v t9to12 j y tr t iftho norhn - university of kentucky

ETW = = > Sf + 11eirpOL1iiJI 14aiii RENT FOR POLES OH STREET r Board or Public Works Favors Idea for City it JtmmmTfiids tit Cioiidiil Couiiilt Tim y Iuljllcjiorvlrv OoiiciTimlks liulo I A i > < oTay n Y < MJ ACTION TO MAVIS TIII B TJUIUS r ifTho board of public works met In regular session yesterday aftcrnooi t and transacted n great deal of routine business trrhomatter of charging rental for 1 ground space for each telegraph pole In rho city except city poles was re fortcd to tho council Tho board had a resolution drawn in formal shapo to present to the councllmahln board A resolution was adopted requiring plumber and others who dig up pave ¬ manta or streets by trenching to span It with a woodon walk not less than three feet wide for the benefit of pe¬ destrian AaU li pedestrians often have to jump ditches and trenches the workmen not providing any means of getting over Tlio street Inspector was InMruclcJ to too that this order is ob curved A report of repair to the Sixth street bridge was recehod and filed AV P Hummel asked for an cxten 4alon of sanitary sewers up an alley to- y Norton street claiming an ordinance providing for the improvement was passed throe years ago The bOar t ordered an investigation of records Cox taint was mado at the conduct of paving contractors who have been guilty of entering yards and chopping down trees In order to get rid of the roots Property owners allege tba routs ron be taken out of the way with- out ¬ chopping down tho tree No acv tion was taken The matter of Accepting an alley dedicated trot AV C Kills for proper ty between Tenth and Eleventh ant p Jonus and Tennowee rtrcets was TC erred Tho Homo Telephone company and ladncnh Traction company were per nilUod to Nt poles on South Ninth and Sixth streets between Kuntncky aro nuo and Jefferson street A report of tho shipment of an old t4 electrical machine which was sold for 2jc was flied City Engineer Vathlngtbn was In ¬ structed to run the storm water tower from Third street to tho river on Mar t t neon street Tho board decided that Contractor Wcdkcra portable tool room and office whljlij s left In the street whore the contractor Is working blockades the 1alreets nnd ordered him lo keep It ort Oil streets hereafter Tlio Western District Warehouse company was ordered to make repairs to Its pavements llil > FUll TIlfSTKK KiiKlO Will Co to Mllnrnukre nnd IKMiui lilt tli 11I I Tire l Eagles lodge Initiated twelve randldatca Into the order last night CommUtera were appointed to nr rntigo for attending tho annual meet Ingln In Milwaukee In August They will boom Out I I Heads candi ¬ dacy for IrusUv of tho grand lodge i of Eagles Col l ICllgont Itrllrr Hon Charles Hoed returned late evening from loulsvllln who o he had gono to attend the bedside of Col J I K l Kllgorc formerly of the Paducah Cooperage company Col Kllgore war taken III In Ixmlivlllo several week s ngOjv Ho suffered a general break dole and was taken lo the Norton infirmary Yesterday ho tad recover ed sufficiently to bo removed to thu new Seclbach and Is rapidly recover ¬ 1 lag Ho will bo able It Is said to start on his trip to 1 Europe with Gov r Dnrbln and party llurlliiglnii 3lut Aimur Judge Smith McPherson of lowa bitting in place of Judge John p Phil- lips L ut Kansas City overruled tho de- e ¬ mortar of tho Ilurllngton Hallway com pan and they mutt now go on trial Tho defendants In a demurrer flied several weeks ago contended that con gress was without power to enact leg ¬ k islation regulating export rates in the giving of alleged rebates bn which the 1 Burlington was charged with having violated tho Interstate commerce act A nchme Is on foot in Spats to pre ¬ sent IrlmKKs Ena with u collection of postcards from tho wholo of Spain with plropos dedicated to her A 1 plropo ia a short phrase eulogizing beP gtvfn for the most hit < nlout end pleasing postcards Tho cards will JM> arranged In special nlbumswith urtUtlo bindings one for every pro ¬ vince In Spain o f 4 I- 4F i HOXVr lin TO SKK i TUB tJAH UAXOK IHiM- ONKTItVnOV 4 AT- iiiionKsiiriiKoui 4 + cxi TIUH VIIK + 4J 4 ftS 4- Mj t- r COONCG l IS BUSY WITH ITS ORDERS Street Work Lights Dogs and Saloons Considered Early Closing Onlluniico Started Oil IlrH Ilivinc lliiNilr of Light lug Plant Orient TII1J ISLAM CIIKKK ItltllHii UP Tho board of councilmen met last night and gavo first passage to the early closing saloon ordinance adopt d tho recommendation to ap- propriate ¬ = 20060 for remodeling the city electric lighting plant I Instruct ed Chief Collins to go and tako up untaxed dogs and jragBcd on several other important natters Tho matting dragged at times but the business was carefully discussed and tho meeting an eventful one rfhp session was adjourned tutu Monday night rind CouncllnKn lice tog nod Dlpple were absent The minutes of the last regular and called meetings were read and adopted Thia receipt for a loan of 9000 to the cur was filed A petition from property owners for pavements on Fountain avenue from Jctlufuou to Monroo I streets was flied and an ordlnanpa for the iBiprovcnunt ordered dratted The matter of drafting an ordl ¬ trance governJns electric wiring du the city was referred 1apers regarding bonds of the earl conmilstloaert were received and filed A resolution for an ordinance to arata a tax for ground rent for each telegraph or telephone pole in the city except city poles was adopted- A poUtlon for the extension of wa < UT mains on North Twelfth and Thlr ¬ teenth streets and Langstaff avenue wn referred- A bill for medical attention to Pa ¬ trolman James Clark who was wounded while on duty amounting to co was referred to the joint M naiico committee An opinion from Attorneys lien drick Miller otid Marble outlining the appointive or electlvo powers of thu board of public works was re cued end flied The opinion Is that relative to tho appointment of wharf master markctmastor und sewer In > piCtor aaylrrg tlnsu offices are to be filled by tho board of public works Tho II nn n co committees report was received and filed It totaled I3C1S98 for buts salaries etc That 1000 Oi motion tt was ordered that the f 3UOU toad interest paid to the city solicitor Jn attempt to settle idle ¬ phone litigation bo placed at the ills poitil of the council at anytime de sired The ordlnanco for paving Second street from Kentucky avenue to Wathlngton street and Washing ¬ ton street from Second street to Kim utrvctu and First street from Washington street to Kentucky eve nut was given first passage An ordinance for the reconstruc ¬ tlon of North Fifth street from Jet tenon to Clap tlfXt was lost A resolution regarding tho dispos ¬ al of garbage was given second pas sago An ordinance giving police powers to the mnrkotmaster wharfmasttr milk and meat inspector sanitary ot floen and outer city ofllrera was given II tilt passage Ordinance regulating the opera ¬ U noC saloons requiring saloons to elms at 12 oclock at night nnd to remain closed until C oclock In the morning was gives first passage A petition for a sixfoot sidewalk on North Fifth street from Jefferson street to Clay street was referred A petition asking for bltullthlc compound Instead of brick for the North Fifth street Improvemcntwas referred A dedication of property In tho Glen wood addition to the city for street ininoses was received ac- cepted and ordered spread on the minutes A petition relative lo several bad sanitary places on South Second street was referred to tho board of public works A petition from property owners on Farley and Meyers streets dedi ¬ eating i > roperty for alloy purposes was referred Condemnation proceed ¬ tags twill have to be instituted against three property owners and tho matter will be handled by the city solicitor rho Henry Schmidt heirs wanted to uako l pavement Improvemeot at Eleventh and Caldwiell streets and asked permission to cut down the trcot to make the proper grade The petitioners were gIven authority to make tho Improvements- A report of extension of water mains on South Ninth from Jlroad way to Kentucky avenue was receiv ¬ ed and tiled A report of extension of water mains on South Fifth street from Norton street to Jones titrcct was re ¬ ceived and filed A petition fdr the extension of water mains on Blltabeth street from Sixth to Seventh street was referredA l trout the Joint light com ¬ mittee and board of public works recommending the expenditure of 20000 to improve tho ctty electric llsht plant to n capacity of 300 lights WAll rccelypd and concurred Jn Coun Rudy Phillips 4 go 219223 BROADWAY 4 I k Or FRI JY hi V t9to12 J J CXGlock tr 1 < S SilltJL l Sale FRIDAY 12- OClock rotMOpportunity to Supply I Your Plants T ana I A fortunate purchase manufacturers odds t Norhn ing but strictly reliable goods will be offered of this 0 seasons best styles You doubtless remember our K c last sale silkseither having been here or heard ssome one speak of the values The values offered for this sale Friday morning are equally as good and many better with a larger assortment chose from S 4 700yarrJ8r19 in cold Taffeta all the SOefor i doO yards Colored Crepe de Chene all + 4geYdrd 500 yards 30 in Genuine Rubiate Silk SSeA j God yards of 27 in extra quality pure dye L SSeyard t L d LI I I w H n n cllnmu Duvall voted naI A motion was then 0c111ubllc moot intelligently Tho matter was favorably acted on Stursa Ilibllc Works Jlolllti I Councilman Uarnett scored the board of public works for its dilatory attitude towards building a new bridge over Island Creek lie stated ho thought the matter had died In the board of works and that from appearance It had been strangled that Jt did not die a natural death There was a great deal of discussion resulting but no action other than a gentle prodding of tho board of public works was taken A report from 1 Klcctrlcal and Building Inspector McPherson rcci ommcndlng tho condemnation of a building at 110 Broadway was rev ceived and filed Tho bond of n H McGuire city weigher wits accepted- A remonstrance to a saloon at 133 Mill street was received and filed OB application for a license has not yet been presented The finance committee was by mo ¬ tlon Instructed to refuse to pay for private telephones In tho fire sta ¬ ions Several deeds and transfers to lots In Oak Grove ccnutery were rat ¬ Inca A contract to Mart Coulson to re ¬ pair three hydrants In Oak Grove < cemetery was ratified On motion It was ordered that canvas ba bought for Oak Grove as- a protection lo adjoining graves In digging new craves Gnus la ruined by dirt from new- ly ¬ I made graves without the canvas protection The expense Jallght Amounting to not more than 20 Councilman Uuvall stated that the Illinois Central road was running trains Inside the city limits at forty miles an hour and moved that the matter bo investigated He alleged that the outgoing Cairo trains at C13 oclock have boa guilty since tho schedule was inaugurated Xo action was taken The matter ot opening Kentucky avenue from Eleventh to Twelfth street was referred This is for the benefit of school children Chief of Police Janice Collins was ordered to arrange at once to rid the city of mongrel dogs Councilman Kolb stated that the alleys and many city streets were fllliwl with tin cans and moved tha t tho street department be instructed to send out wagons or carts to col- lect them Tho motion carried Tho matter of releasing tho bond of Contractors Patterson and Porto outs for the Broadway street im ¬ provement made six years ago was referred to the city solicitor A motion tor sidewalk and gutter Improvements on Fourth street from Norton to Husbands str ats was rev ferred for err ordinance to to brought J i t includingfarcy yard yards Check checks white Worth from in atc JLHALF DICE telephone Rudy Phillips 6 Qo 219223 BROADWAY Friday OGlock 9 to 12 SPACIAL SALEoClack 12 0 Millinery Department DURING our special Silk Sale Friday morning we will also have in our Millinery Department on second floor thaLwifl in- terest ¬ you While are waiting to be waitedon for silksgoitci second floor and look these bargains should not needany silks it will be worth your time to see what we ire dffering anyWay 200 Chiffon and Net Veils all colors worth from 15010 soc in this < sale25c each atv = t t tlOa Unttlmraed all colors and all shapes = Price- qo < Hat Special lot trimmed hats this seasons best styles and shapcsHalf Price New lot Light Chiffon Milene Hats the latest things in midsummer I hats received Sep this offering early and get the choice iin The city engineer was ordered to repair drainage In Tyler by build Ing a culvert A motion Id have all concrete pavements fix feet wide In future street Improvements was lust 1- 0summwlnS And l lives llontlfor Appearance to I Answer Indlctmcntx J Bllllngtou of the Graham villa section come to the city yester ¬ daTand surrendered and was rev on a 100 bond lie is Inv dieted on two counts and In addl tlonla being sued for slander by K B Woodward a picture agent the troiibfo originating over Bllllngton iJng II from life home after a vJiitby Woodward Bllllngtoineua pectcd Woodward of taking the mon cyVlt A II alleged and caughthlm by force Is said t to have searched Woodward The indictments charge unlawful doUntlon and flour ¬ l ishing a gunr An Iftiimnil IJetort In her dally Altercation with the Iceman over the short n assure he de llvercd Mm Jonedonv morning ral ¬ tied him Jn half angry good nature I dont see what makes you so attn ¬ gy with your feel You know you eaat take any of it with you to the next world rite man paused with his hand on tho door knob Yes Mrs Jones he said but you must that J from 100 to 85c yard in this i CQ sale at t i 700 Fancy Silks all colors and black and 75c to 59c this sale yard All silk remnants No orders a sale you at or you Shapes Half of just S leased Bllllngton remember Iblock I loud be so glad to get It worldr r wouldnt have a word to say short weight Llpplncotfs 4 Sturmaa a bushman who lives In Cooay1a V V V I N Dandenne GREW EVERY BIT OF IT And we ban PROVE IT r f r 9 19 r 1 fC South Africa Is believed I by scientists who have seen him ia bei tho oldest living human being It Is known ab ¬ solutely that over 70 years ago he was a very old man He has a son who hover 90 Y51lywribe WI j Will FirfiH 51000 1 testimoaial ¬ and unsolicited This is proof positive that greatesthairand tlyq world leas Fier known FliED MAnAMW nnnrttfcrinrtatgnoton flea MM6om rests tan ro Lie coumaed teepmennl h orltlm l toro DoI llhI WM dRlbe l paRtlni B battliotl hl n >rrms nd kllrnilnt non wW tat tuir f mf ens tm opr d leebn loUj sdcertlwnertiwaed4iloolueg rutirohn7edm nr4m ll4 ngntpk 18I loucarygotoyvprdry i is ndgetat r ntimwaurpifii uy + bdtliefd 2k si hall e1IOUltfcoIt Jc Wlatisfyyou iltvertotendthiI paypflatsse and Ave will send you alarge sample by rcturt niatlJ The slaiplttwe fetve ere large enough to produce beneficial results many cases being enough to stopood cases itllrlOIizcS d G

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Post on 16-Mar-2022




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ETW == > Sf + 11eirpOL1iiJI

14aiii RENT FOR


r Board or Public Works Favors

Idea for City

itJtmmmTfiids tit Cioiidiil Couiiilt Timy Iuljllcjiorvlrv OoiiciTimlks liulo

I A i >< oTay

n Y<


rifTho board of public works met In

regular session yesterday aftcrnooit and transacted n great deal of routine


trrhomatter of charging rental for1 ground space for each telegraph pole

In rho city except city poles was refortcd to tho council Tho board hada resolution drawn in formal shapo topresent to the councllmahln board

A resolution was adopted requiringplumber and others who dig up pave¬

manta or streets by trenching to spanIt with a woodon walk not less thanthree feet wide for the benefit of pe¬

destrian AaU li pedestrians oftenhave to jump ditches and trenches theworkmen not providing any means ofgetting over Tlio street Inspector wasInMruclcJ to too that this order is obcurved

A report of repair to the Sixthstreet bridge was recehod and filed

AV P Hummel asked for an cxten4alon of sanitary sewers up an alley to-

y Norton street claiming an ordinanceproviding for the improvement waspassed throe years ago The bOar tordered an investigation of records

Cox taint was mado at the conductof paving contractors who have beenguilty of entering yards and choppingdown trees In order to get rid of theroots Property owners allege tbarouts ron be taken out of the way with-out


chopping down tho tree No acvtion was taken

The matter of Accepting an alleydedicated trot AV C Kills for property between Tenth and Eleventh ant

p Jonus and Tennowee rtrcets was TCerred

Tho Homo Telephone company andladncnh Traction company were pernilUod to Nt poles on South Ninth andSixth streets between Kuntncky aronuo and Jefferson street

A report of tho shipment of an oldt4 electrical machine which was sold for

2jc was fliedCity Engineer Vathlngtbn was In ¬

structed to run the storm water towerfrom Third street to tho river on Mart

t neon streetTho board decided that Contractor

Wcdkcra portable tool room and officewhljlij s left In the street whore thecontractor Is working blockades the

1alreets nnd ordered him lo keep It ortOil streets hereafter

Tlio Western District Warehousecompany was ordered to make repairsto Its pavements

llil > FUll TIlfSTKK

KiiKlO Will Co to Mllnrnukre nndIKMiui lilt tli 11II

Tire lEagles lodge Initiated twelverandldatca Into the order last nightCommUtera were appointed to nrrntigo for attending tho annual meetIngln In Milwaukee In August Theywill boom Out I I Heads candi ¬

dacy for IrusUv of tho grand lodgei of Eagles

Coll ICllgont ItrllrrHon Charles Hoed returned late

evening from loulsvllln who o he hadgono to attend the bedside of Col JIK lKllgorc formerly of the PaducahCooperage company Col Kllgore wartaken III In Ixmlivlllo several week

s ngOjv Ho suffered a general breakdole and was taken lo the Nortoninfirmary Yesterday ho tad recovered sufficiently to bo removed to thunew Seclbach and Is rapidly recover ¬

1 lag Ho will bo able It Is said tostart on his trip to 1Europe with Gov

r Dnrbln and party

llurlliiglnii 3lut AimurJudge Smith McPherson of lowa

bitting in place of Judge John p Phil-lipsL ut Kansas City overruled tho de-

mortar of tho Ilurllngton Hallway compan and they mutt now go on trialTho defendants In a demurrer fliedseveral weeks ago contended that congress was without power to enact leg¬

k islation regulating export rates in thegiving of alleged rebates bn which the

1 Burlington was charged with havingviolated tho Interstate commerce act

A nchme Is on foot in Spats to pre ¬

sent IrlmKKs Ena with u collectionof postcards from tho wholo of Spainwith plropos dedicated to her A

1 plropo ia a short phrase eulogizingbePgtvfn for the most hit < nlout endpleasing postcards Tho cards willJM> arranged In special nlbumswithurtUtlo bindings one for every pro ¬

vince In Spain







+ cxiTIUH VIIK +



Mj t-




Street Work Lights Dogs and

Saloons Considered

Early Closing Onlluniico Started OilIlrH Ilivinc lliiNilr of Light

lug Plant Orient


Tho board of councilmen met lastnight and gavo first passage to theearly closing saloon ordinanceadopt d tho recommendation to ap-


= 20060 for remodeling thecity electric lighting plantI Instructed Chief Collins to go and tako upuntaxed dogs and jragBcd on severalother important natters

Tho matting dragged at times butthe business was carefully discussedand tho meeting an eventful one

rfhp session was adjourned tutuMonday night rind CouncllnKn licetog nod Dlpple were absent

The minutes of the last regularand called meetings were read andadopted

Thia receipt for a loan of 9000to the cur was filed

A petition from property ownersfor pavements on Fountain avenuefrom Jctlufuou to MonrooI streetswas flied and an ordlnanpa for theiBiprovcnunt ordered dratted

The matter of drafting an ordl¬

trance governJns electric wiring duthe city was referred

1apers regarding bonds of theearl conmilstloaert were receivedand filed

A resolution for an ordinance toarata a tax for ground rent for eachtelegraph or telephone pole in thecity except city poles was adopted-

A poUtlon for the extension of wa <

UT mains on North Twelfth and Thlr ¬

teenth streets and Langstaff avenuewn referred-

A bill for medical attention to Pa ¬

trolman James Clark who waswounded while on duty amountingto co was referred to the joint M

naiico committeeAn opinion from Attorneys lien

drick Miller otid Marble outliningthe appointive or electlvo powers ofthu board of public works was recued end flied The opinion Is thatrelative to tho appointment of wharfmaster markctmastor und sewer In>piCtor aaylrrg tlnsu offices are to befilled by tho board of public works

Tho II nn n co committees reportwas received and filed It totaledI3C1S98 for buts salaries etc

That 1000Oi motion tt was ordered that the

f 3UOU toad interest paid to the citysolicitor Jn attempt to settle idle ¬

phone litigation bo placed at the illspoitil of the council at anytime desired

The ordlnanco for paving Secondstreet from Kentucky avenue toWathlngton street and Washing ¬

ton street from Second street toKim utrvctu and First street fromWashington street to Kentucky evenut was given first passage

An ordinance for the reconstruc ¬

tlon of North Fifth street from Jettenon to Clap tlfXt was lost

A resolution regarding tho dispos ¬

al of garbage was given second passago

An ordinance giving police powersto the mnrkotmaster wharfmasttrmilk and meat inspector sanitary otfloen and outer city ofllrera wasgiven II tilt passage

Ordinance regulating the opera ¬

U noC saloons requiring saloons toelms at 12 oclock at night nnd toremain closed until C oclock In themorning was gives first passage

A petition for a sixfoot sidewalkon North Fifth street from Jeffersonstreet to Clay street was referred

A petition asking for bltullthlccompound Instead of brick for theNorth Fifth street Improvemcntwasreferred

A dedication of property In thoGlen wood addition to the city forstreet ininoses was received ac-cepted and ordered spread on theminutes

A petition relative lo several badsanitary places on South Secondstreet was referred to tho board ofpublic works

A petition from property ownerson Farley and Meyers streets dedi ¬

eating i> roperty for alloy purposeswas referred Condemnation proceed ¬

tags twill have to be institutedagainst three property owners andtho matter will be handled by thecity solicitor

rho Henry Schmidt heirs wantedto uako lpavement Improvemeot atEleventh and Caldwiell streets andasked permission to cut down thetrcot to make the proper grade Thepetitioners were gIven authority tomake tho Improvements-

A report of extension of watermains on South Ninth from Jlroadway to Kentucky avenue was receiv ¬

ed and tiledA report of extension of water

mains on South Fifth street fromNorton street to Jones titrcct was re ¬

ceived and filedA petition fdr the extension of

water mains on Blltabeth streetfrom Sixth to Seventh street was


trout the Joint light com ¬

mittee and board of public worksrecommending the expenditure of20000 to improve tho ctty electric

llsht plant to n capacity of 300 lightsWAll rccelypd and concurred Jn Coun

Rudy Phillips 4go219223 BROADWAY






V t9to12J JCXGlock

tr1 <





rotMOpportunity to Supply I Your PlantsT

ana IA fortunate purchase manufacturers odds tNorhning but strictly reliable goods will be offered of this

0 seasons best styles You doubtless remember our

K c last sale silkseither having been here or heardssome one speak of the values The values offered

for this sale Friday morning are equally as good andmany better with a larger assortment chose from

S 4

700yarrJ8r19 in cold Taffeta all theSOeforidoO yards Colored Crepe de Chene all+ 4geYdrd

500 yards 30 in Genuine Rubiate SilkSSeAj

God yards of 27 in extra quality pure dye

L SSeyardt


LII Iw H n n

cllnmu Duvall voted naIA motion was then

0c111ubllcmoot intelligently Tho matter wasfavorably acted on

Stursa Ilibllc Works JlollltiICouncilman Uarnett scored the

board of public works for its dilatoryattitude towards building a newbridge over Island Creek lie statedho thought the matter had died In

the board of works and that fromappearance It had been strangledthat Jt did not die a natural deathThere was a great deal of discussionresulting but no action other thana gentle prodding of tho board ofpublic works was taken

A report from 1Klcctrlcal andBuilding Inspector McPherson rcciommcndlng tho condemnation of abuilding at 110 Broadway was revceived and filed

Tho bond of n H McGuire cityweigher wits accepted-

A remonstrance to a saloon at133 Mill street was received andfiled OB application for a license hasnot yet been presented

The finance committee was by mo¬

tlon Instructed to refuse to pay forprivate telephones In tho fire sta ¬

ionsSeveral deeds and transfers to

lots In Oak Grove ccnutery were rat¬

IncaA contract to Mart Coulson to re¬

pair three hydrants In Oak Grove<cemetery was ratified

On motion It was ordered thatcanvas ba bought for Oak Grove as-

a protection lo adjoining graves Indigging new craves

Gnus la ruined by dirt from new-ly


I made graves without the canvasprotection The expense JallghtAmounting to not more than 20

Councilman Uuvall stated that theIllinois Central road was runningtrains Inside the city limits at fortymiles an hour and moved that thematter bo investigated He allegedthat the outgoing Cairo trains atC13 oclock have boa guilty sincetho schedule was inaugurated Xo

action was takenThe matter ot opening Kentucky

avenue from Eleventh to Twelfthstreet was referred This is for thebenefit of school children

Chief of Police Janice Collins wasordered to arrange at once to rid thecity of mongrel dogs

Councilman Kolb stated that thealleys and many city streets werefllliwl with tin cans and moved tha ttho street department be instructedto send out wagons or carts to col-

lect them Tho motion carriedTho matter of releasing tho bond

of Contractors Patterson and Portoouts for the Broadway street im ¬

provement made six years ago wasreferred to the city solicitor

A motion tor sidewalk and gutterImprovements on Fourth street fromNorton to Husbands str ats was revferred for err ordinance to to brought





yards Checkchecks white Worthfrom in atc



Rudy Phillips 6 Qo219223 BROADWAY


9 to 12 SPACIAL SALEoClack 12


Millinery Department

DURING our special Silk Sale Friday morning we will also havein our Millinery Department on second floor thaLwifl in-


you While are waiting to be waitedon for silksgoitcisecond floor and look these bargains should not needanysilks it will be worth your time to see what we ire dffering anyWay

200 Chiffon and Net Veils all colors worth from 15010 soc in this <sale25ceach atv = t t

tlOa Unttlmraed all colors and all shapes = Price-


Hat Special lot trimmed hats this seasons best styles and shapcsHalf PriceNew lot Light Chiffon Milene Hats the latest things in midsummer I

hats received Sep this offering early and get the choice


The city engineer was ordered torepair drainage In Tyler by buildIng a culvert

A motion Id have all concretepavements fix feet wide In futurestreet Improvements was lust1-


Andl lives llontlfor Appearance toI Answer Indlctmcntx

J Bllllngtou of the Grahamvilla section come to the city yester ¬

daTand surrendered and was revon a 100 bond lie is Inv

dieted on two counts and In addltlonla being sued for slander by K

B Woodward a picture agent thetroiibfo originating over Bllllngton

iJng II from life home after avJiitby Woodward Bllllngtoineuapectcd Woodward of taking the moncyVlt A II alleged and caughthlm

by force Is said tto havesearched Woodward The indictmentscharge unlawful doUntlon and flour ¬

lishing a gunrAn Iftiimnil IJetort

In her dally Altercation with theIceman over the short n assure he dellvercd Mm Jonedonv morning ral ¬

tied him Jn half angry good natureI dont see what makes you so attn ¬

gy with your feel You know youeaat take any of it with you to thenext world

rite man paused with his hand ontho door knob Yes Mrs Jones hesaid but you must that


from 100 to 85c yard in thisi CQsale at t


700 Fancy Silks all colorsand black and

75c to 59c this saleyard

All silk remnants

No orders



at or you

Shapes Half







loud be so glad to get It worldrrwouldnt have a word to sayshort weight Llpplncotfs

4 Sturmaa a bushman who lives InCooay1aV V V I N


And we ban





9 19



fCSouth Africa Is believed I by scientistswho have seen him ia bei tho oldestliving human being It Is known ab ¬

solutely that over 70 years ago hewas a very old man He has a sonwho hover 90


WI j




testimoaial ¬

and unsolicitedThis is proof positive that

greatesthairandtlyq world leas Fier known


nnnrttfcrinrtatgnotonflea MM6om rests tan ro

Lie coumaed teepmennl horltlm l toro DoI llhI WMdRlbel

paRtlni B battliotl hl n >rrmsnd kllrnilnt non wW tat tuir

fmfens tm opr d leebn loUjsdcertlwnertiwaed4iloolueg

rutirohn7edmnr4m ll4ngntpk

18I loucarygotoyvprdry iis ndgetatrntimwaurpifii uy

+ bdtliefd 2k si hall e1IOUltfcoIt JcWlatisfyyouiltvertotendthiI paypflatsseand Ave will send you alarge sample by rcturt niatlJ The slaiplttwe fetve ere largeenough to produce beneficial results many cases being enough to stopood casesitllrlOIizcS

d G