the seattle star (seattle, wash.) (seattle, wash.) 1912-09...

CLUB OPPONENT OF SUFFRAGE itrnArKST. s«pt. is wild scenes marked ihe nfretlnt; of i»«i ltutmnt here today when Count Tlsia. president of tho tower bow*. *«* Insulted and knocked down Iteeauac of hla hostile attitude towards woman suffrage I'ount Tls*a was aet U|h>ii when ho entered tho ohamlior with tho minlator of commerce. Members arrive In tho Suffrage movement were In an B*Rrc>.Kiw Diooil t<Hla>'. ami tho debate on tho question «m marked by bitterness and vituperation. Count Tls*a waa warned by Utter that th. suffrage advocates would prwaa their cause today, and that the building would be burned If he attempted to olear It The Seattle Commercial Club re- ceived. last night, the official call for the fourth national conservation congress, which will be held In In dlanapolla. Ind , October I to 4 The club will ap|Hilnt a* delegatea any business men who will bo In that vicinity at that time JUST A SLIGHT MISTAKE "The re|H>rter'a llf" la a happy one. When he suffers an IndlKnlly, the source of that indignity la usually beneath consideration, or else tho Insult la due to some misunderstanding " Tho apeak or waa Albert J. ll«<V«rMge himself a onetime re porter He continued ? I know a reporter who went to n house the day after a wedding and aald to the servant who answered hla ring. "Tan you let me have aoine dotalla, please, of yeaterday'a cere monyf '?'No. I can't.' ahe aald 'They ate every crumb' And 1 think you ought to be aahamed, an able bod led young man Ilka you, going around begging for rold detail*!"' Bt. Paul Ptspatch The Bon Marchess Autumn Display Laces, French Tunics, Nets, and Fine Dress Trimmings Is Very Beautiful And not only beautiful but most complete as well, and priced in that fair way that lias always made the Bon Marche the most popular store in Seattle, and remember that this year laces and trimming* arc being used more freely than ever before. Flat Veniae Lace being specially favored. Bohemian Lace, a little lightet weight but very beautiful, i< a #>*><1 second in demand. It comes in all width* of band*, edges, flouncing* and allovers. Then there are the exquisite Shadow Laces, soft and filmy, in the narrow widths for (rilling, in the 8 ur 10 inch widths, (or making the jnipular "Robespierre" collars, and in still more elaborate de- sign* ami wider width* for draping evening gown* and ces are Carrick Macron, _ w *" less, Irish Crochet, Cluny, *nd hantilly, Point j/\ ines, Mechlin T X*/ w'N.s far hrlp arr mm, Hum «r nrrr ?fclr Af " _ _ *ny Mn4erprle<4. a««J ma sell Ihrm Ike aaaie TT| " 4 V / Mala I'laar , . _ _ K 1 * a / r.a.... 15c AND 20c BANDS 5c t CoI o ret J flots Hand)* In widths up l«» IS DV/f < Inchra Bt»*h a flr»e rt>i la<-1 l*>n of *t»j> «?» rotor* vVC/v ''' \ ' in uml f»al»rold«rf«l Jml|«i», worth Ik lu IS' m l 50c All Linen Quny Lace* to 6 in. 8 l-3c and 10c Torchon Laces, yard Alt lln»n I*.<r i:.l*»» mi! Ap l.ln»n and NttM T- r t>n \u25a0 hands to mati-t> WMUw# M ( IMIMSWMiI With Iweertlen le match Widths .1 te ;Ua Many pr»tl>- floral designs to pick In-'" In ? *arl»tr «f op»nw 'U amort* Worth ioc a yard. »alr pru «\u25a0 \j with strong ?«- i»? t »\u25a0!»'? at t a \d lie yard. 50c and 75c Allover 18-in. Laces, yd. 15c and 20c Cotton Quny Laces, yd. White - >ai!. \u25a0* and Oriental All«>»r otton ft W»»' Ur« fl-'**s wttt Hi*». fuli Iri'lim wid<- llav» handban>l *1" «me In wl a Mf* apnwMleral and scroll pattern* Won-MA|l mal .»? - C..t pretty at J»«- a "" Vj to l»« a \u25a0 £*> * sn<t 7i« yard. 15c and 25c Silk Braids Priced a yd. 25c and 35c Fancy Laces Priced yd. Wlilt Trimming BnMt In Ma. h Al Fan. y Trimming I?« I" wMi» M \u25a0 whltf. colore and colorful «.Kt-.t>lnatl>>nii ft/* »nd »? r . wldlha -ip to * 1 *m>rll< wMtha In »tra S?il and ir Hel lr.. !.»* S>w»»t »l> !»? In flora 1 .11 r»*olar edeea Worth li< *' d fi I conventional 4e»l«n». worth lie and IkakW» a yard. \u25a0 ? yard 75c-98c Ratine and Macrame Laces 50c and 65c Oriental Laces Marked Rating «nd M«i< rann late i: u- Oriental «ntl V# U^ r 1 *** ?' £\ iiwndf *n*f I'ointi Irt whltr. »r» ? am! 9M fS fUintla I?, whlif, ct+mm »r»d Arahlan.l wUlthi worli a| I I width* up &S i»H t.» * ttolntv fl®r»l ITV I flomi tsnd pf>r» v*ntli'M»l l'«tt#tna. w«»rth XM \u25a0 \j with Mrt t| worlir«i ntJl v V to 99c yard If« a ysird. DOMESTIC SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY BUYERS STRIPED PONGEE OUTING FLANNEL NURSES' GINGHAM 7c CALICOES IN WORTH 14c FOR WORTH 7c A VO. WORTH 10c A VO. 25-INCH WIDTH ?toe Yd. it Yd. 6!e Yd. Sc Yd. ? Btrlp».l Pona«-» S3 Otitlnar Flann»l. IJ Nurwi. Mtrlpo f>ln« \u25a0 ) .??!« of t'all«^« tnrhra »ld*. full t>oit». li,.t .. wld.- In l»n*lh« t.»m J7 Inr' »? wide | !!\u25a0 inr|.». m»dlum for walata. drreae*. to :o y a rda Not o*»r Indlao.Ur Ur.ti « ?...?\u25a0 ?'...daa In naat pailarn« ?htrta or paiamaa. 1$ yard* to each yarda Bm»»w«I. A TIMELY SALE OF HOUSE CLEANING NEEDS 35c Feather Dusters 28c 50c Parlor Brooms 33c 35c Calcimine 27c pkg. M-lnrh atandard FVath*r Du«-i Th« "Witch" Parlor Urooma "tHWorMo." the aanltafy catrl- turkey feathara tic kind at »<- "" COrn Mead of IS, 1 15c Scrub Brushes M 10c 15c Mo P Stick# at 9c e *' 25c Veneer 17c toe ocruo Drusnes at luc M?? »«».»,. with . « »? i-m-a or u. |U i<i %\u25a0 Well made flher Hrrub Bruahca I aprlnic head Will be your* to- naer Furniture Pollah Mak'i. with hardwood backs l&r hind, morrow at ir tnatead of IBr. oka In IAM look like new. J.»r atrorig and durable, that will be | ? _____?- bf,m»«i,t _ io. rnr fi 25c Dustless Cloths 19c 25c Stove Brushes at 15c ?? rK r K ??> mmm ; Him k fi»auty Dust <!tothe. nh A *w AJ MJ j Norl.a th» dual and |tol!fih*-» at Ihr Oood ala«*d Htove firueh'a filled j 1 tame Umt Value 25c at lie. with good brfette* Th- 25< »\x* While they lant Thursday wp n.iaf P an . »t 1 »» that will irlve ftutlafactton at IRr j win give aw my 1.000 *arnpl»a of L,u#l ran® 111 IOC C«. earh ( j , . , ln)y f>n , I H-ay Japanned tin l>u»t Pan. $1.50 Wool Sponges 98c Good vise genuine ah***p Wool' "t thi® Jap-a-l®< e . _ . - . ftpongee. *of t and dura hi#* Verv ! J f l.bU JtfpladdCf v^flAir K b *v* ,he ho ""' 1 25c Varnish 19c a Can 98c on,. U/«l»r p.;|. a » 1 fir Applied With n .loth l>rl. Holding *tepl*dd<r Chair* one Traier rails al IW. hard In »l» hour. (lood for \u25a0\u25a0 11 lOf tli. handl' «t nrtli around Oalvanlied Iron Water Pall*. ?fl nt#d wnod or the houae (I SO .halm at ix. the 2<» klml. atronff and durable ; l 9' _ . . . , 11 ic-quart ?t t «. »«->. Complete Line of $1.25 Curtain Stretchers $2 Superior PainU $1.69 Jap-a-lac . 98c "Huporlor" Mlae.l Paint* We carry a complete lln" of "Home-KISMd" Adjuatahle r'ur- for Inalde and outalde work 12 Jap-a-lu<- Will give *ntlafa. tlon tain Ml ret. hi-? with nlrk"! plnt.-d kind that patntera like, at $1 <!> pint ram 15c, Vi pint . ana 2(.<, lira** pin* that will not runt n*.' a irallon. I pint Uic, quart KSc. each. FROM 9 TO 11 A. M. ONLY, NO PHONE ORDERS Fell Naptha Soap Priced Bar Ferris Goods Worth to $3.00 V,U N.ptha NP.I 3r u Mr from » l-'.-rrf Maternity W.l.t, A., -A to 11 a m only, on rtiunday. Not over *W£* domlnal KiipportH ami Hi;, . oir<ll. /Ifl^ ( litri to t cu»t«m«r at thin price, (in Al 1 "int.lnwl, #niii, »,, |:i ,~, i. \u25a0 f t < t , 11 Ul< Rale on tlie Fourth l-'loor. ReVond 1 i "!r"" ° n ""Tftr Tj* DEMONSTRATION OF THE POPULAR "NEMO" CORBETS?SECOND FLOOR bSSMAHCHE ONE ENTIRE BLOCK ON SECOND AVENUE FROM PIKE STREET TO UNION STREET THRILLING ADVENTURE OF THE RABBITS AND THE FRIENDLY STORK. AIMS BLOWS AT T. R. MI'HKiMiKK, Oh la. Kept. IK With tb«i rontents of S.SOO bottles of beer falling apparently from tho clouda. several rltlsens of Muskogee were able to quench their thrlst. "Ural, the dish pan and come on. Mary, they aro throwing raM t~-er out of that window by the bucket ful." shouted a Mouth Hid* man. as he seised a water bucket and start- ed for a nearby eold-storsg* plant Prohibition enforcement ofheers had made a night raid on the place. As th* uewa of what waa going on \u25a0 pread over Month Muakoge* the crowd quickly grew In number* Th« officer*?federal officer*? \u25a0 had found So barrels of berr In hot. I'JbM'lbtri te The Seattle Stat will confar a favor I r nutUrlnS thla oirica at oUfa ol an* rati- are to ee<ure pn.mpl and rag* elar dall.cry ol the paper. »r any attempt to auuetltute ?«\u25a0 other papar for The Seattta star It la lha ttalrf ef the man(i|<isi>ai to eerure the heet earylc* for all. and coniptetnte era |lt«n rourtaona end prompt ettentlrr If your paper fPMe to arrtya nl)lil bf * e'rtori) llndly pt>"<»# tlila a Ire et onro M«*tn IIW tef the Circulation !\u25a0»»\u25a0»: uaiat A acholarehlp le open at thfUnl. vcraltr of I'enneylvaoia toe aone ?tudeot of the Northwest. Jack Paul Hart, who waa a»arded the ?eholarehlp laat year br the ot old Ivor, la wialil* to r*-t«rti thla )ear l)r. Walter Helton Imp kern appointed to re<*l*e the appttra tlona of candidate*. The flret of fe fell meetin«a of lhe Seattle |'ri al>yt< rtana *a» aeld at the Waalwlastar church teat night. Hev. N It. Ilarrlaon miaaK- Ine «-n "Oar World l«elit." Thle afternoon the women of the pr»-« hrtery are hotdln* a rec-cptlon for Ur and Mra Mjrlrea, weflkal tola- elonarle* to Arabia Senator Jonathan Bourne, jr.. of Orexon, spent a tew lioura here yea terday afternoon He eapreaaed aatlafactlon with the aueceaa of hl« parcela (>o*t law In confcreaa. D. P. Slater vwaa yeaterday charg- ed with srand larceny In the sum of 170.60 lie la said to have ap- propriated thai amount of money from his employer. D. D. Mcllrlde A pipe organ recital wn glvsn in the Klrst I'reabyterlan church laat night by Oatty Hollar* an organ- ist well known In Kngtand. He will give another tonight. The Ladlea' Aid aocicty of the Immanuel Haptlat church will give an entertainment and aortal at the church Krtday evening. September 20. SACRA MKNTO, Hept. 18?Dto* enea may ceaae hla search-?an hon- cat man haa been found. Dr. Wm. Snow of Sacramento, touring Kurope for Ihe state board of health, haa had hi* rxpenae account approved. One day In coal him 40 cent*, another J5 cent*. Portland, Or.?Police noticed the peculiarity of cream at Steve Alex' restaurant. They went In. drink two pitcher* of "cream," got a jag fin and arrested Alex for selling whisky with the Sunday morning breakfasts. St. Louie, Mo.?Governor Mar- shall. of Indiana, democratic candi- date for the vice presidency, ad dressed the City club at noon here , todny. St. Paul, Minn.?Return* today show Gov. Eberhardt was re-nomi- nated for governor yesterday. The democrats nominated I'. M. Klugdal for governor. Hangs Himself With Lasso CBNTERVIL.LE, la.. Sept IS. - -Performing Wild West acts depicted on the show lillllioarda, tho 11-year-old son of J. .t. Ilar- ahan accidentally hanged him- self with a lasso In a tree near his home. The body was found there after an all night search. TIRED OF HIS HUGS PORT WORTH, Tex., Sept. 18.? eUocauae, she says, her husband Bug i;< d her too much, Mrs. Lauru Hen- man has brought suit for divorce from Arthur Seaman, to whom *he | was married July 10. last. Mrs. Sea ; man says thai her husband showed 'anger when she asked him to quit 1 1 hugging her. NO,TOUCH THE SEATTLE STAR WILSON GETTING WARMED UP, MINNEAPOLIS. Hept 1* Aim a progremlve dependa on tbm dlrre IDK n blow at the t>er»oual Mranu """ whlch »'? " oaliy of Col Koowvalt. Col n«*«rrta« io tl.o tro.ta, Wilton row Wilson, In hi* apeerbMi b<re ? ... , , "I biro one proposition U|<on tad In Mt. I nut today. twr>trainrljr w hlrh (hi* rani|>alirn turns That Is \u25a0 (IH< I<<Ml what ho declared was the ,h? proposllloii that moaopoly la In plan of the progreaalvn anudfalate nvltable I deny 11. If monopoly I* for control of I ho truata. Inevitable, than the thing to do l> to Of Kooaevelt'a i barai-terUtlea be ; regulato It. If inono|M>ly la not In said ! evltuble, the thins to do la to break "Botue peopl« think It la |>rogx« it up and to pravent It from forming alve to take th« hit In their leeth agulu It la my bonoat opinion thai and holt, or to conduct themselves monopoly <an !><? broken up. I un aa If at a Itonnybrook fair, taking a derstand the third iwrty leader* crack at every head that ab»wa. atari with the proposition thai mo- They awm to think that progre* nopolles are Inevitable, and tbat the slvelsm la a matter of speod and 1 !\u25ba<\u25a0«< that ran he done la 10 eatabllah weight. It doea not matter how fast an Induatrlal roinmiaaion to lake you are traveling- -whether you are.charge of them Thla I deny." RAIN OF BEER CHEERS MEN OF THIRSTY TOWN Ilea, a total of 1,100 bottle*. and ttere destroying It The Wenl law forbid* III* breaking of Ixittlea when beer la found the hull tea mual be uncorked and the beef poured out. The beer wan In the »«-cnnd story of the building The officer* got \u25a0 corp* of cork puller* and IwKan work. The beer wa* emptied from Ihe botllea Into bucket* and then thrown out the window Into (be afreet below. Waah boiler*, cater bucket*. dl»h I mux and every other receptacle Ihat muld be uIIIIimI were brought Into u«e to eatrh the beet aa It came foaming and aplaablng from (he aec- ond story vliduw of the atorage plant. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE News of the Day Condensed for Busy People Jour* Could y«u lend mo 16? I'm ? little short. Smith -I'm mirrM, too. EXIT BRUIN BY BERTON BR ALEV | I'm not averse to rax time talk. In fart. I'm prvtty strong for slanc. It'a mighty hard to make m<> balk At any guff from any gang. I'll aland for ' lx«l It" and "Rood night," And "marble heart" and "froaty stare," And thai old has-been, "out of sight"? Hut I won't aland for "it's a besr!" I lie no ran to "candy kid." I don't mind "acream" or "peach- ertno"; To *p«ak of any hat aa "lid" Affect# me no! with any spleen "Hacked off Ibe walk" or "to the woods," In no way make me want to swear; I don't protest at "that's the goods," But I won't atand for "It'a a bear!" I'd like to bump that allly phrase Clean off the earth, and further Kill); I'd tike lo knock It aeven way*. To ahoot It. flay 11. alay and kill. 1 fall for slang and like It fine. No highbrow attitude I wear; Pure cliiaalr Kngllsh?nix for mine! Hut 1 won't aland for "It'a a bear!" ROOSEVELT WILL TESTIFY OCT. 1 WASHINGTON. Sept. 18.?Pro- greaslve National Committeeman Frank Hogan telegraphed today to the senate committee, which Is In- vestigating campaign contributions that Col. Itoosovett will testify be- fore the committee here October 1. Dog Eats Money, Its Proud Owner Claims DANVILLE, Ky . Sept. 18.?Peck Manning possesses a water spaniel dog that In attracting considerable attention on account of its appetite for money. The favorite diet la one cent pieces. U will swallow one copper after another, uk fast na they are fed to him, and It la claim- ed the spaniel has frequently eaten as many us 25 pennies In one per- formance. The appetite of the dog for money was discovered when a man drop- I ped a handful of change on the jlloor. llefore be could gather the ! money, the dog had devoured about | u dollar's worth. Frederick &. Nelson BASEMENT SALESROOM Handsome Trimmed Felt and Velvet}^ fk | T7l JFTY attractive Hal# in Velvet* and IMtv featuring a good*,^ deoiralile ihai'ei. l.tsteftilly trimmf<l in feather fancies, ribU, j|rj % Values From Popular Untrimmed Millinery Sect* \ Velvet, Beaver, Moire Sißc and fJ ' ~ > Shape* in a large assortment of the MtNrf, Tf; . latest effect*; unusual value* at $!.7S«| »\u25a0 I "I K up to *3.95. jJI I*! JBt Extra-good value* in Ostrich Plum«»-.^ jfi Jr\ J fashionable trimming?including (&, -4-*r /SF, / white and two-tone effects, at ||$- i A wide variety of new effect* in Aigrette,!^ and Flower Trimming# at 45c and up toS3JG ? 1... ««m?t *-|m 3,500 Pairs of Women's Hosiery Lisk, Mercerized Cotton and Cotton Qualities Special, 18c Pair § MERCERIZED COTTON HOSIERY? i BLACK COTTON HOSIERY? Mack mercerized Hosiery in gauze Full-fashi<.ntd Black Cotton Hosiery,* weight, seamless stvle, with 4-inch double .... ~ . . . , ond qualities in medium weight, win Ma top* and spliced Mneu heels and 4oes. Spc- cial, IH< pair. heels, soles and toes. Special lSfpair. FANCY LISLE HOSIERY? Full-fashioned Hosiery in black, white, tan and navy with polka-dot* in colors. Reinforced with high spliced heels, double soles ami toes. Special, 18f pair. Cotton Suitings and Apron Gingkw Special 5c Yard OVER 4,0H0 yards in this attractive Thursday selling?including good quality CM Suiting* in cadet-blue, brown and wine-color suiting checks and herfingbmMßip and diagonal designs, copied from fine woolen materials; Cotton Dress Foularfc in bta and dark blue grounds with characteristic foulard figures ; short lengths of fast ctikrMjp blue Apron Ginghams in checks of all sizes. An unusual opportunity to save in making selections for children's washable school dresses and women's house garments ?at yard. smmv By 0Q& Children's Galatea School Dresps ftTl $1 - 25 AB ] MART, practical models, as illustrated, of godd liM (".alatm cloth in novelty-stripe design, made » safe 11 collar effect and trimmed with tailur Lands, buttons and tits I ilj contrasting color. The material is in navy-blue, brow d I Copenhagen-blue. li i }|| |1\ Sizes 6to 14 years. wflftl lm Interesting \ altie at 9 1.25. _Ba«m«t BH*m jfJ Lin ger ie Waists, Special 3& ? Mf\ A CI.KARANCE of Dutch-neck models in FreaA h«* m. \u25a0\u25a0 Mull Waists, designed with short sleeves aad tasW^ trimmed with laces, insertions and medallions. Spccul*! 200 Pairs of Good Lace Curtains Scotch, Cable-Net and Other Popular Weaw Special $1.50 Pair AVERY attractive Thursday offering from the Basement Drapery Section. Twoks pairs of Curtains in all, and all good, substantial weaves?every pair full 2}i long. Included in the assortment will be found plain center styles with effective border designs, also allover patterns in conventional and floral effects. Many arc in reproductions of fine-old laces. Cream and ecru color. Featured for Thursday at a specially-low figure?the pair, 91,50. Fall Displays of Wool Suiting Materia Include the Following Attractive Values at $1.25 Y&4 54-inch Cheviot in medium and dark navy* 54-inch Cream Homespun with p*** blue, extra heavy weight, $1.25 yard. blue stripe. 91.25 yard. 54-inch Storm Serge, navy-blue, black and 54-inch Cheviots and Serge# in ta». c brown; pood weight. $1.25 yard. | pagne and cream; desirable for tvet 54-inch Diagonal Cheviot in combination i wraps; f1.25 yard. black and wistaria; heavy quality; $1.25 54-inch Black Storm Serge with p |B " yard. | of white, 91.25 yard. 52-inch extra-heavy Navy-blue Diagonal Homespun, 91-25 yard. UNING SATIN, 75c Yard , Thirty-six-inch Suskana Satin Coat T.iuing, in light- and dark-gray, brown and light-tan; yard, «*»»\u2666 I emjmhH Women's Cotton Velour Morning Sacques atsl| Pretty Cotton Velour Sacques, designed with loos£, tucked front and and trimmed with stitched bands of satin. Colorings arc gray and white, tan and rose, lavender and white. Excellent * 1 -°°- folly < P* _L_ »_ l4«ikk«»J Clue and white check Amoskeag gingham; cireU . j (jingham Hubbard aw|withnllfl ,?a*""' Aprons, Specialise at xs<. »«*;

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Post on 08-Mar-2018




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itrnArKST. s«pt. is wildscenes marked ihe nfretlnt; of i»«iltutmnt here today when CountTlsia. president of tho tower bow*.*«* Insulted and knockeddown Iteeauac of hla hostile attitudetowards woman suffrage I'ountTls*a was aet U|h>ii when ho enteredtho ohamlior with tho minlator ofcommerce.

Members arrive In tho Suffrage

movement were In an B*Rrc>.KiwDiooil t<Hla>'. ami tho debate on thoquestion «m marked by bitternessand vituperation. Count Tls*a waawarned by Utter that th. suffrage

advocates would prwaa their causetoday, and that the building wouldbe burned If he attempted to olearIt

The Seattle Commercial Club re-ceived. last night, the official callfor the fourth national conservationcongress, which will be held In Indlanapolla. Ind , October I to 4The club will ap|Hilnt a* delegateaany business men who will bo Inthat vicinity at that time

JUST A SLIGHT MISTAKE"The re|H>rter'a llf" la a happy one. When he suffers an IndlKnlly,

the source of that indignity la usually beneath consideration, or else

tho Insult la due to some misunderstanding "

Tho apeak or waa Albert J. ll«<V«rMge himself a onetime re porter

He continued? I know a reporter who went to n house the day after a wedding

and aald to the servant who answered hla ring.

"Tan you let me have aoine dotalla, please, of yeaterday'a ceremonyf

'?'No. I can't.' ahe aald 'They ate every crumb' And 1 think you

ought to be aahamed, an ablebod led young man Ilka you, going aroundbegging for rold detail*!"' Bt. Paul Ptspatch

The Bon Marchess Autumn DisplayLaces, French Tunics, Nets,

and Fine Dress TrimmingsIs Very Beautiful

And not only beautiful but most complete as well,and priced in that fair way that lias always made theBon Marche the most popular store in Seattle, andremember that this year laces and trimming* arc beingused more freely than ever before. Flat Veniae Lacebeing specially favored. Bohemian Lace, a little lightetweight but very beautiful, i< a #>*><1 second in demand.It comes in all width* of band*, edges, flouncing*and allovers. Then there are the exquisite ShadowLaces, soft and filmy, in the narrow widths for (rilling,in the 8 ur 10 inch widths, (or making the jnipular"Robespierre" collars, and in still more elaborate de-sign* ami wider width* for draping evening gown* and

ces are Carrick Macron,_


less, Irish Crochet, Cluny, *nd

hantilly, Pointj/\

ines, Mechlin T X*/ w'N.s

far hrlp arr mm, Hum «r nrrr ?fclr l» Af "

_ _*ny Mn4erprle<4. a««J ma sell Ihrm Ike aaaie TT| "

4 V /

Mala I'laar,

. __

K 1 * a /

r.a.... 15c AND 20c BANDS 5c tCoI oret J flots Hand)* In widths up l«» IS DV/f <

Inchra Bt»*h a flr»e rt>i la<-1 l*>n of *t»j> «?» rotor* vVC/v ''' \' in uml f»al»rold«rf«l Jml|«i», worth Ik lu IS' m l

50c AllLinen Quny Lace* to 6 in. 8 l-3c and 10c Torchon Laces, yardAlt lln»n I*.<r i:.l*»» mi! Ap l.ln»n and NttM T- r t>n \u25a0

hands to mati-t> WMUw# M ( IMIMSWMiI With Iweertlen le match Widths .1 te ;Ua

Many pr»tl>- floral designs to pick In-'" In ? *arl»tr «f op»nw 'U

amort* Worth ioc a yard. »alr pru «\u25a0 \j with strong ?«- i»? t »\u25a0!»'? at t a \dlie yard.

50c and 75c Allover 18-in. Laces, yd. 15c and 20c Cotton Quny Laces, yd.White - >ai!. \u25a0* and Oriental All«>»r otton ft W»»' Ur« fl-'**s wttt Hi*». fuli !» Iri'lim wid<- llav» handban>l *1" «me In wl a Mf*apnwMleral and scroll pattern* Won-MA|l mal.»? - C..t pretty at J»«- a

""Vj to l»« a \u25a0 £*>* sn<t 7i« yard.

15c and 25c Silk Braids Priced a yd. 25c and 35c Fancy Laces Priced yd.Wlilt Trimming BnMt In Ma. h Al Fan. y Trimming I?« I" wMi» M \u25a0

whltf. colore and colorful «.Kt-.t>lnatl>>nii ft/* »nd »? r . wldlha -ip to * 1*m>rll< wMtha In »tra S?il and ir Hel lr.. !.»* S>w»»t »l> !»? In flora 1 .11r»*olar edeea Worth li< *' d fi I conventional 4e»l«n». worth lie and IkakW»

a yard. \u25a0? yard

75c-98c Ratine and Macrame Laces 50c and 65c Oriental Laces MarkedRating «nd M«i< rann late i: u- Oriental «ntl V# U^r 1 *** ?' £\

iiwndf *n*f I'ointi Irt whltr. »r» ? am! 9M fS fUintla I?, whlif, ct+mm »r»d Arahlan.lwUlthi worli a| II width* up &S i»H t.» * ttolntv fl®r»l ITVI

flomi tsnd pf>r» v*ntli'M»l l'«tt#tna. w«»rth XM \u25a0 \j with Mrt t| worlir«i ntJl v V

to 99c yard If« a ysird.



?toe Yd. it Yd. 6!e Yd. Sc Yd. ?Btrlp».l Pona«-» S3 Otitlnar Flann»l. IJ Nurwi. Mtrlpo f>ln« \u25a0 ) .??!« of t'all«^«

tnrhra »ld*. full t>oit». li,.t .. wld.- In l»n*lh« t.»m J7 Inr' »? wide | !!\u25a0 inr|.». m»dlumfor walata. drreae*. to :o y a rda Not o*»r Indlao.Ur Ur.ti « ?...?\u25a0 ?'...daa In naat pailarn«

?htrta or paiamaa. 1$ yard* to each yarda Bm»»w«I.

A TIMELY SALE OF HOUSE CLEANING NEEDS35c Feather Dusters 28c 50c Parlor Brooms 33c 35c Calcimine 27c pkg.

M-lnrh atandard FVath*r Du«-i Th« "Witch" Parlor Urooma "tHWorMo." the aanltafy catrl-

turkey feathara tic kind at »<-"" COrn

Mead of IS,1

15c Scrub Brushes M 10c 15c MoP Stick# at 9c e *' 25c Veneer 17ctoe ocruo Drusnes at luc

M?? »«».»,. with . « »? i-m-a or u. |U i<i %\u25a0

Well made flher Hrrub Bruahca I aprlnic head Will be your* to- naer Furniture Pollah Mak'i.with hardwood backs l&r hind, morrow at ir tnatead of IBr. oka In IAM look like new. J.»ratrorig and durable, that will be | ? _____?- bf,m»«i,t


io. rnrfi 25c Dustless Cloths 19c25c Stove Brushes at 15c ?? rKr K ??> mmm ; Him k fi»auty Dust <!tothe. nh

A *w AJ MJ j Norl.a th» dual and |tol!fih*-» at IhrOood ala«*d Htove firueh'a filled j 1 tame Umt Value 25c at lie.

with good brfette* Th- 25< »\x* While they lant Thursday wp n.iaf P an . »t 1 »»

that will irlve ftutlafactton at IRr j win give aw my 1.000 *arnpl»a of L,u#l ran® 111 IOC C«.

earh ( j , . , ln)y f>n , I H-ay Japanned tin l>u»t Pan.

$1.50 Wool Sponges 98cGood vise genuine ah***p Wool' "t thi® Jap-a-l®< e . _ . -


ftpongee. *oft and dura hi#* Verv ! J fl.bU JtfpladdCf v^flAirKb*v* ,he ho""' 1 25c Varnish 19c a Can 98con,. U/«l»r p.;|. a » 1 fir Applied With n .loth l>rl. Holding *tepl*dd<r Chair* one

Traier rails al IW. hard In »l» hour. (lood for \u25a0\u25a0 11 lOf tli. handl' «t nrtli aroundOalvanlied Iron Water Pall*. ?fl nt#d wnod or the houae (I SO .halm at ix.

the 2<» klml. atronff and durable ; l9'_


. ,11

ic-quart ?t t «. »«->. Complete Line of $1.25 Curtain Stretchers$2 Superior PainU $1.69 Jap-a-lac

. 98c"Huporlor" Mlae.l Paint* We carry a complete lln" of "Home-KISMd" Adjuatahle r'ur-

for Inalde and outalde work 12 Jap-a-lu<- Will give *ntlafa. tlon tain Ml ret. hi-? with nlrk"! plnt.-dkind that patntera like, at $1 <!> pint ram 15c, Vi pint . ana 2(.<, lira** pin* that will not runt n*.'a irallon. I pint Uic, quart KSc. each.

FROM 9 TO 11 A. M. ONLY, NO PHONE ORDERSFell Naptha Soap Priced Bar Ferris Goods Worth to $3.00

V,U N.ptha NP.I 3r u Mr from »l-'.-rrf Maternity W.l.t, A., -Ato 11 a m only, on rtiunday. Not over *W£* domlnal KiipportH ami Hi;, . oir<ll. /Ifl^

( litri to t cu»t«m«r at thin price, (in Al 1"int.lnwl, #niii, »,, |:i ,~, i. \u25a0 f t < t , 11 Ul<Rale on tlie Fourth l-'loor. ReVond 1 i "!r"" ° n ""TftrTj*





MI'HKiMiKK, Oh la. Kept. IKWith tb«i rontents of S.SOO bottlesof beer falling apparently from thoclouda. several rltlsens of Muskogeewere able to quench their thrlst.

"Ural, the dish pan and come on.Mary, they aro throwing raM t~-erout of that window by the bucketful." shouted a Mouth Hid* man. ashe seised a water bucket and start-ed for a nearby eold-storsg* plantProhibition enforcement ofheershad made a night raid on the place.As th* uewa of what waa going on

\u25a0 pread over Month Muakoge* thecrowd quickly grew In number*

Th« officer*?federal officer*? \u25a0

had found So barrels of berr In hot.

I'JbM'lbtri te The Seattle Statwill confar a favor I r nutUrlnSthla oirica at oUfa ol an* rati-are to ee<ure pn.mpl and rag*elar dall.cry ol the paper. »rany attempt to auuetltute ?«\u25a0other papar for The Seatttastar It la lha ttalrf ef theman(i|<isi>ai to eerure the heetearylc* for all. and coniptetnteera |lt«n rourtaona end promptettentlrr If your paper fPMeto arrtya nl)lil bf *

e'rtori) llndly pt>"<»# tlila a Ireet onro M«*tn IIW tefthe Circulation !\u25a0»»\u25a0»: uaiat

A acholarehlp le open at thfUnl.vcraltr of I'enneylvaoia toe aone?tudeot of the Northwest. JackPaul Hart, who waa a»arded the?eholarehlp laat year br the aluti.nlot old Ivor, la wialil*to r*-t«rti thla)ear l)r. Walter Helton Imp kernappointed to re<*l*e the appttratlona of candidate*.

The flret of fe fell meetin«a of

lhe Seattle |'ri al>yt< rtana *a» aeldat the Waalwlastar church teatnight. Hev. N It. Ilarrlaon miaaK-Ine «-n "Oar World l«elit." Thleafternoon the women of the pr»-«hrtery are hotdln* a rec-cptlon forUr and Mra Mjrlrea, weflkal tola-elonarle* to Arabia

Senator Jonathan Bourne, jr.. ofOrexon, spent a tew lioura here yeaterday afternoon He eapreaaedaatlafactlon with the aueceaa of hl«parcela (>o*t law In confcreaa.

D. P. Slater vwaa yeaterday charg-ed with srand larceny In the sumof 170.60 lie la said to have ap-propriated thai amount of money

from his employer. D. D. Mcllrlde

A pipe organ recital wn glvsn inthe Klrst I'reabyterlan church laatnight by Oatty Hollar* an organ-ist well known In Kngtand. Hewill give another tonight.

The Ladlea' Aid aocicty of theImmanuel Haptlat church will givean entertainment and aortal at thechurch Krtday evening. September20.

SACRA MKNTO, Hept. 18?Dto*enea may ceaae hla search-?an hon-cat man haa been found. Dr. Wm.Snow of Sacramento, touringKurope for Ihe state board ofhealth, haa had hi* rxpenae accountapproved. One day In coalhim 40 cent*, another J5 cent*.

Portland, Or.?Police noticed thepeculiarity of cream at Steve Alex'restaurant. They went In. drinktwo pitcher* of "cream," got a jagfin and arrested Alex for sellingwhisky with the Sunday morningbreakfasts.

St. Louie, Mo.?Governor Mar-shall. of Indiana, democratic candi-date for the vice presidency, addressed the City club at noon here

, todny.

St. Paul, Minn.?Return* todayshow Gov. Eberhardt was re-nomi-nated for governor yesterday.

The democrats nominated I'. M.Klugdal for governor.

Hangs Himself With LassoCBNTERVIL.LE, la.. Sept IS.

- -Performing Wild West actsdepicted on the show lillllioarda,tho 11-year-old son of J. .t. Ilar-ahan accidentally hanged him-self with a lasso In a tree nearhis home. The body was foundthere after an all night search.


eUocauae, she says, her husband Bug

i;< d her too much, Mrs. Lauru Hen-man has brought suit for divorcefrom Arthur Seaman, to whom *he

| was married July 10. last. Mrs. Sea; man says thai her husband showed'anger when she asked him to quit

1 1 hugging her.




MINNEAPOLIS. Hept 1* Aim a progremlve dependa on tbm dlrre

IDK n blow at the t>er»oual Mranu """ whlch »'?"

oaliy of Col Koowvalt. Col n«*«rrta« io tl.o tro.ta, Wilton

row Wilson, In hi* apeerbMi b<re? ... , , "Ibiro l« one proposition U|<on

tad In Mt. I nut today. twr>trainrljr w hlrh (hi* rani|>alirn turns That Is\u25a0 (IH< I<<Ml what ho declared was the ,h? proposllloii that moaopoly la Inplan of the progreaalvn anudfalate nvltable I deny 11. If monopoly I*for control of I ho truata. Inevitable, than the thing to do l> to

Of Kooaevelt'a ibarai-terUtlea be ; regulato It. If inono|M>ly la not Insaid ! evltuble, the thins to do la to break

"Botue peopl« think It la |>rogx« it up and to pravent It from forming

alve to take th« hit In their leeth agulu It la my bonoat opinion thaiand holt, or to conduct themselves monopoly <an !><? broken up. I unaa If at a Itonnybrook fair, taking a derstand the third iwrty leader*crack at every head that ab»wa. atari with the proposition thai mo-They awm to think that progre* nopolles are Inevitable, and tbat theslvelsm la a matter of speod and 1 !\u25ba<\u25a0«< that ran he done la 10 eatabllahweight. It doea not matter how fast an Induatrlal roinmiaaion to lakeyou are traveling- -whether you are.charge of them Thla I deny."


Ilea, a total of 1,100 bottle*. and

ttere destroying It The Wenl lawforbid* III*breaking of Ixittlea when

beer la found the hull tea mual beuncorked and the beef poured out.

The beer wan In the »«-cnnd storyof the building The officer* got \u25a0

corp* of cork puller* and IwKanwork. The beer wa* emptied fromIhe botllea Into bucket* and thenthrown out the window Into (be

afreet below.Waah boiler*, cater bucket*. dl»h

Imux and every other receptacleIhat muld be uIIIIimI were brought

Into u«e to eatrh the beet aa It camefoaming and aplaablng from (he aec-ond story vliduw of the atorage


YOU'LL FIND IT HERENews of the Day Condensed for Busy People

Jour* Could y«u lend mo 16?I'm ? little short.

Smith -I'm mirrM, too.


| I'm not averse to rax time talk.In fart. I'm prvtty strong for

slanc.It'a mighty hard to make m<> balk

At any guff from any gang.I'll aland for ' lx«l It" and "Rood

night,"And "marble heart" and "froaty

stare,"And thai old has-been, "out of


Hut I won't aland for "it's abesr!"

I lie no ran to "candy kid."I don't mind "acream" or "peach-

ertno";To *p«ak of any hat aa "lid"

Affect# me no! with any spleen"Hacked off Ibe walk" or "to the

woods,"In no way make me want to

swear;I don't protest at "that's the

goods,"But I won't atand for "It'a a


I'd like to bump that allly phraseClean off the earth, and further

Kill);I'd tike lo knock It aeven way*.

To ahoot It. flay 11. alay and kill.1 fall for slang and like It fine.

No highbrow attitude I wear;Pure cliiaalr Kngllsh?nix for mine!

Hut 1 won't aland for "It'a abear!"


WASHINGTON. Sept. 18.?Pro-greaslve National CommitteemanFrank Hogan telegraphed today tothe senate committee, which Is In-vestigating campaign contributionsthat Col. Itoosovett will testify be-fore the committee here October 1.

Dog Eats Money, ItsProud Owner Claims


Sept. 18.?PeckManning possesses a water spanieldog that In attracting considerableattention on account of its appetitefor money. The favorite dietla one cent pieces. U will swallowone copper after another, uk fast nathey are fed to him, and It la claim-ed the spaniel has frequently eatenas many us 25 pennies In one per-formance.

The appetite of the dog for moneywas discovered when a man drop-

I ped a handful of change on thejlloor. llefore be could gather the

! money, the dog had devoured about| u dollar's worth.


Handsome Trimmed Felt and Velvet}^

fk | T7l JFTY attractive Hal# in Velvet* and IMtv featuring a good*,^deoiralile ihai'ei. l.tsteftilly trimmf<l in feather fancies, ribU,

j|rj % Values From Popular Untrimmed MillinerySect*\ Velvet, Beaver, Moire Sißc and fJ

' ~> Shape* in a large assortment of the MtNrf,

Tf; . latest effect*; unusual value* at $!.7S«|

»\u25a0 I "I Kup to *3.95.

jJI I*! JBt Extra-good value* in Ostrich Plum«»-.^jfi Jr\ J fashionable trimming?including (&,

-4-*r /SF, / white and two-tone effects, at ||$-

i A wide variety of new effect* in Aigrette,!^and Flower Trimming# at 45c and up toS3JG

? 1... ««m?t *-|m

3,500 Pairs of Women's HosieryLisk, Mercerized Cotton and Cotton Qualities


Mack mercerized Hosiery in gauze Full-fashi<.ntd Black Cotton Hosiery,*weight, seamless stvle, with 4-inch double

.... ~ ..

. , ond qualities in medium weight, win Matop* and spliced Mneu heels and 4oes. Spc-cial, IH< pair. heels, soles and toes. Special lSfpair.

FANCY LISLE HOSIERY?Full-fashioned Hosiery in black, white, tan and navy with polka-dot* in

colors. Reinforced with high spliced heels, double soles ami toes. Special, 18f pair.

Cotton Suitings and Apron GingkwSpecial 5c Yard

OVER 4,0H0 yards in this attractive Thursday selling?including good quality CMSuiting* in cadet-blue, brown and wine-color suiting checks and herfingbmMßip

and diagonal designs, copied from fine woolen materials; Cotton Dress Foularfc in bta

and dark blue grounds with characteristic foulard figures ; short lengths of fast ctikrMjp

blue Apron Ginghams in checks of all sizes.

An unusual opportunity to save in making selections forchildren's washable school dresses and women's house garments

?at yard. smmv By

0Q& Children'sGalatea School Dresps

ftTl $1 - 25AB ] MART, practical models, as illustrated, of godd

liM (".alatm cloth in novelty-stripe design, made » safe

11 collar effect and trimmed with tailur Lands, buttons and tits

I ilj contrasting color. The material is in navy-blue, brow d I Copenhagen-blue.

lii }|| |1\ Sizes 6to 14 years.

wflftllm Interesting \ altie at 9 1.25. _Ba«m«t BH*m

jfJ Lin ger ie Waists, Special 3&? Mf\ A CI.KARANCE of Dutch-neck models in FreaA h«*

m. \u25a0\u25a0 Mull Waists, designed with short sleeves aad tasW^trimmed with laces, insertions and medallions. Spccul*!

200 Pairs of Good Lace CurtainsScotch, Cable-Net and Other Popular Weaw

Special $1.50 PairAVERY attractive Thursday offering from the Basement Drapery Section. Twoks

pairs of Curtains in all, and all good, substantial weaves?every pair full 2}i

long.Included in the assortment will be found plain center

styles with effective border designs, also allover patterns in

conventional and floral effects. Many arc in reproductions offine-old laces. Cream and ecru color.

Featured for Thursday at a specially-low figure?the pair, 91,50.

Fall Displays of Wool Suiting MateriaInclude the Following Attractive Values at $1.25 Y&4

54-inch Cheviot in medium and dark navy* 54-inch Cream Homespun with p***

blue, extra heavy weight, $1.25 yard. blue stripe. 91.25 yard.54-inch Storm Serge, navy-blue, black and 54-inch Cheviots and Serge# in ta». c

brown; pood weight. $1.25 yard. | pagne and cream; desirable for tvet

54-inch Diagonal Cheviot in combination i wraps; f1.25 and wistaria; heavy quality; $1.25 54-inch Black Storm Serge with p|B"

yard. | of white, 91.25 yard.52-inch extra-heavy Navy-blue Diagonal Homespun, 91-25 yard.

UNING SATIN, 75c Yard,

Thirty-six-inch Suskana Satin Coat T.iuing, inlight- and dark-gray, brown and light-tan; yard, «*»»\u2666

I emjmhH

Women's Cotton Velour Morning Sacques atsl|Pretty Cotton Velour Sacques, designed with loos£, tucked front and

and trimmed with stitched bands of satin.Colorings arc gray and white, tan and rose, lavender and white. Excellent

* 1 -°°-folly <

P* _L_ »_ l4«ikk«»J Clue and white check Amoskeag gingham; cireU.j(jingham Hubbard aw|withnllfl,?a*""'

Aprons, Specialise at xs<. »«*;