tblc: 2 part workshop: making presentations pop

Creating Presentations that Pop Two Part Series

Upload: diana-silveira

Post on 14-Aug-2015



Presentations & Public Speaking

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  1. 1. Creating Presentations that Pop Two Part Series
  2. 2. Agenda Creating slides new rules for slideshows How to effectively use images and fonts Create custom themes Speaking Tips Tips for webinars & face to face presentations Cool Toys
  3. 3. How often do you present? Image https://goo.gl/tzqRZg
  4. 4. What software do you use for slides? Image https://goo.gl/tzqRZg
  5. 5. Creating Presentations that work
  6. 6. Creating Your Presentation
  7. 7. Creating Objectives o How long is the course? o Who is your audience? o What is their goal? o What 1 thing overall walk away? o Can this be broken down into points?
  8. 8. Creating the description To the point no more than 3-4 sentences Bullet Points Action Verbs Watch language for over-promises Learn Become an Expert They can Listen demonstrate practice Image https://goo.gl/woCxNI
  9. 9. Title Denote Tone Avoid cute names Title should give an idea of course 5-7 words
  10. 10. The Presentation Introduction Key Points Examples, Demonstrate Summarize Yourself Call to Action Next Steps Audience Challenge How to follow-up
  11. 11. Create an Outline Introduction Body Point 1 sub-point sub-point sub-point Point 2 sub-point sub-point sub-point Point 3 sub-point sub-point sub-point Conclusion Tip: Use the Outline Feature on PowerPoint
  12. 12. New Rules
  13. 13. Slides dont include everything
  14. 14. Each Bullet Point should be its own slide Image https://goo.gl/BEyZkj
  15. 15. Six to Eight Words a Slide Image https://goo.gl/itdulB
  16. 16. Wary of animation Image http://goo.gl/7t0N41
  17. 17. What are your top slide rules? Large Font (over 24) Consistent Background Contrast in Colors Space for things to be written down KISS If using a graph or table, don't have more than you plan to talk about. I don't like when they say, I know you can't read this but I just want to focus on this part. images enhance, not distract We use an official template with branding colors
  18. 18. Attention Spans are short https://goo.gl/UwIkKU
  19. 19. How to you keep your audience?
  20. 20. Fonts & Images
  21. 21. Pick Colors with care Image https://goo.gl/sg0Fcs
  22. 22. More @ http://goo.gl/y8CSa http://livecolorful.com/tag/color-psychology/ image@ https://goo.gl/bvwmX0
  23. 23. Finding Images Pixabay Creative Commons Library of Congress MorgueFile Image https://goo.gl/yNSpb1
  24. 24. Image Tips Image https://goo.gl/1EMgjh
  25. 25. Fonts need to readable to all Image https://goo.gl/Up50jR
  26. 26. Complete Infographic: http://goo.gl/LDqbWm More on Fonts: http://goo.gl/0ZH4L4
  27. 27. Unique Fonts for Free Google Fonts Fonts Squirrel DaFont TipoType* Images http://goo.gl/hfqJKI Top Fonts: https://goo.gl/91kd6s Font Matcher: http://www.typegenius.com/
  28. 28. Not All Fonts Are on All Machines Image https://goo.gl/DAK26y
  29. 29. No more than 2-3 fonts. Image https://goo.gl/c3op5U
  30. 30. Custom Themes
  31. 31. Modify an Existing Theme
  32. 32. Picking a Color Scheme Color Wheel: https://color.adobe.com/crea te/color-wheel/ Color Picker: http://www.colorzilla.com/
  33. 33. Creating Presentations that Pop Two Part Series Part 2
  34. 34. Customizing Your Theme
  35. 35. Changing Defaults Customize then click on Right Corner
  36. 36. Adding Transparency to Text Boxes
  37. 37. This is my very important words
  38. 38. Creating a background image
  39. 39. What are your PPT tricks? Keep It Simple Image http://goo.gl/n9JCea
  40. 40. Speaking Tips
  41. 41. Tips for Success
  42. 42. Focus on the message
  43. 43. Words, tone & crutch words Image from Tagul.com
  44. 44. Dress Comfortable but Professional
  45. 45. Its a storynot just data
  46. 46. Be Prepared Practice Be Prepared Know Your Material Get to a Room Early and Own it
  47. 47. Creating a training checklist - Presentation - Tech Requirements - Props - Handouts - Room Set Up
  48. 48. Remember: You are the expert You are awesome
  49. 49. Managing the Unexpected The Audience The Questioner The Side tracker The Side-talker The Distracted
  50. 50. What are your presenting tips?
  51. 51. Face to Face Classes
  52. 52. Is the class hands-on? How many are expected? What style is the class? What type of seating?
  53. 53. Remote Presentation Prep Questions Do you have: projector, screen? Room set-up? Using their PC? When can you get in? Image https://goo.gl/XkGxfd
  54. 54. Web-based TrainingGoToMeeting Adobe Hangouts Image: https://goo.gl/VlRnDz
  55. 55. Creating Conversations Image https://goo.gl/BdhpJD
  56. 56. Testing the System Image https://goo.gl/6qi6bV
  57. 57. Tools of the Trade
  58. 58. Hidden Gems Checking out a custom ribbons
  59. 59. Create Handouts
  60. 60. Ink
  61. 61. Create & Insert QR Codes
  62. 62. Polls PollDaddy PollEverywhere 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Chart Title Series 3 Series 2 Series 1
  63. 63. Office Mix https://mix.office.com/
  64. 64. Quiz
  65. 65. Create a screen recording
  66. 66. Infographics Infographic: http://www.easel.ly/viewEasel/342930 Create your own: Easel.ly infogr.am http://piktochart.com/
  67. 67. Presenter Mouse
  68. 68. http://goo.gl/KjRQLE Project On Any Device
  69. 69. Sharing Resources Slideshare.net https://speakerdeck.com/ Google Drive
  70. 70. What are your tools for success? Practice and Preparation
  71. 71. Questions & Discussion
  72. 72. Contact Information [email protected] delicious.com/dee987/presentations slideshare.net/dee987 www.facebook.com/NovareLibraryServices 877-816-9638 Diana Silveira Great for sharing slides