washington evening times. (washington, dc) 1908-10-26...

THE WASBISOTOX TIMES MONDAY OCTOBER 26 1908 G z 7 Its One of Those Bungalow Effects and Wants Lots of Big Closets ARCHITECT SPOILS THE WHOLE SCHEME Announces That Such a Home as They Drew Up Would Cost Them About 7000 I cxuae upon Mr and Mrs Blank the other day looking as if crack of doom were about to supervene Mrs Blanks head rested on her hand and she was sadly contemplating something which looked like a Chinese puzcle but which I found directly was the plan house Mr Blank was puffing away at a cigarette and looking as If he eould an he would tell the sad story of his life in two chapters Of course if you are scrapping Ill go away I said sinking Into the most comfortable chair in the room Ill leave it to you If there is any sense in having fourteen eiosets in a bungalow began Mr Blank explo- sively Mrs Blanks hand closed on the plan end she turned her haggard face to me Leonore she said you must see that the shoots cannot go in the same place with the trunks- I refused to be drawn into the discus- sion Building a house I inquired pleasantly No a set of closets said Mr Blank A bungalow the dearest thing ex- claimed Mrs Blank What put it into your head I in ftuirad Finds It in Magazine This cried Mr and Mrs Blank in chorus producing a magazine It wee a gay and illustrated magazine filled with pictures and th pictures were luxurious bungalows with latticed and expansive porches sur- rounded with climbing roses and what looked like palm trees All apparently- were placed In tropical regions and un der them were notices which read some- thing like this This bungalow will cost 41K or ttli with porches This magnificent bungalow east its owner who lives in Kamsehtka but fl0002 Bungalow erected in Assam fer 88215 I dont believe there Is no Mob per ton said I quoting my friend Sairy Gamp Oh this is a very reliable publica- tion replied Mr Blank We could build an exquisite bungalow for 1500 if Marian werent so stubborn Now I tk you as a sensible woman what does it matter whether the re- frigerator is hers or here indi cating places on the plan or what does it matter whether this closet is a three cornered one or a fourcornered one und what dos it matter whether the door leading from dining room into the pantry swings in or Usually women have absolutely no for detail but no head for any thing but detail She splits hair and em Talk Three Months Weve been talking about this bunga- low now for three months and we dont get on solely because she always finds a new place to put a closet or a bath- room Who drew the plans I inquired We did cried both of my friends proudly but an architect friend of ours Is coming to look at them today At this psychological moment the architect friend made his appearance- and was hardly permitted to speak to- me before the plans were shoved under LOCAL MENTION Malt Bread Is So Tasty BO appetizing that children cant get enough of It Have It on your table meal Pure nourishing baked right Always specify Schneiders Grocers 5c Choice Potatoes 22e Pk 850 Ba Large cans Best Tomatoes 3 cans Sifted Peas 86c 2 cans Fish Roe 36c Butter 58c Eggs Me S doz Herring Sc 7 lbs Buckwheat 25c J T D Pyles stores Homemade Milk Bread Delivered You can have this delicious nutritious homemade bread delivered fresh and clean from oven to table every day 5c loaf Homemade Pies Holmes Bakery 1st and E sis Phones Linen and 1441 Lynn Haven Bays Phil Oyster Chop House ill 11th nw In the Presence of 20000 People Miss Fritz again wins the Worlds championship Thursday evening at Madison Square Garden New York city the Underwood Typewriter with Miss Fritz as operator again easily won the worlds championship writing from new copy for one an average of eightyseven words per minute In spite of enthusiastic cheering Miss Fritz kept her nerve and the accuracy and speed of the Underwood did rest Halloween favors toys Goulds4319th Welabach Lights Order Direct Mail or Phone We do not have canvassers 124 G C A Muddiman Co tit 12th 100 Free Violin Scholarships Given away In to Introduce their method of teaching Mr and Mrs F T Benjamin will distribute free of charge 100 violin books on Thursday Oct 21 only Pythian Temple th nw be wean L A Mass 4 p m to boys or to M years this in- vitation who should be accompanied by parent or note regularly Thursdays for eight months lessons for which there will be no charge Violins furnished free at class room Expenses paid by annual carni- vals Carpets Cleaned and Relaid Mattresses Renovated E P Hinkel Co 4SS Maine ave sw Phone M 306 ORDER COAL ftOVt I the prices are low Our coal Is clean and you get full weight coke and wood in any de liveryW T SMiTH CO 813 5th Si IT W rAKK SMITH XffffrV Phone L 740 BLANKS PLAN HOUSE AT COST OF 1600 Mrs B the ot- a i 1 all- ot t n the 01 l HaG A A order i 101 S ItaUn I While quantityprompt 1 t I t a p coed c a w ti ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MAKES DEBUT AS ARTIST III I 1 1 + MRS LARZ ANDERSON LARZ ANDERSON who has heretofore been known to the smart in Washington Boston and New York for her magnificent so entertainments has won new distinction in art circles She has the walls of the George Hamilton Porter room in Sailors Haven Charietown Mass with twentyeight sketches illustrating life aboard hip and tales of the sea Eoroe of the sketches are in colors while others are in black and white The room toward which Mrs Anderson directed her talents beArs the namej f her father one of the liberal eontributoec to the home Bos- ton critics pronounce the sketches to be examples ot art and Mrs Ander- son is receiving the ceogratutaiione of the smart world for her latest achieve- ment MRS line > ¬ ¬ ¬ his nose He studied them gravely for some minutes asking questions appar- ently to enable him to understand the thing Then he put a pertinent query to his palpitating audience How much did you expeot this to costFifteen hundred dollar replied Mr Blank as a man who has over the and carefully The architect whistled My dear chap he Bald finally if you get out on you will be doing well If I could build houses that for 315M I would have made my fortune long ago Mr Blank looked at Mrs Blank and ah returned the grange pensively Some of those closets must go thundered the husband Take Out Trunkroem Mrs Blank looked at the plan Sup- pose we take out the trunkroom and the closets in two of the bedrooms and the bookcases in the livingroom would that she asked meekly The architect studied the plans again You will have to make more changes than that was his verdict Mr Blank scowled as he looked at the plan I suppose the china closets will have to be sacrificed he remarked re- gretfully and with a quick glance at his wifeTake out some of your own things 7000 dot ¬ ¬ John Blank she answered wrathfully- Let the wine closet go and your own special bathroom with the shower and the needle baths But dear people you da net un- derstand that entire outline of your house must be changed to bring it within the sum you mention expostu- lated the architect It isnt a question of taking away a bit here or a bit there ground plan must be revised- I always did the smokingroom was superfluous remarked Mrs Blank viciously LEONORE SATIN TAFFETA- A POPULAR RIBBONT- he fall season promises a generous employment of ribbon The streamer and sash numerous hair ornaments and the wide use of rack ornamenta- tion call for a wide us of ribbon Satin messaline and the satin finished taffetas are the popular ribbons will be some demand for the and other fancy weaves The Persian and Dresden patterns are still shown and the check ant striped fancies are well thought of the usual line of staple colors a large line of novelty colors and shades are seen As ribbons- are always used to enliven and enhance- In trimming effect the high novelty shades are unusiwlly good in a season where much trimming B lde Jacquard ¬ ¬ ¬ For the Amply Proportioned Voman Science and com- bine in the W B REDUSO to afford the stout woman an to mold her figure to meet the of modern without in or discomfort to herself With gentle fit the hip and abdomen are sub- dued the form is proportions in nowise restricting the freedom or comfort or wearer The remarkable reduction of from one to live inches is comfortably achieved without strap or con- trivance REDUSO Style 770 as pictured For tall large women Made of vc y serviceable white coutil or batiste wui three pairs hose supporters Sizes IS t 36 PRICE 300 KEDUSO Style short large women Same as Style 77- 9KBDTJSO Style tall large women Made about one inch longer be- low the waist line than Style and of a material specially woven to withstand extreme wear strain Three pairs hose supporters PRICE 500 Sizes 1 to 36 W B NUFORM Corsets for Average Figures Made In a great variety of shapes isurlng an absolute fit fr r every type of figure Ask any dealer anywhere to show you t e NUFORM Style 463 price 5100 or the 150 200 and 300 par excellence of corsets WEINQARTBN BROS Makers 377379 Broadway New York commonsense Corset op- portunity a 772For 774For Qualitiesthe r x CORSE1S l n j j i i I Ii i Y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > CLAIMS Famous Physician Takes Is sue With Majority of Practitioners FRESH AIR AND WALK ALL THAT IS NEEDED Scouts at Theory of Adding One Fatigue to Another by Hard Exercise There is a famous physician who has given much of his time to the study of rest He has worked out some good plans for tired men and women which have benefited them He is an expert and his word has be come one or weight and authority He Is very strongly convinced that he is right on many phases of this subject In which he takes issue with the majority of physicians His special work has been with genuinely busy people not mere idle complainants who fret Be- cause they have not enough to do First Objection- The first axiom that he objects to is the one that advises exercise for the body as a means of resting the mind He has pointed out to many women the foolishness of such practice He says the mind cannot rest when the body is tired He says that the practice of taking walk at a rut trot when one has done a hard days work is entirely the wrong thing to do In his words It adds one fatigue to another He does not believe in strenuous exercise far mentally overworked people Another belief of his will cause more excitement and discussion than say other says who do not Indulge in physical exercise live than men He not think need exercise This is a to make in the middle or a that is absolutely given over to the exercise Shertes Life One of the bestknown tennis players among women says believes that violent tennis shortens life weakens the heart and is of no help in any way Too many women have become useless burdens through overexercialng for this statement to be entirely denied The theory that athletics gave grace td a woman has been discarded and there is quite a good deal of support given In high quarters to the new theory that heavy exercise unfits a woman for living her life Tills doctor says that plenty of fresh air and night and one hours walk ta enough for any woman Her con- stitution do not need any more exer- cise than is given by a threemile spin If she is in the city she can not go at such a rate of but on springy country roads she can turn out from two to three miles a day and final her- self in lit condition SOME GOOD OUT OF IT An old bachelor says that owe good thing will happen when women are per mitted to vote and that will be that voters will not be required to state they are over twentyone and oM enough to vote and that will be consid ered sufficient under the law ATHLETICS- ARE BAD FOR WOMEN their age wlll simply say that a- long women state- ment gen- eration she Tht ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FOR COLD NIGHTS I I I SAFETY IS FOUND- IN OPEN WINDOWS Overcautious people refuse to open a window wide to fear of drafts TKy will open tt six inches at the top is a minimum amount of wln tom of the sash They do not realise that drafts are not by windows being open too far but on account of their not being opened enough The window should be opened at the bottom as well as top and if one is afraid of the air blowing in directly on the body a board height of the opening may be placed in front of the space The air current wit rise above it and drive the heated air out at top of window The greatest mistake of all is to keep the almost closed in fear of becoming chilled and cold Especially in the time when the air should be frequently renewed the windows should be opened wide If chilliness starts to creep over the eleeper the fault can easily bo overcome by adding more bed covers It doesnt make any difference how warm the body is kept with blankets but the room should be well ventilated and the air should be fresh in the morning owing do not open the bot I whisk dew openingbut caused By May Manton- Cold nights bring- a certain demand for Just such night gowns as this one It fe cjoey and com- fortable it buttons etose up to the throat and it in ohtdse long sleeves yet it takes pretty graceful lines In this ease it is made of striped viyelia with trimming of lane frills but there are a great many w a s liable flannels and 11 e s- i that are appropri- ate while many women think that muslin or cotton cloth is quite warm enough even for the most frlgld winter night If liked s yoke can be applied over the gown In either both fronts and back are plain the only seams tfcee at the shoulders and the underarms A dainty effect a way can be is taMed by the use of such frills as are illustrated or of fine linen lawn with or without a tiny lace edge For the medium stae will be re qulrod 0 yards of material 27 K yards SC inches wide SK yards of etlgtng It case be- Ing I flannels with ¬ ¬ TAKES TWO TO MAKE- A GOOD PHOTOGRAPHT- here is more in getting a than simply going to a pho tographer He must know his business and you must know yours otherwise the result will be a likeness that is neither nattering nor truthful If you are short and stout dont ask the poor artist to make a picture of you full length He will if you insist but he knows he is doing a great wrong thereby Nothing Js so graceful and pleasing in a picture of a stout lady as a sitting at half length the figure so turnedas to the stoutness Again if you are slim and angular do not for an instant forget that a full length figure will make you appear more slim and angular Then pretty bust picture to your and you insist on having none other No loud striped no great checks no figures be worn in a photograph- One thing bear in mind when you visit the studio bring along your home expression Dont spend two days be fore you come to the studio practicing poses different expressions before your mirror and lastly give the photographer the benefit of exercising professional ability hid atrilda photo- graph could ¬ ¬ A P QUALITY is recognized as standard in the grocery world while our low prices positively defy competition The tremendous quan- tities we dispose of daily liKewise insures freshness Ever increasing sales is our best indorsement Best Quality Elgin Butter Ib Walter Bakers ChocolateIb q ff Prloo 38o Regular QU ITY GROCERIES AT BARGAIN PRIDES I 30c I I 350 A e i t ¬ > Seeded Raisins pfcg Sc Cleaned Currants pkg Sc Pitted Dates pk Grandmothers Plum Pudding- can JSc Liquid Blue bottle Sc Stuffed Olives bottle 8c Citron lb 19c 0 A P Lunch can P Celery Salt bottle JOe A P Curry Powder bottle JOe A P Jams Jar Regular price 16c Sultana Tomatoes can lona Peas can 8 Cocoa Se- A 8 k 12 c S 1ac 13c S A P Catsup bottle Bakers Breakfast Cocoa tin Mixed Nuts Ib Head Rice Ib Kirkmans Soap 7 cakes Table Salt 5lb bag 150 3flb 200 c 25c eo eo 3c o NORWAY MACKEREL New Catch Fat and Good Each New Nuts Very Thin Shell Extra Special at per Ib In Any Size Bags to Suit the Smal or Lar e Buyer I 5c I Princess Paper Shell Almonds 19 I C- I F LOU R 3 lb Bag 13c 7 lb N42 lb Bag 80e- i Bag 277c9 Heintz Apple Butter 15c Heintz Baked Beans can lOc 15c Johnson Preserves jar 50c Snider Baked Beans can 10c 15c 20c A P Malt Extract bottle lOc Maple Syrup bottle 15c 35c Domino Sugar 5lb box 40c Asparagus can 15c 30c Courtenays Worcestershire Sauce bottle I I Heintz Currant Jelly Lentils lb Lima Beans lb Barley lb French Peas can Maple syrup gal can Cottolene can A P Lard rail 7c 5c 13c 18c v 150 12c 45c 70c 12c 23c 45c 25c 7c 24c 45c Rio Blend Ib Best Rio Ib A P Crisp Fresh Roasts and Blends 15c Senate Blend Ib 25c Congressional Ib 35c- 20c Our Special Ib 30c Our Best Ib 40c Store Cor 7th and E Streets BRANCH STORES 1318 7th St N W 1620 14th St N W 3077 M St N W 815 HStNE MARKET STANDS 21st K Sts Mkt Center Market 5th K Sts Mkt Eastern Mkt S E TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS ALL BRANCHES I I Main N W I r j l ANT C PAC fI I E4CVI NAPHT That is what wears out your eternal rubbing up and down the washboard Why dont you stop it It isnt necessary The right way to wash quick safe way the Modern way is with- P G Naphtha Soap and cold or lukewarm water If you adopt this way you will have precious little use for a washboard The naphtha in P Sc G Naphtha Soap loosens thedirt The soap cleans Boiling the clothes too s unnecessary Use P G Naphtha Soap and get rid of these twin evils of wash day There is no need for either- P G Naphtha is for k- in almost every grocery ia this city The 5 cents a cake CARPETS LAID FREE When Want Rugs- or Furniture You can he sure of getting good qualities here at the lowest prices and we are al ways ready to arrange the terms of payment to suit youWe invite you to open an account and Sons Company 817819821823 Seventh St A Sewing Machine Sale Several grade Sewing Ma chines In excel- lent condition and guaranteed for five years for weeks New Home S7 Domestic Singer Standard 13 In all seasonable styles and fashion able leathers Sorosis Shoe Co 1213 F St Under entirely New Management finest collection of fern in the city at reasonable prices Roses carnations JUtaa of the valley Cut flowers In season Funeral Designs a Specialty VERNON LEY Florist 1332 14th Street N W Phone North 3104 SANITARY BLEND Better coffee never grew nor a more perfect of roasting We GUARANTEE the value to be 35c Our price 25c Ib At the Sixteen Stores of THE SA27XTAB CBOCESr CO TIMES WANT ADSBRING RESULTS RubadubdubR- UBoaDUBdub clothesthe clothesthe waythe waythe Sop price is j r Peter Urogan Be 8 10 OPPENHEIMERS 514 9th HOES RE0ma- I r 5 PIANOS- For Rent Monthly FLOWERSTh- e COFFEE 5 C I b II R p G s y You rt this i Ste a 1 fa- O 4OO5OO 7j ¬ ¬

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G z


Its One of Those BungalowEffects and Wants

Lots of Big Closets


Announces That Such a Home as

They Drew Up Would Cost

Them About 7000

I cxuae upon Mr and Mrs Blank theother day looking as if crack ofdoom were about to supervene MrsBlanks head rested on her hand andshe was sadly contemplating somethingwhich looked like a Chinese puzcle butwhich I found directly was the plan

houseMr Blank was puffing away at a

cigarette and looking as If he eould anhe would tell the sad story of his lifein two chapters

Of course if you are scrapping Illgo away I said sinking Into the mostcomfortable chair in the room

Ill leave it to you If there is anysense in having fourteen eiosets in abungalow began Mr Blank explo-sively

Mrs Blanks hand closed on the planend she turned her haggard face to me

Leonore she said you must seethat the shoots cannot go in the sameplace with the trunks-

I refused to be drawn into the discus-sion Building a house I inquiredpleasantly

No a set of closets said MrBlank

A bungalow the dearest thing ex-claimed Mrs Blank

What put it into your head I inftuirad

Finds It in MagazineThis cried Mr and Mrs Blank in

chorus producing a magazine It weea gay and illustrated magazine filledwith pictures and th pictures were

luxurious bungalows with latticedand expansive porches sur-

rounded with climbing roses and whatlooked like palm trees All apparently-were placed In tropical regions and under them were notices which read some-thing like this This bungalow will cost41K or ttli with porches

This magnificent bungalow east itsowner who lives in Kamsehtka butfl0002

Bungalow erected in Assam fer88215

I dont believe there Is no Mob perton said I quoting my friend SairyGamp

Oh this is a very reliable publica-tion replied Mr Blank Wecould build an exquisite bungalow for1500 if Marian werent so stubborn

Now I tk you as a sensible womanwhat does it matter whether the re-frigerator is hers or here indicating places on the plan or what doesit matter whether this closet is a threecornered one or a fourcornered oneund what dos it matter whether thedoor leading from dining room intothe pantry swings in or Usuallywomen have absolutely no fordetail but no head for anything but detail She splits hair andem

Talk Three MonthsWeve been talking about this bunga-

low now for three months and we dontget on solely because she always findsa new place to put a closet or a bath-room

Who drew the plans I inquiredWe did cried both of my friends

proudly but an architect friend of oursIs coming to look at them today

At this psychological moment thearchitect friend made his appearance-and was hardly permitted to speak to-me before the plans were shoved under


Malt Bread Is So TastyBO appetizing that children cant getenough of It Have It on your table

meal Pure nourishing bakedright Always specify SchneidersGrocers 5c

Choice Potatoes 22e Pk 850 BaLarge cans Best Tomatoes 3 cansSifted Peas 86c 2 cans Fish Roe 36cButter 58c Eggs Me S doz HerringSc 7 lbs Buckwheat 25c J T DPyles stores

Homemade Milk Bread DeliveredYou can have this delicious nutritious

homemade bread delivered fresh andclean from oven to table every day 5cloaf Homemade Pies HolmesBakery 1st and E sis Phones Linen

and 1441

Lynn Haven BaysPhil Oyster Chop House ill 11th nw

In the Presence of 20000 PeopleMiss Fritz again wins the Worldschampionship Thursday evening atMadison Square Garden New York citythe Underwood Typewriter with MissFritz as operator again easily won theworlds championship writing fromnew copy for one an average ofeightyseven words per minute In spiteof enthusiastic cheering Miss Fritz kepther nerve and the accuracy and speedof the Underwood did rest

Halloween favors toys Goulds4319th

Welabach Lights Order Direct Mail orPhone We do not have canvassers

124 G C A Muddiman Co tit 12th

100 Free Violin ScholarshipsGiven away In to Introduce theirmethod of teaching Mr and Mrs F TBenjamin will distribute free of charge100 violin books on Thursday Oct 21only Pythian Temple th nw bewean L A Mass 4 p m to boys or

to M years this in-

vitation who should be accompanied byparent or noteregularly Thursdays for eight monthslessons for which there will be nocharge Violins furnished free at classroom Expenses paid by annual carni-vals

Carpets Cleaned and Relaid MattressesRenovated E P Hinkel Co 4SS

Maine ave sw Phone M 306


the prices are low Our coal Isclean and you get full weight cokeand wood in any de


T SMiTH CO813 5th Si IT W

rAKK SMITH XffffrV Phone L 740



Mrs B









the01 l
















p coed



















1 1



LARZ ANDERSON who has heretofore been known to the smartin Washington Boston and New York for her magnificent so

entertainments has won new distinction in art circles She hasthe walls of the George Hamilton Porter room in Sailors

Haven Charietown Mass with twentyeight sketches illustrating life aboardhip and tales of the sea Eoroe of the sketches are in colors while others arein black and white The room toward which Mrs Anderson directed her talentsbeArs the namej f her father one of the liberal eontributoec to the home Bos-ton critics pronounce the sketches to be examples ot art and Mrs Ander-son is receiving the ceogratutaiione of the smart world for her latest achieve-ment


line> ¬



his nose He studied them gravely forsome minutes asking questions appar-ently to enable him to understand thething Then he put a pertinent query tohis palpitating audience

How much did you expeot this tocostFifteen hundred dollar replied MrBlank as a man who has overthe and carefully

The architect whistled My dearchap he Bald finally if you get outon you will be doing well If Icould build houses that for 315M Iwould have made my fortune long ago

Mr Blank looked at Mrs Blank andah returned the grange pensively

Some of those closets must gothundered the husband

Take Out TrunkroemMrs Blank looked at the plan Sup-

pose we take out the trunkroom andthe closets in two of the bedrooms andthe bookcases in the livingroom wouldthat she asked meekly

The architect studied the plans againYou will have to make more changes

than that was his verdictMr Blank scowled as he looked at the

plan I suppose the china closets willhave to be sacrificed he remarked re-gretfully and with a quick glance at hiswifeTake out some of your own things





John Blank she answered wrathfully-Let the wine closet go and your own

special bathroom with the shower andthe needle baths

But dear people you da net un-derstand that entire outline of yourhouse must be changed to bring itwithin the sum you mention expostu-lated the architect It isnt a questionof taking away a bit here or a bit there

ground plan must be revised-I always did the smokingroom

was superfluous remarked Mrs Blankviciously LEONORE


he fall season promises a generousemployment of ribbon The streamerand sash numerous hair ornamentsand the wide use of rack ornamenta-tion call for a wide us of ribbon Satinmessaline and the satin finished taffetasare the popular ribbonswill be some demand for theand other fancy weaves The Persianand Dresden patterns are still shownand the check ant striped fancies arewell thought of the usual lineof staple colors a large line of noveltycolors and shades are seen As ribbons-are always used to enliven and enhance-In trimming effect the high noveltyshades are unusiwlly good in a seasonwhere much trimming

B lde





For the Amply ProportionedVoman

Science and com-bine in the W B REDUSOto afford the stout woman an

to mold her figure to meet theof modern without inor discomfort to herself Withgentle fit the hip and abdomen are sub-dued the form isproportions in nowise restricting thefreedom or comfort or wearer

The remarkable reduction of from oneto live inches is comfortably achievedwithout strap or con-trivance

REDUSO Style 770 as picturedFor tall large women Made of vc yserviceable white coutil or batiste wuithree pairs hose supporters Sizes IS t36 PRICE 300

KEDUSO Style short largewomen Same as Style 77-

9KBDTJSO Style tall largewomen Made about one inch longer be-low the waist line than Style and ofa material specially woven to withstandextreme wear strain Three pairshose supportersPRICE 500

Sizes 1 to 36

W B NUFORM Corsets for Average FiguresMade In a great variety of shapes isurlng an absolute fit fr revery type of figure Ask any dealer anywhere to show you t e

NUFORM Style 463 price 5100 or the 150 200 and 300par excellence of corsetsWEINQARTBN BROS Makers 377379 Broadway New York










j i












Famous Physician Takes Issue With Majority of



Scouts at Theory of Adding One

Fatigue to Another by

Hard Exercise

There is a famous physician who hasgiven much of his time to the study ofrest He has worked out some goodplans for tired men and women whichhave benefited them

He is an expert and his word has become one or weight and authority He Isvery strongly convinced that he is righton many phases of this subject Inwhich he takes issue with the majorityof physicians His special work hasbeen with genuinely busy people notmere idle complainants who fret Be-

cause they have not enough to doFirst Objection-

The first axiom that he objects to isthe one that advises exercise for thebody as a means of resting the mindHe has pointed out to many women thefoolishness of such practice He saysthe mind cannot rest when the bodyis tired

He says that the practice of takingwalk at a rut trot when one has

done a hard days work is entirely thewrong thing to do In his words Itadds one fatigue to another He doesnot believe in strenuous exercise farmentally overworked people

Another belief of his will cause moreexcitement and discussion than sayother says who do notIndulge in physical exercise livethan men He not thinkneed exercise This is a

to make in the middle or athat is absolutely given over to

the exerciseShertes Life

One of the bestknown tennis playersamong women says believes thatviolent tennis shortens life weakens theheart and is of no help in any way

Too many women have become uselessburdens through overexercialng for thisstatement to be entirely denied Thetheory that athletics gave grace td awoman has been discarded and there isquite a good deal of support given Inhigh quarters to the new theory thatheavy exercise unfits a woman for livingher life

Tills doctor says that plenty of freshair and night and one hours walkta enough for any woman Her con-stitution do not need any more exer-cise than is given by a threemile spinIf she is in the city she can not go atsuch a rate of but on springycountry roads she can turn out fromtwo to three miles a day and final her-self in lit condition

SOME GOOD OUT OF ITAn old bachelor says that owe good

thing will happen when women are permitted to vote and that will be thatvoters will not be required to statethey are over twentyone and oMenough to vote and that will be considered sufficient under the law



their age wlll simply say that




ment gen-eration













Overcautious people refuse to open awindow wide to fear of draftsTKy will open tt six inches at the top

is a minimum amount of wln

tom of the sashThey do not realise that drafts are

not by windows being open toofar but on account of their not beingopened enough

The window should be opened at thebottom as well as top and if one isafraid of the air blowing in directly onthe body a board height of theopening may be placed in front of thespace The air current wit rise aboveit and drive the heated air out at topof window

The greatest mistake of all is to keepthe almost closed in fear ofbecoming chilled and cold Especiallyin the time when the air shouldbe frequently renewed the windowsshould be opened wide

If chilliness starts to creep over theeleeper the fault can easily bo overcomeby adding more bed covers It doesntmake any difference how warm thebody is kept with blankets but theroom should be well ventilated and theair should be fresh in the morning


do not open the bot


whiskdew openingbut


By May Manton-

Cold nights bring-a certain demandfor Just such nightgowns as this oneIt fe cjoey and com-

fortable it buttonsetose up to thethroat and it inohtdse long sleevesyet it takes prettygraceful lines Inthis ease it is madeof striped viyeliawith trimming oflane frills but thereare a great manyw a s liable flannelsand 11 e s-

i that are appropri-ate while manywomen think thatmuslin or cottoncloth is quitewarm enough evenfor the most frlgldwinter night Ifliked s yoke can beapplied over thegown In either

both frontsand back are plainthe only seams

tfcee at theshoulders and theunderarms Adainty effect away can be is

taMed by the useof such frills as areillustrated or offine linen lawn withor without a tinylace edge

For the mediumstae will be requlrod 0 yards ofmaterial 27 K

yards SC incheswide SK yardsof etlgtng










here is more in getting athan simply going to a pho

tographer He must know his businessand you must know yours otherwisethe result will be a likeness that isneither nattering nor truthful

If you are short and stout dont askthe poor artist to make a picture of youfull length He will if you insist buthe knows he is doing a great wrongthereby Nothing Js so graceful andpleasing in a picture of a stout lady asa sitting at half length the figure soturnedas to the stoutness

Again if you are slim and angular donot for an instant forget that a fulllength figure will make you appear moreslim and angular Then pretty bustpicture to your and you

insist on having none otherNo loud striped no great checks no

figures be worn in aphotograph-

One thing bear in mind when youvisit the studio bring along your homeexpression Dont spend two days before you come to the studio practicingposes different expressions beforeyour mirror and lastly give thephotographer the benefit of exercising

professional ability







A P QUALITY is recognized as standard in the grocery worldwhile our low prices positively defy competition The tremendous quan-tities we dispose of daily liKewise insures freshness Ever increasing salesis our best indorsement

Best Quality Elgin Butter Ib Walter Bakers ChocolateIb q ffPrloo 38oRegular



I 30c I I350

A e





Seeded Raisins pfcg ScCleaned Currants pkg ScPitted Dates pkGrandmothers Plum Pudding-

can JScLiquid Blue bottle ScStuffed Olives bottle 8cCitron lb 19c0

A P Lunch canP Celery Salt bottle JOe

A P Curry Powder bottle JOeA P Jams Jar

Regular price 16cSultana Tomatoes canlona Peas can

8 Cocoa Se-

A 8k

12 c

S 1ac13cS

A P Catsup bottleBakers Breakfast Cocoa

tinMixed Nuts IbHead Rice IbKirkmans Soap 7 cakesTable Salt 5lb bag



25ceo eo 3c


NORWAY MACKERELNew Catch Fat and Good Each New Nuts Very Thin Shell Extra Special at per Ib

In Any Size Bags to Suit the Smal or Lar e Buyer

I 5c I Princess Paper Shell Almonds 19 IC-

I F LOU R 3 lb Bag 13c 7 lb N42 lb Bag 80e-i

Bag 277c9

Heintz Apple Butter 15cHeintz Baked Beans can lOc 15c

Johnson Preserves jar 50c

Snider Baked Beans can 10c 15c 20cA P Malt Extract bottle lOc

Maple Syrup bottle 15c 35cDomino Sugar 5lb box 40c

Asparagus can 15c 30c

Courtenays Worcestershire Sauce bottle



Heintz Currant JellyLentils lbLima Beans lbBarley lbFrench Peas canMaple syrup gal canCottolene canA P Lard rail


13c 18c

v 15012c

45c 70c12c 23c 45c


24c 45c

Rio Blend IbBest Rio Ib

A P Crisp Fresh Roasts and Blends15c Senate Blend Ib 25c Congressional Ib 35c-20c Our Special Ib 30c Our Best Ib 40c

Store Cor 7th and E StreetsBRANCHSTORES

1318 7th St N W

1620 14th St N W3077 M St N W

815 H St N E


21st K Sts MktCenter Market

5th K Sts Mkt

Eastern Mkt S E



Main N W


r j





That is what wears outyour eternalrubbing up and down thewashboard

Why dont you stop itIt isnt necessary

The right way to wash

quick safe waythe Modern way is with-P G Naphtha Soap andcold or lukewarm water

If you adopt this way youwill have precious little usefor a washboard

The naphtha in P Sc GNaphtha Soap loosens thedirtThe soap cleans

Boiling the clothes too sunnecessary Use P GNaphtha Soap and get rid ofthese twin evils of wash dayThere is no need for either-

P G Naphtha is for k-

in almost every grocery ia thiscity

The5 cents a cake


WhenWant Rugs-or Furniture

You can he sure of gettinggood qualities here at thelowest prices and we are al

ways ready to arrange theterms of payment to suit

youWeinvite you to open an


and Sons Company

817819821823 Seventh St

A Sewing Machine SaleSeveral

grade Sewing Machines In excel-lent conditionand guaranteedfor five yearsfor weeks

New Home S7DomesticSingerStandard 13

In all seasonablestyles and fashionable leathersSorosis Shoe Co

1213 F StUnder entirely New Management

finest collection of fern in the city atreasonable prices Roses carnations JUtaaof the valley Cut flowers In season

Funeral Designs a Specialty

VERNON LEY Florist1332 14th Street N W

Phone North 3104


Better coffee nevergrew nor a moreperfect of

roasting We GUARANTEE thevalue to be 35c Our price 25c Ib

At the Sixteen Stores ofTHE SA27XTAB CBOCESr CO




clothesthe waythewaythe


price is



Peter Urogan





RE0ma-I r 5PIANOS-

For Rent




Rp G




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