the feed back

Enea Marius The Feed-back -part II- The developing of economical relation ships into influences zones without military conflicts-speaking about Mr. Gerhard Schroeder- the project; Cluj-Napoca 2007 Like a preamble to accepting the Romanian state in UE it must to looking a touring the world about the political situation that’s meaning in direct sense the economical situation and the developing of the economical relationships between the countries. After it was getting down of the iron Cortie of CAER communists countries, the political fen omen that’s was implementing by ex leader of ex USSR Mikael Gorbachev (1989), in those time the solution it was accepting because the social position of the peoples it was different, but we must to get a look into the economical development of the relationships between western

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Page 1: The feed back

Enea Marius

The Feed-back

-part II-

The developing of economical relation ships into influences zones without military conflicts-speaking about Mr. Gerhard Schroeder-the project;

Cluj-Napoca 2007

Like a preamble to accepting the Romanian state in UE it must to looking a touring the world about the political situation that’s meaning in direct sense the economical situation and the developing of the economical relationships between the countries.

After it was getting down of the iron Cortie of CAER communists countries, the political fen omen that’s was implementing by ex leader of ex USSR Mikael Gorbachev (1989), in those time the solution it was accepting because the social position of the peoples it was different, but we must to get a look into the economical development of the relationships between western countries and USSR and USA and of course about all of ex communists countries implication in direct sense.

In those moment like every time after the implementing the communist point of view speaking about political latitude but in fact the implementing a new point of view of the king of life or to be like person and like people, all the products that were making Easterner Europe countries

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were consideration more chip than in capitalist countries and with a real small level of quality, the real looking about it was into working activities to producing one king of quality product for own propriety and other quality for the capitalist counties.

In this kind of point of view speaking about ourself kind of being and our likening level of life and civilization we were accepting a downer level of quality of life.

The real reason to Mikael Gorbachev and other communists leaders it was looking about our quality products and prices on the western markets and USA, that we were getting a very strongly effort to product same products like in western countries and USA, but the prices were very chip.

If we don’t believe but i suppose it’s true like explanation of the political and economical fen omen, about glasnost speaking it was that the communists countries were having a very large value of money to paying to the World Bank and of course to the European Bank, and the effort to giving back money for the communists countries it was very strong provoking in these countries social revolts explicated like revolutions.

The conclusion of the leader of USSR to developing the level of quality of live and of the professional level of the products it was to transform easy and without military conflicts the communists countries into a regular zone for capitalist relationships and market, and it was trying in same time to be keeping the economical market of ex CAER countries to implementing the new developmental products of new Russia and of course to be absolving by a lot of paying back money to the banks USSR country.

The condition it was accepting but like an usual method of reporting to the banks, in all ex communists countries were making the economical rapports not realistic values being and this was in fact the direct action it was appreciating by the backers.

All of these no realistic economical rapports was provoking a strongly inflationary rhythm of the own value of money in communists countries, there were helping with large projects to be keeping to an appreciating level of inflationary value level of own money, but the conclusion it’s that in this moment all ex communists countries with no exceptions have a strongly value to give back to the bankers.

If you have a question about Hitler theory about the pure raise ariane, it was adopted by him, it’s possible to be an explanation that he was studding the arts of Vienna and he was observed that the very special roman legion of the romans emperors it was the legion Junia Augusta the it was making by the special soldiers, all of them being from the Italian territory, very pure and it was using like own guard legion of the emperors. The symbol it was the zvastick.

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Like an late motive to be terrorizing the Jewish people it was that in time of Plinths from the Point, the Jewish people had chance to do a choosing between Jesus and Barabbas.

Why it was scarified Jesus?

It is saying: Nobody isn’t the prophet in his own country.

The level of civilization developing existing those time in Israel it was determinate that the Jewish people it was choosing the Barabbas to be alive, Barabbas that it was a stealer and repiner but after a time Barabbas realizing that he is alive being scarified one of the best leaders of the Israel people, he was becoming an apostle of the Jesus, provoking a Cristian culture and credence and of course a growing up level of civilization.

The dissolving the Israel people in whole the word in was like en explanation that a people it’s merited the leader, speaking about after the Jesus it was scarified.

Like trough of the level of the civilization of the Jewish people it’s realizing of course same in our time that’s the God it’s the Cristian and in those times every where the Christians were sacrificial for their credence.

The level of the roman civilization it was introducing every where using this kind of the justice and every where it’s the roman point of view (the justice courts).

The Christians credence it was adopted like a clemence of this kind of justice that it was no corrupting but it was very strong provoking the finally decisions of executing the guiltier.

The fundamental for this kind of justice it was and it is the diction: Dura lex sed lex. This point of view it was stabilizing every where in romans territories to be keeping an ordinary level of kind of been of every body, but it was explaining because every where it was keeping a military domination.

To Yalta it was a simple negotiation for dividing the world territory in two kind of point of view, economically speaking, because the Russian people or precisely the Russian leaders were needing to be getting back the money that were loosing by the Germans. It was wrong theory because to be conquest a large and enough strongly economical territory like Russia trying to be keeping under military domination isn’t possible to be, the reason to conquest a territory is in fact to be easy getting money there no working.

What for an expansionist military domination against to Russia by the Germany?

What king of duty money paying back to the Germany it was having to do Russia and it wasn’t done?

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No one very precisely, and in this kind of point of view the reason it was just Russia chasing to be getting money back by the Germany, Russia being a very rich country and like a paranoiac Hitler was accepting by the Russia to be accusing that he don’t want to be paying back the money, like other explanation it was that’s in Russia in 1917 in was a communist revolution and the communists leaders probably were very politically aggressive with all of European leaders that were having duty money paying by the Russia.

The logical attitude of the European countries it was if fact to putting down these communists leaders and to be changeling the regime of government in Russia because this is just one of plausible reason to start a war against to Russia.

The chance it was loosing because all of the others leaders excepting Great Britain and USA were conducting by the paranoiac ideas, the mistake of Japan emperor Hirohito it was that he was attacking USA and the first one China.

The mistake it was doing by Japan attacking into Pacific Ocean USA it was in opposite point of view with America that was developing the nuclear searching weapons.

That Hitler needed to be obtaining the nuclear weapon it was real a very hurry up solution to be obtaining again the domination into the second war because the military resources there were loosing more and more.

The reason that USA it was finalling the developing of the nuclear weapon it was that the searching it was very expensive but the question that the nuclear weapon it was using against to Japan not again to Germany it was a mystery.

It is involving a question:

Why Eisenhower it was not using the nuclear weapon against to the Germany?

Or why the president of USA it was no using against to Italy?

Before the Midway navy battle Japan it was finally surrending but against to Japan it was using two nuclear weapon to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What for?

The conclusion of nuclear effect of nuclear weapon it was realizing into the experiments in Nevada desert but if America it was orientating the searching of nuclear fusion into a regular domestic orientation, America it will have the possibility to be one of the great energetically electric producer.

The reason it will be possible supposing that into the battle between American army from Pacific and Japanese army, it was capturing by American army a very silenceouslly theology that

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was discovering on doting the Japan military tecnick and because the Japanese were refusing to be cooperating into the sale or to be offering free of this technology that it was prognosying by Americans that will be covering the expensive searching of nuclear weapons it was using the nuclear weapons against to Japanese.

One of the discovering it was tranuzistor,

Same like Japan the mistake of USA into using the nuclear weapons it was that it was realizing the power of the effect of this weapon it was watching by others to be producing.

That japan emperor it would be staying and thinking twice, because also Japan impair was losing the Japanese territory Sakhalin, Japan was couldn’t reacting against to Russia because was implicating in the war against to China and after against to USA, that was demonstrating that Richard Zorghi was making a very good job for the Communist Russia.

If Japan was don’t attacking USA in Pacific Ocean, she will can to be in fighting against to China and also to Russia and the communist regime form Russia it was abdicating, Russia being attacking from two parts or three speaking the possibility that were for Japan, China being conquering.

What was the reason of the Napoleon the first to attacking Russia? What it was the reason of the Barbe Rosa in the first war to attacking Russia?

The communist regime from Russia was all the time a very good sale manager of his self resources and a very carefully banker to be getting back his self money paying by others.

The aggressively of the news leaders from Kremlin of communist Russia it was ordering also by a reason very simple, that they were no agreement by the European countries and they were needing to be sure that if they are doing the business with the west countries them self money will be giving back by the European countries, not that to be waining to long time how it was and that when they were speaking possible to saying with the west European leaders, they just to be telling that their duty to be giving money back was for the Monarchic regime of the Russia not for they.

Like usually in diplomacy the western countries it is supposing were pretending to communist Russia to be giving money back, and it is supposing that the foreign agents in time of communist revolution to red October from Russian impair it was destroying. It is supposing of course like in same kind of situations that ex czar of Russia like a diplomatic suggestion to be destruction a lot of the economical strong contracts for the duty money paying back or they were getting and destroying in the western European countries, these kind of contracts for duty money paying back being a guarantee for the ex tar of Russian impair to be in selfing insure in

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one of the western European country or in other country and like a explanation the monarchic family it would be living very insure in the foreign country that was having the best duty money paying back to the Russian impair.

The general Murat Italian origin, brother in love of Napoleon I was reposing in time of Napoleon Emperor by Italy.

That it’s true it’s Napoleon was accepting like Emperor but not by The Vatican.

To be easy accepting like emperor by the Vatican that it’s supposing that Napoleon and the General Murat were confiscating the Vatican Treasury.

Before of this situation Napoleon like Emperor was stabilizing and strongly embargo against to the Russian commercial products.

The General Murat was stabilizing by Napoleon like governor of Sweden.

In time of the Waterloo battle the general Murat was coming to be in fighting to late and Napoleon was loosing the battle and was capturing.

If we are looking to the Russian Imper, in time of Tar Petri the First Russian government was modernizing before Petri the First was still working into the Sweden Harbors and before he was modernizing the Neva Chanel transforming Leningrad (the winter residence of the Russian tars) into a modern harbor.

That it’s supposing that it was happening it’s the continuing the commercial relation ships between Russia and France under the sea.

That is true it’s that Murat was stabilizing like Roy of Sweden and it was living continuing that in our time and this it’s meaning that Russian and Great Britain were guaranteeing the crown of Sweden that he was going not so quickly to be helping Napoleon to the Waterloo.

In time of Prime Minister Olav Palme was realizing the new transfer of high intelligent technology form USA that was buying by Swedish for them self to the USSR for developing the searching to be realizing a copy of Columbia Air navy to Baiconur (Buran).

To be despairing of this secret delivering because the Americans were very surprising by the declaring of the president Brezhnev that they are very closer to be realizing of a corespondent of Columbia Air Navy, Olav Palme was assassinating by Russians to be suspiciously of the world against Americans.

Like other explanation the second war it’s supposing was provoking by a strong duty money paying back of the Germany to the communist Russia, and in 1939 it was stabilizing and no

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attacking pact between Germany and communist Russia sinned between Hitler and Stalin after the German army it was conquering Poland.

It is easy supposing that in this no attacking pact it was speaking about the duty money back of Germany for the communist Russia but it is supposing like usually in diplomacy like a very strong reasons and using the secrets papers of the ex monarchic family for Russian impair to be making diplomatically transforming these acts in a against duty money paying back, communist Russia was having a strongly duty money paying back to the Germany.

It is needing a question just like this: What for it was founding in 1956 the new Israel state?

Like a justify of dead of J.F.K and before the Watergate afire the stabilizing of new state Israel it’s just one simple justify.

In those time political attitude in Arabian territories it was controlling by Iraq and Iran but not at all just in cause that they were no economical conflicts about nuclear developing system and the delivering of the payment for this in fuel to the Russia.

The word political attitude to be stabilizing the new state Israel but that it’s a coordinator of the finances into the Arabian fuel territories it was against into the Asian countries like Viet Nam, Cambodia and Korea.

Like a proposal to be stabilizing the new state Israel that was no a acceptable political situation for the communist Russia, it was provoking two strong army conflicts in Vet Nam and Korea that it was a justification that the army controlling into Indian ocean for the delivering of the fuel from Arabian territories it was becoming more sure than ago trying to be putting into a one country Viet Nam and Korea.

The loosing of Viet Nam war it was provoking the Watergate afire and the dead of JFK that the internal American situation it was strongly t reamer by Luther King and the demonstration for no racism.

The dead of Luther King it was no justification like a crime that Americans are against to the other colorizes of human being, it is a justify of disturbing of the American government that it was very busy with the internal problem Luther king provoking to the Nixon and JFK a internal disastrous.

Same situation it was for the second Kennedy that was senator and it very supposing that the dead of both of them it is justify of a real stabilizing of Israel state that for the communists it was unacceptable and the second it was the money loosing for the military American industry but this situation it is possible to be tolerating and a long of time it’s possible to be recuperating.

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The place that was possible to be executing the first JFK that was continuing the negotiation for stabilizing of the sate Israel it was Dallas for covering the near zone that was very popular Luther king and covering him, using like cover the strong oil industry of America.

Like in first time it is no credible that Oswald Lee it was a victim it is true because he was living into USSR and he was observing like man, but him was stabilizing like victim for cover to one of the aggressive person into inside of political situation of American like Luther king that was demonstrating against no racism, but the reason of introducing of this person like an image of unacceptable of stabilizing of Israel State it was the communist groups from USA and it’s supposing the Arabians groups that were coming from Iraqi and Iran and Palestine.

If you are needing to be finding the real person that its the killer of JFK and the second Kennedy and of course the died of Luther that was must to be disappearing like and internal hero, it is needing to be studding the petrol its Arabians that it were refusing to be collaborating with USA.

After the end of the second war, in time that the Jewish people it was trying the extermination of them to the Yalta it was negotiating the new organizing in influences zones of the economical developmental of the world.

The problem of the insure of the getting back money investing in the Arabian territories it was putting in danger by the influence of the communist doctrine of the Russian point of view about the organizing the economical and kind of life to have and of course by the new students that were going to studding in the Communists universities by where the Arabian students and of course African students were very sure that they have enough knows to learn, the scientific and technical informations being by the Germany getting after the end of the second war like pride of the war and it will be keeping in contact permanently with the news because the German State it was dividing in two parts, one communist and one capitalist.

The controlling of communist attitude of France into Europe it was provoking in time of Ilich Brezhnev that France was it was signing one of the great contract of delivering of natural gas into the France but looking in all of this the contract it is for the first looking on the biggest money loosing of the France budget.

But if it’s looking like a new negotiation in time of the money value of the delivering gas into the France, in this situation the communist Russian control of western and central Europe it’s very clear.

Of course, like a premium that it was the winer, Russia was trying to be getting a lot of the natural resources from African territories where German and Italian army of the Rommel and

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Mussolini were controlling the colonies that were French and English a lot of and other parts Belgians and Hollandaise.

The explanations were that, it supposing, the France and Pais Bas were losing very easy their own territories and in this cause why don’t to trying to be getting for the Communist Russia these enough riches territories, they being in the second war of the Germany and Italy and if it’s possible, diplomatically of course yes, Russia like an pretender was trying to be getting these territories like a prime.

Same situation it is speaking about Arabian territories that were British and USA colonial zones.

In this cause it was needing to be stabilizability in very quickly time to a new dealer of the USA and Great Britain countries that it must to be keeping under controlling of the western and USA influences, the pact of Yalta being put in danger.

The twice reason that it was to be founding the new Israel state it was that USA it was investing a very large lot of money in West Germany on Marshall plan and the power of American economy strongly in fact was also affected by the war, but keeping a very carefully attention about West Germany that the scientific and technical developing don’t to be giving to the Communists countries, in Arabian territories the power of controlling of the influence it was easy following down and it was needing to improving a strongly military force there but it was needing continuous a large money value.

Like usual the money are meaning the bankers and the banks, and in same time the banks are meaning a Jewish business.

It’s saying that the Euro was definite like unique in Europe against the dollar.

What for?

Recuperating the dollar from investments in out side parts of America covering the export of the value(dollar). Its true that when you are using other money value you are of course under financial control of those country. But to protect of those value it must to be recuperated preventing inflationary rhythm.

The Unit Europe stabilize an unique value to protect the own banking stability. In the past every west county from Europe it was forced to recuperating his own value to protect the inflationary rhythm. Also the west countries were stabilizing an minimal of own value just for to buy that these countries were needing and to keep an economic control under the respective country. The relation ships were stabilized with the country that was signalized that has keeping to much value from his own value and in this cause the own country from the west it was obligated to

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stabilizing the relation ships of course commercials to get back of his own value, to protect it self value against of the inflationary rhythm.

Every value of western country from Europe comparative with the dollar it was more down, but it was relativity by one country to other country.

To the start of unique value of Unit Europe the Euro it was stabilized much strong like dollar. This is explaining that the Unit Europe has much resources to get chips products or to product to a chip level of pavement the own products. Relative to the dollar, this value it was exported and invested in foreign business with a high level of risk in recuperating the value. Like explanation US dollar was loosing big part of market against to the Euro.

So, where you can to a good investment to be getting back easy your value like American?

Some where that you can product your own products to a chip price or some where that you can give a chip pavement for the primary resources to product chip products.

In this cause you mast to establishing a new market but where you must to keep a very surely situation especially economical for a very stable politically statute.

What do think about Argentina, Brazil…

Speaking about the second war, in the end The Nazi Germany it was trying to be provoking a destabilizing of the own British Pound realizing with help of the Jewish prisoners in lagers the falsifying of this banking value.

What was the reason?

In fact Germany was buying all the time economical resources for continuation the war from the British colonies and it was must to be paying these. The double reason it was to destabilizing the British banking value, the point to touch of economical activity of Great Britain value was Arabian territories and Turkish zone.

In time of leaderships of OPEC Organization of Yasser Arafat it was stabilizing between the Arabians leaders of the oil territories to keeping money from buying the Arabian oil in Lebanon not in American banks or European banks to deviating in fact the money controlling by the Jewish bankers of the Arabian money. In this situation the Arabian leaders were trying to be independents by the oil market and no controlling by the British and Americans companies, trying to sale the fuel to the preferential prices. Looking to this situation the Arabians leaders under the communists influences were trying to leveeing the economical and commercial relationship with Israel and western countries and also with the USA and great Britain realizing a favoring of developing of relationship of the communist countries in zone.

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This point of view it’s for a logical explanation of the military conflicts from Lebanon.

The solution it will be practically respecting a new perspective of reparteeing the influences of developing the economical relationships deviating in this kind of the military conflicts and practically realizing in whole of the world zones of very sure investing money territories.

Other logical explanation of the war of seven days between Egypt and Israel it’s like a retroactive looking for the usually easy transporting of the fuel to the USA and Western Europe into Suez Canal with oil tanks navies in 1974 in time of Egyptian leader Anwar el Sadat.

Speaking about the new project of developing the economical relationships in influence zones without military conflicts and of course about investment of money capital, sale a product license, it’s reason for all the countries that are in national bank blocked a lot of unconvertible value money to sale one or two ore more, depends of own propriety licenses of products to the country that have in self national bank of the foreign country a lot of own value money.

The investment in the different country it will be making at first investing the own value money, sale the licenses and in this cause the investor country will be getting back a lot of money in Euro or US dollar in rates continuous in agreement with the new project of development of economical relationships

Speaking about the developing of the economical relationships in influence zones without military conflicts, the commercial delivering between the two canals, Suez and Panama it will be stable without provoking military conflicts, in fact also the military conflicts from Liberia, Morocco, Tunis and Egypt, Ethiopia are doing for controlling the delivering the commercial cargoes for fuel and materials and products between the ex British colonies or American territories stabilities to the end of the second war to Yalta and speaking about the pact from Malta it is logical to say that it was stabilizing because the military conflicts were becoming very aggressive appearing the danger of using the nuclear armaments and chemicals lethal substances.

The elimination of the duty money paying back of a part of ex communists countries it were explaining like a solution to a point of view of impression of the world bank where these countries had enough money to be giving back and to be easy to pay these countries were trying to be nonmalignant.

The first one that was nonmalignant from the start it was Yugoslavia that was refusing to be cooperating with red zone in the king that was imputed by the pact of Yalta, the reason or the explanation it was that Yugoslavia was no attacking ex USSR and after the end of the second war it was exposing to a terrorizing a period of time because it was refusing to be collaborating with the red colorer in kind stabilizing by the economical relationships of CAER. This kind of

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country it was a point of lobby between the red zone and western Europe zone, the fuel for western Europe it was transferring by here.

The reason of other countries to be stabilizing this point of view it was for them to be stabilizing in west Europe and in USA a preferential regime to be introducing in the USA market and also in western European market of them self products to a preferential taxes for exporting, and all of these to be easy for these countries to be giving more easy to the world bank of duty money back.

looking behind and if you are trying to realizing that the communist doctrine it was stabilizing just to grow up a kind of being of a life that was never to your personal possibilities, you will realizing that in the past in monarchic countries the high life it was keeping away by the regular people that without a special education was seeing in this kind of activity just the possibility to have a luxurious villa, an expensive car and of course one of the beautiful woman in the world.

To be ambitious it’s meaning in fact to input around to you and of course to all of you of your ides that you needing to be understanding by them and in the final you are realizing that you are obtaining all that you are needing.

It is true, a high politically position it’s meaning for the regular people a very good look, but a good politician it is just the person that it is knowing to be doing something very delicate to be seeing that he is the leader, realizing of course not so easy his self interests but realizing in same time a influent in the common life of your own people that is likening you and is accepting to be sure be your activity, this condition it is to be improving in the mind of your’s a very good attitude and like a result this people to be doing that he is needing just because he was hearing you explain that you want to do for them and they are becoming very constance that it’s meaning a very easy and a very good level of life.

The different point of view between the capitalist doctrine and communist doctrine it’s meaning in fact same kind of ambitious plans and a very good level of life but for a different kind of level of the persons.

Looking in this kind, the communist doctrine it’s not a dangerous kind of being but the kind of the improvement of the persons that are needing a high level same like Prince Charles for example it’s meaning a forcing of the society and it was demonstrating, but if you like this kind of being and you are a very good politically person, you can using by this politically opinion and practicing a very easy and protecting people position you will see that you are considering also by the Prince Charles not a dangerous mind and you will be inviting in the diplomatic club very good appreciating being your self.

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The hardest think that we are needing to learn and this is in special for the eastern peoples it’s that it must to be your self convince to be a very good working a a very professional to be obtaining all that you are seeing in the western counties and also in USA and Japan, but that’s regular for us after fifty and more years of communist doctrine domination we are refusing to be including in the regular king of being, all the time we must to be pressing to see that it’s must to see, that if i am working good I am needing to be appreciating with a good payment.

This kind of point of view it’s refusing by a lot of us because we are believing that we can be enough so smart to be spoiling others.

In this kind we must to accepting the military controlling without aggressive reactions because in other kind we don’t accepting to be having the own common good kind of being.

In the simple looking for this it’s representing the protective mode for the person that it’s living near you and it is working for him self and for your self of course that’s you are not same level of professional because the better professional like you it is paying more taxes than you and others and you a enough insure to be healthiness care if you are an illness person or you are a small physically resistant person and you are needing more like others the time off.

A diplomatically solution that was by long time practicing and it is hopping to be working continuously

Speaking about the Palestinian conflicts in Gaza zone, it is specified in the article form New York Times that the money form the Gaza zone are form the West Bank. That’s meaning that a part of OPEC countries were accepting that to be keeping money not in the Lebanon banks, that was stabling in time of the leadership of Yasser Arafat to OPEC and that it’s supposing it will be a condition to be keeping a real stability in Gaza. What is explaining that?

To be keeping the money of the OPEC organization in Lebanon it is explain for no deduction in what direction they are using and against to who?

This solution it was accepting by the OPEC countries that The OPEC Organization it was wanting to be sale the fuel into the Russian and the communists countries with a preferential price and they were needing to be arming very strong and now they are accepting to be keeping the money in western banks, that’s meaning the preferential price and the destination of the oil it is not a problem that’s affecting the economically relationships of these countries. The result it is very clear it will be saying: “We can to be keeping money in your western banks that we don’t need to be spending a very large part of our money for the armament and we are needing to be

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a peacefully zone to be living and to be developing.” “U.S. and Europe Offer Support for Abba’s Government

If are needing to be looking long time ago, you will see that the Gods are not prophets. The disciples are indeed the prophets of the Gods.

What’s meaning to be prophet?

If you are explaining for some one that you are believing in your ideas that your God it is making all for you to be not alive, just to have a fine kind of live, and after your are explaining who your God is doing the magics for you to be helping you, in this kind, you like a Messiah or like an apostle is becoming a very good explainer of these magics, but that you are musting to understanding it’s that the kind that you are explaining about these and the people becoming very credibly about you God and are going to work and are doing the sacrifices it’s explaining that you are a very good implementing of the politic point of view your to be the prophet of your God.

Oslo, if we are looking behind long time ago to the Jesus, he was the prophet of the God. The kind of being and explaining that the God is wanting to do for us and us to be doing believing in Him, we can to be saying very convinced that Jesus it was a very good politician of the God.

Another one and of course not the last and of course not the least it is Mohamed.

The difference between these two political prophets and the politicians it’s that after these all of our political people were a large or not enough so demagogic prophets.

Of course, if we are looking about for example to Hitler and to a large part of others, in the first time that they are speaking about them self kind of thinking about what they are wishing to do for us to be having a very good life, you are thinking these politicians are very good thinking mind, but by a time looking very precisely to them self kind of being and to practice them self ides, you will realizing that almost all of them are strongly or not enough demagogic.

If you are believing or not but when in our world it will be appearing a new Jesus or a new Mohamed that they will be convicting us that all they are speaking about the ideas of a new God and his self magics that he was doing for us to be in a very regular and good live, but not so easy to be alive because also in the Bible it’s explaining that Adam and Eva were going down from the heaven and with the perspiring of them self skin of them self faces were getting the food for them self family and kids, so in this situation we will be having another God and another prophet or another perfect politician.,

Like an experience of journalist choosing myself this aptitude but stimulate in 1997 by one of my mate that not considering me now nothing else just a pure man that he is needing to write

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and if I remember he didn’t was paying me in those time, I considering that I must to write for every people that want to read me. Because there are many important journals in the world, I was contacting 5 of them and because they aren’t refusing me I am continuing to write.

After Gerhard Schroeder was lost his Deutsch Kanzlei he was stabilized in Austria considered the new Kanzler of Austria. It was realized that Austria start to be every time in army. It is a problem for Europe the new opinion of new „force”that it appearing in Austria?

Like a first view yes, remembering first and the second war. But if we considering same situation of economically crease in Europe, same like in 1914 and in 1933 because every where it’s a uniformity of a new Europe of course Unit Europe, the investment in production it’s relatively blocked.


The deals of the great companies from the west are that their self products to be sale and consumed in this cause in those countries it possible to have enough jobs for their employers. In this cause in their countries is not a very strong crisis especial economically. The result it’s a stability of politically situation.

The idea of Gerhard Schroeder it is of course like in every developed country „Auslanders aus”. What for? For free jobs of Austrians citizens.

A new war it is possible for consuming the products from the developed countries where the population have relative enough money, but it will be destroyed a lot of part of Unit Europe where after you must to invest.

It is a solution?

It’s true that in ex communist’s countries that are now in Unit Europe the level it was stabled for minimal to be accepted in Community. In these countries now you can become the owner to make investments and the capital it’s easy to be getting back. If these countries are making investments here, creating new jobs, the level in these countries will be growing up, it’s true, the pries of the owner producer it will be more chip, and the own citizens will be easy to buy.


Because the level of life in the own countries, capital becoming easy to getting back, it will be better, the level of life more easy to keeping, easy jobs and a social protection better.

In the new countries from the community it will be the level of work of the investor like owner, the payment enough to be a higher level of life and enough money to spend for the owner products.

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The exports of the products it will be stabilized from these countries to the others for outside of Unit Europe to a chip prices.

In this cause the new order of Gerhardt Schroeder is not a danger for Unit Europe.

I hope so it will be!

What about of the new look of the world? Like a suggestion, looking around to prevent the economic cries, if we considering that the economic conflicts are generating army conflicts we can do like suggestion this:

If USA and Great Britain are making investments in South America where are resources and is a strong economic cries but stabilizing a new bursa in Malvin Islands and developing the economic relationships in Africa from South Africa-Cape Town, and Unit Europe is developing the economic relationships in North of Africa, Central Africa and Israel like banking Bursa and economic bursa, we can see a new look of developing protection all against to a strong cries generating war. Commercial relationships with Japan and China are making from Panama. In Asia are remanding Japan, China and Russia correlating between them in economic relationships. Of course correlation ships are making between this there strong developing parts of the world are making between the burs not with the guns.

It’s saying that the Euro was definite like unique in Europe against the dollar.

What for?

Recuperating the dollar from investments in out side parts of America covering the export of the value(dollar). Its true that when you are using other money value you are of course under financial control of those country. But to protect of those value it must to be recuperated preventing inflationary rhythm.

The Unit Europe stabilize an unique value to protect the own banking stability. In the past every west county from Europe it was forced to recuperating his own value to protect the inflationary rhythm. Also the west countries were stabilizing an minimal of own value just for to buy that these countries were needing and to keep an economic control under the respective country. The relation ships were stabilized with the country that was signalized that has keeping to much value from his own value and in this cause the own country from the west it was obligated to stabilizing the relation ships of course commercials to get back of his own value, to protect it self value against of the inflationary rhythm.

Every value of western country from Europe comparative with the dollar it was more down, but it was relativity by one country to other country.

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To the start of unique value of Unit Europe the Euro it was stabilized much strong like dollar. This is explaining that the Unit Europe has much resources to get chips products or to product to a chip level of pavement the own products. Relative to the dollar, this value it was exported and invested in foreign business with a high level of risk in recuperating the value. Like explanation US dollar was loosing big part of market against to the Euro.

So, where you can to a good investment to be getting back easy your value like American?

Some where that you can product your own products to a chip price or some where that you can give a chip pavement for the primary resources to product chip products.

In this cause you mast to establishing a new market but where you must to keep a very surely situation especially economical for a very stable politically statute.

What do think about Argentina, Brazil…

In 1985 Afghanistan country it was attacking by USSR in those time the Russian president Vladimir Ilich Brezhnev was trying to input to the Thaliban people a communist government. For the regular people it was a question that it was imputed:

What for this?

The investment in armament of Iraqi’s president Saddam Hussein was to be buying from USSR and other communist’s countries like Romania. The payment it was making in oil. For USSR and also for Romania the fuel it was transporting from a pipe line that it’s fixed a long of territories of Kurdistan and Afghanistan. In Afghanistan there are also the per refineries to per manufacturing the oil.

In same time was appearing in Palestine a leader of muesli army for liberty of people of Palestine, Jihad army for freedom, Yasser Arafat that it was stabilizing like president of Palestine.

Yasser Arafat was realizing the military control against Israel and Lebanon, helping ex USSR and other countries like Romania to get back money implicated in sale of armament and all of these for an economic control against to Europe, checking the price of the fuel.

In that time it was build three great refineries in Romania same like Petromidia Navodari for manufacturing the oil from Iraq.

This one was buying by British Shell Oil and two of a kind was keeping being for manufacturing the oil for Petrom SA Romanian Oil Co. that were manufacturing the oil from Russia.

Petrom SA was buying by OMW Oil Co Austria, extending in this kind of economic relations ships the control of the fuel in a large part of Europe of the Russian oil.

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Osama bin Laden, the child one richest Saudi family, that it’s oriented in building enterprise become the leader of the organization muesli Jihad but he is making the lobby like a self arbiter between America and Russia.

In summer autumn 2005 the leader of the Orthodox Greek Church it was into a mythical trip in Arabian Counties Jourdan, Siria, Saudi Arabia and Palestine.

Into same time to Moscow it was inviting the French President Mitterrand and Greek President Karlamandis.

Into Bulgaria the communist leader of the communist party Greek Mitzotakis it was realizing to Sofia the communist meetings together with the President of Bulgaria.

Before no more time into the Georgian territory it was signalizing a very strong damage of the oil pipe line for delivering to the Shell Oil to the refinery Shell Midia Navodari Romania.

In short time all the Shell pomps from Romania were transforming into Mol Oil that was stabilizing the developments from Austria.

That it’s meaning that the delivering of the Irak oil it is realizing on a pipe line from the Greek and Bulgarian territories to the Europe into Austria, Romania, Hungary…

this reason was motivating because the tourism investing money of the World and European banks were getting back from Greece and were supporting by the European Bank helping the Greek country by the British tourism companies that were investing into Greek tourism by European bank and now these companies were letting keeping easy and easy down the Greek tourism support, the Greeks tourism companies getting very quickly the financial situation following down and they are becoming falimentaries.

In this situation they were obligating to be sale.

Before the Shell Oil Romania was buying by Mol Oil Austria into the Cece Territories it was a kidnapping to a school that was finally with the death of a lot of school kids and same teachers and not by a long time it was a getting down to one of Eleni Air Company Olimpic upon near the Olimpic Groups Buildings near the Athens.

The explanation it’s that the Afganistan was loosing the USA and British fonds to be keeping into a very insurance of the Iraqi pipe line oil for Shell Oil Romania and this insurance it is now pay to the Greece and Bulgaria by Austria.

For example: American troupes were obligated to be getting back in Ethiopia losing a lot of people in Mogadishu (Addis Abeba) and now there is government muesli. The military and financial support for this battle it was supported by Osama bin Laden. If we are looking to the

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geographic position of Ethiopian sate we can remarked that from this country it’s possible to controlling the navy transport of the oil from Arabian’s territories possible to do a blocking of transportation on Suez Canal from Indian Ocean.

In 1997 in Liberia state it was a putting down of a democratic government, the attackers been muesli.

What for to destroy a democracy in a small state like Liberia?

The explanation must be: A lot of the small states, especial from eastern Europe, like Romania that haven’t enough money, it was registering the navies (commercials navies) under the register navy from Liberia because the navy taxes were more small like in other countries. If we are restricting the oil transporting navies, now because in Liberian state it’s a hunt military muesli, the foreign navies are confiscated and sale.

In this cause a state like Romania but where we have oil now from Russia can’t becoming economic independent because she haven’t enough possibilities to get fuel from Indian Ocean or from the Northern Sea from Shell (British Shell).

Another action anti democratic fact it was in Congo where actual govern it is pro France. The attack of military hunt it was not to a long ago for the USA and Great Britain troupes NATO against Iraqi’s Saddam Hussein in 1993 “The storm of desert” when France it was there with the Legion estrange but Germany not. The contribution of France in first attack it was small, France being sure that can get the fuel from Congo by the Elf Congo.

Another explanation for France it is that in France are living very much people with Arabian origins from ex French colonies and the insurance of France it’s not so strong against the terrorist muesli attackers.

In same time in the near boroughs states with Congo appear muesli attackers terrorists like in Morocco and in Alger destroy democracy, but the explanation it must be to do unsure the transporting of the fuel from Congo the France and Western Europe.

In this cause France and other countries are becoming dependents by British Shell or to be subordinating to the Russian fuel.

The negotiations between Great Britain and CE it’s explaining a lot of.

For explaining other action of Osama it’s this: The muesli control under the Morocco state it’s making possible to controlling by Osama and of course the Russian government against to the navy transportation on the Gibraltar Crossing.

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In this cause the small countries that Romania are becoming under economical ordering of the Russian fuel.

Diplomatic problem of Russia if it will be put in practice the new economical strategy in the world it’s that USA and CE have the possibilities to block the economical attack against to Europe, in this cause USA must to be concentrating against to the financial point of Osama and Russia, and in this cause the European countries must to be very strong protecting against the terrorists attacks, Russia it will be obligating to reconsidering the economically zone of influence against China and Japan.

If now Russia it’s in attacking against to the CE its meaning that Japan and China are strongest like Russia.

The explanation that Russia refuse this strategy it’s because both of them, its meaning China and Japan have a very powerful economically relationships with USA.

All these countries are economically orientating to the USA because there are money, but if USA it’s changing the politically and economically attitude to the South America where the money spending of armament from USA budget it’s chip, in chose cause all these people will be orientating to the South American’s countries because there it will be and it is a virgin land to do investments and to get back more money.

In cause that USA it will be establishing like a future measurement of economically development in South America, China and Japan will be both of them investitures in this zone. The controlling it will be making by USA and Great Britain but I suppose it will be establishing in Malvin Islands, that is a British territory a new economical bursa of value, the economically relationships will be establishing between New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Malvin Islands.

The Malvin islands there will be coming like a new Hong Kong.

The economically domination in Orient and Pacific zone it will be a lot of more easy to conquered by the Russia, but not at all because Australia and New Zealand are part of Commonweals, but Russia it will be letting to get easy the fuel from the Arabian’s territories.

The attack against to CE trying to subordinating it will be not so easy because the fuel it will be coming by the north, the explanation it’s meaning the tendencies of Great Britain of CE.

The controlling prices of the fuel for CE coming from north it will be keeping down, the explanation it’s coming by the Great Britain Government to keep the own British system of measurement that it’s meaning a protection of own properly products against to foreign products.

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The plan of developing to sale the fuel products coming from the Arabian’s territories via Russia it will be developing with China and Japan.

The investment of Russian Government it will be making of course that it liking in South America.

For the EC the relationships I suppose will be establishing also with South America but not at all, because The CE it will be oriented to the Australia and New Zealand.

The feedback of CE coming back in Europe from South America it will be establishing from Cape Town and Cote d’Ivoire, pressing and restricting area of the muesli terror just in Arabian’s territories.

The situation it will be changing because also the money of Russia they will be investing in South America via Japan and China. I was writing up.

The new order in Asia it will be establishing in this cause by Russia that will be a supporter of Israel that will be controlling the OEPEC banks from Lebanon and from the CE in Jordan by the France, Germany and CE.

The Arabian’s territories will be sub ordering to the Russian power that will be producing fuel for Japan that it’s one of the big producer in market car’s driver and China that isn’t one of the big consumer of world products, both of them having strong economically relationships with USA.

The position of Russia that it’s a part of CE it will be stable in Romania exporting fuel from Iraq in CE to the Midia refinery and British Shell it must to fix a pipe line from northern sea on Pays Be, France, a long to Europe in Tirol for Austria and Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. In the north from Denmark to: Germany, Chechnya, Slovakia and Poland-Ukraine.

The politically attitude it will be promptly establishing in Israel by Russia and in Egypt from Jordan by CE.

The help in Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean against to muesli attackers will be helping by India and Pakistan, because between muesli and Hindu here will be Hindu because Buddha love more China and Japan.

The strongly investments of USA, Great Britain and CE will be in South America and after to the Africa from the north Jordan, Israel and at last but not the least Egypt, by the south Cape town and from the America by Cote d’Ivoire and Congo.

The new project of economical development without army conflicts

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Like a vision talking of course Mr. Gerhardt Schroeder but not about army, and looking about a book (of course my book “David’s Jewish cross”), the economically relationships developing in their own zone of influence will be implicating a new bursa for licenses of products.

If of example, Russia it’s needing to implementing a German product, but Germany in economically zone of South America and north of Africa, Russia will be possible buying the German license of herself but the transfer of capital it will be making from European Bank not implicating Germany directly in a partner relationship and the payment of plus value it will be paying to the European Bank.

In this cause Russia will be contenting to be active in relationships in Asia and Pacific Ocean and also in Arabian territories continuation to stability relationships with Japan and China.

In cause that Russia it’s needing a license for USA that it’s in relationships in South America economically influence of investment, Russia it will be buying the license by the license bursa but the investment in Russia to product this American product it will be making by USA from the World Back and plus value of sailing the product it will be paying by Russia to the World Back.

In this cause the economically relationships for the development in separated zone of influence they will be developing without army conflicts.

About the new opinion about the Gerhardt Schroeder political point of view, that it’s meaning “Auslanders aus”, the explanation it’s that he don’t be using army force against someone, he is trying to explaining to all of us, that he is wanting about foreign work employers do not be migration in other countries, to be stable in their counties. That’s meaning that the CE countries that are very developed to be investing in the more chips countries from the CE, sealing the licenses of CE products and creating in these countries companies to be producing these kind of products, that it’s meaning to be creating new jobs, the workers will be paying to the CE level or approximatively and will be buying by the workers for them self and that’s meaning that the level of quality it will be higher and higher because the products are for them self workers and level of prices it will be same like in CE in developed counties.

In this cause, if the level of payment it’s approximatively like in CE, the plus value of payment it will be returning to the investitures like profit.

The budget of the chip country it will be cumulating from the salaries taxes and it will be higher and higher, the respectively country will be caning to pay back the money to the European Bank for example.

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The Human Rights are not obstructing because the people can be delivering everywhere in CE but they can’t be working in other counties, in this cause the working power from these developed countries being protected and in the chips countries it will be higher and higher professional level.

If state from an economical zone want to by a license for example about Mercedes Benz Germany GmbH, this license will be paying with a lot of money by the state from his self monetary safe. In this cause Germany will be investing in those state via European Bank a lot of money to product the Mercedes cars in those state by a level of money that a lot of people to can buy the cars Mercedes.

If a state want to buy the license of Mercedes cars it’s the resort of European Bank to considering to give money for buy the license if it’s a real interest to develop this kind of car in those state or after economical evaluation of situation in those country will be consideration that it’s possible that German Company to invest money via European Bank and to get back plus value of license product by those country and those state to get back payment rate to the European Bank no by a long time without to destroying the level of life in those country.

An explanation about economical development in approximatively amount

(The economical relationships of investment talking about the new order of Gerhardt Schroeder-point of view)

If one of developed country for example Germany or Austria are needing to make an investment in a chip country from CE like Romania for example in food industry that it’s meaning:

The German company it’s looking about the Romanian food company that she needs to do an investment and German company it’s making an order to the economical department of German state from European Bank to do a fez ability study for investment.

If the plan of investment it’s agree by the European Bank, the German company get a credit from European Bank and it is making the investment. The value of investment it’s stable by European Bank for example but the German company can get a large credit for a long period if it’s evaluating the economical relationships with Romanian company for a long period.

The risk of European credit of German company it’s estimated by European Bank that it was doing the study of fez ability.

The German company it’s getting back money from the investment in Romanian company realizing in conformity with the fez ability study of investment of European Bank the chip price

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of products in Romanian company but sailing to European price in Romanian the products, the power of buying realizing it with an payment of salary approximatively European in Romania.

The getting back money to the European Bank it’s making from plus value of sailing of the products and after the investment it’s clear paid back at all, the all of profit it’s of German company, but for a period a part of profit of German company it’s needing to the European Bank like rates of credit back of investment.

The risk of German company investment it’s evaluating by the bank.

That it’s meaning new jobs, moderns jobs in Romania for example and higher and higher level of life and of the quality of the services and of the products (that it’s meaning Romania it was buying some licenses of Germans products).

About products with expansive licenses that’s implicating a strong investment in the chip country like are luxury cars, these kind of products are representing in chips countries for rich people that can buy these kind of products by a dealer demonstrating to a commercial bank that the dealer it’s subordinated to European Bank for example, that the rich representative man has enough money to have this kind of product.

In this kind the foreign company it’s not needing to do a strong investment to high the level of salary in those chip country people caning to buy a very expensive product, demonstrating it’s the fact that in a banking fez ability plan the European Bank it will demonstrating that the chip country hasn’t the level of power of work that it’s needing to product this kind of product in own country and the study of fez ability it will be refused like plan of investment because the level of life in those country it will be affected in negative sense.

Point of view about to prevent up saturation of the own market

Speaking about the investment in the chip countries of the developed countries company just for the own market, the preventing saturation it’s realizing with a modernizing the license by a period of amortization of the ancient license.

That’s its meaning the people can realizes to get a new model of own license realizing an ab reacted of them self product like a care, getting back them self car to the factory and paying a difference to get a new car with a new model.

Appointment with the refuse of credibility

A loyal conflicts between two states that need to do an investment in a chip country it’s making not to the governmental level, it will doing to the bank but it will be provoking a lawyer conflict between the first investiture country and the bank. That it explaining no ram busing the credits and the profits to the bank and also to the first investor, and the result it’s a degradation of the

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credibility of the bank, this is first one and the second and degradation of life level in the chip country. If the bank don’t need to be seeing that, the bank it must to insure a monetary level in the chip country and that it’s explaining a following down a value of Euro or Dollar, because the bank it must to get a new monetary emission without covering.

Another explanation about own value, the commercial relationships are making in international monetary value, the bank it will be obligating the chip country to recuperating the own monetary value that’s out side of the own territory and it will be stronger and stronger covering the own monetary value with international monetary value.

The explanation it’s that with the new plan of economically investment in conformity with this new project, one of reason of investment it’s to grow up the level of life not to destroying. It’s a specification in the project that the plan of investment and the insure to recuperating the capital and profit it will be doing developing the level of life and professional.

To provoke a chip country to buy an expensive license it’s not possible that’s meaning or a destroying the level of developing life or an inflationary rhythm of one’s international monetary value.

If these kinds of effects are appearing and are realizing the credibility of the bank it will be destroyed and all of the countries will be refusing to use this bank appealing to the second bank.

The general effect of this project it’s to be easing to have two international monetary values accepted

What for a military conflict?

The reason of a military conflict it’s the domination of a territory but the real reason it’s to put other country to work for you. If you have enough minds to think, what kind of profit you can be obtaining putting people by a country to work under army terror. In those zone it will be continuous an insure life and a degradation level of life and the recuperating of the investment it’s very insure. This new project, speaking about Mr. Gerhardt Schroeder it’s to dominating a territory provoking a sure of the situation for recuperating the investing capital and to obtaining a very sure and easy profit and if you realize this effect it is continuously,

The military conflicts are possible to appearing just in case that the entire world it’s probably suffering by a piratical ill. That it’s appearing some one the explanation it’s that some one to someone international bank is a piratical ill person. The conflict it will be keeping down quickly provoking by all the community a financial blocking.

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What for an extremist or nationalist point of view that every country can be relationships of course in economical point of view but using the bank.

In the very rich countries the level of life it will be highest and the effort of to be livening very easy, the economical activities are developing just for a perfect products, just for them self, the principal activity in these kind of countries will by to developing the searching for modernizing the products and in financial companies.

A growing up of the population number it will be doing a growing up of the own production realizing new paces of work.

If the population becoming so numerously if it’s possible to realizing that, these countries will be having enough money to supporting to populations to study or to insure a normal level of life that it will be changing the ages of the ages of power of work.

The age of retirement in these countries it will be to a medium age not to be retarding and after one year to be dyeing.

The period of time between 1929-1933 the situation in Europe it was appreciating that it was an economical crease. USA involving into a large development no so much colonies but considering like partner the British Islands that was introducing into Indian and Atlantic Ocean a military control. The reason that was importing the prime materials for producing chip products.

In same time the domination problems of the United Kingdom of Great Britain into the Asian colonies it was disputing against the Holland and Belgium that was helping by the Germans.

Before the end of the second war, in 1947 in time of Truman President of USA it was stabilizing the Marshall Plan to be helping the German people to be rebuilding the economy.

The money duty of Germany for USA was accepting to be no getting back because on the territory of Germany was placing military bases.

The new revenge of Germany against to USA that was no accepting so easy that USA it’s needing to be demonstrating to every one they are superiors and because before the referendum in time of Washington, the Americans were stabilizing that the national language into USA territory it’s English language not German language, that was no accepting by the population that was living in those time into American territory (approx 45% Germans and others they were mixing) it was using against to the British Lira the Deutsch Mark to be brooking the British Lira by Sorosh.

The revenge it was same for the English peoples that was imputing the English order into America.

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Before the Tee Revolt from New York Harbor, and restriction of the domination of the British Kingdom against the French Kingdom in Canada, in America was emigrating a very large number of the Germans population.

The technical attitude of the Germans was provoking into America one strongly developing into the north side of USA.

That not all of peoples realizing it’s that also now it is the three th power into the world, domination explaining by the lords kind of education and the devotion for a noble kind of being.

The the Germany was realizing that they are working of the British Royal House and refusing all the time to be under sub ordering to the British Royal power that it’s a large gents but now demonstrating into a looking to they are a strongly power full of vitality, the Germans were no way accepting that America to be a part of British Colonial Empire.

The Commonwealth it’s and it is no indubitable a strong power also actually because the into the British colonies the population no accepting that they are considering into the world an inferior kind of being, they are having a noble kind of looking about people world.

Looking about to British Lira by long time ago, into the British Empire was no more revolts under the colonial domination, that’s explaining that the population from the colonies was accepting no so hard to be putting to be working for the British lira and this money value was all the time one of the strongest into the word.

The German population that was loosing the political control of the American colony, was imputing here a new money value Dollar that was talking into the group of George Washington President (first time general) that to be brooking the strongly of the British lira.

The exporting of the US dollar it’s explaining in this cause very clear and because the commercial relation ship into the word are making a lot of using dollar value.

That’ was realizing before into the Europe was provoking here imputing a European money value that is Euro and it is very clear that is a new tramp for the British Lira because United Kingdom has the negotiation to be a regular part from the European community.

To be demonstrating that Germans no accepting to be loosing a colony like was America it is realizing in time of Hitler. The idea was constantly in the mind of the Germans that at the end of the second war Hitler was developing with help of the Jewish typographers in Matthaeus lager to be realizing a British banknote same like it is real but it was false. The reason it was to be provoking into the Brutish system monetary of a down valuation and an inflationary rhythm, British lira being in this cause down and down.

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1929 it’s registered for Brazil like the year Coffee Crises. The great producers of Brazilian coffee, German origin were considering that it’s much better to be getting into the ocean the coffee just to be sale more chip.

The export of the coffee products there were making into the Portugal and Spain but here it was the war against to Franco.

Because the political situation of franco into Spain it was very insure the refusing to be sale more chip of the German Brazilian producers of coffee it was justified.

The investment of money value of Germans produces of Brazilian coffee there were making into Swiss banks.

Keeping into neutral position, Franco was resiting before the end of the second war because the money value by German Brazilian coffee and of course him self support there were investing regular if it was needing form World bank that it’s meaning no preferential point of view of investing.

In this cause United Kingdom it will be loosing the second place into the economical power that it demonstrating by the British monetary stability, but if we are looking very careful it is realizing that behind of the economical political attitude of the American they are doing a play for the Germans.

The Prime Minister of Poland Government Jaroslaw Kaczynski was accepting the d emission of her Party Cabinet.(2007.Nov.)

This is meaning that the illegal permit ion of the foreign persons that are practicing the drugs and prostitution will be trying to be forcing the Moldavian-Romanian borders.

The explanation it’s that in same time with the following down of the Polish Government in Italy was resting the mafia leader Salvatore Lo Piccolo by 20 years of watching by police about him.

The ex leader of mafia Berando Provenzano was watching by the police about him approximatively 40 years.

If we are looking to the investing into autos in Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania not long time ago, approximatively 40 years ago in ex USSR (Lithuania) was appearing a new auto car driving Model Jiguli (copy by Fiat) that was provoking a international scandal between Russia and IVECO-Fiat Italian Company.

That is meaning that the mafia money was investing into Jiguli Auto Lithuanian Company.

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The new change of the Polish Government it will be provoking a higher and higher carry on the illegal forcing the border to the Poland by Ukrainians and in same time a strongly provoking forcing the border of Moldavian-Romanian border of EU.

If we are looking into South America what it was happening, we are realizing that into Sao Paolo Brazil it was and accident provoking by a getting down of one plane upon a building count from Sao Paolo and in same time a burning in fair of one Argentinian Jail in Buenos Aires.

That into a burning fair building are very much persons that are becoming no identify or are for ever disappearing into the fair, it’s possible that one of the pilots of the getting down air plane upon the Sao Paolo county to be like same name like one disappearing person into the burning fair from the Argentinian Jail.

What ever we are possible no thinking good to be saying, but if we are realizing that the German autos cars by Seat Spain and Volkswagen Germany are exporting into Brazil it is possible that the new model of Jiguli from Lithuania to be exporting into Argentina and into Brazil but wasn’t accepting the excuse because it is a illegal copy of one Fiat model.

If we are looking to Chile and Peru we are realizing that for a long period of time they were no controlling the direction or it was considerate a no interesting direction, this fact was reflecting that Spain and Portugal was placed into a level of economical developing not so strong, but before Germans were involving into economical developing of Spain and Portugal, in special form technical point of view, in Chile, Bolivia and Peru was implicating strongly USA to be reducing the risks of the investments because they were practically the strongly producers of drugs and exporting.

That the investments of Japaneses companies into the German technical system was hardener accepting but it was accepting because they are using and they are controlling same like the Japaneses investments from USA of Asia and Tokyo financial bursa that it provoking the control of the Germans technical kind of being against of the Hong Kong British monetary bursa.

No realizing in first time that very hardener accepting of China to be involving the USA investments into the economical development in China but this is a insure that for the Germans it a insure that they have the possibility to be controlling the Japanese power of the own value financial.

In 1929 the important producers of Coffee from Brazil there were by German origin. The were refusing to be paying chip coffee into the world, they were keeping the absolute controlling of the coffee into the world. This refuse it it’s explaining do not loosing money but looking to the European situation that in the Europe it was realizing that it was starting a strong economical crease and the Germans were voting the Nazi party into the Reichstag’s, the delivering of the

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famous Indian tee from the British colonies and also the expansive grips it was making very hardener. The reason in fact it is possible to be explaining that Germans to be keeping the control under the British resources from the Pacific Ocean colonies with the help of Spain and Portugal, Germans controlling the NY Commercial Bursa and into the South America being keep also Spanish domination.

In this situation Germans were provoking a strongly crease also into Great Britain that was controlling it self money value. The reason that it is seeing every time that is a strongly revenge of the Germans against to the British to be loosing the economical control of the resources from British colonies.

The mistake of the Germans it was provoking the Japaneses to be attacking USA, looking behind USA it was a neutral country to 1940.

if Japaneses wasn’t attacking USA to Pearl Harbor the Germans it would being accepting that they had the chance to be controlling the British colonies.

Under the accepting the German-Japanese pact against to Europe, the Germans were obligating to be participating to the warriors attacks against to USA and in this situation at the end of the war Americans were accepting to be by British participating.

That it was a continuing supporting of the Germans by Americans into the second war was the technological secret transfer of the developing of weapons technologies of Americans to the Germans that it was helping by Argentinians, the developing of the rackets system of guiding and controlling into the fly coming into the Germany from USA via Argentina.

That it’s demonstrating that Germans were no accepting that USA it is an ex British colony.

If it’s incredible that it’s no accepting by every one it was demonstrating that Germans were using this kind of rackets against to the British.

The explanation of the using nuclear bomb against to the japans it was one very simple, that was realizing the mistake of the Germans to be forcing to attack the Americans commercial delivering and army because that was a pact between japan and Germans, the developing of the Germans of the nuclear was weapons it was stabilizing into USA. But the Germans were developing the research for nuclear weapons it was for using against the British and Russians, but the political considerations were to be stopping the japan to forcing the Germans to be attacking the USA army’s.

The German are puritans like Americans. The same think between German church and British American church it’s the Saxon kind of being. Introducing the different point of view in time of Henri the VII that was stabilizing the Anglican church, that was a no subordinately of the British

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church to the Vatican that was developing just into the British islands but not at all into Ireland, and in America there are appearing the puritan churches the are Baptist with same point of view like catholic and reformatting church from Germany.

The different point of view introducing into the catholic church of Vatican by Martin Luther in Germany to be refusing the corruption with the luxurious looking to the church and into the American Mormon church the transform of the point of view that you are needing to be stabilizing more just one sexual relation ship using the cover of one important American church was a point of view that it is a reflection that the American population it is orientating to the German point of view of the church keeping a good feeling about the Gos and Jesus.

In this cause the coordinating the population to be orientation to a German developing of economical point of view it’s clear that it is accepting because or in fact it must to be telling the developing of Israel people it is starting with the acceptation of the Christians. In time of the second war there were a lot of the Jewish population that was emigration into America same that in time of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and they were developing a monetary value activity that it was provoking to the population the orientation to be feeling strongly.

The realty it’s the money are doing but the money are must to be delivering to be giving and to be getting back that was conferring to the American and the German American the feeling they are the power.

The different point of view between the German and the British it’s that the British are saying we are the lords and the American Germans are telling in God we trust.

So, that it’s explaining more:

What it is the most important think into a human life?

That I am a lord or that I am trusting into the God?

If you have a question about Hitler theory about the pure raise aria n, it was adopted by him, it’s possible to be an explanation that he was studding the arts of Vienna and he was observed that the very special roman legion of the romans emperors it was the legion Junia Augusta the it was making by the special soldiers, all of them being from the Italian territory, very pure and it was using like own guard legion of the emperors. The symbol it was the zvastick.

Like an late motive to be terrorizing the Jewish people it was that in time of Plinths from the Point, the Jewish people had chance to do a choosing between Jesus and Barabbas.

Why it was scarified Jesus?

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It is saying: Nobody isn’t the prophet in his own country.

The level of civilization developing existing those time in Israel it was determinate that the Jewish people it was choosing the Barabbas to be alive, Barabbas that it was a stealer and repiner but after a time Barabbas realizing that he is alive being scarified one of the best leaders of the Israel people, he was becoming an apostle of the Jesus, provoking a Cristian culture and credence and of course a growing up level of civilization.

The dissolving the Israel people in whole the word in was like en explanation that a people it’s merited the leader, speaking about after the Jesus it was scarified.

Like trough of the level of the civilization of the Jewish people it’s realizing of course same in our time that’s the God it’s the Cristian and in those times every where the Christians were sacrificial for their credence.

The level of the roman civilization it was introducing every where using this kind of the justice and every where it’s the roman point of view (the justice courts).

The Christians credence it was adopted like a clemence of this kind of justice that it was no corrupting but it was very strong provoking the finally decisions of executing the guiltier.

Same point of view ti was seeing in the start of the invasion of African continent by Rommel and Mussolini.

Germans attack Morocco Tunis and Alger to be supplier the mechanizing army of Germans with the fuel and Mussolini attack Egypt and Ethiopia. The reason it was to be controlling the Gibraltar Crossing that is of British Crown by years and Mussolini it was interesting by Suez Canal. That it was realizing to be understanding it was that Germans were interesting by no suppling by fuel of the British naves and armies ans also it was seeing that the delivering system and controlling of the British colonies it was interrupting for the British.

Same it was observing that the Arabian fields of the Americans were o destroying but the fields with fuel of British Crown were occurring.

The situation it was starting to be following down for the Germans and it was starting to be loosing by the control in the moment that the Pacific war between Japaneses and Americans was very strongly involving into a hard navies battles.

That the first time Germans were having that all the they were needing, the British colonies, to the end all of these were loosing.

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No accepting Nelson Mandela like leader into South Africa that was British Colony but imputing before by European community it was meaning the no loosing the control against to the diamonds miner exploitation of Europeans in special of Germans.

One of real reason it is the money duty of the Germans from time of the second war that Germany was importing from USA of the V1 andV2 system of tel co ordering into the fly, that was paying to the Americans with synthetic diamonds producing by chemical industry from Ruhr exploitation.

The repercussion of the position of Great Britain it was the attack of Argentina under military control of Old Germans generals against to the Malvin Islands that it’s controlling also now of the importing of natural resources from South Africa and Zimbabwe in special of the diamonds.

The explaining it’s appearing real. The permutation of the loosing of this position it was seeing before that Americans no supporting before the Argentinian government that it was must to disappearing because it was must to be disappearing the real reasons to be attacking the Malvin British Islands.

In 1997 the Hong Kong Island it’s reorienting to the China. In this situation that USA it was working for stabilizing very good commercial relation ships with China, the Great Britain it’s loosing the commercial control against to the Asian commonwealth territories (colonies). In this cause the German, that it was demonstrating the Americans are working for, are capable to be controlling all the British colonies.

In this cause the money domination it’s stabilizing between dollar and Euro against the British Lira.

The intention to be keeping far away by japan of the USA by the British Government it was very clear intending under the domination like emperor of the Hirohito. The attack of the pearl Harbor in 1940 and to be ending before the battle of the Midway from Pacific it was consideration that the British domination upon the Japan islands it was ending. The Enola Gay like a real mistake considerate by whole of the world was provoking in the end a American mistake to be keeping in fact of the British domination of Joneses islands. Other point of view it is but not supposing the verifying the high technical attitude of the Americans and of the Germans that were loosing the war and it was no chance to be verifying the technical investing in nuclear bobs and rockets, and like a justifying that German government it was paying a very large value of buying in high technical promotion attitude but no using and verifying against to the British government but the new discovering, synthetic diamonds it was considering very fabulous.

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Before the end of the second war that was adopting the new technologies to be producing the diamonds, the German government it was discovering that it has a large value to be paying to American government and it was appearing the Malvin Islands attacking against to them.

The pressure under the Joneses it was successful but the effects of the new technology it was provoking of a no war bases army Americans in japan but it was accepting that the dollar it is very sure working there.

The Tokyo bursa it was continuing to be trying the dollar controlling against of the British Lira and before 1997 it was strongly introducing of the Euro in first choice to be destabilizing the British controlling of Lira against to the dollar and before it was introducing the us dollar and Euro against British lira loosing the financial and commercial controlling upon the Hong Kong Bursa.

Looking behind and if you are trying to realizing that the communist doctrine it was stabilizing just to grow up a kind of being of a life that was never to your personal possibilities, you will realizing that in the past in monarchic countries the high life it was keeping away by the regular people that without a special education was seeing in this kind of activity just the possibility to have a luxurious villa, an expensive car and of course one of the beautiful woman in the world.

To be ambitious it’s meaning in fact to input around to you and of course to all of you of your ides that you needing to be understanding by them and in the final you are realizing that you are obtaining all that you are needing.

It is true, a high politically position it’s meaning for the regular people a very good look, but a good politician it is just the person that it is knowing to be doing something very delicate to be seeing that he is the leader, realizing of course not so easy his self interests but realizing in same time a influent in the common life of your own people that is likening you and is accepting to be sure be your activity, this condition it is to be improving in the mind of your’s a very good attitude and like a result this people to be doing that he is needing just because he was hearing you explain that you want to do for them and they are becoming very constance that it’s meaning a very easy and a very good level of life.

The different point of view between the capitalist doctrine and communist doctrine it’s meaning in fact same kind of ambitious plans and a very good level of life but for a different kind of level of the persons.

Looking in this kind, the communist doctrine it’s not a dangerous kind of being but the kind of the improvement of the persons that are needing a high level same like Price Charles for example it’s meaning a forcing of the society and it was demonstrating, but if you like this kind of being and you are a very good politically person, you can using by this politically opinion and

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practicing a very easy and protecting people position you will see that you are considering also by the Prince Charles not a dangerous mind and you will be inviting in the diplomatic club very good appreciating being your self.

If are needing to be looking long time ago, you will see that the Gods are not prophets. The disciples are indeed the prophets of the Gods.

What’s meaning to be prophet?

If you are explaining for some one that you are believing in your ideas that your God it is making all for you to be not alive, just to have a fine kind of live, and after your are explaining who your God is doing the magics for you to be helping you, in this kind, you like a Messiah or like an apostle is becoming a very good explainer of these magics, but that you are musting to understanding it’s that the kind that you are explaining about these and the people becoming very credibly about you God and are going to work and are doing the sacrifices it’s explaining that you are a very good implementing of the politic point of view your to be the prophet of your God.

Oslo, if we are looking behind long time ago to the Jesus, he was the prophet of the God. The kind of being and explaining that the God is wanting to do for us and us to be doing believing in Him, we can to be saying very convinced that Jesus it was a very good politician of the God.

Another one and of course not the last and of course not the least it is Mohamed.

The difference between these two political prophets and the politicians it’s that after these all of our political people were a large or not enough so demagogic prophets.

Of course, if we are looking about for example to Hitler and to a large part of others, in the first time that they are speaking about them self kind of thinking about what they are wishing to do for us to be having a very good life, you are thinking these politicians are very good thinking mind, but by a time looking very precisely to them self kind of being and to practice them self ides, you will realizing that almost all of them are strongly or not enough demagogic.

If you are believing or not but when in our world it will be appearing a new Jesus or a new Mohamed that they will be convicting us that all they are speaking about the ideas of a new God and his self magics that he was doing for us to be in a very regular and good live, but not so easy to be alive because also in the Bible it’s explaining that Adam and Eva were going down from the heaven and with the perspiring of them self skin of them self faces were getting the food for them self family and kids, so in this situation we will be having another God and another prophet or another perfect politician.,

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About the new opinion about the Gerhardt Schroeder political point of view, that it’s meaning “Auslanders aus”, the explanation it’s that he don’t be using army force against someone, he is trying to explaining to all of us, that he is wanting about foreign work employers do not be migration in other countries, to be stable in their counties. That’s meaning that the CE countries that are very developed to be investing in the more chips countries from the CE, sealing the licenses of CE products and creating in these countries companies to be producing these kind of products, that it’s meaning to be creating new jobs, the workers will be paying to the CE level or approximatively and will be buying by the workers for them self and that’s meaning that the level of quality it will be higher and higher because the products are for them self workers and level of prices it will be same like in CE in developed counties.

In this cause, if the level of payment it’s approximatively like in CE, the plus value of payment it will be returning to the investitures like profit.

The budget of the chip country it will be cumulating from the salaries taxes and it will be higher and higher, the respectively country will be caning to pay back the money to the European Bank for example.

The Human Rights are not obstructing because the people can be delivering everywhere in CE but they can’t be working in other counties, in this cause the working power from these developed countries being protected and in the chips countries it will be higher and higher professional level.

It’s saying that the Euro was definite like unique in Europe against the dollar.

What for?

Recuperating the dollar from investments in out side parts of America covering the export of the value(dollar). Its true that when you are using other money value you are of course under financial control of those country. But to protect of those value it must to be recuperated preventing inflationary rhythm.

The Unit Europe stabilize an unique value to protect the own banking stability. In the past every west county from Europe it was forced to recuperating his own value to protect the inflationary rhythm. Also the west countries were stabilizing an minimal of own value just for to buy that these countries were needing and to keep an economic control under the respective country. The relation ships were stabilized with the country that was signalized that has keeping to much value from his own value and in this cause the own country from the west it was obligated to stabilizing the relation ships of course commercials to get back of his own value, to protect it self value against of the inflationary rhythm.

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Every value of western country from Europe comparative with the dollar it was more down, but it was relativity by one country to other country.

To the start of unique value of Unit Europe the Euro it was stabilized much strong like dollar. This is explaining that the Unit Europe has much resources to get chips products or to product to a chip level of pavement the own products. Relative to the dollar, this value it was exported and invested in foreign business with a high level of risk in recuperating the value. Like explanation US dollar was loosing big part of market against to the Euro.

So, where you can to a good investment to be getting back easy your value like American?

Some where that you can product your own products to a chip price or some where that you can give a chip pavement for the primary resources to product chip products.

In this cause you mast to establishing a new market but where you must to keep a very surely situation especially economical for a very stable politically statute.

What do think about Argentina, Brazil…

If one of developed country for example Germany or Austria are needing to make an investment in a chip country from CE like Romania for example in food industry that it’s meaning:

The German company it’s looking about the Romanian food company that she needs to do an investment and German company it’s making an order to the economical department of German state from European Bank to do a fez ability study for investment.

If the plan of investment it’s agree by the European Bank, the German company get a credit from European Bank and it is making the investment. The value of investment it’s stable by European Bank for example but the German company can get a large credit for a long period if it’s evaluating the economical relationships with Romanian company for a long period.

The risk of European credit of German company it’s estimated by European Bank that it was doing the study of fez ability.

The German company it’s getting back money from the investment in Romanian company realizing in conformity with the fez ability study of investment of European Bank the chip price of products in Romanian company but sailing to European price in Romanian the products, the power of buying realizing it with an payment of salary approximatively European in Romania.

The getting back money to the European Bank it’s making from plus value of sailing of the products and after the investment it’s clear paid back at all, the all of profit it’s of German

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company, but for a period a part of profit of German company it’s needing to the European Bank like rates of credit back of investment.

The risk of German company investment it’s evaluating by the bank.

That it’s meaning new jobs, moderns jobs in Romania for example and higher and higher level of life and of the quality of the services and of the products (that it’s meaning Romania it was buying some licenses of Germans products).

After Gerhard Schroeder was lost his Deutsch Kanzlei he was stabilized in Austria considered the new Kanzler of Austria. It was realized that Austria start to be every time in army. It is a problem for Europe the new opinion of new „force” that it appearing in Austria?

Like a first view yes, remembering first and the second war. But if we considering same situation of economically crease in Europe, same like in 1914 and in 1933 because every where its a uniformity of a new Europe of course Unit Europe, the investment in production its relatively blocked.


The deals of the great companies from the west are that their self products to be sale and consumed in this cause in those countries it possible to have enough jobs for their employers. In this cause in their countries is not a very strong crises especial economically. The result its a stability of politically situation.

The idea of Gerhard Schroeder it is of course like in every developed country „Auslanders aus”. What for? For free jobs of Austrians citizens.

A new war it is possible for consuming the products from the developed countries where the population have relative enough money, but it will be destroyed a lot of part of Unit Europe where after you must to invest.

It is a solution?

Its true that in ex communists countries that are now in Unit Europe the level it was stabilized for minimal to be accepted in Community. In these countries now you can becoming the owner to make investments and the capital its easy to be getting back. If these countries are making investments here, creating new jobs, the level in these countries will be growing up, its true, the pries of the owner producer it will be more chip, and the own citizens will be easy to buy.


Because the level of life in the own countries, capital becoming easy to getting back, it will be better, the level of life more easy to keeping, easy jobs and a social protection better.

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In the new countries from the community it will be the level of work of the investor like owner, the payment enough to be a higher level of life and enough money to spent for the owner products.

The exports of the products it will be stabilized from these countries to the others for out side of Unit Europe to a chip price.

In this cause the new order of Gerhard Schroeder is not a danger for Unit Europe.

I hope so it will be!

Like a vision talking of course Mr. Gerhardt Schroeder but not about army, and looking about a book (of course my book “David’s Jewish cross”), the economically relationships developing in their own zone of influence will be implicating a new bursa for licenses of products.

If of example, Russia it’s needing to implementing a German product, but Germany in economically zone of South America and north of Africa, Russia will be possible buying the German license of herself but the transfer of capital it will be making from European Bank not implicating Germany directly in a partner relationship and the payment of plus value it will be paying to the European Bank.

In this cause Russia will be contenting to be active in relationships in Asia and Pacific Ocean and also in Arabian territories continuation to stability relationships with Japan and China.

In cause that Russia it’s needing a license for USA that it’s in relationships in South America economically influence of investment, Russia it will be buying the license by the license bursa but the investment in Russia to product this American product it will be making by USA from the World Back and plus value of sailing the product it will be paying by Russia to the World Back.

In this cause the economically relationships for the development in separated zone of influence they will be developing without army conflicts.

Speaking about the new project of developing the economical relationships in influence zones without military conflicts and of course about investment of money capital, sale a product license, it’s reason for all the countries that are in national bank blocked a lot of unconvertible value money to sale one or two ore more, depends of own propriety licenses of products to the country that have in self national bank of the foreign country a lot of own value money.

The investment in the different country it will be making at first investing the own value money, sale the licenses and in this cause the investor country will be getting back a lot of money in Euro or US dollar in rates continuous in agreement with the new project of development of economical relationships.

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That is true that in Afghanistan it’s a strong consume of drugs in fact no special in sun rise. This situation was provoking blocking the delivering of the fuel from the pipe lines of fuel on the Afghan territory to the per distillation fuel near Kabul and before interrupting the delivering continuation that the storm from the Georgian territory that was explaining that was a strongly storm in the autumn 2005. The effect it was no recuperating so easy the spending money to be building a democracy in Iraqi, the money pending for the UN Army and USA and British Army being paying in fuel delivering into the Romanian distilleries.

The solution it will be letting the Thaliban to be consuming the drugs but the UN Armies to be watching do not to be delivering into other territories, blocking strongly the borders with Iraqi, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania, orientating the delivering the consume against to other force that it’s Russian Army.

To be controlling the Iranian energy that it’s possible with help of Council of Europe, explanation being that the Iranian nuclear technology being from Germany and France, and that it’s possible letting this without help of up dates and services assistants, possibility being that India and Pakistan and also China being agreeing into the UN Council implementation the idea, the Iranians are keeping down the extremism and are accepting the election into democratic system.

In fact that it’s demonstrating that Russia it is realizing to be provoking no recuperating by Americans of the spending money for the Iranian democracy and fuel from Iraqi being under the control of Russia.

Acceptable the idea if UN Army and NATO are no continuation to be keeping the control of the situation in Iraqi but being agreeing to be giving the fuel to Russia but putting a taxes between 2 and 3 cents for every baril of fuel delivering to the Russian Yukon for no lettering time and helping Iranian situation and India and Pakistan to be keeping down the military conflicts.

In this situation, acceptable or not by the Prussian, the will be very obligating to be keeping down the conflicts in Thaliban territories and drugs consuming, to be trying to delivering the fuel into the afghan pipelines into the Georgian territory to the Yukon that it’s so far away, or to the Romanian distilleries.

In this cause we are very agreeing to be keeping every actions for us and no accepting the fuel from Georgia or to be putting a taxes between 2 or 3 cents for every baril of fuel distillation into ours distilleries and pumping into Europeans pipelines.

The situation from Lebanon and Israel and Palestine being keeping down for the military conflicts and into the Gaza territories it’s has soon has possible very keeping down the military

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conflict letting the Lebanese banks without the money from the fuel delivering into the world, in this situation our fuel it’s possible to be delivering very sure from the Suez Canal.

The politically attitude about registration of every one that was stabilizing into a foreign country it’s to prevent in first time of delinquency. The second reason that it must to be doing that it’s to be protecting own population against to any kind of health ill keeping under the control the foreign person. The thirty reason that it must to be doing this it’s to involving the foreign person that was making the violation of the foreign territory to be doing some thing good for this country that it’s spending a lot of money to be keeping in watch and to be protecting this person. The obligation to be insure forcedly of these kind of person it’s one of regular kind of being to be getting back a lot of money that the foreign state it’s spending with the police, foreign officers and authorities that are keeping this person in watch. It must to be accepting the situation that this kind of person are obligation that to be working like a regular person but with a domicile fixed to be keeping in watch, that this person it’s a good person the authorities to be realizing that the person it’s capable to be good into a regular sense and to be getting back the budget money that the foreign state are spending with him.

The double reason that into the insurance system of the foreign country are introducing a lot of money to be keeping the good health of the own population.

The taxes that are no paying to the budget before the work of this persons it must to be watching, to be accepting third kind of managers but to be obligating that these taxes to be investing into the foundation of protecting people, pregnant woman, against to be using drugs e.c.t.

If state from an economical zone want to by a license for example about Mercedes Benz Germany GmbH, this license will be paying with a lot of money by the state from his self monetary safe. In this cause Germany will be investing in those state via European Bank a lot of money to product the Mercedes cars in those state by a level of money that a lot of people to can buy the cars Mercedes.

If a state want to buy the license of Mercedes cars it’s the resort of European Bank to considering to give money for buy the license if it’s a real interest to develop this kind of car in those state or after economical evaluation of situation in those country will be consideration that it’s possible that German Company to invest money via European Bank and to get back plus value of license product by those country and those state to get back payment rate to the European Bank no by a long time without to destroying the level of life in those country.

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Implementing the new tips of cars (like models) involving a large value of money to pay it’s meaning to be accepting that the person that is needing this kind of car has enough money to be putting guarantee.

That meaneing that he has a good payment monthly.

In fact if we are correlating the import of this kind of cars with a judiciary bursa, that’s meaning the dealer of foreign company it’s buying a lot of buildings into the foreign country that he is needing to be exporting the cares, these buildings will be putting guarantee into the own banks foreign banks that he is needing to be exporting the cars, before that cars are paying are introducing into the foreign country that he is needing to implementing the new model and before the building are putting to be sale to the population in rates for a large time. This kind of operation (commercial) are making into the own bank, the cars are looking sable into the foreign country and the population that aren’t capable to be buying this kind of car is buying a new apartment.

What about of the new look of the world? Like a suggestion, looking around to prevent the economic cries, if we considering that the economic conflicts are generating army conflicts we can do like suggestion this:

If USA and Great Britain are making investments in South America where are resources and is a strong economic cries but stabilizing a new bursa in Malvin Islands and developing the economic relation ships in Africa from South Africa-Cape Town, and Unit Europe is developing the economic relation ships in North of Africa, Central Africa and Israel like banking Bursa and economic bursa, we can see a new look of developing protection all against to a strong cries generating war. Commercial relation ships with Japan and China are making from Panama. In Asia are remanding Japan, China and Russia correlating between them in economic relation ships. Of course correlation ships are making between this there strong developing parts of the world are making between the burs not with the guns.

Speaking about the new international satellite for the communication that was stabilizing an invoice between the Russian part and USA and Great Britain it’s using and it’s supposing into developing of the regular communication between of man and computer.

That it’s needing to be regular it’s just to be using the the classical demands on the computer using the regular tastature and mouse, to be having video camera and booster microphone and other regular utilities just replacing the computer into your bureau and you with one mobile phone or living into your vacancy home to be writing and to be making the video movies for the family or for the friends or just being still working for a new parers journal, the transition it’s in

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real time and direct that you are needing to be keeping the information that you are having the possibilities to be quickly into your bureau or not.

The developing the weapons with large action possibilities like rockets between Taiwan and China it’s not a really conflicts between two territories because it’s not possible like a country how it’s Taiwan to attacking China and to be winning the war, the conflicts it’s manifesting by China to be putting under the Chinese control the delivering of conventional and no conventional weapons in zone implementing into the Chinese zone of a “democratic control” but the war for a little kind of country how it’s Taiwan it’s guerrilla war, attacking the delivering commercial navies and air cargo transporters with these kind of weapons.

The aspects it’s really for sale of weapons for the terrorists groups, the kind of manifestation of the conflict between Taiwan and China it’s demonstrating that Taiwan it’s practicing the terrorist kind of waring.

The developing of the drugs production into afghan territories and using against the demo crating regimes from Europe it must to be explain that the old pipe line for fuel that it’s delivering into afghan Territorials that there are the per distillation refineries for delivering fuel it was motivation first one in autumn 2005 just like a storm that was destroy the pipe like that was transporting the American and British fuel to the Romanian distilleries of Shell Oil, but the reason of Russian part it was demonstrating that the pipe line from Iran it is explanation just for controlling of delivering of the fuel from Arabian territories into Russian territories.

The aspect that USA was trying that to be stabilizing a demo crating regime into Iran provoking a energetic controlling under the Iranian territory it was and it is to be controlling to the Prussian territories of the Arabian fuel.

That it’s demonstrating it’s just if USA and Great Britain were stabilizing a taxes for every baril of the fuel into the Russian direction on the Iranian pipe line, Russian with help of Taiwanese it trying to be stabilizing a taxes against the commercials delivering against to China products and American products for China and Japaneses territories. That it’s meaning that Russia it is trying to be keeping under a regular control using the guerrilla attacks under the Nippon and Hong Kong Commercials Buses and into these zone Russia has the real interests to be sale in fact no at all but almost fuel to a preferential price.

1993 it was happening one navy accident into the Northern Sea. One of the biggest atomic submarine of Russian army was destroying into submersing destroying of the installation.

In 1990-1991 before the Berlin Wall in Germany these were very strong demonstration against the American NATO bases into the German territory.

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The situation it was accepting with the condition that Poland, Germany and in very special kind Denmark and Sweden they will be guaranteeing the very insure of the British Shell Oil under sea pipe line from the Norther Sea.

The insurance of the under sea pipe line it is very probably very insure to the LLoids Insurance Company that it’s guaranteeing by the Britain National Bank.

The military position into the Sweden, Denmark, Germany territories there were, one of the reason, to be covering the no destroying of the oil pipe line from the northern sea.

In upon cause Sweden, Denmark and Germany are must to paying to Great Britain the LLoids insurance of British Oil pipeline guaranteeing Great Britain Bank.

It is supposing that this insurance of Great Brian Bank it is also guaranteeing by National Sweden bank, German National Bank and Denmark Bank to the National British bank with the Value Money of them self Thesaurus.

This is one of the great realization of the Britain money national value against the German Euro and Swedish crown realization in time of the bursa buying step by step by the third position manager danish that was becoming the before the owner of the royal Duch shell.

Like a no surprising in zone it was keeping the military conflict between Taiwan and China to be watching against to Hong Kong Bursa of the British Government abut under the hep of communist guerrillas and muslins keeping up by Russians.

The result of investment getting money back

Speaking about the new project of developing the economical relationships in influence zones without military conflicts and of course about investment of money capital, sale a product license, it’s reason for all the countries that are in national bank blocked a lot of unconvertible value money to sale one or two ore more, depends of own propriety licenses of products to the country that have in self national bank of the foreign country a lot of own value money.

The investment in the different country it will be making at first investing the own value money, sale the licenses and in this cause the investor country will be getting back a lot of money in Euro or us dollar in rates continuous in agreement with the new project of development of economical relationships.

Stability the commercial relationships between communities countries, implicating in relationships all the actions with the resolutions of a European Bank or World Bank, it will be accepting the realizes that if we can to pay some think we must to talk with a banker not to be attacked be a military force and it is realizing a new plan of possibly of payment with the new rates. But in this cause the mistake it’s making by the bank that it was involved in the

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investment plan of the developing countries from the community and the bank it must to support the situation.

Another conclusion it’s that in the chips countries it will be a continue developing of the level of life and of the social situation provoking no conflicts interethnyc’s, psychological looking the people will be telling I am prove by myself not I am so tough because I am for example Romanian eliminating in this cause the nationalism because the people aren’t seeing the military conflicts the they must to demonstrating their nationalist psychological part of them self.

All the time the people are looking to be prove by them self trying to be the best professional to have enough money to be rich.

Like an explanation about the migration of the people that it will be doing with helping by marriage, that the man or woman it’s detached in a International Political or Economical Organization or them self have enough money to buy a propriety in a foreign country.

Like a preamble to accepting the Romanian state in UE it must to looking a touring the world about the political situation that’s meaning in direct sense the economical situation and the developing of the economical relationships between the countries.

After it was getting down of the iron Cortie of CAER communists countries, the political fen omen that’s was implementing by ex leader of ex USSR Mikael Gorbachev (1989), in those time the solution it was accepting because the social position of the peoples it was different, but we must to get a look into the economical development of the relationships between western countries and USSR and USA and of course about all of ex communists countries implication in direct sense.

In those moment like every time after the implementing the communist point of view speaking about political latitude but in fact the implementing a new point of view of the king of life or to be like person and like people, all the products that were making Easterner Europe countries were consideration more chip than in capitalist countries and with a real small level of quality, the real looking about it was into working activities to producing one king of quality product for own propriety and other quality for the capitalist counties.

In this kind of point of view speaking about ourself kind of being and our likening level of life and civilization we were accepting a downer level of quality of life.

The real reason to Mikael Gorbachev and other communists leaders it was looking about our quality products and prices on the western markets and USA, that we were getting a very

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strongly effort to product same products like in western countries and USA, but the prices were very chip.

If we don’t believe but i suppose it’s true like explanation of the political and economical fen omen, about glasnost speaking it was that the communists countries were having a very large value of money to paying to the World Bank and of course to the European Bank, and the effort to giving back money for the communists countries it was very strong provoking in these countries social revolts explicated like revolutions.

The conclusion of the leader of USSR to developing the level of quality of live and of the professional level of the products it was to transform easy and without military conflicts the communists countries into a regular zone for capitalist relationships and market, and it was trying in same time to be keeping the economical market of ex CAER countries to implementing the new developmental products of new Russia and of course to be absolving by a lot of paying back money to the banks USSR country.

The condition it was accepting but like an usual method of reporting to the banks, in all ex communists countries were making the economical rapports not realistic values being and this was in fact the direct action it was appreciating by the backers.

All of these no realistic economical rapports was provoking a strongly inflationary rhythm of the own value of money in communists countries, there were helping with large projects to be keeping to an appreciating level of inflationary value level of own money, but the conclusion it’s that in this moment all ex communists countries with no exceptions have a strongly value to give back to the bankers.

Like a preamble to accepting the Romanian state in UE it must to looking a touring the world about the political situation that’s meaning in direct sense the economical situation and the developing of the economical relationships between the countries.

After it was getting down of the iron Cortie of CAER communists countries, the political fen omen that’s was implementing by ex leader of ex USSR Mikael Gorbachev (1989), in those time the solution it was accepting because the social position of the peoples it was different, but we must to get a look into the economical development of the relationships between western countries and USSR and USA and of course about all of ex communists countries implication in direct sense.

In those moment like every time after the implementing the communist point of view speaking about political latitude but in fact the implementing a new point of view of the king of life or to be like person and like people, all the products that were making Easterner Europe countries were consideration more chip than in capitalist countries and with a real small level of quality,

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the real looking about it was into working activities to producing one king of quality product for own propriety and other quality for the capitalist counties.

In this kind of point of view speaking about ourself kind of being and our likening level of life and civilization we were accepting a downer level of quality of life.

The real reason to Mikael Gorbachev and other communists leaders it was looking about our quality products and prices on the western markets and USA, that we were getting a very strongly effort to product same products like in western countries and USA, but the prices were very chip.

If we don’t believe but i suppose it’s true like explanation of the political and economical fen omen, about glasnost speaking it was that the communists countries were having a very large value of money to paying to the World Bank and of course to the European Bank, and the effort to giving back money for the communists countries it was very strong provoking in these countries social revolts explicated like revolutions.

The conclusion of the leader of USSR to developing the level of quality of live and of the professional level of the products it was to transform easy and without military conflicts the communists countries into a regular zone for capitalist relationships and market, and it was trying in same time to be keeping the economical market of ex CAER countries to implementing the new developmental products of new Russia and of course to be absolving by a lot of paying back money to the banks USSR country.

The condition it was accepting but like an usual method of reporting to the banks, in all ex communists countries were making the economical rapports not realistic values being and this was in fact the direct action it was appreciating by the backers.

All of these no realistic economical rapports was provoking a strongly inflationary rhythm of the own value of money in communists countries, there were helping with large projects to be keeping to an appreciating level of inflationary value level of own money, but the conclusion it’s that in this moment all ex communists countries with no exceptions have a strongly value to give back to the bankers.

“WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 — Congressional negotiators reached a deal late Friday on energy legislation that would force American automakers to improve the fuel efficiency of their cars and light trucks by 40 percent by 2020.

The proposal, which would require automakers to achieve 35 miles per gallon on average, is similar to a measure that was passed in the summer by the Senate but was bitterly opposed by

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the auto companies, who argued they did not have the technology or the financial resources to reach that goal.

The auto companies gave up their long-held opposition to fuel- economy increases not long before the Senate version was passed, but proposed a much weaker alternative. In recent weeks, the chief executives of General Motors, the Ford Motor Company and Chrysler visited Capitol Hill in an effort to fend off a stronger measure, but the compromise announced Friday showed those efforts had little effect.

The compromise emerged after days of difficult negotiations between House and Senate members and their staffs. The final deal was hammered out by the two main antagonists, the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, and Representative John D. Dingell, the Michigan Democrat who is the auto industry’s most effective advocate on Capitol Hill.

The compromise should ensure passage in the House, although the Senate may insist on changes. It does not appear to include provisions, like $16 billion in new taxes on the oil industry, that drew a veto threat from President Bush.

The latest version of the measure, if it becomes law, will force wrenching changes on the American car companies, from design studios to new-car showrooms to executive suites. Automakers now have to achieve 27.5 miles per gallon on cars, a figure that has not changed since 1984, and 22.2 miles per gallon for light trucks, including minivans, sport utility vehicles and pickups. Under the compromise, the companies will retain the distinction between the classes of vehicles, but must still meet a combined 35 m.p.g. fleetwide standard.

Ms. Pelosi called the compromise on mileage “an historic advancement in our efforts in the Congress to address our energy security and laying strong groundwork for climate legislation next year.” She said that she was confident it would win the backing of environmentalists, auto makers and labor and would clear Congress by the end of this year.

Mr. Dingell, in a statement, called the new mileage standard “aggressive and attainable.”

“After weeks of productive discussion and negotiation, we have achieved consensus on several provisions that provide critical environmental safeguards without jeopardizing American jobs,” he said. Critical to his agreement, he said, were incentives to the American auto industry for producing small cars in the United States and cars that run on a combination of gasoline and ethanol.

The Big Three automakers have warned that complying with the new fuel economy rules will cost them tens of billions of dollars and rob consumers of choices. But even if they meet the

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law’s mandate, the fuel efficiency of the American car fleet will still lag far behind that of other major industrialized countries.

European auto companies, for example, must average 40 miles per gallon and China requires a 35 m.p.g. standard. Automobiles sold in those countries are generally smaller and less powerful than the most popular models in the United States, however.

Lawmakers and aides were still ironing out the other major parts of the pending energy legislation Friday night, including details of a provision calling for a huge increase in production of fuels made from corn and other renewable sources.

The package will also include a requirement that most electric utilities produce 15 percent of their power from renewable sources, like wind and solar, by 2020.

A multibillion-dollar package of tax measures to pay for the other provisions was still under discussion Friday night but was not expected to be in the legislation to be brought to the House next week.

The energy bill faces opposition from segments of the auto, oil and utility industries, among the best organized and well financed lobbies in Washington. But House and Senate leaders expressed confidence on Friday that they could win passage before the end of the year.

The energy package, intended to reduce the nation’s dependence on fossil fuels and slow the production of the gases that contribute to global warming, would bring major changes to America’s highways, farms, factories, refineries and power plants. It contains not only the fuel-economy rules, which will alter the American auto fleet, but will divert vast tracts of farmland to produce ethanol and other renewable fuels and bring a bonanza for solar and wind power.

Under terms of the auto mileage deal, the cars and trucks sold in the United States must meet a fleetwide average of 35 miles per gallon by 2020. The Senate passed a bill with this standard in June, but the House version of the legislation, passed in August, did not include any new mileage mandate because of opposition led by Mr. Dingell.

Speaker Pelosi supported the new mileage standard and vowed that she would restore it in the final bill. She appears to have prevailed but Mr. Dingell won some important concessions.

The package nearly fell apart this week when Mr. Dingell insisted on leaving sole authority to regulate automobile mileage standards with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an arm of the Transportation Department. That would have weakened the power of the Environmental Protection Agency and the states, led by California, to regulate auto emissions of carbon dioxide, which are in large measure a function of the amount of fuel burned.

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Federal court rulings this year have decided this so-called pre-emption issue in favor of the E.P.A. and the states, decisions that Mr. Dingell hoped to undo by Congressional action. The traffic safety administration has had authority over fuel-efficiency standards since 1975 but has not imposed any significant increase since 1985. The E.P.A. is currently writing rules to comply with a Supreme Court ruling this year that gave it the authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions and is weighing an application by California and 14 other states to set their own emissions standard.

The authority of the E.P.A. to regulate tailpipe emissions and the right of California and other states to set their own, higher standards were considered deal-breakers by Ms. Pelosi and her fellow California Democrat, Senator Dianne Feinstein. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Republican governor of California, weighed in late in the week to tell negotiators that he would oppose the bill if the Mr. Dingell’s preemption language stayed in.

Mrs. Pelosi and Democratic leaders in the Senate rejected Mr. Dingell’s preemption effort, but softened the blow by agreeing to allow the car companies to retain a credit for vehicles capable of running on a blend of gasoline and ethanol. That credit was set to expire in 2008 but now will begin to decline in 2014 and be eliminated entirely by 2020.

The compromise also contains incentives for American auto companies to continue producing small cars in the United States, a measure that the autoworkers union has estimated would save 17,000 autoworker jobs.”

before he was reading the article the conclusion there were:

What for the economic engine to the auto vehicle into a consume market like America?

That it’s representing that the price of the fuel it will be growing up and into the USA market it’s no chance so regular to be controlling the price. That it’s representing that some person its representing a fuel monopoly.

“The alternative minimum tax was created almost 40 years ago to prevent wealthy Americans with numerous deductions from escaping income taxes. But since it was not tied to inflation, the tax is reaching more and more people. Experts say the tax cuts approved in the early days of the Bush administration have also pushed more people under the tax. The Treasury Department estimates that without a change in law, a total of 23 million people would have to pay the alternative minimum tax when they file their 2006 taxes, costing an average of about $2,000 each. The tax could reach some Americans earning $50,000 or even less.”

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This information it was meaning for Mario that the US Government in special Minister of Finance of America it is trying to be stopping the inflationary rhythm of US dollar and in this cause the value of this money will be getting down in the future slow.

Another information about politically of US situation it was explaining that the Shell Corporation actions will be growing up, speaking about one CIA report and the value of GBP and Euro will be growing up.

To the exchange report speaking about him self money form Romania he must to be buying into aggressive rhythm US dollar or to be continue Euro and MOL actions.

The reflections about the election results from UK that was specifying into a talk show to BBC London that the new Premier of UK it was accusing that in time of election there were loosing two discks with 28.000 identities from England to be winning the elections it was explaining for Mario that the problem of loosing identities of the peoples that it was posible because by a mistake these people there were coming to be lving into UK without the reason to be stabile in island they being just migators peoples that are apearing into the island just for executing their temporary right to be electing.

Looking into in this kind of this position the fact of loosing of two discks it is excusing these peoples now way done to be changing with other peoples.

The reason that it was accepting by Mario it is very interesting it was becoming that the ex Premier of UK it was making a verystrong investement into a luxurios casino into Manchester county.

He was thinking about the reason that the investement it is becoming very resonable for him, because the position of investements it is no far away by Liverpool harbor but it is also very fair with the Rolls Roys factory.

Nothing to be thinking wrong about but it was suposing by Mario that in fact ex premier of UK it is becoming the principal actionary of this factory.

Before a time that he was living not for long time in Italy to Milano he was reading into Curriere de la Sera about an stupid airplane accident on the London airport of one of British Air Line nave and the explanation of the accisent it was that the plane it has trouble of the engines.

For him this point of fact it was explaning that the flays insurances of the air companies there are becoming very expansives, also the fly tickets and in this cause the costomers are becoming very insure about their life and are becoming more and more rares.

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For eviteing this it is suposing that the model of the airplane that it was folowing down on the piste it will be changing with other model that it will be more sure that this model that it was down eviteing in this cause the loosing of customers and also to be loosing a lot of money.

That it was specificateing long time ago that the Airbus Corporation it is meaning an air fly product that it is doting also with the Rolls Roys engines and other parts of the airplane are producing into the UK and Airbus Corporation it was projecting a new model producing also, that for Mario it was a explanation that it will be proposing the changing and doting the British Air Comapny with the new model of Airbus.

For Mario that was meaning that the actions of British Air Company there are folowing down to be buying for creating a fond of investent to be changing the air planes regulary using with the new model of Airbus.

So in this cause the Airbus actions are becoming very easy growing up and also to the all European Companies that are working for Airbus Corporation.

In this cause GBP it will be growing up, also Euro but US dollar it will be folowing down.

That both of the British leaders are doing a diplomatical agrement it is true that no one it was atacking for his self kind of resolving the political situation.

That it was no accepting the influance form out side of the English Islands it is really realizing that into the Guardian news paper it was presenting the resolution of judgement of the terrorists that were provoking the bomb atacking in London in 2005.

that is explaining that ex leader of UK it was no impresing by the terrorist presing to be provoking the loosing control of Royal Shell Compay sale the actions and to be doing in this cause the control of the fuel´s price on the world maket and other explanation for Mario it was that the new leader of UK it is no accepting same the situation to be inflenting from out side pubicing the resolution of the justice judgement agaist the terrorists into his leading.

That it is other explanation of no under ordering from out side it is that the loosing of the two disks in time of UK election that was no signicant for ex leader to be a lost man, that was a expalnation that was a help to be escaping by this time by almost of 28.000 persons that are posesiving the emigration papers but there were accepting because that is the democracy of UK.

With this accident of loosing the disks it was resolving the protection against the terrorist atacks that it is meaning a good help for the security of UK.

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Another conclusion of no accepting by these two leaders of the out side infuance against the economical policy of UK it is the fact that the dilivering fuel of Shell Oil Company on thaliban teritories it is doing with the British investent.

That the leader of USA it is acused that he was continuing the military control in Iraq, that it is doing that the Iraq oil companies are exporting fuel where there are needing but the importers are needing to be paying the comercial taxes of dilivering, keeping in this kind the USA and European countries a controling of the balance of the fuel into the world and no one single force that is can dilivering the fuel the the price that he is likeing.

In this kind the deficite of the USA and UE it is provoking by the no paying the comercial taxes into their own budget and they are continouslly pressing by terrorist atacks to be impresing and to be loosing at all of the equal control of the fuel price and dilivering.

In this kind for USA and UE countries it is an excuseing for keeping the military army there, that there it must to be doing the payement (to Iraq oil companies) and the general economical crease it is provoking by the no paying by the benefit importer of the fuel of the oil comercial taxes.

Speaking about private system of insurance

Getting a reference about the private system of insurance, we can be thinking about the private system of health on care.

About this system in eastern countries, like a suggestion, the health on care ministry it can be introducing in private regime looking in a kind of point of view just like this:

a large part of the hospitals will be privatizing, they are getting in care of one or more insurance companies. The reason that the peoples to have a good health it’s to pay to these insurance companies the rates of the life insurance.

In this king of be the payment of the doctors and nursling it will be paid in other kind of level and looking about of the new project of investment in the chips or riches countries, the level of the rates of the life insurances it will be higher and higher.

It will be common hospital on the protection of the ministry of health that’s will be testimony and will be getting the treatment by doctors, but the payment it will be for these and nursling it will be payed for regular statement insurances.

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What kind of reason to provoking the death of the people that are paying the private insurances?

There are no reasons because the banks that are the collectors of the rates of the privates insurances of the companies, if we are provoking the death of the people it must to pay a lot of money back to the people that was dying family and the hospital and implicating the doctors and others are losing a lot of money by the payment.

Speaking about the private regime of learning

about the private regime of learning we can to talk like same, it’s meaning like a suggestion in this kind:

speaking about the new project of Mr. Gerhardt Schroeder, the taxes for the payment in the chips countries it will be doing, after the strong investment in these countries, higher and higher and in this system the parents of the kids will can pay a large school taxes.

Also, the schools will be sponsored by the insurances companies with a preferential system of insurances for kids and in the same time the schools and kids gardens will be sponsored by the commercials banks the are making the investment with the money of insurances companies.

The level of payment for the teachers indifferent by the level of teaching the are working it will be higher and higher.

Like an explanation

If some one is trying to provoking the death of some one, it will be considering an act that’s provoking an precedent and all the system private of health it will be putting down.

In regular regime of health system it’s same.

These kind of acts must to be checking very good by the police of insurance companies and they will be imputed by the insurance companies in justice with a very strong penalty.

It is supposing that nobody don’t to loose their jobs because one or more persons from the same hospital are needing to be wrong ideas to do easy money and in this cause no one this kind of accidents will be not accepted, especial when it’s a very hard surgery health action or it must to apply a very difficult treatment to the patient.

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For no excuse to the doctors that they don’t get the real diagnose to the patient explaining that it’s a very difficult damage of health of the patient and the treatment it will be implicating a very special treatment and there are very large risk to loose the life or noway to be with a very good health again.

The developing of the arts and the culture

Looking about the improvement of the insurance system in arts, that’s meaning speaking about the art values and not at all like same value, to be doing to every piece of art an insurance, the evaluation being done by one expert. The value of the art insurance it will be paying by the artist in rates, in this kind being guaranteeing the integrity of the piece. A lot of money will be investing in art gallery and in schools of arts or universities to studies of arts, but all of school arts or universities must to have an art gallery. The explanation it’s that in universities are not so many teachers but they are protected by the point of view of privatizing of the universities and a lot of money for the insure the arts are exhibiting, in cause of steeling the art gallery must to be doing a lot of money, the values of the arts exhibiting being guaranteed by the insurance companies and implicating direct in payment the bank the it’s doing the investment. In this kind of position the evaluator must to be very precisely in getting the right value,because in cause of sub evaluating value and the insurance police will be realizing that’s the piece has a wrong evaluation, the evaluator will be punishing with a very strong judgmental penalty.

The level of preparing of the kids and students will be higher and higher, because if their arts pieces will be not accepted to be insure and it will be possible to be destroying, they of course will be not paying a lot of money, but in same time will be not exhibiting in the arts gallery and they will be not a celebrity.

In this cause the payment of the private taxes are becoming justifying, the students and the school’s kids being direct implicating in a professional attitude to studying.

The feed back link it’s: Becoming famous, they are becoming rich.

The influence of the private system of insurance into sports and tourism

The influence in sports it’s meaning like in the arts, to all the Universities and clubs and schools must to have sports fields and cover arenas. There the kids or the students thats are paying the

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taxes will trying to be number one and that’s meaning to have a super good health. If some one it’s remarkable, he will having a very expensive insurance, paying a lot of money together with the taxes. Like sport man, the condition of the training must to be the best and in this cause the bank that is making the investment of one of private insurance company will be giving like sponsoring a lot of money.

All the kids or all the teenagers will be needing in this cause to be number one and in this cause the payment of the taxes and the expensive rates it’s justifying. A long of the time and trying to be the best one sports the expensiveness of the insurance will be more and more expensive to be sure that in cause about an accident to be very quickly keeping up again with his self health.

The insurance company will be paying of course a doctor to be all the time in carry with the sports, because the insurance company don’t needing a very grave accident and after the bank to be paying a lot of money to the sports family.

If this kind of accidents will be repetitive the bank of investment money of the insurance company will be chipper and chipper and the rhythm of developing of sports activities will be following down.

But in this cause the payment of the expensive taxes will be no justifying and the sports will be loosing a lot of money.

This kind of accidents will be eliminating by trainer and the recuperating the sports after a strongly efforts will be with the help of the doctors.

In tourism, all the tourists will be having a insurance for themselves health, paying a lot of money and the money for the insurance, a large part of will be investing by the bank of the insurance company to keep very good conditions for touring, the reason will be to keeping a very good health for the tourists, never to hopping that some one of them to be putting in danger or to destroying themselves health.

If it’s happening that and it’s repeating continuous, the bank of investment will be paying a lot of money to the tourists, the will be continuation to pay a lot of money for themselves health in touring, but the money aren’t justifying.

In this cause they will be refusing to be delivering or touring and the touring system will be putting down.

But in this kind of situations all of the investment will be loosing and this it’s meaning a lot of money loosing.

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The influence of the new system of insurance of the own security system, military system and the police

Speaking about the new project of Gerhardt Schroeder the own security system it will be using just to protect a new developing of a new kind of product, but just to the time the product it will be homological and the new license it will be giving to be for sale in the licenses bursa.

The private system of insurances not is affectionate in this direction, the buying of the products licenses and the implementing producing for own security it will be doing with the money to the budget.

The military system will be not affected and the activity of the army it will be orientating to the police system of keeping ordering in the own territory.

There are no reasons to improvement of investment in military tools or armaments that’s it will be creating in those zone an insure zone of investment and the realizing of the getting back money by the investment it will be doing hardily and the reason to invest keeping the terror there it will be without a good reason.

The buying of the products licentiates for keeping the police these will be with the money to the own budget and just for the police and it’s will be probably orientating to the weapons using compressed hair or neutral gas do not affected the body integrity or health mind of the people.

The reason it’s do not provoking damages to the banking system, putting this system in the situations to paying the insurance a lot of years to some one or to giving money to the families that’s have one member that it was killed by the police.

The influence of private system of insurances against to the government of the own country

in all the countries to be proposing for a legislation government in the own country it’s depending by the own propriety and the value of own banking money, of course a lot of to be dispensable for the vote camp any.

That’s meaning to be owner by a big own propriety like one or two factories, a lot number farms or a lot of large agricultural fields, or other.

The influence of the new kind of insurance it’s meaning that when you are buying one regular license product, you must insure a good protective place of work for the employers.

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What for?

Every people ti will be insure, paying a lot of money for the insurance and like the owner of a factory that’s is producing a new regular license, the owner has needing a very good health on care for the employers to product very carefully and very high quality of product, but not to a very expensive price.

That’s meaning that the owner must to insure a very good ambient agreement of the place of work for every body to blocking the accidents.

If it’s provoking one accident, the insurance company it must to pay to the employer family a lot of money and if it sis reacting a large numbers of accident, the insure of the insurance company it is putting in danger.

In this cause the insurance bank can’t do a new credit to pay an ab great to themselves products and it will be putting down.

In this cause the owner has the duty to make to the employers the insurances to the same bank to be easy to pay.

In this cause it’s meaning a very good stability of the government.

To demonstrating that’s needing the changing the government, that’s meaning the members of the new government have getting new licenses of the new regular products, but in the first cause the stress of the work it’s a little bit small than in the second cause that’s it must to implementations the new products and in this the second cause it must to get the very new technology to be easy to improvement the new regular products for excluding the bigger level of stress to producing.

So, that’s the true, if you have the political power you are becoming continuous richer and richer.

The insurances in own propriety

like a suggestion for the people it will be inventing a kind of insurance in own propriety to be using a long to the themselves activities.

This kind of insurance it must to be like this:

the own person that is steel working must to contacting an insurances company, to completing an invoice with the own payment for himself and for keeping in good conditions himself home.

It will be mailing an counting of all these payments and it will be accepting to have an insurance synchronizing the salary with the rates of the insurance.

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For helping the person, the insurance company will be liberating an money card for himself payments but with a precisely value of money.

The person will be paying the rate of the insurance including a part of precisely value of himself consuming payments and the difference it will be covering and plus from the investment of the bank in economical activities.

After a time but just if the payment of the person will be higher, the value of the credit card’s insurances will be smaller and smaller but the rate and the payback money will be same like first time to be covering the difference that was covering by the insurance’s bank for own consuming payment and at last the credit will be null and the rates of insurance will be regular.

In cause that the person it will be accidental, loosing for ever the very good health, the person will be getting the insurance money without the difference that’s was giving for himself consuming payment.

The same situation it’s for causal loosing life, the family will be paying by the insurance company with the difference of money that are keep ed.

This kind of insurances are stimulating the very carry of the good health person that are working to have continuous a good job and a very good health.