the best kept secrets of club pedestal house slave training

Worms, 20. May 2009 Impressions of an applicant to be a Pedestal house slave by thomas In the past few weeks my life started to change a little more. My passion for BDSM goes back a long time but the opportunities to live it were few. So i decided to change this, hence i took all my brave and wrote an application for the position of house slave to Club Pedestal. To my surprise i got an answer. I did not dare hoping that they would really consider me. With the first mail of Club Pedestal they told me to confirm my interest and write some short word why i think i could be a house slave. So i wrote the truth that i really enjoy serving dominant women, that this passion comes from the heart and that i would like to be a part of this great event. After that i was invited to participate in a training evening for new house slaves. I really got anxious because now it became real. The house Mistresses would be there to interview and test the new applicants and i would have to stand their tests.

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One of candidates for the house slave at Club Pedestal shares his experience from the training evening.


Page 1: The Best Kept Secrets Of Club Pedestal House Slave Training

Worms, 20. May 2009

Impressions of an applicant to be a Pedestal house slave



In the past few weeks my life started to change a little more. My passion for BDSM goes back a long time but the opportunities to live it were few. So i decided to change this, hence i took all my brave and wrote an application for the position of house slave to Club Pedestal. To my surprise i got an answer. I did not dare hoping that they would really consider me. With the first mail of Club Pedestal they told me to confirm my interest and write some short word why i think i could be a house slave. So i wrote the truth that i really enjoy serving dominant women, that this passion comes from the heart and that i would like to be a part of this great event.

After that i was invited to participate in a training evening for new house slaves. I really got anxious because now it became real. The house Mistresses would be there to interview and test the new applicants and i would have to stand their tests.

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It is one thing to write about it but another to meet the Mistresses in person but i did not want to let this one time chance get away so once again i took my brave swallowed my anxiety and booked a flight to London.

I spent the whole day in London and with each hour the training came closer i grew more nervous.

When i arrived first at Club Colosseum i met the other applicants. The Mistresses arrived one by one sometime later. All of us grew somewhat more nervous when we were told that there were seven Mistresses to take the interviews. We were just six applicants for the position.

A very good job in calming us did derek who serves as a house slave for a long time. He told us what would be expected from us but he also told us that the Mistresses could not be predicted and all depends on their mood. That is self-understanding since they are in charge but it took a little of the given calm.

We were told to come in one by one for a short introduction, before the Mistresses would take time for longer interviews.

I was the last one to enter the room with the ladies. My heart bet very strong. There they were sitting on the couches. They formed a circle and i had to kneel right in the middle. The point were to kneel was marked by a cane and to high heels. We had to kneel there and were advised by derek to remain silent until spoken to.

It took some time before they spoke to me. The first i heard were jokes about my big feet. I have to tell that i wore business shoes which made my feet look bigger then they really are and i have to admit that these shoes were not the best choice since they made the kneeling more difficult on the uncomfortable floor. I think i flushed a little when the Ladies were making their jokes but hearing them laugh made me a lillte more comfortable even though,.. no, because they were laughing about me.

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After that, they started to ask me a few questions, mostly about my application which they had in front of them. A few minutes later i was dismissed. The most i remember from my first impression are the feet and lovely shoes and boots of the Mistresses. I did not see much more since i tried to keep me head down not wanting to show disrespect by looking at them until allowed.

Afterwards the Mistresses were served some food and they split up in three groups for the upcoming interviews which were held to get a better impression of us. Were we kept waiting outside the room before, we now were allowed to be in the presence of the Mistresses while they were doing the interviews. Always one of us was told to come to one group of the Mistresses until each group had spent some time with each of the slaves. When i had to come to the first group of Mistresses my nervousness came back at once but i think a slave can’t stay completely calm in the presence of so many and so wonderful Ladies.They allowed me to hold a bowl of french-fries while they were interviewing me. That was the first time i could be of service and that was really a great moment. I have to say that the Mistresses helped a lot to take away the nervousness. They were very understanding and asked interesting questions so that a real dialogue came up and we were allowed to ask questions ourselves. Every single Mistress was very kind. They asked me a lot of questions, for example how i got the idea to apply to Club Pedestal, what i would expect of the event, my hopes and fears and how it comes that i came all the way from Germany to London.

During the ongoing interviews most of the Mistresses allowed us to look at them which helped some more to create a very friendly atmosphere. We were kneeling in front of them all the while and i think all of us had some very good conversations.

When the interviews were over, we were allowed to serve the Mistresses. They gave everyone of us something to do. One of us had to give a food massage to one of the Mistresses. I cannot really tell what all the others did because i was to oblige to please Lady Joanna Lark who ordered me to varnish her fingernails. That was one of the best moments. Her command really made me happy. It was a great moment when i was allowed to be so close to her.

A slave can just feel whole when he is allowed to serve. That was what i felt at this moment.

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Anyway i spoiled the moment a little because to my shame i have to admit that i did not the best job with her nails. I told her the truth that it was the first time that i had to varnish the nails for a woman. She was a little disappointed (with right) i think, but she told me that for the first time it was ok. For that comment i thank her a lot. It feels always bad to disappoint a Mistress and i decided for myself that i will practice some more with varnishing nails so i can do a better job should the opportunity rise again.

All the while the Mistresses kept talking with us a little more private this time.

During the talking we came from one thing to another. It was a really lively and interesting talk. So did Mistress Joanna ask me for example if i have ever lived in an BDSM based relationship which i declined and we ended up with me telling her about of my fetishes which made some relationships fail. It was the moment when i told her that i have a big affinity to smoking women that is one of the most vivid moments left in my mind when i think of the past evening. The fact that i told her such private things shows clearly that the Mistresses understand how You get a person to trust You.

It seemed that her interest was up to another level when she asked me if i could serve as human ashtray. I answered yes. She really gave it a thought to use me as such. It did not happen though because the evening was coming to an end and little time was left, but in my heart i hope that it is just delayed not cancelled.

After that i was told by Mistress Joanna to look if i can be of service for another Mistress. By my impression the Mistresses were in a very good mood and enjoined using us. So i was allowed to kneel if front of another Mistress who first touched my head and made me bow some more. She rested her hand on my head and suddenly began squeezing my ears with her nails all the while she was chatting with derek and another Mistress.

It was gentle on the one hand and causing some pain on the other.

After she got enough of squeezing and playing with my ears she made me look up and slapped me in the face for which i thanked Her. She then allowed me to kiss her hand before she made me lie down on the floor to present my body as a footstool for her and the other Mistress.

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While i was lying down there she tortured me somewhat with her heels well aware of my pain but not caring about it.

And then all of a sudden the evening was called to an end.

Was i nervous at the beginning did the Mistresses a great job to take that away and made the evening a great happening that passed way to fast.

At last we were ordered to kneel in front of them and they thanked us for coming and gave us the possibility to ask some last questions before we were dismissed.

Before i was allowed to leave as well, Mistress Joanna told me to write a report about the evening and send it to her after i come back home. For me it is a great honour and a pleasure to do so. This last command for the evening was a great final for a wonderful evening.

Sitting here right now and writing these words brings back the memory and the feelings of the evening.

I really do hope that the Mistresses had an equally nice time with us as we had with them. They were great. One can feel if dominance is genuine, a lifestyle and comes from the heart and i had that impression with every one of the Ladies.

It was a great pleasure answering their questions and being of service for them. They created a wonderful atmosphere there and even though we were allowed to ask questions ourselves and participate in the interviews the roles were always clear.

I had the impression that there was the respect of the Mistresses for our submission and we on the other side were eager to show them that they really earn to be honoured and that there is no greater luck for us then being allowed to be in their presence and giving them a good time. At least that is what i felt.

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Dear honoured Lady Joanna Lark a special thanks for giving me the possibility to share me thought and feelings. I just relived yesterday evening and that makes me happy and puts a smile on my face. Thank You.

A big Thank You of course to all other participating Mistresses as well. You showed me that an evening with some portion of humour and a big portion of female dominance it’s just the best. I hope You liked it too.

Lust but not least i would like to really thank derek who helped us a lot and who introduced us to the etiquette of Club Pedestal. Thanks derek!

We did not get an answer of who will be permitted to be a house slave right away, so i will carry the thought to wear the red collar and to meet these wonderful Mistresses again with me to my dreams

In deep devotion
