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descriptive statistic



byI Gusti Ayu Agung Mirah Meyliana


Research Background3Literature Review4Methodology 6Population and Sample 6Research Variable7Method of Data Collection7Data Description 7Statistical data, Findings, and Discussion 8


I. RATIONALE It has been sought to identify and differentiate the terms of sex and gender by many researchers. The term gender refers to the economic, social, political and cultural attributes and opportunities, associated with being male and female. In most societies, men and women differ in the activities they undertake, in access to and control of resources, and in participation in decision-making. And in most societies, women as a group have less access than men to resources, opportunities and decision-making (Desprezbouandchaud ET AL., 1987)Most studies on sex differences in education compare male and female characteristics and attainment. Maccoby and Jacklin (1974) affirmed that females are superior in verbal skills and males get better results at mathematical skills, though, in their opinion, it is difficult to untagle the influence of stereotyping on individuals perceptions and to separate innate or learned behaviours that underpin the development or behavioural or cognitive sex differences. The value of this research lies in the analysis of the responses from people when confronted by test situations.Acconding to WeineR (2009), there have been two positions regarding educational gender or sex differences in Europe historically. A conservative approach considers men and women different biologically. Women were thought to be inferior. For instance, males and females were expected to accomplish different roles in society during the nineteenth century. Thus men devoted themselves to public sphere but women were confined to private domain. This perspective has extended during the twentieth century. For instance, women and men are regarded to have different behaviour because of their innate biological differences. Men are physically stronger and they are better at spatial, numerical and mechanical abilities. Furthermore, men see the world in terms of objects, ideas and theories. Differently, women reach physical and psychological maturity earlier and they develop a higher and more precocious verbal skills. They tend to see the world in personal, aesthetic and moral terms. This conservative perspective on sex differences influence education since this is considered to be a means of socialising and education boys and girls into their natural roles as men and women. Men are led to be breadwinners, work-oriented and heads of the family. On the other hand, women are prepared to be nurturers, carers and familyoriented.Differences between gender equality and gender equity have arisen. UNESCO offers a slight differencition between the two: Gender equality, equality between men and women, entails the concept that all human beings, both men and women, are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations set by stereotypes, rigid gender roles and prejudices. Gender equity means fairness of treatment for women and men, according to their respective needs (UNESCO, 2000)

II. LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 Gender and Academic Achievement Gender issues have become the talk of today's educational forums. Although the literacy rate is more among boys than girls; it is quite interesting to observe that girls are securing better ranks than boys in almost all the academic examinations. It is very absorbing to find that the girls figure to be more often in top two ranks in tenth class annual examination from the preceding ten years in Tamil Nadu. The performance of every individual is not equal. There is a lot of variability and dispersion. In common pupils' parlance there exists terms such as bright student', average student and dull student. The variability cannot be attributed to a single factor, but it is the outcome of number of factors as intelligence, study habits, self-concept, creativity, aptitude, interests, socio economic factors, area etc. Along with these, gender of the students also plays an influencing factor on academic achievement. Academic achievement of students depends upon the sustained training and interests.In the context of junior high school, the goverment of Indonesia states that language has an important role for the intellectual, social, and emotional developments of the students. It also supports the success in studying other subjects. Language learning helps students to know themselves, their cultures as well as other cuture. Moreover, through language learning, the students are able to express their ideas and feeling, to participate in the society, and even to discover and make use of their analytic and imaginative avilities (Permendiknas No.22/2006, enclosure, p.307).The students are expected to be able to communicate both in written and spoken. In this case, to be able to communicate refers to the competency to understand and express information, thoughts, feelings, and to develop science, technology, and culture both in written and spoken forms. As a whole, communicative competence is defined as the competency to understand and or produce written and spoken texts in the form of four language skills, involving listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In the context of language learning, English subject is directed to develop those four language skills, so that the students are able to communicate in English (Permendiknas No.22/2006, enclosure, p.307).In learning English, the students are expected to master both receptive and productive skills (receptive skills inculde listening and reading, meanwhile productive skills refer to speaking and writing skills). All of those language skills should be developed in the language learning process. III. METHODOLOGYIn this study the researcher adopted a Ex-post Facto Research method to analyse the gender difference in the academic achievement of junior high school students in English in which the population included all the students studying in class 8.1 students: Boys 15 and Girls. Data were analysed using and statistical techniques such as Mean, Standard Deviation and differential analysis (t-test) were used to analyse the data.

3.1 Population and Sample 3.1.1 PopulationPopulation is defined as a group of interests to the researcher, the group to whom the researcher would like generalize the results of the study (Frankel and Wallen, 1993). In accordance to the definition given by Frankel and Wallen, the population of this study is the students of SMPN 16 Singaraja class VIII.1, VIII.2, VIII3 which of 30, 32, and 31 students respectively. Therefore, the total number of the population was 93 students altogether. 3.2.2 SampleSample refers to a set of selected individuals or item taken from a population (Frankel and Wallen, 1993). Sample is taken because the population is too large and researcher has a limited time, power, and energy to do the research. The sample was selected by using proportional random sampling. The writer takes class VIII.1 because number of the students in that class was 30 students which had equal number number of male and female students. There were 15 male students and 15 female students in that class.

3.3 Research VariableVariable is a name or label that represents a concept or characteristic. A concept is a noun that describes a class of objects, such as desk, teacher, school or students, whereas a characteristic describes, a trait, such as achievement, attitude, creativity, height, gender or sosioeconomic status (Mcmillan, Schumacher, 2010).In this study there were two variables involved, namely : English achievement of male students and English Achievement of female students.

3.4 Method of Data collection and Research InstrumentMethod of data collection is the way that is used the researcher to collect the needed data. While, instrument is a tool or a research facility used by researcher to collect the data. In this study the method and the instrument used by the researcher is content analysis: According to Gall, Gall, and Borg (2003), content analysis is the way to collect information or data from a certain document. They explain that any written materials can be considered as document. In this study, the collect the data about the students English achievement from the students school report.

3.5 Data DescriptionData description is the activity that was done to describe the collected data so that it was easy to understand the data for the next steps of the analysis. The data of the students English acheivement were described by using descriptive statistic, in order to know the mean, median, standard deviation, and the total score. In this study, the descriptive statistic was done by utilizing SPSS 16.0. To determine the significant differences between Male and Female StudentsEnglish achievement by using Independenst Sample T-test. The formula was:


The data description was carried out in order to know the characteristics of each variable. Here was presented the mean score, minimum score, standard deviation (SD), variance, median, modus, histogram and the categorization of each variable. Based on the descriptive analysis of the results of inventories, questionnare, and students english achievement quoted from their school report books, the obtained data were as following.

Table.1 Descriptive Statistics of All Variables Variable

DescriptionAchievement Male StudentsAchievement Female Student



Std. Deviation2.32.3





4.1 The Descriptive Data of Male Students English AchievementSeen from the data displayed on the table 1, it was recognized that the mean score of male students english achievment was 85.5. The maximum score obtained was 84.0 from 100 ( score of english achievement were equal to 100) and the minimum was 80 from 0. The categorization of mean score obtained were counted based on the mean score ideal and standard deviation ideal. It was known that the maximum score ideal was 100 and the minimum score was 0, the categorization could be calculated as below :Note :MI= (ideal maximum score + ideal minimum score)MI= (100 + 0)= (100)= 50SDI= ( ideal maximum score ideal minimum score )SDI= ( 100 0 )= (100)= 16.6

Table 2 . The Categorization and Distributions of Male Students English AchievementNoCriteriaIntervalClassificationFrequencyPercentage

1MI + 1.5 SDI 74.9 Very High15100 %

2MI + 0.5 SDI < MI + 1.5 SDI58.3 74.9High00.0 %

3MI 0.5 SDI < MI + 0.5 SDI41.7 58.3Average00.0 %

4MI 1.5 SDI < MI 0.5 SDI25.1 41.7Low00.0 %

5 < MI - 1.5 SDI < 25.1Very Low00.0 %

Chart 1 The Diagram of Male Students English Achievement Based on Total Score

Chart 1 The Diagram of Male Students English Achievement Based on Total Score

4.2 The Descriptive Data of Female Students English AchievementSeen from the data displayed on the table 1, it was recognized that the mean score of female students english achievement was 87.4. The maximum score obtained was 90 from 100 ( score of english achievement were equal to 100) and the minimum was 84 from 0. The categorization of mean score obtained were calculated based on the mean score ideal and standard deviation ideal. It was known that the maximum score ideal was 100 and the minimum score was 0, the categorization could be calculated as below :Note :MI= (ideal maximum score + ideal minimum score)MI= (100 + 0)= (100)= 50SDI= ( ideal maximum score ideal minimum score )SDI= ( 100 0 )= (100)= 16.6


1MI + 1.5 SDI 74.9 Very High15100 %

2MI + 0.5 SDI < MI + 1.5 SDI58.3 74.9High00.0 %

3MI 0.5 SDI < MI + 0.5 SDI41.7 58.3Average00.0 %

4MI 1.5 SDI < MI 0.5 SDI25.1 41.7Low00.0 %

5 < MI - 1.5 SDI < 25.1Very Low00.0 %

Table 3. The Categorization and Distributions of Female Students English Achievement

Chart 2 The Diagram of Female Students English Achievement Baseed on Total Score

4.3 The Result of Differences in English Achievement between Male and Female Students

Group Statistics

GroupNMeanStd. DeviationStd. Error Mean



Independent Samples Test

t-test for Equality of Means

tDfSig. (2-tailed)Mean DifferenceStd. Error Difference95% Confidence Interval of the Difference




Table 4. The Result of Differences in English Achievement between Male and Female Students

From the Group Statistics table shows that the mean score of Female students (86.4) with the standar deviasion (2.58) and the mean score of Male students (81.4) with standar deviasion (1.68), to see the significant differences it can see in Table Independent Samples Test. On the table there were two rows (cells), the first cell with the assumption that the two variants of the same group, whereas in the second cell with the assumption that the variance of the two groups were not the same. To select a cell which will use as a test, take a look at the column F test, if the significant > 0.05 then the assumption is the same variant otherwise if Significant < 0.05 then the variants are not the same. The variance F test shows that the two groups were similar (P-value = 0.475) The Role in the analysis of the t-test can be done in two ways namely by comparison between t-count and t-table, and based on the comparison of the probability or significance value. The column T test showed that the value of P = 0.000 for 2-sided test is smaller than = 0.05, which means there was a statistically significant difference in the score of Male and Female Students.

V. CONCLUSIONThe objectives of the study is to investigate the significant difference in English achievement between male and female students at the eight grade of SMPN 10 Denpasar. The number of population was 30 students the variables which became the female students english achievement and male students english achievement. The data were collected from documentation.From the descriptive analysis it was found that the mean score of Female studentsEnglish Achievement was 87.4 from 100. The mean score of Male students English Achievement was 85.5 from 100. It means that the English achievement of 8.1 class namely including cognitive and high. The mean value between female and male students in terms of their success in English were 86.4 and 84.1 (P