the wa¥nt h~rald~::·~~ - wayne newspapers herald...

soc Way ne State's concert band will play next Tues- day, Dec .• n, at 8- p.m. in R.amsey Theatre, joined bv ·the Madrigal Singers. the symphonic wind en- semble and a brass quintet. Band Director Raymond Kelton said James O'Leary, instructor in woodwinds, will be the featured solo.. ist playing the Rondo from rt' s Clar.inet Con- certo, Kfj22. O'Leary is a native of Color.ado, receiv- ed his bachelor's degree fro m the University of Colorado a.nd his master's from Boston UniVersity, where he also has com· pleted studies for a doc- toral degree. He has been a member of the United States Army Band. Members of the Madri. gal Singers, dire:cted by Antony Garlick, are Donna Barber West Bend, la.; Lin d a' J () ne S J N e Ii g h; Co,nnee Black, Joyce Piskac and Paul Thorson, Bloom, Laurelj F'red Sokol, er, and Mike stevens, Bur- welL Members of the brass quintet are Ron Dalton, Wausa. and Gwen Marolf, R a 1st 0D f trumpets; Jane Nelson, Oakland,' f r en ch horn; Jack Schriebor. Colo- ridge. baritone; aDd Dennis Downs Omaha, trombQ;ne.. The f sYDlphonie wind en- semble 'includes 38 musi- See JOINT - pg, 8 Someone in the area has proved they can hit ,the side of a barn. But since barns uSl:lIally have people around, they proved their shooting prowess by hitting the sides of school houses while no one else was around. 1he sheriff's office in Wayne has been caUed to investigate s h 00 tin gs at school ho.uses four times ,since Oct. 20. Three schools southeast of town and, one northwest of town have been hit, all by some· onf shooting a 22 rifle. First reported incident was Oct. 20 'at District 45 northwest of town. There had shot 20 times into the school from an angle south pf the section. They could have shot more often and missed, The first week of hunt. ing season, someone shot SHOTS PROVE - pg, 8 Prove Somebody Can · Hit Side of Barn r A full program review will be car ried in week's paper. Patrons are asked to sa,ve that night for this special musical treat. 1 some of the numbers by the great masters in addi. tioD to the t r adi t ion a I music of rhristmas. "i\lag_ nificat" by Bacn, music .by Mendelssohn, Imig and others will be sung. Orchestra 'music will al- so include ,some special numbers along with more familiar songs. The or- chestra and choirs will als;) .combine (or some specid numbers. .... Christmas prog,ram featuring choral and or- chestral. music primarily will be Monday. Dec. 19, at 8 p.m. in the Wayne City .-\uditorium by the combined vocal and in_ strumental music depart_ ments of Wayne High School. C layton Southwick is in charge of vocal music and OOD S c hum ac her is in ar g-e of Oilusic. The program is free tl!l the public and seats "fill be taken on a first- cbme-first.served basis. Tho choral music, which w!ill include the choir. the madrigal and the ninth grade choir, will feature I Wayne High Christmas Musical to Have Variety Dr. Halph ('hale-nder, Shawnee Mission, K an., who is working with Mid- continent Regional Educa- tional Labora'tory in planning t.he new middle school. concept in Wayne, reviewed his recommenda. tions the McRE'L Nov, 30 at the WSC' studen/t cente r. Attending the meeting were Northeast Nebraska administrators fro m 50 schools. A 11 public and private schools in 21 coun- t,ies of Northeast Nebraska are included in the McR EL program. According to Or. Chal- ender, a middle' school m,ust serve a particular age group with a curri- culum designed especially for the young people to be served. It must attempt to develop further the good basic skills learned in ele. mentary schools, Opportupities for char- acter development, a grad- ual transition toward spe- cialization and provisions for individual guidance and indopendent learning must be provided. study and lis- tening skills must be de- velQPed. through supervised stud.y periods in class, a See M'DDLE SCHOOL - pg 8 36pages se\jen sections YEAR I N&BR 3TATE nlST THE WA"¥Nt '; PubU.h.-d '[\le'r)" Malii'd NUMBER THIR'TV"OU"!,'i1t. i WAYNE, NEBRASKA 6.7.7, THU-ASOAt, DECEM"ER 8, "" WtdnndlY II 114 \llatn. Wlynt •. .. br ..l .. .,,, ---..:----i-' Offer T oplPayand Benefits Researc I For Potential Work Here High SchooliChrlstmas pro- PI df T d F t '" more repliea are, anne "or 0 ay, u ·e f th labor s rve" Free Pancakes' ·In Mrs. Petie I\fapp is in I nee" or 0 u, I W:eek's Temperatures H k. M H Thore h•• not ,oan mu .• being conducted in the , clurge of ",e 1'ocal mllsie OS Ins an as jlllbliri'l on lhe proJe.t Wayne area" representa- C" II S c 'd department.: "h e reports III I () obtnin funds for tho-swift ,: tlv.a conduetlng the sllr- arro a.ur ay around 12S p"pils will take ,ovember :1" I'; ,< Chance for $200 re '". '" h f"dlitje. It \t:%e A free pancakefeed will pa\'ll < }_"being considered among 21 1'1 Jill' ....;il\l.c Dollar turning .1" pLln!'; go ah••d. other Iowa and Nebraska Decl'mber I 2" :2(1 JI r iI" 0\)\ c1aimt.tJ (Dr:1 rt.t'l'a,rdl project to Oecember J.l 111 nltJr"d,ll.llh'llllh'!'tlrson L!'o aimlld at the noedg , , De<;:ember \) '11, n whu \ ullid hi\\l' cluirned iI, lht." future ilJ wt,11 as ... , ..... large non-defenseindustry. ('urrall Community Club the Dublic is invited. !ohn ill'S ld 11 f>. waS thost't:odll). 1 Large numbers of both i<., putting on the affair Wayne' Now Has Th,.ree nol ill \\ ill Ill' whell hi" Hamt' For in"tnlll'o, the .t men and will be in appreciation of support W,I" ,':lllt'd. tiull and needed to 'staff the plant. the past year. Pancakes, B S T sponsoring thi(' fund drivO' The I survey (see ad and milk and coffee ActIve oy (ouf roops [)1I1' to lht .... bonu .... amount know that lIllln,\' farmer,,: (7r e With Troop 2')1 now I Wii', 11u\'1' tu to determine it inK. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY cam<:.h'r" haq' IH'ell plan'd aroun('l holding meetings re'"gularly, Santa Caus Coming, $21111. It "tartl'd out :It t1liit ', . A' In 1111'1111)("1"' "I lh,' \'·,'a\!lI' \'I)IUIIII'(-r (JI'p;lrllllt'lll, ,1':11 .. .... , the labor pool the area '\merican J.egion UXI- I" 1()(',J! ;lnd Paul I" p1"nldl'lll .J! 1110" \ fo l) Hog;":l" Troop 17'-, ;11:' le HI- W' 'd (I bL ilmounl afll'r a loncord ct"t'iurt's. Thl'\ know is large warrant liar)' member" in ('arroll 11'11 (,I''''" ,m' "hll\\11 \I.lIT \\h" h ership of a new Insl e U, earns woman "on tllf' fllrnll'r .... will not the industry. win by preparing JJ) 1\\<) ",1111,,1,·1''' d1 '11]('(' master and Troop 17.4 'Santa ("Iau" i<:. l'omingto \'iOll<:' \\t,t'k will \'.'I'lipment af.:f "This it> merely a sur- and serving the food. CCiIi&., '. firmly moving along under Winside. That's lh,' word they will.' vey," Wayne Chamber of members will he-Ip oul'; Firemen Boost More Ev" ents it" longtime leader, V'layne r('ceived In lht' \\ inside ilecilU'-ot> there was 110 Ilt'eluS" Ilf Commerce manager Wanda mo..,t flf them' being on one has three aclive Ooy Scout ('ommunit.\ ('lub. win ne r I'hursday, !his to find out what rl\m¢eUnf: Owens said. "People arein or more commihee-.. Dy's(rophy FU,n"d Planned for tor the fir<:.t time The jolly old gent will \Hek· .... pril(, will he boo!'\l- will llt' lil\l', what. will be:, no way obligating lhem- I The Carroll club is also I ill,ir, history. be in \\insidt', '-;aturday, cd to :i>2:)ll, In ordl'r towin, nl'Nil'd aud what will work.: selves; neither are Lhpy hlaking plans for the visit, The \-lllscular fly-<;trophy YI 5 Troop 221 is sponsored Dec. 1"1, with !(f'als for thl' who!"t· narnt' i!'o i)(>sl ill all IVpl'N ol ctr,;' actually applying for joLs. of ('Iau<; Saturday, Fund is getting a boost U e eason by St. Pau'l's Lul-heran the youngsters. lIi:-- arrivJ.I callt'd musl bt> ill OIl(' of C lJ m _, {;111 r ('!'t, lar:-t. Thi s company. whoever Dec. 17. lie will be in from the \\'ayne \'olunteer Wa\.'ne will have addition- ('hurch with Jewell ,,",chock will be preceded hI' a frel' Ihe p:\fticipalillg men; Wll" ,1,lrl \jut it may be, merely needs town at the ('arroll ;\udi- I J) t (..J as RlIl' movie at the \\'in::.idC' \\ld. plaet's in I)r Ilt'/lr \\'nv!lt' tho.s!' ",hI! ",tart out .. to know how many women torium at Kp.m.withtfPut.s . ire epartrnC'n. al ('hrislmas and holiday is assistant. Both itorium at l:J(J. 1'.lll. chanJ{H UHlir presq' and men W()l.'Ul work if for the kiddies. dian .Jerr.\ I ewis is nation- event" during the next few men report a .I lot of en- Winsid{' busine:-:;sOlt'1l aff' set-up \-'>oltld !lid conditions and were alj;ah"air"mr",,:,'e, weeks. \d,ded, shopping thousiasm among the boys helping- get sack" of cand.\· \munl' who not Ih,I'1 1 ro'I'('I. .. 'I, R I T h " h d1 tl ore istered call do ,,0 at tlit' It acceptable. Thfl repreT ura eac ers \1'[ II ce, prizes, m Jnd among adult Scouters. ready for the visit. d' ,"'iincl' IInl oVl'ry fa,-m.-.' lentative who has vi<;ited chairman for the 'J. e free o/l0vil:'s and visits wilh Two patrols have organ.. tional delails will ue given places li,,\f'd in an a 10 ('an afford 10 In.,' hWk and other firl'men put . k' ;t Wayne has assured u<., that. Meel I is ee canist·,ers in Warne busi- ized but there are no 10 next wee, spaper, ,'xperiml'llt ... nl'l·csr,;::.nry£or .. a Ia r i e s, worlting condi- nes:-- places the r;a."t week. on lhf' east ;ide of \.1ain official names yet. Mark mof(' 'JJf<J!itald<' pro,.; tions and fringe benefit" In::;tilule for rural rhe canisters are the between 'ccond and Third Smith and Clreg .,",Lammer, ductioll. tilt' stadon woulit are .. llenL." teachers will be held [.'ri- aclive in bolh Cubs and do it for llH'lTl r Tho HIIOl•• 1 r b h only means c.ollecling and Friday nights W b 1 . 1 f 111 money lor MI'l,lhey will of th s week from 7-8 p.O>, .. I;: r I:, 'e Gladys Porter, who i: :,e a t ler> w na I " .., reaearcl' complete LIlt' form in has arranged for the rickthelm up. ..J f Thpsp extra hours in- patrols. Paul {ogge, IJreSluent 0 CIUdC\j,.,ta,,,,,n g "I,en unt,'1 h ' \ ,'It" ""I"m. today's Herald. siuns all day at the courl- ., , .,",chock reports t ere IS I'll I Il(JII" ,.., , In addilion, representa- house courLroom, will have the fi,re department., :lIld Thur 'day and Friday of much work Lo be done. [\'III', of ill'-,ulaliofl'lo Ule tives Beulah Kid:-;on, Chicago,as See FIREMEN BOOST H Lhis eek Jl1ld Wednesday, However, several are Daires will be appearing featured speaker. She is NO. f J'hur day and I,'riday nights working on Tenderfoot re- heak'd and \In!1t'aled rIoor. In area towns "nrlng to conduel a reading work- ew pilon or of this coming week, quirements, equipment is and """"""i,on of nel days and evening:-; of their shop. B will Iso be on hand being ordered, uniforms building ('() ... with open nights. They will be A noon luncheon is to be usiness Course ec. 1 1 J, frum 1:,10 to are being purchased. meet- uling cost.<.,.('()\l1dbt!,ol wearing appropriat! held at Hedeemer Lutheran l 1 his housf'. ing 'procedures are set and at llit' faClld\y. An extensive revision of Th retail committee of f tification and int rested Church. Edith Geske, Nor- bhe business the ( amber of Commerce .there is a general air 0 parties might. inq ire of folk, wiH speak and will confidence for a new troop lir,' ;;'lr of tht! slation, sa'"lI th II tion curriculum at, Wayne has a ded $100 to the Sil,- em persona y. 1 show slides of Africa. Mrs. b d S('t' THREE TROOPS Ill.': H th¢ plan calls for lookirt': The survev must be corn- Zita Jenkins. Carroll, will has een announce ver I ollar prize money. aHead. Personnel capnqt,bj,: pl-eted by 15. p.resipe. by Dr. A. C. Butler, divi- This .lhe prIze is Fair Board :I'-i,'i content to .erve the n •• , said. Fre m ov ie s will1 be Has Yearly DRAMATIC MOMENT In "Our Town," WHs play cam,c wht·n till' of the future in order t' I 0 \\'eddmg was hpld TIlIll Ihl\'(IIlt'r pastor. Bill. IIalllit'll J-:,'rUl,l,1ll best serve <iwine producer. Wit h the new op lon sllown this Saturday 'at t,3 Se d d J S '1 bnlll (1,,1 maJ 'ors in business admin- and the follo,v,'ng Satur ay Sessl·on t Jil .\ill'rnman. father (If tht, IJn t' an O;lnnl'. a ''Jf lhe area. pidllrt'!- and a 1'\'\11'\( "f ttl\' pla\ ;If(' on olhror istration mfl-y now choose at the same time. Additl, n- Banker', in lhe re,l.' among accounting. markel- an fe' t u res of the p1re- All stockholders of the IF' MOld Bk have realized the potenti'l; ing, finance and exe\:utiv,e rhri:-;tmas "cason will be Wayne County Fair De egates to avor rs. swa ae of such an ", See NEW OptiON pg H announced next week. alion and anyone el<.;e in- I. Mrs. Edward Oswald, :he area. They are Charles McDermott New Twelve Reso utlons aupp'f board meE1ting will be held Delegate assembly rep- dent for that community I. t I_ "ead of Wayne' C. of C. a cAh I r-..lcDermott, The alley was vote in favor of twelve h b d Thursday, Dec.15,'byrit Wayne Jaycees Plan \\31yne attorney, is the new chosen becausle of a big proposal<- to be president n f t he Wayne paved parking lot, accord- Friday and Satur ay III .lD- but will continue, writing" New Year 's Eve Ball Chamber of (·ommerce.lIe ing to Al Bahe, secrelary. coIn. The decision was Carroll news through De- At t .. hat tinre it is expec was elected by the board He revealf' that election made' at a \"v'ayne County cember. Mrs .. Oswald was the sponsoring group Wiai "Yousupportourdance- of directors at a meeting of officers andotherbusi- reachers Association correspondent prior to find outwhalneeded ef'.;:, we'll support your com- in the' {'. of ('. Building ness matters are to come meeting in Wayne's West Mrs. Bull taking over the is to meet ,":' munity." That's more or Monday night. up. Eleme'ntary duties. goal... less the theme of the \\'ayne McDermott succeeds There has been discus- Members of \\,CTA , ,t;: Jaycees ',vho are planning Willard W ilt5e in the top sion concerning the statu:-- studied t.he recommenda- WSC M . e... Pen. 3' ;:'e at po,t. Ted .\rmhruster, a of the fair the past two tions of the 1o:"E\ special us,c,a".s res, !i!t new member of the board years. Condition of the committee:; to the 11)1;(, T -' ;;lee JAYCEES PLAN - P:-;· l:\ of directors, is vice pres- buildings has resulted in delegate assembly and the J o';nf, OnCerT I talk of new facilities being recommendations of the M "ddl 5 hiP · I is treasurer. needed. :\,SE1\ commissions to the , e c 00 roposa s or W D I I M d K Rob er t denthack, Troy be:decided. The ones named plutions before voting. 'ayne Istrlct D' e nown Yaught and Stan to plan for the 1967 fair ". l\ew member> are Arm- and for the type of show Loren Park is local pres- br'.lster, Bob Carhart, Kurt to be held will determine ident and Supt. .J ames W T h W ill A"end Meeting and Mern Mordhorst. fhe needs. A strong group C hr i s ten sen president. eslern Out d Holding over are MeDer- of officers will be needed elect. They will attend the Supt. Francis Haun an mott, G,·ldersleeve, Dale for a challenging yea I' Lincoln sessions. G · I Don Schumacher are sched- Iven uSlta Gutshall and Dr, Pale "ahead, uled to goto Lincoln Thurs- :\ touch of the €:.lld West- da\' for the chairmen will W lik"le 1 cinomPeiOtno·el,rfe"'"enbmraodskear-n .\ t i \' i tie s Association be selected soon to serve musical-baIlet version to- ;fU1l\;e during 1967. Retiringboa,rd night on Wayne State's Rice committee and Schumacher ..members have wound up auditorium stage. is the District 3 music their final activities. The 'occasion is the ap- directors' to the Sl'e WESTERN TOUCH - pg, 8 session. .."

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Page 1: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that


Way n e State's concertband will play next Tues­day, Dec .• n, at 8- R.amsey Theatre, joinedbv ·the Madrigal Singers.the symphonic wind en­semble and a brass quintet.

Band Director RaymondKelton said James O'Leary,instructor in woodwinds,will be the featured playing the Rondo fromM~za rt' s Clar.inet Con­certo, Kfj22. O'Leary is anative of Color.ado, receiv­ed his bachelor's degreefro m the University ofColorado a.nd his master'sfrom Boston UniVersity,where he also has com·pleted studies for a doc­toral degree. He has beena member of the UnitedStates Army Band.

Members of the Singers, dire:cted byAntony Garlick, are DonnaBarber West Bend, la.;Lin d a' J () n e S J N e Ii g h;Co,nnee Black, JoycePiskac and Paul Thorson,~Omaha; D~ajne Bloom,Laurelj F'red Sokol, Be~m­er, and Mike stevens, Bur­welL

Members of the brassquintet are Ron Dalton,Wausa. and Gwen Marolf,R a 1st 0 D f trumpets; JaneNelson, Oakland,' f r en c hhorn; Jack Schriebor. Colo­ridge. baritone; aDd DennisDowns Omaha, trombQ;ne..~' The f sYDlphonie wind en­semble 'includes 38 musi­

See JOINT CON~eRT - pg, 8

Someone in the area hasproved they can hit ,the sideof a barn. But since barnsuSl:lIally have people around,they proved their shootingprowess by hitting the sidesof school houses while noone else was around.

1he sheriff's office inWayne has been caUed toinvestigate s h 0 0 tin g s atschool ho.uses four times,since Oct. 20. Threeschools southeast of townand, one northwest of townhave been hit, all by some·onf shooting a 22 calibe~

rifle.First reported incident

was Oct. 20 'at District 45northwest of town. Theresomeo~e had shot 20 timesinto the school from anangle south pf the inter~

section. They could haveshot more often andmissed,

The first week of season, someone shot

~·l· SHOTS PROVE - pg, 8

~Shots Prove SomebodyCan ·Hit Side of Barn r

A full program reviewwill be car ried in ~e',t

week's paper. Patrons areasked to sa,ve that nightfor this special musicaltreat. 1

some of the numbers bythe great masters in addi.tioD to the t r a d i t ion a Imusic of rhristmas. "i\lag_nificat" by Bacn, Mendelssohn, Imig andothers will be sung.

Orchestra 'music will al­so include ,some specialnumbers along with morefamiliar songs. The or­chestra and choirs will als;).combine (or some specidnumbers.

.... Christmas prog,ramfeaturing choral and or­chestral. music primarilywill be .~resented Monday.Dec. 19, at 8 p.m. in theWayne City .-\uditorium bythe combined vocal and in_strumental music depart_ments of Wayne HighSchool.

C layton Southwick is incharge of vocal music andOOD S c hum a c her is inc~h a r g-e of instrum~ntal

Oilusic. The program is freetl!l the public and seats"fill be taken on a first­cbme-first.served basis.

Tho choral music, whichw!ill include the choir. themadrigal and the ninthgrade choir, will feature


Wayne High ChristmasMusical to Have Variety

Dr. Halph ('hale-nder,Shawnee Mission, K an.,who is working with Mid­continent Regional Educa­tional Labora'tory inplanning t.he new middleschool. concept in Wayne,reviewed his recommenda.tions ~or the McRE'L mem~bersh~p Nov, 30 at the WSC'studen/t cente r.

Attending the meetingwere Northeast Nebraskaadministrators fro m 50schools. A 11 public andprivate schools in 21 coun­t,ies of Northeast Nebraskaare included in the McR ELprogram.

According to Or. Chal­ender, a middle' schoolm,ust serve a particularage group with a curri­culum designed especiallyfor the young people to beserved. It must attemptto develop further the goodbasic skills learned in ele.mentary schools,

Opportupities for char­acter development, a grad­ual transition toward spe­cialization and provisionsfor individual guidance andindopendent learning mustbe provided. study and lis­tening skills must be de­velQPed. through supervisedstud.y periods in class, a

See M'DDLE SCHOOL - pg 8

36pagesse\jen sectionsN~I'TY.~IIUT YEAR


THE WA"¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~: '~;"".'"'; PubU.h.-d '[\le'r)" ThUrld.y~ Malii'd NUMBER THIR'TV"OU"!,'i1t. i

WAYNE, NEBRASKA 6.7.7, THU-ASOAt, DECEM"ER 8, "" WtdnndlY II 114 \llatn. Wlynt•. ~ .,,, ~'~4


Offer ToplPayand Benefits ~:~!;;nL~e~j~\~:~;; S.wl~e Researc In~ta ati~For Potential Work Here High SchooliChrlstmas pro- PI d f T d Ft '""M~ny more repliea are, :~~~~a{~'e ~e:~I:'~~~n~,l ~~~~ anne "or 0 ay, u ure~,:.~.·e f th labor s rve" Free Pancakes' ·In Mrs. Petie I\fapp is in I ~'

nee" or 0 u, I W:eek's Temperatures H k. M H Thore h•• not ,oan mu .•being conducted in the , clurge of ",e 1'ocal mllsie OS Ins an as jlllbliri'l on lhe proJe.t ,.",~.,.,Wayne area" representa- C " II S c 'd department.: "h e reports III I () obtnin funds for tho-swift ,:tlv.a conduetlng the sllr- arro a.ur ay around 12S p"pils will take ,ovember :1" I'; ,< Chance for $200 r e '". '" h f"dlitje. Itd:~1. s~l~e \t:%e I~~~~e~; Afree pancakefeed will pa\'ll i~o~~~ ~;ro:spe.~ta:~~,~ ~~:~:~~:;(; :~ < ~,~:\I,"'i',~:~~:~,:~~; 'a,;~c::~1

}_"being considered among t:ch.elt(/.n~~~~o;l~~l~rr~.a~: ~nOs\a/urr::~~~j~t:ol~~~tss:~I~ Decemh{'r~' 21 1'1 Jill' ....;il\l.c Dollar \l~hl turning .1" pLln!'; go ah••d.other Iowa and Nebraska Decl'mber I 2" :2(1 JI r iI" \\,I~ 0\)\ c1aimt.tJ (Dr:1 rt.t'l'a,rdl project th~".'.';.'.'tofowrnt·hea:8t:~fi~~s~~'r~t ~~t: ~:t~:~rllt~l:a~~ua:nf:i~(~~ to ~~v:ln~~~~i~~'h~~:r;'~lla~~ Oecember J.l 111 nltJr"d,ll.llh'llllh'!'tlrson L!'o aimlld at the noedg fo,~

, , De<;:ember \) '11, n whu \ ullid hi\\l' cluirned iI, lht." future ilJ wt,11 as r~...,.....large non-defenseindustry. ('urrall Community Club the Dublic is invited. !ohn l'ill~t'I, ill'S ld 11 f>. waS thost't:odll). 1

Large numbers of both i<., putting on the affair Wayne' Now Has Th,.ree nol ill \\ ill Ill' whell hi" Hamt' For in"tnlll'o, the .t ,~men and ~women will be in appreciation of support W,I" ,':lllt'd. tiull pt'r~()IlIlI'1 and tho.~needed to 'staff the plant. the past year. Pancakes, • B S T sponsoring thi(' fund drivO'The I survey (see ad and sau~age, milk and coffee ActIve oy (ouf roops [)1I1' to lht.... bonu .... amount know that lIllln,\' farmer,,:

~OUt~:y~~ J~:~:l:l' i:e~;:~~ ~~~l (7ret~l:r;ae~i\~f,~lla~ee~~: With Troop 2')1 now I ;)'l~\n~~:tl~~.l,:hlt'h~·I:l~~I.~,t'~uo~ Wii', 11u\'1' tu rdm;.delinb~~

c~ndueted to determine it inK. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY cam<:.h'r" haq' IH'ell plan'd aroun('l ~0I\11 holding meetings re'"gularly, Santa Caus Coming, $21111. It "tartl'd out :It t1liit Ir'~,,~I,nn,~t,',rn(,',',HI)r,nn~,n"lenndawpr ', .A' In 1111'1111)("1"' "I lh,' \'·,'a\!lI' \'I)IUIIII'(-r ~'II't' (JI'p;lrllllt'lll, ,1':11 l~r()~-; .. ....,the labor pool ~n the area '\merican J.egion UXI- I" 1()(',J! ;lnd Paul I" p1"nldl'lll .J! 1110" \ fo l) Hog;":l" Troop 17'-, ulHiI~r ;11:' le HI- W' 'd (I b L ilmounl afll'r a loncord ct"t'iurt's. Thl'\ know th~:is large enbug"~to warrant liar)' member" in ('arroll 11'11 (,I''''" ,m' "hll\\11 \I.lIT \\h" h dl'\~"1111ll.'. 111<1~1l'\ ership of a new ~cout· Insl e U, earns woman "on ~;-,ll tllf' pr~~ fllrnll'r .... will not slnrto,,~the industry. win h~lp'(Jut by preparing JJ) 1\\<) ",1111,,1,·1''' d1 '11]('(' master and Troop 17.4 'Santa ("Iau" i<:. l'omingto \'iOll<:' \\t,t'k will llll~nl'w \'.'I'lipment af.:f

"This it> merely a sur- and serving the food. CCiIi&., '. firmly moving along under Winside. That's lh,' word they will.' '~vey," Wayne Chamber of members will he-Ip oul'; Firemen Boost More Ev"ents it" longtime leader, V'layne r('ceived In lht' \\ inside ilecilU'-ot> there was 110 Ilt'eluS" Ilf !hat,lhcY'Rlti~Commerce manager Wanda mo..,t flf them' being on one has three aclive Ooy Scout ('ommunit.\ ('lub. win n e r I'hursday, !his to find out what rl\m¢eUnf:Owens said. "People arein or more commihee-.. Dy's(rophy FU,n"d Planned for trooP~ tor the fir<:.t time The jolly old gent will \Hek· .... pril(, will he boo!'\l- will llt' lil\l', what. will be:,no way obligating lhem- I The Carroll club is also I ill,ir, history. be in \\insidt', '-;aturday, cd to :i>2:)ll, In ordl'r towin, nl'Nil'd aud what will work.:selves; neither are Lhpy hlaking plans for the visit, The \-lllscular fly-<;trophy Y I 5 Troop 221 is sponsored Dec. 1"1, with !(f'als for thl' Jll'r~{)n who!"t· narnt' i!'o i)(>sl ill all IVpl'N ol ctr,;'actually applying for joLs. of ~ant.a ('Iau<; Saturday, Fund is getting a boost U e eason by St. Pau'l's Lul-heran the youngsters. lIi:-- arrivJ.I callt'd musl bt> ill OIl(' of C lJ m _, {;111 r ('!'t, Thos~ lar:-t.Thi s company. whoever Dec. 17. lie will be in from the \\'ayne \'olunteer Wa\.'ne will have addition- ('hurch with Jewell ,,",chock will be preceded hI' a frel' Ihe p:\fticipalillg busi'nt>~!> men; Wll" ,1,lrl \jut newant~it may be, merely needs town at the ('arroll ;\udi- I J) t (..J as ~coutmaster. RlIl' DeIl~ movie at the \\'in::.idC' \\ld. plaet's in I)r Ilt'/lr \\'nv!lt' tho.s!' ",hI! ",tart out "."lt~, know how many women torium at Kp.m.withtfPut.s . ire epartrnC'n. ome~ al ('hrislmas and holiday :~ing(~I'. is assistant. Both itorium at l:J(J. ,ll,~ 1'.lll. chanJ{H ~ill UHlir presq'and men W()l.'Ul work if for the kiddies. dian .Jerr.\ I ewis is nation- event" during the next few men report a .I lot of en- Winsid{' busine:-:;sOlt'1l aff' set-up \-'>oltld ~t't. !lid lrol~~conditions and wa~es were alj;ah"air"mr",,:,'e, fowrat~, endarmive~d' weeks. \d,ded, shopping thousiasm among the boys helping- get sack" of cand.\· \munl' who ha~ not re~- Ih,I'1

1ro'I'('I. .. 'I,

R I T h ~,,--., " h d1 tl ore istered call do ,,0 at tlit' Itacceptable. Thfl repreT ura eac ers \1'[ II our~a ce, prizes, m Jnd among adult Scouters. ready for the visit. :\ddi~ d' ,"'iincl' IInl oVl'ry fa,-m.-.'lentative who has vi<;ited chairman for the 'J. e free o/l0vil:'s and visits wilh Two patrols have organ.. tional delails will ue given places li,,\f'd in an a 10 ('an afford 10 rnallt~ In.,'

h W k and other firl'men put sant~areoffered. . k' lhisw(>l'k·~\Iaper. ;tWayne has assured u<., that. Meel I is ee canist·,ers in Warne busi- Sa,tawillbpinhi~house ized but there are no 10 next wee, spaper, ,'xperiml'llt ... nl'l·csr,;::.nry£or.. a I a r i e s, worlting condi- nes:-- places the r;a."t week. on lhf' east ;ide of \.1ain official names yet. Mark mof(' 'JJf<J!itald<' s~ine pro,.;tions and fringe benefit" In::;tilule for rural rhe canisters are the between 'ccond and Third Smith and Clreg .,",Lammer, ductioll. tilt' stadon woulitare all\{~xc .. llenL." teachers will be held [.'ri- aclive in bolh Cubs and do it for llH'lTl

rTho HIIOl••

1 r b h only means ~f c.ollecling rhU~daY and Friday nights W b 1 . 1 f 111m(~~~\er~~I~'ll~S~~'; ,~'~ ~:~~nye~~~'olf\~~I\ns~it~l: money lor MI'l,lhey will of th s week from 7-8 p.O>, n:m:dospa~;~~'f~:d~~'w:~~ ~;;~~'i:',r,", .. n'~\~,e:.wiI7il.~~~~~~oi~ay~; I;: r I:, ri~ ,:~,e; ~ 'e ~~~~: Gladys Porter, who ~:n~:f~/:~\:~nsfi~':rn'~~':,\~ ~\~hl i: :,e

a Iss,~ ~:s t ~er:e o:):~~ ~tv: ler> b~i~'t w~~ n aIhk:7~ ';:":":'~"~I::tl':~. " .., reaearcl'complete LIlt' form in has arranged for the ses'~ rickthelm up. ..J f Thpsp extra hours in- namel~ss patrols.

Paul {ogge, IJreSluent 0 CIUdC\j,.,ta,,,,,ng "I,en unt,'1 ~, h ' \ ,'It" ""I"'s Herald. siuns all day at the courl- ., , .,",chock reports t ere IS I'll I Il(JII" ,.., ,In addilion, representa- house courLroom, will have the fi,re department., :lIld Thur 'day and Friday of much work Lo be done. [\'III', of ill'-,ulaliofl'lo Ule

tives carr}'ingthequestiotl~ Beulah Kid:-;on, Chicago,as See FIREMEN BOOST H Lhis eek Jl1ld Wednesday, However, several are ~·uPfll"llll'ntillhtl[ltforunlt.,Daires will be appearing featured speaker. She is NO. f J'hur day and I,'riday nights working on Tenderfoot re- heak'd and \In!1t'aled rIoor.In area towns "nrlng lh~ to conduel a reading work- ew pilon or of this coming week, ~anta quirements, equipment is and """"""i,on of neldays and evening:-; of their shop. B will Iso be on hand ~';atur- being ordered, uniforms building ('() ... ~" with re(m~;f~open nights. They will be A noon luncheon is to be usiness Course ec. 11J, frum 1:,10 to are being purchased. meet- uling cost.<.,.('()\l1dbt!,ol er1~::wearing appropriat! iden~ held at Hedeemer Lutheran

l1 his housf'. ing 'procedures are set and at llit' faClld\y. '.I:'I"":.;.'~.::

An extensive revision of Th retail committee of ftification and int rested Church. Edith Geske, Nor- bhe business administra~ the ( amber of Commerce .there is a general air 0 lIugo'lirnrn('rrnan,al;~i;:.'parties might. inq ire of folk, wiH speak and will confidence for a new troop lir,' ;;'lr of tht! slation, sa'"lIth II tion curriculum at, Wayne has a ded $100 to the Sil,-

em persona y. 1 show slides of Africa. Mrs. b d S('t' THREE TROOPS Ill.': H '~~ th¢ plan calls for lookirt':The survev must be corn- Zita Jenkins. Carroll, will ~tate has een announce ver I ollar prize money. aHead. Personnel capnqt,bj,:

pl-eted by Ve~. 15. p.resipe. by Dr. A. C. Butler, divi- This ~week' .lhe prIze is Fair Board :I'-i,'i content to .erve the n••If~,

~~~iE;'tf~a~;i~!~~~~~; ~;:~~ iOi~~~~ ~;~~~ P:t'~~~ , ~:~~e ~~: trh~~d;'::Jn:~tsaid. Fre m ov i e s will1 be Has Yearly DRAMATIC MOMENT In "Our Town," WHs play cam,c wht·n till' of the future in order

t ' I 0 \\'eddmg was hpld TIlIll Ihl\'(IIlt'r wa.~ pastor. Bill. IIalllit'll J-:,'rUl,l,1ll best serve <iwine producer.Wit h the new op lon sllown this Saturday 'at t,3 Se d d J S '1 bnlll (1,,1maJ'ors in business admin- and the follo,v,'ng Satur ay Sessl·on t Jil .\ill'rnman. father (If tht, IJn t' an O;lnnl'. a ~, ''Jf lhe area.

pidllrt'!- and a 1'\'\11'\( "f ttl\' pla\ ;If(' on olhror P<Jl!I.'~istration mfl-y now choose at the same time. Additl, n- Banker', in lhe re,l.'among accounting. markel- an fe' t u res of the p1re- All stockholders of the IF' MOld B k have realized the potenti'l;ing, finance and exe\:utiv,e rhri:-;tmas "cason will be Wayne County Fair Associ~ De egates to avor rs. swa ae of such an instana~ion ",See NEW OptiON pg H announced next week. alion and anyone el<.;e in- I . Mrs. Edward Oswald, :he area. They are SP~.,,"

Charles McDermott New :~rv~~~~dthirtt~t;e;~~:=lf:~~ Twelve Reso utlons ~:~~~l1'H~Sra\~ b~~~;:::a~~ ;~:~~~~~r~:;~elO aupp'fboard meE1ting will be held Delegate assembly rep- dent for that community I. t I_

"ead of Wayne' C. of C. ~U~~d"J' ~:~~d~:' ~\~~~~ ~~s"F~~~i:;~s/:;t:~n~t:~\'~ ;::rrt,i';Jrst,h~"df~~·~u~r ~~~ a cAh :druol~ ~e~: ~:"~I.kI ('harle~ r-..lcDermott, The bowlin~ alley was vote in favor of twelve h b d t· Thursday, Dec.15,'byrit

Wayne Jaycees Plan \\31yne attorney, is the new chosen becausle of a big proposal<- to be dPre:e~t..ed ~;vi;:nt~ot~~e~~~n:na~~: rvea.rl~onut~ti:oe~nti;:~nm.v,ol~ed_president n f t he Wayne paved parking lot, accord- Friday and Satur ay III .lD- but will continue, writing" t~'

New Year's Eve Ball Chamber of (·ommerce.lIe ing to Al Bahe, secrelary. coIn. The decision was Carroll news through De- At t.. hat tinre it is expec ".~.was elected by the board He revealf' that election made' at a \"v'ayne County cember. Mrs .. Oswald was the sponsoring group Wiai

"Yousupportourdance- of directors at a meeting of officers andotherbusi- reachers Association correspondent prior to find outwhalneeded ef'.;:,we'll support your com- in the' {'. of ('. Building ness matters are to come meeting in Wayne's West Mrs. Bull taking over the is to meet ,":'munity." That's more or Monday night. up. Eleme'ntary ~chool. duties. goal... .:;.~.less the theme of the \\'ayne McDermott succeeds There has been discus- Members of \\,CTA , ,t;:Jaycees ',vho are planning Willard W ilt5e in the top sion concerning the statu:-- studied t.he recommenda- WSC M . e... Pen.~at~:~:I,Y~:~~ 3';:'eat bl~l~ po,t. Ted .\rmhruster, a of the fair the past two tions of the 1o:"E\ special us,c,a".s res, !i!t

new member of the board years. Condition of the committee:; to the 11)1;(, C· ~ T -' ~r;;lee JAYCEES PLAN - P:-;· l:\ of directors, is vice pres- buildings has resulted in delegate assembly and the J o';nf, OnCerT UeS~tI':x;~:

IidentandFredl~ilderslee\'e talk of new facilities being recommendations of the

M"ddl 5 hiP · I is treasurer. needed. :\,SE1\ commissions to the, e c 00 roposa s or be~)i~:fgo\~~Lm:~ehe~/ inlltl;~~:te:~c~t~:lt~~~~~:i ~~":~ d:I;~g;i~~llasss:~m~~~:

W D I I M d K Rob e r t denthack, Troy be:decided. The ones named plutions before voting.'ayne Istrlct D' e nown Yaught and Stan ~lorris. to plan for the 1967 fair". l\ew member> are Arm- and for the type of show Loren Park is local pres-

br'.lster, Bob Carhart, Kurt to be held will determine ident and Supt. .J a m e s

W T h W ill A"end Meeting (~~te and Mern Mordhorst. fhe needs. A strong group C h r i s ten sen president.eslern Out d Holding over are MeDer- of officers will be needed elect. They will attend theSupt. Francis Haun an mott, G,·ldersleeve, Dale for a challenging yea I' Lincoln sessions.

G· M· I Don Schumacher are sched-Iven uSlta Gutshall and Dr, Pale "ahead,uled to goto Lincoln Thurs-:\ touch of the €:.lld West- da\' for the ~ebr3.skaSC~10;)1 J02'~~;:i'tteechairmen will


1cinomPeiOtno·el,rfe"'"enbmraodskear-n .\ ~ t i \' i tie s Association be selected soon to serve

musical-baIlet version to- ~:~~~~. ;fU1l\;e H~:~a~n~ during 1967. Retiringboa,rdnight on Wayne State's Rice committee and Schumacher ..members have wound upauditorium stage. is the District 3 music their final activities.

The 'occasion is the ap- directors' del~gate to theSl'e WESTERN TOUCH - pg, 8 session.


Page 2: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

'i'ornia Nav.'

Oranges', Nice SiN

doz. 49C'


I .


Cardette Club M....(' 0 rdett. Club m.t

Thuraday with "lrll; BobJohnson. Prize winner.were Mrs. Georl. Gob­lirsch, Mrs. MUo Meyerand Mrs. Kurt OUe. Mr ••Goblirach will host theChristmas party Dec. 15.

, Altona Tr:ini~id'Names New .. S..';

Trinity L.dll•.!I.' ..=::::. ~.::•.:::,:;:~,ficara,d aro Mr••Ken 0 e th FfOvert ]l'''.idIot; Mrs. V.I ilamlll',vie. proaldeot; Mrs. D...vln Mlkk.lo.n, ..erotar,,'M r a. Robert Oreanwald;tr •••urer I and Mr••' Daum, Lutheran Fami­ly Servico repre8.ntatl'V.~,

Rev. E. A. Bin,., . leddevotions centerina: .rbulldthe C h r I a tm a s atory tl>..Luke. Mr. E. A. Billie,and Mrs. John Wegner Wlr•cuesh. Twentywsevlln ml"",­bers answered roll call.

Christmas donatlonlwlllbe made to LuthlHan 'Fam_ily S e r vic f' scholar.hlpfund.

HOlltes$es Jan. 5 wtllbe Mrs. Hobert Greenwaldand Mrs. Hobert Haili.

Phone 375- 1500

Crisp Large











GROUND BEEf r 3 lb•. $)29




Mrs. de Freese and MaryBeth, Mrs. Ida Goeller andReinhard Schellpeper, Pil­ger, Mr. and Mrs. Leo'-'chellpeper,: Norfolk, andMr. and Mrs. Orand Unkeland daughter, BllttleCreek.

20% to 50% offON' ALL TOYS


222 Main

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(With $5.00 order or more)

Predoehl Baby BaptizedJames Vernon Predoehl,

son of Mr. and Mrs. Ver~

non Predoehl, was baptizedDec. 4 at Redeemer Luthweran Church with Rev. Freese officiating. Spon­sorS" were Mrs. Orand Un_kel, Battle ('reek, and LeoSchellpeper. Norfolk.

Dinner guests inthe Pre wdoehl home were Hev. and

Cheese Food


l\Ir and Mrsc1in~ ilnni\"('rsar~ S-llnc1ay, Dl'C 1M, wilh opl'n house at Trlnlly l.utheran -Church, Wmsidl'. from, 2 )U to .. ]ll lIo!>lLng thl' l'\'l'lll willbe the Wiltlt'r's ~on and daughll'r !n·la\\ All rrll'nd~ and rl'lall\'l'~of the couple- are w('lcorne 10 allend,

fITl.lllJilll)(WoRK FOR WU•


TUNA3 ~::; $1°0




College GroupsPresent Prog~am

The first o( two majorChr-istmas musical Wayne State is schedul­ed Sunday whan the colle,eorchestra and choir sharea 3 p.m. concert in Ram­sey Theater.

The orchestra, directed'by Dr. Benjamin Bernstein,will p 1a y selections bySchubert, Bach, Williams,Herbert" and Smetana.

The choir, direded byWilliam McMurtry, hasprepared Benjamin Brit.ten's widely popular "A('eremoIlY of Car()ls" andthe immortal "Hallelujah(. h 0 r u s" from "The Me .. ­siah. "

The public is invited tobot h the orche~tra..choirconce rt and the Tuesdaynighl band~madrigal per ~

fprmance at R, also in Theater t

right the girls are Mary Lou SIeger, Sue Ehlers,LO-TJ1.\ l' Kamish, 1.1Ild<J M('y~'r. Bt'linda Rebel',Jan Zach, L:-'rHl lJanlt'lson and ('mdy Sahs (in apn'\('1l1 d'-i~ 'mod" dn',s (Jf pla"llc;

Hedeemer LutheranChuri;:h(S. K. e Freese, pastor)

Satur ay, Dec. 10: Con..firmati n classes:, 2ndyear, a.m.; 1st .year,'):30; lrd year, 10; juniorchoi r, 10:30; Christmasprogram practice, grades3, 4, 5, C, 9; nursery andkindergarten, grades 1 and2, 10.

Sunday. Dec. 11: Serv.

First MethodiltThurch(Cecil Bllaa, paotor)

Friday, Dec. 9: Juni~r

Choir,~ p.m.Satu day, Dec. 10: Con..

firmati n class, I, 9 a.m.;confirmation class 0, 11.

Sunday, Dec. 11: worshi:p, 8:30 and 11a.m.; hurch school,9:41'5;~1e~ho ist Adult Fellowship

ca[\?~i ~:'eG~~Oa~·,mDec. 14:W S C Sex e cut i v e comwmfttce, 2 p.m. Wesley Fel·lowshi, (j:30; Chancelchoir, 7; WSCS and WSG,H.

Thur day, Dec. 15: Praywer chal .9 a.m.

st. Anselm's Episc;:opwlChurch

(James M. Barnett, pastor)Sunday, Dec. 11: Morning

prayer',10:30 a.;m.

Trinity Lutheran ChurchAltona

IE.A~Binge r, pastor)Sunday. Dec. 11: Sunday

school', 9:15 a.m.; Worshipservice, 10:30.

Members of the WayneHigh School Future 1I0mewmakers of America gavea centennial style show fortheir grandmol-hers Mon­day evening at West Ele­mentary School. A regularmeeting was held, the styleshow followed and thenluncheon was served.

G lor i a Magnuson des­c rib e d the gowns whichCheryl Schram and Lind;)Penn had dreamed abouL ina skit-form presentation.Cindy Sah~ wore a modern­day "mod" dtress and hat,of plastic which w,as asfunny as any of the oldtirnestyles.

The girls planned andpresent~rl. the programthemselves, even securingall of the old styles. Incontrast, the FH,-\ officerswore sharp looking red andwhite checked uniforms.

Mrs. Dave Chambers Ischapter adviser. Chaptermothe r s are Mrs. RobShirck, Mrs. Alan Bebee,Mrs. Roberts r Mrs. WillisMeyer and Mrs. Roy Cory_ell.

FHA Girls ShowOldtime Styles

WedneldaYt Dec. 13:Prayer meeting, 8 p.m.

CENTENNIAL STYLES WPH' ~hown hv Future­!lofl1PIl1<lkprs of Amerw(j <It \\'"11:--; MII'nday for1he bellt~fll of thl' girls' gralldlJ1ottH'r\ (;IorlilM:.q.;IlU,OIl \Vt'ar.\ Hw n'd and Whlll' cht'l'kt'd lInlfUrllL\ 01 Flli\ offil'Pf.\ III WaYIlP Frllw'\ left to

~-jIc...c'-'-'-'--------=-::::1:~~-;:J-;;;'J~'!i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::!:~~~=~=~~~~;~;~;~~~~~~~~~=~=~=~~~ices,l ~l a.m.; adult BibleclasR and Sunday school,1(J; late services, 1I.

Monda)-,', Dec. 12: Church('ouncil, "3 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 14: LCWorften covered dishChri~tmas Supper, 6:30·p.m.~ youth choir. 7:15;chan~el choir, 7:15.,

St. P~ul'S Lutheran Church(fi' E. Shirck, pastor)Th\rsday , Dec. 8: LCW

(' h r s t 01 a s luncheon, 1I>rn.; catechi'jm class,· 7­

,.1("1F rif:lay, Dec. (I: Council,


::--'at~rda\', Dec. 10: Sunwday ',I. lin ,I Christmas rewheare-fl' 1:2:30 p.m.

Sun ay, De·c. 11: Ch4Tchschoo and :\dultStudy, 9:15a.TTl.; divine worship lOt30'I.uthet I.eague ChristJha~part.y,! 5:30 p.m. .

\Ve~nes?ay, Dec. 14: Senw

:"7:Jfi~;;::;:~~~":t;:Un~ted Presbyterian

i Church '(Join w. Voth, pastol')Sun ay, Dec. 11: ChU!rch

schoo, Q:30 a.m.; worship,11; Mariners.

Tuesday, Dec. 13: !\ Circle, 9:30.

Wednesday, Dec. 14:Communicant's class, 8p.m.

First Church of Chrisl(20R East Fourth St.1

Sunday, Dec. 11: Bibleschool, If! ~.m,; commun­ion service, 1 L

Immanuel Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod

. (A.W. God., ipastor)Saturday, Dec~. 10: Satur·

day school, 9:3'0 a~m.

Sunday, Dec., 11: Sundayschool, 9:30 a.ql.; worshipservice with ciommunion,10:30, Sunday schoolChr-istmas pradice, 2 p,r,\'



Jim Ma.nli,Hu.,..jn6H.8 Mf.T11lKp.r


Sunday, Dec. 11: LowMass, 7:30, FI:30 and 10[l.m.

Monday, Dec. 12: M<lss,chapel, R:30 a.m.; HonusBingo party, 8 p.m.

Tuei5day, Dec. 1~: Mass,chapel, 7 p.m.; confes­sions, G-7.

Wecinesday, Dec. 14:Mass, chapel, 8:30 a.m.;.'-it, Mary's Guild, 6:30p.m.

Wes ley an Methodist Chu.rch(Fred Warrington, pastor)

Sunday, Dec. 10: Sundayschool, 10 a.m.t morningworahfp, 11; adult study.Wesleyan youth and Chil­drensl meeting, 7:30 p.m,;evening serv~ce, 8.

First Baptist Church(Frank Pedersen, pastor)

Friday, Dec.· :J: WMS'Chrtistmas Program, Mrs.Fate Fleetwood, 2 p.m.

unday, Dec. 11: Sundayse, 001, 9:45 a.m.; worshipservice and Bible display,11; Christmas Singspirawtion and message. 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 14: Vol~

unteer choir, 7 p.m.; pray­er hour, 7:45


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tl! ; II l! I!Other Student T"xt Bihles I \(4 "1\.... 1:" cartridge pen with at f

avallahle WI!h he pful Con- • 1....i,A I" sculptured styling I !corda nee, Reade!\;' AIds, full- i I I " R 'color illustrations and "This dictionary can be one it! $5 l!1!Come with same' bindings lias I of the .most useful gifts you'lt =New Student Text Bibles, Ifrom $4,00 ~ • ~ver give. II ~rov,de5 aU the I: I =

I: InformatIon likely 10 be needed *:. Slim. trim. sculptured I:• about words for home Dnd • if I stylin. makes Ihe atI office. school and college..Com. I: I, Styhstn , a dlStln.clive Ill!I plete word histories, helpful • It balance 01 form and

I descriptive synonymies and • I 1unctron. Gleaming I: C0FFEEII it electroplated aold cap •dear, self-contained definitions. i I adds a glft·worthy accenl. It ~ I .'142,000 entrie~. 3100 lerm~ • QUick. tlnn. easy f1111ng Itillustrated, 1760 poges.,Just • ~;~~n~~::~f;~~::t':rC It I I

look fo.lh. d;<liona,y w,th Ih. • If converter 195') adapts I J., cl:~ 52~'9bright blaclc: and yellow band. 1:.. pen 10 conventional IIApproved and used in col- II fillrng In sej:onds. I ,1

leges and universities throughout II Change baclk to cartridaelt ~

;~6un"e9dSstaler,and can:::~ "~II,", " ,"y I,me. i. 'i "EGGS.'. $~,~~~'L':'~ I i 't' SiJY~r PoU.r Nih Dnt.-ing, r'hurscl.y rritht .t

(A';A;Nt~OOlt i WA~~RtOOK i lUG .t our store $2SUG

, ST~RE I! AND OFFICE SUPPLY =~. B.-II'$. Ma'rket Ba'AND OFFI E SUPPLY I ~1' /'Min Ph_ 375-3295 It 1 ' , ', "]19 ,hone 3?S.329S R I • . ---==~:"::'::'':+':''_''::''=''::':=:'::'''::''::'':::'''::''-\7:''-----r-----~....Jl#__.... ~n.... USS* ~~....... ~l 1'1

~ I


rill' f11(l\! Illt',Tnln~ftJl gift of all at Chn,trllas istht' I·ip!.' Bible ... uu'll lind 1Il OlH ,election\Vt11 L1 H:l 'k~ ,11'1'1 \11'( ute for ,In:- one on :- our

t:Tl1 !l-..t \i' ,lit' ~llilr:lnte\'d fur life

Chu. Gr..ollN!Ne... E<'lltor


For those who read the Bible in­tensively ... Heritage Large Print'Bibles (left) offer extra-large,

! clear type. Include all the fea.:!tures of the Heritage Reference series,

with 15 full-color illustrations. Black imitationleather, black genuine Je;lthkr or hand-grained morocco ",ithgold edll"$, from 57.95. 1 I

. WAYNE BOOK STORE I•.. 11 ;\\,,,_. "AND OFFICE SUPPL~ 7 _. I~"''"''''"''''"._,'C'''''-''''''"......'''_...~~......

Poetry-Tho Wllyn,· JI.·ra.JrI a"~ll not t~tl)re II. Ilt.!rary [JaKe llnddo~ nlJt havu JJ. lltrH,U'y edlt"r. Ther"ff'fe poetry III [1(,\ uI"{:Olpledtor_~~e PUblJClllt"1

UHld•• N""_,.op._r "f lhll" ("lIy (J' ".)'De. '.41 (;0_17of W.,..e ••d .b.....b 01 Rebr"-'a

In \\'IlYIH' .

and .',fadl""l'

for th, .'.',~,OO r", ~, ~

~treet Wayne, Nebraska 68787 Phone ,375-2600

~.;h;i---;;1~18i6:-;'-n;;;"-;;;:-per publllhi'd wHkly ~JY .\1 rH :'I,u"....rltt E. Cru.-mer; entered In tbo pOlltnttlce Ilt Wayne, .'\j'·br!l.llkae81'7, lI.4t Hoond Cl_ll ffill,lI rnu.llf'r, H'-turn 1")~1"~, f;\HlrrlntefHJCopy mu.t be auhflllttfHl hy :lil"nday I1ft",,,,,,,n 'I

Grace Luther:\ll ('h,urcht-,1hslllll' nod

(E.,J, Bern()I;t!, pastor}Frida), j)pc. 'I' Adult

doclrinal illl JI 1.llion eLlss

7:30 II, !ll.

Sablrday, !I"" lll: Juniorchoir, "<t.II' ('hrislmasS, S. ]( ':30-10:45;('onf rTIl.:' Llll lnst.fllct­ion, 10: 1,',-11 I )

Sunda.\·, I )t'l', 11: Sundayschool ,and lIilde classes,9 a.m., "What aWay to 'l'rt>al Rible!"10; Gamm:l !lldta caroling.

TuesnllY, Ih'l'. 1:1: LWMLEveninR" ('irl Ie ('hristmasmeeting wi", l'ld-Iucksup.per, H p,m,

Wednesu'.', flee. 14: La­dies' Aid Christmas car­ry-in luncheon, 12::10 p.m.;senior choir, ~::l{).

SL Ma r,)"'.<; (' a( lwlic Church(\\'illiam !'\t>rrman, pastor)

Friday, !lec. :): Mas-s,chapel, H:'W 'l.rn.; St. Ma­ry's tllen's i'lub, 8 p.m.

Saturday, Dec. 10: Mass,church, 8 a.m.; religiousinstruction for children at.­tending public school, 1:,30w3 p.m.; confessionsi, 4:30w5:30 and 7::11).:).

;,~,....~..~....U_'-----_..._...J~.....i:: A special season, i~ a special gift... ,~ ;



Page 3: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

ted th Chrlob"up'<t=cram. llta wort pr.pi,.,.lor PI ttomouth hOID••~ut!'I.iU • ~ Jan. 16.

B~tte Knits

Nardls of Dallas

Lady Men'dels

Stacy A,.,I,es

Tommy Andrews

MI.. Harder will be mar.ried Dec. 22 to VerdelBacklltrom.

Dress Coats

College Town



Lady Manhattan

,,****~.*.*.~SI.~'IllW:••5IIl:••!!K••" ••••••I•••""••

: \. I.= Make Swan's ladies' Store your shopping center for thei gift that you want for that lady in your life. qur stock is! at a pe~k now, we never have had such a fime selectior

= before. . i= You can find the brand names that yDu con de'pend on, such

; as .i PendletDn




ill' And many ather famous brands. I! Our size range from Junior 5 to Ladles! 24Y2.


LadiesOur entire stDck of ladles' tine fall andwinter Qress coats on reduced racks Minkt"lmmed coots In sizes trDm 8 to 16, un·tnmm'ed cDats from 7 to 18 All cDatshave been reduced, 1 3 off regular price.

urpris.s to nl8ke·h.r't,eyes .sparkle

SIrRETCH CAPRIS by Graff. More feasons than ever 10 live '11t

yGlur beloved capns ,I A sele9r/on of strerchables wlrhoul equdl

m fabriCS thaI rate a meda!lfor excellence Tapellng lines Itldl

both flatrer and fil, all at once_ You owe II 10 yOlJfself 10 slllJ

Into a Graff srrelch pa~r -1heY're somethmg special and spe

d,1 news " 'he pnce '00. S1100

Ti@tifiratrlfj':( ,



No mistlefoe needed •.. , whenyou give a Samsonite Beauty Case!

l hrl~lm,,~ \..I~"." ,Ir\: ill ,'rj~'r h1f .1 gift rflll elegant!no:\\ He,llIl\ ( ,1'1..' I~.'d." .111 ,h-: nucJ., r,'r .,i\ ou,r of

~o:\en Irlr~, e\en ,I (jr~,~~ There'",: ,I removablerl.!~u..: fr.:\ 1,'r ,hl..'r 1ll,'\..I..'t1r~" hlll"l-ln i n1trrnr lor quick..\)n.lhl..'-t-" .. ,I (,'u..:h-lI!" ! h~n (l'm..; jn w ChllO.,C (he

~,ln,I,,'m~' (,'i"f _Inel ,1'.l e: \l)'~1 Iii.;.: Illr 1h~ gIft "hc:Ulove!


Newco ers Present Co as t, Super Val u a.pd ~jnor V. Harder·.. C A.rnie l•• Mra. Robertror ristmos Porty Flemine and Mra. Harold

F 0 u r tee n Newcomera Field w,re in charee of t Shower FridayWere present for 8 Chril!lt~ refr,lhmlents.mas po ty Monday evening Newcol!l1ers Club is op~n \ 1l('io'a Harder wT s hon-in the tub 'room. abovo to all neweoroerstoWayr\e. or, a a pre.nuptia show. OES K~nsin9to~1Holdsthe Fir Station. Mrs. Next mo.eting I. Jan. 17 gr'FrldaY at ConcordiaLu. Election of Otti~er.Duane H no and Mrs. Vern t 8 i M'II I T heran Church, Concord.FairchH were in charge ~oom~·m. n 1 er s ea etoratloDs were ln red Mr•. Jerald Kohl wa.of entert inment. and white. Mrs. Hans John_ named prellidentofElstern

Prize for the evening Christrno. Party Set sor!l gave devotions. star Kensington at a meet-Mrs. Bud Hanson sang lng Friday rn the home of

were fur ished py Sav..Mor VFW AluxiliaryCh ri.t.. lind Mrs. Kenneth DIs'en Mrs. Edna Casper. Mr ••Drug, 1 a r SOb's Dept. mas party will be held D~c. J d' Lei i IStore, B n Franklin Sto're. 12- beginning with 0 cc)v.. ~ave a rea lnd

g• A~ieeJohn_ d eet ad°t; ~ v ~e ~rhe·l-Felber harmao.,', Proett's d C o}presente a plano 5010. en an r. es a le,R . ere dis~, supper at 6:45 0 tesse, were Mrs. Os- secretary-t easurer.,,?k;fY, \\ayne Her~lp, In the club rooms. H'-ls- a Johnson, Mrs. Bud Mrs. Jo)-'aeCrockettllDdilhn~ s JewoelrJ~ M,cN~t~ bands Will be guests. This J1a son, Mrs. Hans John- Mrs. John Owens were on ~ C ·.SPONSORED BY .. ''''P'

rtr ,wa~1'. I. ami (Ie.s~o~~., year ther.e will be no gift so. and Mrs. Kenneth Ol~ the SerVing. committee. JI: OI.CCHEE AND"W..'.ta e s . r"e ry, oas ~ 0'", exchange., Sen. " Mrs, Dnve Hamel' presen- AMERI AN GAS ASSOCIA~;"O::iIf,1ii iIf;1Ii ilftfji iIf~ ilflll_ ilJl~iIilifii ioifllii iillIii_ "llIifiiiiJI1il_iilrtl_ iii.iill1il iliffiiiilfii iif~UiJ.iilrtl _. __ . i~~

~ChristmaS Gifts .;Iti:Ii!~I!!ti:P.!\i;M1\Ii:Ii!\\;:Po!\\;Ii!\\:Ii!\\;P.!\\;Ii!\\;M1\\;Ii!\\;M1\\;P.J\\;Ii!\\;Ii!\\;Ii!~Ii!\\:"f.!\i::Po!~r.!\\;P.!'ilP.!\i:r.!~P.!'ilP.!'ilP.!\\:P.!\i:P.!'ilPo!\i;Po!'ilP.!\i::p'!1~~~~~~~~)j\\;P.!\ti!~"Po!\i:M!~II!~M!Ii"Po!'t~'til\Ii .~ Prices from$iI14.9S!to $27.rS. plus taxI!!

~ "ilver Do,lor Ntht D.owingt;,; .. ,~".l/! Thur~QY CIt 8:00

I ~or $iSO I I

I ~1: 'I ! ;1 I· '


Wednesday, Dec. 14Grace Lutheran AidClub 15, Mrs.' Morris


Tuesday, llec. 1.1PKG, Mn. Pearl (;rif­

fithFortnightly, Mrs. John

T. Bressle,rKlick and Klatter ('Iub,

Mrs. Joe CorbitRidorbi, Miller's Tea

Room,H: Club, Miller's Tea


Monday, Dec. 12OI,:S Chapter 1'11, elec~

tion of officersA c m e Club Christmas

party, ~hs. OscarLiedtke

Minerva ('lub, Mrs. A.I..'-';wan

(' (;{to~~/ e, :'v~ller's Tea

Thursday, Dec. 8St. Paul's I.CW Christ­

mas luncheon, 1 p.m.NFB, Mrs. Bob Bergt

Friday, Dec. ~l

Hospital ,Auxiliary, 2p.m. .

FNC, Gilbert Krallmanhome

Sunday, Dec. 11Monday Pilch Club

Chri<;tmas party, Mrs.Emma !licks

Sl. Paul's l.uther LeagueChrhlmas party

'Mtso James F'alk, bride's:parents; Mrs. Everett New­min', ringbearer; Mrs.H ~ r, r y Schwede, flowergi~l; Mrs. Carl Mann,pi~ni.t. Mrs. Oene Aekliewa~ in c h a r g e of theHW~dding.H

he girt table was dec­or ted in white and blue.As isting with gifts wereBe~ky Buss, Pierce, andMr~. Willard Weseman,No~folk. Mrs. EveretU\ew­ma{l poured.

l"fostesses were Mrs.Getie Acklie, Dianne Kir~

stens, Mrs. Herman Opferand' Nancy, Mrs. JamesFalk, Mrs. Gilbert Kr~use,Mrs. Johnny Kudera, Mrs.!Iar'old Orudigan, ~hs. Dal~

las Schellenberg, \-Irs. Ar­von Kruger, Mrs. GeorgeLangen,berg, jr., Mrs. EdKollath, \1rs. Hussell:Halh­man and ~1r:-.. ('arl Mann.

All Price Rangesof Pearls

Attend District Meet

Mr. and Mr •. AlfrodSydow.-Mrs. Laurine E:ed,ls­map ai»d Mr. and Mrs. J.ft.Oroskuirth attended the Dh­triet IV meeting of WWIDar racks and AuxiliaryNov. 30 in Columbus.

1.epr;3,'i.Jnted were Bar­racks from Burt and Col­fax Counties, Dakota City.

. Norfolk and Wayne.

Pehny Wit~er to Wed

R. Urwiler Dec. 3(i)Mr. and: Mrs. O,orgEl

Witmer, .W.yne • annopncetheengagementandap_piroaching mar riB ge oftllt,eir daughter I Penn~. tofbehard L. Urwiler I sonof Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ur­\vUer. Laurie!.

Miss Witmer, a gradu~ate of Wayne High School,attended WSC. She is pre.- Bridal Shower Heldently employed in Lincoln.lIer fiance, a graduate 0f FBI' N manLa u rei High S c h 0 0 I, at- or ever y ewtended the University of n eve r I \' Newman wasNebraska and is now a sen- honored at ~ miscellaneousior at WSC. s howe r .'iunday at the

A Dec. 1(J wedding i~ Brotherhood Building, Hos-being planned. kins. Jean Mann and Car-

W W I H t ONO men Schellenberg were in 50CI"01 Fore 0 t• esse s os charge of registering the C SMr. and Mrs. Wayne 117 guests. Mrs, Gene Ack-

We sse I entertained ONO lie conducted a con t e s lclub Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. which was won hy Mrs.Ha Iph Ba relay \V_ere guests. (' la rence Sch roede r.Prizes went to John Jer~ raking part in a hillb~lIymier and Mrs. \~rry Ste~ wedding were Mrs. Dallasve~son. I Schellenberg as the min-

e iSler', Mrs. IIp-rold Rrud,i.:..,.oterie Meets Monda) ~an, bride; Nancy Opfer,lll"~rs. /\rJ,Ahernwashost- bridegroom; Dianne Kir-

eSftoCoterie Monday. sLens and Mrs.fJilbert:v1p;. Ralph Carhart w~s KrausE:', aUendants; Mrs.ajguest. l'\ext Monaay's l\rvon Kruger and Mrs.m,eting will be a 1 p.m. (;porge I.angenberg, jr.,IUDfi:heon at Miller's Tea bridegroom'." parents;Hgom. Mr~ . .Johnnv hurlera and

a**···"'''''''~·It ~==; ali"" 2:00 p.m. Sunday - Earlv Show 6:00 p.m. Monday I:

~ •.•';~~~~PF.mR~.'.;.~.·.".I~.·;.l;;:; ri=~It ,RESERVED SEAT AT POPULARI~:::~::E~N!ENT~! . PRICES! ~.

It s per l!

=a tion ~It SOw l!

o shows~. =



... ~:~R~~~NDB~~,WfRNBl ffiBlS· JAMfS MocARIHUR and lillY SAVAIAS II ~

to<'14-DnIY~ ~.t:~~~~~~~nn n ~r··OU;············_-


= ITRU-BlU Diamondsi IWY'~ERo,d·~~C0IlF'lEx,Anri;:MI~·~gON: TIMEX~ and DALE'S WATCHES• SPEIDEl and J. B. Watch Bonds= KREMENTZ Jewelry for ladies and MenI. WHITING and DAVIS ladies' Jewelry.. B. DAVID Jewelry for ladies

TRIFARI Jewelry Fathers Birthstone! COLONIAL. Christmas Candles Tie Tacksi ,LUST~RWARE GiftsI ; i HAEGER Potteryi SHElTONWARE in Chrome


. HONEYWEll Barometers and HumidityGouges i


(.AISQ Cuj,:oo Cloc:ks) : I

ZIPPO, - COUBRI - SCRIPTO Gga~ette lightersMothers Pins and Necklaces 1 •

Plus Many, Many Other Nation~IIY-Kr1ownNames

Page 4: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

Cj'lva a,da.ree hil!,U,r....A 1964 Indulte of Nt11lh, she was actII Is' Ilee club ..m sio, lave r..dl....W!Ii 8 .ports .nthUi

. MI. s h.. :a <lve In 4.1-1 clubI. a member of .thak~ n. Ev.nlellealB ret h r e n Church.p rt In Sunday .Chool

'~W r k and choirc urch and wa B chg oj st before I••,o \aha.

At Om.aha, N.'ncember of the ,II

Sla(f" at Mothp tal. She isf nd-ralslng camp"·i,',':t ere. Befor(;'l enter.IDI,,1~,rsing school .ii1h. attl, 'ell Omaha Unlvenlty,j ,.

lIer Immediate fam,llfl '.'cudea her parenti! a ,illt. (It't~r, Mrs, Lynn OOldt,.S*&t<lin, and a brother,stlpb .• '"'thO is a ·freshman at ~o( Ik Illgh. ~About two dozen Hoak! ,.r,bsldonts were schld"':.'

t attend.the pn,gennt .'Ina.'. '.I Lincoln t.o boost-Nancy. Ic ndldacy.




Phone 375.**




Boys Club Junior ~,~~I!,osketbollot Pi.rce

Lourel Freshmen BO.ketball at Wayne 'ICity Auditorium 1- 6:30 P.M.

R~::=:~~:~~:~fr~kca71~e~ .. urI ljlDavid City Aquino ot Woyne High...,', I

City Audi onumPreliminary Gam I at 6;15 P.M. .

Fort Hoys State Wrestling at Woyne StGttRlee Auditorium .-...;,7,;;:'J;;O...P...."M",_ ..... _


Fremont Boys Club v~. WoyneBoys ClubFreshmen·Sophmores at 11:0 a.m.; Juniora.Seniori at12:00; 7th Qrad"'$ itt 1 :00 ..; 8th qrad_, .It 2:09 P.M.

Game, played at ,aY\ne City Auditorium

Omaha U. coeds,lot Woyne StateRice Auditorium - 2:00 P.M.

Winona Stote a' Wayne StateR ice Auditorium - 7: JO P.M. .j"'"

409 Main St.

HI wa.1 to raturn Wodna••day for I

It Is biliaved tha ac•cldent would have happan.dno matter who .a. drlvln.under the clrcumataDces.Dow II n I Is exparlanc.dwith tractors and bas done[arm work for year•• Hedoe s not know why he "so lucky, but he f.ela thatin this "nstance he walluncommlnb fortunate.

Atkinson GirlState Royalty

Nancy Griffln, Atkinson,won the "Girl o( -the Cen­tury" title in Lincoln Tues­day. She won over 70 othergirls, inc luding NancyFalk , Hoskins, WayneCounty's representative.

The local delegate Wfll'l

not (orgotten by backersin this county. She receiv­ed remembrances in flow­qrs, messages and giftsfrom Hoskins, the WayneLions Club, the WayneKiwanis ClubandtheWnyneChamber Qf Commerce.

Mrs. Jaycees 8ponsor-.edher appearance in the sh·owta":d. covered most of herexpenses with Mrs.MarvinYoung as her chaperon.Miss Falk sang ;l solo asher talent even~.

~ancy is the daughterof the Harold Falks, wholive 1\ miles west of lIos­kins. She was chosen WuyncCounty ~lIeen during lhecounty fair.

She is a student nur~e

in K1 e tho dis t 1I0spita I,Omaha, and hopes to con­tinue her educat.ion to re •.








Woyne, Nebrosko'ClTY AUDITORIUM

Dixon Youth 'Has, I

Nar~ow EscapeRon.ld DowIInl I~ a 100d

100kin~bOY'He dOlSn't lookas go now as he did I.,tweek ut he is alive andwill get back to lookinglike himseU soon so heconsiders himself lucky.

The 19.year·old son ofMr. and' Mrs. Ke'nnethDowling, Dixon, was on atractor when it overturnedSunday. He leaped, his footcaught and kept him f,omgoing clear off the tractoraf)d it is believed this mightnave saved his life.

Dowling was taking atractor {rom Laurel to theDarrell {Erwin (arm wherehe had ~.en working. Heturned into a back lane little used on the Erwinfarm ]}:i miles southwestof Dixon.

As he touched the throttleto resume speed" the trac­tor hit a rut, ran up theside of a ha.,)' stack andstarted overturning. Erwinwas there to see what hap­pened.

Erwin reported Dowl­ing's tractor bounced, all(our w h eel s leaving theground. Had Dowling beenable to jump, there wasno doubt but what the trac­tor would have come downon him when it rolled. 'Oneof the bjg back wheelsbounced three times before ­the tractor wenl over.

The Dixon youth, a grad­uate last spring from AllenHigh School, was thrownface-first inlo the t..ractor.His head must have struckthe headlights for the ybroke off and gla s sandred paint were found in cutsin his head.

lie was bro·ught to theWayne Hospital wheremany slilches were requir­ed to close multiple cutsand lacer'ations. In oneplace, his skull. was "dent­ed" but there was no skullfracture. A fraction of aninch more and he wouldhave had brain damage.

When he left the hos­pit a 1 Monday, DoWling'sface was still black, botheyes, almost swollen shutand the cuts showed upplainly. However, doctorstold him these would heal.

Bill SwinneyL.rry M.gnusonMrs. Ed Kirchf't!erEthel Schulz-G.ry FegleyFrank 8r.ithwaiteDick Spngue toTlie Editor


Forensic MeetAttracts ManyWayn~ State' 5 Invitation­

al For f n sic Tournament~ast weekend proved thereis exteJli'sive interest amonghigh scijools in debate.

The annual tournament,previou~ly for call e g e sonly, added the high schoolclass t~is year and attract­ed 17 chools with 32 de·bate tams. More would'have eltered had there notbeen a imit.

WSC Forensic C a a c hBrice Wilkinson set thelimit .at 20 teams original­ly, th~n raised it to 32because of the interest.

"N e~t time we mays~hedu e the high schooltourna ent as a separateevent so we can a'Ccom­modate more teams," helaid.

Heelan High School ofSioux _~ity won the cham­pionSihip with the team ofMike Elwanger and TonyKelly. Tyi*g for secondwere N e u man n High ofWahoo, Archbishop Rum­mel High 0.£ Omaha andBoys Town.

In collegiate Class A de­bate,' Mankato State Col­legel'S team of Sheryl <es­borne and Margo Marsonwon the championship. InClass B, St. John's Collegeof Elkhorn won with theteam of Jim ~McDermott

and Jerry Gonderinger.T'NO Wayne entries in

oratory were among thewinners-Geri Filipowski,second, and Debbie Mc.Clure, fifth.

In d r a I interpretationVI a y nee n t ere d four~

D ian n e Skaggs rat i n gsuperior; Lyle Gourley, ex_cellent,; Hichard Petersenand Toim Graves, good.

Indiscussion Pam Holmand Bill Springer both ratedexcell~nt.

Way n e did -not ente rCla$s ,A debate, but usedits experienced debatersto rur the. 'tOl."rnament.Amon~! four Wa)/ne ClassB entri,es, the tealm c,>fTomGraves and Davie Phippsearnel the best' record,winn ng three of fiveround.sev~nteen coll~ges and

uniye sities , f r o·m sevenstates, competed.


Chur~h s~hool, 10:30 a.m.Wtdne!sday, Dec. 14:

WM ,1 p.lm.; Senior choir,8.


Dearl Editor:I c~o't tell you how much

I enj~yed rour r'ecent com..menU on letters protestingthe irnmo'ral movies at thelocal theater. We must saveour college kids from cor­ruption-we must save themr r 0 In th!emselves. But Idon't think you have gonefar Elnough. Just last nightI was watching on televi­sion' "Love I Has ManyFac;s," whic~ was as dirtyas ny moviie I've seendow towq. Illicit sex justsho~t of' pornography wasportlrayed on the screenfor ~al1 ~o see~innocent

wo~en .;lnd children as wellas tmptessionable college Istudents who we all knoware too dumb to hear acommunist speaker withoutbeing cOillverted to the RedMenance,. And while you'reat it you' should investigatethe books some of thosesmart aleck college pro­fessors are assigning. O'neteacher even assigned thetuthor of "Lady Chatter­ley's LOve r-." I hope youwill start 'R clean-up Waynecampaign.

Please do not print myname as I do. not want tobe persecuted:.

Peace L:nited ChurchOf Christ

Saturday, Dec. 10; Cpn..irmation class, 9:30-11:~O

''E~nday, Dec. 11: Wcl~hip service, 9:30 a•• ;

Evangelical United'Brethren Church

(John Saxton, pastor)Saturday, Dec. 10: Coo..

irmation class, 9:30-11,:90

.m. . ~Sunday. Dec. 11: Chur ~ h

chool, 10 a.m.; wors IPelvice, 11. ':WednesdaY,"'Dec.14:

VMS, 1 p.m., \lrs, Walterenske; Senior Choir, 8.

Trinity Lutneran ChurchWisconsin Synod

(J. E. Lindquist, pastor)Friday:, Dec. 9: Ladies

Aid, no-host Christmas din­ner, 1 p.m. in parochialschool basement.

Sunday, Dec. 11: Sundayschool, 9:15 a.m.; familyworship, 10, choir cantataservice, 8 p.m .I Monday, Dec. 12: Youn~People's League, .7:30 p.~.

Tuesday, Dec. 13: Can..gregation annual meeting,8 p.m.

were supper guests Sundayin the Clinton Reber home.

Churches -


T~E WAYNE HERALDI Pho!1e 375-2600,

Sheriff ChecksTwo Accidents

Two accidents werechecked the Pllst week b)'Sherif( ODD Weible. Oneoccurred Saturday and theother Tuesday.

William Blecke, Wayne,son ofthe Leonard Bleck~s,

Wa-B in a one-car accident5 h 0 r t I y a fte r m idhightear Iy Saturday morning.The mis' hap occurred 3miles north and 2.3 mileswest of Wayne on a countyroad.

Blecke came over' thecrest of a hill and swervedt.o avoid a parked car. Hisvehicle went off a culvertand rolled over in a ditch.

The occupants of theparked car brought himto town. lie had Teceiveda cut on the leg and othe rless serious cuts andbruises. The car was heav~

ily damaged.Tuesday morning on Win~

side's Main Street, GaryRedel, son of the .JohnRedels, was westbound.N e I s Ande-rson, Juniata,driving a truck for a dis­tributing firm in that town,was eastbound 'and turnedleft. .

Anderson turned into theRedel car, the left fendersof Vhe vehicles coming to­getfter. No one was hurtbut'there was light damageto the truck and extensivedamage to the 'car.

Ch.rles GreenleeP.ul Hoe.ingJ. A. ServenGene GordonEft. J. FisherAlbert NiedrR. Bnungtr

Claude'409 lil'ain St.

Saturday Mr. and Mrs.Jam e s Falk visited herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ir­Yin Sander, Verdigre.

Mr. and Mrs. DonaldJohnson, C in d y, Pamela'and Yvonne were supperguests Sunday in the L.M.Morgan home, Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jen­sen and family, and Mr.and Mrs. Jack O'Kane andfamilY, Omaha, were week_end guests intbe Mrs. RuthLangenberg home.

Mrs. Wayne Thomas,Mrs. Lyle Marotz and Mrs.J. E.' Pingel attended theLutheran Community Hos.pital W a men I S ServiceGuild Christmas tea andbazaar Friday at Norfolk.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Mil_1er and family, Madison,

Mrs. E. J. PingelPh_ 565-4507

G & G Party HeldG l~ G club held a chili

supper at the George Witt_ler home Friday. Giftswere exchanged. Prizes inpitch were won by Mr. andMrs. Edwin Meierhenry,Mrs. Irene Weseley, andCarl Hinzman. -



JUMPING HIGH on <l tip-off in Iht' Wltl~ldt.'-l on,a gam!t' wereKt'lth Knlt-ger. Winside, (25) <lnd J<-ImL'~ Sie\er:-o, I'onc<-I. ~ruegcr

ifcms to lJ;l\C a ,~llbhl ;1(1\'-111(;1 6 ('.

Wayne Frosh DefeatHowells In First Tilt

Way n e 'High freshmenopened thelir' cage seasonMonday with a 40.25 winover Howells on the losingteam's cOlfrt. Both teamslooked ragged in their ini.tial game.

La u rei will be hereThursday for a 6:30 gameat the Wayne City ~udito.

rium. A full seaso'n ofgames has bflen lined upby Coach Ron Carnes.

In the first half of thegame Monday, Wayne man­aged a 13-6 halftime lead(that is correct, halftime,not just first quarter). Therest of the game was alittle better for both teams,Wayne outscoring Howells27-19.

Mike Biltoff with 15 ledthe local team in scoring.R. Bazata was the leaderfor Howells with 8. ,

"Other scoring locillly in­cluded: Bruce Pflueger 6,Ted Armbruster and JerryTitze 4, Les Echtenkamp,Doug Maurer, Terry Ellis,J_m Sturm and BruceMord.hlHst 2 and Pat Chambers1.

won championships. Har·vay Matthl.. , 177. w.. the

. ,ot~I~JI~~t.r.:if~:i~~:I::dICUIS•• were Ron Tope, 137;Charlie P~ters, 160; TomFitzplt,rielt, heavYweight,and Dave Matthl.. , 167.who lost to the ,Iow'a Stateentry who finished secOnd.

Way n e '_ S\ n ext actioncomes SatfJllday at SiouxCity In' a q~adrangular withMorningsid,le, Au gu 8 taD aand Dana. 'i



RCIE,39K,30" electric,4 colors or white

times while the Wildcatshit :\,1 of 7S fielders, farHI pe r cenl.

V,' ayne balanced the twohalves perfectly, with 17.field goals and eight freethrows.

,Top scorer was \Vayne',sJdel Parks, who combinedsix fielders with 9 of 10free throws for 21. JohnSweeney led Midland with20.

Wayne freshmen G0wnedSioux City Air Base, 94..()8, in the preliminary.

Way n eSt ate 1 s BillSchwa rz and J e({ Me\nekepr-oved themselves in'ma­jor wrestling competitionlast weekend.

S c h war 7. won secondplace in the 123-pound classoft h e ;\t\ Li InvitationalMeet at State College ofIowa, and Meineke placedfa u r 1 h in the 130-poundweight.

Schwarz's loss in thefin~ds came on a 1-0 de.cision after he had wonfour matches by scores of2-1, 1-0, 2-1 in overtime,and 2-1.

Meineke won his firstfOUf, 1-0, 7-2, 2-0 in over_ti me, and 2-1, be·fore los_ing two matches, both 4-0,in the semifinals and con_solation.

Three other Wayneentries won Orst roundsand lost the second. SteveHanson, 152, and Mike~olonos, 167, both lost sec_ond-round matches to thewrestl-ers who eventually

,College WrestlingTeam Does Well

, .

• Frigidaire Electri-clean Oven cleans itself-ovenracks, too-automatically!

II Roasts automatically turn out more tender, juicier,shrink less with exclusiveTender·malic ro~sling. 4

• Cook now, serve hours later- $: 00Meal Minder oven control.

• Outdoor broiled flavor­Radianl Wall Spatter-FreellrQiler Grill. Easy Terms


We 5ervi... Wh.t w. Sell J

$EE us .F,OR GUARA"TE~D'USED APPLIANCES1" Ste Phone 37~nI2 WAyn_. N_br.

Victory Arrives·Tuesday for WSC

Victory arrivc(i lorWayne ,'iLa(e eagen; Tues~

::lay' night --.'44-7:1 over Mid­land on (he H i~e courL

[\ow the Wildcats- aimfor their ~econd win againstthree losse~ when Winona'-'late of Minnesota i'nvadesthe home court. Saturdaynight. at 7:10. Still anotherhomE" game is l-icheduledTuesda.y -night with North.western ('ollege of OrangeCity,la.

Winona is coached by HanEkker, who served as grad­uate assistant. coach atWay n e two years ago.Winona also is thljl almamate'r of Wi lel c a I HeadCoach Al Svenningson.

\\' a.'1 n e and Mid I andsc rapped on even termsthrough the rir~t h~1f, thelead changing 12 li es andthe ~cor'e tied 13, timesbefore t.hE' W ildcals madeit ·12-40 at the half.

Coach Svenn,ngson evi­dently prescribed the rightt act i c s during intermis~

sian. The Cats ro~re~ toa 5·1-42 advantagel w~thinthree minutes, m<linly onhot. shooti·ng by Bo~ Strat~­

man and HaL flope.iThe Warriors whittled

the deficit to five points,74-G9, wit.h .11~ minutes re­maining, then f~iled to sup­pr_ess anatlH'r Hope out,­burst.

Hebounding measur­ed the difference as Waynenabbed 44 to Midland's 29.The War riors hit a sur_prising 62 per cent fromthe field but shot only 51

LOOk! From dirty 10Clean I I I aUlomallcallYI.

Page 5: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

II ..

, ....ClD47 ord, "Artl,.ii.,· .

R'.Plr. tlon.": ~.. Olil.'1 .m_. 'How to jltop B··· •.....;" C ndyHurd, "loll ...1SII' adl.nla." C fity

Hu?da 10····.. IS.. 'Tlh. ~.Il1b )lUr....a·. . ...,f1a. "' • Planl w... . Ito... arolln. D.c. 'A.Ilt wi I ba purohallili,'ora Ih In. Tha .Iub·irmhave Chrl.tmu party,with \)the.. al ...a.h;Dec. 1 at the. Alvin ~ellhom.. Ollh will baii,eK.chaJII • Cindy Carl!1.on.Cindy urd, Connll Flor.Ine, J R..d aad,t..eAUltin ora on th•. '-,r.talnma t .ommltt•••.. ~!!!.7 mea tl n , will ""J!jlthJ u II 0 Ha,amaJID. lin eAustin, .reporter. 'tit



4-H Club News

OIl: only wlr... aad elee.tried equipment .peelfl.cally mad. for oa. outdooraIhould be u..d In ,lIterloreIIlplayl: ..

Oll~r.. IlchtlJII .hooldbe with ni.tal Chrlo'­mal tr... u .trl.... ofUph on m.tal t ....a couldCIUI. Ihockl fr9m frlyedcorcll or locketl CORlIDIIn contact with the tr.a:.Iupervl.. chlldran playln.wi th.lectrlc ton: ondmike sure If you hlVI Iplutlc Chrl.tmu tr.. thatIt 10 dosl",od for us. withelectric liIM•.

ner, Alvin Anderaon, Wll· Erl.kaon a Frank N.l- Wa·.... of Fauhylard Holdorf and Elmer ...... Burla .~u In Wako.Chrloton.en. Burla.1 will be field Comot ~. ,In Immonuel ChurCh Com,· Car I H a mar Laraon. Yult Decorationstery, lOll of Au t 0"" Au","ta

Louise Maria L.slman, Larson, ..a bor~ Oct. 22. NoriS'ert Bruger, luper-doughte r of H.,nyand 1880 In Sw tn. '.He came Inhndont of the WayneSophi. Leosman, w.. born to Amerlc whe" he w.. Munlcil'&1 Pow a r Plant,Sept 9 1881 ot Quincy 0 you 0 g an.' Ha w.. sendl Information CODClrn-ilL She' came to this are~ married. N v. 2G.~ 1904 to Ins tha UIO of faulty orwith her family when she Edith Danie .0notiOakland. ?afoctivo Chrlltmu d.c-was three years old. She The Larso. fhat made pratlonl. ID overlo.cllnewas married Feb. 7,1907 tholr bom ot Liocoln outlot. and 10 craotlngto James Hank. The couple whera he u a cabinet other huardo.lived on a farm ·.outh of moker. He 0 m." Hyear. His IUllostlonl Include:Concord. in the Oakl d community, Ke e p Chrhtmu docora·

Sh e was preceded in th r e e years at: Walthill tiona IWay from electricdeath by her parents,three and in the merson com- light bulbs to avoid lettincchildren, three sishrs,twQ munity fro~ 1927 to 1958 them let toohotj make surebrothers and two grand", when he re i'red. He spent decorating lilhtl do notchi ld reD. Survivors in- six years w th his daughter overload circuits: do Dotelude her husband; 0 and .on·in· ow,Mr. IUld inotall wirlnlyouraall-daughter, Mrs, Bernord Mr•. Mal ~Im Jen.en, calloquolifiedel.ctrlcion;ILinda) Pehrson. Lourel; Emerson, .~d in Augu.t Keep e I e~r I c train.two sons, Everrett, Car- he became liB resident at away frome rhtm.streesroll, ond Elray. Wakefield: Dahl Retlrtment Center, to ovoid sp s igl\iting Jolly Golsthree brothers, eha'ilea, Wayne. dry needles: make sure Jolly ·Gals 4.H club met ~ ii:~'D a 1ton, Her b e r t, Des His wife,: a son, Elois 'ne,.. lights' are approved Dec. 3 with Connie Florine CALL IN YGUIl WANT:'.MOinesf" and Paul. Woko. and two sisters preceded type: di.cord frayed wir- with all members prosent. THI AYNI HI~"'"~~ I ~~e fi;:e:t'~~::~~ft:' ~~~U: ff::t:'on~~r~~:~fl: ~~ ~~rl~~~O~e~i~~tsh~~\~ ~;~'::'tt~otA:~~;::~: I~V:~ Ph+... 37S~"Fina Rites Held ~E~'~~i~::o~~~~:;>~I~: r-T"O-Y--C-L'-O···S···E·'---O-U-T-~' -A-L-E'..···'..···field. and Norman, Granada

At akef·,""'d for Hills, Calif.; two daugh.~'J te~s, Mrs. Reuben Holm,

Carl Larson, 86 Wakefield, and Mrs. Mol-e 0 I m Jensen, Emerson; If

Fun ral services for £iy.e brothers. Oscar', 20% to 50% 0 ·1'

Carl . Lsrson. 86, were Craig. Elis, Minneopolis, 0 0held ec. 3' at Wakefield Swan, Sao Francisco. andCoven nt Church. Mr. Lar- Eric;~ and Knute, Mjolby,son di d Nov. 30 at Wayne Sw:e,n; two sisters, Mrs. ON ALL TOYS IHospit l. Charles Allen, St. Peters-

Rev. Fred Jansson of- burg, FI.... and Mrs. Hen.. I

fieiate at the rites, Music ;;:,~~ ~501~~;~d~~~II;;~ns:~d LARGE SELECTION S.TILL AV.AILABLEwas f rnished by Elmer 12 great jgrandchildren.

~a:;s~ ~ s~~::,t. ~~~a~i:t CALL IN YOUR WANT AD BARNER'S TV & APPLIANCE!PaUbe rers were Melvin THE WA'(HE HERALD ...and Fred Lundin. Marvin 222 Main Phon. 375·15011IFelt, Ivis Olson, Joe Phone 375-2600' - .......---..--........----.."

;"""'1""'"""'"~ lII1I!!lII1I!!':j;j";""'"~ lII1I!!lII1I!!:"''''''''lII1I!!lIiIIIlO1II""'"~ IIIlIII"""'••~••-1i.:, tl ~wan- rflcc1..ean j ::::':'.::'~'"" for ~250P.! \~P.!\iiP.!\iiIi!\iiIi!~Ii!~P.!~ill~P.!~ill\iiII!~Ii!


II Pendleton- Glif s "giwe happily ewer after"I· 'I ' ..

I. You can depend 0";' Pendllet n always for gifts that at'e gre'eted with mascu­

line grins. AI"";ays iinpecc¢Jb y tarlored. Always pure Y rgin wool. With color-

Ikeyed shirts, Sliacks· jackets and sweaters plus I~jsure robes and motor robes'for instant gift sele~tion , ~ ' pick appropriate Pendletons and just add names.

~ .II .I

Featured: Pendletor st-:irt \"llh reg~la collar, flap pockets. S-M-L-XL, $15.00 ~

Top: Topsman Jad·et, met~1 butlO("l~, etch pOCkets, 36-46, $23.00

ICenter. left: Topster Jacke!, shirt sl E e and cuff. leather buttons, S·M·~-XL, $19,00Center. right: Lounbing Robe, shaw c liar, serf belt, S·M·l-XL. S26.Ol;) ,/

IBottom: Highland flaid Motor Robe 5 x 70 (carrying .case conta;nst~m. ovable foam cushion), $14:1$

y....."''''' . 1IlIi.IIlIiIllli_iIIlIlilllil:iIIIil: -_.............

·i\ II I

las, 159'5,,,...ns Exch.W,jJI,~1 .nd ,p;n dri., , poullchof cloth~~ ;n " "","ut.l.Spin d., .. , one lo .. d _h:l .. A_oth~, .... a,h.. ,"'t..·jy po<t .. bl.. . "ftow~.

from link 10 ,Io,"'q~ ...... o ••• ,'" toll;"q e ...t~n

No IPhlmbing .equ'red




~'~';~\\fi~!.- ----==1.,

Funeral ServicesPlanned Today forMrs. James Hank

Fune ral services forMyron M. Ellis, 79, wereheid Dec, 5 at Anen Metho­dist Church. Mr. EllisdiedDec. 2 following a longillness.

Rev. Alfred Winkler of­ficiated at the rites. LarryM¢Afee and Christine Ellissang "Some Golden Day..break" and "iP The Gar ..den." Jeanne 'burant wasaccompanist. Pallbearerswere Boyd and RaymondEllis, Clifford and BillGotch and Jack and Ray­mond Brownell. Burial wasin Eastview Cemetery.

Myron M. Ellis was bornSept. 8, 1887 near Allen.He spent his lifetime inthe Allen community. Heretired from farming in1957. He was married Dec.24, 1908 to Nellie Brownellat Allen.

Two sons, Marlon andNorris, preceded him indeath.'· Survivors includehis widow; three sons,Merle, Greenbrae, ealiL,and Armond and Lester,Alleni t.h r e e daughters,Mrs. Virgil (Evelyn) Laur­sen, O'Neill, Mrs. Albert(Pauline) Johnson, Mont­clair. Calif., and Mrs.Maurice (Norma) Carr,Alleni a brother, Fr~nk,

Hot Springs, Ark.; 23grandchildren and 11 greatgrandchildr en. I

Fun era 1 services forMrs. Lillian Morse, 93,were held Dec, 3 ot WiltseChapel, Wayne. Mrs.Morse died Dec. 2 atWake.Ileld.

Rev. Rob e r t Johnson,Wakefield, officiated at therites. Burial was in Wood­bine Cemetery, Woodbine,la,

~illian Mae Maynard,daughter of $amuel andR e,l i e f Gonvan Maynard.was born July 31, 1873 atWoodbine, la. She wasmarried in 1893 to HenryMorse. The couple farmedat Dunlap, la., until 1919when they came to Wayne.She spent the last six yearsof her life at Shady Re.tLodge, Wokefield.

M,. Morse died in 1923,She :was also preceded indeat~ by a son. LaVern,four sisters and a brother.SurviValS include two sons,Ralph, Omaha, and LaVere,San Francisco, and sevengrandchildren. .

Funeral services forMrs. James Hank, 85, areplanned today (Thursday)'it Immanuel Lutheran:::: h u r c h, nor the a s t ofWayne. Mrs. Hank diedDec. 5 at her home.

Rev. A. W. Gode will of­ficiate at the rites. Mr.'ind Mrs. Lowell Johnson,accompanied by Mrs. Nelson, will sing "WhaLa Friend WeHaveinJesus"and "What God Ordains IsAlways Good." Pallbearerswill be George Vollers.Dick Hansen, Eddie Kirch-

.Funeral ServicesI H~ld at AllenFor Myron EUis

Fueral Senkes.For "'rs~ MorseHeld Saturday

When hunting pheasantslate il) the day, hit theroosting areas in sweetc I a v e r, stu b b Ie, andsloughs.

student who is in Sioux C,ity,The music played wa.s re­

-c:orded in Thailand and itis typical of the musicplayed for all types of fesli­vals.

Something new has enter­ed Phadet's life - basket­bait It is different fromfootball~ he has found. DQML,he like basketball or 'fooE:""ball better? He likes bas..ketball. Why? BecauseWayne wins at basketball.(Wayne won one. tied one,lost the rest in football andhas won- its only game inbasketbalL Wait until nextyear in football. Phadetll

In school, Phadeli h~s

settled into the routine ofAme\rican high school life.He likes s q m e subjectsvery m u c h (typ'ing andmath) and doesn't hate anvsubject. Sometimes a sut>.ject is hard,. he says. butadds: "Sometimes they areail hard."

Th\~ cold weather hasbrought mixed emotions.The snow he liked. The coldwas a novelty. He noWknows that his Americanparenh mean it when theytell him to bundle up whenhe goes outside. He doesn'tcomplain, but he does re the weather in Thai­land where it never getsvery close to the freezingmark.

fREE! 100Gall~ns of HD·5Norgas

with each conversion.IOFFER L1MITEDo

ACT NOW.Callyour local Norgas 'fpresentaNve today

,t .. &..J • .... 375-3141INorgas. E in Wayne

and SAVEConvert your Present Tractor

(lse for Only

Le?,-.:~-=- $9/9PAm AIID SERVIa:.. Corba,,1iN s,m. flEE!1lN'1 ....,. SprIq plniq liIII is jut ..­tH ....." _. 1M \101o til I'OlIEI UP IIitIl.......lIlIsllrtSAVIIKi!



• Increases WORK LOAD 20% • CUTS Engine- DOWNTIME

• OOUBLES Engin~ LIFE (unice and oll'erhil.ll)


Fwl Moon BringsNew Thai Ritual

There was ,,8 full moonSaturday night: For loverssomewhere t h ~tt mea n tsomething. To th 0 S e inThailand it had a specialmeaning and to a Thailandstudent in Wayne it meantthe sam~, time for, the"festival of the full moon."

"Loy Krathong," ('riverfestival of thanksgiv.inglisobserved in Thailand aboutthis time of year. PhadetGawsombal, Thai studentspending a year at the Dr.J. M. Brown home, the occasion in a fashiondie t 9. ted by c ire u m ..stances.

In Thailand, the streamswould be running now. InNortheast Neb r ask a thestreams were frozen solid.

Those obse rving the oc­caaion in Thailand wouldhave made lotus flowers(Buddha's flower) to floatawayonastream.Setafire,they would burn and as theyfloated and burned theywould take with them theI a u n c her 'ss ins andtroubles.

Phadet had no stream,but he made ,a lotus flower.He observed the rite in theBrown yard, burning theflower in hopes it wouldall burn and success wouldbe assured in the year tocome.

To help set the mood, heplayed Tha~music. A,long..playing album was borrow..t'ld from a Thai exchange

LOTUS FLOW.It'mode by Phodet' Gowsombot for the FaUnl ofthe Full Moon in the Thai tradiUon to bum away sins and troubles

;:~~bo'::;'eU:C~l~~~nB(~~n 1:11 ~t~~:J J~rt:wi~~ '::e JMa~kBlisa, DUly Brown, Sean Wills, 'Stanley Fry, Janlne Tiedtke, TerriMcNeil, Debra Brummond, Jay Davie and Danny Brown.

Page 6: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that




N.EI01BORS WILL. a.dyou vinyl 1I00r .

who.. Saal Oloai afinlah I I. Ippllad.'nardWjare, W,yn.'"

NEED A 0000 USEDTak~ a Ipok at tb

t965 usta~g Convor~lblil', I1963 ( Idsm oblla, .:",I,j,.·ha rdt op, Iwl air colliR~ ,.t Ion lin I, power at••rl~",powerl brakea. Can M ,Ilansep, 375-2334. ~ ,:::

F()ll 'A U:: 10 • 50'2>b.~toomMobll. traJ\tt',

house~Guod co'jdltlon.(illll"".tact J hn Clementl,'ltm.r.,:--"son, ,t>brRSIka. dtq

~'tock ')1 '.

Auger & Accessories

PICTURE FRAMES ", order. See our com­

plote aolectiona for Framotypo a and hanJlnJ hard.ware. Carhart Lumber Co.




IIPut Your Car in Tip·Top II'

ShapelorSafe Winter Drivitll,lYour car will take plenty of punishment f~OftI .the fint


frost right through the tough winter driving ahead. Better, ' ,

stay on the s,fe side and drive in for a': check-up, oil

change, engine tune-up, tire check, battery check, radiaitiI

clean out or repair • • • the works.

If Your Car Won't 'Start Some Co~ Winfer

Morning CallUs for Prompt ;F"'..!OUR SERVia MEN TAKE A PER , Al


i .

Doc. I: Mr. and Mrs.D~ane ~.utt, Wakefield, ason, Rorney Lee, 8 Ibs.,I? oz., Wayne Hospital.

Dec. 2: Mr. and Mrs.:fane Biggerstaff, Wayne,'a son, Lonnie Lee,8 Ibs.,1,5 oz., Wayne Hospital.



ane light rain.

(Ilfu" / (1',,1, 1/ I", /[Xf'IR~\

} , t'; I

( ENS USEN~ M., ~R, ATOR~~ , ,

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M" or IU'

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\tanll!acl~ln'd \0 .\'Ilur


Automatrc EqUipment

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/1. /(/,/"7}'lmrnl/ ",,,,,,,.,.,. . WTS! GIFTSIc1II'-'T-S-iO-A-.

,~ IUIIEAU OF THE C HSUS, LOllE! You can please~ Washington, D,C. 2~)1 , Ad' the entire (am-il)' with gifts, 5 from CoasttoCoastStores.

J; Thi, is I? celtif y thai the h IdeI' ~f lhi\ '--.-. . Complete Toyland for thocord, w~o$e signalure(PPW ars h¢reon, kiddie!> with shelves of gift

h t d ~"HM" itt'ffis for Mom Dad" " auf ari e...i:oerwr Ih dulrel of a Grandpa and (;;.ndma:a. Census II~u~Jtor, and I 5 suc~/ has Makt> Christmas shopping FOB ~/\I.E: Poland ChU,-_<,~ \war'9d~~old the confd,'l'ntlo, n.'ot.ur. Fo'r Sa'Ie easy, and stop first al noa s. ,"e,viceabl••,.,

of census dota. Con st to ('oasl Slores, From GreJt St,effen h.t4~\\ ayne. dlt.1 ) nor h, 4

t.. west. of WaYD'j

! r ..""~("-t DIRS TOR ~·Da\'id .lager, . dlt;'1(

I I'''''' 6"01u ollh.(.",ul $1 PER DAY rental for ATIENTION FOil SAU:: nrg llun

C II + [Iedric Carpel Sham- HOG RAISERS' Du~oc, Ton lIIet

ensus nterviewers 1.".,.,.1.)11 .... \\'tll:~" tilt' !o.thPr.. t.\\o. pooer wit h purchase of Jll:-t hl'l'<lll~\' {'lIlt! Wt'ulhl'r.. one-huH mi-les south -elfI)(l~!" in ebr;l~ka lic;tt'd Blue Lustre. ~1cNatt Ilar:lM at hilild dOl'" !lO! IIlt'lln ho~.. Wayn•. Arnold stuthtn.n

W Id f B d lt1, Ill .. rtport. {olumhus ware, Wayne, !\ebr. dR d(l no! I lI't'l I Illl'(llcalloll Do and S41n, Wi!int'lr, Nebr. ~"

ear)'-! en Ify a ge \\;,l~ sllppl t'd from llmaha. IREDUc-E SAFE, sl'mple and- ~\(Illi!lt'I~:llIl~llt;llI~(I';:~1 In:l,~l' (::~~/ --}, _ " ~8tf'"Way~e Colinty residents I Ill' rpporl d\'~crihl'd in (hltr .. dh .. ultltll\ l.:ll,ll,ltllp(·d FoH, SALE: Purebi.ct

and ot~er residents of this '''(In\!' tll'l:! I the "upply "itll~ fast with lioRes~ tablets. 10 d~l<l ....III .. r,I(!O[,\ 1010 W~llt :"hOrtl~Orll llu))l'I Horn.dolarea a'nd most of ;\ebraska a f iOll ,I! Fiori .... l\f'-ann 4nd Only 98¢. Griess R,.exa.ll. ~:')I~rhl~f~r'l~';:~lIll, (lill fl'~'t~;~~~:r Polle," ~Good "o~es. Maim.,;'will be visited by cenf;US (olton\\'lood. \1r. B¢)\:d s22t12 dl'akr berg,' S.II, 1'lorms"AUen.interviewers ,"OOn. The \. (protjai-Ji,\' h(' lll;\n \\'!Jo "\';s FOR SALE: Used 1A- cu. . L' d8ta

can }:identified by L.lue· la,1,r (;1vernor of :\ebr- ft. Freezer, like new; 1***:J4:J1(M****A..""'...'K........E***i;!.I""'..'····A...·-.·white nd red badges bear~ a.skal .SUP.I lied bf'pfto I\t-'ar- ~lso used OE Apartmenting si atures ami official Ill' promp ly 'ano of goud ~ize Range, good condition.autho ization Lo perform qualit\, Coast-to-Coast Storescensu duties. ,\' ayne. dRd

Mos~ of the interviewer~ / ~~.~:~.:\Sgi\.·ling 1>.<1.\ In I[;I.I,('S .,~.~ MER IERare wbmen. They wiil be PRESCRIPTIONS "from the counties in which The most 'important thingthey w~rk and will belrain- \~idt' rom lhe ltb of we do is to fill your doctor's ~

~~u;~llge\ the ;nforrnal, '0 i,;~'\'\,r\)I/II~~k~~,:~;nl~Op\~i~: $:R:;S;~uEXALLSTORE ~.,~ l~'~'~:..;'t'-4T~'2CHRIS M'A'$."Q UJ'Slions \\,'11 c"ver 1'lth cl'nlvr\ ,\rnt'ricanhol- Ph -

~hese ubjects: How mnny ida\', witH it s combination one 375·2922 03tf

lTI ho e? Uuw many floors of patridtlic ;lnd rt>ligiou~ ! t.JL4..~'(~ ;in hou,1 e ? Y\'hat type of roof origins. ·.ven so, on the SAVE! SAVEl SAVEl Get" ..~~~does ypur house have0 Do sodhouc,e:1 front ier, w 0 r k your t' f b f ~ • \.. I,you h4 ve a ba .... ement 0r 'lftPl,1 \'~IT~P first, a~ :,('veral Mr. Win~;/~:t~"e~:re.eG~~~ ~~'...............--~cellarl \A,/hal are basement maflll .... crl~)t diaries in the uine Ethylene Glycol per- ~walls \made of? What is files' of Lhe !\ebraska ~tate manent anti-freeze, either iheighl lof bast>mcnt, above lIisloricaJl :-"'ociety show, in your own container or \C ,. ti

d'i 10) for man~' pioneer diarip,; b th 'I ,.'

groun I eve _ jI y e case. t\ so see us "l~ '1'In faIr m a ~ ion provided '!!lake nO mention of the for radiator hoses, therm.. "

will bei processed bv c,om M holiday. I ostats, seals, _etc Coast !. . _puters [' t the c e n s·u $'bu- ,\m()l1~ lhe diaries in the to Coast Stores, Wayne." ..reau. I formation on fall- arChive:,-! is that of( onlAil- s?9t3 =out p r tee t ion will be son, wh homeste::lded in ------.--~ .,gained, nd thi$ informttion weSI",.n Ila.'", County ;n HUSH PUPPIES ~will be jmailed'tolhehous e- the mid Ie l!",HO's, <lnd he =holders] with civil defense kept his iary from January BREA'rHIN' BRUSHE,D

I, IRK' Lo the last day of PIGSKINIl CASUALS '"book,let~ a~d "suggestib~s lKfjj. Tlough Wilson men- only by Wolverine ~,.

on E~~~r~~~I~;ho)~~~~~lti,~~:~ 'lions th holiday in five of _,__L_~~",S...O_N_._'_"S_ ..,.J;" .,=,'port IS confidential between" thp eigh years, only in 18R~l ~ _"~ ..the occupant and the C(1nsus was the day kept as a halio:bureau. Although pal'd for day. In olher' years, the FC II S .,by tax money, the survey holiday as mentioned only ) ,_ALE: 1964 FordRan- ¥!and report is provI'dedwl'th_ in passi g, though'relative!' chero. Excellent condiM ~out direct cost 10 house- or nei hhors quite often tion. Mrs. Glady S Frei- !holders~ - came t visit in the eve_ berg, Stanton. d8t3 5

ning, af er. a fuJi day's work \-(.lU'RE MOVING A~E-~-V- itof hay

r,g, digging a well, it

McPher~on,-was inthepro- or buil ing a s~ed. with Icess of erecting ;1 quarter- In 1 Por), on lhe night Imaster's slable., Its chief before 'Thanks Given" as Sherwin Williams IIIneed" seemed to have b'een he alw~'ys spel ed it, \Vil-for blackc,mith,wagonmak- son \'If':t totherlearbypost- INTERIOR ander and harness shops. officE' nd country store of 1: EXTERIOR PAINTS ~

Fort ~10rro\\ and Fort Llrner, where a: turkey raf~ itO'Fallon's BlufLs were sup- fie wa..,1 held, and he came (;1\'(' up to 3 years extra pro- !plied ·f r () III ('ottonwood. hom(' w th two t:urkeys. tertian and Beauty. ;U'Fallon'~ had toni::; for a (In 'fhurc;day, the 2Hth. ~black-.;mith ;lnd ~1 saddlers the \\'il on family went to See it at ~shop in good \vorking or- church ndthenjoinedtheir "deL neighbors for • b;g com- BARNER'S ~

rhe ( at PO:Sl munily inne r at the school !i\Jkali that he hou::;e, before going home TV and Appliance "had to pa) 17 for a cord t.o husk two bushels of corn 222 Main Wayne, Nebr. "r--------I---...;.-~...;........"of firewood. and shell it, for a neighbor o13tf :- tJ

\t Beauvais c,talion lhe to tak to the mill for ~-----------II 8troops uo.;po--Beauvaio.;' grindinfintome;d. YOCR HEATEH HEAD- it ".._..---+-..ranch buildings and h,e sold On l e following "';unda." , QUAHTERS for all types i' rJ .them at $-1:; :l ton :lnd a fami v "Thank .... (;iven" of .heaters--oil, gas, coal ' orgas Nort ern .'wood at a cord, dinner ~was held at (:on or wood--new or used. Pro ane ,:..

The ;It Pawnee Wilson's sodhou$c withhis Coast to Coast Stor-es, Gas--.Ibnch on the Little BIue parent ~ and "'ister~ coming Wayne. Nebr. s29t3 1-~~-,.:;n-":;P$n!'Sn.n".n''innn''''n15,..,"""......was supplied rrom Fort over f~om their neighbor-!\earny. I"here was no ing hOfnestead 1O join inshortage of fuel because eating Ijont: of the raffledthe commanii_lg officer i1d,1 turkey$ ..\s it was a warmpr:)mised the men th,a~ they day, s~veral members ofwould be paid for cutting 'the farthily went calling onwood. They were a.n'\ious jtheir nrighbors, and it wasto learn how much the\· ten at ight before they gotwould be paid pE'r' cord. ;home. ,

Little Blue :Station also ~ In 1~~;l1' \\ ilson helped

q~::rn~.~PP¥~~refr~\:reFo{~ \~~:e~~ :gl:~O~~i~\.tf;; (w~~n~~~.horses there and but 2,~ mo~t tpon them, and the)tons of hay, f did t b e i r '1 hanksgiving

Junction Station and Col_ thre<;hlng in cold weather



Featurina those aood Kruse An'qus ~alvPs: A few of thesewill be sorted for iodividual club Drl'eets. Last year thechampion steer at Nortolk and thp ch· moion heifer at Co­lumbus as well as several other top blu ribbon winners werepurchase~ in our sale from the Kruse, herd.

The. AdOIO.h Kruse orod.uction salt of bulls and bredheifers will be in the latter Dart of Ja1,~ary.

Other ilstinqs Include: I

~~ i~C:f:hra;nca~:::ford c;rs

calfse,3S Hereford and Crossbre~ Carve40 Choice Qualltv ,Mixed l-tsteen, 5 S tbs.15 'WF Heifers 700 Ibs. ' I

250 Montan_a Calves ' I

3~ ~:re~::~erasJ~O~~~s~s talves II125 Hereford Lightweight fal ... es 'i150 Yearlina Stpers. ' .HeilP:rs in s'veral listings

Man",. m. ore "sttnljlS'l."nd coji.anments ofcattle bV sal, time 11,day .

Miscellaneous IlstH"'IQS: !., I'4 Purebred Chester W"te BOd rl~ '"

15 :~~~'S~i~e~iIlY pony!" I:2 Your\Q Sonell Quarter Hone Mares


ut of OldN,braska

The i\..ebra .... ka ~tate Hi,,­torical I.ibrar} containsa 128 volume -~et of theOfficial Hecords of theUni,on and ('onfederate\rmies., The book" contain

the orderc;, reports andcorrE'spondence amassedby the two grE'at armiesduring the ('ivil \\ar. Theset is a valuable sourceof information to scholarsof the Ci\'il War period.Included inthis informationis much:of spE'cial intere"tto \ebraska.

\ report of I.t. CharIe;;;Thompson, First :--"ebraskat'Jvalr.\ dated Fort l\ear4ny, Decembe-r ~, I~Gl list.ed the \'~HioJS arm\' outMposts ::dong the Platte andl.ittle Dlue- river~. It des.cribed the conditions of theposts and how the\ weresupplied. Lieut"enantThompson reported that atPlum Creek the troops hadsi:'\ month::; supplies receiv­e-d from Fort hea rn\' andenough hay for winte; use.\t 11ullahla Po~t'\\ood was

J:!eeded. ThE' q~lartermas4

te-r ,there, Lt. \1. \. !lanestatep. "That if hE' couldg€'t a' suppl_\ of a"\:es he couldget a, ~etail of nll'n to cutthe \\obd, and a:, there isno learn 31 thi~ post, pro_posed to press a (wagon)train tal haul it in when hesho'_dd . have a 'Sufficientamount !put up,'

The fost at DJ.n Smith'sWaS comfortable, securedits supplie." from Fort Cott­tonwood ~nd had twent,"­eight tdns of hal hauled hI{e,am-.; \\hich" had bee~

pressed ,into sen·ice.The Post at Gillman"s

station WaS also suppliedfrom F? r t r otron\\00d.They reqeived fr'esh bepffrLom the com m i s. s a r ythere. -

F~)ft C"O'ttonwood, whichwas to be renamed Fort

Prepare Plans~or Swine Day

,Jan. 2G is over six we8ksaway but plans are alreadybeing made for the 19(;7area swine day t.o be heldh~ reo I,- rom 300 to GOOpeople are expected to

~~~~ont:. Wa~e for the

The Wayne Chamber ofCQmmerce will help pro­mote the day and it ishoped commercial exhibitswill 'be prepared by localfirms. Wayne is hoping todo better than Humboldtand Madison did in 1966and both of those town~did exceedingly well.

A Lewisville, Minn., pro­::iucer will be one of thefeatured speakers. Paneliiscussions and questionand answer periods willbe on th,e program.

Tentative plaps call fortopic s on ,use of ultrasonicsin swine, ulcers in swinegrinding and processin~swine rations, future of\1ebd,ska's pork industrylnd new cleve lopments inmarketing contracts. Ameal at noon and a displayJf exhibits are also featuresbe ing worked out.

Military' Posts In !\ehrnskaIn lRe,1

I:'Ii i


~acully ,Wives'Tree Beautiful

, Oooohs and ahhhha greet­ad the lighting ,of thO' bigC h r i s t mas tree in theWillow BowlMonday night.The growing Itree is morebeautiful thin ever in aprbgrarn in i~s 'second yearof aponsorshlp by the WSCFaculty Wives.,i

In spite of misty, foggyand cool welather, around200 turned ,'o~t for the cere­mony, They ~a w what addedlights can do to a tree andthe little angel choir whichthis year has one coloredmember.

Dr. William Branden­berg, president of WayneState, made a l few remarksprior to signaling the of the tree. He said hewished that the spirit ofChristmas might last fora longer period-not thecommercial aspect of giv­ing or g-etting gifts but thefeeling of goodwill to men.lie also expressed the hopethat Vietnam and othertrouble spots would not con-

, ~i; darken the holida:,'

Connie Beerman led theaupience in singing Christ­m~s carols following thelighting ceremony. SantaClaus appeared to delighttHe you n g s t e r s in thecrowd.

P'-one 375-1374 .l~ Pearl

" Turn' has also learnedahout palmistry but he isnol loo interested in that.lIe knows about psychiche ale r s, about Nostrad.aMmus who made predictionson flying, atomic age andouter space hundreds of

b7:r~it~:~: :~~~~~~~:~e.:~~claim contact 'with thespirit world and, manyother fields of occult.

He says the science offortune telling is still withus but the wqrds "fortunetelling" bring on an imageof a typsy faking it and

. thus the te r m is not used.Scient'ific readings arenamed anything but "forMtune telling" in this age.

Bee'ause he knows somuch, more than the aver­age boy his age about suchthings, Tom has enjoyedshowing and explaining tofriends. The ouija board,cards and other deviceshe has lea rned about haveprovidetl hours of fun. Noone claims any mystic·abilit.ies, but it is some­thing different.

rom makes no claimst? havi,ng abilities in anyfield of the occult. This~ay be changed if he provesfight Jan. 2 in this foot­ball-lovin' state.

NEV RAGAIN'Not ..... ith a "Thrift~, 'R<t-t~~'i:':aterer. f"en~y of fresh wa cr_. armed In w.mter, pipeline-cool

~7o:~n~%~i~.'\~~e8~~Yitt~j~~ve~Rrtch,~. all the time,up(te'r eYkry~~ndl!,lOn~ 73 MOdels--one that's

,right for your needs. Bestya/ue. 100, See for yourself SklpIn today. '


cry~tal ball.\ trance-like state with

eyes open is sought in suchreading:'>, he learns. In thesame way, some use realwater to give readings,thisbeing true' in the Orientand ,Africa where crystalball~ just arenottobehad)-.His reading has brou~

out t.he fact that one ou((JF""20 people ha s the abilityjn "rl'ad" but not all makelise of allilitipc,.

('andles are used bysorne·-future being d~cided

by the way the wax drips­tea leaves are read, horo­scopeij are foretold. Therei\ff' all :---orb of talismans,"'('ids, lodt:stones, tablets,key sand nthe r items thatLring lllck, guod or bad.

\n interesting phase ofhis .... tlJdy is the period of1.'-\ years of Christ's lifenot mentioned in the Bible.~l'any have written on whatthey believe happened dur­ing the period. Some pur­port Lo know of the sixth,sevenlh and eighth booksof M(Js~s, which they saycovpr this part of Jesus'



illst f\lCl il)n~ onrom on his

ciwn has figured out thati\ebra~ka will beal Ala..bama in the ~ugar Bowl,J:-lB. ~ (rellH'1l1hpr that pre~

dicti(lll). Ill' al-.;o figutesout IhrouRh numbers thatt.he t,,""; \\ i II ,,( ;lV ahead oft.he l:S:-';jI '!Jut the US,SHwill gain tbe lpad over(;etmall\ .

l.ooki~lR further ahead,IlUnllH'r" indieat.e 19RG

and 2\'11;1 fortunate yearsfor the l,:.~·lle sees Israelcorning out ahead of Jordanin their di"agret'ment andsen~e" the urge lo go for­ward by ]'rE'sident John­son when opposition risestu hlock hi .... \\"a\.

Torn has ,1 (' r,\'-.;tal ballwhich wa~ ]!);Ide in CzechMoslovaki<l, I'l,' does not docr~slnl gazing, but hewantsto learn all phases of theoccult. Ill.' knO\vs wherethe largest crystal ball inthe world is (,"mitihsonianInstilute) and wh~re themost crystal ball:li are inone called ion (Chicago).He add." that almost ('veryJapane~e home has ~



Wayne, NebraskaCity Auditorium


'Occult' lWorld'

U~~~~~~le r~~t, ~!n ofthe Charles MdiP tmotts,v...'ayne, has an IJnu 1J... alhOb­by. It is the"occul 'iVorld,"which inrlIJdp', manyt.hings, tortllne lelling,blacl, magic I whiL~ !rnagic,numerology, crv"fn! gaz­ing, wiLchc raJI, ]I ~ y I' h i ('healing, rin'arn interpre­tation, astrology, ouija,t'ard-.; ;~nd othp[ b:rancht'~

and [plated 1l('livitie<.,.'\str(Jlog) i~ (hI ·,Iud"

of the star", \\llicll i.<" purl'lTlalhemali,,,, fomPlanets 11<\\,(' '('1 C',

and a~pf'rt" :1[(' "I"avor.:ddt'" (If "ul\f:l\or:t1dp" de­pendilli!, Ull 1IIl,if ft'latioll­~hip ju t"H.:11 ,dlt,' r.

!li:-- s! 11(1\ (,I nnn'" r"lng,.,(t.he '.;Cil'TH" ofshows Ibn! people cantell allrJIII.j r ',{Ill 11\ thedate (I( Lt, II, the' num-ber [If Jl~tll'r" in <l nameand 1I!,lw r num-bers. (hi cases, thenumhefs aft' lI~llally fe­duced until llist a singledigit IS ldl ('xample, ana,m('~ with j:l If'ttt'r~ isreduCl'd by adding thE' 1and :J, makitH.; ,1 (ill' kevrlrUTTl be f.)

lsi n

Page 7: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

-I-MIoot W.n, Rad.I.: St.....•.,d 'ten,ml..,.,.

4-dOGr i Sedan, A"",,,atlc, , IR.dlo,' Braezeway

60 Plymouth .

63 Ford Galaxie

"·door, ! t'''rd'op, Aufo",at.iC r .''-to

2-door' Sed.,., 4-,P'Hd, A.·dio·

4-doo, !Sed.n, V.I, 'Automa'· .h:, Ra~lo .


62 Mltrcury4-door iSedan. Redlo. Auto­m.'ic,i Air cond., ;.ow.~..nrl", power b"k~'_~

, "

62 Chevrolet Impala4-doorl Seden, v.., Auto.,R.dio

4.door Sdan, v·., A",-··m.tic, Pow., S'..rln, aNII';Pow.r Brake, t

&1C~evrolet,. v-a. Aut~., ••clt.

61 .Corvair Monza

60 Ffrd4-doo, 'Sed.n,m.ticl. R.dio

I .60 Oldsmobile .

65 Mercury

65 V~kswag.n

65 Mustang2_, 'I4",dtop. v.•• lI.dle,4.,peedi

66 Forf Custom 500v.., 4~oo, s.d.n, Auteo.,••dlo

, 65 For~ Galaxie 500


It took time. aUT, he fin~lly

NW the light. He is nOw •fir... ...,...... in ~ CEN­TRAL 'UIUC MAIIKm.


'HONIJ7J·iMI ."" _ .111......· ou. 'AIIMI

CI.I You D.....'I' ... C k~



ARD KORN. WISNER,com­plet. line o[ [arm machin­ery at the farm locat.d 8mile••outh. [(v. e..t and

!o\ south of Wayne. Salost. rh at 12 noon. Iv,hNixon. Wakefield, and Gr­ville lage, Pilger, auction­eers.


full hne' of machinery, 16head stock COWl and calves100 head of hogs •.at th~(arm located 1~ miles westof Wayne. Lage, Troutmanand Nixon, auctioneers. •


WAYNE, closing out farmsale, five miles west, twono.rlh and l~ west of Wayne.Lage and Troutman, Auc.tioneers. S tat e NationalBank, Clerk.


~loslng out farm sale, full~ine of machinery. somehay and aUaHa, four mileseast, ~~ south of Wayne.Ivan Nixon, Wakefield, andOrville Lage, ,Pilger, Auc­tioneers. State NationalBank, Wayne, rlerk,


roll, closing out farm sale,nine miles west and onenorth of Wayne. Troutmanand L a get Auctioneers.Farmers'State Bank, Car­roll, rlerk.


field, closingoutfarm sale,big line of machinery lin­c1udes four -tract"ors); 200head of cattle, six mileseast and one mile northof Wayne. Nixon, Trout­man, Lage, Auctioneers.state National Bank, Clerk.

.....................,. Ooc_... ',1'" .7,

WarningIf you do not get io the annual stock·holders/ meeting of the Wayne CountyFair and Agricultural Society Tuesday,Dec. 13, 9:30 a.m., Melodee Lanes, youwill miss the most important meetingof the year. ,.

Election of officers will be the maintopic. Other business matters will come'up.

All stockholders and anyone else inter·ested will be ~elcome at this meeting.Plenty of parking on a paved lot.

AL IAHE,Secretary

3. fR.E ferm .. Ie .,rewl-.jwlt~ your nam. Imprinted,n ~hem to direct ,trange,.lio ~our fiirrn ule.

9. Your' new,p.per ad j'n p.­pet! give, forme" opportunl~.'y Ito ,tudy your ..Ie listov.r urefully, in 'heir own

:;rC~~ll ~i:y d:;~e :i~h t~: ,buy.

s. U,~ of good IIv.,tock andpUl1ebred picture, In .d .nd.01. bill,.

4, .1Ip.ri~nced help in drawing-UP you, farm ..Ie .d; '0ma~e it the kind 'h.,PRjt.W5 A CROWD,

A special thanks to Mr.nedtk. tor the use 01 hisstore. First Trinity LadiesAid of Altona. d8

WE ,WANT TO THANKthe Wayne V 0 I u n tee r

Fire~ Department and allth!e neighbors, friend.s andeveryone who helped usduring our recent fire. Pauland, Linnea Er.icson dB

I2. Your 'REE ul. bill prln,.

ed In brlgh' and ..,ort.dc~lo,~ of ,egul., ..I. bill~.~,.


I, !LIIJI LI.II... l-.........t,;Jr'. C.lencl.r .. Coml",

:o~·~~.'~.f::::~ the d.,.

7. ¢o~bin.tlon new,paper planClif !.. Ie .d artd ..Ie bill,ti.~p, which' your .d-!verti,ing complete In onelob;

10. If you cannot get in to The,Hltrald .office ,oon, ju,t call37~.2600 collect. We'll be out.

IFor tHeBestiin

Rac'ia and TV gepoir~onc 75-:;o9b

We Servic1 All M~kes

SWANSON TVWayne's ald~st TV Store


Expe~~~~rpalrFormerly Bob Schenck Clothing


.or ore Dollar•• Les. Shrink .. Best Results. , 5HIP YOUII LIVESTOCk TO THE


We service aU akes of Radio

and TV. Why ~~t enjoy both to

the fUlles~c~btt'S

Radio &iW ServicePbon~ ~5~1533 - tf

---MO~f1NG?Don't take: ~hances withyour valuabl belongingsMove with te 0 Mayflower.America's : ~:)st recom­mended mow r.

Abler T ro sfer, Inc.Wayne, Nebr' Phone 375-3475


Cards o~ ThanksWE WISH TO IrHANK every­

one who, helped m a k eour bake $ Ie a success.

• Gcilaxie 5

• 10 Pa'''n .r Wagon

• M,u.tan~ onvertibleSEE


119 ent 3rd I i Ph, 375.3710





Warnl'munde Insurance andReal Estatl' Agpncy. Inc.

Winside. NebrJlhone 286-4545

'rhree bedroom home, nearlynew, llIay a~sume loan. g<X>dlocation.

FOR INFG MATION ON IN.vestmen in a Nebr••1ea

CQrp,orati that pays W,l%ae,ni-annu lly • call orwolte, C en t r al FinanceCc)l'poratio r Box 467 r Nor­fol'k. Nebr ska 68701.d8t4

Two-slory thn.-l' bedroomhom~·. on pavement, good lo­cutIOn


Four room, one ~tory home.good locatIOn.

Ttt.e.e room, small horne, onpm..l!ment, near Main Street.

Good ~ three bedroom Ihome,nHxlcrn, on pa vement near!'C'hools


P rope rt Exch' ngeR, G, F ellle~TH

11.'2 W. 2nd j tf Phl 315.2134

---~1----r---FOR! SfU:

160 Acres, S~' V.!insi~e. goodlnbde~rt hous~. barn ~quippedto milk. otht.>r huJidings Ingood condition 20 acres pas­tuh~, balance in crop land.Contract to Qualified Buyer.

388 Acres adjoining CarrollNW, consisting of 160 improv·ed nearly all cropland aboutl,,~ in soil bank New well.80A all cropland. 148A creekbottom, n'al producth'e landContract to qualified buyer


Phone 99W, 237J, or 83F6Arlington

FOR SA L E: Two-bedroomhouse in Dixon. Sterling

Borg, Phone 584-2877, Dix­on, dlt3


Wayne. Nebraska

Hardware and appliance store,domg a good bU~lne,,8_ Inven­tory. furniture and fl:tture.~ in­

cluded in purcha,~c.

Warn/?'mundc Insurance& Real Esla[l' Agency, Inc.

WinSIde, NebrTelephone 286·4p4~,



LOST: A chance to savemoney i( you don't use

the yv ayne Herald want ads.

FOR SALE: Laurel Hotel(hotel and contents) in

Laurel, Nebr. Rtason forselling: illness iJf owner.Phone 256.3456, Mrs. EdStalder, owner. n24t3

Business Opp.


WAN ED:320 I or m 0 rea ere's

01 glod farm land with.good mprovements. WriteBox W, c/o The WayneHeral , dlt3

TOP UA LITY allalla haywan ed. Herschel Flow­

er. Fairbury, Nebr. d8t4




Phonp Wayn~' 375<n65, Collccl

Wayne Rendering CoYour L',",,~d Cow Dealer ,


Special Notice

'. now have a trailer andstraight truck to serve you.Office at OCI,:O Warehouse(Highway 35 West). Open

. from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Call 375-1188Nter hours call 375-2962

Schmoldt Trucking(lnsured Carrier) dH2

IRONING to do in my home.Mrs. Kenneth Sitzman,

375-1206. d8t3

WAN T TO RENT: 160­Acre Farm. Experi.

en c ed, Phone 529 - 6838,d8t3


-;:;;' 1II.'.':',:' " 'I" 'I . ,1·"

:. . ,


BEL P W ANTED: Male andfemale. Dale Electronics

Inc. need-s production lineworkers. Good pay, excel ..lent fringe benefit•• Inter.ested persons should con...tact Norfolk Office of theNebraska Divisiqn of Em ...ployment. 1224 Nor r0 I kAve., Norfolk, Nebr., orDale Electronics Inc., Box()O~, Columbus Nebraska.


OREGON - Dam ConstructJon,Two Pf(!Jc('ts Top pay All!'ieU'iom•. Job New!'" 35c and

btarnpcd erlndope

Mc<;CU, Uox 46:1,Kirkland, Wash.

MEN WANTED: House'lmoving, s'teady employ.

ment. Joihn E. Kay"375_2376. d1t3

''''1'WANTED: Men and womenl

to work lull Hme. Apply'in per's<ln. Milton G. Wald­baum Co., Wakefield. Nebr­aska. nI7t4,

MAN WANT ED: I am look.!iog fo r a man with ca r

to serve rural families inWayne CO'Mlty. Write Raw­leigh. Freeport, Ill. 61033._____~--.:d8t3,

WAITRESS WANTED: TopWages. 6...ctay week, late

hours. Permanent position.Andy'~ J'izza Iiouse,375_1111. d8




Wf/.yne. N br..ska



Lobby of the Courthouse in Wayne, Nebraska


For further particulars see ...., ,


Choice Quart,er Sec~ion of ~ayneCounty Farm lan;d '

LOCATION: 6 miles south and ~ miles west of Wayne, Nebraska,

TERMS OF SALE: Cash, 1510 day of sale, balance on confi rmation, Posse. ion .March

1,1967. Abstract furnished; good title, Taxes for 1966 and prior years paid.ISale'will

be held open at least !tOe hour.

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NEn- of Sect i on 17. Town~hip 25 N. Range 3 I[ of the 6th P.M.,

Wayne County, Nebraska,

'IMPROVEMENTS: Onl y fai r.

Hesse Angus Formsl'~NIJEH,NEHRASKA


I HailS Krieger Estatei .




FOR SALE: Nationally ac-credited SPF Poland

~ 0 a r Is. Dean Sorensen,Phone 375.3522. m5tf

['OR SALE: PUREBREDIlan,pshi re boars 11

miles south of Wisner'and1 14 miles west on High.way 321. Eldon Hatterman,\.\0 Isner Nebr. Phone 529.1;3.1(;. dlt4

Reg,stered Angus Cottle

I'OH SALI': AT ALL TIMf.STop BI{)(Xj]mcs good ruggedtHdl.~, Spedal offers, for 4-HIlelfer ProJects.\ Visitors Al­way" Wrkoml'

FOR $ALE: PolandilChinaboafs and gilts. F f'O m

.,*ar ~ertified litter sirel hat' has feed efficiencyrecor~, Carcass inform a-

L\ tion a~d rate of gain. Edgar\. . Rruenfing, Rt. I, 2 miles

south I of Hartington. s22tf

~ Wantedw. AITr:ESS WANTEll, Ap_

ply in person to Connie."'iuhr at Hotel Morrison.


Page 8: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

W tint·"Collllnuod-. INI",

pOara"co of tho AnI~1'01 Ballo~ pott.~'~W lItor at 110';,- QOD#.tha' collolo s 'Pr ,ramo iarla'. ."'.'

Ickolo for tha '8'.h will belvallabthai door, at $2 aacb.

'Wlntor at Doo~ C,Is bno of tho troupo'sb a 110 t s doplctlllI AIca~s • wostorD .ottl'01 la contury aco-wlththo,rporll. endured I!YplO\loers and tholD!robu~ r ob u • t col,bntlthl -Iom.,umes matonloy.

ho Amorlca F<)jkBIs ,an InnoyaUo!>"Da:on's ballot form i D'\:iFIn II k e t r a d It 0 Ill[ '*)Eu.opean ballet, but fII.I"...., ..,... '\•..'•...with lilting danco and mo&; , ::.rcaJzed ver.lons of 10m.. i.:11

old folk, ',>';1

~ree Troops -'

I _ (ConlinuM (rom plge n . ;. ,er a leader who i.'n."

to I the work but who w••1


a Scout several year. ap. '.:rroopl74 ha, "olel

fa[hfUI" Dick Manloy .1'Ie der. Spon.orell by 1110Iz akWalto\J LeacuI, Itha ,had cOfltlnuous, .ervlcofrom Manle'y for y,ara,He! usually mOhac•• to 10'cote.e students WhO.. ·ha~~be D Scouts to be hi...ola.'ta tao

he troop Isp"MID'a ~ard of review fat ~vapcements t h II comllll ><..,

M~ndoy ond are plannlDl 0

a mid ..winter 1: a mp ... o,ut.'Mlny of the Scout. wl1l

~~d.:' ~o:o:.wa.l'dS of ~.• rlo..u.'.:'Bill Rlchard.oQ't,h"a,

ta n over as ,,f',;"K anis-sponsored l Troop;",:,175. A board ofr'.vI.w',w~. held by that troop 11': 'W Ie • t E10m entary SclloolMonday nlcht with. Uae&.vllincemenh '" made. Co\i;~:'~!},\~,of! Honor wll1 be hoJd'Ooe.11' ot the .chool.· "

Advancementl!l includ.~:T nderloot, Arlan Car "K rry Jech, llrod Har 'Jimmy Brasch, Ruotyhqrn and Ricky Ba,

~cond CI.... , Tim. W

DaDe Orosse ando shornj Star, steand swimming bad..'H!II. ':

Membero ·01 this t~qqp." II pJckJ'0rn aJalDSij ". "atlthe Albort Oamble' rm• uthwe.t of. WaYDo,M tho .. , fathe ..,bl'otIler.aJ!<! sisters of Scouh' 'iroe~pected to help and KI~'wlanians ha v,e b;,;".,jlinvited alao. Followlnl"tboc)eanlngbee, I ChIUfof!l.w II b. .erved at WiltE ementary School.' ", '

,Town and rural boyo al',o Iw!lnted In the troops. Any •boys not now 41D Sc0\ltllljf ,

r::.ajo;;'~~~d S~~'uI~t~OD..o:~~. '. ',11the Scoutma.tero or alIT' iScout. . ,'oJ" ,,: i

. • . "~I

'Yith Mobil SgperTracti()n:'~tIres you may "ave Ie ,i:,;,

nothing to telil 'your grandchilorenabout the "blizzard 'of '660

prlDclpAla alld c0tiJ0lonfor mlclcllo acbool ahould

'be aopoclaUy tral forwork In thlo alo, Iroup.

For tho aelmlDI,haton,Dr, Chololldor cited thoaoDoeds: Tralnod a~ff. co­oporatlvo ouporlDtaaclontand ochool boarel, coopor­atlva ,tall that Is notalraldof ,chan,a and new Ida.. ,ID-..rvlco tr al n I n I pro­cram, availability 01 cur.rlculum .peclallsto,parontl who aro wllUne toUstan, a principal who willromaln opeDmindod and anability to I 0 0 k Into theIuture.

Dr. Chalender will be InWayne late in January tom••t with the school board.He and McREL will wo'rkwith Supt., Francl. Hauand the .chool board InhelplflC thl. community ootup the llrat middle schoolin Nebraska.

Jaycees Plan -(Contmul'd (rom page 1)

W a y'n e National 0 u a r dArmory.

Tickets will be .old bythe Jaycees or may bepurchased at the door.There will be QO res-er­vations for tables this year.

A pop u 1a r 9'rcheltra,"The Swill« Kings," willprovide mu'sic most peoplecan dance t,o. Dancing willstart at 9 and continuewell into the next year.

Money made on the pro.­j~et will be used to sup­port various Jayceefunctions. Support of thedance by the g,flOralpublicwill be appreclat.ed.

Shots Proye -(Continued from pa g,c 1)

at the DI.triet 33 .choolsouthea at of Wayne. It wa.not reported until this weekwhen the school was againhit.

Monday the 'school found someone had shotfrom the road. One bulletwent through the mfddlewindow bottom pane acrossthe room and out the middlewin dow on the oppositeside.

District 34 was the otherschool hit. It is also south.eait of Way n e. At thatschool the teacher foundthe bullet lodCed ifl the westwaif. It had gone throughthe south side of the, glanced off the cefllngand ricl\ochotod Inlo thowellt wall. This was re­ported Nov. 30.

Sherlfl Don Weible andDeputy Scott Thompson are

,checking the Theyhave also asked area rell ..idents to note license num­bers of cars seen in thearea. ,

Shootings h a v e takenplace after school hours(usually between 4 p.m.

. and dusk). However, someof the shots could havebeen fired at night-to te.taccuracy at hitting the side01 a building by moonlight,no doubt.

(Continued from page 1)program to serve generaland specialized skills musthe offered but the schoolmust offer flexibility atthe same time. _ :

Individual guidance forpupils and parents shouldbe offered in a middleschool, Dr. Chalendersaid. He added that trainedguidance p.eople must besecured, tests must servespecific ne~ds and the rea­son for giving tests mustbe known. Modern tech­niques must be utilized andspecial education must beoffered for the acceleratedpupils, the slow learnersand others.

Dr. Chaleoder reportedthat elementary, middleand senior high teachersshould plan together andthose hired to teach middles c h a a I should WANT toteach middle school. Tho

(Continued from page 1)all· firemen hope 10 c-alpe·ople ! will drop theirloose change and even billsin' the canisters. Anyonewith healthy chiMrenshould help some out ofpure gratitude thatthel'rchildren have been sparedthe c rip p lin g of t hisdisease.

Middle School-

Joint Concert-(Coolinued lrom PA,e Ii

clo...Iacted from tbo 86­momber balld,

co~:::t b':::II~:i:le~DJo~l~1yn Thompson, WI" sl ele,f1uto;' Penny Shupe, Wa)'Do,B. flat clarinet; BevarlyDale, Wayne, alto ••; Terry Kardoll,w.,ayne. cornet; MarllynSU­.hacek, Pie r c e, cornet;Cheri Hank, Wakofleld,F reo c h horo; PatriciaDale, ;Wayne, ba r itone;Jack Schrieber, Colerldce,baritone; and Jean Addi­son, Wa)'D&and Dick Luhr,Laurel. D rcussion.

New tion-)( Contin'f!d from pige 1)

5e~retari~s.quenees, Thefirst three I can be alsodescribed as managerialIn level.

"In addition to of the pro­fessional offerings, wehave added requirements inthe behavioral sciences.'J;op management demandst9day a great component~f hum8ln relations skill,and most managementcourses by themselves arenot adequate," Butler said.

'\One confusion that oug"tto diminish is the opinionof many liberal arts majorsthat there ~'s no place forthem in b siness. Admin­istrator of the largercompanies will employ anEnglish -or history majorwith good grades, planningto train them in a companyprogram.

"O£course,personnelmanagers of the smallercompanies, and certainlythose planning to operatetheir own businesses, ex­pect a heavy emph:asis onbusiness iSkills in the col­legiate r~gimen. W;e thinkwe are able to me~t bothtypes of demand," he can...eluded.

Firemen Boost -


,Anniversary Sale,

Thursday, Dec. 8 thru Monday, De~. 19

Tempe~atures ColdFollowi",g Mild Spell:

After lithe period fromNov, 23.~9, winter steppedin. It h$d been unusuallymild the l last week in Nov_ember tith temperaturesin the SP's and 60's muchaT the time. Last week itwas colder and the coldestreadingsl of fall so far wererecorded.

The t e m per a t u r e ,thefirst da~ and the last dayof the reporting period

,(Nov. 3q.Dec. 6) hit. hlChof 46. In between wereseveral ~aYs when it nevereven wa med up to freez­ing. Ni ht-time lows fellto 10 or lower threE! times.

RaIPh~'Watson reported.03 of a inch of moistureSunday -n a little mist anddrizzle hat iced things upnicely. tate National Bankreporte no moisture inWay n e. Peoples NaturalGas Co. gave the tempera­ture readings used.

The f '0 r e cas t for theperiod coming up includessnow. F~rther south in Ne­braska" Ita in was expected.Colder r:eadings and moremoisture were the outlookas winter is officially duelater this month.

Church p apatlne and~arv.IDe meal. .

Al Voo hies reportad onthe pro. ect for Indu.tryin Wayn • Several Lionsvolunteer d to help in var ..ioul ways.

Kits 1V re passed out tonew me be r s initiated ata previa I meeting, a bou­quet and telegram weresent to ancy Falk, Hos­kins, Wa e County'. rep·resentati ., in the centen­nial p a e ant, $10 wa.contribut d to the CAREprogram and Herb Boden.'stedt sowed a film."Hawaii. the FiftiethSt.te."

There ere two guestsat the me ting, Arnold Zachand Ansa Mau.

Supt. Fr~ncis Haun~Mrs.Ley and Roberts reportedon their trip to ,Illinois.A study of middle schoolswas made by the trio re­eefltly.

Dr. Ralph Chalender,Shawnee Musion, K an. ,sent word that he, ~o\l}d ,not meet any time wi~h th~,

school board regardfg the I

middl~ 't.: h a a I prlrgram j

here until Jan. 19.20,other board business in­

cluded: Discussing the roof fproblem at West Elemen... \tary; discussing progress'on the new high school;··and learning that the fur ...~na'ce is back in op.rationat the high school. , I'YOU'RE INV!TED"

Deair Students:

"In order to make ,; ,exams just a little m you studYing for finalStat~ I am . are enjoyable at Wayneh ' gOIng to offer '

t e s.emesterf F h you the sale ofd ,Or t ese 12 d

any ne of my nine' ays only, orderlargel/to/ian' varteties of large Or extra

~67CORN' ,. pIzzas and get


..' Or 7-tUp for ONL Y 29 a carton of Coke. BEAN. - .......-':--::"C plus deposit.

EP0 RT {'.S, ~eople of Wa n ' ANDY, .Same off . y e, don t feel left out. The

er ,~ open to' 'I }iaur order or co d you, so phone inIDAY, JANUARY 13~ ,:fizza in the home own O~d enjoy YOUrWay~~, Nebraska Italy. PPY atmosphere of old

CITY i 1UOITORIUM ~:::=:::;::;;~:;:~:;Ij;;;;:::;;ijii'o~.. 't ~ OFFER IGOOD ON CA~RY-OUrsONLY l

CORN" 'J ~) A A LA, -A . A A',

SOYBEAN \' ANDY'S PlZIA HOUSE.~ ;.·1, - We Delil~er- .. . ,I

, 318 Main I Ph-. J75 1111EXP£R1S~ L.;:J~==-----...,~,,;,;;;;,;;;~~r--'".

~'~sl U~i~~TI~t~~Eo~?:r t~; ~~::~m:n~~~onM rr~hye (1~:r) ~J~:pForeman Warrell Price, The press in the b~ckground was bemgdIsmantled for shipment I

Bids Del~ayed onShop Equipment

Wayne School Board metMonday evening. Actionwas delayed on the pur­chase of new shop equip­ment for the high schooluntil state department ofvocational education rep ..resetltatives h a v e beenhere.

The state representa­tives are to be in WayneDec. 12. They will discussvocational busines,s educa­tion and vocational indus-.trial education wit h the:board at that time.ll theboard goes along with thestate program, some stateaid may be secured.

Ly~ Roberts, chairmanof the board, appointedDorothy Ley and Dean Pier­son to serve on the salarycommittee for the comingyear. Ad rri in i s t rat i veass ignm ents were dis­cus sed for the year butno action was taken.

Norris Weible met withthe board to discuss thecity recreation pro'gram.No a.dion was taken bythe board on this matter.

Classroom furniture forthe new high schoQl wasdiscussed. It is hope'd bidscan be taken for furniturein February.

UOD. Club memboro aregettlDg thouehlful of theirwives as Christmas ap­proaches. Two dinners atwhicb the: women will beguestis are planned by theclub.

The anr,"al Christm..dinner wiU be' Dec. 20 at"the Wagon Wheel, Laurel,with the women as gue.ts.Next meeti',ng will be Tuel­day, Jan. 17 at St. Mary'sCatholic School st whichtime Dr. Robert Benthackwill show ,slides of his tripto Russia.

Tuesday. s meeting of theorgan zatiQn was held atSt. ary'., Regular clubmee'ti I{S are set for thes c h a -I ~ wi~h volunteersfrom St. M1ry's Catholi~

I ' rLions Club Members Entertai


o Female

Over 45 n

Kiwanis Club TakesTour of News Plant

Way n e _ Kiwanis C I u bmembers toured the newbuilding housing The WayneHerald Monday noon fol­lowing their noon luncheonat the Worn an's ClubRooms. It was the firstgroup to be shown throughthe plant which will beopened formally later.

Owner Alan Cramer andBill Richardson took twogroups through the plantfrom front to back. Theys howe d the advertising,news, type-setting,job.printing, camera,make..up, plate-burning andpr-ess sections.

There were no guestsat the meeting. The tourof the newspaper plant wasthe program for the day.


~lIhna' Health~..!t~~~~aHh'1

~..tIDl haa "'e"lschedule<l '

or Wa)'De. It will be, Dec. 14 a~

:30 p.m. In ,the courtroomt the courthous". !

! According ,to County


gent Harold Ingans, Dr

1• H. Fry will be thpeaker. He Is an authorty on Illvestofk and wi!ring the group attendingp to d ate 'on the hOfholera eradicatioj"

rF~d~~~r arid, local veteri-

~arlano will a, loa be pre­

ent. The y will discussher health programs and

~nswer questions asked brtpe audience. i

Ingalls reports this is apapen meeting for all inter·~sted livestock producers.He feels that those attendincw III find it time wellspent.

Extra C~nt Too MuchFor Hi~h Price Carel?

Peopl~ are funny, areapostmas~ers agree. Theywill pay, from 10 cents 1050 centsl for a nice Christ­mas card and then will puta .four-cent stamp on theenvelopel instead of a five-

ce~~:~a~~~.cent saving iscostly, It means the caIfdcannot be forwarded, caD­not be returned and endsup in the dead letter offi¢eif the person it is intendedfor is not at the addryssshown.

The are a postmastersare unanimous in boostiIllgfor use of five ..cent stampson cards instead of fou;r ..cent stamps" This includesDon Wightman, Wayne;Lowell Saunders, Dixon;Norman Anderson, Con­cord; Carl Mann, Hoskins;Ray Paulson, Wakefield;John Rethwisch, CarrotI;and Jean Boyd. Winside.

Post offices have alreadyreceived cards which theymust hold and the Christ.mas season is just gettingunderway. If someonel hadspent a cent more for ~achcard, they would have re ..c e i v e d the un.deliveredcards back if they couldno~ be delivered to the ad..dress sltown or forwardedto another address.

All post offices also ap ..preciate bundles of cardstied for "local" and "out..of .. town" destinations. Ifyou have several cards go­ing to one out..of-town des­tination; tie them in abundle also.

Airmail to armed forcesoverseas ·should be sent byDec. 1 to insure receiptby Christmas. Finally,there are the usual cau­tions: Print plainly yourreturn address and theaddressee's address; usezip codes; enclose bothaddresses ins~de packages;and mail early and often.

b Male

Agej: 0 18,25



PHONE 375·1533

Wayne Hospital Notes

Not Rule of Service '..'In Ithe item last. week

about: the boys lea vlng forinduction, it was statled thats e lee t i ve service rulescalled for allowing boysto come home for Christ­mas if they are indu¢hd inthe period of Dec. 6-16.It is not a "rule", but isnotice sent out from Lin..coIn 0 f f ice tot h e locals e lee t i v e service boardstating that registrants whoare called up in that per­iod will get to go homefor Christmas if they wish.

Admitted: Minnie Daum,Wayne; Mrs. Duane Lutt,.Wakefield; Mrs. Duane Big­gerstaff, Wayne; RonaldDow lin g, Dixon; GlendaMuirhead, Grand Island.

Dismissed: Ronald nowl­ing, Dixon; William Schnitt­ker, Wayne;Mrs. Paul Kop­lin and baby, Waynej Mrs.Duane Lutt and baby I Wake­field; Mrs. Charles Schultzand baby, Wayne; Mrs.Mabel Pflueger. WaYlle.



P. O. Bilx 137, Wayne, N.b~.s,.a 68787

Are you Presently Employed'!

Type of Work _

Other Family Members Interested:

No, of, Males '


Distance from Wayne

No, of Fem~les ..__ Ag~s f __ ._ .• __•• __

~-----~--------------_.~~~~~~~.a ~..~ .



Only $1295

L W. (Bud) McNattOK Hardware

203 MAIN ST.

7WD&Spray. Steam. Dry




,. . A well est8~UShed.' large, NONrDEFENS"E industry is considering locating a new plantlD the general, ar a of Wayne. Th firm would offer employment opportunities (or both MENand WOME:t:'l In artheast Nebr~s~ and must know how many. po.'tenUal employees are avail­able. The Jobs would have exe ent starting wages, working oonditions and fringe behefits.ALL REPUES WILL BE IN STR CTEST CONFIDENCE,· ,· ~.~.a.a.&._.__~J ~~ • ~~N._

Name . i

UST IMAGINE a soda, fountain In "Our Town," the WHS play,embers of the lIudil"ta('!-, had to lma~m{' prop:-. Here Tom Havl'n·~da~ill al~a~s~('onda Jerk. waiting on the Young lovl'r.~, Joanne Sah-s


The "living pictures"proJect of bhe Wayne WOffi­

an', Club 'is becomil)g a9ommullity, project. 'lari­qus groups: and individualsf!roin Wayne churches, and

f'om Wayqe State Cot-legere furni~.hing talent for

he program this year).·Scenes !from the Uible

4nd from paintings by the~Id mastelrs will be de­picted. Be~ween s c en e 5,

-\'Ilusic will _be furnlshedby the church, club andcollege groups.

Mrs. L. D. FIom isgeneral chairman for theev,nt. Mrs. Edna Casperis arranging for musicalnumbers. Many other wom­en have, other assignments.

Although some costumes·are from the collection ofMrs. Dave Theophilus,others are being made I

especially for the occasion.Those prep.aring them havemade them as near to theactual garments worn inBiblica1 times and depictedin paintings as is possi ..ble.

All members of the fam­ily, men, women andchildren, are invited to at­tend. T h. r e will be DOadmission eharge. A silvertea will follow the pro­gram.

'ILivin$l Pictures' Will BeCommunitywide Project


Page 9: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that



charle of~t~.keuP'Sue Shl,ck, Mary L..-

SI.,.r, Rb ada HanteD ...Linda 0 °11 n I wor 0 ill.;cha'ie 01 cOltum.. t_an ..cello t job thoy clWin IInlnl old cloth.. 01loa 'OVa __ I

!.very­•• Iew....._ienceof'having a Talymast«

E h Ie r a, Debbl Armbru.·ter, Becky Bornthal endLinda Dorinl handled tick.oto, publicity and u.herlnl'Linda Schnolder, Kathy Me·Nett, Rita O\lon, MaryShi.ery. LaMae Gettman andChrl~ Bornthal .are In

FIMALE MeMBERS of the WIIS play" "Oul1" Town," Ire: Left

~o~~ g~~~~r~w\~nt~rl"st~,~~~~~:~~:t'.~(~~~~(.B~~i~,:I,aJ:li:·I~;\hr~~:~~~:WJllJa01"~_ SU(' Shlrl'k anti pl'ar] IluoH'o, !tllrl! rpw, Louise Karnl.h,Sherry Kemp, Chn~ lh'rnthaI. Marilyn Stoakl''1 lind Deloris Bull; ,and top rOil, JilllLrC l;It'.~l' dlld :-;1I~;11l SIOilkl'~, 'I·····...··..·•...··........·••...••.....

1 lb. $1.70' 2 Ibs, $3,35

SEAMLESS NYLONS2Pair Pack ••••••••••••••••••••• 89c







ArpegeMy Sin ,

Chanel No. ~Dresser Sets!



Bath PowdersBath Oils

Bubble Bath= Hair Dryersgit Mirrors =! Hair Brushes != Hair Sprays !i Cigars ~= Cigarettes It ~~ L· h ~ i~Ig ters II ~ LImE ~MBASSADORS . ' , finest miniatufe chocolates il= ~ = lib, $2.25 2 Ibs $450~ Pens ! it ~-

~ Heating Pads i I . I!Shaving Lotion II , i

Sets hair right, keeps it bright' ChOOSe ! Colognes 1I Icasual, regular, or hijrd·!O'hold." 1I I

14'0', 69 1I~ ELECTRIC I Iii IIaerosol C" ARely On the Rexall 8ronal ~ Shavers I ~

~~"''''''''''''''--''''I- iGillette Razors •=VU-lIGHTERS ! ELECTRIC I II THE GIFT BOX, Fhocolates Ph lbs $260! ! I : and butter bans 2'>4 Ibs, $3 75it by SCIlIPTO I iI Vibrators 1·..."""""."................_ ...""""·..."''''..._ ............II $395 $500 It iI I! to I 1_...",,,,...,,,,,,,,,_...;r- "'..I II =

~===iI WF·.~,:.EX;I:,~~: ~~:~.:.' II iiI Gfoifrt MSeetns


\Iby Old Spice Silver ~Iar Hight Drawing.

SHAVEX 007 Line in .r ... nunda, at 8:00

I $1695 i ~nu:I:~~~a~~eesr GRIESSII from ' I • Jade East: I =' Williams i

= ~:::::~::.;:: I = Mennens REXAlL' SY'OREI I I FINEST SELECTION "

1:.:Ei::=. L:::::::.. 22. Mo. SO. •. W.,.. __ 375-2922


59c to $295 per box

YOlj'VP c..,pPrJ these Timex W(jtches[ortLJrt' te"tp(f " on TV! Choose

l,idlP'-," C--lvclllrl,l or men's Sportster

~ 3;"~ from~ ,

*"...,= ,+ =<1The timeliest gift of all. _ ...

Ckoose Regular, Gentle, Super,~,e Girts', Silver

(RmlJ!)--'FASTPERMANENTSMeke " lIuutiful DifferenceNew Cre~e Waving-lotion letsyou sklp-al-step no pre-sham­pooing ne~e~ry. Then the readymued neL(tralller-shampoo-con­dltioner l,aves your han freshand c1ean{ ready to set In yourfavonte half style

!:~~~u~~~~~~~~'~~~"'."'.~."''''.« ...w~


! ,.. 22r:".".~~~ : ...~ EVEREADYil~~

~ Complete with Batteries

~ Ideal extra 89c It gift ONLY

r·~··~..···..·~~---···M•••.~ HEADACHE SPECIAL =~ "Due to all this RUSHl RUSH! ~


~ Regular 69 =~ 100 Tab. - 89.: SPECIAL C II ,1~~~~n~~n~~••~nn~.nM~*......*~~

Holdl'Dance Classes



WAVN. JAYC.IS were maklng cookies for the children at theBe-slr!ce State Home when this pictuH' WU,~ takf'o Left to rlghlare Ken Dahl.: Mr~ Dick lIammer_ ~tr... "\'fan-lo Vbuog, MarvinYounlil~:~jck IIttrnnll'r <lnd Mrs DIck .":.orl-'nSf>f]

Wayne High Production, 'Our Town,'Creditable', Presentation Saturday

"Our: Town" is a goodplay, It ha. • variety of 1ying and e t ern I t y ninecharacter types. It has un- years l.ter.usual staging require- Havener described'themenls. Il WaS given Sal- gardens, the hOUises, the and theyl1hadenjoyedputting (Larry Ma,llulon) aDd

,urday byWayneHighSchooi cemetery hill, the mllk- It 0Jnoa'n Lhs

a'nd B,'II Han. drunken choir director andbefore a large" audience man. papei boy, doctor, ~ organiat Ilavern Brown)and drew genera"lly favor- constable, kortician. edi- sen had the romanUc leads were strong comments. lor and other residents of and we~e well cast. Miss Others in the who

Many of the scenes and the town. Sound effects Sahs malie a beautiful bride did well were Steve Krae-practically all of the props were excel1ent, including and afte~ she died she still maer as the doctor, Be.had to be imagined, which a train whistle of the old wandered around in her linda, Bebee, Doug the way, Thornton WiI ... steam ei\gine type. mill bridal dress, s4:l;ekingtogo Dennis Ellermeier. Joder, wanted the play pre- whistle, school bell and back among the living for Merriman, Linda Le sh.sented. Curtains wereopen clock striking on the court- just oneday-awishgranhd Mary Stevenson, Chrilthroughout lhe play, even house tower. to her so she chose her Bernthal, Sheryl Kemp,while scenery was being Director Chet Chrrtsten- 12th birthday and lhen found Doug Danielson and Bobchanged. sen selected his cast well. she did not want to stay Penn.

The story concerned a There were few weal1.roles among the living even that People ofthetowninclud_New Hampshire town just and becausethecharacaers full day. ed Marilyn st~tYtes. SUlanafler the turn of the cen- so well-defined by Havener was an excellent Shirck, Susan ~ke5, De_~ury. Various people werel Wilder, it waS easy ~o fol.. choice for stage manager loris BuU, Yleen Peters.i n t rod u c e d by Tom Ha v_ low the story even when ae- and n a r rat 0 r. Loui se Ka- Sa r a h Alleman, G r a hamene'r, narrator, as they ap~ tors were making ml0tions mish and JaneWilliamsdid Butler. Understudies were

come. First class was peared. He carried the through theairwithimagin- good jobs of pretending they Loren l~ansen, Deanna Jor-scheduled for \\'ednesday storY with his description ary props. were alworkinlheirhomes gensen, Dennis-Ellermier,

Five: Dew sqiJares have night. of thj~ wef'k start- of the scene and what was Some peo;llecried"which and portraying wives and Graham Butler, Doug Stan-signed to take g-quare dan- ing al aboul 7:3fJ in the taking pla'ce. is an indication of success mothers. ley, Sarah Alleman, Yleencing lessons, according!o ("nrrull :\uditorium. Any~ Act one concerned daily of a sort. Some cried at Three "characters" even Peters, and Pearl Hansen..Terry Junek. Most of the on(' who wants lo learn life in lhe town, act two the wedding scene, some spoke from the audience to Pearl Hansen was also stu-new "student's" are from to !';quare dance will be was three yearls later with at the funeral scene and ask questions. Roles of ,the dent director. fwroeml_ welcornl' ;d all 1es_<.,00s. a marriage thelmain scene some casl members cried paper boy (Lo'ren Hansen), Yleen Peters, LindaCav-

r.~~1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.liiiir==:.n~d~a~c:t:th:r:e:e:c:'o:n:c~e~r~ne~d:t:h~e;::~b:e:c a~u~s~.::;:t:he::p:l:a:Y:w:a::s=ov:e:r=:;m~i;lk;m;;,a~ni"w..;i;;,th~:h~iS::~h~O~rs~e~in~e~r~,:-S~'u~.~a~n:1s~ i r c k. Mar ci &

CALL USDAY 375-2922.,NIGHT 375-2532

Page 10: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

Serta Hollywood Bed Ens~mbleS ,Twin Size '" ' I

Foam mattress, box springs, frame and I.choice of head boards $5'"

Extra firm mattress, box s~riilgs, 'romeand choice of head boards ' $69;

Princess mattress,' box sp*,ings, frame, , "and choice of head boords, $19

Buy One of These Values and Rest·

CARPET YOU~ HOME .,Nylon .,arpet, tweed $4.95 sq. yd. "

Beige tw,eed nylon carpet: $5.95 lei· yd., "Plain nylon carpet ..... I $6.95 sq. yd.:

Foam back nylon carpet I' .. $5.25 sq. Yd::1

I .:",

.•. i I~",::l:




Ii Make Your ReservationI Now for a 'GalaIiJ. NEW YEAR'SI EVE IIi NO COVER CH~RGE

Ii Free Hats • • • Horns • • • BaUoons

J. and Noise Makers I"jJli1iilli1ijJIitii"fliiillltiiillfliiill~_iIl.__

Leslie"'M...~_ ....""- 217••

Mr. and Mrs. Freel and H.nry Tat now

!were with a .roup at theiG.O. Fox home Sunday.v.­nfng fn honor of the birth­day of Mrs. Fox.

EI.v.n coupl.. of theFarm Fans club attendeda supper Saturday at theBiltmore In ~Iowc City.

Mr.•nd Mrs. Art Kohl·me i e r, Hillsboro, Ore.,Mr. and Mrs. G.o. Holdorfand Mr. and Mrs. LudolfKunz· were supper' guestsT u e s day at the ArnoldBrudigam hOJ11e.

Mr. and (Mrs. ArvidSamuelson £md- (amill)' at.tend.d Bane raft S a II dieClub supper Sunday.



Many others to choose from.

, I


See theseValues TodGY!

Hotpoint Clothesl Dryer, only ' $139

Hotpdinti Dish Welsher, only $188

Hotpoint Range, :only , , $199

Hotpoint 17·cu. f/". ~efrigeratars, frostfree ......•... $299

Hotpoinr 14-cu. ft refrigerators , $249

Hotpoint 4. refrigerators , $199

K'otoil1t 20-cu. ft.'chest freezer $249


3-pc. Walnut Bedroom set with bookcase bed, only $ 79

Double dresser, c~est, panel bed, walnut $109

Bassett Triple dresser. chest, panel bed, coil, walnut $239

Solid oak triple dlresser, chest $239

Solid mapl~ double dresser, chest, pailel bed $199






1'/1 tiles north of Wayne


Gary JILh.J1, Om.ha, gu••ts Sund.y of Mr..Dd Mrs.'IBtid Mitchell andfamily.', '

Mr; ~.d Mrs. BunWheeler spent last weekendin the hom. of Mr•.'l brother, D~le Hinds,Custer, S.D. Enroute theyvi.lted at the H.C. Pet.r·

:;:~n~:;dpre~~:~;e;s":;homes, Gordon. Mr. andMrs. Lowell Nygren andfamily, Battle Creek. stay­ed in the Wheeler homeduring their absence.

Members of Senior MYFand their sponsors, Mr.and Mrs. Allen Trube. en­tertained youth from theFriends and Luthe.ranChurch at a Christmas par­ty in the Methodist Churchparlors. About 40 attended.


Sil,Iver Dollar Night ora,Wing, Thu,rsday II, - I ~

" at B:OO in our store fat $250 ~~~SJ5'l"'lI:~"7I$ ~__~~

This Llttl. Tim.," wfll , by Mrs. K.lthHfII, Mrs. Duan. Ko••t.rand Mro. Gayl.n will b. Mro.GI.n Ric. and Mrs. JeraldChapman. "'

Honor RollGrad. 9: Lucinda Hrrch.

ert, Debra Menkens, Jean­ette Jordan, D'Yee Koester;grade 10: Margaret An·k.ny. Crnth1a Ellis, Katy

. Jacksonj Valerie Koest r,Craig 'Schultz; grad. 1:Wayne Rasmussen, DellaLindahl, Marcia Rubeck,Connie Sachau, Roger Lan­ser, monna Peters. ElayneSnyder; grade 12: DonaldAnkeny, Carol Lippolt,Dale Jackson, Caryl Jef­frey, DeLores Nobbe,Debra Carr, Jean Durant,Paulette Thomas.

AllenMn, k.. LIn.t.'ter',_ m.240S


Church notes:Both circl.. will m••t

rn the Luth.ran Church par·loro O.c. 15 at 2 p.m. topack aooki~B and candy forsh\Jt-iIlls. Ladle ..... of FirstLuther an are asked todonate, cookies and candyfor thus ovent. '

Jr. and Sr. LutherLeagufls will meet Sunday,December 11 at t1 p.m. todecorate the ('hurchChristmas tree and put upoutdoOir (feCoTat.ions. Apot luck ,>uPljI'r will beserved following.

Su n rl a y srlwol Christ­mas pradicc al I'irst Luth.eran Church for 3 and 4year aids through the 3rd Opal Chapter of Easlerngrade will be lipId during Dixon County Historical Star will hold a pot luckthe Sund<lySr'hou] )ll)ur. The Society will not meet in De. supper Dec. 13 inlhe Lodge The Clark Kai family4th grad including the cember. The next meeting Hall, for members and ~ere dinner guests Sundaychoir, \',ill [Jec. 11 will be Jan. 17 at the their families. in tne-Ed Zach home,Oma.from 2 I,U 1 II. ;11. ;Hld on Museum Building in Allen. ha. The Jam e s M8IckHnDec, 1.', frr))11 1' , HI a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hermie It is unlawful in I\pbr- (amily, Bancroft, were eve 12 noon. Belt and sons and Mrs. aska to have or carry a ning visitors in the Kai

WSC:-; will IlIe.. ' !lee. 15 Tho mas Belt, Emerson, loaded shotgun in or on ho~ehOliday program willin the churc') r~rlors at Mr. and Mrs. Glen Duncan a vehicle on aJjly public t D' Tit2 p.nt. ! hI..' pI L,;"J"~Ill, "For and son s, Thurston and road. ~:yg~:~~i~g. ~;~.2~. urs-

IrYOY","CLOSE:"OOT,'"""SALE";»1 ...,.,..... M '" we, .,,,,;., ~t·· ..< ~ - g~~:i~~::l~;;~

R:: (top to bottom). f)aVt' J{'ns('~, Joh~ 'W:Jtson, ,~ug St~nley. BiJi The MarvinMeier'sjoin-

IfHansen amJ Loren Hansen: middle [OW, Rodne.- Re~g, Doug Dan· ed a group Sunday evening

20% to 50% 0 \ ~ ~~'}~,~I\h!;I'~i:-\~~;l~~:~~~~),nJOB~~r';f~1~n~n8[~'~;~rnk~~~~n~t:v~d ~~~~~ honoring Mr. and Mrs. Don-fI;; fil;l('[ and Tmll lliln'/l('/' I aId Brudigam. Carroll, on~ ,their wedding anniversary.

ION ALL TOYS ~ 'OUR TOWN' - ~~:g~i;f l~:~~:.s were in edSeJ::mAl~~~~b ~r~~rt:tin;

= (Contin-ued from Page 1) It was ~~ unusual play smorgasbord dinner Fri-LARGE SELECTION STILL AVAILABLE » several generalions ago); and one l~e audience en· day at the Woman's Club

~ DavE' Jensen and Rodney joyed~and one thing that room. Wayne.~ !{eeg madeupt.herealstage cannot be said of every The men's Sunday school

BARNER'S' TV & APPLIANCE ~ crew and the on-stage crew: offbeat. type producti.on~ class. of the C h r i s t ian J, ~ Cindy Swinney, Janice the successlmaytemptWIIS Church entertained the

222 M . Ph 375 1500 ~ l! Giese and JohnWalsonhan· to venture further into Loyal Women's cla•• at an' ~ ~~~Din one ~ ~ dIed props amI 'iDund, and tough d ram at 1c assign- oyster supper Saturday in ~~

__••:-..1:-:; "" ~~"'-'-!.~"'''~** ••••••''••''~'''''•••''.'!4u¥.~'U:w Deb b I e \rmbruster and rnent.s In th¢ future. the church parlors. gii4"''''''~' ilII..rlll1~~·p:~f<'!~l«.!II1l'-~4I!!!'141!!~er:!!Jf!llll1"'~4I!!1I1~lI1~~fl!!1I1~~~lI1~~~~J\'!l!1z11!~,..}t.1.?:~l«.~~~~lI1l!~n'!1i~hi~~~~ !'J........,nfJ.......lt1iI!_.~ ~. ~ .IJ... H'II' BEDDING VALUES ' i!fT'Vt; ,nil '"I' 22~~:Oi~p~:;:ess. a~~. ~.a.t~~i.n.g $69 I, 312-coil quilted mattren and~ matching box springs $79:

Ii ~ ,j L· ,.I- ~~ r~.~'1 :.I- •.L' 672·coil quilted mattren andIf! •••I-ell. I/I/~(JI/'lIt,.. 1we" rl',I"I, Wile/II matching box sprinlls ·1··~·······$15':1. " J' 'I' 'J Masterfirm mattren and

~ GIFT SUGGES'flONs .box springs by King Koil $99~ Englander Tension-Ease rubberI!! T\J bfe Lamps, all sizes an: .tyles $12 up mattress and box springs $149

J. P'ictures , $14 up

Ii Door Mirrors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' $9.95

1ft Wall Mirrors .............•.... $7.00

J. Pole Lamps ;.: .. $7.95J. Smoking Stands " ...•... ,$3.95

\tl Magazine Racks , $3.50

I, BEAUTIFY YOUR LIVING ROOM Many Other Items That Make l.Fine Gifts.

~ Mastercroft Sofa and Chair,If! rubber cushIons, brown $199

Ii 100-in. Modern Sofa,Jl wood trim. green " $269§ji! Kroehler Sofa an~,Chalr, brown.1

J. ",bloc. cushions, wood trim. '1.' .. $299

~ Kraehler Sofa, green, wood trim ... ,$249

I! 90·in. Mastercraft Sofa,I blue gree.n, rubber cushions .. $219

Ii Studios, coil .pring construction .... $ 89i Choose from over SO styles - Easy terms.


I ,~~.II See Our Large S,lection of Rockers,

Recliners, Occasional Chairs,

I Mr. and "'rs. Chairs• Kraehler Modern O~casional Chair,

I R::~~r '~~c;i'n~~" . , $39

I,, give dad real co1'fort $85• Lazy Boy Rbtker R,cliner

icombinations .. 1: .•.. " ...... $129

'Hi-Bock Platform Rockers,,' choice of cdlors 1 $49, Mr,_ and Mrs., Chai~'," ," . $69 and ,$89 Serving Your Area Over 32 Y,eliU$

I', .' Ch_, f m ovet 100 :.'ii'l~ie'fti~I\\li1l!Ci '. lllrfli-~Ii1!II "')iliifCi(liifCi(

I '

Page 11: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that


st~t. op.clal.u.. a,••,In N.bra 0 k. are op.a a.huntlllI in ....on yearround un I •• 0 oth.,wlG,ipoot~d.

Tile Amorlc.n .Ik po~lotion h.. jumpod froii!'50.obo to about 250.000 iii1••• than 50 yearl. 1,.

lobi Iri.Dd. Odde:"iThur day o....r ·'~'i.

W~~I~t,::'~~' H.k~~B· ·"1N.1. aDd '08. n. ",. I

..,. vt.lto.. Sa'liiaY.. I.: 'AI'" Echt.nkamp.. "t,'M • ODd Mr~. V.d.,

Lund and Mr. and Mr"'~'~ .J.h n.on.lid.~l.... 1lI··lo Sunda)' ,-,lilt .Hjalm.. Lund hom. ,".~ i

.r th~ ho.t'a b1~•. 'Ml.· and M... Ker",h

Turner b.lpad Mr•• LiitolaM.C,w obo.rv. h.r ,, 'l'hu..d.,.. . .,,' 'Mr~ and M... £t"Jh

Brown .nd lamlly 11.1"hor ... th.r. IM".~H••kh., or., c.l.braM. .ir.....86th bhlhday ,rec .,'~NIn. 01 tho t•• ' .hIM....••re i for the 00-1."...It·Th. younl••t .•9IIlo.' "who 10 .mpl.,od In w,',..mine .xtondoll lol.....I ..onnea.


Out Sid~ Mirrors


C~I Cushions

Electrjc Clocks




S.turd.,. Mr. and M...Iv.n Nixon and Mr••ndMra. L.o Schuh took Pvt.Lanni. Nixon to 0m.h.where he weDt by planeto Camp L.j.un•• N.C. '

Mr .•nd Mro. Jo. Erick.son aDd Mr. and Mr •• Bor, aDd .00. .ere.ntertain.d .t oupp.r Fri.d.y in the W.C. Bo..:h.m••Elvira Borl ahowad .lId..t.k.n on h.r trip to Can.daand e..t. rn Unlt.d St.t••.

Mr .•nd Mra. Art M.y.r



~:i1t. ~~,,~...Ft. Ord,

A/3. ~·rodrl.kL. P.t...AF 168852U. 437 FMS. B"';8", Charl••tocl AFB. S.C.29404. :

All. M.nto IScllram.388~ Atkln.on Ro.d. BII.oal. Mh•• 39531

A/3. Richard K. SI.IIc....AF 16859572. p.t.r •••FI.Id. Box 1725, C.lorad.Spr!n&•• Colo. 80914.

Al2c O.nal. L, Stolton.berl AF 17732057. BoxC.9074. Lowry AFB. Colo.80230.

Floor Mats

Vanity Mirrors

Engine Heaters

Wheel Discs

Trailer Hitch



Is Santa's



ShoppingList LongerThan Your

......•..._ ,~ -~----.--.~

If Santa's shopping list Is"too I~ngfor your budget we'llbe happy to have you visit us and geta loan. Then you'll have the money you t ..',need to finish out your shopping list and no one will be Ittt '1'your list. Repayment is easy, in convenient inshllllllents. , ~


35th CEO. Box 19. APOSaD C.lIl. 9633fIVletnam)

A/2. John L. Dor!n&.AF 177156U. 67th SupplySquadroa. CMRM Box 3231.Mountain Hom. AFB. Id••83648

PIc. Rob.rt W. Ollliland.US 55792503. Army A..I....m.ot T••m~'. 90th R.p!. Bn••APO SaD F anclac., CaUl.96U1 (VI••m)

A/2c sth.n R. 010...meyer, 1612 SeeoDd Ave.North. Orand Fork•• N.D.58201

Sp-4 Marvin D. Hamm,US 557920H, Co. B.(TAMI.80ht Malnt. Bn.• 10ht Air­borne DIY., Ft. Campbell.Ky. 42223

R.ymond E. Johnaon,WOol 697330, WO St. t eRoom 3-2-I,.L, US!> CUl'b.rr. (CA()/2). FPO SaDFranclaco, '-e. II I. 96601(Vi.tnam)

A/2c M.r1. D. Krya••mark. AF 17732722, CMRNo.1. B b x 836, APOSe.ttle; Waoh. 9874~(Al..ka)

Sp.6 Edw.rd W. Kurrel.m.y.r, jr., RA 17439745,First TC Bn., USNS Cor·puo Christl B.y, APO Sa.Francisco, Calif. 96312(

Pvt. O.ry F. L.nd.Dler,US 56542092, Co. B.S.cond

th.ulllt hh 'am porformodreap.ctably In tho fl r • thall. d ••iJt. Denv.r'.'0·25 mar ,but tho ....CIIId half w. t poorly. t.ck01 .dlaclpl • In .ucut!n&playa wa.~Bv.anm,.on'.""planation

Bob Str.thm.n ladWayne l

••corlDI with am..... 10, whll. aopho.morao Bill ru...nd R.lphSwUlaoo hit nln••nd .llIIt.

t.~t;~tt·yd~:~~':o·~f=='wa•• diff,rent lame en..t I r. I y-dolnln.t.d by theIa.t bra.k.~h.Oradi"."built a 61.3 h.lf I••d with• s I a II hi&: offense thatIIcored re atedly beforethe Wildcatls could set •defense.

With the ~2 ..point deficit,Wayne -had, no choice butto run and shoot in the sec,.and AJ1d It oucc••d.d­with 57 points. Troublewas, Mineslalso scored 57for a fin. I 118-96 th.t oetsevera) Miqes scoring rec.ords. It also set an unde·sirable Warne record, themost po intis ever scoredagainst the rCats.

Strathm.n .g.ln l.dW.yne POiJh with 20; PhilBorrero, 7, Dave John­ston, 11. D an Elofson sawcODsiderab e action againstMines and' scored six be­fore fouling out in the sec­ond-half sc'ramble.

L & C Lbop Meet Set... L.wls & Cl.rk Con­

ference,' m,eeting i.scheduled ror Wednesday,

,Dec. 14" at" Hartington.Win sid e representativeswill be D.n C.hlll.Coach Pe~e Kropp and Supt.Jam e s ,C h r'i s ten sen.Naming of the conferencefootball champions, selec­tion of .. sit e for thebasketball tournament andnaming a host school rorthe track Imeet will be someof the business mattl'fSto be disc'ussed.




Colorado TripBrings Losses

at Danhon; Jan. 30. Dallaat Blair: F.b. 7.\ JFK atWahoo; and F.b. 1•• O.m•• with Conc.orel­ia and Mldl.nd are .100b.lnl IIn.d up.

C a a c h Plath haa twomember. of an Iowa .tat.champloDship team plu••state tournament que••noDher r a oto r. Linda L.­Febvre, Mapillton, playedon the Maple V.lI.y t••min the state meet aDd w...s tat e tournament queen.Cheri Mankenberg of Ob..awa and Jan Dehn ofBlencoe were both on thelltate championship teamfrom West Monona for twoyears. Cheri was an all..state player in Iowa twoyears.

Noreen Phillips ill the"maverick" in the bunch.'She is from Rochester,N.Y .• and had not pl.yedbefqre coming here. otherplayers, all from low·a, areGlenda Gray, Woodbine;Pat Mordhorst, C h art e rOak; Judy Peterlon andJean Wahlers, MissouriValley; Linda Nelson andPeggy II u e s e r, Quimby;Sh a ron Bjornseo, SiouxCity; and Andy Pedersen,Newell.

Girls' basketball is quitedifferent from boysl. Thereare six players on a team,two rovers, two guards andtwo for war d s. Only therovers can go the fulllength of the court.

Forwards and rovers canshoot field goals. Guardsget to shoot free throwsif they are fouled, but thena rover has to go back tothe other end of the courtfor two must be in backcourt at all times.

The girls provide action.Sometimes the game ap­pears to be getting a littlerough but the ,girls do nothesitate to mix it up. Somegirls are better shots thanmany boys, and the tallergirls are really sought bycoaches.

Saturday will be the nextchanc:e to see the WSCgirls in action. 'A goodcrowd on hand at 2 mightgive more incentive to thegirls as they go a~ainst

Omaha U. Again, admissionis fr ~e.

More. AddressesGiYe~ for List

Mar e addresses havebeen received for those inthe arm,ed forces. Thosewho usel these addressesfor Chr!istmas cards orletters should not includethe nante of the countryincluded after APO or FPO

Twb defeats mar red l\ridress~s. Countries areWaynp State's basketball n am ed" just to indicatetrip to Colorado Friday where th~ ones named areand S~turday. " serving.'

A powerful Denv'er Uni. Any ftirther addressesVerSi~y quint tuned up for that come in will be carrieda sc edule that includes in liThe Service station,"nume ous major univer. a new department' for newssities 1 teams by downing about those in the armedthe Wildcats, 92-50. services, starting in thisSuper~or height proved too week's paper.m u c 11 for the relatively Sp~4 Don R. Bethune, USshort IWayne quint, but it 55792713, Btry A6M, Bn.was QU's shortest player, 62nd Arty, APO New York,

6.3 gtjard Harry Hollin•• , N.Y. 09175 Ide d- C ""~;~~:l~~::~t~e::f:sn~£ .A5~p!o~24s~0.:n~~FntrI.'~n~cBl.~s:c~of.-j~~~ Sioux an re It orp' .ing from all positions, andharrassed Wayne with ,hi. 96307 (Vietnaml 109 West 7th Street Wayne, Nebr. Phon. 375.1220;tricky change of pace. A/2c Glenn A. Carstens, !!.~;;.~.;;;;.,;~·~~;;;;.__..__...._.."._.. ..__.....~~I

Co a c h Al Svenningson AF 17715539, Drawer 16, • . .._ I

Jf!~IiI.!~ ~_!OlliI!~!O!J'11!~'~n!1Mn!O!!!JJll!n!'11!!!.!0!l1i1nljg,.. lII1.nIW_---- . .~i!~i!~Ii!~i!~i!~i!~II!IiJ1IiIf!J;i!'IiIf!IiIf!'IiIf!~If!IiII! tI a';1 d

i~lCoryellI !.I uto Co.11iilrAiijiljliiillliliiIrAii....ii;ll!lililllil_iIIIililllililllil

• • I f"

'-ino up lole. from 1;'to- $1.001 Ma!l;. dtllnoewith Itt.'ell plc.y m.;Jf>'!;'!Heavy ".,1,7~'high.


291Hold. Ire~1 up to J tA·fnm~ flrmly. 5110101 leg.spreod ] 6·) lcrgcwater (ontoiner.

Tree Stand


".IItOIf~rp'artr lig36J:24·(n.,.n.,I.'0111' In the COUftIry! bladtboord and 1toncI.Giye hicf~~n wCfcf ICI On. lide green. Oftler.......... "'71-" dv... Itlock.l;ho.. erGlei'.

tid. really go for thered, red (alar ond the,leek mod",n ,lyling.Adiultoblc IlIddle,

10' Tricycle

9'5EVil,)' lime you Icore,poinh ,,,glllllll oulo­motlColly 01 ~'ghtsflolh, belli rinal

fl.ctri, Pinb.1I


~ You ogg,ovol" a ploy..r when you Innd oni'l,. lpoce and makeJ!Ilm ~!arl overl


$1 58

~.LS' .AIKITeALL team members at Wayncl da Lcfo'ehvrI' ...tandln~ Pf'ggy Hueser, Jean

g~~).Ct:~~~ t~I:IS;I~.arp ~~l' M~r~f~;~~~f, I~;~~t.~~~ ~~~~(:I~tll'~~ldj al~'I~(;::~~lt'I:lrHt \~d(~a cl~e\~'~~~I~ ~~~~ihUUps, Sharon Bjornson, (ilenda (;r<l:> and LHl

~aYne State Basketball Team Has No l'aI~'::'i, known as "the

hotbed of girls' basketball"

ebraskans, 11 Iowans, 1New Yorker ~~.ri~1:t:rr:?~ra~~e~~,;:Did you hean about the that is in its second year WSC has nol recruited play-a y n e State basketball at ,the school. The, coach efS but Midwestern, JFK

f;; am? It has no players was at Missouri Vall~.l, and other schools give girls

~om Nebraska, 11 from la., in a junior high befeIN-, scholarships just as they

I wa and one from New coming here and played give boys scholarships-forork. It has a record of bask.etball at Wocdbine and basketball ability.

c nsistency· so far, losing with the Sioux Machinery Anyone who has not seent ice in two appearaocas. AAL' team at Sioux City. a girls' game is invited to

i O};lviously this cannot. be The Wayne State girls attend the local tilts. Theytljae boyt s team. Looking at have lost to John F. Ken- are open to the public andtllte picture accompanying ned.,.. at Wahoo and to Mid- there is no admission

~iS article should make wec;ter'.ll of Denison, Ia. In charge.

i more obvious it cannol th(· latter game, the Iowans WSC was to play JFK atthe boys' team. won (;3~41. High scorers 7 Wednesday night of this

There are a dozen girls for WSC were Cheri Man- week. Saturday at 2 p.m.,op-...the team being coached ken b erg and Linda Le- Omaha U. will send a girls'b[y Ipeggy Plath at WSC. Febvre with 10 each. Marge team against WSC on the

his is her second year Julius with 2(; and Mary Rice court. Oth~r gamesith a little-known beam Kreiger with 18 led the are: Jan. 11, MIdwestern..........*~~~._-..._...•-------~-- •••._*~....

Page 12: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

I------,--- ....,.-------..--~----


BOB LUNDRegistered Pharmaell'

SAV -MaR DRUGPhone 375·14&6


Phone 375·_Wayne, Nebr.

George L. John, M.D.;PHYSICIAN and. suaa.­

ut Kut 3rd StnIt.Office Pbone 37$-1411) ;~'

ALLIS CHALMERS,Phon. 37s.1816 .,,~ .::

____...-.,...,.,_,P" ""~:



KOEBER. 0.0..'



111 W_lJt 2nd Pho~. 3n.3UiWayne. N~br.


-~' ------'- <:Tiledtke Plumbing. ,


Phone' 375·2822 W.yDe, Nit, ;':.

FARM IMPLEMllo!T -:-----Kern Farm Equipment


SALES and SJl:RVICE .-.. :

CI Radia Club MW.yn. County mom

01 the Emorloncy CBClub ... roml'ld.d torlenl.otlo" willMond.y. Doc. IZ,p. m. In the Norl.tatl,n. A cov.roddl.h~ .p.r .nd • 50.cont 11ft " :chant. are feature •. Fa..d.U•• are to .. brl.... cov_,m1,.' ):.'dishes and desserh. ~'Tb:rif~ "k.y. hom .~d coli., .l!nU"'"b. f~rnl.h.d by tho :jliln~'Prospective ne.w Invited. • fl~,.


















Pboae 375-2525 Wo"


Local & Lon~ Distance HaulingLi veslock and Gram

Ward's Riverside BaUerle.

Fairground A ... enue

Phol1e 375"2728 orNights 315·3345



Assessor Henry Arp 375-1979

Clerk C A Bard 375·2288

JudgeDavid J Hamer

Shenff Don Weible

City Treasurer ­Leslie W Eilts

City Clerk -Dan Sherry

City Attorney ~

John V Addison

Councilmen ­AI WittigE G SmithWilmer MarTaJack KinlitstonLyle SeymourBob McLean




Mayor -Dr Wm A Koeber 375·3$84

: Trea~urerLeona Bahde

Clerk of District CourtJohn T Bressler 375-?260

A~ricullural AgentHarold Ingalls

Assistance DirectorMrs Ethe! Martelle ;l75·2715

AttorneyCharles McDermott 375-2080

Veterans Service OfficerChris Bargholz 375-Z164

Com missJOoers :Dist 1 John SurberDi.!!lt. 2 George StolzDist 3 Roy DaVlli

District Probation OfficerWilHam Eynon 375-1250




375 - 2600


For All Yoor

This Space



Northwestern MutualLife - 1857

represented by


112 West 2ndProfessional Bldg.

J'j·1811 'of Res. 37~·2111

--------~--------,-- ----

Business and Professional



ADMIRAL· Sales and serviceHAMILTON - WHITE

Ph 375-3690 Wayne

Printing & Publishing


WilliS Johnson, agentSTATE FARM INS. CO

AUTO - LIFE - FIREPrompt, Personal Service

1 mi, North of Wayne on Hy 15Office' 375·3470 ..,.--- Res 375·1965

State Notional BankPhone 375 1130 122 Main

-------- -- - Deputy

INSURANCE _ BONDS 'I S C ThompsonSupt Gladys Porter

To Fit All Your NeedsIn Reliable Comparues

dean C Pierson Agency

Phone 375·2696

Dependable InsuranceFOR ALL YOUR NEEDS

Farmers Ins GroupAll Your Insurance NeedsFAST· FAIR· FRIENDLY


CHRIS E. BARGHOLZPhone 375-2764 Wayne

111 West 3rd


Personal - Machinery----------jand Automobile Loons

Pilon. 37H132 105 w. 2nd



KEITH JECH, CLU.375-1429 408 Logan, Wayne






·\tte.tI.,rry U,hlk'Jetter, V, ClerK

Notlc. [. Ilv'D that the Bo.rd of Tn.t••• olth. VIII .or C.rroll, N.b,.... , _HI .Board of EquaUlitiOD ID th. Publltlibrary of uld VlIlal' 011 Jen"&11 3,1'61••t 8,00 o'clock p.m, for the pur.POll of .quaUdq.Dd llv,.iqth••• ..... m.nt' n.c....,y to lI.b.y theco.t 01 r.palriD.aDd r.placlDC .ld.w.I••UpoD the .bov.d••crlbedprop.rty "...Id

~;~I~::t~~n:h'r:hr t1f~~I:fll':l~ ~l:~:"~t::uid ...... "'.ola may b. pr ....ted tolIi<l Boud. Th. pr\lpo.ed .pportiOll­m.nt 01 b.D.lIt. aDd ......m'Dh II.. follow.: Ollcrlptlon, IBLOCK EIGHT(81 ORIGINAL CARROLL): F.rm.r.stat. Bank, Lot 7, 495.00; Wa,.l.lldZiromumall. Lot 8, 140.00, W.yl.DdZlmm,rman. l.ot 9, 140.00; W• .l'laDdZlmmum.n, Lot 10. 140,00: W'.yl.nd7Immu",.n, lot II. HO,OO; Maurice.nd Esth.r H.n..n, Lot 12, 1i7.7S:M."rlc~ aad [sthu llan..n, l.ot 13,117.13; ..... lyl.Dd Zlmmum.lI. lot 14,IFJ_OO; Lloyd .od I.awrlnc. Tul.y.L.o! IS, 140.00; Vunon .nd l.uclll.'>chnoor, Lot 16. 140.00. Parry Jar"i.,Lot ,11, 52.50: Pury Janlt, lot l~,

~one 'roTAl 1oS.sL'i.')MENT $1163.00

Oaled O.cambfr £,1"£"VII LAGE OF CARRII[ I, 'lEBRASKA

Mlurle. Hanno. Ch.irman ofHoard 01 Tru,t.e.


~.~AL ~~~lc.i.TiOH --=:= C"~""'e ....... C'o, I "l.UD.t ._L'~i.·.~~ C~.:Cr;J.

.r e :l lit ,, he ,.

,.il.n:~ ; .s.:. ·Lk·..·· 21.10, ........U••..•••..•

. K..'" A• .....,C 'uk............... Co.., •• ~r. "i'~~M~J::..:C.·.~~::~:".rdul 011 Co., 0... ... 'I'd .11 T.1. Co., .,-.ic..lI, It.It

~::::~~.tii:~~~.~~ ..UCorr.c' .rror. . . . . .•." til."

.,••11 T_.II. LI.......b..r"e.. .. . . . . . . . . .. 28.10s-Ma. 04,,1. h!=. Co.. Puta. ..UTr._r Co., .....Itftor, . . . .. tSt.OOI.. L. T_Iw, Co.• P.n.. . . .. '.U

.'4:.~~~•.14: ~":.~~I~'. ~. 31.27Worth..... Corp" Flttlin, 0

R..... . . . . . . . . . . . .. "0.37Duo Sherr,. Cit, Clark, H I. A

la... Wh .• otc. . . . . . .. 611.1fW,tlr F. ".tar Co .• W.t"",.t.,.. . . . . . . . . . .. 22$.15Oalll 91.",.. City CI.rk. WHo 71.20

O••• ral FWId01<::11 H....D, Sal.,,.. . . . • •• 66-'0

~~~B:~'k~~rfA.~o:e:.P~~I: ·68.26SlItv!e••..........

811l1thaek Clinic, Flu .hot•...VIrD F.lrchlld. Po. con". n:p.Inn'. Auto R.,.lr. Start.r ••tc.KopUa Aut.o Supp1)'.IChalt ...t.Lylllou Photoeraptiyj Film .Dd

Bulb•..•......... -. 34.16

~rB~i~\~:~ ~::: J~~~ 'I~;V'" 3~:~~Offle. Co.• Th.rmo-I...

IUppll... . . . . . . . . . .. ~2.~8

Prom Motor bula. Polle••chool

~_~A!-~_~~_~LFA~~~ JO::PR~~I: Po'II~" &h~I·.~;,· 4~::~JWTlU. OF AOMINISTRATOR'S SALE W-::":.:o~:.~o~,.R,.~,~r. 60.75

In the Dl,triet COClrl of WByn.. COlUlty, W,)'1II' Book sto,.. Off .•Clp. . 1.':t8:"ebruka.\, W.)'1II' H.rald. Publl.hlnc.• _. U5.29

In the ~.uer of the Appllc.tibn 01 Worhn.n AClto Co .• R.palra-ollf-:vereH . Relll, Administrator of th. C"'DC'. . . . . . . . . . . . . U.23

~:~~:eo~ ~:~: R~:it~:~~t~).eee.. ~d, for D'?o~;:::".~:~Y.~1~r~•. H. & A 433.82N\llice 'Is hereby given th,t III pllr- Fuad

'u.oce of .n order of the Honorable Oic_ DUlI.hOD, FOAiq. . . .. 10.00F.y fl, Pollock, one ,,! the Jude". of C.,h.rW,.mbar Co., Sllppll... 20.05the Ol.trlct ('ourt of Wayns County,"AlJtoCo.,Tlr 55.32Nebraska, made on the 23rd day 0' FuU.rt.Da Lumbar Co., C.m.1It 4.&0

~,Ot:~:'~:r..eiln'J:f~~:o~et~lcer;:~~,olf,t~:err:~ L,~~::~~:~~'.k~r~~.: . .. 114.04

~:i ~l:en·.·i ~:,ae~':';~i~t:t·~~~~dl,t~i/~·~~\~ ~~:h:rT~~~oco~~~e~cSi;" 13.67at publid auction to the higluat bidder poata. . . . . . . . • • . . .. 93.&6the 'oll~wing due rihed real eatat.. MI..ourl van.y lotaehiDer,. Co.,

tOT;~l: N~rthe~st Q URrt e r (NE~ 01 ~adt:,~-8ito;~'~·~·.··.·. .. t~:~SectlCln Seventeen IJ71 Township OanSh."y. City CI.rk. Hol A

Twent.'~i'.' "."rth. !25N). R. ange Thre.. ID•. , .te. . • . . . . • . • .• 278.Ut: .. l (3 ~I of the 6t.h I'.M'" In Wayne Auditorium FUPdCounty, ~ebraskB Ivan B••••• DilpolIl ••rv. . .. 4.00"Bid s I~ will be h~ld on the 12 day of NW &11 T.l. Co., Toll phOD'. . .B.19

tlecembe, 1%(, at th .. hour 01 2:00 P'Qpl•• Natural a .... Servlc.. 7.32o'clock ,M. In t.he lobby 01 the court Suvall Tow.I" LiD.n In, \'layne, Wayne County, Nebr- Servlc•....•. , . . . •.. 27.10ask•. The\ ule w;ll remain open at leut City of W.)'1II'. EI.ctrlc FuDd.One hnuf,: Servlc 104.40

Terms pf the sale are u 101l0ws: Cllh, Dan ~.ny. City CI.rk, H" A

ii~~a;~;~lrS °2


1 s:~: :~dN~:~~::r~nl:::~ P.:;:~.::~~r~t~~.~,F~· .·.,v. 10::::

Arlm+,lrator, llan~·:~er~:~t..;E~l:~: Tl.dtk.' •• npa~~:~ 'y;..d. 7.15 J-I N24T3 A~,~a;:::lt.\~::~·.C.o.:I.n~.: 15.00

LEGAL II PUBLICATION B.•~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~'~:'.p.r~f. 211.00

l.egal ~obce NW B.II Tal. Co., Fin call-~olice t' hereby given lhat by vlrt".. move char... . • . . • . . .. 98.00

~fo~~to~1e a~rn:.a/,:~~::,e~'ett.;:k~:·it~i;~ D-:o~~~~·.City Clerk. Fir. 133.70Bction pe ing In said cOClrt, Wherl'ln 'A'Ir'p~rl ru"nd .lloyd Gnl k, el aI., are IllllniliHs, and B. H. Backlund & Anoc., Prof.I';mma Gnlrk :-'""d&chla~, "t .11., are de. ..rvic , 164.00fendants, ,No. S'H5, directing me. as City 01 W.yn•• EI.ctrlc Fund.referee. t'l> sell the following d-escrib..d PhoD. wi,... . . . . . • . .. 106.92

P\~h~i~;:Ss'tl;~'-I~~~:theSouthwestQuartef o,::.~.~~•. :I.• ~k: ~ ~ .A. 27.36

of -"editn Thirty-five, Township S,WIf Malnt. fundTwenly_! VI, North., Range Ol1e, E~st C" NW Ran"ay Co.. I.... fa.. 25.00of th~ S xth Princlp.1 Meridian ,in KInninc" R.Il, Inc., R.bulldW.yne Cjunty , Nebruka; : 11ft station No.3......•. 1611.10

I:cet;~:r~:~~a~o:fn:~~p~ro;~~t~.~~~~~ CI~I.o~~?:,: ~1••~t~l~ ~~'. 62.':tO

~~~~~i:t~eer'i~~:~ i~a.~ta:tfo~~~o~~~~~ Da::,~.~~, :I.•~.: ~ ~ .A. 6r..96NebrukaL " In.uunc. YUPd! will s~1l 88id real estate .t public Dan Sherry. City Clerk. In.. ".00

auetion on lh~ 13th day or J ..nJary, 1967. stre.t lmprov.m.nt Dhtrld No. 53at 1:00 P.M., 01 ",id date .t the (:ut ~. B. H. OaeklUPd" AnDC .• Prql.

~:~~Il~~~~ 01 tb,Iourt,Hou•• at wayne.l.r ~'~~~~"bY' 'C~un~lim'a~ · :~t;~')i~"r:.aCt~~~. on day of r ::;~~~~~.b~. ~Ii::~~an McLlln that

Abstracts oflitletothe".riouspareels Tb. Mayor .tated the motlon.Dd In-will be furnished, showing muchantable ,trllct.d lb. to c.1l the roll.title to date of sale. Roll caU rnulted II lollow.:

The premise. ~ituated in Wayne Y...a: M.rra, S.ymour, Wlttlc.County, N"brukB, and the premises Kln••tOP.situated in Stanton Counly. Nebraske, Nay': Non•.will be offered separately and as a unit The result of the voh balol 5 Y...and ,old to realize .the great~r amount. aDd nO Naya the Mayor d.dar.d the

Kenneth M. Old .. , Referee motion carried .nd order.d w.runt.Deutsch &. Hagen, ,",Uorneys, drawn.513 t\orfolk ..\venue Building After cODald"able dlac:u"lon DB ~.Norfolk, :'-Jeblaska merits 01 larl" qu.rt.n lor a Coupdl

,dlt5 me .. ting pl.ce, COWl~i1mao S.ymo~rmade the motion, ..coDded by Council.

LEGAL PUBLICATION - --- man Kingston. that the Mayor and th.--------. City Clerk be authoriud to ell.cute a

CIty COuDcll Proc.edinc' lealll lor .n aliditioPiI 49 y•• rs wlthW.yn••••ka the W.yne Womlln's Club lor th.pre ...nt

Th, M.yor .na the NCoi~;mCb:.:n:ill~o;, ~l:~' R::nm~. P:~;~~~~ ~::tki~~:I~r.~;in ,.~l., .... laD at the offlc. of th. ""lisf.etory to both p.,tln. MotionCIt)' Clerk on Nov.mber 8, 1966 at 7;00 carried.

o'~~:kJ~;dr caU.d th. m.etinctoorder Th. N.brul<a L.alll' of Munlclp.l-with the folio wi D. pr...IIt: Mayor ltl., ,Iv. .upport to the followlncWilliam A. COUDdlm'D Wilm" ,..oIIJUon:M.n•• Lyl. Saymour, AII.n Wlttle, B. it R.,. R••olved, That .11 of th.

Robart McLaUl, Jack Klnc'taD. Attorn.)' :~~ci::I1~~:~ It~ ~;.~n't. :0' r:::r~;~JO~.:~I~C:UD~m;~-;.k 0 ~;~i:.·rry. ~,~~:to~klth~~'~Aitu:r~:~,~:c:~;:t~.:t1:~:r:I:::~ ••~~:p~~~t.~~~lar m••t.- .U munldpaUti .. to .row aDd pro.per.

Th. ilollowlnc claim. w.,. read .nd Motloo by CouncilmllP S.ymour aDd.:UlPlD.d; ..c:oDded. by Councilman Mar,. that the

EI.ctric Fund Mayor be authorl:r.ed to .Ip Ul .Ddo,.._Abler Tranafer, Inc., Fullht. 37.85 m'nt of the above rliolutioD. MotioDB. H. BackluDd" Alloc .• R'I. carried.

Wan. No. 227. • . . . . . . . 79.00 Th. Mayor .tlted the D.n otder ofB, H. Backlund" Alloc., Prof. bu.iDU' wa' to coaald.r th. bid. DB

.er"lc.. 4751.14 the propo..<1 Power Str••t s.••p.r.

~~:~:~r~~~~'~;:~'f~ur in~.: 127.97 r.~:'alf:~~wl~flh~:; ~~~/p~:~~t:'F"i&ht. . . . . . • . . . . •. 14.20 coLD, Ellin Sw••par. $11.8H.60, L...

r~~~~TiioPlc:lJTiiE~*~~ II~ "instantt.heat" II~ II


~ I III~ l!~ ~. - II!of l ~_-""""' IIIit I ~- ~ ItIt II!\1 .. Iti jI C--oo:'c· OnlY =:------ $1650 =II II~ It~ The most practical heal.r ever designed; heat II

~ is fan forced at JUST THtE WARMTH YOU WANT =\1 as set on the thermost~t dial. Ribbon heating I.: elements heat faster tHan ever before due to.= new design_ Safety s1iICh shuts, heater off in= UsII it is accidentally, ver-turned!

= L. W..(Bu~) McNattI ,

= OK Hardware Ii~~~!:...s!.~......:t'':l:f....:_.!!'~!!J.;]~33 ....1



Parts extra,if needed

( Number 6-\')


. IH. n (lRlJAI;;!:.D BY TIlE MAyOHAND lOU:-,;( It (II- THF: ("ITY 01­..... Ay!',a:, NEHHASKA

'>.. ction I. An emerelncy exi,l~ dueto th" discovery 01 Dutch !-.1m di the r;il~ of W.yne and .n exig.ncy "f, preninll nllc ••• ity .nd unlor",'enneed coli, for ,mm"diale .dion orremedy to pre'ent a 5er!ou. 10 •• ~r

dama,e ltl hlllith and lor property andadverU.lna: for bid, mu,t be wai;ed fOIthepurch,'eof ••prayer.

".clion 2. Th. ( ity C\luncil i' author'i.. d I" "'ai". ,dvertlslng for bid, ilDdto purcha" • u,ed 'pray.r, au,tablyeqtlip~d to handle apraying treu ,t ,publiC lett,n« .. ,thout ad"erti,;ng for bid,aa ,oon.~ po"ible aft .. thi' ordinancpt.ku .ff.d

"~ct,on L It,,, "rdinance ,hall takea' "OOn a, p~, ••d hy • thtee·

"o(p "I Ihe (,I. I <>line LI "I..,.bra,ka .ntered ,,f rHord In

and ::f"~h;h~Ihrpe

Ln tb. Illy




.Lrtment 01 ~.tona\ltl~ •. Lincoln, Ne.~;..ka. !, A. an ,Vldine, of lood faIth In'~ub­mlttlnl .. p, poul ,a, thl, work, lh,bldd., mu.t, Illll} with hh propoul.• c:ertlfl.d (Jhlc~ 'or bid bond In '"atnovnt not I,,,,. thttn ~~. of the ,mount

~::.~d~.C~~i~~~ th,' ('Ity of W~rll"Thl 'ucc ,hI! blddu will be re.

q...lud to fJ ni.h • c,,"tili,d cheri.. orbAd bond In an ,m<J\1flt equal 10 JOO"'.of I'll' cont""f.

The Conl~~ctor will 0. required tocompl~ with the ".,a and labor re·qulremanla '''~ 10 p.y mInimum "'I,e,In accordance with Ihe "Chedule of .....1.I\.t.. eltlbll.hed b; the L'nl[lId '>tatuDepartment 01 I,b,u I' 1I1erenc ..d inIhe Propoul ~ orm.

Th, "'ork 'mder the propoH.d proJe'ctII lubJln t(l tho ~_qu.1 I mploymll1Opportunity (I,uu ... I lorth ,n thll"ped.1 Pro"i~iun

The rleht .,. r ......d to wai"e .lltechnluliti •••nd reJecl any or III bid •.

By Urder oj the Mayor and rHy Coun.Cli of the ('Ity "f .... ~yne, ~.bra,k ...

W,Il,om A Koeber, Mayor

NotlCi! To Creditor'In th. Count", (ourt of W.yne ('ounty,

Nel~1~~~·Matler of thi! E,hte of f.d"'ardt·, I!lunkamp. dec""ud.

The ">t,te "f t"ebraaka, to ,II con_

ce~:~~~. i. hareb:! «lven thal ~Il c1.lmole. ln • t .. Id eot.h mutt b, hied on orbelore th" Il)th d.y of March, I 'Hi 7, orbe forever barred, and th.t '. h.arine onclaim. ",Ill be held in th!. Court on th"14lh day of ty'Iareh.I':l67. at 1 o'dockp.m

IJa"lid J H.mer, I. ounty JudIe\:-.",,11Richard ll. Howell, ,Attorney-at-l'w nHll


LIGAL plJ'LIC~.Of! .Notlea :1"'0 tudlt-ou And H.ITI

iIl the COlJnty Court 01 W,yne ( ounty,Nebrllka.

In tha M.U.r 01 th~ Elt,t, of IdaAlb.rt, Ounud.

Th. Stat, of N.brllka. to ,II con·cerned

'Nollee i' h.reby elv.n th.t f~arl (;Albut h•• fIl.d a p.titlon .11••inl thatuld d.c: ••••d dl.d Imutat. on the 12thday of MlY, 1':t52. IIlud of an undi"ld,d[ntalnt In the tru,t ••tata 01 CharI..E. K.n now p.Ddln, In Dodl. COUl\ty,N.bruk4, In which p.titioner h.. de­rlved .n Int. rut by, undarthe l..,t WII1.nd Tutam.nt 01 Chari..E. Karn,, pnylnl lor d.t.r·mln.tlon of the ,tim. 01 dllth. th.t mhe

~~~dr,l;t:~t~\~,.~?: :l:::,:tl:fe~::~~:;

01 the property 01 th. d.c .....d. Iudwhich p.tltion wlll b. lilt lor hurln&:in thl~ court on O.cember 'j, 19l;fi, at9 o'clock a.m.

D,vid J, H,mer, County ,Jud,eI~ull



RETREADS ON SOUND TIRE· 1247.50-14BODIES ',OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES ,Plus 451 per tiro Fod.

IOXClse tax, sales tax,,'.00 2 tfadre·in tires of'SlIme size Off JOW CWo

We'll test your battery and install aDelco Eye FREEl

The Eye~'gfows";when your battery need. fluid -.reminder toy'ou' or your serviceman to add water beforedamage or failure results.

Fits most 12-volt Batterle••

We'll Get Your Car R!idy for Safe Holiday Travel w(th this,,,

,~; \\"- "PACKAGE" ,~a~ SERVICE OFFER~(f)~~;~I:ront All S 95® Balance front

wheels for@ Adjust brakes only@ Repack front

wheel bearings~.-.P.!ft


CQllllty Court of W.yn. ('ountyN.I;f•• k•.c~# No. ](,14. Flook 'J, 1'." 210.E: .te of Harry E. Fldl.r. O.claud.T e ',tata of N,br..k•• to .11 con·

car td:N',Uca i. h'reby Ilv.n th.t.1I cl,lma

••• Ind .dd ut.te mu.t b' filed on orbafor. th. 21th d.y 01 March. 1'l67. Ofb. forever barred, and th.t , hllrin,on clalm~ .. Ill b.. h.ld In ltda court"on March,28. 1%7, at 9 o·dock. A,MAddlion " A,ddt."n AUorney.

n.vl<l J. H.mer{S,.ll ('ounty Jude.


:-.loll' 'I Of llnrlllg

, ~ll~;~n"i ~,:~:le(r~l.yn.lor.likl

I.'lale "f Mfrlarn I.euck,a. Mlrl .. ,,, '>imono I ""'k,

1 he <';1,,1. t,f "' .. hra~~a. ,,,, • r,,~d

~,-,t;,e " h.rr!lJY «Iven th"t a pet,uon10., h~.n (iled for finn I ,.ttlpm.nt hereon,

~j:~:: ~;:~'.iO,~nd"\ ,:;;:;~ ~:1'~n~~h~,"'II;,';,I,::'I"n If e,tule lind aprro""1 01 f,,,,11

.nd ,U'ChOq{f. ",Id~h Will he I"rin (I", (o"rt "n lle,p'nh.r 11.

'cl"'", l',M'ill' .' ~(h <I;"

LEGAL PUBLiCATION--" .._- ---- ---

['",irl I, lin'''''''. (


IThe W.yne (Nebr.) Henld, Thuredav, DecemlMr •• 1'"

LEGALPuliLICAtfON ----- -_._----------

Iv• .., __....... officio'.d,..~ - hOnda' .......Icm.....,.."....... 11th ,trefUt., , •••• In,.ICCount-

I... of It 1...kE...........:=.oc~ do"or I. • w.""''''1 ....... m......prlft:cht' to clemocrltlc goy.I""", '. '

Nol,c ~ 01 Final Seltlen,.nlIn Ih" (-""nty ('o,Ht"f Woyn. (o\Jnt"

Nebraska.In the matter ,)f the t.~hle "I ·\I",n~

"Brockm.n Fr.nklln. IJ~eea,"d

The State nf Nehrs.ka, ,,, oilce rn~d

~ot;ce ," he reby gi '·~n thai 8 pet ,110"hal b..", rll,d for final "ttl.m ..d h"".­in. rl ..l~ rm ination 01 hel r ,hip. inhc r 'lan,,,tax~". lee. and comml.sion~, (h~lr,lJu.

tlon of ~~tlte nnd Rpprovnl "f finalBe""mt and diH'"r,,". which w,lI 10.f"r hearin" in thi, (""rlon Dee.mher I'l'lr,6. at III ,,'c1ock ,\.M

lJ,vid J HamPI, ('(H,nt;- J"dl:"

Page 13: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that


5' pe,m~to

PI•• "blac" or "P,opo•• llo, O'IlII,.I.-.t n Pow., PI•• Plpl....... Wirllll:'

10 r::.~:l~eh··:·~~:' 1;~~I:.d·,:t~~.,.etfl.,.t.Ioll. I. aa ,m~ .., ...1 \0 _.....lId ~' 1100"") of Ult ••net••00000, ,.Id IM* ,. be 111.0 ....ellt«l.., • ' ......Ibl. ~o'JlO'....u,lt,. ...

C::"l:~..~:.~.:.= :~~:-:-c:~:~&lid VI. Il.lml lad eo"IUq,1 1-h.,.11Ic:..... a..l. .

Pla•• , .,.elllcIU., a.lClo.,.eldoc......... ..,. b t ~h. otJlCl'of .... Cit,. ct.,II., Wlynl,••••••• .., '" Pf__'''' Ir.... lh. ofllu


'""'",."".~ ..,.,, ... ,...• ·"~'~··.='~.~•.'''''''''''",,,.,..--.....----_.4 ~!....1IIII..1II!4I11i':,Ij.liillj,;.¥II,A•.¥


Tlla W.~M 1_.) Herold. ThurMlOY. o..O/toW, •• I",

invited toarer%·~~'?l\F;f~tt~~~M'~~~~~.tfi1--_,i~J,~r~~'I~i~~**~·I·~!~'~


j I of the

West View Terrace ApartmentsLocated of 114 Blaine St. Wayne


Sunday, Dec.. U 2















, . . d.... I h· ..,,'.....The only way to meet educational costs (no matter whether they he hIgh or low) is to plan ahea ..y aunc '119 ~ .program. And tne earlier you start such a IOYings program, the Slnoller the amount .You will h"ve, to put ....~ ..month to meet those educational expenses. Further, the sooner you start to lOye, the less dollars you II need to .. • .....

thanks to compound interest.

An inYestment in higher learninq is an inYestment in enrichedliying. College graduates, in general, achieve a greater et.w,..of social competency, pradice better citizenship, and make bet­ter parents. 8y sending )lour son or daughter to college, you areopening a door that can lead to a brighter future for them. Andyou will be doin!! more tl,an that. Consider this: The dollor-and­cents statistics surrounding college education proye that collegegraduates earn more money and enjoy !I higher standard of liy­ing than their contempol-aries who did not attend college•


Come in today or maW ~his coupon and let us show you how much money you will need to send10ur .,1 ',or ~aughter to· coHege ~ncI how you can have this money when the need arises. . . .

Ii;' ~;.;:':v~~.

, ., ·•••••••••••••••••••..·.:f·····..····~.."i- !: I'. _ ' , -'..:-}~; ~.(TATE NATIONAL BAN·K· Name ············~q···_····,·,..:tl.::,'...~. ,.. . . . , i Address i•• ..l.' !i~ii!i '

IMoM_ F.D.I.C. : P.....·- Brochur."" C4oI~Sa"... \'

:....................... .....

u~mt., F_, nn .t,.•. , ..WI••I" MMar,, 0Cl ,1r'1l

N ~I~C~.: 0.', ','oll:~li~~Auditorium Fund

lJtiIliU.1 F.Jllod, LI....t. lor roll.,rink.,

"ealed ~~l~~:';~~s(~:II\r~,~lO::ceiv..d.. atthe off,C" of ,th_ ( lty Llerk of the Clly

~I. MW

.a~~ 'th~ ~~:: ~::' o~r\l)l~, ~ ~~l! ~', ~i~~~for fUTrllshmI of Power Plant PIPInglind !'ower I' ant Wiring in accordancewith plans an .specifications. Proposalsmay be sub Lthd for Group l.,PowerPia'll Pipin$[ oDsisting of the lnltbll ••

tlon of enl'ine uxiliari ... ', Owner furnish.ed equipment nd furni.hin&, and piping etc., or Group U.Po..erPlant Widn&, onsisting of Install.tionorOwner rurnls Old equipment, furnishina:

Sin.1 FundWIIl,IIS. Motor, R.~jn. 15,'6N .. M 011 Co .. 0... . . . .. . J,ti5Jt.,UOll'. OX, Tracto, ,.atal.. IO.M!

9t,••t ll,hU.. FundUtIlIU.. FuDel, St,..t lIaMl. . tU.'.

Fin f'uDdU(\IIU.1. FuDel, Llllhh..N. M Oil Co" 0 ...N'W 8.11, S.,.,.Iel. ..'l OX. Suppll... .. .LllVI.lO. FIr. A.ppar.tul. Co

Suppll .... , ... , ....:. 3',98Jim L.leh.r S.-leo Co., Hou. 290.00

Sod.1 S.curlty fundN.b, ..1la Stlt. AccouDlant,

Soci.lucurlty .s. Fund

V.aoed.11 H.rd••n, P.dlock.Norrh H.nuo, D,m", lo corD

plant.d 00 1"oOfl . . . 1i0.00L. £. A.II ('onot. Co., E.t\m.t.

No.' I. ..2403~.20.. ·Utillti.~ F~Dd .

K'DJleth Onmb"I, W..... . 372.25AII.n Koch, Wi.... , • . . 108.36Fnd C. Walda, W...... . . . 100,59NW B.I1, SIlvie. '" call.. ,. ~.911Abler Tunal." F'nll(ht. . , 2.52CI.rk Bro•. , F,.i..hl. . 2.•0IRs, Iaeome Till.... , .. , ., 127.70

~~~t:~~:~~:'~~Ei:~:~te'I~;: 10~:~~W.yne Co. P.P. Olat., S.rvlee

to npl.ce Ilob•.....Vl.noad.ll Hd•. , SuppU...N'" M all Co., 0 .. , .tc.~1. Witt, w••u . . ...Electrlc Filrture, M..t.r., wire,

etc ... , .... , .... 233.67Ml.plre Iron Prnervln. Co.,

Inc., P.lnt. "'- w.lerlk. 1872.38K.ol •• _Nebr .. k., Sept.mber

contribution. _ .... ,.. 278.40Bur..uof RacLamlllon. Electr,;

"'rvlee ,' 574.46W.yne Co. P.t. Dllt., C.. rier

billln," rent.1 f....... , •. 167,26WI,m.n Co., Copper tublna:... 80.73S'''er Fund, Trl.nlf.. of fuo.:b.15097.62

It w.. moved by DuerlD, and ueond.dby O.llop that the clalme 1» l.ilo,,,d I.Ddwl.rr.oh ordered dr.wn. C.rri.d,

It wu moved by Duednt'.ad ... coad-a<!by L'nc.lDbe.g th.t the .ppointmant ofFred C, WI.,!e as police m.,llln.,. bo.pproved. C. fled,

The m .... lI g I.djourned at 10:00 p.m.N. Dltm.o, (·h.lrm.D

H. Wilt, Villa e Clerk


I See By The HenWMr. and Mrl. BUf'rell

Hughe••nd f.mily, Lub­bock, Tex•• , spent the hoI.iday with his mother, Mrs.Gail Wnlon, who obs8t'vedher 81.t birthday, .nd withat,her relatives in the .rea.A' gathering was heldThanksgiving Day in theAlwin Anderson home atDixon.




~:~~~~~~r~~~r:n new 1.99



men bad ~h.t one out quick-ly. i

Firemf wanted to make.ure the moldorlnchaydldnot burst into flame .gainso ,braug t three loads ofwater tal the ,Icene thatniCht. Er clons aha madepe'riodica checks through..out Satur?y night. By Sun­day noool there was little• mol<leri~g .nd the­neS8 'in t e air was addedassura~c that fire would'not bre,. out again.

i III ,


• Sin". Colltrol• Full Size

A 151ft that's warmlywelcomed! Rayon·cotton blend With 6-1nbinding. 2·year re­placement guarantee.




,,~~. /'.:'>.-, ;:-},.. ..-~

TERRY TOWELSFor a merry kitchen' 3 /99c16_27'ln Frln~ed (0'1.99

• Pon.b,. Sfy'.• 3·Poalflon Control

Double lined bouffant ~~~'~Ihood cuts drying time!

SCOTCH PINE Handy carry strap. Ag,ftshe·lluseforyears ' t ...,

. 'A"~~."'_' 1OS8 ~ IPrettier cleaner and safer II... 13... Ithan a real tree-soft plastiC.needles can t prlck l I

I.__ ----._•••••~

'S'ilyer Dollar Night Drawing Thursday at 8:00 fJr $250

If.". I." LPower Be~m Lantern

Uses sa regu~ar battenes (not Incl~ded)

• Slices Eve,ytltin,

Just ~ulde the knife: motordoes the work, Hangs onwall, stands In case, Guar·anteed


WAYNE ',RIM N worked to keep fire from spreading' to out~ Wlalld<! Vlll'.':b.C:;d.~IN:br"kabuildings at the , Paul Ericson farm west DC Wayne Sa\urday. Tb. r.~I.r m~~ro~'t~~'~O~~dr:f


tEric80ns were unable to Tru.t....of .h. Vllt.,. 01 WID'IeI....S roy determ,·n. w h. t brought h.1d Inth••~itorlulD with th follo.lnc

IDIIDMU p1! eta.lrm... DUD:II.D,

Th" H k . about the fire. It is thought Oallop, l".lInb'UI. D".,lnc, Hill. A~

ree t"~:N~,

Y5 ae 5 spontaneous com bus t ion Til. ml.utu 01 ttl. S.phmb., muUna:

'~ could have been the cause. "'.,. ,..d.Dd .pprond.Flames from an unde. The stacks were close .,,;:;.:~~..u,.,'. report ...

termined cau e destroyed to the farm building! but 1.' e1.lm. Will. r ..d I.IId

three h,aystack on the Paul the wind was from the ~outh O...ul Fund

Erics'on farm 1 '3/4, miles and blew sparks and flames ~~~\~9a~~~~'::.~~k~P... 1~~:~:west 01 Wayn on HIKhway away from the buildings. K.....-N.bruka, 0 ... , .. : 2.1236 Saturday af erooon. Two Exception was a small un- 0.1. C. Kropp, .p.elal poll..... 24.00trucks k rl t d Burd.o'l. Surplu. C.ot", SIUD

were a e, 0 the use shack that had some .IId ud I~t.. , , , , . , .. 4~.~0

blaze. 40r damage to the roof. Fire. John L. S ., R.lmburum.nt!...... . fo,bolta,. It"h.l.pdbrl..,k.t. 3.05

• I ."' « ~•••••i:4II ..

[~] COFFEE. I SERVER. , ~.~ 2.99

Elocr". .- ~ Pe,k and sorve I

SHOE POLISHER ~~~~~~~:epl~i~:: :GlVe~. great shlne l 4 57 ~ -Battery Operated, • Gold design. :

,a.;.;,';';';;";;;;;;;';';;';';';:lo.-;':':':'-I'--_---.I :

Page 14: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

Regular $7.98

Assorted Colors.Sizes A-I:3-C·O,

Irregulars of Falpq!"iBrond You'll R.~.l. :nino If First Woul'

Sell for $5.00 .


lPper nee k fdr use aegular collar or turtleck.


FIR EE·61FT WRAPPING.I----_.;.;;;....-il



Hurry for the Best Pick ... Hundreds

to Choose From ... Finest Wool Fobrics.

tlon with First, Virlil Kar­dell, Wayne, was IOuth­bo'UDr. Paul ott., WsyDe,was acklnl out hom be..hindparl#od ••hicl.s andback.ld into tho path ofthe Karelell car, which h.had fail,.d to se. coming.

Dsmsg. cam. to $76 totho Kardell car sDd $55to the Otte ca r. Chief ofPolice Vern Fairchild in­vestigated.


to stop In tim., and hit thorear of the Saum car.

Boost.d forwsrd by theimpact, the Saum car hitthe Hansen car. Dama,ecam. to about $297 to theSaum vehicle sandwichedin between the other twocars. Officers Keith R.edand Alan P. c k lnv.stigal­ed.

Later on Sherman Streetjust north of its intersec-.



Fur Trrinmed


, '

accident-free week. Lastweek two accidents occur­red Dec. 1, keeping thecity from having an .'c­cident-free week.

Th. first accld.nt thepast week occurred on MainStreet in the 300 block.Gene Hansen, Wayne, stop­ped for traffic Lyl.Saum, Salina, Kan., stopp'~dfor Gene Hansen. JamesMuhel, Walthill, was unable


One D~ Sp~ils City

Record~ for AccidentsA we k ago it was one

block th t ruined the city'saccident record. The past

week it ts one day.In the first ,case, both

acc ide ts that occurredwere in e same block andj( it had dt been for them,the city oul ha ve had an

Value"a '2~' $37Corduroy - Suedes

Wool Plaids - Meltons


Many, Mony Colors ,.

Misses' Sizes 1.0 to 18 - Juniars', 5 to 15

Wide Selection of Proven Styles

= III JUST SAY, "CHARGE I'"r !.....* *~••~-- ~ ~~••~.&

Phon. 375-3780

aboard! the USNS CorpusChristl Bay at Cam RanhBay, Vlietnam. His addressis induded ,with other ad­dresses this week....

All items about service~

men and serviceworfen willb€ carried in this depart­ment fr am now on. Yournews about those in theservice will be appre­ciated. Some news and pic­tures come from the serv­Ices themselves, othersfrom friends or relatives.All are wanted.

('Iifford Pasold, 20, sonof the timer Pasolds, Wis­ner, has been promotedto army specialist fourthclass, equivalent to a cor­poral. lie is serving withthe 24th infantry divisionat Munich, Germany, wherehe is a troopclerkinTroop(',2nd Squadron, 9th Cav­alry. Pasotd entered serv­ice a year ago after g'radu­alion from Wisner HighSchool.






8 'yl $775 6 $675-c •... -cy... ,Save $2.00 on all Mufflers

119 ~ast. 3



• Check battery condition and completecharging system.

• Adjust distributor points.

• Remove plugs, clean and gap.

.• Adjust ignition timing.

• Adjust outomatic choke.

• Bolanee cC!rburetor.

• Analyze motor on Rotundo scope.

Parts exIra It needed.

Pvt. Harry Zaretsky,Levittown, N. Y0' completedeight weeks of advancedinfantry training Nov. 29at Ft. Ord, Calif. Instruc­tion in small unit ta'ctiesand in firing M.14 fjOe,M-GO machine gun and .3.5·inch rocket launcher waSgiven. His wife, the formerSan"deo. Whorlow, is inWayne. ZaretskiJ; is the sonof the Ben Zatret"skys ....

Selected for technicaltraining at Lackland AFB,Tex., is Air'mlm RandallRubeck. son of the Merle

..............**...........2··....•..••...····***··1 .**.*.~•••~•••••••••••••••it II~ SALE! LADIES! = POCKET THE SAVINGS! $3'~ = USE YOUR CREDIT ~. '..!SPORTSWEAR II ttl .:::==_it SAVE It it ~~ 3t06x, 7to 14

~ :;(~, '~~:t', ;::,~Iee:s ~I~S~S:~I 50%i ~ 5 · Skirts~ "ze, I,)IS uf (ulur Values lu ~ ~ I p • $1495 It it • Jumpe.,.

~ 0 ~ ! ' a· Blou..s

;~::::t7:::::::::,..7::::::,..7:::~~~::::::::::::::::::::II;~~ 11'1 RYSw~ 'Ie Values to $12.95 ~ ~ CLEARANCE ON LADIES' ~ :


~ SWEATERS = iJuniors, mIsses and half size111 Popular, Comfortable

~ Siles ,S-M-L ~ ~ sPRICES



sD!!! ! ~ POOR BOYS

i Large selection of colors. i'~ 1- - 5 ~ ~ 5288

= 55 51 iit-Chiidr;;:i~:~:"" =

g and = ~ COandA7-y14

S =ll!iIll.--K-:..::;$6." I!~~~"'~'$'~~_ ~~ ".,•., ''$JII'' ~ II It ~ For skirts or pants, get set for action

.·""""0""...""...... ,..."" ..."""" "".'""" "'''''N«: '''~ i 'Broken sizes and styles. =. with a faVOrite Poor Boy top. BaSically BLANKEtSII • It II So Hurry for the Best Pick! ~ : simple in ribbed cotton knit, White, ;

!,: Innerware lllllll=,i $9 and $12 ~ =loden. black, plum and navy. Misses'. 72x90Sj~: ' i: =sizes 5n1lall, medium, lorge,II I It ;~"""'..._ ..........""".......................... a__..................."....'''.III__Ii..._'''...._III•••__.._... "Colors galore' GhIII i 54-piece set, service for 8 plus Itlt '.•"""'''''''..''''''''''''''''..''''''''' - now for Chris('"

Itt (4 tt t I Prices Slashed! f' .it ex ro cen er ple~es po erns a ~ 111


3-PIECE LADIES' gi, ts pr your own! choose from Colors vellow, blue, .. Hurry! Lots of se

i 'green and brown =~= KN.I· T SUI T· S Color ... All u." ,It III sins, B to 20.

I !II' $2 00 n 52'·,5~8a'nif

'dS3..S/88 I $,48.,

I, '. L i~li" ==~..;:,: ;:;..;=- ...---I-----------~------J r............ .' = DD


Rubeck!>, '\ lIen. He willbecome an air policeman.Rubeck ha~ just completedbasic training at Lackland.He is a 1 CJG(. graduate of-\llen High ~c~o.ot.

Airmail letters to serv·icemen with APO or FrOaddresses will go for eightclents. This is a bargain.'\irmall letters to most ofIi:urop~ go for El cents an~

tb pla~es such as Japanan~'\frica [or 2fi cents. Therate depends upon postaltales in the Counlry. :\ny­thing to a service baseaddress overseas goes attihe low domestic rate ofeight cpnts.: _ •

A former,local resi~ent,

:f'p~(, Edward \\. Kurrel­meyer, jr., "-on of Mr. andMrs. Ed Kurt"elmeyer, sr.,~ichland, Mo., is stationed

Page 15: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that


"',,,,,, 11111III'll',L nod

r 1'1, \nd 11, 11 '1',Il"d,

II, <I



J'l",l "l' ~iVl'

, !"I" ',d h', piny11'11 .'11,1 '1liflg wonl1\, 1'.1" ,. ill ,.- 1"\,, i,~lnn"8.

overseen prnduetlotl, cantake n lot o( (' rt1dll ror_thepltlv-: .....111, llllowl.d tlte stu_dllnt!O lu (lirt'l'l hut lheyFiha ..... t hI' bt·nc·f1t!l ot herIn1>t ruel iOll and nil Uu'allJlrHtors do-.ervlJ prall.for thf."ir work. rhc 'play.Weft' no! t.qunl In doryVltlu('. in t'lllotional outputf C q II ire" (} r in colorruldldraclt'r-. but nil were""'<'11 dIll\{· alld II credit toI lip utll'~ il\\'l>l\'l'd.

I in"l!', Ilol' l'nough clnb l , -',Iid .tllilll( tllll ara••th,lI 1I,1n.lI\' Ii\!" IlHl.keup,Ihl' I i,.:111 illl-t lind the''>\'I'I1I'f\ \1\ \\l'rt' marvel­lJU-., 111',1 \\h.ll i~ tJxpecC'ed'ill I lit' Ill',l r - professionalprudllrlioll" ,LI lin' collelJ") r"tl, 'II" 1",.1 I'd lIf lho madr,l],l.'lll .11\,1 1ll!· huge nt)se,If Ih,' ,,1,1 lllilll with thorOll" lu tl'l'\,.lfn1I!ntnlmoliit-.lill'\I,.,1 \1 \,)(J!II',j ~o fonl,'I., j"II,i, j,,·d~ ,Jf nn old~I"II 111,l ';" 'Illllltl .. slage"I tl,,' Ii" I I ~I'" room,111,1~'('lIl', 1

'/',11111, ,llulllghr..

11i~: 1\,' t" I I 1m.l"'r" '" I ~lling tho

I I I for. the(1"1'111.1 I" withI11"11 II i' I' '1IldillJ{s.

FROM' $42995Cl7PC "-ll~ lr oltf.1I dill ' "

rnfU 214 \-Q ,n pl(IUre'lt'IriIt ...

• Hi 1'1 (',,1,,; Tull{' with r.r.f';l rtb I'h,,~ph,,~

• jJ"w'·r tran·,f~Jnn.,rrhaMii• TIJTt ("Jfl(r',] • '/wo BpI·akers"• Au!r,rnalic d"rnfq:nf'll.lCr ,

• Culo·r JndH:aLur ludH

the Whole Family


Beautiful, natural coloras Ji-csh (1,'; all Ollttloo!",s

p~~" t>~!!~~ UHf tun,"C

I'rfHlI UP 10 ~ UHr(~,d ...~~t\ (01(;1 (011Iro,',~rt ~~",bt'~~ h~~'

~ 'np,df (.p.~' l~~'0i:

MOTOROLA-Rectangular Color TV

Outstanding Quality.

MOTOROLA"Clock Radio

"Wherll the ('ross hi\fade," It had thrt.n' mainrol .... '" in telling of n forml'rse.l caJltain \\'110 ,L\il) ll)ok~

ed I()r 11 sunk('n ship 10

r!"turn. Iii" son r,IIINI ina dnctor, hoping to !In\'{·hi-. fllther dl'clllrt>d mild. InhI" end, tht> fllthl'r VI' 11 I>

til'l I, the ..;on himself ",~ll-'

fllad and his "io;tt'r Wd~

nt"ar -hy-.tericlIl n \ (' r tht.'lurn III t'\ t'nl .. ,

1)<11\ (jrit"p .... ntr(lg hilS !,W(l

df111-', lIt' ,IPpt',lft'd tl) h;I\I'bllt IlIlt' III ,Ill d[,'{ I i\'l' jull'If llrt' ..... :LIII1 {·h;lr;l\·tt'ri~i1-I llJn, II.· Ii 0\',] "\ .1 1j!tll1clll'" ,'Ill! ,li,1 \\ I,ll ill

hallCllill~ ,I Ih)1\_-.\ mi',dh/'li(fld,' .

I IIHh 1 Ish e r d it! notIi" \ " I" ,jJ' 1,],1 I 111.11\', ('Iil"­

1 I l) II -. ,I' 'It" -.illq>t'rill,l.\"·,I-.I,'r bill ")\(' W,jS

Ill'lil'\ In 111,' 1'.Lfl. 'ur­11l,Ill ....t r II" k h.ld .1 1 ft'!llt'l\-

,lll l1 ~ ,I -. 1)11· I't·a fd-",j -. t',l , ,I ),1 .tlld III \\ i 101-l'l"d tOf ,I \ .I f 'I 11 II d 'fll'

-.1,1/.':1' I,l" ,lid III "\.' "ll,'nlIidl 'Ii ,')11\ iIi(' l!l~ (]',1' ",1,1.

Il'IIC" lit' 1\,1" 111'1fl' IlI,lll I

I I , " I ,. "I ~ I I I I "I I\ .' I

H,d, \\ "j.', Ill' r 1,,1,1 I" ,11'­

[l1',lf l'I'll!"" 1"11.11,1" ,I'!"(­

1'1]', \\ III' II I,t' lid. I

Illdil,,,, i d \1111" f ,11101

\\ liit' 11.1<1 ,,\ .1111-"11 t" II'tl',11 '\1"1'" .,.1 If111I'ir I,ll I, "Iv.,)li(JI 1\,1 1'1,1 rij.',I,1 1"1

tfll' pdfl" llll'\ 1",,1\ ,lll,1 \,\

I hl'i r I-';I,o-.! 1\ ;11'1"',1 r .11l< "

111-.11\)1:11 \\,1' ,or,ll'f_[III' til fPt' d":ld lTi "11

pal~;~n11 :,1; t~;:'l~)\,; I" .. I' \1 V.llll



T. f I PI get him to tell where hisrio 0, ays riches were hidden and 10.'

.I., WSC all in the end because heGiven 'J"t thought his father wan'.d

~him to hang when all the

\, trio of short plays by old man .wnil /d "'.s forEugene 0'. 'eHI was given him to pull on the ropeSunday, Marciay and Tues- with the noo!>( to whichday nights

t,at Ram s e Y hi s bag of gold was attached

T.healre, W T, by ~tudents in a hay loft. brother. Susan Cook, diO' \'iuchholz seems capablt>at. the col ege. The pro.. :ninutive and cute as could of handling mo"t roles anddtlctions de w good crowds George Tubbs was among be, had a small role but give .. mQrt>' aniimatioTi andconSideringf,the weather the leading actors of the gaveane,cellentpor~raval characterization to hisand the fae -that this time evening with a demBooing of the simple.minrlf"1 girl. pnr.s than the IHerageof year there are so many ;iO~~ro~h~h~a~~~t~~~~~~;~: "In the 7one"wn', I:\'~ - .:;tudent. f'eterst'n did n

tOlt,heepr'Jb"I',.'cr'"sfl·t~;,Om"es vying for ing him s elf understood. ~d by \1ark \1'.>0500, '\chon good ph ,J! portraying thelook place in 1:\ "hip around suspicious one, the battling

I he Ilol~('" wa~ the last Thrown to lhe floor twice 1'115. (' h a r a ('! p r s werl' man who fought to prolel·tplaj given!. each evening. each evening and shoved similar, sp\{"rd-.pokewilh hi .. personal property and\\hf:"ther If~l<" was to kef'p around a good deal more. accents and thert' \\a .. nol the pa ined mt'lll \\IIO-.{-'the' he<.,! unlil Ih". last or he "h0uld have been shakj as mUc'l indiv:d'lalit\ to s{'cret lo\e ha"hel'nbart"d,to (Jr£>-.en1' the pia:, la~t ju<;t fr'Jfn Jllticipation. Only the role ... J.~ ~ht?-rl' \\,1" ill Of the other parts, 111,,~tthHt re'tLJare,l the mo"t when 7e carne in for;l "nope. Wl're "good. I'd I u\ 11:\(J an

cle.anlng uij! is [lUi kno','n, ~~r~~~~lr~~)~'~i;JI~~.'-"S~hO('w~~~~ Hon \\'arhhulz <lnd Hich. ,lc(e/lf·!es-. rule '1\.11 \\,1:-

-\ "t(lrl I of a crochet) ·';lr1 Petersen h~ld tll!· ruIl?s \\"('~l~handlt'd, I'rt',j ,,\ jl-':ing~

ol(,~ 111dn, al 'ilmple-rnindcd r~~I;t;:.~~,md\-~ling old man he as the man whu "u~qJerted tUIl "pokt' ,I "'('LlIC'1llitllt· ~irl, ;1 ,->ail()r horne and Ihe man who was su'>- accent and hi .. l'rt'rlil,frf,rn til", -.I!(l Hid a I'fjuntr\ (;errv \1 t:' li<; wa ... con- peeted, Peter-.en was vin- nu matter \\hat tllt" nlnlld,r,dJ!' ;Hld Illi" \\ifp had the vincing a<; t.he .. ailor re- dicated after a tussle and he neVf'r forgot tilt' .1CCl'n!.

~i 1°';1 ~I. n J~ .. l'~\'~~Ja \)\~r-.i: earl ~:~ :~e.. : x l~~\{,; i :~;l:pl~~·i~fl~a; ,:~ ni.:~pe~~\~~g~~g;l,i" ~'-)::I~ of [~~ee ~\t.;:~ r(~ f t:L:~(:)t ~~, ~ e:~ltl'~wi'.11 :llal"[jled,I,'lrJrinefllh lIl.ln\· ol)d-.. ,\rne \elson letters from a ('el',l1lll,;irl w('re ,Hlequate intlH'rninnf

rol.e. wa<, g"u0t1 ,1<; a ,,'loiJbish boor whom he had loved before roles the\ f,l\ e.1f.,It' directed of a drtllnken brmer and leaving for the war were seanlen. illrlud1,d

trw pl:1\ the ..;ailor Julie /-\(~rtnl:111 wa-. pr·Jper· found to be contents of a [Jenni:-. ()uif;dl!'I ,.lallll's \ ill~wb,) {afili' home, decided I':r [i:lihful :1~ <t \\:oman box-not an instrument of <;ki Ld \ljll~f, Ilrad] ord

(it'of~e Mt'II~, flll'~ lfllfJ il fagl/' til "Th H(Jp<, (Hlt' of thr~ til hi*, hrqther-in-L.l'v\ caught ~rn()ng; ht'r father, sabotage the others had anrl Hob 1l.tll,presented this wet'k (hrec~t'd hy WSC ~11](1"Jlh, ' in uriryg Jli" father tu her hU-'~::lI1d and her half- bee!'} led to believe. Pal r i l i a him dirl'clpc!

!i-IIII!''''''-~IP:~IP:~~1IP:~tI!!!IlIIII!!!IiIlll!~~!I1fl1l~flIl~IIII!~lIII!lIIi''''l!1J11!lIIiJll!~'''!I1i!!!I1''''lIIillll!'''lIII!lIIii!!l'l:lIII!lIIil':lIIillll!lIIi"'~IIII!.Ii! I. ~

~ . , ;~ ~r.J ~). I ~

! 'Christmas: !~. :~ lingerie, i~ LINGERIE. HOSIERY it!

; for the lady ;, in your life... ;~ m~ ~f!: For that spcr 101 Iudy you like to surprise !!\~ f\ ~~~~ With Iuvlly icKy, temln,ne gifts we hove 1!1.If: - - (] hf'C1utltul collection at lingerie ~ :lli; ~"J!: everything trom slips to gowns to ~

.'ii....' { 0 { peignor sets in colors, styles, I..P.'!' ( and tobrlcs to moke her look -'. r ond teel like the wonderful - f ,.~ J' ('<?~ wumon she IS So thiS ChrlSt- ~) 1!1.; ,'~ /<~( )~~ ~~':"m~:ee,;e,:,~:::h\:~~,~~;; ) ·.i~ ~ . ~

~ ~'\41'1'::\\ " ccc""", ",'ed ,e" to, he,. / j ,l'e ;

~ '*'~ \ c. ~~ / ~(~t~~~, C;lI'l'frt'l' fLlt't, (If "('!' • 'lhflJlI~h ~I.~ /. ~ ! douhle ,-.h.e\'r cape sll'('\'t'~ ;Hal ~.

~ /1·' ',okl' pljled d('ro.~~ neck IW,Hlly ;,

Ii! A LVlIlid II ltll \'xqlll.~Jtl' ..\1l'n("on~ fi,~ ~(,\lfltltl'l ',rl)'dl! I' 1"'.1 I!lflll ':'~1 l\ 10(' 1,\('( ,IJiPllq.H' on bodin' j ~.~ I", '.~-l\ ,i,,', "," 0<1,"1, III hl"k l ~

~ ,~:',':',:':',:,::: """":', '." ,,,,,, ur "",',," $595

~,I..,JZ{', ,". :\1

~.'. ':",,,, '" "$"5'''95 " '\ ,~,',.,."" 1'--)'~ ~.'.'~'11':'. "I j)I:lphlIW't.,'>l', ~:w

~ I ,C:('Il"I'''II~h i,lI'I'd \lllh <-Irt· ~'fr."",,, ,'PP"'1''''' "'HI :ll'ii " ,h,',,, ,h,', , ""1'" iii.Ii! (, [('('till 1,1:;1r1~ !i~ ,~Ii! ;'Uv' ;.; .\1 l"1'!llf h aqua ol)ly. ~

i; $]95 ,(~ j;J.

~ D. ~~\'~Z7 ~~ '" Ih"t ,."",,, ,."", 'Ii ,,,",,, 'K).~~.•,~)~'" ~r) ~,~.~ \'ll If ... i'ut\lllh .11111 Ilr'>(~d belt,., ~. ..:.~'i- _i" ~,.~ lll,~hli~lli III'lIdl'r!11I 1\"I~h\ L-t· ~ \ 1 ~r.; I~ 'I ;:w\"t \ \r',IIIII(""l' Ch<.lrlllw;..:lj ~mucl-i.ed !J I I ~It '~ l>ll hod I\"(' ) 11.11 tl{'\.lhk -.\vlmg E.:: \ ~~ h" II 'rl1 ;1~ \\\'11 o\,'f gown ~ \ ~'idj \11 TJ,I fllr 11',1l~111"; ::lIlU X"j(- \ ..:;: c if,I.'~·. ::~ ~lt't'j1II1'.': :-;lle~ ~ - .\1. ~

., .\\ ,ll[~lhlt- "it I pink '-.'f Idue E . ). ~t; L~\l'f~ vf 1ll\.L1f\ \\lth lup uf if:Ii! c,~ I't( $1095 111 l'-l \ lJI(lphIJH':~:>l' !ZIon' ;1~ly j~ !i~ \1",,," (, . "pp,,,,,,,~d "IIh ,,,t C.,t I,," '>,-, II

! r) d'''lll ffl>nt Jnd luu,~el\ [.Iced '10 ~=-

~ capt· -!t't'\ t'~ tii; St,:-C k Open Thursday and hl'Jl1jHW :"JILl" S • M, ,-\\ adah~1 ~.. :>,~.. ~Ii! Hi "IU' on". $195" 'iJ litil Friday Nights 'til 9:00 ?~~ il

I r~i~\) LA!~~.kJ- l~k'\\1MIlflllii1fiiOii1l'iilii1~"'''ii1!1ii~~!Iii ~'iiil!liiliillliil 'iiiI!Iii"'Jiliil!liliil!liliil!liliiillliiiil!lilililrlliiil!liliiiIJiiJiiill!liiiil!liiiiill!liiilllliiillli"'_-I

Page 16: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

Buy a small troe ... it'.less likely to cause fire.

• Stand your Christmastree in water in the cool­est part of the room.

'There's a perfect slipper fft

for every member of the famlly'.

SUPPfRGlfTS."are the right gffts for everyone

For Mom, fashion.righ~ slipper•.

for Dad and Brother. softly lined ;and opera

slippers ... for Sis. "go-go" lind furry boot

• Don't place the tree 50 it will block doorways.

• When your Christmas tree drys throw it away.

• Have a switch same distance from your tree for turning treelights on and off.

• Keep electric trains away from your tree.

• Be sure to switch off your tree lights when you go out.

HAPPY DAYI I-Iarr~' Lindnt:r f.:t'l" hl:- rlrl\er'"~ Cn,.... from Mr"!,<lrr\ JllhJl"~()n In 1111' offl('I' of COUll!\, Trt'a:;llr('~ 1,I'Hlla Bahrll' Ahapp\ Illllllter, ~Ir" lIerman l.lndnt:r, look,,, lin,

aged quite well.Karen and Jo were both

told their parallel parkingnepds bru<;hing up-butmost people could usebrushing up on this drivingfeat. Ila r r\" was told hisjob of parallel parking wasone of the best Lee hadobserved recently.

What seem,s to give themost troublel for driverstaking these tests? Lee saidrnan~" fail to make com·plete1 stops at slop signs.He Vid hand signals wereoften gi ven too nea r thepoint where the turn wasintendeu (the,\ should begivi'n at least SO feel aheadand held un I i I ready toturn) and parallel parkingbolhers almost everyone,particularly in W"ayne, for~()rne reason.

!low do >,nu fail a ririv-te~t') {mproper turns,

fa ling to make correctstops, failing to be w;llchfulenough at intersections andI)ther major safety over­sights are Lhe most com­mo~ faults, the licenseexaminer said. The ser_iousness of the violationor oversight. governs thenumber of days set beforeanother test,· is allowed,Lee' adde-d.

Those see kin g "choolpermits c.hould get learn­er's permits before Ihe)Lake the accordingto lie thi sallows<l le;1rner to drive for twoI;l1onths and practice driv­ing before being tested.1''0 r 1 l1-year-old, who

~'\'CiilI, cl :.;cllool permit, "alearncI ., permit is usuallyall Ihal is needed to givehim, he experience neededso he has no trouble withthe test for a student per­mit. The schoolpermittestis exactly the same as fora driveris license exceptthe vision lest is required.For a driver's license, thevision test is not requiredif it waslakenforthelearn-

Il(' g'I\'(> sign.'l1spr())!!'r' wa'" allowedto II~' lilt' <lldomatic turnc.;i n:lls the rest of the

Final check was on

he had her drivewithout using t.lH' automaticlurn signals. This gave him:\ chance Lo chf'ck her know_ledge' of left and right t.urn

and the signal."lowed down ,at. in­

t e r sec t ion s, kept bothhands on the !'lterr ingwheel, c;lowed down whenapproaching a changingI rnffic signal (instead ofr r\ to beaL the yellow

:lnr! looked both wnysfollow-

pa s sedin great o;hapa.

icism J,et' had fortH'f to jlloge t.he dis­tanc{' wh~n sigllaling for alurn ,0 ';hl' wac.; ~ufe on­comillg traffic wa~ fart~nollgh J\Vay hefore sheIu rnpri- in front. (! Ie broughtIhi", 11I1 :lnd n(J1 ell thatloui",{' h;pl h:ld ,ufficienlrOOll1 t I) lJlalH' '-,111'11 ;1 lefl

!laws of driving, what thevarious shapes of signs

,indicate, speed and general rulesof the road.

If they ha ve not had aneye test in order to get astudent or learner's per­mit, they also take one atthe time. This equipmentchecks dis l a nee vision,ve r tic a I balance, lateralba lance, fusion and depthperception.

1hen comes the jitterypa rt. Lach applicant gor:sfor a ride in a car hef'lrnishe ".

[olli"p hami~h allowedthi ... writer to go along forher It"s\ drive .....he e:.aidno reporte r would makeher an. more Ilf'r\'ous thanthe drivpr'<-, license ex:am·iner w<Jldd.

She should have saved

toot. altor 4:30.

Dr i ve r ' • t r a in Inc Waytl. Coullty ....,..,.... '.'.' ....:,,~rses have helped a' lot Courth '" ';:i~~. i~:~ i?.:':'~~~~k:j,o~' I" GUn RflIIIIl@f!~,:driving and .afety than .I.,':many older people who have I Mi.rrlare license.: .-:~t'i\, ":/:', i·.,

had licen.e. lor y'ars. Nov. 29, Fred H.Il~~ilThey have to know mo~e. 66, Sioux City, and-;, l_or they don't got Iicons,s. stansborry, 55, SIOIlll Q If

The .ad on's are lho.o day by J.~".,.•who do not pas •. They will Icome bock again, possibly Dec•.2, O"onald 'C<, "iathe (ollowing w!llek"and will Longneeker, 3'4, Win••probably pass, Very "few and Elsie May Reh;nul i ' 2'have to be tested morethan Winside. .:~1l 'tWice, but even those who Real Estate Deeds: !....~~]do get tested more often Nov. 28, Wilbur E. ~benefit from knowing Jeannette Giese to A\.I~'.tthoroughly the proper way F. ThUD, Lot 24, drive. Heights Addition, $22.55 in

If YOU want to be "tested" revenue stamps.' , ,I

let ~ne of the teenage;s Nov. 30, Earl 1,. dnd~.I.lake you for a drive. Fol.. va Duerling to Hob~rtR. tndlow t.heir instructions, give Ella Mile CleVelD.~~'Lqt, 9signals light, show proper lind Nth Lol 8, lock,:.8,precaution, get 17 out of B r e ~ s I e r & Po: terlon'.

Monday morning.llisvisits 20 questions righL You just First Addition, Wineld~,to Wayne are so busy he might pass. You might filii $9,500.will start coming her~ for and have to go back nnd be Dec. 2, George W. Coul-a full day of testing every tested again! ter to Loui~ G. Ilnd Ella\1onday starting .~an. :1. Walde, I.ot 11, Block 5,His hours will be from H.~••rddw.nd.",~'d•• ~.T...w.r"'ttl. I~ressler & P.ttatllo~l.,'l:30, until 5, but he will '" First. Addition, Wlnritle,not take applications for Ad. Th.t 00 the BIG Job $13.20 in revenue stamplh<\


1= ut Inflammab-Ie


I ' PRECAUTIONS~ eli! DURING THE~~ .~~~~~~ ,~ L




111~~~~~~n InsurancePh.~~~_~2' iie··ability to park parallel, er's permit. ~~~~~~~~~~,.*Jti~~.nlJl:J••••••Jt"I:J.,.••••••nt:~••••"."•••<1 mcloeuver which ~he man- 1 ee was busy most of I((j1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:~1?:l'!l!II.!JIliIl.!JIliIl.!JIliI!JIliIl.!JIlil!!!JIli""II!""JliI!!Jlill.!lI!l!!~

~ ~ 0 -= _ c ~v _ t . if- 0 • "~ I~ ~ ~\ ,\i; 0 0 ~~,:~D~


I., I\'\; .

~ .\'\;~til~Ii~til~\'\;'r.i~

'J!i\i;~t\~\i;P.l\\:~t;;P.!t;;ilt;;M!tili!\i.iI (.. , slippers ... for the tots, cute and eud,dly styles_

II! , from $298I

tL J~Qt-r~_Jj.I!!.U.tt2u..


t ,II k" I" (I,.. III'{'TI~" • '\ :1 III III" I

'011 1 111<1111'1' , (II'T\ III' J I'"

;111.1 I ; j III i I IC~ 1 011111 ii' '" ;I r"hi... r I' r l"l t () r \. He gl)(~ s I ()( () lIlIIII'llC, :lflll1b\-l,l,li ,(lfl ',,'J

Iwl p ill l'l:lr'if' and \ladi~

I 'JIlnlil:c, wl1('[,' the')),.1 \ " I--:rl'(li (' r ion anrI

<I'er fllrexanl-11e help, I Ill' f''\arn­

irlf'r:-. i JI I hi)'> (' ('niHil i fle; ahalf d;I' f'~I('h ""f't'k.

\flt'l' filling 1IIIt f(Jrrn~

:1 lot of !If> rl inenLmal I he

I;ILI' Ill" "rIU""I,,,1

wait long after their 16thbirthdays to lake tests andthey all had been practic­ing and studying for thewritten and driving test!>.

flarry was If; \iov. 2:->,haren Dec. :t-, Jo ;-':ov. 29and Louise Dec. 1. Theywere "followep" through atypical pai'nful session ofbeing tec;led and wailingto find Ollt if they hadpasc;;­pd reqllirt'rl1pots.

I.el·, W)IO lives in '\or­fulk, give,> ~lriving testsal"\Hf~k. lie i" in W:,yne\Irmda_\ nlornings, ~lJdi ... on\londa\ 3ftf'rnoon". '-'tantonrIJ~"rla\ IIIIJrning--" (olum­h'J~, 'I II f' <, 01 a I, afternoon",), r I i g h l)fj(> \\ f~ d n e " d a -" ,J t:karnah tilt, next, WestJ) {J i n t T h IJ r ~ day <; a nilI'ierce l-'ridav<-'.

,\ctuall,"', \\ ilyne, Stan­ton, Pierce, Antelope, Burt



and 1ht~ walk-~kipth:ll t;!~t:f;

tlll'lll Lo till' !C()llflt'. 1 rea­Sllr('r'o-,

\londa. Oflf-' 'uf th(J~l'd:I\", for H[)h(l~rt 1,1'1', whogive:; tlH~ r1riter' ... 1II'f·Il'f'

:1 we~,'i'\er~1

\<1 kin!,; I ('-.:1 ~

, til 11 I:~ •



iedtke Plumbing

,-";0 "'Oil 11:1" I' .J d r i\ e r",licE'nsf'. Did "JIJ ~;('l one<,incl.' llip dri ... ·r' .. 1f',1 ,\H<;

!llade;\ r\'qljlrl'mi~Jlt (ir did\ Ol! gl'i 1'IH" ! riI~, Igo i'I'i1

by aPl'h'ing fill' (jne ,I) !liJ\\

\'Illl (' a Il r e fl (> \~ ,. \' f' r \ t \\ i'

veal's jw,t 11\ dPI,I\iflgr. () I' I (' "1I <l ,~ " r' I ii" I' I' i,

1\11 Chlljl'l (, I'll I ,j r i \.1'1" ~ II' f'll • 1 1';1" \

.l'" ~Illll' dd'I"dud !'I'I III' <, I '\"(11111,' 1"1 \\1 , ,1

i~;[;ll' 1/{llt

l"I;" I'. , ';I,,~liJifil.I',',1

thnl '"dll I"~, ' :! gIani' ",in tllp hill'>. till'smile t.hal ,~, fl'l ,'illlOf' ,)fl

Getting Driver's License Not Easy;Successful Ones RefJect Their Joy'

Page 17: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that




SAVEl Rigularly $14.95H'g'" fo ....lon decorotor rug of100-/. royon pil. in a Ilu""ing"$unbunf' poll.rnllalu c;ootedbock, .rown,. copp.r, Qr••n 0'blue, Hurry in todayl JI:'.Ol'.


$499 ,Tho;,t.iQand lit11. Kho'.i.1M.,ol .hod.-brOwn.Bulb included, ":.,,,,

No Money Down$1.5" P., W..kPayoble Ma.lhly

._- -

---' -=-~~ - ~

ill CORONADO 'Lancer'


Toke·clong-stereo with a big, boldsaund-25 wa"~ of peak power! 2heavy duty matched ~peaker~ liftoff and extend 8 feet. Eo.y·loadtilt·out (hanger ploy~ all ~iles andspeeds. Tone, volume and balancecontrols. ) 8" high.

deep and weighs only 18 pounds. ,The reception it exceptionally clear~

bright and detoiled. -12,000 volts o~picture power_ Indudes earphone with 0112'-cord for priv:ofe listening. ...,...,.)T... Ntoe .......<d~__..........•



No Money Down51.40 Pa, W.ekPayabl. Monthly


NO MONEY DOWNOnly $6 Per Month


12" P.ortable TV


Makes a ~Yi~nderful Gift!Here's a person~ portable TV ot a MtrryChrutmos price-olld what a gift it 'willmake! Compact~ light for real cany­about portability. hut l ... x 13'/..-: 10:'17"


Modern 'O~ tomorrow! Sleek o"a<j:hestyle case holds a 4-~peed changer

..... ith rubber· moiled turnroble, clyS­la! cartridge ond sapphire needles.features separate tone, volume lIIndbalance controls. Delivers 8 wpth

of peak power. I • .1-3&<42


ill CORONA:DO Stereo


i11-11 at the end 01' tha had 2 ..oiots. Jacobsen, R, Bo.ttorl 3 1. 2 • 7 Tho W.... INolo,.' '",.I~. Th~,"'••, .m"" •• 1'"p.rlod. R. W<ckar, Dancb.rc and D, John.on 1 1. 2 • 3

At halftim., Pon.. I.d B. Wack.r 1 aach. To'a1 21 7.1518.9 W.yna'a' alia It mill at I, ,,.,I.>,,,!,,,28·21. It wa' 38-371nlavor In the r' •• rv. lam., 6'.",6'2" and 6'2"; Lui aar he. tofu ih":~of tha Indian. after thr.a Win.ide won anotharthrlll· 'Team EHort' Helps Wayne l.d 23.21 a1ler ~~ 0 thlilN~ jail" . ,"quarters and Winside out. er. \\'HS led .11 the way. one qUArter and C3..2 It Mo~ ;'.IId'W.4:. '.cnred Ponca 15·11 the Ii. 9-7 alter ona quarter, 14.13 Town Team W,'n T,"t tha hall. Hoop.r waa Int t.h 1 .nal period. at the hall and 17.13 lolnl Iron. 65-63 In a........ pr=e lca 1\ ana f '

,\gain it wa. frea throws into the final p.riod. Each Manag.r Hank (lyarln battle at tha .nd 01 throe Ie °d CY,m. 'th toya,r~.that won for Winside. The team scored 10 points the cradltad " elfort" with Cr._ .1 our hr'.:•.,.v~.h

period. and the locall won allht will b. allo~,..·night before II II, had b••n final period, giving Win_ od itt ...outscored '0.40. by Wake- -lde a 27.2.3 decl.,·on. pr uc ng a own earn cage In the Jast 13 Reconds Ul partl Ipate. . '_,_ ,,.'

, '. victory Sunday. The locals !lIomenkamp Th coach I. a C.....,field from the floor but hjt \ubrey \'05S led,all scor- defeated Hooper 77.76, the to put the locols In front. of the Spen(ier '.ch'OO.:14 of '1(1 free throws to win ers with 14 for Ponca. same Hooper team that beot The complete se-a.onha. whercl he p.rtl~lp.'ed 'IDSC·:;4. Saturday, Ponca out. Mike Knerl had 3 and Bob \\a)'ne 23 points in the ri- not been worked out for aport•• l-Ie pllnl to.t",scored \\ inside 42-31) from "'telnbrecher G. For Win. naHo of the Pender tourna- lhe squad. Tentative Ir- up ••1m,. for the Jlo.kllathe court but \\inside hit side, Dave Witt had 13, ment lasl season. ranlement8 call (oragllme telm aft.r the Chrli;'.'"16 of 22 free shots to win. Kirk Troutman Cj, Bob Far- \\·l\yne has a couple of at Bancroft Sunday. hali41Y 'with r'&\il.tR. Wacker with 11 points, ran 2 and Scott Ol.4e ring, new recruits this year, prlcHee s••• lonlu.ntll\h.Krueger 11 and Jacobsen Greg Troutman and Mike Gary ~Iordhorst for work Nrf Ik CII . flrst-,am... ., :.:10 led Winside scoring. Jeffrey 1 apiece. under the basket, und Jim 0 0 0 'Ilan A coach from o~••••

::~t~~l:';~f:{'t~il::~r~H~~ following is the varslt) ~~dg~i~~rk~~~~'rll'~~ t~~a~ Will Coach Hoskins WAI "aca....y II HT~"in;;'i~\har~.el~o~e;;a~~~~u;~d ~oi~:i~~re Ig It' f pts ~:~;~aria,[:u;a~,~el:l~~:'~~~~ Paul lIar."n., a .npho- ::: ~tf ;:~:[~:~~:~a:!;'11, K e i t h Krueger 10, H. Jacobsen :1 1-:J -110 Mau and,.- hen Dahl bal'k more at Norfolk Junior school. hRandy .Jacob<;en 9 and Bob B. Dangberg 2 2- 42 C from lastlr~~'r. College, is to coach t.he ~Dangberg :2. Danghe'rg stole K. Krueger 5- 5211 The team effort was so HoskinS basketball teams I

the ball 'j times and B. H. Wacker Po 3- 5:3 19 complete, scoringwasfllir_ this yenr. Bovs from Trln- . '

~'~~lkee~f'a;dh~l(i \~'a~S\ei~t~: n'T~taa~ker 1821{)~~231i s~ ~)aiJvrtl)l~a~i~I~~e~~s~)Vt:~~ ~re~'eu~~:::nw~~ld ~~o~~:~: . • I.Jacob~en 'j ,Inri Bob Dang· Ponca fg ft f pts learn effort he hnd seen in fOHes again for theteatns. .. •berg :2, I)an~berg "tole the D. Bottorf -J 1-·1 111 the last five .ve:HS as Hoop_ !Iargens is student man-," Jo~~ball 1 tinH"'; ;1l1d B. \\ackcr J .."'ievns 1- 2 3 I:J er had fi"Y'" c'C" and l,'S" ager for the NJC team ~and H. \\,llker 1, Krueger T. Pl)lter 1- ,J 415 men working against coached by (,ene Phillips.

~wu~~u*uu.*u~~*u****u~u~~*~u~*u~u*u*~*u~****••••**.***•••••N ,

I 'I nrr([])00IE CffiIJJFVJr~ I~ ~ \~

~ make this a family Christmas

~ I

I~1111':'~~._.... ~::::.l



~ • Automotic ,.".h.•"tf,on ~''tIr.. • u••• In•• Cams _ Do••~ • N.w ,..,.h·l"tton ••bin ~~~c~~:~;;All With.",t;i ; Wlnd.r i~ • With Stitch ••,wlatolr, l"ift·Tn • With ,..,.h.lutt.n I.wen.,

~il..r,.l.;••h.',.A•••I •••••••','I···=Il=...==========:4==....=~:I.:=WI.:~:.:":••:~:,:iC:D:I.:I==::II::.===:::;, ......1.,








swi shed the net to make it



The joy at the Christmas season,

broljght about by the birth at our

Lord so many years ago, IS experi­

enced universally throughout the

world. That vour lOY be bOllndless

is our wish thiS Chrl~tmas season.


Something All Newh "7 11" eT e - DraWing

Connie's RED SATIN Supper Club

Yes, every Thursday night at 7 o'clock a membership card No.

'rom Cohnie's Red Satin Sup~er Club will be drawn and postedin the Supper Club Room frob, ., - 11 o'clock.

Conne's R'ED ATtN Supper Club


and refreshments ilt Connie's R£D SATIN Supper Club

If yo, come into the Supper dub and your membership

card ~umber matches the number posted you will receive

a FREENight of Entertainment for 2 including food

This nlber will only be posted from 7 toJ 1 on Thursday niglltsI

and a 'nlew drawing wiD be held each Thursday. No phone calls

please +- you must come in ~ mltch your number.• I


THE BALL iN i thf" Ir as Rand\' Boltorf take", ashut fOf. I'Oflr3fT.(J(J lall' 11> ~t()P him Wl.'n. Wll_~ldl\':-' Bob IJllIgbl'r' (Ll1 arlll ]);j\l' Wilt 11:,

The other WIIl'Hh' 11l\Tr, 111...::d:::"-:k---,,-U::.:n1;:.f'::-"::-"'E'--;7;=--.,----,-

W· ~'d Cli. Ponca on the PHS court leadin thp fourth quarterInsl e, "lmS j2-·1'J Salu day after win- and,udd,nh could not hit

P t ning a tw -point decision as lJonc:t ·came roaringOn(a hril'ler o~er \\o'ak field the pre- back to within one point

I VIOU,," even n~ of the ('at ...Two nights ~n a row were The Po ea lta rn e was WliS g a in e d the lead

almost too ,'uch for the III 0 r e ex iling than the early in the fourth stanza.weak-hearted, at Winside. Wakefield ontest. Winside It was the eighth time theThe Wi Ide l s outlasted had a com ortable 10 . t lead had changed hands.

The SCOff' had been tiedsix times .

Biggest Ponca lead waseight points at 2R-2{) short.'1y before the end of thefirst half. Winside cameback to lie the count at30_:Hl and the team..; baUledback and forth for the leaduntil the end of the thirdstanza when Ponca led.1R-37.

The Hed and \Vhite scor­ed n points in a row start­ing late in the third quar­ter to move from a 38-35deficit to a 48-38Iead. Thenthe roof started falling inand Ponca ,"-cored 0 pointsin a row to pull up to 48-47with 1/i minutes to go.

Reed \Vacker hit a fieldgoal In put Winside aheadSO-,17, Hand} Dottorf hitfor Ponca to move to a50-40 deficit and with fnurseconds left Wackerhittwofree thro\.,.~ tn ice the gameand br,inf, a finish to thebedla In chat had reignedfor the final four minutesof the game.

Terry Potter, 'Ponca, hasto get credit for one ofthose "thrill.of-a-lifetime"shots. With Winside lead­ing 11-~l andthefirstperiodaboul over, Potter took theball on a pass from out ofbouoos, shot from ownfree t,hrow ,line the fulllength of the c au rt and

• /ESj(1"-'~+'---·---------f------L--;

WAy}LTS~o~phone )752900 i


LAUREL phone 256· )2511WINSIDE phone 286·421

Page 18: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

7.50 or 7 75 J( 14 2 forSf SIb $A,4O

800 or 8 25 J( 14 2 fDr 65'~ $4.72

TuIlIJ... P1u.Illell••1I 'd. II.. 'I

PAl' "IC." Z Tire.

8.50 or 8.55 x 14 2 for 10 f'*' $5,14

6.70or775)(15 2'or5?90 $4,42

~-760or845xI5 2for7tJ¥O $5,10

~-i~2-0-~~~·;;I~i5 2 f"76?O $5.56

WHITEWALLS ONLY $0100 ... OIU PER TIAE·Plus Ta••nd 2 Old lire,

GOODYEAR'S BEST SAFETY SPIKE Thosnow Itre wllh "",Ira slrenJ(lh J-T Permacord body"nil J()() tllnKst~n-sle~1 .Illds Ihot claw in iCl! lind~JlOW fur Ihrl'~,way Irll<.IIOTl They Rive you ",ure­footet! slilrl\nH, slnpptrlH and 1I1ecrlnR' Up to twlcf!

tl-w tracllOn on ice l

650.'700. 13 lll"(~ tubtll!uplUI $350 ftd [I. Tllind 2oldllre.

22 Christmas Favorites• Silent Night. Do You Hear What I Hear] _ The Chrlstma!l Song - Th~'

Holiday of Love. Caroling, Caroling I Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. 0 littleTown of Bethlehem I It Came Upon a Midnight Clear. 0 Come All Ye Faithful• Ave Marla. Frosty the Snowman. We Need a LIttle Chflstmas • Let ItSnow, Let It Snow. Let If Snow. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing. Noel Nouvelet• March of the Ktngs • Deck the Halls With Boughs of Holly. White Worldof Wmter • II Est N~ • Still, Sttll, Stdl • Away In a Manger _ We Wish Youa Merry Chrtstmas

14 Great Artists• Barbra Srrelsand ., The King family I Mormon Tabernacle ChOir I JohnnyMathis. Ray Conniff' • Pablo Casals • Mahalia Ja<:kson • Jan Peerc~ - BiniCrosby,. Percy Fa,th • Andy Wllltams I New Christy MJ-nstrels • Steve

Lawrence & EydIe Gorme

Tubeltu••1l Fed. h. T.I

PAIA PAICr.- Z Tire,

'h. '''~'' ~.I~I~ PO"'Ofi of Ih,' ~u~.~n,~... '" Goo",.... I". '.dt "nlk' tI....",, .nyI "'".. ' W 000 (.<>O<lYU' dUI~" 'h. u",le'CJ St~tPt ~"d C.n••U ,Il m••• IIIO••nc., • ,,~ .. ",. one~ on ",,~,~~, ',u<I 'lpO'" I..n~",,~••n<l (.00<1, p,.nle<l "••

• 'u .. "nl~' ,~~ ',m_ ", .~,v,'m",· no' "fi I~. "'lfh". No !'.de ,n P"C.


WHITEWAllS ONLY $300 MORE PER TIRE'PlusTaxand20Idlo'e,


BETTER - NEW SUBURBANITE Loodyt'ar''wpst design with :t-T Permacord body I'osllivp.SUf!~-f(jolf'd inlf'rlor.kf'd rioubl!' "S" rpn!t'r lrf'ilrl

gives bf'ttf~r traction. strdiRhlf'r lJolCKI1\g plu::;greater lrt:oJdwf~ar ,tnt! stilbilily I

6,50/7.00 l 13 tllac~ lubtltss plus $3 50 fed £J h. and 2 old tile,








.. stereo or Monaural"Great Songs of Christmas·


Win~ide Wins IOver 56·54;Tilden, Coleri~ge Next Opposition .

In alhair-railing opener after b~lnl fouled and went

for both teams, ~in5lde in for a lay..up a momentdefeated Wakefield 56-54 later lo bo-:,st Ihe Wlnsld.on the \\'inside court Fri.. night. The score was Late in the first quarteralmost that close a.ll the and going well into theway, (our points being the second, Winside spurted.biggest margin a t any outscor:ing the visitors 11-1quarter. to move from a 13.. 12 de-

Winlside plays at Tilden ficit to a 23-14 lead. TheF ridar and at home against Trojanl bounced back with('olerfdge Tuesday. [\o\'ake- spurt of their own, out-field Igqes to Wisner Fri.. scorin, Winside 12-4 to pulld~.\, goes to Lyons: Dec. up from a 23_14 lag to1(, and plays its linitial a 27-26 deficitg~me,~n the,new.gyf'1l Dec. After one q~arter, Win_1, agaInst II allhdL side led 17-13 and al the

In the game Frlday, the half it W~5 the Wildcatsl~aJ changed hands eight ahead 26-26· Three quar-t~nH'~ .and t.he sco~~ ,,:as ters went h;(and Wakefieldt led eight times. \\i inSide led 38 ..35 wilh the Catstook th~ lead at 50~~8 with outscoring the T raj a n s'\..... 0 fmnutes left \n the 21-1G in that wild finalg<1l0~ ,lfter the Trojans hald .'1head .48..44 just 1 2 Biggest Wins,ide lead wasmInutes earlier. ~ points, at 23-)4 and 27.

Handy Jacobsen s~olethe 18. A four.point marginball twice in the last two 48-44 was the biggest leadminutes and gained four the Maroon and White man- GOING UP (or :l shol agalll~1 Wltkfofit'ld "a~ Keilh Krue~er W....points from his efforts. ag'ed. I~:~~:r 1~I;k(~~;tJ:rr~I::~(:~ llli Irclillm ~Ol'<' liP 'Alth Hit' all' Thelie made two free throws S•• WINSIDE 5 plil\i'r ... 11l( t\ldi Ihlll \\'I('~(~,I~ll~1i,':d,lf~:t ~~lt:J Jl~l:~t~'; I(I~I/ Winski.


Tubeleu"".11 Fed. h. Tu


Choose from Goodyear's famous Tufsyn rubber line-up of winter tires... the- toughest, longest wearing rubber ever used in Goodyear tires.,.....-..;;...--------....

IOOOOY[AII NAtION WIOf "NO lIMlT" (OUAItANf[[_ No hm,l o~ monlh. No ,,,,,01 on m,I••No I,m,\ a. 10 'oad, No I,m,l •• 10 <pfo@d ro. lh@ .~l". 'de 01 lh. "@.d • "" N@,..

~,'~~~:~' h".~~a",T~ '::,a:;, ~~~:~~~(:"dp'ui:('~~:e~..~e~~l~"',~:; ~~@·d~~~'~'~'''~' '::ef:';~:~<:"nd<ll~;':'

2 2-2 3 fi2 2-3 1 fi5 1-2 0 11.1 2-3 ,I R(J 0_0 (J 02 2-0 4 62 O~2 2 44 0-0 2 82 0-2 2 4


2 2-2 2 6'I .1-4 2 21fJ fI_O 1 0'73.9417r, 2-2 1 142 3-4 3 7.1 1-2 0 7(] 0-0 0 0II 0.0 0 0

2<1 142.1 1.1 72


WHtTEWAllS ONLY $250 MORE PER TIRE·Plus Tax and 2 old l,r~s

7.60 or 8 45)( 15

800 or 8,25)( 14

6.70 or 775)( 15


/6 ~o • 13 black tubelhs ~Iu, $3 12 ~ed Ex Tu and 2 old tires

8,00.1820 or 8 85/9.00)( 15

7,00/750 or 7 3517 75 J( 14

~OOD SURf;"CRIIJ Thp economy pricpd

b-T Nylan cord snow tire ,Ih~t's "buill deep to~ile depp" 1!j(j V·trac:lltl/1 cll~ats ~ive it GO for

1mud or snow. Finest low priCf'r1 ~inter tiff' YOllf:an buy!


Blair (51)R. HansenD. HuskL. MooreA. DeKlausll. Lor<>rhil RrumerT. BrechbillD. FrostD. Cemer


the Held Wayne hit on 29to Blair's 22. I

Next week Waine enter..ti.ins David City AquinalQn Friday night at Cityf\,uditorium (0 De of twogames scheduled th'is sea..son on that courU and on:ruesday night, Dec. 13travel to Laurel to tanglewith the Bears in the can.

ference opener.

Box Score:Wayne f7~)

B. MorrisL. l.essmann.'-,. KerlC,. JorgensenC, Lynon0. BrownH. SwanD. 1 ietgenM. Johnson


desire. Leading 'Wayne insebring were Lynn Less­mBDn with- 21 points,Gort,ion Jorgensen 17 andt1eorse Eynon with 14.

Jorgensen poured in the

~i:f~treei~~teW ile~er c~~~~~~:collapsed on him, leavingBob "'.n ri!;, Oa ve Brown.I.essmann and Eynon totake up the scoring parade.

The first quarter endedlSl-lll Wayne, as the Blue[)evils scored 1:3 consecu­tive poi ot ... The "aw tile Devils con~

tinue their torrid scoringas they poured in 28 points,17 of them without Blairhitting. \\:ith ·1:.1:1 left inlhe~ sec~md stanza CoachHarold .\tnciejewski wentto hi" bew'h, relieving thestarter,:> with Dave Tietgen,Herh Swan and ~Iark John­son. \\'ayne we,n! to thehalf.time brenkwitha ,17~20

lead.Olai r adju<,tments at

halftime paid ,orr as theyour,:-,cored Wayne 17 to Gi~ the third pe.riod. Less­mann hit for two field goalsand EYWHl for a pair ofcharity tosses for Wayne'stotal. With 2:12 lefl in thethird quarter and Wayneleading S()~30 Blair em~

played a full court presswith little ,;uccess, as theclock ran out in the thirdwith Wayne on top S1~.35.

The Blue Devils refusedto become rattled as theyhit for 1 ~J points in thelast period while playingsmooth semi-stall ball with.1:S3 left. In that period ofti me v.,: ayne managed topull the defense out threetimes for easy points underthe buc ket.

Leading the Blair Bearswas big Lowell .\100re with11 point"" followed byi\igars Del\laus and DanFrost with k e$h.

Wayne corn m itted Ll per­sonal/ while I1lair wasguiHy of 1"1. The BlueDev;tl'ls cashed in on 14pain s via the free throwline to Blair's 9. Prom

Shot Guns



Wayne IlJl(h inHiatf'd the 2-all, fell bphind 17-~ andcage sea~un to were nf'ver real!} in itS:lwinov<:!rlhe rHigh after that."';chool Bears on the Dana Waynt:' Iligh shoWE'rl "rf(:ollegf' court f·. rlday night. with scoring punch, hustle,

I h~. taller !llalr courtme.•r,1/~91b'.~l1l f.lO. n... I..1ling

rebound_were tied with 'Vayne af ing d an abundance of'- ••.. _ n _. _

, . ,

) (;.

Blue Devils Defeat Blair;Aquinas l Laurel Next Foes

Fishing Equipment


~..... - Wrenches

, ..• ' ........". Auto Composses

'." • Tool Kits •

,:.' .::::::,:::,~;n, ·S·:"c::::':.:~s~• Clocks .

. • Hand lonterns 'Wy.,....·':;ORTHE KIDS~':::::~".I Wagons ••• Bikes ••• Trikes ••• Sleds , '1t

F~tballs .•• Basketballs ••• Toys ,,''''Toys .•• Transistor Radios ..• Toys I"



CoastJTo-Coast Stores ':\,'hone 37S.3360~

Page 19: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

s c h 001 f.j were disc\lsu"d.Ne~t meeting will be heldin Kea roe)' during lho statetrack meet.

(,~uai I nlllst be .. hot infIlght in 1\ebraska.

Boys Tea!"s Go Into

Action Coming Week

Cooch Mac at MeetingCoach Harold r-.L1cie.jew~

ski, who i~ 0.;,,1'\ Ing hi..- "ec­()nd \,par III :llhr .... '-\I'ar

t p rrn as :! ,!i .... 1r i.,t j,"a I'd!nenJ!Il'r (hf' \'"hr:lo.;kn( uat'ht,,, I,I! 1"11, .1('-

It'ndeJ a bOil rd [11('d 1111--': ..... Illl~

duy in C;ranrl hbnd. "'\;11f'NC \ office r .... Tlli d ,wil 11"11('h (j a rd. H "['Ullllllt'lld,l( ifJllst f) rJ(~ gi \'('11 I h (' \, l' 1, r :l"ka·"'Llll' \di, ili~·, \"',{l('la­li()11 rl'gar,ding ,11111,,1

The rer rcation 1l'.1gueget!' ~nto ndiorl this wl'ck.\ uach Han\<; (h·erinlJao.; fivete;llllt; that will go againstfrulll other lowns.

Thur.sda.v, Dec. ". thejunior high tea rn hit" tilt,rOau.l Ihe leam pill\''' at., p.m, at Pit'r('~.

"'.11 \lrd,l \ t h . r,· \\ ill berUll r ! l'a 11\" III .1 l . "'ll :q.~.\ in!';tI'rernunt ill Illf' \\ ;lllle ( il\\uditurill111, I he lre .... hIILln­

sophomure 1\1,.\ .... r1ul·t teampla.I" :\t 11. illtli r)r~" I'll to rUo\.., (Illh ,11 1~', -'PI·t'nthgr:ldl'.l! 1 .llld t'il~111hf-':r';lC1C'

:11 ~.

\\. I'dlll' ... d,.I'" I J"t. I 1, ! Ill'jUlliur Iiigtl Il';1111 I.~O('" to

:-"tan! on. J h"rtl \\ j J I hI'pl;:l rn." .... 1.11'1 ;nj::( .It 1:·1 ).

Cflrr'. Tavern 29 31Nu 1]averl1 28 32Hofl~han Orain 28 3~Tripif~ "F" Feeds 27 :nGeorge's Fd" Mkt. 2·1 ~Grair Board 22 30 I

High SCores: Arlen Tietz2V): Bart Beaty 5'55; Trout~

!P.~\~;~n ~,[~,~.' R92; CliH's

Nutrena 34 18Kern Farm Equip. 33~ 18~';Bill's Cafe 28 2,\Meylir Oil Co: 2G 2G\\'ayneGrah' & Fd. 25 21Farmer's SL B.nnk2~~ 2$l~

;":orco Feeds 21 31Sch.midt's Becr 19 33~ch1itz Beer 1:>·lQ

High ..;cores: h.en Dahl21;(; and (; I ~,; ~utr€'na fl43and '27 "7.

IILave's "'igns. IU,.... chrnode_\\' eiblL' \1,

(i i lieu p' <.; I)a i r\ ~ ,J.Jerry'.., ('afe n;'\: &. ~1 I lil (' O. 2'lHotElI ~lor r·i<;oTl ~'l

:\u'Tavern 2(i·....av Mor Drug 2:~

l\uKIt'r 1:1ecl ric 1 'I

Dahl' <., ]{ ('. {' ent l' r 18J'rOf'lt's Baken I~!

-"';l~lte :\at. Bank 11

\landa_I' '\ite l.aniel-.

Bu<-:ine"' .... ~1en's

1 ilrlt,]l \llll) CL~,,,,,\v~I,l"'wan.\t, I t';lll I,,", .II,

~)t~~~ ,1/1~11" ({·nlt'r I:(~ ~Il;.Stat("":.;l. Ibllh. IH -,(\\ ;1'\'[1(' II1'raid 11, -.,",\\;ldit·t;reen!luu..;e:JII 71r-..t,dodp,· !.nnes ~~ ,

IlJgll .... ['ilr ('S· John 1l;11\2:..'~) and 1,1 l);dil Hpt.t (>[11 (' r',~!r;11 27 -1"

\\ f'dn""d:tl \;t" I.)w1 ...II

\\agon \\heel LqFunk .... "C" Ilvbrid l·11

Barller's T\ l.l· ~(',Pilger ( urn . ....;crv.,U 2'1frou'tlll;ln· ... liroc.:12 :":71

Brahnlf'r'<., Har \11 ~ll











I' i, II \\ 11 rd­ht\lI ...... r,Jil

('rl \ I


I'!iont'f' r

lIit 'n \1 T .....


! .iul!r!l.-':'

--"w ~el I ~l

\le \':It \ ! LI r,i'.1 .rT'\\,ol .... kp \ :11"


Bill's ( aft·\1 8, "\Hnt'<' \111' I ;It ....

\\,ag'JTl \'\ !I"e! I .t ' ,.

">\\ atl'

\Llrlt'nt"" ( .I',r <Dca ( (.)J;I

I .jlrha rl

.... rluir! n1:111,ncll" ]' 1,1'.....II[H'T \ al'1 J 1·jJlinnet· r 17

e ll(~ I i g}l( ~\' '.of I' I) i . i "\~\al~~ltl~

\\'hef.' I --; ... 1 IIi II' <, ( ,lit>






nel Bowling

5- 6 1 96- 9 3 100- 1 ] 18

1 0_ 0 1 22114~1l)85G

fg ft r pts12 0_ 0 2 24

,1 I\~ 0 2 (i

4 :J~:;:J 111 0- 0 1 23 1- 2 S 72 0_ 0 [) 4



Ben FranklinLangemeier Inc.Lions Club

WakefieldG. PrestonM. PrestonD. FischerR. LarsonJ. TurnerB. Fischer


B, DangbergK, KruegerR. WackerB. Wacker



Friday ~ight Couple..;II

Car man-Drans e Ika31Nelson-I-' reve rt 12~

Woods~Grimrn j:! 24Biilier~Hebensdorf ,11 2:1Luschen-v.,'hitnev :l(I 2CBaier;Pa II "28 28I1'ahe-l~oldorf 2~)

Jech-B~rner 30~2ThornpsonwWeible 25 31

~:~~~f)-:e~l~her , ~{ ~';I1igh scores: Norris

Weible 22:1; Bonnie Frevert201 and :i1 q; John nail

Baier-Dall 7:11 and

MarilynsBlakesPeoples"rnie' _"'LymansShrader-Allen J:] 4]

High scores: ShirleyHamer 209 and 46,1; Mari­lyns 581 and 1651.

Friday :-.lite Ladies

Saturday Nit~ Ca pie s" II d

Dall.Burt ~" 30 221Echten .•Fre\ert 37 23

Olson-Joan~L ckas35 25 jVogel-Ama-Trout. 3S 25Lutt-Hupp '"j 2GDeck-Maben 3.1 27Soden-.Kruege.r 33 27,Janke.Willers 32 2RPinkeL .McGowen 30 10Mau-Nelson ,1(1 FI\\ illers-Topp 27 nJohnson~Jank~ 27 nDunklau-Janke 27 3.1'-)traighto:\Vat.-~ley.21 1!lLorffizen~Kay 21 3~J

lIansen-~1ann 2r1 ·1(1

High ..,cores: Floyd Burt2:!1 and ;'j(j1'l; Hilda Bargo:stadt 211; Joan Hansen ~d();

Dall~BLiri 729; Vogel~'\ma_Troutman 1(l9:3,

Jo'" Our

~.......... HilS.lMASCLUB


Sanla says, "'Hols all la Ihe I'Ch;islmas Club plan l Irs Ihe,

practical way 10 pay lor gilts,

and haliday e,xpenses."' You,

100, con be a successful Sanla,

wilh na money warries. Look

ahead 10 Chrislmol 1967 ,

W"nt to KnowS"nt,,'s Secret

01 Success?

M,mber F.D.I.C.

First National Bank

Continued from page 4(;;\[\ !'re<;lon pr(Jved to

hI' ,1 jJliefl(j[I,enal .... hot forI h \0 I,/,;l' making 24point" Of) 1 field goals.(;iven :l chance to shoot,he u"lIall\ hit. Ijickfi",chflf gd ,'f! the mDst

... II ~;J~r~~i '"I ~;~ t~,~ga~~ ~~i~~~~~Sl~n p;l<'\'d till' Winside al­Lick \\illl 1·"' awl 17 ~ ..... I' "( I i \ {' I y . 1\ e i t hl\rIH~gt'r "illl 1(1 and Bob[);lnglIPrg \'v'illl 'I gave irnR

to th~' drive. \Vin­Ilit ~:2 of ils field

gOd I ;li t (. III flt:-..,In f",bounding, Krueger

h,ld 1'1, H. Walker 12,.Jacobsen '1, n. Walker 5:Illd l)ang-tlPrg 3. Jacobsenstole tht, ball :1 times andIl. \\;l(:k\~r and Dangbergonct' each. B. v\/acker hadj as-;ists, ./acob!3en 3, R.W acl\e r 2 .i,l.nd Kru'eger l.

The, reserve game was;l rlifferpn( ~tory, Wake~

field winning with ease1,1-~(;. I'lle .Junior Trojansled 17_·1 after one quar­ter, HI_Ill at the half and:if;·} (i .e;oing into the finals~anza. Plenty of reservessaw action for both te'ams.

Denny Paul was leadingscorer in the tilt with 14for Wakefield. Jerry Jen­sen made G, Rich Todd 5,(;.aylen Lund, Robbie Eaton,Doug Bartels and TerryRaker 4 each, Dick John~

son 2 and C;ary Dunning1.

For Winside" Bob Far­ran and Greg Toutman withG each led the way. KirkTroutman added 5, DaveWitt -1, Dan Bruggeman andFritz Weible 2 apiece andBob Jackson 1.

Following is the varsitygame box score: -W insid€' fg ft f ptsH. Jacousen 7 3- 30 17



Page 20: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that




•",.. -...".....'.'''.. ::.. ' I

. ,


45 &33', RPM. Pl!rfec! gift for fe!!n­IletS,tflvelers.AII ballervoperated.Comes compl~te wllh battelles. ur.pl1ones,Clfr~mll:handle

SPECIAL " ••••



{-- I

...}I...•...... Com,,,,, w;th '.'f"batten!!. urpho e.:' fullYluaranteed '

; $7.99~ I •




"'~_I(:ordl@ss Electric

Shoe Brushes



Modtrndesir"Washable!U.l. approved



, 1:.! "'

TRANSISTOR POflTABLE TAPE RECOROERBatter, ol)l,.led, willi microphoneand push-button control. tomplete"",lhtape.baUeriesllldnrpl1one.

SPECIAL f24•••

Easy to enter... nothing to bUY!The Sign of Just fill in the coupon and bring it into our store!

"Your Pharmacy Giftarama" p ----!llB.Values for everyone on I 'Official entry ,,,Handy-Ha.,jall Q GtlM!nI Electric CtffBt· ~,I

Ch . t I' t I m~I'c Ir•• prize. Wino.. I. be ......1IOItI Deco.Dr 24.1.. . Iyour ,[IS rnals IS o.

I , II ~ , ~.•--------------.... ---._:"-1 Name. ,IFE!lBI'R,,·PH, R" CYi ... ; r' , ~~'.. ,::I-~~II~.~J.ti il.".~·lrit~Jl~I.2~,~~~~\S..Lj.\~~~-. ·ft~~.*1~ .._~~_..---------;-.·iiiI......



Page 21: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that






. . I'

Juice Oranges


....m." oven Thursda, eve ngl",.,

TOP VALUE STAMPSTop Value now brings a new faster service to thouwho desire to have their gifts shipped dinct, pnpaid, ~to their homes. Just complete order blanks on back of _saver book and mail in one of the pre-addressed enve-

lopes available in the Top Value Catalog and at Amie'S-'

~, ""\'"


; 1

I ,Marshmal9Cteme

··1 cJar


Silyer Dollar Nidht DrawingThursday 01 8:00

tar $2~0

- . ' N~ and CandyI \ \(Special prices taselrvice groups and churches)

I~ i ~~-

~'~",f:,''',~,';.i~, ".. c..'~~

Shurfine Hombur,er or Wiener


2~':':4~..... Round STEA

or Swissl ;, ','

-,' ".,4

Fill' Flllld~ III Yilil I' Chlli('l'



Shurfi1e Frozen

Orange Juice

~~~ J 9,c 6 ca'ns S1


'from ARNIE'S

, Hersh1y's

Chocolat, ChipsLg. 5 C12-ox. '

pkgs !


SUGAR,,;0_lbl'9'9~,bog I ,

.."~u. S. Choice I

1.-----:~:.:-;..;.;:~----.,;;;;;.....:~--~'1 Ib I&; ,.".""",._7. .~~ $

., , ','.--.rnle Sir,



Lg. 23-,It, I200 Ylixe each

"- ~I

evenings 'til 8:30 p.m.'

lunlll, fio;I;'~_

• Wkll'lIc "


. :DR. PfPPfR6.fA.K3g e:. plu.



Pri... for the MOlt Key Stripsturned in:

1st 1+, 3-lb. can BUHe,r-Nut Coffee2nd t; 2-lb. can BUHer-Nut Coff.e

~__+-.__~3_rdit l-Ib. ca~.~.uH'r.NutCoffee








IIIi'\'1,II ' I

Ir I


Page 22: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that



Nathing to.

December 23.


For 5 delicioua Turkeys I.'

Drawing will be








~QUA~11Y USED CARYour huntinll is over when tou stop at CORYELL'S USED CAR lot in Wayne,

II We COil point you to a finest flock of OK: Us.d Cars in a long daY'1 trip and ev_

eryone a Ilullseye bargain. Sef your sights on our salesm.n taday and the OK

Car of YOUR Choice.




.m....., ,... ": perl eppeared

to reJlste.r '11~'-Il,:I!!!II,"I!!!"~-~ -----.,-------------~-_+_-....;......;.;.~--...-~-.;r.;..~..;..;,;;,; the complaillt. 1 I '--rFln•.~ (osts .t w~O~:IB:h~~:I~lrw~tllh ' ,. , ITHII SMA'RTEST BUYS Y"'U'LL, EVIR, M' • .,.

!makln.l,a.D Improp.or~ur.D' I I' . \I .-ftI(OU Ow $ 00 RII fiDe a"d COlto ca I to'. If $1'; OD th. charle b .oulht I . 1

, 'TI.j the ....on 0 be by Ofllcor R.d.l. ,--- ....,------..----..---------IjIII----..jolly., lit; is also the 5 ason A Dakota City mailtOUiS I !!llor inq~e eour'ease than Kipper, was charge . with '.! 1961 CH 11960. FALCON STAOON WAGON

speeding. His £ine w s $10 •usual.i·After an ,o<ce tlon- and eo.t. $5, Ollicor: Reed I' 4 d S d 8 E' P I "d 6 .ally b sy week turin the 1 • • - oor • on, n9In., ow.... ~ 00'. pollen9.', 6-eyl. En,ill.,T han s g i v i ng ho idaY, signed the complaint" • ICoun'y, Judge David amer tw~:O rf.~~i'l. at6:rH~:n~ I, I glide,rodio, all d finish. A good. standatd trans. A local car with 1mfol1ow~d with an eve bu!S- I I

~:rur7~~' P~~i~~p:::'nf4~~ ;!;r' ~'ifg~::::}j~t:!~ '.!_~,,! i. for $61.'500 ." II of eco~omy.$44500in fine~ and costs. Officer Reed Signer the .!1M' "

!"out appeared NO~' 28. charges. Davis was, also. AI!' \David Longe, ,was charged with speedilng on I:, ,.*7ISJIS,.,.,.J1S*'lI"$*,JIS ,',-,::,.,..,."57'#"''''..11I- ,.".,.••,.1.•••••••,. , __ , ...';I\.J r;~ 1 Wll.h rackles driv- a complaint filed :tr Of- Iiog. He paid $25 fin and$r; co~ls. Officer Jo n He- fice-r Peck and pai $15 :'I~. ' I .

fine and $5 COl'its at that l'de~J'~i~l/!~at:~: cco~~l~\ Li n 1, hearing.ceckles'> driving, wa filed Rand~ JOhnsop appeared 'Ii. 0a gil in f, t. Sleven PH uger, Dec. 2 Q'" a speeding charge .~ I'

\\ ayne,. Wit.h ()fficer~Keith ~~~~gh;ndbY c~~ace:a::c~~ ~ IHf'NJ $i,gning charge. Fine $ ...and co," came , $30. . 1~'he o'her ca~e ,ha' day ;;." r

~teV'en Ilansen, If rIan, was also for s peed •• ~(la., paid $111 fi,'ne nd.$5 Charles Levalley. Wayne. IJr:;.. ---costs" IIf' apIJearedj on a paid $15 fine and $5 costs~pf'edung charge. Tljle of~ in a case brought by Troa-

r.,.'en ... ppearing in.. 'hl case per Cooper. Jij~:~r:~~~P~:f~~/~;I'a~' ~ter, Appearing Dec. 3 was Ii!

\lsq,chargedwlth peed. charlJed with improper llafry Johns, Carroll~ on ~ing "filS Joyce C;oh~man, parking and paid $15 fine two charges. lie ",:,as hned ill'v\ a~eHeld. She pa! $IS and 'cl(sls. Officer Peck $10 each ,fa: a velne.le own· ~In flO€! and CO.';its on ,com- br.)ug!lt charges. ... er permitting a mIn~~ to e.j:Jlaint-regis!l'fe,d by nrricel Charged with speeding operat~ a. m.o~()r '/~ Il"'::c M'~Hppd. . was Stephen Flaherty, liar- and USing ~lCtI~lOUS plates. \t

Tom Thoreson, .....¢lldier, ~an, la. lie paid $ln fine He also paid $~ court costs Ii!lao, w'as fined $lS ar~d p, ~nJ $S costs. TrooperCoo- .~~~r\~f ~~~~:i~l:~ught by ~~1C~*SI':J.Uil':~:JII:"":U~:f.ol:~1a':~U~~~,.,;~~::f6.~~~U~U~~ Russell Erickson, Har~ Ii!~ A GREAT BIG ~ 'ing~on, paid $10 [in~ and t;;ill! ~ $5 costs for operating a II!~ ~ molar vehicle without a .~

\1 "Tha'nk. You" It d t i ve r' s license, Sheriff li!~~.-:::-::-:-=:-~:-:±::-::-:--:--------l--~----4~~ ~ Weible '-; i g ned the com· lI:~

~ i! plaint. ....~ ~ Appearing Dec, 5 Was i!~ ~ Earl Carper, Emerson. He a.;;----:-------n-----------.:.:..--t--...:...:.-.:.-------~' ~ paid $10 fine and $5 costs ~

~ For V=siting Us During 11 for a stop sign violation ...,~ ~ II la,t May 2~. Officer Keich t;;

~ Last "',eek's Celebration ~ Re;tnafl~~ ~~:d ~~r~:~: !·---:1-=9-=-62::+M-0=-N--=-Z-A-S+0-R-T-C-0-U-P-E------+-f-----~,~ ~ erson, Wayne, was fined ~.'.'l! II $10 and paid court costs ..., 4-s eed trans.Jijssion - was $nS\1 W' 1 fOP' tt' ~ of $5 for overtime parking. ~ "1~ In"'F rs 0 ur Olnse la ~ Chief.of Police Vern F'air~ 'jI---+-----T--------------~-----

~ prawings were: ~ child was the officer sign- ~~ ~ ing the complaint. II!\1 Verlin ;tncis, Thursdoy Night ! F I C . C ..,.\1 i eases ,n ourt ....---+-----+--~-----------------~ Elsie Ki Ie, Friday Night Twn cases were filed in I!!~ I the office of the clerk of I;~ Doris Gu~dersan, Saturday Night ! the distrid court, John T. I!!II ,. i! B res s I e r. ir" the past ~--=--:-:+--:----+--I-----------.:-+-----~ We Wi~.hAil 0,f Vou a Very ~ week, They will be heard ';m••v' in district court. The first' .~

" I ~ I'.\1 I ~ has Art Grone, plaintiff,.•. 1, Merry Season's Greeting ! ~" versus Robert Nissen Inan, ~,'----~---:-:...,..,..,.,'"1'"-'"'"'----'----------H...,.--..,,:..,"rbI!I

• .. auto damage case. The sec':' . 'T',' ~j c\1 ~ ~ ondisacasdoquiettitle,i I!! 1961,PON A 4-r, power,~ WAY £ GREENHOUSE - = ;;IaRa~O%~l~~~n~er~~~~t~:~' ~ co,Jd., goad tros, +as $1095~ 926 Nebraska Phone 375.1,555 ~ ....--1---'----+--'-----------1---•"".."",..,..,..,,,,,,,,,, "",..""",,,,,,..,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,.;0 T~. Wa:~:dH:~rdVWant Ad. I 963' OLDSMO ILE 4-Daor, Power, '$14.-"-.."""",,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,", """"""·"''''''''''''''''''''..''''....:ool''''''.....,''''*''''''''''''....'''''''''''''''''''''':••$o .., air Fond·, rad 0, w s $1645 ..• , NOW IIYear! End Appliance Sale 11-1-9:t-:~+-d~-::-i:t-,"J+-·~-:~-!-:---:~:--;9+-~~5-' __-4-+-_"a.~

1~~'\1 JUST lIN TIME FO~ CHRISTMAS !,'~J.1.~_19-=-::-w:~-,:-~C-+-~d-'--~W-x~:-'--$~_:~-54~-~W-Or'$---2-2-!--1--:; ~ _ 1965 CHEVRO~ET BISC'\\YNE,

~~ 4-doar, 6-cylJ, Powerglide. Very

\1 All N d D' "Ii I '1\1 e an emomstrator Models ~ i!1__o"--w_m_'_e....:ag:.,e_.l-e..:..e_th_is_._W....:;0..:..s...:..$1.:....;8..:..4~5.~_-'-

~ , ~ I 1962 OLDS 4- D\,or, Dynamic 88. $1150

1'\1\1 20'..%O~~FGFI~LAR Ii :.:~I_::'.·,'--:1-=-9:=~_hc-::-a:_;~~·~_~L.,....1~_~_:~_s:~::_:e_9:__:_;o_~__.........._: ~ r.! 6-cyl" stick, rlidio, was,$785 NOW

1963 PONTIAC CATALINA Hard-\1 ~ top coupe, V18 , auto., 'power, air $15~ It II! cond., was $1545 ....,.... NOW

~ The Perfect Gift !~.)J IG"'-T-RU-C--+K-a-nli-'·-PI-CK--=":UP:::.-::r-s=f..---',

1949 FORD Y2-ton, V-8,\stock rack, $J7Pwas $22$ • j, ......:.... NOW ;J

'1965 GMC 2-t1n, 6-cylinder, $)89l! I' ~ 4-sp., 7.50 ti 5, was $2095 NOW

~'< IJil 1963 CHEVRO~ETLong.8,., 3-sp., $11~ I ~, mud tires, w s $1245 ...• NOW

~ . Iii 1961 INT. 1Y2 ton, 4-sp. trans·, $74~ ~ I.' mud tires,wa $945 NOW ·i;--· ~ A riding ""Iica of tho.. , ... r.: t $ 5 Bi9 Hot. "Sports'.' eo,. .'I l' I" 1955 CH'V'O~OT <i...., .~,I." 47 .I ,~. ,7.: • ~:-I ~ I;£;~~:~;i·:;;;~ $425-' iKlDDlE CORVEm -y~4r,I ~ if iSprings, was $495 • ~ . . •• NpW _

I.:: ~~& ·~,:.tsu,C~~'tC.Y'_~L AUT~;; Natu alGas Division 01 ; ;' ' . , w.A.c

. YNI .l! Northe Nl\lural Ga. Com....., . 1\ ';'-' ' • ..' ~.::J.:..;...; .----

Ii ""!'""""',·...""--"""'--_..._"''''".....''''''-11 IiJi~\·iiif._,',~.,..-ii1Ji_----~~--- .'- .... '. ;.',~¥~r~),·, .., ·1'li;!lo,·'·;·.'

Page 23: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that


DANCE -- National Guard Al'lllorySaturday, Dec:, 31 -'- 9 p.m. 'til PP

Admh.lon: $2,00 - Tick.'. from Jive"••r .t the ....N•••••r"'••I...


You Support Ou." D.nce - W.'II Support Ywr Cemmunlty'

EDT Club MeetsEDT Club met ·Oec. 1

wltb Mra. WiIllrd Holdorf,Io~sl.ted by Mrs. JobnGath;e. FHteen member.and a guest. Mr~. HarlandKumm, '·...ere present.,RollcaB was "My FavoriteChristmas r a r 0 I." Doorprize was won by Mrs.l.ordHeath. Mrs. F:ve rett Hankand \1rs. \\' a r r,e n ThUDwere in charge of enter­tainment, singingofC'hrist_rna!> caroll>.:\ gift exchange..... a~ held. ~1embe,rs willsell lunch at the Eiflon. Bullfarm sale Dec. ltl~_ >':ext

Kuhnhlnn IDd Mra. J ohaReel" pr•••nt-;. Each mem_ber Illrned how to loldthe nl, propi rly .nd nl,ceremonlell were Ituelled.Dues were paid. Themelor the month of DecIl\Iblris Chriltmas.

Library Has New BooksMrs. Eller)" Pearson, li­

bra rian, saj'S she has pur·chased quite a few booksin the past weeks. Thereare some new golden Booksfor the very small childqmand some new books on thestandard reading lists ofthe senior high school. Thefirst issue of Ideal maga ..zine has arrived.

(ub Scouts t\'1eetCub' :'-Jcouts, den one and

two, met Monday and With all members and


Mr: Ind Mr •• Earl Ander.Ion a. luesti. Prizes went

',to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge

IBodenotedt, Mr. and Mrs,Joe Allar lind Mrs. EarlIAndetsan. ~ed meetingIwill be a Christmas party,Dec. 9 with Mrs. aeorgeBodenstedt.

(;" id Pa rt) lie Id! Social ~eighbor's card

plarty was held Dec. 4 inthe horne of \1rs. \ernon



a~e Mr. and Mrs. L;ouleMoritz, Mr. and Mrs.

*rry !'elson and Mr. and

rs. Keith Owen•.

E T Christmas PsrtyHeldi' [OT family Chris~mal

s'jIpper was held Dec. 3a~ the \\ oman's Club Roomsw~th 57 in attendance. Mrs.E,Iverell Hank, Mn. Her..rrJan Thun, Mrs. GeorgeSfeger and Mrs. MelvinC1laussen were in chargeof cooperative supper.~lrs. John Gathje and Mrs.\\ illard Holdorf were inc~arge of the card party.I~rizes went to Mr. andMrs. Melvin Claussen.MTS. Everett Hank, Wilburllefti and lIerman Thun.

lII<leting will be Jan. 6 atC I r roll ludltorlum withnew oHicers In chafge.

~ .

~ :l;~'~1:.~\ :i.;: ::: ~;~i:I ~~.".' y .•• ~ -" I

~ C~oose fo..r him from this ~rray of Hand Tools - - - Plus a Dazzling Display of Porter-Cable Tools (made by Rockw.I signed With the Handyman In ~Ind. . .Ii

i Use Our E-Z h··a'lr· t··,I Payment Plan in r . .. I .. . ...,=Your Remodeling . q.

J! \ .L.U·M···B E R· ~1•.•....".I;•..'I.l'.•.....·.. '.c· .. A'-, .•...!.

1_iiif!fii"riiiii~"'~~~lAiiiii.·lIiI;fillil~iiiI!1ii..[fiiilif,._~iiif!fii '__. '. --_........• • • • • • • • .: I • •• • ',' I' .. • \ I

I i


,,, []

Durable PressDry Cycle

I\nitting ('lub Meetshnitling Club rI\PI, Dec.

~ in the horne of Mrs.J-:lmer Peterson with tenmembers and agllest, Mrs.rv1a rt in Paulsen. Christmasgifl'-i were exchanged andcard andpencilgarnesplay­eel withprize~g()ingtoMrs.

.\rina Ilan~en, ~1 rS. lIenr)H a r rn e i e f, M r f;. Be rthaJones a'nd Mrs. LynnIsom.Next meeting will be Jan.l; with M r:". Max Stahl.

!Jelt<l llek ('Iuh ~'leets

I Ie 11 a l){' k III et Dec, 1ill tlte home of Mrs. Joyl'llcKt'r wilh memblfrs /lnd

g'IH, ... t s, ~'1r ..... Lstht'l' Battenand Mrs. Boh Johnson.Prizf's went to Mrs. Frank\ lasak, '-lrs. Esther Batwlen, ~1rs. \\'ill JotJes and\lr5. Jack Helhwis~h. ~ext

meel-ing will he Dec. ISwilll Mrs. Frank Vlasak.

Saddle (' tub Parly:"';uddle Club members

and their families met Dee.2 at Carroll auditorium

. for ;) (- h r i :" t maS pa rty......;ant.a ('Iaus came tn;listri·bute candy and gifts toever ..... one. Ten point pitchwa:-i played with prizes go­ing to Mrs. Ernest Junek,Mrs. Larl Davis, TerryDavi:", Hans I1rogren and~trs. Ciorllion Davis. Next

..~-- r

1:1-. W. (Bud) McNqtt

OK Hardware!203 Main St. Wayne Phone 315-1S3~

D,urable PressWash Cycle

The new '67 Speed Queen washers and dryers havespecial Durable Press cycles deSigned to ta~e fulladvantage of the wrlnkle·free magic of the new sensa·tional durable press fabriCS, Durable press fabncs areskyrocketing in popularity Buy the washer (or dryer)that IS deSIgned to do the best possible J,Ob of savmgyou a lot of ironing.

M~( arnd Mr", Keml'th ShufflltEddie .s,r,.en. t la~.. t Satur ay \lusic .Roosters, CarrollIn tbe r.llller Ldclie ho e, auditorium, R:OO p.m.Mis-eion, ~.f)., anet. Sun ay !'eppy Pepper's 4.fI 'dubin the (;~or~f' LddiIJ: ho e,\\ inn .. r, ~. r l. i

Joe;- Ohll and Jim, ~bm;of Ii. { , 1 s ~i~ux( ...,pt'nl last weein l.evi and Lynn Herl'", horne ......

~lrs. {. II. Morri .... ,uldHarold and ~lr. aod \Iirs. WagonlIon Morris, Wichita, [\,!n.,Wert' supper Kuesl .....-';at!ur­da~ In lhe I.evi Hobelr! ....ho~nl' .

So,clefy -SocioillorecostThur$da}', Dec. ,,\

Merr,Y t\1 a lu' r .... , (~" ....Itersupper, \lr-, htrlice(;la$ "

\\ oman's l tllhI:ridlil.}', ])e( 'I

II <l P P y (;(1 - I \H'I-.\

1"<1 tt\, \lrc.. I


Social ~eighbor .... /::\1rs.(leorgl:' Bnden:.rtedl

I' 0 w n \ nd V () U n 1r ,(:hristmas {lar!\,~, rs.John Berg'q\Ji~t

Sat.urda v, !lec, 111IliUt~r Lark'<.; (;Ird war-

t,\', 7: ,W p.rn. \1 rs.Pall! Hradt>r

Sunday, IIt'c. 11\11'1 (!lili-o\'stn ({'ed,

"II pt hod i:-,t l\hyrchI~asern{'nt I

I u~herall I ilYTl1en'~ II·ea.!file (hristllla~ prrty~ith wives as gU€I,sLs.

.....;eni(lf High Christmash'l art.-\ -' \\ rs . .-.;ta~le\fr<loT fl s.

Mon~ay, Dec. 1~

Wd FU,.MfS. l.eo .J0ilian.HiI!cre ... t Cillo cook ex­

'~hange, 1\:1rs. I' rr)Uohnsoll

l'uesday, Dec. LJ i('ana"ta ('hristmas Ipar­

t_" \lrs. (;eorge ~ohn.ston


Page 24: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that









ship. 9.3Q"...... ,s.hool, 10'139.



14 J5 l~

20 21 22 23--- -- '-~._,

Sl. Poults Lutheran Church(H. M. 1I11p-ert, pastorlSund.y. Dec. U: Wor·

ship, 8:45 a,m.; Sundayschool, g:40.

Presby ••Congre. Church(O.ll Axon. postor)

Services at Presbyterian.Sunday, Dec. 11: Wor.

ship, 10 n.m.i Sundayschool, 1L

Ellllry Pearson .nd Ron.ldKuhnhenn. I

Churche$ -



·UNTIL 9:00

1966 DECEMBER:=::S;U;;;N:::.=~=;M-ON--,~~TUE. .--wro~ ~ THU•.-~C=-~.!F~.~,-·_--'f~.!"'~~~T~.

TOY CLOSE-OUT SALE20% 10 50% off


(Conti........ , 'r.", p ••• 3)

SUSPECTED TRAITOJl, R'ichard Pl'lt'r'i('n (plaid shirt) ill mu"b;.l~up h\ fellO\\ "'('llIlH'll III "In the ZO[}(," WS(~ play prt'lIcnted JII'*'

R••d .nd U.. we('k undN ... ludl'nl dm'<'tllll\ Hnn Wachhol/. Idllrk ('oat. Ihchl1rou.,..Th. Herald W.nt Ads f'r~ I had tht' other It'ad roll' 1fI th(' 'pIll,,"


Mr. and Mrs. Don Doug­las, Omaha, were weekendguests of Mr. and Mrs.John Bergquist and family.

Mrs. Jack Bohdeobserv..ed he r bi rthday Dec. 2 witha noon luncheon. Guestswere Mrs. Honald Kuhn­henn, Mrs. Donna Milliganand fa mil r, Mrs. r\ rlynHurlbert and family, Mrs.Richard Janssen ilnddaugh­tee and Mrs. Jessie Milli­gan and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Gil­mer, Wayne and Enery.McCook, and Mrs. AliceHurlbert, were guests lastweekend in the homes of

meeting will be at 1:30p.m.. J.n.' 5 with Mrs.George"Si~r.

Adult Fello~eetsJoint m .eting 01 the Con­

gregational and Pr.elhyier_ian Adult Fellowship wastheld with 13 members pres ..ent. Officers named werepresident, Mrs. KeithOwens; vice pre s i d~e n t,John Re'es 'Ilnd secretary­treasurer. Cora Jenkins.The program was two film ..strips, liThe Messiah," and"F'riendly Beast," Juniorand Senior High groups willbe guests of the "\dult Fel.lowship for a chili andoyster soup supper andcaroling Dec. 22!,al 7 p.m.


Mr. and Mrs. 1. L.Saun­dfOrs are operating the Dix­on G~ocery. Mrs. DelosSchultii had been in chargebut slhe find her familyhave moved to Laurel.

Dixon grain man, DickHanson, and wife and son,Craig, were in Omaha ,at­tending a Purina sales mee­ting last week. Craig I isjust a little tyke but hisfolks had c h e c k e r boa r dpants made for him. liewas dubbed "the younglfstfeed salesman" present1atthe meeting. I

that a be instructed to keepits garbage hauled awaYicars blocked the lo.dlngentrance of another bus.iness place; an owner ofa black dog reporhd thedog and the chain it was ondis a p pea t' e d while theowne r ...,,,s out of town:

The rear door at a pro­fessional offlice was leftunlocked; tw~ horses es­caped from the Wayne SaleCo. ya rds; gla 59 was brok.en out of the rear door ina resid-ence; a bilHold withno identification inside butwith som~ cash was foundand turned in; a truck from.'-)t. Edward broke down andpolice summoned a wreck.e r and mechanic; and anemergency message wa"delivered for Linc oinpeople who cou ld not lo­cate a Wayne man.

In addition, the policechecked doors, investi­gated accidents, patrolledstreets, marked tires tocheck on overtime parkingand did the hundred and oneother jobs that are routinefor police officers.


ot the house Firemen had:'the flame" rut in a fewminutes.

White sa'd the firebUrned less t·~an two acreso( grass and "idle acres."11he st rong 5 uth wind that~y posed i/l real threatto the farm~bUi'ldingS buttlh e Vi' ark of G eo r g eSchutte, Hah and the firedepartment <,;aved them.


Cars, TrucksRegistered


Watch Where You Go

With Stu~ded TiresChief of Police \' ern

~"~~~~h~~dstl~:~ P\~~~::e~o~can legally qlrive, with met·al studs ~n yQur tires.Those o?0in~ to Iowa orto the Suga r Bowl mightmake a note ,of the $tatelaws. :

If you d ~ i v€ into >;iouxCity, Onawal, Council Bluffsor any otl~e r Iowa lawnwith metal i studs in your

~rl,~~(~I~I"C~~'~II( tires, you Iwill be break-d;l\ 1IIIIIt'I" ,\1,,11 ing the la,w. ~ome have__~ ~ ~ ~ ----~----,--~----,--~-~- already been flined on the

I 1,,1 I'k. Fi"e Threatens Farm charge. I1%,i Going tal :\ew Orleans? N

11,,1"'1 ~lolitfeld. III,ner, Home North of Dixon You won't need metalsluds Business· otesI III',\, 1'1\<lfl in Louisialla and they are

1'II. \ ..... Pire T II e ~ d a of last illegal in that sLate. They(lr"'-;ll .\'ic-ker"oll, Wayne, week threatened farm are legal in;\rkansas,Mis ..

1"1 I II"\' home in which Mrs. II. ;~~~~'. h a ~ sa., and Neb-IJprmulIlllH'IJig, \\,1',11<',1 d \1.1r\ Ilr (It'Olll! !'rinre, McGuirk and her daughter In neighboring stat es,I. i". I\(:'ber, JlII~hill", (lIt" i :lrr

ll ll, i,I/(~;1 live north of Dixon. Mrs. they are illlegal in Iowa.

1{\~)t.1:;~ MIHri""Il, 1,\.1'.111', .John .J. hlldera, l[o.,)<;ins, ~a~~~ll:ir:'a.,~)l;r;::-o/: t\~~ They are 'legal in South[Illn H ! pthl<.l'Il!H'r,\\.I\l\I·, j'llrd Irk home at the time. Dakota, North Dakola,Mis-

\ ()lk..,\\ \lr I Illrpnre Milu, souri,Kanlsas,('olorado,(l[\-illt' lllJ"I·,jll'. I d \\:III1l', {'he\ It. is thought a cigarette and Wyoming., j tllllll--; \ (;1',111'1, l'lI;i) tossed from a car slarted Donlt drive with them in

\\'0\[11', F'IJrd 'Ltn I. !,'rif'tld. I!oskin", gras., burning along the California,!Nevada, Flo..)'(Jrd Highway 116 right-of-way rida, Texals, Mississippi,

\It;~~,I~. \. IHlIkl', I'+'fld\'r, Hi .... il,lrd I>, ,](Jrdan, W<1yne, jllst south of the junction Montana, Oklahoma or Ore-

:::;l~w': ,I :,";1,: ,:~ "I':'~:I::::~', Ilalr:,',:;";'d h~;I:',:'s, l',dlns, :V~~:~~ll:~~~y~~t~~g]li~ ~~~s:~\:~~lt~~r~h~ti::;~II"gee lIal,,' II .,,'H', I'anl I,Ia",ph White farms. illegal in b~th slates!

l')~)1 ~ d~~i;·/~t'rI)il(\!~'ldt~~l~~~I,le\\ ::\It\\~I, \\ \\I\~:('t. !ohnson, Wayne, er~l~r~~~ (:i~~ ~;de w~~~o~~ Variety lIeturns to I See By The Heral I

f'adill1H 1~,S1 Bressler's Station to call Mr. and Mrs. Robert

1· Id'ardr f'()~IJi ~lli \ \\.1 \ lie, I l' (J 11 a r d [) <,' n kin g e r , i7ee ~;/r;~,7 1'~i::e\):P~f~:e~~t Police Force Duty r~;a~ l kltaPi~~<;~ 1~~,Ug;~:I~t

\1erCllr} \\ ;1\rlP, jlontiac .-..:teve Schutte supplied one. After a 'week in which last weekend with relatives

1I~(r:nhP~~, Hierlll;[llll, \\ i,,[]pr, \lafl,()O .\~~~;sen, \"i'in- George relurned to the ;~~~~a;vyer'comnoplaol.untt-sO,I-tthhee- here arid in Wakefield. Su~-

j I l' iT k fire and found Max Rahn day, DawnAlayne,daught~r\ l~o 11. :-;chr~lnt, \\ in"ide, "ir 1", 'or( r. approaching with a tractor Wayne Potice Department, of the Tiedtke's, was baw-

l, ord pickup has returned to normal. tlzed at Grace Luther3jnn, rnita Sllhe r. \\' avne, !'onl Read and Use T"e Wav'!& and plow. H.aho p1~wed a- A variety o( complaints was (h \:.l r c h. Mr. and Mrs. 222 ~ain Phone 375-1500 ' "

; l~Jl,~) Her.ld Want Ads - T"e Little round the fHe which had registered tlie ast week. Merlyn Holm Wakefield • _,,- ;:-.,,:,~"l" I \\ k f· Id Ads T"at Do the BIG Job spread to corn just south \ b' P k d ;' ' ••••*,.....~~.*,..••••••~.~.Jtj;)t;~.n••~••••.I."'••JII•••••••.. '.'. '''''...,..,~enll ,onge, a e Ie , f USlnE!SS man as e were sponsors. rl~




I: .r.rd-~'."~.... ,j,



r~ iI Starting at 1:30 P. M. = I II; December 10 and 17 ~. SI(VER DOLLAR. ;NIGHT DRAW~N'G:1 .:o<,.=,.;,.-.,.;,.:;,.;~;,.;";,.;,:o<,..,.."",.."" ••".,..,..,..,i.,..,..,,.,..,; =, I in Wayne participating stor.s •••:1 ~ Thursday; Dec. 8 at 8:00 p~ ~. for'.11 KID DIES! $25000



1,= .Located between Second an~ Third =. ,SHOP flAYNE NOW F~R THE BEST !BUYS

II!, Streets, East side of Main Street be- ~ ,ON EV~RY GIFT FOR CHRIS MAS. tween 7:00 and 8:00, December 8 J GIVIN~ ! j,

9 and 14 - 1S... '1 i....__._••"''''".--'''.''',..'''...'''''''''''',..,..~'''; I ~ L"JIQ~::===;;;;;;;;;;;;~-_"':~--t--..:.~;;;;~

L..-----~~~t=:..:!~~:r.:,. I,~~~J'!~E~~..~'I ,

I Il\.

Page 25: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

New way to make . .1


TRY IT! You'll know why it'l celled ...........,




PILLSBURY 4 Slo0 'CAKE MiXES .. ·.... ·· .... ·· ~:~:~ .

WASHINGTON RED OR GOLDEN 3-lb. 49c ;'II:'~Delicious APPLES lack


1/:;~u. 51,79,. li:~..:iDelicious APPLES i

SU'!"KISTLargo 59 c

Navel ORANGES liz. . Dazo.. ·










iioch Sliced Wrapped



the Right I

lqLimit I

Quantities I!

W. Giv.S & H

Green StOln...

' .....,' ...... ,-

I, Silver Dollar N~l Drawing at IlUi_DI

,----- ~







46 oz.can


I I ,









t.·,:;!33-0. Z• 79/1(;1 bottle V

:" ,

: ' Ii

: !


~~~!"ES .~ ~-=:::;..__2_c~_bn_ _~STEAK ' L

'I Rolled Rump 89~ Pot.~k 43~.':ROAST LB. . ROAST LB~

:~i~lK u. 49~. CiisT69~....--------


:\;" '• I THE WAYNE HERALD 91 Y - 34 W 61717, Thu Dtc ~r 1 ...- J -JI .

, ..,~'~p.;ne~.=±t:l::===:: WAY~E'S HOME-OWNE,.'//~~~ ,~.

i!': the ' ~~ I

.,," , .........-.......VINet at

Page 26: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

3, 12-00. Can. $1.OG "~~,'IjA_.N

Bel·air Golden Corn ~a';;:~~.v.. 2ii:; 49c'"Bel..air Sweet Peas ~:r.:~;...... 2 iI:i: 49c

, lit

~k~ 49cI~~~_, 79c

Lb 23c

Brenna 00 Goth,.Bronn. Go Gothn h.ld f1nt ni..tln. 01 thonew 4.H yeH with Budand P.tty Dan.ber. In theP.ul D.n.ber. hom. Nov.27. New K.thy.nd BryinR.ln.hordt. Jonnllor Willers,Gregg Lale and Janet andCorol Splltt.erber. Tot..membership Is now 17,

Micky Topp presldont.1Id juniorleader. Diane Janke vic. pro.ldont .ndJanice Giese, I .ecretary­treasu,rer. Patty Oall8'bergI, reporter. PaulOanl'bergis leader with FredrickJanke. as aSlhtant.

The leader prelented anAk Sor Ben .ward to theclub, which was a secondplace ribbon .nd $6.00. J.n.uory meeting will b. withDoug and Gregg L••e. PottyOangberg, reporter



No~8iI. to bnInL

Prices eltective thru satuld.y,December 10. in WaYBe--to IbIIIt ....UUII.

Sa/nwJ.,'$ Low Pric~ ott Frf!,hWh;",.51<,......


Buffer.ilk Br.... :f. 2'::; 49c

* 11-0'. luslrl er- LOTION SItAMI'OO* I I-oL Lustro er- lIQUID SHAMPOO* 11Hz• • idoanI ........ ClfMlIIINSI* 5-0•• CoIpto DlNTAl CIUM

Your 6"9CChoice

Se4food BaT~ain.

Perch &Cod Fillets 2~:J'::'Fish Sticks ;:~:n~~ZflCho'ce;

Whiting fish ~:.n~:~~ '1.16

Carroll 80y ScoutsShare in Tree Sale

Boy Scouts at Carrollare making money onChriltmas heel this year.Sam's Super Market I. do­natin. mo.t of tho proclOd.Irom the ..Ie of ~.e. totho troop.

The boy. will be .ble tous6 the money I' they seefit. Fund. will be .v.lI.blolor campinc, equipment orany other needs.

Sam Z.immerman, oper­.tor 01 the store. i. ju.t 8 per cent 01 themODey received from the• ale of trees.(!his cover.hie co.t on aDdh.ndling with .11 profltogoinK to Scouting.

off,red. It ..Ill be • partolth. ro.uhr monthlym..tlnc 01 tho Boo.·terl.


I.mily. Pile.r. Mr.'.ociMrs. "Fred Herrmann andfamily, West Point, Mr..00 Mro. Cllflord Stalllnc.nd I.mily. Mr.•nd Mro.Jim Nelson .nd. I.mily .DdMr. and Mr •. Dean Back­strom and family.

Carroll Music GroupPresenting Progralll

An all-school programwill be presented at Car­roll Music Boosters Tues..d.y. Dec. 13. at 8 the Carroll Auditorium.There is no a'dmissioncharge and the public is,invited to attend.

Mrs. Way n e Kers'tineand MrS'. Stan Hartmanhave charge ol the pupilsin grades kind e r ga rteothrough second., C I a y tonSouthwick will presentn u m b e r s by pup i 1 8 ingrades third through sixth.

Skits, recitations, groupnumbers, solonurrabers andother entertainment will be

Town Hause Prunes :.:akrulYellpw Onions' ~~~~/w~~"::~",Luce~e Larie or Small Curd

Cottbge CheeSe. . l.~~~n 29c c~u~~ 49cLuce . Peppermmt SUck and

O.ICheer reaelici°lllus i VorsI~~.;:,n 79c

,; Sf; or Meat Balls ~~~z. 49cGr ~e-A Eggs ~~'::~·~z.89cP t Raisin Bran .,.":. Pk~ 33eBI~~k Pepper Crown co!onyt;; 3geCu... MO l.ayeT-type. 4'lt-oz. 88cllie n[~s Mno Wright'. Pkgo.

M~shllla~w Cre" lliP-J~K':T1geDes"'rtGelatln ~::~~UI IO~ 5geFa~ Dete=~ . ~iaD~::59.

o Foil Kitchell SA.VE 7e ••Alu ~u., . .... 2:l-foot RoD AAC

Lb 33t~~o:__ 59t

Lb. 891:

and Mrs. J~me~ Co.n .Ddlam i1y. way+nel. joined thelll.III the after oon. i

Mr. and r.,lrs. MHI£lohnson a~ family, Bra .•Tom and eve Erwin aDwight J >hnson ..ereeuests fOI fyster s\.Ipperhonoring J ' Pearlon'sbirthday in ~he ClarencePearson ho ei.

Mr. and lMXs. RobertSherry and a ilYI Mr. ap.d

~~i'I/b~frh.ifit~.e::J M':s~Fred SChmelt. r. and sons,Omaha. Bru e Robert~ ."dRoy and R Ile rta L~e,Wayne, wer gluestsSundayof Mrs. Ina [Jee. Star:-t~n.

Mr. and Mil'S. Metw[ynSchmidt an IBeth. ~ioUJ[

F.lls. Mr. ~d Mrs. O.carJohnson and Mr. and Mrs.Bud Hanso J..ere gulestsThuraday i~ Ihe KennethOlsen home


I 'A/3C De n INelson W"$S

honored at di~lDer Sund,yin the E'ric Ntlson home.other guest w,ere Mr. aJlM!Mrs. Laver C arkson and

Mrs. Wright'sSw..t Milk or ButtermIlk



l·lb. can

More Meat SpeciaL!

Beef Sausage ~~~~;Y~eaaoned

Brawn 'n Serve Sausage awtrt

Pork Tenderloin :~~~ ~;t~t:~'tles


• •= Enjoy Rich, Refr.shinl Ecfward's ~



Limit ene Pound Per !,CouPon .netOne Coupon P., F.mi1v

ICOUpon Valid thru Saturday, If

December W, 1966 ~


Lb. 19c.. 2 r" 29c

i··•·••••·•: 8-oz. tube•·: limit Two PackilgM Per C~pon• .nd One COuPOn Ple'r F.~HY

: Coupon valid thru Saturda},• Dee(>mhi'r 10 1966...~" -..-..-.~~-~~ ~

Concordia Lutheran Church(John C. Erlandson, pastor)

Sunday, Dec. 11: Sundayschool, 9:45 a.m.; morningworship, 11.

Mr. and Mrs. GarQldMiller, Ainsworth. andMr.and Mrs. J err y Miller,Kadoka, S.D. spent Sundayin the Jer,ry Allvin andLouis Baker, Wayne,homes. Jerry Miller is onleave from the Army. Hehad spent the past year inAlaska and will be stationedin California.

Alex Brown, Sioux Fql1s,waS an overnight gUlestT h u r s day in the HaroldGunnerson home.

Evert J::.,imson, BrtJce,Brent and Carla, Jim Nel­son and children and iMr.and Mrs. Dean Salmonl andfamily were guests 'fLes­day of Marlen Johnsotl forhis birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry All_vin attended the funeral ofBruce Alan Wacker, infantson of Mr. and Mrs.ElmerWacker, Wayne, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. WallaceAnderson and children, Mr.and Mrs. Lero~ Koch andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Ken­neth Ander son and Kevin,and Mr. and Mrs. LarryTest joined Mr. and Mrs.Curtis Anderson and son,Sac City. Ia .• in the ArtAnderson home, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Am­mon, Bassett, were oV!i!!r­night guests Tuesday inthe Nor man Andersonhome.

Mrs. Kenneth Eritksonand Kenn we r e dinnerguests Sunday in the RoyPearson home, Mr. andMrs. Gary Lueders, andfamily, Omaha, and Mr.

Merry Homemakers MeetMrs, £rnest Swanson

was hostess Nov. 29 toMerry Homemakers Exten­sion Club. Secret sistersexchanged b a ked goods.The lesson was" Pin Cush..ions and Scissor Holders."Mrs. Verdel Erwin will behostess for the Christmasmeeting Dec. 12. Secretsisters will be revealed.

Bill Miller, Kadoka,S:l).was an overnight guest ~nthe Jerry Allvin home. '

Mr. and Mrs. MarlynDahlquist and sons, Mrs.Helen Anderson and Mr.and Mrs. Clarence Dahl~

Quist and Harris weregue sts Sunday in the DonDalhquist home, honoringthe hostess l birthday.

Evangelical Free Church(Marvin C. Lito-rja, pastor)

Sunday, Dec. 11: Sundayschool, 10 a.m.; morningworship, 11; evening serv~

ices, 1:30 p.m.Wednesday. Dec. 14:

Family night, 7:30 p.m.

Next meeting will b~Christmas potluck lunch­eon, Dec. 28.


Welfare ClubMrs. Meredith Johnson,

Mrs. Art Johnsol) and Mrs.Bill Rei t h met Tuesdaynight in the home of Mrs.Glenn Paul to plan WelfareClubls Christmas luncheonDec. I.

Adm.' $1.50

Pinochle Club MeetsMr. and Mrs. Harold

Burns hoshd Pinochle Club~riday night. Paul Ebmier I

Mrs. Howa rd Detlefson,Lloyd Johnson, Rnd Mrs.Clay Heydon were prizewinnl!lrs. Members madeplan. for a Christmas par..ty Dec. 13.

Bon Tempo (-tub MeetsHon Tempo Club met

Wednesday evenin$ in thehome of Mrs. Arnold Witt.Prizes went to Mrs. LeroyKoch andMrs.RudyBlohm.Mrs. Jack Meyer will behostess Dec. 30.

Society -

Ma r ried (. oUD1~ s LeagueSt. Paul's ,Married

Couples met Nov. 27 at thechurch. Mr. and Mrs.Duane Harder were hosts.


CONCa D NEWSMn~I'J ..ry yin - Phone 584-2440

THI .IATHI" ..a. _k ...•1Id ....... lIMbidding at the Lawrence and Ralph Ring farmull' Tuefldav eafll of Wayne Shown here is partof the crowd. bundled against the ehill as Auc·


MEL POPand His Orchestra

Adm. $1.00

Junior MissionatyC'oncordia Lutheran Jun­

ior Missionary met Dec.3. The group sang Christ.mas carol,> and tookcookies to shut .. inf; of thecommunity. (' ire 1e 2 ofL\"W served the Christmasluncheon for the party.



Mr. and Mrs. Gus Krae­mer, Norfolk, and LeonardKraemer. Ashton, Idaho,call e d in the Ervin Krae­mer home Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Clarkreturned Monday afterspending some time in thehomes of their children inIowa.

Mr. and Mrs. KeithClarkson, Walthill, and Mr.Ilnd Mrs. Lavern Clarksonand family visited SundayIn the Jim Clarkson home.

Member F D~I.C. _ Depotlta, Insured Up To $15.~

Page 27: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that


1957 ~.' 66 A-( PTOCombine with Innespick~p &wagon auger

A-C 2-row Cultivator willibacki attachment

1964 AlIls Chalmen 80-R mtd.MOWler,9.ft. bar, 2 sickles2 years old I

A-C 4-row mtd. Planter withNoble insecticide attach.'


Lunch on."""

HAY. and GRAINStack 4th cutting alfalfaAbout 2,000 bushel. ear cam in crib

50 bushels Ford soybeanSome Sudall silage

3 rows Wooden 10-hale Nests

Chicken Feeders and Wat.rers

Hand Corn Shell.r 't. I

2 50-bu. Hog Feeders

4 50"9al. Barr.ls50me Used Stacker Sills

% h. p. MotorMany oth.r miscellaneaus Items too

numerous to mention .

.'1, I

Not Responsible for Accidents

TERMS: CASH - No property to be removed until settled for.

\ 1


Mr. and.Mrs.

A-C 3-14 mounted Plow

I-H 2-16 Plow on rubber

M-M 15-ft. Disc, 18-in. bla~es, good

4-row M-M Rotary Hoe2 4-section Harrows, 1 flexible

A-C 2-row mounted Corn Picker


I '


We will offer the foRowing d.cribed perspnal property to the hig~t:lNclcler at public auction at the fa,. LOCAnD:.••• 5 IfWayne, Nebraska on Highway 35, 2 no'" and Y2 west •.. OR • j .3least, 1 south and Y2 ea't of 6IrroIl .•• OR ••,. 10 .;.. 1~'.west of grain bins at Laurel. (Watch for F,.rm Sale Arrows) on -:

Sale starts at 12 noon

1954 Allis Chalmers WD45 TraClor, good tires,good condition.

1951 Allis Chalmers WpTractor, 2-way volv~,

good tires, good cond.'A-C WD 4-row front mou~t

Cultivator with selecti~.


........................~••_WA.~., H••~1---._Iil-!.~,~!I~~c.. in. W..... , ....,.) Hoi..... """...... Dec_...... '9M

lBUL~1 SI ~G.;.OUT

Trinity Lutheran Church(B.F. otto Mueller, pastor)

Thursday, Dec. 8: Juniorchojr, 4 p.m.; third yearconfirmation class, 4:l§~

Friday, Dec. 9: Sec.'vear rlass, 4 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 11: SundaY.o.;chool, In a.m.; radio serY­icc" II.

Wednesday, Dec. 14:U'W meeting.

:--il. Paul's Ev, LutheranChurch

(II. M. Hilpert. pestorlFriday, Dec. 8: Adult

membership class, 108.m.Office hours? 7-9 p.m.

.'-\atu rday, Dec. 10:(' h r i s t mas progra;m re­hearsal, 1 p.m.; Sunday"choot leachers, 7.

,"iunday, Dec. 11: SundaYschool and Bible class, 9:30a.tTl.; worship service.1O:2(J.

l1i'xon Boy Scuuts wererechartered the past week.The charter was presentedto the troop by Lowell r"', institutional repre­sentative.

Father John Hizzo, pas~

tor of .'-'t. Anne's Catholic{'hurch, is Scoutmaster.Dale t-;tanley is assistant.Dixon \·olunteer Fire De­partment, sponsor of thetroop, is represented bySa unde r s.

John Young, fire chief,is chairman of the troopcommittee. Kenneth Dowl­ing and Don Knoell aretroop commiHeernen.

Members of the t.roopare Scouts Steve Macklem,Pat ."itanley, Gerald Knoell,larrol Knoell, Don KnoelLjr., Dale Strive'ns, JimPrescott and Fred Moore.Additional members fromDixon and rural areas willbe welcome to join.

Dixol1 also has a CubScout J;lack. A charter forthat group is to be pre­senteel. soon.

Methodist Chu·rch(E. John Kess, pastor).'-\unday, Dec. 11: I SundaiY

school, 10 a.m.; worshipservice, 11.

Dixon Boy ScoutCharter Renewed

Ch.,rches·Thliophilus Church

IA. D. Weage. pastor)Sunday, Dec. 11: Sunday

school, 9:30 a.m.; worship:<Jcrvice, 10:30.

CLAuDe HAil 0111

Ev,_'ryt~ing ..... orks against yOll when you try to starton a Cl!lrl mornmg. For €)Ilample, your battery sup­

plies OI~lv half tht' p!e-(·!r1l·itv at Ou dp!fTf"(f's as it d0e8at 80" I

Tlw ~lict renHIln:;, thoug,h, that your engine shouldstart l~ your battery IS p'roperly charged, your com·press loll 1(000, your fupl !1I1t.' dear. and your ('hokeis fundionlnR" as It should, I .

WItH most cars, pump the ~('celeratDrjust once las

I do I ahd then turn on the s~itch key. I [' your enginedoesn'~ catch after 10 seconds or SQ, tr)ll again afterlettin~ your cranking-mot()jr rest for a couple ofmlnutE1f:.

If y~ur engine still doesn't start, you might giveme a.j;u, i'li be happy no talk things over driver

to dn r. CLAUQE'SStdndqfd Service

tot "'.in :Ph. 375-9'42

Every dri er who comes into 'mr, st.ation is II candidate for 1-

~~c~~_~w~~~~!I~;;~~;;~;;;~~~;;;;~;~;~;;;;~~~~~~~~.~.~~~ ••••~•••••~and repair work, ./ WAYNE HERALD FARM $ALE SERViCE,

Mrs. Jalllt:'$ ( . Jensenentertained 111 neighborladies Friday afternoon inhonor of he'r' birthday.Cards were played wit.hprizes goingtqMrs. Allgust\oecks, Mrs. ,\/ldrew \n­dersen and JohanllJl .ren~en.

Mr. llnd Mrs. \\\IliamJank.e returned I"hursclayafter a five-w~ek visit withtheir daughtet, ~rs. Les­ter PrawitJ, 'j ucson. En­route home they visitedat Burlington~ ('010., witht~e Charley I ~ngendareferf"mily and at W ray, Colo.with Mrs. Ch~rles Mallen.berger andl the WillardPinckard famllies. Theywe,re Dve. rn.ig~t guests inttl1!' Henr\ ."ic~ewint horne,Bayard.

Mr. and Mlrs. PhillipFarley, ("Iint,on, Ia., andMr. and Mr<;. Farl Thiesand son.s, ..\mle..;, la." spentThanksgiving w!"t:'kend withtheir parent.,,~t-.h. and Mrs.Emil Thies.

Mr. and Mrs. Al :redJank", entertaltl,,,d a roupof relatives llhd friendsFriday in hoo

1r of ,Mra.

Janke's birthd y. P!riZ85

were won by Mrs. CarlEhlers, Mrs: Ibert Jae­ger, Harry lIellemann andWillard JefierYi

Let me telfyo~,- --~­how I get startedon a cold morning.

Gladys Rei hert - P,lonc 286-45;:4


Pinochle Club tiAeelsMrs. Fred Wittler was

host to (;T JliJwchle ( lubFriday. Anna f,1l andMrs.Fred Eric son wereg.uests. Prizes" en. ttoMrs.('ora Carr an ,~,Mnj. TillyA..verman. Dec lu meetingwill be with M,rls. Erickson.


('oteriI:' Meet~tMfR. !-" T. 'arnelTlunde

was a guest hen Coteriemet withMrs. 'harles ['ar­ran Thursday, It was votedto send a ('~sh donationto the Nebraska ChildrensHome, Omaha'r and ()PI?~H­

tunit,v (' entelr, t'\orfolk..Mrs. Waynt> I~nel receiveda prize. Dec. 11:) party willb. with Mr,.,. :\rtit' Fisher.

-Societ}f -Social ForecartTh14rsday, Dec. 15

CoterieNeighboring ('ircle

Friday, Dec. f) I

Plnoch'ltl car: CI'ULRebekah La ge meeting

and Chris mas party.Saturday. Dec. 1U

Au J( II i it r Y I dinner andmeeting.

Page 28: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that




'fAIi! - TMEY'R&COMltl6 OVEIIf'


per ...oat Tuoaday 10 tha hom. Sunday alta'Lawrance Rlnlhom•• Mary a ah_er lot L••liEl1nor Rlnl. Omaha, and Ilam, aOIl 01 Mr.....',Mra. C. L. Bard won alao JamOl CorbIt....eats. Mrs. Esther Lar. Mr. ·and Mra, Loaon spent the day In the Roberta and l.mIIY.,Rlnl hom.. In Bloomll.ld last '/(

Suppar ...uts l..t Mon. day to attand lunard In the Oennlo Carloon leeo 10rhorfatharlOIlli~home were Mr. arid Mr.. Menken"84,whoClltd,1IDaryl Oloon anddaulhlers, day at ·Cralptoa hDISlo'ux City. Vloltors Mrs, Rob.rta run. iiiWedneaday evenlnl were with har mothar un"I'"Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carl- day. .lon, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dhmer pI.hC. rison, the Russell Beck- the Laurence CariiOilman family, Wayne, Mr. were Mr. and Mrl. AI.and Mrs. Laurence Carl. un, VOlta Vaa· TlIlbl'Qiiiaon and the Myron OISOIl JlI1 and Dan.. , .... toI".I:'.and Marvin Borl famillaa, and Mra, Daryl OIIDII""-Douglas Carloon observed daulhters, Sioux Cit,. ullhis Illth birthday. Mrs. PearIScott.Mra.JaH\

Last Saturday Mr. and lenls blrthd~y .wa•.·\o.l~'~Mrs. John Boec~.nh.uer buted. ,., ,,'and. Mary vi sited Mrs. Owen Ol.on IP... II:tIa.i:~Harry Oak In lh. Don Ka.i w.ekend with COIIIII.•::hO,me, Pender. Mrs. Oak Miller, Nalllh, ,...has returned to her home' Mrs. J e. B Bro lJii:J~

In Calilornla. ' Mrs. Norman H..I \;Mr. and M r a. L y I. Mrs. Mar tin Hohalllii.':

Boeckenhauer were dinn~ri Mrs. Carl SUnd.n ,II,.,,;.guests Sunday in the Ea~ll'f fred Utecht· w · .1IIDD1"Heikes home, Newcastle. ,the 16 hOlt..... ,.t th~

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Er.' LCW ChrhtmOl lunohoDD,landson and children were .t Salem' Norfolk Sunday to have Word eame from tha Art'dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Borgs from Laraml.,IiWalter Siebler,Albion,who Wyo., where th., wer.'::were Loren's foster par. visiting, that her broth...~.lents for a year. On their Alfred Larson fO,rm.,~return they vis,itedtheRob- Wakefield relid.nt,.•1 DOW'ert Etlandsons, Omaha, in head of the history',.,the Warner Erlandson ment at Wyominc Unlv.....home. slty.

A number from the neigh. ---------borhood attended Mrs. F:l- fiDton Miller's birlhday party j Ilast Tuesday. A •

A group from the neigh.. D~.~;;:. ..l. Iborhood joined others in ~4 fICIUIICthe Mrs. Bernita Sube r ..

High Speed Dryer - Mode'l·DE-820B - Featur•••• !

Up to 14 pounds clothes ~o·pocity hIgh speed dryingsystem automatic dry con-trol ... variable time dry con­trol .. low temperature selec­tion ... magnetic door lat~ ;.,... porcelain enamel drum'and top .. wash 'n wear cye.le '

air fluff si1lection ... 11­i';"';inated control panel .• \.interior drum light . . . four I

woy venting ., , sofety stal1switch.


/<~'M&S aiL Eaa~~_~-&MAIN-.WAyN~,-N~B-R-ASKA

visit her son, Darrell andfamily.

The Orville Larson fam ..i1y and the Randy Larsonswere in the Malcolm Jen..sen home, Emerson, forcooperative dinner Sunday.Mr; and Mrs. Oliven Lar­son and Mark came fromP e m bi Da, N.D. for thefuneral of his father, Hjal ..mar Larson, Saturday. TheNorman Larsons, GranadaHills t Calif., spent the weekhere.

John Sanger, Franklin,who was in army servicewith Ralph Ring was a sup-

ton, Butch Fis~her, Jerry Turner. Dave Petenon,Mike Preslon, I)oug Bartels, Richard Todd andRamon La rsQn , (Photo by Lyman Studio).

by Mrs. L.wrence RingPhon. 217-2620

Mr. and Mrs. Skiv Carl­son were in the HaroldOlson home for dinner Sun­day to observe Mrs. Carl­son's birthday. She willleave soon for a visit inthe Dick Laue home, In­dianapolis.

For Me. Ash's birthday,Me. and Mrs. E. J. Lun..dahl and Mr. and Mrs.Herbert Lundahl spent lastTue sday evening in the C .R.Ash home.

Mrs. C. R. Ash, Mrs.E. E. Hypse, Mrs. C. L.Bard and Mrs. LawrenceRing visited Friday withMr's. Lillian Nimrod, Den­ver, at TNT Motel, whereshe has been visiting hernephew and family for sev·eral weeks. She left for Ft. Dodge, ,la., to



a rulU a I treats. He will bein Concord. Saturday. Dec.17, at 3:15 p.m. wlthtreatafor all the youngsters.

Turkeys are also beinggiven away each Saturdayaft ern a 0 n. Five will begiven away Dec. 10 and fivemore Dec. 17.

W,inners of turkeys thepast week were: Ira Ander­son, Ollry McAuliffe andBill Stalling, CO;Icord; andDon Kardell and Kisne Mag­nuson, Laurel.

• 1'..1 fll" Ia.thrilll "lIull l*'cs, sw.M.t,~"IS'I, '" ttIltf ,..,. Uws'" 111;1 pi-

~n:lg·\::·Silt Callxily mahl.lJ washerIrulytwo"W.terl~Selec'ioIlS• 3 Wash Cydes· 3 Waah, 2 Rinse TeI!lPtrilureSi_SafelylidSwitc!l- hrulainEn,mcllTgp,Lid,1ub,~Wash8lfl'et.

Filter-FlO' WaSherWith eKcluSive~


/VE ELECTR/CAL..................-..-..-

Can cor d CommercialClub met Thursday at theBread Basket Cafe to makeplans for the special eventsto be he Id thi s Christmasseason-and 100king ahead,for Christmas season ayear fram now.

Taking events in reverseorder, Christmas season of1967 will probably find newChristmas Ii g h t s in thebusiness district. It wasdecided it was too late toget ligh~ing orde r ~) <.'lld upfor this ,year's holiday sea..son.

It is :not too late to planfor Santa Claus and his

Hosldnsl Elementary

Preparfls OperettaA Christmas operetta is

bein6. prepared by the Hos­kins Elementary School.All of the teachers arelaking p~rt in rehearsingthe yourigsters and allpupils will hav.e roles.

The musical will be pre­sented Monday. Dec. 7:30 p.m. In the HOSgym. There will be no ,d­mission charge and ijhepublic is invited to atteJ11d.

A list of cast memberswill be given in next week'spaper. Information on adiJ.i ..tional numbers for the pro­gram wtll also be giY~n.

WAK'''II~D HIGH v.rsily lined up lor a pi.,.ture an the new gym last week. Left to rl"htare Richanjl Fischer, Willie Nixon, Gary Pres-

Concord Club Makes. Plans for Christmas

...... EIICIrIcjTltl ToIII •.-_______1 Ii



THE WAYNE HERALDPhone 375-2600

'Trinity Lutheran School,H,skins, will present a pro­gl1aID Sunday, Dec. 11, at8 'p.m. in the church. Thechoir from the church willalso take part.

Rolland Menk, school ad­ministrator, is also direc.tor of the church choir.He reports the programwill be given by the choirand the sixth, seventh andeighth grades.

The school children willsing the well~knownChrist­mas carols. Choir mem ..bers will give a cantata,"The ChristmasS",-ory," ac­companied by Mr1. OSj::arZander at the organ ~ndMrs. Menk playing !the£lute.

There will be special

~:~~~n:n:f :~;os;~:~e:~dthe general public will bewelcome.

Menk reports the lower$rades of the parochialschool will give theirChristmas program Satur­c!ay, Dec. 24, atthe church.Details on that programwill be given prior to thatdate.

Hoskins TrinityProgram Sunday

Tiedtk~ PlumbqingHeating ·and App~iances

220 Main f Wayne. Nebr. ... PhOllo 375.2822

nor was held Sunday .t thoMar v I n Witt Ie r hom.,OU.ltI wer:e Mr. and Mr.. !:Raymond WittIer, Terryand ROler, Lincoln, Mr.and Mro. Fred Eblncor,Elmwo.od, Mr. and Mrs. EdWIttier. Diller, Mr. andMra. Herman Wi.... Chat­onla. Mr. and Mrs. HalletSchmitt, Madison, Mr. andMrs. H. A. Wittler, Win­lide, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeWittler. Mr. and Mrs.Har­nld WIttier and family, Mr.and Mrs. Carl Wittler andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. CarlMann and family aDd MI'.and Mrs. Bill Marquardtand family.

At Uni..ersity~Arlen Magnuson, son of

the Glenn Magnusons.Wayn,e, is a student at theUniversity of Denver. Theschool has 8,161 studentafr'-om all states and someforeign countries and isthe largest and pri­vately supported institutionof higher le,aring in theRocky Mountains. It is aMethodist school.


At .... Norm.ndy you can... t more .nd pay leu. Fillyour plat. not onu, or twiubut .1 mllny tim., "' y~..ant. Choo•• from tha bo,...tiful buffet ,.I.dion of ten.

~m,pr:::v riJ;i~ ~:.rt.ngy b4irlMcved or If.h'AND pid. iUI' the trlmmi iyou ••nt. D....rt encl ~

en.. ere incl"'. 0IMnJ P_M. to .:. P.M, cloUy,'0'."" Monday): .- till," P.M. luMIy.,

Everywhere, Chri.t ..mla s" Mr••DQnald Asmus read scrip·ture: Mr •. Norris Lanein­berg read a poem. Mrs.Walter Strate, Mra. Ray­mond' Walker, Mrs. NeldaSchroer. Mrs: Walter Fen­ske, Mrs. Vernon Behmer.Mrs. Reuben Puis. Mrs.Frank Marten and Mrs.Norriil LangClDberg showeddolls from other countries.Mrs. Fred Brumels hadc h a r g e of the businessmeet-ing. Roll call was aBible verse. Cash Christ.mas gifts were given toCamp Kaleo, Maple Grovehome, Tecumseh, and toPastor Saxton. The societysent clothing to the Ne..braska Childrens home,Omaha. A Ch.ristmas giftex c han g e was held withMrs. Walter Strate as SantaClaus. Helpers were Mrs.Ray Walker and Mrs. Ver ..non Behmer.

JlTH AND SUMMITSioux City. lo~.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed MaaleDt~rtained T h u r s day inhonor of Mrs. Maas' bir.tQ­day. Prizes went to MfIIl

Fred Johnson, GilbertJochens, Eric MeierhenrYaMrs. Max Lanphear, andMrs. Hans Asmus.

Saturday evening Mr. andMrs. Arnold Wittler andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Nor­ris Langenberg, Roger andBilly, were guests in theMrs. Mary Langenberghome, Norfolk to visit Dr.West Ulrich, Minn.apolis.other guests were MaryUlrich, Omaha, Me. andMrs. Edwin Ulrich, SiouxCity.

Mr. and M r8. W a I t e rFenske r etu rned fromBroken Bow Friday afterspending several days inthe Alfred Peltzer homeand in the Ruth Davidsonhome, Berwyn. Mrs. David..son's parents, Mr. andMrs. Leon Peltzer,form..erly of Hoskins, sold theirhome at, Mountain Grove,Mo., and are now livingwith their daughter, Mrs.Davidson at Berwyn. Mrs.Pel t z e r is the formerl.izzie Fenske.

Loy Mar t 0 z, Lincoln,spent Thanksgiving week­end with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Lyle Marotz.

Mr. and Mrs. SherdiaDWells and family, Spencer,were guests Sunday in theBurnell Wells home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Stroh,Monowi, were weekendguests in the Burnell Wellshome.

Mr. and Mrs. CharlesReed and Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ert Lienenmann and family.Omaha, spent last weekendin the Mrs. Lucille Asmushome.

Suzanne Behmer. Den.ver, Deanne Behmer, Fre ..mont and Vicky and TammySuhr, Norfolk, spentThurs­day and Friday with theirgrandparents, Mr. andMrs. Arthur Behmer.

Mr. and Mrs. VernonBehmer entertained at sup·per Saturday. Me. andMrs.Fred Frevert, Wayne, Mr.and Mrs. Leo Jordon, Car ..roll, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd

!Behmer, Winside, Mr. andI Mrs. Charles Reed, Omaha,

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jacobsand daughter, Pilger, andMrs. Lucille Asmus wereguests.

J a c k 0' Kane and Maur­een and Cindy, Omaha,were guests Friday in theMrs. Ruth Langenberghome.

Post - Thanksgiving din-

make. it lik~ .~IND

~ithan ' ..• , I


'\tr. and M s. Merylnllruggeman and family, DesMoines, spent Wednesdayto .....;unday in the AdolphBraggeman ho e.

Mrs. Elmer Peter en...tert-ained Donn and Renee\ n de r son, cbs ra Kud­

t' ra, ljuAnn 80 ffi l Lynette,( indy·and MikeOnlrk/neb­hie and Jeffef Bcud gam.haren, Keith and LynneIIruggeman, W dnesdayaf­t p rn<poll at a bi thday partyill 'I\(~n()r of 0" rbara's 8thbirthday. Mrs. Peter enter~

lainnd at a t ealre ,party-"'unulI' for Bar ara's birth­da ~

~1 r. and M cIs. Woodrow\L1I1IH\ and 1)arlyle, Arvada,I visited ;Salurday inIll~ ft"O .loc:hens home.

~lr. and M[S. Herbert,\.lltlf'bdeadt, rvada, vis­itf'd friend" a d relatives:l! ILl<;kin~ :Ind :-"'orfolk last

illlll'.;I·WHrmin/o!j lleldI ripl€,'-threl1 card club

11H'i "-'IIHial ;,t til .. Oliver1\16,<,,1\1 ~1<1111". ~orfolk, fora h,)'I' 1'1\:1 r tll ing. Cardpri7t' Wl-'ll( to Mr. and\111-- I)livt~r 'Kiesau, Mr.,lIlt! \1 rs. l.rnel"t .-\. l.angen·llf'rg and Lyle Marotz. :\<ash gift was presented toChr:fll b\ club members.["he hiesau" are membersof 1.):1' (' luh.

HO KINS NEWSMrs. J. E. Ping.1 - Piton. 565-4507

Plumbing and HeatingDO M.... . _. Phon. 37S-2a22

Beneficial oisture in the airlosl to artific I heating must bereplaced. He l'S how: With anAprilaire H rnidifier. Here'swhy: It add moisture just asNature does as a vapor. Nomists. dropl s, white dust. Bigcapacity, co trolled by an ac­curatehumid·stat Minimumrnaintellance Choose the be,;t-an April ire Humidifier.

l'in(1('hle, ('Iuh Meets\Ir anri Mrs. \\" ayne

I h ,I 11\ a \ en~ertained'),[e (tuh S\lndav with.111 III e m [Ie'r" present.l'rize." "t'n! ttl Mrs, ArthurBehmer, hl1lil UutzmalUland .\If, 'andl Mrs. J. I,:.I' ingr J. ])pc. IS a Christ­'I'd." l·:l.rl\.inlsupper and agi fl exr hallgt' is planned atthe .\rtlll;r ~lar()tl home.

'~'il" "-\ll'ieh }.,'leets)"1"',1 "'o~iet.\ of Peace

l I,;" 1 I'll'lrlch of ('hristheld ,l l hristmas luncheonrtllIr"da\ at the church.\1r., llermfl.ln Marten andMT" Elmer ,Kube deC'orat­Pel thp tableS!, Mrs. NorrisI nn,genberg- nnd Mrs. Oon­Hld \,.,mu.s w~'r(' onthepro.grCl[ll "Onlllltttf'e using thetbeme, c. .....'t"rywhere,


S~cief~ -i lull 11:1" \.teettng

\t"'f '\,t'ighb fsClubmet,I llit' iillrne 0 \1rs. Greir

1lJ. T I fl1Jfsd/l.\ with all',oIIIL 1'1 1''' pr('s~nt. :vl rs. AI·

{'II\ "-1"( ke ,\~d daughter\\"1" /(Ilt'sls. !loll call was

!;l\<lrlte s~lad recipe.-'('l.'r,·1 "i"ter$ were re­I ("all"! witli a ~ift exchangeand fH'W name" drawn. Mrs.I;rier l'lark and Mrs.\If'lvin \\ arht(lr gave thel£>s<;un. JaIl, 10 meetingwill I"~, ,\1 qu' home of,'I <; 1 Ill'. d \ s[pli!l.

Page 29: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that
Page 30: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

eration in the US Ii thaLii'{,.so many perso,ns Inc1udinl 1

hi g h ranking stat.smen,public officials, educators,ministers of" the C~lp.l,

professional menhavebe.nduped into heipinc com­munism." '

So if even high rankilll·statesmen and educator•.have be.n DUPED wh.tmight thel r sp••ch (com•.,.. ,,~munish') do to the av.ral. ~person? ,'- ,_

Two especially rood Ichapters in Hoover'. ~okare chapter six, "Who Ar.the Com m un i st.? andchapter sevente'en, 'fT h I

Communist Front."I'd I ike to cor a ~

Itat.ment that Mr, Curb imade in your Nov. 171••ueabout An.nla. andS.pphln.Th. ver.e Ihe quot.d II, InAct. 4:32 Inot Acto 3:44451 and if anyone will r"don they will ~w that Ana­nias and Sapphira ",.r•.pot"stricken de ad becaul.they' failed to a,re." .,Curb say s, but becau••th.y Il'ld. Peter ••Id toAnania. in Acts 5:4 "WhUIit was unsold wa. ,not ityour own? And a1t.r Itwas sold was notthe mOD.Y,at you·r own di-sprsaJ? ~ouhave li~, not to' men, butto God," 120th c.'fu.rYtrans1ationl.

About two y.a...e" ~tried to purchu. "Maa~jI'of Deceit" in Norfolk:~could not find it In ~,book stores here, la two copl.. l~jimPocket Book•• Inc:, lor",50cents each plus po.t.,.and sent one to aD .,tU!o.r Iin Pennsylvania who'seemed rather ,r••n-r:Oll,the subjlct of comlll.u,.J.m .and had been••'wh.t.

If you u.e thl. I'and nQt~lmY n.m•• I

G andmoth.rlW, E hth Grad. £)1(In a brqadca.t on

St. Louil,; the oth.rins, J. Ed~ar 1I0ov.also quoted .. s.yl'!fmunist IP aker~ ,,' [,plac. on Amencan' 'J~,

puses. If aDloDe hal .~ions about this, writnot us. He .aid it. Wae..e.-Edltorl

'tlon 01 Om.h., apon.or 01 th•. ope .Ernl. J. K..I••••er.tory oUh.CIi01 Comm.r.. .oDoun that 0.hlldr.n att.;I.d tho Ir how .tTh••t .. laat Saturd.y ••• rut 019m.a ••tlvltl.., Mh. En"·R.ndolph la the Wayne .ounty d.l.the hom•.m......- ".oIDltion pi.ponao..d' by tho Om.h. Ch.mCommorc. F.bruny 20 wh.n 100..w.Irom .aatern N.braak••nd waater.wl\l b. hono..d .t • on.od.y b.nqllOmaha or,.nlutlon p.yln, .lIexp_1lT.nt.tlv. bud,.t IIlUr.1 pr.p..aelot.te bo.rd of .du••tlon for. tho', coli.,.. for tho Comln'''1In. Iud. lor tho W.yn. .chool •,tadlum.

i< * .,,1

IS Ve.,. Ate l~::Dec.mb.r 6, 1951: L.wren•• H..~i:~

Wayne, wa' proclaimed one of th., .a,','o :conservation winnerl In Wayne -:GO ' ",,'this y.or ...M/SIt. DI.k, .on'ol ;,i'..nd Mrs. lIorry ...rlvael.hO"j ,Thursday after apend1na 41 month.nll"~ _;;,,~Tokyo. II. wl\l r.m.ln until D.eomMI!1 ~when he wlllr.port.tC.mpC.r.on,C~",':'_ i~for re~aSllilnment•••Ml1ton John,oD .. 'f.11 to tho c.m.nt 1\1 th.' corn crib ~n:1i 1l.~m Saturd.y. h.d not y.t ..,oIned cQllli "ICIOUlne.s Mond.y ...Mllton B. Chi...;'re,l.tra, at Wayne st.te T••ch... Ccl~

I.,e. was .I.ct.d prelld.n,t altho ·•·... .ASloclation of CoII.,I.t. R.,Jotr .tho re-org.nlzational m••tlng 01 the ••;sodation held in Lincoln last wlek. J'

.. * , II

10 Ve.n ..... '1'D.cember 6. 1956: M.rk and D.vlll

Stringer won banners in the ar •• w.~monthly Bible quiz at a Chrl.tlan Chura" 1youth rally Sunday at Norfolk ...TwoWayne Icounty voh~ntee.r~ 1eft Wednelday morn'" ~for Induction Into the Armed Fore•• ·.. \Om.ha. They were Alvin Moh!lald, W.)'III iand Norrla We.t.rhata.•• j

J. Thi.lman retired Siturday oft.r ·aT Iyears as a rural carrier _. t Wayne. He. !I.tart.d the job Sept. I, 1919.. ,W.YD. "County Rural Teacher. 1••oM.tlonwlll IIhold a meeting at Zion Lutheran Church 1lias kin •• at 6:30 p.m. Monday. Pr..ld.n{ '~Lila Dorman announced this wllk•. Pro- ~:,ram committee is Mrs. Velda Gronln,.r '~and Judy Troutman...Chlef critic at W.yn.Toastmasters Was Dr. Arthur Conn.r. jHlrb Perry led an economics qUlltionand answer period.

Letters toThe Editor

of these aids?TheAmer­ican Gas Association Lab­oratories Seal oC Approval,lqe Underwriters' Labor­atories Seal of Approval,the American Institute ofLaundering Seal of Appro..val, the American DentalAssociation Seal of Accept~ance, the Good House·keeping Seal of Guarantee,l h ePa r e nJ:. s' MagazineCommendation Seal, and anunidentified gu a rant e ~

label.The American Gas Asso­

ciation Seal of Approva1is awarded for safety and:iurability of gas appH.ances. This sea1 does notstand for good design asmany women incorrectlythought.

The Underwriters' Lab.­oratories Seal of Approvalis found on both electricalcords and appliances. Thisseal is sponsored by theNational Board of Fire Un­derwriters. It refers toelectrical safely.

An item of merchandisecarrying the Al1'leric.liln In­stitute of Laundering Sealof Approval is guaranteedfor washabiJity and againstshrinkage. The seal alsoincl~des bleeding of color s,fiber stren,th, or launder­ability of zippers, buttonsand snaps.

The American DentalAssociation Seal of Accept.ance on a product guaran~

tees it not to be harmful.The Good Housekeeping

Seal guarlLDtee.' that theproducts and services aregood and that the adver­tising claims are truthful.

The Parents' MagazineSeal means that advertisingclaims in the magazine aretruthful t This seal doe•.not necessarily mean thatthe product has beent••tedfor quality or that it issafe for children.

Unidentified guaranteelabel is a general termwhich does 'not mean much.Many of the homemakersin the research study wereincorrect in thinking thatunidentified ¥ u a r a D teelabel meant aD assuranceof refund if the productwere defective.

Dear Editor:ID the letters on com·

munism, has aDyonequotedJ. Edga r Hoov"r? I '?e­lieve 'he i. an authOrItyon .the subject•.He wrote• book entitled "Maotoraof Deceit." ,

If cOD1muDi.~ are 1 m....ters of dece,ft: l how call.... know which .~t"",.ntth.y m.k. t.' the truth?On pace 86 of thi~ ........k.J. Edgar Hoover ~l'1te. Atracedy of the paat ,en-

30 "earl .....U.c.mb.r 10. 1936: pro J. W. King of

, HarUnlton. will be ~onor lPl..tthla Thu...d.y .v.nlne wh.n docto~,' of tho Flv••county, association and th~t'w~ve8 have abanqu.t at Hot.1 stratton, Dr. King haacomplet.d 50 ye... in tho prol..slon ...Wh.n h.lplng cut wood last Thursdaymorning at the E. P. Caauwe farm, J. H.S~ahr had his 1eft hand badly cut in _ buzzsaw, He was hospitalh:ed, and the hand ishealing nicelYoo.Boy Scout court of honorwas held in Allen Monday evening. Burr,llHughe.s and ~arold Olson received tender.foot badg...."At this date 2 lba. of pureground beef coot 23t ...T & T club m.tWednesday for social afternoon with Mrs.Fred Bilson. Luncheon dosed the party.

.. *25 Vean Ag.

December 11, 1941: Wayne, StantonWisner, West Point, Pender and Wake:field schools comp·rise a new northeastNebraska athletic conference organizedMonday evening at Wisner ...Geo. Burnshad the back of his right hand cut Tuesdayin his corn sheller when he was operatingat the Frank Baker farm. Mr. Burns wascleaning husks from t.he machine when hegot too close. The wound required fourstitches •.. John Grimm underwent an oper ..ation December 2 at Rochester, Minn. lieis getting a10ng nic-ely ...H. H. Honey wasappoint~d to Carroll school board to fillthe unexpired term of Dave Theophiluswho moved to Wayne ...Charles Peters wasable to return home from a local hospitalwhere he had undergone an operation.

• *20 Vean"'g.

December 12, 1946: One of the lar,eltmost enthusiastic crowds ever assembledat an airstrip opening was prlsent at theArbor Lodge farm airstrip Sunday, statedV. A. l-Iumrich of West Point, districtmanager of Archer Petroleum' Corpora.

Anna Marie Kreife1s

~ow Does Your Consumer-<.nowledge Rate?

Does Grade A designa.iOD on eggs refertoweight

:>r size'? Does the GoodHousekeeping Sea,l guaran­;ee that adverLising claimsiCe truthful?

Grade letters, seals t;,flpproval and guarantees onJfoducts serve as ,consu­mer aids. But a 'recentUniversity or Nebraska re­search study of I:incolD'1omemakers shdw$. thatwomen have only la fairknowledge, about thel mean­ing~ of the s e cdQsumeraids. 'I

Homemake.. w~r. askedabout consumer \ai~s fre- ,I

quently noticed ,by' ma~ / but evidently lIDO'lerstood by only a fleW. Doyou unde,rstandthe tneanioe





when farmers begin makingplans for the coming year.Winter aHows more limefor thinking, reading andfiguring. With the presentrate of change and farmingbecoming more competi­tive, we all need a' spellof "catching up".

The time for decisionis always with us and mak­ing t.he right choices be­.::omes ever more impor.tant. The sue c e s s f u Ifarm·er today needs reli~

abie information and lotsof it.

For example: Do youhave the answers? Shallwe switch to narrow rows~

What width' What chemi­ca1 ha s done the' best jobof control1ing corll root­worm? Can we grow fJW

crops w~thout cultivation?What crop varieties havedone best in my commun-

. ity? How much can wereduce costs with minimumtillage? Are big tractorsmaking for a soil com·paction problem? Whatfertilizers and how muchto produce maximumyields?

'These are only a fewof the many 'questions far·mers will be seekinganswers for before anothercrop year commences.

There are no ready madeanswers but he1pful infor.mation will be providedfrom many sourcesthroughout the wintermonths.

We hope you will takea d van tag e 0 f meetings,workshops, articles, etc.w her e results from re·search at local and otherExperiment stations willbe reported.

~:~ 4J...'~When"

by Harold In,..II,



carried by 7,876 Yotes­223.969 for it. and 216,093against.

The vote r turnout wasthe second highest in Ne ..braska history for an off..presidentia1 year. It wastopped only by the 578.764votes in 1934.

The board said no issuesor races were changed asa result of the official votecanvass. Secretary of StateFrank Marsh emerged asthe top vole - getter with33'6,G511. He was followedby St.ate Auditor Ray C.Johnsbn, 309.030; Gover ..nor-elect Norbert T. Tie~

mann, 299,G4G; AttorneyGeneral Clarence Meyer.297.432, and Sen. Carl T.Curtis, 2~){;,l1G.

State Named in WiHThe SLate of Nebraska

has been named the chiefbeneficiary of the $1 mil­lion estate of the daughterof a former governor, ithas been disclosed.

However, the state willnot receive the money until18 individual beneficiarieshave died and a trust fundon their behalf Js closed.

These stipulations werecontained in the will ofMrs. lIelen Nance Ander~

son o( Lin c a I n, whosefather, A I bin us Nance,served as governor of Ne.braska from 1879 to 1883and for whom Nance Countywas named.

I\msoy ~eans

A new variety of soy­bean will be a v a i 1a b I e

a s certified.eed for 1967planting.

This beanhas been thehighe st yi e Id­ing va ri ety intests over the

past 3 years. in NortheastNebraska. It is one dayearlier than Hawkeye,grows about 2 inches tal~

ler, is about 1'1(, lower inprotein and 10/0 higher inoi I conte'nt.

No doubt, there will bea strong demand for thelimited see d supply atp ric e s somewhat higherthan for other beans.

Certified seed director­ies available in the CountyExtension office lists grow­ers in this area.

Ltsts BenefitsGood around the

farmstead can pro v idefarm families year roundbenefits.,These include keeping

wild animals and prowlersaway, preventing falls andaccidents, saving time infarmstead night work andlnaking activities in thebuilding area easier.! The new mercury-vaporyard light is one Qf thebest lights a vailable. Lo_cated near the middle ofthe building area it pro­vides enough light to ade ..quate Iy cover ~.he entirearea. The 250-400 watt sizelamps are rapidly gainingin populari~y over the 175.watt size.

The fixtures have aa"ilt-in photoelectric con­trol to automatically turnthe light on at dusk andoff in the morning, Th.mercury bulb' has a ratedl}fe of 16,000 hours. This"'QuId be about four yearsctt operation under autottla­'~c

<1 Electric power suppliers.'~ave a rental plan by whichthese lamps can be in­stalied and permanentlymaintain«! lor a small

f'onthly charge. 1,

Harvest is scarcely over



I~it a sal~es tax bill, and anlDcome ltax measure to theincomin~ unicameral. The1atter, ~e added, will besimilar I to the now defunct19G5 in~ome tax-"but withsome cdrreetions."

Carpanter admitted thathe r)lot expect the prop~

osition to carry betause ofstatemE'lnts made earlierby Governor ..eleet NorbertT. Tie~ann.

Carpenter and the nextgovernl!)r issued contradic­tory shtements on Tie.mann's, position on a spe­cial s,e s sian. Tiemann,trying I to avoid a dispute,attribuled this to a "mis­unders~anding," Carpentercalled the response "un­acceptable" and said "thehoneymoon is over."

From the outset the spe ..cial ;-,ession proposal: wasdoomed. Aside from Car­pen t, e r, few lawmakersspoke out in favor of it.Many noted the regular:ses.sjon 1s only five weeksaway and that some ofthemwould be acting in a lam'educk capacity.

"It would not be fair forme to make my influencefelt on: tax matters becauseI will not be back in Jan.uary," said Sen. Chet Pax~

ton of Thedford, defeatedin the recent election.

Those senators votingfor the special session in­cluded Jerry Warner ofWaverly~ Harold Stryker ofr-Using Cily;GeorgeGerdesof Allilllnce;\Peter H. Claus­sen of Leigh; Fern HubbardOrme of Lincoln, and Car­penter.

Study Shows Cost To RiseThe c h air man of the

R a a <!l s Study Committeetold the biennial meeting ofthe Legislative Council itwill cost a lot of moneyto improve Nebraska'sroadways.

Sen' l Ju.les v,r. Burbachof C ro!(ton did not say exact­ly how much-but indicatedpresent revenue sourcesare not sufficient to meetthe need.

"We have every reasonto beliieve that this is goingto hav'e avery, very largeprice tag," he told the 49assembled lawmakers atthe hectic two-day meeting.

Twenty-one committeessubmitted reports on a ho<:lof subjects. All the reportswere routinely accepted.

Not many years ago, theLegislativ~ Council's be­tween sessions work wasnot taken seriously, But inthe past few years, thelawma,kers have placed in­creaSirg reliance on thestudie because they givethe s~nators <\ chance todelve ,in depth into': prob.­lems which they ~annot

study carefully during therush qr a regular session.

Several legislators com ..plained that the number ofstudy committees had be.come unwieldy and calledfor a reduction the nextgo~roulnd.

Sen.l• Kenneth L. Bo.wen

of Re~ Cloud, speaker ofthe 1~65 session, said fewmemb~rs get the time tostudy; the committee· re­ports thoroughly. He ~ug­

gestedll'the number of studyunits be limited to 10 or 12_

"With this number, Ithink we would have moretime to analyze the re­ports,~' he said.

Sen., Marvin E. Stromerof Lintoln agreed~ He urgedfuturei 1egislatures to exer ..cise '\extreme caution"in authorizing between ses­sion stUdies.

Vote Canvass AnnouncedThe,I' Xebraska B/oar'd of

canv~sers has determln.ed th proposal to abolishthe st te Pl'operty Tax wassucc" sful and t~at 489,.308votes ere cast ID the Nov.8 eJe tion.

T h anti· property taxpropo ition, placed on theball t by the NebraskaFarml Bureau i=' ederation.

ton, chairman of the in.fluential. Rev e Due Com­mittee.

"If we apply ourselvesdiligently, there is suffi..cient time in 1967 to takecare of this matter ," I

B~rbach warned that *nysales tax legislation wil1have to c onta ina hIghenough rate to earry ~hestate through fiscal 1967and 1968. adding that themost feasible starting diltefOf an income tax wouldbe Jan. 1, 1968.

Garpente r f ear e d the

~:~:~utl~e ::a1;tS' :~'~1·~;~~dum petition drive ag.ij>stany n"w taxes. H" sai, aspecial session might reoduce this possibility, h(Jw.ever.

Sen. George Gerdes" ofAlliance -said he will sub-

Say There, Gov, Tief\lonnJust where does our new governor-to-be

get the idea that Nebraskans electing himis a mandate to broaden the tax bas e? Aswe remember, his statement in favor ofsuch an idea came out on a \Vednesdayjust before election when most Nebraskaweeklies had gone to press.

Now there is talk of an income-salestax combination being passed with an"emergency", clause so it can go intoeffect before the people have time to cir­culate petitions to over-rule it. One senatoreven suggested a special session so peoplewould have less time to get signers onpetitions in case they do not Eke the newlaw.

Some legislators have the idea thepeople do not know what is good for themand they do not want th'e people to have asay. It is apparent they did not base theircampaigns for election on such a premise.

Why not let the people decide what theywant as a tax for state government sup~

port? Who is it that worries for fear thepeuple might not want a sales or incometax or a combination?

Why can't we call a special election?Let the people vote onthese issues: Shouldstate government and institutions be fi·nanced by ( ) Property Tax; ( ) Sa1es Tax;( ) Income Tax; ( ) Combination Sales­Income Tax; ( ) Combination Sales-Prop­erty Tax; ( ) Combination 1ncome~Propert~·

Tax; ( ) Combination Sales-Inc0me-Prop­erty Tax.

Maybe the people are not given creditfor having the sense their legislatorshave. Still, they should be given creditfor knowing that state operations have tobe financed with a tax of some sort. Whohas a better right to decide on what tax­ing method is used than the people whowill be paying the tax')

Perhaps this is the time to start cir­culating petitions, not after a tax law ispassed. Would you sign a petition to geta special' election so yO'l can help decidewhat method of taxation is used? Do youwant a direct voice in this matter Of isyour legislator ta1}dng your language al­ready"

When a property tax is defeated by lessthan 10,000 votes on a ballot that wasworded in a rather misleading way and anincome tax is defeated by over 250,000votes, it hardly appears that there is a~andate for anyo-he to push for a saLes,lllcome or combination tax.

Mr. Tiemann, if you want to get off onthe right foot, why not find out what thepeople want (besides you for governor).No matter how the vote on such an issuewent, it would merit support by everyone,taxpayers, newspapers, legislators andgovernor.-CEG.

dominating ninth graders and the co.llege­career pressures of high school. Allteac'hers are committed to "team· teach­ing" and to experiments of all kinds.

Mt. Kisco, N.Y., Sarasota, Fla., P1eas­ant Hills, Pa:, and other communitiesall have middle scho01s now. No two arealike. All follow the premise that the agegroup to be served does not belong withthe. elemen~ary school group and is notready for the high school group.

The surprising thing is, schools havlefound that in some courses (a1gebra, forinstance) fifth graders or those at a fifthgrade level are natural intellectua1s. Bycontrast, seventh and eighth graders aremore "engineers" and do not learn algebraas well. Seventh and eighth grade levelsare not content with sitting at desks,reading, writing and reciting. The basicnature of chiJdren at this age is to movearound, do things, explore, build and ex­periment. They need to get in smallergroups.p study at their level and toadvance according to capabilities.

"Middle school" is going to become acommon term here and will not neer!quotation marks anymore. It will be cover­ed as a revealing new advancement ineducation for this area as decisions arerflade, plans were announced and newavenues of 1earning are explored.

It will undoubted1y be a great experi­ment, one that will benefit present genera­tions in the middle school and those of thefuture. Wayne has been chosen for anexciting role in a great educational ad ..venture for all of us, both inside and out~

side the middle school.-rEG.

COMMENT)l0." mn) not II a9ra wit}, an l'lJitfJrinl

- hut If you reM tilt,. raitariol a",J giffl' ft'r­

''Jus Ihought to till' JUhjert aUcllJua you"ntH' f/O;n..c·d. Yrw. flJ' a raldl'r, !lltfJe (lftJrn

II/rfful thought to (HI important prohlemfind tilt writer il proud to haw ralll'd yournltrntion id flf~ important suhiat that vou!lilly hmJI' ')f)t'rlooJed.

Six voted for it. Twenty_nine favorable ballots wereneeded.

"They will' regr.t thisdecision," remarked a dis­appointed Carpenter.

Legislative leaders hadurged their colleagues tokeep a cool head and notto act itl haste. They sailthere will be time enoug10 the regular session

• which op~ns Jan. 3-to reosolve the tax dilemma. !

" is no emergency


Lli\COL"t\ - The Nebras­ka Legis1ature has refused~o, call itlelf into specials~ssion, eaving the de ..d!sion on, the state's taxcrisis to he 1967 ass ern-~~. .: .Sen. Te ry Carpenter of

ScottsbEuff had ,requestedtHe specia sessiontoenaet81' sales ...i come tax :pro'~

~tam. He- aid it was n••d.~ to re I.ce the stateptopert.y t x, abolished int/le Nov. B IelecHon.

I I Forty s nators opposedtHe speci 1 session idea.

Capital N"ws - - -

tegi~lature Refuses CallFor ~pecial Tax Session

, 7'hl' ,.dllo ilIl rf(partm~"t tof a wuHynflJ.·tflflflr.r IJ ~n ,mfoorJrl1lt ~r/JJ'tmt"J. No,.~mally it IS tHtrl/JrrJon's op,nwn of topiCl that

,otlc,'r", most Of:' tht' retldrrJ.It IJ fhf I utt of (In t'ditorial tuitrr to

~n".(" all fl1'fJ1 able f(Jcts bffore he sits down/0 fI.'rllr. frt)I~J this hmu the writer shouldhe ablr 10 grt/t (J clear picluu 01 importanl10/'10.

ED TORIALTh. ayne (Nolo, ,I H.rald, Thundar, lIec.",IN, " 1,..

A Tragedy Averted~o one wiU ever know why the accident

did not happen. It had all the makings ofa tragedy but it was just not to be.

Where? In Wayne at' an dleyway thatopens onto M~in Street.

0\ businessman tells how his heart wasin his throal for a moment and he feltthat rush of' heat that comes when anaccident aPIlears unavoidable. The boylaughed it offf-this time.

There is rio use naming !either. Thebusinessman isn't using the alley any­more. The boY's parents might get theshakes if thJy knew how close their soncame to be'~ng a statistic, a broken,bleedirtg stallstic.

The boy W;~s on his bike,hurryinghome.I'!lp man wa coming out of the alley inhis carr -..lowl" but still moving. Suddenlythe bike shot in front of him, close to thehtl i [dings r atpe r than out at the' edge of the..,idcwalk. This made the possibility of alo\li .... ioll greAler than ever.

! Ilf some I reason, perhaps because thebo) was gol~g so f~st or because the carwas going ~() slow, the two vehicleslllls .... ed each olher, by what seemed to beit f(lot or slightly more. The boy continuedun his way. lhe businessman stopped and"'at for a moment. to regain hiscompOS\lfe, tlo wipe the perspiration fromhi:-. brow aI1d to reflect on how easy itwould ha\'{> been for an accident to occur.

\\ H,,·ne ha~ the alleys. They are open totrnlfic. It ul.:-.() has sidewalks and boys onbikes. YOli fan tell the kids not to ridetheir hilu's On the sidewalks but they will(oq("t. \ Ii tl1p ingredients for tragedy areprt>sfOllt but they ju ... t have not come to~

gether at tht, rig-ht time.""';o!Tlf'da}' all tho<;e alleys should be

\. !o ... pd. II ma," take a closer callthanthis.It rna" take an injured boy'. Possibly adeath 1.'" required. Unless, of course,somellfH' del" ides now that lhe alleysopening onto \1ain street are no longerneedE'd and ... hould be closed to throughtraffic.

There is 11 businessman in Wayne whothink,,,, so. lhere are some parents inWaynE' who might not agree now-but theywould if they knew how clo.<;(' they cameto grief.- C r·;(;.

Understanding 'The Middle School'H YOU arle a little puzzled about just

what \\ aYrH~!i':'; new "middle school" willmean. don'ti be alarmed. No one at thisnpw:-:;paper llnderstands it in its entiretyand E'\'E'II thp ..;,chool boarn is not sure ofthe full pictllrt'.

In the fir'st piau', the study has beenunderwa" for ~()me time. This is notsOO1f'thing that i~ being jumped into firstand being-learned about.later.Itisbasical­1.1' nt'''''' hert hut it has been tried otherplaiCE'S. The statE' department of educationwas reluctant to let a school change totheplan yet, but thE' idea is moving ahead sorapidlv the nepartment decided it had toget CI footholrl in ~ebraska somewhere.

Hoard mE'mber~ have learned that inc ili l''' W he re t h# cone ept has been de­\elopf.'d there i .... wide variance in thesel "'ome havf' not departed far fromthe ltJigh idea while others have nore~E'!1lblane'(' to elf'nlentary, juniorhighor

... cho(J! ;t ... we know them.thing, wht'rever tried, t,he middle

sdwul ha~ been hept. The communitiesare "ati:.;fied that for the good of .the agegroup concerned the new set.up is ideal.

In \mory, Mio..:.s., non~gradingofreadingwa:-- starte.d fint and is now spreading toother sllbJl$'d:-:;. Thus those who advancefaste.;;t can go on while those who needhelp can goE't it. In most other concepts:\mor y '''. :-:;chool (lhE' onh middle schoolIn (he :--'outhl is p,retty n~u\h like otherschools as far. as 'classes go. However,seq'nth. and ell;hth grade remain".vounger" longer bec;1use are separ_ated from the high school withwhich the.\" formerl\ associated in onebuilding. ,

In Barrington', Ill.. children profitthrough a program that provides a tru€'transition, from the self ..contained ele_mentar.." c}assrooms to the full depart_~entallzahlon O'f the high school. Combin_~ng g.rad~s six, seven and eight has givenImagmabvll' administrators and teachersa chance tp give pre-adolescents a tasteof t rue e~ploration removed from the

Page 31: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that



He'll be fashion', fln;t in 'yourchoices of the.e solid. andstripes in all collar styles andall sizes.


$500 1Up I


~~~!~~nn ~

For the on-the-go Holi­

day Seasqn, here are thel

coats th~t coyer you

with the' warmth you

need, plu~ the lo0"r youlike. Conle choo~e!

I'praying or elm trees, we later, the elevator descend. is a good solid citil.en, Lile publishl1r t s of rice and"t discouraged. lIowe ver, ,ed, the dodr opened and out the ramily-man lYTH'. ()r~ ..;houted: "I want 8 rlllltiI)f these, the most discour- ',stepped a

jbeautiful girl. chids to Bob Carhart..\ in pay now or )'oucllncuuol Chevrolet 1l••1 E.t.ltt 'tr.n•••r.'~ere'on'·n'l~ "ny crack) ," exclalm€.'d community can never hllH~ me out," V e r It· lIolm, WakoJitld, Erwin SI.brandt aM ..the Ozark an, blinking his I too many citil.ens like him. The publisher leaned Chcvruh,t ~rllJ-SI.braDdttoF.r....r •.

trees marked. People can- eyes, "neld time I come ~'I'\SS back itl his chair an~ said: NorTnan L. ~obl.l{', Murlln!'l.., n 1 (' E haD&tnot seem to gf1Sp the idea to lawn I'm goin' to bring Arc you goi~g to"Wint~r "On two th r H b ("I IlkO'lld'O-OP .tlc,I,'Jhat this is a life and death rTl\ old ladly ,with me!" at Deep C.reek" Thursda~ six e, ~ e '....e n re:ig~~r'ni~:' urg, Hll~~iol (. T 1

2; r: Rf·~t. ~f s::t .3,

matterfortheelms.Maybe ~-\ ......'-, night:\\e hopeyoudonol ten:--- , , • I.arry lowe,l'onca.I'hev In.·2!)~cr•• :'··c r":hey want a city of dead (Jur bOuJqUt'l of the week let the word "ballet" scare i Ita,rold .... ',r. Lrner.. inDl~onC t t;; ~~~)I,rees. Maybe th'ey t.hink i goe~ to Bob { arhart and if you away. This production DiJlon County 1'011, ('ht>\'rol~t pickup .oun y~ • •t.his area il'i different and ever a boiuquet was over. has "Shenandoah," "On Top l'tl I Oeor,. I~. 'frumbul', ...he tree<, can be saved dlle, thi" one i", lie has or 0\' "imokey," "This (lId Courthouse Roundup I, l';~yd 11100111, '(Ihun, Dodgc I.enore Trumbull to , .ttler a few branches are served nlrllO:-.1 <l year as It 0 use," "Irish Wnc;her- Truck F, lIoealn,.nd Oarbar. J.lead (something no other chairman Qf the steering ~o~an" and man) other 1'1/'7 11arrel '1t'i .. lt'r, I:mHson, Ilo~8ln't the sr~~ NW" 6-area ha<, been able to do). committee <;pearheading a amdiar ",ongs that you'll ('ht>\'ruld jlidl.ulJ NF.", SR,.·& ~ SW~.'~\\-'hatever thf" reason, nnne 'lrivp for ~vf)cational_tech. love. It has colorful cos- Marron Brothers, ;'-Jew- "ILl) SE~ of Sec. 11 Ind",n"i:l' valid. The elms must nical ~choCJI in the area, tume.:;, beautiful settings castle, Intt'r. I'hllp. Lui J Imr\. -\lltH\, Ford NEli & South 2Ic'r•• 01,, saved. The dormant he is active in (harnher ofl and is a "pionf.'l:ranthology ,"wend hast rill', I (JllC()r(I, HO~I'rt 11101111\, .\llen, Fd NE l4 NE~ofSlcllQD Ift.L aUperiod i<; the only time to (onJrllprc(- :lnd I\iwani", he of earl) America" in thb I'ord Pkup In town!ihlp 31 N. R ftbt;••t;apvote olnhelmh; ,lre!it,lsJenePeadiendl j<., an "oVH il I.agle" in a PSakr"ptp(~r the cuuntr

b,· "k c,',ar,', \Iri(~lrd(;' Ha .... I,·d,), \llclI, 1'\",'1 (,).r lht~ (;t(h$\P'oM, ....In J~l

" ..- lng some as l." 13 larh (Olrrv, l'onCH, I-'urd oun y, .0 a 'UWI.r·o. ..identify them, \\hy don't grollp ,)f .... ucres<;ful men gamf"S to attend this and Walt",r ..... chuUf', l)ixlJll, I d l'l:d, valuablo cotlsidentlont •I'Ou mark your elrn ... toda'r'. WfllJ I\pr'p 'lOrl' I-:agle weloveba"ketball.Butthis H:l.\'!nond Bollun, \!\t'fl. [arn \. Mildlt'll, '\111'11. 'rI.t would be milch cheaper ....,cout ... , h~' i<, in the fore- program WI' won't mis'>. ~'ore..,tf'r I ra\,t·l I railt'r Hili, \ 'he Sheriff of O[xonCo...',han having them rut down ground ofithf' group nrgan- You won't bl' <;orr}' if ,'ou (;en(" ~('(lletoll, \\ akt'fi"ld, I'I",') to the ,city of POIlCI,_ aand hauled awa\ in the i7ing-a 1J.J\ .....cullttro0I' attend. TaJ<.,e our ~'ord'fur Ford .1

01Ill,· ... \\, \rflold, POOl'a. muniCipal c:orpor.t'Q~,

rlOt-too-di<;tanl fIJl,url.', ~~i~~K~:Jl~;\!t' rJ:~,'~,'~do~)~o~~; it, attend, and let u ... knu\'> .Iuhn I.. Book, ~laitinshJr~, lrLtt'rn;lli tl tl,tll'll.llP hots I, 2. J, 4;,7,8,9....... \ ...... ..., arterwllrd whether or not I'ord 2 ton I'le,) (.!~Ckr J,:l, ()r~tnll c'.e.,

The hillbillv look his ;':llt~Jr;'I\l,;n~~:~n~" ;~'Jrl~I~~:~:ro;:~ h~~ t~l:~:c.w~\:lar~eL~~~n: \\alt .Iohn"}l~:I.'I;lix(Jn, I ort! {)rvill£O i'-. lIir(', (oncord, t.vl.~$l;, r.~~~{~OI. Ixon' ~un-first trip It) a big city. thl' (Ii.lmber qf (Orllrnt·rce -"ou like 'it wl,a.ther you're J>arrel !thode, .\111;"11, lord Dndg:e' tOil ,\(bert (JI! rJch aDdWalking into a sh' craper, ha» him lolh"huard a rich ',,), ialitt, or a gras ... [)iane ('arnell, P()nca,('hp, 1'1"111 Myrtle Ullrich to Marlonhe saw a doorman tanding oj dirp( for two H'arC;, !'"oot farmer, :\l leac;t gin' I., (;. I Lllldahl, ;\llt'n, (hl~\ JOI1 11 (raig:, !'orn' a , ('hev WIIII.mfi Lots 12 l, la,by a spel'ial kind of door. ITt' kl" Ofl lllan\ , It a rhanlt' to p!ea .... l. \011 1'11;", \1arri:q{t· I iCl'n"I's Block fi, Martinllburl. DI._An old lar::ly .... tepPl'd in, a (If I Illit1f't·." he i.... hI' attending. Dick 1[;"IrisOII, j'(JlH'a, I hl'\ ( ha r II'" III'lJr~ Ilart, on' ('ounty, (Onf! dollar aDdlight flashed red, and "he ;j('livl' ill f-,Iale lumber and :--.,\:--;,'-., }'1(,1 l'ullca, jr" Jlne!.I'l \nnMlIr\ other valuable eontlder._was R"on!"_ \ lew morneni" {()II..,lru('ti'[Ifl grlJ1lp .... anrI hl' 'rhe editoc storOJf'd intu I.arr) (;t'i~t'r, \\ettl'l'hllr.l, \ndl'·r<;Oill, l'Ollt:L, ~tl, tionl.

~ IJl! ~'e'! ~'II\ ~'~ ~'~ ~e'! ~'IP: ~e'! "'e'! ~P!!\il'! ll:l!P: ~&I\ ~I'! l'l'l!P: !iiI'!!ll!fI! l'1f1!!ll!1'! ~I'! l'l'.?: l'l'.?: "'oII!ll!JI! ~JI! JlTJI!JllI'-JlTII!_"

i Give Our Best tolIi.! I


;. r~ M'EN'S SUITs@i~ ,I (~- ~

\l; ~~ Wi,h yourself a happy holiday i'!~ with these extra-smart, well-tailored suits, mode Ii:~ for the fashion-minded man priced '0 you wont to buy i'!ti; made for comfort in fabrics chosen to wear and wear. ~

«: I'ii) iI.«:. q' * Regulars ....'ii "' ,.~ If * Lon Size 36-50 I'-i ';' gs liI! * Shorts i'!i M~ ~

'ii $. Sao M~ . 'UP I~ ~.,,, , '\. FREE 1I"" I'" ill.

~.. r ~\ ' GIFT !i~ I' WOAP ~

i~~~~~.,.~~~!s f,'" ~ Dr~ss I~ ,h I,.~ M , -' t y\Shlrts I«: ( \ -/ V • Button Down I~ / i ..f? - - ~,. Glen Collar

G' !~

~ :~~.~~ • T•• S••,

1" c~:;~ rc

)\\-' " iI~~I~t\:II:t\:II:trBJ~P..ti:I:

!.... i$2'9ps~ I

!C " UPIi: I •I,;1. 'l!' I I

ti~.,.~ jjt,'ii iIi;1ii ~,ii.-" .,Wi'" ill,':.,rid,. ill,I I


...... \.."......

n busy signal every timewe dialed. Christmas iscoming and one df the nicestt.hings you could give yourt.eenager i" n telephone orher OWIl. (Actually, you'dbe ~iving yourseJr a tele­phorl,~. You don't realizewh1lti ),ou have been miss­ing Iwti I you get your ownphon,a-by giving your teen·aJ\(er ... their own phoneH

.-..;N....'-.,Hoy'" Lift" carried this

recipe for elephant slew:"One elephanl, lwo rabbitsluptioRall, ... all and pepper,r lIt elephant into small,bilp • ..,iH pieces. This" h 0 u I d t Il k p a bout twom'lnth,,_ \rld enough browng-!"<JVY to co\cr. ('~ok over:\ h,pro .... prIP "luve foc aboutf()llf Wt'pk" ;11 ·1(t~) de~rees.

lilis will .., t' [ ',. e l,ROUpcuplf'. If rn'irp art'expeet­f'd, IW(J r;lhhits fllil\" be add~

I'd, Il\jl rill tlli" only ifIlt'll!S"nr\ bpcalJ<.,e most

iI() flot likf' to findrp .... ill tllt·ir ... t,·w."

1)0 IlIll W,JfJ! 10 hear a"old "tor" !;) ',1 '.\f"pk weIdl1ainf'd " jJil'lllrl:' 0>( the\\ akefield ha<;h,etball learn.frul!l il ",llldiiJ. \\e had noIr]t:llt i I i( al j'JlI "'I C (j lIed the

'1,1" II <It \\ d kdil·jd. lit, :-.aid1]( \\olild ha\f' a student

: If: ~~ l /I~:'\r .... ~\I' JI;~. i,l,ll ,;l,~(I,lnildt:~t~1"f \ :lIrll' \\II,lf' ,\l' w"[e ()lJl

~l nr] I('fl I Ill' lid l[If' 'i of t hl'

~~,'fl;'il '.~)~:~ :\I;:~t,~~i~t:tf\('r~t~~~irl~ ideot ificat illll, \',-'{' called1114' \\akf'fil,ld ('uach. lie"aid Ill' ',\'IJIJld Ila\'f' the ..,tu­dellt I r'i! dlf' [ ('Ulllt' ill (j~ajn

Ifl'! idl'lllil\ 'lit, bu,". The,I Ild~· Iii " I I iJ (".1111 (' 11\ hill1\.1" 11"t '11'l' "f d II t ht'[III III q'" .1" II" 11:1" not lll'l'!ll! \\ al\l'l it,ld t pu l'lllg. Ill'IIIIK tilt· pi, III[t' tor he honlt'If ,11l<JI II" r \\ ,\Lt,fir' It! t f'3ch-

wll" liq'" jJi \\aynt',\,\ , dn\'"dd \ rn orllirJg \\' ('II' ' I de Jl t i f I< ~l I i (HI " I

\\" t (Ie 1~ .1 )Ii ct Ilf I' (Jr tilej>\< [,) r <Jllr pa[lf' [. -I her II1II II e ,1 \ i (' [ Lhan

\\ l I'llt it un and tht'lilt ter-ri'l :1 l(lllg sLor\.... 11"rt, \\ t' II;)(! run the\1[" 1',!1 1\\\;11'(1,

1'.1 ,,: ('r! tilt Ill'gal i \ e (In

ii,,' \\ 'I' <i II J.'; "idt' up,1'\ l' [\ ('111' \\";t·,

\\ rl,ng \\.1 \ \\ e' ft' r\ln·lll[ll--: d 1'1'1 1 t' [ ,,11(11 with the('II r rt" t idt'nl ii ieat ion t.hi"1\ ,·,·k. \\ " hll!\(' t hr' I r[1 iallsII.! I" IH'I t ,. r 111(' h un the,'011[\ tll:lll Ihe,',,;, had in1'11\' Ill' f.l \,1

'..,,\,'"' ......

lall (;irl: '1)0 \Oll have\ "kirt Ih,11 \\il\ ~:1kE' nH'

Illltil "hll r( l' I

I 11'rk '\<\ but we duI,ll e a "h,i rl (lldl 1\ ill make

1'1 t' r I 'lfll' l' I.,,!, 1olll~ long!' r.",,\",",

\\IWII \\l 'hink h(J\\

il ha .... 1;IKPn ((J gel

c;fartf'd Iln the airport, IHJ\\\(>llg tel ('\ i si(Jn i" in

11(J\\ m\lch"ill\'(' I he

I ,11'\lrlf'(

:ir"t 10;1' I t'llllilll h(I\\

III!' t i 111 t' i" gn ing for



Ph, 375·1262 'Nd¥1l'e 115 W, ht

Ill! \ and !'nf ,'prn ;\f\' n" pr"h.I.. n> ror ;l HH loll' ' I" '"I LII,I

Sherry's Farm Service

.Ir Ch•• Or n'"

(Continued from page 2)

better the chande for finalcortdderation ~Y thl" in.dU!ltry. If you g8~this news.paper in anolhet lown, youcan still send io the form.Chances are if 'Wayne getsindustry, peoplf livin~ inRandolph, Allen, Pender,PIerce find oithcr lown~

might gain emp~oYfllentandbe able to driv", backi andforth to wor!<l. Ii) Cltherwords, tile f'Il~lr{' TlIlgionwQuld hl!ntdi!. '')n, before•'ou read th,' ,!le'd para­graph, fill<l 'llfd forln, fillit out, pU1 il, in an ad.jre5lscd llnY'1lorJe and hlilieit ready to rnail., '! hen, don'tforg",! t u rndj J i!'

, I'~

\: 'i-\idowf'd J.;randfalht·rin hi~ HII'" aJlflUIHlced to

his farnll" lllat IH' \\;1" ~(J­

ing tu m,l r r', .l l-';I r I in ht· r211' S.

Vv 11\ d I r! r '!~J [.i (k ,Ij< Ii

a -"uung wiJI' J"i!llt' fll"ITI1'l'fI)f hi ... fa 1111 h a iu,d.

\\ p II, I hE' , l,d m,!ll l "11-

f l' '. " l',j, J I\lldt'd I"ir a I II e r ., 1l1t·1I I If' f ttl TJI t~ t 11 <i [I

1111:t Il\Plll



I Jon' I it'" k II" I 0 I

yuu if >'011 ha Vl' .111',

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,l{et in I (JIll '\'> II!,

CO!H'erlllll~ .1 IH'\\'" c,t'lrl

\\ e dia It,d ,II \ a r I '111" ! i 111t''' ,

e\'t> r \ nl i lliill' lJr "LI, l'lr d

half IitJU [ Il Ilia IIl"\ t' r didreach lilt' 11(lIlH' d" \..'>!' .:'It

•••I Drawing Thusday, Dec. 8 for 5250Ca,h DrClwlng Eyery Thursday at 8 00 p In.


' $10 ICansolotlon Prize If Nat Present


Arnie's Merch-ant Oil Co.Little ~ill's Bar Mines Jewelry

CorYell Auto Co. Melodee Lanesl Carhart Lurrtl>er Co. Safewoy Storel,-Cl><'st Say-Mar DrugI: Bar~er's' TV Dale's Jewelry

lien Franklin Mint Barbon's B~tter Shoes Sherry's

Fredrikkso. Oil Co. State National BankMc~attHdwe. l'riangle Finance

Kem Fatrrt Equip. Shrader-AllenFelber Phalrrrtacy Super Valu

Garble Stare Swan's LadiesFirst Narional Bank Swan-McLean

Grie~ Rnoll Tied.tke Appl.Sw~nsolll TV WClyne Herald

I-arson-Kuhn Wayne Book StoreBill', Morket Basket Wortrrton Auto Cd.

If. Loner Dt.>t. Store Hotel MorrisClnI I I M ~ S ~il Co. Lyma" Photography


,I' DoeschV H~.we, Hu-To..r"

McD"'o'a's Farmer's Marht


Page 32: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

br..ka • re puttl... gO"...m-I,.-.r. "".Go .~ Ll~'coin MM",

Supt, J. m•• Cllrl......t.··.!.Wln.ld., I.nd Prla. Lirdi:Park, W. n., wlll.otcll,l';';,coJn Frl.y to .tt ,:annu.) d.,I•••t.· m.bbii!Park I. tho d.I•••' •.•_i·ehr I.t.n••n tho'i.:lor tho W.yn. COIlUflToech... Allocl.tlo",'I'hlWCTA m.t Thuroday.It4,.,i .I

noon in WaYD. to Ii".! Ia.structlon. to tho d.I...-'.as lo the local t.ach.'",.­stand on vlrlous Illu••comlnl b a lor. the • ~.d.Iroup. Th.,•••a.mbly wl11 m••t· F'~dayand Saturday. ~I



OD•• and Intomal_01)' "III be I••turod.

Americll.n Cyanamid co-

~~:e~src~:ntlt~t·s r'r~~t~h:icompany will b. on hand.

A summary of researchon liver abellsses in callie,procedure in product de ..velopments, anUblotlcl inruminant and other topicswill b. diacus••d. talks, a que,tlon andanswer period will rollow.

Rc~islration is at 9 ttle BI-IS auditorium. ReO'rreshments will be sened.American Cyanamid, Ne.braska Stock Growers N*,­braska Livestock Feeders,Sandhi lis Cattle Assocla•t on and U ve rsit of Ne,

i"",~Here's the best be~ news'in 'yeanf"'; .

Now you can enipypremiumOri";!,Pabst Blue RibbCiln beer at~~~;~~~:i~;prices. Now pay n~ more f~ thJS~~N ..premium beer with 1~1 olcJ-tmie RaYl!I,than YOll've beenAaYJDg for your.regular beer. I . '

Get Original ri'a~.t.I3Jue Rtoday, at Popular If~ .

i \

I \i ;-:.1I

Bref Feeders at

Bt~~~a~t1eS~~~~a~dstockmen in Eastern Ne­braska will push pencilsflt ~ beef seminar in Beem­.r~'Friday, Dec. 9. seve..ralhu dred are expected rorth seminar, one of two inthe state.

eCause health problemslar a major obslaclelobeefin ustry profits, this will,be a main topic. A Milchellve erinarian, an NU veter­in rian and !\L: specialiP.ta



Jeje visitors Sunday int~el Elmer Sundell home.

.~ P.1o'bSl Brewlna COrnpfinY',M.iJw.ukt~. Peoria' Hciaht., Ntwark. Lol "Oleic,


'Spahr home.This week Mr. and Mrs.

Delos' Schultz sold their,home in Dixon to Mrs.

Anna Urb'anec. The Schultzfamily moved to Laurel.Mrs. LJrbanec and childrenplan to move from theirfa rm to Dixon soon.

Mrs. A. E. Elmer andsons, Portland, and Mr.and Mrs. Raymond Sala,Minneapolis, were guestslast weekend in the EdSala home.

Mr. andMrs. Paul Peter ..son and A rthur Jewell.Goldfield, la., were dinnerguests Sunday in the GaroldJewell horne.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Free­man and family, Omaha,

Methodist Church(Jesse A. Withee, pastor)

Thursday, Dec. 8: WS~Smeeting and no-host coffelehour. I

Saturday, Dec. I(): SUln­day School program prac­tice, 9::30-10:30 a.m.

Sunday, Dec. 11: W¢:>r~

ship, ~1:10 a.m.; Sundi8Yschool, 10:,1() followed :byhrief Sunday ,"";chonl pto­gram practice.

\\' edne sda Dec. 11:MY F and all carol-ing 7:0n p.m.

r'riday, Dec. :,U: Sunday.....;chool program.

iJoelyn Noe, Alyce Johnsqpand Ciddy Hirchert, junib,leadersi. The girls chos~secret sisters and mad~

plans fdr a Christmas pafty Dec. 17 at 1'30 at thMethodist church. Mr.lIirchell't served retres _men t 51. l.aR aye Lubber_stedt, r'eparter.

MYF To Cia Caroling\'\i edJ1esday evening MYf

m e m b'e r s met at thechurch. Plans were madje(or the youth group a~d

anyone who would like tojoin thiem, to go caroliJ1gDec. 11. The carolers willlmeet at the church at 7p.m. and return for rf­freshments following tHesinging. David ..\bts servfldrefreshment".

St. Anne's Catholic Church(John C. Hizzo, pastor)Saturday, Dec. lO:Gr3lde

:-,chool catechism, 9:30a. m.; conff'~sion", 7:30­H:30 p.m.

Sunday, Dec. 11: t\.hss,,,,\ a.m.

Monday, Dec. 12: lIigh.;;chool instruction, G:30p.m.

weTL ~'o \1eelF r i ¢ nd ~ hip Lj'nion bf

WCTL' will meet Dec. J3at I. 0 g a nee n t erE Bchurch.

Mr. and Mrs. Herby Ilap~

sen, Pierson, la., weteweekend guest.... in the 00if­

man Lubberstedl home.Mr. and Mrs. Hichard

Schutte and family, ('aspelr,Wyo., are spending theweek in the Walter Schuttehome.

Churches -

• e r v e d the birthdays ofSandra George and Mrs.Blatchlord.

Mr. and Mrs. EverettSchwarm and Mary Kaye,Osmond, were visitors Fri­day in the Lloyd Wende Ihome.

Guests last weekend inthe Fred Mattes home wereMr. and Mrs. Louie Sor­ensen, Omaha, and Mrs.Lorene Ben ton and cliil­d~en. South Sioux City.

Siociefy -Social For.colfThursday, Dec. 8 I

Methodist WSCS PrJ,­g ram and no - hostcoffee

F~riday, Dec. ;.,Best Ever holiday party,

Soren Hansen homeCub Scouts

Sunday, Dec. 11\'VW Auxiliary Senior

Citizens' program.La u rei Auditorium,2:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 13Out-Our.Way Club

Christmas party, Mrs.Earl Mattes

WCTU, Logan CenterF:UB Church

Wednesday. Dec. 14Sun s h i nee lub holiday

party. Laurel Steak­house, G::10 p.m.

Methodist MYF caroling7 p.m. at church

Cub :-';couts \1eetF rid a.Y aft e r school

Neighborhood Den 264 CubScouts met. Marlin Knoellserved lunch. Noel Stanleywill bring lunch for theDec. (j meet ing.

VFW Plans EventThursday evening VFW

'\uxiliary met at the post'"lome in Laurel. Plans weremade to honor senior citi­zens in the area with aprogram and luncheon Dec.11. The program will be at2:10 p.m. at the Laureltown auditorium and will befollowed by a buffet lunch­eon. Hostesses Thursdaywere Mrs. Mildred Ras-

:re~f:~~' MM/s~'G?:i~or~~~~Mrs. Kardell won the doorprize. Next meeting will beJan. ;) at the Post homewith Mrs. Ben Ebmeieras hostess.


FREESTUFFED ELEPHANTDr~wing will be held

Saturday, Dec. 20

Hlereis a Chanceto have another!

Just come in and haveyour children register

for a


Dixon Belles Meet Mr. a od Mrs. L roe stMonday evening Dixon Peterson, DeIRapids,S.D.,

Benes 4~H club met at the Mr. and Mrs. Merle HammMethodist Church to begin and daughters, Norfolk,a new year of club work. Mr. and Mrs. Loren ParkSixteen members and their and family, \Vayoe, Mr.mothers attended. New and Mrs. Dean Rickett andmembers are Roxanne familY,Ponca,andMr.andMoore, Lori and Loraine Mrs. Earl Peterson andStanley and LeAnn Lubber- Hon were dinner guestsstedt. Plans for the year Sunday in the Tom Parkwere made and possible home.projects discussed. Of- Mrs. Paul Peterson,ficers elected were Vicky Goldfield, Ia., spent thellirchert, president; week in the Mrs. May.Brenda Young, vice-presi 4 Jewell home.dent; Cindy lIirchert, sec- John Cargill and Johnny,retary; Sally Stanley, trea- Bob Lowe and Randy Har_surer, and LaHaye Lubber- rison, !lammond, Ind., re-stedt., reporter. Mrs. Carol turned Saturday after aIl i r c her t is leader and week's visit in the Ray

~"._ ~U.UUU.u~u~uuu~~UUU~;%~~UU~~%%U%U%~\ ~



i cf~~an Plwtof}raph~ II Phone 375- 1140 ~


Mr. llnd Mrs. Calvin and Mrs. Etnest Seifken~.lould and family, Minnen.. were guests in the Vernerpolis, were supper guests Hughes home, Wahoo. frj-last Saturday in'the DUQley day Mr. S mit h went toBlatchford hom!. Wayne to visit Mrs. Clyde

Mrs. Lester ('atton re- Wilson.lurned Monday for a visit I1inner guests Sunday inin the Ta'nnely Morrow the J. L. Saunders homehome, Kansas i ('ity, \10. ~ere Mr. and Mrs. Wayne

~Ir. and Mr~. Melvin Ilelljamin andfamiIY,Kear-f\noell, FremonL were vis- nlCY, and Mr. and Mrs.itor~ Sunday nlflernoon in Woody .":ivatos and family,. h(> l':rnl'!d Knloell home. rHoomfield.

\lr. and M r~. l.eonard ,~1r. and M r .... E Q m u ndIInmllton and $(~ns,(}maha, Kastrup and Mr. a.nd Mrs.were .lsitors Sllnday in the :-';oren Hansen were guests\Ilen Prf'!'lco!L home. \fonday evening in the Rev.

\lr5. Ld "";ala returned II. h. :\'iermannhome, Lau-"'linda\' frolll a IIO-da.v visit r€Ol. to helpthf' host observeill the Hichard Sala home, his birthday.\!un", 'Ind. Mr. and Mr .... Walt John-

J on] Borg, !':ew York son and Kevin spent SundayI it \, and (; eo r g e norg, in Omaha with relatives.\\akefield, weJ!' dinner lJinner guests Sunday ing;ue...,ls Tu€'sna_ in the ()s~ the Harold (;eorge home"{Ir Borg home, were Mr. and Mrs. Vic

!Jean "'rnith, I ake Andes, ~arquardl, Higgins, Idaho,"',J) was a Viil1torwecloes- Mr. and Mrs. Paullluddle-la\ "to I riday' n the Alwin ston and family and Mr.\ndn,...,u.n hom" Thursday and Mrs. Dudley Blatchford\Ir. "'rnLth, Mr . Anderson and David. The group ob.-

~.;.-----------------"'"Connie's ..RED SATIN LOUNGE

Saturday Night, Dec. 10- also-

Th. Wa n,. (,J H.uld, Thursday. D.umb.r •. 1'"



Artie Schmidt's Combo

DM~~9~ I~~~S,

Page 33: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that



Volo ~n. AdmlnlotraW',('o~~t.y S.rvlce 01'1"(,Ch r 110 nar,hoh 'ra....I.~Mor.: than 16,000 ol'th••'will ~. ..nt I qu..U~nol r. 'with tho bonoflt ehlcli.arrlVjn, around Dac. 1~'

('0 t1nu.d bOnOflt. Chack'.. .will epond on tho amollllt ,_of In 'orne for t.he •• p.';' .ph., n. rgholl •• Id. 111~

quesqannalrel!i must '-b.fille.d1out and rotur~n.11II.. '.later than Jan, 31. erwist',' no check willsent., . t

lI.. fgholz off... hla h'altto llnl)'oo. ,in thl" ar.•• wh9 'rect'llvl"6 such 0' qU'IUonji< ~.-,

n81rt',. 110 has regular hO\lt,"..dally at hi, ollie> at lotM8in~,Wayne. '~'.'

r\OI (l\'eryon~ tJeUinl V '(h{'cI~8 will get th"u quti.tionnldrt'5. Thos~ who dtshou1d comply wI th,rlllt'~ or e'<pl'ri'enct" a fla.\ i.1 ul'ne fits with POI IJbld i to C (l til i II II l\ n r (' 01 pa,Yr! --.:~mpnl!~. .


givesyourderriere t, \

alifted, riPf

rou.oded'"'!:!' II '>. I ,,' I

look! l·•

$695 .1Ii

}-:vl'r wondC'f('ci whal lo w('ar ~undl'r l->la('kH? Here'" I 'l-kslforrn's anSWi'f, ;.1 marYf'lou~ panty thal gives on Iultrn fpmininp look, vet ('ontrol~ thoHf' f'xtra cuares, t't. Itummy nnd thigh, In nylon and LY('!'8' Hpandex to live Iyou th(.... natural" ('ontrol you'v~ ulways wllnh'd. White. I


\ll1\ost :U,()(H) \'ebraskllvt>tprans, widows, 6rphan~

and parent", art' rt'ct'ivingmOlll II h b('n£'fit s from tilt' Phon. 375-2600(sESTFOR-IVi'I '.

'. ~~IITl@~lillmIDlllb@ccIk~~ll(Q)~ 0 ll®~ )P)@IITl~Y

Questionnaires Will

Be Sent With Checks

the "rnett'orlle" bf.'lng lnlhf'bOlnt' or Iwr parf.'nllO, tht'Holli., .I.t') 8. fOT.\ e:J,f!l.. IIf'TfAtlwr hAd il Ink,en to UwCeffil"tt'f) III mnrklht' grov~of lI(llldy 115 there Wnil litIhe timt1 no slone on hisgraVt'.

Olhers (:Iaim mt'tcorH ..·s,

\\ould ;1Ot fall!1Otrlllghtdownll!O claiml·d for tlds ant'.rh('\ ul ... o lOll' nlt'lt'oritt·!'>brt'I~I\ lip lind' St·allt'r 'ovt"rwidt> lHl>n~. Tht"\ haHt noI."xplanillion for tht' holt,-111.fl·t'! dt"l'P from whichthi" ul'Jerl' WI)" brought.

II' ....In int(>rl"sting "Illla­tlon, l)lll' that hll:'> he~n

!la.,lh'd lind r,'hlll'>hed bt·.fIJft' ..... t'vt'ral ha\'(" promis­ed to lonk into it further!ll "t',' if mort' I'd ... finill'in t I' r III ;1 t i (l n r'a II U (."'''l'll rl'd.

O.te Stick~ .J eqqs, 1 CUD ~U9.r. I cup

flour, 1 hI'. b.kinq powd.• Icup w.. lnutl cut fin., 1 cupd.tes (ground). But egg! S Holiday Nut Brudminute,. Sift fl~~r_~ Combi". 3 cups .i·ft.d whit.

Shop for all your gflt nl,t'd,; flour, 1'12 cups ..hoi....,..t<il tht: Wayne Gr nhouse. flour, 4 tIP, b.king DOwd" 1112FJ{J\I'(,:r.~, plant.-. p rman('nl tiD. sod., l1;'J hoD., 1'12arrangement'>. rand C~, dee· cups brown sug.r. Add 11

/2'Iratl(Jn~, ,door Pl(-(·t'~ wrN,th.... cup. <hopped ...Inut,,: 3 c~and tnan~ nHJrl' Un:l3uaJ Mur milk or- buttermilk. MI.IIt'OJ.... jUlt until flour is· dampened.Powd. two tim••. Ad4;f sug. r , Pour into two .re.Met $x'

. I d I 'nd nult Stop in aad .eo the lid JII'I:~ou~;l:::defol; r:. in color line. Jt·s terrUicf lIo,..12 uke 9..n _bout 20 min, models aDd styles to ebooMin 150 deCire-e o...~. Cut in 1K3 from at Swan~ T~~inch- len~s .nd roll In i;;hl~f ~;•. .t 3stsav;- ~O,:; With everyda, , d~r••s, .bout .1 hour. Slice

:WJ=,:OL:::~ mea.. I.~~~~~=-:..:..r .~i:':____._ ~. ----I M.Ie•• two 1~1If••, Mrl. on.~. 'ug.r. Very good. for H.rrm.nn,. Leur.l, N"~.~;.:ac:;.~'.n:r:~~II:Or:y:': =611::.4::;5::..__-,- _

South G.le e.lif. "'21. I =:':::::::U~Th.n d'~1 most children', ~ Tiedtke'•• 2:,. II:red fII. liard

medici."" .re· ~uit. P.,.t•.bI_


1 .water? L;et TiedtIce". iDItaII.but occ:lsiona:ly it's. Mce.. 10ft water .,stem III J'OIII'

::.~ ::m~I.~~ ;'~! ,'=W~":""~~-JYou c.n ",.ke ~ i ••5ieI" .......... J

LADIES; ..... m. ,., f.·vorl'. reel,.. ... h.lpfulhi"'. 'n earo 'of THE WAYNEHERALD. Thoy'll all ...printed In thi. cel.,mn .1

::.:. r.:t'::. :1 :~:tto the contril;wtor of the LO~

CAL lI.m ludgod lon' forth.t month by my .t!aH.


Brand New

"Stops, Dirt at Your Door"

Kleen . ~ole Rugs

pre-treated to c1 tir. from shoes as soonas thev touch th.. rur .. _like. m.aic m.S­

net! Skid ruistilnt \.nd lonq luting. Com·

pletelv machine w>1shablfO. Comes in m.ny fine

c;010r5. Would mak~ iom...on~ an eo.celle"t gift.


New, all cotton ~uf+in~ throw .ruqs th.t are ~




Th~rsdoy N~ht at 8:00 p.m. I, ' ZI

rii"~iiJlJii.ifiti"~"" __iJili






Available At






from stripttl or lolidl. Another famous

br.nd from L.. rlon'l.

Beautiful M .. rtell qu.lity towell in m.ny

..tractive .nd decor.tor colors. Choose



Great Gift Idea!



Shop 'Til 9,00 p.m.l'

IThursday alld

Friday Night in Olllr StoreP-iIlIiiillliiilllii iIIl1iiiiillfiifitiiJ!li

BATH MAT SETS1$2 98 to 1$498I ~hoose from our larqe assortment of beaut!­

~ ful 2 .nd' "3 piece bath maf sets. Heavy late-x

b.4ing on either cotton or Rayon tu.ftirig.

8ri~li.nt decor.tor colors. An exullent Christ-


I lI

1 ,C'" 'dM M N f 1JI!Jmpshirc, (onc.ordls m~~hj]'t'failf"rllori~th("ir.- oncot ayor a, 0 c~pital cit) with, 2>-1,'1'11 11l1JflllO\\Ork., acc'jrJing to



· pr:!ople. (oncord ... In ),orlh (hri!- Bargtjolz, \\ a \ ne

l:, '~:ee '(oneor " DUne rn,ft C4rolina.· ~Ia"achusett, 'rl~~r:,.' ,el",,,n~,"'''ic.,or.~ . ,~ artJ Tennf~ssc(> .:l;r~ th~on\l '" I

The may b t Ii ( IG It lhe launching of ("oncord ot~(!r ones ahove 1.0nn,pop_ fhf' ~'U Il'n l !- \\ ho rlili not. her. Concord8 ma) be r F."'i • .')) combat store ship ulption with 1-;,7')1 1 , ~,1,:(,4 rf"'f,j,,· (I p(·b.\)\ thi" \\f>t·k


1when the ~S..., (' on.,. f~ the Lnited State fi ~a vy I lJ1'd 1,(;llf' r ,'" fl1·(lt i VI' I\'. ; ::;'I,;\I";'l\' \ 1;'r~1 \ " ; Ij ~1: :1 nht~l~~

~:: ~ ,la~~ntC~h~ .~~~~~~a~f ~~\~~~a,e~b;~~ n~::t:~t~~~~~ (p;I:I~~t"r(~li~~dn~~·i~~i~;1"ril~. ""111 ',,'hi' \ \ I"" 'I1l' ('hoo!; 'Meanest Burg,'ar' Takes Hoskins Boy's;,ooncor 'br 'b bl "" l' . I fice:-. 1"''(a'S lind \\-i,""cun- m,lk+' ""lfj- 'III' ("rrifil'al f 'l' , i'e " pro a y 'JreU anc slxty-sp:ale even S 0 0 B k d

lin no be. AI. least ·that o'clock In I. h e manring, 'sin r oncord, I", ,,,' pop, ,,' ",,,·o,l.,n," 'I,,· '" 1;\1, aVlngs In rea -°In FriO ay MornOlng

the outlook at present. I wenty-Fighth "ltreet and ulalion. {fJllcurd, '\l,tJr., JI '''I' !,d'" \"'1!1 "'n' lolh,· \ \;

1, Mayo;r Bah Sherry has llarbor Drive, '>an fJiegfJ, I :}~l ~::r~~la!fi/~)~H il)t.~:~~,,~(:~ ,'J~;;~~:i ~'Ir,:' {\~n~~"'i;H:ll:l~ lI~skins r~els i,~ has the _ wins, the money goes toeceived an invitation for (alifornia." (1')(1), IiliW)I ...- '(21('1, 1\I'n- dr' ....... , cnrla"! Hargholz or claim onlthc meanest him In'stead of totheca~himself. and hi" wif(' to be InforrnaUoD ",uPPlied~·n. burglar" at.Qund. Someone ,'" r~gister al Mary's Rar

,JCstlS ll~ l~c lil~hchi~g O.f CI.Ude~. the "'ponsor, ~lr .... tu(:k) l"lll, I"'nn'" h.lf\i;J 'I" r"l.:i"lid \ \ <)ftic{' in took the savirgs of a Hos- 'operllted' by his mother'eshlplnSanDlego.lher 1,1"",.,f, ... (, ......harp,.1r., ho (11-1.11), \erm<HlI (~""I,\ir- 1.I,r"ln IJ\ '"II'phoIH' (On- kins bov ina:break-in Fri. Mts.~!anFriend. •

4re also' invilf'd t()a re- "\lllbf'!lon(JfeJatarecep- ginia (-1lil 'l, F)()rid:l (li"I] (Irllllll-;P; fll+·1)'. iaym()rnin~_ ~1ike does not )('! his

~ept.ion andhH\"'\II'f'llq·llt. II<l!'HtiHlf'o'cl(Jcklowhich and IndianJ (l'-JI. "I.I"'·I\,l- \like rriend, .... ho is confinement to a wheel-two special re"'Pfvl'd <;t'HI t,hr' "'hl'rn" nfe invited.. r~~\t,l~il~I(11 a! \';,I,I,ull

J,+' r':[I" e"t'r.\hodyt s friend,wasthe chair botht"f him. lit" llt-

ticket.s. lilt., re('!'ption \\ill be in ,'\fi one 1<; llrt-'. \'Ictim. \lrJne.I' .he, could tend·s schor)1 :lud help~ out'\("cordingl() "'ht'rry, the tilt, irrJwn Uoum, llotel (oncord, '\e!ir.,-\\ill have used for (hflstma~ aroundhome,lIisfreetime

town of {'oncurd cannol af. dfd i',oronado, (Of onado, b~. \la)lwrJ,' ....,1 tllllell1"r"'", ?ifl~ or to add to his sav- is spt'ol with friencl~ duwn_ford lo "end him ilIod l\f' ('alif, a "hi!, flanl,.'d ,( ()Jl('IJrd logs account was taken towncannot afford lhl' trip nn It I!; nol often a ... hip is launched, th+

r[[1,(\ a~ong with coins and HI·s motherlhas been

hi!> own. lit! ilIdmitlpd to a named for u lown, not even make jt. clg~relle-. .! Tlday. . hiding his mane) for himde ... ire to I-;(d bal'!1 to tlit, orlui in ma ... l p(:'oples' life- 'I: au might say Mike 50 few people would k.nowSPIl again- tll~ ',en ,·d 'III t.ime .... r or that r~ason, parneu I he money. He 'where to look for it. Haw-n ."hip attal fwd to 1)1l' nan (oncord I'> not the onh 'Homework' Failure ·earn .... ·' it by beating other ever somconf' knew andn ... a rTlt'ml,t'r ()fth,' 111:,ri/\('", Imp .~o hunored. There are ~ boys (and .. orne menl at the\ 'not onl\' took the rarefor threp \e;lr~ ,d lea ... t 11; nthf'r ('oflcord~ ,May Dela 61 Money poo!. \\1)('0 he plays and coi~s from the cast-. regi ... -

I he 1 II \' i tall () 11 t'pad ... · in the nalirln. """ome prob. ter hut Mike's well_hiddpn'11112' ,Jffic,-r ... and ,!ir(~('lof :thl)' hlavp no maYCJrs. \,.lpr,'f1'" \\!!JIJ ;lrt';I!I"[j,J_ ill ... 11<,111-1 ('ull1inllP st-'nding in s~ving:" too. In all. over~f .:\~tiqnal -";teel .Illd ""hip- I~g¥est..' is.. f onc()rd, i~g ....<,II!lol 11IIdt'r tl](' 11""', ('1'rrifi"llt'" III ;ll!('pdancp Slnll in coin ... anri bills was~uJ1dlng .c ()ffi..."a.. fn f('lI'Il''''! (. .'I,IIf." WIth 1(J,20H pe?ple (,1 .Bdl, \\11(, (10 n(i! 11.,\(' ('\"1', tl,l'~' ... 1~."'Jld I'l' ron- "\e~1 t.hU.llgh nIl d\f'c~sh3\'P lak.en. ..~tle honol q( ,bur ['rl''''l't'i'.t' "IX jears ago. In .\ew theIr flfs! Illec!\'-, h\ nli\\ 1·,1 '<)'111 11111 \('t"r;lf\~ :lrt'l\t·r! \1'1. , \1rs. "rlend reports 8-PO· ..,----,.".••._l'1~!!J1"'~~_~.1I.!.:!g!~lI.!.~ ....MI.!"'~~""!Q!!!tJl'-!I!~"'~,.~~:~.r .'~~eins:ii~arS~)t;;~'t;1~i:~J! ~,.·...-:-V..:- ..... ..-P..··j;,--,·,~.....~-_I"rj'_ ~'~ ... ~?',,..t>' t.?_ ,;;' • I ;'''''''~ 'to IIke\' or beer in small

..•.: ..... " . \ !!t' amounts could have bt't"n~ iI taken but no large amounts• -.'were gone.~ rt' r:ntrance was gain£'dIi! it through a window· in the

~: ~ restroom.ltwaspriedQpen

.- ' II'- and left open. Exit was• ~ __ made through the back door,. ;- which was also left open.

! ill Mrs. Friend had closed

Ii BLA'NETS lithe bar at midnighl.When)! K· 1 11 she C./l,ffif' down at R:15,I&!~ , !I she found it extremely cold... :. inside (the mercury drop-If! .. iil ping below 211 degrees that" ~ night). The windowanddoorIi! ~.j; . .~ i'- were still open.

Th 5 • ,'- -,,~ • Sheriff Don Weible wasJ. 5uper - .rm J' ummerftose, :~ iI. called to investigate, As

I; I ~~ ~- ~ ~~ \~islh:ri~~~~ifi~~ti~~u~~~ if. the "meanest burglar" (or•.•. • .. I"" ttl. Therm.1 I'.n'.t with hi-loft ".p. B..utiM Therm .. l BI.nk.t with white b..ckg~ound '-' purglars) were obtained.)• and ulorted color rou print. 11/1 lb. n x to IJ! ...t for UN r·" 'ro";nd, 72 )I to sbe. 941% 'I M 0

~ RavonV'...... , mch nyron uti" hem. A......... she. Ule~ .. light Iprud -during lumm.r ..nd • s eleorliejJ ..... .. wacm bl.nk.t du,;ng wint.r. I Real or Not?I $ 5 99 $ 5 99 if'- Is the slone on ne~HgeJi. !i lIeady', grave a roeleorile

Ii! i« or,,~:~I; i~:ubts ha ve been

Ii -I·:·.'. raised, but some substanti-I':~ alion of the version given

III Wenn' Weave Needlewoven ~a:~. 7~:kd.haFu~~~~r b'r:~J! search will be necefls'aryJij r. LeforI' anylhing definlite is

Ii! ...... I wlrm bl,nk.t? Then be sure .nd .. ~ printed.

I', :I Dr. Laura Franklin..,r f.m..... w.rm we.~. bI.nket. 81, 71 .. • Thick, he-avy nap in Jib. we-ight. Ra'fO""'Yton if! brought in a book, "r\e~

1:._ lb•. FilII Jib. 2$0,;, acrylic .nd 75% U'M conte-nt with 6 in. nylon utin he-m. A low price, !I brasKa, :\ (;uide to the

J! ........ In .,.orted colorl. but quality btanket. Anorte-d colon. il :'sor;hf~~~~:t';\~~i;~r:~i~~~~

Ii 4 II ieel and published in 1'!:l'I.~ S 99 $ 3 99 11'- It mentions the meteorite.

I:' ~ It is a copyright.ed book._. ~.. by the :\p-braska Historical

- Budge-t Basement - i!'!'. Society .•""- -I-_B_Ud._.I_B._'.m_.n_'-.... ....;;;;;;;;..._...... tiiJ~ Quotalion, "nnol be

-.r • taken directly from lhe.: Fiene Q'u'allety Towels'l Beautiful (~enille :::;k:~lti~d~I~:t:;~O/~I;~II! n\ over George Heady's graveI· ' BEDSPREADS ~ ~JC; ~~f~~~~~~~}t~a~{~g_: llllleady.II Cannon 100% CoHan ii! M." . .Jim lie in lells about

I :tt F.moul C.nnon qu.lity ,oe, into .ach $6 99 !ii!~,;. end evory ono of the.e be.utlful towoi<. to $1099 !'ii'-"-'

Thick heavyweight Te-rry In m.ny .. t· ;;M

tr.ctlye p.tternl .nd designs. S.. theu

t.~ towol. lodey ond eh.... from mony d.e· :

! orator colors. Beautiful, rich loolo:inq Chf"nille bed$preads now :i.. just right for Chri$tma~ qiving. Choose from iii.Jl 98 c"h., full 0' 'w;n ,;,~ ;n • ho,' of do<o,.'o, iiI.: BATH C colon and shades. All washable and many iii.It. lovely desigm to chOCIse from. See them noW'. ...•.. -.Ii ,..J!ti:




Page 34: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

FREE1. Free' Door





'(,1" ,~


PriM."'i~;lI' .' t

ery hour. Ju';l~,';!~

• Free Colclgne "'Iand older 1 I;


3. Free Ballooiis 10";·1:1

. l"5•.•Many.~;

il. :;~:r

Free ·Prizes





$3°0 ,and up




Spray I,Cologne j

~by DANA $3°0


----------------._••~~..lebrating OUR ··3id



Silyer DoUJr "lite DrawingThursday, 8 p.m. - $250




anlCK", EASY", Knit a row a second up to 9" wid•• and any Iellllh.Now any child can kml automatically Simply py slidIng the carnage backaltd forth. Combme kmlted panels for any wldthl Fashion garments to yourSIle with easy·to·use Pattem Forms. Set includes Machme and accessories;10 SpoOls of ,yarn in 4 colors: trimmings and findings: Porn-Porn and TasselMaker, Fashion Book

... $1195

ut of OldNebraska

Tho WI"," IN"'r.) MirlTh~rtdIV. Doc_1oeI: '0 1.

eeident Victim$Iill in Traction!

Har ry Wo.hlar. W&YD.;Injured in I two-car!'n colilolon Nov. 21, ill.1Itlll In traction In a -SioWl:City hospital. Hia condltloJlis dellcribed as ".erioul."~

Woehler's mouth is stiUwired .hut .0 he has t~be fed through tube•• Heh.. hi. leI! in traction, support hal beenmoved. fretro the heel tothe middle of the leg.

He has undergone .ur..gery twice the pa,t week~

Once the leg repairs werflmade and the second op_eration was for repair ofa damaged lung.

Wi res. tubes, tractionand other devi~e8 makehis situation an involvedone. Speech is limited dutlto the devices holding hisjaws in place.

He is in a room on thefourth floor of th·. 'Metho.di.t Hospit~, 29th andDouglas, SiotQt City. Theoutlook appea" to call fora long recuperation period.

" .

'" "/,

, . I'





....• ,···.e'· 'A····.t· I·,Ci,·,: 1' ..• '.' e. I/11 ..... '.., "

IIi,I I i!Chri tmas $avingI '


j. .·LO~~EI II:' P'LUSH ,ANIMALSI $1I . ~n~upI [ _I

It is all but forgotten that a legendary fig- JJ!ure in 19th century AmeriM ~Jcan economic history spent '"the last tears of his life in '~.'~ebraska and is buried in I!Fremont. Newspapers, for ~

;J)~nt~:r~~el~;!~k~nS~~:efAli~~ J!tor i c n I Society, devoted Jti.much space to the deat.h II!of "Coal Oil Johnny" 'Ii'.':..,teele, as did papersthroughout the country.

John W. Steele was born I'.at .'-'hakeleyville, 'Pa" inlK43, and, at the age of .Ii."s('ven, be was adopted by if~ar:e:;~hYllo\~n~~~of~~~~~ •and his wife died, when ~.Steele was still a young Iiman, and he inherited their J!large farm. Shortly there- I.'after, in the 1860's,oilwasfound on Pennsylvania's Oil("reE'k, near Steele's farm. II\lrrlo~l at once, Steele's )!fa rrn became one of the .~.most valuable properties j!in the reg~l)n and the1 yp~g '1_ ,farmer discovered that in~

51 ead of being a well-to-dovOllng man, he was a very Jtirich young man. J!

!luring the first years of ..~the "oil rush,'" Steele ac- ~.

qllired the nickname, "Coal ,M'~

Oil Johnny," by which he ~.'Wa~ known throughout the J!~'ountry. Steele was a big •

~r:r:~i,~\r, Il~~~e t~~e p~~~~ ~~ Ithi:-- various antics, so that •he uecame one of the mOIst j!legendar, men, in an era J:ilfilh'd with larger-than-life i!tY~!r~I~~ early types of the ~\merican petroleum in _ ~

dustr)' were as hectic :as "Iiam boom which has taken in this country, and, ..~after a few years, the hm- ~loving "('oal Oil Johnriy" II!tired of the business. At Iithe time of his death, one i!Pittsburg newspaper said, I'."he finally tired of takingwealth from the gfQund andhe 'soldout' ... and started Iia career Of1madspending,l/ i!as ~lis friends termed it." ~

\\ ithin a few years, "Coal .aOil Johnny" had spent his :;fortune and he moved west, Jro¥first to Iowa and then to i!Nebraska, where he was ~

emplo.ved for thirty-seven if!years as a sta-tion agent ":0:of the Burlington rai~road' ::'ItFor the last five ye rs of Ii!his life, h'e was the agent Iiat fort (' rook, and 'was ro;in his home, at that lace, ~.

that he died-on Dec. 31, .~ ~1820. lie was buried at J& ~.Fremont, beside the body Jlof his son, O. C. Steele, .. Itwho had been statio?,a1ent ~ . ;al F rem ant, be~r~his II! I

~~~:::::E:]:~I ~,....Ied his obituary withf'the Jti .c,omment that the st lies j!

. told on "Coal Oil Jo ny" Ii; __ (II11~ver "represented hi as II:gambling or making a pro..fligate. use of- his we Ith. I J.i ,

:~:h;~r~~h::S ~j~r.:: ~~~.:S 0\R ."was i so difficult to obt in." 'I! , ::'Th.ere are many tate I ~1':!'"

'~pnicknames. Some areom.. '"plimentary and some areII' ,:'"!lot ·and they have ch¥ged "".11irith the passage of ~iml. I ',. >'lllinoh is no loligerl The'I : il"'~,. . •'.;Sucker state (namedi be _ .<! • ~

nli~~~?;i?.I==-__;;l_~ ..._~::;"·~~.~·, ,I '" '~. ~'''' . ;~ '~~ ,:1:,:, "I'J .::~~1ti~li~{I::ti .. " i

Page 35: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that

(Continued (rom PI. ,2)

II ttt. Wi.con.lnBadl.".nd tho Michlll.n Waiver.ines. the Kansas JayhawkI•• mytllic.1 bird.

Th. fil•• olth. Nebr..kaSt.t. HI.torical Socl.ty ro­veal tile evolution of OUf

state's .'popular name. Wehave not always been Corn­hUlkers. All early 08 1885Nebralkan's bore the un­!I.tterlng nam. of "BUllE.ters." Th. orillin of thl.term is not certaln.ltprob­ably • t. m m • d from til.grasshopper plague. of the1870'. which h.dd••troy.dcrops and driven many I.t.tI.r. back to tho Ellt, Iti. not .urprl.lng that thote r m "Bug Eater" wa•.given no official recOlD!""',tlon by tho .tat•.

Th. N.brllka st.t. 1.1­filature- on Apr. 4, 1895,p....d • joint ...olutlonII fol'ow.:

", Th'. st.t. ofNebraska has. hereto(of.,in .. popular sen.e b••nd..llDat.d 'by nam•• not Inharmony with it. hi.tory.industry or ambition; andwhereal, the state of Nebr...aska is pre-eminently •• pl.ntlng .t.t....Th.r••fore,

"Be it resolved by the,I.gial.tur. of Till' stat.01 N.bra.ka:

That N. bra. k a .hanh;. t' e aft e r in a popula.r.8~nle be known and r.­fer red to as the liT r I'Planters state'."

The name was approp..,riat. for the sh.te which:­ofi~lnat.C1 Arbor uay, boW'-ever, it never eaulht thepopulor 1m. g i nation.,Athletic t••m. ..... nqt - J.lcalled "Tre. Plant.r••" I

Th. t. r m ..N.bra...... _,land" cur rontly I. bolDlused in connection with ,the.tate C.nt.nni.l .nd tour-ist promotion. The nameoriginally appeared In .ung by thopion.eaolth.1890' •• That .it wa. uaed in a different.en.e than taday islndlqat-ed by the chorus: '

N.bra.kaland. N. b r.~aakaland

A. on thy d••• rt .0JI Istand '

,And look away .~ro••the plain.

t wonder why it, nev.rrains.

"ey" Sh.rman. iacradlt-ed with originatinlth.t-rm"CorMusk...:', H. w14 Iilhi. recollectIona of wate,"ing the 'university ofN.~;. , 'aoka football toamp~Io"a 011 Thankallvinl.IlaT',1893, Nebraa... WOil/ia:.• ,,, .heavy anow.torm. Tha~;:'morlBl Sherman was.dII+N"mayod to ..edof the ~~':"art UnlYeralty playerf.rrod to .. "JlDI EataA I•• y.ara Iator Sba .•••••porta' pap.r•. H. rto Unly llty •team, ••Cor lrN.'name caueht on.Th',.r.Ity' w.,.eel tho C"rnbnill,er·'!"ord"as In fAct , 'nam., for Nebr••came pfficl.1 on.'1945 wh''f,.bfn 'provacl' .talilDl'" "Stat. '/If ~'b.r.••her •• fter: lD a .•ene.lM kno:trit..


~·NEW"lB;,ery ()per,ted



$5 95







(for adults) I$9.47 yolue

WALL CLOCKS I549 for v I

:~oRs1898 $598 'nsta$ir~ IiIlIiilllir_:--iIlIiiIlIi JIlIOI1II~


fa.~ilsi"ereg. 1.65




$1 25I

_s_n_AM_'_IR_ON__ 'I' $B.'~, ,$1295


___A_T__S_AV_-M_O_R ~__ _,


and PARK







100cc's $1 75



Princess Gartl-

B\llfOl\lS, Ladles'

Men s"

MixerW.stlnghous. .~


Dresser Sets



.' LOTION@)..,.,..9.




reg. 89~'S9C68c

-----.-----------------1--..--------------__•'""' .._1_.' ........,."""...,.~ .. ,,... I 1'

l s CoIeieI An .n••mb' oltal .br

IW. Yn. st..t. mu.lollnlWodn••d.y nllht prollDtId• rloh vorl.ty 01' Inlb""

I m.ntal numb... ~.ld yocalIIlaotion. by tho ~.drllal

I Slnl.r.. I'Th••nllmbl•• 1'.ludl.d,

O.nnl. Qulll.y D,U. N.I.

i ll••nd Sandro Solllll, trum­peh, Dan Pr••wI.' anctJackl. Arm.tronl. hom.

I bon..:. flut••c.orln.t. du.tby Chrlotln. otto and Jutat

; lI.nna; !.rump.t trio by Ron

I O.lton. O...n M.rolf .0•.~=,<::::.7 ~ Joe Prazak:,. ~ I Soxophon. q u or to t by

- Be v e r Iy Oal., B.rb.r.B~" Lor ry M.'rlk .nd Jan.

I 0 adm.n.on;vlolln du.tby, P.t Fltz.lmon. and

I B vorly Oal.; broil quin­t t by Jo. Pronk, Torry

IKord.lI. Morrl •.lVer'.D, French horn, FreelSokol, trombone, ancs Oor-

I don Buchholz. borlton.;Woo d " i n d qulnt.t by

I Joyc. PI.k.c. flut.•• AprilMontlomery, Oboe, C••• l.

• staley, clarinet, LmdaOol-

I hr, b•• sooon, and Maryit Franc•• W.trolky I Frlnch

I horn;.nd quort.t' o( RonOilton, trumpet, Jane N.l.

Ilon, French horn, DenDi.DOWDS, trombone, .ndJackSchrelber, baritone.


.10 be given away.

,~ be given away ev­19ister

I1J to:.veryone 12 years


Page 36: THE WA¥Nt H~RALD~::·~~ - Wayne Newspapers Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · instructor in woodwinds, ... Oakland,'f r enc h ... that




100 "Head,Hogs7S FALL PIGS '


Many other miscellaneo,s it_s',too numerous to m....n.

2 300-gal. fuel tanks. on standsTank heaterGood loading chuteSome steel postsElectric fencer .--t.

Chicken feedersRitchie hog waterer with electric

heat unit

Corn and StrawABOUT 1,000 BU. 1966 EAR



Black Hr.wkside delivery rakeI-H endgate seederDisc transportM-M 2-row corn picker, rear ele-

vatorM-M 2-row rotary hoeOld Omaha loader60-ft. drive belt, goodSOO-Ib. platform scaleSeveral rolls of.cribbingI-H separator2 Hog self-feeder~, 7S-bu. One

is new 'New 6-ft. oval water tank



9 CALVES, 300-400: Ibs.I


~ ). I I


A-C 3-bonom hydraulic plowOli,ver 2-16" plowJ.D. 490 4-row planter2 '20-ft. harrows2 1Soft. discsJ.D. field cutterK~lIy Ryan 32-ft. elevator, P.T.O.Stan Hoist2 IWagons 0" rubberWooden wheeled wago"6-ft. Massey-Harris clipper com­

bine, P.T.O.8.,ft; GI windrower 'M-W grindel"i' P.T.O.


MON., DEC. 12 l

I will oHer the foUowing described personal property to the highest bidder at publicauction at the farm !LOCATED ••• 1Y2 miles west of Wayne, Nebr. on Hwy. 35 on _"



.JON SURIE1 1 .1 . . . W k field A ts First National",iII. Lage. Pilger; J,m ITroutman, WInsIde; h'an N".on, a. ,UC. .


1944 Allis-(halmers"(" TrantorWith mounted mower

1951 Allis-Chalmers"WD" TtactorWith cultivator~ good

Machinery and Miscellaneous1951 Massey· Harris

"44" TractorGood

IS~RBER'I !Y.1ayne;N~~raskaISUR8Et~! CL~SING-OUT· ...

I .



Dixon Coach Will Not

Ask 'Salary' IncreaseCoach Bill Garvin,

Dixon, will get the sameI salary this year he re­

ceived la:-:.t veaf for coach­ing the Fighting Irish of

..... Dixon Grade School. He isa volunteer coach and his"pay" comes in helping theboys learn the game andseeing the pleasure theyget oul of participating.

He gives of hisowntime,furnishes his own trans­portation and helps out inother ways. The thoughtof real pay never crosseshis mind, but there are alot of grateful kids andparents who let him knoV\they appreciate his work.

The Irish will have twoteams. Boys fro m thefourth, fifth, sixtlt.., seventhand eighth gra(!'es willpractice in the Dixon Aud­itorium and after theholidays will pia) gameswith other schools.

R.••d and UseThe Wayne Henld Want Ads

lkl,~hl ~')lllC()!)(: Oil )our CIUI"lrll;t,> 11')[ ..... jlh

I !-,I!l III ll'lq)hl)IlC ....t:nlu' llere'.... jU"t nne of"

1)L1n~ J (1(;.( ;ill IJed ... -clip II 11LJ! .1"':[

IL'111111dl'l III (ll,kr I'r\lTl1 llur hU"lnC\S nllicc.()I ;I"k ,Ill, tl"ll'l)hl,\l1l' l·1l1pl()~l'l'


@Northwestern Bell



You didn't? Oh, those billsl

You did? Ah, what merry

Christmos gifting, with no

flnanciol worries, Whether you

did or didn·t get a Christmos

Club Check this yeor ,now

is the time to think of

next year, Join Our '67

Christmas Club, Sove a little

each week, When gift time

comes next year, your

Christmas Club check Will, too!







( \d\lI-ruIC\!l'n'olllll p!l(llll''o 'o.l\l· 'olcpo.." 'o()(llhc

11el\C" Ille lC,lf 'nlund C'!l()(l ... l' "'lll:lrt-I\)()kln~ de..,kIII \~;111 11hl)11l'~ III ,I 1.1111h(\\~ I~ lkl'(lI,lll1f colors,

Join Today and ,Recei'e anAttractin Scented

, Djocorator Candlil'

Wayne High Reservlls

Win Opener at Blair

che hosh.Wayne connected for 22

wer the Cubs 56 to Held goals an<l 12 of 241U. free throws to, tally their

Chuck Fisher led the way winning'total. Por the Blair(or the relerves with 13 reserves Jerry Kruse waspoints followed closely by high with 11 followed by

roach Don Johnson's ;;teve Kerl with 11 and Mike Thomps,bn with 7 and/Vayna Hil'hreservespav'ed Joedy Hoogner with 10. A John McGinnis with 6."e way' to a lIuccessful .otaI of eight junior devil~ The reservfbs play the~v,ning for Blue Devil got into the scoring col- preliminary gam e with~agers and fans (rlday limn as Wayne out-ran,out- David City Aquinas here

_.~ig_ht_a_s_th_e-=-y_r_an_r_akI-,-,'p, _a_nt-----"-'-'hd_t_a_n_d_I_it_er_al--=.Iy_ou_td:-id, it~~~~~ n~~~t ~tn C~~e :du:;

night travel with the var­sity to Laurel.Box Score:

WHS ReservesSteve Johnson-·3 1-1 :3 7Joedy Hoogner-12-2 010Harry Linder--2 2-8 3 fi{jar ry f1ix---·-2 2.2 5 CBernie Binger--1 0-0 2 2Steve Ke rl----S 1-4 211Mark F:llis----.·O 1-2 1 1Ste ve lIix--~ O 0-0 a aTom Denesia---O 0-0 a 0Chuck Fisher.-:i ,1-4 013TOTAL"---22 12-241656