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The Tesla Code Mastermind Week 6

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The Tesla Code Mastermind

Week 6

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My parents are in their 60s, and they want to retire by 70. But they don't have any retirement savings!

I'm really worried. How can I make enough money for them to retire in the next few years? I'm

currently working a 9-to-5 job and earning only 40k a year.

Hey, Brittany

Wow, you really are something aren’t you? I love people like you.

It's commendable that you want to provide for your parents' retirement.

However, I would suggest that you have a talk with them and ask them how exactly do they plan on

retiring if they don't have any savings?

They should have their own plan set in mind at least.

You're earning a salary that's barely enough for yourself, much less provide for both parents'


It’s important that you discuss this issue with your parents first, and come to a conclusion as a family.

You will then be able to decide how you can save money collectively for your parent’s retirement.

You should take a look at Lesson 4: How to Use Your Mental Power of Intellectual Leverage.

It will teach you how you can tackle this retirement problem objectively and in the most effective

manner possible.

Use the skills you learnt in Lesson 4 in conjunction with everything in Lesson 13: Secret Cerebral Power

for Wisest Future Action.

You also have to look at what sacrifices you are making as well, when you’re thinking so much about

your parent’s well being.

When you’re focusing too much on others you tend to not care about yourself.

The first thing that you have to do is have a good talk with your parents and then come with a suitable


Make sure that the solution that has a good ending for all parties involved.

Now that you have decided what to do, Lesson 13 will equip you with whatever planning you need to

undertake this noble goal.

Better planning will ensure that you won’t have to worry about possible complications further down the


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It is better to have a well formed plan, since you will find a clear direction.

It is important that you focus on the bigger issue, which is saving enough money for your parents’

retirement fund as possible.

And last but not least, practice the techniques in Lesson 9: The Secret Cerebral Power to Protect Yourself

from Domination by Others.

This is for your own protection, and will allow you to make better decisions, without feeling pressurized

into making decisions that you don’t want to make.

You can save quite a large chunk of money in a couple of money, so that isn’t the issue.

The problem isn’t in helping your parents, but in also thinking about yourself as well.

This is because you also have to think about your future as well.

I'm not saying your parents are people you need to overthrow, but rather your love and concern for

them could be blocking you from achieving whatever you desire in life.

Freeing yourself from the domination of worry will help you reach your goals faster and in a more

enjoyable way.

Perhaps you may even be inspired to go after your own career!

You never know what life has planned for you, which is why you should leave some options open for


I think that it is lovely that you’re thinking so much about your parents, and I hope that you do manage

to save enough money for their retirement fund.

However, what you will have to do first of all is discuss with your parents about their retirement plans

and whether they are okay with you saving money for them.

You do know that as parents, they think a lot about your future and always want the best for their kids.

So if you want to do something good for them, make sure that they are fine with the idea before you go

ahead and do it.

I am sure that whatever decision your parents come out with, it will be for the best of all parties.

The Tesla Code Mastermind will be able to teach you how to deal with certain life situations.

The lessons and techniques in this program is designed to give you will all the tools that you will require

in different circumstances.

You have certainly impressed me with your thoughtfulness and intelligence, which is why I think that

your parents are incredibly lucky to have you.

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Every parent would want their child to do something nice for their retirement, since they did so much

for their children throughout their lives.

I hope that you’re able to use all the techniques and lessons in the Tesla Code Mastermind and can

provide for their retirement.

I want to wish you all the best in life.

Good luck.

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Whenever I set goals, I follow them for a while and make really good progress, but it eventually fizzles

out and I feel so unmotivated to continue. I don't even get distracted; I just lose interest altogether

for months. How can I make sure I stick to it? I tried the tips from Lesson 7 about profitable

concentration but it still doesn't seem to help me long-term.

Hey Yasmin,

You seem like someone who just living their life and that is a very good thing.

However, you say that you don’t get long-term benefits from your lack of concentration on certain goals

in your life.

I think the best solution you would find in the Tesla Code Mastermind is in lesson 7.

Lesson 7: Secret Cerebral Powers for Profitable Concentration is suitable for those who get bored or

distracted easily.

It has got various techniques in it, which will allow you to keep complete concentration on your target.

You mentioned your problem isn't with concentration, but with motivation.

You need to use Lesson 7 together with other lessons in the book to make it stick.

What you need the most, from my discernment of your question, is to master the Miracle Mind Magic


It will teach you to keep your focus and how to have a clear target in your mind.

There are lots of people who go through this same problem, since none of us seem to remain focused on

our goals for a prolonged period of time.

You should know that it is very easy to lose your concentration, but with the lessons and techniques

taught in the program will allow you to focus.

You should also follow the steps that are provided in the MMMS in Lesson 3: How to Unleash Your

Secret Cerebral Powers.

It will allow you to not only unleash your cerebral powers but keep you concentration no matter how

long you have to stick at it.

You may also want to try and practice the MMMS in Lesson 14: The Secret Cerebral Power to Time Your

Actions Perfectly.

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There might a reason why your brain always shuts off after doing a certain amount of work or making

particular progress.

Learning to perfect your timing of your goals and reality might help you gain some insight as to why your

motivation comes on and off.

Practice all three kinds of MMMS in lessons 3, 7, and 14 will allow you to better control your drive,

concentration, time management.

It will also boost your productivity so that you can achieve your goals!

I know for a fact that once you use the lessons and techniques that are given in the book you will be able

to unleash your mind’s potential.

As humans we have got enormous potential in controlling our powers of concentration.

However, most people are unable to handle the power or use it in an effective manner, which is why we

end up running out of it.

You should also learn to be more patient and don’t always try to make the right call, since it will harm

you in the end.

There is no point in trying all these lessons and techniques and then not learning from them.

Most people use the lessons once or twice and then start expecting miracle results all of a sudden.

They have to understand that all the lessons and techniques take time to be perfected and to be done in

a manner that will benefit them.

Once you have set your goals, you should ensure that you are able to allow your goals enough time to

be accomplished.

It also depends upon the length of time that you are looking for your problem, if it involves keeping your

concentration for months on end, then you will notice dips.

We are human beings after all, so make sure that you set yourself realistic goals and targets.

Only make goals that are a little bit achievable, so that you don’t end up wasting all of your time and

energy on it.

It isn’t really going to help you in the long run, which is why we have to make sure that you don’t end up

getting tired of it all.

I know for a fact that you have got what it takes to the next step and to achieve all of your goals.

All you ever needed was a little guidance and a push in the right direction, and you are good to go.

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Once you have mastered the art of concentrating and keeping patience with yourself, you will be

surprised at the list of incredible things that you are able to accomplish.

I know for a fact that you can do great things in life and accomplish your goals if you set your mind on it

and keep concentrating hard enough.

Good luck for all that.

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I recently got together with this girl, I really like her, but she loves eating at expensive restaurants and

buying luxury goods, and I can support us comfortably but I feel a little used sometimes. I'm afraid

that if I talk to her about this she might think I don't love her enough to spend money on her. But if

this goes on I may not have enough savings for our future.

Hey Jason,

It does sound like you really like this girl.

There aren’t many people in the world who can claim that they are still in love and with you it seems

that it really is true love.

However, you should make sure that you cut down a little bit on your spending, since it does seem that

you aren’t saving for the future.

My suggestion is if she really likes you for you and not just the expensive stuff you lavish on her, she will

be able to handle it and dial it back down a notch.

However, besides that, you can also use the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator in Lesson 9 to protect

yourself from being dominated by her or needs.

Spending less on the woman you love doesn’t mean that you don’t love her.

You have to be practical sometimes, since this isn’t a movie or fantasy story that will go exactly

according to how you plan it.

Life can throw you a curve ball at any given situation, and you have to make sure that you’re ready for it

at all times.

You need to be comfortable enough to do your own thing, without bowing under pressure to make sure

that she gets whatever she wants.

There is give and take in every relationship, and this one shouldn’t be any major exception.

The happiest relationships are the ones where everything is balanced between the two partners.

You don’t want to be in a situation, where a couple of years down the line you start regretting about all

the expenses.

Lesson 10 also allows you to turn her towards a mindset similar to yours so that you two can share more

common interests and hopefully less pricey ones.

There are surely lots of different things that you can do, and adopt some ways that will allow you to save

some money for the future.

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I know a lot of couples who have spent lavishly on each other and then end up breaking up because they

couldn’t handle their own personal finances.

And even though you're not married, Lesson 16 can offer some insight on how to maintain a healthy and

happy relationship with your girlfriend.

If you’re continuously showering your girlfriend with expensive gifts, sooner or later it may seem as if

you’re compensating for something.

Surely there are other ways through which you can showcase your love to this woman.

Spending a ridiculous amount of money on expensive gifts isn’t the only way to get the love and

admiration of a woman.

If you treat her with love and respect and she reciprocates, then there won't be a need to go out to

expensive restaurants and buy extravagant gifts because she will feel loved enough by you already.

And last but not least, take a look at Lesson 4 to maximize your intellectual leverage for greater financial


You must have heard the popular saying, too much of a good thing can actually be very bad for you.

This is exactly the route that you’re taking right now, and it may end up coming back to haunt you in the


Find out what makes your girl happy and just go ahead and do that thing.

Trust me, it will be the best thing that you do for your relationship.

You may not be thinking about it right now, but you will most definitely be thinking about it in a couple

of years down the line.

They say, it is better to be safe than to be sorry.

That’s exactly the guidance that I want you to take from this program.

Sometimes when you’re madly in love, common sense can go out of the window.

That is something that I think you’re suffering from, and something that you can change now.

So you won't have to worry and still be able to treat her something nice on special occasions or just


I think that you can keep her happy if you really want to do that.

There are a million ways to keep a girl happy without burning a hole in your pocket.

You just have to find the right things that make her happy and stick around with you.

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It seems that you are a very generous person and that is a very good thing.

Keep doing good for your girl and treat her nice.

Good luck with all of that.

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I want to start my own business selling crafts, but I'm not sure of anything as I have no experience. I

didn't have money to go to business school, and I don't have many people I can seek help from. Can

using the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator help me in any way? I don't have a clue how to apply any of


Yes, Phil, definitely! The Tesla Code was created specifically with people who are struggling with any

aspect of their lives in mind.

First off, I would suggest you attune your mind with the basic Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator exercise

found in Lesson 3.

It is important that you have a clear idea and your own identity at first, since you need to be clear and

precise when making such an important decision.

Really visualize what you want to achieve in life and how you would feel after achieving it.

Then understand and apply the logic of Lesson 4.

You have to understand that the path is going to be long and there are going to be times that you will

have to face difficult circumstances.

To acquire intellectual leverage so that you can navigate the fast-paced world of business and

entrepreneurship, you need to investigate every nook and cranny objectively.

Using the MMMS here will help immensely as well.

Lesson 7 will help you to be more productive with your crafts, and more creatively.

You have to create something that people actually want to buy, and for this to work you will have to

change your mindset.

At first you were making things for your own enjoyment, but when you are starting a business, you have

to make things that are going to sell.

In order to do that you will have to understand what your market really requires.

It is always good to hone your skill and showcase your best product to the world, then continue


Businesses don’t grow overnight, and it might take you years to become successful, so make sure that

you’re in it for the long haul.

There is ALWAYS room for improvement.

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You will have to work on it every single day, until you reach that stage, where you know exactly what

your customer wants and you are able to provide them with it.

Remember that it is going to be a marathon, and not a sprint, which is going to get you across the line.

Now, refer to Lesson 11 and harness the secret cerebral power to attract trustworthy people who can

help you with your business.

Remember that you have to be professional in every aspect of your business, which means that you

should know that your customers aren’t your personal friends.

You should also believe in yourself more as well as your work, and always be open to change.

If you don’t believe in yourself and your project, you will never be able to achieve success.

It takes a lot of time and dedication to get to where you want to go, but if you’re hard-working and have

a never say-die attitude, you will be able to reach all your goals.

You can use your previous lessons in conjunction with Lesson 13, where you can remove negative mind

blocks and start formulating a business plan.

You should remember that when you’re starting or running a business you should always be willing to

learn, and have the courage to experiment.

You should never be satisfied with where you are and always strive to be better than before.

During the course of your journey, there are going to be times where you’re going to make mistakes,

and the key is to not let those mistakes define your future choices.

Learn from your mistakes, but always be willing to try new things, since that is the only way that you’re

going to be able to learn.

Sometimes people think that they are smart and they have made it, but in the business market of today,

you can never rest on your laurels.

Don’t get too ahead of yourself and keep your feet grounded, no matter how well you’re doing, since

trends come and go in markets every season.

The Tesla Code is going to help you in realizing your business dream, while it can also be applied in other

aspects of your life, to provide you with greater insight.

Just make sure that you’re in it for the long, and not after a short-term profit, since it is not always going

to be a smooth ride.

That is why the lessons are going to be such a massive help to you, since they will teach you how to be

patient and dedicated in order to grow your business and achieve success in the long term.

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The journey is going to be exhausting, thrilling, invigorating, fascinating and life-changing for you, since

it will teach you a lot.

If you really put your mind on success and are smart about learning from the lessons in the Tesla Code

you will get what you need.

The chances of you and your business succeeding will also be pretty damn high.

All the best!