tiger team newsbtlionteam.weebly.com/.../tiger_team_newsletter_9_25.pdf · 2018. 8. 31. · tiger...

Term: Fall | Issue 2 | Date: September 25, 2016 Social Studies Tiger Team News Last week, we had a visit from the educational director at the York Historical Society, who shared some history about York and prepped the kids on their upcoming visit to the museums. The students are encouraged to dress up for these two days in an 18th century outfit. You will have the week to get your child's outfit together. Please do not feel like you need to run out and buy items as you probably have something at your house that will do. I shared clothing ideas and sent your child home with a sheet of ideas to share with you. Please review this with your child. The Living History Program is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, October 3 & 4. The students will come to school at the regular time and leave at the regular time, but both days will be spent at the museum. One day will be spend at the wharf, Steedman Woods, the burial ground, and the jail. The second day will be spent at the tavern and the schoolhouse. If you would like to volunteer by taking part in one of the programs that the students will attend at the museum, there will be a training session on Thursday evening from 6:30-7:30. This will be held at the Parsons Center on the corner of Lindsay and York Street. Please contact Tamara Konczal at [email protected] or call her at 363-4974 with any questions you may have. I will be sending home a permission slip in the beginning of the week. We will be walking to and from the school, so I will be looking for volunteers to walk with us. Please

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Page 1: Tiger Team Newsbtlionteam.weebly.com/.../tiger_team_newsletter_9_25.pdf · 2018. 8. 31. · Tiger Team News Last week, we had a visit from the educational director at the York Historical

Term: Fall | Issue 2 | Date: September 25, 2016

Social Studies

Tiger Team News

Last week, we had a visit from the educational director at the York Historical Society, who shared some history about York and prepped the kids on their upcoming visit to the museums. The students are encouraged to dress up for these two days in an 18th century outfit. You will have the week to get your child's outfit together. Please do not feel like you need to run out and buy items as you probably have something at your house that will do. I shared clothing ideas and sent your child home with a sheet of ideas to share with you. Please review this with your child.

The Living History Program is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, October 3 & 4. The students will come to school at the regular time and leave at the regular time, but both days will be spent at the museum. One day will be spend at the wharf, Steedman Woods, the burial ground, and the jail. The second day will be spent at the tavern and the schoolhouse. If you would like to volunteer by taking part in one of the programs that the students will attend at the museum, there will be a training session on Thursday evening from 6:30-7:30. This will be held at the Parsons Center on the corner of Lindsay and York Street. Please contact Tamara Konczal at [email protected] or call her at 363-4974 with any questions you may have. I will be sending home a permission slip in the beginning of the week. We will be walking to and from the school, so I will be looking for volunteers to walk with us. Please

Page 2: Tiger Team Newsbtlionteam.weebly.com/.../tiger_team_newsletter_9_25.pdf · 2018. 8. 31. · Tiger Team News Last week, we had a visit from the educational director at the York Historical

OPEN HOUSEOn Tuesday, Sept em ber 27, YMS w il l be host ing an Open House f rom 5-8 p.m . Your children are invit ed t o t h is event as t hey w il l have t he oppor t unit y t o par t icipat e in a scavenger hunt w it h you. If you would rat her leave your child at hom e, t hat is okay. We hope you can all can m ake it . Mr . Har r is and I are look ing forward t o m eet ing you!

SEE Schedule on last page


indicate on your child?s permission slip if you are interested in walking with us, and I will get back to you with departure times. Also, please make sure your child is dressed in layers and is wearing comfortable shoes.

This week, students will be looking through primary and secondary sources to find information about their 1789 families. Please take some time, maybe over dinner, to ask your child about their families. (Where in town they lived, how many siblings they had, what their father did for a job, was their family wealthy & how do they know, what kind of documents they are using to find evidence of these facts, etc.)

St udent s t ook a pret est in capit al izat ion, and we w il l be st ar t ing w it h t h is unit t h is week. Also, st udent s w rot e a shor t w r it ing piece on 3 t h ings t hat I should know about t hem . They were asked t o keep in m ind organizat ion, idea developm ent , and convent ions. They w il l edit / revise t hese wr it ing pieces on Monday, and t hey w il l be used t o assess what t heir w r it ing needs are at t h is point in t im e.

Page 3: Tiger Team Newsbtlionteam.weebly.com/.../tiger_team_newsletter_9_25.pdf · 2018. 8. 31. · Tiger Team News Last week, we had a visit from the educational director at the York Historical

ScienceScience in 5th Grade!

The first couple of weeks can be very busy with fire drills, required school writing prompts, math Star assessments. Trying to plan a day where we can get a lab lesson in has been a challenge, but we have met the challenge this week! In our unit on Matter, students were asked to explore that concept that particles can be too small to be seen. We were given the task to discover a contaminate in water bottle.

Sam and Jack son strain suspected contaminated w ater onto a microscope sl ide!

Reading In ScienceNext week we will begin some reading in science for homework. Students will be logging into their STEMScopes accounts to retrieve their reading. Log-in directions can be found on my website. I can also print out a hard copy for those who need it. Please take a moment to review this reading with your child by Friday.

As student's refined their designs, the concept of evaporation was used to finally discover which bottle had the contaminate.

Page 4: Tiger Team Newsbtlionteam.weebly.com/.../tiger_team_newsletter_9_25.pdf · 2018. 8. 31. · Tiger Team News Last week, we had a visit from the educational director at the York Historical

We w il l f in ish unit one t h is week w it h quizzes on Tuesday. Please t ake a m om ent t o review t he review packet w it h your child on Monday night . We w il l begin Unit 2 on Wednesday, w it h it 's focus on whole num ber m ult ipl icat ion and

division. St udent s w il l also be int roduced t o t he Singapore m et hod of using "bar " m odels t o help visually see addit ion, subt ract ion, m ult ipl icat ion and division word problem s.

Hom ework :

Your child should be br inging hom e m at h hom ework night ly. I w il l keep m at h hom ework post ed on t he Team Websit e ht t p:/ / bt l iont eam .weebly.com / . Please do not hesit at e t o cont act m e w it h any quest ions. If your child forget s his or her workbook at school or if t hey need t o look at t he m at h t ext book , t hey m ay access it on t he web by follow ing t he l ink provided on t he Mat h and Science hom ework page. All t hey have t o use is t he f ir st par t of t heir log on for t heir Google account , jdoe23, t hen t heir google password. On t he Mat h in Focus sit e, your child can access copies of t heir workbook , t ext book and vir t ual m anipulat ives. There are also chapt er overview videos t hat m ay help you.

Open House Information5t h and 6t h Grade Open HouseTuesday, September 27th, 5:00pm - 7:30pm

- 5:00pm -6:00pm DROP IN for All ied Ar t s (Digit al Cit izenship, Music, Ar t , PE/Wellness), Chorus, Library, Hor izons, and Lit eracy Workshop ONLY

- 6:00pm Pr incipal?s Message in t he Gym- 6:30pm - 7:30pm Open House for each t eam in classroom w ings- Your child m ay accom pany you, but we ask t hat t hey st ay w it h you dur ing

t he Open House sessions, as all our t eachers w il l be present ing t o you, and are unable t o supervise st udent s. 5t h and 6t h Grade Open House