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S M I T H & W E S S O N

PISTOLSafety and

Instruction Manual







This SAFETY & INSTRUCTION MANUALshould always accompany this firearm andbe transferred with it upon change of own-ership or when the firearm is loaned or pre-

sented to another person.A copy of the SAFETY & INSTRUCTION

MANUAL is available FREE upon request from:Smith & Wesson

Customer Service Department2100 Roosevelt Avenue

P.O. BOX 2208Springfield, MA 01102-2208

BASIC RULES OF FIREARMS SAFETY ......................................... 4PREPARATION FOR FIRING .......................................................... 6AMMUNITION ................................................................................... 8LOADING ........................................................................................ 10FIRING ............................................................................................. 14CLEARING MISFIRES .................................................................... 16UNLOADING.................................................................................... 17FIELD STRIPPING .......................................................................... 19CLEANING ...................................................................................... 23REASSEMBLY .................................................................................24LUBRICATION ................................................................................. 29TRANSPORTATION & STORAGE ................................................ 30SERVICE, SHIPPING & PARTS........................................................31WARRANTY STATEMENT ............................................................. 35EXTENDED SERVICE POLICY ..................................................... 37AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATIONS............................................. 40



At home, in the field, at the range oranywhere, the first concern of everyfirearm owner should be safety.Apply the following safety rules inevery situation, with any kind offirearm.

11.. LLeeaarrnn hhooww ttoo ssaaffeellyy uussee yyoouurr ffiirreeaarrmm.. No person should handle any firearm without first becoming familiar with how to operate it safely. Read this manual thoroughly until you understand how to operate the pistol safely.

22.. AAllwwaayyss ttrreeaatt yyoouurr ppiissttooll aass iiff iitt wweerree llooaaddeedd aanndd rreeaaddyy ttoo ffiirree iiff tthhee ttrriiggggeerr iiss ppuulllleedd.. Always exercise the utmost caution when handling your pistol. DO NOT take anyone’s word that the pistol is unloaded — always check foryourself.

33.. AAllwwaayyss kkeeeepp yyoouurr ffiinnggeerr ooffff tthhee ttrriiggggeerr uunnttiill yyoouu aarree rreeaaddyy ttoo sshhoooott.. Your pistol cannot fire unless the trigger is pulled.

44.. AAllwwaayyss kkeeeepp tthhee mmuuzzzzllee ppooiinntteedd iinn aa ssaaffee ddiirreeccttiioonn..This is particularlyimportant when loading, unloading or field stripping your pistol. Never point a firearm at anyone or anything you do not intend to shoot.



55.. KKnnooww yyoouurr ttaarrggeett aanndd wwhhaatt iiss bbeeyyoonndd iitt.. Always be sure of where the bullet will strike and shoot only where there is a safe backstop free of obstructions, water or other surfaces that can cause ricochets.

66.. NNeevveerr ssttoorree yyoouurr ppiissttooll iinn aa llooaaddeedd ccoonnddiittiioonn..

77.. KKeeeepp aallll ffiirreeaarrmmss aawwaayy ffrroommcchhiillddrreenn. Always secure your firearm from children orunauthorized persons. Always store your unloaded firearm andammunition separately and in a secure place inaccessible to children.

88.. UUssee oonnllyy tthhee ccoorrrreecctt aammmmuunniittiioonn ffoorr yyoouurr ffiirreeaarrmm.. Never use a cartridge not specifically designated for use in your pistol. The correct caliber designation is stamped on the top of the barrel hood.

99.. MMaakkee ssuurree tthheerree aarree nnoooobbssttrruuccttiioonnss iinn tthhee bbaarrrreell.. With the magazine removed and the slide held open, visually inspect the chamber to determine that it is empty; then check to be sure that the barrel is clear of obstructions.


1100.. WWeeaarr eeyyee aanndd eeaarr pprrootteeccttiioonn aass aapppprroopprriiaattee.. Protect your vision andhearing from damage by always wearing safety glasses and hearing protection.

1111.. NNeevveerr uussee aallccoohhooll oorr ddrruuggss bbeeffoorree oorr wwhhiillee sshhoooottiinngg..

1122.. WWhheenn ttrraannssppoorrttiinngg yyoouurr ffiirreeaarrmm,, mmaakkee ssuurree iitt iiss uunnllooaaddeedd..

1133.. UUssee oonnllyy aapppprroopprriiaattee aacccceessssoorriieess..Be sure all accessories, such asholster and grips, are compatible with the firearm and that theaccessories do not interfere with safe operation.

•• •• •• Wear safety glasses and earprotection whether indoors or out.

•• •• •• Shoot only in a place that has a safe backstop, is free fromobstructions, water or other surfaces which cause ricochets. Check local and state laws to be sure thatshooting is permitted at the site you have selected.

•• •• •• Always be aware of other people so that persons cannot accidentally walk into the line of fire.

•• •• •• Position the shooter and all others so that they are not within an area



where they may be struck byparticle-spitting from a revolver orby ejected cases from other typesof firearms.

•• •• •• Keep fingers and other parts ofyour body away from the muzzleand slide.

•• •• •• When firing on a target range, be alert and follow the range officer’s commands.

•• •• •• Before anyone is allowed forward of the firing position, be sure that all cylinders and actions of firearms are open, that chambers are clear of cartridges, magazines are removed, and that firearms are pointing in a safe direction and NNOOTT HHAANNDDLLEEDD OONN TTHHEE BBEENNCCHH..

•• •• •• Do not handle firearms while someone is forward of the firing position.

•• •• •• Never use alcoholic beveragesor other drugs before or during shooting.

•• •• •• Be alert at all times. Never shoot if you are tired, cold or impairedin any way.

•• •• •• Never cross obstacles such as fences or streams with aloaded firearm.

•• •• •• If you are carrying a loaded firearm in the field, keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

•• •• •• Guns don’t think so you must!


WWAARRNNIINNGG:: NNeevveerr uussee aammmmuunniittiioonnwwhhoossee pprreessssuurree lleevveellss eexxcceeeedd iinndduuss--ttrryy ssttaannddaarrddss.. TThhee SSmmiitthh && WWeessssoonnSSWW338800 ppiissttooll iiss mmaannuuffaaccttuurreedd ffrroommhhiigghh qquuaalliittyy mmaatteerriiaall.. TThhee ppoollyymmeerrffrraammee wwiillll pprroovviiddee eexxtteennddeedd sseerrvviicceelliiffee.. HHoowweevveerr,, ++ PP ccaarrttrriiddggeess sshhoouullddnneevveerr bbee uusseedd iinn yyoouurr SSWW338800 ppiissttooll..AAllll wwaarrrraannttiieess,, eexxpprreessss oorr iimmpplliieedd,, aarreevvooiiddeedd aanndd SSmmiitthh && WWeessssoonn wwiillll nnoottbbee lliiaabbllee ffoorr pprrooppeerrttyy ddaammaaggee oorr ppeerr--ssoonnaall iinnjjuurryy aanndd ccoonnsseeqquueennttiiaall ddaamm--aaggeess iiff ++PP aammmmuunniittiioonn iiss uusseedd iinn tthheeSSmmiitthh && WWeessssoonn SSWW338800 ppiissttooll..

A firearm and ammunition work together.Their performance is closely related.The Smith & Wesson SW380 pistol isdesigned for a specific type and caliberof ammunition; do not alter the barrel orchamber of your pistol.

The caliber designation for this pistol isclearly stamped on the top of the barrelhood. Use only commercially manufac-tured ammunition for the caliberindicated on the barrel hood. Never use nonstandard or reloadedammunition.



.380 AUTO

SW380 Pistol


Slide Ejection PortMuzzle



Trigger Guard

Magazine Catch

Rear Takedown Pin


Do not load yourSW380 pistol

until you are ready to use it and thor-oughly understand these instructions.Keep your finger outside the triggerguard until you are ready to fire. Forsafe and reliable performance, use onlyoriginal equipment Smith & Wessonmagazines specifically manufactured foryour pistol. Failure to use only originalequipment Smith & Wesson magazinesmay result in the malfunction of your pistol.

Load the magazine by pressing acartridge head (rear of the cartridge)downward on the forward portion of themagazine follower and sliding thecartridge fully under the lips of the

magazine until the cartridge head isagainst the rear wall of the magazine.Repeat this procedurewith the number of cartridges you wish to load,up to themagazinecapacitymarked on themagazinetube.Do notattempt to load your magazine with morethan the specified number of cartridgesbecause doing so may cause a failure tofeed.



Hold the pistol in one hand with the muzzle pointing in a safe direction aannddwwiitthh yyoouurr ttrriiggggeerr ffiinnggeerr oouuttssiiddee tthheettrriiggggeerr gguuaarrdd..

With the other hand,pull the slide back until

you can look into thechamber. Verify that the chamber isempty and allow the slide to return forward.



Insert the loaded magazine firmly intothe magazine well of the pistol until themagazine butt is flush with the frame. To make sure the magazine is seated

properly, grasp the twomagazine

catches simultaneously and pull down-ward. ((DDoo nnoott ddeepprreessss ccaattcchheess oorrmmaaggaazziinnee wwiillll rreelleeaassee..))

After securely inserting the magazineinto the pistol pull the slide fully to therear. Release the slide and allow it tomove all the way forward. This strips acartridge from the magazine and seatsit in the chamber of the barrel, makingthe pistol ready to fire. TThhee ppiissttooll ccaannnnooww bbee ffiirreedd bbyy ppuulllliinngg tthhee ttrriiggggeerr..



If you wish to reload the magazine inyour SW380 pistol to its full capacity,depress the magazine catches simulta-neously and remove the magazine fromthe pistol. ( see pg. 17 - Unloading)TThhee SSmmiitthh && WWeessssoonn SSWW338800 ppiissttooll iissccaappaabbllee ooff ffiirriinngg,, eevveenn wwhheenn tthhee mmaagg--aazziinnee hhaass bbeeeenn rreemmoovveedd,, iiff tthhee ttrriiggggeerriiss ppuulllleedd.. If the magazine is removedwith a round left in the chamber, be sureto holster or otherwise secure the pistolunder your direct control while the magazine is being reloaded. Load onecartridge into the magazine to replacethe cartridge that was chambered whenyou allowed the slide to go forward.Reinsert the loaded magazine into themagazine well until it is locked into place

and the magazine butt plate is flush withthe frame.

Your Smith & Wesson SW380 pistol is now fully loaded and ready tofire. Remember to keep your pistol pointed in a safe direction at all timesand always keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to fire. Neverleave any loaded firearm unattended.


WWAARRNNIINNGG:: SSoommeeuusseerrss ooff SSmmiitthh &&

WWeessssoonn ppiissttoollss ccaappaabbllee ooff ffiirriinngg iinnddoouubbllee--aaccttiioonn mmaayy ““ssttaaggee”” tthhee ttrriiggggeerriinn aannttiicciippaattiioonn ooff ffiirriinngg aa sshhoott iinn tthheeddoouubbllee--aaccttiioonn mmooddee.. SSttaaggiinngg iiss tthheeaacctt ooff ppuulllliinngg tthhee ttrriiggggeerr rreeaarrwwaarrddttoowwaarrdd——bbuutt jjuusstt sshhoorrtt ooff——tthhee ppooiinnttwwhheerree tthhee ssttrriikkeerr ffaallllss aanndd tthhee ppiissttoollffiirreess.. SSuucchh mmaanniippuullaattiioonn ooff tthhee ttrriiggggeerr ccaann rreedduuccee tthhee uusseerr’’ss ccoonnttrroollooff tthhee hhaannddgguunn aanndd ccaann rreessuulltt iinn aannuunniinntteennttiioonnaall ddiisscchhaarrggee..

FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree,, iiff tthhee uusseerr ddeecciiddeess nnoottttoo ffiirree,, rreelleeaassiinngg tthhee ttrriiggggeerr ffrroomm aappoossiittiioonn cclloossee ttoo tthhee ffiirriinngg ppooiinntt iinntthhee ssttaaggiinngg pprroocceessss ccoouulldd rreessuulltt iinn aaddiisscchhaarrggee..

SSttaaggiinngg tthhee ttrriiggggeerr vviioollaatteess aa bbaassiiccrruullee ooff ffiirreeaarrmm ssaaffeettyy wwhhiicchh wwaarrnnssyyoouu ttoo kkeeeepp yyoouurr ffiinnggeerr ooffff tthhee ttrriiggggeerraanndd oouuttssiiddee tthhee ttrriiggggeerr gguuaarrdd uunnttiillrreeaaddyy ttoo ffiirree.. WWee wwaarrnn aallll uusseerrss ooff oouurrppiissttoollss ccaappaabbllee ooff ffiirriinngg iinn ddoouubbllee--aaccttiioonn ttoo rreeffrraaiinn ffrroomm ssttaaggiinngg tthhee ttrriiggggeerr..



YYoouurr SSWW338800 ppiissttooll hhaass bbeeeennddeessiiggnneedd wwiitthh ffrroonntt aanndd rreeaarr ssiigghhttssbbuuiilltt iinnttoo tthhee sslliiddee.. DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttooaalltteerr oorr rreeppllaaccee tthhee ssiigghhttss..Hold the pistol firmlyin your shootinghand with yourfinger outsidethe triggerguard. Afterverifying thatthe target andthe areabeyond aresafe, alignthe sights onthe target.When you

are ready to shoot, place the pad of yourindex finger on the trigger.

When the trigger is drawn fully to therear, the striker is released, striking thecartridge primer. Upon firing, the slidemoves rearward, extracting and ejectingthe spent cartridge case. The slide thenreturns forward, feeding the next car-tridge from the magazine into the barrelchamber. This sequence is repeateduntil the last round has been fired.During firing operation, the thumb shouldnot interfere with the slide. If you areholding the pistol with both hands, keepthe second hand clear of the slide as itmoves rearward after firing.

If a cartridgefails to fire andthe situationpermits, wait

thirty seconds while keeping the muzzlepointed in a safe direction. If ignition stillfails, the chamber must be manuallycleared. Remove your finger from thetrigger guard. Depress the magazinecatches and remove the magazine.Grasp the slide from the rear and brisklypull the slide fully rearward to eject themisfired cartridge. Do not obstruct theejection port or attempt to catch the car-tridge by placing your hand over theejection port.

After waiting at least sixty seconds,retrieve the misfired cartridge andinspect it. If the indent made by the striker on the primer is off center, light ornon-existent, have your SW380 pistolinspected by an authorized Smith &Wesson Warranty Service Station. Besure to dispose of the misfired cartridgeaccording to the ammunition manufac-turer’s instructions.



Whilekeepingyour fingeroutside thetrigger guardand pointing the muzzlein a safe direction, depress the maga-zine catches simultaneously and remove the magazine (Fig. 1-3).

With your finger still outside the triggerguard and the muzzle still pointingin a safe direction (Fig. 4), grasp theslide from the rear and briskly pull theslide fully rearward to eject the cartridgefrom the chamber. Do not obstruct theejection port because doing so caninterfere with ejection of a cartridge


Fig. 1

Fig. 2



and thereby can create the risk ofexploding an unchambered cartridgeand possible causing injury. VViissuuaallllyyiinnssppeecctt tthhee bbaarrrreell cchhaammbbeerr ttoo bbee ssuurree iitt iiss eemmppttyy..

Empty the magazine by holding it withthe bullet end of the cartridge pointingaway from you and pressing each cartridge forward and out of the magazine.

Fig. 3

Fig. 4


the barrel chamber to be sure itis empty. Never clean, lubricate,disassemble or work on yourpistol while it is loaded. Allow theslide to return forward.


To disassemble, squeeze the magazinecatches and remove the magazine.Grasp the slide from the rear and brisklypull the slide fully rearward to eject the cartridge from the chamber. Beforereleasing the slide, visually inspect


WWAARRNNIINNGG FFiirrsstt,, mmaakkee cceerrttaaiinn tthhaatt tthhee cchhaammbbeerr iiss cclleeaarr..After unloading, use the takedown and assembly tool supplied with theSW380 pistol to remove the rear take-down rail pin located at the rear of theframe.

Do not remove any other pin.Rest the back of the pistol over theedge of the work surface as shown inFigure 5. Place the narrow end of thetool on the pin and carefully tap thetool into the hole until its tip comes outthe other side, forcing the rear take-down rail pin out in front of it. You mayneed to tap the tool with a hammer,using light pressure, to unseat the pin.

Fig. 5


Takedown and Assembly Tool


Grasp the rear of the slide from the topand move it back (a) then up and forward (b) to remove the slide (Fig. 6).

Next remove the recoil spring fromthe barrel (Fig 7).

Fig. 6

Fig. 7


(b)Recoil Spring


Remove the takedown rail by slidingit off the rear of the slide (Fig. 8).

The SW380 pistol is now ready for normal cleaning (Fig. 9). Further disassembly is not recommended andshould only be undertaken by a Smith &Wesson Certified Armorer or WarrantyService Station.

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Takedown Rail


Follow this routine maintenanceprocedure to ensure that your pistolfunctions properly.

CLEANINGAfter firing your SW380 pistol, be sure tounload it following the procedure out-lined in the section entitled “Unloading”on page 17 before field stripping andbeginning any cleaning or maintenanceprocedure. Clean the barrel bore with apremium quality powder-removing solvent and bore brush. Wipe the boreclean with a bore patch or swab.

Using a small brush and solvent, removeall powder and primer deposits fromaround the breech of the barrel andchamber, extractor and adjacent areas.Remove any residue on the frame withlight brushing and solvent. Clean themagazine well by removing any grit, dustor residue with a magazine well swab.



Place the narrow end of the takedownand assembly tool into the muzzle end

of the barrel as shown inFigure 10.

Slide the recoil spring over the tool andonto the barrel (Fig. 11).REASSEMBLY

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Takedown and Assembly Tool


Holding the slide firmly in one hand andwith the other hand grasping the frameby the grip, place the front of the slideonto the takedown and assembly tooland move the slide rearward (Fig. 12).

Continue moving the slide to the rearuntil the spring is compressed and therear of the slide moves past the rear ofthe frame slightly ( See Fig. 13).

Fig. 12

Fig. 13


When the slide is fully rearward, lower itonto the frame (Fig. 14).

Remove the takedown andassembly tool from the barrel(Fig.15).

Fig. 14

Fig. 15


Place the takedown rail back in positionon the slide and align it so that the holesin the takedown rail match the rear take-down rail pin holes in the frame (Fig. 16-17). Squeeze the slide and frametogether to keep the holes aligned.

Correct IncorrectFig. 16

Fig. 17

Takedown Rail


Put the pin in the hole in the frame andtap it into the hole until it is fully insertedinto the frame. You may need to tap thetool with a hammer, using light pressure,to reseat the pin ( See Fig 18).

Pull the slide rearward and release it tobe sure that the pistol is properlyreassembled.

Check to be sure the pin is flushwith or below the surface of theframe.


CorrectIncorrectFig. 18

Takedown Pin


After cleaning the frame, slide and barrel, use a soft cloth to apply a lightcoating of a premium lubricant to theslide and wipe clean. There are three(3) lubrication points where a singledrop of lubricant should be applied (See Figure 19). This will assure prop-er lubrication of the pistol. Care shouldbe taken not to over-lubricate your pistol. Excess lubricant can collectlarge quantities of unburned powderand carbon residue, which could inter-fere with the proper functioning of thepistol.

Lubrication Points


Fig. 19

WARNING: Always unload yourpistol and remove the magazinebefore storing or transporting.

• Safe firearms transportation and storage are your responsibility.

• When transporting your firearm, be sure it is unloaded and that the cylinder or action is open.

• Never store your firearm loaded.

• Store your unloaded firearm and ammunition in places inaccessibleto children.

• Store your unloaded firearm and


ammunition separately and securely.

• Protect your firearms from theft.

• Protect your firearms from misuse by untrained, unqualified or incompetent persons.

• Obey all laws relating to the transportation of firearms. Your local police department should be able to furnish you with information on transporting a firearm legally.

Storage Method

When storing, do not encase yourfirearm in anything that will attract orhold moisture, for example, leather orheavy cloth. Also, do not store guns



with a plug inserted in the barrel forthis is a contributing factor to moistureaccumulation. (The safety plug suppliedwith Smith & Wesson pistols is anexception. It can safely be left in astored pistol.) If your firearm is to bestored for an extended period, lightlycoat the bore, chamber and internalworking mechanism with an acid-freelubricating oil or preservative and lightly coat the external working mech-anisms, frame, cylinder or slide andbarrel with an anti-rust oil. Before usingyour firearm again, be sure to clean it.Every time you clean your firearm,check it for signs of wear. If wear isnoted, do not use the firearm. Return itto Smith & Wesson for service or haveit checked by a qualified gunsmith.

Should your Smith & Wesson firearmrequire adjustment, repair or refinish-ing, it should be returned unloaded tothe factory or to an authorized Smith &Wesson Warranty Service Station.Please consult the list in the back ofthis manual to find the address of thenearest service station. There is noother way for us to insure that thework will be done in a properlyequipped and staffed shop.


If your firearm will be used or storedin a cold climate, be sure to use an oilthat will not thicken at low temperatures.


Firearms returned to the factory mustbe shipped prepaid to Smith &Wesson, Customer ServiceDepartment, 2100 RooseveltAvenue, Springfield, MA 01104.Since we cannot assume responsibilityfor custom items and accessories such as grips, sight aids and holsters,please remove these before returningyour firearm. Enclose a letter statingthe model and serial number of yourfirearm and the full nature of the problems experienced or work desired.Adherence to these suggestions willexpedite handling of your firearm.

When your firearm arrives at our service department, its receipt will beacknowledged. The firearm will be

inspected carefully, and your letter ofinstructions will be carefully read. Incase of warranty repairs, work willbegin immediately upon receipt andexamination of the firearm. In the caseof repairs or work not covered by warranty, a quotation covering the totalcost of work to be done will be sent toyou or the dealer who returned thefirearm. Work on your firearm willbegin upon receipt of payment.Charges are based upon the cost ofparts replaced plus a labor charge forthe time expended on the job.

ShippingIn shipping a firearm for repairor service, it is important tocomply with all federal, stateand local laws. The followingwill help you.• Check the cylinder or the

magazine and chamber of your firearm to insure that it is unloaded. Do not return any live ammunition.

• Only federally licensed dealers may mail handguns. Handguns mailed by individuals are subject to confiscation by the United States Postal Service (See Postal Regulation, Title 18, United States Code of Federal Regulations).

• Individuals who wish to return firearms directly to the factory or to an authorized Smith & Wesson Warranty Service Station can do so by shipping via United Parcel Service, which is an independent company unrelated to the U.S. Postal Service. You may wish to obtain insurance coverage for the full value of your firearm, to protect against loss or damage in transit to Smith & Wesson.

• In certain states and under certain regulations, it may be impossible for us to return a firearm to an individual.If this applies in your state or locality,we strongly recommend that all firearms be shipped to us through a federally licensed dealer.



• Smith & Wesson will refinish all current models of its own manu-facture. Repair or replacement of parts are in addition to refinishing price.

Parts and Accessories

Smith & Wesson offers replacementparts and a variety of accessories thatwill add to the enjoyment of your pistol.Available replacement parts for theModel SW380 include the recoilspring, takedown rail, rear takedownrail pin, magazine, slide and break-down and assembly tool. Smith &Wesson accessory items include extramagazines, Friction Block lubricant,apparel and shooting accessories.

Handgun replacement parts are avail-able from your local Smith & WessonStocking Dealer, Smith & WessonWarranty Service Stations or directlyfrom the Smith & Wesson PartsDepartment. For a free parts list cover-ing all Smith & Wesson parts, anaccessory and apparel catalog, or toplace an order, call 1-800-331-0852,ext. 2904, Monday through Friday,8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern StandardTime.


Thiswarranty isgranted bySmith &

Wesson, 2100 Roosevelt Avenue, P.O.Box 2208, Springfield, MA 01102-2208. This warranty is effective fromthe date of purchase after February 1,1989 and applies to the original ownerof any handgun purchased after thatdate. With respect to such handguns,this warranty supersedes any and allother warranties.

Smith & Wesson handguns are warrant-ed to be free from defects in materialand workmanship. Any such defects ofwhich Smith & Wesson receives writtennotice within one year from the date of

purchase by the original owner, will beremedied by Smith & Wesson withoutcharge within a reasonable time aftersuch notification and delivery of thehandgun as provided below.

Warranty claims (in writing) and thegun concerned should be delivered(transportation charges prepaid)to the nearest Smith & WessonWarranty Service Center, or Smith & Wesson’s Customer ServiceDepartment, 2100 Roosevelt Avenue,Springfield, MA 01104. In addition, acopy of the bill of sale in the owner’sname, or a copy of ATF Form 4473indicating date of purchase must beincluded. In order to expedite service,we enclose a complete list of Smith &



Wesson’s service centers and theiraddresses. Warranty claims shouldstate the model and serial number ofthe gun concerned and a description ofthe difficulty experienced. It is recom-mended that shipments be insured bythe owner, since Smith & Wesson willaccept no responsibility for loss ordamage in transit.

Transportation and insurance chargesfor return to owner will be paid bySmith & Wesson if the claim is coveredby the warranty.

Under no circumstances shall Smith &Wesson be responsible for incidentalor consequential damages withrespect to economic loss or injury orproperty damage, whether as a result

of breach of express or implied warranty, negligence or otherwise.Some states do not allow the exclusionor limitation of incidental or consequen-tial damages, so the above limitation orexclusion may not apply to you.

Smith & Wesson will not be responsiblefor defects resulting from careless handling, unauthorized adjustments ormodifications, defective or improperammunition, corrosion, neglect, abuse,ordinary wear and tear, or unreason-able use.

This warranty gives you specific legalrights, and you may also have otherrights that vary from state to state.


This policy covers corrections of originaldefects in material and workmanship; itdoes not include the handgun’s finish,grips, magazines or sights. The policyalso does not include repairs caused by careless handling, unauthorizedadjustment or modification, defectiveammunition or ammunition not recommended in the Smith & WessonSafety, Instruction & Parts Manual,corrosion, abuse, neglect, unreason-able use or ordinary wear and tear.Smith & Wesson reserves the right to determine what constitutes ordinarywear and tear. However, we canrebuild handguns that have experienced

EXTENDED SERVICE POLICYEven after the warranty period hasexpired, Smith & Wesson will repair,without charge any handgun purchasedby the original owner on or afterFebruary 1, 1989 that is found to havea defect in material or workmanship.Eligibility for this service policy requiresreturning the Product RegistrationCard within thirty days of purchase. A copy of the bill of sale in the owner’sname and the sales receipt shouldaccompany the handgun. When thatinformation is received, the originalowner will be qualified for this policy for the handgun identified by serialnumber.


extreme usage, or are beyond theirnormal useful life, at a fee that will bequoted to the owner.

This policy is in addition to and not an extension of the Smith &Wesson Limited Warranty. The onlyconsideration we ask of you to becomeeligible for this Extended ServicePolicy is that you return the completedProduct Registration Card containingvaluable data that will help us to serveyou better.


Model Caliber Description

SW40F .40 S&W Full Size 41⁄2” bbl 15-shot*

SW9F 9 mm Full Size 41⁄2” bbl 17-shot*

SW380 .380 Auto Compact Size 3” bbl 6-shot

*High capacity magazines are restricted to law enforcement and export purchasesonly. Products sold in the U.S. are shipped with two (2) 10-round magazines.

2100 Roosevelt Avenue • P.O. Box 2208 • Springfield, MA 01102-2208Telephone: 1-800-331-0852 (within U.S.) • 1-413-781-8300 (outside U.S.)FAX: 1-413-731-8980

Printed in U.S.A.1/95

Quality Firearms Since 1852