
THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 20 1908 rt New Witness Says He Was With Mrs Thompson Be fore Her Death CHICAGO Oct M A new witness in the MannThompson murder case has been discovered by who testimony Manns attorney is said to expect to prove that Luman C Mann was the womans slayer This latest witness to enter tile Is Charles McCormick Clawater who it is said was employed until recently on a Milwaukee newspaper He made a statement late at night it was he who accompanied Mrs Thompson to the Michigan avenue rooming house in which she was murdered It was Mrs Thompson declares CM under the name oC Clawater was taken to the house at 1242 Michigan avenue and he readily pointed it out as the one which he and Mrs Thompson entered on June 7 He said he knows nothing of the mur der but he will be a witness for Mann who now is under indictment charged tth the crime Edward V Hannah a chauffeur who ook Clawater to the scene ef the mur- der says the latter after pointing- to the house where Mrs Thompson was slain Clawater was taken to hotel by Hannah where h will be kept until Inspector Wheeler eaa Question hint today Clawater is about thirty years old He said he did not learn of the murder ot Mrs Thompson until after Manns arrest AND OTHER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS- Class A Wanted Agents Wanted Help Wanted Salesmen So a line Wanted Situation Wanted Rooma or Board Boarding For Rent Rooms urf Rooms and Board J a a7nUbiT CLASS B All other claaaificaUons cents a line S times 10 cents a line minimum 3 lines Per ooaU 15 Its a line aay number of times The Washington TImes makes special casliInadranco rates Classified Advertising CLASS A One cent a word each insertion Minimum charge 15 centsCLASS B Three times within one week 34 cents a line 7 times consecutively M cents a line Advertisements will be accepted at any of the following branch offices- at regular rates If it is to leave advertisements at either branch office or The Times Business Office they may be tele phoned direct to The Times Main 6260 and a messenger will call to collect without additional charge BRANCH OrrICES XORTHWE6T- GOLDENBERGS 7th and K sin HW S K ANN SONS CO 8th and Market space fiTJlKWS 11 IWh aw- B L McMICHAKL Cigar Store 14th and P nw J FRENCH SIMPSON cor 7th St Rhode Island ave and R st aw- H T MUTTS PHARMACY 4th at and Massachusetts ave nw CHAS C HORNUXC Christian Pharmacy sw oor 7th and M sU aw- BANFORDS PHARMACY New York ave and North Capitol street 3401 Uth st aw- R A Y BITCH 20th and M sts nw jLl iLEYS PHARMACY 21st ned G stsnw S M WAGNER A CO 1st and H ats BW L r TAYLOE cor kit and P ate nw XlcaOLS PHARMACY and Paav ave PARK ROAD PHARMACY Uth Park road PHARMACY I4ta and L K D HOWARD 14th and W N V POTTIE 332S Brlghtwood ave MALTBYS PHARMACY tt 7 Calvert at SoFORI3 PHARMACY Sth and U ate NORTHEAST JADDON PHARMACY 1200 Florida ave HAS H BLUMER N Cap and n- alcCHESXEY JOACHm cor M and XRALS PHARMACY cor 6th and K eta MoCHESNEY JOACHIM 8th and F ala ne- BEX T LANHAM nth and E Cap at SOUTHEAST- A E POWELL 4th ned Eat Capitol sts ROACH DRUG CO Sth and G eta aa- A B BURROWS llth ned Pa ave F P WELLER cor Sta sad I SOUTHWEST V HUGO EISSXBEISS 7th B streets MCDONALD j w 4 and L aw GEORGETOWN JAMES E SMITH ISM Wtocoaala ave F P WELLER Pharmacy 3tl M at nw AXACOSTIA BURYS PHARMACY corner Monroe and Jefferson ata ALEXANDRIA VA R CARNE CO King CHEVY CHASE MD T A SOXNEMAX HELP WATiTED FEMALE APPRENTICE GIRLS wanted to learn high OUss UresAinaking and designing paid a4 day fitter earnin you can learn in 3 at the YORK ACADEMY 12 9 G oclSM HElPS THE CASE OF ACCUSED MAN case ylng water who that lie H Raymond wept lIMESW ANTS I for u Ii CAPITAL AD V R T I SI G- Al jC at YAR OLD lath Ii nee Rats A Eats ned L 7G lit weeks EW auggestd reglwter J Ltn1xaum 3 lines space S lines In- convenient Z N ¬ ¬ ¬ < < BINDERY GIRLS wanted nwtclasa only Apply printing department THE NATION AL FAMILY REGISTER 3S4 C st nw iiRIGHT neat girls sixteen years of age as flx r meaaencers good pay and splendid chants for promotion Apply to H W SCHAUB with Goldonbergs 7th and K eta FIRSTCLASS FIXISHBR- hvie juaKer call at once Uth at- oetttt FINISHERS on paste Apply L SAVAGE 604 ocl 3t GIRL general heuseworic Apply at once 413 th nw it GIRL lor general houaework bring reference iivftr white MB 0 nw U- GIHL Xeat colored girl HuM rk 1308 8th aw It GHL r r general housework eotered Apply oil 4 at aw OC2 2t GIRL for general housework good wages i2 7fW Jersey ave nw It twnlte fOC light housework aId aa aiM In store per week 14th at nw It GIRL general housekeeper lit Mi eachu- setts ave ne It GIRL Tn help around oyster house e txrience required Apply DOWLIXD Mc GILL Mt Rainier Md oclSSt GIRL for general housework F at nw In store ocl92t- GIKLS Several white for light bench work Applj at factory Q at and Eckiagton place Be oc7 t tot genital housework Wtt COOK must be reliable Apply il THE BRUNSWICK oc902t GOOD COOK and butndreaa references re Qulrd 1131 st nw it HANDY BOY In grocery store LEWIS 14 Pennsylvania so It LADY CANVASSERS Fine proposition ERICAN PIANOHARP CO 2S Warder I OCt general GIRL lit tit GOOD GIRL B- It GOOD Girl a ll ocl 1 CIC6t geod buttes 31i1 Fun > SW > > > HELP WANTED FEMALE LIGHT HOUSEWORK Girl or woman white BO washing 13U 7th at nw It NURSE middleaged preferred for references required Apply 114S Mon- roe st nw oeZOSt PIANIST and saleslady proflcltsnt at once Apply KINGS PALACE Music Dept OcW3t PRESSER for suit and alteration department Apply SUIT DEPARTMENT third floor Palais Royal A Decor ecl83t SKIRT MAKERS also helpers en coats and skirts wanted V ROTH U 4 L st Ladle Tailor oel83t SIX LADIES to do special highclass solicit- ing work salary and commission nothing to sell no ordera to take Call all between 1 p m Del 4 p m References required ROOM 4K Colorado building oeUlt SEAMSTRESS Thorouchly experienced on drapery work R W J B HENDERSON IMS G at aw eeW t TAILORKSS Exiiartoncad to work oa coats one who can make buttonholes Apply to t SAKS CO Pa ave 4th Boor octtSt TWENTYFIVE women lor drtosmak lag shirt waist and millinery Arty women and children for gymnasium Y W C A I Uth at and F st ecl eo47t I WAIST and skirt haMs holpon and ap prentices 11X7 17th nw edSSt WAIST and skirt helper and an apprentice 1418 N nw oeliat WAITRESS Fira chuB cotond waitress 1W C nw oeMSt WHITE PARLORMAID sad waitress two ehamoarmalds colored housemaid plain cook Inquire 1 S 11th nw It I WHITE GIRL for general nousework no laundry 1SS Columbia road oclSlt WOMAN MMdlaaged for general ft r m family good pay MRS E M DOUGLAS Eastern aye Takoma Park OC3 WOMAN To do oookiBs and avu e I work to nights E O PIOBOX Biltnviro at nw octtlt WOMAN Competent young for general housework good home adult family 196 at ne Lincoln Park oc St YOUNG COLORED WOMAN to assist cook dishes in oyster house good wages 1934 Uth at It HELP WAMTSLJ MALE AGENTS WAXTED From SS to SS a day made handling our photo ticket G G DON ALDSON 927 F at nw octt7t ALL BOYS NOT NOW SELLING NEWSPAPERS AND OUT OF EM SHOULD CALL UPON THE CIRCULATION MANAGER OF THE TIMES au2 tf AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE terms easy payments positIons secured all students receive actual road experience touring cars between Washington and Baltimore Call or address either office Washington elSe ISiS l h st nw Baltimore omea 2 W Preston st Open and Sunday oelStf BARBER Good wMte barber steady posi- tion to right man good salary F KIRSCH a PonnayivaRki ave oe393t BOYS WHO WANT PERMITS TO SELL PAPERS CAN OBTAIN THEM BY APPLYING TO THE CIRCULATION MANAGER THE WASHINGTON TIMES BOY for a grocery dork Apply 111 3d se BOY Good reliable colored boy run rends make himself ueeful in furiUtufe store Apply between S and 30 a SW K aw It BOY Good colored boy sixteen years old U Vk 3th at nw It BOY Colored sixteen to e v nte a years old Apply at ones 7t 6th RW It BOY bakery shop boy dry goods More butler private family EXCHANGE 13 hIlt HW K Only Srstclasa men seed ap ply HENRY L KAUFMAX 7 Itth BUSHBLMAX Flrstclaaa buabonman no others need apply Iii th at nw It COAT MAKERS Two nrstclas at 1 JACOBS CO 4WVi Hh st nw octtJt DRIVER Energetic reliable who la capa ble or soliciting new trade cash bond of K required Apply COLUMBIA LAUNDRY- CO 3S G nw CSt DRIVER White to deliver family orders be acquainted with nw section first daM and hustler Apply Monday FUS SELLS 1437 New York ave ocU3t EXPERIENCED cylinder press NA- TIONAL PUBLISHING CO 8 Louisiana ave oeSOJt ERRAND BOY White THE LJPPMAXX PRINTING CO 6 F nw oclSIt FARMER Competent to take hold of a M acre farm about C mMes from WaahlRgtoa HENRY F KEEXAX Foretvllle Md- oel 3t FIRSTCLASS white wall scraper at once W H MARTIN BRO 7U North Carolina ave s ocSfrJt FIRSTCLASS cleaner aad presser 4W G MAX to Instruct auto school give full BOX 3tt Times office oe83t MEN to learn barber trade Eight weeks average time required Wages after first month Steady position secured Testimo- nials awarded Boarding place secured Write for free catalogue MOLERS BARBtSR COL- LEGE Iff Bowers New York city oc7 t PAINTERS Apply after p m 2S Q ne It PRESSER White or colored Immediately steady work Apply 412 Louisiana ave nw- oeSOH firstclass ISIS 14th at nw oc93t- I PORTER Drug store must come recom- mended and experienced 13M X Capitol st nW ocl t- I SALESMEX Houe to house fine proposition for hustlers AMERICAN PIAXOHARP CO 22 Warder BWg oe92t SCOURERS andpress rsat once 2 nrstotaES on ladies and gents clothes steady work week 3 M 19th at nw ocl32t SECOND MAX white and third to do chamber work and valet 3MO Itth st nw A I I I BIS PLOY E T moder- ate en- large evenings coBSt m aw- n must nw part- iculars S lit PRESSERSTwo Sit odt after- noons week house- work general eta wash 016tI feeder 61 coBit ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ SHORTHAND BTUDEXTS complete course for in monthly payments individual In atructkm typewriters free to pupils CEO TRAL BUSINESS INSTITUTE 306 th at aw oc33t TAILOR FirstcMis ea ladles remodeling Apply ISIS P nw oc2 3t TAILOR Good tailor at once 1M7 14th cc33t TIN ROOFER One good tin roofer 1534 14th at nw It TWENTYFIVE LABORERS Apply Street Sweeping Stables between N and 0 NorJi Capitol and let nw between and 8 p an Apply SUPERIXTEXDEXT oc202t WALL SCRAPER Good Apply 1114 4th st w It WHITE BOY to wrap bundles in hat depart- ment Apply PARKER BRIDGET CO th and Pennsylvania ave oca 3t WHITE BOY about sixteen years of Age to help in shopping department Reference re quired Apply BREXTAXOS F and 12th sts It WHITE BARBElL 19 9 7th nw good OC3St WHITE BOY la Jewelry shop U14 G at nw ocJ t YOUNG MAX with bicycle to assist Wels bach department C A MUDDnLVX CO SK 13th st nw It YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION EMPLOYMENT BUREAU registers capable men fo employment CLIFFORD L secretary 1136 G st nw Office hours 930 a m to 1230 p nr Telephone 4900 ocl3t KELP 7AKrED Male and Female COAT PASTER NAK ISM 14th nw BOY OR GIRL to help tailor new work good pay 8K 3d st ae ocS 3t liSt for all departments in hotels today BURGESS HOTEL AGENCY 01 10th sat tI- n c wages HELPERSExperienced ocztt JOHN- SON ¬ ¬ ¬ WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED Life Seller Male or For VIANDS PATENT FOUNTAIN pEN Can make from Sie to SW a day Absolutely New Patent Just Been ranted Guaranteed For Two Years PRICE ONLY 25 C T HUNTER Tho Bicyoie Man General Agent ocM Two welleducated men to repre- sent us In Washington and vicinity Only men capable of earning ILKO per year need apply Address DODD MEAD CO 372 Fifth avanue Now York city eaU3t SITUATIONS CHAMBERMAID By reliable colored girl May nights references Call 2143 II BW- od 3t CHAMBERMAID Firstclass waatr position la private family Address 3K Indiana ave nw It WANT WASHING to take home or do out I have reference 128 S at aw oeMSt WASHING to take home or days work 23 Madison court nw It wants aa Invalid attendant experienced to leave city Br t class TOforoncos BOX 3M Times ethos oc St POSITION aa chambermaid or parlor mold by a reSeed woman of Apply at the Y W C A corner I3h and F eta YOUNG LADY would like oiace position knowledge of stenography and typewriting permanency and chance for advancement niece object than present missy Address BOX 3K Washington Times oc9It A FIRSTCLASS laundry worn wants washing to take home 9 Jackson at ne- octtlt SITUATIONS COLORBD BOY want work of any kind M12 D at ae ucl t YOUNG MEXS CHRISTIAX ASSOCIATION EMPLOYMENT BUREAU furnishes oompe teat clerks atonographers salesmen book keepers to employers free of charge CLIT FORD L JOHNSON lIst G t nw Office hours 936 a m to 1231 p m Telephone 4 OcHtf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE highest cash price paid for uptodate furniture drop postal also cloth Ing If to store E HEXiLEY M S 14th nw ocSONt HIGHEST cash prices paid ror worn gar- ments elOise ladles or gents send postal will call B TARSHES ISIS 7th at nw Phone Xerth 4M j ltf HOUSEKEEPERS This week ordinary win j down expertly cleaned e each General houeecleanlng Floors waxed polished stained varnished reaalshed Postal EL- LIOTT 133 7th nw ocUSt WANTED One large and one medium sized secondhand safe BOX 31 Timea oatce oc X TRY ME Good price paid for furniture stoves etc all kinds stoves repaired WriU postal or call 11H sth at aw ocMatuthtf I PAY the highest cash prices for ladiea and gentlemens castoff wearing apparel drop card will call C UVIXG8TON lit 7th at aw or phone 7364 oc294t- WAXTBD Furniture for cash MI your goods to the man who gives you the most money See HOPWOOD 3th and K Jeltf HIGH PRICES paid for ladies and gects castoff clothing drop postal or phone nc rh 33M M wilt call S KEBESKY 136 7th RW aeZlMt WANTED Am very much in need of furni- ture Send me your order and get the beat prices in town LOUIS NOTES 426 Sth at nw Phone Main 403 eeSfrX I AM THE ONLY MAN that paya high eat cash prleea for ladies and seats cash- es dethlng drop postal I will call P GOLDSTBIX 688 D at nw my7SBtuth MULLMAX Second and M ate sw Phone Main 492 Dealer In Wholesale and Retail IROXMETALS AND JUNK au3tuthSH9 TOP PRICES paid for empty barrels C H BEAVERS 22S4133S 7th aw Phone M 4K2 Je23tutha 5 t FOR 2EHT FURNISHED ROOMS I XEW JERSEY AVE XW H3 For keeping three completely furnished rooms gag rage lit adults reference ocMM UTH XE 3 Large front furnished roses suitable for couple or two gentlemen with or without board ocJ 2t- MTH NE 2St Two rooma for light heat gas and bath sear two It F XW M WeUfwralobed heated aii light ZOOMS near departments to gentlemen Call after K p m oc33t K XW lM2Cozy furnished rooms for pea tlemen W i m to C p m ec3at UTH ST XW bJT Nice worm bright bed rooms reatonairf ocaOSt STH NW 421 Large room furnished SS month ociOSt G ST NW KW5 Handsome mrge room every conv nienct adjoining bath hot water two gentlemen or couple 14 oe aK MASSACHUSETTS AVE XW M Two large newly furnished rooms light housekeeping bath on same Soar near Depot oc2 3t M SE 614 Furnished rooms nice and com- fortable plenty of light and heat ocM3t F ST XW 812 Clean newly furnished rooma all yricos Irma up Phone eerviee- oc303t Q ST 3U Three large bright rooms gas and bath oc3fr3t A SE S87 Furnished rooms bay window and alcove second floor front light warm and dean It 13TH SW 282 Large furnished room south- ern exposure heat and gas quiet family oc203t 1 TH NW 9W Bright newly furnished room suitable for one or two reasonable oc2e3t 6TH ST XW 1 W Room for rent ea 3d floor and 1 on first floor frost all newly pa- pered with heat and gas reasonable oclSSt- 2D ST XW 522 Three furnished rooms for housekeeping ool93t 6TH ST XTV 71 HaM room rant and comfortable 2d floor front 6 month MASSACHUSETTS AVE XE 135 Two un- furnished rooms gas and heat oel3t- STH ST NW Sl For rent furnished and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping ocia3t F ST XB 37 Second hoer front 2 nice rooms suitable for married couple porcelain bath furnace heat near Union Station and G P0 ocl 2t RHODE ISLAND AVE NW 1 33 Several dosirablo rooma board If desired od2t 3D XT 76fr Xlce light comfortable and well furnished rooms good bath warm rooms boot location for gentlemen oc77t ST XW S19 Nice furnished rooms couple or gentlemen opposite Judiciary Park oel7t F 4TH ST XW Nice furnished rooms couple or gentlemen opposite Judiciary Park oel 7t 3D ST NW 22 Clean rooms one square above Avenue 12 week up oc57t 3D ST NW S23 Large and small nice dean rooms centrally located se2139t 6TH XV 60 Four beautiful rooms light housekeeping scorns er without board entire place new excellent l caUoa ne2i3 UTH ST XW 3234 A nicely furnished hotwater heat private bath for gentlemen convenient to two car lines H oclS3t- XW 12U Xicely furnished sunny rooms double or single JL50 up per week cl 3t LA FETRAS HOTEL corner nth and G Its Winter rates rooms at SIS to 30 per month elevator service steam heat European cafe oc87t 8TH ST XW 132S Large furnished second floor front room in private family convenient- to two car lines oclS3t THE FRANKLIN 1913 14th st nw Xicely furnished rooms team heat elevator serv- ice reasonable ocl 3t IRVING ST XW ins Columbia Heights Newly furnished room southern exposure fine bath hotwater heat J3 an exceptional offer gentlemen references between two oclS- 3tA Fem fI ANTE i WANTEDFEMALE I I LADY aw- n AiLED LE I I Secretary I North I Ute casks Apply 7 4TH room- I gOOd car lines CENTS tIes experience cent at sad house I house- keeping car- lines coBIt wlh > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ FOR SENT FURNISHED ROOMS MARYLAND AVE NE U7Xear Capitol and station comfortably he tod rooms pri vate bonne reasonable oclSJt HOTEL 2d and Indiana Ave nw Large clean rooms on a shady at conven lent te depot and all oars moderate rates transients accommodated cafe and attached to college stu dents se393et NEW YORK AVE 944Parlors light house keeping third floor 5 KM M week reduction to law students to quiz landlord lawyer tarnIshed odC7t NW MR Large furnished front rooms welt heated and lighted oclS3t I M NW 212 Furnished rooms with er with out board to gentlemen only oelS3t COLUMBIA ROAD aeooadstory ZOOM hotwater heat private family oeisSt I I SW 4 Two nice bright nowly papered and furnished front bath and gas oelSSt- STH NW ttA nice dean secondfloor i room See bed heat and sas next bath for gentleman W oe83t FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS- H XW 1517 Two large bright rooms with I heat an gas suitable for any buaineM rea- sonabie oe X PENNSYLVANIA AVE NW 3136 Two j basement rooms light housekeeping M month en Avenue ear MM ocMSt 3 TH XW MUOae large front seem wHf- cor without board ecravealeat for office peo I THIRDFLOOR front room over drug store with gas Apply NICHOLs PHARMACY mh aad ave oe 3t P NW 71 Three large unfurnished rooms light housekeeping heat and gas second floor no children oc 2t 3D ST NW 7e Three bright cheerful rooms reasonable oottK T ST 1631 Thr sunny rooms for light housekeeping gas In private reel deuce oclfiK 12TH ST SE 4 Tbreo rooms heat gas use of bath ocUK COLUMBIA ROAD 131 Delightful aoeand story rooma See home taw private family moderate rates phone Cot Silt eclS 6TH NE H Foer rooms first floor side porch large yard SUM ec77t FOR RENT Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms 13TH XW m Two communicating rooms bath on same MOOT one on tint floor ecttMt heat terms reasonable BOX 27 lime f CARROLL ST SB 13tOac Urge M HOOT front room reasonable oct tt H ST NW H7 PHmUlMd aa nnf iraUi 4- rooou central all ceavealancoa ArM leeatloa EAST CAPITOL ST Kl ly ftraM d and UBfurnMMMi room no light leg sear Capitol and ear Use e ttat CARROLL SE front zoom reasonable ROOMS AND BOARD- Q MKOoe large nicety funrtaned rose with board steam heat private residence ociftat W ST 1X28OM nicely front with board seer caR oe t RHODE ISLAND AVE 1S17 Two nicely fur ntobed rooma with board Phone N 7 OcSHt- WTH XW 1133 BcoUfM frost room newly furniahed all eonvenieneea with excellent board Mir for L Hff Furnished rooms end hoard m prhra4e family on oar line It 12TH SW JiaOn nicely fMmtolMd room and 1TTH SW SULov ljr frost room and board for two geMs prtvn family C SW S Xlee front rooms and board southern exposure for cetteie ocaaX ST XW UK ruratelMd two large xo nw on a oond flf or with taW board ITH ST XW 717 Stegaat rooms sad board 96 per oclf2t PARK ROAD 1471 Three bright rooms with board gentlemen only private raaldmioa oclSJt IRVING ST MM Twe sunny roanw with bard prMrate Amrtly near oars oeH9c- 1ST SEr23 XlMlr room and booed m small Saintly opposite Cenftres building oclSSt EAST CAPITOL ST 2tt The Lynhavea nicely furnished rooms and beard use of r eeptloa and club rooms ocl57t YOUNG MEN looking for good hot anould- se to SI Eye nw BO boarding house private family a good cooking and iota of it Then ci4tf FOR ROOM room connecting DAVISOXS 719 6th st nw elltf TABLE BOARD MJEALS served out to white trade table board at home cooking lltt IStk- aw oc3 7t AT THE DAMARISCOTTA INN 913 18th at opened OctS er 1st Special rates to permanent guests oc3 3tt- ORSES AND VEHICLES LOT OF SECONDHAND runabouts and aur reys can be seen at DUHEYS STA- BLES Rear 4St 4th ne oc3 tt- WAXTED Good driving mare kind and gen tie cheap 309 6th st aw oc Jt FOR horse grocery wagon and harness no reasonable offer refused Apply 121 U st nw between 6 and 7 oea St FOR SALE Oa good work aorse cheap sound Apply 1 M 6th st OC20M FOR SALE M Secondband vehicles consist ing of 3 glass side station wagons landau broegaam 4 and passenger coupe rock aways surreys business buggIes aad run- abouts A J STABLER 9U D at nw FOR SALE Eignt driving horses 12 good work horses A J STABLER Ml D fit nw oeMSt FOR cutunder doctors buggy good as new A J STALER Ml D at nw FOR or seven horses which are a little sore suitable for farm work MER- CHANTS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO STABLES 3d and B sts nw ocUtt FOR lot i good work horses sold for want of use aloo one stanhope and one surrey Ap ly rear 6S Pennsylvania ave nw oc3tf WORKINGMANS WANTS TVORKIXGMEX now is the time to save on a nice woo tailor made slightly used over- coat or suit at n or JJ coats and vests 199 its a 6 note in your pocket one price JUSTHS OLD STAND 619 D st oeU7t PROFESSIONAL- DR G N PAYETTE specialist skin dis- eases hair and SCP office hours 9 to 1 2 to 6 Second floor Singer Building 937 F nw eoUtf UPHOLSTERING HOSPITAL FOR BROKEN FURNITURE Expert cabinet maker and upholstering 718 9th st ne elStf STORAGE WILL STORE your furniture 1 onehorse loads LS0 twohorse loads per month also antique furniture for sale 2165 Pa ave nw- ool83 t WHY PAY MORE We store furniture for load UXITSD STATES STORAGE- CO 4132022 1Kb at nw Phone Main 4- ioc3tf AUTO LAMP EXPERTS T F MOORE CO Lamps of every description repaired plated and polished 303 John Marshall place nw oclWt f TRE ONT barber- shop special rates EST front t I I It at iIH 7MTJmM eGBaeOtIRg front cabinet kitchen bath steam Ja very desirable ocIt I or vfeznIihed rooM llrulI1 I Ice sellIt otiSit large second doer ocUat room II two atX- iWF and OdtJt 17TH well furnished home RENTBALL LARGE and hlIt1tul ball room home MEALS cheap SALEGood oc1tat SALEOne ocJt3t SALESix J SALEA k I pie Nw rooms FURNISHED housekeep IllOn furnished board quiet family wMg1ibobood odlIt furnished clean heated 1 week banquet < clear lIe per ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ TO THE LADIES MRS MASURY roMlcure pariers MM G nw Room 38 most uptodate methods of sham pooiner racial aid scalp treatment Phone Main 6640 ocSOMt OSTRICH FEATHERS ourted dyed and cleaned feather boas oa mhtte MADAME GARET 1217 H aw ocl3t LATEST STYLE ladles and gents suits te order dyeing and repairing of ladies and I outer garments satisfaction i guaranteed LOUIS COWMAN M7 UUt aw Phone M 362 M t lltBSutH t HAIR TONIC and special treatment l rt hair MISS LAURA CADMAX 738 Utli at hair dressing and manicuring parlors oc9tf LADIES fine suits made to your measure I alt ratloaa and cleaning at reasonable pri s J RING the taller eor 17th K nw Fbeaa- M 4486Y e2438t I EVERY rfAur vans Blue Point Cdtiee roasted fresh cvary day Tic per pound Thank you Call again H H XrJJOTT- se 3 t MM 14TH f T X W I MILLINERY DONT FORGET Before makteg a decision- on your Sail bat ae those n display at- M E STICKLERS Its 11th aw Me73t HAIR GOODS E LUTHER 466 lita at nw Induce hair- dresser wig maker latest Preach and Amen eaa styles shampooing hair treatment and UMBRELLAS RECOVERED- WE MAKE a silk umbrella for 1 bring us your old umbrella and get a new cover threw It away M H PHILP1TT lit Z nw DANCING PROP WYXDHAM 411 Uth nw tee cLass 7 Men Wed TMtr Frt S r ia in ing Barn Dance a oeUtf THE DAVI3OKS ACADEMY 7M 8TH XW OLDEST AriD BJCbT KNOWN IN CITY y to dance corrwcuy in f w Vtons Waits twoM p tnr p XarctMoa barn dance ooUliion Private day r with music Class Thurs gma 7 dace to Iz Teas- ers PioT and MM E4w T Daviaon- SKLKCT tJKMBLT DAXCKS National JUtiM Armory Every Saturday oclltf- XBRRY WIDOW CLUB lltn w Every Monoay Wednesday and Friday eve SJ to 12 SM the mtxMUitfnt and shadow dances ocMtf- WASHINOTONS most fashionable deg academy Ghaaes Theater entrance en lath at special music evening Including checking lady and gentleman lee Washington Llgat Infantry Halt oclat MRS McGARVEYd dancing acaaemy leg Miss Duress WeM nsaU assistant leach We make specIalties of the waltz two step threeatep Narcissus military twosee and barn dance Nina different agoros Pri- vate MMoaa day or evening vltn niwie Class Phone Main 7UA Masquerade bail to at Pythian Tempo October Mt IMC- ocl tf- DAXClXi ACADEMY 2tf I at n Chamberlain and Cobb teachers social danes TiMBsdaya Phone M M47Y eoltr- ACHERS 1137 KKa aw Barn dance clam Mondays Fridays I to U n m privet instructions by appointment hail Mr rent seSMMt NONMEDICAL KcALlNG- HO YE RHEUMATICS at CoM and yv know that b M d at sees and yon have MvetMi a d Why win y mrfFw- XASCEXT OXYGEN Cotor4o BntUsntf BY RESTORING UM CIRCULATION f the BLOOD CURES RHEUMATISM BRIGHTS DI8KAS8 NERVOUS AILMENTS DISKA6C8 OF THE STOMACH BOWLS LIVER and tneoe INCURABLE MALADIES where MEDICINE FAILS PAMPHLET TELLS ALL GET IT PROF H X D PARKER Suite S3 the Clalborne southeast sot C 4ta and H at aw take eievnwr formerly 14M New york ave nw Sanitarmm will be ready Terms for beard and treatment will be reasonable e7tf DR CAMPBELL Specialist to 15th st nw chronic nasal catarrh mmithw- Uon rhoiimatlam are treated by and a at methods of modern tbecapentioa BuckleS Clinic of the Beloved Physician Uth aC aw cUtf WHERE TO DINE Y M C A RESTAURANT 17 G at aw OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC TABLE DHOTE DINNER TO 7Matc SPECIAL A LA CARTE LUXCH TO IM- oe7Wt HERB SPECIALIST LOUIS SONS Manufacturers of a special line of herb reme- dies which are guaranteed to cue or retteve the most obstinate diseases knows to man- kind more quickly than any other known medicine A trial will oonviaec UM moot 174S 7th st nw asSStf CARPEl CLEANING CARPET CLEANED by compressed air tm your hoots or at our plant Main 6988 30M C at nw oelMt SAVE YOUR old carpets rugs woven from old carpets the weaving factory of its kind in the city carpet cleaning WASH IXerON RUG CO 931 5th at aw M 4855 seSStf PLUMBING HOW ABOUT THE PLUMBING If It Isnt satisfactory call OB me long established un reputation WM COXRADIS CO 125 7th nw plumbing heating i l tuthsa96t E T KAUFMAX U Uth at ae Whore others taU we succeed our patrons our ref- erence flratclaas tutorial highgrade expert repair men ocBK CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS RBMODSLIXG BUSINESS HOUSES a spe- cialty quick work of superior quality E M VAN XESS Ill New York ave nw Yellow Front Phone Mate 347 ecl49t TAILORING P D ROOT Merchant Taller lIE 14th st BW new suits from Ill up cleaning dyeing etc at moderate prices suits called for ant delivered Phone X 294 ocl4 xSwtt STOP LOOK LISTEN Suits cleaned and pressed 5c swagger clothes fit and work- manship guaranteed 44 fall and winter styles WM S BEREXTER 417 7th sw- ocl73fe CLEANING Dyeing Repairing Pressing EDW R MYERS 1 2dth at nw Drop Postal Will CalL ocl 3 t SAVE SAVE Just to get you acquainted with our work suits sponged pressed Sic DR SCHWARTZ 5W 6th st ae oc3 t UNION MEN to know I am making suits to measure bearing union label 14M up fit guaranteed J A WILNER 6M nw sel4Mt M BERMAN 8327 14TH ST XW Fine Tailoring Cleaning Dyrlnc Repairing Phone CoL M se233 t EDGE TOOL WORKS CARPENTER tools tinners snips and squar- ing shears put In firstclass order BENZ LUDWIG 12K C at nw oclSaututhtf ROLLER SKATES ALL BALLBEARING rink skates reduced Roller skates as low as We up Rainbow our special ballbearing rink ekates Barney Berry M7S Other sUAJard skates for less than you can buy then elsewhere We sell all parts of skates Expert skate repair- ing Open evenings until 5 p m C T HUXTER 113 Pa aye nw oc33M BARNEY BERRY SlAG Winslow J273- Unlcn Hardware S249 skate repairing and parts at reduced prices MEXDELL 7th ot nw s lS99 I I i I I cotoning auISSututhtf nat I Lee Tones Mt1MOea I j I Eve all every price exp teacbenl of poUts and graceful Sane ere every from T to 11 m ISis K DW ne Misses II j Hasten hIther get rN of your weather is what 1 It In a Sew days to patients removed latest skeptical eel Impeached work- manship The Est Ill k CO- Ins specialty plumes and jyiifSetulSt lee seas guarantee ave eves Tees Be- at FrantIc uDder nieneed Tuiday given special- ty excel- lent end seEming enpe damp approaching menus Ton esn ae yet co- os receive liii ant 21 S PhOne > < ¬ > ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE LINE of cortaln poles and fix I terse Jc up Cottage rota lc snob best quality floor otlclotx Sit yard lining KLEKBLATTS Uth and SPECIAL FURNITURE and stove aaX fw two weeks only Mnttinga oilcloth llnalaam- atovj repairing etnlty FUltXITURE AND STOVE CO IK H at M THE OLD ANTIQUE tn ourred jMeneard used by Jnd a WilMMs son of M Iowa Ctrela Call sad by ow men tbronch the past KRUPSAW Penataytvmnla a j w register curl wagon and haaMna mm aett snjmMHahr or In whole No innanni FOR SALE Poet tabw lib aarttata jot par lee or baaament balla cues etc 3M lain K BW r 1 FOR SALEOM Mad gassier boat with or without cheap CCMBVRLAKDS I SHIP YARD foot C Sin aC w EVERY SEW PIAXO AD PLATER I included in this poet Oct bargain AH hiasrad are repraaantud Sam f ihe big values are Hardman SIM Opera tt Fischer 14 Milton lim m a- U7 Harriagton ii o tagr UK tftMC- UM Yes Sohmor H Knabe Steinway fiat SajaaM pianos l np Bar gains in players Easy paymanti O J DEMOLL 4s CO list 0 at ocl3tf FOR SALE SUghtly graphapbane and new records 12 bargains laG nearly new drop head sewing machine tl can b sees say evening JL X GIVEN Ok Pa ave auStf FOR SALE New and Mcondnand and staves cheaper than daewhara furnaces latrobea or nay kind of Moos re- pairing HOWARD STOVE CO IMSUtf H aa oclStf- OK ACCOUNT of moving will glee a dtaconnc sold between now and October 3 ae f U exceptional bargains WASHINGTON SAFE LOCK CO UW D at aw ocHtf UPRIGHT PIANO almost new only JU fuUy warranted two upriaht pianos reliable oa K monthly payments HELBK BBOe 1WT 7th a3 tf TERRA COTTA chimney tops great varie- ty of styles and shape terra cotta pipe from aree to twentylour Inches sway below earrent prices T XDW CLARK btdidets and expert wrecker New Jersey aye nw r EXCELLENT PIAXO BEEN USED BUT FULLY GOARANT2BD EAST TERMS CHAS M BrIEF 1MSMM F ST N W J C COXLIFF Manager BICYCLES WANTED to buy every secondhand Meycto- in Wftoalnxtaa for a cash urtc T Ill Pa v iw SOLE AGENTS fcr tau ona IMS Meyeto guaranteed aata year easy pAymonts HAY ERFOKD CYCLK O 421 l th aw s SuUiftf TIRES UNICORN HarUord 77X H Jt5 other make nn aCXDKLL CO ITS 7th at nw oeUMt TO THE MEN REMEMBER THE NUMBlCRt 412 aw Only lady barbers ta WaMngtoa Sew piaea- M a anave and hair soC If you coma once como again Try as GOLDEN SLIPPER WHISKY FOUR PULL QUARTS READY TO SKD- UC4 TRY IT AND BE PLEASfiD HH KTLT3TT- a SSMt 14th ST N W WALL PAPER ROOMS PAPERED 2 np nrstetass work anly house painting low prices au sonic zuaraateed CHAS A CARLISLE M OW Ill Rh at nw JylSa t thMt C a SILENCE 7 t nw Phone Wall paper lowest ptir have me an estimate before having our papering done ocl7tS- EXD TO HUNT the aM reliable nt New ave and got his reduced price n u- arork Zr the next 3 days Mats Lull vac DOGS PETS ETC PEDIGREED scrawtnUed brindle Boston terrier papa French poodles parrots cana- ries guinea pip pata boarded BIRD STORE U llth X W JUST RECEIVED Ding AnntraUan alee CSUbaahaa Cuban eoUioa St Bemardc blade lid tan ainglnc- esnartor parrot goldnfiht etc SCHMKX3 BIRD STORE 712 Uth t ocUtT HArmERS SUPPLIES OLD RAZOBS mad new all kind griatfteK and fnmitttra E 1J HOFFMAN 2t7 t e uat AUTOMOBILE OUTING COOt BREEZES Take a oeM ride In the oonntry HIre THE SHERMAN 67 ExperIenced chauffeur explaining pomts FIRSTCLASS open and doMe Spae senger St hour 7paaaen0er can it hour ZIMMERMAN KEXXEALLY 1342 17th st BW North 493 ock 3at WOOD COAL AND COKE YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR THE WINTER W A broken furnace per ton JTW W A egg per ten J7Ji W A stove per ton J72S A n t per ten 725 W A pea per ton SLM Special prices on av ton Iota and over U MEREDITH 3O 14th St- I I WILL MEET all prices of nay dealer in wood coal and coM Call or phone lid get I my spot discount ROBT T BAL LARD H JM Sure money ask rOC ECON- OMY VOUCHERS ocKSt COAL AND WOOD of all kinds at the very lowest prices phone 5M Omce and yard 21O1 D nw JJ MOHLER soWJte SEPTEMBER CASH PRICES Furnace M t Lincoln ave and Saatoa sC ne Phone X BSL DYEING CLEANING PRESSING- FOR PROMPT and satisfactory service phone Main SIlL CAPITAL CITY PRESS ING CLUB 14 8 Eye at Special rates te members LAUNDRY PREMIER LAUNDR1 12 tt H t nw Superior work prompt serv tee sad good carefully handled WHEN YOU WISH TILE BEST CALL US UP WEST END LAUNDRY 1T2S36 Pa nir Phone Main flit TO MY PATRONS Brighton Laundry is still doing b 4in e at 1734 Pa ave aw MRS F R JONES Prop MISCELLANEOUS LACE CURTAIN laundry formerly ttsa Sta- nw new 1295 2H at nw no lime satiate tion lie per pair mall attended to oc t- WiRE TO MARKET WM PFLD2GER F ST S W Stewed beef 5c and 6c fine rib roast IOn corned beef 5c and 8e ateak 12He sirloin steak lie porterhouse steak 18c chuck roast Me chuck stoak Me Call Main 7100 Jylltutasa9K THE PORTSMOUTH MARKET 11th aad R nw we sell nothing but highda goods tome dressed meats and fresh vegetables CHAS P ARNOLD Phone North SB lylSsatuta9 FRESH KILLED CHICKENS HIGH GRADE GROCERIES MEATS AXD PROVISIONS- J V STUCKERT 2866 14TH ST N W Jyl6ta um9 t J I earpet Sc an5 Sc yard HIM I I COM T Ma HR 11 11 Also Be eoIIecUea of sass plums I S FOR oc w t S i It > U engine 8 piano and stnUlMltt Ja Modt lie makes need lie range Mating lit of per rent ora nfl aBe makes Site se newer flit u iI setf high odIIk ILlS Sic you J1 Jilt I yk jUtau tt wi- Ng Del hI expert C Ue any Mar of the day or at it Cc unc can can k w u WL SHIP 14 West stove net pea 5 sellItt eel moderate prices Ave guaranteed round cppIll a ocPod4t HOUSE secured sue a50S dSlt lea Natl1 sash moles peed home ns a 51sr sutasud Applybotwees end st aw selS3t ser3 Sued ante Sill law 311 ls sales mahogany ease sup N 31 C- HUNTER Sis gOt le14tetSUt 3 Pbs gIve ill raise reason- able LEE poolS Soc a polishing workmen barber sup- plies at an- a atgit aw Phos jdt3sotuSt esrl7actthNt east egg 36Th BROWNING sailat au1StkSatcSO seTlit set EVERYDAY > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SXE ITS If you wish to or Map a bnaanos Our list of cltenca and pisces and a UMlat fadlitUa will nna you sea whet LCNCHJtOOftC th at nw tea oadlr aalos Sfnv praao CORXKK OAOCKTRY tanthw ut sees m roams na Un at MM XMW BCHLXBM BMOKJBM U F oaflaK OFFER WANTED Jar gar ad vncftetr store and nxtanaa H st n sam six roonw NEW TORE BCSOCX S BMOKKKS 11 7 ttlRKKCHAnt basher Tr iimLi sent 3M weekly liuilni a pine MS NEW YORK BUSZXJEM ocjatt HALF OF STORE Sac rent tea ladles goods big chance raanananla U Itth nw ocJ at FOR JtEXT Horn a halfory comor 4th H no store rooms bath ata ta condition B X JOEL LET MS nth st w oesa- OBOCERY for SIM Uth at aw dotes cask business Mao MmfcBt r t HARDWARE and point price oacabttshed paying lent win inventory U4 Jt i takes thIs soap TW Sib at aw ocMat GROCERY and eonteoUonary with lIving oeotebto right price th at nw ocJ35t- oughUro Mittnhio Soc fcLdy TfiOKNTOX at aw oea t CAME extremely 1tin inbU paying right pno XUOKKTOK Sit X h at w MEAT and lag aveme menth in M DOOAX 497 LUNCH BOOst chase to market doing per Say ana JDO6AX M7 La GROCERY northwest DUGAX GROCERY and provision store Aaacoada liTtler rooms DUGAX 7 La ave edIt do bontnasa tn Maryland have block aysoani of Uttes amc ready ion bKateeaa want sues good posSUm Aooreaa BOX 3 B Tbaves FOR aAT TaOnrtng dyeing and deana baMmasa te rare chance escab- Addrwa BOX 282 Ttmoa- tha SOM real estate security POX 33S Thee once oc 3t LARGE fontteenroam hues aiaeiy tnr nicheS with roomer have home et of town central Apply I2U H HW oeM3t RAISE Mat method corperatleas Liberal terms BOX 2H Times entceoelCtf TO BK SOLD immedIately gre eery te a bargain if eased nc once PERSONAL NKLeON Ma Ponnsytvanao a e nw Send jour moatage sat at wiU nave prompt aces ORIGINaL DJS palmtet whoio fortMM told lac open sigMa rna Sch w It MANICURING face and treatmant now GOOD NEWS FOR THE SICK 1C ye want send trial of Nervei Se Makes life aorta living Address DR 4CHIRMAN P0 SON 47 Baltimore Md oa2 i EVERY WOMAN poaeesae ao noal posaKiiU ties for mafctng hoxsetf more attractive BEAUTY BOOK exptaios the oeveJo ot a beaatttgl term PeNt cent will bring It to your Write to BOX 3M Times omce oOtS3- IF YOU NEED MONEY I vW sash you A a rue that wIlt pay you to investigate BOX 54 Tlmea CJ- eLAIRVOYAHTS coNSULT THIS GIFTED WOMAX XRS ARK CLAIRVOYANT AND X2DIUM Readings jc and 31 Hours a a to M 1817 K at nw oc247t MADAME CATHZRIXZ Washingtons and card read- er has moved to JXC liCk at aw Over Yemen Lays aorlsc store Phone North an- och tf MRS WILLARD BISHOP CLAIRVOYANT PALMIST CARDS Are you te treabie tf ao como lei be And out the canaa of yow bad beck and how to change your bad auudlUuns to tha e ef success Joy sad tapoteaaa She has many others why not you 7S1 NINTH STRBET X W 781 edt MADAM MARCIA LATE OF GLEN EchO astrologer plo Physic MW H at aw oclfiTt MADAM THBO Palmist and Reader and Medtent- Cermaa spoken 25 H fit aw eoMtf ASTROLOGY MR K MILLOK sctentMe astrologer S 2 Eye I at aw Horory astretogy yearly horoacopoa nativities Information given on any AH horoscope ereeted by means of spherical trigonometry atn 34 Call or writ oc4tf MASSAGE FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE lmpiout blackhead and wrinkles permanently re- moved youthful features restored MS E at nw oclStf BUSINESS EDUCATION X1GHT SCHOOL One month free BBOS- SdiUonally at DRAUGHOXS PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGB Academy ot BMg car Sth and D sic nw Bring thts no- tice ooatf FLOOR OIL I HTJXTBRS DUST killing floor e keeps iahed Sic a gallon deMvered Phone NaSa S4a Once U Pa ave nw Oer Ubel- on every can this oil is used by the Marina Barracks oc43 t DENTISTRY Om e loUD A 21 te SJ P M DR OTIS W ELZEY DENTIST MM F at nw earn floor as Miss Snackiette DR W J ELZEY X X Cor 4th and E Capitol eta ae te Painless Extracting asd all Branches of Dentistry Moderate Prieea Phone M 42S2 oKtf TEE DENTIST DR J W KEYEs has moved te 14S7 F at aa23 t ALVBOLAR TEETH Painless lastlsr won derfBtty lifelike bridgework er plating un- necessary painless filling DR J L WIL SOX F ivMtf- LO6T anaay October IS OB Cabin John Bridge one heavy gold ehate bracelet set with one pearL lafocm in Maesaehttsetts aye nw receive reward It LOST A turqwoise cruz the BeSet wIt be rewarded for Its return to 1718 Coreoraa st- oc S3t COPPERSMITH PERT EMPORIUM of copper sheet Inca work J L GRAND Coppersmith 1206 nw also French ranges retlnolng topper utensils cot tee urns tsa tables and all kinds cooJc lag utensIls Phone 3J i928 sail to you NW YORK oc aHa m P Mar G III F cIGAR AND POOLJiIOO t twe sa price right of YOIUt BBS cii F AND CIIOPIIOC delly HI pdoe aMI xw YOJtX RIZJtB mi P YOItJC at L to 7 Son and pod JaaacUI aM FOR SALmprui aM grocery good Sa on car at y rooms Ni OYSTER sad eelSSt e tei eluding and wagon La t8k SALOON thy wilt and pay tile INW year DUGtN OE ie JIW at See aw and sensor lit La aYe wecII3t TiTLE and Trust being wits more w taM interest KllIt S MIIJt WANTEDLean fit st Si r CAPITAL erganbed Del finessing ArK aot1WNt BOX oe HMk POR SALSTM MIlt and JsIrIiIW r Jewelry lion G BC aw it psnluct and JI- M TIM sad Ute lace Also practical healthgiving toe A free loan of from 11 to It at MIIk IS Po IlL t helped t Music Ute Soars clean and brsgbt gives them pea sat f Uoob IllS LOST Hat ci wish 3CflCEI diIt cheap Yost stand now r XSW B NZ EkOkEB5 sailIt Ilk hiss best suaasss br ahig bavescigais NZ 3lIEXS EOiL miSit- OYBTZR ssisw as3 en lease Sill miSIt chap emalmcingor stand and ass nine his 18 sale Ins buahi meald vepMoblu- ieelsIt atM Suing Pat locality THOR Parior usslecdonscy so then 701 Sib bushes provision niece Isely aiisasedIdo per bases ave center 31551 buy license fec bus mess 2 psevisle msre Cmpeng lOtmedID 3555 cc aseecal eases southeast lished over Pease e of pen sent S everyw here Times diamond watch alt en easy 1etn by at 51W cadcf scalp atieSaM health uwagta viger sot baedtyisg bees favorite ad- vised S 1 subject Tel keith DENTIST 3ailthSntuSt > < > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ = >

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Page 1: · THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY OCTOBER 20 1908 rt New Witness Says He Was With Mrs


New Witness Says He WasWith Mrs Thompson Be

fore Her Death

CHICAGO Oct M A new witness inthe MannThompson murder case hasbeen discovered by who testimonyManns attorney is said to expectto prove that Luman C Mann wasthe womans slayer

This latest witness to enter tileIs Charles McCormick Clawater whoit is said was employed until recentlyon a Milwaukee newspaper He made astatement late at night it washe who accompanied Mrs Thompson tothe Michigan avenue rooming house inwhich she was murdered

It was Mrs Thompson declares CM

under the name oCClawater was taken to the house at

1242 Michigan avenue and he readilypointed it out as the one which he andMrs Thompson entered on June 7

He said he knows nothing of the murder but he will be a witness for Mannwho now is under indictment chargedtth the crimeEdward V Hannah a chauffeur who

ook Clawater to the scene ef the mur-der says the latter after pointing-to the house where Mrs Thompson wasslain

Clawater was taken to hotel byHannah where h will be kept untilInspector Wheeler eaa Question hinttoday

Clawater is about thirty years oldHe said he did not learn of the murderot Mrs Thompson until after Mannsarrest


Class AWanted AgentsWanted HelpWanted Salesmen So a lineWanted SituationWanted Rooma or BoardBoardingFor Rent Rooms urfRooms and Board J a a7nUbiT

CLASS BAll other claaaificaUons cents a line

S times 10 cents a line minimum 3 linesPer ooaU 15 Its a line aay number of


The Washington TImes makesspecial casliInadranco ratesClassified Advertising

CLASS AOne cent a word each insertion Minimum

charge 15centsCLASS B

Three times within one week 34 cents aline 7 times consecutively M cents a line

Advertisements will be accepted atany of the following branch offices-at regular rates If it is

to leave advertisementsat either branch office or The TimesBusiness Office they may be telephoned direct to The Times Main6260 and a messenger will call tocollect without additional charge


GOLDENBERGS 7th and K sin HWS K ANN SONS CO 8th and Market spacefiTJlKWS

11 IWh aw-B L McMICHAKL Cigar Store 14th and P

nwJ FRENCH SIMPSON cor 7th St Rhode

Island ave and R st aw-H T MUTTS PHARMACY 4th at and

Massachusetts ave nwCHAS C HORNUXC Christian Pharmacy

sw oor 7th and M sU aw-BANFORDS PHARMACY New York ave

and North Capitol street3401 Uth st aw-

R A Y BITCH 20th and M sts nwjLl iLEYS PHARMACY 21st ned G stsnwS M WAGNER A CO 1st and H ats BWL r TAYLOE cor kit and P ate nwXlcaOLS PHARMACY and Paav avePARK ROAD PHARMACY Uth Park road

PHARMACY I4ta and LK D HOWARD 14th and WN V POTTIE 332S Brlghtwood aveMALTBYS PHARMACY tt 7 Calvert atSoFORI3 PHARMACY Sth and U ate


HAS H BLUMER N Cap and n-alcCHESXEY JOACHm cor M andXRALS PHARMACY cor 6th and K etaMoCHESNEY JOACHIM 8th and F ala ne-BEX T LANHAM nth and E Cap at

SOUTHEAST-A E POWELL 4th ned Eat Capitol stsROACH DRUG CO Sth and G eta aa-A B BURROWS llth ned Pa aveF P WELLER cor Sta sad I


GEORGETOWNJAMES E SMITH ISM Wtocoaala aveF P WELLER Pharmacy 3tl M at nw


Jefferson ata




APPRENTICE GIRLS wanted to learn highOUss UresAinaking and designing paid a4day fitter earnin you can learn in 3at the YORK ACADEMY 12 9 G






water who that lieH Raymond







AljC at




A Eats


L 7G lit


auggestd reglwterJ

Ltn1xaum 3 lines

space S lines








BINDERY GIRLS wanted nwtclasa onlyApply printing department THE NATIONAL FAMILY REGISTER 3S4 C st nw

iiRIGHT neat girls sixteen years of ageas flx r meaaencers good pay and splendidchants for promotion Apply to H WSCHAUB with Goldonbergs 7th and K eta

FIRSTCLASS FIXISHBR-hvie juaKer call at once Uth at-

oettttFINISHERS on paste Apply L SAVAGE604 ocl 3t

GIRL general heuseworic Apply at once413 th nw itGIRL lor general houaework bring referenceiivftr white MB 0 nw U-

GIHL Xeat colored girl HuMrk 1308 8th aw It

GHL r r general housework eotered Applyoil 4 at aw OC2 2tGIRL for general housework good wagesi2 7fW Jersey ave nw It

twnlte fOC light housework aId aaaiM In store per week 14th at nw ItGIRL general housekeeper lit Mi eachu-setts ave ne ItGIRL Tn help around oyster house etxrience required Apply DOWLIXD McGILL Mt Rainier Md oclSStGIRL for general housework F at nwIn store ocl92t-GIKLS Several white for light bench workApplj at factory Q at and Eckiagton placeBe oc7 t

tot genital housework Wtt

COOK must be reliable Apply ilTHE BRUNSWICK oc902tGOOD COOK and butndreaa references reQulrd 1131 st nw itHANDY BOY In grocery store LEWIS 14Pennsylvania so ItLADY CANVASSERS Fine propositionERICAN PIANOHARP CO 2S Warder













geod buttes31i1







HELP WANTED FEMALELIGHT HOUSEWORK Girl or womanwhite BO washing 13U 7th at nw ItNURSE middleaged preferred for

references required Apply 114S Mon-roe st nw oeZOSt

PIANIST and saleslady proflcltsnt at onceApply KINGS PALACE Music Dept


PRESSER for suit and alteration departmentApply SUIT DEPARTMENT third floorPalais Royal A Decor ecl83tSKIRT MAKERS also helpers en coats andskirts wanted V ROTH U 4 L st LadleTailor oel83tSIX LADIES to do special highclass solicit-ing work salary and commission nothing tosell no ordera to take Call all between1 p m Del 4 p m References requiredROOM 4K Colorado building oeUltSEAMSTRESS Thorouchly experienced ondrapery work R W J B HENDERSONIMS G at aw eeW tTAILORKSS Exiiartoncad to work oa coatsone who can make buttonholes Apply to t

SAKS CO Pa ave 4th BoorocttSt

TWENTYFIVE women lor drtosmaklag shirt waist and millinery Arty womenand children for gymnasium Y W C A I

Uth at and F st ecl eo47t I

WAIST and skirt haMs holpon and apprentices 11X7 17th nw edSStWAIST and skirt helper and an apprentice1418 N nw oeliatWAITRESS Fira chuB cotond waitress 1WC nw oeMStWHITE PARLORMAID sad waitress twoehamoarmalds colored housemaid plaincook Inquire 1 S 11th nw It I

WHITE GIRL for general nousework nolaundry 1SS Columbia road oclSltWOMAN MMdlaaged for general

ft r m family good pay MRS E MDOUGLAS Eastern aye Takoma Park

OC3WOMAN To do oookiBs and avu e I

work to nights E O PIOBOXBiltnviro at nw octtltWOMAN Competent young for generalhousework good home adult family 196

at ne Lincoln Park oc StYOUNG COLORED WOMAN to assist cook

dishes in oyster house good wages 1934Uth at It


AGENTS WAXTED From SS to SS a daymade handling our photo ticket G G DONALDSON 927 F at nw octt7t





THE TIMES au2 tf

AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE termseasy payments positIons secured all

students receive actual road experiencetouring cars between Washington and

Baltimore Call or address either officeWashington elSe ISiS l h st nw Baltimoreomea 2 W Preston st Open andSunday oelStfBARBER Good wMte barber steady posi-tion to right man good salary F KIRSCHa PonnayivaRki ave oe393t




BOY for a grocery dork Apply 111 3d se

BOY Good reliable colored boy runrends make himself ueeful in furiUtufe storeApply between S and 30 a SW K aw ItBOY Good colored boy sixteen years oldU Vk 3th at nw ItBOY Colored sixteen to e v nte a yearsold Apply at ones 7t 6th RW ItBOY bakery shop boy dry goods Morebutler private family EXCHANGE 13hIlt HW K

Only Srstclasa men seed apply HENRY L KAUFMAX 7 Itth

BUSHBLMAX Flrstclaaa buabonman noothers need apply Iii th at nw ItCOAT MAKERS Two nrstclas at 1

JACOBS CO 4WVi Hh st nw octtJtDRIVER Energetic reliable who la capable or soliciting new trade cash bond ofK required Apply COLUMBIA LAUNDRY-

CO 3S G nw CStDRIVER White to deliver family orders

be acquainted with nw section firstdaM and hustler Apply Monday FUSSELLS 1437 New York ave ocU3tEXPERIENCED cylinder press NA-TIONAL PUBLISHING CO 8 Louisianaave oeSOJtERRAND BOY White THE LJPPMAXXPRINTING CO 6 F nw oclSItFARMER Competent to take hold of a Macre farm about C mMes from WaahlRgtoaHENRY F KEEXAX Foretvllle Md-

oel 3tFIRSTCLASS white wall scraper at onceW H MARTIN BRO 7U North Carolinaave s ocSfrJtFIRSTCLASS cleaner aad presser 4W G

MAX to Instruct auto school give fullBOX 3tt Times office oe83t

MEN to learn barber trade Eight weeksaverage time required Wages after firstmonth Steady position secured Testimo-nials awarded Boarding place secured Writefor free catalogue MOLERS BARBtSR COL-LEGE Iff Bowers New York city oc7 tPAINTERS Apply after p m 2S Qne ItPRESSER White or colored Immediatelysteady work Apply 412 Louisiana ave nw-

oeSOHfirstclass ISIS 14th at nw


IPORTER Drug store must come recom-mended and experienced 13M X Capitol stnW ocl t-

I SALESMEX Houe to house fine propositionfor hustlers AMERICAN PIAXOHARPCO 22 Warder BWg oe92tSCOURERS andpress rsat once 2 nrstotaESon ladies and gents clothes steady work

week 3 M 19th at nw ocl32tSECOND MAX white and third to dochamber work and valet 3MO Itth st nw















S lit


























SHORTHAND BTUDEXTS complete coursefor in monthly payments individual Inatructkm typewriters free to pupils CEOTRAL BUSINESS INSTITUTE 306 th ataw oc33tTAILOR FirstcMis ea ladles remodelingApply ISIS P nw oc2 3tTAILOR Good tailor at once 1M7 14th

cc33tTIN ROOFER One good tin roofer 1534 14that nw ItTWENTYFIVE LABORERS Apply StreetSweeping Stables between N and 0 NorJiCapitol and let nw between and 8 p anApply SUPERIXTEXDEXT oc202tWALL SCRAPER Good Apply 1114 4th st

w ItWHITE BOY to wrap bundles in hat depart-ment Apply PARKER BRIDGET COth and Pennsylvania ave oca 3t

WHITE BOY about sixteen years of Age tohelp in shopping department Reference required Apply BREXTAXOS F and 12thsts ItWHITE BARBElL 19 9 7th nw good

OC3StWHITE BOY la Jewelry shop U14 G at nw

ocJ tYOUNG MAX with bicycle to assist Welsbach department C A MUDDnLVX COSK 13th st nw ItYOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONEMPLOYMENT BUREAU registers capablemen fo employment CLIFFORD L

secretary 1136 G st nw Office hours930 a m to 1230 p nr Telephone 4900 ocl3t

KELP 7AKrED Male and FemaleCOAT PASTERNAK ISM 14th nwBOY OR GIRL to help tailor new workgood pay 8K 3d st ae ocS 3t

liSt for all departments in hotels todayBURGESS HOTEL AGENCY 01 10th











AGENTS WANTEDLife Seller Male or For

VIANDS PATENT FOUNTAIN pENCan make from Sie to SW a day

Absolutely New Patent Just Been rantedGuaranteed For Two YearsPRICE ONLY 25

C T HUNTER Tho Bicyoie ManGeneral Agent ocM

Two welleducated men to repre-sent us In Washington and vicinity Onlymen capable of earning ILKO per year needapply Address DODD MEAD CO 372Fifth avanue Now York city eaU3t


CHAMBERMAID By reliable colored girlMay nights references Call 2143 II BW-

od 3tCHAMBERMAID Firstclass waatr positionla private family Address 3K Indiana avenw ItWANT WASHING to take home or do out Ihave reference 128 S at aw oeMStWASHING to take home or days work 23Madison court nw It

wants aa Invalid attendantexperienced to leave city Br t classTOforoncos BOX 3M Times ethos oc St

POSITION aa chambermaid or parlor moldby a reSeed woman of Apply atthe Y W C A corner I3h and F eta

YOUNG LADY would like oiace positionknowledge of stenography and typewritingpermanency and chance for advancementniece object than present missy AddressBOX 3K Washington Times oc9ItA FIRSTCLASS laundry worn wantswashing to take home 9 Jackson at ne-


COLORBD BOY want work of any kindM12 D at ae ucl tYOUNG MEXS CHRISTIAX ASSOCIATIONEMPLOYMENT BUREAU furnishes oompeteat clerks atonographers salesmen bookkeepers to employers free of charge CLITFORD L JOHNSON lIst G tnw Office hours 936 a m to 1231 p mTelephone 4 OcHtf


FURNITURE highest cash price paid foruptodate furniture drop postal also clothIng If to store E HEXiLEY M S 14thnw ocSONtHIGHEST cash prices paid ror worn gar-ments elOise ladles or gents send postalwill call B TARSHES ISIS 7th at nwPhone Xerth 4M j ltfHOUSEKEEPERS This week ordinary win jdown expertly cleaned e each Generalhoueecleanlng Floors waxed polishedstained varnished reaalshed Postal EL-LIOTT 133 7th nw ocUStWANTED One large and one medium sizedsecondhand safe BOX 31 Timea oatce

oc XTRY ME Good price paid for furniturestoves etc all kinds stoves repaired WriUpostal or call 11H sth at aw

ocMatuthtfI PAY the highest cash prices for ladiea andgentlemens castoff wearing apparel dropcard will call C UVIXG8TON lit 7th ataw or phone 7364 oc294t-WAXTBD Furniture for cash MI yourgoods to the man who gives you the mostmoney See HOPWOOD 3th and K JeltfHIGH PRICES paid for ladies and gectscastoff clothing drop postal or phone nc rh33M M wilt call S KEBESKY 136 7thRW aeZlMtWANTED Am very much in need of furni-ture Send me your order and get the beatprices in town LOUIS NOTES 426 Sth atnw Phone Main 403 eeSfrXI AM THE ONLY MAN that paya higheat cash prleea for ladies and seats cash-es dethlng drop postal I will call PGOLDSTBIX 688 D at nw my7SBtuth

MULLMAXSecond and M ate sw Phone Main 492

Dealer In Wholesale and RetailIROXMETALS AND JUNK

au3tuthSH9TOP PRICES paid for empty barrels

C H BEAVERS 22S4133S 7th awPhone M 4K2 Je23tutha 5 t


XEW JERSEY AVE XW H3 Forkeeping three completely furnished roomsgag rage lit adults reference ocMM

UTH XE 3 Large front furnished rosessuitable for couple or two gentlemen with orwithout board ocJ 2t-

MTH NE 2St Two rooma for lightheat gas and bath sear two


F XW M WeUfwralobed heated aiilight ZOOMS near departments to gentlemenCall after K p m oc33tK XW lM2Cozy furnished rooms for peatlemen W i m to C p m ec3atUTH ST XW bJT Nice worm bright bedrooms reatonairf ocaOSt

STH NW 421 Large room furnished SS

month ociOSt

G ST NW KW5 Handsome mrge roomevery conv nienct adjoining bath hot watertwo gentlemen or couple 14 oe aKMASSACHUSETTS AVE XW M Two largenewly furnished rooms light housekeepingbath on same Soar near Depot

oc2 3tM SE 614 Furnished rooms nice and com-fortable plenty of light and heat ocM3t

F ST XW 812 Clean newly furnishedrooma all yricos Irma up Phone eerviee-

oc303tQ ST 3U Three large bright rooms gasand bath oc3fr3t

A SE S87 Furnished rooms bay windowand alcove second floor front light warmand dean It13TH SW 282 Large furnished room south-ern exposure heat and gas quiet family


1 TH NW 9W Bright newly furnishedroom suitable for one or two reasonable


6TH ST XW 1 W Room for rent ea 3dfloor and 1 on first floor frost all newly pa-pered with heat and gas reasonable


2D ST XW 522 Three furnished rooms forhousekeeping ool93t6TH ST XTV 71 HaM room rant andcomfortable 2d floor front 6 month

MASSACHUSETTS AVE XE 135 Two un-furnished rooms gas and heat oel3t-STH ST NW Sl For rent furnished andunfurnished rooms for light housekeeping

ocia3tF ST XB 37 Second hoer front 2 nicerooms suitable for married couple porcelainbath furnace heat near Union Station andG P 0 ocl 2t

RHODE ISLAND AVE NW 1 33 Severaldosirablo rooma board If desired od2t3D XT 76fr Xlce light comfortable andwell furnished rooms good bath warmrooms boot location for gentlemen oc77t

ST XW S19 Nice furnished roomscouple or gentlemen opposite Judiciary Park

oel7tF 4TH ST XW Nice furnished roomscouple or gentlemen opposite Judiciary Park

oel 7t3D ST NW 22 Clean rooms one squareabove Avenue 12 week up oc57t3D ST NW S23 Large and small nice deanrooms centrally located se2139t6TH XV 60 Four beautiful rooms lighthousekeeping scorns er without boardentire place new excellent l caUoa ne2i3UTH ST XW 3234 A nicely furnishedhotwater heat private bath for gentlemenconvenient to two car linesH


XW 12U Xicely furnished sunny roomsdouble or single JL50 up per week cl 3tLA FETRAS HOTEL corner nth and G ItsWinter rates rooms at SIS to 30 per monthelevator service steam heat European cafe

oc87t8TH ST XW 132S Large furnished secondfloor front room in private family convenient-to two car lines oclS3tTHE FRANKLIN 1913 14th st nw Xicelyfurnished rooms team heat elevator serv-ice reasonable ocl 3t

IRVING ST XW ins Columbia HeightsNewly furnished room southern exposurefine bath hotwater heat J3 an exceptionaloffer gentlemen references between two



Fem fI



















gOOd car lines








house-keeping car-lines



> ¬












FOR SENT FURNISHED ROOMSMARYLAND AVE NE U7Xear Capitoland station comfortably he tod rooms private bonne reasonable oclSJt

HOTEL 2d and Indiana Ave nwLarge clean rooms on a shady at convenlent te depot and all oars moderate ratestransients accommodated cafe andattached to college students se393et

NEW YORK AVE 944Parlors light housekeeping third floor 5 KM M weekreduction to law students to quiz landlordlawyer tarnIshed odC7t

NW MR Large furnished front roomswelt heated and lighted oclS3t I

M NW 212 Furnished rooms with er without board to gentlemen only oelS3tCOLUMBIA ROAD aeooadstory

ZOOM hotwater heat private familyoeisSt I

I SW 4 Two nice bright nowly paperedand furnished front bath and gas oelSSt-STH NW ttA nice dean secondfloor iroom See bed heat and sas next bathfor gentleman W oe83t


H XW 1517 Two large bright rooms with I

heat an gas suitable for any buaineM rea-sonabie oe XPENNSYLVANIA AVE NW 3136 Two jbasement rooms light housekeeping Mmonth en Avenue ear MM ocMSt3 TH XW MUOae large front seem wHf-cor without board ecravealeat for office peo I

THIRDFLOOR front room over drug storewith gas Apply NICHOLs PHARMACYmh aad ave oe 3tP NW 71 Three large unfurnished roomslight housekeeping heat and gas secondfloor no children oc 2t3D ST NW 7e Three bright cheerfulrooms reasonable oottKT ST 1631 Thr sunny rooms for lighthousekeeping gas In private reeldeuce oclfiK12TH ST SE 4 Tbreo rooms heat gasuse of bath ocUKCOLUMBIA ROAD 131 Delightful aoeandstory rooma See home taw private familymoderate rates phone Cot Silt eclS6TH NE H Foer rooms first floor sideporch large yard SUM ec77t

FOR RENTFurnished or Unfurnished Rooms

13TH XW m Two communicating roomsbath on same MOOT one on tint floor ecttMt

heat terms reasonable BOX 27 lime f

CARROLL ST SB 13tOac Urge M HOOTfront room reasonable oct ttH ST NW H7 PHmUlMd aa nnf iraUi 4-rooou central all ceavealancoa ArM leeatloa

EAST CAPITOL ST Kl ly ftraM dand UBfurnMMMi room no lightleg sear Capitol and ear Use e ttatCARROLL SEfront zoom reasonable


Q MKOoe large nicety funrtaned rosewith board steam heat private residence

ociftatW ST 1X28OM nicely frontwith board seer caR oe tRHODE ISLAND AVE 1S17 Two nicely furntobed rooma with board Phone N 7


WTH XW 1133 BcoUfM frost room newlyfurniahed all eonvenieneea with excellentboard Mir for

L Hff Furnished rooms endhoard m prhra4e family on oar line It12TH SW JiaOn nicely fMmtolMd room and

1TTH SW SULov ljr frost roomand board for two geMs prtvn family

C SW S Xlee front rooms andboard southern exposure for cetteie ocaaX

ST XW UK ruratelMd two largexo nw on a oond flf or withtaW boardITH ST XW 717 Stegaat rooms sad board96 per oclf2tPARK ROAD 1471 Three bright rooms withboard gentlemen only private raaldmioa

oclSJtIRVING ST MM Twe sunny roanw withbard prMrate Amrtly near oars oeH9c-1ST SEr23 XlMlr room andbooed m small Saintly opposite Cenftresbuilding oclSStEAST CAPITOL ST 2tt The Lynhaveanicely furnished rooms and beard use of reeptloa and club rooms ocl57tYOUNG MEN looking for good hot anould-se to SI Eye nw BO boarding house privatefamily a good cooking and iota of itThen ci4tf


room connecting DAVISOXS 719 6th st nwelltf


MJEALS served out to white trade tableboard at home cooking lltt IStk-aw oc3 7t


913 18th at opened OctS er 1st Special ratesto permanent guests oc3 3tt-

ORSES AND VEHICLESLOT OF SECONDHAND runabouts and aurreys can be seen at DUHEYS STA-BLES Rear 4St 4th ne oc3 tt-

WAXTED Good driving mare kind and gentie cheap 309 6th st aw oc JtFOR horse grocery wagon andharness no reasonable offer refused Apply121 U st nw between 6 and 7 oea StFOR SALE Oa good work aorse cheapsound Apply 1 M 6th st OC20M

FOR SALE M Secondband vehicles consisting of 3 glass side station wagons landaubroegaam 4 and passenger coupe rockaways surreys business buggIes aad run-abouts A J STABLER 9U D at nw

FOR SALE Eignt driving horses 12 goodwork horses A J STABLER Ml D fit nw

oeMStFOR cutunder doctors buggygood as new A J STALER Ml D at nw

FOR or seven horses which are alittle sore suitable for farm work MER-CHANTS TRANSFER AND STORAGECO STABLES 3d and B sts nw ocUttFOR lot i good work horses soldfor want of use aloo one stanhope and onesurrey Ap ly rear 6S Pennsylvania ave nw



TVORKIXGMEX now is the time to save ona nice woo tailor made slightly used over-coat or suit at n or JJ coats and vests 199its a 6 note in your pocket one priceJUSTHS OLD STAND 619 D st oeU7t


DR G N PAYETTE specialist skin dis-eases hair and SCP office hours 9 to 1 2to 6 Second floor Singer Building 937 F nw



HOSPITAL FOR BROKEN FURNITUREExpert cabinet maker and upholstering

718 9th st ne elStf


WILL STORE your furniture 1 onehorseloads LS0 twohorse loads per month alsoantique furniture for sale 2165 Pa ave nw-

ool83 tWHY PAY MORE We store furniture for

load UXITSD STATES STORAGE-CO 4132022 1Kb at nw Phone Main 4-



Lamps of every description repaired platedand polished 303 John Marshall place nw




barber-shop special rates







iIH 7MTJmM eGBaeOtIRgfront cabinet kitchen bath steam Ja verydesirable ocIt


or vfeznIihed rooM llrulI1I

Ice sellIt


large second doerocUat


II two atX-iWF






RENTBALLLARGE and hlIt1tul ball room













Nw rooms





board quiet family wMg1ibobood odlItfurnished







lIe per















TO THE LADIESMRS MASURY roMlcure pariers MM G nwRoom 38 most uptodate methods of shampooiner racial aid scalp treatment PhoneMain 6640 ocSOMt

OSTRICH FEATHERS ourted dyed andcleaned feather boas oa mhtte

MADAME GARET 1217 H awocl3t

LATEST STYLE ladles and gents suits teorder dyeing and repairing of ladies and I

outer garments satisfaction iguaranteed LOUIS COWMAN M7 UUt awPhone M 362 M t lltBSutH tHAIR TONIC and special treatment l r thair MISS LAURA CADMAX 738 Utli athair dressing and manicuring parlors oc9tfLADIES fine suits made to your measure I

alt ratloaa and cleaning at reasonable pri s J

RING the taller eor 17th K nw Fbeaa-M 4486Y e2438t I

EVERY rfAur vans Blue Point Cdtiee roastedfresh cvary day Tic per pound Thank youCall again

H H XrJJOTT-se 3 t MM 14TH fT X W I

MILLINERYDONT FORGET Before makteg a decision-on your Sail bat a e those n display at-M E STICKLERS Its 11th aw Me73t


E LUTHER 466 lita at nw Induce hair-dresser wig maker latest Preach and Ameneaa styles shampooing hair treatment and


WE MAKE a silk umbrella for 1 bring usyour old umbrella and get a new coverthrew It away M H PHILP1TT lit Z nw


PROP WYXDHAM 411 Uth nwtee cLass 7 Men Wed TMtr Frt S

r ia in ing Barn Dance aoeUtf


y to dance corrwcuy in f w VtonsWaits twoM p tnr p XarctMoa barndance ooUliion Private day rwith music Class Thursgma 7 dace to Iz Teas-ers PioT and MM E4w T Daviaon-

SKLKCT tJKMBLT DAXCKSNational JUtiM Armory Every Saturday

oclltf-XBRRY WIDOW CLUB lltn w EveryMonoay Wednesday and Friday eve SJ to12 SM the mtxMUitfnt and shadow dances

ocMtf-WASHINOTONS most fashionable degacademy Ghaaes Theater entrance enlath at special music eveningIncluding checking lady and gentleman leeWashington Llgat Infantry Halt oclatMRS McGARVEYd dancing acaaemy

leg Miss Duress WeM nsaU assistant leachWe make specIalties of the waltz two

step threeatep Narcissus military twoseeand barn dance Nina different agoros Pri-vate MMoaa day or evening vltn niwie Class

Phone Main 7UA Masquerade bail toat Pythian Tempo October Mt IMC-

ocl tf-

DAXClXi ACADEMY 2tf I at nChamberlain and Cobb teachers social danesTiMBsdaya Phone M M47Y eoltr-ACHERS 1137 KKa aw Barn dance

clam Mondays Fridays I to U n mprivet instructions by appointment

hail Mr rent seSMMt



at CoMand yv know thatb M d at sees and yon haveMvetMi a d Why win y mrfFw-


Cotor4o BntUsntf


Terms forbeard and treatment will be reasonable

e7tfDR CAMPBELL Specialist to15th st nw chronic nasal catarrh mmithw-Uon rhoiimatlam are treated byand a at methods of modern tbecapentioaBuckleS Clinic of the Beloved PhysicianUth aC aw cUtf






LOUIS SONSManufacturers of a special line of herb reme-dies which are guaranteed to cue or rettevethe most obstinate diseases knows to man-kind more quickly than any other knownmedicine A trial will oonviaec UM moot

174S 7th st nw asSStf

CARPEl CLEANINGCARPET CLEANED by compressed air tmyour hoots or at our plant Main6988 30M C at nw oelMtSAVE YOUR old carpets rugs woven fromold carpets the weaving factory of itskind in the city carpet cleaning WASHIXerON RUG CO 931 5th at aw M 4855



HOW ABOUT THE PLUMBING If It Isntsatisfactory call OB me long established unreputation WM COXRADIS CO

125 7th nw plumbing heatingi l tuthsa96t

E T KAUFMAX U Uth at ae Whoreothers taU we succeed our patrons our ref-erence flratclaas tutorial highgrade

expert repair men ocBK

CARPENTERS AND BUILDERSRBMODSLIXG BUSINESS HOUSES a spe-cialty quick work of superior quality E MVAN XESS Ill New York ave nwYellow Front Phone Mate 347 ecl49t

TAILORINGP D ROOT Merchant Taller lIE 14th stBW new suits from Ill up cleaning dyeingetc at moderate prices suits called for antdelivered Phone X 294 ocl4 xSwttSTOP LOOK LISTEN Suits cleaned andpressed 5c swagger clothes fit and work-manship guaranteed 44 fall and winterstyles WM S BEREXTER 417 7th sw-

ocl73feCLEANING Dyeing Repairing Pressing

EDW R MYERS 1 2dth at nwDrop Postal Will CalL

ocl 3 tSAVE SAVE Just to get you acquaintedwith our work suits sponged pressed SicDR SCHWARTZ 5W 6th st ae oc3 tUNION MEN to know I am making suits tomeasure bearing union label 14M up fitguaranteed J A WILNER 6M nw

sel4MtM BERMAN 8327 14TH ST XW

Fine Tailoring Cleaning Dyrlnc RepairingPhone CoL M se233 t


CARPENTER tools tinners snips and squar-ing shears put In firstclass order BENZLUDWIG 12K C at nw oclSaututhtf


ALL BALLBEARING rink skates reducedRoller skates as low as We up Rainbowour special ballbearing rink ekates Barney

Berry M7S Other sUAJard skates forless than you can buy then elsewhere Wesell all parts of skates Expert skate repair-ing Open evenings until 5 p m C THUXTER 113 Pa aye nw oc33MBARNEY BERRY SlAG Winslow J273-Unlcn Hardware S249 skate repairing andparts at reduced prices MEXDELL

7th ot nw s lS99






cotoning auISSututhtf









every price

expteacbenl of poUts and graceful Sane


every from T to 11 m ISis K DWne


II j

Hasten hIther get rN of yourweather is




In a Sew days to patients
















leeseas guarantee

aveeves Tees Be-

at FrantIc






end seEmingenpe damp approaching

menus Ton esnae yet








> <














terse Jc up Cottage rota lc snob bestquality floor otlclotx Sit yard lining


SPECIAL FURNITURE and stove aaX fwtwo weeks only Mnttinga oilcloth llnalaam-atovj repairing etnltyFUltXITURE AND STOVE CO IK H at M

THE OLD ANTIQUEtn ourred jMeneard used by Jnd aWilMMs son of M Iowa Ctrela Call sadby ow men tbronch the pastKRUPSAW Penataytvmnla a j w

registercurl wagon and haaMna mm aett snjmMHahror In whole No innanni

FOR SALE Poet tabw lib aarttata jot parlee or baaament balla cues etc 3M lainK BW r 1

FOR SALEOM Mad gassier boat with orwithout cheap CCMBVRLAKDS ISHIP YARD foot C Sin aC w


included in this poet Oct bargainAH hiasrad are repraaantud Samf ihe big values are Hardman SIM Operatt Fischer 14 Milton lim m a-

U7 Harriagton ii o tagr UK tftMC-UM Yes Sohmor H KnabeSteinway fiat SajaaM pianos l np Bargains in players Easy paymanti

O J DEMOLL 4s CO list 0 atocl3tf

FOR SALE SUghtly graphapbane andnew records 12 bargains laG nearly new

drop head sewing machine tl can bsees say evening JL X GIVEN Ok Paave auStfFOR SALE New and Mcondnandand staves cheaper than daewharafurnaces latrobea or nay kind of Moos re-pairing HOWARD STOVE CO IMSUtf Haa oclStf-OK ACCOUNT of moving will glee a dtaconnc

sold between nowand October 3 ae f U exceptional bargainsWASHINGTON SAFE LOCK CO UW Dat aw ocHtfUPRIGHT PIANO almostnew only JU fuUy warranted twoupriaht pianos reliable oa Kmonthly payments HELBK BBOe 1WT 7th

a3 tfTERRA COTTA chimney tops great varie-ty of styles and shape terra cottapipe from aree to twentylour Inches swaybelow earrent prices T XDW CLARKbtdidets and expert wreckerNew Jersey aye nw r





WANTED to buy every secondhand Meycto-in Wftoalnxtaa for a cash urtc T

Ill Pa v iwSOLE AGENTS fcr tau ona IMS Meyetoguaranteed aata year easy pAymonts HAYERFOKD CYCLK O 421 l th aw

s SuUiftfTIRES UNICORN HarUord 77X HJt5 other make nn aCXDKLL COITS 7th at nw oeUMt


REMEMBER THE NUMBlCRt 412 awOnly lady barbers ta WaMngtoa Sew piaea-M a anave and hair soC If you comaonce como again Try as



a SSMt 14th ST N W

WALL PAPERROOMS PAPERED 2 np nrstetass workanly house painting low prices au soniczuaraateed CHAS A CARLISLEM OW Ill Rh at nw JylSa t thMt

C a SILENCE 7 t nw PhoneWall paper lowest ptir have me anestimate before having our papering done

ocl7tS-EXD TO HUNT the aM reliable nt New

ave and got his reduced price n u-

arork Zr the next 3 days MatsLull vac


PEDIGREED scrawtnUed brindle Bostonterrier papa French poodles parrots cana-ries guinea pip pata boarded


JUST RECEIVED Ding AnntraUanalee CSUbaahaa Cuban

eoUioa St Bemardc blade lid tan ainglnc-esnartor parrot goldnfiht etc SCHMKX3BIRD STORE 712 Uth t ocUtT

HArmERS SUPPLIESOLD RAZOBS mad new all kind griatfteK

and fnmitttra E 1J HOFFMAN 2t7t e uatAUTOMOBILE OUTING

COOt BREEZESTake a oeM ride In the oonntry HIre

THE SHERMAN67 ExperIenced chauffeur explaining pomts

FIRSTCLASS open and doMe Spaesenger St hour 7paaaen0er can ithour ZIMMERMAN KEXXEALLY 134217th st BW North 493 ock 3at


YOUR COAL SUPPLY FOR THE WINTERW A broken furnace per ton JTWW A egg per ten J7JiW A stove per ton J72S

A n t per ten 725W A pea per ton SLM

Special prices on av ton Iota and overU MEREDITH 3O 14th St-

I I WILL MEET all prices of nay dealer inwood coal and coM Call or phone lid get

I my spot discount ROBT T BALLARD H JM Sure money ask rOC ECON-OMY VOUCHERS ocKStCOAL AND WOOD of all kinds at the verylowest prices phone 5M Omce andyard 21O1 D nw J J MOHLER soWJteSEPTEMBER CASH PRICES Furnace M tLincoln ave and Saatoa sC ne Phone X BSL

DYEING CLEANING PRESSING-FOR PROMPT and satisfactory servicephone Main SIlL CAPITAL CITY PRESSING CLUB 14 8 Eye at Special rates temembers


PREMIER LAUNDR1 12 tt H t nwSuperior work prompt servtee sad good carefully handled


WEST END LAUNDRY 1T2S36 Pa nirPhone Main flit

TO MY PATRONSBrighton Laundry is still doing b 4in e at

1734 Pa ave aw MRS F R JONES Prop


LACE CURTAIN laundry formerly ttsa Sta-nw new 1295 2H at nw no lime satiatetion lie per pair mall attendedto oc t-


WM PFLD2GER F ST S WStewed beef 5c and 6c fine rib roast IOn

corned beef 5c and 8e ateak 12Hesirloin steak lie porterhouse steak 18cchuck roast Me chuck stoak Me Call Main7100 Jylltutasa9KTHE PORTSMOUTH MARKET 11th aad Rnw we sell nothing but highda goodstome dressed meats and fresh vegetables



Jyl6ta um9 t



earpetSc an5 Sc yardHIM



MaHR 11 11

Also Be eoIIecUea of sass plums


FOR ocwt

S i It > U


piano and stnUlMltt Ja Modt lie






of per rent ora nfl

aBemakes Site






you J1




jUtau ttwi-


Del hI expert


Ue any Mar of the day or atit Cc unc






stove net pea 5sellItt


moderate prices






ocPod4tHOUSE secured



lea Natl1 sashmoles peed home ns

a 51sr sutasudApplybotwees end st aw


ser3 Suedante



ls sales

mahogany ease

supN 31









raise reason-able


poolS Soc


polishing workmen barber sup-plies


an-a atgit

aw Phos
















BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESSXE ITS If you wish to or Map a bnaanosOur list of cltenca and pisces and aUMlat fadlitUa will nna you sea whet

LCNCHJtOOftC th at nwtea oadlr aalos Sfnv praao

CORXKK OAOCKTRY tanthw ut sees mroams na Un at MM XMWBCHLXBM BMOKJBM U F oaflaKOFFER WANTED Jar gar ad vncftetrstore and nxtanaa H st n sam sixroonw NEW TORE BCSOCX S BMOKKKS11 7

ttlRKKCHAnt basher Tr iimLisent 3M weekly liuilni a pine MSNEW YORK BUSZXJEMocjattHALF OF STORE Sac renttea ladles goods big chance raanananla UItth nw ocJ atFOR JtEXT Horn a halfory comor 4th

H no store rooms bath atata condition B X JOELLET MS nth st w oesa-OBOCERY for SIM Uth at aw dotes

cask businessMao MmfcBt r tHARDWARE and pointprice oacabttshed payinglent win inventory U4 Jt i takes thIssoap TW Sib at aw ocMatGROCERY and eonteoUonary with lIving

oeotebto right priceth at nw ocJ35t-

oughUro Mittnhio Soc fcLdy TfiOKNTOXat aw oea tCAME extremely 1tin inbU payingright pno XUOKKTOK Sit X h at w

MEAT andlag aveme menth in


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FOR aAT TaOnrtng dyeing and deanabaMmasa te rare chance escab-Addrwa BOX 282 Ttmoa-

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BEAUTY BOOK exptaios the oeveJoot a beaatttgl term

PeNt cent will bring It to yourWrite to BOX 3M Times omce oOtS3-IF YOU NEED MONEY I vW sash you A

a rue that wIltpay you to investigate BOX 54 Tlmea CJ-



1817 K at nw oc247tMADAME CATHZRIXZ

Washingtons and card read-er has moved to JXC liCk at aw OverYemen Lays aorlsc store Phone North an-


CLAIRVOYANT PALMIST CARDSAre you te treabie tf ao como lei be

And out the canaa of yow bad beckand how to change your bad auudlUuns totha e ef success Joy sad tapoteaaa She has

many others why not you7S1 NINTH STRBET X W 781

edtMADAM MARCIA LATE OF GLEN EchOastrologer plo Physic MW H at aw


Palmist and Reader and Medtent-Cermaa spoken 25 H fit aw eoMtf


MR K MILLOK sctentMe astrologer S 2Eye I at aw Horory astretogy yearlyhoroacopoa nativities Information given onany AH horoscope ereeted by meansof spherical trigonometry atn 34 Callor writ oc4tf


FACIAL AND SCALP MASSAGE lmpioutblackhead and wrinkles permanently re-moved youthful features restored MS E atnw oclStf


X1GHT SCHOOL One month free BBOS-SdiUonally at DRAUGHOXS PRACTICALBUSINESS COLLEGB Academy otBMg car Sth and D sic nw Bring thts no-tice ooatf

FLOOR OILI HTJXTBRS DUST killing floor e keeps

iahed Sic a gallon deMvered PhoneNaSa S4a Once U Pa ave nw Oer Ubel-on every can this oil is used by the MarinaBarracks oc43 t


DR OTIS W ELZEY DENTISTMM F at nw earn floor as Miss Snackiette

DR W J ELZEYX X Cor 4th and E Capitol eta ae

te Painless Extracting asd allBranches of Dentistry Moderate PrieeaPhone M 42S2 oKtf


has moved te 14S7 F at aa23 tALVBOLAR TEETH Painless lastlsr wonderfBtty lifelike bridgework er plating un-necessary painless filling DR J L WILSOX F ivMtf-

LO6T anaay October IS OB Cabin JohnBridge one heavy gold ehate bracelet setwith one pearL lafocm in Maesaehttsettsaye nw receive reward ItLOST A turqwoise cruz the BeSet wIt berewarded for Its return to 1718 Coreoraa st-

oc S3t

COPPERSMITH PERTEMPORIUM of copper sheet Inca work JL GRAND Coppersmith 1206 nw alsoFrench ranges retlnolng topper utensils cottee urns tsa tables and all kinds cooJclag utensIls Phone 3J i928


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