page euiiir classified 11/geneva ny daily times/geneva...

y i It I I 10 El I PAGE EUiiir * GENEVA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1923. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS And Want Department CAsTTfiATir— ONE CENT A WORD When paid for at tiaie of first Insertion CHARQt RATEi— TWO CENTS A WORD TIM Chars* Rat* for Classified A1- vsrtlsing •» double the rate for Cash advcrtlalcg. The reason la obvloua The coot of handling and collection these small account* la out of pro- M-itlon to their v.Uua ADDITIONAL. INSERTIONS (1W Caeb Ada Only) Three Consecutive Time* 10% Dieooaat Six ConsecuUve Times •I 1-1% Discount *OR 3ALB •MALL DRIVJNO MARC for sale At your own i»rice Wwi. Verschage, rive Points Phone IS-*'-*. B«9 GOOD BICYCLE for sale. Call even- ing-*. Ernest Lei kins, 20 ' 'opeland Ave. 687 GOOD HEATER for sale Inquire 12* LaPaye4te Ave. 664 HOL8TEIN COW for sale Due Nov. 1st. 2 miles south. Me Dougal. L. A- Covert. 658 OVERLAND TOURING with starter 1»23 License, 1100 takes It. Erhardt. 5th house east side North of Skuse's corners. Lyons road. »67 FLATS FOR RERT APARTMENT on paved street for rent. 4 rooms and bath, heat and wa- ter furnished, no children. 140.00 per month. W'.. II. Clayton , Dove Bldg.. Geneva. 565 FIVE ROOM PLAT for rent. Dial S7«8. 632 No advertisement taken for less than tic. each Insertion. To Insure publication oopy for ad- eerti soman ta should bm In this of flea « the day before publication desired. Publishers reserve the right to adit or reject any advertisement Advertisement* ordered by telephone subject to charge ratea, unless cash Is seat In payment within oos day. TELEPHONE Stl« REVERSIBLE BABV CARRIAGE for sale, cream color In good condition- 112 Pultency St. 6S» MVE ROOM APARTMENT Main street. Wm. M Wnk. for rent. 466 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FLOOR CIGAR CASE WANTED good condition and reasonable. Box i 19 Mac Dougall, N. Y 663 S ROOM HOU8E at 66 LaFayette Ave- for rent Sept 1st. Steam heat, electric- lights ,gas, bath. Inquire 68 LaFayette Ave. 4»5 1 SIDEBOARD, 6 DINING ROOM chairs and one arm chair for sale. Wm. I GARAGE FOR RENT. Inquire C, Rlggs, 475 Exchange St Geneva. N- | WW lam g t Y. Phone 8129. -687 ! ACOUAINTANCE3 tho young Chuck. Roober explained that a chicken is a ha by hen. and that thoae big; birds he had seen were hens- Than he con- tinued with his boastlna of the won- derful life he led until the foolish young Chuck wetuallv became envlows- (Copyright, 1923. by T. A. Burgees) The next story: "The Young Chuck Begins to Havs Doubts." NAPLES !purchased It and sent his son to kill it so the matter was properly adjusted. •• Mr. and Mm. Charles De Voe were members of a motorlnar Darty who vis- ited Watkins Glen on Sunday. Lester Kltllngham of Waterloo waa the over Sunday shiest of Mr. and Mrs Charles De Voe and with them motor- ed to Watkins Glenn on Sunday. Charles Dlngman and mother, Mra Bunoughea were recent visitors on Mrs. Dlngman in the Geneva hospital and it-port her convalescing In a fav- orable manner. Mr- and Mrs. Fred Beard her son Leland Wade, daughter. Mrs Jesse Abbott and husband left Tuesday morning for a motoring trip to Niagara 217 549 ! FURNISHED milch Main St. Wm. HOU8E Fink. S 60) . for rent DURHAM e\ GUERNSEY new cow, with calf by side for sale. Phone 11 Rawlins ., . ••-jH-pfHE GENEVA- HOUQg-•ftnrr&t.-Corr ————.—-— ; Exchange anil l.ak<- St. For Hotel or 2 stores. Inquire 71 North St.. 2287 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS for sale. 75c , 31.00, II 26 each accord- ing to age and quality. 600 ready to go during next two weeks. Also a few cockerels. Marvin T. Forster, Hall. 489 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Yes, they're acquainted, but they have not yet told their names. It's easy to guess their names, however. Print his name in the first upright column, and hers in the third up- right column, and you will hare completed the eight words of four letters each. What are their names? Ansuitr to ytsterday's puszlt: A CANOU. LOST AW? IfOJrUB FOUND Boston bull terrier. Owner ,may have same by calling at Neater -Hose room M. J-jD-'Toale^ ——612. I LOST. Bill folder containing 4 Or 6 (dollars and chauffeur a card Finder please return to Times Office. 636 ONE CORN AND COB CRUSHER and several second hand wood split pulley* in Rood condition. prU'e rea- sonable. R. D. Newton, Flint, N. Y. 624 HAVE SEVERAL FINEST HOME8 in city, on Washington and Hamilton ! streets, with every Improvement tali and inspect. I. H. Kipp, Cole A'Wv- W6TfT"BT i Trm?eT™BIdr. 6T4 a (in. STAND TORTURE FOR BEAUTY Naples, Aug. 22—Naples Boy Scouts an. enjoying life at Camp Tarion, lanandalgua Lake for two weeks , The Methodist Sunday School held ; Falls and to points of Interest in Can Its annual picnic at Loon Lake on Tuesday. Rev. Bayford will exchange pulpits with Rev. Shaut at North Cohocton nex; Sunday. Rev. Arthur Aldrich a former pas- tor of the Baptist church, Mrs. Aldrich Floyd and Florence Aldrich of Adams Center N. Y. are spending somo time with frlendy here. Rev. A. A. Aldrich preached at Bris- tol Springe on Sunday afternoon for Dr. France who is having a month's vacation Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Maggs Jr^ of LOST— An amber rosary marked M. E D. Reward if returned to Mrs. Dan Deegan. 488 South Main St. 647 LOST from automobile, on highway between Andover and 1'enn Yan, suit [box containing lady's coat and dress. I Finder please return to Geneva Daily i Times 473 1 — — — - i n i i n - i i — — i in !•••. „ i )im ii . seas ••• a " i 1 HELP WANTED —• FEMALE I HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for light boon' work, in widower's home in country Fair wages ana good home. [Address X-85 Times Office. 664 JDST «feG4HVet> a carload -of- Dftl- corn Dairy Ration, the best dairy feed on the market. A. H Traphagerv Wa- terloo, N. Y. Phone 24. - 400 MIXED HAY for sale. 1 stack about 15 tons. 2 steaks 20 ton each. W. A T Cass. 384 STANDARD BRANDS OF FERTILI- zer for sale at attractive prices, 16 per cent acid 320.00 per ton. Come and get iLas you need it. A. H. Traphagen, Phone 24, Waterloo, N. Y. 302 WANTED ! 8 ROOM HOUSE, barn, ehlcRen house THE • 10 extra lots, 60x126 all for 38300. Ka« *ay-tenm». 1. H, Krpp; C«le~A- cfcoff office. Schnlrel Bldg. S73 HOUSE, BARN, CHICKEN HOUSE, one acre ground, set out to fruit, can be bought very reasonable I. H. Klpp, Ooie & WycKotr office, Bennirel Bldg. 572 BOASTING OF RAT ROBBER THE a BY THORTON^W. BURGESS The boaster aives himself away, Because his tongue cannot stay. Robber ^tm-Rat is a coward. : Dtfta most cowards he Is a boaster. You will almost alwavs find that cowards NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE all improve- ',we boasters. You know RobDer Is ments. Bath, gas, electricity, furnace, jan outcast. None of the little people hardwood floors, paved street. Call [of the Green Forest and the Green Cole & Wy- I M( , 1( |,, w g w U 1 h I i v e anvthinsr to do wlfh bil for Inspection. I. If. Klpp, ekoff Schnlrel Bldg. RELIABLE GIRL wanted to clerk in bakery Apply New England Kitchen, after 6 p.m. 651 11 [HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for small [family. References required. Address) X-83 Times Office. 460 (MAID WANTED for general house- jwork, in good home witli all modern laborsaving conveniences. Good wag- las. Mrs. H. F. Miller, 10 Johnston St , Seneca Fails, N. Y. Phone 426 -R. 626 j WOMAN WANTED for general house iwork. Inquire 140 Genesee. 485 (MAID WANTED for (Work. Mrs. Morris (Drive. Dial 3418 general house• Tracy, De'tanr.y 521 HELP WANTED — HALE {ELECTRICIANS WANTED first class only. Report ready for work. Ameri- can Can Co., N. Genes* e A L, V Rall- ( *foad. Geneva, N. y, 678 lYOUNG BOY WANTED TO KEEP time. Apply Felton Construction Co., Cor. Pulteney & Milton. 677 WASHING WANTED to do at home. Florence L. G. Murray, Stanley, N Y- R: D. l. 576 •• ••. f PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM wanted about Sept. 1st. by school teacher. In good location west of Cas- tle Kt. In replying give full particulars including price. Address X-87 Times Office 675 FINE NEW 6 ROOM HOUSE, bath, j gas, electricity, furnace, hardwood ' floors, paved street, fine home. I H. Kipp, Cole A Wyckoff off ce Schnirel Bldg. 670 him. does ^ hat Brown'a He pretends not to care, but he care. So. When he discovered the young Chuck under Farmer barn . was inclined to be LOT for sale on Hillcrest. West Chae. Townsend. side 538 WAKHING8 AND IRONINGS wanted to do at home. 132 Nursery Ave. 658 WHIAT WANTED. Any kind. Hlgh- eHt market price. Always buying. Gen- eva Mills C. C Davison. 217 REPEATING SHOT GUNS WANTED Will pay spot cash Bring them at once. I buy, sell or trade all kinds of used and new guns. King, Ofp City flail. = = = = = 376 TEN ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent In fine condition. Arranged for two families or one. Mrs. Amelia Vander- hoof, Phelps, New York. 544 6 NEW HOUSES for sale, all Improve * 4»ante. Phone 576S or Inquire at 218 William Street. W. G. Clark, Contrac- tor, builder. 469 Nk£W HAY WANTED f Will pay the highest cash market pr'.ce for new hay. leading at all Btatims. See me before you sell. A- 11. Traphagen, Phone 24, Waterloo, N. Y. 203 SERVICES OFFERED TWO FINE LOTS for sale north side of Hamilton street They nre the first vacant lots from South Main street, also 6 room stucco bungalow with bath room, fireplace, hardwood floors, stn- tionary tubs. Inquire 290 Washington or Dial 2893. 461 friendly, Robber began to boast. He wanted to make himself as wonderful es possible In the ey«jj of that -young Chuck. "I take it; " said he. "that you have not been out long'ln the Great World. It is a very wonderful place. But one must be able to take care of one's self. It is no place for one who is afraid." "Then," said the young Chuck, "1 suppose you are not afraid." "Not In the hast," replied Robber. This was an untruth, for as I told you before. Robber is a coward." l'.y w been all over the Great World," he contin- ued. "I've eeen so much that it is a relitf to settle down here. I don't SALESMAN MECHANICS, To sell Automobile improvement necessity—, devise of proven merit. Unusual op- portunity for county distributors. Write for appointment. Address X-84 j l i m e s Of flea, (BUS BOY WANTED at Hotel Seneca. 661 , NIGHT ENGINEER for permanent iposltion. Apply Chief Engineer. Hotel jSeneca. M3 r AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Sell Msdison "Better Made" shirts direct from our factory to wear- •r. No capital or experience required jEaslly sold Big profits. Write for Jfree samples. Madison Mills, 603 Broadway, New York 211 —'- ROOMS FOR RENT [FURNISHED ROOM Mason St FOR RENT 40 468 BED ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED Bath, electric lights. Gentleman only N Geneva St. 394 t NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for •ant. Gentlemen only. 19 Cherry St, 666 FURNI8HED ROOMS for rent for t housekeeping. Suitable for Imsl- people .Dial 4682. 56S SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTED by day or hour. Dl M 4386. 633 IENERAL HOUSEWORK WANTED iy middle aged lady. Adult, protestsnt ©me preferred Address X-67 Times tf»ce- * 443 Ai F£W-J*QRE YODNQ PEOPLE wanted to enroll in Barclay's Business Institute during this month. A special discount will be given if you enroll during the month of August. Phone 3316 For full particulars. Our fall term begins Sept. 4. 662 DO YOU WANT TO RENT A TYPE- writer? I have Underwoods, Royals, Remingtons, L. C Smiths, Monarch* for 33 for a month. Bell, Waterloo Phone 285 W. 827' FINE 11 ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale, hardwood finish. AH improve- ments, except electricity. Well located. Very cheap. O. F Ditmars 293 FARMS FOJR SALE MclNTYRE'S FARM. SO acres for sale 1 1-2 miles south of Hall on state road . 642 FOR 8ENECA COUNTY FARMS and Waterloo village property nee R. W. Dowden, Waterloo. C84 IT DOSEN'T PAY YOU to buy any summer suits now as our Fall and winter line is already in. Come and 400k it over. I hava low prices and easy term payments. Also we do remodel- ing. eie„ Theo. D* Paolls, 20 William St. Opp_ Masonic Temple, open even- ings. 847 f CULL YOUR POULTRY FLOCK now. For 2c per bird you can have all culls removed. Save feeding the boarders, and use the money, u will cost 40c to keep a peer bird from now until next laying time. 20,000 birds satisfactorily handled since last year. Phone Stan- ley 2-Y-1I. Marvin T. Forster, Hall 490 BOOK~"KEEPING AND AUDITING service for every business. Weekly A monthly audits, systems, financial statements and consultation In of- fice problems. Becker Walrath Audit Co, Geneva, N Y. 484 WE WILL CALL PROMPTLY for your old rags. Metal and rubber, and pay highest cash price.. Geneva Metsl and Rubber Co. 308 ' "Rocfiesfer wore guests of he? parentsT Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smith over Sunday. Mr. and Mra Jacob Lun are en- Joying a visit from his nephew, a son of his brother Frank Lun who former- ly resided here. The young man Is accompanied by a friend. Mv. and Mrs. Beeche.- Basset*. ol Pittsburgh, Pa., were guests of his mother, Mrs. Mary Bassett, during the pas; weelt. A largo crowd attended Old Home Day In Garlinghouse on Saturday and everyone had a fine time as the day I was perfect^ the dinner bountiful, the I program excetlent.lJany vtsttowi wars present from long distance- Among I those were Cyrus Brigs of Honeoye j Falls, Irwin Brigs and family and John Brigs of Ionia and Mr. and Mrs. I Edward Grace of Canandalgua- I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roys spent I Sunday with relatives at Middlesex. Marlon Olney and family of LodI I are spending some time with relatives 1 here. Professor Leslie Case of Tarrytown and family are visiting his parents,, Mr. and Mrs. George M. Case. * Miss Caroline Riddle goes to Geneva on Wednesday to reside with her sis. ter, Mrs. Florence Foster, and will at- tend High School. Miss Helen Hennessey Is visiting relatives at Geneva Miss Mary Seamans of Brooklyn will spend the remainder of this month in town. Mrs. Frank Holbrook of Rushvllle is spending the week with her brother A. O. Seamans and William Seamans. Mr. Mead is painting the residence formerly owned by the late Charles Peck and otherwise improving It, ready to occupy next spring. Alfred Grlswold's' family is spend- ing a few days at the Kistner Cottage Woodvill*. Mr, and Mrs. Beecher Bassett of Pittsburgh are spending a few days with relative t here. Miss Anda Watkins of this village was one of the beneficiaries of the will ! of Mra. F. T. Thompson. Frank GrlSwold, Lewis Griswold and Mrs. Mary Trembley attended the fun- eral of an aunt in Avoca on Sunday. The Tyler Sunday School Class will hold a class picnic on Thursday of this WWR. ~ HOPEWELL AUCTION AUCTION AT WOOD'S SALES STA- Wes of Horses, Harness, wagons and a lot of fence posts. Saturday, Aug. 25th. Hf A of "This place.'* said h*. "is merely where I sleep" FINANCIAL ALL OR ANY PART OF FORTY- five shares of Geneva National Bank Stock for sale. Ahram A Post, Geneva^ N. Y. 639 REAL ESTATE WANTED 7 OR 8 ROOM HOUSE wanted to rent Oct. 15 or Nov. 15 by good family 3 , . hi adults, wUl use propertywith care. Dl- l si 2069 or X- 54 TimeR office. SOS HOUSE OR APARTMtNT wanted AUTOMOBILES MOON SPORT TOURING DEMON strator for aale. M. C. Wheat. Dial 2885. 533 Romulus, Au«r 22.— Mr. and Mra .u ...... __ j William O. Brown. Mrs. A. W. Sut- $260.00 BUYS 1»21 CHEVROLET iphen and daughter Klisaheth. Mr and touring car. Good paint and tires. A-l^rj, John Granville of Ithaca and Mrs. Mechanically. Dial B687. 462 I.nwrence J. Llmnrr of Romjius nre MOON AUTOMOBILES. Demonstra- I enjoying a motor trip through the tlons any time. M C. Wheat, dial 2«85. Great Lake section and Southern Cnn> 454 ada. suppose there is any one who has seen 1 n< p of the Great World than I have. I have been a great traveler In my day. Ves. sir. 1 have been a great traveler in mv day,** "Then l Shouldn't think you would h« vntiAfled to settle down in a place like this," said the young Chuck. "But perhaps you don't live here all the jtlme. It seems to me rather a dirty ! place. 1 suppose you go outside to itake a mit ba;h." j Now. Robber the Rat doe<* not take sun baths. He hates sunlight. His Ul*:ils are deeds of darkness and hfr come* out in the light of day only whi n ho mupt. or when there is some- it. But Robber knew that the young 1 Chuck didn't know these things. He (didn't know that Robber had lost his ..,« iself-respect. So Robber kept on with rent, bmall family, no children Will (nls hoa * mg . It was ^^t pleasure take best of enre. If locatirm. may ! t nilns<> , r t o have some one who would buy. Dial 265o from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m \a^ton to him. 540 1 "This place." said he, "is merely —,. . UA1(B , __ .... ,._ .... » . _ iwhcre 1 s'erp. From It T go forth SMALL HOUSE OR APARTMENT .whenever I please to tret the things I wanted to rent, for family^of 3. No,' wnn t. It is an easy matter to get a children. Dial 4086 641 hi> fnir here. l*n above there are great !btn"Crrf grain stored especially for me .by FaVmer Brown nrd his boy." 1 Of coinsc this wasn't true, but Rob- ber knew that the young Chuck knew nothing about the inside of Farmer Baown's hnrn. It pleased him to pre- ,»,,i t>,., t 0 n |)v»* C orn nnd grain was his o%vn. "Yes, sir," he continued, "in • iu room over our heads nre piles of com and grain that would feed all the «"hucks in the world, and all this is mine Those bi*r birds that fright- ened you are kept to lay eggs for me. Whenever I feel like having a fresh *fiK. I RO help myself. In, the season "I hnvi> SJ voung chicken whenever I feel like it.** * "What fa a chicken?" interrupted Spangle Family Reunion Hopewell, Aug. 22.—Seventy mem- rbecs attended th* sixth annual Spangle reunion held August 18th at the home <>f Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan in Hope- well. Guests registered from Canar.dalgua, 1 Phelps. Red Creek. Hooewell Centre, |.HaII. Seneca Castle. Kingston, N. Y. (Rochester, East Rochester,Florida and I Auburn. t A business session was held follow- ing th«> dinner which was served at 1 one o'clock on the lawn. There was a program consisting of music by violins and piano, games and ball playing and a reading by Mrs. Chas. Ottley. Char- les Otlley gave a very Interesting talk on Florida. t The following officers were chosen for the ensuing: vear :President, Frank Spangle, of Hopewell- vice-president, A. Ardell, Of Cannr.daigna; secretary, MIPS Ruth Stephens, of Auburn. The reunion next year will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlckey at Hall on the third Saturday in August. There were two faces missed at tills years' gathering, those of William F. Buchan and Mrs. Byron Stephens who died during the past year. MODERN FLAT OR HOUSE wanted to rent. Close in. Rcfeicmes Dial 2470 or care Times X-86. 668 ROMULUS CANOGA Abbott—Wade Canoga, Aug. 22.—The marriage of two of Cannga's prominent young peo- I Pie was solemized at six o'clock Sat- urday evening at the North Presby- iterinn Church manse in Geneva, by the Rev. Alexander Thompson, when Pnoebo Wade, only daughter of Mrs. i>cd Beard brenme the bride of John (Jesse Abbott only son of Mr. and Mrs Maynard Abbott. After a motor trip I and brief vNit with relatives in Roch- ester, they returned to Canoga and are now enjoyine; a honrymoon tour to .Niagara Falls nnd Canada. I Cnnogn. Aug 22.—What appeared to be the hold theft of a veal calf at the Koster H nlnce Monday afternoon, cre- ated no little excitement, but proved to be only a misunderstanding. While Mrs. Koster and daughter were absent from home, the calf was butchered and taken away, it lately developed that Mr. Noble of Seneca Falls, had through a misunderstanding, thought h« had Many Paris Woman Think Nothing sf Having Their Noses Broken and Reset Parlaicnnes are going to such lengths to achieve beauty aa quite to put la tue shade the painful operation of "dimpling" (making a holsin^ the chin by means of a drugged needle). Many women think nothing of having their noses broken and reset in a dif- ferent shape, says a Paris correspon- dent. Others actually have the eye- brows moved upward or downward, as the fancy dictates. This necessitates a complete removal of the hair and either a false and forced growth In a different position or makeup. One beauty expert, who undertakes to change the form of a woman's lips, has reformed nmny operations. His latest experiment""is to make tbe upper |p turn up, giving it an alluring.pout. To do this he stretches a thin hair from the upper lip to the tip of the nose. This effect, naturally, Is limited to actresses, who use it on the stage only. • Some fashionable women are being laughed at for their insistence on hay- ing their cosmetics flavored. One has her lip rouge tasting of banana. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an order of ti, e gate's Court of the Coun'y of Os^** notlcs la hereby given to all ••-«!!? having claims against Gui MB ^*"«, glielmlno, late of th« City 0 f ru ^'\ Ontario County, State of N«pi deceased, to present the same with^' vouchers thereof, to the undatiiL?!' Administrators at tbeir reaidenJ^* Wads worth street, in the City of ',/• nsva. N. Y.. on or before the 24th * of November. 1928. B *•** R OSA OUOLIELMIN0. CHARLES LA NASA, •^dminwHf,, Dated May 14th, 1M8. ** GEORGE F. BODINE, Attorney for Admrs. Waterloo. N. Y- NOTICE TO^REDITORS Pursuant to an order of the Surm. gate's Court of the County of OntsnV notice is hereby givea to an penw^! having claims against James SaundsT son late of the City of Geneva On tario County, State of New Vork *T 'ceased, to present the same, With a vouchers thereof, to the underside? executors of the estate of the abon named deceased at the hiw office 01 C. W. Rice, Geneva Trust CorapanJ Building, Geneva, N. Y., on or bef or J the first day of November, 192s SADIE SAUNDERSON, Executor Dated Apm 24. TtJtT HOW REED ACQUIRED TITLE Why Famous Speaker of House Wat Given Name "Czar"—Conduct Called "Russian." Julius Chambers, at one time man- aging editor of the New York World, tells in his book, "News Hunting <m Three Continents," how Thomas B. Reed, one-time speaker of the house of representatives, acquired the title of "Osar." When the house of the Fifty-first congress organized In December, 1889, with the narrow majority of 164 Re- publicans to 161 Democrats, Reed, of Maipe, was elected speaker. He i»- sisted upon a new code of house rules. The Democrats assisted In passing them, probably under the premonition that Reed would embarrass their op- ponents. And that was exactly what be did. One day the speaker Insisted on counting a Quorum by including all members present In the chamber, whether or not they answered to their names at roll-call. Several members denounced the arbitrary conduct as un- democratic, even Russian, in eharacter. The next morning In the New York World appeared the words, "Czar Reed," an inch high across the fronf page. . • The words became -Indelibly en- graved upon American political his- tory. NOTICE TO CREDITORS^ Pursuant to an order of the Surrn. T*X#* COBl-f of fhT Co-inty of Ontario notice is hereby given to all penwiu having claims against Chester ft Smith, late of the .City of Geneva, On- tario County, State of New York, d«- ceased, to present the same with th« vouchers therec/f, to the undersigns* executors of the estate of the abovs named deceased at the law office «i C.""W. Rice, Geneva Trust Company Building, Geneva, N. Y., on or befori the first day of November 1923. CHARLES C. SCOON J O H N TITCOMB Executor*. Dated April 23, 1923. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an order of the Surre« gate's Court of the County of Ontaria notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Michael A Broderick; late of th e City of Geneva; Ontario County, State of New York, deceased, to oresent the same with th« vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, at the office of Lapham, McGreevy A Ryan, 435 Exchange St., Geneva, N. ..Y., on or b3fore the 1st day of Septem- ber, 1928. ELIZABETH BRODERICIC, Executor. lApham, McGreevy and Ryan, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an order ot the Sur- rogate's Court of the County of On* tario, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Ellea A. Sweensy late of the City of Ge- neva, Ontario County, State of New J York, deceased, to present the satas with the vouchers thereof, to the un- . derslgned at the law office of W. S. O'Brien at No. 60 Seneca Street, Ge-< nsva, N. Y., oh or before, the 12 th day of October, 1923. EUGENE DE VANEY Administrator Dated April 9, 1923. Lincoln Was a Whlttler. Whittling sticks and telling stories were Abraham Lincoln's resources. Bismarck's wife, when Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata was being played, noticed the first tear In his eye, and felt "He Is not so hard as he seems," and "passionate, heroic music" made his recreations, side by side with hunt- ing in youth, long country drives in old age, conversation and his pipe. The Reform Earl Grey had a passion for dancing, and, as premier in the midst of a political crista, cried out one night at 10 Downing street, "What would I not give to dance like Tailtoni!" Root Cause ef Nearly Every War. During the World war a wall-known French publicist was invited te aft- dress a large audience of children from the elementary schools of an American city. Walking quickly onto the stage, he commenced speaking in his own tongue, and then smiling at the bewil- dered children, he said, in perfect Eng- lish: "You do sot understand me, do youT There, my dear children, you have the root cause of this and nearly every other war. Only through a lack of proper understanding of the point of view of other nations are wars pos- sible."- Christian Science Monitor. Young and Inexperienced. ' When I was a bride I went Into a shop to purchase socks for my hus- band. I was young and unaccustomed to buying men's wear, and wis at a loss when the salesman inquired what sire I wanted. I didn't have the slightest idea, but suddenly I said, "I don't remembet what slse his socks are, but he wears a number fifteen collar." The clerk and all other people hf the shop burst out laughing.—Ea» change. A Helpful Hint. "I don't know what in the thunders- tlon Is the matter with my wife!" grumbled Oap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. "She's everlastingly asking me for money to buy a new dress with or a bun nit, or some such fool thing." "Mought try giving her a little money some time, and see if it would make a plumb fool of her," suggested an acquaintance.—Kansas City Star. "BRINGING UP FATHER B? MCMAOUS WELL - WHAT OO •*TX>U vyA,HT I N , "TUE. KITCH&M? MOT A TH»N<$ NOT rV THir-4^: M*\44*E -| THINK ' I T W O U L D rbE I BCTTWIFYOU I FIREO THE. NEW SO- YOU *Rt£ AJFRAMO - ARE fcXOU? I THOOCHT-xOO WERE, As e>*e\VE MAMS WHEN » . -AAReSlEO ^OO- THM-6 J WHAT ' ' EVERY OOOY EL-rtt TH004HT- * "•antes" Coffee Frhrn Sao Faulo. It Is against the law now to if M •a "Java" coffee that does not co tte from Java or Sumatra. Real Mochu, ls growu in Arabia, and after the eof *ee became well known and very pop«'j«r some unscrupulous dealers applied ' | ! S name to coffee from other country Coffees frequently take their natje, from the ports from which they -ire ship-sen 1 . The most widely used vfy. «ty in thi« country Is called "sent-y t - after a port of Sao Paulo, the g' hat coffee-producing state of Brasll. Men and Sheep. Hen are like sheep, of which a flock la more easily driven than a »H>8'« a83aoo«a«MOt»s»%%%'MMty: USED TIRES All Sixes GUINAN'S ^North A Exchange Sta. . FRAHK BRADLEY GENERAL INSURANCE 199 GtndMS Street Phone 2834 ~; Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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And Want Department


When paid for at tiaie of first Insertion C H A R Q t R A T E i —

TWO CENTS A WORD T I M Chars* Rat* for Classified A1-

vsrtlsing •» double the rate for Cash advcrtlalcg. The reason la obvloua The coot of handling and collection these small account* la out of pro-M-itlon to their v.Uua


Three Consecutive Time* 10% Dieooaat

Six ConsecuUve Times • I 1-1% Discount


•MALL DRIVJNO MARC for sale At your own i»rice Wwi. Verschage, r ive Points Phone IS-*'-*. B«9

GOOD BICYCLE for sale. Call even­ing-*. Ernest Lei kins, 20 ' 'opeland Ave.


GOOD HEATER for sale Inquire 12* LaPaye4te Ave. 664

HOL8TEIN COW for sale Due Nov. 1st. 2 miles south. Me Dougal. L. A-Covert. 658

OVERLAND TOURING with starter 1»23 License, 1100 takes It. Erhardt. 5th house east side North of Skuse's corners. Lyons road. »67


APARTMENT on paved street for rent. 4 rooms and bath, heat and wa­ter furnished, no children. 140.00 per month. W'.. II. Clayton , Dove Bldg.. Geneva. 565

FIVE ROOM PLAT for rent. Dial S7«8. 632

No advertisement taken for less than tic. each Insertion.

To Insure publication oopy for ad-eerti soman ta should bm In this of flea « the day before publication desired.

Publishers reserve the right to adit or reject any advertisement

Advertisement* ordered by telephone subject to charge ratea, unless cash Is seat In payment within oos day.


REVERSIBLE BABV CARRIAGE for sale, cream color In good condition-112 Pultency St. 6S»

MVE ROOM APARTMENT Main street. Wm. M Wnk.

for rent. 466

REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FLOOR C I G A R CASE W A N T E D good condition and reasonable. Box i 19 Mac Dougall, N. Y 663

S ROOM HOU8E at 66 LaFayette Ave-for rent Sept 1st. Steam heat, electric-lights ,gas, bath. Inquire 68 LaFayette Ave. 4»5 1 S IDEBOARD, 6 D I N I N G ROOM

chairs and one arm chair for sale. Wm. I GARAGE FOR RENT. Inquire C, Rlggs, 475 Exchange St Geneva. N- | WW lam g t Y. Phone 8129. -687 ! •

ACOUAINTANCE3 tho young Chuck. Roober explained that a chicken is

a ha by hen. and that thoae big; birds he had seen were hens- Than he con­tinued with his boastlna of the won­derful life he led until the foolish young Chuck wetuallv became envlows-(Copyright, 1923. by T. A. Burgees)

The next story: "The Young Chuck Begins to Havs Doubts."


!purchased It and sent his son to kill it so the matter was properly adjusted.

— • •

Mr. and Mm. Charles De Voe were members of a motorlnar Darty who v i s ­ited Watkins Glen on Sunday.

Lester Kltllngham of Waterloo waa the over Sunday shiest of Mr. and Mrs Charles De Voe and with them motor­ed to Watkins Glenn on Sunday.

Charles Dlngman and mother, Mra Bunoughea were recent visitors on Mrs. Dlngman in the Geneva hospital and it-port her convalescing In a fav­orable manner.

Mr- and Mrs. Fred Beard her son Leland Wade, daughter. Mrs Jesse Abbott and husband left Tuesday morning for a motoring trip to Niagara

217 549

! F U R N I S H E D milch Main St. Wm.

HOU8E Fink.

S 60)

. for rent D U R H A M e\ G U E R N S E Y new cow, with calf by side for sale. Phone

11 Rawlins ., . • • - jH-pfHE GENEVA- HOUQg-•ftnrr&t.-Corr — — — — . — - — ; Exchange anil l.ak<- St. For Hotel or

2 stores. Inquire 71 North St.. 2287 8. C. WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS for sale. 75c , 31.00, II 26 each accord­ing to age and quality. 600 ready to go during next two weeks. Also a few cockerels. Marvin T. Forster, Hall. 489


Yes, they're acquainted, but they have not yet told their names. It's easy to guess their names, however. Print his name in the first upright column, and hers in the third up­right column, and you will hare completed the eight words of four letters each. What are their names?

Ansuitr to ytsterday's puszlt: A CANOU.


FOUND Boston bull terrier. Owner ,may have same by calling at Neater -Hose room M. J-jD-'Toale^ ——612.

I LOST. Bill folder containing 4 Or 6 (dollars and chauffeur a card Finder please return to Times Office. 636

ONE CORN A N D COB C R U S H E R and several second hand wood split pulley* in Rood condition. prU'e rea­sonable. R. D. Newton, Flint, N. Y.


HAVE SEVERAL FINEST HOME8 in city, on Washington and Hamilton ! streets, with every Improvement tali and inspect. I. H. Kipp, Cole A ' W v -W6TfT"BTiTrm?eT™BIdr. — 6T4

a (in.


Naples, Aug. 22—Naples Boy Scouts an. enjoying life at Camp Tarion, lanandalgua Lake for two weeks ,

The Methodist Sunday School held ; Falls and to points of Interest in Can Its annual picnic at Loon Lake on Tuesday.

Rev. Bayford will exchange pulpits with Rev. Shaut at North Cohocton nex; Sunday.

Rev. Arthur Aldrich a former pas­tor of the Baptist church, Mrs. Aldrich Floyd and Florence Aldrich of Adams Center N. Y. are spending somo time with frlendy here.

Rev. A. A. Aldrich preached at Bris­tol Springe on Sunday afternoon for Dr. France who is having a month's vacation

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Maggs Jr^ of

LOST— An amber rosary marked M. E D. Reward if returned to Mrs. Dan Deegan. 488 South Main St. 647

LOST from automobile, on highway between Andover and 1'enn Yan, suit

[box containing lady's coat and dress. I Finder please return to Geneva Daily i Times 473 1 — — — - i n i i n - i i — — i in ! • • • . „ i )im ii . seas ••• a " i


I HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for light boon' work, in widower's home in country Fair wages ana good home.

[Address X-85 Times Office. 664

JDST «feG4HVet> a carload -of- Dftl-corn Dairy Ration, the best dairy feed on the market. A. H Traphagerv Wa­terloo, N. Y. Phone 24. - 400

MIXED HAY for sale. 1 stack about 15 tons. 2 steaks 20 ton each. W. A T Cass. 384

S T A N D A R D B R A N D S OF F E R T I L I -zer for sale at attractive prices, 16 per cent acid 320.00 per ton. Come and get iLas you need it. A. H. Traphagen, Phone 24, Waterloo, N. Y. 302


! 8 ROOM HOUSE, barn, ehlcRen house THE • 10 extra lots, 60x126 all for 38300.

Ka« *ay-tenm». 1. H, Krpp; C«le~A-cfcoff office. Schnlrel Bldg. S73

HOUSE, BARN, CHICKEN HOUSE, one acre ground, set out to fruit, can be bought very reasonable I. H. Klpp, Ooie & WycKotr office, Bennirel Bldg.




a B Y T H O R T O N ^ W . B U R G E S S

The boaster aives himself away, Because his tongue h« cannot stay.

Robber ^tm-Rat i s a coward. : Dtfta most cowards he Is a boaster. You will almost alwavs find that cowards

NEW 7 ROOM HOUSE all improve- ',we boasters. You know RobDer Is ments. Bath, gas, electricity, furnace, jan outcast. None of the little people hardwood floors, paved street. Call [of the Green Forest and the Green

Cole & Wy- I M ( , 1 ( | , , w g w U 1 h I i v e anvthinsr to do wlfh bil

for Inspection. I. If. Klpp, ekoff Schnlrel Bldg.

RELIABLE GIRL wanted to clerk in bakery Apply New England Kitchen, after 6 p.m. 651

11 [HOUSEKEEPER WANTED for small [family. References required. Address) X-83 Times Office. 460

(MAID WANTED for general house-jwork, in good home witli all modern laborsaving conveniences. Good wag-

las. Mrs. H. F. Miller, 10 Johnston St , Seneca Fails, N. Y. Phone 426 -R. 626

j WOMAN WANTED for general house iwork. Inquire 140 Genesee. 485

(MAID WANTED for (Work. Mrs. Morris (Drive. Dial 3418

general house• Tracy, De'tanr.y



{ELECTRICIANS WANTED first class only. Report ready for work. Ameri­can Can Co., N. Genes* e A L, V Rall-

(*foad. Geneva, N. y, 678

lYOUNG BOY WANTED TO KEEP time. Apply Felton Construction Co., Cor. Pulteney & Milton. 677

WASHING WANTED to do at home. Florence L. G. Murray, Stanley, N Y-R: D. l. 576

• • • •• . • f

P L E A S A N T F U R N I S H E D ROOM wanted about Sept. 1st. by school teacher. In good location west of Cas­tle Kt. In replying give full particulars including price. Address X-87 Times Office 675

FINE NEW 6 ROOM HOUSE, bath, j gas, electricity, furnace, hardwood ' floors, paved street, fine home. I H. Kipp, Cole A Wyckoff off ce Schnirel Bldg. 670

him. does

^ hat Brown'a

He pretends not to care, but he care. So. When he discovered

the young Chuck under Farmer barn . was inclined to be

LOT for sale on Hillcrest. West Chae. Townsend.

side 538

WAKHING8 AND IRONINGS wanted to do at home. 132 Nursery Ave. 658

W H I A T WANTED. Any kind. Hlgh-eHt market price. Always buying. Gen­eva Mills C. C Davison. 217

R E P E A T I N G S H O T GUNS W A N T E D Will pay spot cash Bring them at once. I buy, sell or trade all kinds of used and new guns. King, Ofp City flail. = = = = = • 376

TEN ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent In fine condition. Arranged for two families or one. Mrs. Amelia Vander-hoof, Phelps, New York. 544

6 NEW HOUSES for sale, all Improve * 4»ante. Phone 576S or Inquire at 218 William Street. W. G. Clark, Contrac­tor, builder. 469

Nk£W HAY WANTED f Will pay the highest cash market pr'.ce for new hay. l eading at all Btatims. See me before you sell. A- 11. Traphagen, Phone 24, Waterloo, N. Y. 203


TWO FINE LOTS for sale north side of Hamilton street They nre the first vacant lots from South Main street, also 6 room stucco bungalow with bath room, fireplace, hardwood floors, stn-tionary tubs. Inquire 290 Washington or Dial 2893. 461

friendly, Robber began to boast. He wanted to make himself as wonderful es possible In the ey«jj of that -young Chuck.

"I take it; " said he. "that you have not been out long'ln the Great World. It is a very wonderful place. But one must be able to take care of one's self. It is no place for one who is afraid."

"Then," said the young Chuck, "1 suppose you are not afraid."

"Not In the hast," replied Robber. This was an untruth, for as I told you before. Robber is a coward." l'.yw been all over the Great World," he contin­ued. "I've eeen so much that it is a relitf to settle down here. I don't

SALESMAN MECHANICS, To sell Automobile improvement necessity—, devise of proven merit. Unusual op­portunity for county distributors. Write for appointment. Address X-84 j l i m e s Of flea,

( B U S BOY WANTED at Hotel Seneca. 661

, NIGHT ENGINEER for permanent iposltion. Apply Chief Engineer. Hotel jSeneca. M3


AGENTS Sell Msdison "Better Made" shirts direct from our factory to wear-•r . No capital or experience required jEaslly sold Big profits. Write for Jfree samples. Madison Mills, 603 Broadway, New York 211



FOR R E N T 40 468

BED ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED Bath, electric lights. Gentleman only N Geneva St. 394

t NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for •ant. Gentlemen only. 19 Cherry St, 666

s£ F U R N I 8 H E D R O O M S for rent for

t housekeeping. Suitable for Imsl-people .Dial 4682. 56S

SITUATIONS WANTED WORK WANTED by day or hour. Dl M 4386. 633

IENERAL HOUSEWORK WANTED iy middle aged lady. Adult, protestsnt ©me preferred Address X-67 Times tf»ce- * 443

Ai F £ W - J * Q R E YODNQ PEOPLE wanted to enroll in Barclay's Business Institute during this month. A special discount will be given if you enroll during the month of August. Phone 3316 For full particulars. Our fall term begins Sept. 4. 662

DO YOU WANT TO RENT A TYPE-writer? I have Underwoods, Royals, Remingtons, L. C Smiths, Monarch* for 33 for a month. Bell, Waterloo Phone 285 W. 827'

FINE 11 ROOM BRICK HOUSE for sale, hardwood finish. AH improve­ments, except electricity. Well located. Very cheap. O. F Ditmars 293


MclNTYRE'S FARM. SO acres for sale 1 1-2 miles south of Hall on state road . 642

FOR 8ENECA COUNTY FARMS and Waterloo village property nee R. W. Dowden, Waterloo. C84

IT DOSEN'T PAY YOU to buy any summer suits now as our Fall and winter line is already in. Come and 400k it over. I hava low prices and easy term payments. Also we do remodel­ing. eie„ Theo. D * Paolls, 20 William St. Opp_ Masonic Temple, open even­ings. 847

f CULL YOUR POULTRY FLOCK now. For 2c per bird you can have all culls removed. Save feeding the boarders, and use the money, u will cost 40c to keep a peer bird from now until next laying time. 20,000 birds satisfactorily handled since last year. Phone Stan­ley 2-Y-1I. Marvin T. Forster, Hall


BOOK~"KEEPING AND AUDITING service for every business. Weekly A monthly audits, systems, financial statements and consultation In of­fice problems. Becker Walrath Audit Co, Geneva, N Y. 484

W E W I L L C A L L P R O M P T L Y for your old rags. Metal and rubber, and pay highest cash price.. Geneva Metsl and Rubber Co. 308

' "Rocfiesfer wore guests of he? parentsT Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smith over Sunday.

Mr. and Mra Jacob Lun are en-Joying a visit from his nephew, a son of his brother Frank Lun who former­ly resided here. The young man Is accompanied by a friend.

Mv. and Mrs. Beeche.- Basset*. ol Pittsburgh, Pa., were guests of his mother, Mrs. Mary Bassett, during the pas; weelt.

A largo crowd attended Old Home Day In Garlinghouse on Saturday and everyone had a fine time as the day

I was perfect^ the dinner bountiful, the I program excetlent.lJany vtsttowi w a r s present from long distance- Among

I those were Cyrus Brigs of Honeoye j Falls, Irwin Brigs and family and

John Brigs of Ionia and Mr. and Mrs. I Edward Grace of Canandalgua-I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roys spent I Sunday with relatives at Middlesex.

Marlon Olney and family of LodI I are spending some time with relatives 1 here.

Professor Leslie Case of Tarrytown • and family are visiting his parents , ,

Mr. and Mrs. George M. Case. * Miss Caroline Riddle goes to Geneva

on Wednesday to reside with her s is . ter, Mrs. Florence Foster, and will at­tend High School.

Miss Helen Hennessey Is visiting relatives at Geneva

Miss Mary Seamans of Brooklyn will spend the remainder of this month in town.

Mrs. Frank Holbrook of Rushvllle is spending the week with her brother A. O. Seamans and William Seamans.

Mr. Mead is painting the residence formerly owned by the late Charles Peck and otherwise improving It, ready to occupy next spring.

Alfred Grlswold's' family is spend­ing a few days at the Kistner Cottage Woodvill*.

Mr, and Mrs. Beecher Bassett of Pittsburgh are spending a few days with relative t here.

Miss Anda Watkins of this village was one of the beneficiaries of the will

! of Mra. F. T. Thompson. Frank GrlSwold, Lewis Griswold and

Mrs. Mary Trembley attended the fun­eral of an aunt in Avoca on Sunday.

The Tyler Sunday School Class will hold a class picnic on Thursday of this WWR. ~



AUCTION AT WOOD'S SALES STA-Wes of Horses, Harness, wagons and a lot of fence posts. Saturday, Aug. 25th.

H f A o f "This place.'* said h*. "is merely

where I sleep"


A L L OR A N Y P A R T OF F O R T Y -five shares of Geneva National Bank Stock for sale. Ahram A Post, Geneva^ N. Y. 639


7 OR 8 ROOM HOUSE wanted to rent Oct. 15 or Nov. 15 by good family 3 , . h i adults, wUl use propertywith care. Dl- l

si 2069 or X- 54 TimeR office. SOS

H O U S E OR A P A R T M t N T wanted


MOON SPORT TOURING DEMON strator for aale. M. C. Wheat. Dial 2885. 533 Romulus, Au«r 22.— Mr. and Mra

. u . . . . . . _ _ j William O. Brown. Mrs. A. W. Sut-$260.00 BUYS 1»21 CHEVROLET iphen and daughter Klisaheth. Mr and touring car. Good paint and tires. A - l ^ r j , John Granville of Ithaca and Mrs. Mechanically. Dial B687. 462 I.nwrence J. Llmnrr of Romjius nre MOON AUTOMOBILES. Demonstra- I enjoying a motor trip through the tlons any time. M C. Wheat, dial 2«85. Great Lake section and Southern Cnn>

454 ada.

suppose there is any one who has seen 1 n< p of the Great World than I have. I have been a great traveler In my day. Ves. sir. 1 have been a great traveler in mv day,**

"Then l Shouldn't think you would h« vntiAfled to settle down in a place like this," said the young Chuck. "But perhaps you don't live here all the

jtlme. It seems to me rather a dirty ! place. 1 suppose you go outside to itake a mit ba;h." j Now. Robber the Rat doe<* not take sun baths. He hates sunlight. His

Ul*:ils are deeds of darkness and hfr come* out in the light of day only whi n ho mupt. or when there is some-

it. But Robber knew that the young

1 Chuck didn't know these things. He (didn't know that Robber had lost his

. . ,« iself-respect. So Robber kept on with rent, bmall family, no children W i l l ( n l s hoa*mg. I t w a s „ ^^t pleasure take best of enre. If locatirm. may ! t n i l n s < > , r t o have some one who would buy. Dial 265o from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m \a^ton to him.

540 1 "This place." said he, "is merely — , . . U A 1 ( B , _ _ . . . . , . _ . . . . » . _ iwhcre 1 s'erp. From It T go forth SMALL HOUSE OR APARTMENT .whenever I please to tret the things I wanted to rent, for family^of 3. N o , ' w n n t . It is an easy matter to get a children. Dial 4086 641 hi> fnir here. l*n above there are great

!btn"Crrf grain stored especially for me .by FaVmer Brown nrd his boy." 1 Of coinsc this wasn't true, but Rob­ber knew that the young Chuck knew nothing about the inside of Farmer Baown's hnrn. It pleased him to pre-• ,»,,i t>,.,t 0 n |)v»* Corn nnd grain was his o%vn. "Yes, sir," he continued, "in

• iu room over our heads nre piles of c o m and grain that would feed all the «"hucks in the world, and all this is mine Those bi*r birds that fright­ened you are kept to lay eggs for me. Whenever I feel like having a fresh *fiK. I RO help myself. In, the season

"I hnvi> SJ voung chicken whenever I feel like it.** *

"What fa a chicken?" interrupted

S p a n g l e Fami ly R e u n i o n

Hopewell, Aug. 22.—Seventy mem-rbecs attended t h * sixth annual Spangle reunion held August 18th at the home <>f Mr. and Mrs. John Buchan in Hope­well.

Guests registered from Canar.dalgua, 1 Phelps. Red Creek. Hooewell Centre, |.HaII. Seneca Castle. Kingston, N. Y. (Rochester, East Rochester,Florida and I Auburn. t A business session was held follow­i n g th«> dinner which was served at 1 one o'clock on the lawn. There was a program consisting of music by violins and piano, games and ball playing and a reading by Mrs. Chas. Ottley. Char­les Otlley gave a very Interesting talk on Florida.

t The following officers were chosen for the ensuing: vear :President, Frank Spangle, of Hopewell- vice-president, A. Ardell, Of Cannr.daigna; secretary, MIPS Ruth Stephens, of Auburn.

The reunion next year will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hlckey at Hall on the third Saturday in August.

There were two faces missed at tills years' gathering, those of William F. Buchan and Mrs. Byron Stephens who died during the past year.

MODERN FLAT OR HOUSE wanted to rent. Close in. Rcfeicmes Dial 2470 or care Times X-86. 668



Abbott—Wade Canoga, Aug. 22.—The marriage of

two of Cannga's prominent young peo-I Pie was solemized at six o'clock Sat­urday evening at the North Presby-iterinn Church manse in Geneva, by the Rev. Alexander Thompson, when Pnoebo Wade, only daughter of Mrs. i>cd Beard brenme the bride of John

(Jesse Abbott only son of Mr. and Mrs Maynard Abbott. After a motor trip

I and brief vNit with relatives in Roch­ester , they returned to Canoga and are now enjoyine; a honrymoon tour to

.Niagara Falls nnd Canada.

I Cnnogn. A u g 22.—What appeared to be the hold theft of a veal calf at the Koster H nlnce Monday afternoon, cre­ated no little excitement, but proved to be only a misunderstanding. While Mrs. Koster and daughter were absent from home, the calf was butchered and taken away, it lately developed that Mr. Noble of Seneca Falls, had through a misunderstanding, thought h« had

Many Paris Woman Think Nothing sf Having Their Noses Broken

and Reset

Parlaicnnes are going to such lengths to achieve beauty aa quite to put la tue shade the painful operation of "dimpling" (making a holsin^ the chin by means of a drugged needle).

Many women think nothing of having their noses broken and reset in a dif­ferent shape, says a Paris correspon­dent. Others actually have the eye­brows moved upward or downward, as the fancy dictates. This necessitates a complete removal of the hair and either a false and forced growth In a different position or makeup.

One beauty expert, who undertakes to change the form of a woman's lips, has reformed nmny operations. His latest experiment""is to make tbe upper |p turn up, giving it an alluring.pout.

To do this he stretches a thin hair from the upper lip to the tip of the nose. This effect, naturally, Is limited to actresses, who use it on the stage only. • Some fashionable women are being laughed at for their insistence on hay­ing their cosmetics flavored. One has her lip rouge tasting of banana.


Pursuant to an order of ti,e „ gate's Court of the Coun'y of Os^** notlcs la hereby given to all ••-«!!? having claims against GuiMB^*"«, glielmlno, late of th« City 0f ru ^'\ Ontario County, State of N « p i deceased, to present the same with^' vouchers thereof, to the undatiiL?!' Administrators at tbeir reaidenJ^* Wads worth street, in the City of ',/• nsva. N. Y.. on or before the 24th * of November. 1928. B *•**


•^dminwHf,, Dated May 14th, 1M8. ** GEORGE F. BODINE,

Attorney for Admrs. Waterloo. N. Y-

NOTICE TO^REDITORS Pursuant to an order of the Surm.

gate's Court of the County of OntsnV notice is hereby givea to an penw !̂ having claims against James SaundsT son late of the City of Geneva On tario County, State of New Vork *T

'ceased, to present the same, With a vouchers thereof, to the underside? executors of the estate of the abon named deceased at the hiw office 01 C. W. Rice, Geneva Trust CorapanJ Building, Geneva, N. Y., on or beforJ the first day of November, 192s


Dated A p m 24. TtJtT


Why Famous Speaker of House W a t Given Name "Czar"—Conduct

Called "Russian."

Julius Chambers, at one time man­aging editor of the New York World, tells in his book, "News Hunting <m Three Continents," how Thomas B. Reed, one-time speaker of the house of representatives, acquired the title of "Osar."

When the house of the Fifty-first congress organized In December, 1889, with the narrow majority of 164 Re­publicans to 161 Democrats, Reed, of Maipe, was elected speaker. He i»-sisted upon a new code of house rules. The Democrats assisted In passing them, probably under the premonition that Reed would embarrass their op­ponents. And that was exactly what be did. One day the speaker Insisted on counting a Quorum by including all members present In the chamber, whether or not they answered to their names at roll-call. Several members denounced the arbitrary conduct as un­democratic, even Russian, in eharacter. The next morning In the New York World appeared the words, "Czar Reed," an inch high across the fronf page. . •

The words became -Indelibly en­graved upon American political his­tory.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS^ Pursuant to an order of the Surrn.

T*X#* COBl-f of fhT Co-inty of Ontario notice is hereby given to all penwiu having claims against Chester ft Smith, late of the .City of Geneva, On­tario County, State of New York, d«-ceased, to present the same with th« vouchers therec/f, to the undersigns* executors of the estate of the abovs named deceased at the law office «i C.""W. Rice, Geneva Trust Company Building, Geneva, N. Y., on or befori the first day of November 1923.


Executor*. Dated April 23, 1923.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an order of the Surre«

gate's Court of the County of Ontaria notice i s hereby given to all persons having claims against Michael A Broderick; late of t h e City of Geneva; Ontario County, State of New York, deceased, to oresent the same with th« vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, at the office of Lapham, McGreevy A Ryan, 435 Exchange St., Geneva, N.

..Y., on or b3fore the 1st day of Septem­ber, 1928.


lApham, McGreevy and Ryan,

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an order ot the Sur­

rogate's Court of the County of On* tario, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Ellea A. Sweensy late of the City of Ge­neva, Ontario County, S tate of NewJ

York, deceased, to present the satas with the vouchers thereof, to the un- . derslgned at the law office of W. S. O'Brien at No. 60 Seneca Street, Ge-< nsva, N. Y., oh or before, the 12 th day of October, 1923.

EUGENE DE VANEY Administrator

Dated April 9, 1923.

Lincoln Was a Whlttler. Whittling sticks and telling stories

were Abraham Lincoln's resources. Bismarck's wife, when Beethoven's "Moonlight" sonata was being played, noticed the first tear In his eye, and felt "He Is not so hard as he seems," and "passionate, heroic music" made his recreations, side by side with hunt­ing in youth, long country drives in old age, conversation and his pipe. The Reform Earl Grey had a passion for dancing, and, as premier in the midst of a political crista, cried out one night at 10 Downing street, "What would I not give to dance like Tailtoni!"

Root Cause ef Near ly Every War . During the World war a wall-known

French publicist was invited te aft-dress a large audience of children from the elementary schools of an American city. Walking quickly onto the stage, he commenced speaking in his own tongue, and then smiling at the bewil­dered children, he said, in perfect Eng­lish: "You do sot understand me, do youT There, my dear children, you have the root cause of this and nearly every other war. Only through a lack of proper understanding of the point of view of other nations are wars pos­sible."- Christian Science Monitor.

Young and Inexperienced. ' When I was a bride I went Into a

shop to purchase socks for my hus­band. I was young and unaccustomed to buying men's wear, and wis at a loss when the salesman inquired what sire I wanted.

I didn't have the slightest idea, but suddenly I said, "I don't remembet what slse his socks are, but he wears a number fifteen collar."

The clerk and all other people hf the shop burst out laughing.—Ea» change.

A Helpful Hint. "I don't know what in the thunders-

tlon Is the matter with my wife!" grumbled Oap Johnson of Rumpus Ridge. "She's everlastingly asking me for money to buy a new dress with or a bun nit, or some such fool thing."

"Mought try giving her a little money some time, and see if it would make a plumb fool of her," suggested an acquaintance.—Kansas City Star.



M O T A T H » N < $ N O T rV T H i r - 4 ^ :

M*\44*E - | THINK ' IT W O U L D rbE I B C T T W I F Y O U I F IREO THE. N E W



I T H O O C H T - x O O W E R E , As e>*e\VE MAMS WHEN » .

-AAReSlEO ^OO-*»

THM-6 J W H A T ' '



"•antes" Coffee Frhrn Sao Faulo. It Is against the law now to if M

•a "Java" coffee that does not co t te from Java or Sumatra. Real Mochu, l s growu in Arabia, and after the eof *ee became well known and very pop«'j«r some unscrupulous dealers applied ' | !S name to coffee from other country

Coffees frequently take their natje, from the ports from which they -ire ship-sen1. The most widely used vfy. «ty in thi« country Is called "sent-yt-after a port of Sao Paulo, the g' hat coffee-producing state of Brasll.

Men and Sheep. Hen are like sheep, of which a flock

la more easily driven than a »H>8'«



GUINAN'S ^North A Exchange Sta.


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Phone 2834 ~ ;

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