paul a. zamorano's portfolio

Paul A. Zamorano Architecture|Portfolio The Tulane School of Architecture Selected Works

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Academic Work at The Tulane School of Architecture


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Paul A. Zamorano

Architecture|PortfolioThe Tulane School of Architecture

Selected Works

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Paul A. ZamoranoThe Tulane School of Architecture

Master of Architecture Candidate | 2013-2016

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Museum Of The City New Orleans, Louisiana | 2013

Mardi Gras Indians Institute New Orleans, Louisiana | 2014

Material Presence New Orleans, Louisiana | 2014

Urban_Stratification New Orleans, Louisiana | 2014

Art of Representation United States | 2014

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Mohawk Hunters | Location of Tribe

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Museum of The City An Intersection of the walls and the city

Collaboration: Jonathan Taube

The project consisted of designing a museum of the city of New Orleans. The program consisted of a Wall of Books, Lights, Surveyor, and the City. Each wall contained an aspect of the program, including circulation, storage, and exhibition. The concept of the design is based on regulating lines found through research of Marigny.

Studio Critic: Tom Hollomon

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Mardi Gras Indians Institute An Institute for the Preservation of the Indians of New Orleans

This new institute for the Mardi Gras Indians will be a cultural node within the urban density of Central City, New Orleans. The new institute will promote cultural production and convergence of the community with a street and institution relationship.

The new institute for the Mardi Gras Indians will promote the preservation of history and traditions of the Mardi Gras Indians through the focus of Exhibition as the leading factor of the design. Exhibition is important because it is the most efficient way to promote the traditions of the Mardi Gras Indians and teach the community about the importance of them. This dialogue of exhibition and education will promote the community’s history, through a design that constantly communicates with the neighborhood through a ground plan that allows for gathering. The institute itself will be a jewel within in the community that houses one of the most important traditions within this neighborhood. The jewel of history and tradition is going to be promoted through the use of light and glass walls and windows. That creates a transparency and emergence between community and Institute.

Studio Critic: Andrew Liles

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Material PresenceThe Sexton Cottage at Lafayette Cemetery No. 1

The challenge of the design was to negotiate a design that would live in unison with the rich historic context of Lafayette Cemetery No.1. By capitalizing on the perceived differences in materiality and scale between the existing and the proposed.

The design of the Sexton Cottage is based on the idea of visual friction caused by the juxtaposition of tomb with each other. This condition is apparent as one transverse through the different tombs. The design replicates visual friction through the offset walls and interruption of the cemetery path.

Studio Critic: Kentaro Tsubaki

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Urban_Stratification An Institute for New Orleans Building Arts Institute

Through rigorous analysis of the site I discovered a set of sedimentary information that revealed certain qualities of the site that informed the design of the New Orleans building arts Institute.

Thisurbanstratification revealed threedifferent layers,which includescale, edge typology, and block geometry. The design addresses edgetypology by positioning the shops and the program ofmaking adjacent tothecemeterycreatingacorrelationbetweentheartofbuildingandpractice.Anotherconditionthatwasprominentonsitewasscale;onsitethereisanalleeoftreesthatdisruptsthehumanscale.Thedesignresolvesthisproblemofscalethroughdoubleheightshopswithmomentsofreposeinthesecondfloorthatallowstheindividualseeabovethetreecanopy.Finally,thedesignaddressesblockgeometrybylocatingtwoprogrammaticbars,oneadjacenttothecemeteryaccommodatingtheloudprogramandtheotherparallelonsitehousingthesupportiveandquiteprogram.

Studio Critic: Kentaro Tsubaki & Lauren Hickman

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A. Structural Axonometric B. Sections C. Elevations

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A. Third Floor Plan B. Second Floor Plan C. Site Plan | First Floor

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Art of Representation A series of analytical, detail, and conceptual sketches

Through the art of sketching I facilitate my designs from my head to paper. This method of representation helps me solve problems and think critically.Invoking my design curiosity to its limits, using a range of medium including water colors, pen, pencil, which allow me to highlight key components of my ideas. My background in drawing has influenced my views on process and scale. I keep a series of sketchbooks which I use to keep notations and work out my design projects.

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