sophies surfing assignment

SOPHIES SURFING ASSIGNMENT INTRODUCTION As I recall it needs : an opening statement to attract attention and lead into presentation as well as stressing the importance of surfing. : a question to engage audience (in teaching applications the questioning is used provide feedback to the teacher to see if the knowledge is being transferred) : an overview of what you are going to talk about and its importance : Tube riding THE OPENING STATEMENT could be “ Surfing is a popular pastime as well as a competitive sport for individuals or teams. It is a truly international sport with historic cultural ties in many societies. To ride a wave is to interact with nature in a healthy environment. It involves propelling oneself onto a wave until the energy stored in the wave takes you forward. The skilful surfer can then use that momentum to make turns and perform tricks such as tube riding inside the wave “ Surfing is unique in that if you so required you can take your dog for a ride.

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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As I recall it needs : an opening statement to attract attention and lead into presentation as well as stressing the importance of surfing.

: a question to engage audience (in teaching applications the questioning is used

provide feedback to the teacher to see if the knowledge is being transferred)

: an overview of what you are going to talk about and its importance


Tube riding

THE OPENING STATEMENT could be “ Surfing is a popular pastime as well as a competitive sport for individuals or teams. It is a truly international sport with historic cultural ties in many societies. To ride a wave is to interact with nature in a healthy environment. It involves propelling oneself onto a wave until the energy stored in the wave takes you forward. The skilful surfer can then use that momentum to make turns and perform tricks such as tube riding inside the wave “ Surfing is unique in that if you so required you can take your dog for a ride.

THE INITIAL QUESTION could be “ Can you name any Australian world champion surfers over the last 10 years ( that is during our lifetime) ?”

Answer to that :

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Joel Parkinson (Once) Mick Fanning (3 times)


Chelsea Georgson(Once) Steffany Gilmour ( 4 times)

OVERVIEW AND IMPORTANCE In this presentation I will discuss the history of surfing, compare the types of surfing , list the skills one needs to develop to participate, reveal the health benefits and relate the importance of surfing as a sport in modern society.



HISTORY OF SURFING Recreational surfing has been part of Polynesian society for hundreds of years . There are written descriptions by European explorers describing these island people riding waves. This sport was unknown at the time to Europeans and the reports are included in journals from Captain Cook and Joseph Banks among others. Competitive surfboard riding became a popular sport about 50 years ago with an Australian man and woman becoming the first world champions . Prior to that it was a popular pastime that included life saving competitions in swimming , boat and ski races.

TYPES OF SURFING There are many ways of riding waves including swimming , in boats, on inflatable mats and various types of boards. The 3 most popular are :

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- Body surfing where you swim onto the wave

- Body boarding which involves lying down on small board

- Surfboard riding which refers to standing up on a surfboard

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SKILL REQUIREMENTS An essential skill in all forms of surfing is to be fit and to be a strong swimmer .Surfboard riding requires skills in paddling strongly through the waves and onto the waves. To stand up and manoeuvre on the waves requires strength, agility , timing and balance. The good surfer also reads the waves to know which ones are best to catch.

HEALTH BENEFITS Surfing is a physical sport where regular participation will develop cardio vascular fitness as well as muscular strength and flexibility. It also has a relaxing affect which allows surfers to feel at ease when in the water away from day to day chores.

ACCESS AND CONVENIENCE While surfing is a very social environment and can be a team sport it can also be an individual pastime or sport where you don’t need to have an opponent such as tennis or a team environment such as cricket or rugby. If you feel like a surf just go, there is no need to organise a team of other people.

IMPORTANCE OF SURFING AS A SPORT Surfing is an important sport for a number of reasons that relate to the ocean as well as the business economy. Surfing is has a strong bond with culture in many societies such as Hawaii. It is a healthy and satisfying sport that can be participated in at any level and at all ages. Grometts as young as 5 to veterans 70 years and older can participate.

AS with most sports surfing generates income for professional sportspeople involved in them as well as teachers, equipment manufacturers and clothing makers relevant to them. However surfing is an important industry in that its clothing styles such as Billabong, Mambo, Quicksilver are worn by people who have never even caught a wave. This world wide clothing industry generates billions of dollars in sales and employs a lot of people. This in turn allows for sponsorships and donations from firms to provide training and assistance to all levels of the sport.

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These generally require a summing up and reinforcement of the main points.

Surfing is important as it is a healthy sport that can be undertaken as an individual or as a group activity. While it can be at a competitive level most surfing is done as a leisure activity. It creates social interaction with others yet it does not require teams to be organised if you wish to participate. Its affect on the economy is great as at any one time it is highly likely that a member of each of our families will be wearing casual clothes with surf wear brand names on them .

In conclusion surfing is important for personal satisfaction, social interaction , physical and mental well being and is an important industry in modern society.