parenting and the law of attraction: be positive!

18 “Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind” The Law of Attraction: Why Parents Need to understand it.

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As a parent, it's important to project the emotions that you want your children to have. A positive outlook will help them to be happier kids.


Page 1: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

The Law of Attraction: Why Parents Need to understand it.

Page 2: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!

“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Page 3: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

The basic premise of the Law of Attraction is that what you focus on

manifests in your life.

Page 4: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

The modern pace and demands on life can make the world feel

like a very serious place.

“If you believe that the world is a bad place, you will notice situations and events all around you that support that belief.”

Page 5: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

By nature we want to excel, but with that we often invite a certain amount of stress into our lives. We take our work, our

relationships and our home lives very seriously; and our parenting can feel very serious too.

If your perspective is positive, you will be more attuned to the positive aspects of

life and your experiences will support those


Page 6: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

This simple idea can have far reaching significance for you and the choices you

make as a parent.

Page 7: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

As you embody the concept that your thoughts exists on a vibrational level and that you, as a being of energy are constantly sending out these vibrations, you will become

more sensitive to the kind of vibrations that you are projecting into the world.

As you embody the concept that your thoughts exist on a vibrational level and

that you are constantly sending out vibrations, you will become more sensitive

to the kind of vibrations that you are projecting into the world.

Page 8: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

You will also see that you are constantly receiving vibrations and attracting things into your

life that align with the vibrations you send out.

Page 9: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

If your consciousness is dominated by fear-based thoughts, that is the energy that you will be projecting to the world and to

your children.

“If your consciousness is dominated by fear-based thought, that negative energy

is what you will project out to the world and to your children.”

Page 10: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

“You will also attract more fear-based energy into your life, which will reinforce this mindset. Your children subconsciously pick up on this energy and may create similar patterns in their lives.”

Page 11: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

If you want to have more happiness in your life and you want to raise happy and loving children, you need to align your thoughts

with happy and loving vibrations.

Page 12: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Start by paying attention to your feelings. Notice what feelings arise in you in different situations. If you notice that your

tendencies are toward anger of fear, consider whether or not you want to attract more those things into your life.

Start by paying attention to your feelings. Notice what feelings arise in

you in different situations. If you notice your tendencies are toward

anger and fear, deliberately choose to focus on something more positive.

Page 13: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Some people are stuck in negative thought patterns. It is far easier to see what makes them upset or sad or angry

than it is too see what brings them joy and peace.

Page 14: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

It takes time and practice to change your thought

patterns, but if you start with being aware of your habits, in

time you can develop new patterns and carve out new

neural pathways that will eventually lead you to a happier, healthier life for

yourself and everyone that you share it with.

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If you have a happier and

healthier outlook on life, your children will

naturally pick it up from you and be

happier and healthier too.

Page 16: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

By developing your own ability to live from a positive perspective, you will also

be guiding your children toward cultivating more positivity as well.

Page 17: Parenting and the Law of Attraction: Be Positive!“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”

Shifting your energy toward love and away from fear is one of the most powerful

and important things a parent can do personally and

for their children.

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“Parenting with the Law of Attraction in Mind”