social media ever increasing circles-15.02.11

Tina Webb t: 023 9248 0082 Digital Marketing and Social Media: Ever Increasing Circles Achieve your future toda

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Tina Webb t: 023 9248 0082

Digital Marketing and Social Media:

Ever Increasing Circles

Achieve your future today

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Digital Marketing and Social Media are here to stay and businesses have

embraced the various platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc) with

enthusiasm. The social media platforms continue to expand in numbers

and size but there are 2 key points to keep in mind;

• Companies use them to ultimately create business opportunities and

business advantage – often overlooked.

• There is a cost involved – often time; is payback measured?

Digital Marketing and Social Media:

Ever Increasing Circles t: 023 9248 0082

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Ever Increasing Circles!

Three Online ‘Toolboxes’ and Four Steps

3 Toolboxes:• Search Engine Optimisation• Pay Per Click Marketing• Social Media

4 Steps:• Research, Identify•Strategy, Plan, Act•Measure, Report•Feedback, Adjust

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Ever Increasing Circles!

Look at Three Online ‘Toolboxes’

Never forget why you are carrying this out – it’s business and the

outcomes needs to meet business objectives.

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• Brand awareness?

• Market research?

• Generating enquiries?

• Becoming a ‘voice’ in your industry?

• Everyone else is doing it!

Whatever your reason(s), be clear why you are doing it – plan it and decide

how to measure success.

It’s common sense but common sense is not common practice; often

business owners are too close or too immersed in the delivery of social

media and forget the reasons why they are doing it!

What Are Your Reasons for

Social Media? t: 023 9248 0082

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1. Start to ‘listen’ to various social media channels – relevancy of communications, sites, influencers, etc can be established. Social Media is about interaction, relationships and meaningful contributions.

2. Competitor analysis – companies with a Page 1 presence on search engines for key terms are there because of their online presence on the Internet. What are they doing and where online, are they active?

3. Keyword research. This is pivotal to the eventual success of the digital strategy. Do not skimp this part – get this wrong and you will be wasting resources and missing opportunities.

5 Starting Points to Social Media:

1 – Listen and Research First t: 023 9248 0082

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1. Digital media and social media are not free: they literally ‘eat’

time; how much time can you sensibly give to it? Consistency is

key; if you read a blog that has not been updated in months, what

impression do you get?

2. Decide where your material is going to come from. Include latest

trends and news to keep current.

3. How easily can you offer exclusive value to your online


5 Starting Points to Social Media:

2 – Decide Your Resources t: 023 9248 0082

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1. With time in mind, prioritise what you are going to do; start slowly

and get it right.

2. Decide your schedule for each of the social platforms and digital

media you want to use. Keep to it.

3. Plan ahead and prepare material before it is required – you won’t

get caught out if busy with other parts of the business.

5 Action Points:

3 – Schedule t: 023 9248 0082

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1. The personal, interactive approach is the key to loyal followers. It

is not a platform for hard selling.

2. Monitor and respond to comments and direct messages.

3. Caution: although informal, keep all branding, core values and

marketing positioning consistent; professionalism is key.

5 Action Points:

4 – Personal and Professional t: 023 9248 0082

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1. Decide how you are going to measure success. Visits to website?

Enquiries? Quality of followers?

2. Use analytics. Set goals for what you want to achieve.

3. Automate to save time; look at Hootsuite and TweetDeck.

5 Action Points:

5 – Measure and Automate t: 023 9248 0082

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Last Thoughts t: 023 9248 0082

• Social media is powerful and here to stay. It can be an entertaining

diversion but people are receptive to ideas, learning and business

if carried out well.

• Be concise, clear, honest, and get people’s attention quickly; we

all read and scan much faster online.

• Do not forget links; they are a good measure of how well you

capture attention.

• Social media is about engagement and interaction – not overt


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A FREE Search Engine Optimisation

Report for Your Business t: 023 9248 0082

We are offering a Free SEO report for your business.

• It will start you off in the right direction for which competitors to

look at; keywords to use, as well as a health check on your

optimisation status!

• Simply write down your website domain name, the keyword or

phrase you want to be found for, and your email address for the

results. Send to [email protected] (We will NOT try to sell you SEO services!)

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Tina Webb t: 023 9248 0082

Achieve your future today