there w charles again! chaplin j| › lccn › sn87093407 › ... · therew charles chaplin #...

rtTAB a/H.UIUWL'iIVAV JAM IQH HAIjK X W Charles Chaplin # tHERE AGAIN! J| In a Great 2-Reel Keystone gm* llie Property Man" £ Today, Thursday, Friday and Saturday One of the best Keystones ever produced. Chaplin himself told friends recently at the big Actor and Actress Rail at San Fran- cisco "The Property Man" was the funniest thine he had ever appeared in. It's one continuous laugh. The film has been shown in Seattle before. A Tense, Thrilling, Fascinating 2-Reel Kay-Bee Drama i "The Fatal Spark" v \u25a0 So full of every human emotion that it will keep you gripping I your seat. Plot and counter plot, and action?always action. I Don't miss \u25a0 Ralph Miller Mr Butler John Peter*.... T. Harney Sherry \u25a0 l.dward Marsdcn.... F.d Brennan lane Peter* Mi«* Williams i ?? m* Reliance Drama E533 "A Lucky Disappointment" PATHE SCENIC amdsskw ft J Always Interesting. JP? (D Clean, Comfortable, Well Ventilated Mr*. Ed Stroudt at the Piano CCIItS FOR PHOTOPLAY FANS NIP AT COLONIAL. , "RJp Van Winkle Knew a Thin* or Two." If you don't believe It. «o ud for yoaraalf at the Colonial Wadne«day. Thotna* Jefferson will be Men tn the title role of Rip. Ton mil remember well how old Rip waa ouated oat of hi* home foe- eau*e hla wife claimed he waa laiy Then the poor old Kent wan- dered Into the wllda of the Cataklll mountain* and there he ran arroaa no me dwarfa bow linn on the green Rip waa given a iiteady Job of lug- ging up beer for the energetic dwarfa. and. while ao doing, par- took of a little too much and *lept 50 year*. Then when he wander- ed back to the Tillage what a change had taken place' Teddy Rooaevelt was bu»y pitting river* on the mapa; the German* had blown up Tx>ndon. and he found nary a friend who would allp htm a Jitney to rt>le home In a bu*. Poor old Rip' And the price of /fWMAiH P£lS? ?\ REPAIR*. M«'H*Nlill*. I*t» WATK'tUA*. (OJIHLIV fABHi **I rmn fit jr««»r bwmd" MENDENHALL Tht F<« Nf«rifill«t 117 Ms4IM« JH. * / BLANK BOOKS ?a NO- OFFICE SUPPLIES Morey Stationery Co. ri« rinf Ave. *rar I'nlanMa ?«. a hair cat waa IS centi! ALL RIGHT IN THK END "The Deadly Spark" will ne one of the big feature* offered the pa- trons of the Cla*» A Wednesday, a two-reel Kay Bee drama with the plot running along the following channel*; MISSION! THEATREI A 3-part Ed ison H A young American, In H j and lots of it, in a little H European Kingdom. K A Vitagraph comedy \u25a0 "Andy's Fortraifl "Broncho Billy | A Western drama that is H full of thrills. \u25a0 5c !"""? I Lower Floor. | Mezzapln* H BeaU M 4th, Pik? and Union. I Jobn Peters ha* a daughter. Jane, who married agalixt hla wl*he* It *eem* papa already had a bust ne*i asaoctate picked out for the girl. io he disinherited her. Jan*'l hubby turei out to be a good-for- nothing and rope* hi* wife Into helping htm In a card game. Jane dtacover* he I* playing a crooked game and *o she refuses to aid blm further. She overhear* her hubby and a gang of crook* plan- ning to blow up papa's *afe Jane * hubby arrive*, meddle* with the *afe and !? electrocuted. Jane tern* around, marrle* papa* choice and get* the ble**lng of all. "The S«a Wolf" will continue at th* Alaska for th* remain- der of th* week. Hobart Boa worth Is seen In the role of Lara Lersen, "The Sea Wolf." "GIRL Of THE GOLDEN WEST" The I.lberty offers a itrong play to It* p»tron* In "The Olrl of the Golden West." Frank Keenan will be featured In the role of *herlff, and Blanche Walsh as the girl. It I* a *torv of a *mill mining town of California, back In the day* when gold wa* the crv. of a bandit wounded In a *ally with th* sher- iff* po**e*. and how the girl and Mr Bandit finally mount their pinto* and le*ve the country to ? tart a new life "AS YE SOW" AT CLEMMER The flemmer theatre announce* for It* bill, starting Wedneadaj",; Alice Bfa/1 y In "A* Ye Bow," a strong *torv of lore on the fl*hlng bank* of Cape Cod Two brother* live with their mother In a fl*b!ng village Frank ! leave* for New York, while hi* younger brother studies for the ministry. After that the storv deal* with love, abandoned bable* and all sort* of Interesting adven ture. ? ? ? At the Liberty Until Saturday Night "The Girl of the Golden Writ." five-reel drama; "The Right Olrl," comedy. ? ? ? Million Until Thursday Night "The folonel of the Red lltis- *ir*,' three part K<ll*on drama; Andy'* Portrait," Vltagraph com- edy; "Broncho Billy and the Hl* ter«," drama. ? ? ? At th* Class A Until Saturday Night "The Property Man,'" Keystone I comedy, featuring Charlie Chaplin; | "The Deadly Spark," two-reel dra | ma; "A I.ucky IM*appolntment," ! comedy-drama ? ? ? At th* Colonial Until Saturday Night "Rip Van Winkle,"- five reel dra j ma; "Fatty and Mabel'* Simple | I.lfe" two-reel Keystone comedy. 0 0 0 At the Climmtr Until Saturday Night "A* Ye Row," five-reel drama ? ? ? At the Alhambra Until Wednesday Night "The Sins of Olgii Brandt." two reel drama: "Animated Weekly;" "In Jungle Wllda," drama, aud alio a comedy. At the Alaska All Week "The Ilea Wolf." drama. ? a ? At Uw Grand Until Saturday Night "The Mail er Kay" drama; "Caught With the Good*." comply, "The Outlaw* Honor." drama: "Children of Chance, * drama. ? ? ? At th* Malbourna Until Saturday Night "Dear Old Girl," drama; "Bared from a I.lfe of Crime," drama; ' l.ate*t War News"; "A Bold. Had Borglar," comedy. ? ? ? At tha Tlllkum Until Saturday Night "The Tale of I*>v*lorne," drama; OUCH! LUMBAGO! RUB PAINS FROM SORE,LAME BACK Rack hurt yon? Can't *tralrhten up without feeling *udden pain*, ?harp ache* and twinge*? Now ll*ten' That'* lumbago, sciatica or maybe from a *tr*ln, and you'll get relief the moment you rub your hark with aootblng. penetrating "St. Jacob'* OH." Nothing else take* out worenes*. lamene** and ?tlffnea* *o quickly. You «Imply rub It on your b*ck and out come* the pain. It 1* harmles* and doean't burn the *kln Idmber up! Don't suffer! Get a ?msll trial bottle of old, hone*t "St. Jacob'* Oil" from *ny drug »tore. and. after u*lng It Ju»t once, you'll forget that you ever h»d hackiche. lumbago or *rlatlca. I>ecau«e your hack will never hurt or cause any more mlaery It never disappoint* and ha* been recommended for <50 vear*. "The Runaway FY«<*ht," drama fltran*e I'redlpament." K«r*tou« comedy. ? ? ? ? f RESIDENCE THEATRE# \u2666 4 At tha Hem* Until Friday "The Mul«r Key." No. J, two part*: "The Link That lllnda," two- part drama: "Off Again. On Again. Mnnegan." comedy. ? ? ? At the Plaaaint Hour Until Friday "The Tray o' llearta," Vo. 14. two parta; "The lala of Abandonad Hope." two-part drama. "Myera" MUtake," comedy. ? ? a At tha Oraanwood Until Friday Night "Tha Triumph of Mlnda," drama; "The Walla Between," «om«*dy: "The Million Dollar Myitery." l«th epiaode. drama. MUSTNT SPOON, OOVSI ITS HARD ON VOOR BRAINS Addreialng SO" students at the University of Washington Tues- day night, Dr M J. K*n«r, mem her of the International committee of the Y M C. A , warned them against spooning "Spooning" Kxner wild. "exer rises a destructive effect on man's Intellectuality, for It misdirect* hi* most useful power of Imagl nation " MAYOR GRAY WINNER NTCW WESTMINSTER. B. C. Jan. 20 ?Mayor A W. Oray waa returned to the executive chair by a amall majority over ex-mayor W H. Keary. Mayor Oray has served two term*. NORTH VANCOUVER, n. C? Jan. 20?Ex Mayor Hanes was elected by a majority of *7 rote* over W. H Hay, after an excit- ing mayoralty race here. mm THE LETTER I WROTE TO DICK (Copyright, 1915, by tha Newapapar Enterprlae Aaaoclatlon ) 1 ain loii*>ly tonight, Dick, dear «>"i a little tilt more lonely thap I ever have hrfn before In my I iff* You miiy think thla at range, man o mine. for you ami I have been aep arated anil for a longer period than yon have bean away from me thla tlmi< My heart hurt* with longing for you I want to feet your anna about me; I want to look Into your dear eyea to aee that queer little crooked arolle that makea your mouth tell talea even before you apeak. Hut moat of all, 1 want you to tell me you love me lan't It atranga. dear, that the lover al waya aaka hi* aweetheart "Do you love tne*" but It la the wife who muat alwaya queatlon her hue- hand. So here I am Bending my very aoul out to you with the word* "Do you love me?" Don't laugh at me, dear heart, and aay, "Of courae, I do." take me In your arma and hold me cloae to your heart and tell It to me with the little catch In your volra that It had when you aald to me the oth- er day: "Whatever happena, re- member, dear, I love you, hava loved you alwaya" What can happen If thla be true* And yet aomctlmea when you are away front me my heart growa cold with apprehenxlon The Irlah Im- agination bequeathed me by my father rlaea above all that Puritan calm that I* the heritage from my mother and I grow terror-atrlrken. my breath cornea cold acroaa my llpa, my heart atopa lie'fttlng. aomn- thlng claapa my throat. I atrargla and gaap at the thought: "I'er- hapa, aome day I ahall aak: rk> yoti love me?" and aee only Indlf- ferenca In your eyea What do other women do, dear Dick, when they a«e Indifference in the cy««a of thoae they love? It aeema to me rtiat I would rather a«H» hate, for I would almoat feel that love could not be burled ao deeply under bate aa under Indlf- ferenca. Hal«i la aomethlng tangible, mmo thing with which you can battln and. perhapa ovrrrnme, hut Indlf- frrenfe. ao rold, ao ralm, ao pltlleaa ?<ff»d' Dick, don't ever become Indifferent to me, don't evar reach the point where what I ahall do or what I ahall aay meana nothing to you one way or the other I know 1 am allly, dear, lo har- row up my emotion* In thla way. but I don't want to itrow palm and rold. but affectionate. I want to lo*«« you?lore you I w»nt to thrill when your hand touchea mine, to tremble when you are croaa, to weep when you are aad ? I want all the Joy and all the ter- r- r of lorln* and being lored. Do other women write lettera like thla to their hasbands* Do huaband* want their wives to pour out their hearta In thin way to them? A woman told me today that ahe thought a woman verv much In love with her huaband bored him to death and not an hour after I aaw her huaband lunching with a wom- an who certainly wan giving her emotion* fair play. I did not hear wbat they were aaylng. but If ever "love looked Into love'* returning eye*" It did across th»< table Perhaps seeing thla fa what made me ao lonely for you Thla and an astounding bit of new* which I won't tell you until you come home--and then you hare not writ- ten Sometimes I feel that when you go away from me you shut me out of your life a* completely a* though I were dead. That you for get me abaolutely. Don't you ever wonder about what I am doing" Don't you ever wlah I were with you? Don't you ever have a feel- ing that If you should go away aome time for a long, long time and never write me. I might forget* Oh. my dear, my dear, write me. No. I won't auk that, for if you do not lore me ao much that you can't help writing when von are away I would rather you would not write to me. although It breaks the heart of one you call Margie I.ltt)e book. I am giving thla let ter to you?l could not aend It to Dick, because If he called It emo- tional and allly 1 would hate htm. (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) RUNAWAY GROOM CAME TO SEATTLE Nation-wide acarch for On Splttler, aon of prominent Huron, 8. D? family, who disappeared .lan. Ifi, few hour* before he whs to be married, ha* developed that Splttler was In Seattle two weeks ngo at the New Richmond hotel With the heavy aurplua ot freah ranch eggs practically wiped out, agga continued climbing Wednesday. Freah egga advanced to 35 cent* In the morning. Buying prices mounted to 30 centa. The butter market la Improving Condenaarlea forced to cloee down on account of the liberal aupply of cream, are resuming business, and much of the surplus stock has been cleaned up. I'rirM S'Mwla tar Vegrtahlra and I roll 4 \u2666 \u25a0 dally hjr J W ()«4Vln a Co White river apu4a .. . .tt ef 011 Takima Oomo II M ol< Of Stops Tobacco Habit in One Day Sanitarium Publishes Free Book Showing How Tobacco Habit Can Be Banlahed In From One to Five Days at Home. The FJldera Sanitarium, located at *49 Main it.. Hts Joa«ph. Mo., has pub- lished a frae hook ahowlnff the dead- ly effort of the tobacco habit. and how It ran batilahod In from one to five daya at home Men who have uaad tobacco for mora than fifty year a have tried thla method and aay It la entirely aue- caaaful. and In addition to banlahln* the dealre for tobacco haa Improved their health wonderfully. Thin meth- od banlahea tha deatra for tobacco, no matter whether It Is amoklng. chewing. dgarettea or anuff dipping Aa thla book la being: dlatrlbuted fie«. aay on** wanting a copv should aend their name and ad'lrea* at once - ?Advertisement. f* laoii TTv% Col a Of Women's and Children's Liedll-up MIC Underwear Women's 75c Union Suits 1 Hoy*' 35c Fleeced Under- cut A Q wear cut Of? _ *\ to 4oC to Zbc TTY'rw JX Misses' 75c Union Suit. | Chi)fW , Flrrred Under . to 49c r ar ir V sc 10c $3.98 Tub Women'. $200 Union c ' ca 1 * I Dresses Suits cut "l A.Ck Reubens style Vests, all O to «P 1 ? C T*J sizes. cut OR 7oC Misses' $100 Union Suits to &D C Tub Dreaaea for Mlaaea cut 7Q« .11 . ,f T"i . "n* kadle* Madraa. #OC Women a Fleeced zephyr, Gingham and Women's $150 I'nion Vests and Pants njj Natural Linen., up to Suits cut f\ If cut <0 $3 98. To cloae out, your 9nr. P"*- ***\u25a0 to .............. Children's 50c Wool Vests V Mn*e* 75c \ enm and ? 49c ; 25c [EXTRA] Women's $1.25 T'nlon Women's $2 50 Union 78c .0 0i "51.95 $ 6 - 5 ° Our Line* of Underwear Are the Beat Products of the Gilt Edge, Royal and ClaMic Make*. See $Xa9B Our Show Windows. White Lingerie Dreaaea, muaaed from handling but will launder nicely a \u25a0 m and look a* good aa new Remodeling Sale 1 t° Owing to aatanalwa altaratlona In our Shoe and Clothing Dept. * 75c Bojri' P.nU 39c I EXTRA! EXTRA 200 palra of Poya' Knlcker- #1 HF T infl«rj« hooker I'anta. worth 85c and «i _ o% m mL «f*e#sJ uIUkvIIC SL SL rio Vr?'- To Close out Waists >1 ' (1 qq for Todies' "Oaby ??? v Pumpa," patent Jeath- Q^C Boya' Norfolk Suite lu val- er, with veatlng quarter and -m.,, uea up to »St.o Splendid large buckle; altea ftom 2V4 to 7. "rt. ..rrtj. K.? ,h. , W-b r.?,? .TO. p..,. r, * w W ®'s cut ?" Mieees' and Chll- vaJuea to $1.75. To cloae CO OQ dran'B Fur-top Fait Slippers. with out , your pick. 60c each. ipwadHdr rWlvia leather aolea. Your pick now 59c V^ mmmmm^ 69c and 79c. QQ Ladlea' Dreaa Boota, $1.00 WASH OC Man's Sulta In valuea to $ 1 .ZlO broken I'nea of the WAIBTS jZDC $IK. for the ne*t few days, ft oo gradea. In auedea, patent White and colored Waah your pick leather, velvet, gunmetal. In bu>- Walata up to $1 00 To C 7 F>{\ ? n . * n t. Uc ,tTl ?'J r,, . h nlco o«t. w p lpk . 2^ Cab W / i9U heela. Hliea 24 lo 7. floelng out ORrh mmm J prlca |1.98. ____ mmm S4 Children's Wool New Arriv *!* f ° r spring wear \u25a0t* *L*Jl " _ Middy Blouaea for Milady and Miaa. Splendid J2, #5 wearing materlala, In galatea, etc. Combination S3 little Wool Dreaaea, good value during eeaaon qq and OC tor $4 00. To cloaa what a left, now $2.76 each. !/oC sj> JL adbO MARKET REPORT Hurbank* II 00 #14 00 <*1 »* *ct potato** .... 02 to 12 H fa I onion* #1 Vfc 1 Or»|o# ontoae 11% j Onlrrii. grrrn .11 Onion* Yakima 01 Vfc |«'nhbaga 01HO 02 Cucumbin lio || 2.24 I fleata. aach 1?% I Carrot* 100 O 1 Z*> | Cal radlahaa 10 I par dom. .... 121 I I/koI c*ler/ 00 I Cal. celerr. par crate .... 2 10 j r*al raiary. doa I Paraley )0 Rhubarb. local. hothouaa. ItH Cal. tomat -a* 190 # 1.71 Honey, naw raaa. I M n 160 Honey. *tralnad 07 0 04 Naral orange* IT| Q ?;s Jap orangte )| ? par «ro(« 12* o - Florida gripe fruit 100 0 210 '*\u25a0 u ir- * applaa on it 71 B|<lt»enh«rg* || 9 1 Wlnaaap* 100 O 121 Stayman Wlnaaapa 71 9 100 Roma lleautle* Tl O 00 Peppora. lb to p ;i Artlchokaa. hothouae .... .00 1/att\ira. crata 71 <0 100 Cal. haad lattuoa . <f 171 Parenlp* 1?| q 1«0 Tumlpa. whlta 20 Turn I pa, yrllow ).{| Squash. Hubbard 02 O 02^ Vtadl*hea . .10 Sprout* 0t 9 .09 T Helll.* rrW. ta RM.IIrr lor lliift.r. r«n Mid ( hnw a ? ?a tCorrectad dally hr tba Brad oar Co. 1 >n» Seleot ranrli g| Raitarn April* 21 Ruttw Natlva V a*hlnglOD creamery. brick .21 Native w a ? h 1 n 1 to a creamery. aolld pack .. .11 Raatarn brlrk 20 Oragon triplet* II L4mburg*r II Domaatlo wheal .21 Young America .17 L<ocal craamary .17 WHiMMIn craamary .if. Wtowmln triplets .If Waahtn«ton t«ln* ....... If \u2666 a I f Country Hay and Orala (Prlraa paid producer) \u2666 Alfalfa. No 1 MM Puget »"un<f timothy .... Straw, ton fit* Timothy 21.14 Kaitru WisMnrton oat* tS 00 Pogat aound oat* 12 00 IfH.', PHooa Paid F'rtHlßfm for Efgt, Positry, Vml and P«rk 4 \u2666 ?-i ....... so «.»Id roo*t«-r*. ifva If* H«na. ovar S lha ]| ff n' Hana 2 uha. and under . 11 ' Spring* .H > Duck*. yiung ,j|' Gaaea. fat ,i|) Souaha. irood air# d.»t 100 # ?10 ' Old plgaona. g<w*l ?**?. da. 100 . Veal. li to 120-Ib .11 f Ufc VaaL large 07 0 .11 Pork, rood Mock hog* .. .Of # At, Pork, larger OS q 01 ? Best Laxative For Children: Wben your baby cross and' fretful Instead of th. hnpp]r t , laughing little dear jou are ar-* customed to. in all probability' tli. digestion has become de- ranged and the bowels need at- tention. filre It a mild laxative, dispel the Irritability and bring- bark the happy content of baby- hood. The very best laxative for chil- dren Is Or. Caldwell's Syrup T'ep- sln, because it contains no opiate or narcotl drug. Is pleasant tasting and acts gently, but »ur»- ly. without griping or other dla- tress. Druggists sell r>r. Oald- well's Syrup Pepsin at fifty centa and one rtollnr a bottle. For a free trial hottl« write to Dr. W. R. Caldwell. 4T»2 Washington st 1 Moutirello, 111. COLONIAL TODAY ! COLONIAL TODAY j COLONIAL TODAY | COLONIAL TODAY j COLONIAL TODAY | COLONIAL TODAY ft RIP VAN WINKLE XnjdV With the Famous /AND BIG RIOT \ THOS. JEFFERSON / BIG RIOT OF FUN \ SON OF THE FAMOUS JOSEPH JEFFERSON, AS / OF FUN 2-Act Keystone Special \ 2-Act Keystone Special "Fatty and Mabel's \ T and Mabel's Simple Life" \ I Simple Life" 4 Days Only-Starting Today

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Post on 28-Jun-2020




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Page 1: tHERE W Charles AGAIN! Chaplin J| › lccn › sn87093407 › ... · tHEREW Charles Chaplin # AGAIN! J| llieIn a PropertyGreat 2-Reel KeystoneMan" £gm* Today, Thursday, Friday and


W Charles Chaplin #


In a Great 2-Reel Keystone gm*

llieProperty Man" £Today, Thursday, Friday and Saturday

One of the best Keystones ever produced. Chaplin himself toldfriends recently at the big Actor and Actress Rail at San Fran-cisco "The Property Man" was the funniest thine he had everappeared in. It's one continuous laugh. The film has beenshown in Seattle before.

A Tense, Thrilling, Fascinating2-Reel Kay-Bee Drama

i "The Fatal Spark" v\u25a0 So full of every human emotion that it will keep you grippingI your seat. Plot and counter plot, and action?always action.I Don't miss

\u25a0 Ralph Miller Mr Butler John Peter*.... T. Harney Sherry\u25a0 l.dward Marsdcn.... F.d Brennan lane Peter* Mi«* Williamsi ?? m*Reliance Drama

E533 "A Lucky Disappointment"PATHE SCENIC amdsskw

ft J Always Interesting. JP?(D

Clean, Comfortable, Well VentilatedMr*. Ed Stroudt at the Piano CCIItS


"RJp Van Winkle Knew a Thin*or Two." Ifyou don't believe It. «oud n« for yoaraalf at the ColonialWadne«day. Thotna* Jeffersonwill be Men tn the title role ofRip.

Ton mil remember well how oldRip waa ouated oat of hi* home foe-

eau*e hla wife claimed he waalaiy Then the poor old Kent wan-dered Into the wllda of the Cataklllmountain* and there he ran arroaano me dwarfa bow linn on the green

Rip waa given a iiteady Job of lug-ging up beer for the energeticdwarfa. and. while ao doing, par-took of a little too much and *lept

50 year*. Then when he wander-ed back to the Tillage what achange had taken place' TeddyRooaevelt was bu»y pitting river*on the mapa; the German* hadblown up Tx>ndon. and he foundnary a friend who would allp htma Jitney to rt>le home In a bu*.

Poor old Rip' And the price of

/fWMAiH P£lS? ?\REPAIR*. M«'H*Nlill*. I*t»

WATK'tUA*. (OJIHLIV fABHi**I rmn fit jr««»r bwmd"

MENDENHALLTht F<« Nf«rifill«t

117 Ms4IM« JH.* /


OFFICE SUPPLIESMorey Stationery Co.

ri« rinf Ave. *rar I'nlanMa ?«.

a hair cat waa IS centi!

ALL RIGHT IN THK END"The Deadly Spark" will ne one

of the big feature* offered the pa-trons of the Cla*» A Wednesday,a two-reel Kay Bee drama with theplot running along the followingchannel*;


A 3-part Ed ison H

A young American, In H j

and lots of it, in a little HEuropean Kingdom. K

A Vitagraph comedy \u25a0

"Andy's Fortraifl"Broncho Billy |

A Western drama that is Hfull of thrills. \u25a0

5c !"""? ILower Floor.

| Mezzapln* HBeaU M

4th, Pik? and Union. I

Jobn Peters ha* a daughter. Jane,who married agalixt hla wl*he*It *eem* papa already had a bustne*i asaoctate picked out for thegirl. io he disinherited her. Jan*'lhubby turei out to be a good-for-nothing and rope* hi* wife Intohelping htm In a card game. Janedtacover* he I* playing a crookedgame and *o she refuses to aidblm further. She overhear* herhubby and a gang of crook* plan-ning to blow up papa's *afe Jane *

hubby arrive*, meddle* with the*afe and !? electrocuted. Janetern* around, marrle* papa*

choice and get* the ble**lng of all.

"The S«a Wolf" will continueat th* Alaska for th* remain-der of th* week. Hobart Boa

worth Is seen In the role ofLara Lersen, "The Sea Wolf."

"GIRL Of THE GOLDEN WEST"The I.lberty offers a itrong play

to It* p»tron* In "The Olrl of the

Golden West." Frank Keenan willbe featured In the role of *herlff,and Blanche Walsh as the girl.

It I* a *torv of a *mill mining

town of California, back In the day*when gold wa* the crv. of a banditwounded In a *ally with th* sher-iff* po**e*. and how the girl andMr Bandit finally mount their

pinto* and le*ve the country to? tart a new life

"AS YE SOW" AT CLEMMERThe flemmer theatre announce*

for It* bill, starting Wedneadaj",;Alice Bfa/1 y In "A* Ye Bow," astrong *torv of lore on the fl*hlngbank* of Cape Cod

Two brother* live with theirmother In a fl*b!ng village Frank !leave* for New York, while hi*younger brother studies for theministry. After that the storvdeal* with love, abandoned bable*and all sort* of Interesting adventure.

? ? ?

At the Liberty Until Saturday Night"The Girl of the Golden Writ."

five-reel drama; "The Right Olrl,"comedy.

? ? ?

Million Until Thursday Night"The folonel of the Red lltis-

*ir*,' three part K<ll*on drama;

Andy'* Portrait," Vltagraph com-edy; "Broncho Billy and the Hl*

ter«," drama.? ? ?

At th* Class A Until Saturday

Night"The Property Man,'" Keystone

I comedy, featuring Charlie Chaplin;| "The Deadly Spark," two-reel dra

| ma; "A I.ucky IM*appolntment,"! comedy-drama

? ? ?

At th* Colonial Until SaturdayNight

"Rip Van Winkle,"- five reel draj ma; "Fatty and Mabel'* Simple

| I.lfe" two-reel Keystone comedy.0 0 0

At the Climmtr Until SaturdayNight

"A* Ye Row," five-reel drama? ? ?

At the Alhambra Until WednesdayNight

"The Sins of Olgii Brandt." tworeel drama: "Animated Weekly;""In Jungle Wllda," drama, aud alioa comedy.

At the Alaska All Week"The Ilea Wolf." drama.

? a ?

At Uw Grand Until Saturday Night"The Mailer Kay" drama;

"Caught With the Good*." comply,"The Outlaw* Honor." drama:"Children of Chance, * drama.

? ? ?

At th* Malbourna Until SaturdayNight

"Dear Old Girl," drama; "Baredfrom a I.lfe of Crime," drama;' l.ate*t War News"; "A Bold. HadBorglar," comedy.

? ? ?

At tha Tlllkum Until SaturdayNight

"The Tale of I*>v*lorne," drama;


Rack hurt yon? Can't *tralrhtenup without feeling *udden pain*,?harp ache* and twinge*? Nowll*ten' That'* lumbago, sciaticaor maybe from a *tr*ln, and you'llget relief the moment you rub yourhark with aootblng. penetrating"St. Jacob'* OH." Nothing elsetake* out worenes*. lamene** and?tlffnea* *o quickly. You «Implyrub It on your b*ck and out come*

the pain. It 1* harmles* and doean'tburn the *kln

Idmber up! Don't suffer! Get a?msll trial bottle of old, hone*t "St.

Jacob'* Oil" from *ny drug »tore.and. after u*lng It Ju»t once, you'llforget that you ever h»d hackiche.lumbago or *rlatlca. I>ecau«e yourhack will never hurt or cause anymore mlaery It never disappoint*

and ha* been recommended for <50


"The Runaway FY«<*ht," dramafltran*e I'redlpament."

K«r*tou« comedy.? ? ?


At tha Hem* Until Friday"The Mul«r Key." No. J, two

part*: "The Link That lllnda," two-part drama: "Off Again. On Again.Mnnegan." comedy.

? ? ?

At the Plaaaint Hour Until Friday"The Tray o' llearta," Vo. 14.

two parta; "The lala of AbandonadHope." two-part drama. "Myera"

MUtake," comedy.? ? a

At tha Oraanwood Until Friday

Night"Tha Triumph of Mlnda," drama;

"The Walla Between," «om«*dy:"The Million Dollar Myitery." l«thepiaode. drama.


ON VOOR BRAINSAddreialng SO" students at the

University of Washington Tues-day night, Dr M J. K*n«r, memher of the International committeeof the Y M C. A

,warned them

against spooning"Spooning" Kxner wild. "exer

rises a destructive effect on man'sIntellectuality, for It misdirect* hi*most useful power of Imaglnation "


Jan. 20 ?Mayor A W. Oray waareturned to the executive chair by

a amall majority over ex-mayor WH. Keary. Mayor Oray has servedtwo term*.

NORTH VANCOUVER, n. C?Jan. 20?Ex Mayor Hanes waselected by a majority of *7 rote*

over W. H Hay, after an excit-ing mayoralty race here.

mmTHE LETTER I WROTE TO DICK(Copyright, 1915, by tha Newapapar

Enterprlae Aaaoclatlon )

1 ain loii*>ly tonight, Dick, dear«>"i a little tilt more lonely thap Iever have hrfn before In my Iiff*You miiy think thla at range, man omine. for you ami I have been aeparated anil for a longerperiod than yon have bean awayfrom me thla tlmi<

My heart hurt* with longing foryou I want to feet your annaabout me; I want to look Into yourdear eyea to aee that queer littlecrooked arolle that makea yourmouth tell talea even before youapeak.

Hut moat of all, 1 want you totell me you love me lan't Itatranga. dear, that the lover alwaya aaka hi* aweetheart "Doyou love tne*" but It la the wifewho muat alwaya queatlon her hue-hand. So here I am Bending myvery aoul out to you with theword* "Do you love me?"

Don't laugh at me, dear heart,and aay, "Of courae, I do." take meIn your arma and hold me cloae toyour heart and tell It to me withthe little catch In your volra thatIt had when you aald to me the oth-er day: "Whatever happena, re-member, dear, I love you, havaloved you alwaya"

What can happen If thla be true*And yet aomctlmea when you areaway front me my heart growa coldwith apprehenxlon The Irlah Im-agination bequeathed me by myfather rlaea above all that Puritancalm that I* the heritage from mymother and I grow breath cornea cold acroaa myllpa, my heart atopa lie'fttlng. aomn-thlng claapa my throat. I atrarglaand gaap at the thought: "I'er-hapa, aome day I ahall aak: rk>yoti love me?" and aee only Indlf-ferenca In your eyea

What do other women do, dearDick, when they a«e Indifferencein the cy««a of thoae they love? Itaeema to me rtiat I would rathera«H» hate, for I would almoat feelthat love could not be burled aodeeply under bate aa under Indlf-ferenca.

Hal«i la aomethlng tangible, mmothing with which you can battlnand. perhapa ovrrrnme, hut Indlf-frrenfe. ao rold, ao ralm, ao pltlleaa?<ff»d' Dick, don't ever becomeIndifferent to me, don't evar reachthe point where what I ahall do orwhat I ahall aay meana nothing toyou one way or the other

I know 1 am allly, dear, lo har-row up my emotion* In thla way.but I don't want to itrow palm androld. but affectionate. I want tolo*«« you?lore you I w»nt tothrill when your hand toucheamine, to tremble when you arecroaa, to weep when you are aad ?

I want all the Joy and all the ter-r- r of lorln* and being lored.

Do other women write letteralike thla to their hasbands* Dohuaband* want their wives to pourout their hearta In thin way tothem?

A woman told me today that ahethought a woman verv much In lovewith her huaband bored him todeath and not an hour after I aawher huaband lunching with a wom-an who certainly wan giving heremotion* fair play. I did not hearwbat they were aaylng. but If ever"love looked Into love'* returningeye*" It did across th»< table

Perhaps seeing thla fa what mademe ao lonely for you Thla and anastounding bit of new* which Iwon't tell you until you comehome--and then you hare not writ-ten Sometimes I feel that whenyou go away from me you shut meout of your life a* completely a*

though I were dead. That you forget me abaolutely. Don't you everwonder about what I am doing"Don't you ever wlah I were withyou? Don't you ever have a feel-ing that If you should go awayaome time for a long, long timeand never write me. I might forget*

Oh. my dear, my dear, write me.No. I won't auk that, for if you donot lore me ao much that you can'thelp writing when von are away Iwould rather you would not writeto me. although It breaks the heartof one you call Margie

I.ltt)e book. I am giving thla letter to you?l could not aend It toDick, because If he called It emo-tional and allly 1 would hate htm.

(To Be Continued Tomorrow.)


Nation-wide acarch for OnSplttler, aon of prominent Huron,8. D? family, who disappeared.lan. Ifi, few hour* before he whs

to be married, ha* developed thatSplttler was In Seattle two weeksngo at the New Richmond hotel

With the heavy aurplua otfreah ranch eggs practicallywiped out, agga continuedclimbing Wednesday. Freahegga advanced to 35 cent* Inthe morning. Buying pricesmounted to 30 centa.The butter market la Improving

Condenaarlea forced to cloee downon account of the liberal aupply ofcream, are resuming business, andmuch of the surplus stock has beencleaned up.

I'rirM S'Mwla tarVegrtahlra and I roll

4 \u2666\u25a0 dally hjr J W ()«4Vln a CoWhite river apu4a .. . .tt ef 011Takima Oomo II M ol< Of

Stops Tobacco Habitin One Day

Sanitarium Publishes Free BookShowing How Tobacco Habit

Can Be Banlahed In FromOne to Five Days at


The FJldera Sanitarium, located at*49 Main it.. Hts Joa«ph. Mo., has pub-lished a frae hook ahowlnff the dead-ly effort of the tobacco habit. andhow It ran b« batilahod In from oneto five daya at home

Men who have uaad tobacco formora than fifty year a have tried thlamethod and aay It la entirely aue-caaaful. and In addition to banlahln*the dealre for tobacco haa Improvedtheir health wonderfully. Thin meth-od banlahea tha deatra for tobacco,no matter whether It Is amoklng.chewing. dgarettea or anuff dipping

Aa thla book la being: dlatrlbutedfie«. aay on** wanting a copv shouldaend their name and ad'lrea* at once- ?Advertisement.

f*laoii TTv% Col a Of Women's and Children'sLiedll-up MIC UnderwearWomen's 75c Union Suits 1 Hoy*' 35c Fleeced Under-cut A Q wear cut Of?


to 4oC to Zbc TTY'rw JXMisses' 75c Union Suit. | Chi)fW , Flrrred Under .

to 49c r arir Vsc 10c $3.98 TubWomen'. $200 Union c ' ca 1 * I DressesSuits cut "l A.Ck Reubens style Vests, all Oto «P 1 ?

CT*J sizes. cut OR 7oCMisses' $100 Union Suits to &DC Tub Dreaaea for Mlaaeacut 7Q« .11 . ,f T"i . "n* kadle* Madraa.#OC Women a Fleeced zephyr, Gingham andWomen's $150 I'nion Vests and Pants njj Natural Linen., up to

Suits cut f\ If cut <0 $3 98. To cloae out, your

9nr. P"*- ***\u25a0to .............. Children's 50c Wool Vests VMn*e* 75c \ enm and

? 49c ; 25c [EXTRA]Women's $1.25 T'nlon Women's $2 50 Union

78c .00i"51.95 $6 -5°

Our Line* of Underwear Are the Beat Productsof the Gilt Edge, Royal and ClaMic Make*. See $Xa9B

Our Show Windows. White Lingerie Dreaaea,muaaed from handling

but will launder nicelya \u25a0 m and look a* good aa new

Remodeling Sale 1 t°

Owing to aatanalwa altaratlona In our Shoe and Clothing Dept. *

75c Bojri' P.nU 39c I EXTRA! EXTRA200 palra of Poya' Knlcker- #1 HF T infl«rj«

hooker I'anta. worth 85c and «i_ o% m mL «f*e#sJ uIUkvIIC

SL SL rio Vr?'- To Close out Waists>1 ' (1 qq for Todies' "Oaby

??? v Pumpa," patent Jeath- Q^CBoya' Norfolk Suite lu val- er, with veatlng quarter and -m.,,

uea up to »St.o Splendid large buckle; altea ftom 2V4 to 7. "rt...rrtj. K.? ,h. , W-b r.?,? .TO. p..,.

r, *w W ®'s cut ?" Mieees' and Chll- vaJuea to $1.75. To cloaeCO OQ dran'B Fur-top Fait Slippers. with out ,

your pick. 60c each.ipwadHdr rWlvia leather aolea. Your pick now 59c V^mmmmm^

69c and 79c.

QQ Ladlea' Dreaa Boota, $1.00 WASH OCMan's Sulta In valuea to $ 1 .ZlO broken I'nea of the WAIBTS jZDC

$IK. for the ne*t few days, ft oo gradea. In auedea, patent White and colored Waahyour pick leather, velvet, gunmetal. In bu>- Walata up to $1 00 Toa¥ C 7 F>{\ ? n


*nt. Uct« ,tTl?'J r,,.

h nlco o«t. w plpk . 2^Cab W / i9U heela. Hliea 24 lo 7. floelng out ORrh

mmmJ prlca |1.98.____ mmm

S4 Children's Wool New Arriv*!* f°r spring wear\u25a0t* *L*Jl


_Middy Blouaea for Milady and Miaa. Splendid

J2, #5 wearing materlala, In galatea, etc. Combination

S3 little Wool Dreaaea, good value during eeaaon qq and OCtor $4 00. To cloaa what a left, now $2.76 each. !/oC sj> JL adbO

MARKET REPORTHurbank* II 00 #14 00<*1 »* *ct potato** .... 02 to 12 Hfa I onion* #1 Vfc

1Or»|o# ontoae 11%jOnlrrii. grrrn .11Onion* Yakima 01 Vfc|«'nhbaga 01HO 02Cucumbin lio || 2.24

I fleata. aach 1?%I Carrot* 100 O 1 Z*>| Cal radlahaa 10I par dom. .... 121I I/koI c*ler/ 00I Cal. celerr. par crate .... 2 10

jr*al raiary. doa

I Paraley )0Rhubarb. local. hothouaa. ItHCal. tomat -a* 190 # 1.71Honey, naw raaa. I M n 160Honey. *tralnad 07 0 04Naral orange* IT| Q ?;sJap orangte )|

? par «ro(« 12* o -

Florida gripe fruit 100 0 210'*\u25a0 u ir-* applaa on it 71B|<lt»enh«rg* || 9 1Wlnaaap* 100 O 121Stayman Wlnaaapa 71 9 100Roma lleautle* Tl O 00Peppora. lb to p ;i

Artlchokaa. hothouae .... .001/att\ira. crata 71 <0 100Cal. haad lattuoa <f 171

Parenlp* 1?| q 1«0Tumlpa. whlta 20Turn I pa, yrllow ).{|Squash. Hubbard 02 O 02^Vtadl*hea . .10Sprout* 0t 9 .09

T Helll.* rrW. ta RM.IIrr lorlliift.r. r«n Mid ( hnw

a ? ?atCorrectad dally hr tba Brad oar Co. 1

>n»Seleot ranrli g|Raitarn April* 21

RuttwNatlva V a*hlnglOD

creamery. brick .21Native w a ? h 1 n 1 to a

creamery. aolld pack .. .11Raatarn brlrk 20

Oragon triplet* IIL4mburg*r IIDomaatlo wheal .21Young America .17L<ocal craamary .17

WHiMMIn craamary .if.Wtowmln triplets .IfWaahtn«ton t«ln* ....... If\u2666 aI f

Country Hay and Orala(Prlraa paid producer)

\u2666 *»Alfalfa. No 1 MMPuget »"un<f timothy .... ll.ltStraw, ton fit*Timothy 21.14Kaitru WisMnrton oat* tS 00Pogat aound oat* 12 00

IfH.',PHooa Paid F'rtHlßfm for Efgt,

Positry, Vml and P«rk 4\u2666 ?-i

....... so«.»Id roo*t«-r*. ifva If*H«na. ovar S lha ]| ff n'Hana 2 uha. and under . 11 '

Spring* .H >

Duck*. yiung ,j|'Gaaea. fat ,i|)Souaha. irood air# d.»t 100 # ?10 'Old plgaona. g<w*l ?**?. da. 100 .Veal. li to 120-Ib .11 f UfcVaaL large 07 0 .11Pork, rood Mock hog* .. .Of # At,

Pork, larger OS q 01 ?

Best LaxativeFor Children:

Wben your baby cross and'fretful Instead of th. hnpp]rt,

laughing little dear jou are ar-*

customed to. in all probability'tli. digestion has become de-ranged and the bowels need at-tention. filre It a mild laxative,dispel the Irritability and bring-bark the happy content of baby-hood.

The very best laxative for chil-dren Is Or. Caldwell's Syrup T'ep-sln, because it contains no opiateor narcotl drug. Is pleasanttasting and acts gently, but »ur»-ly. without griping or other dla-tress. Druggists sell r>r. Oald-well's Syrup Pepsin at fifty centaand one rtollnr a bottle. For afree trial hottl« write to Dr. W.R. Caldwell. 4T»2 Washington st 1Moutirello, 111.


ftRIP VANWINKLEXnjdV With the Famous /AND


2-Act Keystone Special \ 2-Act Keystone Special

"Fatty and Mabel's \ T and Mabel'sSimple Life" \ I Simple Life"

4 Days Only-Starting Today