rotary international presentation - monaco gets institute optimisation figures europe

Optimization of the contribution of each country to achieve the RI goals

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Optimization of the contribution ofeach country to achieve the RI goals

Page 2: Rotary International Presentation - Monaco GETS Institute Optimisation Figures EUROPE

The Rotary Club in the XXI century

Page 3: Rotary International Presentation - Monaco GETS Institute Optimisation Figures EUROPE

(source :

PIB 2009 PIB 2012 Tx de croiss. Tx chômage

par hab. par hab. Moyen 6 ans %

Grece 26 734 22 757 -0,5 27,0

Allemagne 44 110 41 167 1,4 6,9

Etats-Unis 45 348 49 802 1,1 7,7

Inde 1 513 1 591 8,3 9,9

The Rotary Club in the XXI century: What do we want for the future?

Page 4: Rotary International Presentation - Monaco GETS Institute Optimisation Figures EUROPE

The Rotary Club in the XXI century: What do we want for the future?

The impact of the economic situation:

(source : Rotary International)


district 30/06/08 30/06/09 30/06/10 30/06/11 30/06/12 difference %


2470 (Athens) 1935 1910 1713 1675 1611 -324 -16,7

1830 (Stuttgart) 2729 2821 2895 2974 3067 338 12,4


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The European model Europe continent of contrasts

Rotarian/population   1 for

Spain   10.698

Romania   6.318

Portugal   3.076

France   1.982

Germany   1.587

Italy   1.414

Belgium   1.051

Netherlands   873

Switzerland   647

Maghreb   49.333

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Evolution membership: French-speaking countries / Africa (JUNE 2000-SEPT 2013)

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Causes of the regression:

the economy and its problems

Rotary average annual growth the last 6 years (2006-2012):

Greece - 0,5 %

United States + 1,1 %

Germany + 1,4 %

India + 8,3 % (source :

The Rotary Club in the XXI century: what do we want for the future?

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Causes of the regression:

the clubs are not aware of the problem:

- a poor method of recruitment (members, classification)

- too little attention to recruiting

- no training for new members

- the resignation of current members (lack of interest)

- a rising average age of the membership

The Rotary Club in the XXI century: what do we want for the future?

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The Rotary Club in the XXI century: what do we want for the future?

- Back to the expansion of the 20th century

- To analyze the causes of the decline:

- The economy and its problems?

- The clubworking?

- Both?

How can we solve this!

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Europe an example?

How can we improve the situation?

The solution can be:

- the creation of new clubs

- recruitment of corporate members

- taking in account our changing world

(the feminization of professions)

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Get clear answers on the position of Rotary International

Do we want:

1 - to remain our point of view on the professional world?

2 - to do the same as other humanitarian NGOs and to melt into

the competitive mass?

3 - to become a force with the objective to maintain Peace?


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Vers le Rotary du XXIème siècle

Vers une régionalisation ? Vers une régionalisation ? (RIBI, ROTA)(RIBI, ROTA)

Coordination internationale?Coordination internationale?Gouvernance ? Gouvernance ?

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Vers le Rotary du XXIème siècle

Optimiser la contributionOptimiser la contributionde chaque pays, zone, continentde chaque pays, zone, continent

1-Régionaliser ? 1-Régionaliser ? 2-Conserver la même éthique ?2-Conserver la même éthique ? 3-Maintenir des actions à vi3-Maintenir des actions à visée sée

planétaire ?planétaire ?

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Vers le Rotary du XXIème siècle

Optimiser la contribution Optimiser la contribution

Exploiter les particularismes ?Exploiter les particularismes ? Définir des objectifs spécifiques ?Définir des objectifs spécifiques ?

Utiliser de nouveaux moyens de com?Utiliser de nouveaux moyens de com?Imaginer de nouvelles structures ? Imaginer de nouvelles structures ?

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1)Application dans certains Districts du PLAN STRATEGIQUE EFFECTIF sur trois ans renouvelables et continuité

2)Jeunesse dynamique et création d’un grand nombre de clubs Rotaract (cout insignifiant) qui permettent l’amélioration de l’image du Rotary.

3) Creation de Rotary CLUBS NEW GENERATION avec réduction de la taxe de District les concernant

4) Continuer à développer le Rotary dans les capitales politiques et économiques (autour de 50% de l’effectif)

5) Ambiance festive dans les manifestations rotariennes

Mohamed Ghammam PDG District 9010


Les bonnes pratiques qui ont permis d’augmenter l’effectif