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.. Br(}thel' of Wayne Man Passes Away P"1f r H'2, of (,('(1.lr lirn\lwi 01 I )il\(' H!lhtle of rllr'd ,,,,!tunla). Funeral 1'11('" were {'o(ldu('I<'d Tuesday Ht thL' Bader In Fremont Deceased 11\(' (,)hllldrl.'n, HIS wife, who i'! Slstt'r M Mrs Dave Bahde, dwri J1 ago Mr. and Mrs. Do!\ (' Bethekl and :'I11ss Lf'ona were in C!l'r!rtr WIth the family of Ausll11. cam(' to Bamde's ('nee Bahrl{,1 d>f FrankfUrt, SI D" who C,t!11f' went 10 WRhoo Monday lhen to the fU'iwral T!J("-;cI1-l' MI' and Mrs. Rdlhprt Frahm ';Hld F'r;>thrn also al- 1 ('nrl{'(l t 1,1(' Ernc!>t Uahrlf' anr] Rol! wert" at Vil\'{' Bahde s .sun<.lay and som£' of fhf'ir family ¢xpected to go t@ the ntf's. Prepare lJ1ess{ah As'Featllre Here Re,jwarsal" Flrc nn Handel Mcs51ah. which will he prCF.Cnl(' at the Wayne audi- tOrlum Su dav cH'ning. Dcccm- bel' ] 4. hy t f' 110-YO!('C a cappella chol!' ;lnd ;)O-'P1CCf' orciwsLrR.. under l"prmsorshiplof the Wayne Kmanb duh. Prof. RL1ssi:>1 AneiPrson and ... Prof John iR Kelt h arc dJrcclmg thc' produ('ttrln. I'on('a 'If'r')hllnt Hit·"_ James D)}IC'. ponea food Isfore own¢r, whOI dlf'd JI1 chair Mon- d<lY last \\ t'ek, \\ as a brat her-in- law',of ::'IIIr'"1, Wm, Rahn who diC'd t/1(' prC'\'lnll __ wP{'k, Mr. Doyle martJ('d Rice and Mr. Rahn 'lllarfll'd E!lvira lR,ice, Deceased l('<lvE's hJS J.,'ilfe, a son. Jamcs, who opcratps store, and thrce daughters, Margaret, Mary and Elizabf'th, - ..- ----j---- Inrant Is 'Mr. ami Mrs F. S. Morgan and The Berglunds ROR. The Hetld's. farm sale ser- vice inel des free Iistin&' of your sal date in this eaIen- dar1 thu protecting the date of,3/'our all. i _ l c(,en{mr "--Closing out Ilann E. ". Lunda.hl, Wakelield. .In is II ugllcs. a.uctioneers. c('cm JCr 8--010sin" out sale. l\lufinus Jorgf·nsen. \\'jnside. T_ ,J, Hughejs, auctioneer. See JU1 in ".rald. 12 - Closin out salJ' 1I0f.ard Ellenburg, "' ;rne, 1', ,Ou hes, auctioneer. ·atch for ad In The Herald, Values for Gift Shoppers Throughout The Herald Present Awards For Outstanding Records in 1947- , Holiday Activity To Kiwanis for Name Wayne County 4-H Club ChampIOns Is In Full Swing y\,t) nc toUnl} 1-II champJO:1s I makmg (j\\'ards. Arlene MClcrhcn-1 ')tnvcrs 4-11 SWine cluu, was •• GO \lernment Aid h,ne b, ... n 'Ylecl"d fo. 1947. These .. ry was second place," homcmak-I named county meat animal cham- In ThiS V ICIDlty 4-11 hoys and were ch9?cn on mg, Shirley WIttler, third and the Thomas the basl.!> of theIr records, rpports. Reha fourth. Arlene and CdC H Of'f ir:er IsH ere To Visit Group \\'aYr)c Kl\\'anwns were honored for 1 hpilr publiC S('r\ IC(, dUring and aftf'T tH(, war" Monrla;, when Capt. Daniel ',Buyz(' of SIOUX City prc- s('nled lhl' club "11h a framed c('r- tiflClaI(' of rpcugmllon Thc local cluh antI on(' m \VI.:-consm w('n' so honor('d I hi" y('ar Cap1 Bu;,zf' (nlrodu('{'d hy H D Addison. compllmf'nt('d the unJly of Amf'rlcan" in mN'tlng so quwkly and SOl ('[[('('tnTly Ilw problf'rm ... oj all 11I11!'S In the last C1.Clivltl('S and achievement. All ShIrley are of the ,BUlSY Ernest Os?urn, a member of the - row some ere awards I;l\'aliablc will he res£' ted Hands 4-H club with Wayne Strahan Stnvers club, wa,s coun- Each Day to Trade at the Wa ne county 4-rf Thomas as leader. Reba Beckner ty champIon. He WIll com- men! pro;arn to ,be held late m \V. Lun- champHJnb IIollday .111£''' no .... arc In filii 'LJeccmLH:r or early In Ja':"!uar;y.. I Shirley of SJ!\"cr Thlm- \\'IlJJam Hansen, Wa kef 1 c I d, ;\l" LorrLlInc CInch of Hoskl:1S tIes Sewing clull Wjth Mrs T. P leader and member of the Top ras a f-, Clty. Happy Wor\:ers 4-H dub. With as leadf'r was 1 4·H beef club. was chosen Last wef'k \\ C'dnesdcly ,\jr;,. Harr) Strate as lead('r, was champIOn ShC' will r('c(,lvP t.he for county bu.b)' beef champion and sPvf'[al thousand mtf'rested SrK'( 1;.;- nH.meci both cann!ng and cooking Spool Cotton sewmg m('dal SihC' 'Adl n'cC'lve a gold medal from tors jamm('d the dL<;trlrt ch<lmrJlon Shc Wj]j r('et'l\e the wdl also receivc the SimpliCity Safe'Aay HE' WII! also re- for unW'llmg. of Ken GJass Company gold medal Pattcrn company drcsS' r('vue mcd- cenT the Ak-Sar-Ben g{,Jd medal Wlndov.s at local stores Annlh) fol' c;Jnnmg Rnd SCI'Vel In<.; medal 'h' I 'I for oUlstandlng 1-11 ser\lcc durIng hUgl' crowd was In Wayne Fnri'l) for {'onkmg Uon,1a Lage wa,> Sf'C- lhe year 1917, [or thr aenal VI"II of, Santa,C1Clu.". ond pliH'(' kr Imlh canJlmg andll'el\'f' a drpss rt'\'U(' med'll :--;arknf' Ll"g'r. mpmb('r of the \\ho flp\\ 10 thf' v..ayn(' i:llrpOJI u!{)kmg She hlls {wcn C,jrrymg , ,. , . .'VIdl<-A-\\lav 1-11 iJalr\ Calf cluh. and Ihpn .suprJ'\'ls('ri a I:!ala ,gfli'r- (,mnml-': <:i.e, (l membC'1' of Ih,: Mary of Jolly \\(,J!k- .... llh Lyle -C;:llnhlc <1" ·I(ad{'r ..... as noon of for klddlt·r. :-;unIJOlIfH'1 (;;11" 4-11 cluh, \\Ith I 1-JI club, .... )th Mni K(':1t s{'I("clf'd {"Ourll} dairy champ'o:1 al lfip city A.urjllonllm launch{'cJ an pnll.q· l\Jrl'l. Fl'd,ll, Hicks as kader, Erma Jackson itS leader, wllJ the [J{mna Lag(' wa" sf'('ond place ThIS week V:C'dnesdH)" Thur<;- at Ihf' c!m;r of Ihe Jean Stril1{' \\H" Ihird In ('anrllngl MontgomC'r)' Ward .gIrls rr'"('ord dalr} calf memhcT. The} will rc- d,,}', Friday and Saturda}, \\"il)nf' hplp('d Jfi ttllS <1,10 Vlr!:,;lnl" MIller \\as fourlh:1 medal. Mary was aisf) eCIV(' ::.;{)Ir] and slher mrdals from ..,1nrrs Hrr JOining: In a CII}-\\Irll and In olh{'1' v.ar ('[forls _Thf' _'\;ol'ma :'\Lllson V.d:-' Ihlrd In COOk-I he<111h v.mnrr, She the kriift Chrese emnp,;t/1Y. ::;'Ifl fnlr for iiI) norlhCCil'tprn :'\1'- ,0[[1('(,1' (';\.plilln('r! tll1l1 Ihe mllion and H(''''r'riy Krau,,{' W!-J;, fourlh wIll recclvP the Set'Ul'Jly .YlUt.Uitl (·,!rroil.:vI 11 n " U n, \VaJ,;dI1'ld, hrii"kRns All hu<;m("ps pla{'('s ,liT' now h;':t ... Ihr' gT('dll' ... t \'oluntcer \.':Hh ;IJ'( TlwmlJ{'r<; of tIle health medal fiH'rnlwr of the e{'at Em All 1-11 ril"pl1tylll(! Irlr;.:-r <;tock." of TlfO\\ arm) of a)) llrrl(' Hap!'} \\'orj..,('rs club I lJunna UdY v.u. .... seJecled 10 COITl- lkef clull. 11Ig'h cuunty 4-11 Chrl"lmH<" rnrr('hanrllsf', and Ih!" The ¥flr'('r qU(lIf'(! Gen l)WIg"hl ec\'{,:rl) And('r!:oon of i\10ttH'1 s I' ,for slal_c achln'cment award. producer for 194,. Cetrro!l who IS v.f'f'k, Hn' offrrmg specldi h lIr,ipf'rs, Wllh ),lr". Vean iJf'lld- I \\ Ililam Hansen of the hi!> last yrar In 4-H values for gift "hoppers, <'{,n Cl!:o kadf'r, was homf'makITlg"I ';\;otch!?r" 4-H club and Arlenc wDrk rcceive the \VXAX If Ihr·,'rr available anyv.'hl"r(", I I dldmplDn She \\ 111 reccJ\T Ih(' II I'lelcrhenry v.ere select(d as "gnldualmg' a ..... ard Ihf' g'lfts' Yflu'rr looking for Can II{' work Puhllc Undf'r ... l<inrJlng;, pub IC S(dr'" H,fH'huck Founda.1JOn gold {'rshlp They \\111 rece]Ve (Hh('r 4-11 mcmhcrs and found In W;lynf', Ih(' Chamber of Penrlt.'r, [)()nnCl [Jay. la<,1 yeClr hom('-! an Ldward \\':ilso:1 nlt.'dal for Icad- w('re nl!rnlnClled for award Commercr drdarcd todllY making ci1HmplOn, 'Aas s(,jected to I[ and tripS hul the WlflTlers havc not ,\nrl from no\\ through D(,f'f'm- hj }I{'nr';, E Lf'Y, gave (0111[)('1(' for [uri her sldtt' home- Edward ':\Lmn. of th(' Strahan bf'en announ,!"(j h('r l(J. SCl.nICi ClClU!" will hf' In Ircmlnl<'f'f'n(·('!-. {II norThf'a<,1 :\'c- Wayne C\f'ry Hflrrnoon ('x(,ppl I brH.';kd Th( pa;,l()r tli(,n re<lel ong- 1 I i"", p<>loh "'1,,,," "n "('('ounl of Gun ACCl'de' nt I'Tax Collectors Sunri"), lie h" 'el up he"'q""'- Ifl(' {·If('IHn·ldnC{'S \\hwh promplf'ri WOMAN'S CLUB TO 1['1' In Ihr' llllllrjm;:; a1 th(, milr- I RO 0 I '-PI t Ion of Thlrrl rl nf! Mam, <-In,j \\ d I , rCRent thp lOIl¥ and :-;hort of it at llil' ",r're: P F I P M TE PLAN fOR IT GO H I 1111,'nI P "" (ill VflllnE!"tr>r<; Itl Irhrtrd fall. At ldt I": Hptt\ Ann (;{'igc'r Ill(' roves ata WAYNE'S NEW PARK 0 lye e p tit tli('lr (XI'(:clrJlJOns fur Clil'bt- () -l ltd G To\\(·nng C;r;lnrk of "r'IIE 'Wa.rnc ('lub, mC\!' nn Engll:"h (Jf \\ a'h., G feet J.,I,\I {lUI' }In\'{' All f:l{har'd ('lough, 13. fumlcr n'sl- whlch ha .. bf>f'n an iml)orbu:lt i \\'. P. Cannin::; and It II Sou(,lf'. For Ihf' ,('IJn\cnJ(>ncf' of t!lfl th(' C;oldl'nrod) ,(;('111'. 1;, HCl'e Grandpa d['n! of \\ akcfl('ld, died at Impcflalj fur('e b('hind dC"\f'lopmf'nt of I d('put) c(,IJecl()rs, h,,\c i:Lnnounced shnppf'r:-., v... ;lynC' plC!{ (·s i ;Inrl Prayer. 2\u\'cmhcr :.;6 frurn a gun wound I\lf'morial park, no\\ propo .... 'I!>, their schC'dule of dates for hell-Jlflg (gro{'('D slorr's ('xceP\edl wIll tlP I Sh · I B rl ml (I" C E Gd \\ hl{ h til sulJlr{'d v.hlle he and I d t d id make out Income tax report,',. of}('n t hrpr> \l,;f'rinesday' nights. De- lle,"(---"3)ooi(-,, 0\\ 11 III 1 \\(f!-n:e p;!;r'",;' of thrlt \HIC at the lrrl-, t: I Mr Cannmg's early dates arc crmhr-r ,1. H) Hnd 17, and alsoM?n- P ,-] j ,\1 SI-':t ForC'sl E DC'- gatlun rC;:.{'r\olr ncar Champion I bl' t'rf,ctf'd in thf' park as a trib. I Hartlngtun, Januar) :5 Hnd 6, POD- da.;. >lnrl Tu('!'day, December 22 a "llan('j With the r(,(TUll- lh( Jour had gO!1C there No\ember utI' t-o all Waynf' county ca January"i and 8, DakOla CIty, anrl 2.1 o I ,.,. Ilngscrv!C(',v.a ... \\llhCapt.Buyze. l1andlcmaJnedO\cr-mghttohuntl \\orld war II prrsonm'l who IJanuary9,SouthSlouxCJt),Jan- w('cks edlllOn of The , (-'r ear , V ' t' Sh t j 1:\ I \ i1 3 r'. 1:, ", ('..,t,llr ;111(1 pI'r..,()n;11 J;!n- acc,lna Lon 0 S g[ t \\hln Hlch,l1d CJ.clld(lllall} I in sf'{'ing that all Ihiu[g I Suu("J("s arr Ilartmglun .. Januar) J eastprn Nebrasl,8 10 111\11(' glfl IIlI' 1'1(1)]1'11\ 1(']lIlrl,'1I 11\ \\HVrl( Are to lie (liven :'llurl\ II) on( oj lit bulll'b fh{' l\'<\ynl'l"lIuntysoldil'NoC"'orld Il and6 , f'unf'(-I..January'and8, Utl- to \\'aynr for thf' C11y- "JlH,I\ 1"1 1;I .... dll(HI IJ!II- (()nljldnlf!!1'> lu"h(d H.I{hdld tva war 11 an' pro)){"rl,Y rf'mpmber- kvla ("II) Janudry 9, South Sioux ...... I(k g:ift fair. Advf>rtJsemf'nl ... P'N(,lhl",\('d!'sll()\\;·(I,I1III I ')'('a:-.(' j"jl'dlt ... (JI SdHl,,1 {'htldl('11 hOSPltdJ ami ('\('lythll1g t'fl \\ith markf'r!> as ,\f'1l as Cllj,Januar} thl" tpl! of tilt III 5,1 7Sl.-1.fJK:l (j\{'r 1')1f-i. ;j('('(ll'{lInt: 111.11 I!I{' I;! ... I 01 Ihc f'oun- \\a:-, dUJlL JUI' IJ1l11. I trPf'S. As thf' lJr.raJd b Wajnf'. Janurlr) 1'1 and 1;:, gift oclng oi!(,lcd II!;, rqJort );\0.;1 \\('(']{-('nd hy Roh- tj lmmlunlz;J\lon (']lIlles \nH lit· Fum'ral n1l's \\('1( conducteu all formf'd, tht, plan IlroJl'OSM rur the fdlng p<"nod (If Februar) , _ _ __ ('I'I Sldl(' I,p, Honor Students Corn'-.pondJl1;:": 111{,)'(',tS('" \\'C'r(' natIOn lor dlpht!wna and tf'tanU$ Jfl charge, Committal followed I when appropriate se"ni(".("'1 "ill 16, WalthilL February 17, Homer,.. '{ High nln! areas '111 5mu:x CI1\ !'hown :n ntlwr no r lhf'a<:1prn should haw: the second shot ht'lc. I bt' carried out. In timf' the trees February 18; Dakola Clly, Febru- } or \\ aVlle (' r('glon \\111 h(' 'l(C,,£:)lI.c{'d. I )a ... j{,! anrl {)\('r Ih(' Thow rt't'f'J\ln;,: hoosier :,hots,Jn, RLChaxd Lec Clough, son of .:'vIr. 1 that line the park will furniSh ary 19; Soulh SIOUX City, Feb- 'A' nl" i\ta A<;h (-hln'l 111'1 La Tr'" (" for Uc1ot)('r \\111 n(lt need an} mon' at and l\!r". l-'ranklln ('lough, wa>-! important beauty and "hade. ruar) :lfl, }-Jonca, FebruClr} :l3; Are t1nou cc'( II hI'> thiS IUll(' (J[fl(!, hour!- of I he dOt - I J I 11 19"") t S CI I The tn'es and mark('ro; ",ilJ be ;-.;" tl F bruary :l4' Hartmg: win (,r, v. Jl'j ab() arnrJllg- lui! 1':! 1f; lor t \ dCClnallOn ar£', Dr. u th reminders through thf' years ot and 26; gue·ts. \\'allu' I"cnlhack Fnda), 9 10 1:::, :n patriotic d('\'OtJOD and dese:n'cd Februar)' 2"i, Fordyce, March 2; Honor roll ror second F \'(' of thr' ')4.Lll.hFn :-L!,_'71.00:1 1)!' 1> () \\·Inslde. Thur,,- at tht .:'.lethodlst church IiI Allcn I ·honol'S. Randolph, March 3, Magnet. period at Wayne high school clud('s the named of-fd'ur,- lUid.:- .. I are wmnmgs wJlP 1f'('('IVC I Cumin;.:: ,l().43,l:W') 3K() 10 4. S. A LUIg('n. \\ hen Richard \\as 3 y(ars old the March 4, Belden, March 3 and 6, prlz's al SIOUX C1li y lInd Wajnc I IJlxl,n :';(1 lfi:.2 ,}R 1 \\;-1\ n1 IJI ( ,\1 <- {)( \\ a).;c[n'ld famd} m(J\cd to Emer;,on ",nu I - - Laurel, March 9, H.osalJe. March cou I} group hWii gr,od prospl'ct I PW) {,(' :,,"\.1:21 I n() and j)f: P. R S{ ason,.:-()od Cdrrc II t h( J C he c{!mple led hIS first }edl'l A I H' h 10 V. Inncbago l\larch 11, \\ aj nc f Ilhl () I jl:::"lJ.l'l{11l 'ThUI,dij<illdl'rldl} !:It{) 1 (J/hlgh;'(!l()(JIlllthlsumIlHrOfi verage S 19 Marchl.!and1J I;; t' , 1'111 1)1( (louJ.;li:; .... c nt 10 ImI!( r l\lr Soucie s schcdul( IS I'l ndN MIS IS>-IP{l1 Villl{';. (,IS:-'II( lillion I N' h I (Thrislmas (far()ls III dnd dluascd lnl('rrd ti1r IF DOG I }f'orU<lr} 1(j v" O1lt hil I Fd.WUdry T l' ('!)unl) dl .... ,l!lt,l ,('I, t I(·d ;Ii, ,Stunt 19 t ·s "'!jJIH!mOrl c) 1:-';' {f (h I'>l luuntj or aIry roup I 11 lIumr r Fd)rUdr) 1M iJCI.!dJla I Hn/'D 111'11 ;,[ hool thiS fall I ell} r euruary Suuth SIOUX lOCi- IdJ'lII('r;, \\ II( S(' pi,\( (''' L U 0 L C' ent n'd In ttl(' cO!TIJelI11U:1 BL'Sld{SIS C 11 Ulccas{'d l{dHS hiS pal(nb and 1\01th(,01st I\eurnska ValiJ' Herd ell) Februar} :lO, !, et at 0 ege ( I :-.t( t)) uthll RngC'r Impro\ ement aSSOCiatIOn ranked I (\ (nlnl-. HI dl()UI fi fhl" bro,l{I( I T---d-- -f F- Sixth In Nebraska In a\crag"(' but- Wmslde February :l6 Hoskms of the' soil offleC' and i I'ul,ul:l( all I \\ I I \ir mRdr ,\1 1 hi n of th(' ,.en S 0 as lon terfdt productJon pcr cov. for Oc FebruaiJ' '27 Allen March:'; VIX- allk(, ,11!rllu:1 Chaml)(]" of P tober being onl) t\\O pounds Lc_lun ::vIarch 3 March 4, ple will al!ll1li jh{' Jrl(·ttl n g Hl ,nl nl;..:n1 I, { hrOHfkCi ... I" \\'1111)(' al \'HrlOU<; Shown in rog,.am I V\a\nc March) and 6 Laurel Sw )<. ell) !JPlUI( d i:I'Jdl( ({ low the secoRd hl;;h,:,t 9; Wayne, March 10, 11. 1:1 tl<1nSCriptlo of I loil(...,( _ ) I !11,dl\ IJ( tlon, according to Count) Agent and 13 \0,. It :vir \\ atson Ir I (('mil( t 1 .-HI P n Thf' (!'JroCIrnnlC musIC s.\,,\em is Walter R .. Hankr n'ported at 1_. ______ 1\1 K jj , 1l1- I I <II \\omf'n Tuesday p\('nmg. j\;o- .- ) 0 lilt I \{1"1(,nr 11 1 IlIlfJU'" ('onni'ct('rl 'Allh f'1(Ttrl('aJl) con- Dorothy JIamf'r, pr('''t- mf'('tlngofdil'eetorsofthlsgrOUPIR< I' B' <d" 'l (1\(1' KSCJ IOUX '.jofl I (\( 11111-': \\111 Sill]! I ... I I ( fJl( .... ln trnllf'd amplillt'r.<. m Ihl' church \\('jcnmed the gu('"l:-. The Fnday ('venlng in Wayne. a( 10 loa cas Dcc{'mber 8 I om I 10131) l,a'lfJn ... JI tilt lllHll>-l(' I I r nlr!(;:. 111 to\\('r and glv{'s the elly a vcry t)rOglam fl'aturf' WH!' a !ily!e show S & S h d lk edl lill ((!file st ,,' I good cu\pragf' _ basC'rl on lhe Ihpme, "The Trf'nd of To Ta , 1 (n ( r I Amf'rlcan Fashion." Co!'tumcs stal(' (ur herds of over 16 cows B L .. I Sl d l . IJlILL', th/ \'1/:1 ,.'j' j Power Insulator from co!-omal dayS 10 Ihl' present and mJlkmg tWICC dady. The avc- Y oca u en s (I "11 U I I rid ITImj('lpd \(! prnvl that "lhpr{, rage was 3r.:.:! [}(!unds uf iJutterfat . I' loll ( I l'lf Is Sh(ll 011 Lines b really nothing ... '1 new In thf' 'nf'W }If'r cow The herd of Ivan Boaman, One of Ih(':l4 Illg'h forum A 1101'<'(' \,('ll)ngll1g If> I, ('I!;\. I )''1- \\ lolled an! I,' m)rinlghl Thur ... day wh('n til{' ;1 1llTlW I a('C'ldl'ntally "I ruck a car drl\ ('n Kenny of on Ih(' look' Thos£, .... ,110 modf'I{'d dul hrs v..'ukcfIPld, ranked 1I1 t.he I programs, mad,£.' by I v,{'f(' Mrs MJlrl1'('r! Lundhf'rg, Mrs, state for those milkcd t\\]ce dally for statIOn WNAX, Yankton. ""as Ellf'n Philbin. I\'rlt'np Shlnau!. Mrs. and havJng a mmimum average of I prcpal'cd at Wayne high school \\ ,Ijll(' ('o ... 1 f')() If) re- LU\f'rlla Hillon, Dorolhy $p!iU· 30 pounds of butterfat pcr cow. Ba- Will be broadcast Tuc5dl'lY ('vcnmg, gf'dwr. EH'lyn Hohlff. Bonnie sll Trubc of Allen, has one of the Decemher 16, <\t 8.3U In coofX'r- I four anrl thn'(' n1)nUl{'s. S(>1 \ If'r' norl h\\{,,,t of \\'ayne \\ ;1.'" Ifll'('li'ri Sunr!;Jv. MoncidY ;!nd l'lW"d;JV ('\('nlngs last \\f'f'k 1 II'f I) I"{' Ilw Irr;ublc \\<IS ](WHt('rI and Ihl' ll1);ulaloir rf'placpd. 'fh{, pov.pr dls- tricl off('r, $;!:J for infor- mallOn leadmg 10 the arrest and com'I('llfm of partlC'!- who arf' re- spanslhlt, for Ih:" dC'structlOn of puhllC p:rop{'rty, Kug-I{'T. .kann('t Ie JliIf'Y, Molly Lllup herds having 13 ol'less cows I ation wlt_h Iowa of Par- Mi:I(' Lag(', IJQrnl hy Ncbon, MI-;;, and mlll{('d twice daily, {'nts and rcachers. Lr;t!l Jl';!n Milln ami Annf'lta Ituy Morrison vf Lyuns resigned "What eqn students dv to help r-.f'lson, KallJ('rlfle Kyl WitS nal'- Friday as director a!i he is lea\'tng make ,<;chool more Vital and mter- r<ltnr the Clare V,riltse of Lyons estlng?" This qu('stlOn "as con- Thr· commllt('(' InCllld- was chosen to complete Mr, Morn- sldered by four loc.al speakers and ('(I MarJon(' Mrs, sons' term. Harold Eggert, at discussion perl,od t was Elna Spllttgerher. MIS. Leah VIsor, reported two new herds open to all. Spccla a. s ere gJV- Jpan Ml11f'r, lV'\rs Dona Miller, Ann tested m I'\ovember, en by Kenneth, Lipp, Marvm Ahern and G('n(,\'lev(' Wi 1- Dranselka Beverly Anderson and !Jam!'. rharg£' of !'erving Directors will have a mcmber- DeV{'e Reikofskl_ Wf'r(' Mrs. Vrtnlce Bressler, .!VIrs, shIp meeting In January when a rc- Jc.hn SchmJdt .... of Sioux City, Myron ('ols( n, Mr:-.. Flnrf'nc(' port uf three month!>' work Will be moderator, Art Smith, manager of Piano Is Given Mr MlnnH'Strwkltlnti. swnmunzl'd, The mC'('ting wtll be WNAX <ind an engmeer vlsit('d 1 1\11'", Ann ";(,ltenlwmp and Mrs. 10 anyonc interesled In dairy wa,Yne' rccently lo prepare tile To Wayne (.'hllrch ____ _______ improvement. pro{,';ram, W:-.JAX will gJVl' f'ach lllellllJ('I' Mt'th(i!lli.sl ('hUrd! In"alled a k fit t" I' ,'lvO " p,n nt'w pla:no It hought Shel'l';' Emmanuel Spea s at s '-, and placrd lfl 1 he church last weck, 11 is a Geo.ge Steck 'pinet. one W.aype State Convocation Teachers to lJ1eet At Wayne CoUege aYf'rage!' of 1. They ilre; d\T'ra):!"es of 1. They - 1 Pi-! Im('r, f'hyJli.<; LaNita \\'()od'o, I)lck BaJler_ "1'h,/:,(' wllh aVerdg:f'S of 1 .!.-:) nl( llOnn;1 Baier, Fcrn Mohr, Shlrll) MaiJen, :-':adme Lag(', Jack Cleo Shufrld!, Kenneth LIPP, Clalrc Simmerman, Beverly lUl- dCTSon. DaISY Lee ;r-.;clson and Hem%" (HIe, Sludf'nls \\ 11h Clverag:es {If ] are: Joann Wert, Maxme Nelson, Mal'lenc t. LeRoy Slenr!', Phyllis D('hus. Rosalyn Eills, lea Woods, Marilyn Gamble. Th{lsr with 1 IJ arc: Bob Snuth, Colson, Joann lflarvcy, Mar- delle Larson, 1\qia Heier, Jean- nme Milliken, Faye', Vahlkamp, Howard Hcspman, Wilma Donnan, Harlan Heier and Danna Day. Averages of 1 were made by: Marilyn Barelman, Dorothy Ellson, Marlene Sleck.rnan, Doris MillIken, nilly Gamble, Eugene Vahlkarnp, man and Chuck Kay. Conduct Funeral For Wayne Coeds Funeral ntes were conducted Friday at South SiOUX City Pres- hyterian church for Miss Ph(llips, 17, one of two Wayne cr>- eds who lost their lives in a truck crash near Uurel Sunday evening last week. Rlcv. John Or- ange officiated, Missl Phillips' . fa- ther, Charles Burgess of Los An- gelt':=;, carne for the funeral. SCP-'I("(,S for MISS Jean Hansen, IH, the othf'r coed who was killed In the accident. were held Wednes- day at First Lutheran church, Rev. Ernest MesSer officiated_ Gail Powell, 17, driver of the car, was reported doing well last week He has a broken thigh, pos· sjbJe broken back and minor i!lju- ThC' people arc &if the Semitic race, like Arabs, Caldeans, Jews and Syrians, The Syriak Jan):tuage gives gender to all inanimate ob- jects, High schools of this area that ries, --r------ Hlome flrom Hospital. C, E, Liveringhousc, who was injured when accidentally strudk by a car, was brought home Sun- d,IY by ambulance from a SiOUX Both are In 'Unlted States is t h(' champion of democracy, st tf'd Sheik Raphael Emmanuel of composer, lecturer and t aveler, who address- ed college con oca tion Tu('sday_ The speake told that he was born in the ountains of Kurdi· ans. They ar uneducated, unci vi- orshlpcrs, superstl- Turkey was powerful in early times and Wa!i called the -Ottoman empire. lis others declined, so did 'lJlrkey, The Mohammedans ga ve the world numbers, the calendat, let- ters and rehglon_ When ",rabm have vocational home econumlcs wjll send representatives 10 Wayne F t d' college Satur$y, December 6, to Htp rac ure ttl exchange helpful. ideas aoout FaU at Sioux City this subject. The first such meeting was held in Miss Harriet Fortner, fonner in October. Sclfpols I!lanrung to resident of Wayne, suffered a have teachers h(!re this \\-'eek broken hip last Friday when Ishe Coleridge, Allen. Plam· fell from a stool in the bus view, Randolph, WakefIeld and at Sioux City, She had sm;:nt Wayne campus schooL Thanksgiving in the Frank E home at Beresford, S. D., and rs. Give Teacher , Roe took her to Sioux City to 'ke Nebraska teachers' exami- the bus back to Blair. _ While n nations will 'be .given by Miss Ma- Roe was parlting the car, fSS rie Wright at the COUlt bouse Sat- Fortf,ter l into nd urday, December 13. beginning at fell. -:She In ,:;,t hasp I 8 a.m. ,- , ,. -at ,City. r ' . il

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Br(}thel' of Wayne Man Passes Away

P"1f r l~,dld(. H'2, of (,('(1.lr lirn\lwi 01 I )il\(' H!lhtle of rllr'd ,,,,!tunla). Funeral 1'11('" were {'o(ldu('I<'d Tuesday Ht thL' Bader

In Fremont Deceased 11\(' (,)hllldrl.'n, HIS wife, who

'~iiS i'! Slstt'r M Mrs Dave Bahde, dwri J1 ~{'ar..; ago Mr. and Mrs. Do!\ (' Bethekl and :'I11ss Lf'ona were in C!l'r!rtr B~uffs WIth the family

~~I~ldHKll~n: rt~I~~;~~ 1~7~~~ i~~r~~~; of Ausll11. ::,~;nn. cam(' to Bamde's

~~~:~y ]":t~:~. h'~~;, :~~ ~~:" ft~~~ ('nee Bahrl{,1 d>f FrankfUrt, SI D" who C,t!11f' ~unrlay, went 10 WRhoo Monday an~1 lhen to the fU'iwral T!J("-;cI1-l' MI' and Mrs. Rdlhprt Frahm ';Hld Il'~lli{)1t F'r;>thrn also al-1 ('nrl{'(l t 1,1(' ~n('raL Ernc!>t Uahrlf' anr] Rol! o· Wa~<{,[icld wert" at Vil\'{' Bahde s .sun<.lay and som£' of fhf'ir family ¢xpected to go t@ the ntf's.

Prepare lJ1ess{ah As'Featllre Here

Re,jwarsal" Flrc ~rogTds'i~ng w~ll nn Handel Mcs51ah. which will he prCF.Cnl(' at the Wayne audi­tOrlum Su dav cH'ning. Dcccm­bel' ] 4. hy t f' 110-YO!('C a cappella chol!' ;lnd ;)O-'P1CCf' orciwsLrR.. under l"prmsorshiplof the Wayne Kmanb duh. Prof. RL1ssi:>1 AneiPrson and

... Prof John iR Kelt h arc dJrcclmg thc' produ('ttrln.

I'on('a 'If'r')hllnt Hit·"_ James D)}IC'. ponea food Isfore

own¢r, whOI dlf'd JI1 hi~ chair Mon­d<lY last \\ t'ek, \\ as a brat her-in­law',of ::'IIIr'"1, Wm, Rahn who diC'd t/1(' prC'\'lnll __ wP{'k, Mr. Doyle martJ('d Eth~'1 Rice and Mr. Rahn 'lllarfll'd E!lvira lR,ice, Deceased l('<lvE's hJS J.,'ilfe, a son. Jamcs, who opcratps ~ht' store, and thrce daughters, Margaret, Mary and Elizabf'th, -

~~-~ .. - ----j----

Inrant Is ~apti2Jec1.

'Mr. ami Mrs F. S. Morgan and

~~I'; hlr~n?){)~I~i'm~)~~'n ~l~~~U~: ~:~~~ ~~:~r~(l:~{~:ts~,~~7s~~~'~~~ ~r~~:~; ~'~'~~.{~~~0~1:~~' The Berglunds

ROR. The Hetld's. farm sale ser­vice inel des free Iistin&' of your sal date in this eaIen­dar1 thu protecting the date of,3/'our all. i _

lc(,en{mr "--Closing out Ilann ~t.lt, E. ". Lunda.hl, Wakelield. .In is II ugllcs. a.uctioneers.

c('cm JCr 8--010sin" out sale. l\lufinus Jorgf·nsen. \\'jnside. T_ ,J, Hughejs, auctioneer. See JU1 in

to4~'s ".rald. ~ ~(~em!ber 12 - Closin out

salJ' 1I0f.ard Ellenburg, "' ;rne, 1', ,Ou hes, auctioneer. ·atch for ad In The Herald,

Values for Gift Shoppers

Throughout The Herald

Present Awards For Outstanding Records in 1947- , Holiday Activity To Kiwanis for Name Wayne County 4-H Club ChampIOns Is In Full Swing

y\,t) nc toUnl} 1-II champJO:1s I makmg (j\\'ards. Arlene MClcrhcn-1 ')tnvcrs 4-11 SWine cluu, was •• • •

GO\lernment Aid h,ne b, ... n 'Ylecl"d fo. 1947. These .. ry was second place," homcmak-I named county meat animal cham- In ThiS V ICIDlty 4-11 hoys and girl~ were ch9?cn on mg, Shirley WIttler, third and ~~~~~~nw~~l~e~~~('aJ the Thomas the basl.!> of theIr records, rpports. Reha Bcckn~r, fourth. Arlene and CdC H

Of'f ir:er IsH ere To Visit Group

\\'aYr)c Kl\\'anwns were honored for 1 hpilr publiC S('r\ IC(, dUring and aftf'T tH(, war" Monrla;, when Capt. Daniel ',Buyz(' of SIOUX City prc­s('nled lhl' club "11h a framed c('r­tiflClaI(' of rpcugmllon Thc local cluh antI on(' m \VI.:-consm w('n' so honor('d I hi" y('ar

Cap1 Bu;,zf' (nlrodu('{'d hy H D Addison. compllmf'nt('d the unJly of Amf'rlcan" in mN'tlng so quwkly and SOl ('[[('('tnTly Ilw greatr'~1

problf'rm ... oj all 11I11!'S In the last

C1.Clivltl('S and achievement. All ShIrley are mcrnb~rs of the ,BUlSY Ernest Os?urn, a member of the - row some ere awards I;l\'aliablc will he res£' ted Hands 4-H club with ~rs Wayne Strahan Stnvers club, wa,s coun- Each Day to Trade at the Wa ne county 4-rf aChl~ve- Thomas as leader. Reba Beckner ty sv.l~e champIon. He WIll com-

men! pro;arn to ,be held late m ~~~I~c;ut;cr ~~l~~~b.E. \V. Lun- i~~" c~Jt~h\;~hkcrt~I~J~~ty champHJnb IIollday ~ct .111£''' no .... arc In filii

'LJeccmLH:r or early In Ja':"!uar;y.. I Shirley ~rlasak of SJ!\"cr Thlm- \\'IlJJam Hansen, Wa kef 1 c I d, ~Wlfl~ ~n ~haynr, nor~hcastcrn ;\l"

LorrLlInc CInch of Hoskl:1S tIes Sewing clull Wjth Mrs T. P leader and member of the Top ras a f-, nSI~as Clty. Happy Wor\:ers 4-H dub. With ~~obC'rts as leadf'r was ciDthm~ 1 ~olchcrs 4·H beef club. was chosen Last wef'k \\ C'dnesdcly (>~'erllng ,\jr;,. Harr) Strate as lead('r, was champIOn ShC' will r('c(,lvP t.he for county bu.b)' beef champion and sPvf'[al thousand mtf'rested SrK'( 1;.;­nH.meci both cann!ng and cooking Spool Cotton sewmg m('dal SihC' 'Adl n'cC'lve a gold medal from tors jamm('d the busln~.ss dL<;trlrt ch<lmrJlon Shc Wj]j r('et'l\e the wdl also receivc the SimpliCity Safe'Aay Ston)~ HE' WII! also re- for th~ unW'llm g . of Chrlstm~~ Ken GJass Company gold medal Pattcrn company drcsS' r('vue mcd- cenT the Ak-Sar-Ben g{,Jd medal Wlndov.s at local stores Annlh) fol' c;Jnnmg Rnd SCI'Vel In<.; medal 'h' I 'I for oUlstandlng 1-11 ser\lcc durIng hUgl' crowd was In Wayne Fnri'l) for {'onkmg Uon,1a Lage wa,> Sf'C- ;~!;nS d;f':~ ~~~~ a;,~~~~~ I~~~ r~~~ lhe year 1917, [or thr aenal VI"II of, Santa,C1Clu.". ond pliH'(' kr Imlh canJlmg andll'el\'f' a drpss rt'\'U(' med'll :--;arknf' Ll"g'r. mpmb('r of the \\ho flp\\ 10 thf' v..ayn(' i:llrpOJI

u!{)kmg She hlls {wcn C,jrrymg , ,. , . .'VIdl<-A-\\lav 1-11 iJalr\ Calf cluh. and Ihpn .suprJ'\'ls('ri a I:!ala ,gfli'r-(,mnml-': <:i.e, (l membC'1' of Ih,: Mary Gr~ld of ~hc Jolly \\(,J!k- .... llh Lyle -C;:llnhlc <1" ·I(ad{'r ..... as noon of f'nlrr1H~nmf'nt for klddlt·r. :-;unIJOlIfH'1 (;;11" 4-11 cluh, \\Ith I ('r~ 1-JI club, .... )th Mni K(':1t s{'I("clf'd {"Ourll} dairy champ'o:1 al lfip city A.urjllonllm

launch{'cJ an pnll.q· l\Jrl'l. Fl'd,ll, Hicks as kader, Erma Jackson itS leader, wllJ r('~el\t the [J{mna Lag(' wa" sf'('ond place ThIS week V:C'dnesdH)" Thur<;-at Ihf' c!m;r of Ihe Jean Stril1{' \\H" Ihird In ('anrllngl MontgomC'r)' Ward .gIrls rr'"('ord dalr} calf memhcT. The} will rc- d,,}', Friday and Saturda}, \\"il)nf'

hplp('d Jfi ttllS <1,10 Vlr!:,;lnl" MIller \\as fourlh:1 medal. Mary was aisf) rou~ty eCIV(' ::.;{)Ir] and slher mrdals from ..,1nrrs Hrr JOining: In a CII}-\\Irll and In olh{'1' v.ar ('[forls _Thf' _'\;ol'ma :'\Lllson V.d:-' Ihlrd In COOk-I he<111h Improv('me~t v.mnrr, She the kriift Chrese emnp,;t/1Y. ::;'Ifl fnlr for iiI) norlhCCil'tprn :'\1'-

,0[[1('(,1' (';\.plilln('r! tll1l1 Ihe mllion and H(''''r'riy Krau,,{' W!-J;, fourlh wIll recclvP the Set'Ul'Jly .YlUt.Uitl (·,!rroil.:vI 11 n " U n, \VaJ,;dI1'ld, hrii"kRns All hu<;m("ps pla{'('s ,liT'

now h;':t ... Ihr' gT('dll' ... t \'oluntcer \.':Hh ;IJ'( TlwmlJ{'r<; of tIle health medal fiH'rnlwr of the e{'at Em All 1-11 ril"pl1tylll(! Irlr;.:-r <;tock." of TlfO\\ arm) of a)) llrrl(' JI()skm~ Hap!'} \\'orj..,('rs club I lJunna UdY v.u. .... seJecled 10 COITl- lkef clull. v.<:I~ 11Ig'h cuunty 4-11 Chrl"lmH<" rnrr('hanrllsf', and Ih!"

The ¥flr'('r qU(lIf'(! Gen l)WIg"hl ec\'{,:rl) And('r!:oon of i\10ttH'1 s I' p~t~· ,for slal_c achln'cment award. producer for 194,. Cetrro!l who IS v.f'f'k, Hn' offrrmg m~ny specldi h lIr,ipf'rs, Wllh ),lr". Vean iJf'lld- I \\ Ililam Hansen of the c{Jmpklm~ hi!> last yrar In 4-H values for gift "hoppers,

1~~:~~~~(1\:,~;' ;~~,(~~;~[~In;n t~i:);U~I~~~ <'{,n Cl!:o kadf'r, was homf'makITlg"I ';\;otch!?r" 4-H club and Arlenc wDrk \~Jll rcceive the \VXAX If Ihr·,'rr available anyv.'hl"r(",

I I dldmplDn She \\ 111 reccJ\T Ih(' II I'lelcrhenry v.ere select(d as le~d- "gnldualmg' a ..... ard Ihf' g'lfts' Yflu'rr looking for Can II{'

work Puhllc Undf'r ... l<inrJlng;, pub IC S(dr'" H,fH'huck Founda.1JOn gold {'rshlp wmn('r~ They \\111 rece]Ve (Hh('r 4-11 mcmhcrs and I(>adcr~ found In W;lynf', Ih(' Chamber of

I $U~~~:~I~J<Jnr(~\~~~~)I~~'j<tl~,lj::~. Penrlt.'r, ~nl'dal [)()nnCl [Jay. la<,1 yeClr hom('-! an Ldward \\':ilso:1 nlt.'dal for Icad- w('re nl!rnlnClled for ~t({lf' award Commercr drdarcd todllY making ci1HmplOn, 'Aas s(,jected to I[ ~rshljJ and tripS hul the WlflTlers havc not ,\nrl from no\\ through D(,f'f'm-

Ipr!'~('nl!'rI hj }I{'nr';, E Lf'Y, gave (0111[)('1(' for [uri her sldtt' home- Edward ':\Lmn. of th(' Strahan bf'en announ,!"(j h('r l(J. SCl.nICi ClClU!" will hf' In Ircmlnl<'f'f'n(·('!-. {II norThf'a<,1 :\'c- Wayne C\f'ry Hflrrnoon ('x(,ppl I brH.';kd Th( pa;,l()r tli(,n re<lel ong- 1

Ii"", p<>loh "'1,,,," "n "('('ounl of Gun ACCl'de' nt I'Tax Collectors Sunri"), lie h" 'el up he"'q""'-Ifl(' {·If('IHn·ldnC{'S \\hwh promplf'ri WOMAN'S CLUB TO 1['1' In Ihr' llllllrjm;:; a1 th(, milr-I RO 0 I '-PI t Ion of Thlrrl rl nf! Mam, <-In,j \\ d I

, rCRent thp lOIl¥ and :-;hort of it at llil' (II('~, ,T~(' ~~{Jf'n.1'<; ",r're: P F I P M TE PLAN fOR IT GO H I 1111,'nIP "" (ill VflllnE!"tr>r<; Itl Irhrtrd thi~ fall. At ldt I": Hptt\ Ann (;{'igc'r Ill(' .~()~:~d;~;~ ~~~~I(~r~ roves ata WAYNE'S NEW PARK 0 lye e p tit tli('lr (XI'(:clrJlJOns fur Clil'bt-

() me~."urL'~ -l ltd G 111('~ll'> To\\(·nng I~;II~~,. Th(~ C;r;lnrk \'Hllr~ of "r'IIE 'Wa.rnc "oman'~ ('lub, mC\!'

nn Engll:"h (Jf ~:lOqu,tlmH-', \\ a'h., G feet ITr'~cl~. J.,I,\I {lUI' KldrlJl-'~ }In\'{' All f:l{har'd ('lough, 13. fumlcr n'sl- whlch ha .. bf>f'n an iml)orbu:lt i \\'. P. Cannin::; and It II Sou(,lf'. For Ihf' ,('IJn\cnJ(>ncf' of t!lfl th(' C;oldl'nrod) ,(;('111'. 1;, HCl'e Grandpa d['n! of \\ akcfl('ld, died at Impcflalj fur('e b('hind dC"\f'lopmf'nt of I d('put) c(,IJecl()rs, h,,\c i:Lnnounced shnppf'r:-., v... ;lynC' bus~es;., plC!{ (·s

i ;Inrl Prayer. 2\u\'cmhcr :.;6 frurn a gun wound I\lf'morial park, no\\ propo .... 'I!>, their schC'dule of dates for hell-Jlflg (gro{'('D slorr's ('xceP\edl wIll tlP

I Sh · I B rl ml (I" C E Gd \\ hl{ h til sulJlr{'d v.hlle he and I d t d id make out Income tax report,',. of}('n t hrpr> \l,;f'rinesday' nights. De-lle,"(---"3)ooi(-,, 0\\ 11 III 1 d(')':;~')(';:~ \\(f!-n:e p;!;r'",;' of H~rmCl~ thrlt compan,on~ \HIC at the lrrl-, ?l~n~~f'fO~na :~.~:rirut~~~~~~ t: I Mr Cannmg's early dates arc crmhr-r ,1. H) Hnd 17, and alsoM?n-

P • ,-] j ,\1 SI-':t ForC'sl E DC'- gatlun rC;:.{'r\olr ncar Champion I bl' t'rf,ctf'd in thf' park as a trib. I Hartlngtun, Januar) :5 Hnd 6, POD- da.;. >lnrl Tu('!'day, December 22 r(.pf·rt~ a llt-"~ "llan('j With the r(,(TUll- lh( Jour had gO!1C there No\ember utI' t-o all Waynf' county ca January"i and 8, DakOla CIty, anrl 2.1 o I ,.,. Ilngscrv!C(',v.a ... \\llhCapt.Buyze. l1andlcmaJnedO\cr-mghttohuntl \\orld war II prrsonm'l who IJanuary9,SouthSlouxCJt),Jan- Th.~ w('cks edlllOn of The

, (-'r ~al"it ear , V ' t' Sh t j ~~~k:hl(nn 1:\ r~O;t7~~7In~ h~~ ~I~R~O I =~~~i::,c t~ll:,P:~':(' "~r:~~:::: \ ~~'n('~2~a:uean~~ri4 Jaal~dua11', i13r'. ~~~(~~. ~~;~~~~~<; ~~:~g~IVennor~'~~ 1:, ", ('..,t,llr ;111(1 pI'r..,()n;11 J;!n- acc,lna Lon 0 S g[ t \\hln Hlch,l1d v.{:;[~ CJ.clld(lllall} I t!·rf.~t in sf'{'ing that all Ihiu[g I Suu("J("s arr Ilartmglun .. Januar) J eastprn Nebrasl,8 10 111\11(' glfl

IIlI' 1'1(1)]1'11\ 1(']lIlrl,'1I 11\ \\HVrl( Are to lie (liven :'llurl\ II) on( oj lit bulll'b fh{' l\'<\ynl'l"lIuntysoldil'NoC"'orld Il and6 , f'unf'(-I..January'and8, Utl- ~hnpr)('r:-. to \\'aynr for thf' C11y-"JlH,I\ II("'"n~ 1"1 1;I .... dll(HI IJ!II- (()nljldnlf!!1'> lu"h(d H.I{hdld tva war 11 an' pro)){"rl,Y rf'mpmber- kvla ("II) Janudry 9, South Sioux ...... I(k g:ift fair. Advf>rtJsemf'nl ... P'N(,lhl",\('d!'sll()\\;·(I,I1III I')'('a:-.(' j"jl'dlt ... (JI SdHl,,1 {'htldl('11 hOSPltdJ ami ('\('lythll1g pU:'~It.Jlli t'fl \\ith markf'r!> as ,\f'1l as Cllj,Januar} l:.:!'f'end('r'JanuarYlthrflU~h~ltJl thl" I~U{, tpl! of tilt III 5,1 7Sl.-1.fJK:l (j\{'r 1')1f-i. ;j('('(ll'{lInt: 1(·lnlnd~·d 111.11 I!I{' I;! ... I 01 Ihc f'oun- \\a:-, dUJlL JUI' IJ1l11. I trPf'S. As thf' lJr.raJd b in~ I:~, Wajnf'. Janurlr) 1'1 and 1;:, m~lny gift \alup~ oclng oi!(,lcd

II!;, rqJort );\0.;1 \\('(']{-('nd hy Roh- tj lmmlunlz;J\lon (']lIlles \nH lit· Fum'ral n1l's \\('1( conducteu all formf'd, tht, plan IlroJl'OSM d~ rur the fdlng p<"nod (If Februar) , _ _ __

('I'I I\rTll"'lron~ Sldl(' I,p, c(lmm~~- ~/:~d \~~~'~'('r~~~)' tjr;('l~njlr~"~ ~'=~~~~ ~~~~~~l'~~jthl;:~~:,bb~[:;a~ab~~~~~~: :j~~~d a!:;-P~:~f~m;~:;..o~;\\'~~~ ~~h~~~~!a:o~~ow~~'pc~~~r,;:~%na~; Honor Students Corn'-.pondJl1;:": 111{,)'(',tS('" \\'C'r(' natIOn lor dlpht!wna and tf'tanU$ Jfl charge, Committal followed I when appropriate se"ni(".("'1 "ill 16, WalthilL February 17, Homer,.. '{ High

nln! areas '111 5mu:x CI1\ !'hown :n ntlwr no r lhf'a<:1prn ~f'- should haw: the second shot ht'lc. I bt' carried out. In timf' the trees February 18; Dakola Clly, Febru- } or \\ aVlle tl~a (' r('glon \\111 h(' 'l(C,,£:)lI.c{'d. I )a ... j{,! ('[)unll(~ anrl {)\('r Ih(' Thow rt't'f'J\ln;,: hoosier :,hots,Jn, RLChaxd Lec Clough, son of .:'vIr. 1 that line the park will furniSh ary 19; Soulh SIOUX City, Feb- 'A' nl" _<fl-~~-"''''''''''" i\ta A<;h C'narlt'~ (-hln'l 111'1 La ~lRli' Tr'" (" for Uc1ot)('r \\111 n(lt need an} mon' at and l\!r". l-'ranklln ('lough, wa>-! important beauty and "hade. ruar) :lfl, }-Jonca, FebruClr} :l3; Are t1nou cc'( ~'er r~)'('dn('ks{):l', Dl~,(l;1 ~'nUnl) ~ II hI'> thiS IUll(' (J[fl(!, hour!- of I he dOt - I J I 11 19"") t S CI I The tn'es and mark('ro; ",ilJ be ;-.;" tl F bruary :l4' Hartmg: win (,r, v. Jl'j ab() b~' arnrJllg- .~pC't lui! 1~1;' 1':! 1f; lur~ lor t hl~ \ dCClnallOn ar£', Dr. ;~rnj u ~ th ';~\',~" I~UXWalk~", reminders through thf' years ot ~o~, '~:~~'ar}(':23 and 26; 'col(,rIdg('~ gue·ts. ''>;~'.HR-I.J':l !'.:.!().(J!::I\I.l~lO \\'allu' I"cnlhack Fnda), 9 10 1:::, fll~;d ar;;~ )wase~apt:z~d :n mfanc~~l patriotic d('\'OtJOD and dese:n'cd Februar)' 2"i, Fordyce, March 2;

Honor roll ror second ~ix-\\("Ck •

F \'(' of thr' nln(>'lll~lrJ(I" ')4.Lll.hFn :-L!,_'71.00:1 1)!' 1> () \\·Inslde. Thur,,- at tht .:'.lethodlst church IiI Allcn I ·honol'S. Randolph, March 3, Magnet. period at Wayne high school ~"';-'~i.l;~ clud('s the named of-fd'ur,- lUid.:- .. I

are wmnmgs wJlP 1f'('('IVC I Cumin;.:: ,l().43,l:W') :{f:i,,-)fi~ 3K() da~. ~j 10 4. S. A LUIg('n. \\ hen Richard \\as 3 y(ars old the March 4, Belden, March 3 and 6, prlz's al SIOUX C1li y lInd Wajnc I IJlxl,n :';(1 lfi:.2 ,}R 1 \\;-1\ n1 IJI ( ,\1 <- {)( \\ a).;c[n'ld famd} m(J\cd to Emer;,on ",nu I - - --------~ Laurel, March 9, H.osalJe. March cou I} ~ group hWii gr,od prospl'ct I PW) {,(' :,,"\.1:21

In() and j)f: P. R S{ ason,.:-()od Cdrrc II t h( J C he c{!mple led hIS first }edl'l A I H' h 10 V. Inncbago l\larch 11, \\ aj nc

f Ilhl () I jl:::"lJ.l'l{11l ~:!:J71.D~ 'ThUI,dij<illdl'rldl} !:It{) 1 (J/hlgh;'(!l()(JIlllthlsumIlHrOfi verage S 19 Marchl.!and1J ~ftl C~:;r;:~~ I;; alsi:I~::' 1ll::~;{~~~.;.:\ll\~ t' , 1'111 1)1( (louJ.;li:; .... c nt 10 ImI!( r l\lr Soucie s schcdul( IS I'l ndN

MIS IS>-IP{l1 Villl{';. (,IS:-'II( lillion I N' h I (Thrislmas (far()ls III dnd dluascd lnl('rrd ti1r IF DOG I }f'orU<lr} 1(j v" O1lt hil I Fd.WUdry T l' ('!)unl) dl .... ,l!lt,l ,('I, t I(·d ;Ii, ,Stunt 19 t ·s "'!jJIH!mOrl c) 1:-';' {f (h I'>l luuntj or aIry roup I 11 lIumr r Fd)rUdr) 1M iJCI.!dJla

~ I "/'oadca~t Hn/'D 111'11 ;,[ hool thiS fall I ell} r euruary 1~ Suuth SIOUX lOCi- IdJ'lII('r;, \\ II( S(' pi,\( (''' \~'('! L U 0 ~ L C'

ent n'd In ttl(' cO!TIJelI11U:1 BL'Sld{SIS C 11 Ulccas{'d l{dHS hiS pal(nb and 1\01th(,01st I\eurnska ValiJ' Herd ell) Februar} :lO, v;;r~k('[l{'ld ~~: l~(h(~ e~'ll~~'IJ!c:~d \ji~:;'\)J(;'r~'(J~:I';'I: !, et at 0 ege ( I ~JI("'~ 1~~I'(I~ :-.t( ,~;~:;:{ ~ h~~Il~\!:r(~lnl~l~ril:: t)) uthll RngC'r Impro\ ement aSSOCiatIOn ranked ~~b~\~~~t~~Sb~~ers~~lm~::.~ru:£

I (\ (nlnl-. HI dl()UI fi fhl" bro,l{I( a~1 I T---d-- -f F- h· Sixth In Nebraska In a\crag"(' but- Wmslde February :l6 Hoskms m()J~(,:l of the' loC'~1 soil offleC' and i I'ul,ul:l( all I \\ I I \ir mRdr ,\1 1 hi n of th(' ,.en S 0 as lon terfdt productJon pcr cov. for Oc FebruaiJ' '27 Allen March:'; VIX-pcrlapsoncort\\(jotlH,'rlu(alIJl'o-i~'ud('nl'" allk(, ,11!rllu:1 Chaml)(]" of P tober being onl) t\\O pounds Lc_lun ::vIarch 3 C~ncord March 4, ple will al!ll1li jh{' Jrl(·ttl n

g Hl ~L,llr ~I ,nl nl;..:n1 lLIIC),""~ I, { hrOHfkCi ... I" \\'1111)(' al \'HrlOU<; Shown in rog,.am I V\a\nc March) and 6 Laurel Sw )<. ell) ~ !JPlUI( d i:I'Jdl( ({ low the secoRd hl;;h,:,t ~toSvCla-1 :vtil~ch 9; Wayne, March 10, 11. 1:1

tl<1nSCriptlo of I loil(...,( _ ) I !11,dl\ IJ( s('a~on ta~~~X~~, ri'~:,~~~; ~~~b ;~~~('~~:~'~= tlon, according to Count) Agent and 13 \0,. It :vir \\ atson Ir I (('mil( t 1 .-HI P n Thf' (!'JroCIrnnlC musIC s.\,,\em is Walter R .. Hankr \~ho n'ported at 1_. _____ _

1\1 K jj , 1l1- I I <II \\omf'n Tuesday p\('nmg. j\;o- .-) 0 m\l~g'n" lilt I \{1"1(,nr 11 1 IlIlfJU'" ('onni'ct('rl 'Allh f'1(Ttrl('aJl) con- ~'emhf'r:l,) Dorothy JIamf'r, pr('''t- mf'('tlngofdil'eetorsofthlsgrOUPIR< I' B' <d" 'l

(1\(1' KSCJ IOUX '.jofl I (\( 11111-': \\111 Sill]! I ... I I ( fJl( .... ln trnllf'd amplillt'r.<. m Ihl' church ~enl. \\('jcnmed the gu('"l:-. The Fnday ('venlng in Wayne. a( 10 loa cas Dcc{'mber 8 I om I 10131) l,a'lfJn ... JI tilt lllHll>-l(' I I r nlr!(;:. 111 to\\('r and glv{'s the elly a vcry t)rOglam fl'aturf' WH!' a !ily!e show S & S h d lk

edl o;~~ ~:cdCs;~J~l~l~)~ :;~u~~~rj~ lill ((!file st II,~I ,,' ::'I/'~l:t .~I~~ I good cu\pragf' _ basC'rl on lhe Ihpme, "The Trf'nd of sc:~' ~;g~~~~ h:~~e:~('r~g~~)~n t~el To I~"'eature Ta ~ , 1 (n ( r I Amf'rlcan Fashion." Co!'tumcs stal(' (ur herds of over 16 cows B L .. I Sl d l .

IJlILL', th/ \'1/:1 ,.'j' I~:(' j Power Insulator from co!-omal dayS 10 Ihl' present and mJlkmg tWICC dady. The avc- Y oca u en s (I "11 U I I rid ~\f'r(' ITImj('lpd \(! prnvl that "lhpr{, rage was 3r.:.:! [}(!unds uf iJutterfat .

~~ll~r~:, 1I;1:(nlt~!I"~~)() I' loll ( I l'lf Is Sh(ll 011 Lines b really nothing ... '1 new In thf' 'nf'W }If'r cow The herd of Ivan Boaman, One of Ih(':l4 Illg'h ~{'hool forum

A 1101'<'(' \,('ll)ngll1g If> I, ('I!;\. I )''1-

\\ d~ lolled In~1 an! I,' :-.hor1l~ m)rinlghl Thur ... day wh('n

til{' ;1 1llTlW I v.a~ a('C'ldl'ntally "I ruck a car drl\ ('n Bllj~, Kenny of

on Ih('

look' Thos£, .... ,110 modf'I{'d dul hrs v..'ukcfIPld, ranked s('vcnt~ 1I1 t.he I programs, mad,£.' by I r;mscrJPtl~n v,{'f(' Mrs MJlrl1'('r! Lundhf'rg, Mrs, state for those milkcd t\\]ce dally for statIOn WNAX, Yankton. ""as Ellf'n Philbin. I\'rlt'np Shlnau!. Mrs. and havJng a mmimum average of I prcpal'cd at Wayne high school ~nd

\\ ,Ijll(' ('o ... 1 $:l(j~l f')() If) re- LU\f'rlla Hillon, Dorolhy $p!iU· 30 pounds of butterfat pcr cow. Ba- Will be broadcast Tuc5dl'lY ('vcnmg, Ci:lu:::~\,~c~: f~')~s~lo~~;:~~ ~I(; gf'dwr. EH'lyn Hohlff. Bonnie sll Trubc of Allen, has one of the Decemher 16, <\t 8.3U In coofX'r­


four h{l)ur~ anrl thn'(' n1)nUl{'s. S(>1 \ If'r' norl h\\{,,,t of \\'ayne \\ ;1.'"

Ifll'('li'ri Sunr!;Jv. MoncidY ;!nd l'lW"d;JV ('\('nlngs last \\f'f'k 1 II'f I) I"{' Ilw Irr;ublc \\<IS ](WHt('rI and Ihl' ll1);ulaloir rf'placpd. 'fh{, pov.pr dls-tricl off('r, $;!:J r£,\~<lrd for infor­mallOn leadmg 10 the arrest and com'I('llfm of partlC'!- who arf' re­spanslhlt, for Ih:" dC'structlOn of puhllC p:rop{'rty,

Kug-I{'T. .kann('t Ie JliIf'Y, Molly Lllup herds having 13 ol'less cows I ation wlt_h Iowa ~(,ngress of Par-Mi:I(' Lag(', IJQrnl hy Ncbon, MI-;;, and mlll{('d twice daily, {'nts and rcachers. Lr;t!l Jl';!n Milln ami Annf'lta Ituy Morrison vf Lyuns resigned "What eqn students dv to help r-.f'lson, KallJ('rlfle Kyl WitS nal'- Friday as director a!i he is lea\'tng make ,<;chool more Vital and mter­r<ltnr the sta!~. Clare V,riltse of Lyons estlng?" This qu('stlOn "as con­

Thr· pro~ritrn commllt('(' InCllld- was chosen to complete Mr, Morn- sldered by four loc.al speakers and ('(I MarJon(' F~randstf'tl('r, Mrs, sons' term. Harold Eggert, s~pcr- at discussion perl,od

t Ikwl~C~ was

Elna Spllttgerher. MIS. Leah VIsor, reported two new herds open to all. Spccla a. s ere gJV-

Jpan Ml11f'r, lV'\rs Dona Miller, Ann tested m I'\ovember, en by Kenneth, Lipp, Marvm Ahern and l\~rs G('n(,\'lev(' Wi 1- Dranselka Beverly Anderson and !Jam!'. Tho~r ~n rharg£' of !'erving Directors will have a mcmber- DeV{'e Reikofskl_ Wf'r(' Mrs. Vrtnlce Bressler, .!VIrs, shIp meeting In January when a rc- Jc.hn SchmJdt .... of Sioux City, Myron ('ols( n, Mr:-.. Flnrf'nc(' port uf three month!>' work Will be moderator, Art Smith, manager of

Piano Is Given Jl!·I~l'b{.,.g, Mr MlnnH'Strwkltlnti. swnmunzl'd, The mC'('ting wtll be WNAX <ind an engmeer vlsit('d


1\11'", Ann ";(,ltenlwmp and Mrs. 10 anyonc interesled In dairy wa,Yne' rccently lo prepare tile To Wayne (.'hllrch L~I,'nn l'.~",,_~l' ~~'_ ____ _______ improvement. pro{,';ram,

W:-.JAX will gJVl' f'ach lllellllJ('I' Mt'th(i!lli.sl ('hUrd! In"alled a k fit t" I' ,'lvO " p,n

nt'w pla:no ?unda~ It \V~" hought Shel'l';' Emmanuel Spea s at ~t~rH'thJa~~~~a~~,mg s '-, and placrd lfl 1 he church last weck, ~

11 is a Geo.ge Steck 'pinet. one W.aype State Convocation Teachers to lJ1eet At Wayne CoUege

aYf'rage!' of 1. They ilre; .:~7~"

d\T'ra):!"es of 1. They ~ft!:.;- - 1 Pi-! Im('r, f'hyJli.<; Fos~r. LaNita \\'()od'o, I)lck BaJler_

"1'h,/:,(' wllh aVerdg:f'S of 1 .!.-:) nl( llOnn;1 Baier, Fcrn Mohr, Shlrll) MaiJen, :-':adme Lag(', Jack Fi~h('r. Cleo Shufrld!, Kenneth LIPP, Clalrc Simmerman, Beverly lUl­dCTSon. DaISY Lee ;r-.;clson and Hem%" (HIe,

Sludf'nls \\ 11h Clverag:es {If ] ~J

are: Joann Wert, Maxme Nelson, Mal'lenc ~1c~ut t. LeRoy Slenr!', Phyllis D('hus. Rosalyn Eills, Dere~ lea Woods, Marilyn Gamble.

Th{lsr with 1 IJ arc: Bob Snuth, l~lame Colson, Joann lflarvcy, Mar­delle Larson, 1\qia Heier, Jean­nme Milliken, Faye', Vahlkamp, Howard Hcspman, Wilma Donnan, Harlan Heier and Danna Day.

Averages of 1 were made by: Marilyn Barelman, Dorothy Ellson, Marlene Sleck.rnan, Doris MillIken, nilly Gamble, Eugene Vahlkarnp,

~~~I~:~e~a~~~~~ ~~~II:~e p:\~~ man and Chuck Kay.

Conduct Funeral For Wayne Coeds

Funeral ntes were conducted Friday at South SiOUX City Pres­hyterian church for Miss Charly~ Ph(llips, 17, one of two Wayne cr>­eds who lost their lives in a car~

truck crash near Uurel Sunday evening last week. Rlcv. John Or­ange officiated, Missl Phillips' . fa­ther, Charles Burgess of Los An­gelt':=;, carne for the funeral.

SCP-'I("(,S for MISS Jean Hansen, IH, the othf'r coed who was killed In the accident. were held Wednes­day at First Lutheran church, Rev. Ernest MesSer officiated_

Gail Powell, 17, driver of the car, was reported doing well last week He has a broken thigh, pos· sjbJe broken back and minor i!lju-

M~hU:~~('~~ntl~~a~t~a~~:~n a~"f l~~ ThC' people arc &if the Semitic race, like Arabs, Caldeans, Jews and Syrians, The Syriak Jan):tuage gives gender to all inanimate ob­jects,

High schools of this area that ries,

--r------Hlome flrom Hospital.

C, E, Liveringhousc, who was injured when accidentally strudk by a car, was brought home Sun­d,IY by ambulance from a SiOUX

Both h:~gs are In

'Unlted States is t h(' champion of democracy, st tf'd Sheik Raphael Emmanuel of Tur~ey, composer, lecturer and t aveler, who address­ed college con oca tion Tu('sday_

The speake told that he was born in the ountains of Kurdi·

~~:;lea :;:t~ ~b~~e~:h~~~~~ ans. They ar uneducated, unci vi­

orshlpcrs, superstl-

Turkey was powerful in early times and Wa!i called the -Ottoman empire. lis others declined, so did 'lJlrkey,

The Mohammedans ga ve the world numbers, the calendat, let­ters and rehglon_ When ",rabm

have vocational home econumlcs -------~ wjll send representatives 10 Wayne • F t d' college Satur$y, December 6, to Htp rac ure ttl exchange helpful. ideas aoout FaU at Sioux City ~eaching this subject. The first such meeting was held in ~orfolk Miss Harriet Fortner, fonner in October. Sclfpols I!lanrung to resident of Wayne, suffered a have teachers h(!re this \\-'eek ~e broken hip last Friday when Ishe Coleridge, Allen. LaUTe~. Plam· fell from a stool in the bus d~pot view, Randolph, WakefIeld and at Sioux City, She had sm;:nt Wayne campus schooL Thanksgiving in the Frank E

• home at Beresford, S. D., and rs. Give Teacher Te5~ , Roe took her to Sioux City to 'ke

Nebraska stat~ teachers' exami- the bus back to Blair. _ While n ~. nations will 'be .given by Miss Ma- Roe was parlting the car, fSS rie Wright at the COUlt bouse Sat- Fortf,terl we~t into ~e ge~t nd urday, December 13. beginning at fell. -:She ~ In ,:;,t fosep~ hasp I

8 a.m. ,- , ,. TOO~ ~J. -at ~lOUX: ,City. r '

. il I~

WAYNl'l HERALD, WAn"E, DECEl\mER 4, 1947

'/Wedding Service i fs Conducted at Wa~efield Church I

Course Offered


by'-";"---' Mrs. J, E, Bergerson

7:30 Wednesday, with choir follow­ing 8t'8:15, is fOl; the enjoyment and upbuilding of Christians. .

~istcn Monday, Wednesday and FrJday at 11 o'clock to the Baptist Hour originating twice a week from the Wayne Baptist 5turiios. Miss Twiln H~rmnn, daughtc

of Mrs. Walter Herman of nea Waynp,~bccarne the bride of jose The Kenneth Bakers and En'lil TrInity Luth. ChUf('h, Altona. W. Claybaugh, son of,Mr. and M . Muliers were Thanksgiving dinner (Rev. Walter Brackensick, J, n. Claybaugh of Lincoln, at 3:3 guests in the Clarence Baker home. vacancy pastor) Saturday, November 22, at S~le Kenneth Wenstrand family were Tuesday and Thursday, chi]·

school will' offer Lutheran church in WakefieJ dinner $uests Sunday at Grover drpn's confirmation class at 9:10

t~:C~~~~1n~~~r::~s~ ~CcV ~~~!~Sn:' ~~be~~l~~vc~~te~~ Ca;~':' Harvey Henningson family a'~hursday, Ladic~' Aid Christmas cducat~on Monday I frJcnd:.-; wer~ Thanksgiving supper gUPsts party and cover<"d dish luncheon

Truman started The brIde's gown was of whIt at the Clarencc Henningson home ' E\-,. J.UUI. ChlJT(·h. at 1 p.m. Stuart Baller, who satm, styled 10 princess lmes, tj at Dixon, I Sunday: Divine worship 'at 9 a.m.

200 cailed to LIn- full skIrt falling mto Q., tram He Mr. and MrR. Paul Fisher and Voters' meeting at 2 p.m. ago by Gov Val PL'tL'r- French llluslOn veIL was held 1 Paulette were Thanksgiving dinner ]f) ::~. -~--

safety, Will placL' wlth orange blossoms and sh guests at Mrs. C. K. Fisher's. Fit. Mary'li Catbollc Church. • 10 the work carrIed an arm bouquet of bronz The Harvey Hcnningson family (Rev. Wm, Kearns, pastor)

III after Talisman rOSH'S spent Sunday evening in the Lcuie December 7, second Su~nday of Gowns of atlcndanls were mad Hanson home in LaureL Advent: Mass at 9. Catechism and

class wJ!1 stress alIke WIth hats and mItts to mate ,Thanksgiving dinner guests in benediction after mass. of driv('l's. Lat Miss Beryl Nelson of Ames, war the Pete Oberg home were Mr. and Confessions Sllturday at 7:30.

will be elaborated. charh'eusc and carried bronz Mrs. Marvin Muller and Gerald, Thursday, the feast of St. Peter

and teachers eol- chrysanthemums in a colonia!l bou ~~ ~~d~~~' !~r~~~l ~r~~tf~~~ (R¢v. S. K~·:;~\~~~~~~'~;a .. !;~~)· Ch:~:~~~usiiNit Friday of the

~:(~'a~~s~~~~~sd ~U;~~~l~ ~~~~u~l. r{'nee Fjscher and sons and Esther SC'dond SundBY aftrr Trinity, month, Mass at 9, Miss Mary Sharer wore grey blu Oberg of Omaha. Dccctnhf'r 7: Sundrty school <1.t 10. Saturday, the feast of St, Nicho.. and c~ITied lavcndul' colunial uou Mr. and Mrs. AJldcrs Jorw'nsf'n a.m. 'Worship sf'rviccs ;11 J 1 <! m. las, the Christian Santa Claus. que\. entertained at Thanksgiving sup- Sermon, "Tht' (Jne Wh()m We who died in the fourth century.

per for Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jorg('n- Seekf December 8, the feast of the TIl(' flower girl, Miss Loueen An son Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jorgen- .Th rsday, D{'crmhf'r 4, Ladie'>' Immaculate Conception of the

dC'rson, was drC'sscd in chartr{'us son' aod Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. AI- A.ld it 1 p.~. An~u,d (·'h,"is/mas Ble8E:ed Virgin Mary. A holy day and rarried a .broni'e bouquet. LCoJ.' vin Willers and Dianne, Mr. and dJOn r. ChOir praC't IC(, HI 7 P m. of obligation, Mass at 7. Confes-EkbNg was rmg Iwarer. " Mrs paul Borg and Mrs, Eva Curi- Sa urdllY, J)('('pmbpl' t;, confir· sians Sunday afternoon from 5

Glenn Claybaugh was his bra ncr ~nd chi~rcn. mati~m cla!-;s al :2 p.m. to 6. thers' hcst man. John Matti, Miss BC'VI?l:)Y Ekberg spent W~dnesday. J)('('('m.lwr 10, Luth_ No fast or abstinence on Decem. Glenn Lundahl, L('stcr Lundah~ Thanksgiving Vh.cation ut home er League at ,Po P:~l. Sr~Cl<d I('aficrs, bel' 7. and H.ohNt Lundahl we're UShers!. from Wednesday N'cning till Sun- Harlan and [Wd,l J f('I(']', 4';;son,

1\1!.ss ,l('anillf' and Miss Marl(>n~ day . Tom Bahf'. Grace Lutheran Church. Lundahl, wearing light blue form.. F'riday evening supper guests at Nursery attendantc; Drc'('miJf'r 7, The Church of the Lutheran Hour als styled as til(' hridesmaids, light Fred Muller's were, Mr'. and Mrs. ~r~. Russell I"kcknl(Jn !lnrl Mrs. (Rev. Walter Brackensick, pastor) cd the tapers along the center aisle Pete Oberg and Bobby and ,Mr. and F4mltwesterman. • Wednesday this week. Junior and the candeiailra at the fronr Mrs. Marvin Muller and Gewld. -'--. - Walther League Bible study and of tho church. Two large chrysanl. 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fischer" and 1 Firloit Ba(lti .. t Chun'h. bUjdness meeting at 8 p.m, themum bouquet.s, ferns and palms Paulette and Mr. and Mrs. Eln:rr qtev. R .1. Bulkky, pastor) Saturday: Christmas program dccorated Ih(' ('hurch. Lundquist of Minneapoli<;. visit&j Thp pastor'!', ~IJhkcts for Sunday rehearsal at 1 :30 p.m. Children's

.. Th(' bridc's rnotil('f worc dar~ in the Emil Rodgers home at A]Jpn art' "Th(' S0Crc't of Guidanc('" "nd confirmation class at 3 p.m. gn'(.'n and thC' hridegroom's mother Friday evening. ~'The Triumph of th(' (;OSPf'1." S.unday: SundaY.Bchool, 10 a.m. worc rust. Each had a corsage qf The V. irgil EkhC'fg family were A'Xouag (' pr~y('r nwetmg. hf'gun Divine worship at 11 a.m. Sermon

Miss HC'len EnglC'hrccht of $out John Schroeder's. tinu s cach TU(,Sflciy morn 109. Tuesday, choir rehearsal, 8 p.m.

Christmas party at 2 p.m. r keeping with the Advent :'-' Hear Dr. Walter Maier, the There will be special music

Lutheran Hour speaker, each Sun- vocal ensemble under day over station WJAG, Norfolk, tion of Prof. Russpl And" at 4 :30 p.m. There will also be org,m nllhlr

- Prof. Albert C. Carl::.on. Rt. Paul'" Ev.'Luth. Churrh. Westminster Fel kJl.';;:,hj II,

(Rev. T. J. C. Schuldt, pastor) p.m: Sunday' school, 9:45 a.m. The The annual candlelight ]n:;

service, 11 a.m. Sunday school ice will be held on Sundrn·. j J: Christmas rehearsal, 2 p.m. ber 14, at 5 p.m. At. th;j'r ! '

Brotherhood meeting, Tuesday, will have reception rJ( ). December 9, 8 p.m. Devotions by and baptism of infanl.~ Ihl'> pastor; entertainment, C. A. We invite you to \UI)'·J

Bard: refreshmpnts, Chas. Miillc, us. Emil Backstrom.

Luther League meeting, Wed­nesday, December 10, 8 p.m.

Choir rehearsal, Wednesday, at 7 p.m.

Women of the Church, Thurs­day, December 11, 2 p.m. Mem­bers are invited to bring guests. Covered dish luncheon. Commit­tee: Mrs. Chas. Heikes, Mrs. Aug. Dorman, Mrs. Eric Fuesler, Mr". Harry Kinder. 9hristmas offering. Bring cookies for Tabitha Home.

Catechetical classrs Saturday: Junior class, 1 :30 p.m.; senior class, 3 p.m.

(Dr~~~t~~i;~~~~~l~:~~:, Mrs. C. N. Olson. rJfj..' I'

John R. Keith, d:r" r t, ,

Sunday, December -:-: '.\1 ,! Angel of the Lord said un"J.]' Fear not to take unto II]'" thy w.ife: for shr shnli 1,' a son, and thou shi:j I t Jesus: for He "hall "';1\ '

from their sjm." Grade church "choo], 1"

Parke. superintcndr'n! Morning worship. 11

Being; Prepared for LI\

"ermon suhject. SP('('J;, I Flnot Presbyt(>rian ChurdL organ and voicf' numb"r~ T'

Corner of Third and Lincoln SUi. \'(>nl motif will [Jrt'\(fJi III

(Dr. Oliver B. Proett, pastor) and meditation. Sunday, December 7: Hlgh school youtk ';' ",-Tr-ChUrch schoOl. 10 a.m. Dr. W. G. f('r Hardf'r, <;ponc;or. I;"

Ingram, superintendent. :\1orey, president Junior church, 11 a.m. Mrs. Dick College agp youl h, R ~,["

EJlLc;. director. I church parloro:. Worf;hlp, 11 a.m. The sermo.n, Wp shall he h<lppy In h,'"

"When Morning Breaks," is. In I worship with us

POSSIBLY sur; of the bifocalc; wnrn in thi-, to\\'n <lnd comt1"j' ity do not give either visual efficiency or f'ye comforl

About eight girls to one boy go into detected in time and properly treatf'd thf'y near-»ightednf'ss. or jf near-~ightf'r.I we C<ln becoming morp so. However, t hI" cannot be other pair of glabSC's .

If intC'rC'stC'd, come in and SPC' Dr. Gnffio in r.Jr :'If',;, office in Wayne, Wednesday, Df'crmber Hl. 1 four.~: 9 5 p. m. ~

Drs. Griffin & Griffin, Optometrists

Tllllsman roses. i Thanksgiving supper guests at dUf"l g the rf'\'lval camp;ugn, con- topiC, "Christ's Secottd Coming."

Si~JUY City. sang two numbers b - Mr. and Mrs. Hilding Anderhery Mrs'I,A. C. Norton .was hos11'ss I(lst Wednesday: Sen,ior Walther fore the cel'emony, I entertained Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TUPSp,lY. All ar.f> J-nvitf'd. League Bihle study and busine"s 300 Toy Rank Bldg-. Sionx City. 10\\.'1

A reception was held i~ th~ Morcy and family of Sioux City The J!'(:'gular prdyt'r m('('ling at . .::m~e.::et~in~g'--..:a.::'~8~p.~m.':..~L::,a~d,,:iC.'-'·~A::'d,,-:,~~~~~~~ ..................... ~~=~ ....... ~~~ ....... ~~ ....... ~.J ('hurcJ~ parlors after the cC'rcmon~ and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ander- --~---~~-.--~--Mrs. f:. W. Lundahl, Mrs. Han hery for a goose dinnf'r Than Roscn, Mrs. L. E. Lundahl qn giving. Mrs. Carl Lundahl po u r e. Thanksglvin~ dinner guC'sts at C DO Miss Edna DahlgrC'n nnd Mr,. Clarence Holm's wC're Will Borgs, om'. rany Inner B-oJil"C'r Wilberl. ('ut th(' weljldinr. Herman Stolle, Roy Holm. Reuben (!llkr .. Mrs. Martin Holmhf"rgj hap Holm familles and Mrs. Anna chaq:;~' of th(' re('C'ption. I Strickert. 0 Th ~ ,

Out of town gUf'sts were Mr. Wednesday noon Srtnd C'rC'pk pu~ n e ay and Mrq .• 1. II. Claybaugh antd pils tog-pther with thpir tf'achC'r, ... • GI('n, Mrs. Austin Mutz. Miss Birp Bonnie Smith, cnjoyed ('oo[}{,rative Clayhaugh, M~. Mary Noyes, Miss Thanksgiving dinner at s('hoo1. Clara Noyps. Mrs. T. JI. Goodi Mr. and Mrs. Dwuim' Paul had Mr. and Mrs. Sigfried 01'1on, Thanksgiving dinner at Ed. Paul's. and Mr's. Paul W('ston, Mr, Monday eVC'ning Mrs. Paul visited Mr·s. E. N. SWf"tt, Mrs. M. We11' with Mrs. Tuffy Benson while the Miss Ella Schutte, Miss Bes.s Fin _ mf'n went to the ha~kethall game Icy, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Klat , at LyOJ's. Mr. anrl Mrs. DC'an Granquist, J _ Mr. and Mrs. Burnell Grose rly and Carol, Miss Clara Luther, were dinner guests Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wilbed an~ Chris. Madsen home at Concord. Ronnip. Miss Betty Hamma,nd, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Grose and Mis~ Clfldys Gr-bron, Miss Irma LaVern, Mr. and Mrs. James Gus­OUo, -:VII'. and Mrf>. Dean Patterl- tafson and daughter and Mr. and


Ed. son, Mr. and IVlrs R. If. Nif'rmeier, Mrs. Burnell Grosc Wf're Thanks­

Cut 'rom the same sides of beef as Sofeway's finest steaks and roasts-guaranteed tender, iuicy. delicious, or money back. r -

had been with the since 1945 when

from London whf're been working, with the war information. The

~rs. De)lo and her fIVe weel;tli in Eng-

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Rosen, MiSis giving dinner gUests in the Law­II(,jC'n Engf'jhrf'cht, Mr. and Mrs. S, rence Meyer home at Hoopf'r. B. Viekf'rstnff, John Bif'rshwal and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Johnson, Marx Cox. Mrs. Emily Seagren and Mauri("'('

Mr. and :\lrf>. r'layhaugh wijl Swan of Omaha had Thanksgiving

~~~_~]_(~ tWn1e in Sioux City. i di7:;~.r ~~d L~;,,~rJo~l~r7~~son nnd

Extension Director In State to Retire

n('tircmc'nt of W. H. Brokaw a~ cl.irC'ctor ~f th!}. agricultural extern. ~lOn s('rvlce at thf' University of NC'braska January], 1948, was an­nounced last week. Harry G. GouJOj \v.ill succeed Mr. Brokaw as acting dlrC'clor upon hi!'; retirC'ment. L

A.n8Jtionally-know n agricu ltur4l (l(lucatilon IcadC'r, Mr. Brokaw, 70, has be{jon a member of the univell'­sity staff since 1918. Under his d,­roction, the agricultural extenSi't

;7~~~~~ h~~S ~r~~~:~femp~~~~~e~r iC. c adj)1nct of the university an~ the U. S. department of a~ricu­tUre in serving farm men, }\lome and yotuth in Nebraska. Born 0 a farm in Seward county, wher he taught school and later farme , Mr. Brokaw is credited with bCin~ one of the men responsible for th foundation or 4-H clubs in thi

Dwaine spent Friday C'v('ning at Clar('nce Holm's While Lois and Merlyn attcnd('d the freshmen class party at Lawrence Brock's. Harry Baker family spent Sunday evening at Clarence Holm'f> and Monday ('vening the IIolms were at Rev. E. Gu"tafson's.

A cooperative dinner was held at the John N. Johnson home at Laurel Sunday. Families present were those Gf Ivan Johnson, Clar­ence Johnson of Emerson, Kenneth Packer, Lawrence Johnson, Boh Johnson, Albert Steube of Concord, Perry Johnson, Reuben Johnson, Levi Helgren, Reynold Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lundquist and Shirley of Minneapolis.

in region.

Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e Borg and sons, ,Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dye and Douglas and Bob GUssman were dinner guests at Jim Jones' home in Pender. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones plan to leave in a week California to spend Christmas holi­days with Jimmy JonE's and daughter, Vivian. Bill Benson had Sunday dinner with Ed. Bensons at Emerson.

Mr. Gould, now assistant dire<)· j oJ' of .the extension service, hf$ bef'n on the ~taff "inc€' 1918 whep he first served as Cheyenne countf agent at SidnC'y.

Will Be Married 1i At Holiday Time

Miss Delores IIcithold, daubhte of Mr. and~rs. Otto J-Icithol , and Dale F. eyer, son of MI;', an~ Mrs, Bernar Meyer, bot~ or WaynC', will f' married Su da~ December 28, at Grace Lut cra~

I-----ri-' - I

~~hLincOln Home~1 I

John Pie-rce, 70, of 3440 0 treet\ broth~r of Miss arth&

Pierce, who taught at Wayn COlt lege so.me y".ars ago, died s,nday He leaves four sisters an two brothers. " :

Thanksgiving dinner guests in the Fred Lundin home were the families of Fred Muller, Melvin Lundin and John Bingston, Chester Andersen and baby and Carl Pear­son. Miss Elsie Mullf'r spent her vacation with home folks.

Club Notf'>s. ~ HomC' Circle cluh will hold it!>

annual Christmas party and 6 :30 supper togethf"r with a hazaar at the Legion Hall Tuesday, Dec{'m­ber 9.

Birthday Celebrated. Neighbors spent Saturday evening at the Jorgensen-Kraemer home in honor of Mr. Jorgensen's birth­day. A cooperative lunch was served.

Entertains Q.t Shower. Mrs, Emil Rodgers and Mrs

Paul Fisher were among the 'hOs~ teases who entertainf!d at a show~ er for Miss Evan Wallin of Con­cord at th~ Albert Nygren home at Concord.


Sirloin Steak u. S',GOod, mature beef ..... Lb. 6ge Round Steak Yg~t!'~~dbeef .. _ .... _, .... Lb. Sge Short Ribs of Beef .... ~ .... _ .. = ..••. Lb. 29c Ground Beef It's all beef.,les8 waste .~ .. , .Lb. 39c Pork Loin Roast End ""ts .......... Lb. 43c Pork Loin Chops Center cuts .......... Lb. 59c Fresh Spareribs Pork, smau .......... Lb. 49c Smoked Picnics ................ _ ........ Lb. 47c Sliced Baconco:n King ...... ~ ..... l-lb. Pkg. 79c Summer Sausage Cervelat, sllced orpiece.Lb. 49c Halibut Steaks Fresh-frozen .... _ .. __ .. Lb. 53c

December Family Circle Get Your Big Holiday IssueNo~ .. ~.5c Lots of Holiday recipe~, entertaining ideas and gift sugges­tions. Four new exciting stories, plus many other features.

Palmolive Soap English Walnuts 3 R~:~~:r 29c m~~a. 35e i~~~~ag 45e For beauty care. Fill the put bowl now.

Super Suds Su-purb Soap

2t.'::~ 35e /';k~': SI.05 ',.<::- SSe Wasbe~ clothes clean and white. aranuJate~. F()r dls~e.s or olothe'!!.


~k~' 3Se ',.'i:t: 35e For Illl abundance or sud •• Sud. III b,ardeljt water,

L~undry Soap ,weetlfeart Soap I ~:r.~e Be i 3 l)if,:';:' 2ge I

Co/a tal WhIte brand~ Th~ IIJap tbu.t I;l,,"ell with ekln.


U.S. Good U. S. Graded mature beef light beef

49Clb. 3ge lb.

The Roasts at these prices are the Best cuts of the ChL ' They're commonly called seven-bone or blade· bone and also round bone roasts. (The neck cuts of the chUck are priced lower.) A Safeway (ltuck Roast provides gene IS portions of delightful meat.

Compare Safe way Everyday Values

Seedless Raisins !~;,;~!1'1.~';,..,~ .......... A'~ 2ge Dried'Aprieots F=,y QUallt; .. ~~ 4ge Dried Peaches F=,y; I,,,au,,,, baklu •..... ~:~ 27c Dried Prunes Lu ••• ,I,. 00-50. . ...... ~:~ 43e Graham Crackers H,n" Mald. Nabl", ..... }~~: 24e Jiffy Lou Puddings. "avo" ........ , ......... Pk~. Be ' Morton House Dale RoiL . . 'c~~ tae Hallmark Quick Dessert ~gg ~~~ ..... 2 ~k".~t5e R d H'II C I Mad. trom np. t,m.I'" ""-ft· IBe e I a sup blended with delicate spice! ... , B t Prepared Horseradish Bruce B, .. d ......... ~,,: 10e 20·Mule Team Borax wat""""n.,. ....... '~: 15e Boraxo Removes ~eue and &Time from bandll .... 8c~~ f lc Aeromisl Wal."'" ct ..... to. ,I .... ",Ia,,, •.... . ~~t l2e

great White, Marsh Seedless. Plentiful in supply.

Lb. SC M~~~°Wa: 3ge - I

Oran"es CalHornla; new crop, ~ 90 D Nave) VarJety, 8eedleSS ••••••• uu ••• 'l'b.

Ca rols Top' rellloved, ' ., 40 r :. select, unUorm, Slavorful ............ L~

Paso~1 Celer, Natural COlor ...... : ....... L' rOc Turnips Tops removed, mild ................... ~b. 50

Above prices are etfective thru Dec. 6 in Wayne . - I ' .. '




Doxqrs will p~t on a !bC'ncfit card ~r the infantile paralysi!> drive

~~~u~r h~~ s:rte~~7i~~~res~~~fl~ pair thr best men in wlt'ight cla;;ses.

I The- lall-school program will fur­nish nle nucleus of ·Wayne State·s \(arsitJ! boxing schE"dule \ ... ·hich ..I.·ill i~clud(' repres('ntative teams ~rom the midwest. If present nego­tiation~ J:lold, the WilQcats will al­

participate in several inter-matches.

Weight classes in c()llege bOXing are 123. 130, 135, 145, 153, 165, 175 alld heavyweight.

Alth04gh ~utweighed by as much a!;j 20 pounds per man and

e~~I~~:~s bte~~i~~ein~~~e~:~~~' t~~ its hottest rare in year;;. Stellar defensive pIa) of thf' \\'aYne line rocked OppOS1 iun ?nd mari«'d 1 he team as outs andmg in that du­partment

wii:r t~~C J~~t ~('~~?n~~; ~;rdc~~~~ Mauflce ('uninln-gham, halfback, and Earl We$hourne: guard, An­thon, 1';1 .• Dic~ Peterson, end. I\"OI'­

folk. Mason t1onlz. quartl'rb.llck. Stanton. ind Lf't' Utto, end. l>le]"<:(>,

\\"i~~~~·e~.~~~~~'~; l~~~;:~~~:·mad(' up by wight rUe\\· kttcrmpn: Fred Arnold. guardl. Stanton: Jack Bau­mert, etld. Stanton: J. Dee ~rgu­son, tackle. Spen~er, la.; Cecil Ja(·obs('n, hallfback. AlblOn: Gene ;\'ktz, halfuacl.:;, Lincoln: Don :\m·acck, W't!lhlil. Frank Sailors Slriihrtn. end.

a~d Jame,., Wayne Prep Li;;t;;

oes in Basketball F oIl )947·48 Season

Rppcat ]('1U'rnwn wh(J Will -"lIit up nexl fall Hre: .Iaml's An(kr~on, qUClrterh:.Jck. 1\\"akl'f!('ld: AI Bahe.

\-Vayne Prep ha~ announced the halfback. W;JIyn(': \\'arn'n Borg, follo\\ung ba.-.kelball schedule for halfha('\.:. \\'a,kd~('Ir1: Li.e Clopp(>r. thp 1947-48 season; {'('nter, SIOUX ('Ity: Darn'n Cy-

DpC't'mber 5, Newcas!le here: ph('rs. tHC'klf'_ Ponen: Vernon Har­December 9, y,,'aMefleld there; Dc- . df'r. guard. AJ1thon. la.: Rf'x John­('ember 12. WinSide here. "on. g-uard. Wayne: Edgar L('c.

January 13, Emerson there; Jan- tackl!'. 1\1001"(> HaH'n, Fla: James uary 16, Winside there: January 1\1 t *kl \\' G I 20, V:aterbury there; January 22, ::\1~~.~I:.onfUIIKac~': Sc~;~~'~r: ~ en Dixo.n here; January 30, Wausa Rfly Schmied~ .... kamp. quartel.back, here. \\'althllL I February 5. Osmond here; Feb- :vIinor awards wcre presented to


I and Diannf' Split 1 gerher. Dorothy and Marj(>­dinncr and riC' Split1g:crb('r and Norm'an

su[fprcq hCLld Emil ncm~ Wondl.

~e~k i~" hen a Mr. ami Mps. H. 'W.' Peterson f~:~C 1t ep:;ss Harold Lmdley of \VlSconsm and John, :L\J.rs, ::-'Iarie Nelson and

H satlsfact nl} 1\\ ho "as \'olth Allan Sphttgerbpr Mr. and' M~ .. L. Vl. P~terson of ~~~ and Mrs C W Wiberg on the carner, ftandolph. dUring Pilger and the Don Shinaut family

TI'""kc,~' A" "I '''the "'ar \lSltcd hlITl In tho Paul TConks'g,'v,'ng guoot t w C ..... ~".\·lDg ('I'\"I es. Margu¢nte and Curtis WCr~Fnda) I S11

tt h~ h A f S e

da :tl" ~" sa. .

The Harry Heinemann ,family h L W d hI 1 ) I gf'ru<:r om", rom un y to . MI', &nd Mrs. L. \V. wert' dinner guests in the Lars ~~r::::~'Fuests m t e un a I v.. ednesday Other Sunday supper and John of Pilger were Pet£'rsen home at Pilger. Mr. land Mrs. E. \V: Lundahl I guests \ .. ere Mr. and Mrs. Harvey! Frlday evening guests.

\\" C. Rings had dinner in the and JElanine and 2\1rs. Charlotte 1-;;:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, A. \1/. Dolph home. ~ Lundaijl Were entertamed at sup- i .

Mr. and Mrs. RoWe Longe a1ld per Wednesday In the E. J. Lun-: F I k S THO MEG A IJI E ! rOnnSg::~dd~~~~~rw~~I~h ~~:'E~l~~ da~~;o~~~rnon Schnoors sfJl,nt; GUlres at Albert Killion's. Monday In the .i\tlclvln Schnoor

::,\Ir. and !\1rs. C. A: Bard and hO~~~: Hnd }\Irs. Joe Juhnson. Mr.: UPtty and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Paul Dahlgren and )'1rs.1 Bani and Barbara were dinner Oscar Bloomquist druve to Saron- : gUf.'Sb in the C. L. Bard home. \"il1e Sunday morning to attend the I

Th£' Rudolf Kay and John Kay wedding there thaI evemng of Er-' famJ1lC's \\PH' in the Aug. Kay vin, ('Ider son of the AlbIn John-I hO:11(" for dlnnf'r. "0m. Th('~ retUl"ned 1rondp..y l've-:

Lon'!"] and Donald Holland ac- nmg. I


TUESDAY, December 9 2 - GAMES - 2

'E' ,\eam Game· 6:45 Varsity Game _ 8:00 :\lorninl{<;iuf' ,\:~ .. champion of thf' "'\orlh ("('ntral ('Onf<>ri'n('f'

ls!'>t Jt"ar

~;.~7r~~J~:~~dnd.~~~,nto ~;;~%;:ha~~~= an~I~~n~e~~·~·L~;:~t~~ t~~I~~~~~ : ~=====,~~=-=-___ =--=_= __ =_ -.. =_ .. _ ... _ ... _ .... _= ______ =======~ gl\lng iind the week-end. NIT. and Holmberg home Sunday c\"cnmg. • •••••• iI.III1 ••• II! ••• IIIl.m •• RJlililllilil •• .IIICS.illiI •••••• a ••••

Mrs. Art l""[unson and sons were Dordthy Chinn \")sitE'41 frjend~ i: : ' wi1h 1hem for dmner. at Colmed BluLfs Tl!csdClY and,: BASKETBALL :

'1 I l\r E 1 S d hI WecinCF.UHY . • II. ta;rH~d a~~ di~~er (an~n s:~pecrnt~~; The ha:J Johm,on famll)y al]( nd.-;: . .. II

Mr. Clnd .\Jrs. J. C. Bres.c;ler of ed a. ~ath(>rltlg 111 thL' John ~. I: ' : P('nrj(ol". Mr. ancl !VIrg. Warren John<;on home at I_ Wayne City .4uditorillm nrr',slr'l· anci Wayne. Bonnie uf I: Schrocder <lnd Gordon Bresslel" of ~I](>n W(>re Sunday dinner gUl'~t5 ,II

Linenln. ltl ~~e c~~·;~~:~ec~~~n f~~~,ehlrt hday ;:

~;:~,~( )~~~, :~~~:e~I'~~o;:~'Oi~ ~~~ ~ir~,~~h~~;nEI~~':C(!I~:~g~,~~rl0~f.: 10\\ 109' jOInf'd them at ct)Operative ~:

:\lr~\ ~;er1 i:~~'e I;:,~ t~:cdh,th~~~ drnn('r Sunday in the Jerom(' til

for PearsQn home: Paul Uh~J:1o,. Floyd \:

8:00 p, m,

Thursday, Dec. II NORFOLK vs. HOTEL lIJORR1S0N

Park-'l, Gpn(' Parks, Jack Parks II" ah~lr·H:!~~ ~~~~n~~;; ;~~er~:~~ and RU",sell Parks. : Adults SOc

Burn .... of SIOUX City spent the day Su~~~,,,~c;~dpOpl~/~g~~~tsfalr;:lilt~lC ;;~= il:. ADMISSION Students 25c

iry ll-ll' Warner Erlandson home. ~ I :.lr..... CharloTte Lundahl was ~i~ Ldn~ hom~ __ 1:

~~\:~1;~~.r. and Mrs. C. R. Ash for Be fun' 10 \I .... it GamINes Ba~e- I:

::\f1' - and Mr ...... DaH' S('a~l('dt, m{'nt toyland A frf'f' !:;Irt lu ever:- ~. Thursday, Dec. 18

\\illO (·am(· from (Imah,l 10 help the ~~::~~~)~:n\::d1::b~e,;~:n~~II.:I!-;~r:(:~;\I~ i i ;:(i\:.'I',I;:;~t(.f'!I~::('rHl1(~· b~r.th~:~~~~:;~ Saturday and ;\Inndil)·. I,Hh ) 1I1


runry 11-1.1. tOllrnam(>nt at Wm- Tom }JUI!On., InmHn. and Elton Chnslrna:-; holHlays, tIde. February 19. Pender here. :'IlllJr-r, \\,",il,r-fwld. t('iln1 manAg!'rs.

II II . tJ and to l';arl!c Salloro" WalthIll,

Hu rl e mit e s vs. G lob e T,. 0 t t 'e r s

;"",~\""n~' "i:'~'l~,~:'ne~~ Wakefield Gridders tr,""," These are professional teams

',y Y'n'h '{'I lPg,' ii' Yurl,. On Conference Teanl . ,/;t nu; I·Y !J on, t hI.'

. . WIIJ ludkl(' down to H.1Ilph Connprs and Btll lindel'-Conference Adopts New Constitution

dUItH I· Thur:--day In the - ---- I • . Lwh home. '" were ALTONA I: Adults $1.00 ADMISSION lVfjr.... ~I,h Lctn,un, Mrs. ~cll Mc~ H.(,\ lnd Mrs John ~11Il r]. md •

q'l·kmdaie, ;VIr. and I Mrs. Paul ;;;;;";f ;C;";IU;;,";h;;U;S ;;~~l;r ~,~'";;d;;~;r;,,;;.; •• ;;.;.;.;;.~.;;.;.;.;.~.;.;.~.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.~.;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;~~~, Student. SOc


on 01 th(> Wakcfit'ld Trojans W('IT nam('d tCl;. die all-conferenc(' football team a' a recent meeting of "the Husker conference coac'les. (,(·nners plays c('nlf'r and And\O'r­Ison \ .... as one of the outstanding


quarterbacks in 1h(' loop thIS pa.:,t season. I

Harold Tell of Wakefield was chosen for left end position on th£' second team. and Bob· Erickson, another ,TroJan. was gi\"cn honor­able mcntlOn for fullback.

Tht' Curnhuskl'r ("onferf'ncc adopted a ricw ('()n~tJIUtlOn at a

S(lrjrorl)('rg and Charle>s. ,The ,laoS. Gu::-tafson and \\'alter

arlld H('rnpal Grosc fam!lles were mf'etmg" In \\·i..;tH'f last Mondel\ dmnf'r gu£'~ts in Lawrence Meyer

constiTutIOn pn)\jdt'~ for ,.,('1- Il(!lm(' n('ar HoopC'r .. llernent of lile haskf'lball cham- ,Bf'rn(,eJ.I Gustafsons and Lorcncc pionshlp elthf'1" by Sf'8S0n recclrds FJschf'rs werf' dmner guests in the or a conf('r.c~1C(, 10urnam('n1. P. ~. Oberg home. The first nam-

\\·a;.:ne is in the w{'sl('I'n half of f'd f<lmily were at Ed Gustafson's the IE'ague wi! h Mad!.~on, ~('ltgh. fOIl' SUpPf'I"· Stanton and Wlo;nf'r Th(' ('a"tf'rn .:"I-JJldrul Agler came from Frc· hAlf Inc-lucks \\"csl mOil!· for the holJday and remain-\\·akr'fleld. l)"kl,lTl(\ ilnd I r·d unt II Sunday aflC'rnoon. Abo

L I In. lh(' Ra\" Agh-r home fol' dinner McLean Loses to 'W'11 B U': " d Thur,dai" werl' Mr. and Mr', D· F" 3331 1 e , .. all Ie Chaunl'e, Agler. Darwin "gler and

IXOn Ive,· By Wayne Pastor Mr and Mr,; Ray Agler . .ir. , .B.~ lUf;s_ J\l1Wred Bnnlu I Lfo\"cl C. Sellm. son of l\1r. and < Dordlhy Chtnn was entertamed

IYx d f - t d "'\IT -L' 'B-:n 1\lrs Rlchnnl ,Spjlm o! Pon( a and cIt dll1hwr In the Cha.s. Keyser in t~cO~P(,:I~; ~;;J.In~ ~f ~<~~. ~(:r;h~ j\"lls~ Ruth of :\11'. !.o~r ,II Allen. • ern S;x h,lsk;thall ('nnf!'rrnc(' ;\'0- and 1\1r);>. 1-'1 {Jf ,\iil'n. .,lr and ::\lr.'-'. KermJl Johns~n vember:25 al McL£'an The gamelwJlI be mal'r,{'d Thuro,dH~. IJ\'('l'rn_:;nr! ,\11;1:1 W('H' dmncr g-Ul'~ts In

was closE' all Ihp wa\· nnel thE' lead I bC'r 4. by R('y. \Val:er BrackcnslCk I thp JOf' Joh~!';on home. M~: and

cha~lged ~e\"('ra.1 tim~s. ,I 0: ~~re (~~~h. ~~[l:;e ~:~~~e ~~~f'~~:ni~~ b~~~:I~~ Nineteen ~O!nts rac.krd up b~ 1- - (.r'i"hratp Mr. Johnson'::" birthday.

Kuhl gO"o DlXnn the wlnn,ng mar-. COllple to 111ar,.y '1 ' d ~1' 1 Ch b d gin. Carl Johnson scored 13 for I . . r. an - r. ,as. am ers an

McLean . AtSllnday Rites ~;:~,::,I~,~~:r M~~~t;haj~ s;~:o~: Dl:xon ~econd~ defea!ed the l\Ic- I \\ liilam Hansell. o;on of ::\lr..... . g

Lean rf'scn·cs. Hi to H. I ;"'lary llan-Tn of \\·ake[I('ld, l'.\·ilno; home J k J h d I Ml::-S :\lanl.yn ).Iut'll('r, ::\11" a~d Mrs. a e 0 ns~t"/ an

1. Pet. 1\1r Hnd Mrs. Iknn- th(· Leo;tf'r AndrC'sen family of f?' 1 oon ! P('ncir'r. will hi' r!lHI:!"!!'d PlIgf'r were dmn('r guests In the

() .UOO 1 De("cmtwr 7. hy [{\'\. Il. \\" F ~~r.~~~E'~~~.m':ibert Sundell and

~ :g~;i~ i ~ I~~~ ~ons had supper!\,:·itq Mr. and Mrs. . (Jon I of lh.f' B£'ldcn Car·l Sundell. L· . ortO np\·a TIl(' L('slJ[' r~rudig<lm family

Keep Your Hens! on the Job! Don't be satisfied wilth oldJfashioned feeds , .'. be Inodel'l1 . get highest


Crumbliled ~gg Mash

I ~. 'e(~ived P y 1QW!

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fresh Car

W(·ll Sunday SUPIJ(T guesls in the Rollic Longe home.

The Philip Rmg and Ivan John­son families Visited in the C. L. Ba rei home Sunday evening. .

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were luncheon guests in lhe Ring hOMe Sunday evening. I Mrs. Gordon Bard's birthday was

dbserved Friday afternoon when t~e following were 'luncheon Quests at her home: Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Swan~on and LOUIse, Mrs. Harry WendC'li, I\'lrs. Enoch Mar· tin~on find ,Jacl'ir. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ,Johnson and Hogel' and Mr. emf! iVlr". C L. BareL

('e]('brallng Ihf' host's hirlhclay, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gustafson and d<-J.ugI11l'r WCI·{' wl!h a group who spe:1"t Sunday ('venlng in the Art Han .... cn home.

Judy Lubberstedt visited An­nett(' and Colette Borg from Thursday to. Saturday. They ac· companied her home to spend the night. I

Th(' Art Borg family and La· V('rnC' Olson at tunded a Sunday school commit tee meeting in the Rev. Ervil Gustafson home Mon· day e"ening. Annette remained to speJ1ld the nighL

C. R. Ash's mother, Mrs. Eva Asl1, also his sisler, Mrs. P .. H. Ste­phens. o[ Wichita, Kan., and Mrs. Max Ash visited in the home Fri­day <lfte,-noon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pierson wcre there Saturday eve­ning. Mrs. Ash i's able to be up in a chair for a few minutes each day. , Mr. and Mrs_ Jack Soderberg ~vere in Sioux' City Wednesday to! mOE Elinor, who came from Chi-

~~ ~a~~~d~;. holiday. She return-

s. Melvin Johnson's birthday I Mond~y was celebrated when

of the neighborhood went for lunch and an afternoon,

and his baby broth­at Emil. L~nd'.s Tuesday

th~ir ·pare~ts 'were in Sioux

Marvi. n ~orte. nson family Morte son spent Friday the eldon Mortenson

'Mrs .. ~~lter \\~6'o"i"ca ~". ~oiJege tor the


* IMITATION MAPLE SYRUP l'anlr) l'tjrlf'. \Yond .. r(ul l"IIlTnt. ! l'"n~rl

* PETER PIPER DILL PICKLES f'r""Ih J'rU'k, B;I!' QUlltr Jllr

9,· . ,10, .. 8 .. ~'J' .. , . BIII'TH£M­



APPLES FUD('~· anti f:xlr!l l·an ... ,. lU\HO UOllE RE.\.{"ry


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44e 28c 25c


~~~~~~~tf:~~~~~~~~~~:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~THUR~~S~D~A~Y~'D~E~C~E~MB~i~n~"~1~"~41~~ ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~==-=~~~~~==== __ -= __ ~~~~~'II' ~ World~One . we should be that' we Elmer Nelson, Mr. and Mrs,' Quen- WilmartH and the Gerald and Ivan to the Book of Books1 It . tin !Erwin and Richard and Mr. and Clark families .

. "" ... t-~~~ .... ;.ro"'*''''"''1'1''''i'-~i-"----'''..J._- ~f' life. Th,e PSalll)'.ist -family. visited Sunday in: Mr~. Glenn Magnuson and child- LeRoy Creamer is quite ill with Thy v.:rOrd IS a lamp·\mto Lorehz home. ~~~:re~~~Ja~~arence Tuttle's hr&e~~l~ia~~e~~nt:\.~~.e a~~m~ra:. ~ht unto i~ path." Mr. ~nd Mrs. Manley Wedding Service whi<:h goes for the ~upport of the ¥r. and Mrs. Calvin Tuttle Herman Rieth .

. Trinity Lut'heb.n Ohurc

t'. ~~. E~~e Manske. . lit! Ie Rodman baby lin VC:1czucla. SUzlday dinner guess in the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Knittle

(Rev. W. F. Spr~geler, pas or) I glv10g dinner guests m Perfol"med Friday' The quarterly Gifering for the Ken- Rubeck home. called in the Arvid Peterson home December 7, Di ine service t 10. Mann hame. I ~ tU~ky Mountain Mi~' ion will be re- l\!Ir. and Mrs. Lewis Tuesday evening.

Sunday school a :.b. Begi[lning' Mr. and Mrs. Andy Maron and At Dixon Church' celved at the morni g service. an~ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burns were Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Peterson next Sunday, the ch'ildren o~ d~~ghters and We~delll Ayres Mi9week Prayer eting will be visiltars in the Newell Stanley and' boys visited in the Art John- ( day school and s~nday school VISIted Sunday evening I in the Miss Verlene Mary Lindgren, held' in some home' 8 p.m. Wed- hOr1;le Sunday evening. son home ~utlday afternoon. practice for their Christmasl Fred! Mann home. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. nesday. t' The Harry Malmberg family .Miss Arline. and Miss Euvodia s~rvice. These practice period~ Mr. and Mrs. Glen Fl'nk Lindgren of Garden City, S~ D., The Ladies Christ an Fellowship and Anna and Sam Bloom Johnson spent Thanksgiving with I,; be held every Sunday daughter were at Glen Wades' fonnerly of Dixon and Rexal Ray- Circle will meet 2: 0 p.m. Thurs- ~~~~;~;l~~~ d~~:.; Th''''',,"'vin" their~.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Le-

bef~re Christmas ~t 2. . Sunday for Thanksgiving dinn~r. ~~~r1.j:~~~h ~~n O:~o~,r·w~~~ ::;:~ da~~t ~~~:;s.:v~t~~d~i:~ei;sor;:l~~ It was also Mr. Bloom's RO~i;~h~~~~n Mann spent the ev~:~I~~~~:Sdaand' cho~r re~~ar~ Marvirt Kleensang spe t ried Friday afternoon at Dixon Me- nual business meeting at 1 p.m. The Lawrence Hanson week-end in Sioux City with Miss 9 y eVimng a a r~n~ah to Wednesday in tre Glen thddist church, Rev. Walter Sloan Friday. There will Jj)e the election were at Mfs. Kate Rewinkle's Arline Johnson .

. Ladies' Aid pre Chl-istmas meet rIO orne. I officiating. of. officers for the' coming year, dinner Thanksgiving. Mrs. Geneva Sul1ivBn and Fran-. - t - Thanksgiving guests in \the Al Miss Gcncva Nygren came from mg next Thursday afternoonl De- Wurd' h ML' Miss Margie Chambers played receiving of new members, etc. Ev- ces, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. C1at,k and

h 8 d cember 4, at:2 ' ' M mger orne ~ere M r· and the wedding music and accompa- ery member is urg¢d to be$pres_ St. Peter, Minn., Tuesday evening daughter and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. ~eIg I~g poun s, The annual Christmas party of H rs. Ed Brumme s, rS j Ir('ne nied the solOists, Miss Gayle ent. I of last week to spend her Thanks- Hughes were Sunday dinner guests ~~~rle;~:rerr ~1 the YPBC Will be he~d ri'ext week B~~~ka;C~ Leshe, and Mrs Mmme Troth and Mrs. WaU:l.o Johnson. We we~come everJlbody to attend giving vacation at home. in the Ivan Clark home.

has been named ;h*,hsl~a;V~~er:;~g, December 11, at Mr and' Mrs EdWin Meierhen- The bride~ given in marriage by ~~:ss~~;i~e:i'n~~~~~~n~it~e~~~~ a so~l~~:~r~~~n~~,;c~~~r~atl~~ an~~'hi~~!n~~so~;~~l~'e~:t:;::r~ Wmter formerly meetmg of tho 0 b~ir tile annual ry and famIly were dmner guests her father, wore a gown of heavy in the Emil Swanson home Sunday nvon and supper guests in the

Annual me~t~~~I:( 'th _ 10 the Jake Mlller, sr, home brocaded white satin, fashioned Mr. and Mrs. Wymore Wallin en- afternoon. Evening visitors were :'vlarland Schroeder homc Thanks-gatlon t k Tu d e congre ThanKsgiVing. ~~~~n I~~, ft;~~;. b~~!C~'O~gU,tt~lnttinedg tertained at dinner 'Saturday eve- Mrs. Clarence Lisle, Mr. and Mrs, i daY .. Bonnie and Norma Er-

I lor Birthday. Decem~:: 9 w:~ 8 es ay cvemng, I Mrs Fred Prince of Potter came ning for Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthew Stapleton and son and win returned home with them to ___' . Wednesday to attend the weddmg ~~~~~s~~p;~~ s~~rt e~~!~~e~t i~~~ Raab, Mr. and Mrsl Paul Fischer Miss Dorothy Stapleton. spend the week-end.

terltailled!!about Mr and Mrs Gary Bauman of her niece LaVern Falk ~he Will and Paulette, Miss Geneva Ny-' Thanksgiving dinver guests in The Marland Schroeders were at ,. d k th H a court train. The bride wore a the R J h h M

Keith st::nt ThanksgIVing In hSpeo n n wee III e . Falk coronet of seed pearls from which gren, Alden Johnson and Wallace 'and 'IOrYs CC

nJsopn t C?me wMere rd' John Schroeder1s for dinner Sun-Herman Is home. me. t Magnuson. lV • • . e erson, r. an d Th t I Ad'

M d M C H W I fell a mantilla of scalloped lace. :\lrs R,·chard J h ,,,- day. ey were a \·.ar n erson s

Mrs. ~innie Kraus~ and r. an rs.. . a er and The Max Holdorf family and' . , a man, ~yu.. an for lunch. garet vi ited Mr B p Myron, Mr. and Mrs. H. . Falk ~~~teC~~~i:sd :it~h~""'r~~~~~~l~e~o~: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Et-win and ~;:: ;':f;;eJO~~:nrs~~d ~~id:ennd, Mr. and Mrs. James Hank and the Ralp Grim~'ho~e 'in and family .and Mr. an Mrs. ton were at Ernest and Clara Johnson. Linda were in Sioux City Monday.

Mr. an~Mrs. qoyA PuIs George ~chmldt were ~~es~s at a for Thanksgiving diriler. M d M EI H k and Jm nne M~ III d M ' turkey dinner ThankSglVm~at the The maid of honor, Miss Esther Mr. and Mrs. A~bert Lehman Mrs Arvid Peterson spent Mon- r. an rs. ray an. \\lere .. Potter 4is' G i an R rs. Mrs. Anna Scheurich hom. Lindgren, sister of the bride, wore were dinner guests in the Fred day afternoon at C. J. Peterson·s. Saturdayevenmg callers In the

eVening for a sur- and M'rs. Minniea nea, I ay Mr. and. ~rs. Paul Rohr e and a white taffeta faille gown and Johnson home Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson d Floyd Johnson home near Laurel. party for Mr. Beh- dinner tests in the .1 MarlY Jo VISited Sunday In the carried an arm bouquet of shaded Mr. and Mrs. Nels Lyngen of Dixon spent Sunday afternoon at - - -------

and Mrs. Vernon Ibome fa Jill Anne's Mrs: Martha Rohr~e h0':1~' , pink daisies and white pompons. Wayne were Sunday dllmE'r guests Fred Johnson·s. LOCALS ( the Leo Jor~ ·Mrs. us Schmjidt . Mrs. Ernest. HIlle VISited Fri- Miss Gayle Troth, sIster of' the at Chas. Okblom's. ThanksgIving- dinner guests in Mr. and Mrs A. W. Contois of

dan, Hall, Walter Maas, ,Voss, Mus. ME'in~k' I day afternoon 10 the Gus ~hmidt bridegroom, served as bridesmaW. Mr. and Mrs. Jaak Erwin were the D A. Paul home were Mr. and ~('hgh were week-end guests at Ed~i~ and Claus Ra~hman Wilson'i,Mrs. EI~i~ home and was a supper g e~t. She was dressed in a white bro- at Max Holdorf's fOr dmner Sun- Mrs. Haskell and sons and Mr. and L. W. Sexton's famllles'l;rvIr. and ,Mrs. E. 0.1 Beh- Mrs. E in Ulri¢h were I M.r. and Mrs. How~r~ ~ T1~ and caded satin dress and her bouquet day. Mrs. Glenn Paul and Nancy. Mr. ;\lrs. Harold G. Mears of Omaha mer, M.r; and Mrs. Ed. Schellen- visitors n the Gus Marten home family \~ere Thanksglvmg dlliner was like that of the maid of hon- Mr. and Mrs. Ludolf Kunz and and Mrs. Maurice Harper of Ains- came a week ago Sunday to spend berg, MI~.and Mrs. Harlan lHerb- Mrs. Marten is mtCh improvt'd . guests ~n the Rasmus ielsen or. Elaine were dinner gU('sts in the worth and MISS Dorothy Harper of 3. fpw days with Mrs. Grant M('<1nl.

olsheime, and Mr. ....and Mrs. Rev. ahd Mrs. . F. Sprenge'ler I home: LlO.da, Rod?er and I\.karlene D,:",ayne Troth of Sioux City, Fred Kunz home· in Scribner Laurel were eVemng visitors. Be sure to visit Gambles· Ba..<;e- , Goesch. izes. in pitch went to Vernon Marlin b.t d M' '.' remamed m the Nielsen home until COUSin of the bridegroom was best Thanksgiving. Donalr;! Erwin and Alrten John- ment Toyland. A free gift to every Mrs. Leo'Jordan and Ed. Schellen- Dorothy I Praus~ w~t~l an ISS,' Friday. ~ man and Harold Carlson was an John and Charliel Swanson and son. unl\'ersity students from Lin- child .up to 12 years of age when berg.. ing evening dinner guests at : Mr. and Mrs .. E. ~ .. Potter visit- attendant. Dale Davidson and Don- Mrs. Fred Matthies' were Thanks- coin, spent their Thanksgi .... ing va- accompanied by parents Friday.'

rarochial School. ('Do~thy Prausa, teacher)

Dallas:Wachter, Marjorie Lor­enz, Ard~th Deck, Beverly Krause and Delqres Pfeil celebrated ibirth­

by treatin'g all to candy bars. Those ~aVblg perfect atten.dance

for Nove ber arc MarJene Lorenz, Beverly Kruse, Marjorie Lbrenz Darlene Woochman and Ardyth Deck.

The C~'ldren have begun PI1lctice their Chtistrras program. ---, .

Pe e Refonnf'd Church. (Rev. C. H. Riedesel, past9r)

. service, 11:15. school, 10:15.

Thea. Heberer home, ed. Sunday evenmg m the Rasmus aId Stone were ushers. giving supper guests in the Ru- cation in their respective homes. Saturday and :Vlonday. (ady) d4 Marlin Sprengeler, student Nielsen home. Following the wedding a recep- dolph Swanson home. The Paul Thank~gi .... ing dinner guests in Mr. and Mrs. Seldon M~Cluskey

Dr. Martin Luther college; Mrs. Martha ~ohrk~ spent from tion was held at the church par- BOSes, Milton Johnsons and Geo. the Eari Hugh('s home were Mr. and two children of Aurelia, la." Ulm, l'yIinn., spent Thanksgiving] Wednesday untll Friday tn the Jors. Miss Marilyn Tomason had Lippolts were evening VISitors. a;nd Mr!';. G. E. Martindale 'and were Thursday to SUllday guests week-~nd in his parental home. Hel Paul H,ohrke home. charge of the guest book. :'\1iss Mrs. Chas. Nelson called on Mrs. Linda of ~Vlitchell. S. D .. Mrs. Ge- he!:.c in the Glenn Sumner home .. F.eturn~d again Sunday. . Mr .. and Mrs. Elmer Sdlroeder Phyllis Smith poured and Miss Rudolph Swanson Friday. neva Sullivan and Frances. Elmer The women are 'Sisters.

Mis Dorothy Prausa was Sun- of Dalley, Colo., ~a~e We.~lnesday Diane Kuhl cut the wedding cake Mr. and Mrs. Lou Reuter and •• Ii-.-.-.-.-.. -.-... -.. -.-.-.-.-.•.....••.......•.. day di ner and supper guest at the! t? spend -::hanksglvmg wl~h Mr. made by Mrs. Bessie Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Matthies called I

E,rntos~Fuhrman home. Schroeder s father. Assisting hostcs!';('s were Mrs. Mel- Sundpy at Rudolph Swanson's. 0 : 'Sun ay evening guests at the Mr. and .Mrs. ClarC'ncc SChroe- vin Manz, Mrs. Bc<;sie Davidson John and Charlic Swanson are l:f -l'.lII(J :) I J • ..... ........ ~ -T1 ::."

' . ,F. Sprenge!cr, home wcn~ der entertamed Mr. and Mrs. El- Mrs. Dick Chambers and Mrs:' staying there. _ _ •• ."... "1 ., ~ - ... • ..,... Mr. a~d Mrs. Ernest Fuhrman and! mer Schroeder, Gus SctUroeder, Frank Lisle. Mrs. Fred Johnson was at Ru-

JOD~n~lt\;~dp~~~~~h~!:raaUsa. :n~' a~i~~~~;e~;r~~;sCg~~~~~~r and bl:~~s·a;dn~:I~~: prr~~~i~:~ss i:,it~ dO~i~;e~a~~~~~~ %(,~~~s~;~d Sal- by Square Deal Pete : giving d~nner guests at the Rev. and Mrs. Donald Raker bJack accessories. Mrs. Troth wore mon home Thanksgiving \vere Mr. A Galaxy of Fund ml home. daughters of Kearney, a black ami rose print with bJack and Mrs. Carl Falter and Virginia

Mr. amd Mrs. Gus Perskel Du~hn and son, Dickie accessories. Both wore corsages of of. C.rcighton, Mrs. Minnie Bonge, G.eft:s daugh eIf had supper Sunday Kelth Duehn of Hector, pink and white carnations. Willie Salmon, the Frederick Sal-ning . i~h the Edwiin came W.edn~sday and Out of town guests were Mr. and: mon, Allf'n Salmon and Sheldon Mr~and Mrs. Harold Thanksglvmg In the Fred' Mrs. Adam Lindgren and. Arlf'n of Andersf'n families~1 of -.wakefield,

Nanc ,~nd ClarC'llce HoemarjJ.: home. The L~ster Raker Garden City, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Ha . y Taylor and Sund' inner guests in the were also guests. Lindgrcn of Laure.!, Mr. and Mrs. RO.bert and l\1rs~ J ck Huttig and ben Fall home. Mrs. Sam Ulrich visited, in t Guy Bombar and Mr, and Mrs. Ro)" chlidren.

ThetL oyd Behmer family and F.red Ulrich home Wedne~4ay Troth Gf Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor and the.H n Asmus family weI1e Sa1j- nmg. Mr. and ~1~s. ErWIn Wayne Jewell of 'Lau~el, ':V~·. and Bob, Mae, Ken:1eth and hene Sal-llrday e ening callers m the Hanls had .~s ThanksgIvm~ gue:$ts' Mrs. Archie McFarland of Whit- mon, s~ent Sun?ay at Allen Sal-AsmUJ h/Ome. familIes of Sam Ulrich, IR~t1ben ing, la., and Dwayne Troth of mon s m Wakefleld. .

Mr. amd Mrs. Hans Asm~s anti PuIs and Lloyd PuIs, Mr. ahct Mrs. City. The Art Doescher faffilly was at fami! 1'Sited in the HermaJn Op- E~nest PuIs, Mr. and MIt-s. Carl Geo. Vollers' for pinner Sunday. fer h ,m Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Hmzman and Mrs. Peter Ulrich. Corn Is Picked Norman Anderson was there in the Voss ~ Mrs. Asmus called ,In the , Mr. and Mrs. Herman Martin, evening. Ed. K.l~th and H .. C.' MittlC]stacdt Jr., and Marjorie, and Mrs."Ge.orge At Victor Farm Mr. ami Mrs. Fred RUseI' home S nday evening. L.angenbcrg attended fUneral s('r- Neighbors and friends pickC'd 85 in the Andrew Johnsen home

Mr.'a d Mrs. Albert B{'hmrr had vlc.es for Mrs. Wm. Fegley fn W{'st acres of corn for Clifford Victor Wayne Sunday ('vcnin!;. ThfcnkSgiving guests Mr:, and POi,nt Saturday. la<;t Wednesday. Those furnishing Mr. and Mrs. G('orge Schroeder,

Mrs. .~). Behmer and Mis$ Lyd- F rC'd Hoffer?cr of NOr? Bend corn pickers W('fe Art Doescher Cleo and Bonnje were dinner ia of 0 aha, and the families pf s~ent Sunday m the hom of hi& George Vollrrs, Marvin Victor and guests in the Clarence Schrncder Lloyd' B hmer, Vernon Behmfjr, slste.r, Mrs. Frank Krueger Hank. Others hf'lping were home at Allen Thanksgiving. Mr. Hen~~ Asmus and Leo Jordan bf MISS Beyerly Jean FensklC' spcnt Rewinkle, Alhert Steube, Fred and Mrs. Clayton Schroeder and Carro 1 Thanksgiving with her parents RuseI', Robert Hanson, Fred Vic tOT baby were at Mrs. Edna Wacker's

San ~k Asmus spent Sunaay in Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fenske. 'and James Hank. Neighbor ladies near Laurel. the H n~ Asm4S home. Mr. and Mr.!;' Ed. Winter spent assisted with lunch. Mr. Victor who Mrs. Earl Orcutt. Mrs. Twila

, and Mrs. Hans Asmrs and the week~e.nd.m ~he Charle~. Wint- has been jll si~e September is the Horn and children. Betty Spencer Wednesday in th Har- er home m Lincoln. : son of Fred Victor of Wayne and and Leland Henningsen were Sun-

home. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sohil, Janis lives on the farm formerly owned day visitors in the Louie Kirchner was also th re and Sandra, Jess and James Sohl by Fred Ruser. home. of Herman Opfer were Thanksgiving dinner' guests The Norel Lukken family

"~."O In",,~o "'." Dale Bernhardt' of Rev. E. H, Soh 1 and family. Concordia Eva.n. Luth. Church dinner guests in the Lewis and Mr. and M,rs: Mrs. George Schmitt visited in (Rev. J .. E. Sutherland, pastor) nolds home Thanksgiving. were dinner and the ~m. Clarkson home funday Thursday, December 4, (this stayed there until Sunday.

the Raymand evenmg. " '. week). Dorcas society meets at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Erwin and

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Norfblk Mrs. George Schmltt VI~lted in the church ,·at 2. Mrs. Arthur T. Verdel, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cleve-

the Wm. Clarkson home Sunday Anderson is the hostess. 11'a~n~d~a~n~d~G~a~ry~~~M~r~.~a~n~d~M~rs~. ~~~~~~~;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I evening. : Saturday, December 6, rehearsal ; Mi. 'imd Mr,S. E. E. P6U+, Mrs. for the christmas program by the

, PuIs and Mrs. ~Minnie Sunday sphoOI at 9:30 a.m. Pleasa' Krause and Margaret spen Wed- note the' hour. The confirmation nesday evening in the LIo d PuIs classes assemble at the same time. home for Jackie's ~irthday. ; Sunday, December 7, church

Mr. ahd Mrs. Gilbert Fletcher school and Bible classes, 10 a.m. and Bdbby, and Mrs. Ella ~u;chan~ Divine wo,rship, 11 a.m. Vespers at an of Osmond visited in the Chas. 8., Rohrberg home at Osmond friday.

Mr. ang Mrs. Ed. Winter spent Monday evening in the farvey Kuester home for Kathy' birth­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilsdn ta the Manley Wilson home day.

The Luther League--' will have charge' &f the evening service. The study topic centers around the thought of Advent alnd Christmas. We invite you to come out for this servicc. A fellowship hour the program. \

, .,~



I Diamolld qhrisbn1as ..

Mrs. Manley Wilson speht Mo.n­day afternoon in Norfoll<.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Buss and . Mr, and Mrs. Gus Schmidt visJt­

ed i Sunday evening in the E. O. Be~rner home.

Thursday. December 11, meeting o-f the WMS at 2 p.m. hostesses for the meeting are Mrs. Kenneth Olson, Mrs. Victor Sun­dell and Mrs. Emil Swanson. The topic for! this meeting Christmas Around The World.

Here ar& h~lidoy hint!: ~ __ for beauty wherever she gO~St miat, complete, smartly styled beauty kits filled to the brim, with the famous, wonder· working DuBorry Beauty Essentials tkat every

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the /perfect gift! ' ""

Guest$ Thanksgiving In the Art Klug home in Norfolk were TMrs. Herman Marten, sr., and M;rs. Es-th~r Benshoof. I

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mar~n and

t~~~:~ ~~;~~n~~:~h~~~' e ~rs. Miss Lydia Behmer of maha

spent Thanksgiving in the me of her pari;?nts, Mr. and Mrs' E. O. BeJuner .. Mr. and Mrs. He:1J.ry As~ mus visfted there Sunday.~r T~r~e~~~r';, of Mr.

birthday home

Behmer __ 0,_,,_0,'0', Albort

"The Kingdom' of God cometh not with observation; neither shall they say .. Lo, here! or There! for 10, the Kiingdom of God is within you." Lu~~e 17: 20 and 21.

woman loves! PA-«~;<"-!,;Z.4J1a? ~ ~:~= ~roWlt.o. dQublot

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red, blue or bro'MIlizogotor grQl1Ioi

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I bra.Jvn or block aillgaror anilil. red IIzaa*",: blu. saflign grain. r -2500QP~

til S1.

::Vlondiay evening, i December 8. WIth .).I1rs. Douglas CampQelk­Mrs. i\Vrn. Sharer will assist.

King·s Daughters meet this

IMrs. ~~~~!E.'!: NUJU memb~e were guests

1 ~~e~ing ~hi~;"~e~,Ch W e4~esday I * *: * IEldeen Has PI1~ty. 1

' Eldeen membets and gUests met Tuesday Wi1h Mrs. Louis Lutt (01', a Chris mas party and gift exchange. !P r j z e s were awarded in games.

* * ~'t Has UD Meetinll.

,UD met with Mrs. J. O. Went­worth Monday when current events were gh"en for the pro­gram. Mrs. \\', E. Von Seggern entertains next Monday.

* ~ * With Mrs. GillEPie.

Monday club C't 'with Mrs. J. T. GillE'spie t lis week fot a program on ne\'f recipes. 11r5. Winifr/?'d Main fntertains nrxt Monday when Mrs. A. A. \\'ekh has the program~

For Mardelle lj.arsen. Mr. and Mrs. IHarvey Lar~('n

entertained at 6 o'clock dinr~er Sunday for Mar~elle's birthday. Guests were' Warren ElliS, J~m Sylvanus. Don' Tietgen. L~is Russell and Karol Lou Kay.

* * 7.-At Redeemer Church.

Brotherhood held its ann~aL dinner parrty fQr wives at Rl'­?eemer church Tu~sday evenirp.g Jast week, about 100 attending. M. J. Hassel sang and Dr. L. ? Young showed motion picturesf

.... * * Mrs. Ward, Hostess.

Mrs. John \\tard cntertainJd Ken Lore .members and Mrt. Robert Nelson last .week Tuej;­day evening when :'lrs. "V. ~. ,schulz and. ~lrs. Chris Tiek gen won pTlZe~L Mrs. Don Df­ford entertains December 18. I

~~l~;~I~~. ~no~~cB~~~~~n PJ~~la~ Entertain S:t:~d"-<~y. and ~lr::::. Alvin Gjese hostess. Mardel!" LarsPn and Karol

LaPorte Community c 1 u b Lou Kay wcre hostC'sscs Satur-nlPmlpers have Christmas dinner day evening to Rhout 50 gues~s and *ift exch.ange December 10 at the !\Voman's club room~ wilh Mrs. Harvey Larsen. Mrs. Dancin:?: 'and games were dive _ S. J. Hale and Mrs. John Grimm sian. Mr~. Haryf'Y Larsen a

a~SlSt.. Mrs. Ha,r~~.' G":,, K_:,ay~:sef"\ cd lunch PNG meets Becembet 9 with r " " "

:'Ill'S. Ann Lerner 'and l\\r.rs. Lu- Has CoPe ie Meeting. cretijl J€'Ffrey in ·the·: Lr;.rner Coterie member . ..:;, a,l,so I\'Irs h0!l1(1·for • a Christmas party. E. L. Ha vey <lnd ::'I.lrs. R. M) :'>.Irs ·,Jessie Lamberson \l,'iH have Carhart {\'ef'f' gUf-st ... of Mr.sl

* * * Has Supper Guests.

Miss Margaret Costerisan en­tertained at supper Saturday for Miss Joan Ahern. Miss Sal­lie Welch, Miss June Dawson, Miss Mari Belle James, Miss Mary Belle Samuelson, Miss Marilyn· $tandley, Miss Jean A;nn Sharer, Miss Jannene Grif­firh and MiSS* A:el ;ewis.

CI~b Convenes. GQC members and Mrs. Wil­

ton Haynes of Page were guests of Mrs. o. B. Haas Monday when Mrs. A. J. Lynch was leader a"-d ¥rs. \v. W. Roe·s birthday was observed Prizes in pitch went to Mrs Carl Nuss. Mrs. Haas and Mr$. H. W. Winterstein. A n~ host Christmas dinner is plannedl

\.vith husbands as guests Decem­ber 15 at 6:30 in 'the Lynch home.

* * * Rebekah. Elect.

Meet jngs in the Woman's club room Friday e\"ening, Rebekahs eJeClt'd Fern Crawford noble grand; Minnie Pierson, Vlce grand; Ethel Phipps, secretary and Ann Lerner. treasurer. Luncheon was served by Grace Bdson and Julia Perdue. The women meet at the club rooms DCCf'mhcr 12 whcn Minnie Pier­.son and Bess LewiS" will be hos­te!'Ses.

R~por1s 10 2h:p:er. ~Irs. Louis Smithberger of

S1.an1.on reported to Wayne chapter of PEO Tuesday on the su~rerne chapter meeting which she! attended in Los· Angeles. MrB. C. H. Bright and Mrs. G. W. Costerisan ent.ertained at the I fonner's home. A Christmas pro­gram and 1£'a are planned De~ cember 16 with· Mrs. P. 1.... March. :'>.Irs. A. B. Carhart and ),1rs. F. A. Mildner will assist.

* * * 1il(' pi'ogram. Paul Mines Monday al dcssf'rt-·Grac(' Aid meets in the church hrid~e. ::'I.1r5. \\. C. Shulthcis had With Mrs. Vahlkamp.

padOirs Df'c{'mbe-r 10 with Mrs. high s('orf'. Mrs. SlnJ!th('is ('nl('r- Hillside cluh met with Mrs. Ed. Echtenkamp and· Mrs." Geo. tains ne-c·o M()ntia~ at thl' home Arlnold Vahlkamp Tuesday whf'n Brpih»rth. hostPssps. A Ch.rist- of Mrs. A. T. Ca\"unHugh. guosl.s hesides 19 members wl:'re m::lS party and gjft exchang(> .r. .r. .;;. MM;. Jr,hn Baker, Mrs. OlIO are planned. For Girl Scouts. SaUl, Mrs. Ralph Crockett and

Redeemer Aid plans 1 01C}ock Girl scout.'> of Troop Two. Mrs. Roy Becker. Mrs. O. R. dinner and Christmas part:y this Patrol Two entertained their Haas had entertainment and Thursday in the churCh parlors. mothers and Miss Grettal Hack- prizes went to Mrs. J. W. Gosh-Instead of exchanging gifts. the b t th h f B b orn and Miss Bernita Ahlman. women will have a sho\\'er for ~~li:r~T~\'em~er °t;5~ 0 The

ar g~~: Gifts \.,·ere exchanged. A 12' the new church kitche;n. ga"t"e a Thanksgiving play and o'clock covered dish dinner with'.

Bap}ist society repeated this at school for Mij':s husbands as ~ests is planned,

~~~iA"ii<iiiim~iD~Wii<iiiiif~~~~~~~~""'"'~~~~~~~.~~~~~~'i JanlUary 13 with Mrs. Lawrence ~ Thomsen. Assistmg hostesses

Gowns Ra~on jersey knit. co~ton knit.

t ght Weight, f tio'n. Sizes D sty Rose. j


, 1



"'brShod rayon and tl~!\Q.l:' We h VI" an exceJle~t. sel~.~tion ,for C ~istmas gifts. Sizesl S-M-L.

, $1.98. $6~95 ,. I,


~ . .

"Botany Flannel" Brand


warm.i ~(D(V/c virgin wooL Tailored to pcr­and 4()..14. ' In Wine, Navy, Copen, Aqua and

L~rller $18 95' SIzes _ I

in i>a~tel. and f1prals, Cotto~ crepes

II =':8: , !I

Four-gore, crepe and satin. Lace trim and tailored .. Tearose, White and Black. Sizes 3~-gg and 40-46. '

$2.98 to $5.95

will be :VIrs. Hennan Vahlkamp, jr., !\1rs. Henry Brinkman and Mr$. Alvin Temme. Entertam­mCl1t \,.·ill be in charge of Mrs. Chas. HeiJi.es and Mrs. Emil Ot-te,

Fill' "roperty Df'edR. Pr10perty deeds filed in Wayne

county include the following: Aulda'Resseguie and husband to

Tom W. and Elizabeth Johnson, November 26 for $6,700, E~2 of loIs J, 2 and 3, block 7, original Wayne, :and E 12 of lot 4, block 11. Crawforid & Brown addition \~/ayne.

Harry and Blanche Kinder to Robert ·and Hilda Rinehart, No­vemlPer '25 for $1 and other eon­sideratic)lO. W 50 feet of lots 4. 5 and 16, block 3, Crawford&Brown's addltiOIl to Wayne.

Wm. Warnernunde and wife to B. JI. and O. K. Brandstetter. No­vemper 24 for $550, lots 7, 8 and 9, block 6, Bressler & Patterson 2nd addilt\.,on to \Vinside.

B*'n Land Co. to John Nicho­las ,Brown. November 26 fQr $1, S% of S, N% of 17-26-1, W% of SEI.~ of 24. SW% Of 24, N% ofNh and SI,2·,of 25-25-4. .

WAKtFIELD Mrs .. Melinda Utecht spent the

week-end with the Art Walters. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Olson and

Darwillj Agler were SWlday dinner guests iot Rev. atld Mrs. Robert Evans.

Erwin Siebrandt, son of Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Siebrandt of Pender, and Miss Djeloris Greve, ')laughter of Mr. anr:t Mrs. Henry Greve of wakefibld were married Sunday.

~%;: fl:~ 3~: ~~~. ~·aft~~i~~: anljl MIls. Clair Walter. Richard Walter, Mrs. M~ta Walter went to H4mphrey Wedlnesday to attend funeral service~ for Mrs. E. Walter; who suffered a stroke Sat­

hoon and passed away that She -Was an aunt "Of the

Art served as

Tlf(;RSDAY. 4, 1M'


: For Su its ~f t:he Season , ,

Don't Fail to' Shop Our Suit Department You'll lie Pleas(:d to Find a ~

Goodly Selection of New P~tterns Owing to Un~UallY late deliveries of: fall suits, we are recei: mg ship .. ments every ~eek.

Single and dou;ble' breasted models:, . ,

Superbly tailored

Fine \V orsteds I. Cheviots

Tweeds • Coverts

Some Suits. with Extra Pants

Perfect for Christmas Gifts!


Robes Plain tones and fancy woolens

Jacquard rayons Gabardines - Corduroys!'

• Pajamas

Stylftd by Glover - Essley - Ja.son

Fine Broadcloths Prints - Flannels Rayons - Tecas

Shirb by

• Glover ~ • Essley

• Jaso

\\ll1ites and Fancy

Western Style Shirt.

$79~ to $1195


Gloves Pigskin - Deerskin

Imported Cape Silk lined, wool or fur lined

f..ahric gloves

Knit Glove & Scarf Sets


Fine Quality

Billfolds in a broad selection of styles

and pric~s Calfskin - Goatskin Ste€rhide • Lizard

$250 to $1250

plus tax

BRIEF CASES Top grain leather

$800 to '1350

f plus tax

Rugby & Brentwood

Sweaters Ski Typ.,.

in new designs; and new colors

Plain Tone Slip-DDS All wool

Coat Stifles

$4:95 '0 $895


Jackets Styled by

Field & Stream Windbreaker

Glovet - Rugby Your choice of many styles

in a variety ,of linings


Jewelry by Swank

Tie Chains or Bars Key Chains'

Belt Buckles Choice of smartly styled


'150 to $350

plus t'?'

Want to really please that extra special person on Christmas morning?

Then Give Him or Her a lJeautiflll Matched Setaf •••

Luggage from Swans' Handsome, stufdy, amartly fitted

• a • and above all, economical

TWO beautiful pieces of luggage for less than you'd expect to pay for one

• ,Ladies' W.,-dlYbes,, O'nites \, and Vanity O'ni~ -

• M~~'s Two-suiters and Pul~ Cases .. "

• Fanilly W.rdrobe. and , P"UII\.b <:aaes , your choice of four pleasing shades I Stop ~ at Swan.". today and see this I lI\oo,t popular Iqllage I



in a Dressy Mood ....

CoUn! .nBob&j.i~ to bring all you juniors something CIs outstand­ing as this two piecer­for ,"'ery clay·time to dOlealime occcaion. Toil.redo! PLUTOCRAT, a Folker fabric .. the frosty white two tiered

peplum torso blouse with the gold kid. trim­

me<! ~h $9ts off the skirt t~cn comes in gorgeouJ colo,,', Si%es 7 10 15.

FOR GIFTS. and for Yourself

Warm Robes in all \\'001 flannel and pin-wale corduroy

Rayon Jersey Robes to wear in the home or tuck in your traveling bag

Loungirtg Pajamas with Matching Robes

ROBEsfrom $10.98 Ballerina

Skirts for Holiday Whirling

All wool crepes - Faille Strutter

Black, bro\\.'l1 and most all color.;

\ and better

Others from $2,98


Shjrt Blo\Jse Styled by Marden

(~~~rt. ~~o:~~!r: d~~~ ed with pointed Collar of lace.

. '798•

otjher Blouses ," Styled by

Graft and Ann Leslie . From $,2.98

Gift Suggestions AT $1.00 AND BE,TIER

Scarfs Costume Jewelry

Large squares' of wool or nylon

• \

Snuggies~ Vests In wool or rayon knits


and belief" plqs_

• All Li1Jen'

Handkerchiefs White and bOau~UJ prInts

'l~r Otiwrs ff'O!ll 39c Other Panti.,.,79C to $25111 •

Ha~~en Gljlvlils an<tMittenS'( 1 "00

,I 'lOOta '5


, !~

South seventy-five yea: Wm. Pfeil, E. A. Meyer, seconded by HisCox that the above ments. together with l11e mtnlf's (If feet; thence West three

hundred Isixteen (316) feet to the place of beginning.

Wl1tse, Hiscox and McClure. resolution be passed and ap- the owners thereof, and Ihe Voting no: none. proved and its title agreed to amount assesable by law a~~I,n:,t

I will sell ~aid real estate at pub· lie auction on the 5th day of Janu· ary, 19i.8, at 2 o'clock p.m., on said day, at the East front door of the

Motion declared carried. The Mayor put, the question and each lot, piece or parcel of gruund, The' application of T. C. Bathke instructed the Clerk to caU the roll which said plat and schedule sh,tlJ

for a permit to remodel the house for the vote thereon. The following be completed and filed in th(' Of(lCI'

on Lot 24, Taylor and Wachob's was the vote on this motion: of the City Clerk of the Cll), (Jl Addition was read. Yeas: Pfeil, E. A. Meyer, Wiltse, Wayne, Nebraska, upon compl('tlC!n

house in Wayne, Wayne ·County, Nebraska.

It was moved by Wiltse and sec~ Hiscox and McClure. thereof. onded by Hiscox that a p~rmit be Nays: none. L. W. MC'.:\,\"fT

Terms of sale: 20 per cent eash on day of sale, balance on confir· mation of sale.

granted. Whereupon the Mayor declared Mayor ,City of Wayne . .:\[ I,. Motion wal> put by the Mayor said resolution passed and ap- Attest:

and on roll call the following votcd proved, and evidenced his approval WALTER S. BRESSLER yea: Wm. Pfeil, E. A. Meyer, of said resolution by signing same. City, Clerk. City of Wd\ll'

~~_l~_______ ~ Referee Wi]tsl', Hiscox and McClure. The following resolution was uf. Nebraska. .


~~~ii~~ ~~~l~~~~' carried. ferc:-d by Councilman Wiltse. It was moved by CourwJinldil

CITY COUNCI~~:n~~~~~:~~: The application of R(,y H ~~~~UI~~N o:D~~fN~T~tA~ ~~~s~.a1~ ~~~Oe~d~~a~Ylh;0;~:;{{:~]I-November 11, 1947 Langcmeier for a permit to (,,1- AND SCHEDULE OF ASSESS- resolution be passed and

by CO:~ireg~1sr. ~:I~tini~ oft~~e g::~ ~;;\~~~ .. ~~!~~~p~E.nl:~~a:·f~;:/nq M~F:=~!~~::~he 14th day of ~~~ /~es~li~~est~~~e:~d t~~sir~~lrd '~~---:ryrrs. Ellis Johnson T~~k:t ~ff~~~I~~kth;. ~~~ ~~~it~~~ It was moved by Pfeil and sec- October. 1947. the Mayor and City Clerk 10 call the roll for UH' \( I,·

Nli" Alice Mae Nimrod spcnt ~ll~r~c~:~~et~~~~~l~!~M~~: ~!;~~:~;~£:~:~C:y'~ta:e'~~::~: ;;~;~a~fdi':Ce~~; i~ftoWaa~~~t:::~; I ~~~~c~;,~l;~~\~~:~~WH,g ~a, II ..

Th.p.nksgiving day with home folks. Pfeil, IE. A. Meyer, Willard Wiltse, and on roll call the following voted v.. 'ith Watt-Dugdale c.onstructJOn I Yeas; Pfell, E. A. Meyer, \\"l:h,_, Mr.' and Mrs. Ray Dilts were W. A. Hiscox and L. B. McClure. yea: Pfell, E. A. Meyer, Wiltse, Company for the grading, improv- HISCOX and :\lcClure.

Sunday evening visitors in the Roy W H r S B Ie t I k Hiscox and McClure. mg and the conslruction of c 1rb- ~ays: none.

SU~~~~:::~·s. A. W. Carlson were an~.~.~e~~i~~~:~i~ci~~ ~o~n~~l. i:1o t/ ng ~o: lnon~. . d :~~. J~~~_~~~n~0~nf6I~att~~ l~it~a~fJ sa~'h~~~~r~~~~~·hl' i~I;I~j;I;~\'~~ Sunday evening visitors in the R. • The meeting was ,called to order T:e 1~~IIO~i~~e ~::~/~tl~n was Wayne, Nebraska, which contract proved. and evidenced hlS <l!,],r(,", ,,j

A. 'Nimrod honie. by the Mayor and the minutcs of offered by Councilman M('Clure. \~:as, fully approved by the Coun- of said resolution by Mr. and Mrs. Waltcr OUe und the IBjst regular meeting were read RESOLUTION A C C E P TIN G cd, and whereas, the c{,ntra~t ha:, Mro,. Lutgen

were Sunday evening visit- and approved. WORK AND. UftlJERING PLAT becn fully complet(.'(j, accurdlng to ~1~~S~:;luUnbc,'nl n,n""",'d I,' ,.(:[,.>,1.' \\ "-ors in the Albert Rose home. TM following claims were ex- AND SCHEDULE: Ul' ASSI.:ss-1 t~c .report of Jo:.cph C. RC.'YllOlds. L '" ,

l\Ir. and Mrs. B. W. Fredrickson ami ned and read to.wit: MENT PR.E:PARED EnglTIc.·l·l'. fOl' ;\1cmorial l-'ilrk. :\0 alluilL

were Thanksgiving dinner guests L & 1. Auto Service. Zer- WHEREAS, on the :l9th day.ofl S(~~~'DTf~~P~~~,,~,\~~~TA~t~ ta~~~tI~~ \~ISa~;~~~~' in the Al Fredrickson home. one & grinding valves on July, ]947, th~. Mayor and City CITY C{JUXClL OF THE CITY 2'vlotion carned

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gustafson, GMC $ 28.26 Clerk of ~he C 11y .of Wayne, Ne- OF WAY;"<E, r\"EBRASKA that Mr. and Mrs. Seth Anderson were InteI'$tate Machinery & u~'aska, ?ld enfE'"~ IOto, a cont,ract the T£.'[JOI t of the Engineel:, Jo-Omaha visitors Saturday and Sun~ SUJlply Co., supplies 7.46 \\\th ,Watt-Dugdale (onstructlvn seph C. Hcynolds, filed With the

L. v\'. :'\[(':';,\Tr Attest: :\l(~) (," WALTER S. BR.LSSLER,

day.' Crescent Electric Sup. Co., ~umpany for the gradll1g, lmprov- City Clerk of said Cit' on the 101h The Sl'rve All club members will Supplies 6.29 ~n,$ and th~' constructIOn of curu- day of November 194~ be and h.

CIty Clerk.

enjoy a smorgasbord in the home West.inghouse Elcc. Sup. ~ng, guttenng and_ paving In Pav- same hereby IS ~ppro~'ed' and ~c~ ~r/ir~r~~ ~:·ri;~y.and Mrs. Gordon Th~o"K~~~~~~e~tr~smp·~·~ 9.~~ ~~y~~~t~~\J~~k;,~ \\~~l~~e c;~~~a~~ cepted, and th~ grading, curbing,

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Florine ny~ fuses, wire, tape and \\:as fully approved by th(' Coun- ~I..iet~~~l~~. P~~~~~g lJl<~7~lctlT~~rove-wcre am 0 n g rclatives having lugs 58.87 cd, and \vhercas, the cuntla~t has drJne and flerf~rmed undc~' t~6: St:unt: Night:

Mr. and Mrs. Tom ,Thanksgiving dinner With the Ker- W. A. Hiscox, supplies fur uel'!l ful!y completed, a,ccordmg,;o above mentIOned contnlcl, be an~ and daughter spl'nt mit Florines in Wayne. J Ijg:hlhdC'e;~t. 1 met or 1~.~~ ~~eglr~CPcOrr.l of JusqJh C. R('yn~:.r.:,. a'h";'c'P'",Cmdc, ahn'dr,eI)Y I", LlpprU\ld and

College Auditorium in Frcmont. .!\1r. and Mrs. Myron Henry drove ". I .. ) ....

Mr. and l\lrs.' G('o. to Edgar Wednesday to sI)('nd ~~t~;s~:nt~~~.'i;te~r;~iP~ 5.00 NOW TIIEHEFOn, DE IT RE- BE IT FCRTIIEn. P.,I·:S(JLVED Thurs., Dec. 4 Pasad('n.q, Cal., plan ~~1t~n, 1~~gciV~~ \~~~~~~~:.t~er·s par~ ment Co., diesel fuel, 491.0~ S~LVE~) ~~ :nlE ~1~YCJ~ :0-~D that JosClph C. Reynolds, !~nglnecr:! J. O. w~ntworths: Mr. and Mrs, Marlowe Gustafson lcs('d !"I'rviC0 Co., celite OF WAYI\'E, NEBRASKA, that and directed to IJrl'parc ;lnd clay to spend the D' I S CH'Y COL.t\CIL Of nIL LIlY be, and Ile hcre]JY is, I 7:30 t

C"Mdarrs. (F:'aIFIs',strai day to s[Jend the week~end in Mrs. Wayne Chamher of Com- .1C r('por a 1C :.ngmcer, 0- schedulc showing thc [,:('('(,S dmission.... IDe

and children went to Omaha Fri- an "i ter pancrs :2U.UU U t t 1/ I' J I A <:" N h d 5t'[Jt\ C. Reynulds, ,flied .... Ith the or parcels of ground suhjr'r I to :IS.

spending GI..i5"tafson·s parental home. A:o('~~~'n ~;:O:l;t~veu~~ . 3U.00 dC,~y'Y OCflcrN~O',)':m,al"~'c. '1')9'4':'.,n, ",h,':,laUn'ld1 scssment fur COS! 'if ;i'n;\i~>r~n~'c;.~~~~~!~!!!!~' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0., c.o ~...... ;;

A. E. Gilders!ee\'e. family of Bancroft were g1'lskels 11.07 the same ~l{'reb'y is. appro\Td and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. S~('g('r of afternoon visitors and Standard Oil Co., gaso- accepted, and the gradirtg, curbing,

Lawtor). Ia., and the}c Nissen guests in the Vern Carlson home. line 4.40 guttering, paving and unprove-• Mr. a!1.d Mrs. Fred Harrison cn~ The Esterline-Angus Co., me t' . d' t . t;'\,'" r

family thad Thanksgi in dinner jOyicd hirthday lunch in the Ted Inc., Record Charts 28.33 don: s al~d P~~~~~rm~~ n~ndl'~' th)~ with M: s. Emma Boc){. Ha,l-r.ison home Sunda'" ~\'enJng Servall Towel & Linen above mentioned contract. be. and

J\ frpc valuable gi~t 0 e\,('ry oJ S I 0' t I 5 -5 tl)l1 latter's anniversal'y of that uPP y, c. owe s .J thc sam h b . d d ~~il~a~:ntt~ a\2 ;ah~~le cc ~s~~~~~ day. Sorensen R a d i a tor & ac('epted~ a~~~ y IS, apIlro\'e an Toyland Friday, Sat.Ur ay and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carlson, \Veld Shop, welding 9.00 BE IT FlJRTIIEn. RESOLVED

, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Carlson and Carhart Lbr. Co., two that Joseph C. Reynolds, Engln('cr. Monday. (advl I d4 clhildren enjoyed Thani(sgiving poles 19.7:2 be, and hc hcreby is, ins! rucll'd and

Mr. ann <~~!'\~~l~~' Ij~S .~.:. j~l~~ dinner in the Laurence Carlson Pctcrs('n and Lytk. work dire('[cd to prepare a plat and hOnll' at M(:,l( 0 Grove. home. ' on conncctmg rod 1~O.S6 "ctl('dule ~h(Jwing the loIs. piec('~

Mr. Hod Mrs. lIar'bl Gildcr- C. W. Lo')g'(' and l\1rs. Lettie L. W. McNalt. IIdw. light 01" p<I"...'l'h of ground SUily'C1 tu as-! D' d Harman were Thank~ ~iving dinner dept. :;upplies SS.9j 5l'S!;mcnl for cost of In1IJr0venlcnts, ~hl:e~i'cha~~l,~~~er~~!~;y n~C~Co~~ guests in the Aistr(llpe-Lar.lh home. Wa)'ne Book Store, books together With the names of the ard Smidt homes at Hasti gs from Mr. Longe remained until Sunday and supplics owners thereof, and the amount as-I Wednesday to Sunday. I evening. Langf'meier Oil Cf'., gas s~ssabic by law agamst each' lot.

Don Mears and Miss Betty 01 The Study Circle members will alnd helts plcce or parcel of ground, which , 0 h S f have their annual Christmas d,'n- Neptune Meter Co .. meter said plat and schedule s.hall b o

woltet family rna a wprp unday v*itors 0 '-' supper uests in I JVJ;rs. Grant Mf'ars. f net· and exchange of gifts in Ute parts completed and filed in 1 Ill' atfice of

M '{ F 1 Vern Carlson flome. Tuesda.v,· Do- Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., the Cit ... Clerl~ of the Cit ... of home aX Carroll. rs.. ~. enry . rever spen Lb' . 0'1 oJ .,

elt were Thanksgiving at Hanley Larsen's cffinber 9. u r1catmg I... 28.51 Wayne, Nebraska, upon complet!On the Ma vin Felt and Friday with her si~tr.~r, Mrs. ::\lr. and Mrs. Dale Tinstman and Walter S. BrC'ssler. city thereo~.

C. J. Fuhrman, at N.orfo~k. Tommy of Lincoln were guesls in clerk. money adv. on L. W. :\Ic~ATT. Bill Mildncr, student at the uni* the Roy Sundell home Thanksgiv~ tIckets and freight 200.79 Mayor of the City of Wayne, I'\'eb.

versity in LaramiE', W~o.~ cam(' to ing day. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Bus- The Wayne Herald, print- Attest: spend Thank~iving in his paren- by were also visitors during the ing 88.45 WALTER S. BRESSLF:R.

INCOME TAX How' is .the nc" .. · Kebraska Community Property Tax Law gOing to affect your 1947 income tax':

Now is the time for indidduals who h.a\'c not made an c~timate on their ID47 taxes, 01' for thos(' who t/u not have to make estimat('s until ,January IS, 1~j18 (farmer-d, to make their 1947 estimate:.:.

\Vith prospects for a reduction in the illcom(! lax rur 1948, it is wise to go oYer your operations no\\' and take advantage of some of the opportunities this may afford YOll.

Phone no\\' for your appointment or drop in awl dis­cU:-:s your income tax problems.


223 Main St. Wayne, Neb. Phone 548·J tal F. A. Mildn('r homC'. He rc- we('k. Harry Kinder. gasoline. :2.30 Cily Clerk of the CJty of Wayne,

maincd over Tu('sday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Holmberg,. L. W. McNatt Hdw. flash iNi'C~b~ra~S~ka~'iiiiii~ii~~=IZI~=;=;III==llm=I=;~~ Mr. and 1\'Irs. Geo. W. Kyi of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Holmherg,' Liles. 3.10 It was moved by .:\1cClurc and Wa~·hjngton, D~ C. an} vl~iting thf' Tcd Reed, Mr. and Mrs. John Bur. Slirtz Oil Co., gasoline,

Thurc I Johnson former's paI1crlt.o;, Mr'. .und Mrs. (kn were Thanksgiving dinner Tube and gn'Clse :':~.3:.! J G Kyl gUQsts in the Reuben Golduerg Martin L. Ringer, Ins.

supper guests at . M'r, a'ld Mrs.~Max"Hl'nkhkc, 1\11'. hOl11e. ' Premium on airport :28.00 . Robt. ;1; Hanson a.nd Mrs. Orvi IEI' Melloq, 1\.1r. and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kinney and Franl( Sederstrom, police

1\1 F . B tt;VI d PhyllJs. !\Ill'. and Mrs. Walter Otte work 10-31-47 6.00 dinner a d supper rs. .rwln . gel', 11 Bl"\,ln an and Sa"dy, Mr. and Mrs. T"d Har. Sen.·all Towel & Linen

l-tanso~'s. Miss Verna'Mae Meier, Elrhert and Har- <-

Grand Iflarid ''''as ry Bargholz, LHwrpnce l";:ohrt and rison and Gary Burns were cnter- Supply, towels for Audi-guest. I Delores Hammor of LYo~s were in tall1ed at dinner in the Bemard torium 2.00

Johnson knd Carl: tIJe Rudolph Hammer hpmc Wed- Kinney home Thanksgiving day. rt p, J. Hamer, Clerk.of Dist. dinner IgUC$lS in the I nesday evenmg for l)eIOlres' birth- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dilts were Court. costs -Petersen

i day. Sunday breakfast guests in the case No. 5288 70.83

Mrs. Harr Bartels Mrs. l{eJnel h A$h of Earl Leonard home. Mr. and l'flrs. Ivar C. Jensen. burying 3 B h C j"f . t t If M Ira Ockander and Harold of Ban- dogs. polic~ work & gar·

at ~~;:~rtha,a~:S~i~~ G~l~~r't, ~a\l·~;li;e ~~tlp~S'on ~er draft, Mr .and Mrs. L. C, Nu~rn- bage 10.50 and rs. Law- bn-Ihday Sunday. Mr$. Gilbert berger and Miss Faith were supper HillY3rd Sales Co., 10 gai-

N omi Ech~ also talked with Mr. As~, her p~r- gjuests. Ions soap 23.58 f Laurel, ents, Mr. and Mrs. ~'r.'T' Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Art Hanserr, Mr. Hollman & Woehler, well

d r H d M d M W t H I and Mrs. Berneal Gustafson and pump and stove at air-an oy olm anMr. ~·n~nMrs.rtaw~cne e Fae7t~~tl Ronnie, Mrs. Mary Lund were $up- port 404.20

Andersons were dln~ family spent Sunday e ening in per guests in the Ed. Gustafson Wayne Implement Co., AJ· Jess BrOWf'eII'S' Mr. the Frank ct;ilbert hQm . home Thanl<sgiYing. '['he Ftan$cns lis· Chalmers Patrol

WErcirCckSoo ,a.nOd[ .. J'Oowhnn --_.- _ .. · .. ·---W .. -IL-+BU II and Gustafsons were Sunday din- N{~~;~~<;c.;;n T r it c tor & :2JU7pO

BUR Ikr guests in t he Gustafson home. Th W'Jl L K h _~___ Equipment Co., IHC

-j ___ . __ --+___ Dunk~alls Jwere U!~S J~~n~ Du~Crac~.s ---------___ Model 1-6 Tractor ..... 3,:204.99 TQY- 'Sunday afternoon. LEGAL NOTICES- W. A. Hiscox, supplies for dhild The Luther -----------_ steel & Auditorium. 28.'50

~OT[CF: OF REFEREE'H SALE Notice is hereby given that by

_;~;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:±;;:;~~;;;;;;$~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ virtue of an order. of sale issued by the Di<;trict Court of Wayne County, Nebraska, in an action pcnding in said court wh'erein


that's our sec-

Oswald Hansen and Josephine Hansen, his wife, are plaintiffs and Christina O. Luth and others are

f:efendants, Case No. 5311, direct­ng me, as referee', to sell the .owing described' real eslate, to~ wit:

The' Northwest Quarter tNW%) of Section two (:l), f~na. the Northeast Quarter (NEYl) of Section Ten (10), all in Township Twenty-fiv~ (25), Range Four East (4E~

~~a~h~hf~~~::i~~~~~y~~~: braSk~' and a part of the North est Quarter (NW%.) of the Southwest Quarter

~~:, ),~ o~n~~~~iO~~;~;:s~~ . 1,2~),.· ange Four <R4) Ea~t of the ixth Principal Mer~­eUan in\Wayne County, Nq-

,. ~ra.ska, more pc.trti~ularlY describ~d as follows: Com­:r'nenctn~ . at a :Point forty (40) feet 'East and seve~ hUndred three (703) feet South· .. af 'the Northwest co~ .... : ' net 'of the Southwest Qua~

"ter, (SWYd of said Sectio <Eigpteen' (r8), r<inniA ,i.)J~~c~ 'N o~th parallel to tlje ; West -. section line of sa'i~\ s,e<1t~on. $eve.Q~y.five <75;) .

.. ~I:'ct: .thl'!1c~ cEast thl'cc.tml1w· 'd}led, ~ixtee~ (316) fcetl'


George Bornhoft, exp. to Lincoln

Walter S. Bressler, city clerk, cleaning city hall & tickets. 30.00

Walter Sirrnnon, police . work: 6.00

Ivar C. Jensen, hauling garbage from parks. 2.50

Wth~'n~\SCo~: ... paint a~.~ 11.98

Watt· Dugdale Construc· lion Co., final estimate on I?aving Dist. 15 5,371.!J7

Joseph C Reynolds, fmal payment on Paving Dist. 15 .

Watt-Dugdale Construc~

tion COl, final payment­Intersection P a v i n g Dist.. 15.

Joseph C. Rcynolds, final Payment _ Intersection

~r~~~~g~~~:' l~~~strue'~ 113,02

, lion Co., final payment ,. on P~ving Dist. 16 ......... 1,240.75 Joseph Q. Reynolds, final

payment 0 n PaY i n g Dist. 16 . 44,13


p~yment Paving


3,531 and







Texas Ruby Red


6 for 43c


6 for 25c Rom£' B(,lluty


2~b •. 27c Jono.tha:n


2 Lb •. 27c

Celery California l'ian'l

ORANGES Cauliflower 252 size,

Per 32c Green Onions Dozen

Turnips {:allfornia Naw"t-

Tomatoes ORANG.ES

150 ~ize

Per 51C Emperor Grapes Dozen

CORN-Golden 'Whole Kernel 39 Our Family. .. ............ 2 for C

PEAS-Cream of the Garden Our Family . 2 for 39c

All Hood

Fruit Cocktail in hca\'y syrup

2 N~~!;2 87c Ocean Spray




These trees just arrived. so

come In now and haYC your

choice~ Wltile there is a large assortment to chOOse from. ,

2 for 45c -Golden Valley',

Red Sour Pitted


2 No.,2·5·7c Cans ~..,'"-



I ,




TV ednesda'y, 'l'Ufj,n','I.II.U. 'l , Friday and .... n1"lli'·n.lW


Nylon ~pells luxul"Y fOI" hel" Christmas. Larson'" spe~ls yalue fo,· you .• CllOosc Thl·ifties 01" Tnl~ Tortes. Either for only 31.00.

:\lain I'ltoor


Army Air Corps Helmets

Tb you from Larsull':, at !

12 FOl( $1.00

THE WAYNE HERALD 73rd Year - 1'00.30 Wayne, Nebraska, Thursday, DecemlJer 4,1947 Sec. 2-P~ges 1 to 6

Both of Our Stores Open Wednesday Evening 'til 9:30

A Gift from Santa to Tempt Your Needle FAST p ~- I COLOR erca es

Right off the Bolt 3 yds. $1.00

low fighting prict,

First Quality Wash Cloills You can oe practical and con:,tTYatl\'(" Choost, thl':">c

.-",,,,,":=,,,,,,:,, •. ,,,,.«~t.<'=~:""f<"""';"'~<"'."f<''''''''''''':''''''«< •• ''''''''''':«''''~~~U!'"6:£t:d.~'k>.Z~S:;!I6:~.k:~ ... ~~.:!~d~~!"4.!«1i'~!4ii:· '-,~ i!

first quality terr)" 10 fOR $1.00 \vash cloth~. ,./

: i~·· ~ Clothing lt~ Store


I: I

~'m, 1:0 Wbmen wi'th ~ n pn Their Minds . .. ~


h~'S one, twenty-()ne or simply not tellillg ... Larson's ~ a Ii ht to h1is eye. Now, while selectio/ls are fresh and t;

why no do sorr'tething abollt ~is C)zrisltmas before all tlze ~ smar women get the same Idea. ~

1 ~ I '- ~


'Initial HandkelfChiefs A Ijox of threE' beautiful \\"hile handkerchief:, ldlfulding hi....;

initi"al as an eyer reminder ()f ,"uLL He ,\yill ne\"er f4Jrget you

.. . You'll nc\"er forget Lar~on':; 'for thb ~hri:'tmas ~'alue event.

Box oJ 3 $'IJoo

t! ~! ~ ~ t! It il i! ~ I! r. l! il II ,. /.t /.t

-1 fOR $1.00 ~ --------+-~---1------~~~~--~--~----------~----.--~~~~- ~


Mufflers Large fi!uffy raYOll knil 'muffler;;.

Pure white to go \\"ith any c.:um­

binatiorlo-A yaille that take< th~ sting out of payi,ng and Pflts the

~ t! l!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6t I! i! j! It _____ -+----------~--~~~==~~ I! t!

SEAf~RTH ' t!

I T<?IL~~i~~~~t!~it MEN ~ Ldtion ~ Talc - Soap· $1.00. ;tPalxus ~. C4>log nj - Hair Dressing 1 11 I' , , .

I .


A Fieldcrest Gift

Guest T owel,2 Wash Cloths ~ ) OLi II III pnJlld t() gJ\ ( Flelder( .... t A trca;:,ured gIft $1 ' lUI hel l hUlJ'-,e thl" ldedl (OrnhwatlOn 1 guest to\\ el

.LIlll t'i\ I) nldtchl!lg \\ u"h cloth ....



~:;g~y PYLE-ON MITTENS ~righl colon; of red, ul~e, wine, kelly ~nd white. 3 · $1 00 ). es they are the genume Pyle-On mIttens you pair paid as much as $1.00 a pair for. Sizes: Small, • medium and large. Here at the Gift Fair at

Jewelry Gloves Ju:-t load . ..; of ~mart pins, ear rings and bracelets. Rhinestones, jets and pearls. ;lIany others.

Variety of stylcR, all colors anti

outstanding \'aIues, See them and you'll want sever~l pair for your

Christmas list.

$1.00 plus ta..'[

Santa's biggest se­lection in town. P I a i n colors or prints. Large size,


$1.00 Hllndreds and Hundreds

of Fine Quality


4 for $1.00 We truthfully believe these to ue the most outstanding hankies you

hah ever seen at this low Gift Fali price. Prints and whites with


I, • I

I I ~ ,

from readers, Kindergarten Notes.

Students do a lot of dramatic play itt the grocery store and the house.

Walter Meyer and Sandra Foster

-ALTONA I 1 ____ St::r-c-o-rr-e-s-po-n-d-en-i


ger. Mr. and Mrs. bel' and Evelyn, Mr. Mrs. Wm. Dohren, Mr. and Mrs. I

Siegert, Mrs. Alvina and Mr. and Mrs. were also there.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil daughter were Thursday dinner and supper gUl1sts at Elfnest Sief-ken's. I

Mrs. Anna Strong am~ Mr. and Mrs. Lowell ML'yer of Wjsner and the Leonard. Strong family had 'thanksgiving dinner with Mr. an~ Mrs. Chas. Meyer. Mrs. Anna

Strongot~:re~o~~t~~nu:rc;r.y in the

22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 3132, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40 inclusive, all in Block 22, Col­lege Hill Addition to Wayne, Ne­braska.

Dots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 "inclusive and Lots 21, 22, 23, 24,25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, Y.l, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, and 40 in.­c1U1~ive, all in Block 21, College HilI Addition to Wayne, Nebraska.

Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 . in Block 18, College Hill to Wayne, Nebraska.

Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, IB, 19, 20, 21, :n, 23, and 24 inclusivC', all in BlQck 19: College Hill Addition


(seal) City ('It'rl; d1t t

Mr. and Mrs. Mrjvin I3runs were LEGAIL. NOTICES-- to Wayne, Nebraska. ~iiiiiiiiiii~ Fifth GJ'n.dC'. Sunday bst week suppn guests Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 inclu- ~

i story of Thanksgiving was at Melvin Wert's. T'ile Albert sive and Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. and'trukcys were drawn in Gamble family spe'nt the evening ASSESSMEl\"TNOTrCE' ]8,19, :!O, 21, 22, 23, and 24 inclu-

arlt-l'lappy H-Ip"rs cluh had a p ...... _ there. Notice .is herehy gi\'cn to all sivC', all in Block 20, College Hill <J <:- IU Billy Gamble spent from Mon- persons intcrc<;tpd that on the 29th Addition to Wayne, Nebraska.

grarp of Thanksgiving ,poom:, ~tb- day to Wednp:;day last wl't'k at day of Lkcemher, 19-17, at the Lots 7, 8, 9. 10, 11. and 12, inclu­ries'and songs. Mary Lllen ChnSlt- Mt'lvin ·Wert's. of 7 o'alock p. m .. a special meeting sin> and Lots D, 14, ]5, 16, 17, en~n played the piano. Mr. a:1u 1\1rs. \\/111 Tlnggenbach of thp City Council of the City anti lR, inclusive, all in BI'ock,10, G e .Four Itl'mK. !\nd Fl'ank Hoggenb:H'h were I of Wayne. Neol'ask{l, will !)e held Coll('ge JIill Addition to Wayne,

ealth class completed a book- Thanksgiving dmner guests in the I in thc City Audit~rium in, ,wayne, Nebraska. let -on basic foods and began Geo. Peters home. I :'-J'~i)ras.ka, at W~llch. meetmg the Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, jn-game choosing meaJs from a cafe- Mr. and Mrs. Tully Straight and said City Council will assess the clusIve a.nd ~ts 13, 14, 1.'5, 16, ]7, teria counter. Mrs. Kathleen Tom- .Judy returned Saturday to Wichi- cost of the improvements: and pav- and 18 inclUSive, all In Black 9, jack is student teacher. ta, Kan., after spending a week ing in Paving' District Jlqo. 15 of College Hill Addition to Wayne,

A Thank.sgiving song was com~ here. They and 11r. and Mrs. Duane 1 he' City of Wayne, :Nebras~a, Nebraska. posed. Creamer wcrf' Thanksgivjng guests which improvC'ments and pa.Vlng' AI! of said lots and parcels ahove

Geography class studiod noon- at T. A. Slraighl's. The two wf'Te.donC' pursuant to and in ('on- dessrilJ('d are in the City of Wayne, time shadows that fall to tha north Straight families were at Lavern furmlly wI1h an ordinance of the Nehraska, a:ld the descriptions arc

S('ptcmi)('r to March arbd Harder's Sunday cVl'ning I <'L'>t City of Wayne, Ncbras~a. passed made with reference to the plats the south from Marqh 10 week. and <lpproved on Mlly 27, '1947, and of said Town as the same appear

. 1\1r. and \VIr..,. II. \V. Brr~l went .thl' proceedi.ngs. subsequent th9.re-1 o.n the file and of record in the of­scores in end-of-the- to Lincoln 1'l'iddY 10 viSit untll to and afj(>clmg the tollowmg flce of the County Clerk of Wayne

spelling tests were earned oy Sunday in the E. C. Bute home. df'~c;cnbed real estate, to-wit: I Couhty, Nebraska; that at said Larry Berres, Karen Chil~s, MalrY They attended the football game in I Lots J. 2,~, 4. 5, G, 7, Rf 9. 10, 11. m.eetting the City Council of the J.ane Coe, Ellis Dupsky, Patricia Lincoln Saturday, . IL, 13. 14. 13. Hi, 17, 18. 19, and Clt~ of V/:lync, Nebraska, win Hanawalt, Donald Sherry and Lar- The E. P. ('aauwcs. and RGY I :20 inclusive and Lots 31. 32, 33,34, equalize the above assessment and

ThIrd Grade Not(''1. guests at J. II. Spahr·s. all m BloE], 2.1, College Hlll Ad- on the several plcces of property in

West Point

Cleaners and Launderers

Are Now Giving Complete

. Dry Cleaninl: and Laundry Service­

in Wayne

Please put the red card in YOllf Window for pick-up service

or phone 482

Regular ~Ick-up and Delh'ery Monday ~nd Thursday




-Free l\fJnor Repairs-

ry Sweigard. Spahrs were ThanksgiVing dinnc. r 13:1., ~6, :n, 38, .19, and 40 inclusivE', I distribute and ~s.s('ss said .tax up-

Art \\!ork and paragraphs wri.t- ::-Vlr. and :'lrs. Ceo. Thompson and dllion to Wayne. Nebraska. the above mentioned pavmg' dis-

M~ ~W=~lnl0"Th~~Nlqi~'~IT~y~.~~~~~T~h~~~k~~~g~~~m~.~~~p~P~.~r~~~~lS~1'~2~'~3~'~4~'~5~,~&~t~8~'~9~'~I~o~,~t~ri~ct~~~d~~~.~~~a~I~~d~~~C~ri~b~~~h~U~.~;;;~~;;;;~~; bookld. guests at JIerman Frevert's in PJl-J 11, I:!, 1.1. 14, Fi. 16, 17; 18, 19, 20, inb('fore and to that end said City t'wclv(' had perfect score in

sp~lIing for the week. !Jumpnrey's Pilgrim S tor i C' s

were enjoyed as the grouPI fbllowed

the journey of earlY settlers -l'/s England to this country .

. ':::+:":"' __ ~ ____ f-_~. ________ . .c.- Pupils cQlmposed the tunc for a

and Miss 'I11anksgiviJng song. Miss Shl'lnat helped childrf'n rn­

joy a readilng party when each ~c-lo¢ted his t:)wn storY to read. ,

A taste ofi nuts uspd in holiduy haiking motivated' a study of nuts. Second. Gl'$de N.otes.

Deanna Schram, Betty.Jo BCf'ks, Blecke and patty Sweigard

last week. .heJl'l'ha,nk,;gl.ln, party the grade made up a game

c~lIed "Chase the Turkey", which tHey played with the first 'grade.

Robby Myers is back after IJc-ill for six weeks.

Ann and James of GreeleY, Colo., Miss Norma "'--"'-'".~ were here from Wednesday to Satr write a tune foL' a lnam"g,,,,,g urday last week with the M. N. song. Foster and Ben Ahlvers families, First Gmdp, Items.

~~~~:n: h~~:~~Sg~~g finn~; a~~d ~i~~n~~~~v;~n:~I~;r;'~~ at .M. N. Foster's. qther Thanksgiving son~ were al-

Thanksgiving dinner and supper so sung. guests with Rev. Wm. Fischet I All were happy 10 ntiend the were Mr. and Mrs_ Art Bruna and "Ithanksgiving program in the audi-

and Ed-: ~~~~y r1a~~:i~f I<~~~~hgehFto;~dM;~u~~~ tf~~: fJ~~~r~ers have b('en on-Thursday SU{!-I ter of Hoskins, Mr_ and Mrs. Bur j~ying rhythms, games and folk

go Fischer of Winside, Mr. arK! ~ancing together. It gives a longer •. ,,"'" Ar,.,,"w< and' Mrs. Kenneth Eckert and baby' gf r~nge of ideas and materials. llwy

and Chas.] Stanton_ Have even played soccer ball to-ThurSdl,iI runner! Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rtlzendal ~ether. The girls have shown al-

Kenmt left last Wednesday with Fremom: ·rtlOst as much skill as the boys in Mt. and Mrs. relatives by car for California to the games.

. dW1i I' of Car .. spend three weeks \¥ith relatives:. : Primers are being completed in the Floydi Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Layton Gersch of Ha- qrder to be ready for first rende'fS.

warden, Ia., who were here the Pupils finished Rain and first of the weck, took the Rozel1- slhine, The Winky Primer, both daIs to FrC'mont Tuesday. Winston's primers nnd arc nqding



ATsMALL PRUl:ES!" f'l' ,]: .

..r..;,. --...~"

PRETTY CREPE GOWNS iln Si%,e, for 'he Womaft:

Tea'rose rayon French crepe with

flattering Jines, eypJet tt1m, 84--40 ..

TAlLORJim SATIN "SLIPS They won't ride up.! 'J]ailored

~~~ln,:~~;;r80:n~:~:::~ 2.49 I

satin. 32-40

Two'Smooth.Fitting Styles


54c l

Drastic Reductions! Come to Gamhles Stock Clearance Sale 011 Ladies~ Coats, Suits, Snow Suits and Mpn's Wool Ja€kets.


ladies' Winter Coats Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

Formerly priced to $34.95 ...

Newest styles and fabrics, Formerly priced to $39,95,

Just received, We can't carry 0ver.. ..

Ladies' Suits Group 1 GFOUp 2

Formerly priced to $29,95

Formerly priced to $34.95 ..

Snow Suits S S "t For girls. now UI S Two-piece style ...

Snow Pants For girlsand'lJoys. Formerly Prtced at $5,95 ..

ANtA TION ,STYLE. 1000/0 all wool. Brown, zipper front. RegufBr price $8.95,

........ Now $7.00 ..... N(Jw $19.99 ...... Now $26.99

o.o ••• .NOlll

"" .... NoW'

$16.88 $19.88

. .... N~W' S8.99 ~99 . ......... Now •

NOW $6.99 NAVY LEATHER TRIMM·ED. 1000/0 all wool flannel lined~ t.eather colla~w $7 99 Made to stand Juu.d'(t we a". R»guIar price $10,00, ............. '.' ..... ' ........ N ..

!8oys' Jatkets _ . S~ECIAL GROUP-As'!"rted styles bol's' jackets 'in. mackinaws, short1~--3·· Off zipper froDt~ and. ~eballl atyleo. All 1000/0. wo<?I. Regul~ly. priced . :p. f~m $ta9111 ........... o_ ............ ···············r············· ......... : ...... " ................ NOW, ';;


To ~pe. nem;, _C'redJlors. and all

~~~:~"II~r~~7~~ar~nt~~7~~~e:~as~~~ , Notl' ~e is herebY.' g,.ven t,h~~ He~­nan Itze has filed a per I t Lon m

he C nt} Court of WaynE' Coun~ y.' I\lf bra~ka, allegmg that said ~dwat RItze dl,ed rntelstate on

.. ~~ ,~i 1cd~~ ~~tI~~~;t;9t!; ,.~~~t :~ I Tne f \\". , of

Oh;\bliant and a resident p ayn .. " i ~tlunl;, I';chraska: that' hl~ di{'ol ('jZ!'Q of iln Wlrll\'IUPU: 1w o-fd-1 CI1": Q('nfh' mterl''''t In lots Hand 10 m: -)l.ock; in th(' first ad~IUpn to the 1 equal ~Jty 'of Wism'r. Cummg[ Count,) .. dlsf ~("h,Fa::ka; thaL the pt'tJtioner i!'.1 the

~_ W f; ized of ojln un~ii'h\!'d olle- J tht' Ird nTerf'st In ·S<l./U dthtno .. tate of the

ad fn th£" State . . Said petitioner " 'n'l' () f;aid COH-rt. I hcermlh"tore ~hat t 1C dec('a~f'd dl~d: In:('stlutl' I lmi fiurthcr dl'l('rminmgl lh(' t me )f tqs death. who \\erp hl~ helr1 ~lt ' itt\\'. t'h~' de;:::r~'C' of klO:-hitJ of CifCh, mel HIjP n::::hl .of d('s("("tlf of Ithe, "(,~11 propprty !If IA hkh the Ide-I '~{';j";f'rll cbed ,,('I/I,d: ;In\1 fljr1,~]('r

'H';l~in~ til;I/ "IWI1 (lth'T I ng:-; \"1 tnti ;l~ !1l,lY be I

Jf "n the affrrn{lon of ~;ild ilfnae :of the Count} W<lynC'f ;'\'(·braska. at !lno pl,lC(, any p~'r~()n said C~I alf' mel) appear hC/:if{l t: .. mcL'rnrn!.; t he rna; tcrs kgp[j in said pel ilion.

\\111 rlf'S" In) h8 nd and j;;:('1't1 th:" IS; h (iny (of ~94i, ~S(,lt1)


, "Sorrv to brfla k I ,can' balance my meat..." fruits an{J1 ve,~pt"bIJpk

~l.'~i~~;'~~B~~IIllf:S ... c60KED'SPAG1IEtTIOI V.(jlli('l\ Maid .. BnlTld ', ...

, ... _-- ...j---

CO!t\'l-Gold!"D Crerm Del !'Hollte , .... ",:"

, DATE ROLL '--T- -l\IOlton House I"


rants I: ordt'n~d dL"<J.\vn on tJi;le respective ftmds as shown. Warrants to I Mr;_ ' care of child Novt-mbcr 18, 1947 be rCf1,dy for dcll1;cry Novcmpber 29, 1947. I Louise ., - care of c1icUt

per adj9urnment ~ith' GenernJ Fund. Clltont. Aldi for :-';ov. all members prescnt. Minutes af the meeting ex:amined,and ' Fed. Tax \\'arrants I Client. same

I apprOlred. I C. A. Bard. salary IDr' Nov. $ 8.70 $182.96 CIi('nt.saJ'11t>

, In consideration 'Of the payment in full of the amount due there- Izora Laughlin. same < 16.40 125.261 Client. satm'

I ~;d:;e~ ~:e~~~m~!~tn o~~~:n~~~~~ed~Zfir:~e~IU:~~~~ cao~~ ~;~::~:r~,~~~:~~:me - l~:;g ~:~~ Ii ~~I:~.~~:::ta;:d~~ecounty share ering a part of.the SE¥"" N\V'r4. described as follows; Com. at pt. 660 ft. K-B Pnnting Co,. suppii('s _ 18621 Gt'DernJ. Road Fund

N of SE corner of NV/I'\t, Sec. 27-thence W. 10301 '10 ft..rhence N to pt. Jean A. Boyd. Co. Tn'as., express adv. 9.2 'I Drst ~o 1 Me)er co.U6,,,,,,tyI16 15/100 n. E of SE corner of 165 it. right of \!.ay C. St. P. M. & O. R. Jean A. Boyd, saL for !\iov. 1610 1'7496 Emu F ::VICH'r supen rSJOn and mIleage

R.-thence W 615/100 ft. thence lfl Northwester11y direction 115 ft. ajong Leona Bahde. sam.:, .5U 14116 Leon Hansfn road work I, " ' of way, thence Northeasterly along ,t.he .:; boundary of R R Annabelle Echtenkamp, same 8.20 86 80 Lonle Henegar mamtenance repatr

way to 40 acre line- thence E along sfLld Ime to NE cOomer of Lo's A Brudl'"'am same 7.50 8250 Milo :\leyer same l' I:. NW1J.l. of saId Section-thence S 656,4 to beginning, to Erhest V;J'n~id~ Trib~ne, 'prrnting an~r~~ppi'i~" 80.19 I D-A Lubricant Co .. 0:1

., Jr. ." Jean A. BoYd. Co Treas. cash adv. for repair Z5 fJO I DlSt ~o .2 -S\\ Ihart by Meyer and seconded hy S .. vihart that the \I\"ayne Connty DaVid J. Hamer, saL for :)'av., .. _... 6.00 169 no 1\1 1 S\\ Ina" sUpt'r\ L<;lon and m lcag<>

be ordered to rf'if'ase the Old Age Assistance lien filed upon Clf'one Heme asslstmO' C. D C 1-125 Ted \\ mlers'f'1n reOJalr .... ark to Wayne. the Wt:! of lot 4 .~d East l~.! of lot 5, block :2, ~keen & Sewell's additrcn :--;nrfolk Dally' ).i('ws, s~ppl~es '.,.., J' 37.90 i BeactJ HUI'lht:rt. ca.sh ad\' for part,;

! to Wayn~, m conSideratIOn of the payment of $64.()O, as proVided in LB- J.:\L Cherry, sal. for';;";o\. .,.j 13.:':0 15 •. 63: ),Ie!nr. J Harmel('r. repaIr \\ork 11',' Brftto~ I 546, SeSSIOn La.ws. 19~7, '. 1 LU\erna Hlltan. same . 1- .. 8.20 8680! DISI ~o 3--:'Ibfpldt to \Vaync

11 The follo\\>'mg claans are, on motion aUdllfd and' allowed. and war- Mrs StanJe) Bndwell, asslS~ing Co, J~dge 5..t.OO! WIT,. J :'..I..sll·ld~ ~·;p.;:T\"I51"n and milca;::,-c

11 'I Han" Tletge:1, sal and pOIStage for :;-";ov. 135.33 i Wheeit'r Lbr Rrld£;t' & Sup C0 .. fenct' ups

the Sout I ' a resident of the Village of . \Vayne coun,tY. i"\ebraska. on the l.:v,ran.e \vnbh. t. salary & m,ileage for .r-;av. . .. 21.80 I :"~~r. Traeto:' & EqUIp Co .. chams and tars Out " Wayoe County, Nebras-15th day of December, ]947, at the I and Tt'acher s Retlrem~nt . 81:5 161.11 I :-;Idman 08 Co ga!- all end repaIrs lln died intestate in saId Vtllage hOl!lr of ten 0 clock in the forenoon. Kathryn Heyne. aSSIstrng CQ. Supt. 35.00 ~'m J :'oIIMeldl, cash ad\' for express. etc

west. vo.'jnside on the 4th day of I?at~d :Xovember 18, 1947. ' j BUrr R Dans, sal. and offI!te allowance-Nov. IjOJlf) i :\Intor V,"hid", Fund Britton an ,190;;, seized and possessed: I Seal) J. :'1. CHERRY, I A!PX Jf'ffre}. sal. for ~o\'. . .. 5u (II) i ).1. \. DI"t :'\0 1 :'.1f''''N

I i n:!Ot3 County Judge \\ all"r R. Harder. same .... 4u (}jJ: H R CI"'\'"o h<1:-d"'~'arf' an.d n'palrs -d Lot One (1) in Block FIve' --~- -~~---.--- D,'lorf's Lutt. same .----. 950 % ~u I \\·)-1"t·1(·; Lhr Bhd~.~ & 3up ('0 knce· TIes

· Britton an

1 (5), Bressler's and Patter~ XOTICE TO CREDITORS D I; Ho.rnhott. sa~p andrpostage and suppll('s D8.,',) Lan~"mpJer ()I. CO ga:o son's Second AddJtlon to Th S t f ~ b k \\" I Hans TIPlgen. Jailors fees, board of prIsoner a:1d Johr. H l'-;tersen rent \It '<rucK

abov th~ VLllage of Wmside, C e ta eo. e ra::i ·a. ayne I rhlleage . ._ .. ..__ 53:-~' \ :'>,[ \- [)L~t ):0:'" S'\:hari. · ·ayne~ , W yne County, Nebraska. °l~ntth/s~an('r' of the Estate of II C E Conger, sal. for :\'0\',. HO \1(' B<.-'ach I j'.~r Iben m.<:..:-.:"nanrp and repair

anf'1 t Th t no administrator has evcr elK 'h d d H B. Craven, equIpment . .. 5.36 Ca:-: J...:.;lS;)cn .:5am~ plats at: been lappointed for the estate of a~o :;~ ~c f' ,.~ceas('t . h I P"",JI,'>; ),atural Gas Co. fuci at CH and Jail-Oct. ;,:,) X~ :'01. \" D!st ~o. 3- ~Ilslcldt

~~II said ~ec('dent in the Stat(' of Nl'- bv ~~rt:h·~~. °th~~1 I C::I~I"('S~treat etr:~ I h: I, C. Jerl::icn, hauling-Oct -. ,-) 1~1 (),:\(:- I~'·lcn('r~. repair an': ~n(l\\ fenc:n~ OfflCtC!braSka or any county then'of. and C· t, C t R v\"' I c',.J.;! JCJr.:;cn..,cn, beunty ... ....... :;.LiJ, Carl J ;:;I(·\cr~. ('[[,(,1mg ~r10W [e'nce

a~va;~~ I that ~he ('.st~t(' of "aid ,d('cC'dc~t s~~n tqU'~tl~.~ 'ono~~ 1~3tha~~~. (I~\ Bridgel''und I C,-'ntr,.,1 Cr, "UPIJ],"" of th' ha~ ever ,bN'n adm.rn.lst~r('d rn lJeccmtK'r. 1::l17 at 1(1 o'duek a m.1 h,'lnk ,\ ulnc.:l." IincL::e wark. 1:-) 11, I FIrc".:tonc ;\urfr,lk l'If' rt'p<lJr

r-ard State o.r ~('hrdsk'l, anci no and on the nth da.y IIf )Olar('h,1 Jdm!''i Shufell S-lmc 3t)()I,: V-.\Lu1Jnc;lntCu uliclno::::rf'C1"c

t :~ I! Idc<.<rl' of h, (,1r',tllP has cHT becn EHH at 11) o'clock a m. to rref'nc! \\ F 130:11a. sam(', ~ .jjJ ~-;- :-)')i RO"'J,d Ui .. triC'l .. "und Icnle U therein d II I Ct L'" t I ,",:'''' R()ad Plo;;l ~n I" ,t, tl ' , , an exam inC a calms agamst I ~I<:ago dm,)er 0 rna erla - T 1

ax .• ~!)~. I Th t more than t\\O yraro;; has said estdtf', w:th a view la- tnf'lri Fu:lil'l'ton Lurnner Co .. lbr~ and hardware 66~~:J(lhn II t',';' :-'~cn road \~-ork · ll-d J elaps d smce,the d.eath of 'said adJustmf·r,t. and allowance. llH'1 Stanton Coun~~, unf'·nalf cost of caunty line bridge \\'<1)0(' Cu. RPP Ln,:;t poh~ I hI, v,,·illipm Hp)'f'r. tirnf' llI!nltf'd for thl' prps("nt&tlon I"pa,r' ... -13:.!:1 Rnad L'lst :-"-0 11 · d ~~t Thjat thE' sa1d \Vrlltam ~ff'y("r at of ,claIms a~,lJn~;t said ('::;Iate L: )Ioilif"r'" Pr-n:.ion Fund JanF'" ."r,.!:.'.T. "nr\l. ff'ncI!1.g

. sal ~r~ I' I,~{' ~im(' of hIS death left ~ur\"I'vHl.g: thn'E' monrhs tr.um the 13th de} all C ... ~:-.l muther" rwnslon for :\'(,\ 4:.:' r~) \~ F S";j' ~o· ajJ1 him las hI':; only heIrs at law the i Decf'mbcr. 1947 and the time Lr;,_1 ,\.dminLo;trat·in, Expt-o Fund I..l-l'l~ ~o I..:

a!:c requirqd ~/~~~mH~~,~.P~fC~~~: !.a~~"y~rE'~~~i ~~~r saId ..:lst ot :\c\l'm- j Ann Ah~rn. vIsl1or. S<lrne 16 111 1::3611 T F \'Inc('r' "il:l:'


4.20 1.30

... D.30

4,90 5.30






60,00 2"3.00 33,90 15.00 26.05 21.85

128.62 2905

103.48 74.90 94,99 81.90 ,93,66

80.90 71.50

7.8-7 67.60

90AU 1151)

163.28 99_6/J 19.18

910 1-450


80,00 7325

-;-38U 4753 14.8:! 190

l~G U3

78.68 2200

RoOO 7R 00 25...:!U

such a,c. atd I fO.l.I~'ing n~~l('d children. to-\\:it:: ItPd, for paY~T1P.nt d,-.ht.-" 13 O:lC I :'..1-) t· it [J Jl,hn:i{m r;lr IV sal. far :\,O\.:.e 1t)."J 173.1l1 Mal'dn

· ,I Johanna MarT,"Y, and HI surm' i W,tne" my handl and the s,'" i ~c'':,~t: Schamost, Stc~o. elk L s:mr ", ~ "U 8c ,'11 Road lj,,: '0o 13

l[la~U~~~~~ I ~L11jl~~~ ~~~ ~\;ll~o~:~u~n~f n~n;t~~,~! ~f ~l(~~ e;~!~I<.~:,\~~~r . tllb ~bl d;,~ i ~\1~~ '.~I\~~r~ ~~~l~~~: :~.~:,.~\ ~ll~abe. posta.,e. lXP· ~~;~' \"Jl:a~~'/~~g:h~~('~~!>,~~~slt;. ~~~~~~ Wclfaa a:la Blind .\5:Sbt;mc~ cl~5f~ ()bJc<.:tlOlfl~1 child. I. .,.1 I. lnf'mpJoym(·otRl""lJdFunll I:-'-U\(!11!i(:r\<\crLaJj()\\(·d

'arno rkht s it ne! ohl n:::ation" I (~~<l.I.1 J, ~T. (1 r U.H) I F. I. E){lv:jq[ <.\: c(' medICal supplies _. _. H ~q I LL.d.rd adjOurned lu UeccIT IA r I l' '-t~ 'ta5tlnu' th(: e";latc of ,,;.wldeccucrlt n_,\) l(juntyJud~L' Trl·>·dl(."ur"lngI["n1(',can'a(cllcnl~ 11)(~~)1 .... -'. C A.. Bard,Clerk

~'llng~h;lll ' r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · 'il} 1f) utr,,/d "IU~RHT·:-:' S.\LE ~ . Int('Il'~t!'d d~cr .... (' I l;~ \JrtUI' or :ITl (lrrf"r of ~.]I,' ~ , ... ""." .. """''''''''.''''''''.:''''''' ... " .... '''''' .................. '''' ........ "." .. """ .. "'" ..... " .. ,," ...... ,,, ....... ..

trITH' yf dr'i-lih of lhc scud tp llle dJrf'Cll'd I~~u('d by the ('iL'rkl~

" n~:I~i:~:T' ~~'C~~;('(~:i!~~:! ~~'; (~:Ul:~;~" r~~~·~~~k;·.()~l~:onOfa ~~~L:;'~~:! g Wayne County. :\l'bra!-- I r.'nd','rfJd then'ill ar t Iw SC'pr"m-1 ~

that he departed thiS life in- I lwr term th'~fI',)r In ~n actIOn I ~ 1{'''I<\t(', for a determination o( hiS i In ..;ald court .... h('ITtn Thf' I ~

the df'gr('(' of kInshIp, the of :-\cbrask(l. ,was i~

of dcsct'nt of lilt' Int r'r(''-,trl:~' ~17,;if'rrdClnl ",~. ~~\'!I.[(:lrn.l!·tl~~ I ~ (It UPL"l'rn1)(,t'. 1::1"17. aT: ~

claims against hl~ said .qstatc a. m .HI the door of, ~ been paId in full and are for- of the' Clerk of saId, ~ b<l.rrco; that the pf'tR:iOnPl·": C(Jur' In th,' cnurt hou~(> In '~

In t'f'aS(ln of r.1csne cr'n\,'}- In s;llci c,lunr~, -"oil tn the '~ ;:J.r~ the owner<; of ~aid llld(!·'r for Ci-lStl. :hl' follrow_ ,;~

and for <:u('h olh('r ~


Thursday ~ Friday Saturday

Dec, 4 - 5 - 6

Y"rmont Maid Cane and

Maple SyrllP

~~t~k 49c 'Swanson's

Noodle-Giblet Dinner

2 ~-lb'29c Jars

2 1-lb'45c Jars


Waffle Syrup 5-lb, 59c Tm


Bread & Butter


~:~OZ' 23c ,John,,¥,m's

Peanut Brittle

~::nd35c l"resh Roasted

Jlt1lJbo Peanllts

~:"d33c Rnre Treat Cream style

White Corn

2~~33c P &: g. 'I


The <.j\t

t::;.;~ :l~d~~~:.~ , I, ") ,\- Ii I. In ! ~ j;j')\'k Or -':1!l:J! :~ (,,11 mil !~

til til!' dl(';'{'i,olld d{'Cn'" th,-. ~ amounT th'TC'()n twmg $-H6 ~Ii-.,:.~ \\ITh mTer('q at 7'>'1 from ()ct(J!J('r;~ ~~~t :9"1-;-. and costs and acc,umg i ~

Lt"tt'd at \\·Clynr'. :""'hra,,ka. this I dRY ot :.'-io\(·mlwr. 19--r:- , I


B~ \lrtUf' of an (JrcJ'T {Jf SalC'.; to me' dlrpct('d. ISt-uNi b~ rh1' ('ItTk I

~':)(JI~\~. ~~;~~{;lt~k~:~Urt of r~~(~l;:.~,~ i n'ndf'f('(] OWr( In ,t!1 ;:,( pli'TIl- I

he, term lhf'n'f>f. in an a"II<ml

p{'nrlrng In ":-lId cuurt \\ ht'n'lll The I Caunt\ of WiJ.vne, ::--';('b,aska was plamtiff and if H. Ellfnrt, ~t al..I' WE're dE'fendant..;. J wlli. on the 29th day of D('ce~b('r. 1947. at

:~~OOO;~I~I~c~f a·t : '1 ~~e~~C ~lfOO;a~~ i Court, In the court house in

~';;'~Ct' ~~~d~:~df~r°da!~: ~~~I f~~I~~: ing dcscnb~d rcal estate, to-WIt:

1st Clall!'>!". Lots Onf', Twn and Thrf'C

11,1 & ~)J In Block Ten I I( h'lgrnal \"llli'lge of I\'ebra<,k;I, lu SrtlL<;ly tilt' ar(jlrC''-,aid deerp£" the amount dlltc t hcrleon hdrng ~ti~:J 1:2, \\It/t Inlel"'\':-;t tJwrl'on at 7', (T'i[)m tht, :':.lni ril<lY 01 \ lcto­ot'r, 1917. and costs and ac-cruing co::.ts.

2nd Clau~l'. East FIfty-two fef't (E

52 ft.) of Lots Four and Five l.t & 5( Block Ten (10). Origmul. Villagll' of Carroll, l'il'braska. to satlo.;fy the aforesaid (kerce, thr i1mo!!nt dut' 1hrrcon O(rlrlg ~1(il.l!1,

wtlh mtC'r(';-.t trlNC'on at 7',~

fr10m the :.:'.1rd c!i1Y of Octo­bh. 1947. and co;ts and ac­cruing costs.

3rtIL Clause.

iLat Six (6). in Block Ten tl0), Original Village of Carroll, Nebraska, to satis­fy the aforesaid decree, the amount due thereon being $~i34.26, with interest there-

i at 7'J,; from the 23rd day

o October, 1947, and costs a d acruing cdsts.

. 4 Clause. ~ • I Lots EJevent Twelve and

1/hirteen (11, !12 & 13), In alack Seve!n (7). Original \lTIlage of, Ca>rroll. ,Nebras­

~i1!Ia. to sat~ !the afotesaid decree, th~. amount due thereOn Ming! $816.19, with interest th' redn at 7'1c, from the 23rd ~Y of October.

and OSIS and "ceru-, "



Fine Matched "Health"Cookware ,,'-Uamins pre.erve healila •••

••• Health coo,~ Were prt"aervea vita".ins.

••• the Health Prcs:;ur~Coo~<:':r a"d bcautifully 9Ic<lmm9.m~tchcd .tcmi of gerum1/! Health moldcd alumlnum you've: been hcar1fl3 so

Tnl(k, .tu1dy ••• gU<HlIfltccd to stilnd up under hcov,cst use ••• c~)Qkwairc t~df5 deSigned lor top-s:ovr:. v,tam,;]·rctaHlll1g wate.-

coo",ng to 9'''<: you the most dclJctQus. healthful food you've eve( Cd:cn.

Presllure Cunnl'!r_Cooker_Modd 22X ..• for speedy (,3-"'''3 a"d c~Qk ~S. No:cd for saFety and case of oocra:lon. Patcl"lt""d instdnt ".u·n-Io~'· Id; fingertip ·'sure·lok" lever. (apacty n l'quid qts. (holds 18 No.,2 c.;,rs; 20 pt. Jd(S; 7 qt. jim; or 4 half salton Jars). Compkte. ""ith cannons ba,kd <I~:l Instruct'OIll Manual. .• . .••..•••.•..••... J 9.70

Sauee pall ..,ith Cor~r, 1 qt.-Modo:!.4..41 , •. for leisurely co-:.>1.."". E:onomic.al to usc:, as low f1C1me 9""C:s bc:st results... 3. ,;;

S"'Df"e pan with Cover, 2 qi.-M,.,dcl442 ... drcumlincd.Cln';iw:!' a high lustre. Heat i~ d~str;6utcd evenly over the cnt"r: urcns,1 .3.0:;

Sall~e Pan with Cor .. r~ 3 qt.-Mod:! 44] ... ilt~'i1ctIV>:: il"d c",­Clent w,th h'si1dome 5df·bast,ng cover. Foods cook in {he" o· .... n na·,,··)1 juices ..•.........•... '.' .... , , ... , .... ,.. ... ... ... 4.1;;

S'killet_Chichera Frger arid, Cor~r, IOlh"'- M')dd 4410 . fnes chir;:h:n. chops. e;tc. to 00 deliCiOUS gold ell brown. Health rnc:-I:k::! b=um ........................... _ .................... _ .. 5.98

D.te. Oce .. &DUll Cover-Modd44QO ... forwiltd:ssco~'<ln9 t~Jt mealls foods rdain theiir full flavor. food VOIUf!5 ilnd vitClm,r;5. u£~ a:; lo:o-::~"r:

dNte the (J1/tG>$~me .. . G'FIITER~UEEII


Here's the vacuum that does every­

thing! FILTER QL""EEN cleans rugB. floors, walls, blinds, radiators! It sprays paint or wax ... even moth­proofs the horne. And FILTER QuEEN

has no dir(y bag to empty. Just add a new filter every month when

it's emptied. Order this wife­saver now and you'll really

play Santa thiS Christmas.

IF YOU WANT A FJLTER ~UEE~ FOR CHRISTMAS ORD~ NOWi iOGster •••••••••••••• " •• _ . • . • •. • • . • . . ..• , .••••.. ' . • • . 6.90

Wgt Cc<!st prices S% !"StIef. r~iilliE3£~4l2!3~§ll§"~}2;'!2~~~2±~~!iJ!i!~lIIiidl: """,,,,,,,,,,,"' ... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,".",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,_,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,""",,'U""' """"""""" Iio:

VISIT McNA U'S HARDWARE • .. 1 , , .• ' I See theBi~ Assortment of Practical an d Useful: Christmas Gifts. We har,' e elec~ trical hardWare and novelty items for gifts that \please and satisfy. , ! - •.

I ' . - ill

L. W. McNatt H:ard , II 1, ~ I ;

. ! '



.1 II

I I.

~~~~~!~~~~~~~hb~~~~~=~;l==~:=F~==~~====~~~tf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4;';19~4~'~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ ______ ~~~~==~==~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~~~~.

W , H Id the Ado~ph Korn fa~ilyi were-j er home 'at ·Fiart~·~~~ .. ~~ ~. o.

So...cial. r I PEO Meets. I ~

PEe;) met Monday levening Mrs. V. H. R. Hanso~. Mrs. er Carlson was co-ho tess, A by Mrs . .J()(' Matthe s anr.l a stl tutional qujz comp ~scd the gram.

]1 DlJrtbday Observed. Several ladies

ternoo~ }Vith ·Mus: in: hon(nt .... of: nell' operative lunch was evil='nin~ Mr. and H"nschlte· and )1'001'. ITC . -r·-__ T·-" Enin Botger, MT;

J Park, Dorothy and .', Mrs., Reub~.::l

Johnson of

I, , ,

a· yne' ef' a Thanksgiving dinner gJests in' the Hansen family of Grand Island,

.' , ,'!' . . '. '.' John Sievers home. The Armin stopped there aft.er a visit in Yank·

Beierman/family had sLjpper there. ton. The Otto He i t h dId g were

Thanksgiving dinner I guests at Has TonsH Operation.

were Thursday Sllpper Ernest Echtenkamp's .

. PieFsons spent Mon­last week at Roy Pier-

son Iwere among 62 gafhered at Pleasant Valley, near Harting­ton,' Monday last week fer a Dow­ling' reunion honoring Mrs. Asa Dowling on her 81st l~irthday. No

p.m. hos~ dinner was seq'ed at noon. meetlflg SpeCIal pr~~ Mrs. James Dowling'/> baked the

planned Ev'ery member ~s The R.c:jymond Florme farruly and decQrated cake whici}! cen Len:>d the to come Hosts Reub¢i.'l, Mr. and IMrs Fuank Lavsen were table. Luncheon w~I served at

Oscar and Jerome Pearso!n Thani{sgj.vLDg guests of the Glenn the, close of a SOCI 1 afternoo~. Wednesday, December 10, our G . Mr~. A. W. Grotluch n of CounCil

ranqul~:ts. . . Bl~fs, was .elected Jilresident and ,cOVenant Aid annual meeting, ,,r:t Tha.nMgJvmg guests m the Hen- Clarence Dowling of fleasant Val-2 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. Byrl: ry K1el'ler home ",:,ere Mr. and ley; vice president. The family will ~:~?~;~lg~~" Joe Helgren, M S. Mrs. Franl/& McGUire, Mr. and ha\!c another reunioh·· the third

Mrs. Boyd McGt,llre and; Mr. and Sumday of August next year at Co­Mrs. Hurschul Manning all of Pen- lumbus.

WAKEFIELD LOCALS del". ---+ Mr. and Mrs, Walter V. Byell's Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kieper

of Lincoln, Mr, and Mrs. Don R. spent last Sunday in the John Byers and son and Mrs. Sarah t. Schroeder home in Wakefield on Byers of Osceola were Thanksgiv- the Schroeders' silver wedding an,. jng guests in the Dr. W. L. Byers niversary. Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs,

Paul went to Lincoln with Kieper are cousins'. the Walter Byers when they re- Wayne Randol and the Everett tUlTned and came home Sunday. Roberts family had oyster stew Mrs. Sarah E. Byers, motheF of in the J. M. Roberts home Thurs­the Wakefield man, is remainil'lg day evening. for a visit here, Ray Roberts spent Wednesday

Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Qua<1e of in the J. M. Roberts horne. Omaha and Billy Jordan were Thanksgiving guests in the F. G. guests in the Wm. Hugelman home Jelinek home were Mr. and MIlS. Mphday to Friday. Mr. and Mrs .. Fred Reinhold and the RusselJ Wrn. E. Hugelman and Jean Mari- Bairds of Winside. lyp and Carl Pierscn of Winner, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Daniels and S D., caree Wednesday to spend Arvid of Stanton were Sunday a week here. Miss Mary Hugelman guests in the Amos Ecntenkamp of Ames, la., spent from Wednes- home. Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Con­day to Sunday here. Ted, Bob and ger calJed on the Echitenkamps K~y Sandahl and James Reed Thursday evening. joined the group for Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longe had di~ner. Thanksgiving dinner with the Mel-

Robert Johnson Ofr.' Henderson- vin Longes. Mrs. Melvin Longe's Vi.ll1e, N. C., spent W dnesday to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S$.turday with Junior tauffer. Goodin, were unable to come as

Mr. and M'Ts, Elm f" Strom of Mr. Goodin is in the hospital. Ohlaha were guests 0 Miss Paul- ~r. and Mrs. Earl Bennet t and ine Hypse from Thursday to Sun- family were Thanksgiving guests day, in the Aden Austin home. Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe MaHheis had Bennett and sons spent Thursday iW"Snlinl;tel' I Thank.iving dinner with the Hen- night there and returned home

ry Brinkmans at Wayne. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Koontz, Tuesday guests last week in the

Plete' and Kathy were at Swan' Aden Austin home \vere Mr. and

r ;"l';,EA~TE by--,---'

Staff Co:rresoondent

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Shields have moved td their home in Wayne.

Dale Juhlih, college student, \"'as a Thanksgiving guest at Harry Mc­Millan's.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold St.oehr of Lincoln spent 'T11an~sgiving here with th~ latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Powers.

Mr. and Mrs. D;earl Meyer, Mr. and MTS. Wm. Meyer t.:ld sons, Mrs. Anna Meyer and sons were Sunday last week dinner guests at George Meyer's. The Glenn Sctmpsons spent the evening there.

Mrs. Lawrence Ruwe, Marilyn and Harlan spent Thanksgiving af­t("Fnoon at Ernest Brrammer's.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best who had visited at C. K. Corbit's, went to Columbus Saturday and from there to their home in Denver,

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson and sons were Thanksgiving dinner guests at Fred Wolters' at Dixon.

Mr. and Mrs. Nels, Lyngren and

Phpe]alrdIiOyns'.s for the Thanksgiving Mrs. John Surber. W H· a1 .11 The Roy Spahr and E. P. Caauwe ayne ospIt

The Erie Ritz famity, Mr. and families wer:e Thanksgiving' guests

Phillip, Beck.enhauer, SQ:J of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beckeohaut!r, had tonsils removed in Wayne Friday.

Adolph Claussen's. Mrs, Amelia Meyer of Union, Mo., ithb Conrad Weiersheusers, Herbert< Reuters, George Reuters and Miss Amanda Wischhof were also there. Mrs. Meyer who had visit('d here since .1tlr. and Mrs. ehas. Pierson, Lyle November 4, left 'Saturday for' Pierson, Mrs. Esther Debus a:1d MissourI. , children were Thursday dinner

Miss NIargaret Mac1k:lin of Pen- guests at Roy Pierson·s. M~. and der was' a lar;t week-ond guest of Mrs. M. V. Crawford called In the her sister, I\'Irs. Dick Gifford. Mr. evening. and l\frs. Dan Macklin of Pender The Max Holdorf family of Lau­were also here Sunday for supper. reI and the Jack Erwin family of

Rev. and Mrs. Dan Burress of

Nance county agent, chosen new Cedar coun-

, Patronize UJ,e advertisers

~ liM' Pilger were Tuesday last week din­ner guests at D. B. Gifford's.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Penn and Bob were Tha~k. sgiving dinner I gUests at D. B. GJffOl'd'g..

1'~L. C-A R P E'N -T E R fli~%i COMMISSION COMPANY Thc Joe Corhlt (amily spent

Saturday in the Dr. ,J. Dending·, " '- ~ SIOUX CITY STOCK YARDS , . .


'TOP TEN' COMEDY RECORDS-Fibber McGee. Amos & Andy, Jack Benny $2.79

A full half hour's entertainment for the entire f::l.mlly

MERRY CHRISTMAS MUSIC-Perry Como sings the seasonal fa\'orites $3.65

THE LITTLEST ANGEL-Loretta Young', unforgettablo transcription $3,05

A (1 M Sales f:1 Service Co. Phone 368 218 Main

Mrs. Elmer FeLt, LaVonne and in the J. H. Spahr home. P~~ne 61

Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Hareld' Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vann and Wayne, Nebr. 11~~~~~~~~~i!i~i!ii~~~~~~~~i!ii~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiii~~~~~. p.m. at Holm and Cheryl and Mr. and son of Wakefield and Mr. and Mrs. a5t1 !Mrs. Clayton Andrews and Jaan Fred Rieth of Conc0rd spent '~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of Norfolk were Thursday dinner Thanksgiving with the Floyd ~ g~sts in the AI£red Hitz.home, Hupps.

Marvin Bichel spellt 1i'hanksgiv-' Mr. and MrS1 Carl Dammc spt'nt iJrtg with his parents. "m1anksgiving day with Mrs. Re-

Al Borg was in Hartington on becca Sydow. They called in the bUsiness last Friday and Saturday. Will Schroeder home that evening.

The Eric, Elwin, LaVern and Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles Heikes and Leonard Fredrickson families had Mr. a:1d Mrg.. Floyd Andrews and a cooperative 'thanksgiving dinner Lorraine were Thanksgiving guests with the LaWFem:':e Jobnsons. in the Kprmit Andrews homc'.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dunn were Mr. and l\1rs. Kermit Andrews Wednesday night and ThursdjaY spent last week Sunday at the guests in the Hubert Eaton hOnjle. Charles Heikes home.

Mrs, Alvina Echtenl<amp ,of Mr. and Mrs. Will Schroeder Wayne visited in the Henry ECh- an~ Miss Esther Visited Monday tenkamp hbme Friday night. eV~ing last week in the Basil Os-

Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Barelman. bu home. ~ Lois and Angela were Thursday r. and Mrs. Will Harrigfeldt of evening dinner guests in the Har- w~erbUry spent Thursday and vey Larson home. E'ri ay in the Basil Osburn homf'.

Mr. and Mrs. Marx of Harting- r. and Mrs, W. C. West and ton and Mr. a.,d Mrs. Art Sear of family spent Thanksgiving at the

I Denver spent Friday evening with Mantin Gunderson home at Mag­'the Hubert EatolliJ.. Mrs. Marx and net, Mrs. Sear are Mr. Eaton's sisters. The James Dowling family had

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Nuernberger Thanksgiving dinner in the Lester and Faith spent Friday in Omaha. Dowling home at Pierce.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Parke and The James Dowling family spent Mrs, An:1a Temple had Thanksgiv- Fnday in Sioux City. ' ing dinner with the H. B. Wares. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Man1<,y had

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nuernbqrger Thanksgiving dinner with the W. and Miss Luella were Thanksgiv- E. Backs. ing gcrests in the Gordon berger hQme. Reunion for BirUJday.

Mr, and Mrs, H. C. Mr. and Mrs. James Dowling and

[Jr. Geo. H. Goblirsch DENTIST

X-ray State National Bank Bldg.

Fhone 193W Wayne, Nebr_


2'!3 !\lain Phone 548-J Wa.yne, Nebr.

Dr. E. L. Harvey Veterinaria"

l22 East Second Street Wayne, Nebr.

Day Ph, 75 - Night Ph. 480

Walter Benthack, M. D.

Douglas Campbell, M." D.

Physicians and Sur&:eons

Otflees at weree Friday supper guests in the Harvey Young home.

Mr. and Mrs. ,George Eitkhoff, D Le ·· & L . i Benthack Hospital . rs. WIS eWlS, Mr. Donald Peters, and

were:Th~nksgiv~ guests :of·' the FJoyd

<JUmOPBA()TOBS i Phone 1Q6 (Est, -1914)

Neuroca]ometer Service 112 E .. t 4th St.

Phone 49 Wayne, Neb.

Dr. T. T. Jones Osteopathhl J;'byolcJao

Eyes ExamIned .. GWses FItted Wayne; 'Nebr.

All Makes

Radio Repair Servic~ A&M Sales

. tf 218l1Jal1.

==r G. A. Lamberson

DR.J. T. GILLESPIE Optometrist


Phone 305-J for Appointment

111 West Second StFeet Wayne, Nebr.

Martinson Transfer SUccessor to Swanson Transfer

Wayne, Nebr-ska Leaves Omaha Every Monday,

Wednesday and Friday


WillY~-Overland Makes lrlKk History-with Two Grea~ lines of 'Jeep' Trucks Designed for Economy and long life

See them now-pos~ar-model "Jeep" Truc:k$, with completely new chassis and bodies, uuck-eoginee~ed by the menwhobuild the tough, rugged Universal ''Jeep. ~

Two great lines-regular Two-Wheel Drive and ~ sensational Four-Wheel'Drive, ~reated by·the worlll's

large~[ rr.aker of 4-wheel-d.rive ,~hicles. Feature by feature, both lines arc de~igned to give

you everythi£l$ you want in a tfuck--Lower weight for operattng economy:;.:; ;

vehide weights of 4,700 ~o 5,300 lbs. WIth I BeallDf"::,,"":S!!t K:;'~. ol! Waynl>, Nebl'tika

Dally Fr~~:!~ ~,~~ce from \

Towns Served nal payload's of 3,4 to 1 ton.

-The gas-thrifty Willys-Ovedand world-famous for long life and low

-functional bpdies, protected lights,


I Wayne _ Wakefield ... Allen - Pilger Wisner ~ Beemer M West Point

Latlte,l - Dl!t.on - Concorll W.Q;yne Phone 548-.1

Omaha HA-6!JS3 Sioll.'" City 8-450"1 hood, comfortable cab. ,


1-; I'.; I'·' 1 ;:


,mowers. . Falk hay sweewfor

'Chalmers. . MicCormick

Ish,eller. .' Lrti 230 "All,<rh',ora

'l\finnesota 1'2-ft. trMtor Bisection 18-ftl 1lI"'r .. {)'''''

4-sectio~ 2(}-ftJ Monitor 7-ft. EB manure '!i6-in. walkipg

I 12-ft. steel


rgen~en's '. 1 I ./


, ·ee. Lunch Wagon on Growlds

U;IPMENT 121 - Head of - 1"21 i ;

1931 Model W ( ~lIis-(halmers Tractor With set of 13x24 tractor chains, new rubber; good


Allis-Chialmers culti\'ator ard power lift, with set of hillers . fo), WC. . . Power ~ake-off for \VC Allis-Chalmers. John Deere 40-C 14-inch tl'acto1' plow. IMcCor~ick-Deering 10-ft. power binder; a good one.

McC~rmick-rI>eering enclgate 45 feet of 6-inch pilie for McCor-seeder on 2-wheel cart. mick-Deering No. 12 cutter.

Stover lR-in. bun grinde!'. Challenger grain blower with 16 Sandwich 32~ft, ele\'ato1', com- feet of pipes and elbows, new.

plete, good. Fanniijg mill, operate with elec-14-ft.extension for eleYator, and tric l/notor or by hand.

spouts. 120 feet of hay cable, complete Horse power~ with: carrier. Speed jack. Two sets of hay slings. Two flat racks, Six water tanks, all sizes. Highrwheel wagol1 with triple Loa~il~g chute, good.

box, good. FoUl' :fleed bunks. Two 10w-vJ'heel wagon". one with Fout'l\og troughs.

12-lft. box,: good. I 30 f~e}' of 7-in. rubber belt. Two hay racks, oJ!le new. 15 fee of 6-in. canvas beIlt. 2-w~eel trailel'. Twelv 18-ft.lengths2x21umber. BoBsled with box. Three sets of harness. Buzz l saw with 2 tllades, 1 new. Two sets of flynets, one new. Johln l Deere,6 h.p. gas engine. liars.

I Grain

1000 bLk of good oats. 150 bales of 3rd cutting 1000 bLls, of ear corn alfalfa.

crib, Two stacks alfalfa, 1st 250 bales of oats $trawf and 2nd cuttings.

. i

Kitchen ~!~~eh11~c~!~~~ring S3 Army cot. i, i cream separator, used Large size Co~per Cladi 1 year.

heater. , , Two 50-ft. lengths gar-Sma I . heater. I den h9se.

LIVESTOCK 60 Hereford Cattle'

]five milch cows, ::\ milking. 21 Hereford stock cows. Registered Hereford bull, , 4 years old.

6 Hereford yearling bulls. 5 yearlings. 19 suckling caIYes, 1 to G

month:;. 3 bucket ca!\'es.

4 Work· Horses Team sorrel g~ldings, 9 and 10

years, weight 3200. Team bays, mare and gelding,

smooth mouth, wt, 3000.

57 Head of Hogs 10 Sl?otted Poland China gilts. 116 Spotted stock hogs. Registered Spotted Poland China


These hogs have been yaccinated both ways,

TfRMS .. No property to be re~oved u~tiI settlement F ~e --~~~~--~~--~------~----------~~---------


Berry taking part .. Weber and .Frede~ick married Novembe~' 25, C. A. Grothe and J, E. traded 82 acres of land town to A. E. La~se for Ihis mobile garage, th~ land being ued at $200 an t:tcre.

E. B. Patter$on 'bought the Olaf Wendel building in Wakefield arTd planned to enlarge his barber shop ... Winside school boait bought chairs for the assembly room in WinSide,} new SChO. 01 ... Miss GU.'lta Koll nd Herman Hil~ kcmann were rna Tied in 1913",

An item in th Herald m 1887 '>lated that 60,000 bushels of corn were harvested from ,the Strahan ranch ,we5t df Wayne.

The Ponca Irournal in 1880:stated that a vein of coal four and a half feet thick had been discovered and efforts were being made to mine the fueL


I WAYNE by-----'

Staff Correspondell1t

Mr. and Mr;;;. Jue Ma1tes I of Wakefield spent Thanksgiv~ng ~ay Wirth the ,!:Ienry I3rinkmans. '

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ulocht and daughter visited in Ihe IDon J,)iMaio home Friday cvening.

1\lr. and Mrs. Laurene£' Utdcht spc'nt ThanksgiVing at the Alillcrt Schlines i home in Wakcfipld.

Mr. ahd Mrs. Aaron Sedcrqcrg and' Miss Ruth of Kiron, la .. ~nd Mr. and Mrs. Aldon ~('d('rb(,l'g Bnd Carol had ThanksgivJni'; dinner with tile Elmer IlHtTisonc:.

MI' .. I

~ They were

~r~~~r N~~tsnc!~ C~~;oll~erhard the rku Lutts entertained at

Th~nkSgiVing dinner for Mrs. Ja­ha na Lutt, erman LUll, Mr. and M s. Ch;as. liiChols and family of N rfolk" Mr. and Mrs. Howa'rd EI~ leEerg and family, the Fred' Cutt fa ily and Emil Lutt. >',

~ r. and Mrs. Robert Nelson and ehi'ldren spent Thanksgiving with M s. Nelson's grandparents, Mr. an Mrs. Henry Schroeder al H per.

The Arnold Hammer family, Mr. an~ Mrs. Aug. Brudigam, Mr. Mry.. Marvin" Brudigam and famil . had Thanksghdng dinner with the JO~ln Brudigams.

¥r. ,and, Mrs. Lestcl' Lu 1 t and so~ spent Tuesday evening last w(>~k in the Gordon Jorgensen home.

!tilr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker of O'Nelll spent Thanksgi\'ing with the Emil ~arelman family.

Thanksgiving guests in the Adolph Cl~ussen home were the E~il Clau~scn family, Miss Aman­da Wischi1of, the Otto lIeithoJds, M. and Mrs. Herb Rcuter, Mr.

'and Mrs. ~corgc Reuter, the Or­ville NC'ls,On a:1d Conrad Weiers-hauser fllmilies.

Mr. and Mrs. Truc Prescot.t, Mrs. J. M. StoreY and John spen~ Tues­day in the Chas. McConnell home in Pender.

Mr. and Mrs. Ali)f'rt IJamme, I3en Damrne and Mrs. Mary Doring had Thanksgivmg dbner With the Mnx Bridugam family.

Helen Mann spent Thanksgiving at'the Leonard Krueger home al Hdskins.

1Ir. and 1\lrs. Peter Jorgensen sp¢nt last weck Sunday in the AUgust Slahn home i:J. Wakefield.

1\1r. and Mrs. Ed. \Veber were in Sioux City Tuesday Jast week

Mr. ilnd Mrs. Gilberl H.auss spent TlluI'sday evehing in the l'crullland BHrg 11(Jnw. • ,

Glll'S!S ill 0)(' J;. GnHH' lHJ))lI' for ThianksglvJn~ WNC Mr. and Mrs GC1org(' Grone and family of Ra:l­dolph, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Grone, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hccg and the Ray Reegs. ./ The Curtis Foote family had Thanksgiving wilh Mr. and Mrs. August Wittler.

Felber, Prescription Druggists Fred S D'ri(s -1 f C I ·ct •••••••••••••• 'died Sunday \a;t :"'e'e~. u en ge,




END , I.ABL& _

$4.50 $5.00


I,')oor Lamp LA>II'

~13.50 $5.00






$1.25 $5.95

~ "." eOFFE"~ 'HEWINn I (:llItu'S TAnLJ~ t;AJUNI~'1'S 'l'A8L~ SET

$7.50 $2.75 . $4lO0


______ 2-piece



,DESK 8ntl



.• " " ••••••• r v ~ .. w .. w .. oj' • ••• oj .- ....

.. 4, 1047

/,L.iJ1"~· City-Wide Gift: Fair I ljfVu- Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday

A Practical Gift is a Joy for Years

Beautiful Cannon towel and wash

cloth sets

Boxed for gift giving

1.98 to 4.98 MEN'S

Dress Gloves

nr(J\\"!I~:v1cJ){)llald·;.; i~ thc

plac~ tjo l;u~· g-Io\'c . ..;. L'n­

lined 01' lined with rabbit

fur. color:;: black, bro\,\·n,



1.98 to 4.98

Gift That Please MEN'S B.V.D. PAJAMAS




3,·19 and up

49c and up

1.49 and up

2.98 MEN'S BATH ROBts __ ___ ! __ 8.95 to 12.95

MEN'S RAYON SHORTS--i ___ 98c PRINTED.LI}NCH CLOTHS __________ 98c and up

QUAKER DINNER CLOTH~ _ __ __ 10.95 and up

LADY PEPPERELL SHEET~, 81'.xl08 -- 3.19

NITY-NITE SLEEPERS· - 1.9,/; LADIES' PURSES _ 2.98 plus tax

MEN'S SCARFS __ 98c to 3.98

MEN'S SUSPENDERS _ . 1.00 to 1.50

MEN'S BELTS _ _1_ ----- 1.00 to 3.50 BILLFOLDS _.__ . 1.00 to 5.00

MEN'S 2·BUCKLE RUBBERS _ --.-- 1.9/;

BOYS' MONEY.BAK O'ALLS, Size 2 to 16 _1.29 pro


Plain white or fancy


Fure Irish linen and' boxed initial




Ye", at Brov.rn-McDon­

aId's you will be able to

get ju"t \vhat you want.

Plain or fancy patterns.

Purchase them by th box or singly.

15c AND UP


Dress Shirts Whites and fancy pal. terns. The largest twIce­tion ",;c'vc had for sev­eral yean:l.

1.98 to


Fur baby.. for her

[01' him

Let's not disappoint them Buy a pair for each

member of the family.

O'omphie's _ _.2.50 PI'.


by • Van Heusen

• Wembley

Beautiful new patterns. Hundreds for you

to chose from.

1.00 to


Open Wedlle~ltay


, ,

11- I­I f L

II il I, I

~ I ,

THE WAYNE lERALD~ Wayne. NelJraaka Th ..... day. DeCember 4, 1947



15" Jig Saws of Solid, Cast Aluminum forLong,HardUsa

~~ .~ >! I~

~ 12 ... fnch B!and Saws ~ With Tilting Tables

1-9 9S 1.25 ... ,_ w •• ~ :. Payab. !"oMhIy

Ar1 in3pired gift ideol Precl$lon­

built jig sow for fine work, with d",1 blower and lilting kllble.

AP~lIAN(E qi/t ~~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ Ol ~ !~ ~

62 50: 1.25 p,,,W"~ • ' PQycrhl. MDn,hly

Easy odjusfml/lnt make, if ideal

for hO~1!! crafum~n, Sealed bear.

ings last for yca~ H,cight. 33Yl

In"'.. !


i 3.95 The gift th~ starts the day ri£lht w'ith hot, taste appealing tpost! Beautiful hi'h pofish chroma

with brown enamel base and never~hot plastil; handles. ,On~ flip turns both slices.


LADY DO\jER HEATER The best little chifll choser you could givel Big 11" adi. bowl 'tP~."t.ofI.ger life element ••••


4.95 TEL-A-LlT~ 'HEAT PAD Deluxe feQtuT~s I gQlore! Multi_Heat JWitdl 4 95 glows in the d.tJrIiI. Snap type, so-soft, wash-able co~er ..• , .• " •• , ••••. .•.• ..••••••• 0


helQ Dove i Gte UnderwtJtQr LGbcmory opproYOd

GrJ.e An Extra Sef For The Home


jt ~ ~~ ~~ ~ j~

Jointer-P aner Does Surf c:ing Better,

~ 62.5 IJ~

~ ~

AccurQCY, perro ar. features of is 6*inch iointer, IS' long.

.!>"oGive 'he "family" a ~rfu/ -,... Chrislm", Gift


mous;; Catalina

• w. Wiff GifllI!:rap and Mail Anyw/lere

-Shop Toaay- This Easier Way

suggestion that's the perfed solution to--,"whot to fClmily will appreciate a gift like this. Srriart

fitting. longer wee ring these seat covers will yepr round driving. Top quality throughout

are a wonderful gift!


«bJl~~,~&tIe ~ ... a¥~~~/ Qu~li~ toys that Bring Smiles of Delight. ; ;

~1g'~c;~~B~iS ~O~~! ~.95'

A. 20 inches ,taU', Cries enid sleeps. Or-

9c;tndy' dr,ess,lbonnef,Shoej' sox.p~nties.


Just the Thing for'Tra Parties


25c Sen'if't.· for two in gall)' {'nlnrt'!fl J.:"la .. "" Plate" ("ups, s:uu'('r:-. .and 1('a pot \~ ith lid.


Lomps put your /tome ill -a:9OO<l1iglrt ; :: • _.

LooIc of tItese BlUGHT iJeas -~. fw a gift fw !be wIxJe familyl

AN AMAZING VALUEI 7 *WrTY floor lamp. wah ~

fIvht.1vory and broaze rom.

Tall Tabla Lamps HOfId-docor~1I!d baM and 11.1& sht:Jde.. Gc-aceful 26%" hclgfd. •••••••••••••••••

Lamps Land Luxvry Silk-."ad&d table laMp



glow. ,o"'y_ Choiao of '12 95 ~ ..................... .

Six-Way Lighting H •• beauty, char ... OtId

d.. __ Hand-•• ~ ,"0 d ... 19 95 beaTy boM. ............ •

The Gift for Her Crystal bc:rse boudoir lalllP'll

wil'h pin pleated wadeJ. Parr 6..95

Massive, 6uclgef-ptieed


154.50 =~ It two--pitCe set that's nice to come home to;;;;

grond to:s.,k into at the end of the day. DoubIo

doweled i h • rdwood lTom .. Write or blue. •

ALL WOOL 9 X 1~ RUGS DurcbeU. ~s II soft pcstels •. : exceDent '67.50 wiIb gJFJ c;:oIQr J~tne.. SciJ ruUlani, fQol

us,. ..... ,.,...,....."

The bride wore gre~ s'Mt b~ack ~J}d white access ries


rsage. of r. cd roses. Sl~'le. t nde<!,.,by Mrs. »on Gt" r. nda,:, la" as matro of

" . C\lph ,,"W:atson ser~¢d r. ,s n a.jl best rpan. . II '

juslJ.ers were D~m Gee and

c· Roy Harder, Jr.' i •

.A reception w* held J?hnson home at 314 we.st '

I :)."drs. J ahnson ' 1M of scienCe

Daily SCil'Vice

~~ ~~~r:!~ : ... .' ........ ~~.' .. :' .. ~ ... Jg;~g :: :~ ~r nelden .: .......... , ..... ,10:41i p. m, 'fr ltaQ:~olph ............ ,11:00 p. tnI,

~ f:1:~. ng~e~~.~ ..... : .... _ ....... :::::g :: ;!!~ r FOJ'"d~ ... _ ............ 11='20 p. m~

Ar Crofton .............. 11:40 'po m: Ar l'anL.-ton, S. D ..... 12~lO 3.. ~


Can Your Local Agent ~ Return S~hedule


I ,

. and Mrs, Lave!"n Harejer family had Thanks­Barry of Keen-I giving dinrtler at Melvin Johnson's. tram Wednes- The .fCansas folks, T. A. Straights,

The Dangbcrgs spent ~~~i:~n~e~~;~id E~:reH:~dZav~~ Sunday evening: last week at Hell- Harder's Friday evening. The Kao­ry ~och's . sas folks, Duane Creamers, Lavern

Harders and MeJvin Johnsons were Club to Have Mf>~tlng. with Mrs. Ella Harder Saturday

Mr. and Mrs. Manta Bomer were Sunny 1-~omemakcrs plan a -{>v~i~g. 'I1~e Conyers and Straight Thursday guests at Russell I\,in~-' Christmas party for members De- faffiJ11cs 1ft SWlday. ~ say's. . cember 11 with MrS. Melvin Mr. an~ Mrs. N. A. Hamilton

The story centers around J'udy, The Arthur Odf'gaards wrore Schnoor. and Alfrc~ Alan of Daytona BeaCh, $.unday last W('f'\{ dmm'r guests at --.~-~---j----<-- Fla., arrjyed last Wednesday

~o t~~~~~g~h~il~II;~t~" i~f~e~~~~~:~ea4 Floyd Johnson s The Johnsons WCALS vi~it ave!'] Christmas with Mrs. werc at Od€gaard's for Thanksgiv- HamiJton~ parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Tootsie Whiteman by soliciting. d' . Mr. and Mrs, Myron Colson vis- T. S. Ho k. Miss Barbara Hook, contributions to the community il'C~ .m~ ,lOner. '. their fox ranch .npar Sioux who t('ac~es in Primghar, la., was lief 'fund and so be proclaimed the M~s Ma~Jlyn Test and Kcnnct~ I City S~nday. I h('re last Iweck-end a~~ left Sun­queen at 4- school dance. When 150- Kavru;augh, were at. Arthur Odl- The Warren Pricc family spent day, OLh~ ThanksglVlng guests llciting funds proves too slow, Judy gi-Hlrd s Sunday evenmg la.sl we(>k. ThanksgIving in 1 he F. H. Priee werL' Mr.1 and Mrs. Verlyn Lamb wIth hL'r ~rjcI;).ds, Barbara and 1\[,lt- Mr. and Mrs, Al.lJ~rt K~I of P("T- home at Newman Grove. and Jim lof Sioux City, Mr, and zi, engage In many get-rich-quick der had Tt;J~lnksglv!ng d!nn~r at J.. Mrs. Fonrst Richards and Marga-sch<:'m€'s. q"hesc schemes indode Fred Hurd's. ,Mr. and Mrs .. HarlllY ,?-rmstrong ret of 'V\fhiting; la., and Charles entering a whole raft of contests, Mr. and .Mrs. F~. I. MoS('s and Dob and BOb.?f ~lOUx Clly were Richards Of Si.oux c.:ity. Mrs. Lamb using he( friends and parents' were Thanksgivlllg dinner ~~~n~sglvJng gu('sts of Mrs. A. A. is a granddaughter of Mrs. Mary names; writing her "tI'ue conies- in Ihe A. S, Evans home at (' C1. ¥ Hook and Fore<;t Richards is a SIO:1' '('ntit.ied "1 am a Bigamist"; Mr. and Mrry. H. S. Moso,s MI'. and Mr.<:;. R M, Carhart cousin of rr. S. Hook.

and Mrs. E. IL. Adams, jr., Sioux Cit~, were also

1 n'ln",e,·v,"" guests here. The El· way~c Fleetwoods were .with. Sioux City relatives f'riday 'and Saturday.

T5 Gene [loot, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cuy Root of visited here .Friday ,and in the Judge J. 1\:1. Cherry home. He h~H~ bee~.~~Rand~lph and went


~:~cf;li~S:s~,o2h~if~i~~'~fe~r~: chances are it's not your stomach but your intestinal tract that's ae: fault. Sluggish intestinal muscles permit waste to accumulate .•. gas IS formed and often you feel miser­able, nervous and out of sorts.

For real relief ..• take sure, safe ADLERlKA with its new improved taste. It ~oves waste quickly hue: gently to relieve constipation and gas. You'll enjoy a new feeling of pep/and vitality when your digcs­tive system j" in perfect order, Try ADLI:RIKA today and you'Jlleam why over .20,000,000 bottles have Leen IOld. Caution: take only as directed.

from here to 4Uen. He came from Ft. Riley, Kan., and aftf'r brIng mustered aut Monday this w('(lk, he J.~ft for his home in th(' \\('st.

"Tomon'!'OW's income will ...... e to poy-tOdqy'5

f ....... 'oan!)I· Tllat'!I why it'. a wige thing to .get a SAFE fmm loan r • Get a Co-op Ltmd i '!. Bank Lo~f1'"om g .~... ~ vaur 100% fanner- ~ :~: ~;~ e toa~a~~:: 0 ~~,~ ~,,~ ciation. Payments fit your fa1'"m~!I n=a1 earning power. You can take up 10 40 yenrs to -pay. But you can pay up iust 011 fafOt as yOtU farm \OCO'1"1E'

;>errnit!l, ir :V0ll want to. Low Ht.

tere;;t. No fees. No commi~~I('t',~ AND you get understandwg trc,,~_ ~cnt in time of need.


NATIONAL FARM !.OllH ASSOCIATION and evcn trying to Imprl"ss her fa- UNejjj werc' .'llso there. That f'\'('- went' 10 Omaha to allond Masonic Mr. and Mrs. Elwayne Flo('twood

ther's friend, CI, Broadway producer nin~ .D.:'lr, and Mrs. Mos('s and noh ~,~aUnr~di1~~aPtC'r Wednesday and und Douglas of Sterling, Colo., with her natural aiJilltics us an ac- I were gUf'stslof Mrs. Cora Bradd] visited from Wednesday until Sun-tress. 'and Mr. ;md til'S. ,]ac!{ Swcigard at Mr. anc Mrs. Ray Conyers of day'lhcre with Mr. Fleetwood's

or ceurse her [l<lrents' li\'('s and W!nsidc . ~ 1 . ~11~,:~;~t ~~~" ~~yan~fM~~';i~~:~ pare~ts; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fle"r CVL'n her faithfullJoy-friC'nd, Oogje, . fhc> Lf'.o Ne s('ns wore Thankc;- Mrs. Ella Harner, the Art H('it- wood Mr-!' and Mrs E A Whitney get mixed up in Judy's variuus gWJI1g dJl1nClr g1J('S"ls CIt ,JclJ~rs hOld family of Hartington and Ih(' :\1r. An~l Mrs. s. s', 'Co'c, ~nd Hele~

wilh ADLERIKA on the shelf.


F;ec-retary-Trf'af,IJII'r 202 Snoth Fourth Strf'pt

Norfolk, :Sphra.,J.Q

You'll always be your "beHer self' I

__ ~o~23~t~f~====================~ plnns and schom('s. A. ".lid manY!1 !routma:I's. ,~It". ~nd ~rs, (:II.nl --------~---curt ,'('marks from Judy's brolher, frou1man, thC' M,IX LmlSOIh of Randolph, and much buticncc 0:1 Laurel, Vf'rll Trou1man!': and Coli I the part (J[ Iwr pun'llts, JJJdy's I Tr;J,lltmCl.n!': w('rr also 1hptT. problems an.' ('\'('ntually solvefl 1 Ill' 1·.I.n1('\"' ~'lI1('rs, Jar;ll)Y had provjdll1g m .. u1) u li.lll!::1J fur Ithe Sunday dinner 1I1 lh(' Ld .. '"ichnwck­audlcnce. I)('pr'r homo ;It P('J1(lpf'. Thf'Y spr'nl

TJH! fJroductlon ::;laf.[ for the lh~~.th;:v;'~~(7g }<?:o~l,li~~~~n~~;lj~;~· Here's One for

the Record Prl~~J~~,II~de ~ lo,r,Olnh,:' n,,:lc;on ~s tlie Kp.ll1f'1h \V,arnrrs ;~nd Lowell \\'I'r~ p p , ~\ m L JOshorn. as nl'rs wC'1"e Th,lI1ksgrvll1g diJl1nr')' and I proP.f'rt)' man~g(.'I· \\.·lIh !Jorothy S1JP~(T guC'."ls at 'lv'. 13. \\'ern!'r'" ":\1rl\'cmcnt'i f(II' the rllhlic AllvlO ~Ind ":'Ili/.~ 1101:"1(' u-; a~slst- Stanl!'y enmlll .. , studr'nl <It loud ;IIT li'itl.111y' 1:1llJlcned ants, Dl('k DlOn JJ1 charw' of lJghl- AmI'S, sp('n1 thl' w(,I'k-f'nd i

,]l L\"l('1 \\ith ;'tr';lt ellth\l~i;l~m, hllt

~~)~~l~J~,r;f('~~I~ll;:~1 (l~~jir:',h~~lj'~Cmc~~ (;;unilll"s. Mr. <Jnn ;\1rc;. (,I;lrl"~(,(, qlTlH timl ~ dw (lilt I)("CIII~l' ~lF,-man a!': puhli('ity man:If';('I'. ~1~';;(/!'~~~~~~iln~n~ju!!:1(~~::jS \\('rl' ;!isr)

Billie Bcnlhae,k IS stage man- ;\lr, And j\'Irs. FrCltlk Larc;;cll ;lnd ager, Maxine Nl'lson, m charge of Ol(' Raymond Florine tickr'ts; Marilyn Hil'ds('ll and Bd- dinn{'r' at

1!~~7~:~~K~:~'~I;:;::\:t~:~~~Ea~:~r~ (/'" Gran"",,'s wc;~,a,'" r~~:~~ old Korn, stage err\\",

The make-un ('ommit1ee consis~s of FC'rn PiwcniLd<y, Ev('lyn SplHt­gerbpr, Virginia Str<ught. Thl' \Jsh-

Feeding Heifer. Stock Hei1e~a Breedtng HeUer. Stock COWl Wutern FaRing Hlr .. FeodingCow.


('rs will he Donll:] Baipr, Ad(~lyn C. B. THORPE CO. Clauss{'n, lJonna Day, VIVWJ!l ",IVE sTOCK BROKERS

1 Icitholi, Be-rnadin£' Hullman, Falll- otnc:e Phone 8.4223 107 £lChanue Bldo. nil'l P;rJ01er, B('fnita Ret'g, Lars YlI'oPhone 8·4242 SJOUI CUr Stock Yardl May Spahr', Joann Wert, Lois Wie­land. The junior class spbnsors arc Mrs. Mary Witt and Jbhn Alden

The assitant dIrector js Miss Eleflnor Knoll.

John Harrington, student a.t Lincoln, sprnt Thanksgiving week­('nd in his parental Paul Harring-10n homf', Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harring1on, Jr., \\'(>1'(' holidaY guests in 1he Geo. Smith home at Lincoln. John Harrington and

and Mrs. Paul Harll)ngton, ir .. to spend the Christmas holi-here.

QUICK KUIEF FROM Sym_toms of Distress Arising from

STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCE;SS ACID FreeBookTellsofHomeTreatmentthal Must Help or it Will Cost You N5thing Over three million bl1tties of the 'VII .. LAHD

;;:;~;~:~r~~~~~~I~Oi1r~~ S:~~~~~ and Duodenal Ulcera due to Excess Acid_ Poor DIgestion. SourA)r Upset Stomach, Gasslnels, Heartburn, Sleeplessnellll, etc., due to Excos .. Ac:ld. Bold on Jf> day:!' trial I Ask ror "Willard'S Mll5sake" ~!JIl:h fuJly explains tills trtl!l.~lIlon~fr __ at



Child~ Cold AsHeSI.eps !'~":'~"'; -" ~ ., "'. '.;': ~;. '~ .. ~'':' .. ~ . ~::.~ .rA

''«'' 1/)1/,10 " /~

VPenetrates V Stimulates into upper bran· chialtubcs'wilh sper;ia ~ sao I hln g medlcmal vapors.

chestandbacll-sur­faces like Bwarm· ing.comfortlng poulttce.

Ti wontlerful special pene­tr ting.st1mulating action

-b ought to you only by Vicl VapoRub - works for hours to relleve distress of colds whi~e the child sleeps. Often by morningrnostrnisery

of the cold Is VICKS gone. Try It tonight! VAPoRuB

Thi" i~ not tnll' [If the Nehr.1~-1 kl iller indllqq"S sl'l f-rc:!\,b .....

. . I tlnn rrrt~r;lm to m;1IJlt.11n

whldl'<-olTll' condition" in th,.. n t:ld <,:l1c of hecr,

Contillucd with dili;Tcflt dTnrt ~in(e ite: l:lI!nchin~ in 1 rns, our C()Jnmltt( {'\ rro::!r;ull Jl:I~

won tlil' l'r.1l~e ;Inri ~IIPP()rt of the bw (:11 for((,rllrnt otiicrr~,

the rrc<;-c; :ll1d the pllhlic.

to m.1lOt;"lin r.1Jg:h ~t.and.;ud~ of

cnnJnct wherever ~er j" sold .•

Th I~ i~ :lr,:mnp!J<,hcd hy in­strllctll)~ ;Inti ('ncollrngin::!; becr nt;ldcr~~ to r.lrthfldl~ ()h~enT the 1.1w, r:lrt:cubrly th,lt pro­hihitin~ s,llr~ In rninor~, to in­

tnxic:lt~rI persnll'i ;lnd s:11~5 ;Jfrer honr" ... m:1intain clean. ne:lt, o:,;"lllit,1ry phcc<; ... nnd a\'oid ,)11 conduct di5plr;l'iin;: or irrj~ating: to 'the be'St of


Th('~[' :1ctivities steadily im· pro\"c Nebra.'ika tavern condi­



United Siaies Br(werJ


Charles E. SandaH, State DIrector ~10 F rol ,'la,'. llaok aid,., L>oCQUI

The Finest iChristmas Gift

A New Kaiser or Frazer I

DE~IVEBYNOW! If you really want to thrill your family on Christmas day, 'present them with a new KaiSer or Frazer. We are making immediate delihry. Stop in and ask for a demonstration.


WelHave a Complete Line of



We Repai~and~· All !Makes of Cars

Guesswork has no part in our service de­phtment! Here's whyl

I,lc is manned by well-trained mechanics­~orking with up·to-date precision tools in a well·equipped, modern shop, When you hiring your John Deere Farm.EquipmeOl to us fbr reconditioning, it will be handled quickly lind efficiently. Nothing will be omitte'd; liOlhing unnecessary added. 1£ new parts are .r!equired, only gttlUline John Deere pares '9,·ill be 1,lsed-assuring you of dependable per­Iprmance throughout the life of the machine.

Regardless of tbe work to tie done, you (an be sw-e of high quality work at tbe lowest possible cost ••• when we do the job. Let's .alk over your Cum equipment servi'-ing re­.guiremen" ,he next time fOll're in town.

B. J. Brandstetter & Son WAYNE and WINSIDE

Buy 'only Genuine John Deere Paris They Fit and Wear Like the Originals.


(All Sizes)

Passenger, Truck, Tractor

Tires Repaired


Have Plenty of •••

Passenger and Truck

Tires Recapped


600x16 Mud Tires

WE FIX FLATS and Delivery Service We Offer. One.day

DEALER: "i. ,

. '


101 Phone 130

II hOIT1c. ,She returned to om. aha lle~ fl€'. w to Omaha. Mondcry last I\tlonda:-. I week Clnd came to V,Tayne by bus

~reele·Y. I The Dr. ('has. Ingham faD?lly of to yiSlt hIS mother, :!I.lrs. Stf"lla ehi-


\'in MeY:T, :\'orfolk. 'Clarence ROF;S family of i chester. The t\\O spent Thanks-last named a . I LauIT'l i-Int':! I\Iel\"in \\'ert family 'I gn 109 at John Lmd"a:(s . .!\Ir. Chi-

Calvin, Bones. ,st. !'.:('- h<td ThC!~ksgl\'lng dmnpr \\ith chf's;('r ldt, Fnday ilnd took a I braska \~ ('slf'ya~ In . ~p('nl,' ::VIrs. A. \\ Ross Cind :;<'11::':5 Ruth. : plano [rom Omaha on hiS return.

thf' week-end In Allen wlth hls I ::.lr <-Inr! :\lrs C. L. Pickett had: iiiiiiiiiiiiii falher, H. J. Bones, and ~,topp('dl as T~l;-ml~-'hl\"Jng dmner gU('.~IS, I hf'rc Sunri<-ty lO,sec j . A PrC5ion::, lilL <,nr! !\.Irs. t\ J. Pickett uf ~or­wh':n h(' was rcturnll;!;:;. f(jl~:. :'>1r5, R. T. Dapschner of Le-

1-lIss ElaIne and tvIl"iS Jilt-anor! :'>li-lr". 1<1 .. ::VIr;; Ann Paul. ).lis<; I Benthack, who are :-l~dymg In 1 Emma l1t'ckcnhaut'r. Wrn. B('cken-


Omi:lhil., sI~ent Thanksgl\'mg \\epk-!hau(r and the \\'lllard \Vlltsc end h('re In the \Vr.' \Valter Bcn- I far";!\

,thack hom!', I Th,~ EW'rt'1t Lar<;pn farrlil\" of '~'h" l\leJ\'1n LarSf'\ns of ~Vak~- i :VIernll. lit .. had Suncla\ dl;'nf'r

fll'ld \\'{'rp Cll Frar.k ILar~('n s Fn- "nn -fJ;-I~ ('\"ning lor tunc~r'(ln.

r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~r ~n(1 lIr~. \\. ~1 i.lnrts~yanrl and lhe FI{ (1')(1' \\(1"( dlnl1(- artLr

LO"" TS ;;UP-,l" ill r\(rPlt nr In \\ I

tv S EJ D' CAR S

!:Ian~ Pick~ups I ! .J 938 For:d Pick-up I i 193d .... Furd Coupe iL934 hd\,:OICl 4Cdour I

~EF~~G~~I~:~TORS ·1 ~ta!(h<ladl rna).:r· (lilly 1 (jUt' i m~ harhL so come carl!'7' I . ..

6E!yvice & Repail'

jO/1 All Makes of Cars

)\1' ~v(' enl~rgccl our repair dc­'. partlpent. wit~ 1 he employmt:nl , of rarjother skilled mcdnl1lc.

FOR SAlLE \\'JIEELS ;) a,ncl 16 hole


IU\\'j\ CflEA;\1 SEPARATOflS




L!-i·-r, lJISC HARHUWS (Sam{' a:_ R()dl'n~k Lean)



ALL':\ll);"C:'>l KITCHE.:\S


:.'\"uRGE \\lASHERS



FuRD )"10\\'ERS (HI\\'ay)

L\lPP.lJVEU. quarter for Sale-­We an' oflcnng a nIcely im-I p;'oH,d Hil) acres for $11500 an, acrc Located close to the \-\'OIyne i county lIne S\Vl~ 1:2-26-1w P'wrcl' ('ounl},. hClrd lanel. gent 1)­rolling March 1 possessiun III bUild communIty school J,;! mile

~un1l' alIalfa and a good bronK' pas1 url' 'I null'S cast and L north o! Plerc(', \Vnte KUJKE 1['1;­\'ESTl\IE~T CO .. Ol\lAHA.

,. d4tl

FOR S,\U:~: Farm adjOining col--~"--~-- I

lq . .;C'. J. K. Johnson. d4

$,oecIP/ SMg()/s tr.1111

$IPllefPtV' Oil ()e6/~

III ",of!rSOllillizet/ $eIY~Ce w

10 Kee/l yovr cilr i1f /Iii!:

yon want more carefree ' than ever before. To get I

better servicing for :your Carnll)5UIDD'IV that service, Standard

time out from ijome to go away to schooL They

special Standard Oil refresher where they review :the best

ways to care for the in~ needs of individual cars.

Thousandsofdealersnowdisplay this award, presented to those

satisfactorily complete Our training course. And new .

every two weeks, to Standard Oil Deal-

'--...o....1--t-L (' ~ M InZl r of came Arthur ( il (hl "I('f" of Los '\ng-c , r ... l\ndrr,\ Parki'r :\Irs Jack Iv,CdnlSda\ to \151\ a v.hllc In --~- ::C;";;~;;""'",,,,,,;~;;;:f.;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~

11 \ d \1 ] ~ I the home of hi'> dau 'bter ::\lr" •••••• 11 ••• 1:' •• 11 ••• 11 •• \\ I ,"~~ ~1(~rfol:\T {)~n -Iorstman S E Samuel,son '" i: H ff ..I

and 'I" ,on;,. I . Me. and 'II,. Ed. L"och "f U: 0 man Bros. Heref~rd Auction For Scrap Iron

alld Old Cars

j .., I <lU! I pI ('rson had ,~elll and ;\1r. and ~1rs. P, K • A HIGH Q. UALITY OFFERING :"1,',' ;1.' (~rnnt:r at Jarnc:s Hamp-ILackil .... of !i1agnc:' W('fe Fnct!i) -t,I'" ill (ilrT(Jl!. dmniT ;";Ul'sts al S. E. SamUf.J..,on':, : ~f·1J at th(·IStuc·k Yard .. Sall"~ Pa\'i!.ion

h""" I Ilu"I"" ""d T. J.: ,II" P.ulh PhIPP' uf Urnaha.: Sioux City,./owa - Tuesday, December 9 fSln111IL'''; had cooperative ;\\-IHJ spent pari of hl'r \;-\(.:"tIOD,. Sale bpvn at 1:00 p, Ill.

'ckr:I']" Th~,nk-,gl\Jng in thl' T. J, ;\\lllh )'1J"'., UO;,d ;,' I: l! il()nW . \rIW',llanri. \\'yCJ, \\~~ n' d \\(""1-: ' ••

Clt',\n cottO:1 1 _ ,mri ;\lrs. g('n Ahhf'l'"entl'r_i,lll h,'l' [lrlH'111ai \VClll(')' Phl!ll~': 'ory('ll Auto ('0 :Z5ii:1l1.III!I'IIii1Ii1I1I1lIl •• IIi1.Ii:JI ... a •• III ••• 2I." ••• I!!I ••• I3I1I1 •• IIJI: :

-]'! -~-----;- : A Splendid Offerings: Awaits You at the : : HjELP Iw ANTED- '. , ••

: Sortheast lVebr,'Uska Herefwd ::

~t:-:;,~r';~U;~::~H''''. Inco~:~'i ASSOCIO atlO on,' A', U.ctlOon :: licuSl0nkr~ for Jamll!lS \ValKln" 'I!i =1: :ipI"odm'\s In llt) If: : : Invest nwnt. HU':>lnl'.~" I. I •• In:'nl(~?,aIC l~i-lrJllngt. .. '0.'11[(.' .1. 1.'" i: I" Ilf' Iwld at tllf' :"\'nrf/dl{ Li,,"·,to('j( j>a'illO~l II II

,\\alklns, Cu" lJ-ol, \\Jnun",,' Xorfolk, Nebr. 'IIlo d D mb 8 a!: ,}dlnn. dill,: -. nay, ece" er :': !: 40 CHOICE BULLS - 20 TOP HEIFERS :'.

: Y()ung 111«('(11;1;": c;itlJe uf !Ii[' m9"1 Clppro\"('G qU:tlll,\ .tlc-Iudm;; : . . • Several Tried Sires - Promsing Herd Bull Hrospeds -,

\\'hJt{' la('e bull calf. I: Bulls to Sire Top Feeder Calves _ Early Bull Calves :! I

about 180 pound:,;. Reward, : Cows with Calves at Side _ Bred and Operl Heifers : Dangberg, Wmslde, Phone ::!j'~G.I. .1

35 Herd Improving_

Bulls and

Females Rrpf'dine; ('attlp of th~ stamp and qualit~ m{'di[]~ I'\ery llha.M' of th(' t,Pl'f !'atUp hu~iW"'i-induding_

THE HERD SIRES: 'fI~(,lnF:F ~L\:".'-\\'.\JY %lth - 'lI~('IIJEF :--;l'A~" .\Y ll9th



u! :'-.llscillt'f :.;ram\if:- :'::':-;-;h, :II!senll'f 'sl"n\\'1\ ~Ih, (Jnward lIU1111nO 1nd LJu"d:. f>umrno bn-pdlf'.g

OUTSTANDING HEIFERS 10 of (In\\ild !Jom.no rtnd :-.rl<:chli'f Sl::J.nI\c.;, breedmg

" · • • ~ m


_________ d~I,)I: Th~'W trw pr:H.'llt:.li jmiflt nlilklng kmd :~ i\<\ I· ~alf' to hf'l.:'in at 1'!:30 II. m. • rSCELLANEOUS-:. Fur catalog addr(,S5 ::

.-\ nllmhl'r of ('0'\" and 3-yf"ar-oltl ht'ifpr-.t~t'll with cah'es at ~ide

Several young bulls of pJeasing c,::mformation '!c type Arrarq;f" So You ('an :\{tt"nd , , , For Catalog Address" :

BLACK kltlC'n frcC' 10 good home:. Charlp .. ('orklf', Sal .. :,\ianaKt'r, ::"\orfolk. ~I·bra~ka d-tp ::

14::>- \': !vlrs Clifford: .1I •• l!I •• !lIIIII ••••••••••• !I •• II ••••••••• a •••••••••••• JIII. I Hoffman B,rj!'~~~~~p~!<~;~!!!;' Nebras= it

a ••••••••• I:'. • ••• a •• ~BB •••••••••••• Bm •••••• 1 d-tl-- ~--~-------

OA;-;S: Buy. that home or farm I WIth a GI L()A~_ Regular fam. hh'lI1S a! ]rmcst I"<it('s. Sr'e liwaJl' correspond('.nt, or hU lEI·; 1.:\'\' I

.j_~'(), llma!!;1 _=, ~~d~ __ n:~~~~ I

,inl! Sf'ptiC tanks. First t equlfJTllCnL Phone 11:2, P.andolph, n:.!3!Sp


Tup pnc('~ lJ;wl fur uSt'd Singer

s('wJng machJnCo., :: .ngcl' \'acuurn clf'anf'r<; i1ml\pn. numher, For a

Ifree home demonstration, write


SIKGEU Sewing Machine Co,

419 ="'orfolk A\e.

::\'orfolk. l\eb, n13!f

Shatterproof Glass Installed .

III All Model Cars and Trucks

Discount to dealers

Wayne Auto Salvage I n20tI

rkSULATE '~Ul Fuel Co,t 1/3

1 Havp bur trained cr£'w insulate

I ~o('~ ~~:;:~;~s ~~~e:~~;~d. \\~~~ of the most efficient on tho n'larl<1:"L

I AlII Jobs Warranted agcbnst cond('n>;atlOn and

SIdewall $ettling

A~k fur Free Estimate

t Phone 477 or 361-J


Having rented our farm and moving to town, we willsell at public auction, the fann known as the H. D. (Bert) Hall place on Hi.ghway 116, }1/2 mi.les north of Dixon, 5 north of Laurel, and 2 miles south of Roth Station on U. S. 20, on-


Tuesda~DeL9,1947 Commencing at 12 o'clock Lunch Wagon on Grounds

43 Head of Cattle fa.rm!Machinery,~tc. Sixtem good p1ilch cows, 14 of them fre,h thi,. fall

and two to b'1 fresh soan

~.Iiw:-r;i~~(' c~~~!~('hre~rag~JI~lst.~I~ ~~~~'slOOa~Ir~;o~;'l :r~h a~~~~~ come 10 this salt'.

Purt-'bred registered Holstoein bull, 3 years old (

Thlce heifers, 2 years old, to freshen 1at(>r

1941 John Deere uB" tractor, new tires, good shape, with nearly new cultivator

John Deere ::\0, 52 1:;- Deering 5-ft. mowel..r. in, plo\\"., 10-ft. bay rake.

~'finncapoli~ manure Hunning gear and hay . ."pre~.der. ~ .""l'ar~ uld. rack. Jor.n Deere !OOSl' grountl Buzz :::aw with 2 blades.

I btl.' 1", T\\'o::; ts work harness.

14 J'earlin~' steers and heifers }TcCormick gr;.~in hind- ~-in. Sorey burr'mill.

9 buckd caln~s <. r. ~-frJot cut, \\ ith Oil tan hccltcr. -_____________________ Carboll dri,·c. lI-ft. isc.

4 Head of Horses Team of ~mooth mouth WOI'~ h()l's{'~1 a pHil' of good

UllC~, weig-hirig ;{,:WU. Black gelding. ~mouth mouth, \\"eight 1.GOO Roan gelding, smooth mouth, weight 1,450

,About 3 Dozert Pullets

A&oltt 400 bits. Good Oats

About 290 bales of Oats Straw

Three-pen portable hog house,

Usual Terms. Everything ~rU¢ be I

l ( HALt " "~, ;, • i!


McCormick-Deering' I8-ft, arrow. corn hinder. 15-ft, arar\\',

Twc single-unit Farm Two \yagOl1 boxes, com-Mash'r milking ~a- plel chines. fo~ll'ctri· dclJry heater.

;-';0. 15 DeLa\'al ('!cUrie Brood r house, 8xlO. l.Tt'am separutor. i Flynet· a,nd collars ..

IIoosier cndgaie sc~der. Two single-row cul~i- Pair t actor chains,. 9x40.

yators. 150 fe ,t new chick wire.

Mis(~lIaneous terns Fuur fuel barrcls. Four cruss-cut saws~ Monarch range. \\" ood heater, Oil heater. Feed bunk. 45-bu, feeder. Some lumber. Two sets doulJlectr€!e

Neck yokes. T\vo nl''\\' fence controllers Lawn ihower. Four ladders. Cream cans. Sil\'ertone battery radio~ Some furniture. Farm tools and many oth­

er items too numero~ to mention, -



Wayne Herald A. Hilpert of Norfol~, Mr. and Mrs. Sioux City. Mrs. John Fleer and Larry of Hooper, vacation y.rith relatives Mrs. Martha Fleer of Fremont, and Mr. and Mvs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Hub~rt Fleer and Mrs. Frank Bright were Charles of Laurel. iMr. and Mrs. visitors Saturday. Carl Troutman anq. family wePe Mrs. Etta Lewis spent

tertained a't ThankSgiv~ng dinner for Tec;i Nydal:!l and SO"" Ted, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Jensen a;nd daugh· ters. Mr. and Mrs. DeWey JC'nscn and Mrs. Laura Kraft.

luncheon guests. Wednesday until Sunday with WiNSI'DE LOCALS ' presented a Thanksgivirt,g progra'm Miss Bernice Hoffman of Nor:- daughter, Mrs. Robert Lundak

Mrs. Nels Nygaard returned to Monday evening, November 24. folk and Mr. and I Mrs. Wilfred Sioux City. Blair Sunday last week after Lunch was sCfvpd. At school dis. ?'Iillcdr andd baby w~re ThaOhk,gG

iV- peMosrt·a.a~~ .. ~X:~e~g~;:tsB:~~J~ngg

Mr. and Mrs. llasmus RasmuSRcn entertained Mrs. Hannalh Nelsen and Eddie, Dave Nelsen family and f Harvey Petersen family at dinner Thanksgiving day.

~pending two weeks at the Clar- tr~ct 40 ~h(' pupils and teacher, mg ay mner gue~ts at t c us " fnee Nelson home helping care for MISS Dottle Reed, pres('ntcd a pro- H~~~a~::m~ilmer' family spent week of Mr. Boulting's brother, ~er grandson. gram Monday e\'c~jn~. Lunch was Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Robert BmOting. j I Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wittler, Mr. ~:~~:~. Average sd~ crowds at- in Lincoln with the former's rna- te~;;n~~d ::S'a~~r~~rn~::: ~ ~

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bryant, S. E. Porter and W. L. Cary and daugh- ... ter, Norma Jean. were guests at the Ken Jackson home Thl1nksgiv· ing d&y.

~~~ a~~$·M~~. ~m~ra~~~~f~ :~~ Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ed. Trautwein of ~ce:~ r;:~~r~~yG~:~~~ To~e ;;~~m~ft~ ~~~ ~~r~t~~:n~~~~~~earve~~~ ~ (laughter, Pamela Jo, of Lincoln Carroll and Mr. and Mrs. Henry mer's cdusin, Thon1a~ Tucker in giving day.

James Frost, formerly of Ran­dolph, died November 2(i at Coll'­ridge. aged 87. 1;cnt Thanksgiving day and the re· !;v~~~WQ~7n~fe~in~~~~'t~'er~~ T~~.nk~. Omaha. G Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krueger, a d

ainder of the week·end with Trautwein and Elvin. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wylie en· Miss Lois Ruser of Concord wde n"ol'-:ro.r'l~ome ~olks here. Supt. and Mrs. D, Warde enler. tel'tained the Frank Wylie family Thanksgiving dinner g.uests at the Office In HospitaL

Mr. and Mrs. August Spengler tained Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Knaub of Vallejo. Cal., Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Frank Krueger home. 'Dr. S. A. Lutgen has his oftice

d~ndn~U~~e~~~r~l ~~~n!:~~~~nJa~~~ and sons at Thanksgiving dinner. ~~~i~'la~~:~~ ;~~n~~~~Ving 4'y ~d~lllr·lan.diM.rsl·IJ.almlels IJieniisiieiin •• in.tlhleiw.ayn.eihlolsIPlitalll·IPlhlolnle~6~l. Home. WI~rh~ndbe~rs;n J(~~:h~lC;~:~;Zi Mr. and ~1rs. Ray Davis and I Dave Leonhardt and Mr. and dllYs, returned 10 Winside We-dncs- daurhters were Thanksgiving din·

Rebelmlt Lodge. I Rebekah lodge met Frida eve­

ning at the Sam" Reichert home. The 'members voted to send cash gift to the Rebekah and Od Ff'l· low home for Christmas. Plans w~re made to hold the nnual Christ,mas parly December: 12 at the Odd Fellow halL Officers elect· ed are: Noble grand, Mrs. Wylie; vice grahd, Hoffman; secretary, Mrs. Andersen and treasurer, Miss Jo­hanna Jensen. Other officers will be appointed. A no-host luncheon was served.

For Anniver<mrl ... IO,

~~~L~R.T~~n~~~~f:g ~:ry(' ,~i!lnthecr day night 10 spend Thanksgiving ~~~r~.~~~t~a~~hl'!tehne ho:~~~en and WIth Mr. McIntyn"s mOIIH't', :\lrs.

Ed. Lindberg home. Calhnrine McIntyre'. Mr. tind Mrs. Dale Thompson \. Miss Be1t~Lou Weible, daugh- Thanksgiving day dinner gUrsts and dill!~ht .. cr 01 Alton. Ia .. and Mr.

tpr of Mrs. Helen Weible and a at the John Locbsack home wrre: and Mrs. Ernest Elg.er v.'ere s~udent at the university in Lin- Mr. and Mrs. Charl('s Emm('t and Thanksgivmg dmner guests In the coin, has been made a member of Mr. and IMrs. Harold 51011 and Duane Thompson hOme. Thela Sigma Phi, women's pro· Georgiann of Sioux ("ity, \Vm. Mr. and I\lrs. \Vm. Kant spent !fssiona.l journalism SOCiety of the Lo('hsack family, 01to Grad fClmi- Sunday afternoon in the Utto Kant 'iniverslty of Nebraska. Iy ;:Ind Ben B('nshoo[ fam1ly. homC'. .

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hansen of The DO:1 Podoll famlly, Harvey Mr. qnd ::\!lrs. Robert Graef

~maha arrived Satuday for se\- d spent SUllday afterrnoon JO the R.

e al days VISit .1t the Clarence ;~u~~I~e~ar;:i~:lI~I;~i~~I'~'f ~~~ ~~~~:: 11. Thomp<;on home. I an sen home fam1lles at thc ChriS Andersen Mr . .'~r:d .:'Ifrs. Wm. Kant and

The AlVin Ral gsladt family home at pJ(>rce Thanks '1\ In T da ~lrs, Lmd Dangl!erg and. ~aul ~n-were ThanksglVJn~ day dlOner The HaTry MIIlel gfaml~J- ~f Joyed.a no-ho:t fhank;gIVIf1g d.m. g~.Jests at the Clarence Balgsladt Wayne and l\lr and ::\Irs Lc~llc AI- ncr With the r~\'('rctt \\It!C family. hbme m ~orfolk [Iemann \',cre Thanksgl\mg day :Mr .. i;ln~ Mrs. R. H. ~h.omps_on

I Mrs Etta Pernn spent llnnks- d nn' t t th J 1 A and JImmIe had ThanksglVlng dm-givmg da:y \',Ith her sisters Mr$ h~m~~ gucs s a e 0111 smus ncr. with the Russel Thompson

JenctnieBSChrumpf and Miss GfT· Mr. a~d. Mrs. John_ Asmus and' fa!~I?'and M.s. F"cd FCc,·ck". on tl/"u e aycs In \Vayne. Lorna VISited Mrs. f'rcd Trampe I. '. - .~

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dou/hilt of at a Norfolk hospItal Fridi-l.Y. \\i~re \\aync vISItors Saturday. Chicago and Earl Douthitt oC Mrs. Rose Lautenbaugh and I\1i';S ,fhe D~ane Th()m.p~ons \\'(',re Niorth Platte left Thanksgiv1I1g af· Alma were dinner guests Thanks- Sunday d1l1n('r guesls 111 the Ed. tdrnoon for their homes after giving day at the Wm. nabe hom('. Ulmst£'ad home 8.1 ('a.rroll.

Attention feeders! Yes, we have good clean corn for feed

immediate delivery


Dorr f1eed Mill Fred Gildersleeve, Mgr.

Wayne, Neb. Phone 60 1n honor of their 591h wedding

anniversary and also Mrs. L(/)eh­sack's birthday of ,November :J6, Mr. and Mrs. John Loebsack \\,pre surprised at their home Monday evening, November 24. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benshoof Rnd daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Ottn Graef and family, Herbert Petors

spending Thanksgiving day and the Mrs. eOril MdJcr of PlainV1C\\ l\1r: a!ld 1\lrs. 1-.. I.... Pott~r ?f fore part of last w(,ek wllh the spent the latter part of lasl week IIoskms we~c :\lo11day c(l11(,15 In ~~~~~~~!!!~!~!!!~~~!!!!~~ men's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. at the E. T. Vv'arnemunde honw I UJ(' :am .Rf'IChcrf home. . Douthitt. Mr 'lld M W d :\11SS Linda Rarner of \\ ayne

Mrs. L~na Bruse went Sunday in On~aha,~s~rSd:;:~~U;ri~a~~·.ere I spent the \.\cl'k-cnd with her par­to Frcmol'tlt, whprc she wIll make 111'. and 1Irs. Ray Gamble of lents, l\1r. and .1\.1r~ M. W. Barnf'r"

~~ f~i~~rtc~r:l~d ~aa~~~~crsL~~~ Jacob Miller. ~ft('r a social eve­ning lunch was served.

I Imrrtanllci n.efonnf'd ·Church. . ,LclanJ Waller en- (Rev. C. II. Riedesel, pastor J

dinner Junday noon December 7, morning worship the baptism of their 9:45 and Sunday school a1. 10:45.

g,..,nd'~a"gfrter. Pamela Jo Podoll Woman's Missionary socif'ty will . and Mws. Wm. Po- hold a Chdstmas party for hus·

arul Mr. and Mrs. bands and families Wednesday evc­

of J.,incoln and Iln3i,cnog~'7'D"e"ckeimh~~e~O at the August

St. Pa.ul's Lutheran Church. (Rev. H. M. Hilpert, pastor)

December 7. second Advent; Sunday ·school at vices in English at 10:45.

The churoh council met evening of this week at the sonagc. Mr. 1md Mrs. Adolph Miller wcre hosts. Lunch was served.

Ladies' Aid society mf't Wf"dncs-

~~~ira~~e:~~~~hO~~st~~~ m:~~~g.for J The Young Poople's League mf't Wednesday evening of this week.

Deeembcr 6, Saturday church school at 10.

~~I~ ~~~{~('s~;'~'ceni~us~'i~~~pnt:~ Wayne wC're Thank~giving dH~ din- w~;;~:~c~~rsT~~<~r:'~~~7~~0~~;~s~~ I GIC'n Wilcox and moved hcr how:;e. ncr guests of Carl BronzynskJ s. m (he Lf'(.!lanl SImmons IlOme at I hold furnishings to Fremont. The Mr. and ,Mrs. Willie Mill('~ ('n-: R<1ndolph. - I past scve("al weeks Mrs. Bruse has tertained at (i o'clGck dmner I ,'\11'. and Mrs. Clifford Baker I hHd employmc'nt at the J. P. T~anksgivin~ cvenm.g Ihe \Vilfrcd I were Thunk.c,gl\ ing dlnnl'\' gupsts

~om('. Mlller, Alflf'd Miller, Reuben I of M W Barnet's I Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Sydow and Voecks and Glen Roland families. Th~ Clarellf'P' Arkin;:: family

Mrs. Irene McBane and SOilS, Mrs. Rosemary Mintz, who I werf' gu~sts of flII's Apkin~(s par­Douglas and ShC'rman, also Mr. tf'nchps at S!ftnton, sp!"'nt the PillS, :\11". ilnd :\1rs. :'\l'h :-";('Isr-I at I and Mrs. Viclor Koplin ()f Norfolk Thanl{sgiving recess with her son, Ollert, Wf'fincsdGy _ n i g h t and Wf're Tharksgiving dinncr ~ 1 Mylcn and mother, Mrs. Ida K('c- Thursday ThanksglvlIll; morning of Mr. anti Mrs. J. P. POlloc~U:~~1 ly. tllf'Y al1cndC'd a Youlh rally brC'ak· Jack of Norfolk. Guests at dinn~r at lhC' James fasl al tllf' First Baptist church ~t

The HOWard Iversen family wen' Troutman home Thanksgi\'ing day Oh('rt. dinner gj' ('sIs Thanksgiving day werc the Max Lamsf'n family of Mr. [tnci Mrs. Ernest Eldf'r wcre at the Mrs. Anna Andp.rsen Laurel, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Trout- in Waynp Saturday. home. man, Carl Troutman family, V('rnc Mr. and ':\1rs. C. J. NiC'man en-

Mr. an Mrs. Glen Hamm wer(' Troutmn family and uo .:\'('Isen tf'rlain('d al dinner Thnnksgi\'ing Thanksgi lng day dinner guests at family. dRY for the AlfrC'd Millers and the Sam Reichert home. Thanksgiving day dinner Ot to Carstens families.

Mr. an Mrs. Carl Lambrecht at the homc of Rev. and Miss Verna Lane. local high an.d daugJlriters of Laur~l wer.e din- M. HIlpert were: Ivlr. and ::vIrs. Ot· . school lOstructor, spent Thanks· ner gues s ThanksgIVing day at to .Krehnke and Rev. and Mrs. H. L gh'rng with relatives at the D. W. Hoffl1)ap home. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~±~;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;=:.:=~~

Mr. an Mrs. Dewey Jones and ! Chfford. 0 near Carroll were Sun·

~~f~~~nn~O';;e~isitors at the D. W. ,If;t !~/~~~~c('~:'E"'~A'R]~lA" Mrs. dharles Rob e r 1 sand ,;)11,,,$& ""(.,4 II;

Charles 01 Omaha spenl Ih,' week- lREALIT~I.AUTHORITIES HAVE ('nd HI 1 h(' home of 1\1 ISS R('>;s and PROVEN THERE A1U! MICE THAT lrv('n Lellry.

Mr. nmd Mcs. Pele llansen ~ CAN IVIAKE SOUNDS LIKE motved th1ir ~oufiehold fu.rniShmgs THOSe MADE BY SMALl BIROS 10 Laurel FI'Jday. Mr. Hansen has --PRESU~E'DW,ee MERELY A' ~:~;~rm nt in Ihe light! plant at WHiShiNG SOUND COMING

Mrs. Fre Trampe of Pierce at a OR THROAT DISORDERS. Mr. ant Mrs. Olto Grael visited FROMI MICE WITH COLDS

Methodist-Church. ~:~o*r",,~ps~~ta~h~ri~~~e~~:~tinga' You'll feel like singing when you find out how very {Don Gilmer, pastor) '-"I 1 . mtj.jor operation. was able to 1"e. pleasant and profitab e It is when you market your

December 7, Sunday school at 10. tutn to \jler home Saturday. The eggs, cream and poultry at \Vayne Poultry & Egg Co. Morning worship at 11. Trampe family formerly resided

Choir will meet Thurs.day eve· in Winsiete. ning at 8. The

MWF will meet Sunday evenbg, Helen

le~~~"A~~~~!~~t1:J(~D~e;ce~m~!b~e~r~7~~a~t 7:15. Bible study -===t:=====:::::;::; :r: cmesting &unday at 8:15 r'

afternoon of

For more productive flocks use .the original



You'U Make a Hit with the AlitO

Owner with One of These Gifts.

• Gas or Hot Water Heaters • Defroster Fans • Goodrich Tires and Tubes

• 'Fog Lamps • Bumper and Scissor .J acks

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Wlf'll Help YOZt ·Cf16ose a Gift

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I .


week in the parlors for a Thank OIffering meeting Light refreshments were served.

Wayne Poultry &~gg CO. Phone 250 Wayne, Neb.

S~i'rt:z tOil CO~ Phone 7~ , 421 !Main "

WSCS meets Tuesday, 9, with Mrs. Gcrald Hicks and Mrs. Harold Griggs as hostess. ISiRn(E


H 'I d Mrs E1~£'T Phllhps, Mr and MrsT LOCALS I from W!'rln('sday to SU'nda~ Mtss

V.layne gJ\.mg \.I.lth Mrs Ameha Henne) Mr and Mrs \\a}ne Long and

- . I Wayne W ilhams and son and ),lrs "1\\ lima DeBoth of SIOUX t'1t) \\ as ne e ra James Bressler and daughtcrs I Mrs Grant ME'ar" spent Thanks- also herE' for Than-ksgl\·"J.ng_

Mr and Mrs. J M Petersen Mrs Myron Colson and Mrs Douglas of 1"'orfnlk were Sunday , Were In SIOUX City Monday last ClarenC€' Conger Yiere SlOUX City guests at Jens Chnstcnsen's il~~':';:i,fJL;:;"-:+---lL-+ __ ~.-!~ __ g~~~':...:~~~~~~!!..t..~ ___ -+ __ l-___ --: __________ - weeK \lsJ{ors Monda} 1 Mrs f:lza Ross of Wmnebago

h: Mtss BlIverly Johnson. Lmcoln 1 1Ir alld Mrs A.. Sederberg and II \Islted from Tue"rla} to FrJday home. Linda Sue Leach and ,Lin- had as Thanksgl\mg guests, Mr wa" a Thd'nksgnlng guest U1 the Ruth of Kiron Ja \~E're here last \.\('P!k her£' ~11h hIT mothf'r. da Rae Kelley celebrated their and Mrs Dave Theophl~us. Mrs Lloyd Texley home. ~ Thursrla.., and Fnda) \.\.th the I Mrs. Emjma Bakpr, $.he aka \1,:('nt sE'cond birth~ays. A song was ~E'di~ Marg.aret .Th~as, \yayne. Roy The Evan Hamer family. Wayne, I Aldan Sederberg faTTlily. I to AM I1Ierschf'ld's at' Win.<l'Ide. ~cat('d in tholr honor over WJAG. Jones fam.!ly. SIOU~ City. The Roy and Glen Jenkins family werE' ~rs. L. M. RIch and K<lY of Ra-I Thankrgi\'i:ng gUl?'Sts at Myron

:vII'. and Mrs, Dot Ralston ana Jones family remamed till Sunday. I Sun~ay dinner guest::, in t.he Enc.s I~igh. N. c.. arTl~d Thursday to I C.-alson·.s, Wf're the v...~. PenleTick Mrs, Pea t·1 Hendricksen had Mr, and Mrs. Clair T'heophiius WillIams home, The Art Lmk fam~. \"!!'it o\'er the holldays \\i1h the. family. 3-1r. and \-1rs. Ed. Penl£'rlck Thanksgiving di:1nN with Mr, and s~nt Saturday evenmg "'ith ~ 11r. fly called In the afternoon. 1 form('r'~ parf'nts, Mr. anu. Mrs.! and .:Y1f':';. Gla.dYs Thom

P. son of

1'l\1rs.. wm Shuff.'ldt. and Mrs. i'Jorman Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Don Frink and :!\1r. S B. \\ hltmore I DlXGn. Mr. and :\Irs. John Lindahl 1<Trs. Homer Harmer \vent to Rev. and !vfts. M. Reetz and Du- and Mrs. Harvey Frink werp Sun~ :\115." Fr"da De-Both. \'\ ho at- I and Lawr(>nce of Allen. the Jame"

WHyn£' Saturday. ant' were Thanksgiving day supp~r day guests In the Ear) \\"adp ho~e. I lI'nds ()l1urr. ...... a. la .. Ht'l>:,hts a.cade-I' Leona:-d .faml! .... of \\·akf'flelrt. and

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fork were Watson in R..andolph. ter Hamm home Sunday. _:;::;;;;;;;;::-::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::.:;;;::;~ gu('sts at the home of Mrs. Olive Geo. Johnston was at the \\ ai-I my, was hf'r£' With home fl.lks Mrs. \ ('n)c(' Brf'ssler and family.

~:~;~~ake:~:~i~~m~.Uf'sts in the ~1r. and Mrs. John Rabe and Ray Johnston and son nsite-d in ,.-

I Don Idorn spent frqrn Wednes- family of Chappell, Mr and Mrs th~o!:'~an~a~:~~sh7nd SU~;~ond lOB f-

d '~_..I' h h f Burv.·ell Flores of Norfolk were .; rgan ene 11. ay till ;:,atuluay In t (' ome 0 " . f R. nd M' M Dues were Sunday evening guests I . 1: ~t.'onhay \\ltb J;iis aunt. NIrs. Chr.iS "\ndrrson at \IS,tOT'S 0 C\. a ~ rs. . in the Mr.:;. \\ .. R. French ~me. I' .or 1i Chns ~ Norfolk,. Rcttz Sunday. Thursday guests in the George

Mrs. Herb Shuf('ldt spent FrI- NIr. and Mrs. A. O. Haz.e11, Nor~ Stolz home \.I.ere! Mr. and Mrs.:

f I day aftemoon in t he Jim ShufC'ldt f.olk. Mr. ~n? Mrs. John Ltnn, JOP-I Rov B{'{"ker and sOn, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Given by St. 111 ary' s Parish home. 1m. Mo .. KE'lth Reed and £OrJS and Henry Rethwlsch and )'1rs. Anna

I . ente _ Thanksgiving diiY guests in the M~r-C('des Reed, Fremont .. were I Behrend. :

alhost'e'SSp'a - Clyde Wacker hom!' werE' :vIr. and Fnday afternoon callers m the Mr. a.n.d Mrs. GJen Hiill and :vIr,! Thursday, Dec. 4 last v.'e"ek.. Mr;;. Henry V,:a('/{eT. "T.. ~ITd :."Irlar- Albert Bch- Roscoe Jane" hom!". . . and Mrs Harold Halj \\ I'n' In ::\'or-. garet. Betty. Bud and DiC'k, ~lr. Mrs. Eleanor Joot';;, SlOUX CIty. folk M d I

and Mr~. HeTjJ)"' WackC'r. jr. "nd family .5;P£'nt ~p('ht the \\E'ek-f'nd "-;th her moth- 'I Mr. :da~t", 0110 Wagttf'r and family. J\lr. aJlld Mrs. Kf'n B~'Yl'ler week Iff the, er. :'v1rs. Chas. Jo~. Sail' \.I.ere In Xorfolk ]'I.londay and Paul Reinhs of Wayne. to honor j Mr. and ~v!J,<;. Rudy Vlas:ak spent af1e~()(m. 1

' (Mrs. Jim ShufC'ldt WI'~t to Oma- Lloyd's birlhda,Y· . ~a.turday at Schuyler 'Jnth rela-I Sund1'lY guests in th(' GUe; Paul- I

ha Monday for <:f ph.l-"K'al rht"C'k- ::\1r. and fMrs. L SWIhart, tl\I"'S. . ,"'('n hom(' were the Gpo. Han,;en I beclUsc up. G.len JCnk[S , Alber! SWI- . :'ir. and Mrs. Don F~JR~ w('re I famdy. GI(>n Hall fam!ly. Ru;..sf'11

< 1 The 01to Black fdmily were hart famil, of IsJand spent \\('dnesday ;;upprT gu~ts in the Hall famll\' and Re\. :\1. R('etz I ·1 Thanksgiving guests of 2\lr. and ThanK~g"l\'l g In the E\an Hamer J<lY r~rak.p ho::n: In honor of Mrs. family. ~n:(' ~ddi('. Randolph,

Startin~ at 7:00 p. m,


An ev-enmg of fun with luncheon. A q\1ilt will be ~Irs. John iJtlc humt' In \\·~yn('. Fnnks blrthda}. I called!


' ial w1s I Mr. and NIl". John, Getlman MI·. and Mrs. R. H. Marsha!l M('('.tlng o~ t~C' school board was The Eddt(' Jones famil), -Sor-, ~==::::=::;::::;::;::::::::::;::;::::=::::;:::::::::::::;::::::;:=:;

E . w(>re ThR.nksg i\"1n g guC'st.c; m the \~cn' TharlKsgl\lng ·gupsts of the hrlo MOnda:'i. (',en.m);; folk \.\'(,~.f' Sunda\' gu.{,.~ts In the ___________ _ thl ~a P~:l Gcor£:f> Bal'lpls hom£>. Ut/wt" gUf'Sts fOJ"rn('r's p$rpnts . .:vtr. and Mrs. II :0.11". and M~. \\·arr:n Sahs ak~~ Earl Da\I'-, home. . , J.o \\,('I'(' )1rs. Ruth GIbson uf Ran-!Z X. :\18J"~hall at IStuan. Mrs, J~lh.n Sah". LIn("Qln. \'o('T(' neln h Mrs RuhY St.1nflrJrl <;pent

~ ·IlAtldolPh and sons. Roht,rt (I.nd BII1.1:'11ar'ihall ,td hahy hod ~pt'nt lhe g!\"ing and OVE'Tnlght gue>sts In t CIIThankSglYltlg'at Irpnf', S. D, \'\Jlh

given away

,WI iun~~ I \\ ho al'{, ,.t;p(' unIYf'I·slty I \1..('ek the!' and relUrn(>d home I ArThur COOk. home. Duff. were, hf'r Sisler. . I :\1)' and :\11"" STanlp\ of'11I'hur~d'i\ (kenmg. \Tr ann ~rs. JOE' } J I \'lr~ GriffiTh Edward", and :'!!ss i \.\·;IY~(,' 111". anti! )'Ir'!'i Re']'Plt l .:vlrs. il.1~rk Se]}ol SIOUX City., ;:::'U~d~.y ~\·('~mg gu('~ts of Ih(' 1m I St:l'rah WE're in ~orrolk Frid,ay. : Slanl{'\', Don.:lld . and. !,Jm-I Tha/tlksgn'l1lg IWith her par- F)I(hl('k~on. Vi:.'p 1 l\Ir~. Wm. ),.1111-.; had Thank"g:\,-

, i !I,' of Kansa" :'110. J Stan, Mr. hnd Mrs Frank Sellon. )Ir. ann ~rs .. art~m l:U s~n I mg dmner With her daughtl'r. ?-.Irs. \\'!s'I' l~\' and Jeanenf" Ponca, a:1dl ;\Ir and :'Ir". Arjhur· Halleen. \\r.rf' Su.nday eYenmg ca.) ro:; lO'Allan Perdue H s- H~.d){'rt ::\'If'n.l;m \\<'!""(' ThanksfTJ\" \\'auscl. Thut·sday In the' tht, \T. \\ Ahern ho~e S d hi I John GathJP. :\Iar{"u!'. Ia ~r)('nt

I ~~E'J ~nt~r'lln~ da~ ~:Ut,,,I~ In the {,Iaurl(' stan-luanaI'd horrc. ,:\. I~ <l:"\rl \Irs. GI.lb~rt I ~n .~ p ThanksgivIng With hl~ mOlhl'r Jt1

. 0 nSlfil

hornl'. :\Ir and ;"'lr'i EH'*ett Da\'IS and <lnd ,hr U B MOTTl~ ami ~~' l~-lwayne and [nemb In Carroll. M t~ j!tIt~ I ~.!a(' La~(' \\;1» a Fnday LaurH', :\Jr' and Mr~ D. J. Dei\')s Fnday 5':UpPf'r ~f'.sts In the . ·1 Mr and ::\Irs. I aul Pplrrson.

rs, . ~ 'I (~"·(T-tllg:hl <'Uf'q in t hi' I Llns P,('th-i and Ch'u :'lId" w('r' t'ntc'rt cuned Morns hrm.l(,. . 'I v,,·ayne. w{'re gup<.,l.s III 1 h<> Jim VOlk. ' \\lsch horn(~1fl Wavnc. I Thursd<J.\ Ill(' \ rs. ;"'1ary Ed- Thr I~·pn r.ra\·f'~ fattn~ly\~'eg Hampton homf' Sunda}. D.lr ann

, Mr. ar,d :\lrs 11 C Flli"pn.lrick \Hjrd~ . , ThntlKsgl\'lng gut'"t<; In 1 f' ·1\11'''. FayI' Hamilion. Frf'mont., . I ioJ );<)l"j,)11.:: ,t:ld ~'[r. ilnd :\\1''' JJan~ l»)('K and qmily. nmahn. Gr;lvt'<; hon:I' ;jt Bun\'('I1 'd' "ere- TUi'sd;IY g-Uf" ... I" Ihf>re '

Fnday ("(f'-~R('!h\\I""h spl'nt Th;lll!;<';~l\'JrI" JIl'hadT}luro.;daysuppl'1' Jfl Ihe Tl'd (Irll~ \\llll:im" ~p"n! Fn a)-I Mr. and ;VIr-. C1}r1t' Pernn hild

an~(J~I~j i ! he Bruce EddU' h( mC'. "I FU(J"o.; . \\ I~~lr h:~~(~('~;rsGr~I\~~~1 :vIorri<; and ! Sunriay dmn('r WII h .:'vIr '>. Anna ::\tfel Har- I :\1r. and MI;~ '1'1));1 !{"Il('rts spf'nt . ~lr'- J(J.rll'l~ Pick Jon,es .Jn~{'f' "\Tr an(l' -:\1r<; Slank'\' :\lor- II \3{·hrf'rn:i. Ft'11 I Thllr-.day (i\~nlnt.;" III till' Art Lq;t, , lam:!y of ,Umaha. ·.d. Ulm.slf',ld . .. II' :\1 < nd ~lrs . _____ . ___ _

'(;la(~~;~! hume . II fanlll) wI'rt~' T?ank. gJ\'ing dmner ~~h r-;-;,~nc,n~rn:-:d M~: ~nd M~: I ~F.GAL "SOTICE. II ".1 ::\·lethodl~1 Ladi,"" .\id i~ spon- gu('sls m 11H'.I)dl "1iUfPldt home. D . F h' S nd'3vsupperl };otice IS hereby gl\Tn In Com-

!J~~ns ne

a hI.lZ~l,[)'. ff!()d ~,d" 'ind :\1r.. and ).lrs. \\. R. ScniJt1cr uf'a<:~~ inr~~~ J~\f'r:;:tic~e~ ho~'lf'.· plmncc \\"J.th Sf'CtlO~ I 16-:.!OL) I ~ ,_

. q I chiC' Ken SUP[lf't· lJl'(·emlwJ" __ 6.: and (hdrl:'s and D l:ot.hy Hamer gu Alva Ronta, 'Ak>xandria, 8)€nt 1 4011 . C S. Supp .. 193, .. that Thc \ oi-

I Saturday. Adml";':'lrJl1, ddult~, ':::lei ,v('nt 10 .:\ebnlska It.., tv spend the wE'f'k-end in the Harold Bonta lage of Carroll IS go 109 to sell to,

met Friday and chddrC"n. ;)IJc.. .. d4! ThanksgJ\~lng \\Jth uk John Schot· homf'. I P. J. Church Lot One and the I M wlh I n. R. Thomas. ('ecli and \ lOla I t¢r famlly. M. d M S J. H Ie and Mrs. :North Half of Lot Tv.·o, Block SIx.!

1 b r'l· d' and Rodnf')" Thomas \'\ ere Thanks- J ~lrs. \\. R. .rrrnch had as ""1 r la1 n T' 'h'·b;l; V''/ vnE' wrre First Addition to the Town of Car- ! c U .p ar:m~ I . \. l' 1·1 j k . t Ravmond IVarn a I s, il.. of () h nd ed f D etln gn'IOO' guesTs in the \ . lOm- Hin ~gJ\"ing guC's g, • S d d'. guo S"ts·n the 'Walt I roll for the sum ne- u r ,


Sa~ M~ b7 ~ Us In--. SitJJII N_ PistfnJ Ring:s in roar

~ ""'. e;rl"-Mak~ ytlur car RUD Jkttcr~ .~ ~-':f ..... lo.<~. N~ P"ton R_' Will (I) K~p 011 down--(2) Keep • p~r ttp--(3) GIve .mooth. new

• ~ motor opentwn-(4) G~"9'e lon~ ... _ life.

COMPLETE MOTOR REPAIRS ModeI'D Silop EqalplDellt _ Sldlled .... chaDIt;s to

see that yoa Slri co"plete satidactlon.

EASY PAYMENTS 0. 0- Ado Repair bd9'!t PlalL I .. _dla" 5er-ylce and Atte1rtio.

~11 b~ceDf'~ I as h~lf" In V."aync. '1 1te family, John Hansen family. ~n (' a~o~~n(>~lr :'nd ~rs. Henry Dollars on the 6th day of Decem-: G I ~h· \.1rs C1audc D::J.ile'Y. ~1r>;. Dc:]ch l\tr. <lmd )'1rs. Duan(, French. Mr. L g .. , _~. 'h" aft ...... n.n....... ocr ]947 and convey the same by'

a (' \. qS-1 . . J T \, D' k 'd <Igl"' "·I"l ',1 In ~. ,. ""'."'. .' , :\1. I) lU; Hul"l\)ert and l)oJ"OIlh} \\'cnt 10


a d ::\hs. Oy. lJJCl'(er, Ie dr :\1 .d M MauriC'f' LagI"' nnd QUIt Clrllm Dt'{'d. . C II Ate . rs. a as Waynt> Saturda..,. 1 ush, (,1;lI'ener G!'~nquist family Mi(';~('~n'l.\·;rf"rsThtlrSri3\' guf'<:t~ in \\- R Srrihner, ! orye U 0 O.

() fl ).1()1'1'If, anu had Fri· anr! :VIr. anu .:\lr" .. P,d'\.H I"l JOtJm,~I~l 1h(' :\11'<; Clar:1 Bf'hrf'·n home in n20l3 \·lllagl' ('Il'rk i I cIa} ('\'("ni'l~: 1'1lPJl"i \\ \11' amI! ;t.lr". and ),'lrs. (ad .T. F.ldfnck R II I

\,,1;]<; M,·s. C'. JI Morris. and dauqh!er. ShilJ'l. Ann, and ~~;n·'1nrl :vfr<;. Orvillf' JT.'lrrisnn ) .. fr. and Mrs. John Boughn of j 112 East 2nd 3' \-lr an(i:\lr~ (1 n :\\f!lTi'- SIH·nt lJalC' AlluD of Dem'I' ., \ lS11f'd fl·om .J D I· ('nt Sunda;y ('\'('ninrr Randolph obser.:('d thpir 571 h wed- j b~J~~ F;iua'y af!(:rn;,;Jfl lt1 :-"·or[oJk... Iwron~day un.l11.':;uridaY,las~ \\'('ek ~~(Ra~:~('~~e~':~. <>tdJ~.~ngiainnir.i·oi"'i·airyiNi'OVieimibi"rilhi·ii~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~.;;,i;: 29. at tlhe The John Jian .... l'll \lSlt~d h~'l·(, "11h}1!'s .. Udrr'lC"K;: parf'nts, Sun·rlay gu~~ts in the \'ermund

Telephone 152

Sholes. H~'S- Thursday ('venin£:; \\Jlh .:'>'[anE'1 ::\[1'. and .. :\Jflr.e;. \\arrt \\mgett. :--;plson home were Orville Harri-P t M Hans£'n in Waynf'. . .:'>Irs. :r ranC1S .P~rr n an.d Tommy and Ralph Hf'ndricksons, ~:;i J n~ Sanka Thomsf'n, DI)"011, was a F,~E'mont ,are \Isltin WIth Dolph ~oan~~el. Elmer Pestels, Pilger, and

gitlts. Thursday dmnf'r gu('st H1 the Fr('d H!lI{'rs. " C'larf'n~ Nelsons Eckert ilOnh'. . Lt. ~Iorgan Hiller ~ent to Fre- Th(' DDn Frink" and Glen Nel-

G E. ~O~f'S . and family s~ent ~ont sunday and returned Tues- "0n<: ga\'P <l weddmg daryc{' at the Thank"gl\·lng m the Lester \ olk dja}~. ~ . Lions pavilIOn in ('alTon Saturd~. hGJ01e Cha;., ::'Iillls. Jacklson. )'liss., is Thf' Walt Rrthwiscl1 fanuIy

lone Jones who atll'nd.:; DCJ<lne much Impro\'(>d and \\a~ spf'nt Sunday aftf'rnoon in the Ray college at CrOte'. came Wednesday I to dille \\1111 ft'lends for Jenkins hom!" 10 spend ThaJ1ksgl\,lnl::~ 1h1th her. Ml'<;. \\'<tltcr Reth\vi!'ch and parf'nL<;. Mr ~lnrl !vlrs l, E. Jonrs B0111l1l' Lou Ilar!TIf'l", Jackson, daughtf'l'S wpre in Vlayne Frirlny. She r('turnro Sunday. sent wonl to hn ~randpar- Mr. and Mrs, \\lalt('f Rf'thw]<;ch

l I Mrs. Elma }l;;\'('tlIT nnd EJt~n lind ':\lrs. HUITH'r Harmer, n"d Connie v,'('rc in Sioux City W11h 'and Mrs. E L. P"Ht"son wcrc Ih she \1·a5 spendi~~ the Thank~- W('dnesday.

Inl('n Norfolk Frrday. hoi days in Clilcago with so- The Lynn Lc;;om famlily !\pent Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Pearson were nority slstJers. Sunday in the Henry \lioss home

Sunday dinn('r guests at Robert '\-Irs. A,. Texley. dalled on Mrs, in Hoskins. Gemme-II's. Homer Hlarmer Friday, also on Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, Johnson

Mr. and Mrs, Frank .Griffit.h Mrs. 2\1a~Jc Dillhei'/lner and Ron~ spent Saturday evening in the rpent Thanksglvmg day \v1th thel'r nle. I C1aMl'nce Morris home. son, Stanley Griffith. at Laurel. Mr. and Mrs. QUo Black, Mrs. Mt. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson

The Wend~l Eddie family had Pearl Hehdrickson' and Mr. and Friday evening gul$ts in the

Thursday din:ner ..... ith the Alex Ed-, ~~.~~n~~~~~y t~~~e~·~~~rtgOa~~r~~~ Swanson home. die.s. . c "'I Thanksgiving guests in th(' Axel

Thanksgiving day guests In Black, Ogallala. Surnday Mr. and Smith home \vere Mrs. Wm. Prit~ Charles Whitney. home were Mr. M~r~I~~1:J"~71~'nhd('~c~oso~a~;:'lhe chard. Tom find Allen. Norfolk,

an~:,rsLe~~;cr i;:lTe~~,ll.ArIe~n ()tto Black family Were Thanks- ~na~(~\:rj~~h:i~~.f~:'IY~!ir.1\~~:' and JaniC{> w('re In Wayne Friday. gl\'lnt gu('!>ts in the John Otte 'Wm~ KI~('nsang and Mr. and 1\[rs.

InlerdcnnITllnatlondl prayer home. Lewis Johnson. mecting was ,held Sunday ('YCnlOg Thf Dot Ralston family, Virgd Delores Baird, Omaha. ~pent at the Baptm church. Shufeldt, Dand City, and Ed. Shu- ThanksgIving with her parents,

Mary, Ann;Evans was a Friday [reldt family were Sunday guests Mr. and Mr.s. Fred Baird. evening ow'r+night guest of Doris in the WI~l Shufeldt home. Thelma Woods, Hastings, gpent

Bo;~e;s·Dot ~Ralston family., Jim hi:U-Unr~:~i~~r:e:,:~:nM~e;a~~: Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. T. M. Woods.

Bostete[r and Gene Texley had rr Vanderbilt ami Mrs. Amanda The Wm. Swansons, Clarence I oyster $;uppet at the Joe Duffy !Meeker, Randolph.. Morris family and Lewis John.sons

I home Thursday eVening. 1'IJ/e;~?ed~ur~~~~rhO~:s~er~n ~r~ were Thursday evening guests in

weir:t~~~d ;~~n: s;c:s:~lc was and koss, Van Fossen and children. th~~:: ~~~~~~~dh::,~: 'Leo Jen-Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Wittier of Mrs. A~lan Perdue and Miss Be- sen Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.

Randolph. Fro.nk Lorenz and son, latrice 11ft were In Norfolk Fri- Chris Peterson'. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gumey:, of Randolph, John Hamm day. Jensen, Mrs. Johanna Jensen, \Vin­family, Forrest Nettleton family, E~ward Jenkins, Lincoln, was a !';ide. Martin and Ppter Jensf"n and Mr. and Mrs. 'Ray Peterson of Wis~ IweeU~encf guest in the John Owens Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pfeiffer;

practice Mon- ncr, Mlr. and Mrs. Chris Hansen home. ; I and E~l Shipley fax:nily spent Miss Bonnie Lou .Owens, Crete,

pn".,. "' •• '''''. Thutsday, Sunday \\lith Fred Lorenz to honor spent thd- week-end In her parental Owbs. his birthday. ~ home. MIT. and Mrs. John OWens.

, Mrs. Hans IRcthwisch of Wayne I~ Maryl.n Owens, Madison, spent and Mrs. Art. Lage spent Friday he W('('I!t-end with friends in Om­aft(>rnoon with Mrs. John Grifjr, jr.1 ha.

Mr. and Mm. John Grler, jr., and The Johnson family and family and Dorothy and Bob Ed- Mr. ~b Johnson were

"r.,cljlmDJa •. ! die and AI. Goodman were Thanks~ in the John N. giving day guests in the Barton in Laurel Bailey home. . McDonald family,

Ri~~:roO::es~~~~~ ~=~~~~ ur:ee J~~~r ~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Walt Miller of W~yne ha'd'a no-hos~ Thursday dinn$' in the W. \V. G3jrwood home.

Mr. and MIls. Pete Cll'\I"C~ ~pent --,. ••••.. ~. _·· .. ··J~I Thursday at Tom Church's.

<alUed! Frid,,. Mr. and Mts. Claude JIoe' ,Bea:ls had: in 1he Beach'


Pancake Day at Carroll




Saturday, Dec. 13 from 2 p. m. llntil 6 p. m.

Court~sy Df the Carroll American Leg-ion Post, the Lion.: Club, and the

Fire Department in cooperation with Dixian8 Pantake Mi"{.


Pa c~ke fating Contest Prize~

.11 I

",~"''''~!CJlIi.ftt4»:>V~''''~" "H '~l




B.ubeck bfjHOfCldt of Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. nnd Rus.~('ll Adams rcl<1tJves there . I dinner guests~b"Delbert Nolte of Dixon, Mr. and </.11 of Al1C'n, w~re Sunday

Stolle famliy were I Mr Clnd MI S F'n'ti TarnJw and" I Mrs. Gilbert Rauss, Paul Wischhof g4f'sls in the HaITY Sam-at Vern Sievers' d<1ughlf'r, ~1r ahd l\1rs Henry Em)'} Grevcs, J~e Wi1!'1~ns, and Carl. PaUlsen: '" h1mc

John Fischer en- Tarnow unit son ,InrI Mrs Mdry Laasc, Errnard Koehs, Mr~ .. Pic. Billy Martin of Scott l<.I~ld, I ent:y n.icdt'1 family of l-Il-InE('n and family were ~:-;UI>pe." ~('(l, LrlllS , Henry Greve, DelOriS Ill., was here from ThanksgiVing \V{'r(' Sunday dinner guests gues1s at Gpo. DinJ.:lagc's. n~vc and Ervin SlCbranclt w.erc until Saturday evening with Mr. in!! the HO]I'y hom nom('.

guests, th(' \Valler Burhou] s, \\'ill - Mrs. Jam('s Smith and baby. from nr r W i)-me ""hlic she had Korlhs. Bentun Nicholson,." AI\"ln 1 Mr'. and Mrs. Fred Jahdl' \1.'cre J{. n. RC'ctor of Los Angc,jcs, \\Olkrr\ r r d fnend Long""', I,('~t£'r Korth", JErncst I'S .. un(bY luncheon visitors at H{L. rry Miss JacquE'linc. H('i!ebcrg, who Mr un I Mrs JOnes and

"i;e~~;i;~~iii;i,i;f.f.;ii;ii;;;;;~f.;i"iI'-HiHiHi~ Frever!.'> and Mrs. Mary ~ran . .,en t(Jllt",.,. Monday the StolIC's \~'cre teaches in Woodbme, la., and 1'in- famJlv f np,{J \Hre

Thc Wendcll I J{o:}'t hs' ad as s l[Jflcr gue~ts at John Gl'cve's, and Mrs. Orra Martin and Mr. a.rid MJ~s Ir I IIcdth n turned homp

.. and f<lmdy. ~ at the Carl Sil'vf'rs farm sale.' He ley HpOf'berg of Lmcoln IC'ft Sun- TI~anksg \Illg dlll:1cr guP,ts III the Ml·. and l\"l:·s. W. C. Ril!lg and I. Ml".s. Stolle's father. , day after spcnding~ ThanksgIVing Lestr r \ Ik hornp



,O,II/fI' prlces~

1\1(,l'le, i\1r. and 1\1rs. (;('0. BU~irk, J~n~I.I{' Tarno\\'" ,~nde;~'rnt a here in the Mrs. r:lorencC' Helle- Thr ldor Kuhl had Oli\"cr .10I1n."on uno :\'11'. Iljd Mrs. tl..lllsllccturrly .at 'VI- akeLcld last berg home. Mr. Rec;tor had hoC''n Clun' nllsi-::lrk of Lincoln \ .(')"(' at \l·l'l'k. hcre a weck with his parents. Mr. r~n~r~:;; ,d\~n~~I~~nnlC' r Ilop-turl<;C'v d!llll('l' at A. \V. Do ph·s. TIl{' Louils Tpst family, Mr. nnd and Mrs. L. F. Il('ctor. and with

• ~'Jl's. Otto TC'st and Junior, Paul his sj>.ter, Mrs. l-lclle\)erg, and J\1) drd \11.., hIll J( oLlnc, i1nrl H('nc,chkc ;:Ind Junior Utecht vislt- family. I~W{) lhllr n'n Ilj ';In('oln and 7>1

Stanley. H.lng and Betl) IAndre­scn of SIOUX CI\),. i\Ir. anrl Ml'S Herman lIan<;('n of South' SIOUX

do Ilt Itudnlph Longe's last \\"(,pk- ...... " r Clnd :VIrs Anl()n ! ('1(,l'sf'n. :\lrl.rga-and. 1-:mt! Kai was a Thursday ,MIsS Ja~lcc . J.ohnson hold dS n·t and I:: diP o~ n{',lr C<lrroll were ~inn('r vlsitJor \\ccj{-end guest~ In .the Dr. J. R. Thanksgl (linnn guc"t.." in the

MI:. D.:d M~s" E,ug('ne I?obbs of Z~~~:~sn O~om~~llJ~ll~:m~h~~~<;t~~ Carl JC'n" .1

-----~--------.--- Saturday \'JSltor'~ at L. J. Bre!:>s- \,vlS\h ~~nle 1\1 c(' IS <lr~ ~\ ~?rt tin :\J;tdSl n hUJnf' \~('I(' :'Ilr. Clnd Siou.X.CJlY werc friday I1lght andl:\I' L . L. 21. 1 f f' .'. Th;lOks I\ing ;':11'St<; III th(' :'I<1r-

~ kr·s. fO~ '1 e;, IJSS

C 7e~.J"' CI~ Illg Mr.>..;. ~()r, an Cl,lrk !lnd Pamela

Wayne City Hig Mrs L. J. Br('ssIcI' and Joy were ~ ~n t Cha~ a, ~., -' IS.';. ~lt.ty I and :\11.'-' Ellen P.fJlJ\J[no., of CClrrc..J1 Junior Class SIOUX City Fnday at funf'ral car I ~ ~ p~u, 1 ~n~, ann \' I~S and til!' f· \"('I"clt ]{()liIJIf1~ LIt111lv

fur Joy'" Wayn~ college A;~r~r(' ~;l~d('~;,t~;l~OI~:,~;;~~~~:;~ 1 Hurt.ingtr n. "

,roomm:l.t(',. ~):arl~nl' .Phi!11P~, .~~ en'~ college in Denver and left MJ~>"; n IIl"!:lth the Presb~t('rldn church. She \\as S l' f thaI I' I J Il Don;!!d f "A Date With Ju~y" Ian tlccI(knt \'ictllll Wcdn('soay, J~I~~;~n ~~ok Hlf'C~/'t() )~inC(Jln" ]nJln Thl rc,d;ty .Joy \\<1$ at spr"\"j('Cs fur the uthcr w'[H'rf' thcy mC't Go\'. V;!l P('tl'J'son

FRIDA Y, DEC. 5 H p. m.

City Auditorium'

.'''dllll ... 11i~~h s. Imol .-.;tll(! .. nh

(;nHlp sl'hl",1 stlllknt ...

11!("luti( Ii J


$5 .. 98

Plastic Refreshmlent Set

~;~~~~i~~~ ~('~bf~.~ .$1.00 Crystal clear [J];I~lic" '1 gohlets, <1 stcm slwt'fJt'ts, and 1 flltclwr.

Marx Mechanical Tractor

Watch them climb pa-"s up obstacles 79c

I' ~hristmas




1 <;onl, :\('I .... on

5·in. Mechanical Racer

Wind it and watch it go speeding by 39c

9C t" 97C I I



SETS ~1;)() t" ::;15()()

GRIESS Rexall Store

\\"a.\lw. :'\"dl.

Cab-over-Engine' Truck

He'll lo\"l' to IOdd and haul ~uPJlIJ('~ 25c

SU1'p-grip en(1Il's3 ruhbC'l' tr('acls. Driver in the' sea!. Has ~pring Ahout'7 in. Inn;..:. 11<-<lv:, gClugc Spring motor, k('y 10 \\,lmd it up. wind-up mutor, balloon wheels. st('('1. Bilked (naflH'i fJnl~h.

with Mr'. Baden's parents at B.::tttle Creek.

The Roley hom family wC'rC' Thanksgiving dinner guests in thC' Henry HJ('riej hom(' near Pierce.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hansen and Sharolyn Kay of Hartley, came from Co!er'jdgc Friday. Thcy

bu·n Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Hansen's mother, Mrs. Aug-us­ta Hans('n. They vi~jt('d hpre \vith 1frs. IIanspn's mother, Mrs Chris-

Ed Kalin and Lyle :-'lll~er humps ncar Coleridge.-

Mr. and Mr~_ Eul) H'llIkr~;ast

and tvv'O' children {jf l'ldlllVlcw werp Thank<;gi\"in:..; gur'si- III Ille Thomas Cnl.vcn horne.

Mr. and Mrs. ()sc;lr CII'I"()n of Fremont and Mr". :Jnu :'111>..;. LI.:{)TI­ard Simmons and d'lUL;hlr r Randolph wer(' ,sunlld'" ~ue"ts in the ro.,Irs. Anna Cll bun Home.

I\"Ir. and :'\1r<;. B. H. S{"h;lvr of } Iartington were thl' 11rs. Chri~tJe

III the IWn1('.




• Your home buij,JICIC; (Ie,llar ",ill buy c:rC.Hcr home value if you have the pLn:.:,),~ ,i),uqance o(c~mJ~c[cf1t architects;

Such hel" i~ J' , i,tiJjc.: to "uu hCfe Ji1 tile W'crerhaeuser 4-Square I J( ,·~~C Bud,lln.~ Scrvrce. 1 lie :--cr\ICC fcat~rcs scores of new \)( I'll dc~igns Whldl ~la'fe roecn '~l~cl!' planned to assure greates( v,dues .. You ""lIl IlnJ all the JC~lbns fully illustrated: Complete workIng JrawJngs, matcflal


lists. anJ spclifilJ.tions are av.1JiJ.bic. • .;,' I ~

feel free to S[uJy and use this Service. Dr()p In anJ see u<; anyume.

Carhari: Lumber Co. Phone 147 105 Main




;Pf~~sf~~~:p~~~~~~~~~e .10c

