pyramid pill newsof and no -...

Pyramid Pill ^ Treatment inUtif rim. mo rot nun twuu* AJaoitmrr Umiir hM »l ItHtOUMflWf m who aJt*ui4 k . T . Tfc . bleued ralltf afforded bj Pyramid rill Trent meal. Yoaoau hit* . free IrUi by ¦Mil or U you ca&nui wait, get . 00 cent box at any drill (tore. bo infeell- tlti. Join the hap¬ py tkroni wiio tlDjt (be oralte* -t , , _ . oT Pyramid. B»h ». Mm Cie tbU ooa- '^"'^flTfe' poo for Ire* PrraaU iuu.u triu. nEE SAMPLE couron mumi DftDO OOKNIT, mtynmii Bi4« . lUnbell. llfek. Him>f »«*«»»tMi *»»it*«niM»M*«** ...«< .*.*.«...»*....*....«.* e e.. CMy. gtiti The next time you buy calomel ask for i The purified and refined tablets that ait nausealess, safe and mra Medicinal virtues retain* ed and improved. Sold only in niM p>ffan> Price 35c* STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Real Cause.Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a poor digestion, they are attacking the rml cause of the ailment.clogged liver and disordered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and Bowels are per¬ forming their natural functions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, coated tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't- care feeling, no ambition or energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take OliveTablets, the substitute for calomel Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are aj purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oiL You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief. Eat what you like. 10c ana 25c. FINE FOR RHEUMATISM Musterole Loosens Up Those Stiff Joints.Drives Out Pain You'Ll know why thousands use Musterole once you experience the (dad relief it gives. Get a jar at once from the nearest drug store. It Is a dun, white oint¬ ment, made with the oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and doea not blister. Brings ease and comfort while it is being rubbed on 1 Musterole is recommended by many doctors and nurses. Millions of jars are used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu¬ matism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size |2JQI For itching Eczema Old Sores and Pilot "I guarantee my ointment," nay* Peterson of Buffalo, "to cure eccetna; to atop the Itching at oner an<1 any reliable druggist will cheerfully re- "und your money If 1'BTfcRfiON'S OINTMENT doesn't do everything I -ay It will do." William A. Carley of Franklin, N. T., I* surely a wise mnn, He write*: 1 u*ed PETERSON'S OINTMENT on * little boy suffering terribly with >ci«ma. It did the work.'1 Than there la AUx. Uouttel, a brave fireman of Buffalo, who la glad to write a* follow*: "I had an 614 *br* on my leg for manr year* Th* rloctora railed. PBTBRflON'S OINT- MICNT entirely healed th* *or* quick¬ ly." And front oyer In Canada coma* it latter from A, Blockeby. atating: 'The beat thing f eyer hit for Itching pile* is pjrninsoN'a ointment.* X big bo* far 38 centa. Peopl*'* Drug Store* will aupplj . nu under *pi*rant*e of money bark if not satisfactory. NEWS OF ALEXANDRIA AND NEARBY VIRGINIA nunnM CMri, K. C. <. c.- fcr Bu.»< ft*|m » tins* TWwto*. ALEXANDRIA. V*. April **.. FUaserald CeunaJI Mo 4l». KnlghU of Coluuibua. will n»aat »l Mary's M%U t»«or?»w tvn\u* wh#|i th® Aret and .««*¦« 4«#r«»» .' tM or4*' will ba eonferrad on a large «***.*' < andidaiea. ?..latins lb* >..»' ota cera WU1 ba John T. 1. Bums. Firemen lut »>«*t burning *wplng ovar tM fruit ators of JuiM CaMtssUnopla on K'n® |Mtt A big mnas masting *. h#l4 th« Elfc. Heme to mo r re w 1"« I e'cleek in tM JnU/Mt of tin* n»t»r»tu» fuM- will d*l|varad br CMHm C. C»r Hn. Pr. B- V. Repeater. Dr. K*1; Waller Barrett. Ra* Lauls Smet and KwlU Barllae. of WashlngU*. * Newly elected ofAcers of Al"*ndrla Lodge of Elks woro Installed l*at night. Karepta Ledge of Odd Fellows will moat tomorrow evening. Tha funeral of the Iste lfra. Emma Young, who died at BurM. Vfc. laat Saturday. was hold from Wheatley a Chapel, this afternoon. Alllaon Women'a Christian Temper¬ ance Union mat at tM horn* of Mrs. tAioaa. on South FalrfM street. laat night. v The funeral of the lata Michael A. Ahern will ba h«W fr0"B 8L *'1*,! Church tomorrow morning at ».»o o'clock. The Rev. Loula Bmat pas- tor. will alpf a i»M« of requiem, and burtaj will be in St Mary's Cemetery. Women of «L P»ula Episcopal Church will give a chicken salad sup- par at tha Pariah Hall Thursday ?vcnlof- Daughters eftia Coi»»Mrfccr. mat St Cwnp Wn*at night Court If. PsughUraaf I»*«Hlla, held a progressive euchre party at St. tUr/a Hall last nlgfct. In tM corporation court Judge I>ouia C. BarVey presiding, yesterday. tM doekat for tha April term wss osiled sad cum war* aet for trial. The condition of J«r«n«lah K- Srllly. "ho was opsratad upon at the m«rg«ncy Herpltal a few day* ago, (a reported Improved. WHAT HYATTSVULE PEOPLE ARE DOING HTATTSVILLK, 1M., April IS..An¬ nouncement la ma4e of the encase¬ ment of Mlsa Anna May Darnell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N. Darnell, of Maryland avenue, thla place, to William A. Kelly, son of Mr and Mra. Stephen J. Kelly, of Franklin atreat. The ceremony is to take place April 81 St 7 o'clock (n St. Jeroffie'" Catholic Church, the Rev. Andrew J. Carey officiating. Miss Alicia Darnell wljl be maid of honor and Edwin J- Kelly la to be beat man. the brldeamalda will be Mlaa Cathar¬ ine Hawkahaw, Mlsa Nellie Hawk- shaw, of Thomas, W. Vs.: Mlaa Irene Kelly, and Mlsa Evs CUrk. of Wash¬ ington. Edward A. Fuller, editor of the Hy- attavllle Independent leaves Thurs¬ day morning for southern Maryland In the Interest of the forthcoming Salvation Army drive. May 10 to 20. An Interesting program has been arranged for the April meeting of the Beltavllle grange to be held tonight In grange ball there. The bi-monthly meeting of the Ardmore Citizens' Association will be held tonight. Lawrence E. Schultx has resign¬ ed as secretary of tha fire and wel¬ fare association of Seat Pleasant Al¬ fred Schmidt haa been elected hia successor. The monthly meeting of the flra department of Mt Raln'or ia to be held tonight in the truck room. LePage Cronmlller, Democrat, of Laurel, haa been named a member of the board of election superviaora for Prince Oeerge'a county, succeeding Charley I. Wilson. Democrat, of Up¬ per Marlboro. Oeorge Dove, of For- estviUe. Democrat and Thomas M. Underwood, of Piscataway district Republican, have been ro-named members of tha board. G. W. CCOiDS ALLSET FOR TALKING ON FINGERS Members Of the Columbian Wdmen of George Waahlngton University are ready for their flrst lesson In talking on their flngors. A demonstration of the sign language by young women students from Oallaudet College will be given at a meeting at 4 o'tlock this afternoon, at the College Wom¬ en's Club. '1822 I street nprthweat There will be a social hour and a brief buslneas meeting. Mlsa Elisabeth Peet will receive, asalated by Mrs. William H. Herron, Mrs. Edwin A. Hill, and others. VOCATIONAL TRAINING EXTENDED TO INDUSTRY Extension of vocational training to persons Injured in Indtistry Is pro¬ vided In a bill paaaed by tha Senate yeaterday. Tha bill haa been passed by the Hous*. Term* of tha bill would place the facilities now at tha dlapoaal of all peraona who can be educated In tradea to earn s livelihood. HEAR OF MOVIE-MAKING. The making of S movie, from tha writing of tha gcanArl* te the flaahlng of the ptctnra on the acre«n. was e*- plained to the Engineering Society of Oeorge Waahlngton University In an Illustrated lecture laat night In Us- ner Hall, MM O atraat northwest, by c. Franria Jenklfta. who developed tha fraphoftcof* maohln® tn4 who haa h«en tdan»l«*4 wttti tha «*.> tlod picture Industry far aaany yaara. POLLY AND HEK PALS in . r And Paw Got No Fun Out of It l xe-w HOV/\ Hujh I* G»T OOfc UP ^ HOOSfe OdHtLk.~THfc (jfluj'3 6ocq> ^ ABIE THE AGENT The Above Oertoon in Animated form Released Excluiively by Bny Picture# Oorpomion. IU.S PaMntOClca. % Abie Can Be Pushed Just So Far * "fccwY maksdifme OOMEi\H WTvnhenhe SEVlt>\H% HK omcE i For ItlwlfM HON AND DEARIE Hon isn't Very Strong on t««e Snorting Spirit UT ullL-IE 7Klt« To 3fcLL HOW A CHAUCEOOA FIVE VOUAIZ GOLD PfcCE . HIS BASEBALL TEAM WEED UUlfORMS ETC. IT'3 OULV A D1MF- AMD O.L TKUST WO IF HW HAVJWJ'TGOT IT. TME OF HIM ! AlUT ML" BBJTHEtfS PESTS f if 1 was suae 1 OF tOlNMIMQ I'D LETT ttJU TEl*T ME FOg. I owe YOO D HA<JE "16 BE A "RAFFLES* TO GET Auvmia OOT OF HIM F0|2 A SAffUE. HE MEUEE HAD A CHAWCE TO take Aattuct IF HE UXUS IT- THE SHOCK M<iHT PROVE FATAL, HATTIE NEU6R. TAKES A CHAUCE OU A HAT SHC MAiiGS 3UCE OP IT. I KiJOU) THE wiwiwc ticket j IS ALREADY RXWHT. The kip will u*ust ] HOW AS FAR. AS HE f CAU St6 Mil*) -AMD \ HI3 6VE3 ABE POOJZ. J ,,w"WTr~^. SX- 3<VE HE Tax a omE AWPwOW THEuM?. HOP iSiJI IOO02IEP A BOOT LOSIfKS "THE GOLD PiECZ- lT'51 THE Dine. "THE OO-V PtfZE 1 hou tvez wotf 1 WAS DEAJ21E- AWO <T u*S 5h£ toHOT&ok TH6 CKAMCg c^mediao* jo- US BUIS ¦fl «1er»<l V. 8. Pelwit Office. This Sounds Reasonable Enough CONFESSIONS EAGLEBEAK SPRUDtR. NONE QEuoiue VOlTHOUr THIS SI mature - £?s. ORAMAnc/BoOL AMD MOtfie Rights folly protected, INCLOOlN^ THE SCAUOINAVMAk). first installment- lLLOSrR/>T6D tb 67 Tom m-aJamaija-# ONE YiMC, UWEW f IUA5 about SO Hi<JH, SO Hi(JH - I U/AS, 1 U)A5 ItfALKCM* alom$- ALOW«t SOMEWIM UKe WIS, like THIS - A FELLER A0C*>r SO HM, HE UAS,STOPPEO ME. AMD * IDAWDS^'O. w>«BrE va ^ \ I HAULEO OFF AMD & e) i*ao »y DiO^r OO A thinq to him, /SXJTA THINCt" SI6MEO S+S. (VS. . THE EOiToa HAS INQUIRED AS TO THE OERACITY/ OF THIS STATEMENT. Auo rnos that it* is absolute c/ TRUtHFDu. installment N3. O.- To - NVORROU) - H- IHTT. PlATUH SlUViei. WC-Zj- HOW DO THEY DO IT? Well. You Know How It Is.or Don't You?

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Post on 31-Oct-2019




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Page 1: Pyramid Pill NEWSOF AND No - · Pyramid Pill ^ Treatment inUtif rim. morot nuntwuu*

Pyramid Pill^ Treatment

inUtif rim.

mo rot nun twuu*AJaoitmrr

Umiir hM »lItHtOUMflWfm who aJt*ui4k . T . Tfc .bleued ralltfafforded bjPyramid rillTrent meal.Yoaoau hit*

. free IrUi by¦Mil or U youca&nui wait, get. 00 cent box atany drill (tore.m« bo infeell-tlti.Join the hap¬

py tkroni wiiotlDjt (be oralte*

-t , , _ . oT Pyramid.B»h ». Mm Cie tbU ooa-'^"'^flTfe' poo for Ire*PrraaU iuu.u triu.nEE SAMPLE couron

mumi DftDO OOKNIT,mtynmii Bi4« . lUnbell. llfek.

Him>f»«*«»»tMi*»»it*«niM»M*«** ...«<

.*.*.«...»*....*....«.* e e..

CMy. gtiti

The next time

you buy calomelask for


The purified and refinedtablets that ait

nausealess, safe andmraMedicinal virtues retain*ed and improved. Soldonly in niM p>ffan>Price 35c*

STOMACH UPSET?Get at the Real Cause.Take

Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets

That's what thousands of stomachsufferers are doing now. Instead oftaking tonics, or trying to patch up a

poor digestion, they are attacking therml cause of the ailment.cloggedliver and disordered bowels.

Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets arousethe liver in a soothing, healing way.When the liver and Bowels are per¬forming their natural functions, awaygoes indigestion and stomach troubles.Have you a bad taste, coated

tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't-care feeling, no ambition or energy,trouble with undigested foods? TakeOliveTablets, the substitute forcalomel

Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are ajpurely vegetable compound mixed witholive oiL You will know them by theirolive color. They do the work withoutgriping, cramps or pain.Take one or two at bedtime for quick

relief. Eat what you like. 10c ana 25c.

FINE FOR RHEUMATISMMusterole Loosens Up ThoseStiff Joints.Drives Out Pain

You'Ll know why thousands useMusterole once you experience the(dad relief it gives.Get a jar at once from the nearest

drug store. It Is a dun, white oint¬ment, made with the oil of mustard.Better than a mustard plaster and doeanot blister. Brings ease and comfortwhile it is being rubbed on 1Musterole is recommended by many

doctors and nurses. Millions of jars areused annually for bronchitis, croup, stiffneck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rheu¬matism, lumbago, pains and aches of theback or joints, sprains, sore muscles,bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds ofthe chest (it often prevents pneumonia).30c and 60c jars; hospital size |2JQI

For itching EczemaOld Sores and Pilot

"I guarantee my ointment," nay*Peterson of Buffalo, "to cure eccetna;to atop the Itching at oner an<1 anyreliable druggist will cheerfully re-"und your money If 1'BTfcRfiON'SOINTMENT doesn't do everything I-ay It will do."William A. Carley of Franklin, N.

T., I* surely a wise mnn, He write*:1 u*ed PETERSON'S OINTMENT on

* little boy suffering terribly with>ci«ma. It did the work.'1Than there la AUx. Uouttel, a brave

fireman of Buffalo, who la glad towrite a* follow*: "I had an 614 *br*on my leg for manr year* Th*rloctora railed. PBTBRflON'S OINT-MICNT entirely healed th* *or* quick¬ly." And front oyer In Canada coma*it latter from A, Blockeby. atating:'The beat thing f eyer hit for Itchingpile* is pjrninsoN'a ointment.*X big bo* far 38 centa.

Peopl*'* Drug Store* will aupplj. nu under *pi*rant*e of money barkif not satisfactory.


nunnM CMri, K. .« C. <. c.-fcr Bu.»< ft*|m »

tins* TWwto*.

ALEXANDRIA. V*. April **..

FUaserald CeunaJI Mo 4l». KnlghUof Coluuibua. will n»aat »l Mary'sM%U t»«or?»w tvn\u* wh#|i th®

Aret and .««*¦« 4«#r«»» .' tM or4*'will ba eonferrad on a large «***.*'< andidaiea. ?..latins lb* >..»' otacera WU1 ba John T. 1. Bums.

Firemen lut »>«*tburning *wplng ovar tM fruit atorsof JuiM CaMtssUnopla on K'n®|MttA big mnas masting *. h#l4

th« Elfc. Heme tomor rew 1"«I e'cleek in tM JnU/Mt oftin* n»t»r»tu» fuM-will b« d*l|varad br CMHm C. C»rHn. Pr. B- V. Repeater. Dr. K*1;Waller Barrett. Ra* Lauls Smet andKwlU Barllae. of WashlngU*.* Newly elected ofAcers of Al"*ndrlaLodge of Elks woro Installed l*atnight.

Karepta Ledge of Odd Fellows willmoat tomorrow evening.

Tha funeral of the Iste lfra. EmmaYoung, who died at BurM. Vfc. laatSaturday. was hold from Wheatley a

Chapel, this afternoon.

Alllaon Women'a Christian Temper¬ance Union mat at tM horn* of Mrs.tAioaa. on South FalrfM street. laatnight. v

The funeral of the lata Michael A.Ahern will ba h«W fr0"B 8L *'1*,!Church tomorrow morning at ».»o

o'clock. The Rev. Loula Bmat pas-tor. will alpf a i»M« of requiem, andburtaj will be in St Mary's Cemetery.

Women of «L P»ula EpiscopalChurch will give a chicken salad sup-par at tha Pariah Hall Thursday?vcnlof-

Daughters eftia Coi»»Mrfccr. matSt U« Cwnp Wn*at nightCourt If. PsughUraaf I»*«Hlla,

held a progressive euchre party atSt. tUr/a Hall last nlgfct.

In tM corporation court JudgeI>ouia C. BarVey presiding, yesterday.tM doekat for tha April term wssosiled sad cum war* aet for trial.

The condition of J«r«n«lah K-

Srllly. "ho was opsratad upon at them«rg«ncy Herpltal a few day* ago,

(a reported Improved.


HTATTSVILLK, 1M., April IS..An¬nouncement la ma4e of the encase¬ment of Mlsa Anna May Darnell,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles N.Darnell, of Maryland avenue, thla

place, to William A. Kelly, son ofMr and Mra. Stephen J. Kelly, ofFranklin atreat. The ceremony is totake place April 81 St 7 o'clock (n St.Jeroffie'" Catholic Church, the Rev.Andrew J. Carey officiating. MissAlicia Darnell wljl be maid of honorand Edwin J- Kelly la to be beat man.the brldeamalda will be Mlaa Cathar¬ine Hawkahaw, Mlsa Nellie Hawk-shaw, of Thomas, W. Vs.: Mlaa IreneKelly, and Mlsa Evs CUrk. of Wash¬ington.

Edward A. Fuller, editor of the Hy-attavllle Independent leaves Thurs¬day morning for southern MarylandIn the Interest of the forthcomingSalvation Army drive. May 10 to 20.

An Interesting program has beenarranged for the April meeting of theBeltavllle grange to be held tonightIn grange ball there.

The bi-monthly meeting of theArdmore Citizens' Association will beheld tonight.

Lawrence E. Schultx has resign¬ed as secretary of tha fire and wel¬fare association of Seat Pleasant Al¬fred Schmidt haa been elected hiasuccessor.

The monthly meeting of the flradepartment of Mt Raln'or ia to beheld tonight in the truck room.

LePage Cronmlller, Democrat, ofLaurel, haa been named a member ofthe board of election superviaora forPrince Oeerge'a county, succeedingCharley I. Wilson. Democrat, of Up¬per Marlboro. Oeorge Dove, of For-estviUe. Democrat and Thomas M.Underwood, of Piscataway districtRepublican, have been ro-namedmembers of tha board.


of George Waahlngton University areready for their flrst lesson In talkingon their flngors. A demonstration ofthe sign language by young womenstudents from Oallaudet College willbe given at a meeting at 4 o'tlockthis afternoon, at the College Wom¬en's Club. '1822 I street nprthweatThere will be a social hour and abrief buslneas meeting.Mlsa Elisabeth Peet will receive,

asalated by Mrs. William H. Herron,Mrs. Edwin A. Hill, and others.

VOCATIONAL TRAININGEXTENDED TO INDUSTRYExtension of vocational training to

persons Injured in Indtistry Is pro¬vided In a bill paaaed by tha Senateyeaterday. Tha bill haa been passedby the Hous*.Term* of tha bill would place the

facilities now at tha dlapoaal of allperaona who can be educated Intradea to earn s livelihood.

HEAR OF MOVIE-MAKING.The making of S movie, from tha

writing of tha gcanArl* te the flaahlngof the ptctnra on the acre«n. was e*-plained to the Engineering Society ofOeorge Waahlngton University In anIllustrated lecture laat night In Us-ner Hall, MM O atraat northwest, byc. Franria Jenklfta. who developed thafraphoftcof* maohln® tn4who haa h«en tdan»l«*4 wttti tha «*.>tlod picture Industry far aaany yaara.

POLLY AND HEK PALS in . r And Paw Got No Fun Out of Itl xe-w HOV/\Hujh I*

G»T OOfc UP^HOOSfe OdHtLk.~THfc(jfluj'3 6ocq> ^

ABIE THE AGENTThe Above Oertoon in Animated form Released Excluiively by Bny Picture# Oorpomion.

IU.S PaMntOClca. % Abie Can Be Pushed Just So Far* "fccwY maksdifmeOOMEi\HWTvnhenheSEVlt>\H% HK omcEi For ItlwlfM

HON AND DEARIE Hon isn't Very Strong on t««e Snorting SpiritUT ullL-IE 7Klt«To 3fcLL HOW ACHAUCEOOA FIVEVOUAIZ GOLD PfcCE .




if 1 was suae 1OF tOlNMIMQI'D LETT ttJUTEl*T ME FOg. Iowe






The kip will u*ust ]HOW AS FAR. AS HE fCAU St6 Mil*) -AMD \HI3 6VE3 ABE POOJZ. J,,w"WTr~^.



"THE OO-V PtfZE 1hou tvez wotf 1



US BUIS ¦fl«1er»<l V. 8. Pelwit Office. This Sounds Reasonable Enough


NONE QEuoiueVOlTHOUr THISSI mature -

£?s.ORAMAnc/BoOL AMD MOtfieRights folly protected,INCLOOlN^ THE SCAUOINAVMAk).

first installment-lLLOSrR/>T6D


Tom m-aJamaija-#

ONE YiMC, UWEW f IUA5about SO Hi<JH, SOHi(JH -

I U/AS, 1 U)A5 ItfALKCM*alom$- ALOW«t SOMEWIMUKe WIS, like THIS -


^ \

I HAULEO OFF AMD&e) i*ao »y

DiO^r OO Athinq to him,/SXJTA THINCt"




installmentN3. O.-


HOW DO THEY DO IT? Well. You Know How It Is.or Don't You?