special to women^ inc. a young mainlyabouti i styles...

i^.^OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO WOMEN^ ——> GRANDMA IS 82 BUT SHE TAKES A YOUNG HUSBAND 5, OIBUWY 1 ..., rtf '* ••\u25a0"•thing »" 4 id k~ P \u25a0" Hi .*\u25a0*»* a»4 roa»t«. Mr«. F. RtgtaUW rMtpe. 1 will tfve ,p> ' a »j »ti. «* rvclp*—one %!<H *" b,, n^llod ti|>ou «(.*>• WM£a * node of »tlr<*l. unpaol- Bun*.' ro^t"1"" v w mitl \u25a0** w mt»t*d «hnni«h a cotaa- K. iftff lBln« rf"lltn to the I* wi thW bar >««f«•< \u25a0 lM*- E/jadi of powd.-rcd in»e«. V* m 4 uli. » traapooß \u25a0«* "pp^, anj a t»M.-»tH«»>ii of fm Bin! fur *ii haul \u25a0 »!tr I jSrimuHr * Rwno*o the b*« \u25a0•f^l^j W»d i»'ur In on.- pint |JS«nr llrini: «R3ln tn N>tl Iji3»>*» frvim flrw- whl%a I|L v, ,• B. »d>l M. A. wk L rut* I* 11* onlona. Mtxt «Mv! «<"'• unlou* of **•• •*"* E tkkKMt-*' PT»p»ro \u25a0 them and [fe«*l hrtn* lor four Ua>». Chiad cook tht'ro In hot '"\u25a0""" nil !(\u2666«. R*mov« from L «sd ptac* th«-m in clear cold & iMrilS them th-n. 24 hoar«. E.-pat !h«n> tnto Jar*. |M>ur &$t | itimir > over th««« «'» Ewfe*-'•> \u25a0'; * \u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0 \u25a0• I(ft** l*'r*r would Ilk"\u25a0 Uut'ndpetfor tomato «*<)<\u25a0«» mit «a n!d K»»t Indian rule Mt M etc*»Mlt. P<Mt thr..- --10 Da* rn»* toraaUMHi an.l work l^k i foUader. IMI until bulk r^Steed £ oa^oalf, ad! two ,BM|Bwd«*«d «in«*r. fir* rlovi>« 1 (l»flc (or. Ml with the tomato^* \u25a0•Hall <\u25a0><«<< chopped tin.- If you |M cto> for s»f!!c), twu wio«^ mMi wrmitttn Tin««ar. t«o IM of ami! * and a quarter t>'» pIMca)«aB« pepper. L«t COM »i ML l»«l» and soal. liar Mitt ' —Please trans pi Uii* Latin *ent*orr "Dulee JMrim eat \u25a0 pro patria mart." pi \u25a0•bow i to i pronounce 1 pto- \u25a0si* tad marchioness. ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I t.\, v IUNORANT. J li-li \u25a0i* 'sweet f and glortoua (to ili,«•»'«. cotmirjr .?.\u25a0*\u25a0.,' \u25a0•\u25a0.,.> '\u25a0 KiMs-M. with '< tons \u25a0 (frond -of .> hi tort J. aa>l accent on the first ||4Ji* \u0084 Mar *hun«-«. short v ami It Mlwant on the tint syllabi* KicVUs Grey: *, Please tell m* fi-Wsito [>rloe on a <»ln >!«'\u25a0 \u25a0•!, I bfcorO'** R. B. X. 1734 Brit I att'JL, I '"" know whether it I** sold. . ,:• I MRS. MFD I Han com pJ«-te description I f ities* .t) before I can i.-li I bb am of rax* coin* should i I awjpajieu of thorn with I««d j \u25a0Jwtjpiiji on whit* paper and j \u25a0 art 15* Inquiry Give the) fa***!IttwHa* ai«o. and tU-n It Ini i—|Mimrg?y M*r to find lifentat Il^Jte Grty: 1 <*r« for a I jomf Ml awl in. c*r«n for on-, but la»wj» \u25a0 .: afaratt<tfntan<)tnK ,-i h" I to., Ida not far*. What an ! |*to!«H«T »>»>•: \u25a0 ANXIOUS. I fc-Wr^, him a ataa Hut* .letter j M MI iiim thtn-li a ml Whirr 1 I«BCn«. A»k liCm to com* to m*j \u25a0M »b«o *• -him talk or»r \u25a0MMMIIon wltll [Mm' tn*ty. H. MM and , bbnbi ~lf *• rwl» M l \u25a0ait. - . <! >lnv via all rla-h'. |li«KM .V It. '3%l'f-T I I Mis <;f*y: : What tin tnak<-' l*s «Uf afar muhlaar* i ft®33^"-;.-*,'school- Oim. - j I' i-*« nbb«n« whit* wrt. «lth I "*• >M»een : rH,Uii and tr.^i PSir.lfiw'oreyj-i^-hit >• » haK \u25a0Mr jf I*s* worth! "„. .";..-. ' I A RRADTR. 1 : i-li h worth only lt» faf« v-»Uu» QRANDMA WHIQHT, PITTSDUnO.: Pa.. Oct. 15.--An agv d woman, who ptsaed the four •core } year > mark 20 moaiha ago, ap|M'an«) In the local marriage of- fice I tho other da». What ran I do" for jro«r la- •luir.-.l the ticill \u25a0 , "1 want to Ret marriwL"* U-rk O«o. Watson Ra»(i«>d. "la this the. man" he a«kfd. turn- HALLOWEEN ENTERTAINING ha] to her companion. Thua Mm. Krattna HIM, axed nearly 13, and K..l>t II Wright, axed SI, iM-<'tirfd l llroii»p to wad. I A JiuUrx of UM p«ac« happened Into the marrlM" tl*--11-.-- office at th.i Urn*. And that mv il«litthe new Mr* WrlKht tUiii.-il until Uie utani crow l'i*l<-, with her nalgtltWH 111 l<ari- mir . Turtle Crt>«k. BY CYNTHIA GREY. Autumn lpare*. f<-t>t»ontMl ttrtngt of popped.'corn and Ilichtod pump- kin JackoMantcrns piay th« moat important part In docormUont for Ha]l»wi»<<n parts-* Stlbouct' cat* and »itit>«*« cut out of heavy black paper, pinned hern and there about the .11*. add th« d««lrabl« weird- ißjMWk and aro most •ffoctlT*. A lam* t*> ko \u25a0•lint, m ft!l«d with favors In the.. form of qu««r and funny fortune* written on tiny bit* of paper tnrtoved in peanut »h»>ll» tied wtta ywllow rtbbon for women and black for men ca««itj». one. lon* end of which I* left banidnx oat of tho lantern, a mirth provoking f>-atar« A black eyed «trl may take the part of a * Itch and preside over th« tabl«. She should be clad In a long black cape, and a very tall peaked wttrh's cap. and must stand beneath a canopy of branches of anturan lea*e». . .. . Tne ttswU Hallo*— Htnn are bobbfnf for . apples, twlrlln* the platter, try Ins to catch with , th«- --i»»««th an apple which I* suspended by \u25a0 cord from a doorway, with all of which we are all familiar, bat as a variation from the usual cameo a : competition In making ja<ko lantern ; •<\u25a0•<• Is : »aiu«lug. Bach gnest 1> furnished with a flat wood en pl« plate and some black tissue paper. Scissors and paste pot are eonrenlenlly placed. , : The features are cat from th* paper and pasted on the plates, PHMI am «lv«ti to tins.two- gw—U , making th* beat fares. \u25a0* '\u25a0 .-' . •'. /\u25a0 1 Tiny pumpkin pies, gtngi-r cook- ie*, apples, \u25a0 popcorn balls, nuts, candlea and ctdnr or "•\u25a0» tre the most appropriate refreshments ito «»-rre > f*un t* th« most Important item.of a hailow«>#»B party, and re frcmltmenta that m^an ' more" work for tb« hostess should be left'out entirely. - ' Krerythlng' should , t><* placed on' th« table iat one« and everybody told [ to help himself. (jffit&b Wherever good gF^jp^v cocoa is used it's tßjtf^y used often, be- ij^O^ cause each cupful I !>».-- recommends an- other. The whole- someness and purity of Ghirardelli's VCOCOA jf^commends it to Cocoa those who dis- F a c * -criminate in the No. 2O IttLf' C mI Aittt being touted, j+^ivvUOn Or their cocoa Imni are : wCVGI*A na a in rouiing and ! k/,»• **la6 l-3' then .by meant of |>*OT#LI electric A r\"' , . irwitor i-iiH, all .'!»»« \ u Onlt ask. wrrr/v •'"'v' 1" |lirll' 1 1" /* ??Ri i *• Jt. IftLrtiy , re dritcii away Lt- -1 /Or Mrn/t \u25a0 «. / 7* for* •th : cocoa I* \4r?i.° oa ask for tcroundup. TMii \j hirst*. I //•» done to Iniure \u25a0 per- ywrarae/// s. hetir-w* p'^uct without even ac- cidental adulteration. The hostess, of course, «.-rvn(i thi< coffee, if coffee Is served. The guests can help tki maelri - to the sweet cider, which Is plared in the center of the table In a hue bowl | and surrounded by Kay autumn )r»vf» and ferns. Popcorn ball*, ap- ples, randies, rookies and cracked outs should !>•> artistically placed about the table. .The tiny pumpkin pitta ran be utlllted as a decoration |by 11. clover hostess, until the icwsts Iwsin their r«va»<-« At the Halloween party the boa- teas ouKbt to have just as jolly \u25a0 time as h«-r quests have, and her \u25a0 nuißamenta should be all wade be fore the sruosts arrive. SMART DRESS OF SOFT WOOL This a Kmart lit!I" dres* of •oft wool mat arid In d<?«p rot« •bade, heavily stitched with black and simply, trimmed with *»»ih. •I««V0 loop* and buttons of black satin. The black bat Is trimmed with broad wliik* In'shades of rose. FASHIONS Fan* of spangled gauze ar* nu- merous, each with a chain to match the'design of th« fan In color. A mass of mixed blossoms that eclipse llm crown .if the bat la thu milliners favorlUi trimming. One of the late season fads Is <}><• linen cont In color with a long roll collar of black satin. Shaded chiffon In two colors Is to be worn extenslroly this fall over silk shaded In the- «un« col- ors. The Jersey topped silk flonnccd frock Is hi in In tho shop windows more often than In tin street. One of the now long Jabots has Inch-wUie tucks across tho end and Is finished with half a dozen Irish roses. 111,,, l, boarded yrlvft whoat In shoafs Is the newest trimming on bats for middle-aged and elderly lad Ids. Rvon full dress costumes are to clear III" ground if tha^H.*l"* ndlct Of Paris abolishing all train* Is obeyed. >•\u2666•\u2666•\u2666#\u2666•\u2666•\u2666•\u2666•\u2666•\u2666•\u2666•• MAINLYABOUTi WOMEN I A Poor Wlft. 'rim rill who proudly declares that riM cannot hem n pocket hand* lunlil"f, nnvi'i- iiimld up a I" 'I In her llftV nnd adds with a simper that hllH I lit* "lin«>u 111 nucloty over since \u25a0hi win- 16." 'I'll" kIiI who would rather nurse A |>!|R ctrtß than it baby. . . The girl who think* that rm-n are angels. V I 111. r,lrl who would rather die than •Mr a hat two MMMM old. Thr Klrl who think* that the riHik mill mint* can km , house. 111.- girt who .»|'.-,t!i a defiant- IInn of In*" ihrto iiiiM-n a day. Th«» ittrl who buys ornaments for th« drawing * mini and borrows kitchen utenills from her neigh- bors; and who thinks table ilwom- linns are of iii.it.> Importance than Rood food. Th*> Kirl who want* thine* ju»t b*eautti' "other girls" have them. . Q*rdtnlng a* a Co*m«tlc. Somebody has discovered that KnntnulnK I* the boat of all imtii- paUons for Improving th< h— I unit r<mi|ilt'«liin. l*rn«h air. mom | l»r r\>>rci«<i and mind rest ahoahi bo derived by lbs Klrl who digs and hoea and plants h«r own garden. Anil M brlKht <•>»», cl«ar skin and lr.'«h color, Urn nlKli* of health. await th* K»r<lae<>r Hut It must !>\u25a0• k.ii ilciilnic In rnrn- •\u25a0si It titimt rniiiil early rising, and working 111 all weathers. No dilly- dallying of half lu-.iit.-.i work Is any j quod. The mind Influcnro Is half the cure, and there certainly la a won- derful iiiiWafiloii In lli'- feeling that MM I" doing real, MrtOM work In jii «'hiii tit-- fruit of oa«'s labor. Wadding Anniversaries." Dear lvy~The \u25a0 -in lux of the different wedding i mml <rl<«. according to UK DM H»t I have, la as follow*: Hrtt—Cotton. tgmmi I*aper. Third—Uather. nith—Wooden. Seventh—Woolen, T«mth—Tln. '!«\u25a0\u25a0 silk and floe linen. Hfi^nth—Crystal Twentieth—China. Twenty-fifth—Silver. Thirtieth—lVarl. . Fortieth—ltßhy. Flftlclb—Oold. B«venty>nrth—tXamond. WORTH KNOWING Kn«tT powder *tii] oil taad* Into p*st« la ma excellent misiurw u> <*|i>an Mml It it. on well ami polish, aft«r which nib with an utl«4 nix. and then polish lip again with a rl«an dtutor. Sandwiches prepared In advi»nr« of tin- *«rttij>t Urn« ran Ihi Kept •\u25a0 fresh a* when first »pr.*.l bjr wrap- iiliik them la a napkin wrung nut of hot water anil then jilnrintt In cool I't.trrt. Do not i!c«tru)r any net f (mm old discarded haM curtains. Cut to •quart* of desired «lf<- and stitch tognthrr. They make excellent wash- cloths and thi-y ar« remarkably 'l»r- --\u25a0Ml J»«.w tiii'iu around th« edgo on* the »< inn machine. . Cold water, a t«-a«i»H>nful ot am monia and »oap will rvmov* ma- chlne ei"«m- *ben otber nttiu would rmt *n»»iT on amiunt of color* i uuiiinK. * To wa«b water bottlM or any mm hnvliiK a lonic nock, fill with dear. hot water and tin) bit* of torn pay per. .siiak" well and MMM In cold wator.* FSJiMARY^ caoj*Bg)K \u25a0rod Vrumb Griddle CaVe«. Soak two cupa ot brnad crumbii In cold wat*r, turn Into I cloth and t wring out the water; add two cupa of thick sour milk and ono cup ot flour. I.•' atand <>v«r night, then I add one «|CB, beaten very light, bait a tmmpoonful "' nalt, ono teaipoon- ful of coda, dlsaolred In one or two tablMpoonfula of cold wat«r, and two tiihh'ftponnful* of flour Bitted with two t"*a|MM>nntil» of baking powder. Mix thoroukhljr. A Itttlo miirn flour mar bo n»oded. Mint Jelly. I.«<t on* t«ii|i>H|M«»tifiil of (ranu liii<il Routine aland for aome time In MM wator to cover, Doll MM cup of granulated augur and ona cup of vinegar five or six mtnutea. Add tb* aoftonixt gnlatlne and one- fourth a teaspoonful, each, of milt and paprika »nil atlr until the gola- tlnn I* dissolved. Then add thre«- fourtbs a cup of mint leaves, chop- ped lltl*, and enough K>< ' " veee- table color (liquid) to Ual an do aln.'tl. H<:t occAslonally until the mixture begins to thicken. Thin turn Into small molds or wine- glasses and set aside to become firm. When turned from the molds garnish with the tlpa from two or three stalks of mint. Drop Cookies With Sour Cream. Uso half ii cup of butter, mm mb of surer, ono egg, beaten light, half a cup of sour cream, on«-fourth of a tahtcitpoonful of soda, two MM) and on«-half of flour and three and ono-hulf level toMponnfula or bak- ing powder. Mix In the usual m h 11 nor, stirring the soda Into th« cream. Mix tho whole together very thoroughly; Urn tnlxturo will be quite stiff. Drop from a spoon l upon buttered tins, shaping each portion Into as inootn round. Drwdc* with granulated sugar. link" In a moderate oven. Clocks on stockings have gone out, being replaced by tassel affects, open work and embroidery. IIIK STAR-TUKSI>AY, OCTOBKR 12. 1909 I Hand Bags Attractively Priced at $5.00 Tin- assortment of Hand Bags offered at this price is decidedly interesting, both on'account of the vari- ety of popular styles included and the very attrac- tive values. The leathers include nat-goat-seal, ''goat walrus, imported Morocco, imported calf-alli- gator and patent leather. One smart Bag is in the deep flaring shape, with nine-inch frame in gold, silver or gun-metal finish—another handsome style has 10.-inch frame, and rounded bottom and end*— both have leather lining in contrasting Color, and in- side coin purse. Excellent choice at $5.00. ' —rir»< Kloof Oriental-Pattern Couch Covers at $2.95 These attractive Couch Covers are faithful repro- ductions in design of popular Oriental weaves, in rich, dark color-combinations. They arc made of extra-strong fabric, 60 inches wide and 3 yards long, ami there arc three patterns to select from; in- teresting value at $2.95. —lUcoixl Floor. ROCKER, Sl'l.i lAL Sk't.os A hardwood Rocker, ftaished goldeii, with s<at and back of quartered oak veneer. t IMI iirc, 19x1 inches. i OTTAGE DINES, SPECIAL BS# Madi of lianlwood, in golden finish. lias cobbler sr.it, tamed ipiodles in baeli and cinhossed, shaped top rail. DESK, SPECIAL $13.95 —This attrac- tive desk is of selected Northern birch, finished dull mahogany; well constructed throughout. Height, 39 inches; width, 29 inches; depth, 16 inches. Rugs Made From Your Old Carpets N ,, w Process Price* ar««tly Ueduc«d. i •»!»«•\u25a0 Carpet Cl»«n- --tag Upholstering, Furniture u.-imlrlntf. Main 668. FUZZY WUZZY RUG CO. I»d. 7379 RE if i is J5 ffiNTRAfT B fc-iU S! cmmmrj _____—————————————————— -———--\u25a0»———-•-—'———— 1 Business Bringers. Star classified ads. Buy or sell real estate, etc The Newport (Ml & GRILL FIRST AND MADISON. 9 Furniture 1 FREDERICK & NELSON, Inc. I D Goodj t^pl Popular Styles in Women Footwear tf^ mm Special $3.85 Pair SW mfflkk! \v'\ Several hundred pairs of Women's fine quality jf/>•V'/<;'• _^B %|H||m^ tv \ Shoes, comprising a wide-variety of popular sty!' £ •\u25a0:%> '\u25a0; j^^B^y \ai^«fcS«\ leathers' ami colorings, have been selected during the _a^Kt"ili^^^Bsr \mi iflfo^O^ course of stock adjustment to sell at this special pin. l^^ ißSg^Bfcst. v 'ln l rcgulting.valucs being unusually strong. All si/. rnKSsBET ** \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^^^\u25a0\u25a0bl' arc not shown in each style, but all sizes arc represent- ed among the various assortments. , ,„, F1 .,,,, Patent Leather Button Shoes, with fawn- Gray Suede Button Shoes, new model last, color cloth top, plain toe and <J»O O|* in seasonable weight; d»O O(? street-weight sole; special \u0084 y d»OD special tpJ.OJ Patent Leather Button Shoes, having Blue Suede Button Shoes, new model with slate-color cloth top, plain toe <J»O Of street weight sole; d»Q OC and Goodyear welt sole; special . . $d»OD special ..... .v?^g. Ipj.OJ Gray Cravcnctte t Button Patent Button Shoes, with Shoes, plain toe and Good- ******& *****& top, new short vamp, plain toe, P^s. >^V-V year welt sole; d*O OC light welt sole and spool I "^N-»' V \y \u25a0 ipedal $«J.Oi> bed; $3.85 MM \u25a0 \ 17 special JJ.OD J;l j \ V IJluc Cravencttc Hutton Catawba Suede Hutton , M^jfejjk I V Shoes, new last, with welt Sho«; new high-toe last/a /"*/ /V V . straight - tip, medium- [* **/ jr fm l^\ V sole and Cuban or swing model; $Q OP A^X^_Jr \^^%\ liecl; special $O*OO spec ia l yO.OD M^^XWl v. Bronze Calf Shoes on new Fall last, with <J»O Op ydtSt jT *mJ V I \ Goodyear welt sole and military heel; special .. *P«KO«J fapgo& I 1 '"\u25a0\u25a0aa^aaW II 1 Semi-Annual Sale of Women's Rialto Boxed Hosiery Now in Progress \u25a0 j " * \u25a0** \u25a0 ''"' \u25a0; \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -"'•'', \u25a0 '" ' '". " ' ' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u0084I MllTT.'*ri >f?.».?ffil**f Up-to-Date Stationery Items Colonial Lawn, whit*, blue or gray, bos of live quires, with en- \'l<ijk»i; $1.70 mid II 00. Colonial Uwn, gentlemen's size; box of five quire*, with en- TCloptr*. 12.50. " Colonial Lawn, one-quire boxen, with envelope*; 25e and COc \u25a0 "Petito Letter*," for Invitation*, acceptance* and regrets; one- quir* box, with envelope*; S.'.r. . Kouvfiilr Pout Card Album*, lao»e»leaf style; COc and 11.00. Photograph Albums, loose-leaf style; TiOr and 11.00/ Tally Cards In ««•\u25a0*\u25a0 designs; !-"•<. 25c and 3."c. I land-t.'oJorwl Tally Card* and »rld«<- Scores; down. lf« and $1 00. liaro Curds, taostljr hand colored. In novel effects;'dozen, DOc, eOc and 180. ; Coiurv** I'lavlnK Cards, with gilt «>dge and fancy bark; 50c. - Moore Push Button*, box of six; 10c. - Colonial Knwn Tublota. three sizes; 20c, SOc and 40c. t'allliiK Cards In several sizes; package of twenty-five; 10c. - Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens; $2.&0 sod upward. '\u25a0 _ _ _.._. : —Ktrnt Floor.* Offerings in Dependable Notions Naiad Silk Dmi ShlHd*. warranted to launder well; 49c.' Crown Itrand Bone Hair Pins, four Inches long; 3 for tic. SU>ph«>nHon a Skirt Supporter and Louk- Waist Adjustor: 25c |tr<»»»mak«T*' Pins, for use on silk; quarter-pound box, 20c. l*rlnr»>»a Chi. Hosa Supporters; Jsc, Century Corset Shield*, rust proof; set, 25c. Kirby. l»»srd A Co.'s fancy N,-. .il> t>i>oka; 26c. Colonial tnvislbl* Hair Nets, extra large,' In a good range of rolor*. !"' Oold-Klnlsbod "American Beauty" Bafety Pins. in cabinet; 10c. Warren's Adjuitabla Collar Supports; set, 6c. < twain Darning Silk, for fine mending; various colors; sc. , Drown Hair Pins, well finished;.package, 5c —Fimt Floor. Interesting Furniture Values .g, <g& COM 1 A RON BOOK.CASE AND DESK, SPECIAL $11.95 Well con- structed of oak, and is shown in Early English finish. The height is 71 inches: width, 34^ inch- es; depth, 11 inches. _~™^~] (FREDERICK & NELSON) . NO. \u25a0--\u25a0'\u25a0 L ' _.J \& j&/ hTii^f^^BM^r™^ **^r jf*^^^^^**^^^-* '"^ *^^ INSIST OJ« A HBW YOItK BOS 1,1 \«'U and avoid Inferior Imita- tion*. Imilvpro.l at your place of I>u<liii<m without extra coat; lOr and He each. nin> up A a«ls or Main IS!*.'. Prompt delivery aasurad. One trial. on« tent. \u25a0 iluoaby*. to 11 the r..t * i I \u0084 Uain utflce. 218 Marlon *'.r»»t p

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Post on 15-Jul-2019




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5, OIBUWY1 ..., rtf '*

••\u25a0"•thing »"4 id k~P \u25a0"

Hi .*\u25a0*»* a»4 roa»t«. Mr«. F.

RtgtaUW rMtpe. 1 will tfve• ,p> ' a»j »ti. «* rvclp*—one%!<H*" b,, n^llod ti|>ou «(.*>•

WM£a * node of»tlr<*l. unpaol-

Bun*.' ro^t"1"" v w mitl

\u25a0** w mt»t*d «hnni«h a cotaa-K. iftff lBln« rf"lltn to the

I*wi thW bar >««f«•< \u25a0 lM*-E/jadi of powd.-rcd in»e«.V* m 4uli. » traapooß\u25a0«* "pp^, anj a t»M.-»tH«»>ii of

fm Bin! fur *ii haul \u25a0 »!trI jSrimuHr * Rwno*o the b*«\u25a0•f^l^j W»d i»'ur In on.- pint|JS«nr llrini: «R3ln tn • N>tlIji3»>*» frvim flrw- whl%a

I|L v, ,• B. »d>l M. A. wk

L rut* '» I*11* onlona. Mtxt«Mv! «<"'•

unlou* of **•• •*"*E tkkKMt-*'PT»p»ro \u25a0 them and[fe«*l hrtn* lor four Ua>».

Chiad cook tht'ro In hot '"\u25a0"""nil !(\u2666«. R*mov« from

L «sd ptac* th«-m in clear cold& iMrilS them th-n. 24 hoar«.E.-pat !h«n> tnto Jar*. |M>ur

&$t | itimir > over th««« «'»Ewfe*-'•> \u25a0'; * \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0


I(ft** l*'r*rwould Ilk"\u25a0

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mit «a n!d K»»t Indian ruleMt M etc*»Mlt. P<Mt thr..-

--10 Da* rn»* toraaUMHi an.l work

l^k ifoUader. IMIuntil bulk

r^Steed £oa^oalf, ad! two,BM|Bwd«*«d «in«*r. fir*rlovi>« 1(l»flc (or. Ml with the tomato^*\u25a0•Hall <\u25a0><«<< chopped tin.- If you|M cto> for s»f!!c), twu wio«^mMi wrmitttn Tin««ar. t«oIMof ami! * and a quarter • t>'»pIMca)«aB« pepper. L«t COM»iMLl»«l» and soal.

liar Mitt ' —Please transpi Uii* Latin *ent*orr "Dulee

JMrim eat \u25a0 pro patria mart."pi \u25a0•bow i to i pronounce 1 pto-\u25a0si* tad marchioness. • ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

I t.\,v IUNORANT. Jli-li\u25a0i* 'sweet f and glortoua (to

ili,«•»'«.cotmirjr .?.\u25a0*\u25a0.,' \u25a0•\u25a0.,.> '\u25a0

KiMs-M. with '< tons \u25a0 (frond -of .>

hi tort J. aa>l accent on the first||4Ji* \u0084 Mar *hun«-«. short v amiItMlwant on the tint syllabi*

KicVUs Grey: *, Please tell m*fi-Wsito • [>rloe on a <»ln >!«'\u25a0 \u25a0•!,IbfcorO'** R. B. X. 1734 BritI att'JL, I '"" know whether itI** sold. . ,:•I MRS. MFDI Han com pJ«-te descriptionIfities* .t) before I can i.-liI bb am of rax* coin* should iIawjpajieu of thorn with I««d j\u25a0Jwtjpiiji on whit*paper and j\u25a0 art 15* Inquiry Give the)fa***!IttwHa*ai«o. and tU-n ItIni i—|Mimrg?y M*r to findlifentat

Il^Jte Grty: 1 <*r« for aI jomfMlawl in. c*r«n for on-, butla»wj» \u25a0 .: afaratt<tfntan<)tnK ,-i h"Ito., Ida not far*. What an !|*to!«H«T »>»>•: \u25a0 ANXIOUS.I fc-Wr^, him a ataa Hut* .letter jM MI iiim thtn-li a ml Whirr • 1I«BCn«. A»k liCm to com* to m*j\u25a0M »b«o *• -him talk or»r\u25a0MMMIIon wltll[Mm' tn*ty. H.MM and , bbnbi ~lf *• rwl» Ml\u25a0ait. - . <!>lnv via b« all rla-h'.|li«KM .V It. '3%l'f-T I

I Mis <;f*y:: What tin tnak<-'l*s«Uf afar muhlaar* ift®33^"-;.-*,'school- Oim. - jI' i-*« nbb«n« whit* wrt. «lth

I "*•>M»een :rH,Uii and tr.^i

PSir.lfiw'oreyj-i^-hit >• » haK\u25a0Mr jf I*s* worth! "„. .";..-. 'I A RRADTR.1: i-lih worth only lt» faf« v-»Uu»


PITTSDUnO.: Pa.. Oct. 15.--Anagv d woman, who ptsaed the four•core }year > mark 20 moaiha ago,ap|M'an«) In the local marriage of-fice I tho other da».

What ran I do" for jro«r la-•luir.-.l the ticill \u25a0 ,

"1 want to Ret marriwL"*• U-rk O«o. Watson Ra»(i«>d."la this the. man" he a«kfd. turn-


ha] to her companion.Thua Mm. Krattna HIM, axed

nearly 13, and K..l>t II Wright,axed SI, iM-<'tirfd l llroii»p to wad.I A JiuUrx of UM p«ac« happenedInto the marrlM" tl*--11-.-- office atth.i Urn*.

And that mv il«litthe new Mr*WrlKht tUiii.-il until Uie utani crowl'i*l<-, with her nalgtltWH 111 l<ari-mir a» . Turtle Crt>«k.

BY CYNTHIA GREY.Autumn lpare*. f<-t>t»ontMl ttrtngt

of popped.'corn and Ilichtod pump-

kin JackoMantcrns piay th« moatimportant part In docormUont forHa]l»wi»<<n parts-* Stlbouct' cat*and »itit>«*« cut out of heavy blackpaper, pinned hern and there aboutthe .11*. add th« d««lrabl« weird-

ißjMWk and aro most •ffoctlT*.A lam* t*> ko\u25a0•lint, m ft!l«d with

favors In the.. form of qu««r andfunny fortune* written on tiny bit*of paper tnrtoved in peanut »h»>ll»tied wtta ywllow rtbbon for womenand black for men ca««itj». one. lon*end of which I*left banidnx oat oftho lantern, l« a mirth provokingf>-atar« A black eyed «trl maytake the part of a *Itch and presideover th« tabl«. She should be cladIn a long black cape, and a verytall peaked wttrh's cap. and muststand beneath a canopy of branchesof anturan lea*e». . .. .

Tne ttswU Hallo*— Htnn arebobbfnf for . apples, twlrlln* theplatter, tryIns to catch with , th«---i»»««th an apple which I* suspendedby \u25a0 cord from a doorway, withall of which we are all familiar, batas a variation from the usual cameoa : competition In making ja<kolantern ; •<\u25a0•<• Is : »aiu«lug. Bachgnest 1> furnished with a flat wooden pl« plate and some black tissuepaper. Scissors and paste pot areeonrenlenlly placed. , : The featuresare cat from th* paper and pastedon the plates, PHMI am «lv«ti to

tins.two- gw—U , making th* beatfares. \u25a0*


.-' . •'. /\u25a01 Tiny pumpkin pies, gtngi-r cook-ie*, apples, \u25a0 popcorn balls, nuts,candlea and ctdnr or "•\u25a0» tre themost appropriate refreshments ito«»-rre > f*un t* th« most Importantitem.of a hailow«>#»B party, and refrcmltmenta that m^an ' more" workfor tb« hostess should be left'outentirely. - 'Krerythlng' should , t><*placed on' th« table iat one« andeverybody told [ to help himself.

(jffit&b Wherever goodgF^jp^v cocoa is used it'stßjtf^y used often, be-ij^O^ cause each cupfulI !>».-- recommends an-

other. The whole-someness andpurity of

Ghirardelli's• VCOCOA

jf^commends it to Cocoathose who dis- F a c *-criminate in the No. 2O

IttLf' C mI • Aittt being touted,j+^ivvUOn Or their cocoa Imni are

: wCVGI*Anaa in rouiing and! k/,»• **la6l-3' then .by meant of

|>*OT#LI electricA r\"' , . irwitor i-iiH, all .'!»»«

\ uOnlt ask. wrrr/v •'"'v'1" |lirll'11"

/*??Ri i *• Jt. IftLrtiy ,re dritcii away Lt--1 /Or Mrn/t \u25a0 «. / 7* for*•th • : cocoa I*\4r?i.° oa —ask for tcroundup. TMii\jhirst*. I //•» done to Iniure \u25a0 per-ywrarae/// s. hetir-w* p'^uct

without even ac-cidental adulteration.

The hostess, of course, «.-rvn(i thi<coffee, if coffee Is served. Theguests can help tki maelri - to thesweet cider, which Is plared in thecenter of the table In a hue bowl

| and surrounded by Kay autumn)r»vf» and ferns. Popcorn ball*, ap-ples, randies, rookies and crackedouts should !>•> artistically placedabout the table. .The tiny pumpkinpitta ran be utlllted as a decoration|by 11. clover hostess, until theicwsts Iwsin their r«va»<-«

At the Halloween party the boa-teas ouKbt to have just as jolly \u25a0time as h«-r quests have, and her \u25a0nuißamenta should be all wade before the sruosts arrive.


This l« a Kmart lit!I" dres* of•oft wool mat arid In d<?«p rot«•bade, heavily stitched with blackand simply, trimmed with *»»ih.•I««V0 loop* and buttons of blacksatin. The black bat Is trimmedwith broad wliik*In'shades of rose.

FASHIONSFan* of spangled gauze ar* nu-

merous, each with a chain to matchthe'design of th« fan In color.

A mass of mixed blossoms thateclipse llm crown .if the bat la thumilliners favorlUi trimming.

One of the late season fads Is<}><• linen cont In color with along roll collar of black satin.

Shaded chiffon In two colors Isto be worn extenslroly this fallover silk shaded In the- «un« col-ors.

The Jersey topped silk flonnccdfrock Is hi in In tho shop windowsmore often than In tin street.

One of the now long Jabots hasInch-wUie tucks across tho endand Is finished with half a dozenIrish roses.

111,,, l, boarded yrlvft whoat Inshoafs Is the newest trimming onbats for middle-aged and elderlylad Ids.

Rvon full dress costumes are to

clear III"ground if tha^H.*l"* ndlctOf Paris abolishing all train* Isobeyed.



A Poor Wlft.'rim rill who proudly declares

that riM cannot hem n pocket hand*lunlil"f, nnvi'i- iiimld up a I" 'I Inher llftV nnd adds with a simperthat hllH Ilit* "lin«>u 111 nucloty oversince \u25a0hi win- 16."

'I'll"kIiI who would rather nurseA |>!|R ctrtß than it baby. . . •

The girl who think* that rm-n areangels. V I

111. r,lrl who would rather diethan •Mr a hat two MMMMold.

Thr Klrl who think* that theriHik mill mint* can km , house.

111.- girt who .»|'.-,t!i a defiant-IInn of In*" ihrto iiiiM-n a day.

Th«» ittrl who buys ornaments forth« drawing * mini and borrowskitchen utenills from her neigh-bors; and who thinks table ilwom-linns are of iii.it.> Importance thanRood food.

Th*> Kirl who want* thine* ju»tb*eautti' "other girls" have them.

. Q*rdtnlng a* a Co*m«tlc.Somebody has discovered that

KnntnulnK I* the boat of all imtii-paUons for Improving th< h— Iunit r<mi|ilt'«liin. l*rn«h air. mom |l»r r\>>rci«<i and mind rest ahoahibo derived by lbs Klrl who digs andhoea and plants h«r own garden.Anil M brlKht <•>»», cl«ar skin andlr.'«h color, Urn nlKli* of health.await th* K»r<lae<>r

Hut It must !>\u25a0• k.ii ilciilnic In rnrn-•\u25a0si It titimt rniiiil early rising, andworking 111 all weathers. No dilly-dallying of half lu-.iit.-.i work Is any jquod.

The mind Influcnro Is half thecure, and there certainly la a won-derful iiiiWafiloiiIn lli'- feelingthat MM I" doing real, MrtOM workIn jii«'hiii tit-- fruit of oa«'s labor.

Wadding Anniversaries."Dear lvy~The \u25a0 -in lux of the

different wedding i mml <rl<«.according to UK DM H»t I have, laas follow*:

Hrtt—Cotton.tgmmi I*aper.Third—Uather.nith—Wooden.Seventh—Woolen,T«mth—Tln.

'!«\u25a0\u25a0 silk and floe linen.Hfi^nth—CrystalTwentieth—China.Twenty-fifth—Silver.Thirtieth—lVarl.. Fortieth—ltßhy.

• Flftlclb—Oold.B«venty>nrth—tXamond.

WORTHKNOWINGKn«tT powder *tii]oil taad* Into

• p*st« la ma excellent misiurw u><*|i>an Mml It it. on well ami polish,aft«r which nib with an utl«4 nix.and then polish lip again with arl«an dtutor.

Sandwiches prepared In advi»nr«of tin- *«rttij>t Urn« ran Ihi Kept •\u25a0fresh a* when first »pr.*.l bjr wrap-iiliik them la a napkin wrung nutof hot water anil then jilnrintt In• cool I't.trrt.

Do not i!c«tru)r any net f (mm olddiscarded haM curtains. Cut to•quart* of desired «lf<- and stitchtognthrr. They make excellent wash-cloths and thi-y ar« remarkably 'l»r---\u25a0Ml J»«.w tiii'iu around th« edgoon* the »< inn machine.

. Cold water, a t«-a«i»H>nful ot ammonia and »oap will rvmov* ma-chlne ei"«m- *ben otber nttiuwould rmt *n»»iT on amiunt ofcolor* i uuiiinK. *

To wa«b water bottlM or any mmhnvliiK a lonic nock, fill with dear.hot water and tin) bit* of torn payper. .siiak" well and MMM In coldwator.*


\u25a0rod Vrumb Griddle CaVe«.Soak two cupa ot brnad crumbii

In cold wat*r, turn Into I cloth and t

wring out the water; add two cupaof thick sour milk and ono cup otflour. I.•' atand <>v«r night, then Iadd one «|CB, beaten very light, baita tmmpoonful "' nalt, ono teaipoon-ful of coda, dlsaolred In one or twotablMpoonfula of cold wat«r, andtwo tiihh'ftponnful* of flour Bittedwith two t"*a|MM>nntil» of bakingpowder. Mix thoroukhljr. A Itttlomiirn flour mar bo n»oded.

Mint Jelly.I.«<t on* t«ii|i>H|M«»tifiil of (ranu

liii<il Routine aland for aome timeIn MM wator to cover, Doll MMcup of granulated augur and onacup of vinegar five or six mtnutea.Add tb* aoftonixt gnlatlne and one-fourth a teaspoonful, each, of miltand paprika »nil atlr until the gola-tlnn I* dissolved. Then add thre«-fourtbs a cup of mint leaves, chop-ped lltl*, and enough K>< ' " veee-table color (liquid) to Ual an doaln.'tl. H<:t occAslonally until themixture begins to thicken. Thinturn Into small molds or wine-glasses and set aside to becomefirm. When turned from the moldsgarnish with the tlpa from two orthree stalks of mint.

Drop Cookies With Sour Cream.Uso half ii cup of butter, mm mb

of surer, ono egg, beaten light, halfa cup of sour cream, on«-fourth ofa tahtcitpoonful of soda, two MM)

and on«-half of flour and three andono-hulf level toMponnfula or bak-ing powder. Mix In the usual m h 11

nor, stirring the soda Into th«cream. Mix tho whole togethervery thoroughly; Urn tnlxturo willbe quite stiff. Drop from a spoon lupon buttered tins, shaping eachportion Into as inootn round.Drwdc* with granulated sugar.link" In a moderate oven.

Clocks on stockings have goneout, being replaced by tassel affects,open work and embroidery.


IHand Bags Attractively Pricedat $5.00

Tin- assortment of Hand Bags offered at this priceis decidedly interesting, both on'account of the vari-ety of popular styles included and the very attrac-tive values. The leathers include nat-goat-seal,

''goat walrus, imported Morocco, imported calf-alli-gator and patent leather. One smart Bag is in thedeep flaring shape, with nine-inch frame in gold,silver or gun-metal finish—another handsome stylehas 10.-inch frame, and rounded bottom and end*—both have leather lining in contrasting Color, and in-side coin purse. Excellent choice at $5.00.

' —rir»< Kloof

Oriental-Pattern Couch Covers at $2.95These attractive Couch Covers are faithful repro-

ductions in design of popular Oriental weaves, inrich, dark color-combinations. They arc made ofextra-strong fabric, 60 inches wide and 3 yardslong, ami there arc three patterns to select from; in-teresting value at $2.95.

• —lUcoixl Floor.

ROCKER, Sl'l.i lALSk't.os A hardwoodRocker, ftaished goldeii,with s<at and back of

quartered oak veneer.t IMI iirc, 19x1


i OTTAGE DINES,SPECIAL BS# Madiof lianlwood, in goldenfinish. lias cobbler sr.it,

tamed ipiodles in baeliand cinhossed, shaped

top rail.

DESK, SPECIAL$13.95 —This attrac-tive desk is of selectedNorthern birch, finisheddull mahogany; wellconstructed throughout.Height, 39 inches; width,29 inches; depth, 16inches.

Rugs Made From Your Old CarpetsN ,, w Process Price* ar««tly Ueduc«d. i •»!»«•\u25a0 Carpet Cl»«n-

--tag Upholstering, Furniture u.-imlrlntf.

Main 668. FUZZY WUZZY RUG CO. I»d. 7379

RE if i is J5 ffiNTRAfTBfc-iU S! cmmmrj_____—————————————————— -———--\u25a0»———-•-—'———— 1

Business Bringers. Star classified ads. Buy or

sell real estate, etc

The Newport(Ml & GRILL



Furniture 1 FREDERICK & NELSON, Inc. I D Goodj

t^pl Popular Styles in Women Footwear tf^mm Special $3.85 Pair • SWmfflkk! \v'\ Several hundred pairs of Women's fine quality jf/>•V'/<;'•_^B%|H||m^ tv \ Shoes, comprising a wide-variety of popular sty!' £ •\u25a0:%> '\u25a0; j^^B^y\ai^«fcS«\ leathers' ami colorings, have been selected during the _a^Kt"ili^^^Bsr\mi iflfo^O^ course of stock adjustment to sell at this special pin. l^^ißSg^Bfcst. v 'lnl rcgulting.valucs being unusually strong. All si/. rnKSsBET **\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^^^\u25a0\u25a0bl' arc not shown in each style, but all sizes arc represent-

ed among the various assortments. — , ,„, F1 .,,,,Patent Leather Button Shoes, with fawn- Gray Suede Button Shoes, new model last,color cloth top, plain toe and <J»O O|* in seasonable weight; d»O O(?street-weight sole; special \u0084 y d»OD special tpJ.OJPatent Leather Button Shoes, having Blue Suede Button Shoes, new model withslate-color cloth top, plain toe <J»O Of street weight sole; d»Q OCand Goodyear welt sole; special . . $d»OD special ..... .v?^g. Ipj.OJ

Gray CravcncttetButton Patent Button Shoes, with

Shoes, plain toe and Good- ******&*****&top,new short vamp, plain toe, P^s.>^V-V year welt sole; d*O OC light welt sole and spool I "^N-»'

V \y\u25a0

ipedal $«J.Oi> bed; $3.85 MM \u25a0\ 17 special JJ.OD J;l j\ V IJluc Cravencttc Hutton Catawba Suede Hutton , M^jfejjkI V Shoes, new last, with welt Sho«; new high-toe last/a /"*//V V . straight - tip, medium- [* **/jr fml^\ V sole and Cuban or swing model; $Q OP A^X^_Jr\^^%\ liecl; special $O*OO spec ia l yO.OD M^^XWlv. Bronze Calf Shoes on new Fall last, with <J»O Op ydtSt jT *mJ

V I \ Goodyear welt sole and military heel; special .. *P«KO«J fapgo&I 1 '"\u25a0\u25a0aa^aaW II

1 Semi-Annual Sale ofWomen's Rialto Boxed Hosiery Now inProgress\u25a0 j " * \u25a0** \u25a0 ''"' \u25a0; \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -"'•'', \u25a0 '" ' '". " ' ' \u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0\u0084I MllTT.'*ri>f?.».?ffil**f

Up-to-Date Stationery ItemsColonial Lawn, whit*, blue or gray, bos of live quires, with en-

\'l<ijk»i; $1.70 mid II00.Colonial Uwn, gentlemen's size; box of five quire*, with en-

TCloptr*. 12.50." Colonial Lawn, one-quire boxen, with envelope*; 25e and COc

\u25a0 "Petito Letter*," for Invitation*, acceptance* and regrets; one-quir* box, with envelope*; S.'.r.. Kouvfiilr Pout Card Album*, lao»e»leaf style; COc and 11.00.

Photograph Albums, loose-leaf style; TiOr and 11.00/Tally Cards In ««•\u25a0*\u25a0 designs; !-"•<. 25c and 3."c.

• I land-t.'oJorwl Tally Card* and »rld«<- Scores; down. lf« and $1 00.liaro Curds, taostljr hand colored. In novel effects;'dozen, DOc,

eOc and 180. ;Coiurv** I'lavlnK Cards, with gilt «>dge and fancy bark; 50c. -Moore Push Button*, box of six; 10c. - •

Colonial Knwn Tublota. three sizes; 20c, SOc and 40c.t'allliiK Cards In several sizes; package of twenty-five; 10c. -Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens; $2.&0 sod upward.

'\u25a0 _ _ _.._. : —Ktrnt Floor.*

Offerings in Dependable NotionsNaiad Silk Dmi ShlHd*. warranted to launder well; 49c.'Crown Itrand Bone Hair Pins, four Inches long; 3 for tic.SU>ph«>nHon a Skirt Supporter and Louk- Waist Adjustor: 25c|tr<»»»mak«T*' Pins, for use on silk; quarter-pound box, 20c.l*rlnr»>»a Chi. Hosa Supporters; Jsc,Century Corset Shield*, rust proof; set, 25c.Kirby. l»»srd A Co.'s fancy N,-. .il> t>i>oka; 26c.Colonial tnvislbl* Hair Nets, extra large,' In a good range of

rolor*. !"'

Oold-Klnlsbod "American Beauty" Bafety Pins. in cabinet; 10c.Warren's Adjuitabla Collar Supports; set, 6c. <

twain Darning Silk, for fine mending; various colors; sc., Drown Hair Pins, well finished;.package, 5c

—Fimt Floor.

Interesting Furniture Values .g, <g&

COM 1 A RONBOOK.CASE ANDDESK, SPECIAL$11.95 — Well con-structed of oak, and isshown in Early Englishfinish. The height is 71inches: width, 34^ inch-es; depth, 11 inches.

_~™^~] (FREDERICK & NELSON) . ™NO.\u25a0--\u25a0'\u25a0 L '


\& j&/ hTii^f^^BM^r™^ **^rjf*^^^^^**^^^-*'"^ *^^

INSIST OJ« A HBW YOItK BOS1,1 \«'U and avoid Inferior Imita-tion*. Imilvpro.l at your place ofI>u<liii<m without extra coat; lOr andHe each.

nin> up A a«ls or Main IS!*.'.Prompt delivery aasurad.One trial. on« tent. \u25a0 iluoaby*. to

11 the r..t *iI \u0084 Uain utflce. 218 Marlon *'.r»»t
