
THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY MAY 12 1908 I 4 r jj I For Fourth Time Transac- tions Reach Six Figures i MARKET PROVES lEBEGULAS Activity In First Hour Bnnine Moves Prices Up lint FOllowing This Come Realizing Sales Cane ing Staggering of Market Metala Slow Particular Strength New York May 1L For th fourth time this year the stock exchange tmnano- tlongtofloy reached a of more Ulan 1000003 shares The market Itself was from the beginning of the to the end the same nervous Irregular but still exceedingly strong affair that It has been ever since the Pennsylvania Railroad Companys recent bond issue At opening prices of securities were con- siderably higher than they closed on Saturday and the market in the first hour of business waa very active the turnover in this tIme being more than 400000 shares Realizing Sales Next There followed in due course Jnwarer a large quantity of realising aal t under which market unquestionably Dag- gered to a certain extant but in due tine the rise was resumed only to meet another wave of profit taking which again hecked the advance The character of th market at the close was uncertain d contused but was still not such as to suggest that the pcwer of thoe in control of It was in any we lessened or that impulse behind the advancing movement wore riously flagging Naturally observation rested upon the large dealings Jn certain stocks particu larly the Union Pacific and Rending shares and upon the fact that these and other active issues ended the day with either small advances or aetual net and people of a suspicious turn of mind declared that thaw circum- stances hinted at a liquidation in some of the most conspicuous market that wes going on under cover of strength Not Paarqd by Traders On the other hand these are phenom- ena that have been noticed several times iu the last two months without attesting culmination of the general market In the early buying of stocks today certain stocks that have hitherto lagged in the advance were urgently in hand and considerable net advances thus were made in the New York Central Ontario and Western and other stocks One fea- ture of the market too today was the particular strength of the Amalgamated Copper Smelting and Refining and United States Steel shares which have in recent weeks been relatively neglected or at least not been prominent in daily operations like those that have centered in the Union Pacific Southern Pacific St Paul and other railroad stocks YEW YORK MONEY New Yotfc War ILTk market tot starttag te4y- wai firm with i points hither Rates far mud bas wew Sixty i SHlin de- mand unseam unfcumi COMM- Tcil bills were ISflUUK The wppy of coiten silk was scarce Money on call at the sleek exeh e today at 1 per cent Ugfeeet 2 tomtt 1ft Most of loans at 1 per east Time money started tile week with the supply aa WM to the aaifcet Last week wee far to rxcas of tM Hm m 1 further being 2tt per riot for ftoty fays K to 3 i r cit for niofty dan 1 to 514 per cut tar Soar months Sfc per cent for faa Si to per cfnt for six acstbs and 4 to 4 per cent lea w r- tbr year fall demand with a moderately bis offered Rates 4 to 5 per east tar sixty te ninety days teflon names 4 to- doreed bills reerimJie sod choice ethers of saY tie the the lie com- mon recessions lead- ers hae ft data caw wee terantfle paper the week oaaUaeC UIOI I ehofa S JI foal ta tk N fer SMES PASS IAILLION t i nn a elsewhere spasM eaeas eas iisi j sost 4 opseed I Iashabe and MaIe Seat kW So names ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < TREASURY STATEMENT Recerre load Gold coin and b Trust fas Mi far ruliiijMeii si outftMdteg Mtes aa Mr stkt Gold cola WJ09 Silver dent 6ilT r deBits of UM T MS 0OQ Total i General fund Geld coin and ballis ttMSSCs 3 kiM certiOcate 4 T TnUMH Standard iBvcr kdbwk UOCra 08 Surer certificates W ZLW 0 SIre bullion MJJ rimed States note 114SS 18- Trrasory notes of UM 1MB CO National bank notes VTBjnn Subsidiary sU S3SSH 7- SFrartiooal currency lIGJt Minor coin w tUN4l In national bank HMC28792 In treasury of Philippine 3HMK Bonds and interest SIMM 91 Total J7u5wa Liabilities BMStnes Available c b balance Receipts Customs Internal renoae 107187 s7- MupdUnecw X Total postal Ncdfte ait Imhi nt M J234- 7EzpenditaNs postal eipendnurta c cept yoiUl defldcBcr aofc isctoM VMWea Excess of expenditures tttjsj a- Excw of Teceiru list jeer HUBtt Nation bank fund Deposits vader act July M M93 9NMB08 Notes redeemed Mid retired andfe act July 14 OK SS M Notes received for on at icdwHfiUaii MttjtfR- edempUesi To Mirth H Mu U BOSTON STOCKS niefcLwoiat Adventure iitaiwr Allouea Mining American PnewmiUc ServIce pfd WJ 3R4 Meanest TtispiMne US im 1OT6 American Woolen Mi American WorD pfd K MK tt Arizona Oonuaooial H B Atlantic Mining u OK li and Albany 9M 9M 3M ton tad Melee W jn m Boston IS 11 IS Calumet and Ariaona M6 M MS Calumet and ReSt mains M Copper Range Ooneolidaled 71 7flt Tl Edison Electric Hh 04 H3 Hi Fitchburg pfd 13 KJ JS Franklin Minter 71 Bl Greene Caaawa I Isle Mining 9 La Salla Mintoc U MK MS MuHQhiUMtti Cooe idatodMIafiiK flt Coantioa 9K 9 S Massachusetts Etatrfc COB pOL 4 44 Massaohnsetto Ow sfH H sXS MasacfaoMktts Gw pfd K SffK WK Mii iOning B4 6H Michigaa Mni g X H M Hit Mohawk Miring H 38 8W- iNeradA Oomolidated Mfaing 11 11 11 Sew England Telephone lUti IB u N y N H H IS ism North Butte Mining II H H- old DoBiBfoD aflates as mi MH- Osceda Mtoiafi e 81 Parrot Mining H H Quincy iflnteg Shannon Mtota lilt 12 1SK Swift C M i WH- Tanunusk Mlafag S H Trinity Miafc f MR UK U United Pratt 1 H United Shoe Kaobfwir M SKI SI United Shoo Machine pfd 8H1 8r 8 U S Cod and Oil 34 B U S S R Me SB 38 9- 8I a S It Mf pfd 41 41 Utah Mining H 3t Wi- Wrst That Street Railway MH W Si- Vinooa MIning 9 5H S Wolverine SliaiHff 1 H 132 S pmroeGOO 00 i WoN 00 O M lit M colD tit 1 Si lit et To date QJIt ee t S 2 V If JS ton ted Mining S Royal it Butte 1 8I1 t as 83 GUt lit 156 S n Si- p jaM 7SSS4 ai N utae S IILI1V06t 51 Os t l t4 56 Os N So Is STOCK QaolaUoos farabhed by E P Hutton of tic New York Sksc BxcJiaoge G Bowie ChipoMiH manager 1301 F street nartfewest Sales o noon 574700 shores sales 1083 500 shores nil money Higli 2j low 1 close 3 One Hits Low Owe AiKC3 tei Sft W A sL Cbpru GIJM IU WH 4 H- Am C MB 364 3Rs 139R 3fc- A CWtm OU ISM 3 38- Am Ice Sae 2M9 Jfn WH 31 A 4W SWL JW H A MM rjfc HH4 m Wk- Am Smelt jiM SBQ jfi 8Q 93 98- A 2JW 135H MIH US ttftVf- cAm Teb ltd Md 4 K a- nij a B- W MH il 36H 3M4- AUbHSB ijtt i 8 81 a- At OMH MM UK 87 6 7 alt Ohio UM at 90H U T 4UH H 5 H 53- OMs PMifie 1MN MK WU Wai JW4 Cent 4 S K H OH Gust L L pM M9 9IH 9Hl 86 4- Owt Of N 3 MX 186 1 6 1S5 185 OkM Ohio 3613 41 46H 46 Ot W BOO 5 5 5 0 M St P 3009 W4H 1M 1H 13M- Ia N w s oa IM m wsn isii- CW 0 T pW JM- Oa a c at i iw eo eo C F I 5MO 83 S SH 2TO- Me S 4J50 30 SiK 3 4 3H Gate So bt 5d 5 H S6H U H N 1005 E9H 5 SW4 50 C H a I SOU 18ft HH H- Oon OM SJBOQ Ml IS 131 112 Core Prod 1S8 MH 16 11 1K- 4a H 1SW mvi iwi4 iwu D I W SflO m KO H 510 D n G S5 H 38 2SH f- eDb See T489 3 ft 38 3SH 38V- 4Erfc MW 20H W4 3R4 29H ut a9 36 an 94 1400 SBfc S6H 2M4 GeL Bketrte W UH 136 UfH W- GtN rth p IW 1 H 131 13 H- ft North K O 91 K N- III Ontnl UL LM UW UW 1S6U 1H tot Met LOSS ItU 11 lot Met vt a4W 9 Int I per B i Hit 1 4 MH Iowa pW 1300 1i MH 3tti Ka City 1600 T4 STti JT K a Sfc pM UU 55 58 K- L N t5 1M J U i- MaNhAUlK at 3900 13SH W UiH IV- y deMi OMrtnl 800 Mtt W4 15 W4 H8P SSMiifd 300 lltti IWVi 111 MM K T 86W SSft i- M K T o M a sen a- Mtanari P dnc 4 6 4M 4 4 Biswlt MW K OH- NatioMl 303 61 Wtt 88- X Y Cwrtnl MiH i MS N Y a W ajB98 4 H 4 H H N W 3900 Tl T1H W4 HH North n tt North PS 36 60 136 UW 131 passe Mail 200 4 Pa B IL 10660 IMfi WH 1W4 13- PrtSHd Sisal 1175 Sfc SWi sK 3KI- taMfcK 161880 USK m 1WV 1MH- R uH0S tot 9N S3 OH 53 m1- Uit I S W 1SH IS 1SH KH I ic S pflL W 65 OK W Rick Island 8M ins W 1T BH Island pM M480 3H 3S 3S St I S F M l SO 3W SHi 3- SL I S W 369 1IH W M- at i sw p 500 san w M- timnissliM W 4fH 4H 4fH- go PacMe S8SO fi H 9H 8Ri KH So PHS O pM T60 1 4 11W liZ 1 4- Sosthm RT 16 H 16 1U- Boothflrn By wM UM 41H tt 41 Texas Paca c Jtt 2SW i H T St L W IS K IS T S U W 3 m 41H H OH- unfcm p j ms MW Mm m mvi u s Pip m K asu M U S M SK i U H 8J H W4 u a ei W64II am H U i M Va Omalcil W i W 1HS 11 U- Wtte p i Washes MM 3M YlKMtte OawsimU U W 1 M CURD MARKET mSVitf New Y t Stock BHfeBgt G Bowie Ohto- MSH P Ktet trtfcwest- Opes HIP Ok- Bqtte Oftaltttea 8 314 Canbertaad Ely f Oopperf W W IU- FtaSer 9K 3H S1W- OobUeM Oevte KM 8K 5 K 6 OraeM Ooid Steet United Copper Tufcw GOVBRXMHiVT BONDS New York May UOsH d StsiM bond BB4atiow NEW YQK MARKET C- hen I Lose sIt N Aa mil 1 ee Break ff SiM 43 ChI S 1 8f J Cole Set 19 1 Brie 36 IS 56 1I9 Ore II 1M 11 JI Cent 31 tI 18 IfS 111 51 fi pM M Load fII < AIM It lit 131 II 35 MOO 1t 33 lid II So lit It I SIsal p14 1t1M 111 lIt ti I Wa n 104ft 1M A al4 t S F O TAw t fi Mt 8 N- DaDaI 5 Mt 1 i UI i i 0 4 4 i i- tuIIanI Oil 19 1311 Pt tM IK Nt 4 m BId Asked Polo salsa 56 SOt 40 56 Super WOI asean 1 56 96 Lea 56 96 c 66 W IrS 33 35 35 I 31 35 56 NatIonal I 51 i 21936 35661 46 61i 35 26 ii 56 Mask 36 35 43 4151 96 22 41 12 flaSher tIll 56 nst 36 lIlit 13 t 56 SlIt 56 17 isciMsd by Hatten a 6 6 34t j 3 oaseuscIsusM E 3 1- 456Isd436 W4 U- Nee4aah 764 4 4 i4 v5- 6Ntir MIMue 11 5 6- 6Trt3sthou 11335 15615 1 4 masaasM < > > < > < ½ Is coopoa ISM n 5 SS 3S- X DAB W d INK lowered Wl h- connan MS Pasta OMB X ristot ftd MS Ml MISCELLANEOUS BOKDS New Vric May U Meek i n i bind tnacaetiOBS New York Ohy nit M tt reofcite MfK Xew Yoric CStjr 4Ki MI7 reeaipts MfH- Jauutea first wta JK R- JapMMK Mosad 4s aiH- JapaosM St Leek loss 4s Tilt Adam BacpNBi 4 H A C O 4Hk MS- AaMrietn T baeo 6 Ml t- Anorlcan Tobscee fe K Atlantic Coast LIes 4 W- AUantk L X 4 aft Baltimore and Onto gold 4 93 Chesapeake and Obit cowwbdated 5s IK Chesapeake aol Ohio H Mt New York Cental 3s 81 New York CentnOLaie Shore SKs 8 New York Chicago and St LoaM 4 Ml Norfolk and Western OQMoIMated 4s M Norfolk sod Wes oooftrtibte U SMC Norfolk and Wcetara P sab Btas C 4 W4 Northern PulSe 4s Ml Northern PacMSc fc IW Oregon Short Line rtfwudisg 4s 9- 3Ienrarlnmra on 4i w 1 temp rccrfpts Witt- Pwnaylraote 4a MtS 9H- Peansyinaia JVi 1M 9 i Beading general 4 WH St Louis SouthwwstKK ataMlMcMI te WH Seaboard Air LIsa 4 41 Southern Pacific reftwdtez Is 9W4 Southern Pad Collateral 4s 8H Southern RaSway Se Ml Union Paciflc test 4 Mi Dotoo Pacific omrertlUe 4f Vft United states Sted sWcfug fund Ssi MK United States Steel regWWBd S2 Western Maryland first 4 Wotem Union 48 8J- WctttoenoUM MaanfaeturiHg is 77 Total sake M OM ajaiMt S3 lOOO Satwdftf- J gM XJ a week rgo and l 5 Q a year ape LIVE STOCK MAEEET ChIcago Mar HCATTLBRtcdpU 21000 Mar- ket stroflST Prime betrcs fi3fa730 poor to medium iO tf stockers sad feeders X60ai89 cows and halters 14MJI cannes 243aS29 TBiass 1505T5- HOGSIUeripts 16 103 Market stow 5 lower Lieftt 5Sa56Sfc rough SSa5 mired SJaaSJT beaiy 5i5a695 pigs 435al4- 0SpBEPReealpta 000 Market weaker Native sheep 4JbS Western sheep 450a810 natlva lands U0a7ll Western lambs 575aTli New York May UOATTLBIleceIpts 2 60 Market active Steers 540aM5 bulls 400B6W do 52Sa00 240a549 one car of extra do at TS dressed beef steady SHall CALVESRecelpta Use Market actIve Veaki- eflBF50 culls 4COa450 city dressed Teals study gfealS eountrr dressed THaM SHEEP AND LAMBSBecslpts Sheep steady Ixirobe active all told Common sheep 4Wa500 wealed TJOoSOO clipped do 6J5- TS sprinK lamb 450 per head HOG6R ceipts 15864 Market lover 60Ca610 per MO pounds BALTIMORE CATTLE MARKET Baltimore May 11 Fallowing are the receipts and oskfal quotations on lire stock at the Union stock- yards CATTLE Receipts for week ended at noon tod y were 1731 head against 2421 bead last Fifty seven carloads on sale and stron at last weeks prices Steers fair to prime 540a665 commn to fair 425540 heifers 3 3a553 bulls OtolI5 UOM75 fresh 25COa6000 per head BOGSReceIptS tar week ended at noon today were HJ 0 head fast 8 TO last week fair supply fair demand Westerns 615aSS from other points 5901600 pigs 475a5ffi roughs 4OOa475 SHERI AND LAMBSRecdpU for week ended noon were 3279 head acainst last fait supply and market steady Sheep dipped UOatSO lambs wool 600a335 dipped 4Stei liberal supply spring limbs and lower at OALVESRewipU wk ended at noon were 1 acafest W last week lair supply to del and higher Common to best 100376Kt II It1Iftj M 1M mVa tp Coast LIne I I COWl 9360 hmM week cows con and at today 4337 week today 1iWS for seslaterM 1 664 356 sesteeaI lilt 45 i 46 cents t arIse > ¬ ¬ LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP Transactions on the Washington Stock Exchange yesterday were SUCO in bonds and 111 shares of stock The interesting features of day were the demand for railroad Chares which was not nearly supplied and the sensational bidding up of the shares of the National City Bank about 20 a share Bond sales wore of Washington Gas certificates one 1000 Washington Railway and Electric 4 per cent and three Columbia 6e Capital Traction stock was called for but could be supplied only in fractional lots at 123V to 13 Washington Railway common attraoted much attention and while the bids were for probably 1000 shares only 300 were supplied In 50share lots at 32 to 33 There was also a lively scramble for the preferred shares with sales of 170 at to Washington Gas brought forth only nominal interest and one sale ot 23 shares was recorded at 69 Margenthaler was wanted all the board and was sOld fraoly In frac- tional lots aggregating 42 shares and seven transactions the price ranging be tween 1M and 19- 5Th bidding upon National City Bonk stock brought out none of the shares though the bid price was raised by grada- tions from 135 to 156 a share The bid ding for this issue was based upon the expectation that the negotiations whleh have been In progress for some time for a consolidation of the National City and the Union Savings banks is about to culminate in a trade Although it was stated about ten days ago by officials of the City Bank that the price offered for the control of the bank had been rejected it Is understood that the proposition for taking over the stock of the National City Bank by the inter- ests which first made the offer was later renewed and it is understood that the persons to effect the deal are now hope ful that it will be consummated Yesterday Cashier Lapham of the City lank referred inquiries in the matter to Smith president of the Union Sayings Bank Mr Smith stated that nothing could be given out for publica- tion relative to the progress of the deal which he said had been hanging fire for about three weeks Mr Smith said the deal might be consummated within a few days and he rather expected it would Smith said he could not reveal at this time any of the details of the proposed merging of the two institutions WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET Recular call 12 oclock nose Washington 3u U 5 98 WMhingfc Rir r art Efecteic 4 1MQ at 834 Capital Tract 1 at 18K 31 at BSH 1 at 13- 1WMkiagto Railway and Etetefe oomraw 50 at 3W 50 at nft K at 3BK S3 at S 50 33 at 31- WaiU cto sad Electric preferred S at at St at it V M at BMi- WMhtozton Gas 35 at Telephone of Pcniwylnaia 2 at 95 K at X- MerfMtkakr M at 103H 4 at M9H 3 at 06tt 2 at ICfti 3 at 191 M at K3H ft at KStt- CowMTdftl Nattawl Bank II at MRi- PotoHUfi iMtmttee II at K Alter ouVWMhtestMi Railway pretend 10 at El ColumbIa Railroad fc COS at K6- FeBwiag are Uw etoakig oaotaUsoj en yesterdays Did AsXe- dWisbtogten Ou ta m- Wwbtegtos QM DHtttole 6t Mt 187 RAILROAD BONDS OpIUl Tractiw it 11H4 Aaaooida art FetMNC 5 M 99 CX li b MK- Cotembta fc m- MetrofwUtAJi i WV- WaaMwton Railway art Btoetrie 8JH SX Atmrtrto Mt Venws SB H- MISCXLLAKXOUS BONDS Pet Bbctric LW t tot Ss M6S rom N w stMMbo mn- Ch at iie and Potomac Se 143 1HH- Waibteston Market 5c W 1- CWisfetegton 5s ISW T PUBLIC uxiwrr STOCKS Railway art Wcine earn 3R- 4WaihiaftM art 13ectrk pM Ed- K i W SbMJRfeoat 20- 9WaUington Oa M Geary towa Gae 6t- B n Telephone of PM lf irfa 91 TYPB MACHINE STOCKS MergenOttler Linotype MG- HLaMtM MoMtlf 3 MINING KTUGKS- Oreeiie Ca a ea BH I the 83 LEt ar und Qulney Mr at at W Raft as S IS lll4 Bell stack GAS W ltd HB 109 k Market JJtC JUts W OIL Railway 300 sen fJj i theapa Z SlOb exaye BONDS 44 Wash 104 ta1 3354 8354 t 56 3 56- 4iltcbefl Miatas 34 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NATIONAL BANK STOOKS Aaerieaa M IU Capital m City IK- a 2J5- ONMMMkl 151 AIRMH art MMiMBtcs M 39- 3Lfoeoia w IS 110 MeOopotH- aRW S- tt gtoa 3W 400 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS Awetfcas Security asS Toast 9- NvtioMl Ssriogi sad Trwt 185 300 UnIon 1C- WaahiD oo Lou art TmL ISO 156 United State ThMt i SAVINGS BANK STOCKS Borne SM 3S- iMenbaHis and Uecfaaate is- WftthteKtea Bicliejwe OtIS U5- IMoe Sertee so PIRB INSURANCE STOCKS AdtostoB 2T- OelMiW 9H u Ooawseeetal S- Cweonm 74 PITSBMBS 9 PmakH 53 OenBtHAnserieaH 2ST 30- 0MettopoHtan SO NatIonal Union 8 Peoples r s PetaMc 25- Rtgge 7i 8i TITLB INSURANCE STOCKS CoteKMa Title 5 RoeS Estate si MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Searity Stance IK- WasMngton Muket is BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET BrUaor May ILPellewing aw the oSdal prices today BUTTERCreemery fang ptr pound SH Iml KsM Maryland art PennsylvanIa 15a 16 eteepacted Obi 1U1S do West Virginia IS Maryland Virginia and dairy prints UeJC LIVE PODLTRyVkitK efcieken 2 Ib and VA- der 209 ppring 1H and lbs 30a32 do old hens 4 13 puddle young do young raiKOOTy art me grel kilO EGOS Maryland and Penmjlnnla fresh per down 16 POTATOES AVhfte nearby prime per bushel 50a7i Weetwn Maryland Peansylraala 75aS- OFouxnac and Delaware per bbl JSH500- GRBBN FRUITS AND VEGETABLESApples- New York assorted VbL Asparagus Cbarlestofi p doses green 20Ca250 do white LSOtlOO do Norfolk Z00a250 do EAstern Shore Md cultivated 250al do wild L50a2CC Beets Florida LOOal50 Cabbage North Carolina per crate new L alJe Celery Florida per standard crate LBOetfiO cucumbers Florida per basket LOOal Grape fruit Florida per box 259t350 Lettuce North Carolina per basket 25a- WO do Norfolk per basket SaLOO Egg plants Florida per crate ICOalSO Oranges per box as to size 175a225 Peas North Caro lisa per basket LOOaLS Radishes North Caro Hi a per bbl long 50aT5 Green beans Florida per basket IMal O Wax beans Florida per LOOaLSO Squash Florida per basket lOOal59 Strawberries Norfolk per quart Salt do North Carolina per Quart SaIl Tomatoes Florida carrltr fancy 250a300 do faIr to good I50a200 HEW YORK PRODUCE- New York hay ILSUGARTbe local market for raw sugar ruled quiet but firm and unchanged with dtttypatd prices quoted as follows Centrifugal 66 toot J6 MweoTtdo SO trot 386 molasses sugaf 89 tot 361 The London market for beet sugar was higher with May at lie 3d an advance of d Jaa 11 Mid a gain of HM The Js l mar- ket for refined sugar was quiet but unchanged with granulated quoted on the net basis of 519 less 1 cub NAVAL STORESThe local market for splits turpentine ruled firm with a slight gain in prices and machine made barrels were quoted at 46 and at Savannah the market was firm at 42 Rosin ruled dull with common to good strained unchanged and quoted at 340 Tar ruled QuIet end unchanged at 500 for oil barren BUTTER Beceipts 6T33 packages Steady Cream ery extra SIS data Sa34 State dairy tubs finest 24 good to choice 23a2t EGGS ReceipU 15673 oases Firm Nearby shite fancy 19 do mixed fancy 13 ex ira Scats 17 aM do firsts lair MILl moderate inquiry Spring bran li ICWb swks to arrir 2T Oj aidfiicp 1415 156 9 SteIIMl 151 TraIt is S2 l 3 tAt rolls 1 ducks and crete bbl Flor- ida bas- ket i par and at FEEDWeaker Wa sj Sub per- cent > SO cIty bran M89 la bwlki Western Kd dog 3L15 to arrire winter wi at bran In 100lb sacks 236- 06ATSSteady but N 3 whIte SOU No 4 white 58H No 2 rolled FLOUnUn Oed Md ertta Inquiry Spring patents 55UL90 spring doses 4JOa winter straights iSQateO winter dfldra 43fe435 Kansas in sacks 400 patentS 51 a5J9 straights 170M55 clears tOOal50 RYE FLlURIrwutor quiet Quoted 460515 CORN MBALFfcm Light eupplr Kilo dried for export IS eoarte In bags LEO UAYReceipU 130 Iwjwlry fe steady but quiet Prime IJi N I atoLO Ne 2 80a95 N 3 a- TRAW Flrm light Hipptf I ng rye a8- XBBEFSt ady iaacUre Family 16 0al7W packet 14S8al5CQ but dull Mat Ii75atf family 1700 TALLOWMariset l ClUf la hogsheads 5HLARDUnckattffed Prime SW city 8S refined continent 896 American 1Y5 refined Brazilian hess 1L Sly ftearine 10 olewtcarinc BomiMl New Ytrir U Chicago 1U LOCAL PRODUCE MASKEi Prices quoted are wholesale Considering the liberal arrivals ef produce ift nearly all lines prices on the wholesale market yesterday well maintained and business aCUTe There is a rood demand fer alt grades of good provisions and stock arriving in anything like marketable condition rawrts fairly well Egg were gasses and the prtoea 9m Butter prices from the West last night were lower and all gradas for the wr dewtj WAS ak rather week and new aaotatteos were put in and live stock were Arm vegetables steady and fruits without change except in the poorer grades of small berries The grain market is not much affected by the higher prices in Chkago and New York BUTTEKrminesy fancy 36a38H do Western firsts S5a26 do seooodi Sntt preoew Sa 21 da fair to good JU22 dairy dieke 191 good 16 storepacked fresh hail OHKKSE Market firm and attire on all kindl New York State factorr lees IbMi da small old d summer non da fair to good Mall Westers factory choice lIdS do fair to good 11 Virginia M- BGGSNearbj freah Jew off 17 aver age 16H West Virginia and Southwest Virginia 16 tepneiwe ISM North Carolina 1C duck 16 LIE POUWRYCWckens fancy 16a35 winter ZhS spring 2 ft38 hens 1K4 roosters 7 ducks large HKU1 do snail 9 geese Said turkeys turns per Ib 13 do II tkta II keats 10 DRESSBD IOULTBYTurkeyi hens undraws per lb 17 do arwage Hsdrawn U do thin 1912 tons listt dilekaM spring large 91 small 2336 hens eloIse liali 8a9 docks 12al3 geese 9 to It DRESSED MBATSHanss sugar eared Uall- VEGETABLBSPotatoas par bushel 8990 Mo Cormaek 60a sweet peuto per bbl 1G01500 yams 3J8a400 asfMragns par dM tOtoSOO per owl Mill Fluids per crate 200 a250 lettuce Florida p r basket LSQaLTS oaious Bermuda pr UStlM p r bushel Toe SO peppers Florida per carrier 200225 striae beaM green per basket 300100 toraatoea Florida fancy per crate ltta2SG- RBBN PRDITSApplfs York Imperial per bbl LfiOalSO Ben L a2 WIne Sap 155al03 Pippin 4W table fruit 300 3 SW 16la3 ortasM Florida bright per box 231 do russets t35 California navels ISalSi grape fruit Florida per box INaLGO ennberries per box IMaltt do per barrel 00398- BUNDRIESBeeewar 38 tallow 4 honey white 1lb 13 do Hn new Ktt ginseng per Ib SMafiM S neca per lb il Goldea Seal ICaU Pink Halt Mandrake W Soaks Root 35 GBAIXWh Southern on grade MaM rye Ba shelled white NsTt do yellow 7173- de car I3a3 oats WsjUrn white No 3 da mixed S2 WOOL AND HIDBSWM washed free ef bars per UK 963 do uawariMd of burl ITalS do IfaM 1OOelM BALTIMORE GRAIN MARKET BatUnwre UFoUt ing an the aQ ial- prioas at Ue yrineJpsl eeosniMw hawses WHBATsiwt UfelMfti spot Na 2 Md Western l Hal May UteLMK June INa- 1NH July M Ausoat 1MH si a r Ke 2 red recetpU 7MI kMhais Southern ee grade SQViaL- liCOBNSpot iMd THiiTm No 2 white 7Kia 79 May TlaH July N aUeaw wired 6tti- aRYS ock in ekratora Ute bushels shlpraeal fran ekntton STK bvafcek No 2 Weetera rye expert 9M- BARLEYSUx in eleratMS 88 bushels OATSSUMk IB eknton bwtto ship rna U Iron ele tor T1H bushels AMiHe No heary H60 da No S lIght to 3KaS- 8da K 3 dtep STH 3 de N 3 llglit iSHarf 4e KA 4 Hffct to kenr nixed No t HST dec N 3 da Ho i Matt MILL FBBDSprtnc Una awporad aacs SS7S- Qda 10pMiad MM 31W Western W4lte0- lOpoiad sacks City Mills MXKxwnd Heist 5SOOaa8i9 City Milk lofcHJtof IMpewd lICks 5SOOaS09 FLOUR Wtetar extra i 4 5 do straight UBatS da patMrt IJfaJUM sprttts dear Og4 do Kfafefat lOSaUi d patwt 54 a5M City Mm beet patent 6J da hit1 r quiet 51 trade timothy o quiet Wet m were weak Cheese Poul- try here fan MUll nose Virginia hens moslems ClN try cab- bage err Dull Albemarle clover new ee eon GlaSS hides gross S doo lifT abttp skIts flaLlS da day 5160 caUains tract fiB yecaipta 1791 buhs 1IUI5 mill de No S 3 JkM psd Mtsl tees South marked LIeu N crate Ohio fan roe hurry laS gnen oath crepe May 4515 2 heavy 0oIS 30156 5656 bras 304I4S < palest Ml itaitrfit S do efcafoe fwty 490 extra l aL2Q Eye four median to ckeice Ufa4- 8flt COTTON MAKEETQ- aotatfeas famished by E F Hntteo Co members of the New York Stock Exchange and th New Cotton Exeaaage G Bode Chlpma- nBiaaiK J3M P street northwest York May ItTrading was active at the apaaing of the ooUoa ntark t Unfavorable cables and teed reports from the belt u to weathtr condltiOM had a tendency to weaken prices and the Seat wMtatioos wen s to M paints dotes The market was irregular through the day but prtajs steadied in the efUraooa and Mooed at the MSB for the day Rectiate at the porto were 7000 balsa agaInst 5 55 last week and SJN last For the X k- mjf bales against W last wk and SUM last Rtaeipte at New Orleans were 2Jtt bales against 1JB4 year and at Houston 9ft bales agaInst 888 last year Now York OMB Htzk L w 9 945 9M 94 73 901 8H 99ii May October New Orleans High Low Ctete- Hfc HX ItS ILlS 41 W9I 9 112- 7ie6 9M 88S 910 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS QBOtatioos famkbed by B F Hutton Co members of the New York BtoeJ ExotoBgo and the Chtase Board of Trade G Bowie CMpman man- ager 19tt F street Cfcfeae Slay llWn t etUes were disappoint- ing boUt EnglIsh sad ewtlaestal Foreign ala thtka were not so hellish as UK Ogres cabled en Saturday There we a large decrease in the Vitible but It bad BO effect on the market There was also a dteappoJntiaf export demand ID ours WeakmM was quite proBOHisced in the near positions and there was DO ers enee ef sup port There was a decided against May Weather at the West were fairly good sectieas but to the 3it6M ri Valley there ware further rake and prtdktieM trf rate were quite general Oats were moderately active and fairly steady most of the session off a with the decline in other grains ProtUioM were qtrfet aad lower early en liberal receipts but later were fairly steady with small Open Bisk Low Close May l tti 1QH lom 101 July 3Mi 4 MH 9JU September t lr STH 8iH 4 CORN May 73H SiHl TITi T1H July 6lH 6S 63i 6SS September 6 i 6fi4 H OATS May 55H 8H 54 K July 4IS K 7 4IH September 4 Ki 37H H- POBrv May J3J8 li42 13 1342 July 13 x 13W 13JT 13 T July tt 8SS 842 855 May 8J 8S8 8 8 632 BIDS May T38 720 729 T2 July 7JT 737 735 7S New York May ILWHEATWealcer wall bus No 1 Northern Duluth crop to arrive 117 No 2 red L o p 108 No 2 hard new crop f o b No 1 macaroni f o b 105 No 2 macaroni 104 opening of navigation took 10 loads largely to arrive CORN Irregular quiet No 2 73 No 2 f o b nominal same to arrive late May 75 No 2 white f o b nominal No 2 yell6w f o nominal Exporters took nothing RYESteady nominal 2 f o b 90 Sati WHEAT Open High Low Qlose dose May liOSH lqSS lK urn lWH July 1C055 looK S6H 83 i September CORN May July September 161- snjf S3S Only 10 cents a at your door the dally Issues of The Wash- Ington Herald Phone SSCO I Yerk Now today peer year Jut JIt1 Oteber July northwest pressure conditions I- ns otferln WHEAT ElK 37 LARD new 111 Ex- porters elevator h No 9j1i 931i em ro 71 ns n- jfld tAsked week Close bog 37 Inca 5234 7334 < Business Men Seek to Political Parties STAKE FIGHT ON DEMAGOGY National Association of 3Innufnc tnrcrs May Not Act as a Body hut Individual aiemli r May Form Or- ganization to Impremi Leaders of Both Parties Van Cleave la Here New May 11 It is altogether likely that growing out of the coming convention of the National Association of Manufacturers to be held in this city beginning next Monday there will be formed a business mens political party to take a hand in the approaching cam- paign Tlift purpose of this party it was de- clared today by a man who has been sounding sentiment among the business interests of the country will be primarily to keep demagoy from appearing on both sides of the political fence in this campaign which is the fear that is uppermost just now with some of those Interested In the matter The movement If it is decided upon will be along thp lines of the Palmer and BucKner movement although In the present case the idea is to get into action before the campaign has shaped itself in an effort to make the political leaders see the light and so do away with the necessity of nominating a third ticket based on the principles of no demagogy- In American politics Nonpolitical Body The NaUonal Association o Manufac- turers Is distinctly a nonpollfical organi- zation It has 3000 members comprising some of the largest business interests in this country Although it has been by Mr Van Cleave that the National As0c4a tlon of Manufacturers would at its com ing meeting take steps to offset any efforts made by Gompers and his crowd to defeat candidates for Congress who had not yielded to the socalled labor trust the association will not go so far as to indorse any particular Presidential candidate Mr Van Cleave who left for Washing ton today while declining to talk about the probability of such movement said that from expressions that ha4 reached him from all parts of the country the business men were becoming thoroughly awakened to the peril they were in Ho said It is within the memory of business men of this day the condi- tions that preeonted themselves to the people on the free silver question The sound money party composed of men who oould not conscIentiously vote the Republican ticket and the liberal Demo- crats among buslnosg men who cast their first Republican in q t campaign decided the election in favor of sound money A very similar condition prttttits Itself to the business men of this country to- day That Is to say through the efforts that have been made during the present session of Congress advocating certain measures which have the support of the administration The business interests have ben confronted with what appears- to tS rank and file of business men as a of demagogy that spread until it has grown to alarming proportions The result In all probability will be similar to that of the McKinteyBryn campaign except in this way that there will be no issue of currency no issue of tariff and no general proposed disturb anon of the countrys affairs but it will ASK SAl E CAMPAIGN Influ- ence 1 ark a Fears CampaIgn Demagogy the vote hAS of species ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ be a contest between the elemental busi- ness situation and the demagogy of poli- tics CHINESE STUDENT DIES Celestial in Yale Succumbs 0 Oper- ation Leaves a Message New Haven May 11 Tatah piarence Chen one of the four Chinese students at Yale sent here last fall by the gov- ernment of China died at the New Haven Hospital today from an operation for tuberculosis of the kidneys He was twentythree years old three coun trymen who are studying here were with him when he died Just before his death he made the fol lowing request to them Please write home to my family In Shanghai tell my father that I am sorry that I cannot per- form my duty as a son to him Chen leaves a wife and three brothers- in Shanghai where his father was a prosperous merchant When the Chinese government announced that it would send ton students to this country Tatah Chen took the examination standing fourth He entered the Yale Law School last September Mr Volt a member of the Medical School left for Washington today to make arrangements with the Chinese Le gation regarding the roturn of the body to REAL ESTATE NOTES Shannon Luchs report the sale of the lot at 2405 North Capitol street to Harry Jones who will occupy the property as his home The house is of colonial design containing six rooms and concreted cellar underneath the entire house with furnace heat It te one of a row of fifteen now nearing completion of which more than half have been already sold The consideration In the transac- tion was 3975 Much interest attaches to the appraise- ment put by the jury of condemnation upon the two lots on K between Third and Fourandahalf streets which the District will acquire for the new truck house In that part of the city The value placed upon the lots by the owners William A Johnson and George G Eat on were 1SOD and 9W respectively It understood that the appraisement of the jury was somewhat below these fig The property owned by the Northern Liberty Markat Company including the K street prQperty and the Convention Hall have been advertised for sale In the proceedings incident to the foreclos- ure of a mortgage held by the Trust Com- pany of North America given to se- cure the issue of 4126000 in bonds The sate will be held next Friday afternoon by Thomas J Owen Son auctioneers Stone Fairfax announce the sale for the National Savings and Trust Company the threestory house at 2t G street northwest The purchaser will improve the property and occupy It as a home WASHINGTON CATTLE MARKET CATTLEExtra per cwt 608at50 butcher LOla 55Q common 200a300 HOGS Per cwt gross ISOafiOO ordinary per SOCaS50 SHEEPPrime 400500 common 250 i LAMBSScrine 9 CALYESPrunc per lb SaBli medium Tai gnu i COWSPrtoe utsi each 0OOa50Wy ccnmoaJ- eCOa30CO old and dry 6001000 His Muse and street ures cat I t ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < FINANCIAL FINANCIAL The Union Savings Bank 710 14th Street SECURITY Ample eeourlty for surplus funds to prudent men In any vocation or profession The assets policy and ord of this bank assure absolute safety for money deposited here You can prof- itably invest your surplus funds jn a sav- ings account at 3 per cent interest Deposits received at any hour frOin 93i- a m to Ifl p m Under Federal Supervision t B QUINCY SMITH President A M LOTHROP Vice President V EDWARD S MUNFORD Treasurer DIRECTORS Gterge H Harries Theo W Nor v WIlliam B King J H j l D iatteer John B Blemac jr A JL Lothmp H Quinq Smith B N Waters S W M WoodTr- ardTH ISSUE OF STOCK Open for Subscription Shares Cooperative Association Office Equitable Building 1003 F Street 34 W JOY EDSON President FRANK P REESIDE Secretary Call or Write for Pamphlet I wriM X4 Ho M t t i I N W tt- o et ftt t- J t t i t- l t i i t4o s t a- f PalS H1 i X tt t- t KrKw pri 250 Per Building JN6 II I j4 t41 fte44e 54 4 ft f ap- peals roe r 1 x 4- S 222 5 Month EQUITABLE a ¬ < + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + Capital and Surplus 565WOOO IN have the advantages- of unsurpassed service while at home but can depend upon having their banking needs met in the most satisfactory manner at any of our numerous branch houses located in foreign coun tries Would you not consider it to your interest to become identified with such an institu tion Letters of Credit For travelers available throughout the world Foreign money bought and sold at current rates International Banking Corporation 1415 G St Uptown Branch 1135 Conn Ave Downtown Branch Center Market Until you have a goodly sum J to start a savings account with Start right away with what T I can to it each week The 3 g interest we pay will help it to grow Home Savings Bank- S 7th and Mass Ave BRANCHES 7th and HN E 436 7th Si S W MONEY AT 5 PER CENT LOANED ON D a REAL ESTATE HEISKELL McLERAN US B STREET MTfal Women prefer canalmaking to an Aaerican named Bella This Bella doth her name belle But aids our study of the stars Far noW we know both how and why The women tub in Mars DEPOSITORS itt t ot zXl H 1 i Under U S Treasury SupervisIon I r Wait IL I you have and add what you t- J t N V i- S X v H London Obronicie I J I Do 5 was roggests ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + A G PLANT CO Bankers and Brokers 714 14th St Bond Building Stocks Bonds and Investment Securities- The same courteous traders in fractional lots as that re- ceived by larger investors Members Washington Stock Exchange Private Wires to Hew York WHAT HAS HE DONE Napoleons Famous QatstioB When you attempt opendOM be coHreitros to docaod the best Of w c you call get the Met remits aMy tRIm the best tmMersfew of which an to- exfetotee My record iaeUntiy HM tat the frost risk of bHfldws For sear tirtatr one years I hays bow a prominent Wtee- hinstcn b lH r Ask Napoteoas famous qaefttfcB What has he ARTHUR COWSILL The Builder Who Mke Iced ill COLORADO BLDG 1ITH G IFs Or U S Marine Barracks fit G Ms se Capital Jl0000OSurpla JlJOOOOi NATIONAL iggS BANK Issues drafts direct available throughout the world Issues letters of Buys and sells ftcphange- TransmHs money by cubit Makes Investments customers Makes collections for Buys and sells stocks and bonds DEPT FOR LADIES Pa opposite U S Treasury The Safest InvestmentsA- re these that do net fluctuate during disturbed conditions of the mosey or stock markets Pint deed of trust notes flnt mort sM waft secured on real estate in the District of Ootatnbia coo stUnts glltedgo Investments They do set depend upon the financial reapoaiibQitr of hell rfduals or ccrporalloiw for their stability and are exempt from taxation as personal property We can supply such iar maenta in amounts from 500 Send for booklet Concern tag Loans and InTcatmeaU Swartzell Rheem O Hensey 15TS STBgBT NORTHWEST I at- tention std5cie tIT siD for customers Aye upward CO- m I I I I building places dose Ic e a Credit ESPECIAL ¬

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Page 1: · THE WASHINGTON HERALD TUESDAY MAY 12 1908 I 4 r I jj For Fourth Time Transac-tions





jjIFor Fourth Time Transac-

tions Reach Six Figuresi


Activity In First Hour BnnineMoves Prices Up lint FOllowingThis Come Realizing Sales Caneing Staggering of Market MetalaSlow Particular Strength

New York May 1L For th fourth timethis year the stock exchange tmnano-tlongtofloy reached a of more Ulan1000003 shares The market Itself wasfrom the beginning of the to the endthe same nervous Irregular but stillexceedingly strong affair that It has beenever since the Pennsylvania RailroadCompanys recent bond issue Atopening prices of securities were con-siderably higher than they closed onSaturday and the market in the firsthour of business waa very active theturnover in this tIme being more than400000 shares

Realizing Sales NextThere followed in due course Jnwarer

a large quantity of realising aal t underwhich market unquestionably Dag-gered to a certain extant but in duetine the rise was resumed only to meetanother wave of profit taking which againhecked the advance

The character of th market at theclose was uncertain d contused butwas still not such as to suggest that thepcwer of thoe in control of It was inany we lessened or that impulsebehind the advancing movement woreriously flagging

Naturally observation rested upon thelarge dealings Jn certain stocks particularly the Union Pacific and Rending

shares and upon the fact that theseand other active issues ended the daywith either small advances or aetual net

and people of a suspiciousturn of mind declared that thaw circum-stances hinted at a liquidation in someof the most conspicuous market

that wes going on under cover ofstrength

Not Paarqd by TradersOn the other hand these are phenom-

ena that have been noticed several timesiu the last two months without attestingculmination of the general market

In the early buying of stocks todaycertain stocks that have hitherto laggedin the advance were urgently in handand considerable net advances thus weremade in the New York Central Ontarioand Western and other stocks One fea-ture of the market too today was theparticular strength of the AmalgamatedCopper Smelting and Refining andUnited States Steel shares which have inrecent weeks been relatively neglected orat least not been prominent in dailyoperations like those that have centeredin the Union Pacific Southern PacificSt Paul and other railroad stocks


New Yotfc War ILTk market tot starttag te4y-wai firm with i points hither Rates farmud bas wew Sixty i SHlin de-mand unseam unfcumi COMM-Tcil bills were ISflUUK The wppy of coiten silkwas scarce

Money on call at the sleek exeh e todayat 1 per cent Ugfeeet 2 tomtt 1ftMost of loans at 1 per east

Time money started tile week with thesupply aa WM to the aaifcet Last weekwee far to rxcas of tM Hm m 1further being 2tt per riot for ftoty fays K to 3

i r cit for niofty dan 1 to 514 per cut tar Soarmonths Sfc per cent for faa Si to percfnt for six acstbs and 4 to 4 per cent lea w r-

tbr year

fall demand with a moderately bisoffered Rates 4 to 5 per east tar sixty te ninetydays teflonnames 4 to-

doreed bills reerimJie sod choiceethers













terantfle paper the week oaaUaeCUIOII ehofa

S JI foal ta tkN fer


t i





eaeas easiisij


opseed I

Iashabe and MaIeSeat kW So














Recerre loadGold coin and b

Trust fas Mi far ruliiijMeii sioutftMdteg Mtes aa Mr stkt

Gold cola WJ09Silver dent6ilT r deBits of UM T MS 0OQ

Total i

General fundGeld coin and ballis ttMSSCs 3kiM certiOcate 4 T TnUMHStandard iBvcr kdbwk UOCra 08Surer certificates W ZLW 0SIre bullion MJJrimed States note 114SS 18-Trrasory notes of UM 1MB CO

National bank notes VTBjnnSubsidiary sU S3SSH 7-SFrartiooal currency lIGJtMinor coin w tUN4lIn national bank HMC28792In treasury of Philippine 3HMKBonds and interest SIMM 91

Total J7u5waLiabilities BMStnes

Available c b balance

ReceiptsCustomsInternal renoae 107187 s7-

MupdUnecw X

Total postal Ncdfte ait Imhi nt M J234-7EzpenditaNs postal eipendnurta c

cept yoiUl defldcBcr aofc isctoM VMWea

Excess of expenditures tttjsj a-Excw of Teceiru list jeer HUBtt

Nation bank fundDeposits vader act July M M93 9NMB08Notes redeemed Mid retired andfe act

July 14 OK SS MNotes received for o n at icdwHfiUaii MttjtfR-

edempUesiTo Mirth H

Mu U


niefcLwoiatAdventure iitaiwrAllouea MiningAmerican PnewmiUc ServIce pfd WJ 3R4Meanest TtispiMne US im 1OT6American Woolen MiAmerican WorD pfd K MK ttArizona Oonuaooial H BAtlantic Mining u OK li

and Albany 9M 9M 3M

ton tad Melee W jn mBoston IS 11 ISCalumet and Ariaona M6 M MSCalumet and ReSt mains MCopper Range Ooneolidaled 71 7flt TlEdison Electric Hh 04 H3 HiFitchburg pfd 13 KJ JSFranklin Minter 71 BlGreene Caaawa IIsle Mining 9La Salla Mintoc U MK MSMuHQhiUMtti Cooe idatodMIafiiK flt

Coantioa 9K 9 S

Massachusetts Etatrfc COB pOL 4 44

Massaohnsetto Ow sfH H sXSMasacfaoMktts Gw pfd K SffK WKMii iOning B4 6HMichigaa Mni g X H M HitMohawk Miring H 38 8W-iNeradA Oomolidated Mfaing 11 11 11

Sew England Telephone lUti IB uN y N H H IS ismNorth Butte Mining II H H-

old DoBiBfoD aflates as mi MH-Osceda Mtoiafi e 81

Parrot Mining H HQuincy iflntegShannon Mtota lilt 12 1SK

Swift C M i WH-Tanunusk Mlafag S HTrinity Miafc f MR UK UUnited Pratt 1 HUnited Shoe Kaobfwir M SKI SI

United Shoo Machine pfd 8H1 8r 8U S Cod and Oil 34 BU S S R Me SB 38 9-8I a S It Mf pfd 41 41

Utah Mining H 3t Wi-Wrst That Street Railway MH W Si-

Vinooa MIning 9 5H S

Wolverine SliaiHff 1 H 132 S

pmroeGOO 00

iWoN 00





tit 1




To dateQJIt ee

t S 2VIf



ted Mining




8I1tas 83


lit 156


Si-p jaM




utaeS IILI1V06t


Os t







QaolaUoos farabhed by E P Huttonof tic New York Sksc BxcJiaoge G Bowie

ChipoMiH manager 1301 F street nartfewestSales o noon 574700 shores

sales 1083 500 shoresnil money Higli 2j low 1 close 3

One Hits Low OweAiKC3 tei Sft WA sL Cbpru GIJM IU WH 4 H-

Am C MB 364 3Rs 139R 3fc-A CWtm OU ISM 3 38-

Am Ice Sae 2M9 Jfn WH 31A 4W SWL JW HA MM rjfc HH4 m Wk-Am Smelt jiM SBQ jfi 8Q 93 98-

A 2JW 135H MIH US ttftVf-

cAm Teb ltd Md 4 K a-nij a B-

W MH il 36H 3M4-

AUbHSB ijtt i 8 81 a-At OMH MM UK 87 6 7

alt Ohio UM at 90HU T 4UH H 5 H 53-

OMs PMifie 1MN MK WU Wai JW4Cent 4 S K H OHGust L L pM M9 9IH 9Hl 86 4-

Owt Of N 3 MX 186 1 6 1S5 185OkM Ohio 3613 41 46H 46

Ot W BOO 5 5 50 M St P 3009 W4H 1M 1H 13M-

Ia N w s oa IM m wsn isii-CW 0 T pW JM-Oa a c at i iw eo eo

C F I 5MO 83 S SH 2TO-

Me S 4J50 30 SiK 3 4 3HGate So bt 5d 5 H S6H U H

N 1005 E9H 5 SW4 50

C H a I SOU 18ft HH H-

Oon OM SJBOQ Ml IS 131 112

Core Prod 1S8 MH 16 11 1K-4a H 1SW mvi iwi4 iwuD I W SflO m KO H 510

D n G S5 H 38 2SH f-

eDb See T489 3 ft 38 3SH 38V-

4Erfc MW 20H W4 3R4 29H

ut a9 36 an94 1400 SBfc S6H 2M4

GeL Bketrte W U H 136 UfH W-

GtN rth p IW 1 H 131 13 H-

ft North K O 91 K N-

III Ontnl U L LM UW UW 1S6U 1Htot Met LOSS ItU 11

lot Met vt a4W 9Int I per B i Hit 1 4 MHIowa pW 1300 1i MH 3ttiKa City 1600 T4 STti JT

K a Sfc pM UU 55 58 K-

L N t5 1M J U i-

MaNhAUlK at 3900 13SH W UiH IV-

y deMi OMrtnl 800 Mtt W4 15 W4

H8P SSMiifd 300 lltti IWVi 111

MM K T 86W SSft i-

M K T o M a sen a-

Mtanari P dnc 4 6 4M 4 4

Biswlt MW K OH-

NatioMl 303 61 Wtt 88-

X Y Cwrtnl MiH i MS

N Y a W ajB98 4 H 4 H HN W 3900 Tl T1H W4 HHNorth n ttNorth PS 36 60 136 UW 131passe Mail 200 4

Pa B IL 10660 IMfi WH 1W4 13-

PrtSHd Sisal 1175 Sfc SWi sK 3KI-

taMfcK 161880 USK m 1WV 1MH-

R uH0S tot 9N S3 OH 53 m1-

Uit I S W 1SH IS 1SH KHI ic S pflL W 65 OK W

Rick Island 8M ins W 1T BHIsland pM M480 3H 3S 3S

St I S F M l SO 3W SHi 3-

SL I S W 369 1IH W M-

at i s w p 500 san w M-

timnissliM W 4fH 4H 4fH-

go PacMe S8SO fi H 9H 8Ri KHSo PHS O pM T60 1 4 11W liZ 1 4-

Sosthm RT 16 H 16 1U-Boothflrn By wM UM 41H tt 41

Texas Paca c Jtt 2SW i HT St L W IS K IS

T S U W 3 m 41H H OH-

unfcm p j ms MW Mm m mviu s Pip m K asu M

U S M SK iU H 8J H W4u a ei W64II am HU i M

Va Omalcil W iW 1HS 11 U-

Wtte p iWashes MM 3M

YlKMtte OawsimU U W 1 M


mSVitf New Y t Stock BHfeBgt G Bowie Ohto-

MSH P Ktet trtfcwest-Opes HIP Ok-

Bqtte Oftaltttea 8 314Canbertaad Ely f

Oopperf W W IU-

FtaSer 9K 3H S1W-OobUeM Oevte KM 8K 5 K 6

OraeM Ooid Steet

United CopperTufcw


New York May UOsH d StsiMbond BB4atiow






NAa mil1

eeBreak ff





JCole Set



Brie 36 IS56

1I9Ore II

1M 11


Cent 31




51 fipMM

Load fII


AIM It lit131




1t 33


IISo lit ItI SIsal p14 1t1M 111 lIt

ti IWa n

104ft 1M Aal4


S F OTAwt fi

Mt 8 N-DaDaI 5 Mt


iUI ii

0 4 4

i i-

tuIIanI Oil19 1311

Pt tM IKNt 4 m

BId Asked




SOt40 56



1 5696

Lea 5696





33 35





NatIonal I 51

i21936 35661



35 26 ii


Mask 36




96 22



flaSher tIll 56



t56 SlIt 56


isciMsd by Hatten


6 634tj

3oaseuscIsusM E 3


456Isd436 W4 U-

Nee4aah 764 4 4 i4 v5-

6Ntir MIMue 11 56-

6Trt3sthou 11335 156151










Is coopoa ISM n


lowered Wl h-

connan MSPasta OMB X ristot ftd MS Ml


New Vric May U Meek i n i bindtnacaetiOBSNew York Ohy nit M tt reofcite MfKXew Yoric CStjr 4Ki MI7 reeaipts MfH-

Jauutea first wta JK R-

JapMMK Mosad 4s aiH-

JapaosM St Leek loss 4s TiltAdam BacpNBi 4 HA C O 4Hk MS-

AaMrietn T baeo 6 Ml t-

Anorlcan Tobscee fe K

Atlantic Coast LIes 4 W-

AUantk L X 4 aftBaltimore and Onto gold 4 93

Chesapeake and Obit cowwbdated 5s IKChesapeake aol Ohio H MtNew York Cental 3s 81

New York CentnOLaie Shore SKs 8

New York Chicago and St LoaM 4 MlNorfolk and Western OQMoIMated 4s M

Norfolk sod Wes oooftrtibte U SMC

Norfolk and Wcetara P sab Btas C 4 W4Northern PulSe 4s MlNorthern PacMSc fc IWOregon Short Line rtfwudisg 4s 9-3Ienrarlnmra on 4i w 1 temp rccrfpts Witt-

Pwnaylraote 4a MtS 9H-

Peansyinaia JVi 1M 9 iBeading general 4 WHSt Louis SouthwwstKK ataMlMcMI te WH

Seaboard Air LIsa 4 41

Southern Pacific reftwdtez Is 9W4Southern Pad Collateral 4s 8H

Southern RaSway Se MlUnion Paciflc test 4 MiDotoo Pacific omrertlUe 4f VftUnited states Sted sWcfug fund Ssi MKUnited States Steel regWWBd S2

Western Maryland first 4

Wotem Union 48 8J-

WctttoenoUM MaanfaeturiHg is 77Total sake M OM ajaiMt S3 lOOO Satwdftf-

J gM XJ a week rgo and l 5 Q a year ape


ChIcago Mar HCATTLBRtcdpU 21000 Mar-

ket stroflST Prime betrcs fi3fa730 poor to mediumiO tf stockers sad feeders X60ai89 cows andhalters 14MJI cannes 243aS29 TBiass 1505T5-

HOGSIUeripts 16 103 Market stow 5

lower Lieftt 5Sa56Sfc rough SSa5 miredSJaaSJT beaiy 5i5a695 pigs 435al4-

0SpBEPReealpta 000 Market weaker Nativesheep 4JbS Western sheep 450a810 natlvalands U0a7ll Western lambs 575aTli

New York May UOATTLBIleceIpts 2 60

Market active Steers 540aM5 bulls 400B6Wdo 52Sa00 240a549 one car of extra

do at TS dressed beef steady SHallCALVESRecelpta Use Market actIve Veaki-

eflBF50 culls 4COa450 city dressed Teals studygfealS eountrr dressed THaM

SHEEP AND LAMBSBecslpts Sheepsteady Ixirobe active all told Common sheep4Wa500 wealed TJOoSOO clipped do 6J5-

TS sprinK lamb 450 per headHOG6R ceipts 15864 Market lover 60Ca610

per MO pounds


Baltimore May 11 Fallowing are the receipts andoskfal quotations on lire stock at the Union stock-yards

CATTLE Receipts for week ended at noon tod ywere 1731 head against 2421 bead last Fiftyseven carloads on sale and stron at last weeksprices Steers fair to prime 540a665 commn tofair 425540 heifers 3 3a553 bulls OtolI5UOM75 fresh 25COa6000 per head

BOGSReceIptS tar week ended at noon todaywere HJ 0 head fast 8 TO last week fair supply

fair demand Westerns 615aSS from otherpoints 5901600 pigs 475a5ffi roughs 4OOa475

SHERI AND LAMBSRecdpU for week endednoon were 3279 head acainst last

fait supply and market steady Sheepdipped UOatSO lambs wool 600a335 dipped4Stei liberal supply spring limbs and lower at

OALVESRewipU wk ended at noonwere 1 acafest W last week lair supply todel and higher Common to best 100376Kt

II It1Iftj

M 1MmVa


Coast LIne









at today 4337week today


seslaterM 1 664

356sesteeaI lilt










Transactions on the Washington StockExchange yesterday were SUCO in bondsand 111 shares of stock The interestingfeatures of day were the demand forrailroad Chares which was not nearlysupplied and the sensational bidding upof the shares of the National City Bankabout 20 a share

Bond sales wore of WashingtonGas certificates one 1000 WashingtonRailway and Electric 4 per cent andthree Columbia 6e

Capital Traction stock was called forbut could be supplied only in fractionallots at 123V to 13

Washington Railway common attraotedmuch attention and while the bids werefor probably 1000 shares only 300 weresupplied In 50share lots at 32 to 33

There was also a lively scramble for thepreferred shares with sales of 170 atto

Washington Gas brought forth onlynominal interest and one sale ot 23

shares was recorded at 69Margenthaler was wanted all

the board and was sOld fraoly In frac-tional lots aggregating 42 shares andseven transactions the price ranging between 1M and 19-

5Th bidding upon National City Bonkstock brought out none of the sharesthough the bid price was raised by grada-tions from 135 to 156 a share The bidding for this issue was based upon theexpectation that the negotiations whlehhave been In progress for some time fora consolidation of the National City andthe Union Savings banks is about toculminate in a trade

Although it was stated about ten daysago by officials of the City Bank that theprice offered for the control of the bankhad been rejected it Is understood thatthe proposition for taking over the stockof the National City Bank by the inter-ests which first made the offer was laterrenewed and it is understood that thepersons to effect the deal are now hopeful that it will be consummated

Yesterday Cashier Lapham of the Citylank referred inquiries in the matter to

Smith president of the UnionSayings Bank Mr Smith stated thatnothing could be given out for publica-tion relative to the progress of the dealwhich he said had been hanging fire forabout three weeks Mr Smith said thedeal might be consummated within a fewdays and he rather expected it would

Smith said he could not reveal at thistime any of the details of the proposedmerging of the two institutions


Recular call 12 oclock noseWashington 3u U 5 98WMhingfc Rir r art Efecteic 4 1MQ at 834Capital Tract 1 at 18K 31 at BSH 1 at 13-1WMkiagto Railway and Etetefe oomraw 50 at

3W 50 at nft K at 3BK S3 at S 50 33at 31-

WaiU cto sad Electric preferred S atat St at it V M at BMi-

WMhtozton Gas 35 atTelephone of Pcniwylnaia 2 at 95 K at X-

MerfMtkakr M at 103H 4 at M9H 3 at 06tt 2at ICfti 3 at 191 M at K3H ft at KStt-

CowMTdftl Nattawl Bank II at MRi-PotoHUfi iMtmttee II at KAlter ouVWMhtestMi Railway pretend 10 at ElColumbIa Railroad fc COS at K6-

FeBwiag are Uw etoakig oaotaUsoj en yesterdays

Did AsXe-dWisbtogten Ou ta m-Wwbtegtos QM DHtttole 6t Mt 187

RAILROAD BONDSOpIUl Tractiw it 11H4Aaaooida art FetMNC 5 M 99CX li b MK-Cotembta fc m-MetrofwUtAJi i WV-

WaaMwton Railway art Btoetrie 8JH SXAtmrtrto Mt Venws SB H-

MISCXLLAKXOUS BONDSPet Bbctric LW t tot Ss M6S romN w stMMbo mn-Ch at iie and Potomac Se 143 1HH-Waibteston Market 5c W 1-CWisfetegton 5s ISW T


Railway art Wcine earn 3R-4WaihiaftM art 13ectrk pM Ed-K i W SbMJRfeoat 20-9WaUington Oa MGeary towa Gae 6t-

B n Telephone of PM lf irfa 91

TYPB MACHINE STOCKSMergenOttler Linotype MG-HLaMtM MoMtlf 3

MINING KTUGKS-Oreeiie Ca a ea BH





ar und




at W

Raftas S IS





















56-4iltcbefl Miatas 34








a 2J5-

ONMMMkl 151

AIRMH art MMiMBtcs M 39-3Lfoeoia w IS 110MeOopotH-aRW S-

ttgtoa 3W 400

TRUST COMPANY STOCKSAwetfcas Security asS Toast 9-

NvtioMl Ssriogi sad Trwt 185 300UnIon 1C-WaahiD oo Lou art TmL ISO 156United State ThMt i

SAVINGS BANK STOCKSBorne SM 3S-iMenbaHis and Uecfaaate is-WftthteKtea Bicliejwe OtIS U5-


AdtostoB 2T-

OelMiW 9H uOoawseeetal S-

Cweonm 74PITSBMBS 9

PmakH 53OenBtHAnserieaH 2ST 30-0MettopoHtan SO

NatIonal Union 8Peoples r sPetaMc 25-


CoteKMa Title 5RoeS Estate si

MISCELLANEOUS STOCKSSearity Stance IK-WasMngton Muket is


BrUaor May ILPellewing aw the oSdalprices today

BUTTERCreemery fang ptr pound SH ImlKsM Maryland art PennsylvanIa 15a

16 eteepacted Obi 1U1S do West VirginiaIS Maryland Virginia and dairyprints UeJC

LIVE PODLTRyVkitK efcieken 2 Ib and VA-

der 209 ppring 1H and lbs 30a32 do oldhens 4 13 puddle young do youngraiKOOTy art me grel kilO

EGOS Maryland and Penmjlnnla fresh perdown 16

POTATOES AVhfte nearby prime per bushel50a7i Weetwn Maryland Peansylraala 75aS-OFouxnac and Delaware per bbl JSH500-

GRBBN FRUITS AND VEGETABLESApples-New York assorted VbL AsparagusCbarlestofi p doses green 20Ca250 do whiteLSOtlOO do Norfolk Z00a250 do EAstern ShoreMd cultivated 250al do wild L50a2CC BeetsFlorida LOOal50 Cabbage North Carolinaper crate new L alJe Celery Florida perstandard crate LBOetfiO cucumbers Florida perbasket LOOal Grape fruit Florida per box259t350 Lettuce North Carolina per basket 25a-

WO do Norfolk per basket SaLOO Eggplants Florida per crate ICOalSO Oranges

per box as to size 175a225 Peas North Carolisa per basket LOOaLS Radishes North CaroHi a per bbl long 50aT5 Green beans Floridaper basket IMal O Wax beans Florida per

LOOaLSO Squash Florida per basket lOOal59Strawberries Norfolk per quart Salt do NorthCarolina per Quart SaIl Tomatoes Floridacarrltr fancy 250a300 do faIr to good I50a200


New York hay ILSUGARTbe local market forraw sugar ruled quiet but firm and unchanged withdtttypatd prices quoted as follows Centrifugal 66toot J6 MweoTtdo SO trot 386 molasses sugaf89 tot 361 The London market for beet sugarwas higher with May at lie 3d an advance of d

Jaa 11 Mid a gain of HM The Js l mar-ket for refined sugar was quiet but unchanged withgranulated quoted on the net basis of 519 less 1

cubNAVAL STORESThe local market for splits

turpentine ruled firm with a slight gain in pricesand machine made barrels were quoted at 46 andat Savannah the market was firm at 42 Rosin ruleddull with common to good strained unchanged andquoted at 340 Tar ruled QuIet end unchanged at500 for oil barren

BUTTER Beceipts 6T33 packages Steady Creamery extra SIS data Sa34 State dairy tubs finest24 good to choice 23a2t

EGGS ReceipU 15673 oases Firm Nearbyshite fancy 19 do mixed fancy 13 exira Scats 17 aM do firsts lair

MILl moderate inquiry Springbran li ICWb swks to arrir 2T Oj aidfiicp



9SteIIMl 151






tAt rolls









and at







SO cIty bran M89 la bwlki Western Kd dog3L15 to arrire winter w i at bran In 100lb sacks236-

06ATSSteady but N 3 whIte SOU No4 white 58H No 2 rolled

FLOUnUn Oed Md ertta Inquiry Springpatents 55UL90 spring doses 4JOa winterstraights iSQateO winter dfldra 43fe435 Kansasin sacks 400 patentS 51 a5J9 straights 170M55clears tOOal50

RYE FLlURIrwutor quiet Quoted460515

CORN MBALFfcm Light eupplr Kilo driedfor export IS eoarte In bags LEO

UAYReceipU 130 Iwjwlry fe steady butquiet Prime IJi N I atoLO Ne 280a95 N 3 a-

TRAW Flrm light Hipptf I ng rye a8-XBBEFSt ady iaacUre Family 16 0al7W

packet 14S8al5CQbut dull Mat Ii75atf family

1700TALLOWMariset l ClUf la hogsheads

5HLARDUnckattffed Prime SW city8S refined continent 896 American 1Y5refined Brazilian hess 1L Sly ftearine 10

olewtcarinc BomiMl New Ytrir U Chicago 1U


Prices quoted are wholesaleConsidering the liberal arrivals ef produce ift

nearly all lines prices on the wholesale marketyesterday well maintained and business aCUTeThere is a rood demand fer alt grades of goodprovisions and stock arriving in anything likemarketable condition rawrts fairly well Egg weregasses and the prtoea 9m Butter prices from theWest last night were lower and all gradas forthe wr dewtj WAS akrather week and new aaotatteos were put in

and live stock were Arm vegetables steady andfruits without change except in the poorer gradesof small berries The grain market is notmuch affected by the higher prices in Chkago andNew York

BUTTEKrminesy fancy 36a38H do Westernfirsts S5a26 do seooodi Sntt preoew Sa21 da fair to good JU22 dairy dieke 191good 16 storepacked fresh hail

OHKKSE Market firm and attire on all kindlNew York State factorr lees IbMi da smallold d summer non da fair togood Mall Westers factory choice lIdSdo fair to good 11 Virginia M-

BGGSNearbj freah Jew off 17 average 16H West Virginia and Southwest Virginia16 tepneiwe ISM North Carolina 1C duck 16

LIE POUWRYCWckens fancy 16a35 winterZhS spring 2 ft38 hens 1K4 roosters 7 duckslarge HKU1 do snail 9 geese Said turkeys turnsper Ib 13 do II tkta II keats 10

DRESSBD IOULTBYTurkeyi hens undrawsper lb 17 do arwage Hsdrawn U do thin1912 tons listt dilekaM spring large 91 small2336 hens eloIse liali 8a9 docks 12al3geese 9 to It

DRESSED MBATSHanss sugar earedUall-

VEGETABLBSPotatoas par bushel 8990 MoCormaek 60a sweet peuto per bbl 1G01500yams 3J8a400 asfMragns par dM tOtoSOO

per owl Mill Fluids per crate 200a250 lettuce Florida p r basket LSQaLTS oaiousBermuda pr UStlM p r bushel ToeSO peppers Florida per carrier 200225 striaebeaM green per basket 300100 toraatoea Floridafancy per crate ltta2SG-

RBBN PRDITSApplfs York Imperial per bblLfiOalSO Ben L a2 WIne Sap 155al03

Pippin 4W table fruit 300 3

SW 16la3 ortasM Florida bright per box231 do russets t35 California navels ISalSigrape fruit Florida per box INaLGO ennberriesper box IMaltt do per barrel 00398-

BUNDRIESBeeewar 38 tallow 4 honey white1lb 13 do Hn new Ktt ginseng

per Ib SMafiM S neca per lb il Goldea SealICaU Pink Halt Mandrake W Soaks Root 35

GBAIXWh Southern on grade MaM ryeBa shelled white NsTt do yellow 7173-

de car I3a3 oats WsjUrn white No 3da mixed S2

WOOL AND HIDBSWM washed free ef barsper UK 963 do uawariMd of burl ITalS do




BatUnwre UFoUt ing an the aQ ial-

prioas at Ue yrineJpsl eeosniMw hawsesWHBATsiwt UfelMfti spot Na 2

Md Western l Hal May UteLMK June INa-1NH July M Ausoat 1MH si a r Ke 2 red

recetpU 7MI kMhais Southern ee gradeSQViaL-

liCOBNSpot iMd THiiTm No 2 white 7Kia79 May TlaH July N aUeaw wired 6tti-

aRYS ock in ekratora Ute bushels shlpraealfran ekntton STK bvafcek No 2 Weetera ryeexpert 9M-

BARLEYSUx in eleratMS 88 bushelsOATSSUMk IB eknton bwtto ship

rna U Iron ele tor T1H bushels AMiHe Noheary H60 da No S lIght to 3KaS-

8da K 3 dtep STH3 de N 3 llglit iSHarf 4e KA 4 Hffct to

kenr nixed No t HST dec N 3

da Ho i MattMILL FBBDSprtnc Una awporad aacs SS7S-

Qda 10pMiad MM 31W Western W4lte0-lOpoiad sacks City Mills MXKxwndHeist 5SOOaa8i9 City Milk lofcHJtof IMpewdlICks 5SOOaS09

FLOUR Wtetar extra i 4 5do straight UBatS da patMrt IJfaJUM sprtttsdear Og4 do Kfafefat lOSaUi d patwt54 a5M City Mm beet patent 6J da hit1








weak CheesePoul-








ClN try

cab-bage err


clover new

ee eonGlaSS

hides gross S doo lifT abttpskIts flaLlS da day 5160 caUains


fiB yecaipta 1791 buhs


millde No S 3








crate Ohio


roehurry laS

gnen oathcrepe




heavy 0oIS


5656 bras



palest Ml itaitrfit S do efcafoe fwty 490extra l aL2Q Eye four median to ckeice Ufa4-8flt


aotatfeas famished by E F Hntteo Comembers of the New York Stock Exchange and thNew Cotton Exeaaage G Bode Chlpma-nBiaaiK J3M P street northwest

York May ItTrading was active at theapaaing of the ooUoa ntark t Unfavorablecables and teed reports from the belt u toweathtr condltiOM had a tendency to weaken pricesand the Seat wMtatioos wen s to M paints dotesThe market was irregular through the day butprtajs steadied in the efUraooa and Mooed at theMSB for the day

Rectiate at the porto were 7000 balsa agaInst5 55 last week and SJN last For the X k-

mjf bales against W last wk and SUM lastRtaeipte at New Orleans were 2Jtt bales

against 1JB4 year and at Houston 9ft balesagaInst 888 last year

Now YorkOMB Htzk L w9 945 9M 94

73 901 8H 99ii



New OrleansHigh Low Ctete-

Hfc HX ItS ILlS41 W9I 9 112-

7ie6 9M 88S 910


QBOtatioos famkbed by B F Hutton Comembers of the New York BtoeJ ExotoBgo and theChtase Board of Trade G Bowie CMpman man-ager 19tt F street

Cfcfeae Slay llWn t etUes were disappoint-ing boUt EnglIsh sad ewtlaestal Foreign alathtka were not so hellish as UK Ogres cabled enSaturday There we a large decrease in theVitible but It bad BO effect on the market

There was also a dteappoJntiaf export demandID ours WeakmM was quite proBOHisced in thenear positions and there was DO ers enee ef support There was a decided against MayWeather at the West were fairly good

sectieas but to the 3it6M ri Valley thereware further rake and prtdktieM trf rate werequite general

Oats were moderately active and fairly steadymost of the session off a with thedecline in other grains

ProtUioM were qtrfet aad lower early en liberalreceipts but later were fairly steady with small

Open Bisk Low CloseMay l tti 1QH lom 101July 3Mi 4 MH 9JUSeptember t lr STH 8iH 4

CORNMay 73H SiHl TITi T1HJuly 6lH 6S 63i 6SSSeptember 6 i 6fi4 H

OATSMay 55H 8H 54 KJuly 4IS K 7 4IHSeptember 4 Ki 37H H-

POBrvMay J3J8 li42 13 1342July 13 x 13W 13JT 13 T

July tt 8SS 842 855May 8J 8S8 8 8 632

BIDSMay T38 720 729 T2July 7JT 737 735 7SNew York May ILWHEATWealcer wall bus

No 1 Northern Duluth crop to arrive117 No 2 red L o p 108 No 2 hard newcrop f o b No 1 macaroni f o b 105No 2 macaroni 104 opening of navigation

took 10 loads largely to arriveCORN Irregular quiet No 2 73 No

2 f o b nominal same to arrive late May 75No 2 white f o b nominal No 2 yell6w f onominal Exporters took nothing

RYESteady nominal 2 f o b 90

SatiWHEAT Open High Low Qlose dose

May liOSH lqSS lK urn lWHJuly 1C055 looK S6H 83 iSeptember


161-snjf S3S

Only 10 cents a atyour door the dally Issues of The Wash-Ington Herald Phone SSCO I








pressureconditions I-










9j1i 931i em


ns n-

jfld tAsked








Business Men Seek toPolitical Parties


National Association of 3Innufnctnrcrs May Not Act as a Body hutIndividual aiemli r May Form Or-

ganization to Impremi Leaders ofBoth Parties Van Cleave la Here

New May 11 It is altogetherlikely that growing out of the comingconvention of the National Association ofManufacturers to be held in this citybeginning next Monday there will beformed a business mens political partyto take a hand in the approaching cam-paign

Tlift purpose of this party it was de-

clared today by a man who has beensounding sentiment among the businessinterests of the country will be primarilyto keep demagoy from appearing onboth sides of the political fence in thiscampaign which is the fear that isuppermost just now with some of thoseInterested In the matter

The movement If it is decided uponwill be along thp lines of the Palmerand BucKner movement although In thepresent case the idea is to get into actionbefore the campaign has shaped itself inan effort to make the political leaderssee the light and so do away with thenecessity of nominating a third ticketbased on the principles of no demagogy-In American politics

Nonpolitical BodyThe NaUonal Association o Manufac-

turers Is distinctly a nonpollfical organi-zation It has 3000 members comprisingsome of the largest business interests inthis country

Although it has been by MrVan Cleave that the National As0c4atlon of Manufacturers would at its coming meeting take steps to offset anyefforts made by Gompers and his crowdto defeat candidates for Congress whohad not yielded to the socalled labortrust the association will not go so faras to indorse any particular Presidentialcandidate

Mr Van Cleave who left for Washington today while declining to talk aboutthe probability of such movement saidthat from expressions that ha4 reachedhim from all parts of the country thebusiness men were becoming thoroughlyawakened to the peril they were in

Ho said It is within the memory ofbusiness men of this day the condi-

tions that preeonted themselves to thepeople on the free silver question Thesound money party composed of menwho oould not conscIentiously vote theRepublican ticket and the liberal Demo-crats among buslnosg men who cast theirfirst Republican in q t campaigndecided the election in favor of soundmoney

A very similar condition prttttits Itselfto the business men of this country to-

day That Is to say through the effortsthat have been made during the presentsession of Congress advocating certainmeasures which have the support of theadministration The business interestshave ben confronted with what appears-to tS rank and file of business men as a

of demagogy that spread untilit has grown to alarming proportions

The result In all probability will besimilar to that of the McKinteyBryncampaign except in this way that therewill be no issue of currency no issue oftariff and no general proposed disturbanon of the countrys affairs but it will




1 ark


Fears CampaIgn Demagogy

















be a contest between the elemental busi-ness situation and the demagogy of poli-tics


Celestial in Yale Succumbs 0 Oper-ation Leaves a Message

New Haven May 11 Tatah piarenceChen one of the four Chinese studentsat Yale sent here last fall by the gov-ernment of China died at the New HavenHospital today from an operation fortuberculosis of the kidneys He wastwentythree years old three countrymen who are studying here werewith him when he died

Just before his death he made the following request to them Please writehome to my family In Shanghai tell myfather that I am sorry that I cannot per-form my duty as a son to him

Chen leaves a wife and three brothers-in Shanghai where his father was aprosperous merchant When the Chinesegovernment announced that it would sendton students to this country Tatah Chentook the examination standing fourthHe entered the Yale Law School lastSeptember

Mr Volt a member of the MedicalSchool left for Washington today tomake arrangements with the Chinese Legation regarding the roturn of the bodyto


Shannon Luchs report the sale of thelot at 2405 North Capitol street

to Harry Jones who will occupy theproperty as his home The house is ofcolonial design containing six rooms andconcreted cellar underneath the entirehouse with furnace heat It te one of arow of fifteen now nearing completion ofwhich more than half have been alreadysold The consideration In the transac-tion was 3975

Much interest attaches to the appraise-ment put by the jury of condemnationupon the two lots on K betweenThird and Fourandahalf streets whichthe District will acquire for the newtruck house In that part of the city Thevalue placed upon the lots by the ownersWilliam A Johnson and George G Eaton were 1SOD and 9W respectively It

understood that the appraisement ofthe jury was somewhat below these fig

The property owned by the NorthernLiberty Markat Company including theK street prQperty and the ConventionHall have been advertised for sale Inthe proceedings incident to the foreclos-ure of a mortgage held by the Trust Com-pany of North America given to se-cure the issue of 4126000 in bonds Thesate will be held next Friday afternoonby Thomas J Owen Son auctioneers

Stone Fairfax announce the sale forthe National Savings and Trust Companythe threestory house at 2t G streetnorthwest The purchaser will improvethe property and occupy It as a home


CATTLEExtra per cwt 608at50 butcher LOla55Q common 200a300

HOGS Per cwt gross ISOafiOO ordinary perSOCaS50

SHEEPPrime 400500 common 250 iLAMBSScrine 9

CALYESPrunc per lb SaBli medium Taignu iCOWSPrtoe utsi each 0OOa50Wy ccnmoaJ-

eCOa30CO old and dry 6001000


Muse and








< ¬













The Union Savings Bank710 14th Street

SECURITYAmple eeourlty for surplus funds

to prudent men In any vocation orprofession The assets policy andord of this bank assure absolute safetyfor money deposited here You can prof-

itably invest your surplus funds jn a sav-

ings account at 3 per cent interestDeposits received at any hour frOin 93i-

a m to Ifl p m

Under Federal Supervision t



Gterge H Harries Theo W Nor vWIlliam B King J H jl D iatteer John B Blemac jrA JL Lothmp H Quinq SmithB N Waters S W




Open for Subscription



Office Equitable Building 1003 F Street 34 W


Call or Write for Pamphlet


wriM X4 Ho M


IN W tt-


et ftt


tti t-lt i


s ta-

f PalS H1 iX


t KrKw pri

250 Per





t41 fte44e 54


ft fap-














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Capital and Surplus 565WOOO


have the advantages-of unsurpassed servicewhile at home

but can depend upon havingtheir banking needs met in the

most satisfactory manner atany of our numerous branchhouses located in foreign countries

Would you not consider itto your interest to become

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Letters of CreditFor travelers availablethroughout the world

Foreign money bought andsold at current rates

International BankingCorporation 1415 G St

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Until you have a goodly sumJ to start a savings account with

Start right away with whatT

I can to it each week The 3g interest we pay will help it to


Home Savings Bank-

S 7th and Mass Ave


7th and H N E 436 7th Si S W



MTfalWomen prefer canalmaking to

an Aaerican named BellaThis Bella doth her name belle

But aids our study of the starsFar noW we know both how and why

The women tub in Mars


itt t ot zXl H 1 i

Under U S Treasury SupervisIonI


Wait IL


you have and add what you






X v H

London Obronicie



I Do


was roggests



+ +


+ + + +

A G PLANT COBankers and Brokers714 14th St Bond Building

Stocks Bonds andInvestment Securities-

The same courteoustraders in

fractional lots as that re-ceived by larger investors

Members Washington Stock Exchange

Private Wires to Hew York


Napoleons Famous QatstioB

When you attempt opendOM becoHreitros to docaod the best

Of w c you call get the Met remits aMytRIm the best tmMersfew of which an to-exfetotee My record iaeUntiy HM tatthe frost risk of bHfldws For sear tirtatrone years I hays bow a prominent Wtee-hinstcn b lH r Ask Napoteoas famousqaefttfcB What has he

ARTHUR COWSILLThe Builder Who Mke Iced

ill COLORADO BLDG 1ITH G IFsOr U S Marine Barracks fit G Ms se

Capital Jl0000OSurpla JlJOOOOi


Issues drafts direct availablethroughout the world

Issues letters ofBuys and sells ftcphange-TransmHs money by cubitMakes Investments customersMakes collections forBuys and sells stocks and bonds


Pa opposite U S Treasury

The Safest InvestmentsA-

re these that do net fluctuate during disturbedconditions of the mosey or stock markets Pintdeed of trust notes flnt mort sM waft securedon real estate in the District of Ootatnbia coostUnts glltedgo Investments They do setdepend upon the financial reapoaiibQitr of hellrfduals or ccrporalloiw for their stability andare exempt from taxation as personal propertyWe can supply such iar maenta in amountsfrom 500 Send for booklet Concerntag Loans and InTcatmeaU

Swartzell Rheem OHensey




std5cie tIT













e a


