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October 25, 2011 Issue


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From  the  Editor

TEEN SPIRIT eZINEwww.ezineslimited.com

y now, I’m pretty sure everyone knows that Ja-maica has a new Prime Minister. But in case you missed it, here are some fun facts: On Sunday, Oc-

tober 23, Andrew Holness, the man who gained prominence as Minister of Education, became the youngest Prime Minister in Jamaica’s history. At 39, Holness is the ninth Prime Minister since the country gained independence in 1962.

During his inaugural speech, Mr. Holness highlighted the im-portance of educating the youth and encouraged young, edu-cated Jamaicans to take a greater interest in the governance of the country to secure a better future for all.

“Today, I make an appeal to all well-thinking Jamaicans both here and in our beloved Diaspora, who would want to see this new culture emerge, to join the process,” he said. “If talented people make themselves available, I will make space for you in this government. Jamaica needs her talented sons and daugh-ters in the service of the public good now more than ever…”Maybe you’ve always wanted to make a more significant con-tribution to the country but wasn’t sure exactly how you can

do this. If so, this appeal is probably aimed at you. You don’t necessarily have to be employed in a high paying job, or even enter representational politics in order to make an impact. Like Mr. Holness said in his address, “civil society, service clubs, chambers of commerce, school boards, citizens associations, community watch groups, community development councils, charities, sports clubs, youth and church groups are all impor-tant to building a strong fabric of participatory governance.”

It’s time for every young Jamaican who has a vested interest in this country and who wants it to improve, to play a more ac-tive role in how this country is governed. To do this, according to our new Prime Minister, “we must apply imagination and not limit ourselves.!We must think big and act smart. We must be pragmatic, prospective and pursue opportunities. We are a people of great destiny and we have much to be proud of.”

What are you waiting for? Carpe Diem!Keresa


Jamaica's  New  PM  

Urges  Youth  To  Get  Involved

Photo courtesy of the O"ce of the Prime Minister

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s a fan of another Alexandre Dumas novel, The Count of Monte Cristo, which was also

adapted into a film in 2002, I have to say going into this movie I had high expec-tations. Alexandre Dumas is an excep-tional writer and although I have never read The Three Musketeers, I could have only hoped from the outstanding success of The Count of Monte Cristo that it too would be good. I expected the movie to be at the same standard but sadly, I was disappointed. However, the movie wasn’t a complete waste as there were very entertaining moments.

The film follows three elite warriors, Porthos (Ray Stevenson), Athos (Mat-thew Macfayden), and Aramis (Luke Evans), who serve the King of France as his best Musketeers after they discover an evil conspiracy to overthrow him. The Musketeers along with the young aspiring hero, D’Artagnan (Logan Ler-man), whom they have taken under their wing, embark on a dangerous mission to foil the plot that not only threatens the Crown, but the future of Europe itself.

Now, the movie’s plot line wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t very captivating. Several times during the movie I found my mind wandering and wishing I was some-where else. As for the acting, although convincing, I found myself greatly dis-pleased with Macfadyen’s, Steveson’s and Evans’ characters; they just didn’t seem like Musketeers of the great tales of French history. I think the only thing that made this movie watchable was Milla Jovovich’s performance as Milady and her personification of a true femme fatale. I must admit there were other scenes that were also enjoyable, filled with humour and action but even with that being said, to be brutally honest, this movie is not one I will be in a rush to see again anytime soon.

The Three Musketeers is an action-adventure film from director, Paul W. S. Anderson and Summit Entertainment starring Logan Lerman, Milla Jovovich, Matthew Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans, Mads Mikkelson, Gabriella Wilde, Juno Temple, Orlando Bloom and Christoph Waltz. The movie earns itself two out of five stars.


PG-­13The  Three  Musketeers  Falls  Flat

Movie  Review by Alana Gardner

Avoid This!

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Driving  Guide

How  to  Pass  Your  Driving  Exam

o you find yourself, your friends or your family members visiting the driving examination depot too often? Well,

here are a few pointers on how to acquire your driver’s license on the first try!

The driving exam is divided into three sections: written exam, yard test and the road test, all of which are of equal importance to obtaining the plastic. Before you go, ensure that you have a good breakfast and stay calm. Try as best as possible to get enough practice up to the day of your exam, maybe even driving to the examination depot with your instructor.

Written  ExamThis 15-minute exam consists of 25 multiple choice questions with each question having one OR MORE possible answers, mak-ing it a little more di"cult than a regular exam. Once you have managed to thoroughly read your road code, including the sample questions located at the back of the book, you will be fine! If you find yourself not having enough time to re-read the book days before the exam, pay much attention to the sample questions at the back since these questions are on the examination.

Yard  TestThis segment of the exam is the most terrifying due to its high failure rate. It is done in a yard as the name suggests, and you

must correctly perform a hill start, reverse along an S-shaped path and parallel park from both the left and right side under five min-utes. The yard test has proven to be the most nerve-wracking part since many problems may arise. During the hill start, you must properly position on the ramp, switch o# and start again and move forward without running back. For the reversing, go slowly since there is no time constraint and maintain an even spacing on both sides of the vehicle. Practice your parallel parking over and over to perfect it and use your mirrors to ensure that you never touch the cones.

Road  TestThis test is the most underestimated part of the exam since it is seen as e#ortless or straightforward, which usually results in simple mistakes being made. In this test, you are given instruc-tions by the examiner, who is seated in the back of the vehicle. Hand signals, comfort of passengers and stop signs are of key importance as well as travelling in opposite directions using minor roads, cornering correctly and having full control of the vehicle at all times. Ask the examiner to repeat if you missed an instruction and drive slowly! This portion of the exam must be done in the presence of your instructor who will be seated in the front.

Good  Luck!

by Justine Powell


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by Dervin Osbourne

College  Lifestyle

'After  six  weeks,  I'VE  HAD  ENOUGH!'

TEEN SPIRIT eZINEwww.ezineslimited.com

fter six weeks in college, I’ve had enough. I knew what to expect; I just didn’t expect that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I was notified by everyone I told that I would

be attending the University of the West Indies (UWI) that it’s a lot of work. I paid no attention because I’m used to hearing that. When I was starting high school, I was told the same thing and I did well; I was also told that the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) is the hardest set of exams that I would do and I did well. I underestimated the warnings.

Big mistake! I had already laid out how I want my life on campus to be. I was supposed to be active. And I was. I joined the Univer-sity Chorale and the Debating Society and was planning to volun-teer at the University Hospital, but after about four weeks things started to change. Assignments were piling up on me from all angles, so I started missing my duties. I would spend hours work-ing on one assignment. I did a presentation for one of my classes and I really thought I did pretty well. In high school, I would have received an A for an assignment like that; instead, I got 30 per cent. That’s when I realized that college is no joke. But apart from the work load, I’m really enjoying college life. For the first part of the semester it was only me and my good friend hanging out. We would occasionally go down to the pool and swim and chat and enjoy ourselves. We stopped talking though and I’m not really sure why. So I was on my own for a week, which meant I would have to sit in the large lectures by myself and go home by myself and the worst of them all, eat by myself. Then I found a group of people who are much like me – outgo-ing, adventurous, ambitious and smart. I’ve been with them ever since.

Campus life is diverse and there’s always something happening. Just last week UWI awarded both Usain Bolt and Yohan Blake and had a huge ceremony. If you want to party there’s always Integration happening every Thursday, or you can wait for one of the Halls of Residence to have their own, which seems to be

every other week. Fitting in isn’t as hard as one would expect. The problem arises when you have to find the clique that best suits you, and there are many: The “Kool Kids” who hang out by Juici Patties or student union, the geeks, the adventurous and, of course, the “I’m Better Than You” crew.

I’ll keep you guys updated on everything that’s happening!

At the Faculty of Social Sciences waiting for my Political Science lecture to start.


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imberly Patterson is one of Jamaica’s freshest up-coming makeup artists. The twenty-year-old recent-ly received her certification from The Face Place

Institute of Aesthetics and now, equipped with her oversized pink makeup kit, Kimberly is ready to beautify the women of Jamaica. She says makeup is one of her passions and explains to Teen Spirit why this is so.

TS: What about makeup interests you the most?KP: Make-up allows me to explore and express my imagina-tive skills. Through makeup, my creativity comes alive by turning a clean “canvas” into a true work of art. Each face becomes a new challenge for me as I try to form new looks with di#erent techniques.

TS: When did you decide that you wanted to have a career in make-‐up?KP: After years of practicing on myself, sisters and close friends, the passion developed and with strong motivation from them, I decided to get certified and expand on my talent. Also, after do-ing makeup for some participants of Jamaica Bacchanal carnival in May of this year and seeing the reactions to my work, I just knew I had to take it further and nothing has held me back since. TS: What was it like being trained to become a makeup artist at the Face Place Institute?KP: The experience was amazing and truly rewarding. At first, I was nervous because I didn’t know what to expect, but the professional delivery by the trainers and learning from fellow trainees made it such a comfortable environment. We explored a variety of basic methods of makeup application and this has enhanced my skills. With my passion and determination, I was certified at the top of my class in the practical examination.

TS: Do you find it easier to apply makeup on yourself or on others?KP: I wouldn’t necessarily say it is easier, but I do prefer to ap-ply makeup on others as it presents a challenge for me. I’m used to applying makeup on my own face, but when I apply makeup on others and I see the final result of my work, I get motivated and even more inspired. I get a great feeling of accomplishment.

TS: How do you know what makeup is best for each person?KP: In makeup application, skin type is a good indicator. For my clients I assess skin type: dry, normal, oily or a combination and the undertone of the skin, whether it is yellow or pink. This al-lows for me to determine what would be best for an individual. Also, I pay attention to the fact that persons may be acne prone and I apply makeup that is hypo-allergenic.

Kimberly  Patterson;  

Your  Face,  Her  Canvas


Cover  Story

by Ava Gardner

Photo by Warren Buckle

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Cover  Story

TS: What has been your best and worst experience with makeup?KP: My best experience with makeup is the positive reac-tion of my clients after completing my work. It always leaves me feeling elated and truly satisfied. I haven’t had any bad experiences with my clients thus far and I hope to keep it that way.

TS: What is the most crucial thing to have in your make-‐up kit?KP: The most crucial thing to have is concealer. Concealer is a multi-purpose accessory as it can be used to cover blem-ishes, hide dark circles under the eyes, to highlight the face and even double up as foundation when combined with a mixing medium or moisturizer.

TS: Are you interested in any-‐thing else besides make-‐up?KP: I’m naturally a creative person and explore most areas of the creative arts. I love to dance, thanks to Dance Theatre “Xaymaca” which has really molded me into becoming such a talented dancer. Also modeling, photography and media edit-ing are some of my other passions/interests.

TS: Do you think girls wear too much makeup?KP: To each her own! Consultation prior to application is key to having the right balance. My simple advice is when choosing and blending colours, you need just enough to en-hance the facial features.

TS: What makeup colors and styles are popular this season?KP: This season (autumn), neutral, gold or bronzy colours on the lids are popular with bold burgundy or purple lips.

TS: Makeup for Halloween can be a little tricky. What tips do you have for this festivity?KP: My tip is to have fun and be creative! Take time out to think about the look you are trying to achieve, practice and then do. Don’t be afraid to be as drastic as you want to be. Just make it believable!

Photo by Warren Buckle

Page 8: Teen Spirit eZine

Kimberly's  Makeup  Dos  and  Don'ts:

TEEN SPIRIT eZINEwww.ezineslimited.com

Cover  Story

Do:-Stay away from the black eyeliner on the lips and eye-brows. Substitute with a dark brown for darker brows or a taupe colour for the lighter brows. Use brown for the lips or any other liner that matches the colour of the lipstick.

-Blend the makeup well. Blending is essential in makeup application. You don’t want to see where color begins or ends. Whether it’s foundation, blush, or eye color: no hard, drawn lines. This allows for proper make-up tran-sitioning resulting in a more appealing look.

-Ensure that you cleanse the face properly after remov-ing makeup to allow your skin to breathe.

-Drink lots of water, as much as you can. That actually helps to maintain clean and healthy skin.

-Wear products that are especially designed for your type of complexion. Find out what type of skin you have because di!erent skin types require di!erent skin care products and makeup.

-Clean your makeup utensils often to prevent and elimi-nate bacteria which can form with regular use.

Don't:-Sleep in the make-up.

-Wear strong, night time makeup during the day.

-Use alcohol or oil based products on oily skin. This will only cause your glands to produce more sebum.

-Use expired makeup and cosmetics because bacteria could have formed and you risk causing infections and skin irrita-tions.

Photo by Warren Buckle

You can get in touch with Kimberly at [email protected]

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Cover  Story

Halloween is around the corner, and many persons are trying to decide what to wear to the up-

coming parties being held across the island. Makeup is a huge part of halloween fashion, so we got Kimberly to give us some great

ideas for makeup.

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Jus  Buss

It's  JAHMIEL:  Fast  Rising  Singer

“Success means overcoming all obstacles and finally get-ting the chance to live out your dreams, knowing that throughout all hardships, you kept on fighting.” -Jahmiel

ineteen year old Jamiel Foster, more popularly known as Jahmiel, has been chasing his dream since releasing his first single at age 12. The young, upcoming artiste,

who considers himself to have the full package: vocals, lyrics and performance ability, is a 2009 graduate of Jose Marti Technical High.

The lyrical cut-throat refers to music as his first love having started at age four and not being able to see himself without it. With this being said, he explained to Teen Spirit, “Once you love music, you have to appreciate all genres, but my ultimate love is Reggae music.” He writes his own lyrics and his concepts and ideas come from real life situations and experiences. “Even though my lyrics are reality and life is harsh, I also make sure it’s fit for airplay,” he said.

In addition to his dad, who he believes is his main inspiration, Jahmiel admires the work of a few local artistes, including Junior

Gong, Jah Cure, Bugle, Beenie Man and Buju Banton. He also told Teen Spirit that he would not be complete without his sup-port system at Young Vibez Production (YVP).

When performing, Jahmiel focuses on doing his best and never dropping the energy. His music is the foundation for passionate uplifting messages and his ultimate goal is to earn worldwide recognition for his talent and, subsequently, make a living from it. So far, the young star has performed three successive years at Spring Break events, two consecutive years at the Portmore Awards and at Champions In Action.

His latest hits include “Cut Dem O!”, “Dem Eye Red” and “Even When Me Rich”. You can check out Jahmiel’s songs on Reverbnation.com and Youtube.

Jahmiel’s message to teens: “Stay in school because education is the key. I used to take school for granted but after leaving I real-ized how important it was. Having this talent, I feel blessed [but] having an education is [an] uncompetitive force [and] that’s why I’m going back to get what I never got.”


by Justine Powell

Page 11: Teen Spirit eZine

Have  Your  Say

Have  Your  Say

TEEN SPIRIT eZINEwww.ezineslimited.com

Our readers have been sending us their many poems and we decided to publish some here. If you want your poems or any writing featured in this section, send us an email at [email protected].

No  one  knows  by  Shanice  Green

All she needs is love.A#ection.

All she needs is a little attention!All she needs is to be!recognized.

All her follies could be compromised.All she need is LOVE....AFFECTION!

The pain she feels, every night she cries,She hides her battered heart with her smiles.

She hopes one day to be the best.But no one cares!

No love, no caress!

She cuts her hands and pops the pills.All the pain and sorrow, her heart it kills.

But I know what she goes through, what an enemy life could be!

I know what she goes through.Because that girl is me “

Success  by  Janoi  Ricardo  Mills  

Measure my mentality and visions over weigh reality.Or get a pound of my tranquilized vanity.

Tragedy is the one’s that seep into deep sorrow from thoughts of horror,

but I realize my mind’s a suspense, false pretense beck-ons at my logical thinking..

winking it’s weary eyes at my prize, but I realize my demise won’t be at the hands of true lies.

Success is the process, progress at its prowess, such a pro, especially with the flow of my inner sanction,

to all the voices in my head, I thank ‘em.To the future success of my reaping, please know that

happiness is not what I’m seeking,but happiness is what I’m speaking.

My  Friend  by  Christina  "Bme"  Wellington

During my time of need, my state of hopelessness, depression,My mind half way from being lost, you were there

to restore all hope, to comfort me and with that one hug,My temple against your chest, your ribcage protecting your heart

A pure heart,They pond in unison, at that moment,

subsiding tears, a candle of love was lit,A di#erent kind of love.And with in this moment

I knewA friend was made

I had made a friend, one I can count onA true friend.... Anti-fake friend

Unbearable  Urge  by  Lenisha  "lenny"  Malcolm

My desperation for writing has become my own little curse which has left me drowning!

In a pond of life experiences.The sweetness of releasing those heart clenching and impeccable

words on paper, has left me soaring, lost in translation of how beautiful it is to capture emotions

Having it to relive all those happy moments and to remember my past mistakes,

It is beyond this world, how the mind can let itself go, and pro-duce such adventures and deep thoughts;

Writing is like tasting eternal life itself, almost being as close to the end of the rainbow where you know a

Pot of gold will be waiting. So, as I sit locked away in my own little world “the heart bleeds

to express its self and the hands fulfillIts fantasy, as it writes the precious overflow of words saturates

bringing forth ecstasy” and pieces of Life and, my passion for Writing is embedded in the universe.

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