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Guide to navigation for AP end users


  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    SAP AG

    SAP NavigationLAB SESSION-1

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Course Goals

    Understand how SAP GUI works(SAP GUI is the secured access to SAP system)

    Understand how to Navigate through SAP.

    This course will enable you to:

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Course Objectives

    Log On and Off SAP

    Use SAP Basic Functions

    Navigate SAP Transactions

    Use Application Work Areas

    Use Search Helps

    At the conclusion of this course, you will be able to:

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    Chapter 1 Goals

    After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

    Log on to the SAP system

    Change your Password

    Create multiple sessions of SAP

    Log off the system

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    SAP Logon from Start Menu

    Logging On

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Two Tabs:

    Shortcuts **Use this one!

    System (gives you options tochange clients and change


    4 Shortcut Buttons

    Log On




    SAP System selection window

    Logging On



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  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    A new window appears

    Enter your user-ID

    Enter your Password

    The first time you use SAP youneed to reset your password.

    The client number as well aslanguage are entered by youradministrator and defaulted

    Press Enter on yourkeyboard

    Logging On

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    Password Basic

    You can use upper case letters or lower case letters in your password (SAPdoes not distinguish between upper and lower case letters).

    You can use any combination of characters (a ....... z, 0.....9, or punctuationmarks)

    Password restrictions

    You cannotbegin a password with:

    ?, !, or a blank space

    three identical characters (fffce).

    any sequence of three characters that are contained in your user name (forexample, using bill," if your user name is 99biller)

    Other bad ideas:

    Do not use pass as your password

    Do not use any of your last five passwords

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    The initial password is givenby the administrator

    The system automaticallydisplays a dialog box

    Enter your new password inthe New password field

    Enter exactly the same

    password in the Repeatpassword field

    Select confirm

    Logging On

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    The main menu screen is displayed (standard SAP)

    Main Menu Screen

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Various Keys

    Exit Keys

    Create New Session icon

    Back Cancel

    Exit Transaction

    Or Log Off

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    SessionsRunning Multiple Sessions

    When you sign onto SAP, you create a session. You are allowedto have more than one session active at the same time. You canopen a new session any time and from any SAP screen withoutlosing data in the existing sessions.

    Example-While creating a req. you need to look up acct balances.

    Multiple ways to create a new session Like most other functions in SAP, many ways exist to execute the

    same command. For this procedure, you will be given every waypossible to create a new sessionin order to demonstrate thiscapability. In general, people will find the way that best suits them.

    1st Way To open a session by menu path, click System CreateSession.

    2nd Way To open a session using the icon toolbar, click the CreateNew Session icon.

    3rdWay Right click on the SAP iconin the Taskbar, (not the Log Onicon) and select Create session

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    Viewing current sessions

    To view a listing of all sessions by command prompt,type /o in the command field and press Enter.

    Switching between sessions

    Windows allows you to use theAlt + Tab Methodto

    move from session to session. Do the following toswitch between sessions:

    Hold down the Alt key with one finger.

    While holding Alt, press and release Tab.

    Generate will create a new blank session.

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    Logging Off

    Log Off System

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide



    1. Log Off all Sessions

    2. Log In

    3. Open a Transaction4. Create a New Session

    int: See page 3.

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Chapter 2 Goals

    Locate and describe the basic functions of the SAP screenelements

    Locate and explain the functions of the menu items on theSAP menu bar

    Locate and describe the functions of the buttons on thestandard toolbar

    Locate the buttons on the application toolbar

    Locate and describe the various fields on the status bar

    Describe the purpose of the function keys

    After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Window Functions in SAP

    Pull-Down Menu Bar [Standard Tool Bar [

    Title Bar [Application Tool Bar [

    Status Bar[

    (Bottom Right) [

    SAP Window Functions

    Command Field

    Messages (Errors, Document #s )

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Status Bar


    Push Buttons



    Window Functions in SAP(ME51N)

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    Confirms entered dataDoes not save work

    Command field

    Used to enter command,transaction code. To display

    it, click the arrow


    Saves the work


    Returns to previous screenwithout saving data


    Returns to initial screenwithout saving data

    CancelExit current task

    without saving data


    Print current screen

    Scroll buttons

    First page, previous page, nextpage and last page

    Find and Find next

    Search for data in current screen;extend research

    Create sessionCreate a new session

    Create shortcut

    Create a shortcut to anyreport, transaction

    F1 Help

    Provides help on the field wherethe cursor is positioned

    Layout menu

    Customizes the

    Display options

    Printout the screen(Hard Copy)

    Typical Icons

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    Function Function Key

    Help F1

    Back F3

    Possible entries F4

    Select view(s) F5Organizational Levels F6

    Data F7

    Cancel F12

    Exit SHIFT+F3

    Other material SHIFT+F5

    Function Keys

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Chapter 3 Goals

    avigate in SAP Easy Access

    Navigate in SAP using the menu paths

    Navigate in SAP using transaction codes

    After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    SAP Easy Access is new front end-user interface implemented fromSAP Easy Access allows thedefinition of user-specific menus

    It can contain transactions, reports,

    web addresses the user needs toperform his daily tasks

    It appears when the user logs on inSAP

    The user can also define his

    favorites list

    Easy Access

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Select Extras>Settings in the menu bar. The window

    comes up. Click one or many options. Click Enter.

    Each user can specify whether:

    Her/His favorites appear before or after the menu

    Only the favorites appear

    Technical transaction names appear in the tree menu

    The graphic on the right side of the screen appears

    Easy Access

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    User Menu

    User Menu display

    SAP Menu User Specific Menu

    This screen shot isTo be Announced.

    You will have access todisplay all screens, however,

    you will be limited by yoursecurity as to what you canchange.

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    Each user can create her/hisfavorites

    Favorites can contain

    SAP transactions

    Files or Web addresses

    Favorites can be organized infolders

    Select Insert folder in menu/name your folder and press the check mark.

    Favorites can be moved orrenamed (changed)

    Select Move or Change

    Creating Favorites

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    To insert an SAP transaction in

    favorites select a transaction then Favorites

    > Add on the menu barThis will show the menu path in your favorites.OR

    select Favorites > Inserttransaction. Enter the transactiontechnical name, then press enterOR

    select a transaction, keep themouse button pressed and dragthe item to the desired position.Release the button OR

    Right Click Favorites

    Creating Favorite SAP Transactions

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    (Click and Drag)This will give youthe name and T-code only in yourFavorites list.


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    To insert a web address or afile in favorites

    Select Favorites> Add otherobject.

    Select web address or file.

    Fill in the Text field (with aname) and fill in the Webaddress or file ( click the field box to show

    the Browse button . Findand double click on your file. )Press Enter.

    Creating Favorite Files and Web Links
  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Transaction Codes

    What is a Transaction Code? A transaction code is a 4 or 5-character code that identifies a

    transaction screen in SAP. For example, the transaction codeassociated with creating requisitions is ME51N. If you know thetransaction code for a screen, you can jump directly to that screen

    without using the menu path.Why Use a Transaction Code Instead of the Menu Path?

    Using transaction codes instead of menu paths in most cases is amatter of personal preference. You may find that transaction codesare quicker to use than menu paths.

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Transaction Codes

    It is important to note that even if you choose tofrequently use transaction codes, you should still have aclear understanding of how to use menu paths. While youmay not always know the transaction code for a screen,you can always use the menu path to locate thetransactions in the system.

    To go to a screen in the current session, type the transactioncode in the Command field then press Enter..

    To open a new session, type /n before the transaction code.

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    T-Codes from the History List

    In the Transaction Code field, click the document icon.

    The History list displays. This is a list of all transactioncodes recently used.

    Highlight a displayed item or scroll down the list todisplay desired transaction and click.

    Selected transaction code appears highlighted in thetransaction code field.

    Press Enter.

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    Open Transaction in a New Session

    To open a new session containing a specific transaction,type /oXXXX (XXXX = Transaction code) into thecommand field and press Enter.

    A new session displays with the entered transaction.

    Remember, you can have 3 sessions of SAP open at atime.

    **Delete everything in your Favorites folder byhighlighting each item and pressing the Delete keyon your keyboard.

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Chapter 4 Goals

    After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

    Identify the components in the application work area

    Enter data into SAP fields

    Insert data using list boxes Know how to customize their local display of SAP

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Application Work Area

    Application Work Area

    Here, data is entered and/or displayed. The work area of the screencontains many different types of fields and display objects. This sectiondescribes the common objects found in the application work area.

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    Data entry fields allow you to enter new data or change existing

    displayed data. Their white background identifies them. All dataentry fields have a name or a label, which refers to the data that canbe entered into the field. You enter data in a field by putting thecursor in the field and typing the data you want. Data entry fieldsmay contain default data (which you can change).

    Required Data Field

    A special type of data entry field is called a required field. Thisfield must have data entered in it in order for the screen to becompleted. Required fields are sometimes identified by checkedbox in the field.

    Data Entry Fields

    If you are not sure what typeof data to put in a field youcan click in the field andpress the Help button |to get information about thefield.

    (MIGO Screen)

    (Display MIGO)

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    Simple Drop Down (MIGO Screen)

    If a field has a list icon in the field it contains a simple dropdown list. This is a short, limited list from which you must chosea field value (that is, no typing).

    Input Fields (MIGO Screen)

    SAP Input Fields are similar to Windows programs:

    The active field has the flashing cursor. Most of the time, the limit to the length of data allowed in the

    field is indicated by the size of the box.

    To move to the next field, press Tab. Pressing Enter will Executethe transaction.

    Types of Data Entry Fields

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    List Display

    On the ME51Ntransaction, click in the Material Groupfield and clickthe Search icon.

    A dialog displays with a listing of all possible selections for this field.Double click to select an item.

    Date Fields

    Date fields in SAP have a feature that works like a hidden list box. Youcan display a calendar for a date field and select any date without having

    to enter it manually. To display the calendar: In the ME51Ntransaction, click in the Delivery Datefield then click the

    Search icon.

    A calendar displays. The system displays the current month; todays datehas a box around it. Double click to select a date.

    Types of Data Entry Fields

    (Short cut press F4 then F2 for current date.)

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    Buttons and Check Boxes

    Buttons and Check Boxes

    (ME51N)Customizing Local Layout(on most screens).

    Radio Buttons

    Check Boxes

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    Printing a Hard Copy

    Print a screen shot.

    Press the Customizing Local

    Layout button and click onHard Copy.

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Chapter 5 Goals

    After completing this chapter, all students will be able to:

    Select a key from a list of valid entries

    Perform a search help inquiry

    Use a wildcard character in a search popup box

    Change the search category

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    Help Functions F1 vs. F4)

    Help Functions

    F1 F4

    (Same as Browse Button)

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    You can get help on fieldsand field input by clicking onthe field then:

    pressing F1 on thekeyboard, or

    clicking on

    A dialog box with the

    definition of the field appears

    Field Help

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Searches In the dialog box to theleft, you can search bymaterial description,material number, orboth. Example d*.

    ResultsThe results of the

    search will appear inthe form to the right.These results may alsobe sorted.


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    Search Help Box

    Search Help dialog

    From the ME51N screen to search Vendors, press the Green Checkmark toshow a list of vendors. Or type the first letter and an * in the Name columnand press the Green Checkmark to Start Search.

    Use the tabs,arrows or quickfind box tochange thesearch category.

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    1. Find the Vendor # for BALLOON EXPRESS.

    2. On the ME51n screen find the definition of

    the A field. (3rdfrom left).

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Chapter 6 Goals

    After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

    Access field-specific Help

    Access Application Help

    Access SAP Help Library

    Access terms in the SAP glossary

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Field Level Help

    Field-specific help displays information for a field whenthe cursor is currently in that field. To demonstrate thisprocess, access any transaction.

    In order to use field-level help you must have the

    cursor in the field you want. To access help on thedesiredfield, do the following:

    1.Click once in the desired field.2.Press F1.

    The appropriate help window displays helpinformation for that field.3.To exit the help window, click or in the pop-

    up window.

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    Choose menu pathHelp Application help

    . The system identifies where you are and displays the

    appropriate help area.

    The current displayed topic is part of a larger set of

    online documentation for SAP. You can read theinformation in the current window, and move forwardor backward in the area by clicking the buttons at thetop of the window.

    To return to the SAP screen, click .

    Application Help

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    SAP Library

    Select the following menu path:Help SAP

    Library. The SAP Websitescreen displays.

    A list of functional topics displays.

    Select a topic by clicking on it.

    Another list of sub-topics displays for the topic youselected.

    Click on the appropriate sub-topic to reach a table ofcontents for the functional sub-topic you want.

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    SAP Glossary

    Select the following menu path: Help Glossary.TheGlossary Listpopup box appears.

    The list displays in alphabetical order.

    Use the scroll bar on the left side of the window to view

    the entire list or click on the appropriate letter. When you find the term you want, click on it.

    To close SAP Library-Glossary click

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    1. Using the appropriate Help, find the Definitionof Business Workplace.

  • 5/21/2018 SAP Navigation Guide


    Chapter 7 Goals

    After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

    Navigate in the Business Workplace

    Send a message to another SAP user

    View your messages

    Delete your messages Use the Appointment Calendar

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    Accessing the Business Workplace

    Click on theBusiness


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    Navigating the Business Workplace

    View contentsby clicking onthe triangles.

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    Composing a New Message

    Click on theNew Message

    button tocompose amessage to aSAP user.

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    Composing a Message

    Same as Subject Line

    Message area

    SAP User ID,

    choose SAP LogonName, check theExpress Mail, CC orBCC check box.

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    Sending a Message



    Cut, Copy, Paste Undo, Redo, Find, Find Next

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    Prompt to Check Messages

    Checkbringsyouback toBW.

    Choosedoesnt doanything.

    Inbox brings you toyour Inbox anddisplays a list ofmessages.

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    Checking Messages

    Click on a category

    to see its contents.

    Click on a Title to viewthe message in thebottom section.

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    Viewing an Individual Message

    Double click on a Title to view the message in afull screen. Click the back button to back toBusiness Workplace.

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    Deleting Messages

    Delete a message by clicking on the Title anddragging it to your Trash Can, OR click on theTitle to highlight the message and press Deleteon your keyboard.

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    Viewing Messages in the Trash

    Click on your Trash can to view the contents.

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    Emptying the Trash

    Empty Trash by highlighting a messageand pressing the Delete button on thetoolbar. Press Yes on the Confirmation


    Delete Button

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    Trash and Shared Trash

    Documents, distributionlists, and folders thatwere deleted from theshared folders are storedin the shared trash.

    Only the administratorcan access the shared


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    Appointment Calendar

    From the BW main screen press the Appointment Calendar button.

    Press the CreateAppointment buttonto schedule anappointment.

    Click onthe dateto viewa day.

    Click ona weeknumberto viewthe


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    Create Appointment

    Fill inTitle (name)

    Date and Time(Military Time)



    Press Check toCreate Appt