·vonmi.lden·plans - wayne newspapers onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald...

Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller 10 the F-ilnlTt:'r'>App-recrahon-B-an-queI lltis peel. 'T banquef IS pTannaJilTTpm--. S"a"fura.3YTNov -ic>Ti'il TFiewayne-- Siale (allege Student Union A social hour will be held from 6 to ." !J nl ':11 Ihe Wdyne FIre Hall. wtll be Duane Hutchinson. a spinner of yarns and author 01 "evPf,ll boob, includmg the biography of Senator J), E.ll;on. He is (UI renlly ,'Jorkmg on a collection of ghost stories in the Midwest. Hutchlnson'S appearance IS partially funded by Wayne businesses and Ihe Nebr-as1(d Arts Coundr: -- M.l',IN of co.romonlas for the banquet WIll be Kenneth Liska W.yne tMr.ld Pnotooraphy fHE WAYN'E County Courthouse is under question lor lire salely. '-,- ! <HHl\Idl W,lY'W (.lrroll School yr.lr::.i1y ChOir F,llt COrl(.(.'rl I'. !JPlrlQ pldlHlI'(j ,11 ! ]0 P (1'1 Monday \ Nov' 211 UK' chOIr I', 6) VOlti,", ril,-, proqrdfYl NIl! 1ft( luck' d vdrll.'t'y of /llU',ll r,lrHjlng froll' tradl Ilon,,1 10 conl(·rn-r..or.lry (hOrdl liil.'r<llure TlH' 111(J',1f 10 be fJcrformed r.,. 1-0 -i-9tH Tllf.' 'oI.lluol ,)1',o ",111 hold 0 Chrio.;trnd', {.OlleN1 "I fP ni on 01.'( IB Don t bE' 'lurpfl',pd II you 'Ind your friend rlldlnq In the clo<,eL ',Opo:.lklflg d pult ()r two 01 Cl ToddY IThur<;dayl rJOd'lY 1<, Ihe ,-,cvenlh dnnu,11 Gre<l! Arnerltcln SmokeouL sponsored by fhl! Anlerl(drt (,Hlc('r Sotl<,ly ,Smokr'"'' afe urgt·d to give up (Iqilrelle'>, ,11 IUtl',1 for the OdY Roq'(·r Nl:'I<,on Wnyw.... ·; c,l"IlC!Kr.·oul (hdlr rn,lfl '>,110 nldtenals 10 help -peoplu 'lull .:-..mo!o;lng dt!! Nc1 liondl Brl/1K ,Jnd Tn!',1 (ornp<lrlY, dnd Prof(·"'.IOfldl Food- iVlimaqe rneni cll Wtlynt' ')1,1/1) COll':Cjf' Helping smokers' kickthe habii McDONALD TOLD the commissioners fhat the lire Jnarshal'!I office recommends a slai,..wdY fire escape made completely of metal Commissioner Gerald Po\.splshll pointed out that- Distrid Judge M&rrltl Warren favors a splrdl sUde type of fire escape, "We're frying to do away with Ihl!lt style," .nd first floor <:an.be accomplilhed by ullng e""tlng unuledir;'ul..:' The order ISsued by the fire marshat's 0/. flee .Ils'ed a fire, escape ,from the 5econ'd t100r al a malor necessllY: It also called lor' replacement of al) 'hollow-core doors opening from offices Info lobbies and ,«rido,.s, and removal ot gla'5 fran$Om$ above doorwaY'_ REO AND LARRY -€arr are ready lor lheir new Fire lately at the Wayne County Court, houoe loa bUrning Itsue for Ihe counly com- mllSl..-1 end the Ite\e fir. mershal's ot- flee. The IlSue won'tlje .resolved alleast unlll an eppeall hearing Is held. "'0 date hal yet been .., for the h...rlng. In I fire l11armal'$ order stem,ming from an October' In.p«tlc.'lt numerous deflcle:n- del In fire s..'ety were "ifed. 1ft" cormfils· sloners appOled that order, An oppeals tovrt w:1lI now "!flew the malter. "THE ..HIGHEST priority of IIrt'! compliance should b9 placed on proYlding proper ••lIIng liom Ihebuttdlng. An OtIlltde tire staf, !erving the courtroom ie. a justlrJabfe requirement to fulfill fhls re qulremenl." Zimmerman w,..ote, concern Ing the second fl(l()( < "Although aesthetic: 'appearance mil')' be a concern. an ou'"lde ,.talr should be able to be accomplished without too mvch .... 150"1 distraction. Exiting from the lowv-r "level «' Mcponald said, pointing out pO$Slbte recommendations presented by the ar hazards. He said ice could form at the'bot- chltect (ZImmerman) in his lefter. tom of the'sllde; fhe metal doors could be blocked Ihut at the.bottom; or Ihere covld BEIERMANN SAID he wasn't foo pleased be glass 'In-the- chute. with the architect'slp.!'st recQmme'.1datlons "WhV 'haven't you gotten on 'he, city, for the Region IV building In Wayne. He said vet?,". Commisslone,. Merlin Belermann the architect had the doors opening to the in' polntjng oot that Wayne's dty hall side insfead of the outside. has no fire escape from its upper floors. _ PospishH indicated that if the architect js "We haven't reoelvedany complaint licensed for lire control. he better know the MOR ETHAN 20- doors would need to be McDonald replied, ., lire code (eplated under We fli e --;.:."otY"'ou""¥e--gOf.-oM-kom-me...:.:...-Be..i.et:mslOfl....- :.:Ru1es-MQ....Ll?9ulatlons not consis· However, according to Zimmerman'," letter, s,ald in response. that's the proble-rn," Pospishil said. those doors would not have to be replaced If "Wrtte a leUer to the Ike marshal', of The commissioners pointed fa two· story D foil firedeteC:tion systemlslnsfalled in the nce:' McDonald said. "Thai's clllit takes," homes, adding that no fire escapes a,..e- re- at eovrthoul8 ..Qu.i.r..edJ.here..- . __ II:Ht system W9J!Ld to I,.· BS-IERMAt,lN SA'D he aiso favored a "Pobllc buildings are where I'm concern [)epv1Y Cur'v read clude an early warning 5v,'em compoted of: "sflppery Sllde'-;-iiYfeCifilree5cape. poln': cd That's my jurisdiction," McDonald said ·-Wayne-getH-newiKtrts-s-tore··· NELSON ,AID r)t'lfII Ilmllng', rf'lc.}-wd by the :,ocicly ',tlOlfII ttl l" 1IIe cold lurkcy <lpprO(1Ch to quiltmg i'":i lhe masl -€-d(tt'r'fJ,'a-r-....... oHw-I(j" ... .....Iay--po..=-: \0 '>cc Hwy (,In qlVlJ up the habit year'" volunteers are Pat Wert oj Pdt", Bl.'i'llJty Salon t;,md Bev Slurm of 1(jangle Finance DliHH: W<lthholl/, ,j Wdylll' Stll!U (ollegl: ',Iudent and maml:ler of lIu} WSC volleyh<tJJ,k<lm. will survey campaign 'in cormccllon wllh H,I£' smokeolJ!. on Thur').dilY The of Hm, ye<l('> <,hlokeout is "Adopt a friend who' _ __---1r.u.c..ILw.lLcQm.eJQJt.H!..l..tJ.Jre: frlen.{:l tl)_9_Q! Jh.rQ.t.!gb 'he gUv luighl help denv.,-y of out-of,.tock par·t$ are two 1111ngs .all makes of traclors, cars, Iruckl, !rrlga day Friday."- ' qui! forever. <',lld Lclrry Hagmcltl, ndllorldj of' the aetna: ItreJed thlrd-4utemoHve-- H()A----4ys-tems.-Utwn -mowers.-.s.t1oWPlohil&£ " padsltore. and other equipment. EGLER SAID: Wayne 15 'one of the few The Itore; If new National AUfomotl,ve Joe Egler at Gentllne 'parts;·ari Omaha· 'owns Its slze.ln Nebraska with only two SMOKERS WHO h.'fvt· qut! (.iq<lrettc'> ;1 lhe Greiit American P,r', (NAPA) ,$tore, has been ba!od dl!'rlbuflon center Which stocked the H, aa,ld a survey conducted in Day iiboul ,jl;. with I'l Nt Implemenl, "are wlfl Wayne as 10 !rile"., IhC',Aml.'rIC:ln A crew of 25 worker' bt9.n 1';111"9 up w.ayne, "*' looking 10rward to coming 0 The following illj by the"sodcty' 5helllft'on MondIY arnt.hed the -store open "A 'armer. will be able to ott almos,t, town We think 1m. store will add s.omethlng r<.-f·.cW. who sent job absen\ee bvs,IMlI by Wednttlday. anylhlng. There 1,$ very little a non crltn to 'N$ communitv," "It'll be top . ... Q 1..., < _ In, and.not get," he '. n'olch rrvrce at good prices!' ' '-'-'f;i Amerk;i. "imo 's t?Yne,_ qLlfls-bl:'-*'",",$ .. lle, - and, -4oo..81:"mllliol-l ':1On Lerry l!'l9 wife. Nor"",: -Will run -the _ 'Ol'det,7.JiiiliirO"5"j\. . r-··S;OOO-JlIQer.-Il!llt-ol' - bUII.!'tH. have ·a)beforp. 11 1l m _" A acc:Or}llng to Egle:r., , .. .•.• __

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Page 1: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied ~.The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller 10 the

F-ilnlTt:'r'>App-recrahon-B-an-queI lltis peel. _._~--

'T hl~ banquef IS pTannaJilTTpm--. S"a"fura.3YTNov -ic>Ti'il TFiewayne-­Siale (allege Student Union A social hour will be held from 6 to ."!J nl ':11 Ihe Wdyne FIre Hall.

')pl'd~l'r wtll be Duane Hutchinson. a spinner of yarns and author01 "evPf,ll boob, includmg the biography of Senator J), E.ll;on. He is(UI renlly ,'Jorkmg on a collection of ghost stories in the Midwest.

Hutchlnson'S appearance IS partially funded by Wayne businessesand Ihe Nebr-as1(d Arts Coundr: --

M.l',IN of co.romonlas for the banquet WIll be Kenneth Liska

W.yne tMr.ld Pnotooraphy

fHE WAYN'E County Courthouse is under question lor lire salely.'-,-

! h(~ <HHl\Idl W,lY'W (.lrroll H~h School yr.lr::.i1y ChOir F,llt COrl(.(.'rl

I'. !JPlrlQ pldlHlI'(j ,11 ! ]0 P (1'1 Monday \ Nov' 211 UK' chOIr I', 6)


ril,-, proqrdfYl NIl! 1ft( luck' d vdrll.'t'y of /llU',ll r,lrHjlng froll' tradl

Ilon,,1 10 conl(·rn-r..or.lry (hOrdl liil.'r<llure TlH' 111(J',1f 10 be fJcrformed~,..~e.-u;~IU-f~'l)' t4~...,..,.~}( r.,. hQ-l-"fl--+~ 1-0 -i-9tH

Tllf.' 'oI.lluol ,)1',o ",111 hold 0 Chrio.;trnd', {.OlleN1 "I fP ni on 01.'( IB

Don t bE' 'lurpfl',pd II you 'Ind your friend rlldlnq In the c~pt clo<,eL',Opo:.lklflg d pult ()r two 01 Cl clqarR.!t(!.~,omCllm(' ToddY IThur<;dayl

rJOd'lY 1<, Ihe ,-,cvenlh dnnu,11 Gre<l! Arnerltcln SmokeouL sponsoredby fhl! Anlerl(drt (,Hlc('r Sotl<,ly ,Smokr'"'' afe urgt·d to give up(Iqilrelle'>, ,11 IUtl',1 for the OdY

Roq'(·r Nl:'I<,on Wnyw.... ·; c,l"IlC!Kr.·oul (hdlr rn,lfl '>,110 nldtenals 10 help-peoplu 'lull .:-..mo!o;lng dt!! 'llV'illl.li?lt~ ,!'-F:.I..!::.'.>.L~'ltton(!I_.Bu~k.Sf~lle Nc1liondl Brl/1K ,Jnd Tn!',1 (ornp<lrlY, dnd Prof(·"'.IOfldl Food- iVlimaqerneni cll Wtlynt' ')1,1/1) COll':Cjf'

Helping smokers'

kickthe habii

McDONALD TOLD the commissionersfhat the lire Jnarshal'!I office recommends aslai,..wdY fire escape made completely ofmetal

Commissioner Gerald Po\.splshll pointedout that- Distrid Judge M&rrltl Warrenfavors a splrdl sUde type of fire escape,

"We're frying to do away with Ihl!lt style,"

.nd first floor <:an.be accomplilhed by ullnge""tlng unuledir;'ul..:'

The order ISsued by the fire marshat's 0/.flee .Ils'ed a fire, escape ,from the 5econ'dt100r al a malor necessllY:

It also called lor' replacement of al)'hollow-core doors opening from offices Infolobbies and ,«rido,.s, and removal ot gla'5fran$Om$ above doorwaY'_

REO AND LARRY -€arr are ready lor busine~s;)tlheir new N}"')A.s.lor~

Fire lately at the Wayne County Court,houoe loa bUrning Itsue for Ihe counly com­mllSl..-1 end the Ite\e fir. mershal's ot­flee.

The IlSue won'tlje .resolved alleast unlllan eppeall hearing Is held. "'0 date hal yetbeen .., for the h...rlng.

In I fire l11armal'$ order stem,ming froman October' In.p«tlc.'lt numerous deflcle:n­del In fire s..'ety were "ifed. 1ft" cormfils·sloners appOled that order, An oppealstovrt w:1lI now "!flew the malter.

"THE ..HIGHEST priority of IIrt'! ~tefy

compliance should b9 placed on proYldingproper ••lIIng liom Ihebuttdlng. An OtIlltdetire staf, !erving the courtroom ie. ajustlrJabfe requirement to fulfill fhls requlremenl." Zimmerman w,..ote, concernIng the second fl(l()( <

"Although aesthetic: 'appearance mil')' be aconcern. an ou'"lde ,.talr should be able tobe accomplished without too mvch .... 150"1distraction. Exiting from the lowv-r "level


Mcponald said, pointing out pO$Slbte recommendations presented by the arhazards. He said ice could form at the'bot- chltect (ZImmerman) in his lefter.tom of the'sllde; fhe metal doors could beblocked Ihut at the. bottom; or Ihere covld BEIERMANN SAID he wasn't foo pleasedbe glass 'In-the- chute. with the architect'slp.!'st recQmme'.1datlons

"WhV 'haven't you gotten on 'he, city, for the Region IV building In Wayne. He saidvet?,". Commisslone,. Merlin Belermann the architect had the doors opening to the in'a~ked, polntjng oot that Wayne's dty hall side insfead of the outside.has no fire escape from its upper floors. _ PospishH indicated that if the architect js

"We haven't reoelvedany complaint yet,~' licensed for lire control. he better know theMOR ETHAN 20- doors would need to be McDonald replied, ., lire code

(eplated under We fli e liiarsh-l1-flT-o""rd"'e",r~.--;.:."otY"'ou""¥e--gOf.-oM-kom-me...:.:...-Be..i.et:mslOfl....- :.:Ru1es-MQ....Ll?9ulatlons~ not consis·However, according to Zimmerman'," letter, s,ald in response. l~nt: that's the proble-rn," Pospishil said.those doors would not have to be replaced If "Wrtte a leUer to the Ike marshal', of The commissioners pointed fa two· storyD foil firedeteC:tion systemlslnsfalled in the nce:' McDonald said. "Thai's clllit takes," homes, adding that no fire escapes a,..e- re-

··-A-oDR-EtSIHG-~-ommlsslsners at eovrthoul8 ..Qu.i.r..edJ.here..-.__"~Jr_!:-eaul.r ~lml-..:!~!'t,_~y.,E!Or..1J..lng.!. II:Ht det~Jl"..,n system W9J!Ld h~ve to I,.· BS-IERMAt,lN SA'D he aiso favored a "Pobllc buildings are where I'm concern

[)epv1Y (!ire'Mart~,al Cur'v ~Donal.d read clude an early warning 5v,'em compoted of: "sflppery Sllde'-;-iiYfeCifilree5cape. poln': cd That's my jurisdiction," McDonald said


NELSON ,AID r)t'lfII Ilmllng', rf'lc.}-wd by the AmQ+.~(:...-m-.C~m:..-._.

:,ocicly ',tlOlfII ttl l " 1IIe cold lurkcy <lpprO(1Ch to quiltmg i'":i lhe masl1,1J(({!~',lul

-€-d(tt'r'fJ,'a-r-.......oHw-I(j" ...~~~ll-t~_"9'_f-# .....Iay--po..=-:\0 '>cc 'I~l Hwy (,In qlVlJ up the habit Thl~ year'" volunteers are PatWert oj Pdt", Bl.'i'llJty Salon t;,md Bev Slurm of 1(jangle Finance

DliHH: W<lthholl/, ,j Wdylll' Stll!U (ollegl: ',Iudent and maml:ler oflIu} WSC volleyh<tJJ,k<lm. will cOl~aud ~116Ieph()ne survey campaign'in cormccllon wllh H,I£' smokeolJ!. on Thur').dilY rnor'"Oin~;'

The th("~u,of Hm, ye<l('> <,hlokeout is "Adopt a friend who'_ -------A--J.ar.g~t~.nctuded_1tw.~.Jqv.en1Of¥--Will--be-p4tlS.1oL __---1r.u.c..ILw.lLcQm.eJQJt.H!..l..tJ.Jre: C~~(Y~Q!!......2..._ ~limOkcs.··.,t!tip1nq...il- frlen.{:l tl)_9_Q! Jh.rQ.t.!gb 'he gUv luighl help ~m.J{k,

denv.,-y of out-of,.tock par·t$ are two 1111ngs .all makes of traclors, cars, Iruckl, !rrlga day ~hrough Friday."- ' qui! forever. <',lld Lclrry Hagmcltl, ndllorldj (h,lir~natl of' theaetna: ItreJedbY'W~$thlrd-4utemoHve-- H()A----4ys-tems.-Utwn -mowers.-.s.t1oWPlohil&£ " !)n~Ok('otJt

padsltore. and other equipment. EGLER SAID: Wayne 15 'one of the fewThe Itore; If new National AUfomotl,ve ~ Joe Egler at Gentllne 'parts;·ari Omaha· 'owns Its slze.ln Nebraska with only two SMOKERS WHO h.'fvt· qut! (.iq<lrettc'> ;1 lhe Greiit American

P,r', ~$.Ocl.tlon (NAPA) ,$tore, has been ba!od dl!'rlbuflon center Which stocked the p~-Yft-it~'re$. H, aa,ld a survey conducted in ,Smokeo~t Day re~1<\he9 iiboul ,jl;. l~iflion, with I'l ~,ize<1bIC percerrt~ge

Nt vP~t R_fd..~rr Implemenl, If?:cate~~.~~~_.:~~a'd'.~rbell~~Sv~e ~A~A "are wlfl Wayne Showe:"fh:~t~h:f::munltyl~ qult~ ;~H~~~~~hemas m~o', 10 ~~.~~ !rile"., IhC',Aml.'rIC:ln.,C~~cer ~"~f:~_t.~

A crew of 25 worker' bt9.n 1';111"9 up w.ayne, "*' '~W.'re looking 10rward to coming 0 The following ~. illj .t,~ by the"sodcty' ~5helllft' on MondIY arnt.hed the -store open "A 'armer. will be able to ott almos,t, town We think 1m. store will add s.omethlng r<.-f·.cW.~rkQr"t who~:~t', sent hI9h~~_ job absen\ee

_~for bvs,IMlI by Wednttlday. anylhlng. There 1,$ very little a non crltn to 'N$ communitv," he--ft..~ "It'll be top . .-l...c~• ... Q 1..., < _ • W~U( In, and.not get," he S4~d., '. n'olch rrvrce at good prices!' ' '-'-'f;i Amerk;i. "imo 's.~~JIt?Yne,_ qLlfls-bl:'-*'",",$ .. lle, - • titttlent-rs-:sorntrlhtn~~y- +----~---'ftHHlew-bt.t5i~'-"U"-bef.W&en--4.000 and, -4oo..81:"mllliol-l nlorll,d~l

':1On Lerry l!'l9 wife. Nor"",: -Will run -the _ ~.sI?'li<i 'Ol'det,7.JiiiliirO"5"j\. . r-··S;OOO-JlIQer.-Il!llt-ol'.tor~ce·tor--p.rl'r ·--~·--5molror1;"'nw-n"l!CIY~li'- bUII.!'tH. have ·a)beforp. 11 1l m Ih~t 'Mm~ _" A acc:Or}llng to Egle:r., , ~mo'k~r,s hitVf~ ~~~::

''''~'''''~~~~'~'~'~~''-F~~~~~=--~ ._-.~~~--~.~.~--~."--~-~~ -~-~=~.."""~_~-=!,.~.•.•,~~--===~-=---~;"_'~~~.-::"'~''''. .,_~~~~_=_""._~_7~_-"-=~_~~w.~=~-.~.=."~.,~.-.;:-'_"'-'__..;,..;;:;~.~~~;..;. :.~~:..""""~ '-~'--~r----~t"'·~

Page 2: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

or 0 ns, 0, u on mortgage note,

FR;JNGSt- --.-,-'--=='--=Nov. ,- FarMen:St4lf.e Bank.

Carrott, vs. VernOna Aquirre.

TRANSCRI pT"JUDGMENT,Nov. 10 - farmer5 Mutual

Hall Insurance Co. of Iowa vs.Wendell A. Hagenbeck.-nortof1<

CItIMINALOISPOSlfION$:Daniel Salam. Wayne, disturb·

'ng the peace. Fined $10,William Behling, Wayne, allow'

OISSOLU'TIONOF MARRiAGE,Susan: June WoOd. WaytM!'. -and

,Francis Alle~ Wood Jr., Weyne.


SCrYI,e~, drc p«:'r'lding ilt Ihr: Wl1t'.-l" Mo"rfu.MjI III Wm'>ld~ lor Id<.lC,]ys-te-n~~. 63. of Nodolk. lormttrly of Wmside She dj(,"(f TUGS<My,Nov IS, 1983 -ill Our l!l:dy vf Lourdv'~ HO,>pi'ilJ lO Norfolk

Ida Carstens

Florence Hendrickson


. Randa' SColI Ross, 23. WeslPoint, and Susan Anne Sextro, 20,Wayne.

Mtct1ael Brian Whetstone. 21,Waynel and MarHa Gail Morris.22. Wa'yne

Nov. 14 - Vakoc ConstruellonCo. to Shlela R. Gramlich. LoI14,Block S, Sunnyvlew Subdivision10 Wayne. OS 59.35.

Flonn.(Q Ht'tr.drKk',.of1, fJ.4, 01 Colvrnbu"'. dit:"d Mond,ly, Nov I dl Columbuc, MdnorSCrYl(e-~ ;;lrt; d' il d m Friddy. NOY 11 "f MrKow" Funer ..)1 Ch,lpcl'<.¢umtHJ"" ·••..llh R~" HMfY" W.lllw_ o1!icialinq Bur.,ll", RO'loclawnMemQfldl Cr:trle','HV

Mn HendrH;k.,on Wth borll june 10, 1899, ll~ Sherman (ounly, 'hr:dtlugh1cr of JOOJ,(>ph dnd ROf.dnn(~H.}ddill: Miller $ho::- married CecIl JHtndflck'oOll Noy 23.--lnS::.)..Il ColuOl!)!)',. wh(!(c '!the "pl~nt Ihe lil'll 30y(!~H·"- d~ iJ homerndk(~r Shtt'o'lt'ls .1n a(.tl'l(' merntx>r 01 the fr~l';!nd')hlpClub,)l Columbu', M.mor tJnd Ihf! flr'., Unilc·d Mf~lh(Xh~1 Chur<.h

Svr'IIYing are "wo diW9hl~r... 13 g·rtlndd11Idren. 16 9r('<~1 gr.mdDIXON was presented an honorable mention awac..dJn.the -Nebraska ..community ~f~-~L'...._..d-.ut01h!LL !.!!19 ncphciI,"••~l(l~ llll:'~e':.

Improvemen-' Program recently-. From left: Julie Hartung. Jeff Hartung. Elaine She W~i'it pr-eC:i~df.:d jtT death by hf:r·p,)((·nl·" h-;::;;;t;.l/'l~) qrl-;ndson, iJ

Lubberstedt, Mayor John Young and Velma Dennis of Dixon hold the award. ',-Q!1 1111,,"1, IhrC'El' '.>l·.ft·f':,· ,ind,) hroH\(:~

Dixon earns award


Ol5ffil:t:loalL .Mil'Lr!Jf.: AlJde:rson.Wakefield. Zabie Metzler, Allen

Htlda Bengtson, Wdk~.. fH.;ld

. WakefieldAdmisSions; Mayme Anderson,

Wakefield; Helen Oomsch.Wakefield, Norma Chinn, PonciJ.Hl1dii Benglson. WakefIeld,Edythe Johnson, Wakelleld

Area visits

·VonMi.lden·plans meetings

Ihospital n~ws)(

Wayne Dismissals: Elwin Nelson,Admissions: Fred Hurd, Wynot; Mary Shufelt, Concord;

Wayne; Candace SchHnes, Dick Rastede, Laurel; ViolaWayne; Velma Boling. Wayne, Hilpert. Wayne; Joan ThomsenClara Schneider, Wayne; Shan€'- and baby girl, Wakefield; elltHansen, Omaha; Debbie Bose, ford Andersen, Pilger, Candace

, Wayne: Jason Hascall. Wayne, Schlines and baby girl, Wayne,-;---be~~-~~..EdnaC.htis1ensen I a.,re!, Fr.ed.- Nunemaker, Laurel; Mae Wade, Hurd, Wilyne; Velma Boling.'

Wayne. I Wayne ..

" PATG.ROSS gives the Veterans' Oayaddressiltlhean- gave lhe'invocalion.lhe Wayne High $<hoolband and" ,I,ual Wayne Higll,SdlOIlI "eterans' Day prog.r:illlL...Ib~choruLI1~rformed and Boys Slaler Layne Marsh and::, program was heJd'Filday a,fternoon. VFW Posl S29J~Girl~ Slaler Laura~idor gave short~55!!S..-~ ':: -presented and retired the coiOrs,LaVerle McDonald -

-.~:~~'--- . ...,: -~ '---~~---~. --~--- --~_.

-----s1d~e-·5en"itor 'Merle VOri·-M1noen·-I<' -pjdnrlllllJ~fo me;~t -';;;l-lfl til', 'Lorhfitl:;·lll'. HI d '",[,,', of7+-",_rinj;JrtimJ"'J!murn;',;,,,,,,_=-ueitTTcnrorir;,,rq-",","e,*",~~'-[Pcc-+-­

Wayne! Hoskins and Waketieid (.In! ·among HI': (OIT1HHI01'U", ll; .. ."'i'11l f· nll~.' "PrJdh'

-'sCl'ffllllJtE!<t'n$mrnlsc , , '~--+-He plans to be at Daylight Oonuts in Wa'lnc fr"om 8 30 It; 10" III ,~n 1'J'''.d.f¥. Nt'r... 19 HIe'

-- ---~11~--wm-:thfdjrehaH lfirt~kln5 from-l fO-Z-p rri lhal dr.lYf': \r~r~,~fndeii\'~ppe~lr~nCf.'jn- Wd~cfjeld j..) ')<.tlf~dv!e~_lrom , to 1 p 10 d~ !ll': : ,~ ... , '~'Iq" d'<'hamt>e:rs"On!htJrSd,;ly,'€,lec. 1~-Om-a:3~ltlT-fhornin'.:l, tt.;t '.I~f,,)IQr",:.jn ij-,-.----;-jTty,:IfiT'-,.-

,·CJfe:ro'Eme"r-son.;-,"-'.; -- ~

. On Monday, No.... '.-28/1he sem~lor wilt be at Ihf.: VJlldg.C (..JII.. H~ NI..'.'Ii(.'J'.Il.; 1".1lI 'I }0" ',) -50a.m. and at the-Dixon Cooniy Courihou<,~' In POf1(d fr()m ~l '1/H \0 f7 nor:'1

Von M1nden will be at Knt-ghfs Slop in Horner from 9 It; \0 d lTl ~)Il W('dlvv,dq'; NIF. :1) <I'I(]

<11 the. South Sioux City cour)cll ch(flnbf;:r', from I to 2 p In fh;JI dd,Von Minden said he- encourdyr.!,; f.!vcryo(l(' ro ",lop H1 dnc "",li :I, I!!I ;,,11"", ,dr.' ' , C,,;r , f'

upcoming activllies In the ~t'qt"ltlflJrr:· Thr- ""ndior ,.... ,11 I).· ,I(' r)fll~dP"-'J 1)( h; Ipq' ',',aide, Leland Miner 1;'

ADenftlrera Trav.'Club to mHtThe dnnuaj r~lJni[mdinner .:tnd bu~m!!'l." mt'ctlog of the AdlJcn

I'un:rs' Tr<.1veJ Club. Inc. of SIOVX Clly. Will be h(~ld at '2 j).m ,onSunday, {Nov 10,J .-)llheOd""~ Dmlng Room, near the Sioux CI!y_1lli:-JKH" I .. ~-~,__"__

After 1/1£1 buHp.! dinnur, Don Brown, prc'.ldenl. Will pre'lild~~

over the meeHnqTM ..chcdulc Ql 100'''' iJnd cv(mh for 1984 w11I be revu"h'!d III

'he m'*'tingAll !'l""P.mbcr~ ilnt! Ihcir friends,dre invifed to .lttend .10tl reser

vation!l".!lhouldbe mailed to 70S So. P.l_ton, Sioul( City by Friday.No-v. 18

···.....,lfftIiI~.etTh~ l"ccenf 10'5."> of ArnUficlI1n lives. 10 Lebanon dod G((m~u:f<.l

agaIn -emphaS(le 1he dangel"~ f~~ b¥, American servicemenand women throu9hou! fhe worJd. .

·fW,.auS'J the I"me:'t~., Legion !lUPPor"s rne peacek:~ing e'fon:s of Hl@UnltMStates Nallqnal CpmmaoWi'f Kflth Kr.eu.lb..a!a..-_announced a tetter writing campaign led by the Ame-rlcanLegion arid Americrln Lqgion Auxiliarv as cl -public:· demon'Srtra1l0-llolA~~t<ro;--~·"!-_·---, --. '-_.-

State Commander Lowtll Feye <"ald the ObJC'Ctl"'f~ of the cam,pingn I"> to hi)ve every AmNictlrlsend it cMd or letter 10 our !ler

- Vl(em~n ilntl-wom,tm fhr-ou haul me ....,orfd :rind fel !-hem knIhat we love them we rC5.ped Ihem dnd we Me fully behindlheir ellorh""K-notlH,mct--F--eyein'ltte·you to-join the-rrr.an-d the-ttnrthreFtlt'ftta-­

halt mHilOn member'S of the- American It.'gion and its A\,JJlilia ry,In writing .1 card Of' tetter 10 thank the men and warne-rHor thelr~-e-d!t(;e~

Mall your c.dr(f'J and lett(>r~ no I,lter llian Dec 1. 10,--P-(~(~elteeJ)fiT""-Greelirigs,-Chilirro(lrl yeS; P('filaiion-Jfm-1~$)J:-"--

Wd-~inglo-n, DC :l0301 ~

'5'11 !"d(m· r· bl:'lj <;t "''''1''1('. ,; rJl;:>mb(:r (,II Ihi: N(,'-brd.,ka AI''-;<;J'"N,!~_!;!~~!.!!~_'1.;.!.!!L"<1'> .lfnn!l9... I 15 ',hJdl:nI'~ 10 grdduMI! from i)

PrtfTl,jr, Lj·rJd,·r',lllp Dl' (l'lopnwnl (ou( ..e on Nov S111.e Lt.ur !;.t:.--'.! m.''!~!" l!tH '.'p! If] rnJ1II"rv·1ralnlng f~r lunlOf non

lorn""',',furH,rj oll,(f'r', rl:{enllil~Tf;a-<)ITdiTli;:iW;fiTIfnal(j

"1.Lf ,f'.~ •• T!,j' Ijt d{lu"l1.-,q '~'ijd('nl') ({'pfl:',"nlf.'d N(:brd'~kd, Col')t,jr)rj "·.1'1'.<1". U'.1I1 '''',rn'''t'') 1d,{lho, Nurih O<lkotd ,fnd 10... <1

On fit! president's listRId-lard VI' HMdlliq ',I,.in 01 M', Judy McQul'!l.tdn of Wayne.

n~i'> 1){""'j1 fidHt'·d 10 1/,.- Prf.'''I{)f-nl '> 1I',l 011 th,: DeVry In\t1t-ute ojTC(hf;OJOq'i III PhOI~r~l. .

TOL.<:.(!JIQlutl.: Will.!; 'WIILr .... !ud'!.:fl1~.lnu!>tha~as.ta3...i _qrodp pi.JHd d ,(:r<)q(- {,I ,j 'Io,/.Ible .1,OJ 10 their fourth lerm ot',i'JdY I'f<lrdlnq. d ',!ud,~rd "1 ttH: Eh;,( IrorlH::S EO'gin(..'-f.;r1rgr r,\ tlnrA'->9', proqr."If'1 hd'" d 40 C-,PA

lh{; Dr:Vrllr'l',hluj(, 0' TI!chnotog'll':. p<'Hl 01 <l network_at 1O.j~

',lillJl,""-, 'n Hit, B.dl 1."" HId.,",! E dUti'lllon Group lh.at ..petJdliZc In

t:l~:{.TfOI"'\·, INllnoloqt dllrj (fJfl'lpUIN '~Cl('n((t lor busln!i:"'s TheIn':>!ulu!t:', mdhlf\g '.'p thl~ HHEG "i'_I!!," (omprl'Joe onf: 01 lhe­I,HI}I" .. t pr I'Mh'. 1\'( tllilr.,~I!I'l ur II-nlt'd l~d\)('iJllonal orgilrillil1t-i)ns'f, lilt' '_I~'Jljtr t

GNlduert. of militer" Ifcri.", (OUr"

A rafnph~iely rl'v",~'d ~"'Hnpjl!I." ~.'fll!lh:d "Ju,/,t r'.'lldJ"i','.

now dVdddolf' lrurn tt... N,.!Jr<i',k" "I,) r(, r',H /,',',1.( :""_,,, Tr"IrE-"· piJll/phte! ,'In',,,,,>r-, d nvnlt}"r o! (OPtll"Uf1 (jUI·',l,~)",. ,jl.J"

~(jInt o;'JnerShlp of p r ufJ'·rl'f

I' ,., Orll' rfl d ',...,.-tf-'. ')' ;7 pd!npl'tl(·", Uf, Vd(l{;I)'. d<,~'·" "I i'"

'<I" prep<ln'd dna (j, ,'r 1!)'Jt\:d by :t ,. N'.;.B/~ '-, P';!JI!, P., ... ,l",_"

( ')fllfn tl I.'")(JLf)1 I~·!'li.ln( y I" oj (I:n ... ;F~"i'.:,·d (rl t',l<1k('lliV ,1',..1 ',111;-<,,', I ') t., l'

d :.111 or oHH'r .:<,Idte pl,HlfllHQ '''Pd·,un...... Tj,l.' PdI1I1JHi(,' ··~IJLIIr'

Ih(· dd ... dt1i,IQe .... ot HH'.'urll. c..r IJrop0r'fy u'hnf·r<,h,p :,r,'I'"

,Olnu ot l!le -::on',f~qVf'nu~... lI'wl rfldV dl "". !roin "

In'I' ';lrtyl.-, lOP, If'd"r' til' fJIJ'titF\('d bt Iinlll1q', J,,'

T,'l\drH y N~lJra,>l<.d Slo!l' 8dt '~:I"(;' ldIJ(J~1 \(Ii'/ /"1,'-' _J

C~l<lrtl'r (,:nl"r L"i! (,Iii M!~Uti

Mrs. Nebraska pcrg.ernt plernned

Joint ttnflffCy pamphletoH.r.d


WorIrsIIops on "..rin, loss

Cerncer Society meetin,The Wa'lne County Unit of the AmeriCtln Cancer Socif:>1y IM~>

scheduled a meeting Friday. Nov. 18 al 2 p,m. at PrO\(ldenu"'M-edh:af C,:-nt-er " _

Donna Hansen, county preSident, said all interested person",are invi1ed Among those attending will be area-executive din'(10r DebQle Tremblay of Norfolk.

.- --The Grdnd- Gene7,)Tlon l'Z;-sponso-n-n-g---w-orkss-urr- heMlnqloss and some 01 the Irdud5 concerning Hearina mds

Peggy DeGarmo, fr.om Ih~ f'-lebra-'::.ka _Commission on llll'Hearing Impellred, wdl be the guest speaker

The work'$ohv.,;;; are scheduled at 12:3{1 p_rn toddY (Thur~.d<1Y Iat Ldurel Senior Center

nH,: public is InvIted fo ,ltlend etlher work...,hnp

Th•..,.. ,)'( fl ;·.--')I~' f(; fmo if r1P-W M .... ~, Nl"+;-r-,T";Ir,1' tr, rr-p......,'.t"'r..

-t"rnn:'"'. dftd h"Joff)"'/"dk>!r C, Il' 1!l12 f./lr·, f~nH'r"d P,nJ'·.1I I I'

N mjnatlons for the annudl Nebraska Stafewide Arborefutn V"q,y, ,n Moy WH·lawa sa ueDec.lO,dccordingtoGeorgeBriggs, N$Adirec BN!'l,rl' John',on d form'·r Mr'. ',uu!h T)ol~0!,1 ,l'fl '/rtor {,ll,l:rI(d Pdqhlnl dl(('( 1u' !(lr N··I,rd',"-,. rlr" ", I'i(j

Th~ thre~ a'nnuCll awards, whlch.are -daslgned to r-ecoqtHf'-! D.:.1<;0I,J, .H)Jl.QlH:t;...e.d r"u::.nli '; '/-1<)1 Nt.:llr d'~~·1 Pd(i'_(jr,'-+-~meI6raskans-wl1Oh,ive made outstanding contnbutlons 10 Ih" - -tdkr' p-Id~'· In Lt/i-(()Tri ,II ti,,-l Hil!011 IH,(!HMlun'. 1',11 ., JI"1."

s.tate's landscape beauty through 'ree planting. wHI Ill' March·1 . "rIc-- L --L_..IuI'-.:I-~~ ·~---Pl"esent-ed--a-HM---afl-n-t)df--ff5-A"awar{js--bd-ftffl:l~~,.j. Nt--Utd,>kd i·d';~l<; ¥;'. 1(1.':('(,1 to ,·rt!f:.f III~.:' '.Glllpi;! 1,1 PlanniafJ-wo InOlJ~"i ..

" ou~~~~~t~:~_:La~:;rs~;~~:: i~f~~tH:~7s~~tJ~t~~;~~fo~n~~~; b~- 'Ill; r.oorrj,n~:;;r;I'll Jl~~\ !~~~\~:;;';~~~)'f,}.:IJI~,_,r.~,~,",'" .C(JrI11J~vrlj' '( P!'J!lflinq wil! U~ !h~-IOpIC '0'- d .framing work~holL_,__-PI-.e5ervaiion ot arboreta" nafural meas. parks_oLO!bp,r Jande.. ,dll~duH'd f!6'. TlJ{'<,(ji)f Nn'o' (rf ';p_on,>o~(~d by the NOrfh~ti"f

The -Johnny Appleseed Award is given in recognition of con _ t·ktlro'1<;'!<:,l Eronmnl, O'-'''JCIOPF'rllJfll Dislri(1.- Of!s"ignedTor <onl-'~4='-'*''!lllJFIi<l1F15-'~-Il!€~rea5"€If l'lt3m·GGt~-iJfffi~~n-d - -- " H\l.md'fllMI;kr.:::.E..~m4~,".l411'1~L~.(~htd--.oU-K-~~40:0..Q.Lc.om-- _

disfribution or: in the education at Qthers for these purposes Neilea,'" center sef #0 open mUrllly orqar.".]t!'ir1~ lh,_· #'iDf ~'.hOP will focus on fypt"i of plano, The third award IS the President's Citatwo, presenfed to i:lQ tn ,n:q ~cll/ 1111:', .... hid, lo~ al I:JC;,jrd~ ,md r)rqtlrlllatlOllS Coln uldi/C'fo


dlvJdual who has made.o.utstanding contributions to the mlS$IQr1 r'l" John G 'j ·!Jr,i"{ I "1(' ;" ,P' ',jr,'let! dci!ar"" '~i:lV<;' IJIT1I!"md InvolVf~ their publics 'of t~e Nebraska Stafewlde Arboretvm ' NdJrd"k,J Sldll" ""t /.llllwcpn..-t,'flr"r , rt\(· r"o" 29 works lOP ..... JlI tw rJ(~ld <lithe Villa Inn In NodolJ;: Ja,c••••••Ic,'''', Oft ".ei,,.,,

Nominations are invited from the public. Eachmominalton l,mJr', on Wed-ne',ddy r¥(JJ Jrom a 10 d ffl 10,1) m jhi~ ~o tt!ealJl Ol'iotric I':> offering thiss"hould be accompanied by suffl!::ienf documenlaffon, such as d lr rlHlinq h(,>r~s p"'" I dl,'lHjWf( arliclpi:ln1<;' . Lunth WIll be In prcpdra1l0n for Natronal Jaycee Week In January and the

" e's c ntribu i P .hr,llli.\t;lp lor 'f.J IS J' , ~-,-"Ih,"o",.",,,-.-,,=ml!illmn",,"-_"--",!.Illi,,!,,"';""-,,,''''f)'!!''.lll'"-"W",,,n!.!!.,-,J!.!!•.~ee5In 198".lhe local Jaycee!> ~_other.per:tlnent material, fa allow determination of merit, !hl,..df'r<,. Hlff;!re'~l~!d ~ nlql~ter by MoodJY dre lookio9J-9.1Jn'Qr.:roatl~~tainln9 t!,_lh~pa5f~ )t'ear~-:.............._

Nominations musf be received by the·Nebraska Stntewide Ar ' i Nov 2\1 by (/1111 ..' ,f.:· '. Any former p(~lden'sor anyone with Inf()fmatlon,~tproboretum. 112 Forestr.--y SCiences Laboratory UN L East C)mpu~ i, I . For rn,~"'l' mlorm,ll N(JrlbN1'.J Nebrd'Soka jccls or members 01 the past are asked to write· "!i/synti Countl(

-----rlrlcOfn, 6~S8:f081:t pymc~r\T.JI}B:r. _ ~-~~"'.~.-= ~.-. ......,' E\rrmJTTTTrB~ ..<;ivpm~\. " , ,ffurtuit-,----:ffl7.r:nt --~'1!ux-t46~tt-Ver'de+--b-ttff----bf--Waytte--, ---- -

"''''''-'-,,1;;;~~~===~~~~~~-~·~·_~-:::·_~~~~~'~:::-~~-~_·::,2°----.~~~:.::=~=~-=-:::§~~~:::::==::;.:.:.::.:======.======~=======::c~==~~========================::;l::::§~:::==:¥~~=-==--...=---="====~~__~~.m_··~~~ ~~~.,~,"=~ ~~~.~_

"~,.~_.•", ",,,,_~ .."-.m~_"__.. --;--__·__·~ - .. --.r=

Page 3: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller


or 0 115. 0, Ut on mor'9.ge nole,


ttall Insurance Co. 0' Iowa Y$.

Wendell A. Hagenbedc,-ttorfoJ1t.

CRIMINAL DISPoSI1;IONSIO.nleJ·,5alem, W.yl)tli dlsfurb·

inO fhe pe.~e.Fined $)0.WIIII.m Behling. W.yne••llow·

. I, 1.'ge ",..,1Sl0

1lenfi1~1.1 FI""..... C:Olumbus. .,~!ng.$2Au~.,rrOfll'L'f,,"lind 'Helen Gundl'rsOn, W_,CI.'m·ed due for promissory 'no... setfl·Od before frl.l, '",


Servu:;e-;. dr~ ~nding at tho(.' Wllh~: Mor1utlry III WlflSI~(! ,lor Id,iCdr..ten~, 63, 01 NOrfOlk, formerly of WII!~~ld(.' Sht, di(~ TuCs.d.iy ..Nov is, 1'f83;1t OUf" Lila)' 0' l.purdi',> Haspil.)! tn Nor'olk

Florence He';drickson

Nov, 14 - Vakoc Consfruc:flonCo, fo-Shlel. R. G<.mllch, 1.01 14,810ck s, Sunnyvlew Subdivision10 Wayne, OS S9.JS,

Wakefield Pleasant Manor,·Inc. fo Wa1(efietd Vi Ita, d Co ,partnership ., 9, 10, .'ltld 11,lnd 5' J of 101 11. all in bJock 15>.SOulh Addition to the City ofWd~l}field, fevenuec stamps excmpl.

.Thomd'i 0, MahOfley, ~ 'j.ingtepe,.-son. 10 Wakefield ApartnU.'nl-s, a Co,Partnership, W'IOSlee' of 101 .... 4. 5 dod 6. bloe:k \0. CiJV of WaketieJd. ,Ie-venue slampsl'~empl

Wak,,".}d PI...an, Manor, ,. ~-~. DISSOi.UTloNOFMARRIAGE,lnt" to Wakefield Apartment!>. 11 . S.usan:iune Wood. Wayne. andCo Parlncrshlp, W '\05 I.., 0' 10" "marri-age Francis Allen Wood Jr.• Wayne,J. s, ~lod 6, bloC~ 'o. City Qf

=~..u>-".w~"k",·f,:Jifi!id, rev~n,"u".;-'~ta"Cm=p'c-co""1N~.h::I!I'l!n!!r==t=~:t:':!:~~~:;:~~=et-rlpl -, -~-----

" Nov.' - _Farmers:Slal. 8ank,Carroll, vs. VerOQn" Aquirre,

F~OHn((!' Hendrlck'\.on. fM. 0' Coh)mbtl" dit'd Monday. Noy 1 <11 Coll)mnu~ ManOr- ..S.er¥IC~" are itt )1 i) rn fdd(lY. NOli 11 .tt McKoI"" Funeral Ch.~pcl.(oh:mbu~., With ~ev H,ur'l A Wdll(~,,>(;H'L;iJltJl9 BlJrj~JI ,'i RnSi~lawf)

'-lJIemQrlitl C~!melr)ry

, Mr~ Hcndnclr.wn WdS oorn Junl~ 20, 1899, rn Sh~~r'm(lnCoonry,.thedtlughfN 01 Jm,cph ,:U~d ROI:<Hl~r!H.ldthlt MiHer She- mardedCe( II JHcndo(kSOfi NOli, 23. "')'n'~;;,Hl (olumbv,'>, wherf: ..he ~.p~~nt Ihl!." 100S1 30

O'ixon earns award y6:)r"tdSd hOf'tl/:mdk(>r' StH/WI)~an .1(,li'lt'fJWmbt:~rot the Frieod...hlpClub al Colur'flb\1~ M.ll)or dnd the Fir-.l Unil(~ M!~lhodl~1 (tlu«h

.. . SlJrVlvl,'q 4re two d.dughh:f'" 13 Cl"r<llldchddn~n, 16 qr(~<ll 9r,lndO! ~_Q.~ \y~.s __~~~~ented a~ !to_~.Q.r~blc mention award -In the Nebraska"..-C~UJut~t,"tdfen~~eL'.. d DLOUH!L....i!O'd !)c.:P~~~~)_~~lec('''Improvement Program recently. From left: Julie Hartung, Jeff Hartung/ Elaine She Wi}';, pcoeccdr:d III dt:,::,!h by hl..'r pMvnh, hIJ<,h,ind, ~qr;:U~dSorl, il

Lubberstedt, Mayor John Young and Velma Dennis of Dixon hold the award, "on Hl I"", IlIr(>1: ')!',l('r', fwd ,) brolh(,:

WakeheldAdmi~"slons; Mayme Ander",on,

Wakefleldi Helen Oom-sch,WiJkelield; Norma Chinn, PonC(l,Hrlda Bengtson, W..,kefield,Edylhe John~n, Wakefield

OI.iffi.1~h.;. Ma'im~_A.r:1derwn,

Wdkf;'fH?ld. Zabie Met/leor. AlIl;nHilda Berlql~on, Wakt'llI.:ld

Dismissals: Elwin Nelson,Wynot; Mary Shufelt, Concord;Dick Rastede, Laurel; ViolaHilpert, Wayne; Joan Thomsenand baby 91rl, Wakefield; Clif,ford Andersen, Pilger; CandaceSchlines and baby girl. Wayne;~enseJL...l.&I_reLf.Le<lHurd, Wayne; Velma eoling,'Wayne •

Area visits

'VonMillClen-plans meetings·-·~-:-S:enator -Merrevon·-M~naf:!n, 1~-plann-111-gtOl1"12;:t -Wi-lt~ l-~1" ! un.,tilll','!'!', 1~1 <I '.':( 1'-', or

, ~ :i~TTTT:"tTQ"h---tJ-ct"+------

~avne.. Hoskins and Wak~t+€ld are "rnang lhr: co·tornunllH..", HI ~".. \,\tl· ll!(' '>'''11,11'.' I.""sCl'f~~dl:Jted"r~1tnq5~--- , ' ........._~~------~'

He p,lans to be at Daylight Donuts in WaJ'ru: from a 30 fu ID d 1Il iA~ t u~~',tl.IY. Nflv )9 t-i!:----.-wlt11>e' at th'e, tlt~ ,h~11 .in l:iosklns from' '1 H):2 -p frf· th(~l dJ"y" -

f ,'",~~-~r~~~r1IS- ~ppear~~c.e l~ Wak:t~t'ld i<, ,,,(.h~~vled from l to 1 p IT1 !d ill<: " <1" U,'Jlli.!!

_... fd'la'Mbers"on Tho-rsday~~OE:'_ CFr"om a:::ID"TQV:""JITlli'.:;i m<)row'4-;--:nll,l ......~tl,lIQr' 'J. H1 h":-rrbY;i'll'"n;·'C-J,e'·~"tl·Eme,..'so"~-:".; .'-' .

"on,Monddy, Nov. ""2lV"tbe S(;r'liliOt will be ill thf,;' Villdg.c (.JI(' m Nt:',\I(~I',Il,: frt~rrl '; 3D "" U) :.10d.m. and at the-Db('Of1; Couniy COiJr!houc,(· In P011Cd from 11 ii m 10 17 rHX;t1

Von Minden will be at Kniqhl'~-]. Stop in Horner from 9 l() 10 d tTl w: Wpdnf:' U<li fJf,)" ,C dl'-d

dt fhe South Sioux City council chambers from I to '2 p.m lh<ll ddV •

Von Minden said he encouf'age~evoeryor:w to ',h.lp H1 find YI',I! ~'Ilh ,,,In "l",\,'! •

upc9mirlg activities In l'he L(·cW~I;llurf.' Ttw ',"11..1lor ,""II l;~.' 'I! 1 fJlllpdrp, 'J 1)'( 10\aide, Leland Miner

-~ .'news'"biiels-'-----''-''' ._~--_.

gave the'invocation. the Wayne High ;;Chool'band and~rnu'8l:'w,iWllE~~I-cS~~'-Vet<~lnSUla!iLJltm~arrL:!l!JL~ch~ol!!r...u~s~p~erlormed and Boys Stater Layne Marsh and

~9irl~2taterLaura victor(Jave sbot:Uiliff,'iieiCss<ipi<s".---'''�<=-1'.

Ihospital news'<' Wayne

Admissions:. Fred Hurd,Wayne; Candace SchHnes,Wayne; Velma Boling, Wayne;Clara Schneider, Wayne: Shane_Hansen, Omaha; Debbie Bose,

, Wayne; Jason HascalL Wayne.~t~~'O'L

Nunemak.er, Laurel; Mae Wade,Wayne.

The annuiil reunion-dinner dod bU~lne\'io rnt~efm9oIlhc AGlieni-urer..- irav!l'l Club, Inc. oJ SIQVl( Cily, will be held at 2 p~m,> onSumMy, {Nov 10, j at the Od'!>l') DillIng Room. oeM Iht;!' 51!)!'!ll. CJIy AlfnorL_ _ ,

After fh~ buffet dlnn~r, Don Brown, pn!'.ldenl. WIll prc,ideover the m-e~nnl:J. '

Ttle scr-.eduJe of IOvri and <l<v('nls lor 1984 wHl bl.' rc ....odh:d althe meeli"9

,AU'members. and Ihe~r friends ilte invited to ittlrmd ..md r~';ter

voij'lon'Ji wou)d be mailed talOS So" Pit_Ion; StOOl( Clly by FndllV.No".... 13-

AdYenfuror. '""eiC''''' to meetOn t'I!"etident'. 'i.tRI~ 1:,lrd W I1Ml'Jll)9 <,I;rl ot M', Judy McQul~llln (,If W.dVoc.

Hi}", I};·.·n O,-Hlll'd IQ !hp pre~ld~>nl"> h':.t <it the DeVry In.<.!Hute ofrl.·~I,j"JI(Jqy 110 Pho/'fl'y.

I.(J..w,..,~ltqllljt' It:Jf lh~ t1!.lllbr ....!udt:nb mu....l1l3lJc.alleast a..1...5oqr.Hl!..' pain! ,I ~~~r dQ~ (0\11 01,) pO','>I1>II:.' OJ III Hl(~lr fourJh t~(m of

'.h;d, H.ndinq, d "'·uuen l Hi !he EleclronJc."j EnglJ:!et!rlfl9r,:(tlf1t.Jlr,q( pfoqr.un hd', d J 0 GPA

lIw O,;Vry lfl',li'>.Jll' \,1 r':ct.noloq'; I', pari of d nelwork of IO-in'.Il/I;I,·'-, Bffil & Hu .....d! Edu(.<)llon Group that S-pecl<)'lle III

1."( IH!(}I(;<j1' dlHJ cumpuh:r <,c 1('rl(C for bU'.io1M':rS The1II'}jlJ!lJk~ fll,tl\lNJ up HI" 8HEG -,y·.tern comprise 00(;' ot ,hel<lrql"l pr'I'''i!l,~. 1"(1111'(.111'1 c'{'H"n!l~d ,~dl)CiI'lonc11 orgiJnlldltcn\[p n .• , '(JIJnlr'l _f"

Gnulu"te of mi'it",., tr";• ..,cours.Mr., Neb",slca page""t "~fInned

Joint tencJney pam""etoHeredA cornplelely p'vI',ed pdrnpnlpl -t!nldh:d ' JOIIII r .. ,

now {lv,)lldtlk Iforn ttl!' N'·l;r d<,I<,d ')!d!f~ Bitf ft·;,.!)!

Ir~:l' pdlnphlel anr",.. '__ r'> Ii flun1!JI!f OI·,{tlillI11QII (loW'.Il\)!'· at)!'1 '

jOint OJiner"hip -0' prop'.'r l ,;,

I' I', (Jrll: ,n <J ,>"-"rI'_", (;1 1] pd'nphl.:I', on v-tfIGU', d',p"I' , "I' ....

I" ..... pn-,p"rpd ,lnd d,"r,tlul,;,d lJy H.' N':,e/~" P\ibll' W' :,11";11'


JOIn' lendn, y I ~ off.~n "I]lF7/~:d II''! hlifJ,(/:',,1V <I" d 'Ait) ,! II vI,· ,,_.

" 1.111 or O!hf'f e·,Idle pldPTlll19 fn~~"lc.ur(-., T~,;' p,)fnprth·· " __ iJ!dir

HI!' dd""Hltctqf~'> Of lrH'., turn: tj( lJroperty ()'h'll.l'r',tiljJ .',r,·Il<

"'O!rl~' of the t:onr,l!quf"n(f''> ltld! rn,,"{ rjr",f" trOll'< I'In-,' ';lnql~ (UP, Ifld" b.! UI)I"'f\t,(j 1)1 ",..,""7llnq 1,_.

Tf'ndH( Neb(<J~!<.d Sf,]!'! Cdr fly,I)!. III!j(,1\ il)I'1 /, .. " r '__I

(helr"'! L'fl( Ojfj ....ti~OB

•. -"'--"f,

C"ne., Sodet, fiiHfinfl

W,,:bltops on lIe"rilll lOss

The Wayne County Unit of the AmeriGlO Canc~~r Society 11,)';scheduled a meeting Friday, Nov. 18 at 2 ·p,m. at Provide-nCI..'

. Mectrcal C~n""Donna Hansen, coun-ty pre-sident, said all interested penons

are invited Among those attending wIll be aieac)(ccutivedin'(tor Debbie Tremblay of Norfolk.

----fneGrClna----Generarlon ts-sponsormg-work"St1CW"--un heannqIOS5 and some of fhe Irduds concerni119 Hearina aids

Peggy DeGarmo, tr:-om lhe--N-E:br.as.kd Commission on tilt,

Hoaring Irnpd~red, wiJl be 1he guest speakerThe work~hC>iJ:'Me scheduled at 12: 30 p.rn. today (Thur~,dfJY i

al"Laurel Senior CenterThe public is inVited 10 attend eJther work,..,hop

Page 4: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller




'H,llunuoddopus SW&IQOJd Inoqe UJ'., oa Allunw-wo::! JnoA UI 1004::18 ::!!Iqnd 8 pea,Sf"noJ. eW!a S,II148lJ OL U841 J8M8jl-oOnoJ.lt':b1ll :a7"'1l ,'t'-!ll8!*fl-W- -

:J'Z I ':J'll ;B'OI ':J-8 ':J'8'8"£ '8'9 "0'"9 '8'" 'S·& ;S-Z ':J'I


...II_ ...._--~___~_~- ..... UlrlcIl.

OM':) Nation.l Education A*t100~ 1201 16th $.,.... N ,

Wut!lngton, D,C,

Publl....r - J. Alan era....11••••1.. 841tor - "" _ ..

AuodIite IIdltot - UV ~......5portlI 841.... - _ 0'_.IIII....__-JIM_




-.-,., '1JiI(jii ..T"",,_-Nroo_eom...__- ...... T."

C.mpeolters - T...... Itofr, Lerllley..__- """ Itofrsv

.._.-"~-Ijlony--- ,C.m ,.. "....... Me' ..

12. The school lunch PRlllr.m for- ~

10w.Jncom. _cbildren -.a-ta by on81,20 par ma.l. The UniledS_oub.ldi.... top military .offlclal. althe Pantagon for meal. In til.8mou~: :;1:

SOURCES: The 1982 Gallup Poll; TheCoTTtlition of Education. _1-982; NEAResearch Memo: Prices. Budgets. S.I.ritJs,8ndlncoma, Fall 18sue(Oct. 1982J;St.tist;·oBI Abstract of the U.S.• 1981:St.tusoltheAmerican Public School THCMf. , 980·81;Oct, 1982 NEA Research Report: St.tus ofreschers and NEA Member..' Nov. 1982survey of high school Itudent. by Who'sWho Among High School Students; and1981 ·82 NEA Estimates of SchoolStatistics.

~ICA1'IOft "",NI"';" us", .,o-SIO

Serving Hortl'l...t "_bra"'. G....-: r.rml"a Aru

Off\d., ,,-_.ftll8CltyofW_e, tMc.MyofWoy.....dtIMI'_of_


. " , . 5UUCJtII'TlOIIlIATD· . ...In'Wayne, PI€:rce, Cedar, Olxon:rhuriStoo:Cumtng, ~lanton'and-MadeOn Cout",~;·.l4';t9'pet'year, $11.98 for !>11( mantM, '10,16 for three month5. Out~ec:ountiafTMlftfiohed: .11\00p.fye.r;-n4~OO,"'-.,,,moofll5;ll2",(;OfOilllf.. moilth.,'5I1\g18 o;OpIes Z5-, .

9. What percentage of school etu­den...re discipline problems'?A. 9.6% B 16.7% C. 4,6%

4. What parcentage of public schoolt...cher. strike aach yaer?A 19% B.loss Ihan 1% C,IO%

6. Tha principal r8elon teaching isChOMR 8' 8 career is:A.lnlere-tUTtfSublect-maner fjeld.B. Value or sigOificance 0' education

in society.C. Desire to work with young people

6,' What is the average number ofhours. teacher spendl on alllChool.­related 8ctiviti.1 each week7A50 B40 C,44

8, How much will teacher A••ocia­tlon. .pend \hi. year dafand!ngeducator.1A. &15,4 million B &20,3 millionC &B,6 million "-

1,,-fn 1970, 21 parcenl of Ihenation', high .chool honor .tuden"had u18d marijuana in lome manner.What I. the porcentage for today'shonor studentl'1A 6% S,4% C.16%

E5tabh9led In 187~, a nev.t!tpaper publ.,hed 5eml·weekly. I'1onday and Thu~1Y (eJee;:ept-----,----- hOJjdays};pyWayn~-net<liTtn·lJ"fitrsnlng_<6mpany;1nc;; j: jiijan-·cramer.Tr~r;-eri~fj(flrf-'''" -

t~5'f offIce and 2~d_Cla55' QQ~tage ~jd "t,_~~Y.~!1ebra5ka6878!-.:.--__.__._._~" _- ~ .-osTHASn:":5e~d~addre~ change to The Wayne t1er~. &»H 71, ,Wayne, Ne 154181,

--- -f~ WhaT-perc8malf.nW~Am8riclma- -1{1,T_che...-.rlI--·hlndemcLfIllIlILee~ ~.ta Itrong ea.;JCitlonal ayitiirir---lroin renoerlng we UM1 RIIVt.KaKm

will beat guarante8 8 .trong future by:for America? A. DisciplinfJ and negative anitudes ofA. 67% B, 65% C, B4% siudants.

B, Work load and a.lra rasponaibifiliasC. Incompetent and uncooperative


Pop Quiz: How Much Do You Know

About OUf Public Schools?

l_a_"_o_t_h_er_·_v_ie_w_p_o_i_"_t__---1Wayne Herald e.ditor

Where:have all the flags gone? '. .'T,hat was the question many people were as~ing Friday wlle'n'they,drove :

through Wayne .or shopped downtown. ,',: ':If was Veterans' Day, one of the most important natiima' hollcfay,s. Yeti,

there were no flags displayed on Main Sireet, breaking the usual tra9ftlon :of celebrating holidays in Wayne. ",

The Wayne Herald received phone calls and letters regardingabsence 'of flags: We could only agree with the complaints.

it was a disappointment.Over the centuries, many lives were lost to defend our countr').iand sfand '

up for freedoms in our country and the rest of the world. " , .Toe> often we forget that our ancesters gave their lives to insure thaf our

lives are safe and free, 'Too often we just forget the veteran.Displaying flags in memory of those who served our country and those

who died whiie serving our country is a very small gesture.But a very important one,LeI'S hope our veterans are never forgolten-again.


Just another

2. The ~.t aerioul diaclpline pro~18m in public .chaol. i.:A. Class cutting 8. Absenteeism

___ C_ Conflicts belween ...st.u.d..e.n.-.a.ru1__ --t--t-.----Wha. ,ere.ntau. of -publiGteachers. . achool teacher. belong to • teacher

--=:d$$2S"*±£fl4p~+44Fl-·--j--=-=----c-,- --- -..-- ..tion_I~EAt?-----3. The av..rage be.ginni~g ...Iary for _A,3li% B. 66,3$ C,JIO.~ _a meehanIClll-engll18er II $24.708. -What II the av.raga beginning ..Iary

_for American teacher.? _A.• '.8,1;60' 8. $12.769- .(;,-$20.423

for rioflo~is~

stafe Democratic and Repu"llcan parties,Nebraska New 'Car and Truck" Dealers

=-=--~~-"""-Assoclatlon,the League -of Women Voter-s~

kh~~I~;::s~St~: N~~~~~~~fi~t~teO~F~~~llg .)Nebraska Farmers Union and the NebraskaAssociation of County Officials,,,

MEMBERS' OF the coalition seeKing a The coalition, which Includes 'about 30

pay raise for state sena'tors a're mounting a ~;~~i~~'s~~~tU~~~~::~I~u::~n~~ ~~:I~~:petition campaign during November ~rylch tax out of the way 'early to concentrate onthey hope will produce most at ttle 54,190 selling the proposal on voters.51gnatures needed to place the issue on the1984 general election ballot. , ' The proposed constitutional amendment

The biggest single effort during the being promoted by the coalition would sefmonth, .slad Coalition for Fair Compensl1' legislative pay at $900 monthly, up from thetion Chairman Francls Moul ot Syracuse, current MOO monthly. The amendmentwas las' weel< when thousands of teachers, would also prOVide reimbursement for oneschool ttdmfnstrators. ,sChool ,board round· trIp weekly between Lincoln and amembers and parents gathered 'Signatures senator's district, Currently. senator:&'"aredoor·to·door acros~ the state. -- "~,~._~.~a.id..1oL.onJy..ono,'(-4Und<trlp session,

No excuses

",n,_d th""PI :.{)lJld l ulnpHI' 'Ill"'ll,t "d' I, nH-'tlt ,',oul(l r,-,qUlr.: both d bdldnU!d budqo:,tu!t\f'r Ifl !h,'.bod', poll!lc IIIII( II d', uur lhfl'" 1:,'1(11 YI_'dr Wllh ,1 provIsion lor ('rncrqL'l1l)r,)rH hI", I)! qO'Jernlnt,>nt ,·".cll(h l!.l( II ottHlr tl! ,md <)1'.(1 limit lilt· grow 111 of QOV~'I nl'no,I"'!' Itl,1f no 011(' In',II!l)lll}f) qdlfl'> !oo r!len! '.f)I.'ndlllq to !Ill: growlh 01 !hl'

rllu{.tl pUN,:r l'(onornyWt\dl Mdd",wl (,lid IIQl lrj((:'.1-".' Wd', Hldt Alrl.'ddy J2 ,>Idlr!', IidVI~ (.iJHI.'d on (ongH!',,>

!t1(",f' ',pt'( hll lo/l:rr.".1 qroup', Inlghl lornh'rl" to ','rldt I d odldllU'd budget drnendrnenl ortorc';·-, to ("d( I lrlt'lllt' frorn Ov' IdJ(p'ly,'r UH1VI,'r1': tl <ofl'dd\J!loll<1llUflV(:nllon lirniled[hI!', WI' ",.'1' '>p,~ri(llnq bllh pd<, ..."d hy (on !t~ c1r"IlIiHJ ',(J( h dll .. ml.:nclnH:n!(jfl:',', Illdt 'Ill Iud" "qoodll"" l(lr ,) 1,1rl(.'ly of Vlrtudlly (.'',1('1 y ',I,lfl' reqUire', <I b,llrlnu~d

1f1h:H",t qrr,lllp~ !H.J{!qf'! tor II',\'lf 0I11d ',Idle fi!ql<,I,lllvc '>up

(unqfl".', dc),!', 1101 VO!I: on !hl' !TII'fll', o! p(,~rl I', 1011led by jJopuldr ,>upporl. which r1<lLtilldlll{J <,I j)drl!. 1}I,lr dclfll or bJ'I(l91:, 11111 Handl puH~ plclU': .1', hlqtl ~)~, SO pcn.cn! (or

r<llf)!'r '/ol!'-, Oil If P<H.kiHI(· 111<11 Includl', 1I1l~ dHll'fldrncrll'!r}CH)(jtl d,lnl', dod brld(JI!" III (.'IlOiJqh ',Illlt", It](· ';el.ond drl\f'fldnH:nl I Il'(Olnmend I'.

_----'-.i.I1-d., LU!.l\lLl.'~"'!JHl'JJ ~!I',I.r,LU:,--~[LJ;!.l'.!b!!''': 1l!{; I"],, IJ~Hl x';!o 'Nhl(h WQ\}(I~ ~~!1CtW lh.~

p,t"'-.{lQf! r II" prl:<.ldf!fl1 ml})1 eillwr 'J~.'lo Itl" ---prl"-,,(knt 10 v'-'lo pdrl 01 d hill and ellrnlndle(!ntlr.' illtl ",tll(h Itliqhl ",(Iudl" WOIN_!'> of 1111: dll or no!hlnq dilernm.. n<\.w pO'icd.hur· 'J,~ltl" or ,lllC)w !I)(~ Imtirl! bill to III Aln',ldy ·11 ',I,liE' qovernmenh h,we <:,uc..h a"/1,1( led -I lmo 1!1'1n ',11,10 for ihelr Qovernor<;.

I ',IJ')flld Illd! nil' rw,ultlllCj rI)f1,lWdY ',p"n And pn~~I(h-'f\l" dallO(j back 10 Uly,>,>c'} S {t'

dlJlg dTld rpflunllflg rlflllOfljll (li'~bIIHC ',erIOU', Gr,lnl h<l",I' l.lllll!d..lor '-.uch <1n dmendmenl,<tlOuqh fi"\<IIIN'-.- 1o wilrr.mt ((Jr1',lI\l;llor'I,,1 (It I", Ifllurt".ling 10 note thai 'he ConLh.lIl\Jt' II I" (h.'Ill' IIl.11 (ofl9re,>', I', VJldblp l(j ,,-,d('rrllf' (oll,:>llluIIOr1 recognill"d 1he prop.".lr,IIIJ d', "!JI:ndII1Q .,.lIhovl ',u,_fl IJll'fn ,lnd 111r,ltj<.Jt:d .lIttle item v~~'o) I,tllf!OI.I<lr~I" t, I I W,(, d', d ,1<lllon <lru to com~ to grip,> wilh

TWO AM E NO~,Ali N rs, .lrf! prhl:rrf Iy tl·dl·ro1l ,>pL'ndmq qrowih dnd rnoun'linqt}f'torf' (orrqn:-,'; Illllt df",;;er,w thT; ',lJppor! 'JI d!,IJClI'.. we rnu ... t nov. ',!rengUlf.'f) our Con -111(' Anwrll.dn !dj(p;IYI~r 1 tJl.~ Ilf',! 'II", ',!dut'on Nllh Ihe dddilion at both the~e conIl,ll.fI\CI'd l,lu(f(V.-1 <,pendinq limit dITH:rI(! 111JJtlon,jl dflll'IHlrl'lt.'r1t·,

, "

. '" .

, -- ,-~"-~~_"' =o-._~ ...-=,~=....._~~ ..,..,,',....,.~"~~---".~"."...~~,~-"=~-=,,'--'--."""""""'~~':'"~~"~--"='=~ ........~----:-

JAMES MADISON. our /lilllon,> IOI)rrhprC':iidcr)l 41na one of the pnnClplc iJuthor', Of

Ihl~ "Federa/l'>1 P.lpl,!-n; hdd hOlJ':d "HI Ic.olTlpellng.conslllucm;:lo"), Of Idf:tIOO'~, ,I', Ill:

THE PREVAILING atillude seems tohave"turned around. ,latelYI an~ many whoare 'amHlar" 'with fhe s,lt~atlon are sayingthe chances for the state not having to re­

. fund the money are good.The rea~n for' the change" is' a brief filed

Despite a clear consen.$US that 'theNebraska law wa. mottally ,flawea, ,tato of.

REFUND CLAIMS quickly mounted toS14 million, and some ,say they could stillgrow 10 S30 million,

Hospital auxiliary than.kful

Strengthening the chains


-,~..... ""'lAsso<lIlliOll___Whe_1I <t\MIII,S.,Supreme Court, last, C_ten 01 Avoca' an<l AltorneY GeneralJanuary, struck dow'La Ten~_law_~-!'lOoUOI§!_,,-~c;lc!_ed_to se~lo.:;u5P=,a",'=;sl,,"a~te'-~;;';;;;;~C;;;;..;n;.which t_ bank earnings. Nebraska sta'e Suprame Court test on tli.hsue before pay,oIl1c:1als thoutht lha decl.lon would nullity a 1119 tha refund•.

, : portion oltha l;Or"""ate ta. law here. 0"'9Ia. ,ued,' Karne.. alleging ,on the. ' AI_I ev~ry stale 109's'ator, e.ecullva bas's of the Tennesee ,decl.lon that the

, branch official and 'a. experl who studied f'lebraokacorporate franchl,seta.law laxestha c"" CQflcluded th!ll the Nebra,oka cor' certain corporaIe earnings contrary 10"""a'" franchise lax 'aw Isa mirror Image fodaral law. 'of tf1edeflc'ent Tennessee 'aw, . Stale'offlclals clearly went to court with.

. Accountants counseled lheir clients to defaallst altllude, The .tate Bpard of: ' _k refunds from the slate Department of Equalization lasl June even set stale tax

, Reuenue for back faxO$ paid under 1Il.·a"· rates as~mlng Ihat the refunds would haveparlln1ly deliClent, laiN, to be paid out this year, '

u.s. ~~itR~C::::. ~:::c"e nt)~t~.;~. ~~~t 1:3::~~ ~~~;{~;~::Jr~::~J~I,~l~~'~~:~Amending the Con!>tilution of Ihe United clvolded at dll co')fs, .lnd Wh,ll dc-bl did ot<.ur

ShlleJjof America is d long dnd difficult pro -generally C<lmc durinq p~~n'od!. of W<if df\d(f~'j~ Th05-~/hO framed our Consli.tutlon en ~"<ll, reduced 1rI·lImeo:. 01 pC<lu: With HH.' old'.ourcd that bV requiring t .....o thirds of baUl Vf:nt 01 Keyne~ldn f!(.oflom,,: Ihouqhlthe House of RC'prc~ntMlvcsdnd fh(/ Senrlle howl'vcr, del i<lt spcndlf\9 w.)~, pr{!"I!flh'd !r;

()nd three fourlhs of Ihe state leql!llaturc~ to lhe Amcricdn pcopl(! d'> tl ',uun(l ,HIdc1pprove (lny new amcndmcnl tH!ncflchll pOlity

The'Constitulion, thcn, io;. not to be chanq Such defiCit ~pendlOg, Wl~ wer I! lold. would

f~d wilhout serlOU~ cono:.idert'Hion and serious f,.rcitle economic growth And ,h II\(Ir\' >'Ill"

m,.~!L.hl!h!(IQ, jn Ih~_~Imo~L~OO_'fe'lr5!lincc no consltllu'lOfl,ll prohlbillon, Itll! dellell','he (onslilulion Wd!t wdlhm In l1lfr:- ifh-;Y; -- cd-me"ll.lr'a-aWT.1'ir- --m wur-rtfttl ttl f~o'H~

t)l'"~ df1ltmded only 26 hmc~ the tirst 10 ilnd the nallonal deb' w/t'lled 10 mon' thdn,)mendm(!nt·... composin9 our Bill of Rights $1 ) trillion

_ -=~~-:::J1U:.'_-C.on~ljru:ttarren'Su~otIf-Hberttffi--dftu ---Tfie----fle4--t-ttt -~d-H-H) <;-,,-HfU-! ~.Voof- ~i~_---o;~

r(l5trajn~ tll(! power 01 t-he t()'d!!ra' govern rc~.ull 01 lht' g9v(!rnm(>nt'~, If)'iali<lbll~ >tilmenl. It gUllr.lnfcc!> our Irccldom 01 religion, petlle lor more drld mon! 1,1l( doll dr', Till!

-li-{~L'ifoniof :!>pf..~'h i:ind the right to Iree (lice philosophy 01 "lax t'-'1--. l,lJ(. ',pl,'nd, ·,pt"ndlion!:\. Alex~!> de Tocqueville, writing Ir\ ~PCIIU, ofrlo?.::L elect. 1..,11.',1" bl:'-<!flll.' IrIgrdlfl,'d"Oemocr'<lcy in America" In 1835. Qb!iervcd in 100 Inilny 0' our 1I,11l0n',> h-"Idl!r', GOVI'''1

'fhr:tllhc COn!illlullon "'orm5 one 01 the most In(~nl ~,pending WII', pr'llt~d, nol 10 lullillpOV'lr~rful barrlcr~ Ihal hdW~ ever been dlvls '>orne I1dlion,ll nI!ed, ,>IJth ,y, d<.<!O:'!l',u. but ,I',

("d dQdin~>' thj~ Iyr.:lnny of polillc.al Ine,)ns ot iltfrdclUlq the POlll'(dlloY.lltl','" 01<lsscmblies " voh~r~

IF OUR CONSTITUTION ~>tlrvC'-s to chaind6wn ttltl i,~piriJllon'.:i ot the (.eolrdl gov(!rnment and kf:ep ih p()wer~ Iimiled dnd fhE."pf!oph:! Iree, I (('M thai the chain hdS loo~cn

cd in rf.>c,ent yOM!>


rotne,dUor. ,iew i,ieli'bel"·wftt)----re(:--en-IfY-tmnea----U~~itli"-We wish to fake thl$: opportunltv fO ex' Illary, The baraar was il huqe <,I)CC(I,>"

prell aurEo"sincere appritilJfion to the because ,of the Qul'itandlng c:ooperclflOn 01

-people-Gt ayne and 1he_iUrrOVf1~JI').9 com___ everyone. . . To thi: ~djt~Jr: Tothe editor:munltlcs , full support and dedlca -Tnif"appr~x-1i'natc-totatmount ot-ttre- pro- I <'Jrn ~l)re fha' thos.c In.chdfgc -wilT hdVl: an We have- it--Q-OO$tloo t.o ...ask__ the..dl¥, 01

1100. to the Wayne Ct)mmunlty Hospital AUJ( C,.ed'dwahs I'13,900,' T.hye ,prOCtlcct!.,'emVl.il.l,jqo excusC' for nat puffing out Ihe flags on Wdync Arc chicken day, band day and ;..11•••• ::._p..... &-===1.11••IUlIr, Balaar. 'owft[ 1) 0 D n9 0 P or lC 1I "9 ... I .t ....i-t_1_----.." ..=="'.-...-..-.cI"..-..-.,-..-"'-..-J-..~~~.~..--jlJ-="---

We wish to exlend our mo!.t heartfelt '~~~~~5,O~ ~;~:~~~Jst1:I~O~~~"~~~oh:~~1 ~:~;'I:(;:,l~;o~;:~~:~~-FmcottttNtt'd ~=~,"~'~~~ meremp!;H" dl1 tlaR SUsbl1n1na Membor 1915.

~-- IHANKS-to-MayorWayne--Mft"h-for- pro- ----nbte~tem'4YtrY---ullit!ratProvtden~-Medi~td -The men_who JosUholr Ii,,!:!!.. or !l!lVI.~ lived Tneaays mentioned are-th-eLdays:-'fhat theclolmlng Ihe month of November as Wayne Centler. The total cost was '5'22.241.93. May ~n··pdin for years gave no CXCUSH wher1 !hey city had the welcome _!!~_~$ and theCommunlf.., HoIpltal,AuxlUarv month:_Jo_ ---God:-reward=-#a(h--an~ with HI;.. W!:ff! ~)~klld 10 tlJ::rv.o ,- American rtdqS wavmg:- Veterans' Day-~~~:MOr -oruOSr~l..f.- NationaL....8ank.. " ble-;slngs and:'ovo Hopefully Iho~.a y(~ong m~'n W~05t: iurn It ,- A (-Bin fl..,g waving onHometo~n ,IGA, 8111's GW and Gillette W.avne Commt,lnltv Ho,"pilal AUlull"ry j",- to serv€.' now und~r5jtJn~.an~ ~fll forq"",e came wlth,rl4 mt~1 V f W forgot IQ put

----DaffVTor~dOAaniigvarTous-dry-goods--and' -" GoocI1----~--·;---b--.---- .---ef--.-'---- -- -- Wd<·.·yma'1'need·thf;ir.herpallo"frOlr,f(tion~.onl~" ~:I~~~~~;f~ ou.f - •

jOnr:CS"!opYJpe!§mr-.sC'-htaQmTbh=eO-rW.G-~rYa~m-O Ha"-n~dI'llKI<!T,cMorHf·O"':'-.-.' 0" yn - ~

• II -. Whi-,l-~''-n in,afTipl(~ 10 sel for our YO(Jnq pt~O- ------Wh'~t do the young peQPle- who- (ireserving -their excellent publiCity; to LeRoy Simpson, To th editor".... pIe. , . our country now think whq.n they s-ee how weBoy SCO~ troop tfader and the Boy Scout.s e , t -hope that parcnl,:> c-an explain 10 th(~lr h;onor our ,veterans?for don_ling theIr time and service'S; and to BWe COUld lik.~ to congratulale the iW6yne children why Iheir City forgot. I can /l01all those' who donated towards the special lue ewls on Ih~;drae:; :~~(CS$ n toot - Sandra We<Jl1d<lrmembilrshlps; honorarv (125). susfalning ballf L..nAle-Elu'.h WarilS..dl~~:'T.''M'SC'W.and'''''''1ell'lC .---~-;;£.~';;;;;;;;'~"""';;;;k"(SSO), and Ute (Sl00). - ,uper lob with some talented young men, We drove from Ainsworth to Wijyne on

" As oot oJ fo_wnfans-, we really apprecla'ed VctoriJh~;_, Of)y ilfld rCijll't enjoyed '"II ,'he_" W~ ,,~e ~!_~! ~~Btet~1 .to our faithful· .the eX,cellent play by play. ~o ,age ot, flags in c'vt!~ town (lIQn~.rfnc WllY. 'ThenClidlcaf"d mem-aerr:for donattno,,--th~~r-- - Wav.,. -I -F-M-....tatlon.- I ' ----vJhlil -af~ock:.--no-fla-g~--in-Wj}Yoo,a'i much-·-~... ItO'f t f tI _If t1,tt'!t. tIlIMt._ ,.,d ~,~rtr.~I~tl$,~IMn~t. fa I .. 11 II1Ml qll UHf ,.the'S.. rrionl~throullhOuHh.ywar'ahdwelcomeal,1 ~ ; ~ ~ -' , .. ¥aur est tlaroldand Oaisv Edward.s.

_____ ~__.. _".,.,L-__'1--

Page 5: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

M,try deFf~e~.: oJnd SUt' 01.,,00""J~I! 91)~J,.hl fInd AUdn~y Groneb/:(drT'l1:' tl new member

L'...)d,:r 01 MMlhd Circllll' In lhl~

h()m~~ of Norma B(l(k"'ltrom Wd'.io

lId Noyc',If W",> ,~n"oun,ocl the

c'tJn·,lm..t'!>- pOlfuc.k drnn.-et lNiH ~..<,:r'~l·d 0('( 10 .). I1oon- Tttle ofth'! proqrdm wdl 00 H6ecOfnl~

LI\o-'~ Cf}Jldrcn," dod ho:~te!)!IIDi.

Will be memt);;'-;-ol the e-;K~\le( ()mmdh:~:

THE FOuR dJre,'o~reunder the- sU~fvlsion of Or,Helen J. Ru!sell. profes5Of oftheafre. dnd JuJi 8vrney.techni(lJl, director.

HiE PROGRAM .'.> ,Jlmea .)t

,.II .uw qrOIJpfj ,md nliJ-!oICdl I,)'.t(:~

·H1d 11111 IrH..lIJdt" ,) nUlltllJre 01"lIItJlnC}, pnt,lChlnq. go·,pPI. diu',lOti', <md h!~,tlfn()ny

. .Tiens\lold, Marla Andar$M, TomFletch.r· and Ran8urel<. Assls·tant director Is Rod Grove. .

rls. Tore N.,!OtI, Tra~ 'Teeters.Marl< 'Shufelt.-Mlchelle 'e«~


.wd dl the low,}. SIdle F'"lr, 10W<1Chrl'i-h,m (ony('n1l0'1, countyI,I/r., lown :c~If!brl'lttOn~,

r'."~t'''II',. rldr':,lIS, c,)fnp,> .,nd.(.onccr.t ... In mc'>' of the 50 !J-talcsdnd P'Jf:riO Rt(o

PrOVIding UO% qeoorllllon ,~p

P(".11 ,'011 !:)(!- 111(" llUlc G"lewd~~.

r f/fTlprj(,4<'d 01 '>1;01 (hlldn~n r4nglnq,n ,HJ(", tram '.JrVI~rl month~ io 11,/',Ir', Ttlt,y ,llw Nill p~!rfon'n

'J~}(l/Hlltll' U)flU'r!

C••t Is '''The Golda" FI~'are Mlndee Zimmerman· andTrevor KOCh. Rod Bur.k Is tllilasslstanf dl~edQf. :~

The nlne· ....mbef' cast of "ThePatient" c includes DarrenFlckbolim,·AnnMarle-SI~IW_Dana Rell, Tim Ryan, ToddMcDonald. .Laura VonBergen.Keith Chrlslie, Kim BiorIh and

·Shlr'''v Rledmann. Assistantdirector is Daniell Krahmer. .. Karl.... Sonshoof " asslstanld~r.cfor for "Murder ,fttMoorstone5 Manot"." Members. ofthe ca,t are Mark SchWedhefrr),

'N~LODgeJ_Strange[~-':'_program presented atWorld Community Day

-R~d~",-m':" -L-.f,... U)!;'.r;:~-r. -LCW(1((1.:,> ml~t W~~dl1t:',d<1(. tJcJ'( 1/

Lf~,)der for M<1ry (lrl,I... ,II <:}

,'t'rl ;;'''ll~ V'oft} Mi:'tl~r .TI'tf: 1,!",'.f.I_nloPE!: .~iil~ uP~rtdk.~r<, 01 Gr'ICf~


Athmdlnq W(!(~ II rnernbl!l".,wd Clle glJt'!>L 5i",h.'"r SophwOdmme. wrQ.lJcqllnp<lnicu qrO\fP\lfHIIT1g- - m77r;-g 7it:'fc N,;Jr9drl~'

KOfn dtid ReqlOd Keirn

. MEMBERS OF the cdsl "fOf

Th... RC"III 'J<.il Gule/Jay Sint,ll:'-,Will perform ,II ~un"j.!iI "Ii th('(hl'j~fidn Chvrdl in Wdlo;'!fll~ld

Fndav Ihr0u-tlh ~uflddY. No~

1810fhelr per lo~m;}n("';s dr.:

~<h~-dl)lcd Fr,d,l, ,mn 5iJiurddf~'",enmg ~tt' 10 p,rn _.Hld SU!1dtl.f'iii H)-JO d tTl .jnd 7 p nr

1 h." pUbl!!: l', ,millc,·d I,). .lIlt-I'd

Th. Wayne State Collegetheatre deportment has annOlJnc·ad the cast for four on.·act playsfa be 00' too mid Sec.• and 7..

tHE GAfEWA'J' l}lntl,:t",Hl_',j

1;'i("h?r,ln full l'lrni_' ",mQ!I,q qql\~P~Yllhll'i ttl!: R<:',l~(dlir.m ~M(J~";

by Terry Glltlam and Mlchae'Palin. dlrecfed 6V Joe Faulk,

Redeemer Lutheranci rcles plan pciffuck

~_~(j~~1(~:'~"~lli'~1'1 1~;llt~::~~~:. !l,':;:pb~"'.:d on f'lj:j,O ,1I1(l kl'~II'.'lln

WSC announcescas'tforone-acts

"Dealh'l include Byron. BonsalLGwen Conklin. Jeff Sore-sen, lilaAlexander. Don Knelfl, Dianne­Templi:--Marly Howard. Rod

. . Groye. Cjnd~n. Linda

C"nler. folal cosl of the equipment was S22,24L93.Winner> of drawings Saturday were Cap Peterson,Wayn.'. quill; Belly Williq, Wayne. C'hristmas tree,~orl; Mr>. Henry KohL Madison, oval ruq; andJ<,anetle Gla", Fort Collins, Colo" a 1900 Century doll.Drawing the names was Anne Svoboda, execulive vicepl'esident of Ihe Wayne Chambel' of Commerce. Sh"WiI' "",",I',d by Norllerl Brugqer.

SAfURDAY'S SNOW (liDN'f ,lop huntlr,,'!', ol',hoppers from v~nturinq out for the .lnnual idll bclZaarsponsored by Ihe Wayn" Commun,Iy Ho',p,Ial Au.iliary. Auxiliary PreSIdent Jan Kohl saId an l:~flfl1tltrJd

$3,900 was raised during fh(l event. The mOnl!y VIlli qo'owards helping pay the PHn.lininq balance of 55,276,93tor two new heart mOOltQf5-, ~1 central ~fc1tion ..and twoportable tt?lemetry .unlt':> elf Providence Mndl(cll

ShOpping atba.zaar

Mrs.' l;mma Savermelsfer of Norfolk; formerly of Hoskins,

Ntne rnernber'i dttended the Noy \0 meeltnq of Sunr~yHomerndkers Club. held In the home of Ardyce Reeg France',Koch won !~e ~ri/l'. H1 cards

Next meettng WIll be Dec 8 "I 1 30 pm "",th DoraHlYDangberg There wtfl be d Chrislmao. gJft exchange

Sunny Homemakers meet

Brent Ka~ll. son of Mr dnd Mrs Wtllis Kahl ot Wakefield, wd~H,H~ reclpient recently ot d Cltfford HIcks Key ..11 !he Unlversdy'of Nebr'3ska·Lincoln '

The key,> are, awarded each year to Ihe lop :W sophomores lfl

ttw (1<.155. with the Cef>::'rrlony IdR;:,;.g place during file lunlordcaderrlte year. The event tS sponsored by BefalJarnma Stgrndbusiness honorary aod..the faculty of the Co.l.legt' 01 BtJ~ineS5 Admim,">jratlon

Thi' Hicks Keys have been awarded to outstanding s1udent.,tor the past IS ylMr., Profess-or Clifford Hicks served on the UNl. t~H:uHy for '-13 yeoI''> dnd ~·.,Ia5 chatrrrwn of the Department 01Business Organtlilliol1 and Management from 1950 unttl Ill'>

rt,tfr=iknent in W08Among tho~,e attending the speddl awards ceremony Nov 12

I/.eri' KdI1F<, pdrpnt'; dnd Mr <lnd Mr". DenniS Kahl of SchuylF',

Disabled American Veterans Chapter 28 ot Wayne. .and lIsauxiliary. met Nov. 8 in the Vet's CIUb~OO .

Plans. WNe made to play bingo with re dent,:> Oi fh'e Nor-foil".Veterans Home on Dec. 5 at 2 p.m.. he auxdtrJry mIl lakecookies. to serve for .-i:ifcs-hments.

Duane Dolph dnd Chris and Verona Bargholl of Wd'{ne elltended OEC dod SEC m€etjng~heldrecenfly in Grarfd lsltlnd Wdynereceived certificates pt servlce from the Nebraska VeteransHome for volunteer serv.lce

Aug-us'c:dnd Neva L'Orenl€n alfended Ihe Veteran's Day proqran:i"Fr..y;ay at Wayne·Carroll High SchooL and (hns BMghol1and Duane Dolph attended the dedication ceremony of theKorean/Vietnam rnp.morjal d~rospect Hill Cemetery In Norlolk on Veleran'~ D<'Jy .

rqexl meeting at thf~ OAV and <luxl1idry WIll be a Chrl~tmds

P,lrty Dec 13 at B pm at the Vet·" Club 8mgo will prOVIdeentertainment, and p.~"'Ich member is dsked to brrng d pid~e ofrsookies for lunch

Mr'"s.. J-rm Rabe, .lIsco' Winside, wnderwent $urgery Nov. B dlLuthetan Community HospH.al in NrJrfolk.

Cards will reach her if addressed!o Mrs. Jim Rabe, LutheranCommunity Hospital, Room 218, Norfolk, Neb., 68701

latil receives UN·L key

Cards and letters will teach hIm if addressel1 10 GurneyHan'Sen, Bryan ~e:noriaJ Hospital. 48.48 Sumner S1.. Untolp.

GUl"n~y Han.s~nof Winside ,underwent stJrgery Nov. 9 at BryanMemorial Hos ital in Uncoln.

WinsWe re.ident.hospitalized

IJAV and Auxiliary meets

Town Twiriers dance at LaurelThekTWtrlers SquMe Dance Club met Nov. 6 In the

Laurel city auditorium Caller was Jerry Junck of Carroll, and- hosts-~----t::u-.etta--·R-o-s-..-tekeF· -et LalJ.f:€I,._Mrs_ Arlene-Graham ot Belden and Mr . .and Mrs. Edwa-rd- Fork of Carroll

Next dance will be pi€- ntght on Sunday, Nov ,0 Members areasked to bring-twQ pies Ho~,rs will be Mr: dnd MM Wdyne Lund~~ -.;}ttrl-Mt""S Howard Dtoth~fse-n, -aH of Laurel

----A-:"-'i"'-s-and-Decisiolis' .'0'00; ksllop, enhlled "Be-iiIHoliday: l{t~~<:;./'.ha; be;2n l!ancelea. at the North~ast Station.

The.wm:.k.ShD.P was sche..d!lfed to have been held Mond<;JY. Nov.21.

A spokesman for the Dixon County .Extension Service 'laid fhe.~ ~~~.f-Q..w~r..egI'Stration"IOmeet workshop expenses'

.. '$'s and Decisioils' CGIICeleci

Several rep()rt~presented duringA~ftCanlegion Auxiliary-meeting

Members of American Letuan Wayne·Carroll H;~:' S.chooJ whtch ThOmp~n.Commdnoor and Mr<:.. Eveline Thompson. 'HilS dpAUXfltary UnlJ 43 neMd <;':'v~ral expla)tl~ ,) vii,lelyof "ChO!d~'ihtps kay Sommerfeld. and Chri~ and pointed leadenihlp developmentreports durIng d meetinq ~lov J ~ a\f<illable to ~Iudents Parel'lls Vero"., Bargho/J chairman. There wilf be It leader~

tn the Vet's. (Iub room rtli.1y 1I1qulre al fhe qUJdanr.e RocelYlI19 <l ....ard~ ....ere Aim., 5hip development ,c:hool Noy 19Pre-5"ld('nt Louise f{amt:?r CijiWa cOU1l$lTlor'-s of1ic~ for mlJn~ intor Sptlttgerber. E mma SDUI~5, --trom--9 -a.m. fo-:t:::JO-p-:rrr:-cJt-ft1e-- LE AOE R OF -Oor( ,i~> (lr(-I~: tl'

fhe me,!!ing to (JrdN ,'IOn, ,S ITIf.illOn J. Marie Brugger, LO\JM'Se' Kahler, South Sioux City AmerIcan 1 p ITl 11,1"" a;1rbM.;·SH.'·>"I~r', Don.members and one gUe<,t tv"cll;':! A h.. lf/:"r dt~o nd":> (r",d Iron, EvelinE! Thomp'!>on, Helf.."n Legion HallBtllhetmer of 'WayrH: OepMtment Legl'Slatlv(' Chdlr Siefken. Roy dod MaDel Som Donations of $10 Of mM~ mre

Sergeants at llrrn<, pro tf:rm f"ndO Wlfma HarrISon, pnlll!('d merfeld, H~)(old Thompo,;on, and made to the Litflt Red5~:r~ey BrO<klTIan and (jun",l "Ll:I''J K(~(~p RInging tht' 81:-11~ lor Chft-':r-and V.e-rooa- B-Mqhoi-l khoolhou-se..- _Gold._ 5t..a.r......_~ __Svttak advanc('d jh~ colof'. Our VeH:rdn5 ''':' 5tlc <,>1'.0 (,f. Julio Hold'!> recetved a 30 hour Proceed~, ballgame bus for thefollowed mlh d ihdnhqrylln9 courilged rTlf:mb,!r'J. to KIJI.:·p It> pHl llnColns. Veterans ,.Home.prayer by Chapiain Mary forfn~Jd of velNdn~ h:Ql<,liitIOfl Recreation Fund, NorfolkKruger and proqrdfTl5 A REPORT on the p<lncake veterans oyster 511P~. Yanks

Member:, n;cd~~d lhv /1"9 supper '$ervC'd Oct 19 ~t the Nor WhO Ga ....e, Chap'!:l of Four'salvfp and sang tn":' .... <lfiC(1<./1 ,m A LETTER u~klng for n,v'~ fOlk Vet£.,an!) Home also wit'!! Chaplains, Ch-i1dren'~ Heart

~~~;l teA h:~;;:e7;eOln:~II~r~:~ ::~ ~~~~)~:~~'~;~ ,F~~: S(~fl~Ji~(~! ~~r~,~l r~~::da~t~n~~~; ~Ou::.erWllynr: _~~~::':~d the NatIOnal Catnedral~ae-a:r:r- -----lQ(~~d--..H~~t;t"I4h;...-- -~--Mttrr"K1'ttg'e1';--L-ott;"5t'~--_.-.. - ~._.. " "No Lc-r-.g-e-r Stranger,>" wilS A BRIEl: business mettlng 0'

It was .•lnnounced In d leHf!r Kahler, Eveline dod Harold THE""' GRO'ttP tndn-keUL.11'iQd ·=th~lO-P1:c:-::-''''a:f"";"";"-ffie-. prog?iJ~-nr='Wa-ynetRtJi'c1f-Womeff~onrrea==~-ME M6 E R SH IP (rldlr rndn t'-om D~partmf:n,t Seu{-,ary Thompson, Roy dnd M'tlbel Sam Grubb'O( e~~-9i- pillow preunted _dur1ng Vlotld Corr w_.J$ conducted prior to 'the pro·

EvelHlf! Thomp50n ulPorted Tre,lS\JrN Lynn Wlld.thot (QrJlf~'~ medcid, llnd ChriS e~rgholl <:a~e, '?r the 91~t asslgrHl''1.:tn' munify bay in Wayne, sponliOfed gram by t9t3 Presiden, Dorothythere are n paid up member", of the ABC 8001< alC ifv,'tlltlbh: A report on the Wayn~ CQunty Marul' Bru~ger re<:ej .... ed by Church Women UnlJed. Aurich

and announced thaI the loc<)! Ufltf (on((!rnlnq r~JIW' dnd regvl<1Tl(ll"', Amer~c.<l~ _LegIon dod AUJIf,IIiM'{ special recognition 101' m.,klO9.cO Approximately 7$ persons 'at. All member churches wJU par:oo:td~cS5fIO.J.or:~t- Qt !~~~_~~.I!.~~~.ltl.rY rnee!.il10 .QicL~.lU111!~_=w~~ _lil_P robes for the Nor fo~~ ~_programNov .4 at Sf tlcipa'e In the Fund tor th' ftffh-_

commUJ1t'Y If 100 percenl ~epnrl~r~cnt ~C.I,:rI3W; ~tta',r.> gl<Jen by MiJrleBrugger. ~mefifn"ltbihe'ifflre="~---'--'Pa-U1'~~-[u~theran-CflUr~- Decade.membership liiJ'.> reuch~d by ,lnd R~hdbtljt,tflon crl.llrrn<lfl Atfendlr.-g from Wii'lf",{;: W~(;jf Chaplain Kruger re.ad theNov IS . 8f!ftl!~e ¥Ieql asked lh~1 91H., IOF Mary Kruger, lOlJj~ Kliht~r,- --prc)4eLJoc..pedt~~JO~_

Helen SIefken. leglslall'If! Ifl(' (nri"rmil'; ql!t -,I"IOp f;j· H~J.en Siefken, Ll)Jd Scholer" ~~e- -'$inoln~ .cd Anu:rJc.a _dnd. __r.tMt_~r~j~.irL W'f'H~!H~ -~y_ ~-~hlrlev Fle1<:_her _cOl)duc'tl:d In·

~~~:.~:;:e~:a~;:;i~r;rr~n;'~~: :~~;'::~~~'t ~~;, ;~r '~'.~'n:~:: ~::~~~~n T;~:r~n~n~:~,;~li: . c~~';'~. A~~~~~:~I~:U~.;~~~: ~~£::?~~~~~;~::7:~1:::r~~r::~f~J.9Iforr:;;:-:;=-l-----Ora!ft-leJsslon-given at cIub------.- _~~.--- "_t)mf!la-rn;l-I~ Thtwq-h.f-~- -T~ (?~y(.. S.hQ!Jl~U~_-=-s.enl If) ,'. ,,-·~f'U9qe.t:-. fI<..Ar.-¥ __ ~ruqn. w~_:_~~_I_.tt9~_b~r._ "__ _ _ gra.m.

--'-~Mdftit.r.}",..__.-weIc~-4-i--e*~ Amencan Legion Takes <1 Sldnd -A leiter "(Om ~dliy' a(:oO(nl,ir~ elected VI(e'pr~ldel'il - NEXT REGULAR -meeting of -~~i::~~r~=:~:~:[-:::: New-oUJfe·rfar'·lInda Carr.J -0, Illegal,o,1 _AS ,. ~.d~.Y'?I..i!LE.ili£l~_!,",,~ed~!!.!}!__~o!l......will~~--.1he.allllilian WIll he pee -5 at 8 Strangers l;IlIesichsiii. Mal i 19tH fer, vice

Klatter Home Extension Club when it met Nov. 8 in the home of Kpspltal c.hatrmdn Ltndd ~np NorJplk Veterans HQlmf· (OUrlty c.on\l!1ntion p.m. in the Vet''50 Clir(,O' room president; Darlene Gaihle,Viola h.'eyer. t't-ierti- "were J6 members and two guesls ' Grubb announced she sent a (drd A thank you WI1~ reCI~I'JtMl frort1 There will be a S1 Christmas gift ,ecretary; Margaret Lundltrom.

Thf'l..tlag salvte was recited. followed with ~ briel business to Luverna Hilton and vISlt(?d ~wr Bryan Memorial HOSPltdl lor ltlj~ E;!')(changt' THE REV. Ooniver Peterson, trea,vrer.: Marian Jordan, firstmeellng. Tlnabeile'Long€ was in charge of a craft leS5.Qn. She tn whtle she was hospitalized donation It re(.Bivf3d The annual Chrls'mas par1y tor host pastor, delivered a brief board memb..-i and Dorothy

_-+--"'Od<=i<Uim;ia.J==""l'c:otJN.iIkef1·eld.druill!lC!llli;oJi,i!fL"fl!A'lJIl!lp",n~t-_~..--:. ~._.~ MARY KRUGER (f'por!('d on· veterans is S.Cheauled Dec. 41n h I 1 Aurich. second board memwho s~per\r'jsedmembers in making a folded star and Ct~nstmclS A LETTER waf, read' Iron, VOlLJl'lt'!er D.l\' held Ocl )0 fI1. et's lub room. oc a our to t~e communltV 0' Wavne.tree decorations. Department Education (hi)lf ~~urfolk :30 p,m.• with. supper at N~)(t_ acflv:lty. .lponlOred by'Marvol Corbit received the hostess gift. ma~ J.;tn A .r, ent1fled "A Stronq .Attending fr,om. Wayne Ncre program win follow. T-he pn:igram lncrude<..··.L-muskal Churc1'1 Women UrHti(rwlll beNexf,m@etlng will be·a ~hristma~ potluck dinner and gilt ex NatIon eeds trorlg 5chdols • Marie and Norb BruggcL Mar 'I s~\"U,e"t:Hng ~re' asked '0 Htectlons by _Gr.'!(:e Melton, .11(. World Day of Pfayer on March '1.

__",-..._..,1.._~t.~::~,~~~~n~'e=on='~D~'C:'~1~3=.=t.=~~=C~~?:y:.:..:m::':in=.~.::t~:e=.~;:o:m:~_=o:r:~:r~:~_~~:;"~=B~:O:C~:=~: •.••I-;_=.t:""'1r"o[~t,t;:ff.f''''~_~'~n~n~o~ur~~~dBith~::':R~:;~a~k~'~;;;r~"i~d~o. ~~:~7:;s~:;:~~~::r Lou,," ~~~~~~~' .... _.~.'~n ;?n•.~~~js~~~~~:_:~~~.nl~. bV...Mr~~._Q.o~""_~"'~~~

Page 6: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

THOMSEN - Mr. and Mrs, Alan'-ThomSel1, Wakefield, a

PEARSON - Mr. and Mrs.:Monte Pearson,: PhoeniX,'A-riz., a "daughter, Abby·Lorene, 8 Ibs., 1002:" Nov, 10.:Abby joins two brothers,James Dean and Pafr:ick Jon.Grandparents are Mr. and­Mrs. Decln Pearson, Phoenhc,Ariz. Great grandparents areMr. and Mrs.-'-Oflver-6emp..-, _.­ster, Orchard, and Mr. andMrs. Clarence Pearson. Con·cord.

"Thanks,Diet Center."

"U.:':'.l\:'x.sl2.nd..~_I!.rurcssWual,IUd~_~, . ~

Sa 11,\' ~t·",hm.;)if>t ('olfilsr'or

Begm DIet Center's Weight-Loss Program, andyou'll be thankful you did. If you begin .byT~ftnk~gfving;-y6u·~·l7'-Jec25rl3<_e..---11I-­

lighter by New Year's.·You'll do It WIthout shots or drugs, withoutslQnlng any contracts, and without ever gOinghungryCall Diet Center the fast. safe, natural andIn-expemIVE:fWay to-'lc)sewetghf------~

fHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17Immanuel Lutheran Ladles Aid

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18Wdyne Communlly Hosplla! Auxiliary, Woman',; Club room, 2

pmF NC Club, I rene Gcew(:, 7 30 p mAI Anon, 0r,lCc Lutheran-Church basemen!, 8 p m

SUNDAY, NOVEMBE R 10AlccliollC', Anonymous, Fire Hall, second floor, 8 30 a m

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21MOllddY Mr', Home> Extension Club, Wilma Moore1~1ree M'" Hom!..' Exl.!nSlon Club guest night meelihg

Icommunity calendarl

Valorie Krusemark, Stacey Kuhl.Susie 1V"a.Quistan, JenniferSalmon, Tim Schw<Jrten, CamThie!'>

Eighth grade - Sheila Anderson, Lana Ekberg, DWightFischer, Kelly Fredrickson, MolllGreve. RacqueJ Lueth, BrendaM(~l(!r, Scan Neal

Seventh grade - Sluart Clark

NIcoli e F renc h, K ar en Jrn;~iiiiiiG~;;;;;;i*~s;;;;;~~iiiiiiG~;;;;;;~~~;;=;;~Hallstrom. Michelle Otte, 8obb" E)~r.:J I(~Jl ,m~m~

We;."hau'e', Shoeon FRIDAY N' IGHT SATURDAY NIGHTWenstrand .

Catfish Prime Rib JillNoon Lunchol

1rMon~ay HtrQ_frlda.y--=.jl:3O-to-l~OO·--

a I t.. ~ Evening Dinno.-s m~

~... Mondoy thru Saturday -- 5:00 to 10:30 p.m.


(;J ml t.. Y ~: ...ht Phone: 'Ill

L· ~ ac!\.,i'UU~ ... 375·9968- iii"'Gi53iElGl' 1"'lai55liiiilS~Stiiii!5!5l!ilS~

Mdrl;ln Jorddrl rlC(Qmp,lnwdRoger Polt who <'unQ Ihr('e vocal

:?g~~t~;'nj ;~I~c(E-len(ror Nlt1-r;;,--


Wakefield listsfirst honor roll'

Officials. at Wdkefleld Comm(JOity School have released thenames of !>tudents listed to thehonor- rot I for the fir,>t quarter 01school ~. .

To l:?e eligible for the honor roll.studenh must earn at least 94percent in two or more solid !)ubjects,- and no grade below 87 perc(mf

Honor roll students areSenJors - Kelly Greve, Cad

Johnson, Shelley Krusemark,Michele Meyer, MichelleRischrTIueller, Susan Rouse,Karla Stelling, Julie Wageman. STUDENTS receivIngTrlsha Willers honorable mention during the

Juniors - Jane Gust3f~on, firs1 quarter at school (earningOarla Hartman, Ci;,dy Jeppson, no grade below'a7 perc()nll were-Brian Soderberg, Ronl StMll, Seniors - Krls Carson. Jeff CoMelodic Witt ble, Jeff EII~s, Troy Greve

Sophomores - Kri'.>tal Clay, Juniors -' Kelly BarkerTanio Clemen1, Ed Haglund, Freshmen KellyJohn Hal ....erson, Krist! Miller, BoeckenhauerL..B.r.i1.d....L.und..=I..amTerri Nueornberger, Sheri PC,1, my Nicholson, Desiree Salmonson, Suzanne Stelling. Eighth grade - Michael

Freshmen - Kralg Anderson, AndersonBrl(ln Bartel!'>,' Bruce -Bartels~-- Sevlfnth grade'- BrendaDawn Boafman, ..Bobbey Greve, BaeckenhauN, Tony Halverson.Kaye Hansen. Randy Kinney, .. Elliot Salmon

daughter, Indsey arle,Ibs., 916'-()l;7=N~v; it, ----P"r-c=-

f":cm:ttl;-Von~Minden~-wrtf.:-o+·-·e-l-tt~----- ~ .pj:.{'<;idec' at the...b.uSin.es.s _-------¥.1deo.ce..Medital Center I Ind-St,l!l! ':iendlor Merle Von MlOden. The I\ag s,'llute was retl ted dnd meeting. which Intluded tipS on sey ioins two brothers, Cory·,pokl: un palriotism al t.h!.:. FrldilY d moment of silenl prayer W,)" p>lrlldmenlary procedure by Ida and Ryan, and one sister, Jen·dlfi"i"rrlOon·ri'lecTi"rlq-01-mf.l---v,,t<Jvmr- ob"ler.... e-d-- -Hl--r..enw"mfJH:l.(t(.-C- ilL. J..enlii..m _ _ J1!ter. Grandparents are Mr.FI:derdled Woman'<, Club veteran', Hostesses wer(' lltd Jenkin,>, andMrs.-·CarTyte-Garvin.-----

Pauline Lull. Eleanora Helthold, Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs.AlmiJ Splfllgerbcr nnd Vera Robert Thomsen, Wakefield.Peterson Great grandmother is Mrs.

'Ci~6'~{ ~·~~~~~d°{y~~-·;:om(ln.~ ~__rJ~~"C!r_~_x'?_~.s.~.~_ern,_.~~~!.~_

Sendtor Von MlndBn also spokebriefly 10 thf~ 30 mr~mber~ and "lJ

" .~il\..tr...5.b__<li!..~.DSH':19"_~!l.5l ... y~ter~'2.:·~-,·-o~w proqrrlm in ihe ·WomiH\ "

LUf rs 'iAI[, they hope_~~mili~5- wiH POi .special. emphil!:.'1io ,on < family fQgether'ne!>sn.e?it: v:,e~k" .during Na·flondlJay~ee Fl'lmlly Week, '

WAYNE JAYCEES als-o aresponsoritlg' a po~ter 'conlc5-' forpre$ch.oOl thro1.Jgh fourth gfade.

Pafticlpanh. are asked, to drawand color (J pic,1uf'e ~n (1n 81 J" X

11" paper focusing on the therwJ,"What My. Far:nlly Like'. 10 doToget~r."

First and secClnd prites will b(.'('lwarded In six, (;alegorl~~, ineluding pre$chool, kinderg(}r'len,first ·grade, second grade, 'hlrdgrade and fOlJrlffgr;!}de

Vdung~tel"'!l. are askeet to wrrlctheir name. addre'S$, grade, ilgeit~d phone numbel' on the botlam

Young diapetic rec~ye~-9ift

ct"..HI"'; C"n Do Th. TI!fCKI

WAYNE JAYC,iES ,lndJaycee-ties wiU bltgln ttJe weekwith a Game ""'9ht for mem~rsat the Jaytee Hall on Monday,No.fi·. 21 ",:, p.m,

Various,games wilt be furnish:e~ tor the entire famltv tOl'rov~de

an opportunity fer·p:::-er.ts.,to fo,t.eract wHh their children" '

Guest speakers- Tom and Tonio.orenk...\mp o-f Fremont' ,willdiscuss tamily Ufe and family i~Ctiv/ties,

Anvone interested in attendingis asked call V~rdel or MindyLutt. ~7H 192.

YOUNG MICHAEL HOEPPNER of Laurel. a diabetic, rec()nlly received a gift of adextrometer to test his blood sugars. The dextrometer was donated by StacieBlei<:her, M.O;~and-famil¥orLinceirn:.Michael. who ili the nlne-year,old son of Mr.and Mrs. Jerome Hoeppner of Laurel, is pictured wifh hIS mother, Renee, at left.,lnd with Georgia Janssen, president of the newly formed Wayne County <;/lapter ofthe Nebraska Affiliale, '-Americillr"f)jabetCS1~"oc1"'ion, Announ<:ement 01Michael's gift was made...!turing a recent meeting of fhe Wayne County DiabetesChapler. The chapter, which was formed in September," meets the second tuesday01 each monfh In St_ Mary's School basenienf in' Wayne. All interested persons areinvited toaltend. Other officers of the,.group a", Rose Rieken, vice president, aodKathy Tooker, secretary-treasurer, ._.

"---Grace Your TableThis'·ThanksgivingWith -


Mr~~, Sophie' E binger of('(~d.H Raptd'It, 10'.'1,'.lorrnurly ot HO~Jqn~, wlHob~.crvt.' h('r 90th tmthduyon Saturdav. N.nv 16Mn~ Ebin().ur ,)od her

hlJ'\bltnd, the ldl •.' f(~~v Ehin9~~r, rl''';,lded III H()~klfl':l

~I,v~(;.'n ylMrs when hr.! Wd5p~";Tor of HIt' \JOliNfBr~th(t'n ChV«,h HI

HO'jkinsCMd... and h:lh.''''> wlll

nmch hC't' if rtddxf·',scd fo2036 G-',li'dt.' Ave -!;T;.­

Ccdilr R,}pld!'>, ''''''''1 ;1·10;;

OrveH. 810menkamp wasolecledpr..ldenf01 LWM(. Even·'fng C'rete when It met Nov. 8 a~Grace lutheran Church.

Other offlcef'-$ ar~ Mriry Lou.E"leben, vial pre.ldent; Viola'Hartman. secretary; and Flora

LOf'ralne Johnson pre!Jided at'The meellif!l7"an'f.Valor", Mor·dhorst read III T'Kanks lYing

----~prayerfor opening devotions. At,._-'1endlng'-..er~be<!UUld..

two gyesfs, Jill Klaver and Pdf!lEkberg.

CORRESPONDENCE Includeda reminder from MarclneRohrberg 'hat the .(hUdriltn'$E~r6jr-Ts-ln'prOgres5.·--Mary'­lou ·En<teben r__fed on 1MFall Rally,

A:ihank you was receivecftrom'he KRU ministry. and currentmite box prolect, were fistedfrom the Inlernatlonal LWML

Verdina JOh' a,~mounccd lhat,two baby cards and nIne birthdaycards had been ·scnt. ,A reading,entitled "Molded By Ihe Lord,"Wil5 presented by Chr l'toUangrowth chaIrman Mary Loo ErxIe-ben.

TwUa Wolfers Introduced theprogram with Susan Vogel 5how~

Ing a Ilfm'ltrlp entlUed ",Angel ofthe Everta5t1ng Gospel TheSfOfY of Martin Luthor."H(a'e5Sf:~ were Lanora

Sorensen, leola L.)r~t'-n ?ndLt1FlIIY~ Endeben.

Ne,d meeting wlH be-o-ic~13-df

a p.m. In ~e church·ba!.CMefit.

Former HoskIns

woman marking'90;11 bIrthday-'

Wayne Jayc"" FamUy Week""Will bi> Ob!erved Nov. 20·26, ac,

:cordlng :fo local Jaye"". Pre.l,:de~l Verdel LUll an<l JaYC<!lllle..Pr..lde~l Mln<ly Lull:, : Emphasis will be placed on Ihejmpaftance'of the family as an In'mutlOl) by many 01 Ihe 7.000Jaycee chapfer$ acrOs~. the 'country in c()njvndion with 'he Na·Honal Famity Week.

More thon 210,oqo voung men .and, women between the ages of

_ 18. and 3-5 will fO(U5 attention onthe ral-e of- .he famlty in the com

Imunlty. ~ ~


Page 7: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

".- Foo"",U in I'" Ionomper., . ,When I ordetl!d lickel. lor la.. SundaV'.ICOlbaIf game between lhe ·Kan.... Citv Chle'. and ''''',Cin,

cinnall 8e09al. baCk In Au;u.t, the ladv on ,t"" phone told melhe seal. wore onlhe '$'vardlltie. 'StH! didn't lie. Bulshe foiled hI felp"" thallhey ......0 10' row. from Ihe"OP oHhe .,adillm. ,'.II you have ""... been 10 K.C,'. Arrowhead, Stadlum,Vou know how hl~1t Ihtl,'ls,'" VOU h~veri'I,

study the cartoon on the "Cheap seats." column htad - that's similat to 'the Yl~w'offtte flefd~from

thol ""ighl. --':, ..SJUlng that high up In the stadium IOrt 0' brings the high·allit"!de fdns-'~efher,';"No~e,bleed',' and

"thin a4f"" jOkes aboUnd. T '. -~.

00l1a have pe.nUl1> ,I attended the game with an entourage of former college bUddies, Rick Poore. ba.".e. Egr a~d Big.

Giant. Dumb. Stupid Larry (of former "Cheap Sed'S" fame.. .Rick, the consUmmafe Chicago Cubs base~alf fan, came.dS more ot tl courtesy to'·me than anything.H.e lives and dies with the C!L\>~, He has died many deaths over the YC<lI''i. .,r

Rick', main concern Sunday was finding ;l>peanul lJendor to !.iJlis'", his 900ber pea addll;;t!on Whichhe.acquired at W.rigley Field, .-.

Uii!Ot"'unately for RI.ck. and much fo our leasing delight one(ouftf n~~ be lovnd There were beer

"At .e:,st at .Wrigley Field they h!l'iVe'plenfy of .pea~u' vendor!;." Ric~ I~lmented.

Wejrdqyy.~ ,With nothing belter to~, Rick decided to become a'ivocal Chief!'.' 'dn, if for~no other reason ithan '0

annoy tM 14riJe contingent of "NOrthern Kentucky Beng111 Boos,'ers" sitting a lew rOW5 away. TheseguV' are to the 8engal5 what Rick is 10 the Cubs, -

Most of fhe!,.. faces were painted with orange and block Bcngdl o;lrJpt's One gv,;, w",$ elle,.. wearing "CI"(tnnaH htlmet. 1

RI(k, who 5tand~an of 5·8. immediaf~lv !itdrred pic kino on- the le.lde'r of the group·: (1 huge mo"---~.nt a ~at with a 'oy koala beM on lOp ot it (don't .lsk me l

~fter every pro>Cincinnali .ch~r., Ri<k would yell something 11k£.' 'Thdt' ... prefly big I.llt\. r.or .~ '~l'

rna" wi.lh it bear on hi~ head!"I Ihink it 101 of ~j!=*''$ unabated valor was bdsed 'Upon lh~ ;>re':otm.:'f1 'If 61q Ghlnl (f.!IC ) L,lrry, who

'Stands 6·' and tjpslhe old Toledo al ~lboul18Spounds (-"I weigh Ihr(."e ~..pinS'Qn tiw "oC,)lor.!'· 15 Lilrr'f'~

v'Sual reply to qWt'tes about hi-s bulk;

-----!Jaa55tQ,.nHiEflF'tbt---------Ji!#--(;e~~-___,-----,--\'..N.'aa'fy"R..e-'C;;,,""~'I-'-----~~ial1~G4<mlef''Q_-------JJ!aa...r~J'''OiH"~e~5i~---+------------:----::-:----,-:-------------- ---Wilkeliel,d, Wakefield Allen Blimp,' "Ve ,,,·w8~man East Seman East a.man· East ~if\~i'k~epfIbu~Vi-dnnOy~ng;~~ a;n~:t f~~~r~je,l;~~r;-.~:'~ ~'i~1tt~~-~n:~~,~~

'Offense. Oelens. Oe,fense II we couldo" .... Ihe boll,We. hddn't the tors1ght to bring along blnou;lar";., so we hdd 10 Willf for thl' n~lo! of Ii'll} (ro..~d~~' r~~iK

lion and the referee's !:.tgoat before we (ould felt II {j pu"'''' WdS. wmpleh,', or fIt)l

~--:TO C'rea p~ay-er--5-s/"rs-- f '1ea-m' -- ~_ le~~~e:'r~~~~~~f~e~~~~::S'(~:~~:::~~::~::-::~'tSH}\l! to h,'IIIU'.1 hoh ~1~q~OU'" ~J Chwf~1'J .1 _ 'U~ J, • _ MI+dld.', Ilk. "'" be'"e at ey' " .., wit""'". gi'"'' 'e'ev",,,,o--,,,,,,n ,,'op '1~• ..,..,'U"'d",m"

_. The devise is gre.l. 'or watdllng m~fiJnt repl<J";"" b,,lf in ttl£' mf(-nm, !he idn"'ilre m"nd...,ed wl1'"h rl-- -

<ons1c1'l!..b~!f..ROe...o.Uele.Ut~on ~tr,.(>rcidls G4~11 You lu~1 (,In·t f.·',C<lPf.~ f-A.,dl,,:;oTl A"'I~(I~/t.·

l~'&'.,·C-,g~n'~~.-.-Cl',--d,,' ,e---,~--~--r~: 's-~__~"'h_~~,o"·..~n-~....- ·a,'r-,-~e~,~"d"~ ,,--- _~~_~ __A"QWh.Odj'.~-ice':dlum-o'mQ"foo~:.n"" "_ ... _ Ever)'lhi09 .is%''pJMt-te·' jhal yOu f~I.4'r~lldyou mlqh! br1".',~" ',orW:iJtJmq I W,I', t.'V\~r1 (1:lurl(l<lfll 10',pl' on the Hoor f~ fear of being handed" pilper to¥..~~1 hy tt~t-Nl!.llnl~v, Poh(l: .

Gi,ve me qood oldMemoridl Stadium In LIncoln dnytim~ Th'.'llIM.e h,y, 11'. '.hd(~~ 01 (rl}rnbh.~'1- !HIO(.r.<u::k'io, bu1 OOle~ W'.h gfldiron hi1!lfory and (har,l(fer

l.EWIS & (LAR~ 11 MAN orVl;lljrJ

,Best of the rest'

Honorable mention: Cal Bartling, BretFrerichs (Coleridgel; Chris Jorge-ns-en.Kvle Mitrer (Winside); Brian Johnson(Newcastle). Ryan Swanson(Hartington). Sieve Bender. PhilWlesler (Wynot)

- -~

Lequrtll:fuMuch 10 Rkk'~ dcllghl, O~ br"Jve p4:imut vendor of!IICnIU~lll1" c!lITlfw(1 tnQh ,·nO'JQh •.m1,A RI(k bOlJqhl

IwO btlgS ~t $1.25 l)pjec~' .Upon inspecilon of the conlents. we dl!;ico...er~d Ih,ll (:d(.h bd!) l.Vfll,Hfl',"d d(Jpro. ,m,,!'-),/, lS p~Mnuh

SomebodY ;150 making iJ nk.<! profll fherf,"Oy the wlJV, th~ Chief'" won the game, 20 IS

Jorgen5<e:n and Kyle MUler on thedefensive side of the bat!

W~)kefje.d·s S~rbe('9 recefv·ed honorable mentloo on th.East a· man de1e1i'SiV(t team 4S didAllen's Derwin Roberts and KeirhKMlbcrg .

Honorable mention selections~:r~:::;g~ ;~:ms~~w~re~a~~;~~' ,.. ..

(Allen} and Coble 01 W,altefletdThe three All-Conference'

teams follow

Honorable mention· Kirk Metzer, PatBruning, Mark Boninei Bdncroft ROSdllf~), Brilon Soderberg! Wilkefield); Rodney Wal5CflIWaJlhIHl,Dvrwul Rober1~, Keith l(arlbE'rg (Allen);Tub;, rreye-rma~.•{Beemer)

senIorStott H.aber- Beemer seniorTim Ruge. W,llthlll, Senior.Wayne Guy, WaJrceHeld. ~n'or_


It Kurt $ladlhotl, 8eemer. senIor.B Brian Soderberg, Wldr:efiC\'ld, senior.o 1taVttfri5TIl2i~r,-UnTor

L r<od Geise, Beemer. juniorMarlo He-rmefbracht, Bancroft,

RO~>dlle, ~enjor

l - j.lso-':d:~rb:- Wake'iel"d;-s.opttomo-re. ­L MI~e Frdzey, Beemer. ' ..;ntOf',L St:ott _f.r,,_i~r9,_ 8~f'K'-rofU~~imJi>tl',

-s.cnior -"'­

Honorable mcn'lon: Darin Surh, KirkMI!llgcr {Bant:roH Rosalie); ShawnMahler, KeUh Kadberg (AlIltn); lukeBoilard. Paul Wingett {Wal'thllll

DefenseB Lyle Mariin, Beemer, !»enlorB Jeff,Coble. Wahfield. senior.B, Jay Jones. Allen, Ivniur.e Ar vid Has'S>. Beemer. juniorL Martin Roth, B"ncroft Rc-~l:e,

E Ighl man honorable mention\·"I!.'clIO'1', Irj<.luded Dan Mundll,"Dcl Jt·fl T hel~ 01 Wln'.;ldB on of!,:n"..- ,H1d Wildcat', Chr!~,

Bnan Hal',ch w~s pt--gg:ed for duty ,.,'> ,. d.'JfenSlve bdCk Ht wasthE' only af"f!d play~r on the11 rn<Jn SQuad. dHhougtl 1(~arn

(nak-, L,:<rr¥ Oybddl Jim C~l<;;ey.

e(('I,' lj.jl"{ h 'lllrJ II/Iilr;' H'.:'f"r. /'H:t ll!d for

Dpl"'llst:·B Bill P,wl',lln {i>}, las) Empro;.cmHulJbMd. SrB Bob UlerTl.lr ~ (64, 205) EmersonHubbdrd, Sr -IB - Bfl31l H'-lIsc!l (5-11. 1751 Laurel, Sr8 Scoll 51<0"'1 () 9 145) Hom~r, SrB Chuck Younq lS ~O, 111) Ponca. SrB Wade D\'nnl1> (60,195) Wauo;.a. SrL Ldnte 01l:r'lth ((1-'], nO) EmersonHubbMd, 5rL je,hn Mohr ltd, 170) R.or'!ca. JrL Wee, BOd!" 16 0, HUH Homer, $0

0,),..(, Johnson 16 L HHH Osmond, SrL T"Hr)' CdurY< (60, 190) EmersonHubb<l~d So

Honorable meutfl'J": Paul P·etcrsCIl, Pdf

Uaiy, Gdd CUfH'llngham (Osmond!.Brldn Frhtf~rf, OHo Woockman, KrmGdld"n {W,)U':.i.l!: Bren.t Halscb, JImC(l"{'Y {t.<'l'.Jrf:"I); Todd 8("acom. Brent8(!nn~.'I1 O,lna Book, Marv Ftl1(J{:'rIPoned! O(~dn Fuscher. Marly H<1br()(~

J Ern'.:r~.'-.irF Hubbard). TJm McClain\Hum.~r:

The four TrOI~lI""., ,J,f! I01n(>O blAllen High School's Jay Jen!-..,

~'<~:,,~:~\Ck~!d Inr Ihe delen'_! "."

01'1 the 1 r man ~"q...,,)d. L,J'!r(:' '.

fe-nsive team ie/dun,-:,Wakefield's Bnan Soderbl."rg inthe backfIeld and Ja~<)n Ero In

Ihe llnf;! while J{.'ff Coble ,"d'. t«bbed <15 .a d,:fen ..,I ....e back' ,mdWayne Guy for rjf!!l:ns!v~: ill\',· duo


OffenseB - Dean Fuscher (5 10. \]51 Erner<,orlHubbard, Sr.B - Bob Backman (5 10. 160) PonCd. SrB' - Carl Fuclberth (6 O. 175) O<.,rnOlld

Sr _B - Wade Dennis (6-0. 195) Wau<'d SrL - AI Belt (.510, 210) ErnN,>onHubbard. Sr,L - Jim Fuelberth (6 O. 190) OSlnOlld. JrL - Gary Anderson (6 3. 165) Ponca SrL - Otto Woockman (6 1. 180) Wausa SrL - Lyle Schubauer (5 11. 180) 'HomerSrL - Ray Paulson (5 11. lBOI E friersonHubbard, Jr,L - Ron Brand (6 4. nO) Osmond. Sr

Honorable Mention. Tony While, Ldrry

Anderson, John Mohr. Chuck Young(Ponca). Bob Ulemark. Shawn Jensen.Mike Heitzman (Emerson·Hubbard),Brian Haisch, Mark Herrmann, LlrrvOybdal (Laurel); Wes Boals, MonfyGreek (Home.) Gar, Frodymd(Osmond), Todd Lundberg (Wausa)

The Lewis and Clark East of

on the West team by runningback John Hawkins and linemanreceiver Scott Janke on offense

Dan Mundil earned a berth ontl:".e defensive team as"," defensi-veback and is joIned by teammateJeff Theis, who was pegged forhis defen.sive line play. Theis is ajunior and the other threegraduate this year

DefenseB Mark Promes, Newcastle, senior.B - Dan Mundi!. Winside, senior_B - Scott Storm, Coleridge. senlor.B - Mike SlockwelL H~rtiQ9to-n, juniorL - Russ Miller. Coleridge, senior.L - Jeff Thei1>, Winside. junior.L "- Richard Newton. Hartington. senIorL - John Knelt!. Newcaslle. senior

Honorable mention: Mike Olsen, TomJacobsen (Coleridge), Dan Mundil. JeffTheiS (Winside); Mark Promes(Newcastle). Wayne Johnson, NickOpfer (Hartington); Dean Wiesler(Wynot)


The Wildcats are represented- "

Winside dnd Wakefield fead theWayne Heralp-'5 coverage·areaschools with four picks each onthe 1983 Lewis and Clark Con·terence eight· man football AlI­Conference teams announced thisweek.

Allen has one pick on the eight·man squad whife Laurel placedone player on the 11-man team.


L ~ Kenny Koch. Colerld9~. senior.L .~ Ed Schulte, Newcastle. senior

--k --B-..E~el~iof'~-~L - Scott Janke. Winside, senior_L -- Tom Hochstein. Wynot. senior.e - John Hawkins, Winside, s,enior.B -- Bnan Johnson, Newcastle. seniorB ~- Chuck Olsen. Hartington, senior.


Page 8: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller





M33·39 4 35.34M16under 1 36'14MI6under 2 36.54MJJJ9 5 31.03M3J,'39 6 37.10M3339 7 37.14MJ3J9 8 31.21


. M40 45M2S·32M1724M40'45M3l39MI774M510llerF28·35FI4,underM1774M33J9M510llcrM75·32MI724

Sc:huylerNorfolkWayneWestPointPIlgerAIf15worthPenderUncolnWisnerWayneWayneNorfolkNortolkNorfolkS:IOlJ~ CityNartolkWayneStOUIl CilyW'nsideWdyne,Bulle

Tom ArnoldBob Smith$tephen MonsonOovgMoritlDuflyMeyerAndy AndersonDon PearsonPaUl DurbinJet/GrelleJim PodanyS,d HillIerJerry Holrnbc!rgKellin Krdmer~Harl

Sillly BrentTilnya AngellChrts HilherMike BerOMlddrdRoger Cu'iShiltlMichilel PelrdsekJohn 0 Re,s-er



~1~1~lon I'I,H\)1ll lun,Dlvl,lon

MIJI7 , 110'Mt317 , 113:1MI829 , l1$8MJOOllcr , .1305MI829 , 1306MJOOllcr , >J .-MI829 J 13 nM30 (lll~'r' j I~ Ql

MIS ~9 1,10';


W"ym:W"yt1CNorloll<Me'ldowGr"lIl'tClrroll"'h~~! POIn'l"~.,lm,lh


[11<1"''' Jrll,',f-l,.I<,rMinchO,mWolv('rIOIlWlill"m Ijculter •f),If! H"n~cn

Rw,·. W('<'hn"nJ:Lmdy Car~.OIl

H'Hb Anq"UvlI'CI M()~I'lY

·Il} ,""",,

Johs wins 2-milerun·with a 12:07

nets," he said. for Men's 25-32 years 01 ,e c.

Clty;-Ve-rrhilllon and Blair." The" rate results are listedGrOiS said 45 of the 88 runners -"below, showing the overall order

won medals and another 12 were of finish,' home towns of th&"'Ft1fl"aWarded gift certificates from ners, their division. place in dlv!·-Io(;al merchants. sian and time: (NOTE: Dlvisi.ons

are abrevlated, I.e. M25·32 stands

same starting

land trimmed nearly two m'nufesoft the race record.

Arnold furned in a tlmeot 26:30ov~r the five-mile course. Tt'leprevious record of 28:Z2 wasposted by Roy Burre:son ofYanktOn. S.D. in last year's race.

In a)l. 101 runners. representlng 24 cities and ,towns registeredJor the Turkey Trots' twocourses. The tive·mlle coursestarted at Second and Mainstr~t5 and headed south beforeme.anderlng through theW,siwood and Marywooo sub­,,,,")Illons, through the campus ofWayne-State Cotlege and backdo~ntown.

II Andy Hillier W~yrll: M1J II IJ 16 n Bob Bower W,lyneI, .Iull<': n~·tllfl'r M':'ldoVi GI'UVf F15 3~ II 29 14 J,lm'e Meyer Pilgert~tpoint to east Tenth Street and .:~ W,md,l Art!lell ~,~;:~:~ ~~o ~1I1I~.~r ::.~ ~~ ~~~~e~i:;1 ~~;~I:

back ~~wntown along the same- IS ~~~lF~;,~r~"n W.:Jy'I' MJOovI!r IS 09, 11 John Hllfermann Winsideroute. , 16 P,)I,,(~ Om;(Jherly W,lyn,· Mill 79 IS fS 28 John Westerholm Concord----.-I.he..winning_time_onJ~~.H_IolH""I- _____.:__ ---'~ ""16).1 'T~7V Ron HoHmg- -- ~lkelleld

mile courie ,(J2~~7 by Wayne's ~:: t~','.lqn~~llt;:l~.'.rtr ~~';:~ft (H{)III' ~\S, ,::~~~.'rr : :~ ~~ ~~ ~~;~:nLH~~~~r. ~::I~~k ~~~;; ~;~~Blaine Johs) was almost two ,0 R,'~ H"wkm; fi"'{'rWrl MI829 1 15 ~8 32 Pilul Johnson S'OUIl City M4650 I 38:23minutes over the old mark 01 JI H'."mJoh'l·,on C:,lTr()11 F2SJS J IS 55 JJ R,mdyPedcr<,en W,lyne M33J9 10 38.21

1~;4~set last year by Mike Ives 01 ;; ~~:::,\:;,~~~, ~~:~I::;'k ~2IS11 ;\9 ~ :: ~~ ~~ ~';~~;;a~~t ~~:f~~l< ~.~ ~ I ~:~;~Onawa. IQvya. I '1.1 (,,,,,1 t. PI,,,,:, Em",'"" F~'l'>5 I _16.J9 16 Brent l2eoorwn Wayne M2~ 37 8' 39.28

In all, 50 runners competed in ;'J L",ml'lll,Jorn",,,,, W",,'''' ~ IS <J"d{'r ') 1I 11 3/ Jedn Joln$Sen W,sner F21 '27 1 39.J2

the five· mile run and 38 In the ~~. ~(','~t~~~v~.';~~" ~~~~::~~: ~:~ ~~'d,.'r ~ :~ ~ ~: e~~t~e~~<lrm~ ~~:~:::bU<' ~:; 2~lIer ~ ~::~two-mile categor-y. JB G{'nf' (.Y,['( W,l~'" MJO Ollt'r 6 18 OS <I{I 1~1l 'iopmry Wilync M17 24 8 01003

Turkey Trot director Pat Gross ~~ ~:~~. ~.(:;::'I:~~l' ~;',~;;~':,:I~,,,,..( ~~~ ~~~:,' ; :: ~~ ~~ ~~~~: 6'e~~I1~ ~~~:~:~ ~2285 3J52 ~ ~~-~~said the inclimate weather was to II Ptn,,~ Rob," h W,n "dt' f Ii'> 1.1 C\ 1~ IJ 4J PolIli ClJnn'nyhdlO l<llJrel F2127 ') .;1 43

:~ ~~,~'~~ ~:·::~a(l,' :~ :'<J':'I~" ~.~~--. ;: ~~ ~~ ~,!~~:\:e ~~;U~''--L-_-~~'!'':;"':~'''~'~,-----f:~~~~~~(~r ~ . -~4-i~ ,---"Oh,' definitely:' Gross said JI M<i1111\ !IT.,,.m 1''''1(" ~ 16 Oll,.r }l }) 46 c.l~d.'f Meyer Pilger F 14 under 1 4J 58

:...----- ----.- ---------' "'1----,-· ----- --.---=---- . ~ ''It-ke-pf-aJotofthelocalsouf,and )"i L,·, ..)r~lrI,,,lf,,,1 i.,.i(·l~' Ft6nv"r 1~j9 4'~ C,lrolKowalke Wilyn-e F1127.> 4408

__A~T::'~R~E~0'c'~O;"o".;n~P~,,~a~r~$~O,;n';;O~f~P~,,~n~d~e;:r~cr~OySr;S;'ie~sdt"h",e-!f,~jn"j",S"h-,I'!in!,e"O,!,f"t,!h!'c"l,!j""ve~,-,m!!!!i1!,'e~(JJo'Yuccr"'Se"-"'Wl!llJth"---~'~'m~51~IC:;e~W~':WO~I!~fd~b~',,:ve~ha~d,;m~nr::",--;;tl~I~'R,;~:~;t(~,~-_· -:W...·~:c;~~;;:::,I'-' ---i~",~ii;';;;;~I1~:;';:~,-T ",!fc:+~~~~-"~:L-4:~"'~~"':~"',~""'~",>.~~,~,~,,~----i.7~,,,:~dS":"''''''-. ---i;:,,,·'5ic','''':.;;c,,-i·,;-----i:''':T~~;-----a time of 30:37 and a sevenfh'pla-ce finish. runner; from places like Sioux lij j·.OII!«C"f.,I,.,11 'N,n'HI, ~]I,O\lO" 10 :''> JoyH.R"eq W,lync F18JS SO 01

-Ja-net Clasen (5-9, Sr.) Pittsburg State,spiker.-CIndy 1-fey (5-7, Sr.) Pittsburg State,spiker.-Sharon Lord t5·9, Jr.l Washburn, splker-Barb McMahIll (5·8, Sr) MissourIWestern, spiker.

Wayne city recreaiion director Hank Overin has announced theschedule fer this year's Me':!'s City Rec Basketball league, whichwill begin practice next Monday, Nov 21

The prC!'gram will be divided into three diVisions A Leagueplayers 19 to 26 years old B League playerc, 27 to )4 years oldLeague - players 35 clnd over

An new players in the program and all those players not notified byOverin through themail should sign up al the the (ily Auditorium atthe first practice sessions listed below

A League - Monday, Nov. 21 at 7 p.m.8 Leagu-t> - fuesday, Nov, 22 at 7 p.m.C Leaque ~ Wednesday. Nov. 23 at 7 p.mOverin said the first two weeks 01 the program Will be ".>trlclly for

prachce, With league play starting on Monday. Dec 5Ol,l-c.r:m...sa.id-.!dc.ulLy. members at Wayne State College are eligible

to loin the Ie'agu"e Wayne State students are not eflglble topadicipale because they hav~ access to the college's Intramuralprogram. Ove-rm addelrlhcff Wayne High School grads and formerl~ue players are eligible to play in the rec program. however

Roundball refs needed '

Men's ree roundball slate1Jiven ~

Wayne city recreation director Hank Overm said that relerees areneeded!9 qf~ici<l~a_fD~i~C;:.jtL~ec M_en'<, B~~ketbaJl_League.

-which begins play on Monday, Dec 5 -- --- -----Thrl.... games per night are played Monday through Wednesday

from 7 p m to 10 p m at the Wayne City A,udltorrum Refs itre paidS1S per night and receive their checks on the lir!.t Friday of eachmonth - - ------ - - --

Those Inlere5ted in applying should contact Over in at 375 2584 orcome to the audltorrum on Nov. 2L 2'1 or 23 at 7 p.rn

t·sports.~~ - - ~.

friday, Nov.18

Thursday. Nov. 17

College Basketb~11

Wayne State men vs Hasllngs College atKearney, 3 p.rn

College Basketball·Wayne State men vs, Concordia College at

Kearney. 5 p. m

Wayne State women vs. Hastings College atFremont. 6 p m

Wayne Sldte WOrllen vs Concordia College atFremont. 8 p rn

Saturday, Nov. 19

College b~sketball·

Wayne State men vs. Doane College at Hastings.5 p.m

sports slate

Gogan tabbed

Ali-cSIC nettersnamed

0- 00-27KSU

1764 110





o 7o 2'

WSC,11-( 10)



A look bdck on tho I'lIS3 ~ason withCoach Ch!'lpnhln, i,long with the OPI

r\lOM., thoughts and (ert11nI5Ct:~nce~ 01'.everal Wildc.)t seniors on cndlng theirCdrt'Or') at Wayne 5t..,te will aPnt-ar tn

Mond<w''j editIon 01 The Wayne Herilld

Troy Thiem (eight stoPs), Keith Turner(seven <;tops.) <"lnci -Lamont Lewt$-----(~ix

tDckles) were next 011 fhe tackle chart.

Wayne SialeKearney Slate

WAYNE STATE head coa<h Pete Chap,Indn said the Cats' failure to sc-or:e-early wasa key to the game -

.'WE' had some really good opporlunifies,"Chapman s<lld

He add-ed that the defensive letdown that'ji.!w the Lopers score 24 second quarterpomt$ "re,11ly killed us " .

-'We played well except for that, pertod."Chapman 5<1id "They were vcry phySicalthey r;tarfed wearing u.. dOwn

They Me t1 well coached t('.un, but they-- dldn'!'surprlse tJS wllh anything ,.

FRESHMAN TIGHT 'e'nd DarinBI.lckburn contlnu~d 10 fn>:ccl, c<ltetlfng liveacrja'~ lor 33 Y(lrd~, Wayne Sta'e'~. otherlight end In the two tight end ofll'mse. ScoltWilson, snared Ihrf.HO' pil<;ses tar 13 y"Mds

Running back Mike"Schmicdt led all W$Crushers. but only managed <) total of 10yi'lrd'!> Sl1bstitutc Norm Barth ildded 1l'lgtltyards on Ihrct" late aame tolcs

SAFETY KEN ~ohlhol pau!d _lhe $IOptroops with 17 lackles. In hi') 1<1,>1 pl!rlormdnce as a VVildcilt


KCdrney State. ~hlct:, 'lnIShc<! t.hl' l'~~dI' ",_,6 4 (4 3 In the CSIC)~-con-'rOI!e(fll\(~I;,lll ;:"1OS'0' the CQnlest <lnd gdvC Wtldcilt"'-dp.lender~qUlle iI workout

p.1SS. Jheft of the ;e.lf>onJochu.m~..1l .s.op.homore. finished tl-,p d~lY

'completing 12·of,:t6 passes lor 105 yards

BV Steve JonesWayne:..St.ataCopeqe SLO

Tho Wayne $f.ale CoHege football teamlo~t it!! ninth game of a 10'9ame schedule14M SalurdtlY, dropping iI '11 7 decIsion toKearney s.tate on the road

The Kearney Slate Ar\lelopt."'5 ~orp.d 24'!!'<.c)nd"Quarler points and adde.:t it Ih""dquarter field go., I «:;n route to the. win •

Tf;ec Antelopes limited the Ca's to 113yard'5 In total otrCfl$.C -- 113 ytlr'ds'throughthe air and j] mlnu,> 10 yards rushJng

-----.Ihc 10 .....as l;ct up bV Lamont Lewi'S'43 yard lntcrct>ptlon rr.turn to the Kearney37 yard line. It W,l') the freshman'" lhird

Of the C{ll!>' net yardage total. 5enlor wide. r~p.iVf!r Tom Wingert accounted lor 79

-yaf'd'; t)ft--itt5HtVE~cal(het-.-H-~~lotalrose to 48. a new Wildcat rec.ord. The oldmark (44) tor a 50inqle s-eason was held byJeff lrlgr.:,m, ~..ho ~cl the record in the 1978M':!IJ~on -<

QUARTERBACK ED Jochum came offthe bench after Marter Tom Leitschuck sur'ered severelv bruised 1i9aments In hl5

_J.hrowl~whHe--be#lgti,1rklvd gq Pi-­

kct>pCr'play from Kearncy's four· yard lineduring th(~ Ctlls' ffrst drive Leltschucklumbled on the ploy to MOp the drive

Jones edged CSIC Football Statistics Cats 9thby Holland O~~~::I ~~~ in offe.nse,Freshman Sonny jOt1~S was. Standings W-L· T W·L· T 8th in defense' CSIC champlOn MiSSQlJrt Western and Southern (12·2) came In second, it5 only

biJrely edged out by MIf"SOurl Washburn 8 2 0 6 1 0 runner up Missouri Southern each plac.ed losses coming at the hands of WesternWeslern'~ Jeff Holland tor the Missouri Southern 9,}'0 S 20 l:"he WIldcats of Wayne""Sfale two members on the first leam of the The complete All (SIC volleyball team(SIC crown anCt nallonal NAIA Fort P1ays State 8 3 0 4 30 finished noxt-fo last in teilfn 01 All CSIC volleybali squ{)d picked last followshonors in ldckolf n!lurns. dccor fense. In the NAIA's Dhlrrc! 11. weekend by the-eight conference coaches FIRST TEAMding to final st.ltt~.lic", r(rleu':'lCd Pittsburg Slate 6 ,j 0 4 )·0 ,1ccordlng to the year end R~!preSE!nting Missouri Western are _ Usa CunnIngham (S 5, Jr) Missouri

~. Mondav·· Kearney State 5 .s 0 4,J-,.O 5Iatl!itic~ rcle6~ed thl~ week spiker Shelly Skoch and setter Lynn Um Southern, setter.Jones finished !l(lcond In the Missouri Western 560 3 'J 0 District 11 Is comprl"ed 01 bach Missouri Southern'~. flrsf·team picks -Andrea Janigek (5·6. Jr ) Ft Hays State,

CStC and third in the nation 5 2 8 0 1 6 0 MIdland, Nebri.ska Wosleyan, were !lplker Tlnfl Roberts and seifer Llsil setter(Oivlslon I !j.chooI5) with a JO.\ Emporia tate Kellr,rey Slate,'Hasting", College. C,unningh<'lt":'1 -Angie Reed (57, Sr) Kearney State, Honorable Mentiondver8ge on 13" relurn! white Wayne State 1 90 1 60 DOclne. Ddn8. Concordia, Pl~r(!, spiker -Lisa Oaharsh (5.~ Jr.)' Emporia, spiker.Holland averaged JO 8 yardson 11 Chadron Stat~ ant.:! Wclyne Sf()te SIX players were named to both the first _ TIna Roberts (59, spiker) Missouri -Becky Gettemeier (5·10, Jr.) Missouritrle!!. '- good enough for flni,t in Wayne linlShed the sed~on with a-nd second teams while 5even received Southern, spIker Southern, spiker.the conference and second In the ,Last weck/s results -- Nov. 12 an llverage offensIve output 01 honordbl(.' men/JOn "-Shelly Skoch (5 11, Sr I Missouri Western, -Pam Gogan (5.9, So.• ~ayne _S_tate,;'u,llon. Fort Hays State 41, Missouri Western 21 L3.!4.6 yards. Last pldCC Chddron W~tyne Stolte did nof place any players on ..5.Plk.er._ _ __ __~K~------=-_ . ~ ._~ _~~~ --- -- - ---- - -- ~ I '~ldf(fontV1fi1)n{ige(f-an---(lVerdge--elT.ner -me ttnror secon~ 1.ea ms . tmr.the -Lynn Umbach (S 6, S9) Mls50urt --Sharon Hunt (5·1. Jr) Pittsburg State,, thony fed the nation wHh a 31 1 -- . Kearney-State-V, WiJyne Stat£~ 1 01 188.9 yards while district Wlldcat~' sophomore spiking s.ens.atton. Western, spiker.' setter .

. per·re'urn- rclge. PittSburg State 37. Emporia State 1.1 h~{tdcr Midland boasted (~I 468.& P,lm Gogml received honorable, mentIon. -Stac!!Y-_J~ku~~s!tl(6.0. Jr.) Kearney-- .. __~~"e ~t~ e 9!'~rteTba("J5.~Q:m._ -W"ashb-w::..A---24,. ~A---S~ert~ -lQ. mark. . -Conten:mce play concluded with Western s,eCONO TEAM State, spiker.

LeHschuck In sh fhe v~ar (1$ • The Wildcaf':l were third· from winning Ilsfirs1 ever undisputed conference ~-Tammy_Barth (5.10, Jr.) Kearney State, -Joann:a Swearegln (5·6, Sr.) Missourith~ eStC's .flfth best player fn Idflt in team detens.e,. '~II~wing oln title <If!er posting a 13 _1 mar~ ~-,1St t.ear, the ~~__ ~.QU1her:no.J....u:tt"'.Lr~~-C--~:C-.

~tl'n4ij ... gUlp",. PQr ..i'ljlJ.kr- .. dverage 01 J6Ts"yaros·per outing ---L-<ldy Grittons - <;:hdred the- crown- with -- -Mendy Chandler (57, - j;.) M-J;s~rl -Jodi Wamsley (5-9, Jr,) Ft. Hays State,,,' accounting (or an averal}t!' 01-120 Peru Stale had 'he dio,trlcrS Kearnr!y State Western. spiker. $p.lker.

-~o!7;:;:~or?A;tr'wf.°~~}- CSIC~s-tatS-lut ~~;:,g;~~; y;~E~:E'~~~~::::,~ Iwak-",Oeld bowl.O-ns I"Le'IIHh'uck wa,. aloo the . . . q,,,,rlcrba<k Tom Lcl",huck ~ -1-- 0

..~~--s--~lx..th -:..mML.produ.c.uv.~ayn.e_ -St.lJt.e__ f.l.n1.5.h.fttL.e -,1ng...241...s.-'/Mds.-+nr-ough the air ..- Ilnlshed fourlh In passfng (M9"" lo;.' _ __ ~- """''''''''~~~:::;~~''''''''''''''''':''''''''''''' ~'"!'' ~ ''!'''!~ '''''I!!!!!'''".~;::~patser with a~!..!.t1.-Y.M.d.L~~"[O}heJ::4:,Uar.~ar<l$..CSl&.~I-ha.",W1fd~tS=._wef!.--4n.-·C-5IC·fot--'tard'-JHt,....'98m~gelWhl1c _,_.r..._._. WEDNE"5DAYNIGHT'LA,OIf!"S SUNDAYMONOArM1XED- TUe-5DAV--MrH" !~[!?_AYM!~_game averAge. loJal te:am offense l!:i concerned sixth best cLefen"lve ·Ieam~ Je"i!!1~~.BodneyM';.!=l!!in. W9~"OO'11I""'J"fl.~~tmP" 11 l~j ,jlrt1d",J{fm-FredfH:"'~--~ 15- ,1 ......

--------wayne-;'~ento,....·-'"FI~t1 CdtS Only" MusrCFiJd '''1.6 yteldlng an average 0' 366.5 10~-- 10th iQrushlng (3,4.5 yarda) rarlll (sure"" 'l'~ \"i GUslolf~on Grelle 12· 10 _

.", Tom Wlll9trt finl$hett the se&5O" yards- .o,h game venus .400,,) yard!'» cllft:h week while Washburn WlldcWtvecclver Tom Wingert ~;~~~: ~~~l~~r",mlnq ;~ ; :~ ~~rl~:;S-~:tll~itahon :::~ ~~~w~tpe&H. ,:-:. ~~~; ~~~~c;.'r'~· .......c.'.::~ ;:In shlth place In receVtng vards yards, for league 'leadln'g WaJi, Ur<i<1 with d 253.1 clip. Wi)'!. lourth in pass rt.>celving (66 8 Po\tePe/'te, \ ~~" II', KUh! Grellc NichOlson 17'. 14'~ leUy', Ac:counllng 21 15 Terrys T.p ,.~ 11!t<1 11v.:.per·game, 'With it 66.8 yard Mls$bUri Southern. . In rushfng defense, the yards p~r gtme) iJnd sixth in __ W'~~~~WI...t~,~~~;N . '"~~~';/ ~. ~;:~ e'i>,;~~~n - 16 16 ~~l~ F~rm , II I, ~f~af, Sank ,~ ~~t,., Ial/orage. The Wlldca1s were tla,t In Ich£lbods were ag"lr flr$t punl returns (8.1 yards per at ~,.......... . ~. 16 16 e :. :: ,~~~~

Wingert WGS allO ICCOOd In,the rushing offense ~64~9-yards--pcr (allOWing ·'u-s, 91.9 yards) Whac__":Jenlp.U~._ .. -, _ :I~ ~~o~~;Jr/ln---- ayID~._!~mpson :::: yor .. 0 -Qcall .. :HI 20 .conrerence in punt returns. g,meJ bU~ #tUh In panIng U76.7 Wayne State WM seventh at lB~.9 Sonny Jones won' the district Tcrry'~ lap E'lc~ 1$ 11 :J;.~ ~r~~~~1!.,.~~rp~:t..::~~~~ I, ~"--taveraging ·Iust.ov~r eIght V4rds yard's!. Yc1r~S. J crown In kickott...f'oturns with a M G Wll1~<lUrll __ I _~__ . '.:--------_1~"l.1l.~".l Tloen , II 22

---per--try-:--- .. _. --.;;;- -e- ---,----- Swlltlk, '~.iji'ke~erc19t!--~·"-.Arf...Hr($I., 'l, lHet1lJmctSor--JO ,(~ard~ per attempt-average -- re~:;':\!nk q 9 ;; HS lobe.ts, 1,t15, Douet Phlpp""

. Puotor T¢ Regone 01 Wltyne ~·O,;roM y.arlil~ per oullng 00 Ihe Emporia St. t~lc .he loague by, • Dclcool"ely. Keith Turncr,wa.c~ nob·, 0" ,I,,,,'~~~if...um •. THU,.OMON., .. , .. ,. ;_ ~;=~~";_~!':.:~__~.:::;;klCk,aMllnl'hed-~I1cth In·thll!Fott H~Y' Stale ~a"lne=mo,,~~yt<~~~e.("·d~', . i~n;h~~:t's---b-::~I~~~I~~~~;lS~':=~;~';:G"""'.""';P""-~:';~'-~'n:;~K::"t~,,';:', V'"<lm••,,,," S.'mMW,lI u 21. ~o, s.'_ II "'1M, . MrYor,D, , .1,CSIC ' oroll<lool paSSino 'lea:: avoraa· worc,lI!t",at 176.6 v. ~s ~ ',c.,on, . "' A". G,,""'" WI To.1\.''',O" • '.18\ " _ A".~">!'."n ,~_~~ ",' !'. )7_~_~__.~,n"",;.~, __~.•__~__ ,.~.: ~-e".,;.c-i

,~~'5t:' ' i t I

-lopers Ia sh Co-ts~··

Page 9: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller


1.75 Llt.r



.0....... ,.....1.........




=. $700

1.75 Llt.r

$11 75

··· ..... ··· ...'·... 8,.,--I





....t.~al.00TOiIr Cott

Thurllday. Nov. 17 thruDec. 1

esaoffered pOsition•• In . Call1jlrnleand New York, but he wanted "toIry tllingsoul" Ina .mall collegelike Wey... Slate·llrsl.

pic lured wilh WSC Choral Director Cornell Runeslad.Olds wi!! preside on Thursday. and Haun allhe Sundayperformance.

·to~.1IIi11ii102_Maiiliiin ..IIIIIi_.~-

Wayne ~lafe (O!i(.'"gc StudentCenter

A 10 percent discount Is dUO-fled'or the Thursday and Sunday din·nC!n~ only on order$ of 10 or moretlcket~

Pi)~~~I~~:.r~~~~~?15f':(~;";:-- A\!·'H('bl_~ in N()V@~ber of thisner~" All t;ckef orders by mail year: an LP recordino.:must mclude a staMped, self ,"'Ch"~tma5 al Wayne S1ate,addres'!ot'C1 ~mvelope, loMI remil lealurmh9 t~e conce7 ~~llr, an~tance in check. money cr6e1" or h~ghl19 Is rom pas r s macash. and a chol~e 01 two dinner dlnnen.. mav be purrna~

d='M CO'll 15 $1 plu$ $1 if mailed, The..... recording may be ordered with

Mail 10 W5C Chri!.tmd':> .Om dinner ticketS' by 11 separateners, Wdynf! Stalli' C.ollege, chlJ'ck made out 10 WSCWayne, Neb, 68787.. Chn')tmns ReclXd~


adVised 10 come early Seating ison a firsf ('ome. first s.ervedbasi:,>

nC-KETS FOR lhe-~ent <-dObe ordered by mall. or can be purchased on campus In the ValPetc!rson Fine Arls Center, room\09 No phone reservatIons will beaccepted

Ticket prices are -S10.,SO ea--ch,with group rates a....".IIable

The dinners will. -tommeneepromptly at 7 p.m. each nighl Inthe, north dining room 01 the

Doors open 30 minules beforeeach performance begIns Gues'~

who desire a specific location are

The Wayne Slate Madrigal5ingers are once again proYidlngmusic and entertainment in this.annual spectacle. wl1.h settmgand cosfumes 'rom OldeEngtande

TIckets are now on sale for the12th annual E I ilabethanChristmas Dinners. s,cheduledDec 15,18 al Wayne State ColJege

LOCAL TOWNSMEN OR. Francos Haun, lelt. and KenOlds, righl. have been honored as Lordes ollhe House.llhe upcoming Elizabelhan (hrislmas Dinner perfor'mances on Dec. IS·18al Wayne Siale College. They are

Ddtes set for Eliza.bethan dinners

A Y1TTEY received hisundergraduate degree Irom lheUnlver.lty of Gitana and thenwenl on 10 .the University 01Western Ontario.. Canada, wherehe received his' master's degree.

He Ihen a"ended lhe Unlversl·ty of Manitoba, Canada, where heearned hIs PII.D, III.I9IL_ .. ----.Dr.'.GeOrlle.Ayjff~

In his fr~ t1me~ AVitfey .relaxes by reading and jogglng_ State "has,a)ot golng'for it." In·He also has bee" working on a eluding ifs "exceJlen1llbrary andbook entitled "Makolomatlcs." gym lacllllles." .

__""'~~d---'i'ycr.:ttey--liis flnlshed- the -first Bec.us.- -of Wayn-e""·-S1ate's---dra" on this book and he said that smaller .12e and stuclont popul.'t'wo publishers are interested In tion ttUtt AVIt_tey termed 45 beingif, "Iu.t rlghl/' he saId that he "ha,

very much enloyed feaching InAYITTEY said that Wayne Wayne,"

~~666.~"66••••e~=We cordially invite you to come' .~C 1'01' a Sunday Brunch at the Hott>!· ~! in Wakel'ield, to a,m.-J :30 p.. m.. =• and compare our spread to the !~ Hilton's. You will agree there is Ii:: none finer in or around this area. ~

:: This FIVE COLHSE meal lor only $:, 2', I!t~ begllls With Champagne alld a [)alllsh or lur =~novers. ~i Th" SECO::,\U COl'H.SE consIsts 01 '.IX i4J dehctous. gounnt·t egg dIshes WIth sausagf',I~ bacon and ham to choose lrom~ Then Iher" is our salad bar whIch alwavs COli·11 .t'dIflS a wHle vanely olllnrwl,ngJy savory ~alads

=The }JAJ;'I; COVHSE IS composed 01 our "

delectable fresh. marinated chkken. pl·in.... nil ..slIces, hsh and ham, lwo kmds 01 ,p~j(b /DI

4J vegetables and dinner rolls ~.

C TOPPIN.!('.' lh.e me," IS. our nght·slZt· 1('("tit tream sundae. .. lit~ We hope you Jom us Soon lor ~hls "xqUiS/tl' I'X tit.4f jJPrIl'ncp ..", ~a HeSl'natiolls a'l"e IIkl'. PIIOIlC 2117.!1fl2fi. I8t4t



years (lind explore' theastronomical and historicalevents 'relating to the "Star ofChristmas. "

Was the "star" a comet, anova--;-a -contuncffoil-oq'tantt,-- orsimply a miracle?

Those Interested in such subieds as Interest rates, capitalspendin9 patterns, go....ernmentdeficits. capital formation andthe stock market are invited toattend

German ha, he-ld many positlons In pvslne~~ ec_onol'!1lqs andhe Is' present-Iy . responSible -forlong and short term forecastingat Union Pacitlc

He has a-ufhOred over -40 - arficles for various academic journat!> and 'tectures regulartythroughout the United States

very 'proud of' t,heir' a(c~mplishments.

'Pc,etreQdingtoday . . ..•..•....... .....<..,'

"Plain~WdJj.. Se~e."..e8;•....................up Gary Gildner wHi be the first Heaven.: New & Sel.~t.d B.arne. I•. \I\e editor of "Tho mel5....o<lalo. prolo.sol' 01...~B~u~'~l~"""~.~"ia.'J>booO<lll~,\li~ng~. "att..,W~~~yn..e';;SSJt~..I<ALlC"!·pillUleege!l'·.'..,.-c-:"':~~~-I---Wl,jfeL!<...........!nLbl'is-IOlO<..k.sJJ:Ltb.e- Poem,-" will be nde~,:thiS Ch""dton Revle~ et't~8nlh poitt ·'m-,r,~.'drlAOt:' endVa\l9hn~,WayneSlale College bu.in~ dlvi.ion Wayne, Sta'e. College Plain. year.lrom the Unlver.lly of pm, li....l. journal 01 poeliy.· nCIlO!' coorItlnator .blthtl ~v"'lI. "Ihe

head. reportstl)at "'" \983 fall bu.lness enroJlment I.at a Wri~i( serle. thl. y.~r, ' .burghPress. '. and Iranslalion publ'._ al Nor· ,!!lAding. are. In ,,,trI. enlert"ln'record high, He wHl .read hi. _Iry loday "The vl.lIIng leetuter 1,011'I Reed Ihea51 Mi.sourl Slat. Unlver.lf):. ,Ingan" provide a ~ullural aetlvl·

Bu.l".... enrollmonl at Wayne SI.le "Ulncreased 60 per, (Thursday) al 7 p.m, In the com· College' in. PorI land, .. Ore, I. tv Ihal .•'udenls •and l~cullYce~,f,over !he last ·10 years ~nd over 25 percenf in the pasf f.ive mons, areas of the Humanities vlsHlngthe Wayne st.te ,car:npl.IS, ALSO PERF'OR.tHO 'in ~e wf)u'l,d' ,not: otherwise, ,availyears, bul'dlng onlhe tol'ege campus.. "ov, 1<,la. ..' KWSC.TV sludlo wll' btl Albeft thell'l"'\(K of:'

Enrollment dat" Indicates thai the <olloge'sbu$lne•• dlvi'Glldner has received many The public. Is Invited to allend Goldbo"" on MarCh n.t 7. p.m. The ....ltenwlll iflOnd. weeI<sion shOUld. have nearly 700 majors and- m.inors by the end of awards fqr his' poetry and shorf .free of charge. Goldbar'th teaches creative on the WayM,.'St~iIt.-c.r:n~1 tothe 1983'$4 school year and should pr uce ver ,cr SOrittS. " writ! at Unl U' fTelC.as k ,to students,Jn wrttl"g,and-


THE PROGRAM begins with avIew ot the evening skies ofDecember, containing some otthe br-tg-htest stars of any sea!>On,

What warthat 'brlght light thatled the Magi to the place whereJesus was born over 2.000 yearsago?.wa_StaleJ:ol1ege'.-'·St~[9'.

Christmas" ;:rogram will exploreboth the skies at fhat night longago and the Christmas skies of to·-day, beg-tflning Sunday, Dec. 4 at3:30 p_m, in 'the Fl"ed G_ DalePlanetarium, accordlng to CarlRump, planetarium direcfor

THE SHOW will run every Sunday tram Dec. 4·18, beginning at3:30_p.m

The planetarium Is located InCarhart Science Hall on theWayne State campus,

The program Is tree and Qpento the public, clnd those who wishto scheewle shows tor specialgroups should contact Rump at

After- a-tovr: -of -t-he-moder-n.-s-k-y-,-- -Wa--yne- -Sla*e- -Cot-Ieger----Wa-V-A8-r--­the planetarium Is used'as a time Neb., 68787, or telephone (402)machine to travel back 2,000 375·2200

DIrector of Economic Analysisfor Union Paclfl'c System, HWade GerlJlan, will speak aboutlong-range planning today(Thursday) at 2 p,m In LeyTheatn~. lot:-3ted In the BJandenburg Education bUlld!P9 on theWayne State College campus

'Fhcrlecture- is free onchJpen tothe public

Wayne St/ate business p.rote.. ,.",r- Roy -'--oo!(~_~.onSO.tjng _the...

speech for his senior businesspolicy sfudents and division headCllfton------G+nn'~ senior economi-cstudents.

'A Return to Romance' lectureMichaet-Morgenstern, author of the current best selling book,

"How to Make Love to a Woman," will present hiS lecture, "A_n..<>-Rom"",,"" '.<tt-Way....Sfaie..College.lo<la¥..Li:mn:><l...l

----a-t---8-p;m; +n-R-amsey- f-heatre; -focated in the Vat Peterson r-tneArts Cenfer.

Tickets can be purchased at the door for SJ. Wayne Statestudents will be admitted free with identification

Presenting'All Systems Go'Wayne State College's planetarium presents "All Systems

Go" free to the public at 3:30 p,m. Sunday, Nov 20 and 27 In theDale Planetarium. ''The planetarium is located in fhe Carhart SCIence Hall on the

college campus •For gr'Qup showings contact the planetarium at 375 2200

Union Pacific economistspeaking today at WSC


'Star ofChristmas' slated

in WSC Dale Planetarium

" SUNDAY, NOVEM6ER 2.Wayne State's Dale Planetarium presents" All Systelns Go,"

Carhart Science bu_lIding, 3 30 p.m:----------- fUESUAY;WOV'EEMCMlS"_AlC'1''I-l.-----c--

WSC varsity basketball 'Is. Peru State at PeruWSC lady bcTSketbaH ys Doane College at Doane

this week.t......~......lVne5ta~.ceU..e

Page 10: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

~~-~ ..-~


Columbus Federal will loan you the extra moneyto make your plans become fact. Whether you needCJ n~w car, improvements on your home, moneyfor college or a relaxing vacation, a Columbus

=~Fedetol-lo(jnwTII-geryouusfarfed.'You'll uappredate'----_~-------~-.our competithte rates and fast service. Speak to oneof our friendly loan offic~I:Sc~qbout se!tingup~~!J

payment scnedule to fit your nee<fs-ond-your-_bttdget;-€omein today f0l'fflI9f"iHJe-fails.

we have the answer.


-your pocketboo~__! 0 • 0,.


, Wilconsln S nod


(Keith W. Johnson, pon1or) ­Thursday: Unlte~ Methodist

(Whley Bru~s, p.~tor)

Sunday:. Worship, ~:30 a.m.;Sunday school,9:30; Bible study,7',30 p',m.W~cfnesday: C,onf,l-(m'atlon

class, 4 p,m.

b,.~~d~::;'KTCeH, ~:30e~~~-.i ~~~: Sf. ANSELM'S Thursday: CounseHng, 9 a.m.; Su"day:- ·SunQay ,::S~hqol, ~Oday school and Bible cJasses, 9j EPISCOPALCHURCH LeW Naomi Circle, 2p.m. a.m.i, -worship, 11; B'ble:stlJdY~;7'

worship, Ib; Lutheran Family 1006 Main St. Sunday:- Sunday 'churCh SChool p.m.; evening worship, 7':30. ~:

and Social Services, Grate, 4 and adult Bible study" 9: 15 a.m;j Wednesday' Prayer meetingp.m.; information class, 8. worship, 10:30; ecumenical Bible Sf'Udy,·"CYc. ::'arid yauU;

Monday: SpeCial voter's ThanksgivIng worship, meeting,7:30'p.m: t'

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH assembly meeting, B p.m. wayne(GordonGran~rg,pastor) 'Tuesdav:' Gamma Delta, 7 • .. ~te=::Mt===c~te:::::=tte:::=:)Cte:::=:)C

a.~~d~~;I~u~~~~w:~~:."\09;~~ ~~~;~ ~~~~~~a~~~o~5taff, 7:30; 'senior ARE YOU LOOKING FOR Aworshlp,10:45.· Wednesday: Men's Bible BASIC BIBLE TEACHING.n~e:I~~:~:~~~'P~~~ meetin~__;~~:~~~~~~r~~i:~~mldw:~- ~L~~~~~~n~,~~o~~~d~ln-.,;;;-- ~____ ..CHURCH? .. .

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST INDEPENDENT FAITH I We en".uilTuge you to loin us this ~(Chrlstlbn) BAPTIST CHURCH .

1110 Easl71h 208 E. Fourlh St. SENIOR CALENDAR weekend for a SPlr.Itualrevlval.(KennyCleveland,pa'lo" s~~~~~~rds~~~:~n,~~~~~ 10 Thursdav, Nov. 17, Hearing' Friday - 7:30 p.m.

,*~~":'-'~c7=ccT~"~-=~==---t-~:~:~::"!~E~~~~!~:::: :"~:~::: ;::~.:,::7: ~:~'~~'j. "=~ I ""da;~!~'::;;;:=P;'" ~:::,r~-FIRST TRINITY For free bus transportation call with the-Rev. Keith Johnson, 2 ~ Nationally known famiiy sin-gln'.g~~gr.'QU.·p·.::.:'.4----

375·3413 or 315·2358:LUTHE:~:jj~HURCH JEHOVAH'SWITNESSES p.m. adults and 6 children will b~here 5Ing ln9 ;to,,11• Missour' Synod • Kingdom Hall MondaV. Nov. 21: Cards and age groups and musical tastes. Bring the_,whOle

(Ray Greeoseth•.pastor) 616 Graintand Rd. craf1s. family expecting to be: Inspired, entertciin,ed

~=~~~~~Y~~~~~:p~:~.i~~,;Sun bo:~~~~~\tV7::30Co.~.~eg~fti_on~ I Toesday, Nov. 22:' Senior bO~_!I~.---!~ a:n~d:,;;c;;;h;;;a;;;";;;e;;;n;g;;;e;;;d;....~~~==~='1~~day school, nursery through sunda~~~a-iio~a,;~ik-:--,ng~currentevents. Wakef.·el.d .Chr:-..·.an--.-Ch L_ ..:adult •. 10: 9:30-- a.m.; Watchtower study, p.m. ~ .....---.=-n

--.- 1a.1lL .._ • - ----wedn~'73' ..Step1T>to~tl--.-.....----~......,e'"·n~e~n=n"'la=-v<e.-ca~r----. .........~:I}--Tuesday: Theocratic school-, Fall," 1 p.m. . 0/ ~,

730 p.m., se,vlce meeling, 6'20. 100 Years of Bible Teaching ~:.For more Information call Thursday, Nov. 24: Center clos- Come Lear" Wlth ,Ust .

375 '1396, cd for Thanksglving~ te=::=Nte::=:=Cte=::::M~~_ac::::::::::M .


Co~puter.. Class Sched~~e----------~-_.,.....

FARMERS ~ 'ntroductlon to farm.. comP":ti"'9.~turdIllY,""0'tt ••19 from

8:30-11 :30 a.m.BUSINESSPEOPLE ~ Introduction tobualn.u-computlng. -Fr~day.-·Nov. 18­from 8:00·9:30 a.m.

.clave .so"~On.c:I'''lJUlciF-C'''''-f'fT<••f $20-'-

._:lntr.odlld,u·ypdce.JlI-SJG. . <'

Noted:.,e-o lftiliuctor flJttGO~wurl.iiif-thi.-h.nlifi-o'"ifTi1:'"·.~~"""'+--

"r.,,(.'10" In our-HIW l~rnl"gC.nt.r. Stop, by ou~ N.W lOCal .. , f. _~·,·~_'Jr,_.'1 ..' .'IIlt;tl..flon Of" phono 37S.43:i, for rH..ervotlo!:" or Information. _.~ ~ .. ~

]nl1+---' ~~EJ'COJ!ilU!LlmW~I------&_-1-I--_~.~,;;;::::';::'<;~i -._-.---

Les' Sleakhouse is now servinga·Sunday Smorgasbord from

11:00 a.m. to 1::30 p,m. for


IThis Sunday's Smorgasho,'d .".'.".11 includeswiss steak. chkkcn. scalloped potatoes.

salad bar. rolls and t'f)flf.·(·.

WAYNE HIGH sophomores Rod Gilliland (top photo) and Casey Nichols (lowerphotoI put the fi"ishing touches on 'their projects in machine woodworking cia".Rod built a 'arrowing house and Casey buill a general storalle building. The twobuill walls and component parts inside the shop and then a~s<tmbled the building,outside. . .

Page 11: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

.. ,~ - . -- -----_ ..~-_ .._,--- -, --_. ------..:........._." -i. j

r!---~-===:~~--" ",-~Herefs Your Chance!--, r--...- ....-~...--~--- .......I ~~I I Sign up now for Diamond Club #3. I I -

:.] 1 The first 125 members who join I. '. . ~--DlamondClub #3-wtfttrosrlchance to win a 1 carat Diamond I I

. ..1 I valued at $3500. I"

D'll ~"M~", Ir'I I PHO"""E 402375·\804 I I

37$·332' :' , WAVNE NEB~"'5l"("" 6,,78"1 'II I I

:::,:.. . A......_.:I I ::;,:.. £~ I ~-:.- .." ", II ....,:;;~ ~ ! l.:.::-__~ · ! .....,:;;:._........ _! ....:::. ~~_;... ....--------I!I!i!l-,-----, ..-"---.......--------, ..------------- -, r--~-- ...,~-------- ..• "I'I'JlIOUtDijT il{TllAllKSGMIG' I ~ . 0 1.1 - COLD WEATHER SPECIALS IJ'· :',-.:..; . I~. ~.'~..' ... _-"'~~- .. - ,I ..O~ "to 20·50 Yo OFF IlIurrlfO Bowl of I ". _,'" ,,' - II ...Wrtflout TurvOI '" ~I I ~~ ALL COATS' I ,I with Chili Chili Chili Dog I I 5,;<.-;~ m~j ,yr. Mon'. W••'ern II _......................... .. ~ I I 250/ 250/ I I " S9 79( '1 79 i I .~-=.~.....Fr'.:.~- Flannel ShirtsI /0 /0I' I s- oc.--' II I I OFF OFF I, ", Ollar - Th,....h H••, 23 . I I;: ~~ A••orl..d Plaid. and Ch.c.... 51.... S·M. I

~~l~~:I,l ~:f:'- -~.!lt$:~LorEJ-:.~~~q.1 No;;'i'477 it· =u• .w~k<I .~~:1~1~ I I roups ;,,:::- I I': -, .. ~,.~_ .._), " 375·4347 -. I II No._ ~- ~ ~-~.. ~ I Nomo , I', HG'"*'e ".. Homo .

I....... ~ .. .. -.--- ....- .-- I I Add,... _ - I I. Add,.... . ., I Add,~.. IPhOIl'e - - - -- .......-.~-" ~ ~- - I Phono _ I I: P+.Oft. I L Phon. I

-----------------1 ----------- ----------------- ----------------...-------_.-------, r----------~----IIII r------....-1IOW'_••.T_Llmt_' ...---------------,I Sg'ORTING ~ II CHRISTM4~_~_-, II MICROWAVE :=r.~.':= .-- '1 00 0FfHalrcutlandP.rmS II ", 1 GIFTWRAR .I I OVEN SALE I I -- u ..____..n -. ". , - 1I Ph. 373·3>77 (?OODS~' ~ I ". .....1 ." .. ' . ' I I Llmitod Offer I Ig Asic For I.or,_ or I'. I•

1 Mil. Ea.' on Hwy, 33 '.' I t_H!!Oyywelgb.t. ----, $ 2,·77 I I $ 35900 II I. .. . Sandy -, I

l? HOURS: ! I ' - 100 Sq.ff. On.I .' I ,II L '.' f ~.' .. ' .cou~n I.ZP.I... Noll.. '..23 . . '. '._I . "' -5:~;;::Yi.. 7~~3~~~~~ , , I 'I - - "'~ , A Sn'" 'If "'••,.,.,II' .',/ Openlll.:00p.m, lhu,oday night .~~! I,.' (lJBEN -, ," . ,I I. F~~::ry$;:b~?e I. ,I _\'V."+ DI,..,,_" ~ I'. , . Ii _. ~ 'FR.. --- AN.···KLI.. .... .'. ;;-:.' , THE HEADQUARTERS. . .'.•' . I

I WEHAVfAGOOOSfUCTIONOFAlLVOUASPORTING I I l ..,. _ I' I I ""J~:'-\Y SHPflANCtII'tON.OWNIa '~'.' ',"'1I GOoo,,,,,,,u:. I I SllwC.W........... I I __I. ."'.... W.,.. i 1 __ -H_ ~ ....._- - I'

;j~;-------------j [~~_.;: _::.;.;;.;:~-==jL;:= JL~~_..:::: -=:.;:=~il__., __~.--._'------ , rlll!'.~-5-e~.' ..'r .......................QCtr:..~*"' .... Rf...~.. r-'·· ~/I SAL" r-EIII!-------------, r---:'~=------~=='~I~=".r~:~-ll ~ Goo.y.., ;,.."',- II F"=--~'Y----I 1"3'. ~~~~••SA.~•...:;-:c-.:-·- I

-t1~.;~~7~~~~~=-·~--:· .---~' "'K~;··: .1 ,. ,".=.".~:.,:~~' ' ~.,,".,~resfohfe J If ~;Vi:i70 ~O;;~Mer~h=:dlle: I, -1-7 Je::~~~~arfr- ..:~rtIU"::~~:__I_ ..-'I · I.' In I 1 $4 77- I Thl. leltu10us h-,* $h!ltt. 'r'py .t 9 ....tn. Up To .SAVE 30%

..~.·,·,j(: lM'iII'~u.!' .. '! -. . '- -~-.- I G24f$O&G2450 SOrno S43.80plusol((hclingo 1"1 ' ~. o".dl:n4t..E:..t··-·y •• 3p,m. I I 60 OFF I'•.•. •."'.';;; $4 117 2 - .'- _ _ __DI~..!L IouII>...~_ ..__

-~=::-'-.... . $.:77, H ~:F:~"G2""O ::: ::9::::::::::::: I .- M••,._'i>l>,...-"'...,.....,,""·.........---,I I Shop Now Ancf '-Y. ....... 1t0n-..... I

I,e,., ,. C.up•• Go.d1h.... H••. '.. ' I, COb.... "'i m OIl:DIl'H "'En", r~: • ,. t--.7'7'T~':-" . •...~I·.':w.··l1J••~1 tt fltntlttiUIJ w. _ Ph.m_l...I.........,---~'"'~-U;~J&ll"'.a'I .;;lI r.;~= --1-. . I I"F , > -fl'- I

I'~~:~ ,~t 4: it:. y .' 211loganSt 31'2121 Woyn8 No. I ~ I (._~ _~~~,a7~.~~ ~_·I.N.~ ' ". , '. I I·N.me .f -I N._ ~'~-'---~Il' :::. 1.l :::;:;.-: ~~..:..':, -:;- =..•...... JLI ::-~.'. '. •... '-. ; 1~:~'::7 ·f Vhon_ 1,..--.---.--_.;;-_......; ~_...----------,..,....'-I.._-_..-........

. , \ .. ' ;)', /. ~;;........

, ' .~~~~.~._.~---." --..---- - _ ~ _.. .. . ~.._".. .. .. .... _ - .._-, .


Page 12: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

ash, skunk·bush sumac, mahaleb ~s a 100 regular shelferbelt treescherry and sand cherry. and may· be ordered from either-----Mahaleb -eneU"-¥---and--sand the Wayne County E:xfentionscherry are two new species. Service or the Soil Conserv~Mahaleb cherry is a small to Service.

Wildlife pacKet offers

on their farm according to Don gr~YilBg_to_J.wo-.to-four·1'eeTT~rf;_SpUze..- Wayne- Gounty-"'eXlerislon- The cherries ripen be~ween Juryagenf. and September and are edible.

The new addition is a wildlife "These pa<::kefs are experlmen:~

packet containing five species tal", said Spltze. "so supplies arewith 10 seedlings of each species. limited".· . '

peeies are' Fed t@dar green Wildlife packets cost .the same

various tre_es _and shrubS-c--~~'----Semething new has Deenadded medium size' tree growing to 15 fQ

to -the- list aLtrees- and- shrubs 20 ,feet -tall. The cherries "areavailable through the Clarke- small and ripen during July, theyMcNary Tree Distribution Pro- are edible, but very tart. ' i

gram fGt- pcvt)le interested in in- Sand cherry is native J~.. . imals "Nebraska It IS a small $thrub

Three new direc1ors. one fromeach countv, were elected. RogerBartels of Dakota City, waselected in Dakota County, LonnieFuller 01 Walthill in Thurston~ounty, and Gaylen Fischer' ofW.-~kefield was elected in DixonCounty

The Thomas ,.,mlly also tookfop honor~' In IOe 4· H dwards. TyThomas won the trophy for bestcarcass; Kelli ThomM took thesenior showman ,lward; MolnThomcls received mtermediate

-showman, Clnd Matt Thomas_won·1tIl~ junior showman award

Mr .)nd Mrs. Glen Lueders ofEmerson were recipients at thellGTkbooster award. The aWMd isgiven Yl'tlrly to someone in th~

three county area .....ho has helpedsupport the orqantzafion 01 theN.E Nebr Pork Producers

ot Newcastle, and ThereStlWillers·o1 Wakefield.

The first runner up wasTheresa Willers of WakefieldShe will be called upon to help InCd!oC Kelll cannot attend


Kalil Thomas was crowned asthe 1984 queen, Kelli IS fhedaughter ot Mr. and Mrs. 'JerryThomas ot Newcastle, Her dutIes

-.)s-queen wlll- InclUde ap-pci}-rlng0" area pork promotions, rIdingin various parade~ and ing.enera1. pr.nmotlng .porK.__

give out other awards at banquefThis year·" pork chop award

was given to Irv and Paula Haishof Concord The award is given toa hog· producer who has done anoutstanding job In pork producflon.

_ ~~n.~~L~l!.E!~n_~'.:'!. _lour areahigh sch091 giris competed for thefltle- 1984 Queen or the N.E. NebrPork Producers. The contestantswere Jo.,. Sllhr 0' Pender, BrendaJones 0' Wakeflel.d, Kelll Thomas

Thtf Northeast Nebraska ·PorkProduc;ers, held Its H"h annualPork a'f.'iOrd1S banquet -Sunday(Nov. 6,) at the Sacred HeartGym" In Emetrson. A crowd ofaround 300 attended this year'.llanquef\--

The Northeast Nef)r4'5ka L.h'~~OCk FCf.·dcr .. A.,wchlllon WIllhold ih fall mernbe:r$h'p mm;fing at t~ Paddotk 5tt'dk Hou~e illSoulh Slou, CUy, Monday (~ov 211

Rob Raun. direc;Jor of the NC'~braskd Dcpdr'tmcnf 01Agrjcullure~H1 '\-peak tdler dinner'. Dinner will be o:.crvcd itt 1:30pm 'ollowing cJ SQ('lcU hOVf which i!i to begin jlt 6.30p,m

Supper ling Ihe hVfJ:sIQtk tnOos.try Ihrough- 4n 'OrQrlnilCdtl""~O(jdllon hcnbe<ome oncol fhebf:~tand most effp.(liv(· ft1Ctlll'=,

vI promoting- the product we wi'S'" 10 rylcliketThi.' Notlhe.,,,l Ncb(a~kd live~lock Feedf!rs Ac;.,Ocldliofl wI",h

10 jnvHI~ .:Hl Ptl~ dnd prctoeal .mclf'tWt'i 'iPQll' ,.. 'Iud -J,,-l-k~.

IOdIVi-du.ll-:. to loin Ihl' .US(I-(:hltion .

Directors Irom W,wne, Ou:on, Ookotd •.md rhur~lorl lovnll(.·'.WIll be on tUlncl fo SIgn, up old, as well a1, n~w member'> In

------alYlcJudl~nf~~re;re~if\ JQtfim~r tnt.' ·1iI1·jifjlt"ary.:rnT-lmritfYct t(rJlt~- ­Illnd

They will. i.I'!tO be h':lVlng" ",hort ffl~1;~lillq .111N 111(.' dU\flt,'r f; urmor ... inf,orrn£ltlon on lilt.!' mc~ling <.-onlm#-t:..Ad Gnw(,', W..lkf!h... l<J128728101

Lon SW(lnson of Wdync, it ~tudent n dgru:ullurc ~l Univ~r,.IIV

of Nebra~kll. ·will be .honort->d on Nov. 20 by iOiliul!OIl into It\(:Unlv(!r'!lify Chapler 0' Gamma Sigma Della, .1 ndlion,ll honorweJety in agrkulture ,

The ~d€!!y. h.~~_ ~trapters_ IQCd-!ed in J6_Q.f_ tilL' md~or

dqrlc.uflurdJ universlUc$ ot I.he nation.Mem~rship!"I1 the society is _"e~lrkl~d·lo ItJcully ,md .. I,)ff

m(lmber~and !Iotudenh wiTh ouTsfanciln~'-pcrior,n-')"~f: rc(.ord .. 1'1_..iMUlcuHurc~od Vl.'L~OJlar:-.Y ~~Qid.!! _ .

C()ntrolli~g birdsthat make trouble I


h ---t, .: . 8f winners: foods - Carmen Reeg,..-t ·e. a-rm',- 'er---S' WI e daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey

by pat melerhenry ::~r~:~~~~;d~I~~~~~~ ~fJ~:'____"""! """!':"'" ...1 and Mrs. Vernon Bauermeister of SPECIAL RECOGNITION was

In November, unless'your footbafl 'earn dever !toes dnd Snoopy mU!:oI(. Illy BetOn? he leaves the h05pitLtI, he wlll be ~at:~;i ~~~e~~:~ ~:~l;~~e~e~; fil~~~~~s ~~t~:r~irn:~~~~I~~Ygoes to play-off5, fhere 15 it br('athlng space favorilc was "A book report on Peler Rilb walking ~mlle a day. This will be increased S f W I I I th t th la sin

'What can be done to control Ing bIrd problems at airports," before basketball begins. bit." t YcrL had,to b(' there, as my kid!> would jJf hQmlJ, and he will be-expected to stay on a LaJnU~i~r O~~:~~~no bra~~7:~ win. ~a~~~~ c:nt:st~P ree P cebird50tha:t c:rea'itprO;blemlfor iet Johnson said. And, he emphaslz· "Tho schQOls present plays In which the say I dally exercise schedule. ners:=foods _ Shelley Gilliland, Medal winners were; en

~~~~Onr~~~m;::I::::::I~on'~~::n5 ~::;~~!hISresearch is being :tt~~:~~Se~~~~~y talents nol cvidenl:(!d In AFTER SA TU ROA Y nigtlt's pt:rfo' <Je~o~I~I."~hel~p,t=~ai~:~::~ffa:;:r~~s~~e~:~~ ~~~?I~~~ 0'w~~·n~~d~~~~~agrre~ j~~~I~~~~~~~I\I~~~a~~~~~,n~~~~~...... Johnson cnalredOlie of the se5' Just as I much prefer high school ,«?Otball mance, we got home in lime to walch the equipment or coordInatIOn I iust came in 'Julie Dangber91 daughti~,.:of Mr. Rethwlsch, bronze medal. Home

controlHng bird. problems t$ that 51(ln$ and presented a paper on fo pro. I thoroughly enjoy a well known pro news. After that, !ilnce we arcn', too craly from a two·mite trot. and thaI's up hill and and Mrs:--·-a-rad Dangberg of economics judging contest _

:~hd:'nt~~:~e;~v~;c:,~~~~:vl~~ ,~Uedr~~:ns:t1o~,~tl~~lI~~seto:~:;: ~~ct~~~v~y I~O~r';~;~tYB~:~t~. s~~§1a S~;lie'd '. ~~~~ Saturda'y Night Live, W~ ~witched to dOt~ ~i~11 :~~~7~gh:~~nlng, or pun~ishing thC\ ~a~~~: ~hne~r~~~:u~~~~~o~r~~~ Ka;:~;c~ridaach~ie~:o~~~tm~:~alspacts." Ron Johnson, Universltv presented recordings of a starl. direct "South Pacific." There, with the help of the ArllOna Heart body with 26·mile m~rathons -. just walking and Mrs. Marvin Cherry of Win· were awarded as follows:

~~1~~~=;~;E:~~1~:~.~a~~i:i~~~~£::;~~~i: a ~~ ~~~Ch:;I~o~~~:::~?~~a~li:~~~ .~~::::~:EH~~:;:i~ t:~~:i;?i~~,,~:: br:::~:~: ~I~~~~LATES endorphins, :i~~:; :~:~:~;:,o~:t~~~~::;ICS ~%~~e~F:~~~,:~~~E~~}~a~cre~Uno the disturbance out of mine fhen" relatlvo etfec;iivenes$ hl~ 'rlends have been enioyed by ovr family vein from the patIent's leg. the body'r;, natural pain killer!>. It depresses Top .fiber structure exhibit _ Schmidt and Anne Sorensen.the problem area." In frightening the birds Into for years. One ot our 1avorite bOOK$ls'b col· Faschlating! Such tiny net'dl,€5 and the appetite while alleviating depression. It· eRda hte-r f M Beef sr division Kay

Johnson recently attended the flight, Johnson saId. Ie-cHon 0' Charle-s Schull cartoons. skillful surgeon's ho:lnds. The heart Wit'. slop helps U5 cope wllh stress In a positive a~%en Heeg. Rug 1';; r. M' h'· -ninth Bird Control Selmlnar In In Saturday', paper. Snoopy 15 In his ped, and emptied while a machine took over fashion anTop r~·m::l~i~~;u~fac:y~=: ~ll~h~~~:·ir. diylsion _ Kim

:FI~~ \~~e:;.,ri;~·;:;~f:::: ~d~~~:1~:[h~::~~S:"i~ ~~~:~ :~:~\~~~~u~:I:;· ..~:v~~~:,';; s~:~. ;~'}~~~~~~s~h~~ ;:'~~I~:" ovor w; hwet CO~O~::;bSye;:;:1 sl~;~~~~ w~~e h~: ~~~ ~;b;;r a~~e~~~ ;~:~d d:~~~t~ ~~t~r~el:;~r. d~~~~: Erxl~~:~c an e ~:~':r::n::therS'I~5 fwo other $timulu$," he reported. ~;~~Sel,c:':7t~t~a~ns~~J:~0~~:~j~~:~:~..con. ~ ctiPt~~nr~:~~:~~oCrC~)d~~:t t~:dd~~~;r~b~~~~\So ~:~~~~t~t·~~dH~h:a~:wtr~~~~~e~~ t~~ Wayne. and Carmen Reeg.~;;;= ~~ bIrd control ·and fo tr~ A white noi~ toUnd, which It E)to1Ctly the way I felt e~ Wodnesday mol' the occluding, c~ ::Io~ing up. at the man·~ cassette besIde If. _ ~~~nb~~i~~~~d~n~:~r;:re~h~;~ Br~~~c~~~~~::gy, sr. division -fo solve the problem of birds that aound that covers all Of 1he tn:' "lng, facing the season's first snow ,- and coronary art~rle5 - I md(j~tHain we 5hO

AUld ~at.lkl~oW'tandbtry to and Mrs. Herb H. Hansen of Fashion re vue --, Judy

conflict with man', lntere5ts," q\lencle$ that bi~d' hear, and a geW,-puliedoutofthedllchbYiJnelg.iUwr.,"""~ HE HAD NO dl;lbctos or hIgh blood dvai h'ltl'surgery. Iso, I s IlYle ~o serve Wayne. DClUeTfl1elster, CIndy Berg,Johnson wid. Se....e:-4' Jnterne' pure tone, & Constir",; OVU.UJ on The":l pI.!\{ !nvolved my making a dog pres5urc, jlnd had quit smoking, :Kl ihc'.>€ the Great American Smokeout. on he 17th. Best middle unit knlttlng~ ex· Loralee Jensen; Missy Jen$8n,

---:-:;tf:~:we~~.-.~r~~:!:-~.~·m.ad,!--t()5tumlJ'~rle-achme,.'~--u:nJ-tl':tn;tlng-------=--:-were In-llis- tavor But-he-was o....er-we--i#hl, ! 0_ IH_tt_~r.£~e_ -_~J:La"rll_~__ ~_!'Q~ ~-----trt~~ldeZda~h:-tobe-----"':Q-an~-Af:tf'~ Sore_",sen· ~__t1CI Panh.; took part In the and therefore the .tarllngs don t a dog house. but it Wa5 worth it I enjoyed it hod an etcvated blood choleslcrol. ~lnd leel d J;:Happlness 1s -- a .healthy he~lr';l a walk ~~ of Mr. and Mrs. -Stan Walde -of -- Food and nutrition, Ir. di .... lsion -.seminar. I-e_~ld. P react as well to them, he "dded~ 50 mu~h, I went twice, There ",ere a lot of seden,ary life style I} s~msh+nc. rlF\d flme to Sme 'e roses. Winside. _ Kim Cherry, Julie Dangberg,

----- [email protected] crochet e>!:MQIt Tara Erxleben .and . SheHey8/1105 POSE a special prO' "THE INITIAL resp""... 01 Ihe _ Cynthia W.lde, daughtOi"""ot· Glltitand; sr. division _ Cindy

btem to ~'rcr.ft, j=C"'Cf~IIY :~:r~~~~o::.e:~:t~~~5dff~~Jr_:~~ W' _. C t' '4 H Ie-ode' c'eil e Mr. and Mrs. Stan Waide of Win· Berg, Tonya Erxleben, .. Kathy

·1'.,::.:v';jOha;:~a~id;:Ti.'I.:al~ -in"IC"/I"g'hai""'nY5Ovnds may" ayne 0 Un' Y5 .. .. ·-fSre· -IV .' 'i~·h;;se.;.~d;we;i;pon.oreii --~~~~ne~~~~:~~~;; ~~af~l$roncan ,au"" problem. to mililary Inltdl.lfYH,rI9hl.n blfPS."blJOhnSOn ,_ by the Shepherdess of Wayne. - Shelley GIIIII~nQ;.. JC.-.<IMoklrt·- -jel. '''''' are lIyl"ll ciON lo'he "'1. owevor, a prp .m In ....--.-"--C'fndl'llerg and Karen' fltoO.

9,ouno,hlIiiddIid. "_Blrdo-th&l-9tI

_ dl.perlln9·blrcls I. hablluali"", In ree_.0_g'n--·..,·tt·O."1'1"""-"0'~t ann'u'a I ·4.-H -b-,'-0nq.u·e.t- SPEClAI.UVESTOC1C'<iwaruS Hodlcult.ro, sr. division -In Ih•. way ,nd ere cau9hlln let Whl'h bl,ds lurn not to , ..pond . ... . . ' and Ihelr recipients were, Doug Cherry,' Dale Droosch.renginet- can torce ttte pt..,1Mt back 10 Ii frequentlY'repeated Top In the Wayne County and--G-falg-eYaA~.down and cause damage to the stimuluS. '''The distress caliwas. challe_nge pr09ram. - a tie bet· Swlnel-.,sr:, dlvl&lon _ Jc>e fin",engIne." - conIU$tenllvstowe-r1ohabltuaUon Thirty Wayne ·-·County 4 H gram. jJ\ltrsh.:a Von ~L'9gern, a th,w Vt5tl to Joroan this paM Glon Nichols.' Mrs. ·Art Rohde, ween Judy Bauermeister, ~ Wood-sclence-, Ir, division -'"

----JUi07bTfifiCln cauHOJIiOr pro' lila, Ized fOl tltelr~itH~n'1G~'lii 4 H yo.afL--.-----.--u Mrs Larry Test, Alan Thomsen, dallghter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon - 'vlie O-ngbergbrems, all c.n be SH" by what 'ha~ the dlstreu call was «!ffee' ~ ye of ~lub leadership at the Club~ gave the In....ocatlon. A brief ~eaders receiving §,peciat Mlck Topp and John Williams Bauermeister 01 Wayne andJulie. ., =-bappeneeUQtheRepur"COlrllner t1veforthelongesltlme,"headd· Way County 4·H leaders-ban· prewntatlanwas made bV Brian recognition by the warding of Fl e year pins: Darrel AndersoQ, dau~U"kMt.- i1~d "I"e c1ot:J'r"~ In tM;,recently ..' '~A $0011' h FffiiVifffif·------ett;----- -···..-·---------quet_held "IhU[.rH!"Y.._~.!{~_'!!!.'JL_,".SC~~~~!.!'"~~~~_~.ln9the Computer leadership pins were _,~ . __" ",_,F- l~r.t_4r-M~-R~nltrtt-l;:cmge;-·-Mr5-:-JOflnl[""Anderson'ofWayne. Club Impro~ernentseal PI:'o;ram"Ihl.ldand bro... 1t and a.. r.~11 The t••, were uled to cOIlfirm (Nov. 10). '. Clul>. ..~ .. _. __ .....-... --':-'-~wo-' ;\'~,lf!it.· nny Lull, Mrs.~ WIIII.mM'c. Each 4·Her was al'\'arde<l a this y.... • nij ...11 wer''1''arded, .

·the pllol IOSI,,?,,,, of hll ~earllor labor,lory test fhal w.r. The-""OllAl"'lll!lI<~orodliv.. M~mbersof. thOl9ll2 Stale Fair __Back./"rom, ~'.r an. Mrs. Albert Nelson Jr-. trophy_ One t,ophy was donated a. loIlows: .g~ I..I~ ~ 'ifl~: ..;:t' fhat "(ldelll. Johnson ..Id. ~ .I_hire, Jonnson .sald. tho flv. bank. of Wayne County. '"Home EconOfl\US JUdglryg Tea=- B.,,,rormelmr, .. ,', . Nichols. Mes. Larry byHor~" .nd L...I...~.. bad•• broil!." . I

The blggHt problem .r.....re We wlll_ c:ontlnue to bUild on WAS. atten d by about 93 4.H... who took an.. educa110n trIp to Che-~,rv, Mr5, Jerry.. ~ I . Mrs )lm'NUEt...-nberger, M-r-s.~Watter J'¥pr. ·-ntpTesen· L.eslle--: L..ad••nd ..~i'l -'~:1he c.oatt.., luid GreatL...Lekea prevlou.work/' leadel'" nd' 'er5.' Minneapolis earlier thIs ye,k, ¥Ike FI~H!Of,· /Qi~--::t<.n I'Rahn, Mrs. Sam tatlves. -'The other frpphy was Wayne Peppv-Pals; tHvlt"' ...~~~~_-

. -·cr""lon._r.guli..... lnvO/ved' NI! 1. IntornallOl\a,ly '"''!lnl''' also gaue a' brio' . t.I~. Guesl Frevert. Mrs, Dilrrell~i1 . nd Larry Slever~. .ponsored by Ih. 4,H Coun,", _ .__- __ ~!:_.J:reel<.-V.ller·-.~I,!._ . ·1 havln. _,t__ . ro:_ ""a . sllO;,kors 01 Illeeven'ng.wore Mr .. ·Mrs..Kennelh Gu.ta~,-M'I;' ..1. _._~__ ..BW4.t>IWe5loekfudVlnD-C1uD A:ahnJgoId' all ~~~jC'C''';

:c1lldtd. "TheUnlt.d ,SIal.. II graml,fo, solving .",lIdllfe/man \Yayn'!' - onCl.. M"'-·Hem::N\ifllil,nfi;· .,.nO~.':'ffi~!t1'!ari\IlIH;·Rrc~ ...-C'~· .'

Awardaare .presentedNOR'T1iEAS r NE BRASKA Pork Producers a)'/ards went out to Kelli rhomas Oeft)' as 1984 queen and Mr.

P~M~.~rL~~_.~'~~'~~~s~~~r:k~:~n~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~__~~o~n~!a~-!~~~i~~~a~-1--"-:--'--c---.:.----------------.:t--tlrlrt~~t___I)__......Jl..._·1 Shaun Niemann, Suii of Mr. and Top In the livestock judging

UrtltOCi ft....__..., , Mrs. Herb Niemann of Carroll, contest - junior diVision ­was --presented the Ak-Sar-Ben Becky Baler, daughter: of Mr. andS~r'tJ~_e _~~~rd_ aC.Jl1e _~nrru_al Mrs. Alan Baler: of Wayne..Sen.I.2I3....__Wayne County 4·H Achievement division - Cy-nthla Walde,Night held Monday, (Nov. 14) at daughter of Mr:. ilnd Mrs. Stanthe Wayne City Auditorium. The Walde of W'l"!side. The$e trophieS:Ak Sar-Ben award is the highest were" .sponsored _by ~i~ux City.county award a 4·H'er ca_n Stockyard5~~--·_-~------ ---..receive. To,,";" the dairy judging contest

Judy Bauermeister, daughter junior·'-drv;sion - April Marotz,of Mr. dnd Mrs. Vernon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LaneBauermeister of Wayne was Marotz of Hoskins. Senior dlvI·named "Outstanding Girl." sion - Debby Bull, daughter of

AFound 200 +WeFs, parents, Mr-;- and Mrs-.---Wally ---Bu-II ..~of-leaders and ~hel'" families were Wayne. These trophies wereon hand as about 75 special sponsored by the First Nationalawards were presented fo 4-H'ers Bank of Wayne.

'a.\J:.d 4· H clubs as well as the Recipients ot spectal monetarydistribution of 71 first, tHfh, 10th awards, sponsored by the Wayn~

and 11th year .pIns to individuals. County Public Power District fQrSpecial home economics electricity exhibits were;

awards winners were: jUlie Dangberg for her outdoorsafety poster; Tom Sievers forhis Indoor safety and electric con­servation poster and Blaine JohStor his electrontcs exhibit

Page 13: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller


.oaf 89'

'b.""•. $1 39

212 Nebroslca St.. ,_ I'I1gne.3'7_5·3514



·.. $$.8u"". $$--


le.t1ng. iophorjtore cia .17 ncon0, ..ii, • ' " ,~

Mond.y.N!>.•. ~J: SOp!io",ore" ..cl..srlng. ordered. -2 p.m., '$20'~';depOsll; boys early ~asketball' ,Prattlce,jIlrl.llIle. .. Tuesday, NQv; 22, Dixon Coun·ty GOvernment Da·i. Ponca,

Wednesday, Nov. 22, .CI•••···,:dismlSsed.2p.in. ,,"/"

Thur$clay·Frlchly.NQv. 24,15, 'Thanksgiving vaeatlo. .

_____ ~_.b. ""•. $1"5



HONEY LOAF or 19NEW ENGLAND 6 0 •. ~.~.1

Mapl. _"Ullr




Unil"" Me_i.,a.urtll .IRav, AncIanan Kw.nldnl

TIIund.y. Nov: 11, UMW. 2.m.. Mary Lou KOister, PNrl

GROUND CHUCK ••.$1 49"-.-


With 2 Sola. or 4 'r"",11 Frl.. - !-'.29

;z servIng. _.65 C


CHICKEN BREAST '2·09PAnll:5 120•. ""•.


l-nS~~~ME~. SAU~A~~~~~~ -'John _".11 ftfttLARGEBOLOGNAib."If-Y

----- -.- - --,,----

iiiA~~~l:...~·(~!g_ER 69~-,FRENCHFRU-S- .DHp !fl~Whil. You Walt

I69~. ~$~-- .

'b..... --

...._~_ s...-vlce

11 :30·12:30(Sta,tl... No,,; 151

SprjngbankFrif!nds Churc'!

12.0•. ~.0.$129


Who'. $ 149'b.

With fonder TimerAU ~llc.

Mop1o ~jver BenolOI'




. ~. Lb.

100°, Pure

15~~ Lean

John Mouttil AU Mgat

Joht' M,o'.rell AU ;weI


,-----uTOil4'f::; ::.~iiJUi~--·---~~-liU~l$Jl(ClOmlAJlI.--.lf-lU~IAc""lIo'i_""'IRl'4~~u Onl.. H_Il,.. '" FUR IUYER At

t••,.,. ,..ft.. will be in Wayne~->Z.:"",,~368or coli 'oil free : """'1 T"esday .t Woyne Auto

800.672.'372 Eldo..•• Stan ar

ShUfffo;o'il-h :;,!ic#d u·o;:, P&lg.


iJormlcnd 1',0;1:, pt.e-e_





,b. $2~9


Hall $1 S9 lb.


$l'iurfrOlh Of NorbClf,t





ticer Lisa Chese;. As'sistanc&· Snyder program ea ,Diretfor Tam~y Ka",anaiugh~ Jones devoH'onaJ ~••der..

·Superv;sor Troy Stewart. SUNSHINE CIRCLE ho.les.... EII'abelh KwanklnandFarmers Home Admiolslrallon· The Allen Unlled Mttlhmi.1 Carol Jack_.Mary Oswald andR""",ter Svnshl""ClrclemetNov.,atlhe Sunday. Nov• .20' W...shlp, 9Renea French. Two· 5h._den's home 'ot Ene lsom for" a pre, a.m.; -Sunday school. 10 a.m:;·tr-om each party, the Nlk~ arid Thanksgiving luncheon a' 12:30 community Thanksgiving choirHosker's, campaigned 'for toe p.m. Thirteen answered rolt caU practlce~- 11 a.m., Flf"stele-ction which was he~d No.... , ,. at the afternoon meeting, Irene Lotheran;.8ibfestudy.7:3Op.m••

FFA TlUI' Armour gave the devollon•. Ella C'alr Schuherls.Sill; FFA memba"s, traveled demonstrated how to make Wednescf41Y, ,Nov. 23: Com·

v,lfh t"{!ir advf"S«" fa Kan~$CHy, scl~5or ·hol-der~, The next drcte murHtY Thanksgiving- Hrv,Jct',Mo. for thr"" day;, Nov. 1',1. meeting wilt be De•. 13 al2 p.m. 7'30 p,.m.: U~lled Methodlsf

. Those who a!\ended th<> Nallcmll ..,t the home of Pearl Snyder with Ct!urch. .Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob1en.oI "Convention were Kirk:' H!:r!~t a g1ft exchange. . GlenWOOd. Iowa and ·Bruce Ken: ,Keilh KarlbeTg, Milch' Petit dall QI Anchorage, Ala.ka vl.lted'Shawn Mahler, KeVin,. Malcom Flrsl Lutheran Churct! COMMUN!TY CALENDAR wilt! their avnl. Mr•. G.....g'ann·

i~,-A~lIld~:laJ;~""'1tm4hrL.a#:'"""':-_-':lff!,le"."=Il"",!Y,"Id~N~e!!!w~....~n~....~·~'I!!or'!.k) Thursd.V. Nov. 17: TNT Exlen· Goodwin and cousins· Mr, and"'fj1ursday~ Noy. t~:'00ffi'5-or:- sion~-·ttCiiUb~. '1i;;:JO~pi.mifi:;.,~AAililfen;;:fjfl;;,e'--;jlA;,;s.::~t;A~"";Jtilril;;ii''-I*M",,;;; ..;';.~Iit!;;'r~..;;,;:'SS.'';I;;;ur;:':';'·"­

·cle. to a.m:, sewing workshOp. hall; Ga...r P""I VFW. 8 p.m., day. .-r n Geneleve Martlnsbur fire hall; Gasser

Mrs. Smith'.'



Lorge 46.0•• ! ..199

Gilleite RoundOld fashioned

ICE CREAMAll flauor. .$1 79'/.O,dl,.....




Macaroni & Chff919



Cooperative, Inc./'i

--WiUjamsr----Renae-Smith* Danny Puckett. [dsh-__ --~~~~~~~~sk:~i::~~~~~: ~~-t~:~_.il-!~ern~~!, __~~~gra_n;t ~~;::~~~~~~~_~.m:.Mar,Geiger. Abbey Schroeder. Sleven Kei! and Royals bail·park. Union Stali"" ,. SundaY. Nov. 20: Worship, 9 Friclay·5alurd.y. ·Nov. 18,19,.

_ "'i1,0~r_fV\_a~ilynWallin._ __ and •. t,?bacgU"'J1rt!l'<eU~_T~!y.,: a.m.. youth choir will sing; Sun· senior Cm,en. Christmas eralt TKE fraternity for lhelr parent•.had the opportunity to all.nlHhi' day;chool~-'0a.inJ COmmunity' "aildl>llke'5lIt"''''';fT';''*1",nceachc·-They-were gueol$,otlhelL5(ln~ctlrecr show-----at fhe convention Choir pract~ce. 11 a.m.• Fint day:serving pie. rolls and -coff~, Robb_._- _ __ - ---­.",her.e- they falked to people from Lutheran,

,<1illlverllti>"""~t""-rh",,,_I·-·' W.di1eJday, te'".-' 73: -Come'Ie-nded the ta~ent _~QW~ Ust2fting monity ThanksgLvlng__,er~b;_e:~_10 'he N4lion-a1 'FFA band and" 7:30 p.m.. United Methodistchorus and watched 'the S'tan, Church.Over Americ,},

nl;f~~Y f'ChirnedJ home F.riday

• Prices effect.ivoWedne.day,

November l~hruTue.doy.

November 22

2 Uter iioJiio(67.6.0... )

B flovor~

6-0:<. Pkg.




4 Lb•. /$lo0 .. ,.JGREEN ONIONS ~-

19C \ 'lIunch No. 1 Ru....;;< ..





$1 90Gullon

1% MilK

'1 49Gallon






Owned" operaledlndependenUyby Lueder.s, Inc,.


8 o.m..9 p.m. Mondol' th,.. Soturday8 c.m~-6 p4m. Sund-=v

--#----$hurtln. 8ufterfop Whit... Wheat

BREADLarg," 1 '/,·"10. " ....1

much warmer this winter" Mrs. Williams pr~:5-ented fh~ packages fQAllen resident Jackie Williams -diiL;; t"!r· the youngsters .Iate Mond~Y mor,1ing, if,niHing fhrough p~@gram5 spons-cr~ by

nabou-t"!for her birthday Monday when, in:--alOi19wltii-----noTis to 1hefr ·~~r~~f)r---------worlh€"ast feCllrlffaf"CommviilTy---Correg-estead of receiving gifts. she pres.ented ding washing instructions. in Norfolk,them to kindergarten students at the .\lIenschool. AN AVJD knit1er. Jackie said ~ihe knits JACKie' SMO H fukes he,.- abouj -s,jx

Mrs. Williams presented each of ~e 17 a rox'


SOLID IlWItER----------LI..$

,~-AIJen' womanchoos'es birthdayto give, rather than to receive

Th8.".kS to th~ generOsl,fy of Oile w~ma-n, with.each youngsferS' name pnntedQ~ the



'stu r I yn year. tJsi,"g he" "extra" yarn. four needle::.---Waittnl a pair of haJ'ld-kAU-ted-mittefl.S.-with The mittens are donated to tnsHlufi~>r'l~l 'Tme mi!tens ~ire mi'Jqe of dplJbfe- str-and~

their names knitted inta the pattern where children reside-,. including' Epworlh of yam without se.;lf'nS which, Ja<:kJe !>iiy~,

"~'~~iEfmtttens;-whi-e:t+'~made'~1-f::'3--per- ~~¥tHage,.-a-~.for,.("-nu~ t~d_b¥.1b..e __ f:l4l.k.c_'io _incaJ.. _JtlCl"C _.comfortapLe ,a.nd-~__---cent \"/:ooT!~ere placedTnspeCial paCKages Neb~aska United Methodi~t Church Con '"larmcr

Page 14: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

>:' ,<,{ ,~~,:,:




24x36 In. braided rug. Multi-colored

prin1. It's washable and colorfast

Great for entryways, hallways and

many other places.

Chrlstmas wrapping paper, with 100 sq. ft.36 in. wide. Comes with 12 color coordina·ted bows in the tube. Assorted popularholiday designs.

. . ,

lb_ ~.yn.Her.ld~ T~,u",av.ftov.m,~r,1~, l~.,S'

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stapel manwere weekend guests in the ElwinRonk home in Dunlap. Iowa.

~-.~ ···-".~Lc-"cC' "~~"'-'--~9~:;.r',:<:~

mrs. ·tedl.apl.V~'$~.IIS· ,t.>\.;:,.;, ,j ;.-

,Mrs. ilia' Mcl.ain spenl· fro;;;·~r.-~';d''''';~:'biw;''!n~~F~~h$~1Friday.to'Monday In" the David spent from- F~iday'~o~'S,~ndaV'h.. :~Abra~ams home in I..lncoli1~ the 'T~d' Fuchs;"h~me,"fji,Hayes; ,:

__Ka,o._ "-,-'~ .+:';

Brach's pegboard candy.Choose from Toffees, MilkMaid caramels. coffeecandy and much more.i(;~",c',I;J!" ,h:"'~, ","'T nlclud!l<l )


2/.···.-=!-l.~eeC=--+==:iI!~~i=tt~,..# ..AQlfT""fRI'I=t==~:.t! ==r.==r . .-.. -- Mr; CoHee filter., 100 Purina Pral.. doe food. 18~':L:1? ','..•" count, Designed fa remove lb. boa. Salt, chewy chunks.Kr;'-VC' " bag, _Qi!?.L.~f,lQ!..ri1t!~_~__~ ~_____ __ mctd4!wJtbJeol meQ.t,.._lQQ~!~,~,_

).G:reot- bitterness from your-coffea.·M

.;-. complete and bolo~~.e.d i::fler; :.Reg••79 each ,ille.ll, 9.99 •

Price. Effectlv8


STORE HOURSMonday.Friday 9·9

Saturday 9·6Sunday 12·5


2 FOR 1.00Snappy Baked Cheeze Balls, 5 oz.,Crunchy Cheese Curls, 6% oz., PretzelTwists, 7 oz. or Com Chips, 7% oz.Stock up for all of your snacking.

belden news

'Rog. 1.99

Limit ::t , IPuro. All T'~mp9roture heavy duty

. detergoni, 42 oz, box. more (loaning ~


'X~1.00 ""', \ fiJPraise

Mr and Mr". Dave Abts clndMr ,lnd Mr<:" EMI Eckert of Oixon attended the Ncbra~)ka

Kiln",l!1,foOlball game in Uncolnon S,JtlJrday


Th/5 powedl.11 gm{1le~staoe snowthrower with..1tS311P7cyc:reengrne <lnd 20-cfeann(fWidfh­has a lot UOtrlg for It lIke a chute that rotatesa luff 2?O" and a deflector cap that dlrt~cts

snow where you want II, And steel augerblades IIl'lf slash through the slubbomM

IW51 snow And nght now when you buy(ftl( slIlqle-stanH snowlhrowcr. yOllrSNAPPER dealer Will throw In a 110vol! eleclric starter for HALF PRfCESo take advantage of thiS SNAPPERSnowltlroWf~(Spectacular today


fi1m~ly of SOVU1$-i'OUX City visited meC'ting in Kearney Nov. 10 and

.... '.


.. '

·d..······"i·'x',·O"in··· . 'naw'..5'".'. mr$. dUdl,eVbla~chfor.d,. ',." .••. ' .....•.. < "- .' .... 584-2588

The, lOblJer~tedts, hiSY_~ r_E!:C:~-'-".tIy_ Omaha_ancLMr~ _and _Mr~...._J,.,~o Mr."arid Mrs~ -8iH :Garv1n -and per "~.I _.e .. ~ ...._-.~ _0

moved 10 th~lr new home west of Stevens in Eagleville, Mo. were Kevin of Dixon wt::re Friday over. pltch,party. They will maKe-'~larl!f--Chrisfma.s',party guests tn the '(;huck ·Ar-dusec _ ._ .Mr. _arl9 Mrs. _Joy John~_on 0Concord. also dinner guest5. The Don 0;.<· 10 go to,t.he Norfolk Annex to help:, home for the October and Bloomfield and-Mr. and Mrs. Rein

levs returned home Nov. 7. n'ight guests in Ihe Lori Garvin en1ertam ther£! .at a later date, COMMUNITY CLUB' November birthday~ wer'e' Mr. Stapel man ~n.d Heather lettMrs. Florence A. Johnson of Home in Fremont. Lunch was served by Mrs. The Belden Community Club and Mrs.,Vince Sauser andfami· Thursdaytovlsltforseveralda~s

Lauret clnd Pecln Johnson of Cor Delbert Krueger. met Nov, 9 in the fire hall for the Iy of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Hart in the Leo Thelen, Mike Valone·onada, Calif. were Nov. 8 after M", <lnd Mrs. Randy , regular meeting. Lawrence Vollers and family of Concord. and Kenneth Thelen homes atnoon coffee guests. in the Don Ox Rasmussen. Daniel an.d Jeremy PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Fuchs reporfed on the NCIP pro Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Roland and Elgin, 111.ley home.' w~re,NQv. a evening guests in 'h~ The Union Presby.ferlan gram that he hadaHended a1 Lin dal,lghter of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. They were Sunday overnight

George 'Ras-mussen home for the Women's Association held .Its coin on Nov. 4. Plans were made "":'Rick Arduser and girls, Mr. and guests in the Meryl Loseke homehosl's birthday. meeting on Thursday afternoon lor a no host supper to be held at Mrs. Bernard Arduser,...Teri Ar· in Badger, Iowa

,affhechurchparlors. There were the next meeflng and also for a duser of Coleridge. Mrs.19 member.s present. Mrs. Clyde Christmas party and gift ex Margaret Delozier, Mr. andCook led the group In the Thank change, Lunch was served by Mrs.Jerry Arduser and family ofOffering. Mrs. Ed Keifer read Marie Bring, Mr and Mrs. Hazen Randolph and Mrs. Don Hagelin.


TOASTMASTERSGood "Morning Toastmasters

met the morning of OCt. 24 withM8ry A~n Christensen pr<:s,\dingat tht1i business meetlng. tEdFahrenholl was the toastmi)~..terfor the day'. Martha Wdlton gave Nov. 6' dinner guests in thea speech on I'Thought On My Garold Je.w~.11 home in DixonHerBage," and Lyle SINanson were Mr. and Mrs. AI Lewts..and Harold George of Dixon andgave a speech on "4'H family and Todd Jewell of Omaha Cad Arms1ronQ of Ponca,

Memorfes/' 'Harold George- was and Mr. and Mrs.. Ro..dney Jewell. ;;~r:sne~t;;;s,Dg:~~::~f:hn~~~in charge 'of table-, tOpics. Randy TamL Troy and Curtis. -of Laurel. representing CedarPlnkleman.,. area governor. of Mr. and· Mrs. Don Pelers of County. atlended the FarmNorfolk was a \I'I~Irw:--~----rc.-COixon;----Mrs:--oorrnd DOl a..t :j:"Rd -----aun:-a-u-P-o+t-e-y. .

Get a 110 vOltelectric starterfor HALF PRICE

';( with purchase· oft a Snapper sing••

,.' stage snowthrower.

Mr, ()nd Mr., Marvin Hilrltn,ln\"opent Nov 1 9 in 'h'~ ';,ovlh!:r r\

!. ,<i""ies , hoy v 1:'- II i:d tJH'-~--'"'i-="'-"!!>===~=-

Margaret Lisle at ,:i ROr:JW-li,.II,T(!;I(ilS nur~>lng home, lh(,' J.,cKGamblJbi:!oGl tlH~,b.jr1.y_Wj!,ll~Jm·',

lWO the,r 'arrull(l$ d! Rc,<kwifll

:.;;1,' . ""'::::-:'- .":-:. -';7'-:~~;~:~,::::,=~~" ..,:~,,~.-. F' -o"'r""'-"'-"':~-:·;+~4l.·--eJeclllC-SIJrt.r Idt-.ubjoclt.......n.bllll~_

:' HIIIUlYIOFnR.NO.soON': -"JJJ V,l.RTlCIPATING OEAl~'R$ ...,,', , ' _ '


iKOPL-t-N-AUlO-5U-PPLV-.~-:I-»-WrJl"':'.~-, .. --:-."",,__~~, . .... ~.mm.

r Mr$. Delwin

~" .OVER SOCLUS'· '.' andElierelf L.lsle alCelina,' eV'ia' w",,;n the. MaSkell. BROW-Nliis:GrRL'SEouh-~-s;'~eral p~, th;;i'\he ha<!-,;,;rjt:~~BOII';g.na ,:'". and Mrs. Zack,_" TheQ.ver ~QY,bmet friday at - Jiexas. ,They 'went sighlseel.ng."ln; ,<;em~,e~y. . " AND CAOET'S,~,;I . ": -J. ten. Mrs. Muriel Stapel mao Bbughr.

noon in the St. Anne's P~~Kcll'I-S-~~omo-._~.~_._------,-~'_.~~_., ~T..illLaLoYt--"Jies, Girl ~tQuts and :_,_assisted by Mrs. Elmer A.yer ~nd .., "..In DlxO:n ,for" their cooperative visited In the Byr~ Lisle home in Mr, and Mrs. Earl Maffes wer<~ Cadets met In-ITie-~fjre-,hall-the - Mrs. Bertha Heath prescmed, ffjif - --Presbyterian Church :-

- Tha.n!C41Vfng~ "dfnN!f_ '::'Nineteefl Conway. Mo. and, the home of Mr. vls.itors in the Kirk Collins horne afternoon of Npv.·! 7 for their, lesson, "Peace at Home and at .. (~homas Robson, pastod , Mr. and Mrs.' Jerald Grosswere" in attendanc.e. Mr,s,. Garold and Mrs, J ,J. Stol)drldge ,In lee ,In Omaha ,00 ,Nov. 7. Dennis Mat- meeting.. ,Le,aders present' were, ,Work," On the serving cOmmitte Sunday, Nov'. ~O: Church, 9; 30 were Saturday overnight 'guests itAr. and Ni's, 'Richard Dr~petJew~H gave a reading., "As Once Summit~ Mo., tas, of Wheaton. III. was also a Mrs. Loyal Lackas and Mrs. were Mrs. Ha.rold Huetlg, Mrs. a.m":,i·,ch,urch school, 10:·30 a.m. in. the Kevin Cope home in of EI.91!f w~re, !hUJi~d:aY over:We Dld.~', The ,next meeting ......U1 . ' . _ , " , .' Visitor" Fta(lklln Hefner. Following' t~e: "'MiOIud Graf and Mrs. Earl Fish. ' Omaha. They also visited Jerald night 9uest$. ,In.-the home,o'f·Mrs.

~be,ttle-Ghr-tstinas.c-vopefaHV(!--d-i-n·,_.J:1M.QLcLQ..~,Q!:9.!.olOix.~n..~f!end· . I:IIr:_ and, Mrs. Sterling, Borg meeting the, girls held it Hallo- Catholic Chu~h . Gross Sr. in the VA- Hospital' In R.K. ~raper. .ner ,on.DeC. 9-, cd the, N~braska A~5oaaTIory~n.-- were ff~v;,~·'O"'.ifternoo:n:'-glJeSts- jn----Weefl-~AY,;-·,~--Feat5~-Fe-Ser-v-e-d,:.~.- .JOLl Y E IGttT· BRJ.O,G_E ._ ___ ,~£.ather Q~JJ.iel::.tle"ek) O~aha on Sunday.

,~_, servatlon' OiSlr!cfs meeting In the '~.A. Hart home in Spirit by Tlna'Graf,~ Mrs, Robert Wobbenhol"st was Sunday, Nov. 20: MasS;- a':"3'o.~- ---Mr~- ·and~-Mrs-.-~: ~zen-BoUng-.~BE.S,T EVER CLUB, " York Nov, 14 and 15. , , Lake, l:ow8, , , <hostess at a noon luncheon Frf. 'a~m. Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Fish were were guests hi the Gene Gustaf- :"

-""~sTEVeruuij members, - Mr. and Mrs~-'Don'Oxley were . ;""-~ON-A-U-X-tl-IA-R-~'-'~~a-y· for- the JoHy·---E---tght--Bt-ld~- .._,~.-_.-. ----_,_ ..- .._ -..--------...E-dda-¥--'.tlsiiors- in-:f-he---M~ke_Mup______- $OfLborli;e~i.n_Om'ah.~_JromhldaY_:_~:their husbands and _ families Nov. 6 morning coffe~ guests in' (or,,'1. Meli5-sa an'd' Jenny The Legion Auxlliary,met Nov, Club, Guests were Mrs. Herb Mr. and Mrs. Kent Krause of phy home in Omaha. to Monday.gathered at the home of Mr. ,and the ,Ralph Conradson' home In Becker' of Norfolk .spent the 8 In the bank parlors. Plans were Sauser and Mrs. Melvin Smith. Lincoln spent tram FridaytoS~n· Mr. and Mrs. Robert Web­Mrs.__ larry Lpbberstedt Thur~. Omaha ,an,d dinner '9u~sts in ,the weekerid in the home of their made for a Chrlstmas.party with Mrs. Smith received hig,h; Mrs. day in the home of Mrs. Floyd benhorst called on Mrs. Williamday evening for a houseWarming. Neil Oxley home.ln Omaha. Mr g ..a~dparentS:, 1he ,A u.s II 0. the husbands as guests for the Herb Sauser. second high and Root. " Welsh and Mrs. Gene Lyans on

c.:oopera IV W • an' ne~f meeting. A covered dlsh,sup' Mrs. Louise Anderson. low. The -, - ~ -Saturday at Sioux City,

Pcrif.crlck, Ryan, Kri'ltin dnd J(~n

oifer of 5.c.ottsblulf spent FridtJY'·-ic.£.,tl<My-jfl--th~<>j4'-,mj<~--­

home in Oi,'(on

Page 15: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller


Kay' poin1ed out, '~Whlle eEPA. role doesnof. reqolre Iheremoval 'of, asbestos (:on;alnlngm4tqrials~ school ad'mtnfstrator.sare' encourages- to":disc~S-5 thepr~fem 'with parents. custo"diam, teaChers and qu_mied prl)­fesslonals to determine if (orree'tive action Is warranted:"

He added. "We Ihlnk ,Ihls Is anImportant public health I"."Ihat should bo dealt'wilh In a fairand open.manner..Tho'Se who at·tend or work In schools whe,rethere is a potenUal problemshould be made aware at the-

".tM SURE' many of the scho-olsystems. in OU!' faur·"tale areahave 'fried to comply wlfh the ruleand eyen though the J-unede~dlln~ has pas.sed, I encouragethQl'"...e '.)chlJOl admlnis,.,ators whohave not compU.ed, to continue tomake insp!CtJon--and notifica,ioneffort a high priority in order toewoid prQblems. '0 Ihe future:'K.1Y said.

fir:.t 14 school s.ystem'$. inspectedby the region failed fo complywith one or more aspects ot therule:.

The EPA rule on frfable(materials that'can be·crushedand pulverized by hand pressure.'asbestos' containing, materials,was- pUblished in,' May 198"2:'- Ifgave school admlnlstafors 13months to ins'peel buildf!lQS forthe presence of asbes:tos. FriabledSbeSt05, when dry, melY crumbleor be r(>d~~M ,!!' powder by. handpressure

When-,- this h..-lppens. aSbe~tos

fibers can be releastl'd info theair. They arc. harmfof when In'hated, capable of cau'!lln9asbestosis, a fribrolic deteriora·lion of the 'lung, or cancer of thelung dnd gb.,;.1r-O-,jntestJnal tractdod also .tJ rar£!" Cdncer of the lining of the lung .and abdominalcilvify known as m~~tMfioma

Mortis Kay; ,U.S~Eravtrorimen" ,:.quire.rfient~ maV.",:oco~tacf 'thetal.·· ProleclionAgen~ (EPA), Region 7. Astieslos. <:...Irol Pro'Region 7.admlnISlrafor, announe· gr8m 6t 1818l37':JQ36.

,- od today Ihal EpA IS. stepplngu!> Four y••rs ago. E~A d.labHsh'lnspecll""acflvltles 10 Identlly oda natlonal,v~unlaryprogram

,schootdislrlcfsln Iowa, Missouri, ,.JillJlr!ng,1e<lmlcalaU'-'~~

Kan..s and Nebraska Ihal have guldaneelo-help seh..,l. oflltl.lsf.ilod. 10 comply with le_61 delect anli correclpOfenflallY

, !",egulaIiOfl-s requiring fh~m to In' ha~rdoUs ",atbe!tos.· cOfl,dl,lIon$.spect fheir lacllllleslor "friable When the volun,ary, system didasbeslos': and .Inslltule a public nol appearfo be _~Ing, EpAn'otUkation process' -if' it Is wrote' 'and ,p'ublt!hed~: the rul'discovered, which' required comptiance by

Ju.no.28. 1983.

Unlfe-d Prc$byterjan Churcht.Dana White, pastor)

Sunday, Nov, 20: Sund~lY

'jchool. 9-·1$ <101,; worship. II


left: MarVin Borg,Kerrey, Conni~ N?vr'!.a!,"MichaelSalrnon. The recognitionbanquel was held fn lincoln,

Sunday· Sunday, Nov. 20~17: Wednesday, Nov. 23:World Ro:E~f OH~riiT!] ~""~k Thanksgiving servke, 8 p.m.

, Tuc!sd.'lY. No'll' n(.hUf(h·...cf!"l(·n

-ehilli-:;-I': 01 d-at

Sf. John"sLufhe.fan C-hu((h

(Ronald E. Holling, pastor JThursday, No\(. 11; 8QMd of

f,~dUCdti()n, .., p.m <hoi,., ap.m,Fnday, No\(. 18: World RP'I\j~f

":.e,r.ing, 1 p,m . SCHOOL CALENDARSundel"', Nov. 20; Bib!6 (l.,,1'!iS Thunday,Saturday, Nov. THE FEDERAL rulc dpplies to

,md Suod.:W s-chool.! 9: lli .) m 17·19: MIJ"'I( Edl,lciJfors CHnic all 5(hools both ori\h]tc elnd'.... t;r"hip. !O:3-0<l.tn" 1 Fl'id,l¥, Nov. 18: Elementary PIJbiicinotprovideeiemcntaryor

Monday, Nov. 21: Monda',.- 81 d~>sembly; 6,30 n,m 5(:condary edu+.-a--t-kJn ,for gr-ildesbh1, d<1"~, Mr~. ,l,lfred BensOrl, 2 Monday, Nov .. 11: Count'l 12 amfu'!dm- "We feel it 111 essential that tt1c

-P In, CH.i~.~,Wt1y·.-:J 3--0~-- qoY~~rnmr.nl day -~~~~- ---------------nilicalioll p.oce,,~~

Tuesday, Nov. 22: Tur2'Sd~", Br~ Weonp.!.da.'V~ ~ n-: "SCt'H'.wt 1h1?TU~~ Htitl-Wdl'- -OiILJ'J':tQse.Y.hools fOiJIt...ano! t!L.b'C:bl2. __.d.ils.:L._..Ruby Bej1'!',y!7nq~r '-.!._l"_. dismi"Ss.~ 7. :ill..1Lffi__ nlr>9 nOfices Or: posted in school~ in complitlnCe with the rul~ willp,In, ':~dufjimjni(!ion, ;.30p,m ~aT(~~';!.,l!nfr~ii~~OS--;-ffiaT'~""""".!...'.#oH-E·f!'-------O~

W('dncsday. Noy, 2): WCI"::hd,ty • "llt and Mrs Tom R~nlf!r and .J ,..mt!en notice b{'> senl fo school Compfi,lncc," whJch glvcs lhero(fd~C,e,5. i ..:5 p n1 ''''Or'Mllp, I<W BrJdn of RCJchesl~T, f-ldfl.". '>I.-~r'-: ..-mployees and Parent Tedther 30 day!> to comply," he concludp m •••'eQkfmdqlJ()~'~Of Mr~., R!."gn1t:r'-:, A'l'!oO-CldflOOS (PTA) Cl" indIvidual cd

Sill~m loft''',.'r.)o Church pdf(ml~. Mr .:md Mrs, MijfvHl parents, ~fid that ifi''1opeCtlon,{Ro~t:rlV. John»on,pi:I<:.Iol'l ()rilqho Ttw)' Cdr'!'1C Frid.!lY ,H1d record!. b(' maintained for the Fdllim.·L 10 (amply within the

Sund,:qr, No", :i0. (hd"it"dl tJ)fv"ned home Monday public in ('<lCh school and In the 30 ddyS- would trigger an A<j

~.dlO(,I, .9 ij ftl i'-'f)r-~l;~;';. dtrO"",ltr6--:~O~'~'::~.~"~Fld~'~'~,~'"~';;'~"~'drl-:"~"~"~·~"~b,----~'h}";;i1~dn~'i~n,~,~'r~a~tiV~;.h'O~I~Ii~CC~';.ot~.~.~c~h--;m:ln~i,!>~fr~a~li~v':.d<o~rd~"~r",;w~I'~hl-.co~n~'L-.-l'h,ml<'.lqivirlg dJflneor with ,....'1,. st!1oof wstern "'-IAS or p~ln..'Ob pliallte .. e1.t:d~le!i, R@g'gn 7 ll~o

dnd Mrs :Raymond BlJrn,;; 01 >'Tho ,Jf'c c~~'":t:.":'ned thai theIr hi~$ the option to .}~'!j.e-sS.' (jill!

Laur·(.j and r";,r'S iViij,~ o-riigw ~choo! dls-t-ric!~ may f'lo-t-- hit'i'e -penaltJ~ 'rom 53.000 to '5,25.000, mjoinmQ !hum -:::omp.l,I-E-C with <lll .r·ute te the Administrative Ord~~r


'Sf/ryleioCon""encewUl /.I1y Wakefield Community School ,'... ,.... , ..,... .•.',>' ",\ .'-"

i!1~f~~eflr~~lghSChool :=I~~~~:::k:~~~:j:~:: fa.·,·r .o.·,',·s·.···.··b"e·.•st'·.,...•'0>.···.···5···"·.·,.u'·S·.·,8.Th~,lIlrls.lrom lheWoUfiold u_Mrs, Ja~kle.Oilman, ~

Corn",UnlfySCllools will be atten: Tho e~rds wlII,be prlnledcom,dJ,~g::, '.a,iong: ,with their .dire~tor . me'rcia,l,y and' are ,available,~5,~. ,D~an~·Tr~~t1.ngt!!r.The girls through the art ~partmental.theare,: I<:~'. L~."d, a~, Karla Stet!· schoo!. orders ca"" b,e p,laced vn,t!1tr\lr-'A»<>-h",_·.II,w,el: .Pro,.... Friday and.wllU:>ecd,.llve.red.l'fferi=f:1aSka, ,Soprano. J. The girls were Thanksgiving. , ......." --

...., ,y ,I.' ·v uaTauditTori "t- - --"7\pacI<age tontatns-2O\:lffferent----::..~, .try~ts::~t Crei~fon in OCtober. deSigns .with envelopes and .seH .:'" , en.tlfe,ian '!'Viti. be: Carlyle Weiss, fer approximately $l.• prQftt5lJ~': "ot'" music, from "the .: lI:nherslty 0,1' Wyoml,ng at FUND RAISER~ , :Lacamie. The Wakefield Chapter• f:"areri'ts'-o(thestu:dent$ are Mr. Future Business Leaders

an, " ,~, ,~ ,,' t. "Ir\g;,.~mpaI9n. The grQup will betaking orders for decora'tive anduseful ,,,nisters.

" In order for the chapter to':. ",." FR'eN~Ly.~UE:sbAY CLU~ reach their goals" 'they will ~eed.~'" . Stwe.n:,members ofthe· Friendly the help of everyone-, in the corn·§:, Tuesday C:lub' met, NOv.. ' 8 at 2 munity said Mrs; Becky Swan':""'.iI' ·,'p.m" With .Eleanor Park,~ .Edythe- son;-riils,tructor. A house.tO;hQuse:(1$; 8r-essle~; Ada 'Bartels, Winsome drive wlH" be m'ade, gi'ving,X.:~.: ,Park:and Esther 'erudlgam were everyone the opportunity to buy:,:,:~, guests, " '" one.' aT" more of the "reuseable:'''::'"'~: ·Rl?H: calt wa's whetf your canisters.

. ~~, ihank~givj,ng plans are. A The, canisters are·tilled,with 20

W:~~r~~~ :~~Ijt~a~~v~~n~':r ~~~ ounceS of popcorn, 1'2 ounces 'of

~: Bertha Anderson'.: :Ruth Lempke. ;~~~fZ~~aa;~~ta~1:~~'i2~~~~~~::';_.. Mrs Alvern Anderson and Mrs, -::;J snack mix. wAt('e'FIElD representatives a(c--epf an honorable------A-~~r-read eutogy -fur._ ------Mane -raised-will be_used far it mention c1'ward 'from Gov'ernor Bob Ke-rrey tn the

-~;e:no~;:::~iII.be In chargtt state .leadership conference. Ne ras a ommunt y rn ~hfC

ofser'ldir'lg ge:t·well cards and sen· NEW800KS PRESBYTERIANCIRC;:lES Thursdav, Nov. ll:, Wayneding gifts., ' ' New books that· have arriv.ed Six ,memberS. of the Unil.~!d ladies Bible study', 9 a,m,.

Mrs,., Euge.ne Meyer h~d. the recentlv at Graves Public Presbyterian Church fot,ary Or miniSf(;-1' and school ll'Hie-tlng, 10progra~ ai"'d ask.e~. q.uest!t;>ns:..._ Libri;lry i'nelude "Tormenti,ng cle met with Mrs. Preston JurnE~r ,J mr'egardmg T~anksgl\"ng. . '.-' Memories,'" "Tough 'Times on Thur':iday at.'2 p'.m, E.vo Con Friday-Safu,.-d3,'J Nov. HH9Th~ r1'l:eetlng. c1ose~ Wlt~ the Never Last, But Tough People nClj;,:g3ve the l:e-sson.' They wil! Reviv.-'l! 9'ltt·\"J<~Y singer!":>, 7:)0

re~dmg,p~ the CoHect 1M Unison. 00/' "Retirement Is for the have a Christrn.:Js brunch lo! p n1

T~ey wdl have.8 cooperaftve Birds:' "Old Age is noL for lheIr:-next:_meetins.on Thu~sd<1~ Sunday, Nov. 10: Bible- !.,choolChrIstmas- dinner tn' the.home of Sissies" and "Dear ·World Don'f D-ec. 8 at'9:30 a.m. in the h.on1<:: of 1::W a,m ....·..oj'"!jhip and ·ReyivalGeorge, Holtrof on. Sunday: Dec. Spin So Fast, I'm Having Trouble Edifh Bresslc-r with co hO~,' F<::HrJ'tl5hip di/il"ler, '10::10 a.m.,1,1 .at 12:30 p.m.· They Will not Hanging On." Marie- Bellow!) ~hoJr. 6 p_rn . Gateway Sjnqer~, 1

have·o meetin~ In December. Mrs. Pat Berry, librarian. also Eight membl2'r<.. of Ruth (tr(\1.' pmRuth Lempke Will host the Tues· said the library has 14 new paper.. met ,Thursd.lY iH 2 p,rn, '>';IIh r-..'\ond.ay. Nov 21 < PFi';yer

'~ day, Jan. 10 meeting at 2,p.m. backs for-young·advlts. Eleanor Park Margdf'!t Pal!r:r P0"'/'~r. 7 JOp,rn';';' SOl, bod 'I ;; p. ~':1.''::'.m -To . ('~.•, ~,Nov., 21: Ladie$ Bible;t ' ,SENIOR Cfr-I~.'E-NS-·': PlEASENT DELL CLU-a meeting will he <1 Chrl~.. fma:!> ~,tlJdy .. 7:30 pm ----.>...-t,.~ ,OnNov~2,36peapll?watcbed,a" SevenmembersofthePleasent brvnch at 930 a I1'l ·.·id~, W(~dne:o ..da'l. Nov. :l:3~ITmc2liled"Pry'-m~~OJj' 'l,.Jell--etu"b-1Tret"-T"hursd:ay-at"211:-m-:-- "Margcrnn- Pa~on'- l:t'..}f~$g~l.1ijl9---5.eriilcr:.,. __ ~__ ".

Nov. 3, 25 people played fUfI bingo w!fh'Mrs. Marvin Oraghu. Roll LUTHERAN CIRCLE EvangellC.11'Iii. -wHh small cans' of fruit given as c.allwas I am thankful for what? Seven members 01 thy.: Si'l]/;rTI Co;,,!Oant (hur(tl

prizes. Several laefies recycled Minnie Carfson will be ttle next Lutheran Church On:l+) {; l'n'~::" (E. N('l' PM(!r'soo, paSf(l.r}cards on Nov. 7. sE-cretary for 1984 and Mrs. Cit! Nov, 8 at a p m ,v:ilh Mrs !I,il",n SundillY, Nov 29: 'Stmda/

Everyone Is" reminded that f-c-rd F redr'ic kson will b'2' Johnson, Mr5.. Lowen Johman ~}("hccL 9 ,~5 c1 m. m:;,r:~hlp. i i

mea! gift certifjca~p.~!· treaSUref'". gave the IC'json The Of:ccmbt'r il m" junior ,m(1 ',(~nior hj(~t

chased at the center anytime. They wilf have aChYiSTi"i'RIsdiii fllt:J_li.iY .. if I~~ I""'J>H'> ! ·"10 pm gyenitlQ SN

------·-"-----up-eoming-e-ve-ntS - --n"'! at-the Black Knight -in Wayne Churctl'liom~;A- Chr,stm.)'; lUI"< ~"(~_'c t ~O p,m.Friday', Nov. 18: Hearing aid 0-" W~dnesday, ,Dec. 7 at 12'15 cheon on Sliturday, De;;; ''; <,; fu,;."rlay: Nov 11 'fo~)nq

clinic, ~O" 12, P :n. They wjll have a gift e~ 12 10 p,rn ."i',Jni("l BI~:;rh;' ·:.tuuy j 30 p.rnSaturday, Noy. 19: Bake sa'-e, c,ltange and reveal the,ir secr(.'t ChnshanChurch Wcdnl?~dity, Nov. 23

coffee hour. sisters. "JlarfY Burflu~, pre:H:her I T h'-jnK:.~i'Jmg ::,r;r',iICf:. 1'.30 p,m

'wehave a~'5takeinwayne CountyIi

You havea stake inwayneCounty.

Ifyou will depos:it",000ormorefor oneyearormore in 'Farmer'sState Bank If Carroll

we will giveyou a Giftcertificategood for onesteaksupperat

ROn'S (Mr.T-BOne)·stealtllOUseCarro,ll, Nebraska -

~~~~~il;.} ( ~OFFER EXPIRES 12/S'I/1985

,.. ::_,~'''AR, ~~



Page 16: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

~~.............•I De::;:~~:;L~C;:':~7;'g-~-1I COLOR PRINT FILM.I 12 Exposure Roll $2.89 •I 15 Exposure Disc $3.64. •I 24 Exposure Roll $4.99 •i 36 Exposure Roll $6.99' .'

Movie & Slide (20 Exp.) , . , , $2.09 .I Slid~ (36 Exp.) , $3.19 •I Includes all popular film - C-41 process. I';.-----·~I

I ~=~:fyE~~n:.~~th.::.~~~·~::3.•...............~

ARNIE EBKER whips up a large balch of (hili al theannual Izaak Wallon chili feed held Thursday. TheIzaak Wallons said Ihey wish 10 thanl' everyone whopur<nased Iicl<eIS and donaled ground beel or (hilibean,. The funds will be used 10 improue lishing wndltlons In Ike's Lal,e, This fall. the lake was stocl'ed with200 bass, 200 caHish and 200 (rappies.

Purchase your


at The Wayne Herald

~oup S on-s'

St. Maty's Catholic Church(Father Allen Martin)

Sillu~dqY" Nov. 19: Mass, 7.:45p,m .•

SundiJ y, Nov. 10: Mass, 9: 30

Presbyterian Church(lhomas Robson,pastor> 1,

Thursday, Nov. 17; Circle 1,

9:30 a.m.; Circle 11. 2 p.m,;Lilurel Children's ChOir, 3:30p.rn,i' Gopd,-News- --(-tub, -4' p-:m;)Laurel Session, 7: 30 p.m.

Sunday', Nov. ,20: Sundayschool. 9:30 a,m.; worship service with communion, 10:45 a.m

Tuesday, Nov. 2-2: Belden Bibles1udy, 9:30 a.m.; rhanksglving..crvice a1 $t_ Mary's in Belden,7'30 p,rn

Wednesday, Nov. 23:Thanksgiving service a1 LaurelMf~thodi5t. 7:30 p,m.

Thursday, Nov. 17, Joy' Choir.3: lS p,m.; church schoolteacher's meeting, 4:30 p.m.;Firm Believers, 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 20: SundayschooL 9:30 a.m.; wi:J!shlp s_ervices.. 10:·45' a.m:._; Logan Center·thank Offering. ep. m.

Wednesdav. Nov. 23:Thanksgiving service, 7:30p.m_

Wednesdil}Y, NO,Y. ,'23.:-.",ChOlr, 7'p.m, .

Unll.d Luthera'n'Church(K~nnelhM.rquardf,pa~tor)SundaY'I:- Hov." 20: .su.nday

School,_, 9 ~:m;'i' w~s~_I_p 'ser_vl,tes,110;l'5'u:m:; ,choir r~hearsal aft.cr-worShip _,': -, .. _, _,'"

Monday,Nov; 21 ,Evangen,mBI~le study, 7 p·'m.I I;Ilble study

:'OaOanl-e1 B-,p.m. __~.~.'~~',":"",,'_+_-'~. __,....~,_,Tuesday', N~v_ 21: Ladles'Blble

sjudy, 9:30 a,m.: aethel cl~ss,7:30 p,m.

Wedne_sday, NO'\!. ," 23:Thanksgiving eve worship' wl,thcommunion. ap.mc '

United Methodist'(hui"cri

Mrs. Gatv LlIte

Immanuel Lutheran ChurchI Mark Miller, pastor)

Thursday, Nc)V. 17: Deadlinelor December Cle'Nslcfter.

Saturday, Nov. 19: Conflrmdlion, 1O,jO a.rn

Sundav.. Nov. 20: Svnd<1Y schooland Blblc study, 9 cJ.m worshipscrvl(JC with HOly Communion. 10a-,tn

Monday. Nov. 21: Adult InlormaHon CI-a-5-s-.1:-30 p,m

Tuesday, t«Jv. 22: Bibll;! ..,judy,tj" ;-i-m -; Sunday 5chool m(;elinq.7 JOp m

_ (JohO_~~t<rr~...!~~o~lSunday. Nov. 20: Sunday

s(::hool, 9:30 a.m,; .morning worship, IO:30a.m.: evening service,6 p.rn

COMMUNITY COFFEEA Chamber of-Commerce, com·

m~nltv co.ffe& wHi be held at theLaurel Concord _School today<Thursday) h"om 9:30 -to 10:308.m. The publi~' is Invited, Thocoffee will be held: at The ,BernDoor in Laurel' tomo'rrow(Friday) from9:J40h) 11:30il.m

ALT~R SOCIETYSf. Mary's Altar Society tram

the Catholic church In Lauret willbe sponsoring its annual fall bakesale gnd luncheon' on Saturday,Nov_ 19. It will be held at theLaureJ City Auditorium from 11a.m to 1 :30 p_m. There will bedrawings. for a ,regular size quilt,a light_ed winter cen'erplece anda baby quill,

'::i~~::l~I~~:ep,~~ved.,Sfl,rvlces he-:r~J);\mp~l~e:, The repre'sen' at-2 p,m. in the fellowship hall fortatlve will be talking about the a·group discussion. Members are

'Servlc'es at Immanuel Hi-Vis or closed captioned pro· to brjng a'refreshment for,lunchLutheran Church in Laurel will gram$ 'or televl~ion and also'be held on Thursday morning, about hearing aids,. This sessionNOli. 24 a1 10 'a.m. Pastor Ma'rk i5 brought 10 1he -senior, citizensMiller will give the message· through the VlslaVolunteer pro

gram and will begin at 2 p,m. Thepublic' is invited to attend.

On Monday, Nov. 21 at 2 p.m,Mary Buford from. Legal Aid ~jU

be visiting the center. If thesenlQr citizens have some legalpr-c-blems she will'be able to helpIt~m. ".


A. Veterans- Day program waShetd 'at the Laurel-ConcordSChool on Frid4'y morning, It was':ponsored 'by' the Veteransorganl,zatJon in Laurel who also

, presented the colors~ The laurel·COfl,e'en' ,baRS, unde. the dire{;

-. tJ,",,,,~--CrdlgRosl4d. playedseveral numbers. The NationalAnthem waS; sung by the group.

A welcome Wd5 givC11 by.-,Prin·tlpal Ralph Glock. Gene Twllord,Commander of 54, Introduced theveteran's and gave spedolrecOgnition to fhe Vietnam war'Jeterans. The film, "MarchingAlong Together Again" was5hown. I' -presented Ihe dedlcatlon of the MemorieJl 'or Vetl!rans.0" the. Vietnam ,Wa·r Them~morlal gives. thl:!' names of allfho!>4'~ persons whO lo,"t 'ht~ir five::; OPEN HOUSE

_------.J1uc.Jog the Vietnam' WM._. . Tr_... publiC j~thehollThe Sp,rH E x.prc,$s silng day open house of Coleen's Cr~lt~

~-.--pi>ople-GoTlo~-Pn:e.~-'---lhl"~Is in ---t:-a-vr--ct---tomor-r-ow (Friday}thl;! swlng- ~hoir from)J:!.e_-,---Lau(cL .5.h~ locat-cd-.Jn~Re-low~-h~\{(>1 QlConcord "'School which is (on- The Bdrn Door In Laurel and willdueted by Mr~. Cldudla Dvorak be c.:.en from 9 8.m. to 5 p m

J''',etilMl<lAls':: THANKS~I\lIN~S~Il\lICE$ \;~lteeand~OO.···kles wer~.lUIrv'd /iISTOR ICAL SOCIETY

Plans for Thanluglvlng $er' !>Vthoschool at the close o'fh.··· Sen"'o~ Elroy. Hefner of Col.vices have been ahli09nced in the service; 'erldge, will be -fhe ~U~$t -speakerLaure' churches. . at, the :.mohfhly meeting,. of the

On.W.dnesday, Nov, 23 lho THANK OFFERING Cedar County HlstoriCa' Socl.tyPre.byterlan anil Uniled The Logan. Cenfer Unifed today (Thursday) at the museumMeIhodlsl.Chllrcheswlll hold a Methodist Church In'Laur.1 wl!1 1n''Herllngton, They will holde 6comblnedser~luat1;30p,m. in hold,lts Brother'hQOd Tha'nk'Of-, p.m: : potluck dinner wtth the

.,the ".nc:tuarv. of the United ferlng Service of':SunJ,lay. Nov·. 20, rneeti,ng to _1.~now. -Those htten­Metllodlst .-Church. Pasfor ,Tom at a p.m,· Guesf speaker' will: be ding-are ,asked to bring the'ir,own.'Robson OIrornthe' Presbyterian . the Rev. Randall aatley of fable service. '

~~r..ch will gNp the· message Newcastle.The aduff choir' from the PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLESMethodl,t Church will preient a The tlrcle, Irom the Laurel,peclalnumber, The pubUc I, In· SENiOR CiTIZENS Presbyter.lan Church' will bevlled. CENTER ACTIVITIES meelinglO<lay (Thursday) althe

ThankSgiving eve serV"lCe$ will-- ..- -Sev.eral. _,actWitl~s, are. ,pelng church. Circle 1, will meet at 9: 30be'held af the United Luther'an planned :at the ~aurel',Senlor a.m. ,with Mrs. Grandel MeChurch with Pastor Kenneth Citizens' Center ,during the com· Corklndale as hostess. The lessonMar uardtofflciall . Hoi Com: log. week. Today' (T~ur5day) witl 'be given .by Mrs. Mary Ann

Phon" 375.2110 Wayne.Nebr,.

105 :'IIaln St,

$1-7s~~. ,~~W~~;; $17sPY~. -ANmlING-GOES'''ULTIMATE >lOur~nlckpst saxony JJIUsn.Hl the familyof Anytt"llng Goes' TOug~l Out'~ u

GlW£>tS E_)((ll)5!V~ _T!.~!i:c _~ con<;Huctlon reduces

r1OlICf'abl(; wear O,lthe; In rwav¥rraf'tl( ilrpas ArHrOfl" Plus nylonpf('Vcnrs soillnq srJlninl] anDStarK shocks Covere(l ~tne "':rnl

stron9 um'lti::(j '.wye-a--r--W"ffantv})CPll1st crushing and matting

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Come in tDdJY to see Anythlnt) Goes-file (rtrpet mat beats tJ1etr<llfiCprobtem-~<1ndall tr1e fine carpetsfrom Armstrong

At I(1St l You CJIl tlave tJeC:lutlful s(lxonystytlng With bUilt-in performance sotOllCJ!l tllat Armstrong qUJrantees Itnilt to uusn or mar unCler loot traffiCfor 10 years Wltl) Du pont AntrOI.'Pltl'; nvlon for superior resistance I;""to SOiling Zlncl StillnlflQ An(1 With f ;three styles anc1 35 COIOfS In ~ :i

~g~~~~I~h:l~f~~JsteIS.,anCj .~. ~-~'_ ..'ill

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ANYTHIIiG GOES!~ " " ',01," COlor ANYTHING GOES'" ElEGANT r, a'ut p,l e' ""l-C',I, L"U'cn rn,ldc' ,-,~ (1 F;'IIC ,If Ply (ilrV.-(1 5011(1 cOlor sax

, .• ('-'j)< ,(f)~)I~J l,lr(~l~~:~,~;~~~;_' ~:.(~ /;U~~:~I~~~ ~~~r~-1~J~~ r~J~\~~~;~~~~II~~~~~n~e~~~"rl(J rl1,llf'nq tnank" Armstronq b("-('Il bUilt ,ntrJ the yarn Witt}r',lft" r;Li.lr(~ ,-,-,nqructlon A TraffiC Guard u con,'nlltf-[1 10 yi';lr warranty I:~ your ., strurtl()fl reSistance to

-il{,·)trtilrl('\·---n'I---"tJ()'~I-I(')r--Pt'.r+or-"--------'-SOllmg-;ln(f';l<nnrng t'l~e-e-n tm!tt---1l1,1nr~c-un(1er foot traH,( In Wit!, Antr')rl' PluS nylon

It NOW! The Only1'1 SaxonyCarDets i

\\ Cuaranteed·Not toCrush or MatUllderFoot Traffic-For Ten Years!

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',nuru'~ ,1" gd<., dnd oil, "'etting I~l('m ~l'lidc

pI IIn,}lll~' to flwul rf''i('l"vP requirement", and;-.urnnwr iW~~.k r1pr:nandc,. \Ve .lrp Ulili?,iqg moreIIf till' plentl1ul 'Uppll"" of (chll, and are con·rinuHl'g to rely on nuclear (uranium) and hydro(water) pol,-\,('r ,_

11\ our job 10 f11dk(' "ure you get thf,f(JOWeryou must hav(' 00 your ~~ide of l'hp outlet. 11\your job to u<.,e it pfjiclenl,ly

€fWATER 18%

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When It come, to <'Ieclricily. you ,huuldonly have to be concerrwd clbout u~jng it tAli·dently. It i'i our CCHl(Prrl to h(~ .,UH' Ihdl II1{'

power comt') out of ,U1 ('It·clrj<.:.ll '('Jutlet WI.lC'1l

you need iL However, dii on us ~[1<Jre_lh(' cop-

) ce.lrn. o.f keeping energ.y u")':ib a~ low .1-.

~clical. 'So we're 11 ylf1g to -ti\ke good eMf' of Ih('

power on OUI ':lie'~, gt'neratj~)g it with the fuelmix ·thars currently most economical, reh"bl"and available. A'nd .h conditiofl~ ('h.Jn~.w, '>0

does th(; "mix,"


Page 17: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

__~.. I .-- ----- - - - -

~ ~~ ... , _--_-= J



~ Gah1 of Edg-ewMcrColo.

_-s,.M...,MIl~.1nO l-or-r-eq.-Mn. Paul Oangbet'..g.Sherrce and Lrla Oangbergvi.,.itcd- In the home of Mr. andMr~. Kenneth Bowers of Denverto help celebrate the birlhday ofMichael Bowers

While in Denver they alsovi!>ited in the home! of lou Aldendod Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hurlbert

Threy returned home Nov 9


119 e••t 3rd Str_tWayne, N...r......'''''_3n~t't2-

"asium and classrooms consists of r~bber s~eling and urethaneloam and is beinq insfalled af a cosf 01 approximately 560,000, The job\hould be fin. Shed within .1 week to 10 days, "weather permitting."

Admrnlsfr;dIQr'J Conn·nIHH'l. Mrs R.,be took them if') $iclJ)I (IOmaha' --- .------- ly to nleel Ih~~r plan£'_

FrHta,y. NOil HI' WfT-'~. t-¥tr'S. MttdT-ed-~ andtt.tnlQf"--ttt9t\'-·tf.tlff--r+e-y~~.--3- LOC!:~. -Mr -.1f'td---M-f-7 --Pi:ttJ~

p m Ddngb-f'rg. ,lU of W,lyne. NyronWoodward o! Allona dnd ~rilld

Knlt!"j.cht' Of '/jim-ide leU Nov 2for O,...nyer. Colo Mr,> MildredDangbN-g and Lorr("C .lnd Mr~

P,)ul Dungberg stayt'd In lIH!hQP1l' Qt Sherr(~l~ .uld LyldO,lngber-g of Df!nver while themen wenl elk hunfinQ with

Mr .:.nd Mr', Wllljam P-riC.-e p-1Hi,yward. C.)lIf arr I 'Jed Nov j Hi

IlIl? hortl(. of Mr <Hld Mr~, Ar fR<)b~~ to tlIlfmd Ihl.' fUn(>r,ll 01 f~n

.fh\ R~T .fl1.OUl.e.f o~ Mr!>., Pritt:{~nd Mr Rabe Thf: Prt((!", r(florned hnme No·.. , 9 when fit, <,wd

!~~"';1nLil¥Ur~;. " "\J!]~:W':.!(.<{j lfola:l pnu~

T '1'0 1i1~t'·.';11 <J ·r),",t ";~!'c.n a'flrq"'j 1,,1',1

TOPAZ LYNXA r') 1'')01' BB ~. 'quEST ~:WY ~Ef'A.ESIMPG - £ST.HWY ~EP.A.-ES.T.-Mf"G---

ON LYNX DIESELlis 21!w"ys nice to have a chOice When Ihat chOice Includes Topaz aJ;ld lynx, you can'tgo wrong See your lincoln-Mercury Deafer tor a test drive and demonstrate theirfronl-wheel drive for yourself. Some greaLthmgs corne In paIrS



Phillltiilfl!1-012 tMin

Way""', fill.687ft7Ph. :)7~·1444

Shaft:! your gratitudelNIU, fnends near and fillby senchng HaiirmukThanl<s\,,lVlng unds

We GiveThee thainks

SOCIAL CALENDARThur..d~Y, No.... 17 Thr:ophtlu',

Lr:.;jlt,,\ t~\d poHvd, hmOwonMr~, N\atndop Kt?f:·g. I :m PillCl"nll!r (Ircl.· .. f~,/I.r;. Adoll)h

Mpyer, l:W pm F m~' l"rI",Hoost(!r'>. ,: p rn !JdfJ(.l room f)t

'Kerr, (;nl t, GIrl 'i-r:out",. rlrJ:~ bill,l P III

Friday. Nov 18 ';O~,. ftlf',Adolph Rohlfl Plfloch!(~. Mr', 0,to Hef(mdfln Ttlf:!~t; r W\..lf

BrttlfJl," Mn. V rlll'lk Wf:~blf\

Si")turdiil.'r',. NOli. 19 51' Pa';! ':,Lulherdn (hur-<_h iHH1Uil! 1,,11 !(Hld

',dll~ <lnd bdlildf ... Ot 1.. 1 r90n',

Reading, 'riting, roof'n




Mrs Irene Warnemunde r:nf('rtainedCoterro In hN home Thvr·.day Mr<, Lloyd Behmer r\.>Cf"l/edhlqh and Mr ... YI("lm COhen. '.1:(ond high

The next meellf';9 will tJ;o> Thjf-:'

day. Dec 1 ..nth Mr<~ lloydBehmer as Ilo-;.Iess

UnIted Mf>ftv4dI~1Churd)(C A. Carpenter. p~slor)

Thursday, Nov 17 BIble ~Iudy

B p m

SunddY, No\! 10 Sunday~Ch(JOI ilj I)d rn Norshlp II 3D

Mrs Irl'ne Warnernunde \;1111-'

ta.Lne.d .e..un..t.raL! 1!ll:1.e..r..-.b.uleNc'.l9 With Mr<, YIl'en "'(owen ,j'o

gU('SI Mr,> C 0 Wtlf rl'(.ebf~a

hlgll M,-" N L Dttman. s\,:(cfldhigh and Mrs Lloyd Behmer df1(J

Mrs T''''lla Kdhl, averageThl: ne,.! rn~elln9 Nil! t)'.·

Wednesday Nov 30 wtlh Mr\CO Will d'> hO',tess

po.lnSOllla for !he church.The women were to meet at the

church Monday to tie quilts forLutheran World Reilel.

Get wen cards were sent toGurney H_n, Mrs. JIm Rabe,Carl RohWf and Peter MoOdy.

Mrs, ,Rose T.hies and Mrs, C.hrlst'mas part.y on Tuesday,Howard Iversen will prepare the J Dec. 6 when they will dine out at

. s baskets for the shut· the Black Knighf in Wayne. A gift


.' Mn..Stanly SodJiii,· presldenl,'<-lied file medill/lIO~..

. ZlNtt". How.r"· .Iversen- preRnt<!d.!he lessOi\ OIt.Q!·.A!,,·'"

S. -1I:~gJllr. a medlcal missionaryto IndIa from 1~ 10 1no.

The electJ~' of .officers washekl .·Mrs. O<iia Krueger waseJe~ted .preslC:lenti Mrs, ArtRabe, secretary;. a1!d' Mrs.DOrothy Jo Andersen, social con·cerns-chairman.

Mrs. Soden 'wlll urchase' a


Necchi'. Education Department placed orders in anticipation of previousyo" sa'ol. Due ·to budget cut. these sales were unclai'med. These machinesrnUrt.-b..- ....d.-AII·machl.... oHared ore the most modern machines in theNocch' line. Th. machines are MADE OF METAL and sew on all fab-rics: levittcanva., uphol.tery, nylon, stretch, vinyL silk, EVEN SEW ON LEATHER! Thes..

- _htnes are new with .. 25 yeor warranty. With the new 1983 Neech; :;22machine. you IUlt set the cofor~~oded dial and sufi" magic happen: straightsewing, zigzag. buttonhole. (any .ize), Invl.ible bllndhem, monogram, sofinIt,.,ch, embroldery, applique, sew on buttons and snaps, topstitch elastic

. .stlt.dt..prol"••JcrnaL._erjllng slitch,~t.alght str'l.teh -:titch" .. all of this and11'10(., without thenead "f-old.fa.hl - ed com.' or programmers. Your price:with thl. ad, $188, Without Ihl. a , U2~. Terms ovalloble.

Place: K'. Motol, Ea.t Hwy, 35, WayneOdta.: Friday, Nov.,.18 - 10:00 a,m..9:00 p.m.


-.:DO a.m,·5:OD p,m.

wee~. , , ins. , '. exchange w, e.~5~ At Carlson. is dOnating her It was decided to send a dona· ! lester Grubbs will be hostess.

cO\llesm' ".!O Plus" magatine 10 ·11';" 10 Belhphag. Home in Axte"· SENIOR CITIZENSJ~:f.~~r~ry each ~t~..· and Tabitha Home In lincoln. The Senior Citizens met Nov. 11

tt1~.:.:'J~-sue$ of '.~,Organlc The next ":Ieeting 'will be the in the auditorium with 11 present.G.r:~~iij"·'were d:orJa;ted to the Christmas meeting' with a 12:3(1 Cards were played fer entertainffbrilry:bY·Mrs. Glen.Frevert. covered dish no-host dln"er~ Mrs. ment. A c;heer card was sent to

Two'., G1r1 SCoufS" are doing Lyle 'Krueger, Mrs. Otto Field Jay Morse.votunlee~ work In lhe library 10 and Mrs. Adolph Meyer are on TUESOAY NIGHT BRIOGE·eam·a badOe, the k~tCn committee. Vicar Mr. and Mrs. Cj)rl Troutman

The film, "Yellowstone Cub" Jark~S.wain wilt have the pro entertained Tue50.day Nighl.wiU be shown In the auditorium - gram. A gift e}(cha'nge wlH be Bridge in their' home Nov. 8.Saturday, Dec. l1at l:30'p.m. for I held. The prizes were received bye~ye>rte in the Winlde area, - METHODtSTWOMEN Mr. and Mrs. Don Wacker andFollowmg the film a ham and The' United Meft-rGdist Wom~n Mrs. Clarence Pfeiffer,turkey raffl,e will be held. Spon~ or ·hillside .lIel Nov. 8 al tile

____ SQred - bv ---fhe- L"lbrary. Board. ctlurch with 1~ m_embers present. day, Nov. 29 with .M.r. and Mrs,Tickets wiU be"SO cents and will "The Purpose" was read in Charles Jackson as hosts.~. on sate at the library Wednes- uni$On.d:ilY e;tnd Saturday afternoons Mrs. Anna Wylie reported she TOPS HE 58?fr~ 1 to 6 p.m. or from a board h~d sent g~twe'l cards to Mrs. Jo Tops N.E !89 of Winside metmember. Thompson. Mrs. Charlotte. Wylie Nov. 8 with seven members pre

New' books ,received in the and a sympathy card 10 the Ken· sent and 10 members weighed inlibrary' are 15 'volumes of The nefh Hlntz'famlly. Get well cards This was the last day of the conBlack 5tall1on series by Walter were s{gned and sent to Mrs, ttst with the Wayne Tops ClubFar:ler. CharJoHe Wylie and to Rev. San- Thewetg-ht--reco-fde-r-wi-Hhdve1h-e

Books donated by JoAnn Field .dy Carpenter. results of the conlesl at the nC;l! WORK E RS' fOR GUtlrantee Roofing Inc. of Norfol~ try to -<cep theare "The Official Smart Kids Funds .recelved from the meetingJoke Book/Dumb Parents Joke "Country Store" bazaar were By.laws were dl'KIJS5-ed rubbt!r shedi',q b~~inq l'lpplied to Winside Hiqh S(hool'\i- roof fromBook," ,Larry Wilde; "The distributed to the Christopher CHRISTMASOUTtNG hfowinq away by u'"nq hree, as wl..'"lqhts. fhc n('w roof on the qymSesame Street Storybook," . Pf->".~mer Fund, the church fund On Sunday fhe Girl Scout .

--- -Afberf G,. Mjller:-·-~The--- am: to other church 0~,~a.delle.£..---.23,5~~.~ir~eader:...__ Tue5~_NOv. 12' FJ.0~;. J 1-0 b-eOlM ~)t 930 am; HeJp~nqSesame Street "Bedtime 'lons. ' Peggy Eckert w'@offoNorfolkfor pm -- -.-- ~-;:-4--H Clvb:.K:e-n Volle. 1 30

-------sr~'y"bOOk,. ,TonyGeiSS,·-------- -~nk--~tef--afld-a--defl-a-- a---cnris.fmas. OtifJnq T1"l~-had - "--'Pm-'---:---fJ00k.5:'6orta-~MF,5.-¥.J.ee_r_--1ionwas..r:ece.l~-f!-omthe-Glenn lunch at Va~enttno's The af',er TrlnTtylvthl?ran ChurctJ 5unday, Nov. W: COllpfe'> KfSrtl

Cowen are "Thy Brother $ Wife,' Wade family. noon was spent at the shopping iVI(H' Pc'er J.nk·Swa-lO, Klub Mr and Mr<; Dt~,;;n J"n!r.t,.~~'!!i M· Greeley; :'~lvfn9ton ~.s. Estetle Ra~',!'ussen ~f the center doing Christmas shopping supply pilslor) Sund~'}Y Nighf PItch Cl~b. Dr il~~Street."MeredlfhT~;,'AGr'een H..."mgfon Care ...entc:-, Mrs. T..hey had an Ice cream treat at Saturday, Nov, 19· COnHrrThl Mrs U l. OHmanDesire," Anton Myrer;. "Master Florence J~nklns and Mrs. "':ae the Dairy Queen before returning lion ,1(1')<,_ 9 to.sof 'he Garfoe," Sidney Shelton;. Wade' wilt be shut'lns home Sunday. Nov 20: Sunday SCHOOL CALENDAR"Touch the Devil:' Jack Hig- remembered by the UMW The girls allendlng were LISt) ',(hool, 'f 31) ,J m. 'unn,tlIU. 10 45 Thunda)l_.$,)turda'l. Novgim;- "SP!'ing Moon," -8e-tt-e Sao !_t,was Yot~d togiveS17 to Gqod Jank€', Kathy Leighton. Kfl'1l y ,1 m "'1(oylt~. 8rion- 5Juo::rhl: tAi!(L }J lq-: l".H-Slat-e M-L'-':>t-( (OIl"""HLord; "Max/"Howard Fast; arid wlllindustrres for four meals and Miller and Cindy Van Houlf:1l briJrlch dm'net. 12.30 p. m lion

:--:-c-~"~Ed~e~n~B~u~r~n~ln~9~:::;'B~e~l~va~p~la~ln~.:;~$2~5~t;0~E~p~w~0~rl~h~v~I~I.la~9~e~.~~~-'_--::~~~~~;;.< -.;;;,,:~~::.,:;::;,c,:~~__~ThUndaY. Nov. 11: Board il!ndBOOkS db_i1~I~ ,_~)I! ttl! s, lEa, I T .....e annual ~oYef'ed ~~!>h GIRL SCOUTS Sf Paul''S Luthf!rjln ChurchFrederick are "Airport," Arthur Cfi7iSfma$ 9"fnner wiTI be nerd ANOCAOETTES- tJuhttE~U3'£lfllaRR e



1._~~~~~=_==~~~=====~====_~=~=~~~= _

Halley; "The Joyous Season," Tuesday t' Dec. 1J Shlr ley Girl Scout Troop 179 imd Cadet Thursday. Nov. 11: Sibil; ~1\Jdy,Patrick Dennis; "Fifteen," Carpenter will pr-esent the pro, tes 235 of WlnsidC'-mc1 Thun:.day 630 d: m. w¢men'5 6101e j.tudy,Beverly Cleary; "A SUpping- gram. Everyone is invited to al in the fire hall with nine mem.be!""s l:ro pm.; Adult Info-rm~111QnDown Life." Ann~ Tyler; tend and bring a covered,d~~h. present. They wenl 10 Waynf! ~o Cta~5-. 7 :10 pm"Chloris and the Creeps," Kin Mrs. Nels Nelson presented the tour ~he WaynIJ Historical Fnday Saturd.l,V. Nov 18·19Platt; "Where are the lesson, "Wor.ld Thank OfferIng:' Museum. The girlS are working Dl~lrl(! YOuth. (lOl)(1bur',l

ChHdi'en?," Mary Higgins Clark; The message broadened UMW on theIr Lac"l Lore bddgC5 TheIr Om,jf1,l"All Under Heaven," Pearl S. members concept at World Offer leader Pegg'y Eckert dnd Mrs S.aturdol", Nov 19 An"u~li FallBuck; "The Treasvre of the iogs. The offering is a thank,S to Randy Holdort furnished ihl: BdliJar b<:'qin<, at 9- JO am,Great Reef," Arthur C. Clarke; those who adminisfer fo other transportation r.hun::tl ""odal room"The Mystery of the Crimson parts ot the world. T,he message The Junior Girl S{;o-uts~wlil fAl' Sunday. Nov. to! 5lmddY \(l1o(llGhost," Phyllis A. Whitney; taught- us it is a privilege to attendrng the OmaM Community ,md Blt"l .. CldSS-eS, II 15 oJ m ':.'or"The Cat Ate My Gynlsuit." belong. to UMW as we have an op Playhou';)e to St->-e "Thf~ (hr Isfmas <,tlTp. 10 "JO ,un ~'UJ; fi.},>, Brl,lnPaula DanZiger; "The Parent portuhlty to show our apprecla- Carol" on Sunday, Nov 21 rh~y N\~t~on .md Df2',Hl V'/e')('rhd'J'.Trap," Vic Crume,' "BI"'''k fion and love for our unlt and fat Tiipl~ MHlJ',try', Wlr)<,ld.-· Tt!I{",Q

..,." will leaye from !h-!:. Nor/oil<, ~I)" B ! tRock," Ratph Com·uM·: "The Real -each other and for being able to Depot ai\[loon rudl9dll. ·WdyIV.'. 'Jtr ,'Hid Nld '>

Book About Horses," Jay Sher- give our gifts to those in need The ne>::t m~e!I09 wllJ be rotl,)',' Ed"'ln V,Jhlkamp. Noriolk, Mrman; "The Home Ranch," Ralph Each member gave a donation to (Thur!>day} in the fire hall ,.... t ~ iind Mr" (Wo Ccll".ft'n',

~:~~~s';R~i~~AT~~~·~~~fr::. :~IC~~~~:le~h:S~~2ffering. Box p m f)I:~l~~~~~' 9N~; ,J2fln W~~::~,;:;'~'qf~:lKlIvarra," Elizabeth Hazelton; Mrs. Nelson read from Po;.alms Mr dl;:I~r~ C~~~erl rhl(:.~ :l"·.·IM~h11q)·t::fJrnrnIH(·,,,] p HI

"The Mystery of the Pirate's 92 1,2,4. _ entertained Sillvrd"lY Nlghf Pilch TUfr,dil'#, No.... n E ... dnql·,ll<.n,Ghost," Elizabeth Honness, The mile of, pennies was col Club In theIr home SIJturday 'I:.!n"The Shore Road Mystery," lected tor a total at 147 pennl£"s The ne:d meeting will be Sdlvr W.!dn('·~d;"l'l. Nov 13 MJd ;t;H;"

Franklin W. Dixon; "Better Mrs. Allen Koch. hostess. serv day. Dec ) WIth fAr. and Mrs \ i'j'~'..'~<' ~Hld (on!,r mitflOf\, I pIT,

Homes and Gardens StQrYQook," ed lunch Charles J,)ck~on ,)5 hG5h dlUI', I P mBetty O'Connor; "Creative VOCAL CLiNICCrafts for Children" Kenneth R. Twenty Winside High SchoolBenson; -I-'Standard--Treasury of vocal students went to ColeridgeLearning wfFunk and Wagnalls Tue~day fo participa1e In the CanDictionary for Young People". terence Vocal Clinic They"The Child's World. People dina rehearsed all day with HarryGreat Deeds," Esther M Moon 01 MorningsIde CollegeBjoland; "The Child's World The day of rehearSingPlant and Animal Ways:' IlIa c.ulmmated in a final concert thaiPodendorf, "Nations Beyond the evening at 7 30 pm The swmgSeas," Atwood and Thoma'.>, choirs also performed In this con"Martinis dnd WhIpped Cream cert The schools taking par!THE New Carbo-Ca-l-Wa-y-toLose were_ Winside.. HactlUg.tan~ Cn1Weight and Stay Thin," Sidney eridge, Wausa, Laurel ConcordPetrie; and" Illustrated Ready and WynotReference Encyclopeia. Vol I" CHURCHWOMEN WOR1KSHOP

"The Green Berets.. by Robin A Leadership MembershIpMoore was donated by Barbara wevelopment Cluster WorkshopLeapley for Lutheran Churchwomen Wcl<,

The next meeting will be held held In ·the Trinity LutheranWednesday, Dec 7 at 3 4.$ pm In Church in Winside on Nov 7the Iibrarv beginning with a morning coffeeLUTHERAN CHURCHWOMEN af 9 d m Mrs Arlts Lind ot

The Lutheran Churchwomen of Wausa conducted the workshopTrinity Lutheran Church in Wln- for members from 51 PaUl'sside met Nov 9 With Mrs Otto Lutheran and RedeemerField and Mrs Rose Thies as Lutheran Church, both o~ Wayne,hostess~s with 12 members pre dnd Trinity Lutheran of Winsldestmf The meeting stressed ways 10

Page 18: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

PhotogrOlphy: Kevin O·Hanlon'· .~\--------


FRESH SHRIMPF~atu!in:.9.!r'lh (NEVE~!R~Z~N) ~'ill.',eysteR, red SlIIpp", 18. trout, PWS AI.lks

c,.b legs, I8lmo.....","b,..... IIi __.:lh::'i~mp~.::••:.:LIV=E=L=08ST=E=R.:..__r1=1IFri., N..,. 18 (11:001.11I.-6:00 tJIIII At-r'1aJft1IOMEl'OWRlML. 513 MIlll WIYll'~ r.~



Howard MillerGrandfather ClockFree With a depOSit of $27,:)00 lor. 7 years,$38.500 for 5 years, $56.000 for 3 years

RCA 19"CoforTu,,:: TVFree With a dAon<;.it of $17 50nfor 7 y.HHS, $24,500 lor 5 yows$36.500 for 3 years

529·3288Wisne-r Office



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Slw"/,'!!' 1);31Dtl('(~ Bf>/w('tm lou And A Buyer. Is Watd AtIs!


mrs. 'hilda ~homas .565-4569



- 315'·11»lMr

Or. and Mrs. Wesley Ulrich,Julie and Rodger. wer.e honoredwith a coop~ratlve dinner at theArnold Wittler home Sunday.

Dr Ulrich is a missionary doc

(Michael Klatt. pastor)Saturday, Nov. 1-9: Sunday evening supper guests

C,ltechetical Instruction, 9·11 in the Gerald Bruggeman homea,m. to honor A. Bruggeman for his.

Sunday, Nov. 10: Sunday 79th birthday were Mr.jmd Mrsschool, 9:15 a,m.; worship ser· lohn Munter of Randolph, Mr.vice, 10: 30 a.m. and Mr'i:. Ed Fork of Carroll and ~S ft Sh k

Tue.day,Nov.22,Pastor'.BI- M".HildaThomas.Mr.andM" 0 ware or sble study, Dwight Bru9geman and Mr_and, -.

Wednesday, Nov. .23, Mrs Elmer Peler. alt 01 Hoskins MEMBERS OF lhe Soflware Sharks 4-H Club work on computers at their monthlyCale<:hellcallnstrucllon. 4 p.m. meeting at the Com puler Farm. Dr. Hilbert Johs, math and computer professor at .'

SocIAlCA[E~- TO~;k~a, j:~n!!.. ~a·C~~~~I~~Yft~i..v.es-somehelP1uLhints_-t~__ Fuelberth (left! and JasonThursday. Nov. 17: LWMS,l:,fS _Mason of Council Bluffs. Iowa Johs. The club meets at the Computer Farm once a month where bu~mess owner ".

p.m.; Get to·Gether Card' Club, spent the weekend wit_h their Lyle George lets fhe club use computers. Mor~ toan 20 students part'icipated last, '.~~:denB~:ub~~~=r:ca~los~;'~l~ molher, Mrs, Marie Wagner fuesday'. '.man


Peat(· UnitedChurch of Christ

(John C. David. pa$tor)SundilV, Nov. 20: Sundoy

t.c:hool, 10 Il..m.; worship service,11 !:onqregalional

F~r ,I,he 'next meel.in9"on 'Dec, Thanks.9Iy!ngdlnner, 12:3.0 p';'m. tor it,- ~arfraq~ Jqrdan 'and the14,pla~s,are for a no·host 12 noon .'ri" W-e~ne~d.a--v" Nov, ~ , ~3: family)s spending a 10 monthChristma,s dinner, !"tI ,the home of "'---- Thank5g,l.vJnQ'.$ervlce,1 7';3_~]).m. ~ "furlough In the states.'Gladys Reichert. .' ~. Otber guests·were Ot. and Mrs.

~, Trinity.Evangellcal R,i!=-hard Ulrich and f.;t'l'fllly ofLutheran Church PapUliq:n, Mr.: an~ Mrs. Jim'

(W~5,(e'l,J:h'u,$s/'pastor) tGus-tafson and 'famlly of. Kiron,Thursdav, Nov. t,7: LWMS',1.:45 Iowa" Mrs. Lorene Hudec and

p',m,; Adulf ,lnformallo'n'.Cla'ss,. .4 Mrs. -Jim Hudec and family of~ .. ~.~; __ , c~ntE!n~~,.~1 corri~atthttf;··Mcr(y Je!!!1, ,l-fudec._ 01--­meetlng,-7:30-p.m. Omaha, Mr, and Mrs. teo.s-chmlt---

Sunday, Nov. 20: St,md8Y and family of Osm·ond, Mr. and

~~~:~i~:~ma~~~jO~O~~,~~r:~:, ~;~d;I~~'y:I.tt~e;da~~:~~~~ni~Tuesdav. Nov. 22: Adulf Infor- Kmenf and family of Stanfon,

mation Class, 7:30 p.m., "Mrs. Frances Ulrich and BernlceWednesdaY"~ Nov. 23:, Bible Langenberg of, Norfolk, Karen

study, 10: 15 a.m.; choir:, practice, Wittler of Wayne and Mr, and7:30 p.m. Mrs. Norris Langenberg, ~odger

and Bill and Mr. and Mrs. NealWittler and f·amlly. all ofHoskins

children pre~ented a, play at the.school basement on Thvrsd~y

evening. The play. "The Life 'ofMartin Luther'~ was In commemoration at' the SOOth annlversary of the birth of MartinLuther. A no·host lunch was ser... ·ed at the close of the evening,

HOSKINS CAR.D CLUBMr and Mrs. Harry Schwede

hosfed the Hoskins Card ClubThursddV evening. Card pril(~s

WNe won by Mr and Mrs, Vcrnon B-i!hmer and Mr arid MrsI-lcrrlMn Opfer

The- nt!xt meeting will be withthe AHr-t'd V~T'tlft-oec-~9-

GARDEN CLUBThe Hoskins Garden Club had

its annual. fiimllY,Thanksglving$upper 81,6 p,ill:-Qli S~lldA, at the

--t1re-hatl;c~~-' .The evening was spent playing

10 point', pitCh and rook. Pitchprizes went" to Mr. and Mrs.George Wlttfer and Chrl!>t1neLueker.

Rook pdles'were won:by Mrs.Fdeda Melerhe-nry and Mrs. Er"win Ulrich.


Mrs. Gus Kralicek.

The nex-! meeting will hf: cn"Nov. 30 with Mrs. Arthur 8\O'hrncrif'. charge of arra,ngement~,

.-fI vlee, on Wednesday.ev~nlng. Nov~

23 at 1:30 p.m., Tt:'e church choirwllt,pr~vldespeclill mus.!c:.

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Not if you're insuredwith Auto·Owners. Unlikef.ome other insuranceClJITlp'anies. Aulo·Ownerswon t automatically raiseyour rates just because yourun into bad luck. Even ifthe bad luckis-your fault.Our rates are based onlong·term performance.

Auto·Owners' ;mtopolicies have ulher uniqueextras, too. Like up 10 $200coverage on most personalpossessions stolen fromyour c.ar. Up to $300 insubstitute transportationexpenses. DillCounts for 2or more cars on the samepolity. Diswunls to mostretitees. And more.

If you aren't Itettinlt allthis from your presentpolicy, you ought to talk 10your independent Auto·Owners agent


You can', flnd. better namefor~c._~ Inluro'!_,!_

THANKSGIVING SERVICESArea c'hurches .arlit pl8nnlng

5-peclal Thanksgiving services'Trinity Lutheran wlH hav& oor

vlcesall0,: tSa.m. on Thanksglvlng DaV with speclat music by thechurch chol'.

Zion Lutheran will observeThanksgiving with a JOInt s.erviccat St. JOhp's Lutheran, rur,llPierce, at 9 a.m.

Peace United Church ot Christwilt have their Thanks-giving ser

GOlden Mllelone Club Book. A

HIPHLANOWOMENMrL 0.•1'1' Bruggeman•. Mrs.Rlck~. Mr., Ed Schmale,Mr,..ErWln Ulrich, .,Mrs. EzraJoc".n,..and Mrs. Verne 20TH CENTURY CLOB

'. Fuhrman ",ere guests when the The 20th C'entury Clu~ niet wllhHighland, Womans Home E.ten· Mrs. GeorgeCarslen. the after'slon .CM.me'. with. Mrs. Lyle noon 0' Nov. 8. Mrs. Richard Dol·ft\ar_ot.l_o~ ThurSda.Y afternoon. , fin. president. ope",ed__ .f.kJe

'_' , .' ,on L"'hQe~, pnt$tttent;---met!"ng wlfn a 'pl,)e'm. MOdern·c~pel'le.t"I"e'meefln!rW1t"an erll· Day Pngrlfi1s.'~--------~

cte~., °FUI ,yo'u; He,art with Several cheer,cards were"s'ent.Thanksgl.vlng..... For roll -call. SuggestiOns -for lessons for. fhemembers showed era.,t articles coming year were discussed;they·: had· 'brought. Mrs,. Arnold A-contribution was made 'hi theWllller read 'he repor' ol·last Chri$fopher Plu",mer Fund.mont~·s: ,:"tte'tfng and gave -the Mrs; Alvin Wagner gave a'booKtreasurtr" report. review on the book, "Tisha" by

A'rElport-w8S given on the're- Anne Hobbs,cent.,Achl&vemenf Day ~ting. For the next meeting on Dec,

a nO'host,tO a.m,Christmas dinner at the home of

WITJr95~DEPOSIT ON OURCHRISTMAS PORTRAIT COLLECTION2·8x10s, 3·5"7s, 15walletll. This plush ChristmassllItking meas-ures 15 indlt's long and beautifully-·..displays your rhi/d's wallet-size portrait Foi':'3-Vear CD .For6-¥e8f"GD

,,-"'~"'_.::~:.:;~~~~i~~t~ei~:~:::get big 1~.~.~!~..".!"!:!.0-%T.hurJday•.friday~Saturday When yoo Invest in a Midwest F:.edaral Money Markel . You can also elect not to take a'tree gift

.'---.N'ov.(')m.b... e.. r....17...• 1.. 8, 19 ce.rtificate, ..yo.u don't just tot h.i9h into.. rest and In- andewn a higher interest rate. .--- -.- sured safety to $100,000. Y. u getlj).cho so. one of 't""' ..~ E-Northealt Dally:. 10 a.m.-8p.m. 27 freeglflswe're off&mg·. w",' -d t FSIJC

-I----I\Il8Ilr-a1ko- . Saturday 9 a·~~p,m!_ Ail 01 these-items are n'\!' a fuil c... F'..,--~'.eW.reaS,..:-"·-·'~_"·_···,··_' .-_'..._..._-factory warranty: mntatt:tn ~TO-Y"U!-- .Inlurance, home. .' ',i,1'1-1 West 3rd So slop in alMid",esl flldereL. !<!k~f l'c=-~" . ..c_...

-- .- .... . sJt A d,1lJjnJcb.1g1 ' " 4th & Main __... _ ... ._~ '\ _ ___. ~

[J:-~w~....--~a~v~n~.~.~N--.~"26~ra~~~k~.~~.~~fJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~---~-~-.~.;----;---;_~_ ~_..,~t _.::.:~:_.._=_.-••.:_-~._,:;;~_~-::_..-.....---de_:p;;.o-...-~.~-;n~.;;:-:'...._-=.":'--:.~.~...=:~=..:.::-::::::..:....:...•:':.:.===__:,=,,_=..:..::.::.::...:...=__._=__:_::..=.._:_=w:.:.a:y_·:n..:e.:.::_:::,_:_:..::.:..:_::-_::...=-::....=_::::::===~:;:=:-..

lr..",llIcon'rlbutlon wa. givento 'th~ Christopher PlummerFund. Mrs. Norris Langenberg soa CLUBread an article orr the D~tcaflon Mr. and Mrs.' Eric Melerhenryof DI-s'rkt '60. northeast of entertained:the 500 Club the evenH'osklns.~ taken from a 1927 edl· jng of Nov. 7.t1on'Of The WayOf' Herald. Prl%es In 'cards went to Albert

Mrs. Ezra' Jochens h&d the Behmer. Mrs. Arthur Behmer'es$On on Christmas cr'afb and and Mrs. 'Oliver Klesau.everyone made a Chrls~tm;Js The Albert Behmer'S .will host SOUP SUPPER

a"1:~~e~a:~lngwill be .wllh the 'next meeting on Dec. 5, A Ic)rge~_,crowd attended the

'---"""."''';;;':':'-N''Of;;;':';f;'IS~L:;.;;',,~ge~n;'b<!~r';;9~on~nDii.e<:;:'.- SENIORS CAR-b CLU-B--·--=s~~~~:~t;~~~~%~8 with 4 12:30 no·host Christmas ,!h_~ H~~kl~,-,s ~e~i.ors ~ard C~ub was sponsored by the CQncerneddlri"er."sOClal afterhOtin and gm mef af the firenall the evenl~g 01 Parents Organizimon of theexchange. Noy. 9 for Its annual no· host Hoskins Public School. Proceeds

turkey supper. Mrs. George Wit will be used to purchase bookstier was In charge of ar -. and supplies for the schoolrangements. I-ibrMy

The eyenlng was SPl!Ol at cardsWith prizes going to Mr nnd Mr,.George Wittler. E.(. Fenske andMr-:.. Erwin Ulrich

HOMEMAKERS CLUBMrs. Ezra Jochens Wil5 hostess

when the' Hosk~ns Homemaker!.Club met 'or a 1: 30 p.m. dessertluncheon on Nov. 8. The hostesshad charge 0' the progr'am withall members taking part

Mr,. Anna -Falk read"Enioylng Winter" and MrsEmella Walker gave. "What to beThan1cJui For." Mrs EzraJothens had .1 recitation,

-----.ooc'oberGave a p.rf~-- MISSIONARY SOCIETY&wih __ Ukkh rtHid."..a p.m.:-ro..... ~ tmm~nuel Women'., Mho HELPING HAND CLUB~lumnOa.¥-s"·4nd-~ Fr~e-da ~Ionary SoclCfy'm-ct the afft>rnoon Mr i'lnd Mr<;. Bill Wendt enterBendln also read it poem. "Lei of Nov. 9 ,lt th(! home of P,)~>lor l"lned Ihe Helping Hand Club theMe Follow the Trail," Mrs": 'H",d Mrs. John David r.'verunq of Nov 9 Verna EdFrieda' Melerhenry read an arli -he meeting opened w~th the wardf, 'v'h)'; cl guestc1e. "F.'l1lng leaves" and f,,"s. s-ong. "Come Ye Thankful PeOplf! Card prizes ~.... ltnt 10 RobertE.C. FE'n!lke clo5ed the prograf!l Come," Mr~. Bill Feo!ikf! prl1'>id Marsh'llL Mr<:, (('celia Jackson,with "A Thank You." cd at the business mcetllHj H(~nry Mlttelsl<ledt. Verna Ed

The remainder o~ .'he afternoon ,,,"~mt>ers responded 10 roll Celli ward5 and Mr and Mr-s Harrywas spenl malffi\~ wreaths for w----;th .1-s.cripture verst'. (hnstlnt' SchwedeChristmas decoratlons Lt.:--eker'reported on iasT month'" For the rw.xf fnN.'1ing, the club

For the next meeting ofl Dec 13 m;;riHng ~~"'d Mrs, George WitllN Will have it!> annual Chri-:.tmas__ t~Il<H:~·1'U~b:;'.I~!>i'li~la~";"RI'ii"ffig,;;·,;;';::;;Z-noon;;;~no;;.:.-,-~9"~"~Y<!~",;th~.~.~""~<J5U;;~nrr':'>~-~r~"""=r~t_p~,~":'Y'.;;'.dt the Bill Wendt home on

=:~a~~~S~7~~edj~::e C:;dJ;~' Several cheer Cdl d" m.re seenf DeL 14 .------__

E .C. Fenske Pastor Di~vid Otld charge 01 theprogram l "Count Your Ble'l~

-'M~~ M.rs .. Bill Fenske h~)d !hf~

Prayer ,Calendar on India andtl~d the meeting 'v".lIth pray~r

The group "J,,]nq, "In Om',!.Ther.c Is No Easl or Wf:st "

Page 19: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

Mrs. E~lher 8attenentertalned G:a~~,Y,;~:.r~~~Iv;:n~ff:~~':~t:d~~~~~~:~:':a~~a~=st~~~~~. Helens and'the ~acific OCean.

roll. Guests were Mrs. Jones. They returned home Nov. 8.---+

Mr. and Mn. Ray Scdidy ofUhllng were Sunday guests In th~.!'

Ron H.Jr<ror home

5840Z4S5 ~-Wed"""'ay to Sunday. Teklo andIhe ~uther Goldberg. 01 Essex.,towa and the Mark Go-ldbe-r9~

were guests of the VerdelGold~gs. for Sunday dinner inhonor at Kristi Goldberg·s birth·day.


1.111.871.932_042.1'2.282_362.51'2_SA •

mrs. art Johnson

..... _Ill~ __.



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Clara Swanson. the ArthurJo-hn~ns, the Evert Johnsons,the Ernest Swansons. the Bre,n'J ohn'Sons and sons and alsoGHbert Krie of laurel and CarlaJQhn!)()n and Don Noocker of Nor·toJ~ JOIning I'hem tor thf!' after·noon clnd lunch were 'he- MarlenJohn~ons and alf"O Mrs. AnnSchool dnd ll':!!>3 of Sioux City lindthe Don Brockmans "nd (hold ofSpencer. lQ';."I!i'J



Merchant Oil Co.'

AS LOW AS$--~ .'199~~

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• f..«",t-oolA>"'" .. ~., ,'....'0'"'''''''',.,(,,''','''', I ...•.• J>'~' ,·_"w .. ,,.....

• (} ••. .v, c...\" .... ' r~ I • ,~ .... "

doo-..>o1.p'".~",1"11v"'~_ •. '",

Gue-sts in lhe Myl'on Pefero;.onhomE,' lhe ~"enin9 of Nov, 9 Inhonor of the-If 2~lh wf.'ddmg ann~ ....er!o<HY 'N(~rf: Ihe Roger Kirohldmlly, Ih<! Morns K ....ol~ and fh(?Terry Gr,dh and family. all' ofLaurel Ul~ Fn:d Manm, !tH~ RKk,

M,ln"S and f,Hntly, jh!~ \oVt"lll<J('Mllqn\J~(ln~ iHHi lhe Jln:;, Nelson ..




---lASt~EEJ('S MYSiERY F.ARMEI Echtenk,clli!p - Viayne

Ye. - lUI. Identify your farm and bring this ad copy to r:he Wayno Herald and wowill glv8 you froe a colored photo of your form. Thoro will be 0 no~ farn; fOOh.~r8deach week.



This Thursdoy Night In Wayne_. (

3 Winne,. - At 8:00.8:15.8:30. We will announce.a winner - If yOIJ ore In one ofthe participating stores when your name is called you will win $350 In Bonus Bucks

- n9thlng~ to buy~ shop Wayne -- the city with the serldee afte~ the sale./ I -.

Through Wednesday.Nov. 23,



: balanced with: preci~e dosages; of the VItamIn, !!f'!!"! ~lneraH,

• .,OU ne"d~

-/ 1


3 C~S CLUe thdays were recOgnized. Two OVER SO GROUP Concordia school, '9:59 a.m.; morning warThe ;I,es Ho~Ex.tenslonClub door prizes were given away. The Di,xon·Concord Over 50 Lutonra" Church sh.p service, 11 a.m.; evening

met the evening of Nov. 7 with A gift exchange wUl be held at group met Friday afterno(;n ill (O,'ivid N!e-wmfin, pa5!to.r) sr;r'0' l<.e, mI5~ior.arles Jim andCarolyn""'anson as'hoSite$$~ She th'e Christmas dln.ner to'be held the Dixon Parish Hall with 20 a! Thursday, Noy. 17: LCW Debb Smith, 7:30 p.rnserved, a 'dessert lunch. The Dec. 8 at' noon at the St. 'Paul's tending. A noon Th-anksgivlnq me-eting, b-llOg T'hank Offering Wednesday. Nov. :13; ladi5 Himee:ting' openecfby ,grovp reading LI,lJheran Church in Concord potluck dinner. was held Card':, bo:w:.;:;'30. -; p.m. bIt' "'udy. 9: 30 a ,m .. Thanlo:sgivof ,the Extension Creed. Eleven served by a special commfttee. were the afternoon'", entertain Sunday, Nov. 20: Sunday schoolIng <,entlce, Dr, 'Ma(farldn(~

members answered roU caU with COUPLES LEAGUe menf with lunch followinq and 8ibli) Class.es. 9'30 0 m., c,pi'dkersQme-thJng p'osltive about The Concordia Lu,theran The nex1 mec~i~; will, Doi.'.) morning worship ser.... ice, 10:~5' The Vorict! r-~£!Isons of Uwrelyourself., Sec'retary and treasurer Co-uples league met Sunday Christmas polluck dinner al noot\ <l.m and the Kenneth Klaus~ns wentreports were'read. Citizenship evening at church with the on Dec. 9 Tu<:'sdill;', Nov. 22: Bible ~1~dY to Des. MOines, Iowa No .... 6 to Blrlhdd', gVl."-JI" frl llie Wallace

_-"re.,por,,·";t~w~·",as"~~il'lve,:!n'-";bYv.:'H",el..en"-';P..e"ar"-----'Oti&H"nttee,,n_-.fE",rwwlrin"5~.",ndoL:tt!!h",e---l!Ted TIED QUll TS dt church, 9 30 <l.m 'o,'I5-it an uncle. Vern Crooke Mdgnv~~on hOln,! Thurs-d,,¥ ev<:nson, "The 2St Smile" ,and ,Irene Johnson! on the program com' . The Concor·~utherarl"-Di!J·r-.--------~--"-"..~ ._- '"----:-:-----=------:-~'"~.q~'?'0'2n~o'~'"s;q;,·~.,,:;;.',-~hZ'O'~..!(:";.,;:;';'_~'i..:;;"':-.;;''':;;f.' --.:Si!.uU1n.ddail1y<--.<diJJln"'o...Lr --'Q/1"".!il"""-!'Lnn---.!!th..(~,---_Magn·usongaveaheatfhreporf. mi'ttee.Mrs.QuintenErwlngave chwomen h~jd two '...·'orkdd';c St. Pilul's Lvthf!'ranChurch The St(!ven~Er..... if!S- t1nd Mehfll1 Mdqf1lJ,>cfI,,0'1C.<JrroH,H,I.' .... E ' HI h t 1 'H?d Clarence, P'~arson home were

~::;~:~=~:';;,'::;;i;~~;hfs5gl =~n;lld:sh:1~:5~~~:~;-~'~~~'~:;cd~'~;iO;..L~r~:;~~ ",~:;~;::o;~';;,~~~~~~~,o, ~"~~;:~:~h~t~~~d;;;~ ,,,;n;'nN~~,. ~~;:'o~i"""""'" and Ih,· J":, S,,~~:y ';;~NO~';; ~:n::n~' Of Pam Johnson 01 Unooln. Laynethe Family Well Being tmpacf of wim a Thanksgiving theme. were tied a1 the ctlUf"ch and on ~hip ~r\l"IC~, 8' 30 a m., Sunday Verdr.;T E!r'win home 1hf: DOUG Kr ,;.<, '_'nll.:,rli.llllf...d <)t ~~r;:~~::,.'~~:. J:eyv~~t~a~~~l~'~'-~Ye ~tn:;k~f~~~~'t~:f6~~~~

-1984, held at Pender on Oct, 21. ~"'le next meeting will be, Dec.. Nov 7. 15 qUilf,> 'Nen-- tied, nus ,-(.hoo:, r.; ,30 <J.m dlr,n~;" SUnddY hcrlDrJM; Krl,>len ';. Hi"r""hman and Amtro-r Martin Johnson!> and Brad ErwinA:giffexchange wi,1I be held at 11 with a Christmas supper. W'eek the commdtep. will h11U: Evangelical Helen Pearson enl~r1ainCd ~l\ i"j nlnlh' blrltldi'tl Htdl (j,l'i, Also ddle Pam Johnson of Lincoln <ip(.>nf

the' pecembef 'meeti~ and <'. G~tswlll be Invited to honor the over 70 Quilts to Hodoik ',','here Free Church bjO{~. parly the al'ernoon of No'. F."~r.'hrillt'd ·.... ~;r.; M.~. K(,~~'·, NQ"I from Thursday evening unt/.l Sun'card .revealing silent sis'ters. league'S 301'h anniversary. they will be IOJded .)nd scnf 10 the i John Wt'"itNholm. pa'ilor) 1 !c honor·" new (O'f,lden1. Mf'-. ")() b<rlhdtl'f ;J!irt ttll~ K.rH."·~ N,n 7l !liro; T6da Johnson vl~Jled In day afternoon with 'he foA.JrlenEntertainment wW be by Judy ltie meeting closed with otfer east co<),:>t to be "enf to r('Ii,.-1 S..1Ju'rday. Nov. 1'1 F( Y F Ron Har:der" and childr('n Olt"'r <Inn, ..... ,',.]1" ~ D,nnu que':.l" .H:r~ thf: Ddn John~--Ofl hom~ in Orn.-Jh.l JohnsonsMartindale and Helen Pearson. i~ and prayer. Lunch was serv coun~rles Three quill'S Nfjr" h,)'f~rldr; par-' ''f. S 30 p m rn,J{:-1 "I OU€sts "'/erc Mf"5 Kenn,,--,U'lOr!iOnA~iceErwinandShlrleYStohler ~y the Marlen Johnsons and taken to Immanuel M.=--d.c,]I LiJurel LionS.P-<i("k Mrs RiCk MtJnndn-d d,/Idren",n(l'

gave the I,esson, "Liking Me, Uk· the Harlin AOdersbns.· Center tn Om:aha a vu.-ek dqo Sunday. Nov. 2'0; SU/ldd'~ BIble Mn. Fred Mann-Ulg----¥oU-".-Each....member taokpart with tests and activities oftheir own e$teem to themselves


;:~:l~np~r~~5o~-~;i1hostth.~-Mr·. ·~Farmer·PLEASENT DELL

The "Pleasent Dell Club metThursday with Mrs. MarvinOraghu as hostess. Seven'members answered roll call withthankful for what? Officerselected were Minnie Carlson,secretary; Doris Fredrickson,treasurer; Donna Roeber andNina Carlson. Sunshine; MinnieCarlson and Elaine Oraghu.11i!'Wsreporters. ¥onna Roeber ledsome pencil games.

A 'Christmas luncheon will beheld. at the Black Knight inWayne on Dec. 7 at 12:30 pmwith a program to follow

GOLDEN RULE CLUBThe Golden Rule Club met

T-h-t-.trs-d-ay with- ·Helen Pearson ashostess and each member bringiog a traditional food for a tastingparty and shared recipes. Thi,.teen members and a guestanswered roll call with a fracH·tional food in the home Bir

Page 20: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

ASINCE~E THANK YOU to anmy frlen.~s and., relatives ~ for<:atds, flaw",.. vl.lIs and phonecl\IISWhlte j wa,ln the hospital. A

Nil thanks to Pastor Hafer:-menn or his VislteS and prayers... ,. YMthClU9htful_.wlllne_bet~Ien'WIHredMlller. n17., ':" ~~.:::. < "~, ..

cards. gifts, flowerS, visits- andprayers when' was a patient inPfovidence Medical Center;Also,Sfl'!Ctal thank. to Pa.tor Newmanfor hi. vl'''s anct prayers and tothe doctors and ho.pilar staff.Esther Peterson. nl1

'or MI, Optiiwflon. gpOft totra.~or .....rtence.1

...no-"':;~'UO ....




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• TREE WRAP• #" "







Protect Your Ros.s From Th"..Co/d Thl.-~--Wl.nter

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Ivory .-...-t_ or

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b.._.I " ...... WO_tIlI.to _

"It,cl,.. to ".",ocr.t.e--

.. 1.,117.00.... ' .'....5"".

Dori' O..nl,I., Secnt.ryfPUbI.-Nov.17I


Nollce I' h,reby gl....n thai I~ lncar

5lNKINGFUHDEUllEku:Jrlc, T-&I addillon-­Scl1hm, Con$truCtlon. wlndoW1o


Of" .. corpora Ion underth. N.br.ska Non·Pront CorPCl'"4tion Ad.Ttlfo namt of lhe corpot:allon I. A'e'doen'l@t'Lutheran Chvrch Fovndallon and the ad·dret. of lhe rlt9I.ler.d offlc••, .sen LincolnSlr..l, Wayn., Nebr.,k."1I7. Thecorpor.lion Is: crganlled for It. purpose 01 sustainlng lhf' mlnlen and mlnlslry of RedeemerLulher.,. Church ef Wayne, Nllbra"'" andlor oll'ler lawful purpo.... Thf' COl'poraflemcomnwnc.d on July 1. 1'113. and hasperpetUAl elill$lence. Thf' _"al,1 01 the corpor-atron arelo-be conducted by. president.vice·president, Hcr.ta,y and Ire.Ullril1f', and\uch eUler olllu,'" U may be provided In IheBy Laws

h> by tile lncorpvr.toniN.G.N.lson

WakM H. Joh",oftDavid H, bln!ij

•(Pub~. Nov. 10, 17, 241


IH ..~


104 ~o





poSlt P£1'LlRr\.()wt~ S~OQ

202 Michener in Wakefield

is having OPEN HOUSE this weekend

NOVEMBER 18-19 from 9-5NOVEMBER-W-frOfii "T-5

Come and be a guest at the "WinterWonderland Wedding" at the Enchanted

Christmas Castle of 1909

Bring:...y.our.chris.tmas shopping list.Hundreds ol'items $5.po,and'und~r.andtwice

. -a.!l.inany $10.00 and under.


IT'S ALL HERECome .... 'h. all new 16ft. wide Chemp!onMobile Home, your af·fordobl. f1vlng Inv••t·m.nt. at L & L Hou.lngInc" .we will nat b.und.....ld. Located bot,w••n So. SIoux CIty andDakota ~Ity. HE on Hwy.35,402.494-5157.

--- - - --~~

mobile homes

wanted - --

ASSEMBLY OF GOO YouthGroup will do odd jobs: raking.wl~~o_ws!._ ta~n~,__!'_t~, OQf!at.lomLaccepted Coil 375·3179 or3753722. nlOl3

WANT TO RENT OR LEASE:Four or more bedroom home Inor verv near Wayne, Ready tomove into. 4021924 3807 n JOt3

$100 PER WEEK part time athome. Webster, America'sfavorite dictionary COmpa"Vneeds home workers to updateloc",1 mailing lists. Easy workCan be done while watching TV.All Og~ experience un"necessary. Call 1·716·8.42·6000,Ext. 18714. n11,23

WANfED will do r,H.,'nq ..1I1dYdfd'Nork J7S 3042 01113

SERVICES OFFERED, Will dotyping.' reports. resumes. termpapers. ete-.- R-fffl5Qnable rates,C.1I375·2569 nt0l3

DEADLIHES4 p.m. Tuelday and fridays

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auction- -- -

OWN YOUR OWN JeanSportswear. Intimt ,Preteen,Lddlcs AppareL Combination,AccesS<lries or Large 'Slze $IoreNational br.lnd$: Jordac;he, Chit:;,Lee. Levi. Vanderbilt. hod,Gvnne Sa)(.,_----Esp~u. -Br:ltfiJnla.Cahl'in Klein, Sergio Valcmle,Evan Picone, Claiborne,H~gltllt~x, 300 others $7,900 to$24,";00, inventory, aJrf{")rc, train·ing, fixtures, -;r~~ ~nlng, etcMr. Loughlin (612)088 6555, n17

OWH YOUR OWN beautlfu.l and ."clu.lveChildren'. Shop. OfferIng the lat••t In fOlhlon.oloRfl with a complet. line of acc.....rl•• andbaby furnltur.. Bro"d nome. Vond.rbllt. Jar.doch•• Polo. H_ltht.". \zod. L.vl, L••• ColvinKI.ln. 9olc, Bu.t.r Brown. Donmoor. Her Mo'es.ty. Polly flondo.. and meny more. furnltur. byT.,tiiit;I;iJllaliY't~-NOi:i;:W"Y'-$14.90Cn"cliiil••....Innlng Inv.ntory; traInIng: IIxtur••: andgrand openIng promotIon.. Call anytime501.329·11327. AN EXCLUSIVE SHOP fOR yOUI

business opportunity

Page 21: ·VonMi.lden·plans - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...Farmeriipprec;af;oiipliiiiied~. The Wayne Chamber of Commerce is bringing a storyteller

j i~ ,