sintropher meeting 2012, kassel ticket to kyoto (t2k) 6 th september 2012 annekathrin bode, mobiel

SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

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Page 1: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

SINTROPHERMeeting 2012, Kassel

Ticket to Kyoto (T2K)

6th September 2012Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Page 2: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel


Project partners, budget, time frame


Structure of the project

Organisation / accessory parts



Page 3: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Project partners

5 public transport companies/organisations:

STIB/MIVB Brussels (BE) (as Lead Partner)

RET Rotterdam (NL)RATP Paris (FR)TfGM Manchester (GB)moBiel Bielefeld (DE)

Page 4: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Project budget is about 12,7 Mio Euro

Time frame: from 2010 to 2014

For moBiel the share is about 2,47 Mio Euro

investment part is 61,8%

(1,5 Mio Euro)

Budget and time frame

Page 5: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

The project idea is local action in public transport on the Kyoto Protocol objectives

Central point is the reduction of CO2 emissions in public transport sector through

reduction of energy consumption

higher efficiency

investments in technologies and renewable energy production


Page 6: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Structure of the project

WP1: Quick Wins – moBiel, DE

WP2: Investments – RET, NLWP2 A Energy Efficiency

WP2 B Energy Recovery

WP2 C Energy Production

WP3: Carbon footprint – RATP, FR

WP4: Influencing Context – TfGM, GB

WP5: Communication – STIB, BE

WP6: Coordination – STIB, BE

Page 7: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Organisation / accessory parts

MeetingsAnnual events

with a public/open part

Special focus (e.g. recovery)

Half-annual meetingsonly T2K partners

WebexInternet telephone conferences on a regular basis

Page 8: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Organisation / accessory parts

DrupalExchange platform on internet

Page 9: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Organisation / accessory parts

Peer reviews

Page 10: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Organisation / accessory parts

Communication agency for all partners (prophets, BE)

Significant communication budget from all partners

2 large public campaigns, 2011 and 2013

Page 11: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Organisation / accessory parts

Page 12: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Organisation / accessory parts

Energy weekJanuary 2012

At the same time at all partners

For internal staff

To raise awareness of energy consumption

Collection of ideas from staff

Page 13: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)

CO2 footprint / example moBiel excel sheet « Eingabe » (Wuppertal Institute)

Lfd. Nr.

Erforderliche Daten

Einheit EingabeZusatzangaben / Anmerkungen

Einheit EingabeDefault


Verbrauch des Fuhrparks im Rahmen des ÖPNV-Angebotes (Busse, Stadtbahnen) [Traction energy]


Liter 2.447.889 Anteil Biodiesel %4,40%    


Liter   Anteil Bioethanol


3Verbrauch Autogas (LPG)


4Verbrauch Erdgas (CNG)


5Verbrauch Bioethanol


Nur bei Verbrauch reinen Bioethanols        

Page 14: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)


Adiabatic coolingThermo-dynamic change

underground station with its technical rooms for IT equipment. Those rooms need to be refreshed. The adiabatic cooling system is not a new technology but not so used and the use in those conditions is very innovative.


Cogeneration(also called combined heat and power, CHP) is the use of a heat engine or a power station to simultaneously generate both electricity and useful heat. The cogeneration plant will replace the heating boiler in the Delta depot.

Page 15: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)


Water power

Hydro power used in Rochdale (Manchester region) to provide a bus station: Implementation of an archemidean screw: 86.000 kWh/a expected.

Page 16: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)


Wind power

was erected on 26th June 2012 and is already generating electricity.

They have generated just under 1000kWh already.

Page 17: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)


Fast closing doors in depot

folding gates driven by compressed air

Budget: circa. 23,000 Euro

17 sec 5 sec

Page 18: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)moBiel

Relighting in tunnel stations

Reduction of lamps: 5 =>2

160 Watt power => 78 Watt

Savings: 5.300 Euro/year

Page 19: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)moBiel

55 lamps at 464 Euro = 25.500 Euro

Material: approx. 500 Euro every other year

Maintenance: approx. 400 Euro (could in fact be reduced in ombining the usual changing dates with the implementation of the new lamps).

Page 20: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

moBielSpecific and weather-depending control of point heating installationsProject as example for comparable weather conditions in Northwest EuropeSignificant reductionpotential (2/3 of energie consumption)

Concrete investments of partners (examples)

Page 21: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)


Recovery and Storage of braking energy

Budget: 850.000 EuroCommon discussions withsuppliers and common appearance as T2K-groupSeparate tendering with reference to T2K, exchange between partners about results and suppliers attitude

Page 22: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)



storage system

Page 23: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)

Energy storage in Rabenhof approx. 230.000 kWh

effective energy 4,6kWh

Piller, GE

Inverter 1MW in Oetkerhalle approx. 346.000 kWh

IGBT technic

Ingeteam, Bilbao, Spain

2. Inverter 1 MW in Rosenhöhe approx. 290.000 kWh

IGBT technic

Ingeteam, Bilbao, Spain

in total approx. 866.000 kWh

Source: net calculation by Elbas

Page 24: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Public transport network information

Pulse frequency on working days (7 a.m. – 7 p.m.) every 10 minutes

4 main routes

4 additional lines

Length of lines in total 71,6 km (main lines 36,9 km, additional lines 34,7 km)

Average distance of stations: 450m

Number of stations: 62

Average speed: 22,2 km/h

Number of carriages: 80

Number of trailer vehicle: 5

Page 25: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)

moBielGreen Station

Budget: 235.000 Euro

P+R station already existing

Station for e-bikes

Station for electric car-sharing

Public charging station for electrical cars

Public charging station for GPL-cars (gaz de pétrole liquéfié)

PV pannels for the generation of local energy

Page 26: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)

moBiel: Green Station



Page 27: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel

Concrete investments of partners (examples)

moBiel: Green Station

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Concrete investments of partners (examples)



Stadtwerke Bielefeld


Page 29: SINTROPHER Meeting 2012, Kassel Ticket to Kyoto (T2K) 6 th September 2012 Annekathrin Bode, moBiel


Fruitful discussions with the T2K partners

Close cooperation and working together

Not sticking tight to the planned schedule; sometimes delay in implementation

Good output (peer reviews, reports, campaigns, actions, investments,…)

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