pfaff 1047-1067-1069 tipmatic x

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Page 2: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x


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Accessory box2

Accessory compartment2

Basting1 6, ‘17


Bobbin case7, 8

Bobbin thread8

Buttonholing20, 21

Carrying case1

Carrying handle1


Electrical connection3

Electronic bobbin thread monitor 1 6, 1 7

Electronic top speed selector 1 6, 1 7

Finger-tip stitch buttons1 2

Foot control3


Light bulb22



Needle position1 6, 1 7


Presser bar lifter9

Reverse sewing11

Safety rules23

Sewing feet1 8, 1 9

Sewing mechanism5


Special sewing feet20

Spool of thread4

Stitch length11

Stitch program chart26—29

Straight-stitch needle position14

Stretch stitches1 3

Top cover1

Thread cutter9

Thread tensions1 0

Trouble shooting24, 25

Upper threading5

Utility stitches1 3

Utility/stretch stitch combinations14


Work support

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On Model 1047 parts 111, 112, 113 and 115are omitted, on Model 1067, parts 111, 112and 115.

100 Carrying handle101 Hinged top cover102 Hand wheel103 Stop motion knob1 04 Master switch1 05 Finger-tip stitch buttons1 06 Stitch length control1 07 Detachable work support with

accessory box and compartment1 08 Needle plate1 09 Sewing foot holder with sewing

1101111121131141151161171181191 20121

1221231241251 26127

1281 29

footNeedle holder with set screwBobbin thread indicator light“Needle down” button“Sew slow” buttonPresser bar lifter“Basting stitch” buttonPresser bar with thread cutterReverse-feed controlStitch program chartBobbin winderBase plateFree arm cover, enclosing sewinghookFree armThreading slotsNeedle thread tensionBobbin winder thread guideTake-up leverBobbin winder thread guide(swing-out)Spool holder with unreeling discSewing spool holder (swing-up)

Some safety rulesa) Be careful to avoid finger injuries

by the needle when sewing.b) Make sure you unplug the power

cord whenever you have to leavethe machine or want to clean it, oilit or change mechanical andaccessory parts.

c) Be sure to use only a 15-watt lightbulb in the sewing lamp.

IMPORTANTValid for United Kingdom onlyThe wires in this mains lead arecoloured in accordance with thefollowing code:Blue: NeutralBrown: LiveAs the colours of the wires in themains lead of this appliance may notcorrespond with the colouredmarking identifying the terminals inyour plug, proceed as follows: Thewire which is coloured blue must beconnected to the terminal which ismarked with the letter N or colouredblack.The wire which is coloured brownmust be connected to the terminalwhich is marked with the letter L orcoloured red.

Please note:When a 13-ampere plug is used a3-ampere fuse has to be fitted.

Parts of your sewing machine


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Removing the carrying case coverTo lift off the carrying case cover, fold thehandle to the rear, as indicated by anarrow.Then lift the cover off.

Opening the hinged top coverSwing cover 101 backwards (N).A stitch program chart is found on theinside of this cover.

Removing and opening the detachablework supportReach under the detachable work supportwith your left hand (0), swing it outtoward the left (P), and lift it out (Q). Thenopen its lid (R). Inside the work support isa removable accessory box with space foradditional accessories underneath.


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Electrical connection and foot control1067/1069 (see left iii. on page 3)Connect the power cord as follows: Pushplug N into the machine socket and plug0 into the wail socket. Pull the cord out ofthe foot control (P). Place the foot controlunder the table, and push plug R intosocket S on the machine. Then pressmaster switch button 104. Your machineis now ready for sewing. Press down thefoot control. The machine starts sewing.The more you press down the pedal, thefaster the machine runs.As soon as the Model 1069 machine stops,the needle automatically returns to its“up” position.

Accessory box and accessorycompartmentOpen the detachable work support andtake out accessory box N. There is an additional accessory compartment underneath.

Ill. P shows how the snap-on sewing feet0 to 6, the needles and the bobbins fit intothe box.



Darning footStandard sewing footClear-view footHemming foot

4 Blindstitch foot5 Zipper foot6 Buttonhole foot



Page 7: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

To replace the cord in the foot control, pullit slightly, the release it. It will rewind intothe foot control automatically. The cordmust not twist as it runs into the control.

Electrical connection and foot control1047 (see ill. at right)Push plug 0 into the machine socket andplug P into the wall socket. Press masterswitch button 104. Your machine is nowready for sewing.Place the foot control under the table andpress down the foot pedal. The machinestarts sewing. The more you press downthe pedal, the faster the machine runs.

Electronic foot control (R):Position = half the top speedPosition (4 = full top speedBefore you put the machine away aftersewing, replace the foot control in themachine (N).




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Page 8: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

Placing spool of thread on pin

Load thread reel with diagonal cut for

end of thread facing to right.

N Small spools of thread: use small or

medium unreeling disc.Push the spool of thread onto the

spool pin and place unreeling disc Q

in front of the spool.o Large spools of thread: use large

unreeling disc.Push the spool of thread onto the

spool pin and place unreeling disc R

in front of the spool.P Second spool holder: use small spools

of thread and small unreeling discs

Seize the spool holder by lug S and

swing it backwards as far as it will go.

It is used for bobbin winding and two-

needle sewing.

Upper threadingFor threading, both the needle and the

take-up lever must be in their “up” posi


tion.Raise the sewing foot. Pull the threadfrom the spool and draw it into slot N (tothe left of guide 0), from below into slot P

and take-up lever 126.Then draw it back into slot P and into theright thread guide Q on the needle holder.

For two-needle sewing, draw one thread


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Disengaging the sewing mechanismHold the hand wheel steady and turn thestop motion knob towards you. This disengages the sewing mechanism.To re-engage the sewing mechanism turnthe stop motion knob away from you.

into the slot to the left of guide 0 andthe other to the right of the guide. One ofthe threads is then pulled into the rightthread guide, the other into the left threadguide on the needle holder.

Threading the needleThread the needle from front to back.


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Winding the bobbin from a secondspool (N)Disengage the sewing mechanism (seepage 5). Swing the second spool holdertoward the back. Push a small spool ofthread and a small unreeling disc on it.Place a bobbin on spindle 119 and turn it sothat pin P enters slot Q (Fig. 0). Pull thethread from the spool, draw it throughguide 125 and then into guide 127, asshown in the illustration, making sure thethread is positioned between the guideand tension spring R. From there pull thethread to the bobbin winder and wind itaround the bobbin a few times. Push thebobbin winder toward the right, press

down the foot control pedal and wind thebobbin. The bobbin winder stops automatically when the bobbin is full. Push thefull bobbin toward the left and take it out,cutting the thread in thread cutter S. Reengage the sewing mechanism.Important: On Model 1067 the bobbinwinder must be disengaged for sewing.On Model 1069, you can wind the bobbinduring sewing.Load thread reel with diagonal cut forend of thread facing to right.Winding through the needle eye (0)Raise the sewing foot. The needle must bein its ‘up’ position. Disengage the sewingmechanism. Place a bobbin on spindle 119


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3nd turn it so that pin P enters slot Q.

)raw the needle thread under the sewing

foot, up and into guide 127. From there

pull the thread to the bobbin winder and

wind it around the bobbin a few times.

Push the bobbin toward the right, press

down the foot control pedal and wind the

bobbin. The bobbin winder stops automa

tically when the bobbin is full. Push the

4full bobbin toward the left and take it out,

cutting the thread in thread cutter S. Re

engage the sewing mechanism.

Removing bobbin case and bobbin

Open free arm cover 121. Pull out latch N,

then lift out the bobbin case, release the

latch and take out the bobbin. The bobbin

cannot fall out as long as you keep latch

N pulled out.

Inserting the bobbin

Insert the filled bobbin into the bobbin

case so that the thread unreels toward the

back (N). Then draw the thread into slot 0

and under the spring into eye P.


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Inserting the bobbin casePull up latch P and push the bobbin caseonto stud 0 as far as it will go. Cutout Nmust point upwards. Release the latch.Stud 0 and latch P must be flush.Close the free arm cover, It must alwaysbe kept closed during sewing.

Drawing up the bobbin threadHold the needle thread a little taut. Turnhand wheel 102 toward you until theneedle moves down and up again and thetake-up lever is up. Pull the bobbin threadout of the needle hole and lay boththreads toward the left and back underthe sewing foot.On model 1069 the bobbin thread can bedrawn up by operating the basting stitchbutton. Press the button, depress thepedal and again press the button.


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Presser bar lifterLever 114 has four positions:N = The sewing foot is raised. (Before

you remove the work, turn the handwheel toward you to raise the needleand the take-up lever.)

o = The sewing foot is raised further forinserting extra-thick materials.

P = Darning position for darning footonly. Lower the presser bar lifter andat the same tane push it back slightly until it enters notch R at the bottom of its slot.

Q = The sewing foot is lowered forsewing.

Thread cutterThe thread cutter is an oblique slotlocated at the back of the presser bar.Raise the sewing foot. Pull the work out ofthe machine toward the back. Draw thethreads into the cutter slot and pull themdownwards to cut them.


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Upper tension (124>N = Setting mark. The normal tension

setting is in the white range between3 and 5. The higher the number, thetighter the tension.

Lower tension0 = Regulating screw.

Turn it left for a looser tension, orright for a tighter tension.

P = Both tensions are correct.Q = Upper tension too loose or lower

tension too tight.


R = Lower tension too loose or uppertension too tight.


The correct lower tensionLet the bobbin case with a full bobbinhang down freely by the thread. It mustnot slide down by its own weight, butshould gradually move downwards whenyou jerk your hand upwards lightly.Once the lower tension has been setcorrectly, only the upper thread tensionshould be adjusted.




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Reverse sewingPress button 117. As long as you keep thisbutton depressed, the machine sewsbackwards.

Regulating the stitch length

the numbers on stitch length control 106

indicate the stitch length in millimeters.

rhe stitch length range is 0 to 6 mm. Turn

the control so that the number indicating

e stitch length desired is opposite mark

0 shows how to set the stitch length

trol for sewing stretch stitches (red

th symbols on push buttons).


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Finger-tip controlsA, B, C: Buttons for buttonholingButton B is also used as clearing buttonfor releasing the pushed buttons and forsetting the left stitch length (see page 14).D Elastic triple zigzag stitch, 2 mm

2-mm zigzag stitchE Elastic triple zigzag stitch, 3.5 mm

3.5-mm zigzag stitchF Elastic triple zigzag stitch, 5.0 mm

5-mm zigzag stitchG Elastic triple straight stitch

Straight stitchH Pullover stitch


I Closed overlock stitchJoining stitch

K Overlock stitchShell-edge stitch

L Feather stitchElastic decorative stitch

M Honeycomb stitchElastic stitch

A stitch program chart is found on theinside of the hinged top cover. This chartis also reproduced on pages 26 to 29 ofthis booklet and shows all stitches andstitch combinations together with theirpossible applications.


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0g CD









8 DC


.— ci, -











Page 18: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

Utility- and stretch-stitch combinationsThe various stitch combinations are shownin the chart on the inside of the hingedtop cover and at the end of this booklet,together with sewing instructions. Forexample, if you want to sew an elasticblindstitch, push buttons M and F, select astitch length between 1 and 4.

Selecting the needle position forstraight stitchingLeft needle position: push button BCentral needle position: push button GRight needle position: push buttons H and I.







Page 19: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

propping the machine feed

)pen free arm cover 121. Push the drop-

feed control toward N. The feed dog is

dropped for embroidering, darning, bast


Changing the needle

Raise the needle bar. Then hold the

needle, loosen screw N and pull the

needle out downwards. Insert a new Sys

tem 130/705 H needle (with the flat side

of its shank facing toward the back) and

push it up as far as it will go. Then tighten

screw N,Twin needles with a needle distance of

1.4 mm may be used for zigzag and utili

ty-stitch sewing.

sewing, push the drop-feed control

rd 0.ys close the free arm cover again

making adjustment.


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ImportantOn Model 1067 the bobbin winder mustalways be disengaged for sewing.

Operating controls of electronic systemof Model 1069“needle down” button with indicator lightN“sew slow” button with indicator light 0“basting stitch” button with indicator lightP

Operating controls of electronic systemof Model 1067“sew slow” button with indicator light 0.



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4Basting (1069)Press the basting stitch button. The

green indicator lamp P lights up. Drop

the machine feed (page 15> and screw

on the darning foot (page 20). Place the

fabric under the sewing foot. Each time

you press and release the foot pedal the

machine sews one stitch. Move the

fabric under the sewing foot until the

length of stitch required is obtained,

then holding the fabric in this position,

press down the foot pedal and release it

again. Repeat this operation for each

basting stitch.When you have finished basting move

your foot from the pedal and press bast

ing stitch button again. The green indi

cator lamp P goes out. Push the drop-

feed control to the left again. Close free

arm cover 121.

Electronic top speed selection

(1067 and 1069)By pressing the “sew slow” button, the

top speed of your machine can be

halved. At the same time indicator light

0 lights up. When you press this button

again, the indicator light goes off and

the machine speed can be varied at will.

The full piercing power of the needle

remains the same at any speed.

Electronic bobbin thread monitor

(1069)The red signal lamp of bobbin thread

monitor Ill starts to flash when the bob

bin thread is running out. The lamp goes

out when a full bobbin is inserted and

sewing continues.Important: Free arm cover 121 must be

kept closed.The Pfaff 1069 has a special bobbin

(important when re-ordering>.

Needle positions “up” and “down”

(1069)After sewing the needle is always

retained at its “up” position. When you

press the “needle down” button, indica

tor light N lights up and the needle

remains down in the fabric (for sewing

corners and turning the fabric) whenever

sewing is interrupted. When you press

the button again, the indicator light goes

off, the needle moves upwards and is

retained in its “up” position whenever

the machine stops.

The button can be pressed during sew



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Changing the sewing foot

To release the sewing foot push the red

button N. When attaching a sewing foot

make sure stud 0 enters slot P. Place the

sewing foot under the sewing foot holder

and hold it in place with your left hand.

Lower presser bar lifter 114 and at the

same time reposition the sewing foot so

that stud 0 fits in slot P. Hole R and

screw Q are used for attaching an edge

guide and the darning foot. Screw S

serves to secure the sewing foot holder

on the presser bar.


Page 23: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

Sowing feeto Darning foot1 Standard sewing foot2 Clear-view foot3 Hemmer foot

4 Blindstitch foot5 Zipper foot6 Buttonhole foot7 Edge guide


093-035 960-9 1


y98-694 563-00


498-694 40 7-00

5 0l98-694 404-00


798-802 422-00 ]


Page 24: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

Special sewing feetN Blindstitch foot. Blindstitch guide R is

adjusted by turning screw 0.0 Zipper foot. First insert its rear pin into

groove S, then push its front pin intogroove T. The zipper foot can beadjusted sideways for stitching alongthe right or left zipper chain.

P Darning foot. Raise the needle bar.Push bracket W toward the back andhold it there. Insert the pin of the footin hole U and attach the foot so that itrests against its stop. Release bracketW so that it bears against screw X.Tighten screw V.

Buttonhole settingsRegulate the stitch density in the buttonhole range of the stitch length control (Q).Press button C (N). Attach the buttonholefoot. Set the upper tension at 3 in thebuttonhole range. Insert the filler cord asfollows (C): Place it over the rear lug ofthe foot, pull it taut and clamp it in frontlug D.As you sew, arrow E moves along scale F.This serves to determine the buttonholelength.Use a thin thread for sewing buttonholes.


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Sewing buttonholesPull the bottom of the buttonhole foot for

ward as far as it will go.1 Sew first buttonhole seam. Raise the

needle (on Model 1067>2 Push button B and keep it depressed

until the machine has sewn 4 to 6 bartacking stitches. Raise the needle (onModel 1067). Then release the button.

3 Push button A. Sew the second buttonhole seam the same length as thefirst. Raise the needle (on Model 1067).

4 Push button B and keep it depresseduntil the machine has sewn 4 to 6 bar-tacking stitches. Raise the needle (onModel 1067). Then release the button.

5 Sew a few tying stitches. Remove thefabric, pull the filler cord taut and trim.

6 Cut the buttonhole open.




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resume its original position and pull outChanging the light bulbSwitch off the machine and pull out thepower cord plug. Close the hinged topcover and swing up the carrying handle.Take the edge guide out of the accessorybox and insert it into the slot betweenface cover and housing and into cutout Qin the machine. Push the lamp housingdown with the edge guide and hold itthere. The light bulb can now beexchanged.Push the light bulb up, turn it toward Nand take it out. Insert the new bulb sothat its pins slide in slots P. Push it up andturn it toward 0. Let the lamp housing

the edge guide.

Cleaning and oilingTilt needle plate 108 up at the back (N>and take it out (0). Clean the machinefeed and the parts in the vicinity of thesewing hook with a soft brush.Clean the bobbin thread monitor of Model1069 as instructed on page 25.Do not oil the machine because it requiresno maintenance. All you have to do is puta drop of oil in the hook raceway now andthen, as shown in the illustration below.


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Changing the fusePull out the power cord plug. Turn fuse

holder N counter-clockwise a quarter turn

with a screwdriver, release it and take it

out. Pull fuse 0 out of holder N. Insert a

new fuse in the holder and replace the

holder, pushing it in with. the screwdriver

and turning it clockwise a quarter turn.

FF2A fuses can be obtained from your

local Pfaff dealer.

Some safety rulesa) Be careful to avoid finger injuries

by the needle when sewing.b) Make sure you unplug the power

cord whenever you have to leavethe machine or want to clean it, oil

it or change mechanical andaccessory parts.

c) Be sure to use only a 15-watt light

bulb in the sewing lamp.




Page 28: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

4Trouble shooting


1. Machine skips stitches

Needle not inserted correctly.

Wrong needle used.

Needle bent or blunt.

Machine threaded improperly.

Needle too thin for thread used.

2. Needle thread breaks

For any of the above reasons.

Thread tension too strong.

Poor-quality or knotty thread used,

or thread that has become too dry

by excessive storage.

3. Needle breaks

Needle not pushed up as far as it

will go.

Needle bent.

Needle too thin or too thick.

Needle bent and strikes needle plate

because work is pushed or pulled.

Bobbin case improperly inserted.


4. Seam is not uniform

Tension out of adjustment.

Thread too thick, knotty or hard.

Bobbin thread wound unevenly.

Kinks appear on top and bottom of


Push needle up as far as it will go, its

flat shank side facing toward the back.

Insert system 130/705 H needle.

Insert new needle.

Check threading.

Select needle according to Needle and

Thread Chart.

See par. 1 above.

Regulate thread tensions.

Used only good-quality thread.

Insert new needle and push it up as far

as it will go.

Insert new needle.

See Needle and Thread Chart.

Let machine feed the work alone.

Only guide the material lightly.

When inserting the bobbin case, push

it in as for as it will go.

Check upper and lower tensions.

Use first-class thread only.

During bobbin winding, do not hold

thread in hand, but pass it through the

bobbin tension stud.

Thread machine properly and check

both tensions.


Page 29: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x


5. Machine feeds irregularly or not at all

Lint has accumulated between tooth Remove needle plate and clean out lint.

rows of feed dog.

Feed dog dropped. (Drop-feed control Flick drop-feed control to the left.

is at right.)

6. Machine runs with difficulty

Thread ends in hook raceway. Remove thread ends and put a drop of

oil into hook raceway.

7. Electronic bobbin thread monitor does not work (on Model 1069)

Thread ends and dirt have collected in Remove thread ends and dirt. Special

the free arm cover over the indicator care should be taken in the area round

lamp, in the hook raceway, in the bobbin the second indicator lamp.

case, behind the hook and on the second

indicator lamp to the right behind the


8. The machine only sews slowly, the needle has no piercing power and

the electronic system is not working (on Model 1067)

The bobbin winder is engaged; it is at Push the winder to the left (to dis

the right,engage it).

9. The machine sews only one stitch (on Model 1069)

The machine is set for basting. Take the foot from the foot control and

press the basting stitch button; the

indicator lamp goes out.

10. The sewing lamp lights up, but the machine is not running

Fuse is faulty.Insert new fuse.

11. Fundamental rules

Never run a threaded machine unless there is a piece of fabric under the sewing

foot. If you have to leave the machine, even for a short while, be sure to switch

off the master switch. This is particularly important when children are around.


Page 30: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

Stitch program chartListed in this chart are the stitch programnumber, the corresponding stitch and, inthe lower half, the buttons to be pressed

01 02I I

\ .—.. ‘—.- .—I I I / — ——-I I “ “•—

/ —, ,— —EDcDc3 \—-

Th- bI E

to sew this seam pattern. For all stitchprograms marked “stretch”, turn the stitchlength control toward “stretch” as far as it

03 04 05 06—1 = ill IllE II II “ ,. ..-—E II II III III —._II lIE iii iii .. -

A B C GDM-‘ -, —-.,

EP. — —C) C) —0D D Fzr



Scallop stitch For decorating handkerchiefs, for instance.

/o. Stitch Application

01 Straight stitch All ordinary sewing operations and 6-mm fancystitching operations.

02 Zigzag stitch Edge finishing, appliqué work, inserting lace, buttonsewing, satin stitching, embroidering, darning etc.

Just push the buttons and the buttonhole is finished.03 Buttonholes

The stitch density can be regulated.

04 Elastic triple Seams exposed to great stress whichstraight stitch stretch under stress.

05 Elastic triple Flat, elastic reinforcing seams, aszigzag stitch well as sewing and mending corsetry.

06 Elastic stitch Inserting patches and darning rips on elasticfabrics.

07 Elastic ornamental Inserting patches and darning rips on elastic materialsstitch or sewing ornamental seams on elastic fabrics.

08 Crown stitch An ornamental seam, e.g. on night gowns.

09 Elastic blindstitch Hemming elastic fabrics with invisible stitches.

Page 31: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

wilt go. For all other programs, select the

stitch length as desired. The individual

stitch programs and their application are

07 08 09 10 11 12 13

t / /


/\/ /1/ -I/

•____;, ‘.. \/\ \\ •—\

I ( .. /\/ /1/ 4/

K - / \/\ \I\—‘ /\/ /1/ .4/

> —I \/\ \l\I \ \

---- --


E F GC) C) C)

described in more detail in the table


14 15 16 17 18 19 20


-..-.‘ i/—v l1\ -- ‘m r

fl/ ——

U\ I-\\ fl/

--I- iiTkD F G

C) C)D,

1 1 Honeycomb stitch Sewing on elastic threads

or covenng seams on terry cloth.

1 2 joint stitch A durable ornamental joining seam.

Florentine stitch,1 3

For decorating hems, e.g. on bed linen.


i_____________Florentine stitch, Ornamental seams, e.g. on bed linen.

14 wide

1 5 Houridstooth stitch Ornamental seams, e.g. on table linen.

Lampshade stitch, Classical ornamental seam on all plain fabrics.

16 wide

Viennese stitch, Ornamental seams, e.g. on napkins.

17 narrow

Viennese stitch, Ornamental seams, e.g. on table cloths.

18 wide

Lampshade stitch, Classical ornamental seam on plain fabrics.

19 narrow



20Shell-edge stitch, Effective edge finish on dainty fabrics.


Page 32: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

28129 30 31 32 33 34

\\\H .4’ 1

HI \/\ — ,.

\\\ , .4’ ___i .cç

\/\ , —I ‘ /


_Ii’ \11 c-- K W Th E

e4• I’ •—4-‘ -I

<DMR. D C DIt — SA —

C) C) C):,. D

21 Elastic edge stitch Finishing edges that do not fray much.

22Shell-edge stitch Ornamental seams, e.g. on girls’ dresses.


Closed overlock Covering folded23 stitch, wide fabric edges with a fancy seam.

24 Pennant stitch Decorative joining seam and sewing on borders.

Closed overlock25 stitch, narrow

Sewing on dainty lace.

26 Turkish stitch Topstitching patches.

Overlock stitch, Elastic assembly and edge finishing

27 wide seams on knitted fabrics.

28 Peacock stitch Festive ornamental seam, e.g. on table linen.

Overlock stitch,29 narrow

Dainty border ornamentation.

30 Knurl stitch Ornamental seam on light clothing.

31 Blindstitch, wide Hemming heavier fabrics with invisible stitches.

Olindstitch, Hemming lighgtweight fabrics with invisible

32 narrow stitches.

33 Peak stitchA dainty ornamental seam, e.g. on ladies’


21 22 23 24 25 261 27L.—9 ..1 l’..l \.Jl-.J S.%-J I/I .-l Ii

<- r L.—1 .i NI \...J

<..—I... ‘ S.%j j/J /-I h

I__—I i I”.J ‘J L

1 N...l %J I/I /—i Ii

K ‘I I ,* I I . —-, — -s -‘ -x

D 0 .

C) C) C) C) C):3 D

/o. Stitch Application



Mound stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. on children’s napkins.-I

Page 33: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

35 36 37 38 39 40 41< r ..-ii /11 M

—..n -ii \n r. /\\—Ii —fl /11 11‘-.J ‘-Ji \ii

— ..-11 ,.-‘ii /11 M \‘-I .i ‘ \iI

wr-, -‘ -, -, -‘

F I DcT) D<DSA .-+ —C) C) C) C) C)Zr Zr Zr Zr Zr


42 43 44 45 46 47 48Al N Xi A

H Xi Mi;s< )<i Xi A

,iI N ..i III ,$ -.u Xi Ml Xi ‘‘

i -- —-i i- i-+ L L’-÷-‘ -, — -‘ .-, -t -‘

F.C) C) C) C) C) C)D z- ZrKZrIZrKTKg


Viennese stitch,narrow — Ornamental seams, e.g. on table linen.

Lampshade stitch,narrow Classical ornamental seam on plain fabrics.

Pullover stitch, Elastic edge finishing seams onwide jersey fabrics.

38Pullover stitch, Elastic edge finishing seams onmedium polo shirt farbrics.

Pullover stitch, Elastic edge finishing seams onnarrow lightweight jersey crepe.

40 Feather stitch Decorative cover seams, e.g. on aprons.

41 Dutch stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. on kitchen textiles.

42 Snail stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. for bath room utensils.

43 Loom stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. for country-look dresses.

44 Diagonal stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. for plain-look, modern dresses.

45 Trellis stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. for airy ladies’ dresses.

46 Twig stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. for hiking wear.

. Ornamental seam, e.g. for border ornamentations on47 Border stitchpockets.

Triangular stitch Ornamental seam, e.g. for children’s night dresses.


Page 34: Pfaff 1047-1067-1069 Tipmatic x

Special accessoriesThe special accessories listed below are intended for special sewing jobs. They can be

obtained from your dealer.

98-694 801-00

Sewing Operation

For sewing plastic materials

PFAFF-HANDELSGESELLSCHAFTfür Haushaltnähmaschinen m.b}1.7500 Karlsruhe 41 West Germany

Printed in West GermanySubject to alterations in design.Nr. 22607 engl. 1182 WI.

4essory Part, No.

Appliqué foot 93-035 920-91 For appliqué work

Cording setconsisting of:

Cording foot, 5 grooves 93-035 950-91 For cording work(twin needle with 1.8-2.5 mm needle gauge) (Needle size 80,

Cording foot, 7 groovesfor fine cording

93-035 953-91 needle size 70)(twin needle with 1.4-1.8 mm needle gauge)

Cording blade (2 ea.) 93-035 952-45

Fringe sewing foot 93-035 943-91 For sewing fringes and for basting

Straight-stitch foot 98-694803OOj

For topstitching andsewing very delicate

, and soft fabrics (silk jersey, etc.)

Felling foot, 4.5 mm

For felled seams

Felling foot, 6.5 mm

Shirring foot 93-035 998-91 For shirring valances

Single-needle cording foot 93-035 91 5-91 For single-needle cording

Eyeletting plate 93-035 946-45 For eyeletting

For finsishing raw edges or for joining

Overlock foot 98-620 404-00 elastic fabrics and simultaneonslyovercasting their edges

Hemmer foot (rolled edge), 2 mm 98-694 804-00 For hemming edges with zigzag stitches
