rough cut analysis

Rough Cut Analysis Kieran Brook Q1-23

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Post on 16-May-2015




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Rough cut analysis


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Rough Cut Analysis

Kieran Brook Q1-23

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Goodwin’s six points

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Genre Characterisation

• Our music video is in the R&B genre, the main characteristics of the genre we reproduced were that the video tells a story, The artist is shown in the video and there is a love interest.

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Visual and Lyrics

• Our video amplifies the lyrics it doesn’t actually illustrate them. We decided to take the lyrics as code for emotions and portrayed them in our video. In the video it references ‘Froze’ and ‘Cold’ we aimed to reproduce that feeling through our colours in the shots.

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Visual and Music

• We have edited on the beat in our music video, we feel this makes it look more professional and helps the video flow better. The Location changes with the song, so as he sings different parts of the song the location changes.

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Selling the Artist

• Our Artist is clearly shown throughout the video, you can tell it is him as he is singing with the lyrics and is the main focus of all of the shots. He is always in the centre of the frame, this amplifies the feeling of importance with the audience towards the character. We also sell the Artists image as he is wearing clothes the same as other videos.

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• We have not used any of intertextuallity because we feel that the use of other texts would take focus away from our Artist.

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• The Voyerism aspect of our video is that you watch the artist throughout the video, this means you see what he is wearing, the emotions he’s feeling and the meaning behind the song. People will want to see the artist because they know and already like him and they want to see the emotion so they can have something to relate to in their personal lives.

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• The sound in our music video is diegetic because you can see that the artist is singing to the song and listening to it on an iPod.

• There is also dialogue in our video at the beginning to tell the audience what is happening in the video.

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• In our video we have alternated between a large number of shot types, this is because with a music video you need to have lots of cuts or it usually gets boring, and using a variety of shots also will keep the viewer entertained.

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• We have used a typical R&B costume in our video to reflect the genre.

• We have used props such as headphones, a park bench and an iPod/iPhone.

• Our lighting is mostly natural however in a few shots we did use artificial light.

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• We so far have only used straight cuts in our video, the reason behind this is that most other shots can make a video look amateur.

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Special effects

• We have used no special effects in our video because we felt they would be inappropriate for the song.

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5 ways to improve our video

• 1. De-saturate some of the shots to get a colder feel.

• 2. Use flash backs in our video to show the past love interest.

• 3.Film the artist singing the chorus.

• 4.get rid of the wind in the dialoge scene.

• 5.change the location for the chorus.