tat h - wayne newspapers onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/wayne herald...

J I II to :Supplement. th is ap- propriation. Direet.ors of the I east Experimental Farm Association ,spearheaded the fund drive, with about $10.500 collected so far. Slightly over 60 per cent comes from banks' with the balance from prloducers', elevators, feed detlers and Ii a S IT) Js 8 e n, Plainview, donated $2,00P which he won as an awara for exceUence in pO'rk pro- duction.. Cement et Bids for Concord iPro WO WORKERS repainting the auditoriurtt ;brighter port of the co'n -.be s e" "iftd eiHng at Winside ore shown on the job. Left t'O -Ithem. : .. :1, ight are Chris Weible and Jim Jensen, The I " I I " University of Nebraska 'tdS totaling $30,000 hav. e.h set lor \.hhe projeot. fUnd drive among swine ilnterestJs in 'Ne- is being cornlucted I i I The initial st-rudures fcir he'swine research center t the l'\ortheast Station, oncord, have been sched- led for construction with Of a bid for 14,400' by1 Vakoc C onstruc- ion CO' J Lincoln. Two ousing-management units re in tbe bid. University of 'Nebraska ekents approved t:.he bids Iii urs day, according to .1 D. Fritschen. s win e rbjeet leader. He stid the ·ts are two, of six crow- f :ijter ... ,July completion J aimed at for two co-ncrete tilt-up houses. One will have open fr'ont facing south while the other will be completely elfl'closed. Pens will be par- tilll!.Y slotted. IAII buildings. will have the , slme basic floor plan with 12 pens desigped to hold 10 pigs each. Frit6chen ppints out that one of the ?bjectives is to compare performance of pigs in the in an The <Dverall purpose of . e Concord project is to nswer questions,,/:-on{ront. Nebraska swine p.ro- a Clonfinement or semi-eoy." ,at 8.n increaSing.\y PJlce, according."to Fritschen. H Wayne State College dis_ missed for the second term 'b e for e many could be signed up for the Queerj. of Nebraskaland competitilon. All college girls from Ne- braska are eligible. \1iss Nebraskaland will, be ch0 sen from queens selected at Nebraska col- leges and universities. She ,reign for ¢me' year. A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded tothewinner by the Coo per Foundation. Each of the girls going to the finals will be featured as "Hostess of the Month" in color in Netlraskaland, Magazine. ' Last year the WSC repre- sentalive was Jolene Pear .. son, Wakefield. She re- ceived a rodeo outfit and several olther ·honors in addition to her trip to the state oompetition. A pageant is scheduled in W Wednesday, May 3. At that time the girl to repre'seIlit WSC will be chosep. t' Any college irl wanting more informat on ca'n con- tact Loren Kamish in the student activities oflicEj 'at the sludent center. He, has details on the f.rizes/and other benefits. Kindergarte" Pupils Hold Allen Roundup A scbedule has been ar- ranged for the kindergarten roundup at Allep Tuesday, Wedne sday and Thur sday ule ...vas arranged so there would"be no large group one day 'with a small group another day. : Allen "PTA is assisting in Hf: roundup for parents and Ql'lildren. THose coming to t:.l\e sessions from; 9:30 to lili each day will inviled to have I under PTA splonsQIshilJ. Cb il dr en' invited 'with PRU!ts4 are who will be e rightl age to enter kin? rgarten ,ith'is fall. They be five: years old by 15 .in order to attend.: blanks al'e aVf'laP18 from Mrs. Bar ra Heming, kind •• gar ,D or Sup 1 Mitchell. I commodate the lhous,nds expected. In case of rain, May 5 is the second choice for the event and- if it rains the event. will be moved La May 9. Wayne Chamber of Com- merce, the State ·Agricul- ture Extension Service and the far m department of \VNAX, Yankton, are co- s po n III 0 r in g the event. \Vayne Jaycees and Mrs. Jaycees win operate con- cession stands and Wayne implement firms and' other area businesses will help out in putting on the event. OppOrtunity "ix-row llJ-inch and ,tll-imh row :-,Piating will be demonstrate'd. In k ee p i II g \'" i t h modern technology, machines will! plant, apply fcrlilize,r and weed I Demonslrations are to be repeated at haU-hour I Seek WS Queen Candidates· in land v'<'it hout prior and III land (hal has plow('d. rn ,\ j 0 r manufac- of fa r rn ('quipment reprl'sentpd. In ac1- :,', of ,,,,,l ;,,; ""l e C A list. of h., "'It. ' a living pichue.in- Jhe characters B.8 ton." I;n the skitJa men () the var au Ie...' J pre,sentation put on the scene will take Wats'on, LOf1ha Harder, mltteels wail 'fIve .-11 . :Ji y the Wayne County lIis- part. I n. AI .. , Chat men ar: I' •• l I :;.' orieal Society, will be, Wi "; girls' sextet will vin Schmode, Dou Daniel.· MT'Sl IlblSCh J It;. ',given Tuesday, Apr. 25, at sing bttfore scen,e Three: 8on,,!ougStan.loy, ,elsren; cit ,e" .;' •. " IR p.m. in the Wayne City "Pia eu School." Teacher Butle "and Fret! athcrda. Stav,IDargurz r r' -' ,j Auditorium. Proceeds will \ViIl b, Penny Schlueter Th II menlS"l,'Est'her L f8 c.... Ir gq.toacounlymuseul\J1fund. with Pokell Linda ung] Y: ,hive. will lu,mel' Mrs'l t-e ,'•• d,.1 I Truck Backs Into ,Dr, T, II. McOonald,' Kay arid Dann.y an'd Julie ()nj hOlt!>. a h•. ..... !,.I kd d IwSC, will narrate. Com_ Ahlv the children S T ' es,sesl David The i", .' Par e Car Tues ay mitlee in charge includes :\ trio after : of 257 Judge nd Mrs. Dl)V 1I.....r rhe \\aVllc cil.v police I Ken Magill, chairman, whic Scene Four will be ;ln g .vue,fea- er, M.r llnd Mrs,' hoT," l"ilJie lIarms Dorothy give Enlerlainl.' jr.j: accidenl Kabisch and 'Opldie Le.on- men Pioneer men . II S a s, ; P,hyn;11fo ,l'l ..... I, ard. and olmen will be portray- y Lrlnda! Prelston.' St I h.,.-,.'· pa'rtment trllck driven by I Opening number will be edb N1ertonHilton,Darold h wlll follO I · rs, NorhB the tolar guardinuniforrn,s Kra maer,'E:lhardtPosp. is_ w,ll, 10'16 out n.iakellP" "1 e nry L Y,' 'ac... Earl FUll$S backE'd ir,llo a wo"n ,'n tho -'"VI' e b lb'o velllug I " c; y hil, Marilyn .', nt". l'U r owned by men weabn them M n of Dor Kahisch and'Goldi'e ,1\ lol of wdrk thas been Prodqerlj Mrs, I of \\ ayne .. l'oil.c8 f Winside Wa;ne e will Leo at d . . pul into maki'1g l e sqenes Harold Hein nnd M I, WH- ,)ffl[e 7 I.. [. In-, "Salute Our Countr 's De- I and 0 t II lhEt fr' d d \,p<;llg:alcd thf' fenders." y . r.' Man; mer ,J,t'C6Sj an II vam::e I I j t 1 II' .s.n a solo. Scene F Ive WIll .. Uckel: Ellthe'r w llC 1 q,CI\fI'I, a : p.m. S tl>II. "p. at thei 1111', block on [.:. foll "Oldlime Medicine Winside Hail" 'New' C,'h, A dOt· 0 , 1,111 stn>pt. \0 Hunzeker and Leon' Mil .":. Leon ellis will be, . iii ,-I, UI gJ\,Pfl on be the pioneer.couple - the man with Winside II "new" afteri}lollrs of roll r skat. WIth Ua d J I \hl Sa ra Gable his assistant. auditoriutn. It iN nol hew lng. 1ffuey will be inhhed \n invc<.;tiJl;;d.ionwasabu vers t. - To n people will be played in that il is ,in Slime so are b llroom.. lll<ldp concl'rnLllg a co.m- Kitchen Klatterettes by group'from the en- as it. ha!-. been smo?!-hl.) , '-I dug- rll.nnlng Band, made "uP of women ter bee. for years but any'one going d""J! ha J I he "wnpr ..... con- of the county.' will play dote Scene Six Brian inside will think lhey are b 81 r at t n t tIJp animal was followed by Scene Two: Ne sgn will [:jlay an organ board has ordered a complete ?lace, pf the grub fi'lal s. K, de Freese as renovating ,and "complete" l!I a flr'5h 10 I_ 1st r,; Mrs. Garlick is the word, From the CHairs ·are boln as the bride and Bob Stan_ moment one - into the and ¢l.l ett WOifk. b, ei g f on •• Ie as the gr ,om. new gentryway right on The k tchen work it> Un-· through to the stage and isheQ, In aU, tw weeks rs. Morris Anderson kitchen it look:'. new. will; e 0 the wi I ising a song followed Floors ,-have been sanded reno!VatioD. be a,dded lo lhe inilial sta ing amount of uno. Anyone who! ha s not reg\. istereu may do so al the register .. The Chamber of 'i("ommerce uffice can'sup- 'ply a Ij;;t of those business places in and near Wa,.yne -;pons·oring the drawinR'. Tilla I elDaYl Plans Readied I. 1'1' I' tat e j' ---h\-I----'-I-------,------r---r----...I--.:----I- HOSKINS CENTENNIAL boostel"5 indude thts i men of the Brush" pins. Left to group at ICommercial Bank. :rhe women I, ore Rluss Rathman, Sandy Lenx, Bey. Schwede, are showing off "Centennial Beltes" J)ins and the I II Shirley Mann and Ed Kollath. WSC"ppointments Dr. L11e.I..:-;eJmour instruction ,J Or. f:t.nley the B.A. and tvl ..-\. degrees been dean o,f 1Il- \'Ij i IIs,1 WhlliS prFslenlly from the University of Den-.; at ,l\ ayne state t1lC reg is t frat \\luyne ver. He has on the allege. Or. ."'yrr;our. who Si,ate. ll-Ie j i ed thle staff .governor·s council :of Ne- lS chauman of in' 1963 after in braska's cultural re- bf S'ources and has, ec4hibited tics apd sClenic, IS th.eson Ed.M. qI,gre\'!s from paintings extensively of Mr. an,d Adams and throughout the mour of \\aYle. He lomed the Ed,D, from winning a number of the Wla,yne, St te faculty in Sta awards. Lesh. fre- 1953 aId hoI s t. he of \II., dIs re h1SI.dJ.t.les quently as a Juristifor 01 of, (temlstry. <j.s registrar 'lin new art exhibitions. lhs, .S. e was re- position. at., lora tate Uni_ , I: The college's go'Verning the I B: t · in ... Ed. ; Dr. \\alter b('[)ard.. approvedpromoti?llS degree, from \\ State 'chai an_ Af the in rank for eight; faculty the M.• ,qlivision of e catiol and Dr. Tu- Tseng horn IQwa S psychology. P sentl)\head Hsi 'fill hol.d the,lrailJ<i of tY'1 the 'ph:D. d.egree of 'the ,depart ent ele_ associate professor .. IIn- f r n/J. the III erslty of fTIeqtiiry educa: on. join_ promotetl to Dakot. e became qhe faculty D Sis.tant p. rofessori' 0 th diViSi.on, h.OldlSl I:.he L. Qavid Allen. !\\ illlam foqo'Wing the ret'reroent of' n Ed. Idegree \".'! Filter, Berniece f.ul- Dr, gr ro. poy st*e the . .\. tori, Rich;jlrdHurstlY, •. SeY,m ur ,has been 10 ele entar ye 1 ucatiO de- Plath, A. Jewelli Sch,?ck, actiive In.\\ ne o.mmumty I'ree f om Col' rado ale and Gary Woodwafd. I'i nc.l dmg ser.v- and tljJ Ed.D. de- The :boarq, in Ice. on the COunCIl. ynive sity its recept also HelsPreldnt.ofthe fSou.t;Dako lid' Stat lupmi As- , ,'" I accepte a fede at' grant , . t' d Ttl j, o( clos'edcirl,cuit so I .• liOn a a rus ee· Richard Le Ii has :Deen for th¢ campus, 1 0,1 h WaY\l St t. Founda. ramed head of he and a 01 for tJO ,;1 i menttcJ,c art. esh, JqlDed an electronic leaJrningllab- , . a,med A sis nt dean of he f cult)\. in ,'1 51. Iliolds t lora ory. 'I ' I \ : I II I : I I I' I i I Erl I\.ollllt.h l·s presideni a d \-1rs. aim Falk :secre- t. -ry of the 'H0f:kiUS o:rlgan- i alion prortlo ,ing the ac- t vity. It is all part, of t e, .. .f..pr. ebra- t on in Ifoskli." this s rome"!. I li ... t (If jJ rtoa dOllors to ale in an adv in of he \\ ..·TlI' ll(·rald. pages o sections ETV ,SECOND YE R A Wayne ·rl.'age,10, was riding w' h her mother going north on Main one Sunday morn ng. They wertt by the, Bapti t Church and two blocks ater came La the Methodi t Chunh. I'll r a sign: "St p for Pedes- trians". The little girl sud- denly asked: have to stop or the; Pedes- trians and e didn't have 'Eo stop for he Baptists?" the e's the farm woman livi g near Wayne who needed wo new teeth ill. front. W en she finally got them, veryone year..old so her (in a m nne r of speak- incl. He sid: "Momj I think your eetli look pretty-just like Duke's." (Duke is t e family's pet PO%. iw,d his "1. on" of alO\l cart !repain ed,. had a ew motor put 'ana was re dy to ta.ke it" 0 l:he' co try club.' A fri nd came tol the bouslI!!" so t e eart ovfner just had to show how. e it workedl ,He' pulled; the cord, the 1<1 rt look all and : t p IJlltii had rammed 0 the owner's nouse, frlo', t truding: ntol the living r9orq., "I \1 . ill i' fl' I I un.ral Rites Held Funeral services were eld ..... unday afternoon al in the Redeemer l.uth.. ran Church, Wayne, for" rs. Herman who assed away the past week. llome was .in charge. W IL.ueilll 'Sbi.(,I. \}, f'Hssed e tol. collect Odllar r'hght pr e rhu day. a.$ aons01- I:.ion che,ck inst d of fut $400. r i Because she as In a pa rlic·ipaling lor e! n Wayne at H. s did pllJt the cash fro he b1r of Commer e. belcause there s no v.li - ner, ne.d week'l' prize be $4(H) again. i With $411(1 hei the rIIl1 i_ mum, the, $:J(j Ui t.i", add d CJch week int() .tJlt> :h:r 1 ; h ,J wifiller and/it it w II .. 'ayne, was injured Friday ,I a.nd the mixed chorus <;010. , hen "he fell while w[\sh-, 1:0 Yl.-t V,.aYlw lligh l'ivhlt g windows al:. heT .. '-'c 001 Illuslclan .... had to: ()rchestra,'.glf!-c; ,... p:<- he was laken La theV;'avne tell "superior<;, tet, [Jarr \'0\:01.1, ,J,., lospilal where Dr. Hoberl nil e ,me volea I" enlhack gave medical at- "g ad' illy\l'dl"lrid!!,llLlsic.. v(){'ul. trlit), entian. lie found she had t t 'Ii 1'1 n (Jld l 1 I ra<:t.ured no hip and frae- .1,nfJ 'rl' <l,i lunc s ured a wrist,. As a rcsult, )1)11 ,"';Clllllll.!chl'r and 01 n he is wearing a ClL ... t on ('1 ylon "'cre in \ raling! f go"d \l':l<" er arnl find is in lrac- ch rge of \\ IISljnl.-it;s. '['lit' the girh' irl". ion to help the hip lou"ne" re ults ()f lhe !t.wo leal. b I' l Jli(:ldIH!ed in (Il whic1l w;]s,])t'int,- ollowing: arlE' the r.J Le vocal, Preuoehi pi nu, brass qlJ!lrtel,Sallie n rh'1 vocal, :-.qrk .Johnson t lImpe( ,,01:'1), de 1 ceS!! flut.e "'olll', lin' flute Hoskin's Gettin is hlilt ahead ad of thi" and]"till have a ?[ tl,lC of Ull,' p rl in lhe. l!rOgram In orgaOlztng for the len- p ying twicf' L lis lennlul ob"ervancc. (('n_ f r f\ :-;haver'" I'ermil.. tf'nnial Belles" an' active for women uod "Brother,S of the Brush" for men. women are to wear oldtillle clothing, authentic or special for the OCCaSI}fl, two or three tiQles wnek.. Men are askeCl t a grow beards which theY of ne- cessit" w,ill wea"r at all times.- Pin::-- are on hand {or identifying JllembPTs of the twu groups. The women's a lacy lrim with a girl in an old-fashioned bonnet. The men's has a bearded man with a 0 oldtime hat. For the wOmien who want to join, the is $1. For women not wanting to LJollher with lhe pldtiine the fee is exactly twice, s much. Men pay $ .50 for Lhe pin identifying them as ling to gro beards-or moustaches. hey ,an get

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Page 1: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east



to :Supplement. th i s ap­propriation.

Direet.ors of the North~ Ieast Experimental FarmAssociation ,spearheadedthe fund drive, with about$10.500 collected so far.Slightly over 60 per centcomes from banks' with thebalance from prloducers',elevators, feed detlers and

ot~:~;:n Ii a S IT) Js 8 e n,Plainview, donated $2,00Pwhich he won as an awarafor exceUence in pO'rk pro­duction.. Pprtla~: Cement

et Bids for Concord iPro

WO WORKERS repainting the auditoriurtt ;brighter port of the c~iling co'n -.be se" "iftdeiHng at Winside ore shown on the job. Left t'O -Ithem. : .. :1,ight are Chris Weible and Jim Jensen, The I "


" University of Nebraska'tdS totaling $30,000 hav.

e.h set lor \.hhe projeot.fUnd drive among swine

ilnterestJs in ~o~theast 'Ne­~raska is being cornluctedI i I


The initial st-rudures fcirhe'swine research centert the l'\ortheast Station,oncord, have been sched­led for construction withp~)foval Of a bid for14,400' by1Vakoc C onstruc­ion CO' J Lincoln. Twoousing-management unitsre in tbe bid.

University of 'Nebraskaekents approved t:.he bidsIii u r s day, according to.1 D. Fritschen. s win erbjeet leader. He stid the

·ts are two, of six crow-

.~~~f ~fai~~J nf~r :ijter~e~:...,July completion J aimed

at for two co-ncrete tilt-uphouses. One will have openfr'ont facing south while theother will be completelyelfl'closed. Pens will be par­tilll!.Y slotted.

IAII buildings. will have the, slme basic floor plan with

12 pens desigped to hold10 pigs each. Frit6chenppints out that one of the?bjectives is to compareperformance of pigs in the

:h~~os:run7/.th PI~gs in an

~' The <Dverall purpose of

. e Concord project is tonswer questions,,/:-on{ront.~ Nebraska swine p.ro-

~~~~~t~~na ~~~~~~°i~:~~~Clonfinement or semi-eoy."f.f~ne.ment ,at 8.n increaSing.\y~apid PJlce, according."toFritschen.


Wayne State College dis_missed for the second term

'b e for e many could besigned up for the Queerj. ofNebraskaland competitilon.All college girls from Ne­braska are eligible.

\1iss Nebraskaland will,be c h 0 sen from queensselected at Nebraska col­leges and universities. She~ilI ,reign for ¢me' year.

A $1,000 scholarship willbe awarded tothewinner bythe Coo per Foundation.Each of the girls going tothe finals will be featuredas "Hostess of the Month"in color in Netlraskaland,Magazine. '

Last year the WSC repre­sentalive was Jolene Pear ..son, Wakefield. She re­ceived a rodeo outfit andseveral olther ·honors inaddition to her trip to thestate oompetition.

A pageant is scheduledin Wa~e Wednesday, May3. At that time the girlto repre'seIlit WSC will be

chosep. t'Any college irl wanting

more informat on ca'n con­tact Loren Kamish in thestudent activities oflicEj 'atthe sludent center. He, has

~~~~~t~ti~~db~~~kSgl:: ft~l~details on the f.rizes/andother benefits.

Kindergarte" PupilsHold Allen Roundup

A scbedule has been ar­ranged for the kindergartenroundup at Allep Tuesday,Wedne sday and Thur sday

~it~~fll~:;~~t~Ut1t;s~he~:ule ...vas arranged so therewould"be no large groupone day 'with a small groupanother day. :

Allen "PTA is assistingin Hf: roundup for parentsand Ql'lildren. THose comingto t:.l\e morn~nJg sessionsfrom; 9:30 to lili each daywill ~e inviled to have l~ch Iunder PTA splonsQIshilJ.

C b il d r en' invited 'withPRU!ts4 are ~hose who willbe e rightl age to enterkin? rgarten ,ith'is fall. Theymus~ be five: years old byOC~t 15 .in order to attend.:~rlOnmenJ; blanks al'eaVf'laP18 from Mrs.

Bar ra Heming, kind••gar ,D teac,~e:I" or fro~Sup 1 Mitchell.


~~)~ e~~:~~iln~ t:tr~~~8~~~:commodate the lhous,ndsexpected. In case of rain,May 5 is the second choicefor the event and- if it rainsth~n the event. will be movedLa May 9.

Wayne Chamber of Com­merce, the State ·Agricul­ture Extension Service andthe far m department of\VNAX, Yankton, are co­s po n III 0 r in g the event.\Vayne Jaycees and Mrs.Jaycees win operate con­cession stands and Wayneimplement firms and' otherarea businesses will helpout in putting on the event.



and ,tll-imh row :-,Piatingwill be demonstrate'd. Ink e e p i II g \'" i t h moderntechnology, machines will!plant, apply fcrlilize,r and

che~~J~l~~sO/or weed I

Demonslrations are tobe repeated at haU-hour I

Seek WS Queen Candidates·

in land v'<'it hout priorand III land (hal has

plow('d.rn ,\ j 0 r manufac­

of fa r rn ('quipmentreprl'sentpd. In ac1-

';~,~,' :,', ~;',~;;a:~'1'1 ~~;I~',;:';,~ of,,,,,l ;,,; ""l e


'f!~~!".., '~ ~~~.".~~~~.~~j!. A list. of h., "'It.~ ' ~.;h~od," a living pichue.in- Jhe s~me characters B.8 ton." I;n the skitJa eCQ~nic men () the var au Ie... ' J~motjon pre,sentation put on the {r~t". scene will take Wats'on, LOf1ha Harder, mltteels wail 'fIve .-11 . :Ji

y the Wayne County lIis- part. I Lllna<Danielsol~. n. AI.. , Chat men ar: I '•• l I :;.'orieal Society, will be, Wi "; girls' sextet will vin Schmode, Dou Daniel.· MT'Sl IlblSCh


',given Tuesday, Apr. 25, at sing bttfore scen,e Three: 8on,,!ougStan.loy, Gr~ham ~~aul,~ ,elsren; cit ,e" .;'•."IR p.m. in the Wayne City "Pia eu School." Teacher Butle "and Fret! athcrda. Stav,IDargurz r r' -' ,j

Auditorium. Proceeds will \ViIl b, Penny Schlueter Th II '~I. menlS"l,'Est'her L f8 c.... Irgq.toacounlymuseul\J1fund. with D~bbie Pokell Linda ung] Y: ,hive. will lu,mel' Mrs'l t-e ,'••d,.1 I

Truck Backs Into ,Dr, T, II. McOonald,' Kay arid Dann.y an'd Julie ~:I~~hfl~ 11"~:r~~~if~"SGI~~ Thom~) ()nj hOlt!>. a h•.•..... ·~ !,.I

k d dIwSC, will narrate. Com_ Ahlv r~ the children S T ' es,sesl David The i", . 'Par e Car Tues ay mitlee in charge includes :\ l~te trio fol1ow~ after : ~outs of r~op 257 ,~will Judge nd Mrs. Dl)V 1I.....r !~'

rhe \\aVllc cil.v police I Ken Magill, chairman, whic Scene Four will be ;lng andasly~er .vue,fea- er, M.r llnd Mrs,' hoT,"l"ilJie lIarms Dorothy give ~ ;"Pi~,nee~ Enlerlainl.' d~~I~:e:u~~~n~\~t ~.on~e~~ Dre8Sll~' jr.j:

jnvestigat.t~d on~ accidenl Kabisch and 'Opldie Le.on- men ~ee. Pioneer men . II ~ S a lJst~e s, ; P,hyn;11fo ,l'l..... I,{~~rr\~g l~hCa P;i~~ ~l~';\~t· {~~ ard. and olmen will be portray- e~PtCl~ y for~th ,ce~lten~ Lrlnda! Prelston.' St I h.,.-,.'·pa'rtment trllck driven by I Opening number will be edb N1ertonHilton,Darold ~la h

wlllfollOI · I're~ Ie~ Lnf!le~, rs, NorhB Iit"~:

the tolar guardinuniforrn,s Kra maer,'E:lhardtPosp. is_ tb,.esome~1s w,ll, 10'16 out n.iakellP" "1 enry L Y,' 'ac...Earl FUll$S backE'd ir,llo a wo"n ,'n tho -'"VI' e b lb'o velllug I• " ~ c; y hil, Marilyn lIendric,k~. .', l"om.p'~~irnent,jM:r8, nt".p,~rked l'U r owned by ('r~nt men weabn them M n of Dor t~y Kahisch and'Goldi'e ,1\ lol of wdrk thas been Prodqerlj cas~Htrs Mrs,I l~tgen of \\ ayne .. l'oil.c8 f Winside an~ Wa;ne e will Leo atd . . pul into maki'1g l e sqenes Harold Hein nnd M I, WH-,)ffl[e 7 I.. [. Ilade~ In-, "Salute Our Countr 's De- I and 0 t II lhEt t· fr' d d\,p<;llg:alcd thf' aC(;itd~nt fenders." y . r.' Aaro~ Hut~~r 'fV~I:1 Man; c:nn~~l,tksn.l..~ed"wlh~ mer ,J,t'C6Sj an II vam::e

I I j t 1 II' .s.n a solo. Scene F Ive WIll.. Uckel: ~nI6, Ellthe'r .Irso~~

w llC 1 q,CI\fI'I, a : p.m. S tl>II. "p.at thei 1111', block on [.:. E~t~;?~g N:b~sask~~~n~~~s foll w· "Oldlime Medicine Winside Hail" 'New' C,'h, A dOt· 0 ,1,111 stn>pt. \0 da!Jl~ge estl~ Hunzeker and Leon' Lam~ Mil .":. Leon ellis will be, . iii ,-I, U I rlum~:

~ael""c~J('~,en gJ\,Pfl on w~ll be the pioneer.couple - the ~ediCin~ man with Winside h,,~ II "new" afteri}lollrs of roll r skat.WIth Ua d J I \hl Sa ra Gable his assistant. auditoriutn. It iN nol hew lng. 1ffuey will be inhhed

\n invc<.;tiJl;;d.ionwasabu • vers the~~Yc:i~dre~.le t. - To n people will be played in that il is ,in ~he Slime so th~y are b llroom..lll<ldp concl'rnLllg a co.m- Kitchen Klatterettes by th~ group'from the en- buildin~ as it. ha!-. been smo?!-hl.) ,

,~r '-I dug- rll.nnlng Band, made "uP of women ter a~nment bee. for years but any'one going W~hll, d""J! ha JI he "wnpr ..... u~ con- of the county.' will play dote Scene Six Brian inside will think lhey are b 81 r at t ~CI n t ~

:;\~'(llel~lp,i1ml tIJp animal was followed by Scene Two: Ne sgn will [:jlay an organ in'~h~e~~~~rJ;u;:~nboard b;~;hl~}~o~oers.; iD&':h~f~ ~':l~~~~ s~'ne'h~~~ed~~~ has ordered a complete ?lace, pf the grub fi'lals. K, de Freese as mini~ renovating ,and "complete" l!I a flr'5h o~ean 10 I _1st r,; Mrs. AEto~Y Garlick is the word, From the CHairs ·are boln l~,an'as the bride and Bob Stan_ moment one -SI..el~S into the and ¢l.lett WOifk. b,ei g f on••Ie as the gr ,om. new gentryway right on The k tchen work it> Un-·

through to the stage and isheQ, In aU, tw weeksrs. Morris Anderson kitchen it look:'. new. will; e tle"v6ta~t 0 the

wi I ising a song followed Floors ,-have been sanded reno!VatioD.

be a,dded lo lhe inilial sta rt~

ing amount of uno.Anyone who! ha s not reg\.

istereu may do so al the

~irrems18ta(::mZ1J~ar~l·Yol~~~~register ..The Chamber of

'i("ommerce uffice can'sup­'ply a Ij;;t of those businessplaces in and near Wa,.yne-;pons·oring the drawinR'.

Tilla I elDaYl Plans Readied

I. 1'1' I'

tatqilR~t~IJ~~t~~J~l:~t:f~~~r'Z"~l~e j'


HOSKINS CENTENNIAL boostel"5 indude thts i men '~8rothers of the Brush" pins. Left to ri~htgroup at ICommercial St~te Bank. :rhe women I, ore Rluss Rathman, Sandy Lenx, Bey. Schwede,are showing off "Centennial Beltes" J)ins and the I II Shirley Mann and Ed Kollath.

Rev~al WSC"ppointmentsDr. L11e.I..:-;eJmour h~s instruction ,J Or. f:t.nley the B.A. and tvl . .-\. degrees

been ~Pl)olnte~ dean o,f 1Il- \'Ij i IIs,1 WhlliS prFslenlly from the University of Den-.;s~ruchor at ,l\ ayne state t1lC reg is t frat \\luyne ver. He has served~ on the~ allege. Or. ."'yrr;our. who Si,ate. ll-Ie j i ed thle staff .governor·s council :of Ne-lS p)-~sl~n.tly chauman of in' 1963 after teac~i~g in braska's cultural re-t~e, DlvHI~n bf ~athema~ ~~ki;s~an. H.el_~old~t~el.-\.B~ S'ources and has, ec4hibitedtics apd sClenic, IS th.eson ~nd Ed.M. qI,gre\'!s from paintings extensivelyof Mr. an,d \~rs. E~ ~ey- Adams Sta~d ('olldi~ and throughout the m~dwest,mour of \\aYle. He lomed the Ed,D, d~greel. from winning a number ofthe Wla,yne, St te faculty in a,~lor-ati.o Sta e1.Col~~~eL ~)r. awards. Lesh. ser~es, fre-1953 aId hoI s t.he r~nk of \II., dIs W~.ll re ~n h1SI.dJ.t.les quently as a Juristifor re~Pro.!e~ 01 of, (temlstry. <j.s registrar 'lin th~' new g~onal art exhibitions.

lhs, .S. d~gr e was re- position.ceiv~a at., lora tate Uni_ , ~'I I: The college's go'VerningVerSI~Y the I B:t· in ... Ed. ; Dr. \\alter '"eterswn\~-ill b('[)ard.. approvedpromoti?llSdegree, from \\ ~ne State ~ecome 'chai an_ Af the in rank for eight; facultyCo~leg~, the M.• de~ree ,qlivision of e catiol and m~mbers. Dr. Tu- Tsenghorn IQwa S teIUnivers~~ psychology. P sentl)\head Hsi 'fill hol.d the,lrailJ<i oftY'1 a~d the 'ph:D. d.egree of 'the ,depart ent o~· ele_ associate professor .. IIn-f r ~ n/J. the III erslty of fTIeqtiiry educa: on. h~ join_ struc~ors promotetl to as~So~~hl Dakot. e became ~d qhe faculty ip·19S~. D Sis.tant p. rofessori' incl~deCh~.ll,lman 0 th diViSi.on, et~rs~m h.OldlSl I:.he f'B~. L. Qavid Allen. !\\ illlamfoqo'Wing the ret'reroent of' n Ed. Idegree ,{~C1m 'e~r~ \".'! Filter, Berniece f.ul-Dr, ~al~er gr ro. poy st*e Colleg~. the ..\. tori, Rich;jlrdHurstlY, P~ggy~r•.SeY,m ur ,has been 10 ele entary e

1ucatiO de- Plath, A. Jewelli Sch,?ck,

actiive In.\\ ne o.mmumty I'ree f om Col' rado ale and Gary W oodwafd. I'i~eaddrshlop, nc.l dmg ser.v- ~Ollegf:J, and tljJ Ed.D. de- The ~~,<errj.ib.g :boarq, inIce. on the ~l COunCIl. ~ree f~om t~ ynive sity its recept Iheet~lng, alsoHelsPreldnt.ofthe fSou.t;Dako lid'w~~e Stat lupmi As- , ,'" I accepte a fede at' grant


. t' d Ttl ~~ j, o( ~6,n8'(or clos'edcirl,cuitso I .• liOn a a rus ee· Richard Le Ii has :Deen teh~visio~ for th¢ campus,


0,1 h WaY\l St t. Founda. ramed head of he d.p~rt. and a gr~nt 01 $~S,OOO fortJO ,;1 i menttcJ,c art. esh, JqlDed an electronic leaJrningllab-



a,med A sis nt dean of he f cult)\. in ,'1 51. Iliolds tlora ory. 'I ' I

\ : I II I

: I I I 'I i I

Erl I\.ollllt.h l·s presidenia d \-1rs. aim Falk :secre­t. -ry of the 'H0f:kiUS o:rlgan­i alion prortlo ,ing the ac­t vity. It is all part, oft e, :,et..~.¥P .. .f..pr. th.e,~.; ebra­t on pl.a~n4a in Ifoskli." thiss rome"!. I

li ... t (If jJ rtoa dOllorsto ale i~ p\Jbljshl~J in anadv rli<.,(~melii. in t1ri~ i",~u("

of he \\ u·..·TlI' ll(·rald.

pageso sections


A Wayne ·rl.'age,10,was riding w' h her mothergoing north on Main oneSunday morn ng. They werttby the, Bapti t Church andtwo blocks ater came Lathe Methodi t Chunh. I'll

g~::c~f i~h~ r:t~~:/~:~a sign: "St p for Pedes­trians". The little girl sud­denly asked: "Howcome\~e

have to stop or the; Pedes­trians and e didn't have'Eo stop for he Baptists?"

~hen the e's the farmwoman livi g near Waynewho needed wo new teethill. front. W en she finallygot them, veryone coJjn~

~~~1~:~:d~ ~v~: ~~; ftfe~year..old so complimen~ed

her (in a m nne r of speak­incl. He sid: "Momj Ithink your eetli look r~al

pretty-just like Duke's."(Duke is t e family's pet

PO%. fO:~~~ ~h~~reen~'oJeriw,d his "1. on" of alO\lcart !repain ed,. had a ewmotor put ~ 'ana was re dyto ta.ke it" 0 l:he'co tryclub.' A fri nd came tol thebouslI!!" so t e eart ovfnerjust had to s how how. ~ic eit workedl ,He' pulled; thecord, the 1<1 rt look all and

:~idl\' t ~t p IJlltii i~ hadrammed 0 the owner'snouse, frlo ', t ~heels ~pro­truding: ntol the livingr9orq., "I

\1 . ill i'

fl' I


un.ral Rites HeldFuneral services were

eld ..... unday afternoon alin the Redeemer l.uth..

ran Church, Wayne, for"rs. Herman ~und, who

assed away the past week.ilts,e~l-'uneral llome was

.in charge.

ayn~ W,~'" IL.ueilll 'Sbi.(,I.

\}, ~yne, f'Hssed e opp~~

b.ujJ~ty: tol. collect hr.Sil~~~Odllar r'hght pr e rhu ~'~day. She,~els a.$ aons01­I:.ion che,ck inst d of q~e

fut $400. r i

Because she as nol~ Ina pa rlic·ipaling lor e! nWayne at H. s did pllJtge~ the cash fro he C1H~~I-

b1r of Commer e. /\l~~,belcause there s no v.li ­ner, ne.d week'l' prize ~illbe $4(H) again. i

With $411(1 hei the rIIl1 i_mum, the, $:J(j Ui t.i", add dCJch week go~ int() .tJlt>

~:e~) \rU;I~inf~~I~~U~"t~\ :h:r1;

h ,J wifiller and/it l~ll it w II

~::,DU\~~,I~~I~~::~a~" W;~~'~I~'~~~~~~~~'G~,,~~~K:~~.. ~I~~~~I$:I'ayne, was injured Friday ,I a.nd the mixed chorus <;010. ,hen "he fell while w[\sh-, 1:0 Yl.-t j\l(lg{'d~ V,.aYlw lligh l-:xce~lenl rf~i~gs, l'ivhltg windows al:. heT honH~..'-'c 001 Illuslclan .... had to: ()rchestra,'.glf!-c; ,... p:<-

he was laken La theV;'avne earn,~'d tell "superior<;, tet, ~lob [Jarr \'0\:01.1, ,J,.,lospilal where Dr. Hoberl nil e ('xcellel~ts" a~j(j ,me ~~er.nlll<l1n volea I" "l~prrl

enlhack gave medical at- "g ad' illy\l'dl"lrid!!,llLlsic.. ~:Ison v(){'ul. ~ru:nl~el trlit),entian. lie found she had t t \~ 'Ii 1'1 n (Jld l ~t 1 Ira<:t.ured no hip and frae- :;rle:'l~';"nl.n .1,nfJ 'rl' <l,i lunc s ~lt Tl~ax' ~t;)(;ured a wrist,. As a rcsult, )1)11 ,"';Clllllll.!chl'r and 01 n trllll1~)elhe is wearing a ClL ... t on ('1 ylon SOlllhw~c)\ "'cre in \ raling! f go"d \l':l<"

er arnl find is in lrac- ch rge of \\ IISljnl.-it;s. '['lit' the girh' irl".ion to help the hip lou"ne" re ults ()f lhe !t.woleal. b I' l

~~ ti~\:'~ ~~)e~J\~' Jli(:ldIH!ed in(Il whic1l w;]s,])t'int,-

nU~Il.ollowing: arlE' the

~ ~:i;~ l(~ r.J l~l~I/Jr:fr~n~:l~,I~:Le vocal, .Jan~ Preuoehipi nu, brass qlJ!lrtel,Sallien rh'1 vocal, :-.qrk .Johnsont lImpe( ,,01:'1), ~1nr'y de1 ceS!! flut.e "'olll', lin' flute

Hoskin's Gettin Orga~izedlIoskin~ is hlilt ahead ad of thi" and]"till have a

?[ tl,lC r.e~t of Ull,' ClH~nt\ p rl in lhe. l!rOgramIn orgaOlztng for the len- p ying twicf' L lislennlul ob"ervancc. (('n_ f r f\ :-;haver'" I'ermil..tf'nnial Belles" an' activefor women uod "Brother,Sof the Brush" for men.

Th~ women are to wearoldtillle clothing, authenticor special for the OCCaSI}fl,two or three tiQles a· wnek..Men are askeCl t a growbeards which theY of ne­cessit" w,ill wea"r at alltimes.-

Pin::-- are on hand {oridentifying JllembPTs of thetwu groups. The women'sh~s a lacy lrim with a girlin an old-fashioned bonnet.The men's has a beardedman with a 0 oldtime hat.

For the wOmien who wantto join, the ~embership

is $1. For th~ women notwanting to LJollher with lhepldtiine dr"ess~, the fee isexactly twice, s much.

Men pay $ .50 for Lhepin identifying them as wil~

ling to gro beards-ormoustaches. hey ,an get

Page 2: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east



: Ii





Carroll Wo....nGu.sts. ~I Club ,

Carroll co~munltYClub"met MOlldaY of lut weekin the Carroll 'Audlitoriumwith 4,5 atte dlng.l It wuladles' night And wives ofmembers wcre gU08tS.

Three SP~'akers! talkodthree sub. echo Iphil at..

s D· was in cl arge fQlr Leon­~d Ha'lIeen, resident, whocould not be reSent.

Pat Jolley, Wayne, Lewl,& Clalk District s(lout exe­

.,cutive, told aiboul noy Scoutwork: Loren Pa"rk. Wayne,new m.iddle school prin­cipal, told about he.lpro­pOised ,Northeast ebraskavoc otional-tochnic a Iinal Rites lor

Imer GranquistMeld Saturday:

Funeral services forElmer W. Granquist, 60,were held Apr. 22 at St.'Paul's Lutheran Church,Wayne. Mr. Granquist died:Ap~. H~ at the ~elerans'Hospital, Lincoln.

Rev. H. E. Shirck offi­ciated at the rites. Mrs.Ronald Wert sang "Abide·With Me." and "Jesus SaviorElilot Me." Mrs. Norman!\.1eyer was 'accompanist.PaHbearers were Halph lBressler, Gordon Jorgen­sen, sr., Y,'alfred Carlson.G e n e Fredrickson, CarlLage and Harlan Farrens.Burial was in GreenwoodCemelery wit h mililar.yCOmmittal rites by VF\VPost 5291 of V-layne.

Elmer William Gran_quist, son of Andrew andKaren Granquist, was bornMarch G, Fl07 at Wayne.He spent his lifetime ona farm southwest of Wayne.He served 3X years in theA.rmy during wwn.

lie was preceded in deathby his parents, a sisterand two infant brothers. Hei~ survived by a broltf(~r,I}ay~ond of Wayne. 'i

*rvin, Mr. aDd Mn. MaxckmaDD~ Mr. ,Dd Mrs.~ r maD Koepke. Lonni(j.

·~e?ten~i.l~r~ndrtt,~v~:~be. w!IInt to Ernest Pfen

Ernut EcJc;mann.Mr. and Mrs. W; F.

toekemeler and Mrs.tutine Wubbenhorst. Os­000, Mr. and Mrs. J, E.ingel ~ent Wednesday atolumbu .'Lloyd ohrke, fair Oaks,

alif., v sited Saturday inhe 'Er in Vlrich home.

rS'. Ct'jarles McGrane,orth Pllatte. and Mrs. Artleu, Nor.folk. visited T.~tlS­

Iii in the, Ulrieh home.

r~fit <:orporation for the Develop,,!enl of


Arniej' super.I.'!save.r Kugle~ Electric CompanyBase ent Ba~er Shop Larso~.Kuhn Company

Dr. R bert Bepthack Herm~n LundbergDr. W Iter Benthack Lyman Photography

Mrs. red S'I Berry Charles·E. McDermott

Budd r'. aorn~~ Gay Theatre, Dude Ranclt Drive- nCarha Lumbe.'r Company Dr~ RbyMatsonCity 0 Wayn,: Meyer Oil ~..mpanyCoast fO CCIOst ftardware Olds and Reed i

coryell Au!o CO/npany Otte Construction Co~panyDale'sl Jewelrr. Pflueger Ins"rance ~~ncy IEillun Concr,t~ Safeway StoreFelber Drug I sav·Mor Drllgs

Fitst ationaJ.ank Edw; Seymo~rFrede .iCkson oil Company State Natio~al Ban.k !

R. G. uelbe· I • S~!,,' [adirJt!~ .

Gries~ Rexall Drug swa.n.Mcle~Clo~i~. '"Hiscox Fune",1 ~ome Wayne Boo~ Store ..

J. M.I MCDO+I.~ Company WafJne Federal Savings ~ltd LDr. L yd Jen~en Wayne Foo4. CenterDr. G rge J,~n Wayne Grain and FJ,' •

Dr. iIIiam ~o.ber The iYaynl! IHerald II I L I i II I

I Warne Statet _ Store i' ...

Wayne State Founda~iJ~.i:oyn~ 51 I colleJ,

For Your Generous Suppert of

Wayn~ State CollegeGifts of over$6,090 by Wayne Business and Professional Men: Will make

$50,000 in student I loans and ~ ~ ,000 in scholarships and awards t~is year.I I'


ArnQld Wittler: Nln. .IenChmeler'. r(k)m,_Mn.C1. rene III HOil.n Mra.DaDDis Pull' an M SO H.Wittler; Mu. ub Nel-.onl • r(lOm; So !LouieMoritz, Mr •• HerrbertKhensang and ~n. Duane

Oraves; *Mrs. l~thel 11lm~erg'sroom, Mrs. Ra¥ ondJoch­ens, Mrs. Myrdn Walkerand Mrs. Withu1r C~ Beh­

I me~j Mrs. Zit;p, hnkins'room, Mrs. Dale v~n Seg-

ern and Mrs. LeRoy~raves. In chaf.Jte of adies·

e:::n~~~lgb:n~r~'r ~o;:l:las Schellenberg. HaroldWittler will be ,in fhargeof the baseball g-arnei.

th~r:~mJ;:~in:~~:911a~~~.ram beginning Jun~ 13 or14. Third, fourth a~ fifth,rade rem edial r'ead~ng andmath will be offered, plusIwimming and a physicaleducation program.,

A film on camping andNebraskaland Was shownby Mrs. I'\orris Langen­berg. llostesses were Mrs.louie \loritz. Mrs. DennisWalll'r and Mrs. N. I.angen­berg.

~_hnd t....lrs,~lax Eck_mann returned (\pr.! 1 afterspending seven months withtheir naughler and ~amily,

Mr. and ·Mr;.,. Ja¢k Mc­Gee. I ewislon, Idaho.

\ dinner W3 ~ held al lheEdwin Brogren I oOle Sun­day hunoring Mr. aQd ~lrs.

Charley Warnke afd Mr.and '1~s. Merlen .... arnkeand I{honda, Carr II, ,1.1..Guests were Mr. a d Mrs.Dennis Dowers and,family,Winside, Mr. and Mrs. Don­ald Sl,ide;chlage' and family,Mr. and Mrs. EdwardSchrader, Norfolk, Mr. andMrs. Harlan Herbolshiem­er, DeAnn and Jeannette,Pierce, and Mrs. Elphia

~chr:i~I.en~~JgM~~~kbn~~t a v

Eckmann entertained thefollowing guests recentlyfor her birthday, Mr. andMrs. Ernest EckIl1ann and

I i

PT,\ Meeting HeldIlosk~ns PTA held the

(inal m~eting,of the seasonApr. 18. Women ofthe PTAwill make the curtains forthe stage. The school picnicils planned May 21 at 12:'30

n the school grounds.Committees named, are

s follows: refreshments,lrs. Don .~ohnson, Mrs.farold Wittler and Mrs.

modeled a1'1 Easter hat. Thelesson on buying fruits andvegetabln; was given byMrs. Fred Rrumels andMr". Lrnest"'Fenske.

, ~HOlmemaker Club Me~.ts'H¢lskins Home akers

clt.lb,:met ihthe l\.hs. ijrne~j­Fe flIS k e Ihom'i! Tuesday.Group singing was led byMrs. Paul Scheurich. Mrs.Edwin Meierhenr)" Iiead anartiqle. ~rs. Fen::jke rep

ported on he counC11.,mee.l_.ing at \\ a ne. PIa $ weremade for the tea to beheld at ~oskins l\. ay 12.It was d.~cided to have abooth at he \\1 ayne ~'Qum)

Fair. Mr . Edwin Winterbecame a member. Mrs.Awalt y..,: at1ker had chargeof roll callI. Each tn-ember


"skip" without telling teacher And Mrs, Reutc loved it Teacherand pupils oro pICtured following the commencement ceremony In

the .Willow Bowl. Belo'olj" Mrs. Reuter receives ,her dipllomo fromPresident W. A BrQnd~nbur9 ;


Doing ha1 comes nat.urally, th b dies sbrteddecamp si g Whi~h

crettes. a do;. Insectsmoled lO, ra s joined thescere an i 1 general anui~ance as reated.

I~less he guilty One is

fowj.d, the e s little to becl0j exe pt to bur'll whatea be b rn d and coverthe rest. T e couJ!leil isha~ng! th t one and willke tryi g t find out whothe thoug tie s person i~

open air.




Dixon Council Not

Happy With 'Dumper'TIll' Dixon town board

is not happy with a dumperwho n'lade use olf the town'sdump last week. However,they' are not stilre who lhedumper is or there couldbe action.

Someone used t.he town'sdump as a place to disposeof l:l dead coyotes. Theywere not. buried, coveredot anything else, justhauled in and, left in the

I .2 lb. bag

ALLEN CLASS "SKIPS'" Wh;n the fifth gr de lass at AllenSchool played ,hookey last Wed esday, even he teacher didn'tcore That's because the teac otr, Mae Re tcr receiv~d herbochelor of arts In educotlon de fee from~ W yne State College,and the kids. were there, 23 0 them, They ho plannled the

Page 3: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east

"r··'·" ''''-'i1,;"1

,I' '., ,

Sta."'. J IJE'Il/\ V

F. BbrgstQdts Mark OEB Meeting TuesdayGt:B Club met last 'Tues~

W dding Al)niv~sqry. day ~v.ningwith M". Rich.1 ard Powers. Mrs. Floydr'. and Mrs. Fred Barg- S u 11 i van was a gu~st.

sta t Hoskins, were hon- P r i z e s went to Mrsi.or d rApr. 19 for their 45th Po.wers, Mrs. Clif{ F~terswedaing anniversary. A anq .Mrs. Merton Hilton.

~~ IfJ~~: /h~rJ~e;a~r~i~~~ May 2 meeHng will be withMq. John Ream, jr.

~:~,~'!~dKJ;s~.:t~n~:\~~~;:- -"'=--'----'-'---S~tt, Norfolk. and Mr.and .'lE'II'f:,·a'y ., 'Mrs.JohnKudera,Hoskins. \J

he anniversary c a k e,wa~b.aked by Mrs. WilliamBuss, jr. Prizes at ten­p~ t pitch went to Mrs.ErE'est Langenberg, Wil-,lia Buss, jr., Mrs. CarlHi zmahn, Fred Bargstadtanfo Mrs. Bessie.l\udera.

uests were presentfro m Nor f 0 I k, Wayne,Pifrce, Winside and Hos­ki s. Mrs. John Kudera,M sl. w. K. Shelton andM s" Roy Bargstadt servedI c1h.

ON~ I'BABY h"od 1m plduf(' taken ,twice recently, C.litfo.td Wag­ner IS sHown In a f,ve-genC'fation pIcture abO.,e Mrs Mable SunRdohl"SS, IS holding her glr.,t-great-grandson, Standing lleft

~r:,if~tlro~~; ~~S~ ~~:l, R~~~;~~m~,aY;;;;nJ~e:tth;r~"ad~ot~er:;,Barbflrq Wagner, the, baby's mother, all gathered in the Sun­dahl ~hdme, In~ the pIcture below, Bud Sherbohn, %, Wayne,is sh"wn With Clifford, 6, week~ old Sherbann r('\ld{'\ with hi..srstefl, Mrs Mable Sundahl 10 Wayne resideO't-75 YCQ~I, He i..thf! uiat-greot-un<le of Ihe boy


11/1 ... llann,*ldt, LJOIIIta Sp.ak at Club 'M••

Mrs.1 J 0 hln RonnfeldtLlYons, will be guest~pe.ker at Wayne '{loman' Clu

nI••ti"" Apr. 28'~.1f¢lr the meetlng is "HomLife" land Mlrs. ROMlelwill speak pn "BringiChristl -to' Those in Dar

;;:~:NUPtJI Showersl

Honor SaJdra Nelso~Sand-ra Ne~so~, daughter

of Mr. and Mrsl' VermoDl$

l\elson. ' "?c'tidel , was hOD­ored at tw reRfiuptialshowers r c ntly.

A_ ..,hower was held ApI!.9 at St. John's LutheranChuroh, Wakefield, for 310

f~e;i~k I~~~or;t~~~:. w'~~b

~~~~~: oT ~hteh :~es~~SJo~1~~1rs. Clarence Bartlin,~

Kl~~.~ t:;r:I~:~~srs::d~er~~'My rna Bach, Wa~efiel~,

and Mrs4l'Efllas Heckens,Wisner. '

A Iihower was held Ap~.

19 in the home of MrS.Darrell Moore . (!o~h()s~­esse$ were Mrs. Moore,Kathie \\'oods ShirlhGrel1~ and Judy Malmber~.!)eco~atiuns were in pinkand white and gaml;!sfurnished entertainment.

Pleosant Valley Cllib

Elects New OfficersPleasant V~lley Club '1let

I\pr. I ~J at the home.,of Mrs.Mae Young with Mrs. Mer~

lin~~)~esut~~i~: ~~4Jl~~;~~:~were Mrs. Dale Thomps~n,

"president; Mrs. Ivttn[,'rese, vice president, ~nd

Mrs. Herbert Lutt. s~c-

retary-treasurer. j'Mrs. lA'alt Baier nd

~rcsha~~:a~,1~~~~~=~d; ;t~PriZies were won by Mf"Albert Dichel, Mrs. E rlBennett an~ Mrs. Char esNichols. The door pr·zewent to Mrf'1. RaymQnd ~r~sen. May 19 meeting ",ill?,e ,~t, {' ,~.Im. ~t Mill~r'sJ ea 'Ftoom. ' > I

U and I C;:lub ~eeti~gHe1ld at G. Kall Harre

Mr. and, Mrs. Gus tollentertainedlU and I (hubApr. 18. T elve tneml:}ers

I were present. Pd. zes ~entto Mrs. Oeorge Rog.~en~

bach, Mrsi. Aug1\lsta J an­sen, Carl Bichel and milReinhardt. May 2 me ingwill be with Mrs. A~ el­son.

Americajn Legion UXRiliary held a meetin~fpr.18 with 16 memberS res·en~. Mrs.' Hattie c utt,poPpy chalrman, a:Jo ntedworkers. Poppies w~.I besold May 0 in the ev ningin the residenti~l a eas .The bUSi:r. ss district willbe covere4 all day M 11.

POPlPY wreaths eremade fonowing the fUSi Rne ssm eting anq. ore

• wreatHs ~ill be ma,de May1 in the evening at ~h VetsClub. A. lll,r:nembers. areurged to a~end. :

i Mrs. K. N. pa'kjand• Mrs. A. ~G. Carlaon will

be 10 ch rge of t~e GoldSta rim eting. Hqst ss:esT~esqay /Here Mr!s. Rhea

Pile,l Mrs. Ha r¥.~KaY,Mrs. C. I D. Me ulough.Mrs. Oeolrge Hoff a andMrs. Hen y Johns D.

Monday, Apr. 24BP"Minerva Club, Mrs. Yale

KesslerTuesday, Apr. 25'

J3idor-bi, Mrs. H, E.Gormley

JE ClubFortnightly C 1 u b,

Miller's Tea Room, 1p. T~,.

Wednesday, Apr. 2GMethodist CirclesCam e 0, Mrs. Minnie

RiceThursday, Apr. 27

5t. Paul's LeW afternoongroup, 2 p.m.

Country Club WomenOpen Season May 4

Wayne Country ClubWomen will open the socialseason with .. breakfastMay 4 at 9 a.m. Brea}(fast,

f~lfof~:e~r~~~1;V;~~~s~~~from that time on. Plans'are to hold more two-ballfoursomes this year. Thefirst dinner dance IS slatedMay 6.

Office'rs named at a re­cent rq,eeting were Mrs.Dan Titze, chairman; Mrs.Dean Hendricks, co-chair­man, and Mrs. Walt Moller...secretary Rtreasurer. Incharge of golf are Mrs.Richard Arett, Mrs; Harold

~;~~~e :~:i:';;:~,~;:~;~: '\Vayn'e We-s,sel and Mrs,'~teve Brasch.

Social Foretast

M.~hadist WSG Halds',Elec:tion of Officers

Methodist W e 5 ley a nSe-rviee Guild met Apr. 1:Jwith Mrs. Pat Atkin,;.TWQlve members answeredroll call.

Officers elected wereMrs. Walter Tolman,pres­ident; Mrs. Roscoe Jones,viee president; Mrs. PatAtkins, treasurer, andMrs. C. C. Powers, seCRreeary.

Mrs. Mildred Jones pre­sented .the lesson, ~'T~e

World of Islam," and galvea report on the WSG meetRing in Lincoln. The localY·/SG members will hostthe district meeting inApril, 1968. May 17 meet­ing will be with ,Mrs.Powers.

i I


iJ I I I I

tne .Flobulqus:Ru.blesI .

!Su,daY,i April ~oI " l ,

, " Iat I I "

, I, I


7:30· 11 p.m. I 1 I : i Atfm~ $1.~I I 1 I . '

" " I: r I. I.....~ by ~ba \.Incoln Ent....,;"!. 'ox 411. columJ.

, i ,I' I'


....1 't f' t .... ' II~n orge 1;0 reser~le.



Mrs. I<lo\. Lage HastsClub II/Ieeting Apr. 18Pro~ress,ive 1I0me-

M;:~r~~~7~ ~~;~.I~u~V:~~

~:i:;, ~M/s~'os~% L~:~r~;and Mr/). ~ter Hansen.Prizes ;at ten-point pitchwent to IMrs. otto Saul andMrs. A;rt Dranselka. May16 Ihe~ting will be withMrs. F. I. Moses.

and au or cry. Is. Sheca,r rled a .scade naDltl­ment o( wh te, pom on. andp~nk 0 II I wi h • re­mov.bl r u cor age.

Dor, hy Bruni , Pre ..ma,nt, th brld I'roomfs'si~ttlr, wa maid I honor.Brides ai. wee Mrs.'R,oUle ,G anquht, thebride'''1 s 8~er, Bnd Mrs.Roger Le tz, Wa e. Theywore ,110 r lengt sheath

gowns Of~.quo s~•• r sc­cented i wi h '••ud flowersand g~ee velve~ leavesat the e pire w'istlines.Their~' hingbulstle veilswere hl!lld with pellrltiarasace e 9,t e with 18 crystaldrop. ~ac car:rilflld a largemum den ered with a pinkrose.

Darrelll Bruning, Wis­ner' s",rv~d his brother asbest man. Groomsmenwere ~erh Bruning, Har-'

. tingtod and Roger Lentz,Way n,e. The bridegroomand his attendants wore·black ~uxedos.Ushers wereHobert Haag, Mead, RollieGranquist, Wayne, andCharles Bru-ning, Harting­ton.

Theibride's mother choseMink knitdrless and jacket.T1ni bridegroom's motherwore a royal blue two~

piece suit. Each had a cor~

~~~;e ,~~m~~~:. roses and

A reception and luncheonfor 135 guests was heldat the Wagon Wheel SteakHouse, Laurel. Mr. andMrs. 'llarold White, Lau~

reI, and Mrs. L. W. KuhlR

~:l~'a :"~b~~n~:se~; c~~~t:~of the f-uest book. Giftswere ar.l~anged by VickiSmith, Pat I.ipp and ('arolBruning. l -

For her goingRawa.y en­semble the ,bride chose agreen aIlld white suit withblack accessories and apink rose corsage.

The btide attended Lau­rel High 'School and ~s pres-

~,~t:~ Ib~~~l::;~mata~·:~:dfloly T~inity, Hartington.

The c10uple will resideon a farm horth of Laurel.

, I

C h

1"r ,h, Ll\urel., Fatha!

.Tn 'es hcnny .OffiQ!iated IIItllle double ring riL~s.

.Ifhe altar WUiS decoratedWill. blue carIJa.ti.1ons andwhi e pompoms, Mrs. Mel­J'in ."imith sang""! he Lord'sPrlyer" and:"The WeddingIlr yer." Ma'ry'Witkettwasor ani"t.

, he bride. g~ven in mar-'

:i~ ~:rbre:;~1 ~l;h~'f~~~~'chi fan. The hod'ic e fea­tur d <.I sabrina necklinean kabuki $]eevss of em­br idered sheet. ,The em­br idery was rep¢ated onthe skirl. Her dfltachablech pel lengt.h ttai,"'was heldby a bow aQo\"e tihe waisl­lin lie r houf[al/lt veil ofim orted silk was held bya hell of 'organza rosesac ented w1th mo~ifs of lace

Graduates ChooseSamsonite ilhouette

.. ' the lu gagebuilt with Ii htweigl'1t



N ur:siI1Q Homeor Nort.bf!1Il111Nebrn~.Ita

Opened January 1.1961

South 20th Street andVicki Lane

P~oDe 371·2303

!lO Bed·SIJeclaJl1:eC Nursing CarePII}'slolhcraIJY Available

Carol Smith, daughter ofr. and Mrs. C~ril ~mith,

1u rei, and Donald

r ning, son of Mr. andr . Vincent Drllnin~.lIar­

t ngton, were marrijfd Apr.5 at St. Mary's Catholic,

Page 4: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east


, I


Waijtt ••• ·.I'~Ittwanl WSC·., ,. .:I j·.ur calh P .e~Ye '

boJn contrlbu~ .~: t" ,~ut~,1,t,ndlng. atud,. a'l~alo:.n••a whoar.!le eda4'waYl\e st,t. C lie a· "'eLWf""k., ace 0rd '.,' .t.o'l~r.•r:.:"jA ron Butler, . E .~ ·I·!i

F:lnl Nation I: • ~'...-.,Way ••• av,a It

f• 0,.tl5 ,\.

awards. One \l b~ to tIi .','out.t~"f!in. glr It do ..~ ..Eileen ThO.,me,. ,. 0 Oha.="....lind the' other 0.' h. 0 ~standing b! tlld.~ IJames Taylor. 'or. QMI'., ..la., retiring It et. cou .cit president.

Dean PleT80~IJn.ur«DC.Ag.ency gave $ 5t.Oit.h.'!b'.~.,: ("student in ins , n¢e, iKe.neth Payzant,S urllu,.ndWayne Book', ~d" pr•• '.sented $15' to ,the t'al? "c-, 'counting stud 'Qt, Mln'ltn;Olson, Wakefi q, , , 1

Formers Ins, GroupAll Your Insurance NeedsFAST (FAIR - FRIEN[)LY\ GeAI51 SERVICE

ICH~S E, BARGHOLZPhone 375·2764 Wayne

, i I; , J., 4' The wo,l.. INeb.,! He ol~, Mondoy, April 24, 1967 aon joIned the faculty InI 1964 and coached the col..I r. T i W l le.e'a debate team, I

, i.,ports lams ~e ayne tate ~ Prealdent Brandenbura

! lIigh school teo

E'8 n the ~ • 10" lei \J :~P:~:8~:li~:ea~~r~~~~i~~

area will be busy his week. ~s,nat as ~, for the seryice of tho flv'e

~;~~~\.~~i:~o~O:~ t:l t:a~~' The resignations of five faculty members.meet Tuesday; tibe Blue \ a.ltne state Conege faculty It'. You'r ,"_0, .Devil golfers Pla~ 'n the elmbers have been ac- '" IllUY ..Husker Cpnferen e meet pled by the school's gov- 'Moved, In~ Ulck Meyer.;at Indian/Trails, Bejmer. nlog board. to- 32lJ~ E. $th; Bev»0lsen,

,Monday; Allen and,W'nside ~. A. WarrenWilliams, to 409';.l<Win~om., l ' th L . & a of instruction, llub-- Move : Roy Yeager,,C~~r~e eC~~fereenciee t1:ack it ed his, tesignation, ef. ~217 P rl~ Wayne KehrH,meet at Wayne stat Col- c4ive June 30. Dr. WIl. 92~ nei0E' to Schuyler;

,~~~;s'l ~\~::tda~~i~~dct;[;~~ :ts. ia~~~t;d i~he19~;~:' ~l~~n C~d:t~' 3~~°1:,M~~~.

I Catholic in baseball at ,\\1 est a~rman. of the divisii?o tp uyler:; JorCl! Miller,

Poinl next Monda~. rn~c~~a~ci~t\::l;~~l~:~ ~~;:k~;Otd~M~rle~~~1i~~:~:

Hastlon'gs BAarS 1965. ,8th: Mike Lake, 501 w.~ there,ignation of Dr. lot: Ron Firawz, 2lG Fair·

WSC IOn Bas,'b II I, i1Y E.Ross, chairman gro'!"d Av~nue: Pam Holm,

~:f he division of education 704U peUI~n psychology, will be ef.. Changed Randy Rogers,

\\ aYfe State lqst i s Ne- ctive at the close of the 320 Line 011 ,to G07 E. 7th;

~~::~11(0~I;eg;e;~~~,;;;~t~ ,uit~~e~h~e~:~~~tyD~~~~~~ ~e~~~dLli:i~~~: 502 Logan,

Ings, 3.2, \Vednresll1ay a, t ndteveloped the college'sHaslings. 1 ~ff- ampus student teach- ~,'~

Haln was the ,wintler in ~ng rogram when the Hahn ..-&.IEi............the secondgame,'inte1rrupt. 4atnpus school was dis·ing it while \\'~ayn~ was dontinued.leading, 1.0. The gamtwill t'rancisco Sosa, Instruc·he rescheduled if either ot in F'rench and Spanish,! 1{LIITHE FLYliNO HERVl()JI:, IN

team figures in th~ con~ as accepted a three-year .. NELI~:G~~~"'~I."':"'A~~:··e)lference championship. e~lowship for doc tor a I PHON. eU.!IlI20

lla.«ti.ngs took a £irst- tJldy at Yale University. ".","".NlAl'V. 'innirik "lead with one run, fie joined the faculty in I'

added another in the third, %5. .before Wayne caught up . Irene lope Schlueter, in- AERIAL (ROb SPRAY,ING , ii,with "ingle runs in the ttuctor -in economics, will rfifjh and sixth. e,turn to graduate school

rhen Hastings s,cored the o~ further studies. Miss Le,< us spray you~, rops ond pal "r~winning tally in the bottom ~chlueter taught two years Ask us for details by eit ~,: "of Lhe sixth to hand \Vayne t Wayne State.pitch~'r Jim Rasicot his Brice Wi I kin son. as- writing: RICHARD HEGGEMEYER, oy,.,~;'sci'~~~. loss in three de- r:s\~~te~r1te:~zrc~~:I:~~~~ or calling,: 375-2632 I

The Wildcats got three 0,~~th~e~,~e~c~9~nd~te~r~m~.~W~i~l~ki~n~-~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~;hit ... , the Broncs six. Both L --;.- ":1Learns committed four er-rof', "1

ho~:y~;U~~~;;~d:~;g;?n,~ B'u's,·ness \and Profess,:' ",al.· I(reighLon UniverSity at 1 , \. ~ I, i

IR~;~;;~d Rural D I R,E C t 0' R' .~,',II ( ,"I I,

S~~~~ISt~~~~~!~red ~ I ' none-room school house willopen to visitors May 1 ! I I,iand will remain open from WAYNE CIYY OFFICIALS I ..I:UU to ·1:,00 each .fternoon INSURANCE Mayor _ ___P_H-:..A_R_M--4~_C:...I.;:iS~T__through th'e schoOl's sum· Dr. Wm, A. Koeber _375.35841 . I ,mer >cssion. EQUITABLI: LIFE City Trea,~rer _ BOB LI-'ND

l'\amed the Mamie ~~c· SO ETY Leslie W, Ellis_,~~_375-2~31 negls~ercd arfitAeilt

~-~~~i:~al~u~l~~~~\~~~ar:; A~~~~~~;ED S;:'~ES Ci:ra;';~~;Y 375-2842 SAV-MOR DRUGanlique items fromthe.turn KEITH JEI":"H C L U City Attorney ~ Phone 35-1444' .

,of the century. Restored '+ 1 ••• John V. ~ddi8on '~ __ ' 375-31151375·1429 408,..."!',1.o8.n, Wayne 1c--===7":'Od=::i:=-as a project of the Wayne' -til' councnm\-

State F 0 u n dati 0 n, the .(;I;) ~ ri"1~l ilh -=:::::::::m:;~ 1 O_P_T_O_M_~_I·+rr_IR-+S_T-,--,_school is recognized as a ~~-"'., Wilmer arra 375-1644

museum, by the Nebraska ./I.~'!. Jack Ki~ston 375·2294 w~. KOE ER 0 D('e~i:?:~i:; (~~r;:~~~~~~~' to ~~:~~7!J~~M~" .~~ ~%l.e~~r =-~~_= ~~t~~~ OPTOMEtril~ IIlry out the vintage school POLICE __~_,~75-261J6 111 We t 2ni:l ~oJe 315·3145 r

desks ana to browse freely F1RE __' _ Call 375--1122 Wayne, Neb~ 1 ,~l;~(~suegh\~~~ t;~s: ~ i ~~~;i;i D:~:nA~~b~~~~~u:~~sce HOSPITAL ' J~75-3800~~~~'1 ;r;]a: ~I~:a~~~li~~~~o~~ Phone" 375·2696

office on campus. I''''' Dean C, Pierson Agency111 West 3rd Wayne


i, :I!,II

ar,' lower and all \VII;:';hlJrdi,'" ,11".' rBgLllatioIl

f()~ hoys); :J\I-yard1}()Jlna hruegef first

II:'l.nSenlhird~1or r,i" failed

I'erersfir~t • SandyM u e hie rn e i e r failed toplace; and softball throw,:-1andy Muehletneie'r first

~~J:i~'t' Dlo;;,a2,lf.ru~fl~r~~~ithird at l)()'1"" and SharonPaulson failed to fllace.

Harkebus Will CoachHandy Ilarkl;lbUI>. 1%6

ro~~:;;~ h~fs ~;:I~en:~:~(lew head baske,tb8:ll coach

Odebolt4ArVlUr , HighOdebolt, la, He has

been as~istant cage coachat Cedar Ind., ac....c,)fding to the ('ilyJournal.




\Vith lillie p r H t ( ice,Winside girls look on (Jr_chard in a duul rraell me,'!at Orchard Thursdav findcarne back vidoriolJ"o; :il,­47. Gary hlindt is coachof the girls' team.

Coach I\lindl pl~ns twomore competitive even! sfor the girls' team. llewilltake them to John r. l\en­nedy College, WallOO, 'forfl playday May r; aind willhave Orchard at )\"insidefor a return dual meet afterthaL

All of the times und dis_tances are records for Win_side since it. is the f:irst.year of the sporl, Theywonon the, basis of three placesgiven with five points forfirst, three for second andone for third.

Following are ~;he re_sults: The lOO-yard low

~i~:td ~~ SiG.~,i~~:nd~.'al~:~~second in 1(;.7 (the girlshad no pra.ctice in thi-:;event since girls" hurdles

Winside Gi}liDefeat Orchdrd

Standing (Ire Allen Sedivy of Verdl(Jre, Dick Abh, Darryl <J;eiger,

Dove RO"imo"isen, Ken Swan'Son and Dave Mblone of Waverly,

APRIL. 2S· 29'

.We are holding them :overone more week i


ISteak Hous~


I '

ociation Muy PilL, ",y,,, Tiet"en: vice chaic­...... man; 'j cd !lahe, lreasurfn;Thi y ]1(Jb .r~)hn<;()n, secretan;

eague ' 5 ear II)\'~'.~):~ (:~:rin, n~~lnlal~{~;J;);:~lr:JaIl Association is consid- along with

(1 ring two le,agues, one Gellernainly easl of here and the CharlestIther mainly west of here. LJenec.,ia and

[he league to the east IN'./.tIles inlo Iowa and is the Imp r 0 \' em .. 11 t.., a r "ont' which \Vayoe has play- I planned al the hitS"-

ed in {or several years. Lall diamond \,pur.Going west from hece lhe :\mong the projects s("hed-other loop la,kes in l1an- uled aredrinkrngfoun!<Jin ... ,dolph,\ Picfl:¢. Plainview Jwugales audil1lprllvemontlind as far we~tas Orchard. of the infield,

Big- difference in the twoconferences is tbe type ofp I aye r s ... oughl. In lheleague to the west, playersl1\llst come from within ISmiles o~ town. Irrthe North­east Nel)faska LelB.gue play.ers can ,be brbught in from:In.Y\\fhere.

The WBA met Wednesdaynighl at the $tate NationalBank and elected a newchairman, St~n Morris. Ill'succeeds CleteSl/Jare:r. whohas be¢n a (big factor inthe success of town teambaseball in ~Va}fne duringthe three y~art he hasbeen chairm~n.

llt htl r 0 f fie e r p



Viking Bay ResortLAKE PARK, MINN

Phone- 218·531-2774-11 Upper CORMORANT L"ke

Murfin's ResortLAKE PARK, MINN

Phol1e 118-532-2365

WrJ-!<'l'--'l (',,jllrfUJ Voldl'r,

,l~ Lake< fn'sh\\al,'r ~allw' ~peCle~

,I" ~n\'\' hl're In U S! • :()\' r·:/lderll rcsort~,

hoth Allwrt"all anrl Euro·p('lIn pllln .

• 8 (;olf ("nur~(' .. \11 ,lH'a The:"lorlhl'"(,'ll'~ fin('~l H'crell'tlonal anrl p!1lrrl,llnm('nl1·E'nt('r

Page 5: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east


-lTelegraph. rn town from1,(J(j() Lo 2,OOU t BurtCounty Plaindealer of Te­kamah was first' nd theB rid g e p 0 r i· New .Bladesecond; towns 500 t 1,000,

~:~~=~~eWree~:;n~t \o:~under 500, Cornsto Newsand Springview lIer ~Id.

For community ervice,the Dakota County 'tar ofSouth Sioux City a. oneOf four winners f $200c acks and Ak ar~Jaen

p aques. Others w re theKleith. Co"Unty N-ews fOgat ..1~la, Arlington ~it en andC!hadron.Record.

Among the paper gettingcbmmunity' servic c~rti..

~.,c.t., were tINo f om thi,

a::~lfi~\~nta:e~;:liI t::. a~s rVi~.c~ to. ag~iCUI.ure the$ DO; Ak-5ar_B'en awardsa d plaques ,wen to the

~:~~1:~~r~1e::'~dwa dBA~~ti gs paily Tribune in ,theirr~.'lpeetive, 'classl!s

.. !

It was announclld :"ialur~

day by Leonard Eichhorn,,lrell managt'r for the Dale('arnegie i'ourse being of.fered in .\\ ayne, that theclaS"s will begin wilh aspecial proview rnef'tingFriday, ..\pr. 21'\, in the\\OIll£'Il'S ('Iub Hoom al llH'('it)" \uditoriurTl at' 7::\.1

i'·~~··h':hf' /1)t~~)I~:I(~(~~ i~lfvilrl~l(:lIlet'ling: i" t'l g-ivp tht,people of (hi s "lJlTllJ\llflih

an opporlunily to _",Ct' fo'rlhemselvco; just how thf'Ilal e Carnegie ('nurse,lhrough itr-; unique teacbingmethods, is able tu accom~

plisiJ so much in a shortperiod of timl','· J<ichhornS;l it!.

The Wayne Herald wonsecond place in generalexcellence for Nebraskanewpapers in towns over2,000 population for thepast year. The award wasgiven Friday night at thebanquet of the NebraskaPress' Association. .

Widning first place inthe di·vision was the Sidney

Weather VarietyOffered in Area

Mother Nature continuesto shower t.,ge area with avariety of weath'er. Warm,cold, dry, wet, windy,cloudy, sunny, slill, thearea has had it all.

Hesidents woke upSat.ur ..day to frost., The mercuryhad dropped below thefreezing mark d'lJring theearly m'Qrning hours. .

A little moisture hasfallen- but not in sufficientquantities. Lessthanthre.,e­lenths of an inch fellWednesday evening.

Winds "have offered vari­et)" of their own. Some­times they have beengentlebreezes While other ti~esthey ble,,! 'w ith ga,Ie-likeforce. Ofte,nthey were fromth~ <;outh but they alsoblew from eVery other.direction.

I, I

The Way".e I N.br"f Hlrald, Mo"day, Aprl

Cdntest'Setfo·~1COU. ! [I:\ 'c.ounlY beard-$rowi'ng ! Oburtllnc when II i. , ••

contest.- I~ being planned. I will II lan~ed fOri thl.!The \\ ayne County Centen.. county a d A Vlaqu In..

~~~1 ('n~;h';i~\eeBr;::~~·trl~ii ~t:~~e:Dll~t o~:.r~~nc:" "allto plan the, evenl. . An all .. I..ht .quared ftC"

Two me,n fr?m Carroll, wl1ll~ he d Saturday, pr"b,,() fro.m Hoskins Rnd two 29, ;tr.~ r rroll. A flo t bJIfroln \\ ayne will moke up the l'\olebr~1 k~l.nd pA .dethe co·mmittl'e. T~e Bnal i at Lhh:aln June 2.1lsa otb.:winnep will. be sent to I er Ptojoql-Il depend onLincoln for thfl statp fair: whettler lonough men ber..('ompetition~... .! shIpI' tUclsold f: not. NeJ4.

\\ ayne l,'ounl:y- will 11150' mooting lof th~ board wnlha"'(· II tret~'at Arbor l.(ldge, I be MillY 1"t Ca roll. .:\ebraskn City, Mr. and Invltal pns h d gon 0:~~rpsr·es~l~ltt.l~c~rae)~~:\':ui~~! t~o :io:~ y ~~lh1:~~atl: ~I~ty (.·eniennilll, 1·.0 In. mittee I gaUon 8tIIThun~aY" \fet­al ~t'brll$ha (it\, :-iundllY, , Ing. Th,lre were 16 I,ro-\ljr. ~1, for \rhor DaYI sent Ii

Carnegie Preview Will;1 Be Fri"II. 't~ed th.t tho., W:'

nl~end th preview m eUwill be t ught 11 basic en ~

ory l~ljilson lha.t ,w~l

f~eob~~~: ar;a~~w;~ ~h~;act.uill1y'I~Xs!iJ3:8s. EI hhOt.sa id thnr everyone tten_ing "Will'l have an In rm ..t iVt· anti: enjoyable e eniogwith no Icost (Jr, obI atl1Jm

\~'h~~·q(~~r;:~~;iC "s~r ce iothe t'olll1nunity, tb Dale{arllegi~ ('ourse is beingoffert'u [ndor the sp n.or~ship of :".',~e Wi,lyne 1'1 ra'ldw

!. or Q·~~ther lnforr aUonabout d~. preview m cUngor thl' course, wr e orcall ·Iihtl· ilerald, 375~21;OU.

.Wayne Herald' Second

Place in Excellence

I:" H~~~i~~, 1~~~O~Li~e!~j l~!tn~'!be~~il ~!~~

Scho~l W.. ill g('1 new. stage the c.urtains. The 0 es in1 curtains. 1I0skins P'I A will u~e no in lhe liD,' audi-t i make them and they will loriulll 'have been U!l~

1 ; be ready 'for use next fall. for yeats, and have eededI) PTA· members held a d'ploci g for some time.

,(I bake ;;aletl}ispastweekand Mrs. Don Jollll on isIII ;)lad such ~ucees~ they ran presid~nt of !loskln. PTA.II 'Jut of food; This did not ~rs. 10rriS Lang bet~~

'(I raise lhe needed amount but M.rs,. lay Jochens_ Mrs.t) eOITibined· wilh funds the Ed Brl ge and Mrs J. E.(J l'lA will add iL mad!' pos_ Pingel were on th com-2 sible the project. mittet1 in charge fund.

~hlerial is tobe ordered raising. I



Dodgt" went ahead in the.third frame ~~(I uut \\-'aynecaml:' bi~ck with fO\lr rUrlSin lhe fifth and two morein the ~eventh. Wayne len:-;ix. men on bal'e lind Dodges1 r:lndE'J sev('Tl.

I'·olilowing- is the box:

\\ ilrne db,"t..~ vc 1\ {j r I, If I\lark ./ohns·on, so. ,1....,t eve :-icihr a Ill, rf ,j

I.arq lIix, :1b 'l(;. Jorgensl'n, C ·1linb ~lorris, cf 1.

1':trTPflS, cf Ilb ~

l!PrJ, "wan, I\\al·!,cr,\-l,j

1. ~ J

I)O[)(il-..";indelar, _";;!'ro)\op, [I

I':manud, C

r;ro ..:,srohde, dKucera,,1.b8elsky, lbl\empf,1£I':ikmerler,{ :J~lendlik, rf '\TOT,,\J. ~'.!.7

Art Pisplay onC~mpus of WSC

The centen~ial a rt show,"l\ebraska Art Today,"moved froril Omaha's Jos_lyn Art Museum to WayneState (o11ege's Fine ArtsBuilding the past week. Itwilf be retained here forseveral weeks.

An ir1lvitation is' extendedto the public to see· lheexhibit.. Dick Lesh of theW.'-;( art department re_ports the display is openfrom H a.m. to In p.m.daily ,lind until noon Sat_urd~y.

lnclljded are top artworb by l\ebraska artistsor :\ebraska natives. Sculp_tures, oil paintings, watercolors and other types oftlrl 'are on display.

l",esh reports lhli centen_nial exhibition of architec_ture, ''Face bf :\ebraska,"

t~as ueeit, rses~~~dsu~~~of~:

he;·~iS i;a~le~~~~i:: ~t~::slanding display or arch.iteclur:'e in the state show~

ing lhd social development.It, follows the developmentfrom ~ndian and fur traderdays tthrough homesteadingand the railroad boom tothe present.

Divided into four parts,it jncludes: The l.and andthe ramily; The Commun.ity; The City;' and TheState. Gavins Point, WestPoint, the Missouri River,the -';tHe capitol and otherdispla~· settings are in·eludedl in the 66 separateunits.

Winside DefeatsWayne, Stanton

Winside walt' a lriangulartrack meet from Wayneand Stanton Friday on thewinner's lracKi. Finar scor~

showed Winside with\\ ayne ,19 and Stanton

se\'en. ,Jorgensen had a

,Ind a .... ingle for\Ltrk .Johnson ",nd

""'(eve ~ellrarn t'aell had twosingle" and ~'-;leve Kerl,11,:,r1) ""'\\', n awl \\ acker (meeadl. I r r Dodge, Prokophplpe,j his own cause withtwo hits and Sinde~ar.

(;rossrohde ;~nd KlIcpraeach had one.

. Jacobsen wonthree evenls for Winsideand [lave Brown and BernieDinger each won two evcnlsfor v.. avn~. Drown W<l~ also

in two olher events.

IW 1\ll~'!1 m C~:~Ttl:~)~ i~:~<;::w('nll down lo d('fellIl I~.~

a.t the hancflS ,J[ \~ ayne lIighPriLla,\ aft<;>rnbon.i[}odgl·'NilS Ith<;> \'ictim or the Dodge(li<lrEiOnd, the wll1 fur \\ I!hilll()Win~ the IOGals tel "'tll\

~lfl(,~e f;';:l;~~«,l.;,.., it h 1\\ e <;; I'ojnt

( enlral ( ha" t)(:'l'rt

)lloved hack. will 'he

~tla~~(~~t ~londa)

11e1Jll:1 r \\ ac~er Jid Uhc

~~I: 1\li~~7e':0rgiv~g

sJdking;wen!. til('

t'oy~es will sometimesdig holes two or three feetdeep in cr~ek beds to find "


OIDj YOU KNOW;.. , th.ot it casts LESS to Irun 0 full-page

• I odtthan it doe. to .end a pa~t card ta all the~ ~ I

~ers of Thf Way~e Herald?


.11 I


Hrown a, Bob Dangberg\\ i, Heed \\ ac;ker \\ i, Bob\\acker \\i, lC.I; low rlllr~

dies, Brown \\ n, [hngberg\\ i, \\ uppel S, Wacker Wi,H.I; II-ln, Handy Jacobsen\\i, H. \\"acker \Vi, Ilarbld

\\ \-aughl .....,., 11).7;Jacobsen Wi,

\1eycr \\i, \\oedeIS, I'ro~

dall :--', 24.(,; 4.10, Podal]:-;. l1i1l Ilolb::!;Tew Wi, DanSutherland \\'a, Rich Duer~

iog \\i, ,)7.1; 880, BernieDinger \\ a, Yranicar S.

~:~~~trC~I~Vel~l~, W~': ~~~~~mile, -""-eve Johnson Wa,("iene Barg \\' i, Don ,'-;. Ben_sonlS, ~:04.G;

Shotput, l\:eith Watrel~

mam Wa, Handy BrudiganWi,! KEittler S, JacobsenWi, 43 1 .1 3/4"; distus,Woeppel S-, Kettler S, \Var_reltnann Wa, Gaddie s,1231'7";, high jump, J~cob­

sellj \\i, Brown \\a; R.

~;~~'~etr~~d Dj:~~~r~ll~~~berlg Wi, Brown Waf R.

"Wacker Wi, Vaught S, 18 1(;

1/8";Fole vault, Binger I Wa,

Cleveland Wi, B. W~~ker

Wi, \Jave Witt Wi, $'G";8S0-yard relay, Win~ide,Stanton (Dangberg, J~cob­

sed. R. \Yacker. ~IeJer),1:4!1.0: mile-relay, 'Win~

~i:;;~t~l~~e~~i~~r\~~'cl~~rr~I{o~tgra'w), 3;59; two-milerelay, Wayne, St<j.nton(L~rr'y ~lagnu,son, ,Ywan­strom, Bob P\enn, RandyRobinsk 10:06.2.

MiARCH: WINNER lfl' Ike Molty McKoy: dleportment lOla, M".Alfredl Mongel, W'~5ide She IS shown reccmng 0 check tor $5 .hom K¢nt Hall otT WOY,ne Greenhouse! Her entry wo .. Swedld,rr1cat'bqlls More clntrtc~. or~ needed tor' thiS deportment A \0col erttr'Y Wins S5 ~och imonth, ,udglng done by the MolI'f MeKp'f Co Portland '--_._._--~+----_.. ,. - -Wayne Higlh Baseball .Team DefeatsDodge 6-2 to iRemain Undefeated


II "


I A)'N'fi AALP

. , I II II,' , II




! ,I!. ~.

n~~t's see, howl *holddII

I ,'0 ablout sellin,r 'liner of puP.?!"


I iI,

InQut wait a minute! TheI e~siest, fastest, cheapestI~\ . I !

~way to find a buyer is~_~ ,with a lo~.cost cI~ssified. ~lad. I'll phone onej1ln

,'lright now and earn extr~

,t [cash for Spring!~' I . ,

, I


I ,

'I I~lllIllIUIIIIIIIIJ"lfllllllllllllllllll'll 1IIIIil'IIIIIIIIIIIIIII;~IIIIIIII':

I iDidl1 'I

1315.' ~O' i! !'I i i ~

\ ~""IIIII"nnllll,nnlllllllllllll III nn~lIlnnnIll1111'11II1I",i;

,f 'I

j J ,I ' I I

'W_II, a p~rsbnl couldrite a le,erl tt

verybody Iin It~eI i I

hone boo~, ()r I• i ! I

osl notlce~. qn I

fence postt-' ,I,

Page 6: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east

!A( mitted: annie I.om.,'·1

·\lle I; ,Helen Muller, COI)I! i("or; lIern un Jager.Lrnerson; 0l ys MattisoD.I'oh a. I

]) 15 m is" d: A I f red!~tar~, !'onc; Ba'rbara i

'lei.s!.ler. Em nlOn; Mudd!.k l.\ r'd ell, ,aurel; Della, r

~:~~~~n~' ar~ ;r~::;lh~a~~~1rn~i~ ; ~ '::180 lilz~:,k~I:~::1fie d; Myrt e McCorklo-.: j

da-Ie Wukefi ld. 'i

(' !uvef('!lesCI()v!'rp(tp·, 1·11 club met

Mar. '.'.7 with Connie Baker.Mrs. Ilarelmfln und Annwill lduk inlo Ihl.' matterof lila king benches for the

. I4-:H Club NewsKeith Krueger's

R.ating Superior

SAVE $$ $


I' I

"I I

I );11/ Ih


Beat· The Sales TaXI, I

Which Is EHective I

. i (

JUN\E:l ~

i~~~~r~~~~py~~~:t~:;'t~~~t~isO;;~a~iso:oc~r;~;rc~~S:~~d1rlook encouragement of anationwide observalnce Q,nd

~ ~~Ia;:e:;~; tt;e S0~t ~t:wawr~:ship, Week. The obs1ervaricen(Jw stu rts the fift~ Sundayaftt'f Laster and lasts

Ul ~~(~J:.h ~:erb: ~~th +i~::~~ I

;ro~ ~~~7~~ f~)f~\~}:~~~aen~~::r~te ~I~ ~~e aSnlJt:. al~ee ~o~:~s,ources are of basic im.porlance to t.he welfare ofthf' sbte's; citizens and heqrg{'d renewed 'efforh in

"'helping lo pf{iSerVe ourlIirh heritage."

( linton \'on "egger,chairman of the :\ellraska\ s s 0 riD I i () n of .,-,oi I a nel

'i\ aler ('onservalion Dis­trict's stewardship com-

de~cribes the weekremind ever.\'­

One of !nOln's obligation to(;01/ as stewards of lhe soiland watl.'r." lie i" a Dodge(·olm(,. farmer.

iBuy~our, New or UsedC~


EN-;!ENNIIAL $PE~IAL . , 'MlllCU/ty C~L1~NT.E-~'door Hordtop, 289 ~ngin~, auta~at.

, ic trans:, elec~rlc clack, Iradia with rear speaker, tInted WInd· S.211J..Ishield, ~eluxe ,.h~el cov~rs. U

Reta~ $3104••7, ~UR P'ICE .!


I, '

$IiiApr. ~ through Mar; 7

is S.. oil' tewardship IWe~k.Werner ann, cl:tairllDlllIl:ofthe Way e CountyS6m~nd

Water ¢:anservatiorl' Qis­tric'l, pptnts out thrat It hetihe'~e is "Three-fourths ofOur Lalnid," empha.i~ing

the lilnd~irlltheUSA is 9wnedby priv te citizens.

Alma t 100 per dml ofthe loc 1 land is in piivateownerstldp, Mann pointedout. H, added that, "Uu,rsoil ana water ·con$eirva-

~~~~ ~i:t~~~~~St~na~~grnt~~=idual ci~zens with thejr ton­se.vatipn problcJll' qn lhi~

land."Man~ of lhe dlljr(:hes

in the {ounty will PH_tic.i­pate i lhe wee k. fhlScomes about becau~e the....;oil stewardship obsnv­arlee originated early inthe century when Southernchurches and congrega­tj"Qj1S o.,el aside .thfl fi!th:-iU1nday after LaB~er as i

"Soil alnd Soul SJnda~I"."

The observance grew andbe cam e known as ""oil

Mental Health Clinic ,I Set ThursdayA mental health clinic in after which a gc'neral ses~

Wayne, Thursday, Apr. 27, 0., ion is lo'be he Id o.n "Idenli-is elCpected to attract f."ing and Ilandling 1'rob-around 50 superintendents, lems in the Classroom,"principals, teachers and Dr. C. A. Roehl. clinicalguidance counselors from psychologist at Nor f 0 I kpublic school~ in Norl:h- Stale Hospital, and Dr.east Nebraska. Wud will be in charge.

Sponsored by the l\ie- \t.--",1:1G the group willbtaska Psychiatric m- break into small discussion heilh !'i.r\-leger receivedstlitute, Omaha, the clinic sections to talk over "('as(' I;he only superior raling fori~ also supported by the Sludies Of {'hi'ldren in i\'inside Illigh School musicSLate ,depa.tment of educa- )\·eed." B. E. hrantz, super- in the dislricl ITlll"ictinn, the state depa,rhnent inlcndent' at Blair, anu E.\\'. Thursuay ,!l1U Fri.of he~lth and the Norfolk Pelerson, superintendent all lhe rnlingsState Hospital. Th~ lCorn_ at .''';chuYler, will hl.' in ueen rereivet.l by (hemunit~y service divisi,on of charge. lime this was written.Nl'I is in charge. .\ dinner will he served l\rIH~ger a t rUf!l_

Supt. Francis Baun of at r; in the Birch Houm. pet' 0.,010. rat ing ~)f ex-Wayne High will moderate I·his wiLl be followed by cellenl wenl lo Teresaan 9-P-ening session shortly general meeting on "How for a girls' hit-{haflljr j.he weicoming'speeclil \\ e Better Use Corn~ voice (AUOtL, NlI"'~I('"by ~ITr. William Brandenr muni(y Hesources'!" Dr. Hatin~s of ~()od we~ t.o 5%burg, president: of Wayne DOll J\leniman, dean of stu_ .Inan fleck for girl,,' medi- .Sr.a:e College. Theme will denh at WSC, LaVern Llh, urn V (Jj{; l' nnd lo lJiane Now PailS ' 0be, "The Pupil, lhe $chool consultant in mental re_ l~fLleger for a piano solo. -..,and the Community." tardatiun for the deparl- Hatingo. of average 'went

Dr. Conrad Wurtz,1 clini~ ment of 'education and Dr, to Diana \\ eibJe fur (I IJianocal psychologist with NPI, Hoehl will lead this dis:- solo, Barhara Uallo[! for on savings certific'ateswill speak on "Cla:Sl'room cussian'. girl~' medium voice and \Conflicts." A genera~ dis~ Neal Brogren ,for boys' Member F.DY.CrC_U_~~_i_on_~_e~_~_i_on_W_il_]_I_'OI_IO_W__A_H_~_R~A_~_,D_W_A_'l..T_A_D_P_AY_S__,_n_ed_i._u_m_voice. L ~============::==\===:;:::~

\\ !vne residents c~n gettheir - sets connected tocable.TV now, ManagerHay Ilendig of Wayne CableTelevision Co. reports.The firm has been w(j)rking

the litlle "bug~'" that, show up in any new


1IIlAI1r ._..o.~CHOPPERThe best way to an'd Ie thetangled mass of t gh, heallyhybrid stalks is a tradY flailshredder. It s .r~ds yourstalks makes P1o!"ng easierfaster better ~nocks outmost of your corn tPorers teo I

You can e...,en pulll a tandemdiSC behind a Sr !jy and beready for minim m tillageIt's a great labo -saverand e)Ccel\ent f r clippingpastures and idl I acres.

Cable-TV' Ready/Manager Reports

cable~T \' office isin lhe Professional Build­ing and sign-ups can belaken there. A number havebecn connected t"\ lh'e cablefor weeks and report con_siderable success OIn both'1'\' and FM reception.

\l present thesouthwesl of \Vaynebringing in three Omahastations, Albion, two SiouxCity stations, a SioUlx Fallsstation and an educlalionalT\ station. i\dditionalchannels are to be pro­vided and a local weather.scanning unit i.s tal be in­stalled for 24-houn tinH~,

temperature and weather.Excellenl clarily! is re­

porled on color p~ctures.

There is also a gr¢at dealmore sel~et.ion ,~ecause

some stations off\'ll"; localprograms, some ,l.'lrY syn_dicated film progr~ms andvirtually every station hasdifferent offerings after the10 p.m. news s6 a bigchoice in movies or vari·ety is offered.

For those signingup now,there is no connection fee.Later on there will be.The only cost isl by themonth and if a subscriberwants off after on'e monthall he has to do is makehis wants known. It is likea lelephone conne,dion orutility connections in beinga month-to.month Iservice.

The only cOnneilltil!ln is

;h~i~:a~~tsOt ~~~l~~r/mfi~~TAdditional cable TV out_lets are availab1e so if

~e~~~~~ ~:~ ~f~:I~:~a~~::~~s if :;:hhacsa~ixi~r ~~ve~different program at thesame time. No antennasa re required. . I

Anyone wantIng furtherinformation can, contactBendig at .hiS office. Hi'stelephone is listed und r

:::~~able T~':~~:iO_ ~




. ne~hel, ratl

1,gS 'Ifor A'HS

mU8ic~ns we e; Exceu_.nt,Jean urant, plano; PiUl.eth T ames, piano; D. ,bbi'Carr. girls' I high vo ce;Jea:nin~ EmrY~tJ:umpet;Di.aM Eilis l gir sl'low voice;triple hio; an mixed q~ar.

tet. faul C!lvert. s:'Xl>­'phone and Mike E'Uis,trum~tt, rec ived rat.lngsof go:;fi.

Attelld O,.ha M~etRer. and IMrs. A;l D.

Weage, TheolPhilus Chl-trch,Wins~de, attelnded a tiree.day llJIeeting of the Ne ras­ka Cdnference oftheU ited

i~.tlr6~eOfOfC~I~~S\~te~·~le4;was! call for all nationsto enter into peace negotia~

tions j Delegates a Iso clalJed

~~'~c r~~7~;t~~i~nin0il{)J:~~~ ~calle8 for teaching re~igion

in public schools and cia liedfor 'turning to God forDivine direction in Ilightof our inadequacies.



Ji"'I'II'lli"~\~itt, b fil me saxo.

Jdl.O!H'; ihfa .... s.'.' S.l" t.,.,t; I.{onhraell\~r, bll\i'.! h"gh voice;cll-trinett qua let BruceIln3feltler, tr mtune solo;

\\ oouivind hair (super-i9r-plud and ~ivc specialr~cognilion), ILl yne .'-iny­l¢r, flule sol; [, 'nn I,'ahr­erhhoiz,jciarin t; ill J"ahr­erp.hoiz,l bass la inet; andN ney iwansu 1, ass clari-


• 375-2110

Yest~rdav he set'~eldhis I~wn Toda 'it'!;

pourinlfJ cats and dOffS.Now tie's glad h¢ used.

, I

in \\ :I)'oe.1~rolJps r{)rn~

but ralings;in t irne

in I hi.., art i.,Ie. I

\mong t.llt sllprriors forj

:~if:v w~ ;:0 ': eB~~~;ey~~r~~~

Page 7: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east


'I, :,' "1I '"


old dry weil, and sureenoue-h, there In lhebotlomof the well SpOd Old Sam;hi! ~\ead ha log low' aDdhis tail swilc inghom sideto side.

The rarm~r was be-

tildered. lie :1.coUld, think ofa way to g~t Old Sam outf the well,', but he could

not leave him thl!lre tostarve, so he finally madea decision. Ue declded togel a shovel and just buryOld Sam in the well.

lile threw a ,shovel,qfdirt~ntt the well., It fell on OldSa's baek. the mule just~ h a a k the ~ i r t off andshIPped on top of it. Thefarlmer kept throwing dirt

loOn 'Old Sam, but each limethe dirt fell Old Sam shookie off and stepped on topof it. Along toward eveningthll dirt in ~he well rolC!.i!llar the top. Old Sam

1- ;lll


~e Service· What We! Sell

. $44,8°0.only





we k and throughout theyear,

GOvernor Tiemannquotes a senate aDd house ..resolution calling for 01>­seJ!v~nce of the week. Heur~es dedication of 'peopleto ,the education of youthin the benefits of temper­anoe lin all things.

+ far mer awoke onem~r~i..ng In the wel' hquls.He turned and to. s.~ buthe GOUld not sleep "becauuhe as troubled. J He w..thi iog about Old Sam, his

~ll~ Sa%" ha~utei:D t:{.~h~~i .se~:an;ot fO;utm:fn\~~a~~ton ltis clothes and went outto the barn. There, in hisstaat, stood Old Sam. HisheJd i hung low, his kneeswe e bent and his bllCkwBSs,w Yled, from, the many longye f5 of hard work.

he farmer stepped' upto "Old Sam and gentlyslapJ:led. him on the back.Belsaid, "Sam,forallthesemapy years you have beenmy I faithful servant,; youha~e'worked ven long andha d but those days jarepa L You will never haveto work again as long asyo~ live because I am goingto tetire you, Sam. You cango Ito the meadow and ha veall! you want to eat anddrink. F'r?,~, here on itjsall :00 me.

Sam was taken lo themeadow ·and, as the dayspassed, he seemed to enjoyhis retirement. Then, oneday, he was missing.. The

I farmer looked for him inever.f corner otthe meadowb~no place could Sam b~fa d. The farmer thoughtof he old abandoned well.Pethaps Sam had falleniot it. He rushed to the y~

i I

and brain tealsers \offer a~~!:~nge to i the young-

The pamphlet for the old­e:r pupils quotes famouspeople on the use oftabaccol.!"lrl liquor. Results', ofdrinking, periJs M alcoholand the dangers that ac­c,ompany alcoiholism (dis­ea,se, crime,' adlfiction todope, etc.) are pointed out.

The aim of the progJtamis t () convincel young peoplethal drinking is not themark (if "mab,lrfty" somekids think it ts.' In fact,drinking after\. is, a resultof immaturity, the weekwill point out.

j'resident J <lJhins on pointsollL thal "fals¢ ISQphistica­bon" often leads the' young

~:\~s :~o~;e ;~~i~i:~~·h~~youngsters develop moraland spir~tual j>trength this

R al Estate Deeds:April 17, ThoH.ld and

Mrrtle JaCOb8~nand.Ja",.e.C and Lena JrDS8n to IDa If!

~~b~~~.ML~~:af/:,~EJ, ~~~1., Original' W~ns,idle. $1 andOV.C,

iYi.Dra~ing Thursday I April 27, $~OOCash D,awing Ever 1ThursdaJ at 8:00" p.m,

$1 0 Cansolatia~ fri~ If Nat Preselllt


Ar1nie's I Merchant Oil Co.Little 8ill's liar . i Mines Jewelry

Coryell Auto: C/" Meladee LanesCdrhart Lumbe. COil Sateway Star~

Caast-to-Caast Sav-Nlbr Drug ,Ba,ne,s TV Dale's Jew~lry

Don's Better Shoes ,State National Bank, I

F,ed,icksan Oil Ca. Sherry's Farm Serv,Ben Franklin Mi,t Bar I

Ke~rn Form E-quip, Tri,onglejFinanceFelbe, Pha,mlacy ~h,ad~r-Allen

McNatt Hdwe,' Super ValuFirst National 8ank, Swan's L.adies

Gamble Store, , Swan-M~Lean,

G,iess Rex~11 , Tielltke Appl.Bill"s Market Baisket! Wcilyne ,"oak Sto-:e

Lorson - Kuh~ wort!'an Aut~ Co. I

McDonald'. W ne Herold!

Larson Dept. Shire Lyman .hatagraPhY.. I.

iJI & S Oil Co: F",m 's Mar~et' 1

Doescher "'dw~. ''''-I'y f" T oYc-r" I ', 1

Dixon, Concord, Laurel, AII.n SchoolPupils Get Youth Tempera~ce Ideas

THESE LADIES prepared and ser'f'ed the meal at the LaurenceCo rison plOWing bee Wednesday Standing lett to right are

Mr~ Gordon Bard. Mrs. Jim Stout wIth daughter ~ngie, Mrs.Pearl Scott, Mr~ Mabel IBard, Mrs. leVerne Lundahl, Mrs

Vern Corlson and Mrs LolJr~nce Corlson

Friendship Womeh'~

~.;~f~~~i~~ ;ri:O:,p ~ro~;o~tand Lft-urel areas is placingpamphlets in grade schoolsin Dixon and Concord ~nd

nigh schools in Alle.n ~mil

,~~~~~ Ti:m;::':~;:~C~~~~~tion Week Apr. 23-30.

This year for t.h~ firsttime the week is being ob~

served on a national leveLProClamations for the wfjekha"l'e !been issued by Presi~

dent Johnson amI Governorriemann.

rw<) types qf pamphl.¢ts.Hf' bei~g llsed, One isaimed at int-he fourth

grades. 'l1heuther of interf>c.tin thl~ .'evf>ntht-welfth

For .younger peuple,fal.lacies are poinled etlutand the true facts givenon alcohol. Ilules f,orhealthful living ll;re giV'en

: '



Phon~ 375-211 0

(,uamntl'f'C! f1:lSV

p:linling hrushl< rollson l'asily -no laps




1\WaV ., N br.

This is the final week of Carhart's

Spring Bargain Fiesta. If you haven't

registered - do 50 today.

4th ,Weekly Prize

ISaturdIJy, April 29th

4 Gallons: Spred

House Paint

1do any oflhb farm dutie5

s ce his <l r c idenl last

:1 ,:;~. iD,Ul:iw: ceeffe\d ~(:fs~p·.nl and o~e week in theSi llX ('ity lIospit~l beforeh was allp.wed tp returnh( me. !lis ;urDtIHjr, Vern(' rison, a'ded by Elvis() !ion and i Gordon Hard,h ve b8en (~oing the twice·a ay l:hort'~ "iIlnl the mis­II p,

--,~----11 l\nhra4kil bag li.mitslroul ane seven daily

seven ~n possession,\lthough p. young cotton­

ta I rabbit has unl,v 1 chancein 2U ill r\l*ching its firstbi thday, iti is one of ourrn et commbn animals.


U'SMain St.


on O\Ir"8lltlY8'FIESTA homeImprovement specialS


a week In fabulous

ACAPULCOall-~XllrnS~\ paid,glamour

two Not h.ng to lJu~

11f 'FIESTA" ""MyBu1 while you're

1\\"l1!V 1\]1<' .1r,·a!liil,lrrn­',,·,!ll,·:-,rla\ tu

,I·,w ,I '.\ ;I\"n,' {

Lrrll"tt wll" ",!-:,Ir'll't",

,.,nilil. ["lljr':!ll ('

1\ 1','1 r;\ r Ill' I h r e,', ~'I i 1(!~, II!lw,·'.1 u' \\ ,I II e ~t' J d,

, tf,- ri'd it If[ ,:1\"11 hI ,\:1.11".wt-wn IH' ·,III'I""! 11'\("11

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I U r\',{'11 11,1'> ht'l'll unable


Ei~~ I '

Homogen zed SPRfD SATINFor the freshly paint~d look that lasts tillyou want to cha~ge c ors

HllY '-";11Wd ;-';;Ilinlatt'x vall paint, Thcionty\\:l.l.l paint gU<l!'nnteed ,5 ways in wdting.(;,1\·1· .... \',HI tlw rbsulb y u demaqd. or ~'OUl

I nllllh'\ hack'


Page 8: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east



i ,iI :

i: .-\.' i",.ltlll thorn, to talk ,It up ,J ,. til­prolier parr•• · lnt.ell It.d. 'I'~" I. J".ood H.t of vallable oUIII ... for IU han or.aDlzation l~ an aro.UD Wapi,~we believe ey .. Fe 11 a&Ut1 "" t".Il11.A,· mUIUa C mpl.~Y i a I' t b.nlflt Dmany way., and the laclpi ,,Of th•.o •gaUI.zation I of Ines. mabie val.l,to I '.morrbeu. t Is of' n ma. the I ,socu I orde* of thfll10mm nlty and'. ,.nrl-fLual, ene-lmpment flo,rd ,at' vaeatlQDof r'eCl~eatiob th8lt is I bove • I, ••ha.bi".it should dfve lop the I ua HUe o. manholjKltn ~ts members an instil th na.o"why our starry elffibl m sho d be hODor~

,upon .,veryolccas~lon., fhr al ,th1'thrllUncstories of thie NaUon~lthllto are clu.tl,r..ed abqut tho lIolldie( A mi ilia, compawin out midst would limula e all the ell.­ments 0.' patlriotlsm nd thatbt'iehtlc..om.munlty loyalty that akes fjor ••t o,.rpetty strifesl in our" lety I t~e leal rialgood. Why of cqurs: 1 WI. sijouldjhavea company of ~he, ationa U1ard., aDd;:fa~fr.e thi~ oppoHunt~y IP ;not 10 by

Manager Gossard of th local ccumstation is quitel el['ted ov r t~,~ amountof business cOllnin their wa~j Th., 1.1.

~~~~~%:~si:n~o~s~~,re~~~65 ~~~~:t:~'e~2~~ae:se t~~~P~:~eo~~'dbl:~~d~~ '~~ :1~:~~t~;::Jthat .day . 'the tel~rns at resl~nt to thefarmers is 30~ cepJ,1> per ou~1:1. Ourlncthe first half of I.he Jl\O th lhe prici

~aan~c~: l~\:('~~tur~~~V~;i:t;. e7;~I:n ~~r~~2H cent!>. 'I' '

Il. l',hillCO"llfldl J. W. ~h~son were

in Cl~r~l~a~~1~;t~[~~tl~ I~ ;s. a\o Wm.

Simmerman broke ~Ile 0 it l~ s Tuesdaynight. (Carroll NeWJl. ,_\,'

While ~-'haEl. t~ p w s n His way toF. ,"'bradertls ~IliSt- un? y b th "the hO'f"ae.which he was dtivi~ to k i I. lie rea'chedhis destination bU~I,::as fo ced 10 let 'hei~::).remain t.he~, iluntil Tu sda)'.' (LesHe

II; Ilia m Hug!>ej had qu a an 'Cd~ntone day last week. Ie a d 8 son, !to,bb ~,

were unhitching s me br chos fro adisc and ~hey' started Lto run drnllg IIIMr. Hughes and ill urinf hi quite bod y.(r\orth ('arfield Ne el.


Car Out 0 ControlDe~utyl S e, i ff S. C.

Thornpso i vestigated anaccident We n'esday nightfour mil ,5 otth of Wayneon H\igh ay 5. Accordingt.o Thomr son a southboundcar drf en by' Ja-mes A.Sommerf Idt of Wayne wentoul of Oflt alan a rte:"5urf~ced por iJn of the randand olra ele ,100 feet inthe X·tch on t e east sldeof tIC ig way befoll'ecomi go' halt. No onewas ~nju ed n the accid~nt

but a d~ a e estimate 'ofthe ~ut a$ given of$C7.20.

and Mrs. Emil ,'..;wanson,Winside.

Very respectfully,

Michael W. SwansonAir Intelligenr-e Team

Us....., Bon Homme Hichard(eVA 1'1) FPOSanFrrancis­co, Calif., :Jr,C{J I

(Ava'st, a sallor who willtake time to write! Wehope, more .... ailors~$oldiers, airmen, marinesand others in the sej"viceWill write. Vie don't carewhat yo-u write aboul; justI"rite. Even if yOI:l cavlt

<,10 as well as Mike did,write.--Editor).


THIS WEEK'The Wayne Herald-Apr. 24, 1907

i The new Fue High School Law has


r~~;~T~ ~~;p::::~nt~re'I::~s,,~~ P~~:iJ:for four years of free public high schoolflducation for all of the youth of this statewhose parents or guardians live in publicschool districts which maintain less thana four~yeac high school coune of study.

A number of enterprising Wayneladies have started a mov'ement for ,8

Reading Room and Gymnasium for thebenefit of the boys. The need of a placewhere our youth might gathec and spendtheir evenings and other spare hours,has long been felt by many of our Wayne'people. A liUle investigation on the partIOf the ladies has revealed a strong senti­ment in" favor of the movement, Liberalsupport has been tendered the project!and it seems possible that pledges fOT

some $2000 can be secured. Beside.s aroom where choice. books .and the best ofnewspapers and periodical.literature willbe provided, it is proposed to have a well­equipped gymnasium, with a swimmingpool and various l>ath arrangements. Inorder that the boysl may feel an individualinterest in the affair it is thot best tocharge a small monthly (ce 6f all who enjoythe privilege. However, the amount willonly be nominal and will be paid in oncea month at a social meeting of all mem­bers, when light refreshment.s/ will beserved. .

Adj. Gen. CU,lver in making an as.signment of territory, entitled to a com­pany of the Nebrasl;ca Nat~onal Guards,decided about a month ago that the NorthPlatte country should be next in orderof recognition. Rep. J. O. Milligan, Wake­field, took the matter up with the Adjutantat the time and strongly recommendedWayne for-the honor. Milligan then wroteWayne p~rties reg a r ~ i n g the matter,



ha r d to explain in words.One almost has to see itfor himself to enjoy thetrue meaning it offers.

. While out at sea for ..ev­eral days, I feel the mostwonderful thing t ere is todo is sitt· k on, thefantail of e ship, with a

[, cigarette in our hand andthink about h me, your girl.and feel prou you are here.

I want to thank everyonefor letting me inter rupttheir daily happenings tolet you know my pe,rsonalfeelings towards the Navyand what it stands for.

Thank you again. MichaelW. Swanson, son of Mr.

, ,


Good Things

Happen, with

"Nest Eggs"

Likt· growing chick", growin~

llollarl, oflf'n fitart from fimall ht>-, ,

~inninll;'fi. To make good things

haplwn for your family. Blart a

financial n('iil egg now; with a

Savings, Account here.

Ev{'n 8!llall amounts, fiaved regu­

larly, soon add up to substantial

sums. Intere~t! compounded reg­

ularly, help/; your mom~y earn

more, Wbat '·hatches" out? A

brighter future!


i I For,Ext~~ Earningtl . •. Ii I

~ . Time S4~in~. Accounts i 1l,1 i' '

i To make rolJr money work even I State" nalii~ hardltr. ch~Cf lhe advanl.aJ!<es o( i ' I

ii Time' Savihbt· at premium in- § , ~'k'1 ;: te;..' ratei. ilnqui,e! ~ '1 U·.,a'.,. .",1,I II ,I, II " j, ;:. . 11 i, ;a.."lIOlIHlwfuumwll-" sf U___

\ L....;,~:_';;.1_.;.1~:.'_~_~.... ..;.;,~~.F..D'..;I',t'-hrl-"1..,-r,,;;~ ,

It seerns all the bali dayswith the good ones

once the shipport and liberty

sounUed for the crew.that the Bonnie

crew invades thestreels, bilf'-.i and theatersof t-he liberty'porl.,

[l 11 r j 11 g this cruis~ weh<l\'P ~Lupped in II~waii andnow \ okuska. THe!re are

"fal gklYS in the same,d myself, *is being

their firsl bme verseas.'[ here ;Ire so rna i thingsYIl\l wHnt bhd pur-cha,;e that and moneywan'! allow. I

rake IIawaiil for ex­ample, it, is jUstt'like an,}'nthe r c Hy with a 1.1" twiceas many touid~ts. oJdid takeadvantage of'W aiki', i Beach,

~~el~oswwi~'~~~gStt/e ht~~~I alsu find Japl:\.n very

interest'ing, not only fromthe different litth shopswhich it offers, but thejl e () J e are really fas_

It is really too

present time I'man airman aboard the liS:')BON HOMME :HICII)\IU)

,\ and r feel vef)be a member

of the air intell~gence

Our primary jolb isand debrief the pilots onmissions the}' will bemaking during dur tour inVietnam.

The crew g~V~ the shipthe nick name cpf "BonnieDick". It is a 21~year-old

air c raft catrier whichcame out of an ,eight~month

mapor overhallLl in 1%6.By the way if you're won~

dering where some of yourincome tax w~t. il onlycost twenty million do!tarsto ave. rhaul h~~rfTheYmain_ly put in ai~ - anditioningfor· the comfor ofthe crew,and a new flight deck.

The ship is a~most: likea moving cityl because itoffers, just abqut any typeof entertainment, a p~rson

could want.. There are j?bs we don't

like to take ~om becausethey mean 10 g hours, alack of sleep, nd sweat be.cause they are filthy hottasks. Believel me every_one seems to live throughthem and after a whilethey mak~ fnjoyabIestories to talk laboul,

The ship pulled out of~n Diego on tllte 2r,th ofJanuary and iU was a time

of I :sorrow fof,' lI?~n'y anda bme of r )Olcmg forothers. The te rdrops fellhom both me and womenj~st be(on~ the bfOWS liftedfor the, last tiln/il

lbut can

you im~giDe th~ ¢heers andhappinelss 'which will returnafter i~ is aJl.,over for an­other cruise? '

SinG~ the d,~e. of de-

f.arture! there ,I have beenonger days, Ish,orjter

tempers, and 1811 sorts ofhard work aCfqmplished.

'I I

ii ! I

~mericanCancer Society

Letters toThe Editor

ply. Following ohe paradeat Lamp Stambaugh.'. t-lag­hee recorded, ., 'I: fw lO~per~

tion passed orf finely andthe Col. was rlOt: drunk.",-\ few day .... lat·r. ,hewrote,"Lieut Griffith was nul ti/{hilast. eve." which impliesthe occasioll was f'xcep~

tional.neginnin,g ill, lat,f' ~UlJl­

mer lH74\i lJr, ~hghee's

diary becbme~ sornewhalbrighler in outlook, for atthal time he W(l'S joined b.\his wife Ellen. Wirh herat hi", side, lhe young doc­tor became less inlerestedin the personalit.y defectsof the officers and olhprdoctors, taking a greaterinterest in living quartersand other domestic i::.­sues.

Upon fulfilling 'his armycontract, Dr. Maghee re­mained in \\/yoming, m.a.inlyin the vLcinity of Lander,where he died 'on the 2Rthof September. 1927,



With YO.ur ~ I

Future?ii, ~

a Nebras~ thunderstormupon thei c Imp also at­tracted h s alhlOtion, forhe had Ii tie,Ifaith in thestability ~ hi t~nt.

On Jul ,1, 1813. theexpeditio retl!Irned to FortM c Ph e r s onl' *,"ndDc.Ma.ghee was S8i§D~dquarterswith Dr. . F,. fowell .. an.at her cFmtraC:~ surgeon.Powelilquiqkly becameMaghee's' le~~t favoriteperson, 8f:d th61 diary con~tains num ro~s Ireferencesto Powell s l~ck of socialgraces, h s u.qrnlilitaryHab­its, and ~s apPjrently hap­hazard mediII pr.aeuces.

an~:~:i :;,as


tinually can a ized by thedrinking abi s f the mili~

tan, bot of ic rs and en~

listed m n. H s medical~supply w~ 'cJnt nuallYbro...ken into qd 1st len, while

::~isti:dhX w :to~a:~~:~a dose of whi key for their

various lnd i gfDiOUS ills.If Dr ~ Mag e had little

patience with t. e drinking:habits of the n isted men"he had 0' p tienee at ai'for: tl}e ,'offi eEs, pactic­ular I.y "y en h y followedthe lead. tf th e listed menanll l'aid~d hi h spital sup~

: 1.1, I


Iau '/flay nol nqrr/i with (Ir1 editoriAl

Im~ If )'OU rNul ,1,,' I'tli/or;al and gil!" rO·1'1 J 1~()IIr;"t If) thr wbjut djUI4IUd yo'u

III II' taifll'rl. Yloll. tU t/ rt't1.dt'r, hmll' qi(!r~l

If rIll thlJuqht' to 111/ i'rportant praMr1/1m I ,A,. wntu is proud to Juror calhd yourflf ,·"drHI 10 an' lm!ior-(twl Juh!rc., II",! IIOjIJ

TIl l' hat'.- otJu/ookrtl.

quick y re liZEId that as~ can ract s .rg~on ,his mil_ltary autho tty Iwas slight,and ithin ~nth Qf hisaniv I on h rontier hedecid d tha h~ auld eitherget a regul r ¢ommissio"nlat th end his two yearslor 'r turn t ptivate prac-Itices I, Hi first ajar military


a.ssignment ;was hili ac_rlomp nying th~ NiObr.• raExpe ition f P ofess,or O.

Ie. M csh f Y Ie UlIliver_

.• itV .... 0 his iO~or p'l.oon.•to I 0 i c a I ex loration of',nort ,rn N br ska. He en­,joy. th•• it ment.loid.ling' scien ifi discovery.'as W 11 u t:h hunting ofidee!: and a tel e fOT the


urst"' time. h resul\s of

" 1

~ ;1

DITORI MMENT'T t' editorial dt/lart1fltnt () 'f INrH

nrws/IflP.•..,. U (In ;mf!orftlnl d.•.. par !I~. "~'. N"1/11111, ;1 IS a,u /J1'r"'O,,'J o"i,,;oll 0 Mp.es th>tI'IJ1Jft'rn tttHHt 0/ tI.,. ,.,.lldnI.--....JJAs tnt' duty at (11r rdlforu 1, nit'" (

J'((Jrrh. all (Ivai/aM,. fluJ! Inior/', t' Is~tJ dowto ~ ..'rrtt'. From 'his hf1/u tlu' w j~tlr shaulbe ~bh to gror a rltar I'll tuu' 0 Ijmporlan


A Frontier Military Doclidr14 the spring of 1873,

D.r. Thomas G. Ma$"hee ~f\\ a~renton, Indiana, con..tra9ted with the U.~. Arn1Yto s~rve as a military d~ ~

tor.IHe was assigned to eU. $. Cavalry and ser~ dat Fort McPhersq ,Nebraska, and Camp Sta _baugh, Wyoming Territo y.In 1931, the N.b,askaS t.Historical Society p tlis~ed Dr. Maghee'~ dill ,whIch corvered the pe,from MaY' 28, 1873, to 4\¥ot 14, 1875.

'T~OUlih ,votoun 01 0eiv 1 Wal1, Dr. Maghee~,

vie .d the military as'ou!s'der, and. his limprsio s of military life wolte 'unfavorable. He' a



Tho Wa,no Ho,~ld I 0 f.1

How much does it co fOll as' a dlraw mo~e Iitler. Ugliness multiplies.resident of Northeast Nebra kia to cl~atl ora.le goes down. Contempt for law builds

~~81~tt:~1/$~~5Qh~g~;:rS?Do '~guesst-it l Pg~~~~~[;YbYr~leU;.S /nhs~ic~' ~~;~:es.eteeca:;Small pota~oes, eh? ets in. ,1yIa)lbe it started with a cigaretteBut it you have a-fami y, say y u, a-ekage or alcandY Wrapper, but. certainly

yOUt 'wife anq four childr Ill. the ill did not starn big 'regardless of how itcomes to $15.00' a year. The b !l'for pea Ie nds. I,

t~t~et::n$i~;oJ~i~:/f $~,~~~fi aIdy:~~~d ~; f th~h~:: ,b~~~e/0~~;~rt7f t~~~,~~tt~:~~:Wayne people' it would· be, $,10,000 to air when you dump trash on public or$15,000 a year. " i riY]ate_Iand l Do unto others as you would

~avq others do unto you. USe litterbags

But this bPi is for kee in1litter ,off..l [) .n "fars _, boals. ispose of trash Inhighways and other public are 81. How a ut eceptac les"providecl.the costs ftJr the cities andco ntr?Ther 's It's yuur money that will be usedboun~ to be more tax money ,pent inth se a clean up afterwa~d. You might as welldivisiJons of governmen,t. 'I' aVQl what ypu uan by not littering in the

When it comes down to it EIlJ,chper on irs~ place. Then you can help preserveprobably has to put up $5· orll1l1ore ev ry ur natural beauty in the second place.year for litter collecling. Y~t few pe Ie oUI can tell others to do the same inget arrested for littering in $pile of s te he Ithird place. And you shouldn't have tonud loca.l laws which are sl.PPlUsed t be e told in the first place.reslrainmg the lit erbugs. I f By all r¢l.eans-don't be a.bitter lugbe-

But the big cosl cannot pe measu ed fause we don't want you to be ain what it costs t.o clean up. Litter te ds ~itterbug. -CFG,

Do Wa)n, and Wayna ~~l~ ~o~J:~DII~:a ~'O~~:I;d: afte' he receive~heScout-really need Dick Man1e.y? + iers Key, he Scouters Award and the

lie just handles t.liS teaqhing.chO$S, !Mid.Arnerica Council Award of Merit.direds the college news buteau, tea es ! Then again, it. could be to pay himSunday school, $tays acliv61 in Kiwa is, ~aC!k for the college students he haSserves as Scoutmaster and lhandles ~ lot !enlisted to heJp, for those .campouts inof other small jobs all of which ad1 up reezing wealher in. winter, the hikes, theto one continuous one, t lcolliservation proje¢ts at Ikes Lake, the

fie is being honored Monday by the 'meetings wee~ after week and year afterMid-America Council of th¢ Boy Sc uts yea,r or .the awards his Scouts have wonin Omaha. Hecognition come~ for ser ice ove,r the years.to Scouting. 1 It could be for his own two sons,

How come he's gettink that? Just one an ~agle after Cubbing and Scouting,b",cause he has been in ScolIl work since the other in Scouting after completinghe started as a Scout in 'Popeka, K~n., ICUlhbing. Or his daughter, in 4-11 work.at the age of 12',' Hecaus~ he wo~ked It pould 'be for hLs wife who has beenhis WHy up to the Lagle rankY i' ralmost as active as he has and has backed

. Maybe it's because he Wa~ assis ant [him i~ e~ter~o~rs~b~~t.it could be for al!Scou.tmaster for? few mont~s In ~for ell, ,Ithese thi~gp Could be.N. 't., after.gethng out of the all f~.e I So who needs Dick Manley? We all~nd completing mo~e college. Or.per aps do! We ne1d lots of Dick Manleys. ThereIt go~s back to Alllance, Nebt., wher he liS 'only on~. and Wayne bas him. We'rewas c..ubmaster three years.: , prrLd a_ punch of him, his ·~amily and

Still, Wayn'~ is. in the M.id~Ame ica hi~ Scouts who have followed ljtis leader-('ouDcil and maybe the recog-nit.ion c es ShJP to become bett,er young men.for his work as a Scoutmaste~for T oop Demnitely we need more like Dick174 since 195M. Perhaps it wa't: nef in M oley, Scout.'s hfnor!-CEG.

N~t Sig~ing hi~ PetitionThere is talk of a petitlon dri


to a glinst the men they elected who did

fl~t ~he\;:~~sa.ta\~ndo~~co~~.oti;~se~:j~~~ no~ vote in the legislature as they would

earnpaign to get the sales.income tax hale I~~:'e~·~te~ive the in~ome and sa"Zsvoted out, we're having none of it. i ta a chance. We may learn to live with

ln lhe first place, the people ~'oted it and even like it. If the state spendsagainst the tax. They voted agai st a th extra money wiselYI Vie may be soproperty tax too. Ubviously -the p ople ha py with the extra ben.efits we will Lecan't do with~ut taxes of all kinds s the gl~d the legislat.ure aded in oppositionlegislature went ahead and set u the tolour wishes.income and sales tax it wanled in the first ,S<..nools and roads need the moneyplace, paying no attention' at all tI the anp if the legislature cain u~e: the extrafa c t mor.e p e 0 pIe we r e against that mq,ney to show us some irr1;Provemenbcombination tax than against the pro ert} anti gains in these two Oelds we will belax. I happy. There will be (ool~sh ex'penditures.

Some individuals &nd groups tor the of course, but gaips toward ljJetter roads

~~:&Ie :rh~~'e;:~Ult~.xber:~lt~:.'~d~ffM:~ ~~~ and I~~~t,~r s~;~o~~~, ,0p~~L~~sc~~~inftf:)t;lieved. this, thinking the state tax was a 1%8 vote on the incomd and salesquite a load when actually, it was j st a ta-1(.-at least not yet. Thtere is time lat':lrf~action of. the taltal property tax levy. in case we are dissa(isfied. BeUer yet,;-';ow they will have·almost as high a rop- WEt can vote out the ones wd don't want:~1~st~:~.a5 befoJl1e: plus income tax plus baJck in case we don't like what they did.

.... This is a switch on our part and noThe people or l'\orthe..ast Neb aska admission that our stapd Was f,virong. How-

may have' been against ~oth, but they eVler, the people have madle a bed ofwere not vehement enough' about it Now taxe's and theY'r~ goi~g ~o h~"e to l.ie inthey will have to live with it and si ning it for a while. V\ ho ~OWls, a ed of taxespetitions is not the way to do sam thing may, be more comfortable' t an &orne ofabout it.. What tbey tould do is vote thle lumps we've put up'withb f(Hel-CEG.

Page 9: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east

lJ..d't'a,,,d '0 sjn"n,"'l(lrmaf·4·",'I~t. N.·..,If;i", ,#1 Pn·d 'on

C;omfort forI.the PatientI

Makin~ the patient com~~ortobleat nonie i~ easy when Y,lou hove

QlI the! nece~sary sickrobm sup­

plies. te carry a camp,lete line.

FELBER PHARMACYTwo R.ghl.r.d ph.rm.eh,.I, to S....... You

61 V._n of R.Ii.bl. Pr••cr~ptlon S.r., •

Ladie~ Aid MeetsLadles Aid of th~; Prest

byterian Church me~ thurs~day af~ernoonat the ~urChlMrs. Herbert A 5 anq.Mrs. Chris Graf 1 d de.yotions. Mrs. Dick taple~

Lodge Members Gu(ts~sUdd Fellow Lodge mem­

bers of Belden were,guestsat supper Friday of theNorfolk Lodge. Attendingfrom Belden were LovdFish, Earl Fish, Elm~rA.ve r, Elmer McOonald,Chris Arduser, FloyidRool,Earl farks, ..BliSS. Mose­ly, Do Danielson, MarvinAnde soon, Hans Bach,Elert Jacobson and RoyRoland. I

Jolly Eight Club Mee~!i,

Mrs. Robert HarPier en­tertained Jolly Eight Clubfor supper at BOibbie'sCafe. Two t:ables of bridgewere played with Mr$. JohnWobbenhorst ! winning highand Mrs. Fr'6d PrIanz low.Mrs.tA~in Young W8jS highfor the eight game <jeries.Mrs. Ted Leaple)ruest. !

Cancer Drive':Cane e r Drive w4is con­

ducted in Be Ideo with Mrs.Herb Abls il) charge. As­.istant colleetor~ were

~~:a~~h~c~a~~ta~d ~~::Jim Kavanaugh Jar the townand Melvin Graham andWayne Vogel for the coun­try.

1uxiliary Me~~s~ Women's 1uxiliary met

~~:~da~e/l~ ;:bb:~~:'I~~Mrs. Paul )['oung as co­hostess. Mrs. LawrenceFuchs was in chs(ge ofthe meeting. A gift ,of $10wa..s sent to the Chilfl Wel­fare Fund. Next meetingIs May 9.


I'-, .~~ .:;. I·':'f··'

~: .~~ ~~;"J~ ,'0

-;!C~·'·;f owning a ICo, . ~emaiJt•.ng it bath

pef'onal car that "i0men nCfllv go for. Mavbe Cougar ha, been namedi "Car of '1 e ear"nOS the,' lithe lin~,. t~cIS.POril 'ar Il'air. the gle~ming by Motor Tl'llnd Magac:ine. J>uite n onor. .J,e-c~q 'grille. t e tTIUSCUlr Y·S engine, Or Quite a car') ~'ome in(nd SOt/or y ur If. Bu ,If

m";"",, :'i,bl':!!liN'~U,ij' ro,.

4 I 1,'[ 1III I II .. I" ., ·11·,""·,k.'

1 •fa I 1--...1....-------"1,--- ~ Tho 'fia,.o I Nob•. I H',ald, M

M~t~~o~PhO.~I~S ~;r~:Metal~~:~e~l. theI 'Mr. and Mn. Mlk MUl-.·

Mr. and M~. John Wob- man wu in charl"l! of the phy and Colleen, aha, :benhorst, Mr. and Mr •. AI_ Bible study, Ho.telllllll were we.k.nd ~••h In'yin Young. r. and Mrs. W II r II Mrs. Fred PU.pz: the hom. of Mr. anti Mn.Mel,oelozler and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Leapley ,;I Earl Flah. ~Mrs. Len Atduser, Bar- Mrs. Ed Kel(er. Mr. and Mn. au Smithn:um, Minn., 'were guests wer'. rv1.ltofl- S ..y ofPriday at Ch~is Ard(Jseu. Mrs. Dennis Smith aDd ~l~;: ~h~i .~.r:lt:i:.~~o~

Soel'ely _ ~,::~~. T~~~~:YCl:Yt'heW:~I~ friend••t Jackson.

Smith home. Mr. aDd Mn. Don;'Robln- IMr. and Mrs. C. IB,rling Ion and dauchter,' Valley,

were visitors T day in were weekend vlli~ors In'the Leroy ing home, the RoberJ Harper home,Dakota City. Mrs. Elmer Ayerl enter-

Din n e r gue ts in the tabled al' a merc~andistliClyde Cook. ho e Sunday par l y Monday aft.rnoon.were Mr. and Mu. Larry Mrs. Maurice Denilinger,Case and family, Mr. and Coleridge, wafil dempnstra-

Mrs. Melvin Lunda and torMr . a~d Mra.: Fredfamily, Sioux City, Mr.and ~Mrs. Gene Donner and {am- Stephens and {ami ,Den_ily, 'Wakefield, and Mrs. ver, and Mr. an Mrs.

Marjorie Case, Lynette and ~/:i~~~~eM~~J:.I;in·Jhe7t:~LY~~. and Mrs. R. K. ert Wobbe.phorst home.

Draper spent the weekendin the home o{ Mr. andMrs. C h a r I e 8 Thomsen,Minden.

Mr. a_Dd Mrs. FredPflaDZ visited in the homesof Mu. Mildred Caneca,Bellevue, and Mr. and Mrs.Neil Pfhtnz, Umaha, lastweeke,;ci:

Mr. and Mrs. TedStephens and family, Colo·rado, arrived Friday tovisit several days in thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ert Wobbenhorst, Belden,and with Mr. and Mrs.Ollie ChiMs, Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy An­'dersoll spent the weekendin the home of Mr. and Mrs.Chris Wiebel, Omaha.

Mr. and Mrs. ManleySutton spent the weekendwith Mr. and Mrs. ClairVon $utton, Omaha, andMr. and Mrs. Dennis Sut­ton, Plattsmouth.

Mrs. Martha Casal ofSioux City, was a Wednes­day afternoon guest of Mrs.Louise Beuck. Y

Ditmer guests Sunday oflMarie Bring were Mr. andMrs. LeRoy Bring and fam-,Hy, Dakota City, Mr. and

. Mrs. Carl Bring and EmmalMae, Paul Casal and Mrs.Louise Beuck. Afternoonand luncheon guests wereMr. and Mrs. Dic1kJenkins,Norfolk, and Mrs. ArnoldBartels.

Patricia McLain andDavid Kenyon. S.D" were



The river happens to bethe Saigon Hiver, Vietnam,and the M 0 n t r 0 $: e takessoldiers and marinesaboard for r,est and relaxa­tion. His address! is: FNLarry D. Lambing~R. Div"US.S Montrose, FfO 212,Sa'n F' ran c; i s c o~ Calif.%601. I

Larry tambing,t' son' ofMrs. Hazle La bin~Wayne, has been in th~ I

navy abou~ 1.X ye ri. He I

is a fireman abo rd theUSS Montrose., whic is cur..ulIl;ly _tatlODed In , r Ivorl

Rainbows: migrte mor~extensjvely than 0 ar :troutand caJll survive i warmerwaters: than! otherl speciesof trout. (

Pvt. Lany Plntey, sonofMr. and Mrs. Everett Fin­ley, Sloa'n, la., has com· iIJleted eight weeks of ad..~anced· inf~ntry training' at IFt .. Lewis; Wash. ,;He re-!eel v edt r a i n i nlg withrifles, ma:chlne l' ondrocket launchers. l- is wife,Janis, is liviJilg i Wake ..field while he h ov rseas.

Pvt. Ala~ \ van Bhskirk, ison of the Seward V'lDi Bus- :kirks, Laqrel" completed'a 14·wee'k auto !repaircourse at the army ord­nance center and ~cihool.Aberdeen ~rov:iDg Or~und,Md., last month. "e wae~ra!ining in maintenance and"tpair of engines on ltrmytrack and wheel ve.hicles.His 'wife, Cheryl, i.s inOsmond while he i!ll over­.eas.



••• l

1-:_2 Gene ThornlJson ishere visiting his piuents,Mr. and Mrs. UelandThompson, \\i ayne. ~Ie is amechanic in a mot~r pool

~~s Ftbe~~a1~' t~~ (le:v~~::'Iix months and was senti


The subscription pricefor The Ilerald is $C.S9for servicemen anywherti!1 the ,world, Those paper$going LO Vietnam can bemarked S.A.M. (Surface.Airlift Mail) to be taken 9YiHr from the coast as spacepermits, resulting in de­livery severnl weeksearlier.

at Lackland AFB, ex. Heis a techni~i.an workingwith bombs, rockets andmissiles amf his l\ddressis: A/3c Gary Fri~ndf AF169814:41. 34151TechSchool, Lowry AF~, Colo,80230.

Pfc. Terry LuttJ, son ofN!r. and Mrs. Lestflr Lutt,v,ayne, came Apr. 14 fromFt. Lewis,Wash.,on30-dayleave. He reports May 15at F't. Dix, N. J., 'enrouteoverseas. Plans call forhim to go to G~rmany.Terry has been in'refrig­eration training since com_pleting basic training.


th~n e'nelne. I.DdI w~eeledv. hie 1e c h •• I. i 81 com..ponents were included inhie training,; ••

Now in further ai~ forcet-raining at Lowry AFBColo., Is A/3e Gary fjriend:Ion of Mrs. Mary ~rlendJ

Hoskins. He arrf.'ed inColorado Apr. 1 aftereompletlllll ".. Ie t -iAIJlC

A d.monstraton rid. in _ ~.w M.reur~ entitllrs you

tlo. thr•• pnuin. :Arnold P.lm.r gIolf ~.lIs for only

$1.50. Hurry! Supplies .r~, limittd. I



... F.,..,..,,".to.K.a.... ..,-In.,





A~:~':.:A:u~~·=lni i'(

XL's are bred for thickplanting In fla-rroW ro .... s.to make Ihe most of hIgherfertil.ll) 10 fight dIsease

. and IflSe<:t~. Bred for WUlhstalls. strong shaflksto put an ear on ~\'~ry stalkand produc~ profitablecorn ~(1clds. Insist ontough. modern DeKaib XLHybnds.


llenn) ~\itchell, who isstationed at Adak, ,·\laska,telephoned his mothe,r:\-lrs. ~targueritt, Lange,Helden, ."'unda)", Apr. 16.\dak i:o: one of the Aleu_

tian Islands. It was 11:45at night when lJenn\" calleda..nd 4AS in the mll~ning inBelden. Roth could hearcclllvers .. tion quite good:.[)ennis said time was goingfast becatl~e he is busymost of the time .. lie saidthe call was costing onlyfor the Omaha to Reldenportion. Ill" ex.pects to bestationed on the islandabout'a vear.

"DEKAlS" 11 I R'I;'lend Bun41'llmc. Xl1'lu.mbcn Ire \'"ictrDc->oIJf\"';on,.

the former Barbara Brudi­g-arn, Wakefield. Ll. Mitch..el! graduat.ed from Anna­polis in l~(;o and has spentse~·en years in the navy.lle was attached to thecurier US-':l Bennington at."fin [) i ego and then sta'­I ioned at the Naval Air:--t.aUon, l.emoore, Calif.,before going to Japan two\ pars ago where the familyIIH~ bt't'n living prior tohis assignment to the base:ll :'>iorfolk where he willbe financia 1 adviser to thedlief of staff and will serve\\ itb the anti-submarine

~nH rJ It ~~~ffhe A~~~nt~~ e~o~i~hthe Us."i Mars, a new typerJeet-support ship, as cargoofficer.

Leaving Friday for N~r ..folk, Va., were Lt. andMrs. William Mitchell andtwo daughters. They, hadbeen vis.iting his parl.flnts,Mr. and Mrs. K. R.Mitchell, I\I.en, aftervisiting her ~rents atGlenwood Sprln&"_ Colo.M". William Mitchell 10

Page 10: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east

I I'1 1 '1





Win.ide, .Nebr.



~ :

City AU~ito~iIJ, II 1l


'I I




I .'.

~nfastenetl Seat1Beh Results in ! identifies l. . ,~niury to Hoskins Man Thursday . ~op~r£fH~lt~;: c?~~~~ i

~w·ynlejThdcm·T·h.HGSkin•• fron.l end'. Extensive d'fflcer In leO Rpletur·'I'·,,"~'.>i

as n ure uta d ..,y Thursday, HI." hlrdfrolD ',"ornine in a two-car -acel- damage also fesulhdtothe left in the b tto' row. She I

ent on a county rqad ope back end, the right side, S-Il I d he w II n,ld.redHe eut and three! miles and the windshield of ,the quite a her I hll da,..

~,outh of Winllde. Ajccord_ Thomas cllr. In addition,' H f Th

to Wayne County Deputy .. Wayne: County ,Public there;a:Ue~oin :Ul·~w·e:1 'I

,berltf S. C. ThompaoDwho Power Dhtrlct gu)/ wiu ;.. right corne w rt In tbWnVelIticated the mi.• h. p, wa~ :ap~ta:yedThOmpson e. i Wo and dr m orpl. uDJ II,Thorn~. wasthrownagainlt orted th t· t' I httl! h fortunately, in a~IDC the,'the windshield wheDhllcar p n, lie e g c picture for tlp uctiOD itqolllded with one dri:ven by hole in the Thomas a to WitS made for i a tar..rSilly Suehl, jr.,ofWinaide. probably c'ould have been spacc. Whe it am. tim'; Thomu wa. rushed to a prevented If seal b~lt8 had to print t er wal tn~111~orfolk doctor by his 80n, been buckltd. enough spa e.. the men

wh:reThs~a:h~so~e::~:= Mr. and Mrs, Forest : ~~: ;~~ t:ei et~:tm::,quirect to close the gash Magnuson and Mr. and Mrs. the piclure rna inc Ident{-~eginning behind the right George Magnuson visited f1catlml in orr ct in thett'ar and ending just below Friday with Mr. uno Mrs. i caption. Su ra one ,fromthe cheekbone. Thomas Marvin Pospishil, Mando... eRch ~oun gi n in thealso suffered laceration. via, Wis. The PlIspishils \ caption an you 1 have theelm the hands, elbow and adi?ngcomrPe·cne~etcN,.ohheron,' tMo ~ .w.e"dd~ right OInt'lS _dont ied.leg. Suehi WllI!I not injured. I-' iort-- •

The accident occurred at Mrs. Meynard Mngnuson at~:15 when a high embank- St. Croix 1"11 lis , Wis" Apr.ment prevented the drivers 16.

~~ t~~:o:~~~~~~~:u~~~~U;~ """W-IN--51-DE-'5-:1',A-T-IE........8 ~N---.lKvehicle from seeing 'eachother.

The Suehl car was ex­tensively da,magedi in the

ipermit. Conservation offi~eer M. Shafer signed the-­complaint.

The last case oft.heweekwas It speeding chargeagainst Sue Mills of Hos_,kins. A fine of $10 and$5 costs res'ulted from thecomplaint brought beforethe court by D. Matejka.





AND. 5 EL F.:C b NFl [) ENe E








You are Invitedto a


13o:t.kMeJ.ll4CiLLv.I~~"-10 CGIt~Oh~H;I. DATE: IFriday, April 28 ':. TIM~: 7:33, P.I M.!. 'PLACE:I Women's Club Rooms

Sp~~sq~ed by: the Wayne HeraldR FRIESHME~ts SERVED -I DOOR~ iiI '

,~ eserpted by 0 old Alberg & Associates



filed It/{ainsi DenniS Has_ml,ls"en, Allen, A fline of$1(1 and $5 costs resultedff{)m lhe complaint I'ignedby' \\ ayne l' oUIll,y Attorn'eyI lOIlHld Iteed. 1

~\Jlril 1'l, Lbter (;rosc'If \\ akefield paid $10 and('(1$(.., of $5 for speeding.I' " t r 0 1 rn a n L. Sv~)boda

..,ignf'd the complaint.'I Ill' same day Gerald

Luebcke, t\orfolk, paud $7fi

, ,

TOP WINNERS IPI the Allen fFA award program we-re (leftto right I Dorryl Gtlger, star chapter farmer; Ken Swanson" whoolrtlost mode the award; and Bill Sochou, star chapter gt'ltt'!nhohd Dove Rasmussen, winner of the FFA scholol\:Ship, i$ not in

thll plc_t_"'_e -;-_'_.-11-----

(or o¢ef~weight on tandemaxles, $55 for oyer grossweight, $70 for over_weighton a group of axles, and'$10 {or over-weight oncapacity plates. Courtcos t s of $5 Were alsorendered on the complaintfiled h: scale operator H.Johnsilil.

April 20, Gary Delp, Nor­folk, paid $10 plu$ $5costsfor fi~hing without a

Au~horiz.d Cot logsales MerchaW~y.;., Nebr. 1

Permo-Prest No-Iron

SPORT SHIR Swith full'cut clos,ic

styling 1

Only $288ef.

Sears Kenmore,


Low Suds I

2S·lb. Pkg. I

Rl4~97S IIn Stock Now II SEARS .

Durant, "Oh, J~dy, IMyJudy"; review of thoyear·s

:r~~Vjt~;::i~~:t~rYt~~:;~eb;n,ortheast area 'vice presi­dent, Allen Sedivy, Verdi·gre, and southeast a,reavice president, D~veMalone, Waverly;

Honorary chapter farmerceremonies honoring Supt,Mitchell; installation ortheDew officers for the 1967­68 school year; and closingceremonies by th'e 1%7officers.

Sandman introduced asspedal guests the sUPi"r.in..tenpent and board of e~uca­tio$ members of All,'), twoguests from the Eme:rsunchapter, the two area vicepresid~nt.s and his own par­enls (tom Cambridge,Around ISO attended theaffair put on by the 4H­member Allen chaptet.

Fifteen CasesIn Wayne CourtI Fitt~en cases were prf'­sented.before Wayne ('aunt)Judge David lIamer duringthe past. week. A total of$845 in fines and court¢ost.s was collected fromMonday to Thursday, withfive of the assessmenh dueto speeding arresl:s,

'\pril 17, LeslieC;raflHtll,t ynf'h, was fined $lS plus$5 costs on a speedingcharge filed by city poLice­man Keith Reed.

Hick Perry, ,,)helhy, paidfines of $,2~) for reckles~

d r i v i n g and $1111 fdr aminor in possession o~ al­coholic ?everages .. C~urt­coals of $5 were paid art thecomplaint signed by OfflcerReed,

The same day Sam Jen­sen, Wayne, was fined $1(1)plus costs of $5 for a m~nor

in posession. Chiefl ofPolice Vern Fairchild ).vasthe 0 f f ice r b r in/!; I n g~harges,

April 17, Wayne Witt~ig,

Beemer, paid $25 and $5court costs for reck~ess

driving'. Keith Reed bro~ghtthe case before the collrt.

The final case of Mo~daywas one in which L~rry

Tuttle, Laurel, was hned$100 and $5 costs landsentenced to 30 days in theco u n l-. y jail for beiqg aminor in possession o~ al­coholic beverages. q:itypoliceman Fairchild HIedthe complaint. '

April 18, Aubrey Nel~on,Albion, was fined $10 fPlus$7.50 court costs and maderestitution on a checl~ inthe sum of $44.25.. Ray~Ond

~h~~~n6itca~~;~~y ~fSi~:dthe complaint.

'The sam e day HaindyDelm, Blencoe, Iowa, ~aida fine of $10 and curtcosts of $i.50 and rn~d('

restitution on a check 'for$:17.75. ,Haymond r-.;elson,manager of Merchant UilCompany, signed the cbm­plaint.

April 18, Paul ~chU;lt,e,

Norfolk, was assessed 1$1(1and costs of $~ for speed­ing. ~tate patrolman D.Matejka made the arrest.

The fourth case on Tltles­day was one charging- Hich_ard Kaiser, Crofton, withdisposing rubbish on: theroads. A fine of $251IU'$5, costs resulted from thecomplaint filed by sh riffDon \Veible.

Marvin Anderson, ~.au­rel, was fined $100 andcos t s of $ 5 for being a '"minor in possessilon.Police Chief, Fa ire hr· 1dsigned the cOQ1plainL

The final case on 1\ ril1$ wa,s a speeding ch rge


• •

o erati n an assistance

oi:U~ ~llr~'i~\f~~:f:;:':~~:[0,dian; Maryt,eanne Ducey,mU$ic teache who suppliedprogra 1 num ers; Mrs.lr-

I) rant. Ischool sec­r ar '; Fr1nk Plueger,r\orlhe st SdLioo; LarryGeiger, W'hb loaned car

ro, 't[e co1vention; andChas ( r e e 91 e e, ",,rayneHerald ,

llffi( ers elkcted for 1~Jfj7arc: aynJ HasrnussenIwldin , .over I' another yea;as pre 'ldent; Merlin John_~UIl, v~ce pr~.sident; TerryI:~eac{l~, secretary; Jerry

~\':::~III~e~~ldff~g",~:~~,:~:l!lill Schau, ,eporter; andBob 1\ erso, "entinel.Hoger, 'andm' n is adviser.

P,og am lumb",S in-cluded the nvocation' byBill. acha.u, chaplain;

~:l~~~ ,t::~'a :i~~\~y ~g~::8( com anied hv Jean Dur­ant, "r ather l~ou ",,rho Art

in II ef v e n"~ welcome byKennet swa1on, sentinel;

Dinn r se ved by FFAand FI A mot ers and girlsof the .chool; openingcerQ~


Hoger Sand an, sponsor;wreselation f certi;ficatesby off ceff;; 1 present.ationof eha ter av.j.a rtls by ."and~

mun;: f'Mixied g' adel, Hon

Kraem r, B uce Linafel~

jer, D ann E lis and DebbiCarr CCOJlD anied by Jean


Plant up to 8 ro~ at , time

Choose Nar ow or konv,ntional

Row Spad 9

* Do SJobs t 1 opJrati0rwith ..

John Deer~ Panting A~c~racyany way ou Wain' It!




"OWls. cONvEjasloN Mor .cd-In.- ROWS.

BJandbett r. 1-1. 1.10


~ \' 111 j, l' r

I'raut's. lie i" """i,j"nlll"i,~'ar and wa .... re-electedresirl.enl fnr n~xt, vear.

i IV (J flut"(illldillg" 1, 1, .\",' ",v,ng"I,q"',,

r and...... :tl' hli U. (;l'i~erwonthe

'I r l'IHll'~ r f' arm e r'\';] rd outstanding('nior, edging out

n ,-"WllnSU!1 that honor.r 111 \\:'11 Ih,' l;r"enl{and\\!lrd til .. outstanding

'reshman ill FI,',\,rhre(' the fir",t mem_

~'!'rs of when the Allen,'hapler wert'

;] r f' 'lllr~

I ~l\ H(lck and

Page 11: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east

, Air


66 Fordl Covn ISed

6~d~~~:~rVO",k65 For~ L~

,,~, ~ard Top, pew.,,fI..rin , pow~r br ••, .Irc~, ISO ,.rra Y

64 Ford F'I n agon

..4-dr. s.-,.n'1V." utom.t·ie, pow.r .t .rln, .....rbrall... .

63 Plymo t~

66 FOr~laxi 1500"-dr, Sed " v..,. , ......r •••• , 24/50 • rr• ...,

65 Ford Galaxl :5.

63 Ford ~Iaxi 500

~::a::~~ J~~i~, ~~~:dltlonod. I

62 MercS~a.V.I; autom1t1c,

, st••r1nt

62 Che~ro et II

4"'r. v,,, ,utom.'

./Mrs. Maurice Olson and

Lynett.e and Mr. and Mrs.Harold Olson and daugh­ters, Wakefield, Mr. andMrs. H.oy Pearson, Mrs.Kenneth E ric k son andKevin, Mrs. Al Hubeck, Mr.and Mrs. Gerele Kavan­augh, Mr. and Mrs. OliverDempster, Orchard, andMr, and Mrs. Voss, SouthDakota.

Winside Club MeetsWinside Community Club

will meet 'Monday Apr.24, at 7 p.m, in the 'rrinityLutheran Church. The pro­posed l'iortheast Nebras,kavocational-technical schoolwill be the, subject for theprogram. ,':ieveral businessmatters concerni.ng Win~

side projects will be dis..cussed.

Future Feeders MeetFuture feeders 4~1l club

met at the Ernest Swan­son home Apr. 11. Daleand Denise Magnuson andAnn and ltegg Swansonserved. It was decided totag calves Apr. 29. A filmwas shown on t.he differentcuts of beef. Next, meeting'will be May 9 at the Keithand Regg Lubberstedthome. Regg Swanson, re­porter.

~e are furnishing our customers with 0 lot of

~igs, all are satisfied, askl any of those that

~oYe bought them. Contoct us.


w. art n.w lnl.ryi'wine I,r lull lim,produelien workt~ ~I ,ur D.kot. Cil"

N.br'sk. pl.nl* Excellent Stal-ling Wage* Guaranteed Work Week

, .. Paid Vacatiool*8 ,Paid Hol\da:t.*Outstanding Cpmpany Paid

Insurance Ben,fita.. New _Plant.. ,liu.ellent. War,king

Conditions ",:I* JobJlecurity: II .* Stock hrc~ Plan i



WINSIDE AUDITORIUM work is bej.ng done by these men (leftto right I Ben Fenske, Hermon Joeg~r find Allan "Willte". Koch."The dark walls are betng covered WIth brlght pOint to gin thebuilding a new look

1 ;The Wayn, (N.b,. f Herald. Monday, April 24, 1967

Pack 266 MeetsCub Sc'outs Pac\<; 26G ~et

April 17 with Mrs, Allvin.They went -for a short, hike~Steve Lambing furnishedcookies. Mark Martindal~

will serve at the nert meet_ing.

~ONG & HANSEN C~mmission d.'1 Stock Yards, Sioux City, Iowa

Phone 255-8971

Jicensed ond fully bonded for your protection

C.ONCORD NEWSMrs. Je,rry Allvin-Phone ,584-2440

Troop 2f;r, MeetsDoy Scouts Troop 2r;r,

met Monday evening in theHoldorf, 'home, There wasa tesl of tenderfoot re­quirements' Chuck Holdorfand Mark Martindale werevisitors. Gary McAuliffeserved. Rick Holdorf willserve at the next meeting.Larry Nobbe, scribe.

Pearsons FetedThe 40th anniversary ot

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence, Pearson was observed Sun­: day flfternqon in the Verdel"Erwtn home. Attending

were Mr. ahd Mrs. DeanPearson and family, Mr.and I Mrs. Marlen Johnsonand family, Mr. and Mrs.Clarence Rastede and fam_ily,'Jim Pearson, Mr. andMrs~ Abner Pearson, Lin_coln, Mr. ,and Mrs. ErnestJohqson, Allen, Mr. andMrs. Harold Miner, Mr.and Mrs. Rricie Nicholsonand Ifamily, Mr. a~d Mrs.Wal~ Pearson, Mr. and

Pu~lic No*es

Allen ,B y Run~ Fork I

Tine 1h ough Hand I

Mike' Witch, sbn of Mr~ Iand Mr's. L e R oy Wi1ch~

Allen, is recovering frOIQ iart unusual injury incurred I

in an unu ual way. He ranthe tine fa Pi


through .hi left h nd. ,The 1 , who s in th

kinderga..- en, wa PlaYi~with his ag. ~s they ran,Mike ac~ dentallyr trippedover hikJ et, fal~~ing on ap.itchforlt and. se~ing th~,tine throu h hIS palm.

He pull d the pitchforlitloos e aDd then ran to hismother'l' he took him tel)Dr. Ro rt Be~thack,

Wayne, 0 has btentreat-Iing the j' j ry. Mikie bas had ito have ~ ts toh~lpinsur"coroplet! ecover~. I

NOTICE OF GUARDIA1'I SALEIn ti,. Dlltrlot Court 01 wOiyl'l.cO<lDty,

N.b... k.a.

w.~r;:·El~:~~~r :::r~:n Ao~P~~~lt~1~~:of Graco Bllio , .0 10col1lp.t.nt, for1.....1 to .. II a., E.tat~.

Notlc~ I. l'IIr by ,linn tha,l pur.\JI.ntto on ord.......11 by th. Hopoubl.

g::;f:tW.~~rl o~~~~.~~:~,j~~~~on the 20th riay (>1 April. 19~'1, f.., theule of the real ••tahhuOIlf>l.ft.r,d••­crlhed., thu. III be .olll,t pIobllc.udion to the hi hllt bidder lor c.~h.t

the r~ont door f the Coutt HOlil' I.

~: ~~tYd.:i 07~ :: 11:67.1~~,t:~~ i'::P.M., tho fOIlOWIp:d.urlbed rlll ••tate

1.01. Four i~1 ax .pt the E..t SIx~jI (601fut Ihoreof.nd LatFiv.(5luceptth.

i':.ut';,;:~~·;trt~ :6f;ttl~~~r:~f~::~~;~Thirty_five t35l ..t thu.of••1l1....Uoc:kTwentY_08....n 27) Orlllllal T"""n 01

'W.YO', Wlyn., Ib...ka,


La th. Nc~~,E o..::.:~~~~.C"""t,.,N.b........

La the ~ht:t.r tb.E.tt,t.I>IArth';rC.

~~~ ~Ct:"::·~.brn't. II> III 'Clm-

Notle'l 10 ber .. duq tholt I p.t1t11>11hal b"l1 f1l~ or th.!pr~.h o(th.will 01 Illd dlc, ''''',.Ddlorth••ppl>lDl.­m.llt af Clu•. B.tck •••••c'!ltrl.th.reof, wblch ill be for h.ullll; In~~~o<C:.U~I.MolI .y 9th, 196'1, .t 10,00

IS... iIU.vld J. H,mar, County Joo..­

! ubi. ApI'. 2-4, M.y ,. 81





Slid .. I. wIll .. rn.ln op..n ontl' bour,Do~.d HIl. 2 h ,I.y or April, 1967

[II .... \I BiI.Oll. O....di.n( ubI. Apr. 2... M.y l,BI

TERMS OF S LE:Flftullpnc Dt(t5'1O)c .... tob.p.ld

upon til. date 01 lIl, .lldbllaDceofpU.Chal. prle "'pOIl coDflilm.tioD 01III.. by the Co rt ,Dd dell'Uly of deed_ith ahltract.h 1n.- ..... ch.lIt.bletltle.

POI .... lono ..ldprop.rtytob'If\ ..."non conllrm.tt .Dd p.jld"ont of lullpurcha•• prlc.....bj.ett.oU>erightolthe t.D&nt of. Idrul ..tatetorom.IDin po.08 .. ioll II Marchl,l%8.wlththe purcha••r 0 nc.lv. th~ l.Ddlord'.lhareofth.191reDtd•.

All of ..ld reid ..tat" .. ill be 80rdIn. ,Dd d.ar or .lIl1ln. ,Dd eDcurn_bunc.. with • 196~ 1001;". p.ld inlull.hO~~. wlll b. h.ld O!HIII.t l...t on.

O.ted ,t v.:••• Nebrub.. thll 23rd

day 01 MarCh.: ~~~~~~:~.~.I.ru,Old••Dd R.ed, Attorn.y. 'W.yn., Nib...

(Pub!. M r. 27~ Ap•. j, 10. 17. 24)

Every 9 ver",m.nt l officialor board't .t ~'ndl•• publicmoneys, haul publlsh.tregular Int rva s .n lIecount- ,ing of it's OWi[ wh.r. and I

~:Id :~i~h. ~. II ,:r:'~':i I !

princlpl.' d. tcr.tlc gov-• rnment; I


.... ~ I"..

Cards MThanks

LO,'i,'L :Vl.y baseball glove.Pie rt'turn. Mike

\1a~les, a20t3

\\' i\{:T LI): (lid telephones;;I~d old coins. :n5~14Hl :

or :17::i-l111. a20t.3

RESPONSIBLE PAR TYwishes to rent modern

fann home in Waybe area.Wilt'ng to pay premiumren for better accomoda.tio s. Phone 375-1140.



Lost and Fould

WE WISHI TO EXPRou~ siDc~re th8:J?ks tothe

m(ln who igather'ed at (Jurfarm' to ~IOW the HeMsand the la ies who broughtfood, prep red and servedthe hi,nCh. llthekiDdde!dawill ~lway be remembe edwith, gra itude, Mr. ndMrs.1 La renee Cllrls n ,Wake~ield, 24

f-jELP WANTED~IJ train for JobGpoo wages

PEid ~ohday~V ca~lOn plan(r up Insurancf'

G Tjm!' and II half overtlml"Akes ' lR 10 60

Appli('lation.~ laken fur wf>ldprs..machihe Opprato'rs. as_~ernl)lers


Lunldelll Mig Co, IncI'HEROhEJ:.:, IOWA

1,'OIl SALE:, SPFNational1y('ruLlilcd Hiack Poland

Huur8. Individual HO-dot.rwt'ight :_.ll1d lb,ick fat probesJ.\'a.iluble. :};even head cut

~{~itn J.~;:~g~~~a~, s,~~r~~~~~~\\ avne,' Nebr. 375-:1522.

"." a13tG

I "

Bol NurU'lst of BrokenBow hold the Nebra kareco d for channel caijf'Shwith :a 31 ound, 12_0 celunkelr tak n at Lake E ic-son. tn 194~. I


1 W'ANT TO THANK all'o>ihosent cal1ds, letters ~nd

flowers wHile I waS in ~hehQspital and since retufn-

~~;r~t:~~d~llM~:~~:~!:~Coult r. a24

VI' E 1JEED high quality manfot route work. Rapid

advancement, start at $11(1per wet'k. Must have goodwork record. \\' rile Mr.Mill~~r, !lox 12H, Wiflner,I\pbr. aI/fA

roH S.'\LE: Hcgi.stercdfI e f(> for d b u II s, ory-e

polh'd :2 _v r., old; one hornqd~ yr. 0]0-, several long.\l'arlirlgs. t:iuwaldt's Here~

furds, l-\eiUl Iluwaldt, Han_dolph, :Nebr., Phone GH.J3.


Livestock~J SA LE~ 70-35 to' 40

Pfund fea41er p-i:gs:---HeM'YA. t~rp;--'-(;arlroll, Nebr. a24

Call 375- 115

RENT A waterfingAuto.matic Water oftener

from Tiedtke·s for $5.00per month. m27tf

Help Wanted

HELP WANT D: Wom:,lElnto work on OU egg/break..

ing line. 5 or day workweek. $L40 per hour,. Timeand .a half ove 40 :hout1s.Apply in perso at 'IMiltbnG. Waldbaum o.,IWaMle_field, Nebr. Im3Q!t8

WANTED: Wo en or flJlltime~ p~rma ent e pl~y.

m.ent. Apply i perlsen ,at'

~:br~ranklinSt !e. r:i1~f

lu:mSTERED Qll,'RTEHIIORSF: stall~on alt stud.

Outslanding cu~ting horsebreeding. GU'ar, nteed foal.Phone (;35-21 Cl, \llen,:\ebr. a13t8

WANTED: Married'couplefor farm elP1

Yeararound work. Ho e andextras furnishld. Phone,

372-3571 at i est I ~~i~\3i I


from May 1 to 'ept 5

, An,,;'s P, zaa20t::

SOM ETHING NEW for vinyland other hard surface

Ooors. Seal 010s8 ends fre_quent wlaxing. McNatt Hard.ware, r'ayne, Nebr. a24

FOR. SALE: Used 18~ft. Il'hest type freezer, good

condition. Doescher Hard_ware, \VaY'1e. a24 '

Fell{ SA L E: Hot Point,apartment size refrigcr.

utor .. Pink. Phone :n:)"~1,107.


START YOUR LAWN offright. Rent ur ~Power

Rake today. Fr e tOlNn de_I i v e r y and p ckup. Call375-1533, McNatt's OKHardware. ~27t2

POI{ H ENT: Ap riment forone to four ~ingl(> men

or women. $25 ~ler month,uti,litieS frtrniSh1d, 'campusarea. LeH.'U.'f B eilkreulz,:l7S-27k2. al7tf


A THOMAS ORGAN (like Lawrence Welk uses) In like-ney,

:~i~~O~hi;~~~~t ~~~~~nrea~~;aS1>ume paym~nl.5 Wrlle tilCredit Manager. Acme Plan()Co, 4604 D(k1~I'. Omahll_ Nt'hr1i1l1J2 ,dO,24p

Special N tice

H~~1~~(~~)o~?1\"~I~I~,Tfor:'lllllllHT It'.rms Copl. pleasanl.eookll\,i; privllq-:l':', at ~15 l'lr­ek llrlVl'

------1 WantedFor Rent----IHE-FINISH THOSE~Ol,nI

floors. It's easy and in.,;expensive when you reneour floor sander and edgerand relinis~ wi~h"our qual~ity s~al8, varmshes andwaxes. Brighttln your rugsby renting our carpet sham ..pooV, Co a 5 t.,lt 0 ~ Co as tStores, Wayne jy5tf

FelH SAL'E: 64 Ford .1/4lon p~ckup V8,heavydut}

clutch, 4 speed positrac~

tion, wide side box, A-I.Dale Westerhold, ,Pender,!\ebr. 972-2329. a20Cl...

FOI WIIFQ.....I[~..r-;:;:t_ .._. _tt~1I

I :.E:~.~~~::~~~:~;"~~.;:O"1'Ft~;;;;:;,.--

ha_, llllml'{ilatt~ up

J\inrfoLk plutH on the

better than an'ragepo;,slblc !WIth a new

Columbu~, Nebr.

Tue,Jay, Apr 25fwm I (0 i pm ami

Wedne,day, Apr 26Horll I I" 7 pill

LJ\-in..: room ! chair.~nel-'/ (~Offel' :,tallle,lanlps, car to~ carner.

;;~. ~i'~'~~da~Jrb~~p:{:~sls~~r,many vther ilcJll.~ lno nUIlI­l'rou~ l~) liSt.



stales~and ~ial c ntrl',ll~dmetrer to Iroll nd mIXwith p oteifmine~al in onaope rat on. Iso, scales,mete, r's~'" s edal I augers,Tracto Kab , cattlb oilers,reaqly~ o-uSei cattle and hogoil. Atlttom3.:tic EquipmentMfg. Co" Pender, Nebr.



1f th~1 famous Earl

May -arden! Seeds-gua:~anteed to gjrow. Stop tnand pi k up ,all yoUr gar­dening and lawn needs atCoast, to :oast Stores,Wayne. mIGtf


lit 11m I.IN( '( )1.1\ ST

1Ilr I;onlon SrWIJ('-~ H'Sld{"llct'I

PIC UR f; F RAM E$ madetc( order. See o~r com­

plet~ seleetiqns fori Frametyptis ll]1d Iiangingi hard,­wa,:e, Carhart Lumber Co.


CO PLET,E SEL CTIONof ~ndoor and utdoor

pain I I lateaL colo4s. AllpaJn idg ace e S S Q r i e 8,

bru ,hes, thinhers'lollers.etc. are avaiJ.ble at Coastto ~OBst Stores, Wayne.


FOR Brand new1~)C';' De tlxe, 'Mustang

('{)uverlible. IJoyJer top,selec,t (' ruiseOrnalicA c,a lc 0 blue, outrightsale Mrs. II. Ask~

with, :\ebr. 3(;H-;,:rtl. a~()t:3

In:!\'T BUJI': lustre Elec-tric ('arp~t sharnpooer

for only $1 iper day. Mc~

Natt Ilardwarre, Wayne,Nebr. a24

cNatt', OK Hardware

W IS THE TIME to plantpure Kentucky Blueass, White Dutch Clover

starter Rye Grass. User seeder fl'1ee. McNatt"!

lIudware. m27t2

"E nuB. WIDE selectionof used te1evhion 'ets.

II in A_I condition andady to RO, Swanson TV.1 Ma'ln ."1., Wayne. f9tf

)[11(1 Ekctn\J1Il';'. Inc lIf ~orfolk.

'!\lngs for f('m:dt· productIOn workers' HI

\t'llll1g Shlft 14 :Iil l' M to 1 A M I DaLeorkmg COnditIons and l",ccllPn(~I~e wa~e and lllCl'nll\l' pro-gram,

! {AHOR/\SS K II. L 1-: H ''','lawn inaedicides, broadaf weed killers, lawn00, fertilizers. Completee at McNatt's OK Hard~

rt'. Use (Jur spreaderm27t2


Referee's F,l1m'! Sa~e. 240 ACRES, WAYNE COUNTY

FridaYt Aptil l 28" 19672. P.M., Court I"'uie, Waynel

. A ,well, i":'pro.ed~'u~rt.r an lin ~nim­p,r,ayed eighty,. To be a.f "e'~d as se aratJlunitsand olso QSt:one unit. n(.wn as N .... n Es-tllte prope . To be IS,' thigh.t b dder.

. Land i r locfted Isi.' ft1t es we t an onemile Mrth f WI~sid';! f Ye miles nort ondone mile east af IHoskln , ,!

, GOOd~tle, allistra4 ur ished 119,,1 talli­es po'id. P ession upqn se leme t, ;Jbieletto, one year ease. I, I .

15 "10 dowri b.l.net Oh ~I Ii~ ry "d'~ i!

FOR ,FUATf' EA INFORf' r, ON, SEE ~ WR TE :, ,I8. 8. 80.... oft, ,'I i 01 & W,

... I I I'Referee' I ' '5' I

J"W~t~St~t I I' RfI-1Wjfyne, f'I.bn ka ' I' r.sk~

(An ~qual OPMI1~LJU\~1 t>rnpl0l"er I


.ON'T WORRY" aboutyour gr a in. Over 500

II: stern Nebraska farmersj D' Silver Shield Bins. En.j y oar low price and un­e ualed serviolle, Dwain R.r\ derson., Phone GH5-G17rl,<1 kland. feb.jlll

IL \HOES'r SELECTION ofused TV's in town. All

~ conditi9ned and in A.. 1d ape. Raady to go. From$ 4.H8. All traded in on~ otorola Color. McNatPs~J Hardwart'. rn27t2

I' ,\ppl~ lilfcctil to .lJ.de Elec!roJllCS \,nt' f-'er~unllt'l oUke_, IndU$·


ln"l Slh' Pi' ~,) tht,. Columbll'S or \furfollt offJ('," of lht' \ebraska

State Frnplo\ 'Il"nt ~t'r\'lce

1 IV ~l Fl'ddt'r', AII' L'ol\QltiolH'ruW' Sl\Vl' up to 10"; pn Earll

! Ifd SpecJab A/l\ f!"'Olll

i:.IHItI BTU 'r\ IIl(jO\\ Cnit - toI'" 1011 Central


lr l'nruhtl"J\l'rj( ar,' Fedder'~

{I 11\ husllll'~~ Don'( settle fort oI_~V unll~ ilnt~ ,dutnll1UIll COJI~

I I \IV a Fl'\tdn ~




( ,r

Page 12: tat H - Wayne Newspapers Onlinenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1961-1970... · J I II to :Supplement. th i s ap propriation. Direet.ors of the North~ I east






Bob L"...., r!'M.I.t .fMI1022 Mltn St. Delivery



SfOP AT THE DOOR a d RKSilver Dollllr Nite Drilwing, ThurJdlly,

"1ft( bel... were youable to obtain such greothealth benefits 1", sohtlle cost as "'" get intOOais prescribed med,cmes. Truly It is thesmallest cost in gettingwell - and staying well.

ga~r..~~:~ ~r~I~~ a~r~~ ~:.'l'~:_.:~; W~ J.~~.~or:.:Howard Myer, andl Mr ••nd Bob Mill r (.,m) Y.Mrs. Charlu ~oIUn., an L .. llWOOd i • Mr. ad~r~.al~"~~/~r.~.;-::~ ::::: Mro IRo Id I,he<.ndMr. andMrs.ClillordJohn. lam 'I' CU ahy I:' ··1

I .on, all of South Oate; Mr~ 'I I,

and Mrs. ~ob'rtJ. Bbultlng D-""·~ at ski,·and Mr. and Mrs . .trnest SINGYSchnepplle, all of F'ulferton; I~

I M M '1' M~tdoy of l Mt 'week the, r. and rs. im Mc~ , • kl 1_ •••• atC . lorn,,,! a ,e..,M~~t~ a::s.8~~'be~~n~::: Wln~lide dad'moaltr••esia, Gregg and I Brenda. lion: Qf la Ie s t~tlftll by.Harbor City; Mr.,and Mu. prdfe,\lIlon II I·.·ler.Ted James, Inglewood; Mr. Mot,HorN f { I( rl. and,and Mrs. H¢lberll Hughes, oehor gu st, ou.ht at-Saugus; Mr. ftnd Mrs. Tim tenpaance round 90.C I Chinill, 51 ver, crystal andajl~~~. i~:r~~~~l:~;~~: other ito nR @rE! shown.Ron II Id and Btuce, £1 Elgh~h gt de 1 is servedMonte; Jay Garwbod, BUI, refreshme t~, JudeneMr. and Mrs. Clarence 'l.echln Is ho (I aking in-CoUins and oget, We'st structor nd w Inehatge. "i





By GI.dys R*ic~l"t

Phon. 786·-4$94

Ii. F. utto Mueller] t'll"en altended

annual cQnventlcjIn of:'\ebra:;k,l Synod LeA



( j rr Ie ~I t'el ~

! lord H ill':' \\~j .... huslt" _\. " i g hI, l) r i Xl t..: (' ircle1II\Ir~dal'. I-welvt.' l11f'01­

lwr ... an-..\\l'rl'd rnll call,''''o[ll('thillg I once

"a v>. \1 r ~.


IllP g ',I " ... 1 .... ,

liit"", \\\1 r~.

All BUILDING ACTIVI.TY ?n Win1ide's Main foundatton will gr in for a ft•• business pleuStrdet c?nno~ be ~e~n In Hi.s sho~, Th new ror Earl Duering _ Winside's, auditoriuM loomsfront on ,W.tt s cofcf .s seen on the right. nder above 'that. It is undergoing interior remodel.the IMob11 SIgn con be !fee" p.les of dirt here .'ng. '

::~:]"'~;~:,~'\;~:;;'lli;;-~~:: D~w town Win~ide Undergoes Change[ilih;"';(!r guesL" .'-lllnJa) ill I I V· ·d b . ~ f.. l~ ~n51 e . us I ~,e S S he side. Hill's ~,ocker

tlt(· ("}\r;~ '~:l~~ n,'~;s~ ~1~.;~: rhst~,\etcls getting a .ew Plant has completedla ren-I'at..:~', \h. and 100 _,h~n.gels are be!~ng ov\tion program lhat gives

Mrs. ern iI r (;rirne<;,' Tn~de, dJltions are bellng lit an entire new:fronl with('h~tmLer.... budt ;] ld rno\les are con_ a big new idelntificahon

t('r~;;~atedbusi~essbuildling ~ign. • I" goJ up ju,t ocoo", the Former Residents atalI~y wesl from Cljf's ITavern.,u wilt house a new Picnic in Californiafirm, \inside Building:1upply. II Jim Hansen'i CiardeJ;1a,

Larl Due ring, former ('aliL, reports bn the an-

rC~f., t;~ll ~~~c~~~ ~~~J ~';:.n~ i(~OI~r~r)y PI:~~~C.Uw bu, iness. I-Ie will deal 'Long Beach, Calif., whenin bllil-icrs' !'lupplies, cup- r,p, attended. He is sec_boa r s and other such rdary.lreasurer for the'smooth" lumber and car· 'group.pentr.y Sllpplil!!s. Hobert Denesia was re-

Iri-Count.\~ Co.op will electf'd 'president. Danrnuve ,() lhe Chicago l.um. (. a r r was elecled vke-Lcr ('0. sile and will handle prl'"iden\ and Hansen sec-dime l'-.ion' and rough rflarYflreasurer. DoorlurnLe , The firm will also I prizes went to Bob Miner,('ant illl e Lo operate in' the .'-lwede Carlson and Opalother ields as in the past .'-ichnepple. Ialld will be nearer' its I '\llending were M. C.fert i li),er plant. ' .J ens en, Halph )a-rker,

\\~( 'rhous¢ Garage will, Lauretta Sew right, Guy,

t7.l;;:C 1 )rOt~eit~~i~~~ne.:t~~~:; I g:~\era,n~JO~nur~:;ble">)-~~vHcated by CQ-op. Schmode- I ,Nellie Lauman Sweet, all\\ eibl Trucking Co. will of Long Beach; Mr. anduse t]e 10 cat ion where VArs. Myron Peterson andWale.r lOuse is now fo~ ex- I family, Mr. and Mrs. ~'redpansl n. I Mann and Hick, Mr. and

Witt's Cafe is gettihg a Mrs. Leland Waller andnew k ton e fro n t Iwith Mil d red Conge r, a U ofdecor tive sltane tri \Vhittier;

Jim' Hansen, Mrs. IdaUlrich, Barbara Ulrich-andMr. and Mrs . .lim Fitz-

andthet h~'

KliNG'S A PET SHOGet Acqu inted Sole

A Big Week Sale .April Z4 • MaJj~




ber isl to mak~ a 18S8e1.rOI6dish before the n xt meet..ing and bring th re:cipeto the Apr. 25 m eUng atthe George ~eigl,r home.Hhonda lInD.slaD, tepotter.

Cub Scouts MleetCub scou~ de" 2 met

TU{lsday aft rnoob at lheauditorium ith} e ad e r,Mrs. Doroth Hc1 s and. allmembers pr~senL Rollcallwas to nalOt a Ifamousmountain. 'Mottj.er's Daygifts will be ih.e project forthe next th ee meetings.

Cub Scout den one met

~~~~~:iU~ftet~~ohn l:~d~hI:~Mrs. Hon lkuhnhenn. I'llmtmbers wle represent.Mother's Dar gift-,s afC be.ing made. I

( 'a 11,' r~I,'red Ilang-bergWinside t.o help himbrate his birthday wert'!\i1r. and \hs. ,\ry'ln lIurl_bed fino sons, Mr. and\lrs. Yernie Il1lrJb~rt

sons, t\1r. and Mrs.Uswald and 0;0n5, tv!r. and\1rs. jtjchard Janssen anddaughter, Mr. and Mrs..J e r ry BonLa, Plainvie",,',1\'1r. and Mrs. F'rankCarri_co, Mr. and :-'1rs. Mike

Mr. and Mrs. Oliverl\oles, Minn~apolis, spentthe weekend with hismother, Mrs. Hhel I\oles.

("llest.... Tuesday in lIleII 11 r 0 I d l.ob(Hg home inhonor of hathy's seventhbirlhday w(~n' f\'lrs. ,lackf\[\vanaugh, Judy and John_ny, \1rs. (-,eop Hethwisclt,Jeff and \Iikf', Mrs. \\ allLagp, Mrs, Hon l\uhnhpOlland Rodney, \lrs. Hichard\\'ol ... lager, Ilavid and ]Jeb_hie, hristi hane ~\nrl Dehhi,'lli .. r .... chenk.


Dinner guests Sunday Int~h.Mrs 'Minnie Sahs homewere • and Mrs. Warren

: . and family and Mrs.I John" Aa50n, Lincoln.I Weekend guests in tllle, Arthur Cook home were

Virgin-is' Cook and Mrs.Bab 'Poskochil, Lincoln.



We're anAmericCln Oil

Motor Club

Station to

.Society _.


I Social ForecaltTuesday, April 25

Auxiliary, Mrs. Gord41nDavis I

Luthelran Pastoral IJjI­stitute, Seward, 9:t5B..m. to 4:32 p.m.

St~~a~IU~X~~:~~~"iclubmetTuesday afternoon with

~~~:;~:n~am~)~~~sr·~~l:svt:~ I\lrs. Jay Ijra~{e, Mrs. Larl
