sophies san francisco

Some Favorite Parts Of My Trip to San Francisco by Sophie Lockman (with help from her mom)

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Page 1: Sophies San Francisco

Some Favorite Parts Of

My Trip to San Francisco

by Sophie Lockman

(with help from her mom)

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We packed clothes and important things to last us for 5 days and put them on our porch. A van came to take us to the airport.

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After the plane took off, this is what it looked like from the window.

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I brought my dinosaur and lots of things to do because we were in the air for a long time.

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We flew through clouds and over the Rocky Mountains.

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This is what it looked like when it was time to land the plane in San Francisco.

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This was what we saw from the window of our hotel. On the left in the water is an old jail on an island called Alcatraz. On the right is Telegraph Hill with a tower called Coit Tower.

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The roof of one part of our hotel there was a garden. From there we could see the old cable cars come up the hill...

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And go down the other side all the way to the ferry station on the bay.

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I got to walk down the steep hills to go shopping with Gena (who will be my aunt soon).

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On the way back we rode the cable car. Here we are waiting for it. (In the new hat I got that day.)

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This is a famous place called Ghirardelli Square (it is hard to say). They make all kinds of chocolate things!!

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Then we drove a long way to the Muir Woods. That is where you can see the California Redwood trees.

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They are old trees that are VERY big around (my family and I could only hug half of the tree)...

[This is me with my Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Rob and Gena…they all live in Toronto, which is a city in Canada. We took this trip together.]

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...and they are also VERY tall trees. They have grown for hundreds of years and even lived through fires.

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Lots of animals live in the woods. They are not very afraid of people. Can you see the animal standing right behind me?

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We went out to eat lots of meals in San Francisco. My family LOVES to eat. Sometimes I liked the food, sometimes I did not. But it's nice to just be with your family. Gena and I drew pictures on the paper tablecloth at this restaurant.

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Here's me with my dad on a walk in a part of the city where lots of writers used to be. This old book store is a place they liked to read and write.

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We went in and bought books, of course.

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It was in an Italian neighborhood so my dad and I got some pastries near there.

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Then walked to our hotel through a neighborhood called Chinatown. It is full of people who come from Asia and also things from China. I bought good luck cats there.

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The next day we walked near the water to a place called the Fisherman's Wharf. It was a very busy place. A cool thing was a bread factory there and here is a baker making funny shapes out of bread.

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On the wharf there is a place nearby where sea lions come and sleep, swim and bark right where you can watch them.

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Some of the sea lions are really big!

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We met my mom's old friend from college by the sea lions. I got to play with her baby Tess who is really really cute!

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Here I am having breakfast on the last morning with my Grandma. See the cable car behind us?

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Ready to get back on the plane for the LONG flight home to the Philadelphia airport! Bye, bye, San Francisco!