union internationale des t6llkommunications cmr …16, boulevard krim belkacem 16000 alger d m....

UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR-97 CONFERENCE MONDIALE DES RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS Document 404-F/E/S 19 dhcembre 1997 GENkVE, 27 OCTOBRE - 21 NOVEMBRE 1997 LISTE FINALE DES PARTICIPANTS FINAL LIST OF PARTICIPANTS LISTA FINAL DE PARTICIPANTES Cette liste comprend les sections suivantes - This list includes the following sections - Esta lista comprende las secciones siguientes I. II.1 II.2 Il.3 III. Iv. V. VI. VII. VIII. Administrations /Administrations I Administraciones Nations Unies et ses institutions spkcialist5es ! United Nations and its Specialized Agencies I Naciones Unidas y sus Organismos Especiahzados Organisations regionales et autres organisations internationales / Regional and other International Organizations / Organizaciones Regionaks y otras Organizaciones Internacionales Organisations intergouvemementales exploitant des systknes & satellites / Intergovernmental Organizations Operating Satellite Systems 1 Organizaciones Intergubemamentales que explotan Sistemas de Sat6lite Autres / Others / Otros Membres du ComitC du Reglement des radiocommunications / Members of the Radio Regulations Board / Miembros de la Junta de1 Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones Fonctionnaires Clus / Elected O&iaZs / Funcionarios de Election Secritariat de la Conference / Secretariat of the Conference / SecretarIa de la Conferencia Secretariat g&&al et Secteurs / General Secretariat and Sectors / Secretaria GeneraI y Sectores Services de la Conf&ence / Services ofthe Conference / Servicios de la Confkrencia ************ Symboles utilisb - Symbols used - Simbolos utilizados c : Chef de delkgation - Head of Delegation - Jefe de delegacidn CA : Chef adjoint - Deputy Head - Subjefe D : Deltgut - Delegate - Delegado A : Conseiller - Adviser - Asesor 0 : Observateur - Observer - Observador M:\CMR97UTFIN.\L Dot 10.i2.97 17.12.97

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Page 1: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem



19 dhcembre 1997

GENkVE, 27 O C T O B R E - 21 NOVEMBRE 1997



Cette liste comprend les sections suivantes - This list includes the following sections -Esta lista comprende las secciones siguientes











Administrations /Administrations I Administraciones

Nations Unies et ses institutions spkcialist5es ! United Nations and its Specialized Agencies INaciones Unidas y sus Organismos Especiahzados

Organisations regionales et autres organisations internationales /Regional and other International Organizations /Organizaciones Regionaks y otras Organizaciones Internacionales

Organisations intergouvemementales exploitant des systknes & satellites /Intergovernmental Organizations Operating Satellite Systems 1Organizaciones Intergubemamentales que explotan Sistemas de Sat6lite

Autres / Others / Otros

Membres du ComitC du Reglement des radiocommunications /Members of the Radio Regulations Board /Miembros de la Junta de1 Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones

Fonctionnaires Clus / Elected O&iaZs / Funcionarios de Election

Secritariat de la Conference / Secretariat of the Conference / SecretarIa de la Conferencia

Secretariat g&&al et Secteurs / General Secretariat and Sectors /Secretaria GeneraI y Sectores

Services de la Conf&ence / Services ofthe Conference / Servicios de la Confkrencia************

Symboles utilisb - Symbols used - Simbolos utilizados

c : Chef de delkgation - Head of Delegation - Jefe de delegacidnCA : Chef adjoint - Deputy Head - SubjefeD : Deltgut - Delegate - DelegadoA : Conseiller - Adviser - Asesor0 : Observateur - Observer - Observador

M:\CMR97UTFIN.\L Dot 10.i2.97 17.12.97

Page 2: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem

Ref: CMR-97 (17.12.97 13:16:26



ALB Albanie (Rt!publique d’) - Albania (Republic of) - Albania CRepQblica de)

CA M. CUMANI Besnilc A M. LLAGAMI BedarDirector, RadimtnmuaicationDirectorate

~irec;Network Planning

State Department of Posts and Albanian Mobile CommunicationsTelecommunications42, Myslym shyri Street

Rruge Gjerg3 Legisi

TIRANA ZATel : +355 42 32131 Tel: + 355 4235448

kil:+355 42 33772 Fax: +355 [email protected]

ALG Algdrie (Rhpublique algkrlenae dhountique d pop&ire) - Algeria (People’s Demoantic Republicor) - Argeua (Reptibliea Argeuaa -tica y Popular)



M. HADJ ZOUBlR RachidChef de CabiiMhiSt&CdC!SpOStCSCttaCcommunications16,boulcvardKrimB&accm16000 ALGERTel: +213 2734700/2731000Fax: +213 2747340


M. OUHADJ MahiddineClmgk d’&udes et de synthheMiIliSthC&SpOStCSCtmummunications16, boulevard Krim Belkacem16000 ALGJZRTel: +213 2 711220Fax: +213 2 734724

Mlle AMRANI Radia


Dsous-Minis&e de l’inticur etde l’cnviro-tALGERTel: +213 2 732543Fax: +213 2 641076


de I’enviroMementALGER

M. HAh+lOUIAh&F&4t6IccomnnmicatOIlS16,boulcvardKrimBdkacem16m ALGERTel: +213 2 711220


Mini&c de l’intkrieur etde I’cnviro~tAL.GERTel: +213 2 732340Fax: +213 2 641076

M. BELGHIT AhnrdsousdirecteurMilliStkltdespstesttdl~mmunications16, boulevard Kritn Belkacem16000 ALGERTel: +213 2 711220/544715Fax: +213 2 719246

Page 1

Page 3: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem

ALG Algkrie (R4publique algtienne dhnocratique et pop&ire) - Algeria (People’s Democratic Republicof) - Argelia (Reptiblica Argelina Democrhtica y Popular)







Mme BENSAID ouardaChef de dbpartcment, TDAMinist&re de la communication

D M. BENZERGA AissaChef de d@rtementMinisthe de l’inttieur etde I’environnementALGER

ALGERTel: +213 2 901426/902164FaX: +213 2 901499

M. BOUHAFS TaharDirecteurMilliSthdespoStCSUt&C0mmUIli&ions16. boulevard Krim BelkacunMb00 ALGkRTel: +213 2 711515/740197

M. DJEMATENE SlimaneChef de d+utemcnt, ‘IDAMini&e de la communicatiot~etdelacultureRoute de Bainem Bl. 50Bouzareah CPN 16340ALGERTel: +213 2 941654Fax: +213 2 941339/901444

M. FARAOUN BoualanDirectkrg-des wansniksions nationalesMini&e de l’intbriatr. descollectivitds locales a del’alvirotlnumzntPalais dll GouvemamxuALGERTel: +213 2 366588Fax: +213 2 641076

D M. CHINE HassaChef de d@rtemcntMinisthe des pastes ettelecOmUtUniCationS16. boulevard K.&n BeIkxem16000 ALGER

D M. DJOUDI AliDirUXeW.Minist&re dcs postes ettbl&xmmmications16, boulevard Krim Belkacem16000 ALGER

D M. KALEM MobamulChef de projaMitlWrCdespOWett&commmlications16, boulevard Krim Belkacem16OOOALGER

M. MEHNIMohamedAssistant. Im/ENRsMinis& de la communicationetdelaa&ureRoute de Bainem Bl.50

ttrt%Y CPN m40Tel: +213 2 %X2711/901013Fax: +213 2 605814

M . MESSAOUIMahiddineMinistrecomeillaMission wrmanente d’Alg&ie308,rouiedeLauwle -CH-1293 BELLEVUETel: +213 3 265581

M. MEROUANE AliAssistant, DG/TDAMinis&e de la comtmmicationadelacultureT&diffusion AlgtkieBsOBOW%t%hALGERTel: +213 2 901717Fax: +213 2 901499

D M. MEZAACHE AbdelkrimDirccteur, ENNAMi&sEisEf des transports

Tel: +213 2 538130Fax: +213 2 231187

Fax: +4122 n43049

ALG AlgMe (RCpublique alg&ienne democratique et populaire) - Algeria (People’s Democratic Republicof) - Argelia (Repriblica Argelina Democr&tica y Popular)

D M. NECIB Abdeihamid DChef de d@artement

M. OUARETS BrahimMinis&e des postes et

Directeur. .1#1&~

Minist&e des pastes et

Page 4: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem

ALG A1gk-k (Rkpubtique alghienne dkmocratique et populaire) - Algeria (People’s Democratic Republicof) - Argelia (Reptiblica Argelina Democrhtica y Popular)

D M. NECIB Abdelhamid DChef de d@rtement

M. OUARETS BrahimDirecteur

Minist&e des postes ettelecommunications

Minis&e des postes ettt%commun.ications

16. boulevard Krim Belkacem16000 ALGER

16, boulevard Krim Belkacem16000 ALGER

Tel: +213 2 8526901851442 Tel : +213 2 71122OI523303Fax: +213 2 719246

D M. OUMANE Mohamed A.Chef, Service radiomaritimeMinis&e des transportsALGER

D Allemagne @publique W&ale d’) - Germuny (Federal Republic of) - Alemania (RepCblica Federal de)

C M. GEORGE EberhardHead of Section, InternationalFrequency Mangement MattersBundesministeriurn fiir Postund TelekommunikationPostfach 8001D-53105 BONNTel: +49 228 143130g& +49 228 146313

eberha&[email protected]

CA M. LANDGRAF HerbertActing Head of SectionFixed and Satellite ServicesBun-terium far Postund Telekommun&tionPostfacll8001D-53 105 BONNTel: +49 228 143119Fax: +49 228 146315




M. LIEBLERReiiHead of Section, Jntemational

iii3zzAtiffEst undTelekonmm&ationPostfach 8001D-55003 MAIN2Tel: +49 613 1183110Fax: +49 613 1185604E&l: [email protected]

M. STRJCKJoachimS.Assistant HeadJntemational FrequenqManagement MattersFederal Ministry of Posts andTelecommunicationsP-0. Box 8001D-531003 BONNTel: +49 228 143131Fax: +49 228 146313Email: jo&[email protected]



M. MAEGELE ManfredHead, Broadcast@

iYlixzzk~~TelekonwuniLation21, CanisiusstmsxD-55122 MAJNZ;$ +49 6131 183130

+49 6131 185614EtUdl: [email protected]

M. ARRASMarioBu&esamtftirPostundTelekommunikation21, CanisiusstrasseD-55 122 MAJNZTd: +49 61 31183415FaX +49 613118504

M. BGETCHER SvenDiil. JngenieurZweitcs Darts&es FemsehenP.O. Box 4040D-55 100 MAINZTel: +49 6131 703011Fax: +49 6131 703013Email: [email protected]

D M. BGRNEMANN BemdSatellite FrequencyCOOrdiMtiOnBundesamt fiir Post undTelekommumkation21. CanisiusstrasseD-35 122 M?&ZTel: +49 6131 183194;z: +49 6131 185614


Page 3

- -

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D Allemagne (Rbpublique f&kale d’) - Germany (Federal Republic of) - Alemania (ReptWica F&v-al de)

M. BUSSE PeterMaritime , Mobile AffairsBundesministcrium fiir Post undTelekommu&ation _P.O. Box 8001D-53 105 BONNTel: +49 228 143123Fax: +49 228 146312

D M. DIBBERN JcchenHead, MeasSection

urement Technology

Deutscher WetterdienstP.O. Box 100465D-63004 OFFENBACHTel: +49 69 80622841Fax: +49 69 8004201Email: [email protected]

M. DOSCH ChristophizhManagcr, Collaborative

Institut fiir RundfunhechnikGmbh (IRT)60, FlorianmuehlstrasseD-80939 MUNICHTel: +49 89 32399349&,: +49 89 32399354

[email protected]

D M. DREIS MarkusFrequency ManagementIntemational AffairsBundcsamt fiir Post undTelekommu&ation21, CanisiusstrasseD-55122 MAINZTel: +49 6131 183116

+49 6131 185604

M. EDELMANN BeamoFederal Art& ForcesCommunications and Infon.ustionsystemsoffice7 5 , Miinstereifdermasse ’D-53359 RHEINBACHTel: +49 2226 82491p& +49 2226 82489


D M. ENGELBRECHT Karl-HeinzExpertNATOC3S/FMBBlvd Leopuld IIIEl 110 BRUSSELSTel: +32 2 7075619p-Y& +32 2 7075834


M. HAECKELHubcrtLieutenant Colonel, GEAFMinistry of D&xxArmd Forces Staff iv.8Frequenq PolicyP.O. Box 1328D-53003 BONNTel: +49 228 123032Fax: +49 228 12%34

M. HINZ WernerSenior AdviserSaechsischeLandesmedienanstdtPostfxh 100506D-01075 DRESDENTel: +49 351 8140411k: +49 3518u20523

101610.31 [email protected]

M. HAUNREITER HelmutDeat-Tech&cite D i i o n40,Raduber - 1D-50968 KGiI?-NTel: +49 2213454000Fax: +49 2213454810

M. HOFMANN Hans-PeterMission pcrmanente d’Allcmagne27c, chemin du Pait SacmnexCH-1209 GENEVETel: +4122 7332255

M. JACOB TorstcnHead of Fqueucy Management

Tel: +49 69 80541530;z,: +49 69 80541595


D ~~U8CJ8CN’olfgang

Hydrographic Agency (BSH)78, Bernhard-No&t-&r.D-20359 HAMBURGTel: +49 40 31907314Fax: +49 40 31905003


Page 4

Page 6: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem

D Allemagne (Republique fed&ale d’) - Germany (Federal Republic of)- Alemaaia (Reptiblica Federal de)

D M. KUSSMANN Horst DHead of DivisionStandardizationDeutsche Telekom AGZentrum fiir Rundfuttk undAudiovision3, Am KavalleriesandP.O. Box loo003

D-64276 DARMSTADTTel: +49 6151 833420Fax: +49 6151 838709Email: [email protected]


Landesanstalt fiir dasRtmdfunkwesen Saarbmd4. KarcherstraSe .!D$” 119 S AARBRUCKEN

I=::+49 6813898811+49 681 3898820

Email: [email protected]

bI. LOUVET BenoitF‘requency Coordination

IepartmentlUROPE*STAR7-89, Math&Brueggen Str.;;;0829 COLOGNE

+33 5 611954795x: +33 5 61195088:mai1: [email protected]

D M. NlTSCHKEJiirgen D

21. CanisitwrasseFe;5122 MAINZ

F&i:+49 6131 3040+49 61315604

Email: jurgen.nitSdlk@~t.~

D M&Ass LutzD

Permanem Mission of GCTfnW27~. chemin du pait-~nr.teXCH-1209 GENEVETel: +4122 7301266Fax: +4122 7301295


60, FloripnsmiihlstrasseD-80939 MifNCHENTel: +4g 89 32399330Fax: +49 89 32399354

D M. sCHULTE-HJLLEN Jiirgen DDirectorEUROPE*STARGeselHchaft fur SatellitenKoosion mbH

Tel: +49 221 5970020Fax: +49 2215970099

M . MUTJNELLI AlfredFrequency ManagementTechnologiezentrumDeutsche Telekom AGAbt. EK14Postfach lOooO3,D-64276 DARMSTADTTel: +49 6151 832468Fart: +49 6151 834859Email: [email protected]

M. OLTMANN Jan-Hendrik

Fart: +49 2619819156Email: [email protected]

M. REI’IZ VolkerIkuts&e Telekom AG- _-~~Tecbnologie=n~3, Am KavalleridD-64295 DARMSTADTTel: +49 6151 832468Fax: +49 6151834859Et&: &@tz.d .tdekom .de

kamrnission~-- - - Radio&TV

h4~3C~,OLZHorstDews&e Welle ID-50588 CF4sTel:Fax: +49 2:Email: 10053(

iNE21389322121 [email protected]

M. SCHULLER JiirgenSaechsische Landesansmu fir;r;.en~dfunk und

k-$x&S~Tel: +49 351 814040Fax: t49 351 8020523Email: [email protected]

Page 5

Page 7: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem

D Alkmagne (Republique f&i&ale d’) - Germany (Federal Republic of) - Alemauia (Reptiblica Federal de)





Mtue SCHGNFELDER Edith DBu&mnt fiir Post uudTelekommunikation2 1, CanisiuSstrasSe:;;5122 MAINZ

Fax::+49 6131 187016+49 6131 185612

Email: cdith.schocnfelder@b~t.de

M. THALER Hans-Joerg DSiemem AG OEN MB 235 I, Ho-trasseD-81359 MUNCHENTel: +49 89 72241167Fax: +49 89 72262366Email: [email protected]

M. TANDLER DieterDASAIEVEI2, KriernhildstrasseD-64668 RIMBACHTel: +49 6253 7116Fax: +49 6253 8304


Tel: +49 2215970020Fax: +49 221597oo90

M. WOLKO Band-Dieta

gtgizzsrBundcmt~~mundTelekm21. CanisiusstmseD-55122 MAINZTel: +49 6131 183111Fax: +49 6131 185604


M. TRAUTMANN EberhardNATOFrequency Management BranchC3S, Bd Leopold IIIB- 1110 BRUSSELSTel: +32 2 7075618Fax: +32 2 7075834ElIAl: [email protected]

M. WOLF Horst E. G.Rohde and Scbwarz FIX GmbH168. w-om;$557 BERLIN

F;:+49 30 65891150+49 30 65550221

l%Uil: hmst.Wolf%[email protected]

M. DILGERPeterDiif IntenultidBusiness RelatkmsRohdc and SchwarzMiihldorf Str. 15;I-;1621 MirNCHEN

Fax::+49 89 41292624+49 89 41293662

AND Am&me (Prindpauth d’) - Andorra (l%-ind@t~ 4 - Andorra (Riaeipedo &I

CA ;,.szNTm Xavier, rammission


Avenida Meridxell110 ANDORRA LA VELLATel: +376 875108Fax: +376 864274Email: xjm.ad

AGL Angola (IUpublique d’) - Angola (Republic ol) - Angola (Rephblica de)

D M. ALVES SARAIVA Jo&Chefe do Gabii & Estudio~e ProjeztosRadio Nationale d’Ang?la$ef;i~rnandane Gtka

Tel: +244 2 323172Fax: +244 2 321638

Page 6


Page 8: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem

ARS Arabie saoudite (Royaume d’) - Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) - Arabia Saudita (Reino de)



M. MULLA Mohammed J.A.Deputy Minister forEngineering AffairsMinistry of II-TRIYADH 11112Tel: +%6 14677700Fax: +%6 14031430

M. AL-SHANKITI Habeeb K.Director General,Radio Frequency SpectrumMinistry of F’-ITRIYADH 11112Tel: +966 14531033Fax: +966 14531289

M. AL-ATAR Ibrahim A.C,ycation Division

Ministry of Defence andAviationP.O. Box 27551RIYADH 11427Tel: +%6 14776000Fax: +%6 14020204

M. ALAYED KhalidF-Y M-mMinistryofDefenceandAviationRIYADH 11462Tel: +%6 14769777Fax: +%6 147644596

M. AL-DEHAIh4 YousefEn&=, -q-w DepartmentEnsineeringAffairsMinimy of InformationP.O. Box 61718RIYADH 11575Tel: +%6 14041692Fax: +%6 14041692

M. AL-HARBI NasserCommunication officerMinistry of Defence andAviationP.O. Box 7843

!EADH lM2Fan

+966 147moom9o+966 1478960013515




M. AL-BASHEER Sami B.Director GeneralIuteruational AffairsMinistry of PTTRIYADH 11112Tel: +%6 14637100Fax: +%6 I 4032048

M. AL-AMRI Khalid 0.Presidendy of Civil AviationP.O. Box 15441JEDDAH 21444Tel: +96626933813/6717717






M. ALAYAR MohammedNational GuardRIYADHTel: +%6 12515708Fax: +%6 12515273

D M. AL-AYYADHI AbdulrchmmNationrlt3UtU-dRIYADHTel: +966 12515252Fax: +%6 1 2515173

D M. AL-HARBIEissa~ini.s& of Defcnce and

P.O. Box 86562RIYADH 11632Tel: +966 14789949126716%8Fax: +966 14034453

D M. AL-KHAMASH Saleh M.MinistryofDefalceandAviationP.O. Box 7843RIYADH 11462Tel: +%6 14900917Fax: +%6 2 27240342

M. ALMEHAIMEED AbdullahDirector, Frequency DepartmentMinisttyofPlTMllISdatRNADH 11652Tel: +%6 14531033Fax: +%6 14531289

D M: ALMODDHI NasserhussaingAyHo’ PI-I-Tel: +966 I 4503833

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Page 9: UNION INTERNATIONALE DES T6LlkOMMUNICATIONS CMR …16, boulevard Krim Belkacem 16000 ALGER D M. KALEM Mobamul Chef de proja MitlWrCdespOWet t&commmlications 16, boulevard Krim Belkacem

ARS Arabie saoudite (Royaume d’) - Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) - Arabia Saudita (R&o de)






M. AL-MORSHED IbrahimEngineerMinistry of the InteriorGDTAP.O. Box 59298RIYADH 11525Tel: +%6 14300786;z: +%6 14300358

[email protected]


M. AL-SAMNAN Suleiman A.Director of EngineeringAffairsMinistry of InformationP.O. Box 61718RIYADH 11575Tel: +966 14425170Fax: +966 14041692

M. ALSHAROUD MohammedFrequency OfficerMinistry of Defence andAviationRIYADH 11462Tel: +966 14020462/4789CW

M. AL-OTAIBI Nasser G.Telecommunications EngineerMinistry of the InteriorGeneral Department ofTele-communicationsP.O. Box 1625RIYADH 11441Tel: +%6 14544105Fax: +%6 14622121

M. ALSHAHRI ShakerCommunications EngineerMinistry of the InteriorP.O. Box 2833RIYADH 11461Tel : +%6 14562666

M. AL-ZAKRI Ibrahim S.Tdecomrmmications Engineer

EZZcof. .Ministry of the InteriorP.O. Box 1625RIYADH 11441Tel: +%6 14822067Fax: +%6 14627736


M. ALTHEIAB AbdulazizCommunications EngineerMinistry of the InteriorP.O. Box 26220RIYADH 11486Tel: +966 I 4558024Fax: +966 14558241

M. HABISsamiSuptrvisorMain Communication CenterMeteorological audEnvironrmrtal Protection. .Adrrrrmsaau ‘onP.O. Box 1358JEDDAH 21431Tel: +%6 2 6530624FaX +%6 2 6511424

M. MARIAhmedMinistryofPITRIYADH 11112Tel: +%6 14503833


ARG Argentine Wpublique) - Argentine Republic - Arge&ina (Reptiblica)

C M. ROMERO Luis CA M. LOPEZ Pablo H.Gxente de IngexiieriaComisi6n National

Jefe de Departamento

de ComunicacionesCcordinador Gcia IngenierfaComisi6n National

Fktll 103 - 14O de ComunicacionesBUENOS AIRES 1067 Perd 103 - 14OTel: +5413479481 BUENOS AIRES 1067Fax: +5413479481 Tel: +5413479481

&A: + 54 1 3479624plope*nc.gov.ar

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ARC Argentine (Republique) - Argentine Republic -

CA M. MASCIOTRA Juan A.Jefe Departamento, ServiciosEspacialesComisih National deComunicacionesPerri 103 - 14OBUENOS AIRES 1067Tel: +541 3479444Fax: + 54 I 3479624Email: [email protected]

D M. GARDELLA JulihnJefe Depto Planificahhde RadiocomunicacionesComisi6n Nationalde ComunicacionesPelli 103 - 14OBUENOS AIRES 1067Tel : +541 3479631El: + 541 347%24

[email protected]

D M. STOROZENKO JorgeProfesional SuperiorComisi6n Nationalde ComunicacionesPek 103 - 14OBUENOS AIRES 1067Tel: +541347%50g.& +541347%24


A M. BELTRITTI Juan I.hfecto MayorPrefectura Naval Argentine235. av. E. Ma&mBUl?NOS AIRESTel: +541 3187626Fax: +5413142876

A M. CABRAL Oscar D.Capith de fragata“,“=do de operaciones

SIC0 of. 12-52comodoro PY 2055BUENOS AIRES 1104Tel: +5413172375/3172038Fax: +5413172012

A M. GONZALEZ Roberto AlejandroJefe Planificaci6aestratkgicaTelefchica de ArgentinaAvenida C6rdoba 1690PisoBUENOS AIRESTel: +541 8194014Fax: +541 8194127Email: [email protected]

Argentina (Reptiblica)

D Mme BARL& Maria In&Ingeniero de Planeamientode RadiocomunicacionesComisi6n Nationalde ComunicacionesPeti 103 - 14OBUENOS AIRES 1067Tel: + 54 1 3479635Fax: +5413479624Ernail: [email protected]

D M. GONZALEZ Oscar M.$2;;; -A;#entina

BUENOS AIRES 1017Tel: +541 8128851Fax: +541 8135185

A M. ASSAAD Te&ilo E.J&cm de. .&-&Ap*@j$*BtiN& AIRES 1104Tel: +541 3118178/2437271Fax: +541 3128240

A M. BUSTOS RodolfoPreside&Latin Trade Satellite S. A.UTJ+T)

RmT-656-70 .TB ENOSAIREs1003Tel: +5413127740p& +5413127797


A M. GABELLGNI Eduardog-?~&~=Telef6niczl kg&a

2E% a&s 1049Tel: + 541332 2048/92/93Fan: +5413455771E&l: [email protected]

A M. MARlANI Rafaellngeniero de EquipoComisih National deactivid&s espaciaks(CONAE)Av. Paseo Col6n 751BUENOS AIRES 1063Tel: +541 3310074&&: +541 3310189

[email protected]

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ARC Argentine (Rkpublique) - Argentine Republic - Argentina (Repiiblica)

A M. MOURIfiO Ricardo M. PIZZI Jose L.Ingeuiero Estrategia Prefectura Naval ArgentinaTecnol6gica Tel: +541 318763217449974Telecom de Argentina Fax: +541 3142876Alicia Moreau de Just0 50BUENOS AIRESTel: +54180235%Fax: +541%83158

Mme TOSONO’ITI Maria C.Primer SecretarioMisi6n permanente de laReptiblica argentina10, route de 1’AhportC.P. 536CH-1215 GENEVE 15Tel: +41 22 9298600Fax: +4l 22 7985595

ARM h-mhie (Rkpublique d’) - Armenia (Republic of) - Afmenia (R&blica de)

CA M. HAYRAPWAN AshotDeputy MinisterMinistry of Telecommunications28, Nalbandyan !h-cctYEREVAN 375002Tel: +374 2 526632Fax: +374 2 151446

D M. BARSEGHYAN BabkenMinistry of Telecommunications28, Nalbaudyan StreetYEREVAN 375002Tel: +374 2 554942Fax: +374 2 151850

AUS Australie - Austrah - Austrah




M. HARTLEY DavidAwtrahm hnmunicationsAuthorityP.O. Box 78BELCONNEN ACT 2616Tel: +612 62565340p-Y& +612 62532424

dha&[email protected]


M. ASHMAN AlanAssistant Manager~~~~tiLiaison

lLlXIlkCSiOllSAuthorityP.O. Box 78BELCONNEN ACT 2616Tel: +612 62565455Fax: +612 62532424Email: a&[email protected]

M. MCGILL PhilipManager, htemational LiaisonAustralian GxmnunicationsAuthoritvP.O. Box 78BELCONNEN ACT 2617Tel: +612 62565335Fax: +61 2 62532424



Email: p&gil@MCZL8OV .au

M. I SMITH RogerSe~.~e~.~~eu&tve Myer

mmulllcat10nsAuthorityP.O. Box 78BELCONNEN ACT 2617Tel: +612 62565105Zl: +612 62565499

[email protected]

M. HUTCHINS GeoffManager, Spectrum PlanningAustralian CommunicationsAuthorityP.O. Box 78FZLCONNEN ACT 2616

F::+61 2 62565284+61 2 62565256

Email: [email protected]

M. ABEYARATNE AnandaSenior EngineerAustralian CommunicationsAuthorityP.O. Box 78BELCONNEN ACT 2616Tel: +61 2 62565454Fax: +61 2 62532424Email: [email protected]

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AUS Anstralie - Australia - Australia







M. BARTON RichardDeputy General ManagerFederation of AustralianCommercial Televisionstations44 Avenue RoadNEW SOUTH WALES 2088Tel: +61 2 89602622

k&l:+61 2 [email protected]

M. COOPER PaulIridium South PacificP.O. Box 568ROBINA QLD 226Tel: +61 7 55788348Fax: +6l 7 55788349

Mrne HARDY JaneDirector, Satellite PolicyTelecommunications JndustryDivisionDepartmint of CommtmkationsandtheArt.9G.P.O. Box 2154CANBERRA ACT 2600Tel: +61 2 62791559Fax: +61 2 62791555EllUil: [email protected]

M. JADEJA DilipExecutive Managerf&ate& Policy and FlatmingTechnology Strategy and DevlptAustralian BroadcastingCorporationG.P.O. Box 9994SYDNEY NSW 2001Tel: +61 2 93335248p& +612 93335439

[email protected]

M. NATOLJ PeterManager, Radio SpectrumTelstra Corporation25/242, Exhibition StreetMELBOURNE VIC 3000Td: +613 96348751.Fax: +613 96702563Eld: [email protected]

M . PRINSHendrikconsllltalltAsia SpaceP.O. box 330JAMISON ACT 2614Tel: +6l 2 62517771;g-.& +6l 2 62517770

[email protected]







M. BEARD JohnSupervising EngineerSatellite ActivitiesBureau of MeteorologyG.P.O. Box 1289KMELBOURNE VIC 3001Tel: +61 3 96694147Fax: +61 3 96694168Email: [email protected]

M. DE SOYZA AnnesleySpectrum ManagerAir Services AustraliaG.P.O. Box 367CANBERRA ACT 2607Tel: +61 6 2684721g$: +61 6 2685191

[email protected]

M. JACOBSEN Richard%y&Di=torP.O. Box 4350KINGSTON ACT 2604Tel: +616 2017989Fax: +616 2017808Email: [email protected]

M. MCDONALD BillconsultantAustraBanCommunicationsAuthorityBenjamin OfficesBELCONNEN ACT 2614Tel: +614 14207004g.f& +612 94273988

[email protected]

M. O’SHANNASSY BernardManagaGovernmen t RelationsMotorola Australia6, Caribbean DriveSCORESBY 3 130Tel: +61 3 92137564Fax: +61 3 92137511EIMil: [email protected]

M. RICHES BrianManager PolicyAustralian Search and RescueAustralian Maritime SafetyAuthorityP.O. Box 2181;;NBERRA CITY ACT 2601

Fax:+61 2 62795740+ 6 1 2 62795757

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AUS Australie - Australia - Australia

D M. VAN DER WAL EricFirst SecretaryPermanent Mission of Australia56, rue MoillebeauCH-1209 GENEVETel: +41 22 9182900Fax: +41 22 7336586

AUT Autriche - Austria - Austria

D M. WARDLAW DavidCoordinator IntemationalRegulatory AffairsWIA68 1, Burke RoadCAMBERWELL VIC 3104Tel: +61 3 98822370


Fax: +61 3 98821021Email: [email protected]

M. WHJTEOAK JohnDeputy DirectorAustralia TelescopeNational FacilityVimiera and Pembroke RoadMARSFIELD NSWTel: +612 93724110Fax: +612 93724310Email: [email protected]

A M. DEACON ChrisMax&q DirectorDeacon Communications Pty Ltd.

-2OL36, Shackleton CuMAWSON ACI’ 2607Tel: +612 62861573Fax: +612 62868090Email: [email protected]

A Mlle KOPPE SonyascmldsecretaryPermanent Mission of Australia56, rue de MoillebeauCH- 1209 GENEVETel: +4122 9182959Fax: +4122 7336586

C M. LETTNERGerdMilliStdalratFederal Ministry for Scienceand TransportP.O. Box 127A-l 103 WIENTel: +43 1797 314200Fax: +43 1797 314209

D M. VIPGND J.A.Manager, Spectrum PlanningOptus Communicationsp:o. Box 1SYDNEY NSW 2059T e l : +61 2 93427819;g&: +61 2 93427766

[email protected]

D M. WARDLE GeorgeDefence Spectrum ManagerDeDaltmellt of DefenceM-‘SB-10CANBERRA ACT 2600Tel : +61 2 62650526;g$l: +61 2 62650517


A M. BUTLER Richard E.Policy Adviser40, Ban-&ton AvenueKEW VIC 3101Tel: +613 98174231El: +61 3 48174231

[email protected]

A M. EDWARDSMark. .~~gggz30, Herschel1 cctFLYNN ACT 2615Tel: +612 62592826Zl: +612 62599050

[email protected]

CA M. BUCHER HelmutZentralinspektorFrequeacy OfficeFederal Ministry for Scienceand TransportP.O. Box 79A-l 103 WIENTel: +43 1797 315281Fax: +43 1797 315219Email: helmut . bucher@bmv . gv . at

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AUT Autriche - Austria - Austria

CA M. WAXENEGGER HerbertAmtsdirektorFederal Ministry for Scienceand TransportP.O. Box 1277, KelsenstrasseA-l 103 WIENTel: +43 1797 314211Fax: +43 1797 314209Email: [email protected]

M. BINDER OdoMajorMinistry of DefenceStarhemberg Kaseme45, GussriegelstrasseA- 1102 WIENTel: +43 1 60167320Fax: +43 1 60167360

M. PELZMANN MartinPost und Telckom AustriaFemmelde~eszentralamt22, Arsenal Obj.A- 1030 WIENTel: +43 1797 112141;g& +43 1797 112103



W-A-i 136 WIEf!Tel: +43 1878 782629p-Y&: +43 1878 782773

[email protected]

D M. BERGER JosefHead, Frequency andCoverage PlanningGesterreichischer Rundfunk30, wllelzbtuggasseA-1136 WIENTel: +43 1878 782614Fax: +43 1878 782773

D M. LANG ReinhartOesterreichischer Rundfunk30, WuetzburggasseA-1136 WIENTel: +43 1878 782676g$: +43 1878 782773

[email protected]

D M. PREISSLER PeterColonelFafrmation Technologie

Ministry of DefatceyyaM&~f

-;$: +43 1515 9525306

+43 1515 9517050

BAH Bahamas (Coamonweakb de@ - Bahamas Ommonwealtb of the) - Bahamas (Commonwealth de las)

C M. ADDERLEY Leonard C A M . HALXITISJohnAssistant General ManagerOGM

Staff EngineerBahamas Telccommunlcatlons

Bahamas Telecomnnmications CorporationCorporation P.O. Box N304821 JFK Drive NASSAUP.O. Box N3048 Tel: +242 3235759NASSAU + 242 3267474Td: +242 3234911

p-Y&: tKilkitiS@b&dnet.bFax: +242 3267474Em& [email protected]

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BHR Bahrem @at de) - BaItrain (State of) - Bake@ (Estado de)

CA M . AL-THAWADI AbdullaDirector, Directorate ofWireless, Licensing,Frequency. and MonitoringMinistry of Cabinet Affairsand InformationP.O. Box 28282MANAMATel: +973 715111Fax: +973 715030

CA M. GHAZWAN JameelSenior TelecommunicationsEngineerTelecommunications’DirectorateMinistry of TransportationP.O. Box 11170MANAMATel: +973 5234231641903Fax: 4-973 533S44

D M. ABUL FATEH Ali DTelecom EngineerTelecom BureauP.O. Box 26831MANAMATel: +973 727007Fax: +973 723393

M. ALKHALAF A. Rasool K.Radio Systems EngineerMinistry of TransportationP.O. Box 11170MANAMATel: +973 883787Fax: +973 261047Ema& [email protected]

BGD play) (Rkpublique populaire du) - Bangladesh (People’s Republic of) - Bangladesh (Repiiblica

C M, HUSAIN A.N.F. CA M. ISLAM 8hafiaul

Telejogajog Bhaban;7&yonGarden

Tel: +880 11854563Fax: +880 2 866038EUJilil: apu@cittxhcanet

Telejogajog Bhaban37E, Ekkaton GardenDHAKA loo0Tel: +880 2 834277Fax: +880 2 866038

BLR B&rus (Republique aU) - Belarus (Republic of) - Belank (Reptiblica de)

C M. BUDAI Anatoly C A M . NICONOVVictorFii Deputy Minister chiefMinistryofPoatsandTelecommunications

~Supervi~ryDepamnentfor Telecommunication

10. Skaryna Avenue220050 MINSK

22. Engels Street220830 MINSK

Tel: +375 172 2738611560814 Tel: +375 172 272572Fax: +375 172 260&48 g&: + 375 172 224783

[email protected]

D M. MOSTOVIK Aleksandr Dsenior Engineer Depart. of


Television, Radiocwmuni-Expen

cations and RadiobroadcastingMinistry of Posts andTelecommunications


10. Skaryna Avenue220050 MINSK

10,8karyna Avenue Tel: +375 172311435/318470220050 MINSK +375 1723114351318470Tel: +375 172 27059OJ261592 Eiil:Fax: +375 172 260848

[email protected]

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BLR B6larus Wpublique du) - Belarus (Republic of) - Bdanis (Republica de)

A M. BORUSHKO Grigory Asemd*retary

M. IVANOU AlegAdviser

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Permanent Mission of thethe Republic of BelarusMFA, Lenin 19

Republic of Belarus15, avenue de la Paix

220200 MINSK CH- 1202 GENEVETel : +375 172222659 Tel: +41 22 7343844Fax: +375 172274521 Fax: +41 22 7343844

A M. KOUZMA Victor AExpert of State Commission forFrequency Allocation, EMCQWStiOllSMinistry of Posts andTelecommunications10, Skaryna Avenue220050 MINSKTel: +3'S 172299814Em&: +375 172260038

[email protected]@itu.ch

BEL Bdgique - Belgium - B&lea




M. BAERT FreddyA-Institut bdge des servicespostauxu~tilecommuniications14. avenue de 1’AatronomleB.P. 21B-1210 BRUKELLESTel: +3222268899g&: +32 2 2231128

[email protected]

M. DUCHEYNE GinoIngdnieur-ConseillerInstitut belge des servicespostaux~~td&OlIlUUlications14. avenue de 1’AstronomieB.P. 2151210 BRUKELLESTel: +3222268818p.& +3222268882

[email protected]

M. VANDROOGENBROEK Michaellng&liaK-erlmtitut beige des servicesr””

&ommumcations14. avenue de 1’AstronomleB.P. 21El210 BRUKELLESTel: +32 2 2268811Fax: +3222268882Email: [email protected]

M. YANUSHKOVSKY ValeryEMC ConsultantMinistrv of Posts and

10, Skaryna Avenue220050 MINSKTel: +375 172 299195Fax: +375 172260038

C A &.A.&ELefly Philippe

hstitut beige dea servicesg-e6ummnmlcaticms14. avenue de 1’AammomieB.P. 21El210 BRUKELLESTel: +32 2 268851.k: +322268803

[email protected]

CA ?!tilzFYRo~hstitut bdge des servicespostauxed=t&eommtmications14. avenue de I’AstmnomieB.P. 21El210 BRIJKELLESTel: +3222268813Fax: +3222268882

D M. BLAMPAIN OlivierF-ManagaBelgaoOm177, boulevard E. JacqmainB- 1030 BRUKELLESTel: +3222028433Fax: +3222029487Email: [email protected]

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BEL Belglque - Belgium - B&l&a

M. DAELE RolandMod Narfa BelgiumMinistry of DefaceNarfa BelgiumJSI-TI/NarfaQuartier Reine ElizabethRue d’EvereB- 1140 BRUXELLESTel: +32 2 7013503Fax: ,+32 2 7016698

M. HOLVOET JohauMajorMinis&e de la dtfcnseuationaleNarfa BelgiumOuartier Reine ElizabethRue d’EvereB-l 140 BRUXELLESTel: +32 2 7013624Fax: +32 2 7016698EIMiI: Crmel@tUil.~ba

M. STGUTEN PhilipEngineer AdviserRadio Marltime Scrvicca6, PerronstraatB-84OOOSI’ENDETel: +32 59 551711Fax: +32 59 551729


!i!iZiZe van de Vlamue

wafdding Media

Tel: +32 2 5016808Fax: +32 2 5016816

M. VINCKMarcPremiersec~Mission pammen& de Bdgique58, rut de MoillebeauCH-1211 GENEVE 19Tel: +4122 7304800Fax: +4122 7345079

M. DE WEERDT Alfonsstandards coordinatioIlM=%aAlcatel Bell

~ZZ?ZZPENTel: +32 3 2411905;z: +32 3 2411995

[email protected]

D M. GAUDERIS HugoManager TranstuissietechnologieBRTN52. A. ReyerslaanB- 1043 BRUXELLESTel: +32 2 7415014Em&: +32 2 7415567

[email protected]

D M. SAUVAGE PhilippeMinis&-e de la defensenationaleNarfa Belgiumt&artier Reine ElizabethRue d’EvereB-l 140 BRUXELLESTel: +32 2 7014338Fax: +32 2 7016698Email: [email protected]


E&xTELEcModBe1,EvercstStrcctEl 140 BRUXELLESTel: +32 2 7013154Fax: +32 2 7016698

D M. VANNIEUWENHUYSE GilbertHe.& of Saxionpadi !krviccs

B-8400 OSTENDETel: +32 59 551711Fax: +32 59 551729

A M. ASTORIIUO AntcmioExpert en radkcommunicationsEurocontml%,medclaFus&B- 1130 BRUXELLESTd: +32 2 7293374k: +32 2 7299086

[email protected]

A M. DEWULFAndrdhtitut bdge des servicespostauxetdestd1~mmunications14. avenue de I’ AstronomicB.P. 21B-1210 BRUXELLESTel: +32 16 406685g&: +32 16 406695

[email protected]

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BEL Belgique - Belgium - Bklgica

A M. KONINGS RolandsecrdaireNATO H.Q.C3 Staff (NHQC35)Freq. Mauagemeut Branch (FMB)Autoroute Brussels-ZaventemB- 1110 BRUXELLESTel: +3227075529Fax: +322 7075834

BEN B&tin (Rkpublique du) - Benin (Republic of) -Benin (Reptiblica de)

C M. BATONON Jacques A.Sous-DirectcutR&au national det&cmmuhicatlousofficedespostc3ettA%.mmmuuicatious01 B.P. 5959COTONOUTel: + 229 3 12045/47/2293 13939Fax: +229314942

A M . PELMOINE ChristianExpert en radimmtummicationsEtiKiCoutrol96, rue de la F&eB- 1130 BRUXELLESTel: +322 7293375Fax: +3227299086Email: [email protected]

D M. ADJIGBE S. TimothtkSowDirectcurAffaircs ummercialesofficedesposte-settBeCOrhmunicatiOns01 B.P. 5959COTONOUTel: +229312045/47p-&: +229314942

[email protected]

BJE ~Bosni~.z$oviae Wpublique de) - Boa-da and Herzegovina (Republic of) - Bosnia y H~z,Q@u



M. SKOPLJAK EminDirectorateofTelecommunications2,MusataStnet71ooosARAJEvo


M. KARISIKSlobodau

D Mme RADJOSabahka


22bis,tueIAmaltkCH-1203 GENEVETd: +4122 3458844Fax: +41223458889

A h!I.zu.;&dif

B&H. Authority ofTelecommml&iousSARAJEVOTel: +387 71472657Fax: +38771441248





y+#=$g?e”22bk rue LammineCH-1203 GENEVETel: +4122 3458844Fax: +4122 3458889

M. LAsTAJasakoTdccmmyyicationEngiwy&v=YCg-POfl


M. GUTICMuhauxxlmId.hd.f~ypiIlg Center

Teksxmmmications2, Musala Street71CKKl SARAJEVOTel: +3g771472657Fax: +38771441248

Mm KRlVOSIC AminaTeleconuuunication Eugiueerin Bmnicast DepartmentDirectoratcofTekmmmuuicatlous9, Musala Street71000 SARAJEVOTel: +38771472657Fax: +38771441248

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B B&i1 (Rkpublique fkdhtive du) - Brazil (Federative Republic of) - Brasil (Reptiblica Federativadd)C






M. SA Ronald0*etaryMinistkio das ComuniwEsplauada dos MioMtiosBloc0 R. Ed. Aucxo70044401 BRASILL DFTel: +55 61 3116226Fax: +55 61 2244749Email: [email protected]


M. ALBUQUERQUE Jest P.D&or, Assuntos Regulat6riosInternacionaisTeledesic do BrasilAv. Pres. Juscelino Kubitschck17O andar Conj. 172SAO PAUL.0Tel:Flu: z :: iiE%iE m i l : jose@kle&sic.com


Mm ARAUJO SueIiCoordinatorMinistryofComyynicytions .


Fax::+55 613116928+55 612235229

EtGl: [email protected]

M. BASTOS Gssio A.coo-GuleralBrazilian Space Agency SmEd. Eag. Paul0 MauricioBloc0 J. 5O andar7W40-905 BRASILIA DFTel: +55 613251252Fax: +55 613251256Et&l: [email protected]



M. CEBALLOS DecioProcram Mawzer-BcoNathal Instihk forSpace Reaearcbp:o. Box 51512227-010 S.J. DOS CAMPOSTel: +55 12 3456156Fax: +55 12 3456163Email: [email protected]

Mlle DA SILVA Vania M.Head of DivisionMinistry of CommunicationsEsplaaada dos MinisthiosBloco R, Ed. Anexo70044-901 BRASILIA DFTel : +55 61 3116720Fa.X: +55 61 2248296Email: [email protected]



M. CASTRO NET0 Amadeu de P.Director, Depamxrnt ofPlanning and FrequencyEngineeringMinistry of CommunicationsEsplanada dos Minist&iosBlow R, Ed. Anexo70044-901 BRASILIA DFTel: +55 61 3116890g& +55 61 2244749

[email protected]

M. ALMEIDA Manoel Carlos P.

ri3kzi1012, av. Pmidcntc Vargas150 andar20179-900 RIO DE JANEIROTel: +55 215198825Fax: +55 2151%339Email: [email protected]


iilixzl1012, av. Presidmte Vartws150 andar20179-900 RIO DE JANEIROTel: +5s 215198825p&: +ss 2151%339

[email protected]

M. BIZZMTO Flavioy&agw&ywQ=w551, ma TabarkBloco C. Campo Grtmde04446-000 SAO PAUL0Tel: + 55 11 2474036Fax: +55 112460016Etkl: [email protected]

M. DA COSTA Almir H.Assistant of the SectwryAdministration of FrequenciesMinistry of CommunicationsEsplanada dos MinistkriosBloco R, Ed. Anexo70044-900 BRASILIA DF

M. DA SILVA JUNIOR Julio J.Telecommunications OfficerMinistry of CommunicationsEsplanada dos MinistkriosBlow R, Ed. Anexo70044-900 BRASILIA DFTel: +55 61 3116680Fax: +55 61 2244749Email: [email protected]

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B Brksil (Rtpublique fhdhtive du) - Brazil (Federative Republic of) - Brasil (Reptiblica FederativaWD M. DUARTE Raimundo

Head of DivisionMinistry of CommunicationsEsplanada dos MinisteriosBloco R, Ed. Anexo70044901 BRASILIA DFTel: +55 61 3116878&-.& +55 61 2244749

[email protected]

M. DE ALBUQUERQUE JoseDel&ueMinistry of CommunicationsEsplanada dos Minis&osBloco R, Ed. Anexo70044-901 BRASILIA DFTel: +55 11 55063181Fax: +S5 11 55063208Email : [email protected]

M. JOSE GOUVEA SantosMinist&io das ComunicaccesEsplsnada dos MinisWosBloc R, Anexo BBRASILIATel: +5561 3116630El, +55 61 2244749

[email protected]

M. KRESCHRobertoAssistant to PresidentIRIDIUM Sudamericaz3yW&de Ptraja

RIO DE JANEIROTel: +55215221445&: +55 215222121



M. MARTINS Julio C. DChiefTelccommunicPtion DivisionDEPV~SmadorSd Filho

fizumt%%?%%?LE um1~0Td: +55 212628917/2125263;g& +55212125267


M. KERN Sergio R.EngineerTelebrasSAS-Q.6, Bloco E. 6O andarBRASILIA DFTel: +55614152290Fax: +55 614152806ElIUil: [email protected]

M. MAGLIONE FerdinandoAdviser, International AffairsMinimy of CommunicationsEsplanadados Mini&&isBloco R, Ed. Anexo70044-901 BRASILIA DFTel: +55 61 3116195&& +55612234992f .v.gov.br

M. OKURA MotokazuH=$Frequency SpecaumP&s””


20179-900 RIO DE JANEIROTel: +55215197271k: +55212339598

[email protected]

M. OMI JulioT*gp?&yRodovla Prealde&&tra~~2la-thbicdhdh0~SAO PAUL0Td: +55 1164657145Fax: +55 1164657164Emall: [email protected]

D M. PENA PEREIRA IvanEngineerMinimy of CommtmicatlonsEsplsuada dos MhGst&iosB&o R. Ed. Ancxo70044-901 BRASILIA DFTd: +55613116823p.&: +5S 612248296

[email protected]

I&e PICOT Maria A..!i3iz;!a22 Presidente Vargas

20179-900 RIO DE JANEIROTel: +55 21 5199547Fax: +55 212339598Email: [email protected]

D M. PURFU-NETTO VictorPemwwnt Technical AdviserBrazilian Association ofBroadcasterscaixa Postal 17533 1120-070 BELO HORIZONTE MGTel: +55 312375103.s: +55 312975434

[email protected]

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