signify no sign of mindfulness.

In order to be calm and serene ( to self -control), the moment you are traveling or doing your business, you should be accustomed to practice any kind of meditation. You can also recite the paritta, or listen to the sermon or read a book, so that you will be a person of composure.

အေျခခအတျမစ (၁၁) ***************** နပါတ ( ၁၁ ) အေျခခအတျမစက ဆကေျပာမယ။ " သႏ ျႏၵေယာ စ- ျငမသကေသာ ဣေျႏၵရ သလညး၊ အ - ျဖစရာ၏" တ ။ မကစ၊ နား၊ န ာ၊ လ ာ၊ ကယ၊ စတ ဆတ ဣေျႏၵေျခာကပါးက ျငမသကေစရမယ။ ကေလသာ မ၀ငေအာင သတဉာဏန တားဆးေပးနငရတယ။

ဒလမး ဣေျႏၵေတြ ျငမသကခငတယဆရငေတာ ဘာ၀နာတစမးက အျမ န လးသြငးတ အေလ လပေပးရပါလမမယ။ ကားစးရငလညး ေမတ ာသတေလးရြတလ ၊ ေမတ ာေလးပြားလ ၊ ဘရားဂဏေတာေလး ရြတဆလ ဒလေနရမယ။

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ဒါမ မဟတရင ၀ငေလ ထြကေလက သတဉာဏန သေအာငလပရပါတယ။ သြားရငး လာရငး ဘာ၀နာတစမးမးက ပြားမားတ အေလ ရ ငသနလာခ ရင ရဟနးျဖစရငလညး ျကညညရတာကက ကကသေရရ လကတာ။ျငမးခမးတ ဓာတေတြ ကးစကသြားသလ ခစားရပါတယ။ အမးသား၊ အမးသမးဆလညး ဒလမးျငမးခမးသြားတာဘ ။

တရားကငးေနခ ရင ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ဘာ၀နာန ကငးေနသကေတာ သသာပါတယ။ မကစကလညး ဟျကည ဒျကည၊ နားကလညး ဟေထာငဒေထာငန ဣေျႏၵက မရ ဘး။ ဟဟာလပဒဟာလပန ဣေျႏၵ မရေတာ ဘးဆရင ဒါဟာတရား မရ တ လကၡဏာဘ ။

ဣေျႏၵျငမသကဖအတြက သြားရငးလာရငး စးပြားေရးလပရငး တရားတစမးမးက န လးသြငးတ အကငရ ရပါမယ။ ပရတရြတ၊ တရားနာ၊ စာအပဖတေနတယဆရင ဣေျႏၵသကၡာရ သြားေတာ တာပါပ ။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) .............................................................................................. 46...Basic foundation principle ( 12 ) *************************** " Be mature and wise " which is foundation principle ( 12 ).

Nowadays, some sermons that are preached seem to be right; however, there are many wrong ones. Consequently, you must have wisdom that can evaluate which is right or which is wrong. Unless being wise to analyze which is right or wrong, you will definitely follow as others do; you will revere as others revere.

Due to the lack of wisdom to judge, you are unable to build a peaceful life.

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အေျခခအတျမစ ( ၁၂ ) ******************* " နပေကာ စ - ရငကကေသာပညာရ သလညး၊ အ -ျဖစရာ၏။ " တ ။ ဒါကေတာ နပါတ ( ၁၂ ) အေျခခအတျမစျဖစပါတယ။

ခေခတမ ာ တခ ေဟာတရားေတြက ဟတမ နသလလန မ ားေနတာေတြ အမားျကးရ ပါတယ။ ဒါေတြရ ေနေတာ ကယက အမ ားအမ နဆငျခငနငတ ပညာရ ရမယ။ အမ ားအမ နစစစတတတ ပညာမရ ရင သမားလပသလ လကလပမတယ။ သမားျကညညသလ ျကညညတာျဖစတတပါတယ။

ကယပငစစစတတတ ညဏပညာမရ တ အတြက ျငမးခမးတ ဘ၀တစခက မတညေဆာကနငပါဘး။ ( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) ............................................................................................................ 47...Basic foundation principle ( 13 ) **************************** Basic foundation principle ( 13 ) says " Be courteous; do not be rude and rough." Behave well. Be polite. Eliminate your rudeness mentally, physically and verbally.

As it is necessarily essential to be polite and courteous physically and verbally, you should not contrive any evil thought as well. Therefore, your speeches and actions should not be impolite and your thoughts as well. Hence, the foundation of " be courteous and not to be bad-mannered" is also well built. For such kind of persons, when they strive vipassana meditation of advanced level, a peaceful life belongs to them forever.

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If your actions, speeches, and thoughts are discourteous, no matter how many times you enter meditation retreat, when you return home you will turn back to your starting point. As a matter of fact, you should apply these basic foundation principles as daily practice.

အေျခခအတျမစ ( ၁၃ ) ******************* နပါတ (၁၃) အတျမစက " အပၸဂေဗၻာ စ- မျကမးတမးမရငးျပ၊ ယဥေကးလမၼာသလညး အ - ျဖစရာ၏ " တ ။ ယဥေကးလမၼာရမယ။ ကယအမအရာ၊ နႈတအမအရာအားျဖင ရငးစငးမႈ၊ စတအားျဖင ရငးစငးမႈေတြကပယရပါမယ။

ကယနႈတယဥေကးဖ လသလ စတအားျဖငလညး မေကာငးတာေတြက မျကစညရဘး။ ဒါေျကာင ကယနႈတ မရငးစငးရဘး။ စတလညး မျကမးတမးမရငးစငးရဘး။ ဒါဆ မျကမးတမးမရငးပ၊ ယဥေကးလမၼာျခငးဆတ အေျခခအတျမစေကာငးသြားေတာ တာပါပ ။ ဒလပဂ လမးေတြဟာ အထကတနးဘာ၀နာေတြက ျကးစားအားထတျပဆရင ျငမးခမးတ ဘ၀က ထာ၀ရပငဆငသြားျကတယ။

ကယနႈတစတရငးပါတယဆရင တရားဘယေလာကထငထင၊ ထြကလာရင ဒရငးဘ၀ျပနေရာကေတာ တာပ ။ ဒါေျကာင ဒအေျခခအတျမစေတြက ေနစဥဘ၀ထ ယျပး အျမ ကငသးေပးရပါတယ။

( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) .................................................................................................

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48... Basic Foundation Principle ( 14 ) ****************************

Lastly, Basic Foundation Principle ( 14 ) denotes " No deep attachment to family members ( others, lay people ).

Sanghas are not supposed to visit lay people in subservient attitude in order to obtain their materials. At the moment of their grief, you make believe to be sorrowful; when they have great time, you act as if you felt happy, too. You should not behave like these. Moreover, since being a monk you should not use inappropriate language, such as, " Kyuntaw, Kyunote, Akogyi, Amagyi".

Such kind of language makes you tie attachment to lay people. But, if you can cut off such attachment, when you contemplate deeply, you can train your mind developed very fast. You become the one who always enjoy in virtues.

Similarly, lay people also need to avoid too much attachment. You must be able to go to meditation retreat ignoring your belongings. You must enable to study at somewhere away from your home. Then, these will help you achieve improvement in your life.

If you can live with less attachment to others, you can be said that you build Foundation Principle ( 14 ) very firmly. Based on that, you can pursue to construct Samatha Vipassana, skyscrapers.

Page 56: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


အေျခခအတျမစ ( ၁၄ ) *********************** ေနာကဆး (၁၄) နပါတအတျမစက " ကေလသြ နာႏဂေဒၶါ။ ကေလသ - အမသအမသားလအမားတ၌ အနာႏဂေဒၶါ စ - မတြယတာ မမကေမာသလညး အ - ျဖစရာ၏" တ ။

ရဟနးေတြအေနန ပစၥညးလခငလ အမအလညသြားျပး ေအာကကခယတာမး မလပရပါဘး။ သတ၀မးနညးေသာကေရာကေနခနမ ာ ကယလညး၀မးနညးဟနေဆာငတာမး၊သတေပာရ ြငေနရင ေပာဟနေဆာငတာမးေတြ မလပရပါဘး။ ျပးေတာ သဃာေတြန မသငေတာတ အေျပာအဆေတြကေရ ာငရပါမယ။ "ကြနေတာ၊ ကြႏပ၊ အစကျကး၊ အစမျကး၊ " ဒါမးမေျပာရပါဘး။

ဒါမ းေတြေျပာရင လေတြကတြယတာရာေရာကတယ။ ဒလခငမငတြယတာတ စတကငးရင တရားအားထတတ အခါ တရားျမနျမနတကသြားေတာ တာေပါ။ အျမ တရားကနးေနတ တရားပငရ င" ျဖစသြားပါတယ။

လေတြအေနန လညး အလြနအက သေယာဇဥျဖစတာမးက ေရ ာငရမ ာပါဘ ။ ဥစၥာပစၥညးေတြက မတြယတာ၊ မမကေမာဘ တရားထငစရာရ ရင သြားထငနငရမယ။ ပညာသငစရာရ ရင သေယာဇဥေတြျဖတျပး သြားနငရမယ။ ဒါဆရငတးတကေတာ တာဘ ။

ခငမငတြယတာတတတ သေယာဇဥ ကငးေအာငကးစားေနထငျပဆရင (၁၄)ခေျမာကေျခခအတျမစ ခငမာသြားျပလ ဆရမယ။ ဒအတျမစေပါ မ ာ အေျခချပး သမထ၀ပနာ ဆတ အဆငျမငတကတာေတြတညေဆာကသြားနငတယ။

( စတထားစငၾကယ စြမးအားကြယ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစၾကာ) ) ...................................................................................................

Page 57: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


49... Nature of greed ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I want to talk about dissatisfaction with sons and daughters ( own children).You need to know, such as how much your child is intelligent, up to what extent he or she is striving.

Instead, your child is dull, and not hardworking as well. But other children progress due to being luckier, more intelligent, more diligent and so on. They are not only advanced in education but also successful in business.

In such situation, you might feel unsatisfactory and regret " Why can' he?.???". You put pressure on him that results in suffering yourself. Actually unsatisfactory greed causes you suffered.

Greed is the ocean. The ocean is never full with water that flows from the rivers big and small. It accepts all water that flows in.

Another metaphor is that greed is the bonfire. Try to put fuel in it. No matter how much you put the fuel, the bonfire will never say " No more. That's enough."

You should practice to be contented concerning with your children.

ေလာဘရ သေဘာ ~~~~~~~~~~~ သားသမးန စပလ အလမျပညပေလးကေျပာျပခငပါတယ။ ကယသားသမးဟာ ဥာဏရညဘယေလာကရ သလ ၊၊ ကယသားသမးရ ျကးစားမႈစြမးအားက ဘယအတငးအတာထရ သလ ။ ဒါမ းေလးေတြက သထားသငပါတယ။

Page 58: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


ဒလမဟတဘ ကယသားသမးက ဥာဏရညဥာဏေသြးညေနတယ။ ျကးစားမႈလညးမရ ဘး။ သမားေတြရ သားသမးေတြက က၊ ဥာဏ၊ ၀ရယ၊ အစစ အရာရာ သာလ တးတကသြားတယ။ ပညာေရးက သပျမငမားသြားတယ။စးပြားေရးေလာကမ ာ သပေအာငျမငသြားတယ။

ဒလအေျခအေနမ းမ ာ ငါသားသမးကေတာ မျဖစရေကာငးလားဆျပး အားမလအားမရ ျဖစေနမယ။ သားသမးအေပါ ဖအားေတြေပးေနမယဆရင ပေလာငတ သေဘာေတြပါခစားရတတပါတယ။ မျပညနငတ ေလာဘေျကာင ပေလာငမႈသေဘာျဖစသြားပါတယ။

ေလာဘဟာ ဘာန တသလ ဆေတာ သမဒၵရာ န တတယတ ။ ျမစျကးငါးသြယ၊ ျမစငယငါးရာက စးဆငးလာေနတ ေရေတြေျကာင သမဒၵရာဟာ ဘယေတာမ ျပည မသြားပါဘး။ သမဒၵ ကေတာ လာသမ ေရေတြက အကနလကခတာပါဘ ။

ေနာကတမးက တဏ ာေလာဘဟာ မးပျကးန တတယ။မးပျကးထ မ ာ ေလာငစာေတြ ထညျကညပါ။ ဘယေလာကပ ေလာငစာေတြထညထည မးပျကးကေတာ ေတာေလာကပါျပလ ဘယေတာမ ေျပာမ ာမဟတဘး။

သားသမးန စပလာရင ကယ စတက ေရာငရ တငးတမနငေအာင ေလကငေပးရမ ာပါ။ ( သေတာေကာငးတ၏ ေတာငးဆမား - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ ( ျမစျကာ)) ...................................................................................................

Page 59: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


50...Wrong Appreciation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nowadays ( sons and daughters) view even their parents who divide the inheritance as " His share is more, mine is less". Concerning with the worthless bequest, incomparable benefits and true Metta of the parents are being insulted and abused.

မ ားယြငးေသာတနဘးထားမႈ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ယခေခတမ ာေတာအေမြေပးတ မဘေတြကေတာင " သက အမားျကးေပးတယ၊ ငါက န န ပ ေပးတယ" ဒလျမငလာျကတယ။ တနဘးမရ တ ပစၥညးအေမြက အေျကာငးျပျပး တနဘးရ တ မဘေတြရ ေကးဇးတရားေတြ၊ ေမတ ာတရားေတြက ေစာကားေနတတျကတယ။ျပစမ ားေနတတျကတယ။ ( အျမေတ ၄၁)

( ဗဒၶလမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ (ျမစျကာ) ) — ......................................................................................... 51… Prince Razakumara ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prince Razakumara did not crave royal prosperity that can be appraised. The Gupyaukyi pagoda proved that he just valued merits of the virtuous and the truth that cannot be evaluated.

The Beauty of History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Besides, between Alaungsithu and Razakumara, the former is the king who inherited, the latter is the prince who did not. However, the historians said that they both lived lovingly throughout their life.

May you express appreciation correctly. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By taking an example of Prince Razakumara, siblings (brothers and sisters)

Page 60: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


must try not to trade precious and incomparable merits of the parents with worthless materials.

ရာဇကမာရ ~~~~~~~ ရာဇကမာရမငးသားေလးဟာ တနဘးျဖတလရတ ထးနနးစညးစမက မကေမာမႈမရ ခ ဘး။ တနဘးျဖတလ မရတ သေတာေကာငးေတြျမတနးတ ေကးဇးတရား၊ သစၥာတရားက ဥးထပပနဆငခ တယဆတာ ဂေပာကျကးဘရားက သကေသျပေနပါတယ။ ( အျမေတ ၄၁)

သမငးအလ ~~~~~~~ ေနာကျပး အေလာငးစညသန ရာဇကမာရဟာလညး တစေယာကက အေမြရတ ဘရင၊ တစေယာကက အေမြမရတ မငးသားပါ။ ဒါေပမ သတန စဥးဟာ ခစခစခငခငန ဘ၀တစေလ ာကလး ေနသြားခ ျကတယလသေတသေတြက ဆပါတယ။ ( အျမေတ ၄၁)

တနဘးထားမႈ မ နပါေစ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ရာဇကမာရမငးသားေလးက အတယအားကျပး ညအကေမာငန မေတြ တနဘးရ တ မဘရ ေကးဇးတရားက တနဘးမရ တ ပစၥညးေတြန ဘယေတာမ မလ လ ယမေအာငျကးစားသငပါတယ။ ( အျမေတ ၄၂ )

( ဗဒၶလမးစဥ - အရ ငဣႏၵကာဘ၀သ (ျမစျကာ) ) ................................................................................................

Page 61: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


TABLE OF CONTENTS 1... Virtuous person - သေတာေကာငး - ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ 1 2... Seven Character Traits of the Noble-သေတာေကာငး 2 လကၡဏာ (၇ ) ျဖာ- ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ 3... Standard Ruler စေပတ - ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ 3 4... Mutual Respect အညမည သဂါရ၀- ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ 3 5... Dignity and Misconduct ဂဏ န ႕ အျပစ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 4 6... Reverence and worship versus donation ဆညးကပ 6 ကးကြယျခငးႏ င ေပးကမးလႈဒါနးျခငး - ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ

7... No Way to Remedy ကရာနတ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 7

8... Head and Tail ေခါငးန ႕ပနး- ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 7

9... Haystack and Jewel ေကာက႐းးပန ႕ ရတနာ - 8


10... Practicing by applying Dana ဒါနန ႕ေလကငေနတာ - 9


11... Two kinds of responsibilities တာ၀နႏ စရပ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 10

12... Essential Rain ရ မျဖစမး - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 10

13... The wise person means ပညာရ ဆတာ - ျမစျကာဆ႐းာေတာ 11

14,15,16... Right thought (1)(2)(3) မ နေသာအေတြး 12

(၁)၊ (၂)၊ (၃) - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ

17... Not one way only တစလမးသြားမဟတ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 13

18... Only donation with donor's name on board 14

does not mean Dana ဆငးဘတတငမ ဒါနမဟတ -


19... Only the one who applies practically လကေတြ႕ကငသသာ - 15


20... Miss the point...ခတရာတျခားရ ရာတျခား - ျမစျကာဆ႐းာေတာ 15

Page 62: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


21... If you diminish ..... ေမ းမ နေအာငလပခ ရင " - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 16

22... Do not reveal unnecessarily မတးမမည - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 17

23... Visarada ဝသာရဒ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 18

24... Wonderful heritage ေကာငးျမတေသာအေမြ 18


25... Vague on the lost way ေပာကေသာလမးမ ာ စမးတဝါး - 19


26... Loving-kindness verbally ၀စကေမတ ာ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 20

27... Huge wave under the boat လႈငးႀကးေလ ေအာက - 20


28... The benefits of Venerable Bhikkhus သဃာေကးဇး - 21


29... Pure merit or not... ကသလစစ၊ မစစ - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 22

30... Loving-kindness physically ကာယက ေမတ ာ ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 23

31... Responsibilities for All အားလးမ ာ တာ၀နရ - ျမစၾကာ ဆရာေတာ 24

32... Wish and Reality ဆေတာငးန ႕ လကေတြ႕ ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 24

33... Right Vision မ နေသာအျမင ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 25

34... Real Hero အာဇာနညအစစ ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 25

35... Ashin Rahula's Attitude ရ ငရာဟလာရ ႕စတထား ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ 26

36... Pariyat accompanied by Patipat ပဋပတမကငးတ ပရယတ - 26


37... Sanguih Bhasa Tika 's author Ashin Janakabivamsa 's wish 27

သျဂၤဟဘာသာဋကာကမး ေရးသားခ ေသာ မဟာဂႏၶာရဆရာေတာ

အရ ငဇနကာဘ၀သမဟာေထရ ၏ ေတာငးဆ ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ

My wish after 100 posts 31

38... The basic foundation principles of Bhavana 32

ဘာ၀နာအေျခခအတျမစမား - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ

Page 63: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ


39... Basic Foundation principle ( 1 ) အေျခခအတျမစ 34

(၁) - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ

40... Basic Foundation Principles ( 2) & ( 3 ) အေျခခအတျမစ 37

( ၂ )၊ ( ၃ ) - ျမစၾကာဆရာေတာ

41... Basic Foundation principles (4) (5) (6) အေျခခအတျမစ 39

(၄) (၅) (၆) - ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

42... Basic foundation Principles (7) (8) အေျခခအတျမစ 43

(၇) (၈) - ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

43... Basic Foundation Principle (9) အေျခခအတျမစ 47

(၉) ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

44... Basic Foundation principle (10) အေျခခ အတျမစ 48

(၁၀) ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

45... Basic foundation principle ( 11 ) အေျခခ အတျမစ 50

(၁၁) ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

46... Basic foundation principle ( 12 ) အေျခခ အတျမစ 52

(၁၂) ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

47... Basic foundation principle ( 13 ) အေျခခ အတျမစ 53

(၁၃). ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

48... Basic foundation principle ( 14 ) အေျခခ အတျမစ 55

(၁၄) ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

49... Nature of greed ေလာဘရ သေဘာ - ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ 57

50... Wrong Appreciation မ ားယြငးေသာတနဘးထားမႈ - 59


51... Prince Razakumara... ရာဇကမာရ၊ သမငးအလ ၊ 59

တနဘးထားမႈ မ နပါေစ- ျမစျကာဆရာေတာ

Thanda Than

Page 64: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ



My dear friends,

These days I have been busy with working on compiling my trans posts (

61-114) for my book 3.

Here is the table of contents....

Hopefully book 3 will be ready to come out before that ...

My book 3 will be my new year gift to you all who love Dhamma and

learning English.

( I remember my book 2 came out in my new year gift for 2014.)

I tried my best even though I am not competent enough yet.

Thank you all for your interest to read, like, write comments, share,

and tag.

Your feedback really made me fresh up again to keep moving on.

Coming soon..........

Special credit goes to Ashin Thuwira @U Thu Mukha who took us to

Sayadaw. He generously gave us his books.

Without his help there was no chance to meet Sayadaw.

I really acknowledge him for any assistance he offered me to run my

trans work smoothly..

Thank you,


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Einyein Chan, Min Sein Ko Ko, Kay Thi and 22 others like this.

U Thu Mukha ဝမးသာပါတယ ဆရာမ--

Saw Htut Sandar Great job. Congratulations my dear sis.

Ashin Manijota In your life standing with intensive trying, may you be success and happy . I pay praying.

Ashin Eindacara ႏ စသစလကေဆာငေပါ-- The gift for new year of you is very good

Ven KeLasa I tried my best even though I am not competent enough yet. Good Good Good to hear. feedback really made my teacher fresh up again to keep moving on. we will hope to come out many book to read for our learning English. Please give my loving-kindness to my teacher to be healthy and happy!

Thanda Than wonderful Ven KeLasa....thank you...yeah...I will keep working on that...i dedicated my time for that my good student....I know you are also very hardworking student to me...

Thank you all….

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April 6, 2014 ~~~~Acknowledgements~~~~ My Dhamma translation book of Myasekkya Sayadaw is being processed... Here is the book cover beautifully designed by Ashin Thuwira @ U Thu Mukha. He is the one who took us to Sayadaw and let us receive Sayadaw's books. Without his introduction there was no chance for me to meet Sayadaw, taste his books, and translate them. He is the one who advised me and encouraged me to have a try to translate Sayadaw's books. He is the one who gave me any assistance that I needed for my translation work such as patiently explaining that I did not clearly understand, editing my work, and designing book-cover very beautifully. My special appreciation goes to him for his kind assistance to me. He is my teacher, too. May I acknowledge Sayadaw for his kind heart to write books despite being busy with his teaching Dhamma, leading us how to be virtuous persons and all of his admonitions. May you perform sasana's duties many times over happily and healthily, Sayadaw! I am also thankful all of my Dhamma friends who always pay attention to my translation work to read, like, share, tag, write comments. All of your encouragements help me to pursue my translation work continuously and successfully. I promise I will keep moving on until my last breath. I wish I could work on more profound Dhamma of the Buddha. Coming soon!

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Ashin Kelasa You did a great job but I really want you to learn meditation and practice it seriously by taking a 7 days' retreat; I believe that it will bring you incomparable benefits.

Ko Tint Great to know. Well done par Sayarma . May you be happy and healthy.

Ashin Eindacara great

Thanda Than Sayadaw Ashin Kelasa shint, thanks very much for your advice. Yes, surely I will. Very honestly I willingly want to learn and get experience. Unluckily this year is very miserable one. I will try to take a retreat in the natural forest next year. But now at home, I just try to focus on breathing in and out regularly.I also believe it will bring me incomparable benefits, that I have never experienced yet. I will....I will....I will.

Ko Tint I hope,your dream will come true.

Ohnmar Htet Saduu . . . Saduu . . . Saduu !!! The Colour Match With Dhamma.You,My Beloved Elder Sis.,THE BEST ONE FOR RESPECTING & GOOD SAMPLE For Me, Ohnmar Htet,Love You More & More !!!!

U Thu Mukha မကန ာဖးကာဗာက သေဘာကတယဆလ႔ ဝမးသာပါတယ ဆရာမ--

Thanda Than Thank you all! U Thu Mukha, thanks for your kind help to me...very nice cover! Nyimalay Ohnmar, you are doing a great job too...we are pleased with what we have done for others....writing our own history ourselves...Go ahead!

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Page 69: Virtuous person defined by Myasekkya Sayada · အေမြေပးျခင္းဆိိုတ ့ တာ၀န္တစ္ရပ္ကိို မျဖစ္မေန ... (အျမဳေတ