s soda water, s.s.c0bb&c0 variety of confectionery. 11/geneva ny courier/geneva n… · other...

_ _ _ _ _ ra Minim ZOOLOGICAL AND Equestrian Company $ Be organized fur the present cum pnilu wall cnliri ly n e w t'«ir>, Di'ii-, Ua Kuasr \V neons, llariiets, Troiqiiiiss, toman, tic, Ac. Prominent niiinng the ninny i>tlnic" mm. m tilts Mumiuoili tiwuWtw- 111 lit will lie fuuiid Vuu Ainbuigh,> Trained Lions, Boyal Brazilian and _ Black Tige-s, African and Asiatic Leopard, &c EUocutiug, ul tlie command u'f HERR LENQLE, A variety oiastniiishingfists Tito monster Verier WMg Klopimnt TIPPOO §A1B, I WKISItlXG OVER 9.W0 rofiSDS, Whose feet* far exceed. »» proofs of intelligence, (iilni'M aim •nut lie to liunuiu i'iji«i>n,) nil ilii-•jH-fiouu- cuecfjtvBi l.iiuwn ian ftlouiiB'Flo. lie will bo directed by Ins Ktifper. ~ -3PB, ArKK NASH. Tlie Mann(?rm> lit, with their usual liberutily when ratcring lor llm uiiiusement of thoir patrons, have called into requisition llm resources 01 both Hemispheres 10 m.iko llicir CIRCUS COMPANY Tlie best ever exhibited iti America and their Arena Wib present u tiratut Cong-rttt of French, English, JLMl •-•\-J-t\ American Stars, en< It mainline pre-eminent in their Gymnastic, Kqu-siriiiii, or Acro- batic speciuliiies ;• while the ' COURT OF IYIOIYIUS wil'. be well represented in the per- l iiftniiiplished <i. ^Vi(, iiliil ftVliitlarV fil MS. L THAYER THE GKKAT AMERICAN TALKING CLOWN, v.'liTin * fuii'l i-f frriynnil \i I* ""'' lhmior s-em.s iimxliiiusliblo [ mill wbib it keeps the utulieiuc n. nit uprojir of mcirimini, never over- steps the Uniud* of propriety, imr niu»>l n hliuMi to HuiIItie trie olteek ol olT.iiiled ni'nltKiy. Ociii»is,Kdu-' ration, iiml rctined n«fe»«intit.n coui- tiiiii ui niaive him the Uif.sl aeconi- l>;i*hod llunioiUt i*t lias or any other uge. SNSAT AUSTIN, Performing Clown, a m -<i-\ for a scu!t>tor in physical proportions with a keen pereep- lion lor iho luilicroUP.il.: bus made Grotesqtv Pei'foPlnririret cr.iliy; and ,wbite stftfih brilliancy lie keeps his Mnlience will laughter by lua comic actions and eccentric delineations. DK. rniAViiirs Tin: AYER'S CATHAKTIC •ir J_ J i.l.jjj. Are you sick, feeble, nun complaining? Areyououtuf Older, w]th your system de- ranged, and your feeling* uu- couifoitable? These symp- toms are often the prelude to seiiuiix iliuesH. Some lit of sickness Is creeping upon you, ami tdiould be averted by a timely u.-o of tlie right miu- cdy. Take Ayers 1'ills, and cleanse out the disordered hu- mors— purify tlie blood, and let tliB HtrldH move on unou- rtructt'd in health again. They stimulate the fuu< in us of tlie body into vigorous ac- tlvily, purify the system from (lie obstructions which make A cold tittles somewhere iu the body, and ob- its natural functions. These, if not relieved, disease strtic is . renet upon themselves and tlio surrounding organs, pro- ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease. AVhile in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, take Aycr'a I'ills. and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with it tho buoyant fueling of health again. What is true ami HO apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true ill many of the flnsn sail bill and dangerous distempers. Tho same purgative olluct expels them. Caused by similar obstruc- tions iiml derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of tlumi surely, cured by the same moans. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ thorn when buffering from the disorders thoy cure. Statements from lending physicians in somo of the principal citios, and from other well known public per- sons. From a Furwarding Merchant of St. Louis, I\:b. 4,1856. Dn. AreR: Your I'irh are the paragon of all that is Kieal in mgcMYine. They hare cuwdjfljrtimo daughter S of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years, llor mother has bcou long griev- ously afflicted with blotches and phnplesou her skin and lu her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your rnis, nud they liavo caredirer: ASA M0RQR1D0E. As lii*'spe- ed by is ini.1 daringof his exploits. ivulsca a AeTimitmji A Piize o.' Five Dollar^ «-itl l«- given to miy man or lw>y who cull ride the mule three nme a arouiiil the nug wiiholU lallii.jj. A Tiohpe of Liii^iiiian Ffe&ies, nud highly TrainetV HOIMS* naikf <i.Ill),U lu this WILL EXHIBIT AT nt 1 and Price. Also, at 3cnec& Falls U" 1 " ' Bl1 , oil iKaturdiiy, 1 E". in. Admission 'If t. r»7 cents. Open No Half Monday, Sept. ITth. (Bcncuft i^Iarkcts, Flour, ? nol fO00 ffft *7 W> Ituckwhcat Flour 2 On © g SB Indian meal, 1 T6 @ 0 00 WheaT A bu., new,. 1 08 <fo 25 Ger«H)l im.t Wi-m S* Uarloy, "* Oiifft 63 pats, " 80®, «*' Beaee, " 0 So Gh 0 75 Potatoes, " 2 5 © SS hecf, $ cwt., 4 00@. 6 00 Mutter, M H W 12 (Hi 12 (J cese " " . 8 | 10 llann, " 10 m 12 Shoulders" ..' <> ((I " I^trd, " 1o an 12 I>jrk, " 8 ® , 10 Tallow, " 8 (St 10 «*gs, $ Dos, 10OT, 12 Oreen Apples,^ bii.,.. . V5 (fh Dried " $ bu.,.. . 5(Si 0 •' Plants 5p " ' .-.. l f ( ^ 15 " Peaches^) "... 1«@ 25 Pitilltty, M *,,...' 8 (fa 12 6aU,|J bM.fiiw, 144<m 160 " " coarse 12ft <a>"" ltav-IMon, 6in)ft 8 00 Ifmmji cord 3 0f)T?Ti, 00 Wool$Ib., 40(S> 50 GOJUH PJEK8. A NEW AHaOET5tfcrr.J^EW STYLES. Warranlcd xVto g|re satlafactlon. Mease dull and examine. jIuly»«M*G0 W.U.-Villi H. READ ! READ !! READ 11 \- ——o Cairo, Illinois, JulyftHh,1S00. Messrs. .Tons' Witcox A Co.: Your "Inpcetin*','* or "Persian Fever Charm," has done wonders, I wAs wholly despondentand wretched *J»en I SppJieil il, anil in iiirj} h o u r s tha cliUls *iire_iei moved and no fever lu*) ensued. It Is the simplest Cure imaginable, and a wArider of nftturo or art. 1 would not he without this "tnpectlne" a single hour. By constantly wearing it I seem to be "ague proof," Yours Very Truly, K; 51. STOUT. Fmnily Pliyslc. ;JRom Dr. £• W* IMriwtiylit, iM Your Pills are the princo of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, hut very certain and effectual in their action on tlie bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease. IIeadacHe,StckHeadacHe,Foul Stomach. From Dr. Edward Ut>yd, BuUimart. DEARBBO. AVER: I cannot answer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with apuri/atiise medicine* I place great depen- dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the host we bate, I Of course value them highly. PiTTSBtmo, Ta., May J, 1858. Da. J. C. Arm. Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache any body can havo by a dose or two of your Pills. It seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with groat respect, ED. W, PREHLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. BHlom Dlaordagj.—Liver Complalnte. From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City. Not only are your Pills ndmirably-adapted to their pur- pose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac- tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com- n/« t l m n any una r„ ,ly T -.,, •,i.„li„n talp^,„ly ONLY PREPARATION Hitviiig proof* sAtrong and dirtcl u to EXPEL THE DOUBTS OF ALL. For Statesmen, Judges, Editors, Physklans of the oidestschools as wall as new, give it their unqualified Dkiictlon, and reeommeud it for all otRinf eruption*, and tlistttserof the scilp and brain, but all who have used it, unite into tifying that it will preserve the hair from being gray, and from falling to any age, a* Well as restore. Head the following : Oak Qrove,S. C,June21th, 1869. Paor, O.J. WOOD: Dear Sir :—Your Hair Restorative li iapidly gaining popularity in tnm commutine. I have had occasion to lay prejudice aside, and give your Hair Restorative a perfect test: — During the year 1831, I was so unfortunate as to be thrown from my sulky against a roek near the road- side, from which my head received a most terrible bins ; causing a great deal of irritation, which communicat- ed to the brain and external surface of the head, from the effects of which my hair was finally destroyed over the entire surface of the head. From the time I first discovered Its dropping, however, up to the time of its total disappearance, I employed everything I could think of, being a professional man myself, and, as I thought, understanding the nature of tlie disease, hut wai finally defeated in every prescription advanced. These and no other circumstances induced me to re- sort to your worthy Hair Restorative, which 1 have every reason to believe, produced a very happy result: two months after the tlrst application, I had us beauti- ful a head of you ig hair as I ever saw, for which I ; certainly owe you my sincere thanks. Rest assured, I dear sir, I shall recommend your remedy to alllnqulr- I ers; moreover, I shall use my influence, which I (latter my s elf to say, Is not a Tittle S.S.C0BB&C0 Cle O F if' E It GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO PURCHASERS OK SUMMER IMS.III! You can publish this if you think proper. Yours, very respectfully, M. J. WUIOHT.M.D, Office of the ~Jt*tTt?r;ioTitRi'i 1 ' Phtlippl,Va., Deo. 12,1158 Dear Sir:—I feci it my duty as well as my pleasure, to state to you the follow! ig circumstance, which you can use as you think proper. A jgentleiuan of this place, (a lawyer) has been bald ever since his early ynulli, so much BU, ttrnt hs was compelled to wear a wig. He was induced to use a bottle of your " Hair Restoratirej" which he liked very much; and after us- ing two or three bottles his hair grew out quite haxurl- antry^aiTrrmTTiow has a nandionH! IHJW of Bair\ The gentleman's name is Bradford, and as he is very well known in our adjoining counties, many persons pan ItrtTAN T rejoice that we have at length a purgative which id wor- thy the confidence of the profession and the people. DEPARTMENT OV TIIR INTERIOR, \ Washington, D. C, 7 th Feb., 1850. ; testify to the truth of this statement; 1 give it to you at the request of Mr. Bradford. You can sell a great deal of your Hair Restorative in this and the adjoining counties if you have the proper agents. Yours, Ac, THOMPSON 8URG11N0R. DR. WOOD: Dear Sir: Permit me to express the obli gatlons I aiu under for the entire restoration of m y hair to its original color; about the time of my arrival in the United States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your"Hair Restorative" itsoon recovered its original hue. I consider yonr Restora- tive as a very wonderful invention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. S. THALBERG. The Restorative is put up In bottles of three sizes, viz: large, medium and small; the small holds % a pint, and retails for oiu dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty pur cent, more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, moie in proportion, and retails for three dollars per bottle. '— O. J. WOOD k CO., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York,and 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all gcod Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. I have need your Pills in my general and hospital aifdud cannot hesitate to SIR: practice ever since you made then say they aro the best cathartic we employ. Their regu- lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse- quently they are an admirable remedy lor deruugemeiits of that organ. Indeed, 1 have seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. i'rateHudiy yuurs,.. ALO.NZu 11ALL, M. D., l'hi/sician of the MarniiHospital. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Relax, Worms. From Dr. J. U. Orcen, of Chicago. Yonr PIH* Itavo had a long trial hi my practice, and I hold tlrenr in esteem as one of the best aperients 1 have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dyieHtr.rii and diarrhoea. Their siigar-cbnting makes them very acceptable and convenient ftir the use of women and children. Jyspopsla, Impurity erf < * e Blood. .JVom tiev. J. V. Mines, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston. DR. Arr.tt: I hnvaimeil ynni- Pills with a-rtrapvrlireiry SELECT SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, BY MISS FIELD. T HE FALL AND WINTER TERM will open Sept. 5th For circulars apply to Mr. Kingsland's Music ston 0EGANDTES, LAWNS g out Sale SUMMER GOODS! 811.K8 MA It KM) DOWN. SILK ROHKS MARKED DOWN. LAWNS ASD JACONETS MARKED DOWN. LACE MANTILLAS MARKED DOM N. GREY OOODS MAISKKD DOWN. HAVE RK-MARKED TIIF.IR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS! GREATER BARGAINS ARE OFFERED, TO PURCHASERS THAN EVER UfcVOUK. ORGANDIES Soda Water, ICE CREAM, V HOOFLANB'S it j Variety of Confectionery. 1 ^ ^ ™*"^r^ llaviiigen,-ngedtl»«*trvieesol a a old and « ell known Q R B A T *NB ORGANDY R0BE1. AN ELEGANT ASt-ORTMKNT at J. W.SMITH &CO>S. 200 Pieces Fast Colored Ixawns, at J. W. SMITH Sc GO'S. CunicctiuiH r, MR. SAMUEL. iinlsBrv, I am now prepared lo supply and lill all order* in my line. I will fill all orders for CREAM and DELIVER In frctiers, for FOUR SHILLINGS PER QUART; or if taken at Ihe Store, for 3 Shillings [per Qt. ^ , ••, .... i t _ i 1 , , Mv assortment of CANDIES Mhall not be surpassed in \Y E 8 T K LI N KBW-VOBK. STANDARD REMEDIES Ot the present uge, havo acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Vnbouuded satisfaction fal rendered by them iu all case*. I ^COPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILE POSITIVELY O0R» iUver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervosa I bllity. Diseases of the Kidneys, and elf diseases arising from a disordered liver, or i oe«* of the Stomach and Digestive Organs, AND WILL rOSITlVELT PREVEX* ffUOW Wilt, BILIOUS I W I , A M K V H A M HUE. i-eo our Almanac for proof. PRICE, 75 cents per Bottle. PERSONS IN WANT OF ANYTHING IN MV LINE WILL PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. CAKE OR CREAM PYRAMIDS "TOTC'TERTHtB, got up at s h o r t llOlico and iii the VERY lATEST STYLE, and WARRANTED TO, SfIT OR NO CIHIHiK. Hooilamls Balsamic Cordial WILL P O S l t m C V CURB Coughs, Colds, er Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of CONFIRMED CONSCMPTIOW. As a BJarrhusa Cordiul it is unequaUrd. PKICE, 75 efcnta 5 —; per Iwtllu. II. L. SUVUAM. July IS, 1-fio. AND Bareges. BAREGEROBES At $0,00. A LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK at J. W. SMITH A CO'S. A F I N E LOT MORE 0 F T II O S E Black Grenadine Barege, BLACK TAMARTINE, ALSO, A NEW SUPPLY OF Wand Kit I wMiilks* Sitring 4* Summer. apply or the Principal - AHguw-i«t,aa^ifc-ew«. Classical LUCY A. FIELD. 1M4. THE WOMAN'S EMEND. Edwi success in n in distress, a. 'umily and among those i am culled to visit To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they aro the very host remedy I havo ever known, nud I cau confidently recommend tlipm to my friends. Yours, J. V. HIJIES, WARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. Dtva StB:; I am using yonr thttliartin Itrhrtii my pnngi •inn, anil fliiii thnin ILII <utmllniit pinyiiHvg In elannm» the system and vuril'y the fountains if the bhml. JOHN 0. MEACIIAM, M. D. Coiisji put I o n , Co<*< i v t i i c s N , Suppression, It lie ii iii.i | i^ni, <4o«t, Neuralgia, Drop- sy, Paralysis, fits, etc. FrantJJr. J.J'. Vanillin. Montreal, Cnnaila- Too much cannot bo said of your Pills for the cure of emtiieiifss. If others of our fraternity have found them REVOLVIWa LOOrER Double Threaded Family us efficacious as I have, thoy should join me in nroelnlm. t n g K i o r r-HTngHfeni'ot tfio fHiiltltuiles who Ftrflbr frotii that compliiint, which, nlthougli bad enough in itself, is the progeuitor of otliois that aro worse. I believe cos- tii-mets to originate In tho liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease. .Fraro Sirs. F. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston. T find ono or two largo doses of your Pills, taken at the proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural secre- tinnwlieu wholly or par!ially suppressed, nnd also very effectual to demise the stomach and cjyiel worms. They are SO nipf li tlm lurel ptifltC-\i-'H..fam! l J-tlaftL-B»g>»'T"'JS.d no other to "my patients. Ji-oia the Jlcv. Dr. IIavakrs,ofthe. irMn)M %,;, rV.i.^h. PCLA«II UotJSR. Savannah, On., Jan. 6, 186(1. HONOBEO SIR : I should 1* nngratt.fiit for tlie relief yonr skill has brought me if I did not report my caav to you, A cold settled iu my limbs ami brought on excru- clfttlrlg neuralgic paint, which ended iu chronic rheuma- tism. Notwithstanding 1 hud tho best of physicians, the disease grow worse and worse, until by Hie advice of yonr excellent agent iu Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your -Pilhu-^lielr effaots wore shrtv, but sure. By perscTeTtirg- ia the use of them, I am no* entirely well. SBXATE CHASTBRS, Pulton Honge, La., 6 Dec. 1S65. DB. Aran: I have lieon entirely enred, by yonr Pills, of Rheumatic Gout—a painful disease that Jiad afflicted ma for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. SEWING MACHINE - PRICE $35ffi$40, F^twwnire BAREGE- ROBES atlga,0D7 Everybody and life Wife IBm^i mm USacs W@irMc T ^ IIEY will stitch and Hem, Tuck and Fell, Gather and Embroider with perfection and are especially adapted to Family use. They will sew all kinds of good*, from the finest to the coarsest, better than any other Machine now extant, and may be used with ex- cellent sneeess of light leather work. Any person of successfully. These machines are warranted, and any person purchasing them can return them and gptlbw *B-Most of the Pills in market contain Mercury, whli-h, although a valuable remedy In skilful hsnds.'is dnngerotts in a public pill, from the dreailftil conse- quences that frequently folio* its liicnutrons nee. These contaiu no mercury or mineral substance whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared ty Dr. J. C. ATEB &v CO., Lowell, Mas* All our remedies are for siie by all the DruggisWfh Geneva,and by allDealerseverywheju. 1 . D.'C. 5 13&0—Cm Mobile, Alabama, July Mil. ISO. 0«*Tt,KMBS! — I have-bean inaUhwl trmm th* -ff «T« hy the apullca? ilnn of yoar wenderhil "Inpeetlne," or"Pers!nn Fever 4!harm." For several years I have suffered every sea- ton from fever aod ague. Last Spring my life was lbr<-at«n«4, tent yonr remedy has destroyed the disease an* I ant rapidly gaining an appetite and slronptb. Respectfulijr, Yours, D. 8, BARRON. Thl" truly wonderful prreentlrt and cure for Fcve- And Ague and Biliious Fevers will be sunt by mall, poet paid, on receipt of one dollar. Also for sale at all rer speciable Drngglati and Country Stores. •rlneipai Depat and Manufactory, 188 Main St., Rleh- raond. Va. Branch Office, Bank of Commerce Build tog, New York. Address, 1S '8 JOHN WILCOX A CO. EMPORIUM I I noweompletely stocked with.a select assortment o f Good* ill their line of trade,whlch have been purchas- ed it the lowest New ToTk Cash rates. They would In- vittthe attention of the public to their assortment of DRUGS, PAINTS, MEDICINES, OILS, DYK-STPFFP, OLA'r'l SHAKER-HERBS, , PAJTTTr -^- LAMP?, ClMTTTENTT, i'ATKNT MRDIC1NF.S, BLMJN1NO FLUID, ARTTST'SSIATKRI A LS, ITRUSH ES7 SUGARS, TEAS, COFl'F.KS, MOLASSES SYRUP, SPICES, FRUITS, Ac. In addition to the allove ordinary stock of goods, may be found many useful and ornamental articles, and a large and genetal Assortment of CULINARY AllTlCI.««Ji used hy every family. And furthcr,tricy will aititthitt all gnndsara warranted an repvedented, and that moderate prices win ever accompany the goods sold from tneifCS" tablishment. PRESCRIPTION nEPAHTiniCNT. Particular attention will be given to eomponndlng Physicians and Family Prescriptions. This department of their business will be under the guidance of thoie trtto are «rtre«retreaHy arrd praetleally experieneed science of Pharmacy. No. 8 Seneca St., money, If, alter a month's trial thej do not pfove satis factory. The following are among the advantages they possess over all other machines :— 1st. They are simple, strong and durable, easily un- derstood and managed, and not liable to get out of or- der. 2d. They use cotton from the ordinary epool without rcwludiuu, saving time, trouble-and waste. 8d. The stitch is stronger and more difficult to rip than any other made by machinery, and is superior to the bei4 hand-sewing. The U o threads sre double looped into each an 1 firmly tied and knotted at every sttch. The principle of toe Hitch Isthe same as tlie cel- ebrated Orover A Raker's, with the exception, that tbe objectional cord, orr the under shhr,tr entirely dispensed with, and leaves a perfectly strong, suiootjt and even seam. 4th. They sew with cotton, linen and silk thread equally well. 6th. They FINISH their work. Therel is no occasion to fasten the threads at elthi r end of the seam, as Is re quired by all shuttle stitch Machines. Gthi Every Machine Is made to run by hand or fool power, and thus combining the advuntages of both methods. RBPEnEKTOES : We have a large list of references but will give the names ol only a few who are among the first families, via; Montpelier, Vt., Dec. 27, !8'd). We, the undersigned, have purchased one of E. Clark's Patent Sewing Machines, and have worked Hon differentkinds of goods in our families. And webeiievo no other Machine can do a greater variety of work, or do it betttr. Therefore, we recommend it to the notice 'of the public as a first rate Sewing Machine. Mrs. 0. H. Carter, Mrs. D, L. Fuller, " Joseph Finher, *' O Washburn, " Lewis B. Fish, " fl. E Russell, Bancroft, —•—"*"."€?"" Brown, L.Burnham, " Mary A. llarran. AND at J. W. SMITH Jt CO<S. Plain Colored Barege*, Figured Bareges, Lawns & Jaconets HOOFLAND'S GERMAN PILL, being well ktiowri throughout Europe snd Anasfea, n e e * no commendation here. They aro purely vegetables ar* . prepared with great exactness, and are ciigar-coated. No t^ll.,, P-H^rth. Pill -un !,» f..nn,l I'ulnr, 9K rtm pa* h"*. These medicines ore prepared by Dr. C. M. jAcasott k. Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Louis, Mo., and are sold by druggists and dealers iu medicines everywhere. The sig- nature of C. M. jACEaox will bo ou the outside of each bottle or box. In our " Everybody's Almanac," published aunnally, you will find testimony and commendatory notices froai all parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away by all oar agents GREAT VARIETY^ at J. TV. SMITH & CO'S. ALEXANDREUID GLOVES IN LIGHT COLORS, »t-J^;fr, SMITTI Sc CO'-S. Parasols, Sun Shades and Sun Umbroll&ft, at .1. J u n e t i - a M f c — A LARGE SUPPLY W. SMITH &. f;o*S» HAVE JOT RECEIVED A LARGE AND CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF CASSiMERE I mm. which were purchased Tweuty-Uve per Ci.nt Chcaptr than were the same quality of Goods earlier in the sea- son, all of whi;h 1 will sell by tUo Yard or Pattern, or intake* to mi name at lite same sale*. NEW-YORK CITY* GENEVA MADE OLOTHIN of all styles and qualities—a large assortment will be Suld vei'} low. A n « » r , •;• *. I»t—at * »i+u , it » 1 « *> r o o t i n g S t p c • u i i i i o r o h a - a , > >rvonM tlwbil MARIS M U S or Waning; < 011-mii |u .011 And all diseaaen of the I'rino-ticiiital Organs. A CLASS of Maladies prevail to a fearful extent /IL coinmuiilt> ;"d«omtlig at leaTT "nny mobs sua you of both sexes, annually, to an early gra\c. These di cases are very imperfeclly understood. Their externa iiaiisfe«itations or symptoms arc NervousDcbilTfy,relax- ation and exhaustion; Marasmus, or muscular wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body.— ;b.u.vlucsa u! breallalie, ,.r hurried brenthjrig on asc. iid- f FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds very CHEAP. Custom Woik In its various branches, promptly attended to ami done lu the beat, must fashionable ami uppnned imniiitrm - insz a hill, a flipht ot stairs; great palpitation of the heart; Asthma, DroachUIs. tnd Sore Tl n a l ; Shaking of the hands and limbs, 'Aversion to society, and to busi- ness and study; Dimness of Eye-sight.Los* of Memory, Hi/./inessof the llead.Niur.-ilcic Pains in varieus parts of the body, pains in the back mid limbs; Lnmbaeo,Dys- pepsia, iir Indigestion; irregularity olthe bowtls; l)e- ranged secre*lon of tiie kidneys ami oHier glands of the body us be«corrhoea,or Fleur Albus.Ac. Likewise, Ep- ilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms and virulent pri- vate diseases t oth in mule and female. Now, in ninety-nine out ofevery one hundred cases, all the above named disorders, and a hnst of others, not named, have Iheirseat primaiily in the sexual organs; arise from morbid excitement and clirohic inflamation— 'nf n*»l'bid iritllbilUy^. henee Ihe Want ft.f_tildL^,_ eess III treating symptoms on the part of Old School Doctors. Dr. Andrew Stone, physician to the Troy Lung nnd II, eieiiio Institute, is now engaged in treating 4hip class of moderii maladies with the most atfohishing success. The treatment adopted by the institute is new;it is bared upon scientific principle?,with new discovert <1 n medics; witliout minerals of jmisotiv. The facilities of tare nru soi li that patients a n be enred at their hoinei a ilhoiit expense,in an>»part of the country, frhm aeuiski de- scrlptlous Qf their case.bv letler: and have the nuiliciru^ E. KENT. Oencvn, Mav 2,-lffid. Soda Watef C OMBINED WITH TIIE MOST FASHION AP.LF. SVR- CPS,4s now supplied at the City Drug Store Foun- tain, as'heretofore, at 3 Cents per glass. Beautiful AMiorttnenf,) JUST RECEIVED. J. II. PICKETT, FINE MOLE AND CASS1MERE DRESS HATS, ar 'FAKfS AND AMERltJA.V-HTTiTlSTJF^OI^TTAT?: Also, Hulfalo Robe?, (iluves, L'inbfellas, Canes, Carpet Uags, Satchels, Sc., Ac. MANTILLAS Windsor, Vt., Sept. 26, lR*!t. We, theunders'gned, cltieifns of Windsor, Vt.,havf used In our families fbr the past three months, one of E.Clark's Latest Improved sewing Machines,and we find it one of the best Machines for all kinds of Family Sewing now iu use, and cheerfully icesmtuond it to the publie. •IM8ft0tD88t88, LICE COLLARS AM SETS, FRENCH CALICOS, BRILLIANTS, Dr. A. H. STEVENS, I ^LECTROPATHIST, ha» associated wiHi him, DT. D -J M. BENNETT, of Utlca.fo* the purpose of attend- ing to oil CH lis mere promptly in his odice, and also to enable him to go and treat cases, either a".ute or chronic, out of the office, tie has had many sttch calls since be came here, but has In most cases been unable to a tl end to them. And as Electricity, properly applied, for all Kinds of lnflammattori:hdweveraeafe,or all fevers which are the mere result of InHammalitn—the care often almost Instantaneous, Dr. BKSMKTT IS one of Prof. Bolls' stddents, and has been practicing very successfully in Ctico fdr abont two years. A. II. STEVENS. March SI, 1840. SUMMER SILKS. April 18, ISfiO. SENECA STREET, GENEVA. JVoticc. A. S P~£ R R Y Has removed to the Veazie Corner, Corner of Casllc and Water si eels. T HE undersigned having this day formed a Co-Part- nership under the firm of A. SPERRY A CO., where will be found a targe assortment of all kinds of DI feu's, Women's & Chi dren's BOOTS & SHOE: The purest materials known to the chemical art a-r^ used in operating this Fountain, and the water thus pro lueed Is pronounced by tin. 1 medleal faculty perfectly ealthy ami of 1 unsurpassed excellence June 27,1*80. sent to them by mall or cxrrtts. {tT"A!l. 7Z3T uimimicatlons are regarded with sacrt conscientious lidelity. The iiisfituHoh gives the most irmTXrwptionabterefer* ence to men of standing in all parts of the country that have heen successfully cured. XS~ Young men suffering from these direful ills, willl TeTCfTgfor tS;-ii bottle of T.tfr Drops Or hifcftil*.**^ a series of lleahh Hubs .tnd-perfttt-tfcart ef Car*, which will be to them a true Polar Star tbrouga life. To t'EMlLES.—The Monthly Pills, prepSrid by ihe In- stitution are an infallible, never-falling remedy. Will he sent by mall to any part of the country, on the receipt oT f 1, iviin"ample injtriR'tioinfor IIHC, nfifitr anefrenm- SflHJCfS. A 'Tr fill >"e mi fli e r/i imet,,/ If, ,• en <4yii»cUyafAm*T-~ ieun ynulh.;)nflpublinhtd by Ihe Inxtitnlion, Kill b* gent in 11 settled tntelupe to all jiurls of tit Vniom, en A>* vrptipt i>f •»'" itHttfui pimtitf/t. ft C* 11 tliiHtijiy irnrk anil xhdulil be read by etery ptrit>n bith tiuilu and feuiult. Tlie.attending Physician will be ftiulid at the Institn- tntioii f»r consnltatlon, frem It k. M . to 0 P.M. of t a c b day. Sundays, in the forenoon. Addrrsi Da ANDREW STONE, Physielnn to the Tr«y Limp and HyKieiiie Iriftifufc jlclan for Diseases of Ihe Heart,Throat and Lungs." 96 Fifth street,Troy, H . Y . oct 19—1659. imm&^^emem*; SB Pure Bourbon Whiskey! TliE PURBST BOURBON WHISKEY I Ull.l tl,\> A C O . , 1 6 1 , 3 0 9 , A l t A 750 Bfd'v. IIHM,> A A U K , 1.5 A l . i Pail, Ron. F . • . WELLS it (LO., 113 Franklin Street, H VVE made arrangements with thwrmtenFigTied to sup- pi y the trade at the lowest prices, with 3VIlll*j»* Doixrtooiiia! 3Vtills»* Bourbonla! A superior article of Bonrbon Whiskey; distilled ex- pressly for the Proprietor", In Bourbon Co., %y. It is the best remedial ageht for all Pulmonary Affec- tions—Asflima, BronchiteSjAcTever offered to the pub- Do, having received the approval of many of the most eminent ; hysiclfttis of the country, and i» admitted by every one who has osed It, as possessing the most re- markable medicinal properties, It is sold by every drufftffst and grocer of rsspsstl bilite In Geneva,»t the low prteeof i"> cents pertrnttle. .1 t i l t \ Ull,l> A- CO., l>r<i|iriciort, 14 Briiaiiu.il, > . v . Sold by Dayton k Smith, Lum A Son. If there Is in the list of remedies given to the worlrt for ace"ptance and approval, any which are entitled to Ideiice by their perfect adherence to the laws aud. Intention of the Creator, one isthe Liii verbal (ousrli llemedy! For every species of Lung, Throat and Bronchial diffl- c"ntty, ev"en that of Aotital Con»u.mption. and nie other the justly celebrated A most perfect remedy for Neuralgia, Gfft*. Bhentna- H«m, Partial and actual Paralysis, St. Vitus Dance, Chronic, Spasmodic add Nervous Headache, Toothache, Earache* And that chief of all causes of diseases, Loss of sleep. If your friends wHl accept the declaration that for six or eizlil years these preparations have been through t-sts that would satisfy all, in jtlace Of sweeping decla- rations that mean nothing and then procure and rea<i the phamplets; to be found with all dealers and agents, they will l> able to judg« how tit they eaa be relied npon. GENERAL AGENTS. .1. W, SIGN OF TIIE GOLDEN MORTAR. fliatTa.JunelstM. M F'rnit ,JarF» AEON'S Patent, Self-sealing Fruit Jars at DAYTON A SMITH'S 711li MANHOOD. HOW I.OST, HOW IIKSTOHED. Juit Vuhlithed in a /Seated Envelope, A LFCTtTlll? ON TnE NATIRF TIIEATMKNT AND RADICAL CUKE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervonsness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impotency, Con- sumption and Mental and Physical Debility. BY ROB. J. CTJLT*n»7FLI„ » . T). lie Important fact that th* awful consequences o* •elf abase may be efMetnaity rftmrived without Intenial remedies or the dangerous application of caustics, in- tlriaiesAa,medicated bougies, and other cmplriaal devi- ces, Is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted.),', the (K le • brated auther fully explained, by means of which every ••• Is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible eost,, thereby av oldlng all advertised nostrums at ihe day. This Iceiure will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Seat under seal t<* anv address, p.>*t paid r,n >t »wn postern stamps, hy addressing Dr t i l AS. .1. C lirtt Avenue, S*tfTtk«h - " Uoxi,^*, ONTARIO COUNTY Agricultural Society O FFERS THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL I MS: \\ ALhIX. [{EMI HOUSES. Committee No. 27. For the best, pair Matched Horsci or Marcs for Walking, in harnrti, Dip A |T 00 rto 9d be«(, ,. , J DO do 8d best, A el Trans iB»lxx«l«> BCorneil. For the best single Horse or Mare for Walking, m harness, Dtp A $A 00 do M best, * 6 °° do 3d beet, Vol Trans The Matched llorsrn or Marti must both be owned ly the same person. Attif. IS, T8I». Ore. Ltnrley, P, It. M'hltn.W, , D.Stone,. C. Long, Art.i B. Green, Worlhern, W tleralng, W. Lawrence, H.llawley, Hlitgall 3. H. Spaoldlfig-, II, E. Damson, If. F. Thompson, A. W. Mather, J. D. Hatch, U. MilliUn, 8. R. Stocker, N. Stiles. II. Blodgett. J. K, St. Louis, December, |S.'9. We, the undersigned, citisens of St. Louis, Mo„ hav- ing used successfully Clark's Latest Improved Patent Family Sewing Machine for the past year. In our fami- lies, do cheerfully recommend it to all wishing to pur- ehase for family use. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Mrs. Mrs. ,D. II. Gals, T, Henqnembnrgh J. A. Tennison, N. Ford, L. A. Wilkinson. D. R- Arbuckle, Win. Moffet, 11 M. Blossom, G. W. Phillips, 0. R. WUrf, L. M. Llvermore, 3. A. U Lampton, Three thousand fespeclablc families In Carew Sander*. " A. W.Tillman, " J. J. Ifollidsy, '* Jane Clemens, •' M.J. A. Hale, " J. J. Wilcox, " D.B.Preseott, Dr. John R Atkinson, Mr. Edward Berry, " George Gay, •• O. W. Flshhsrk, " D.DavitOO. different pla- <;i!ANOER. MlSaWSTr' More Sew llookss r PIt RICZITIB: The l.llttoil Fitmll). hy Farjh H Bradford. I,»«te» from H Barlitlor , « Hook of I IfC, hv Ft»nrt, t npeult. ^ingrn/inon for *rri?m»»?r. At AUK- -•-'. \m, C MORS*-'*. ces In the Bast, West and South, pronounce this the be*t Machine In the world for family use, and the references above given are quite sufficient to Insure an examlna- lion of our Machines. The revolving Looper li a late and Important im- provement on Clark's Improved Machine. Ail letters of inquiry with an extra postage stamp.wlll inswre a reply. |3#*|8» enclosed, by mail ot Express, will p*y for a good working Machine, and all orders addressed to Ed- win Clerk, Wlnsdor, Tt., wlH meet prompt attention We Invite the pnbile to rail a t o u r rooms HI the t rttttklin Hulcl, Where they will be on etWMtttn only a few dsys.— They will find a lady lh sttendanee, who will always re- spectfully receive our customers and operate the Ma- chine. Agents wanted In all towns In the Vnited Stales, to whom very liberal discounts will lie given. Addr.»« EDWIN CLARK. Win-dor, vM F' - - - - - " • - - . - . - - .>. iirinii WE SHALL 0EFER ALL OF THE ABOVE AND OTHER GOODS, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, Everybody look before you buy. S. & Oobb & Oo. July 11,1860, JUST RECEIVED at the Corner ore In the YEAZIE HOUSE, Comer of Castle & Water Streets of every description end quality, at anctl low pri <•<•» that the community cannot fill to be pleased, When once they have avallc4 themselves of the Hare inrtiirriiionte offered thTTn. We nuttHtfttctitr* Boot* emit Me<s *y**#»y deem'ip Uon to 0nter. JtrfiT. Patent and Frrnrli Cnlf, Pegged and Sewed Boot*. We devote especial attention to Ladies' ff*ork, and in this departsient do not intend to be out done either In quaBty, beauty of style and finfsti or work- manship. CORNER STORE IN VEAZIK IIOUSK, OiitnitleA. Wate Streets, Geneva, <V. V., Where we will he found ready to wait upon all who may favor us with a call. REPAIRING done on short notice, ALMERON SPERRY, AMOSMKAD. Geneva, April H l^W. irTEBATElLEST TT The llh of July, TH8 C0MM8NCEMENT, Presidential lVomlnations and all o t h e r isOurc4A of Excite- ment and especial interest Have Gone If tin newel I A Co., 7 A S f'em'l sVhf, llosion. fSeo, llnnncweil, I 4 5 WulerMreri, fsetr York I'mlcr the special supervision of JOHN L. HL'NNE- H'ELL, Chemist and Pliarmaceittiet, Boston, Mass. whose signature covers the corks of the genuine only and to whom address all communications. Sold by all respectable dealers every where, Aeenf, for Geneva, Geo. P. Mowry," Dayton A Smith, I>. L. Lum * Son. July Ph.lSW -aw. TSto. ^w^ COLDS. Page's medicated Cough Candy, „»#*., CHARLEY KlPP S T I L I J IIEFLl]. School for Boys. ( O r * T j y e e t n n Avenue.) T HE FIRST TERM of the Second year of this School Will begli >n MONDAY, SEIT. grd, and will eon tlgne 11 week*. Boys are token as soon as they are able to commence ,1 systematic course of »t«4y, and carried any desired point their education. TERMS;- 7>» ItvUnr* per quarter. For boy* of D or ttt y n r s of age, in the elementary Brtgtrsh branehe*, ,Str,en- liiillmm nntl a Samper quarter. Payable in ad vance. A b U . H. ROGERS, M. A. Geneva, Aug. 1S*0. White Brandy. F OR preserving fruit, for *:ile by G.r. IfOfRf. August 1st, isiw. Hi* store and Snloon t* the smme attractive nirjr^t ft has been for vear-,, and is much frequented for the ilell- •Wptol it always aflorils. We have all sizes of CE-CREAM PYRAMIDS, And fill all order* and DELIVER in any part of the vll- 3 Shillings Per Qt. <OWJB <st>aara«T2tia33tr Is m iimfactiired hy the best of workmen, and !• under the supervision of one who ha* been engaged In this es- ahllshmcni over 15 year*, and Intend* that the depart- ment shall be amply filled with the Choicest <fe Best. m " The fount, where that superior SODA is drawn front he, needs no comment, built Is not to be overlook**'* CIIAS. KIPP. ,\i*fr •£ f$#H4 AS ARTin.R THAT 19 THE BAZAAftTTTT tieneTa On ALWAVS FOtrstD AT Xo. 7 Scnt-ca St N. Y. the Way, A ND wHl be recerved this week, the f Wil- lought.y Fruit Jar," sclf-svalfiif, which for simpli- city and cfTicieiiry, U said to surpass all of it, predeCee- « l.nv as any other self se»|,, r . To he found at the-City Drug Store. U P. MOWDV. Aug 1st, fSffr It '•"•Cnn" he l>oiio. T~ A NOTHER bd of Ludlowt self-sealing Fruft Cans, (pint-, quarts, and half gallons.) Just opened and for sale. Also cheaper kind In store. Call and exam- ine a: the city Dntf more. ti. p. MOWRT. August 1st, 1*60. Oil Window 8ha4e. A NDTRANSPARRNT CCRTAISS—Wain and Qllt- t\. an elegant assortment of new and beautiful styles, ust received by [apr IS] C M0R8R. Kntst India Carrie Powder. T HE Genuine article, Just received and for sale at the Cltv Drug Store by G.P.MOWRT. July 13, 1359. ____ _______^_ Simtl.i * School Cihrarlcs, Mnsle Books,Catechisms, Question Books, Class Books, Re- rd Cards, Ac. Sold at N. Y. prices. May Wth, l»fiO. W. H. SMITH, SOUTH JUTD NORTH. Uy.Tohn S, C. Abbott. W HILE the author show* by itstlslle* the advan- tage of Frte ever irttrwelibnf, the book le * Ml leu in such a style that it carmot fail to interest those who are most bitterly o/sposeif fa ft tn prfttcflffev A cheap edition hs.- been puhUshed. For sale by Aug re, \<m. w II SMITH. Trusses and SupfMei-ters, \ t R l F O s«0rli it pnimlnr style "^^31 Mr Dnig W1V. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: S Soda Water, S.S.C0BB&C0 Variety of Confectionery. 11/Geneva NY Courier/Geneva N… · other uge. SNSAT AUSTIN, Performing Clown, a m -tor in physical proportions

• — _ _ _ _ _



Equestrian Company


Be organized fur the present c u m pni lu w a l l cnliri ly n e w

t ' « i r > , Di ' i i - , Ua Kuasr \V n e o n s , l l a r i i e t s , Troiq i i i i s s , t o m a n ,

t i c , A c .

Prominent niiinng the ninny i>tlnic" m m . m tilts Mumiuoili t iwuWtw-111 lit will lie fuuiid Vuu Ainbuigh,>

Trained Lions, Boyal Brazilian and _

Black Tige-s, African and Asiatic Leopard, &c EUocutiug, ul tlie command u'f H E R R L E N Q L E ,

A variety o ias tn i i i sh ingf i s t s Tito monster Verier WMg Klopimnt

T I P P O O §A1B, I WKISItlXG OVER 9.W0 rofiSDS, W h o s e feet* far exceed. »» proofs o f intell igence, (iilni'M aim •nut lie to liunuiu i'iji«i>n,) nil ilii-•jH-fiouu-cuecfjtvBi l.iiuwn ian ftlouiiB'Flo. l i e will bo directed by Ins Ktifper.

~ -3PB,ArKK N A S H . Tlie Mann(?rm> lit, with their usual liberutily w h e n ratcring lor llm uiiiusement of thoir patrons, have called into requisition llm resources 01 both Hemispheres 10 m.iko llicir

CIRCUS COMPANY Tlie best ever exhibited iti America

and their Arena Wib present u

tiratut Cong-rttt of

French , English,

JLMl •-•\-J-t\

American Stars, en< It mainline pre-eminent in their Gymnastic, Kqu-siriiiii, or Acro­

batic speciul i i ies ;• while the '

C O U R T O F IYIOIYIUS wil'. be we l l represented in the per-

l i i f t n i i i p l i s h e d <i. ^Vi(, iiliil ftVliitlarV


T A L K I N G CLOWN, v.'liTin * fuii'l i-f frriynnil \ i I* ""'' lhmior s-em.s iimxliiiusliblo [ mill w b i b it k e e p s the utulieiuc n. nit

• uprojir of m c i r i m i n i , never over­steps the Uniud* of propriety, imr niu»>l n hliuMi to HuiIItie trie olteek ol olT.iiiled ni'nltKiy. Ociii»is,Kdu-' ration, iiml rctined n«fe»«intit.n coui-tiiiii ui niaive him the Uif.sl aeconi-l>;i*hod l lunio iUt i*t lias or any

other uge.

SNSAT AUSTIN, Performing Clown,

a m -<i-\ for a scu!t>tor in physical proportions with a keen pereep-lion lor iho luilicroUP.il.: bus made Grotesqtv Pei'foPlnririret cr . i l iy ; and ,wbite stftfih brilliancy lie keeps his Mnlience w i l l laughter by lua comic actions

and eccentric delineations.

DK. rniAViiirs



•ir J_ J i . l . j j j . Are you sick, feeble, nun

complaining? A r e y o u o u t u f Older, w]th your system de­ranged, and your feeling* uu-couifoitable? These symp­toms are often the prelude to seiiuiix iliuesH. Some lit of sickness Is creeping upon you, ami tdiould be averted by a timely u.-o of tlie right miu-cdy. Take A y e r s 1'ills, and cleanse out the disordered hu­mors— purify tlie blood, and let tliB HtrldH move on unou-rtructt'd in health again. They stimulate the fuu< in us of tlie body into vigorous ac-tlvily, purify the system from (lie obstructions which make

A cold t i t t les somewhere iu the body, and ob­its natural functions. These, if not relieved, disease

strtic is . renet upon themselves and tlio surrounding organs, pro­ducing general aggravation, suffering, and disease. AVhile in th i s condition, oppressed by the derangements, take Aycr'a I'ills. and see how directly they restore the natural action of the system, and with it tho buoyant fueling of health again. What is true ami HO apparent in this trivial and common complaint, is also true ill many of the flnsn sail bill and dangerous distempers. Tho same purgative olluct expels them. Caused by similar obstruc­tions iiml derangements of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, and many of tlumi surely, cured by the same moans. None who know the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to employ thorn when buffering from the disorders thoy cure.

Statements from lending physicians in somo of the principal citios, and from other well k n o w n public per­sons.

From a Furwarding Merchant of St. Louis, I\:b. 4,1856. Dn. AreR: Your I'irh are the paragon of all that is

Kieal in mgcMYine. They hare cuwdj f l j r t imo daughter


of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years, llor mother has bcou long griev­ously afflicted with blotches and phnplesou her skin and lu her hair. After our child was cured, she also tried your rnis, nud they liavo caredirer:


A s

l i i*'spe­ed by i s

ini.1 daringof his exploits . ivulsca


AeTimitmji A Piize o.' Five Dollar^

«-itl l«- given to miy man or lw>y w h o cull ride the mule three n m e a arouiiil the n u g wiiholU lallii.jj. A T i o h p e o f

Liii iiiian Ffe&ies, nud highly

TrainetV HOIMS* n a i k f <i.Ill),U lu t h i s


n t 1 a n d P r i c e .

Also, at 3cnec& Falls

U"1" 'Bl1

, o i l i K a t u r d i i y , 1 E". in. Admiss ion 'If t. r»7


O p e n No Half

M o n d a y , Sept. ITth.

(Bcncuft i^Iarkcts, Flour, ? nol fO00 ffft *7 W> Ituckwhcat Flour 2 On © g SB I n d i a n mea l , 1 T6 @ 0 00 WheaT A bu. , n e w , . 1 08 <fo 25 G e r « H ) l im.t Wi-m S* Uar loy , " * Oiifft 63 p a t s , " 8 0 ® , «*' B e a e e , " 0 So Gh 0 75 P o t a t o e s , " 2 5 © SS hecf, $ cwt . , 4 00@. 6 00 Mutter, M H W 12 (Hi 12 (J cese " " . 8 | 10 l l a n n , " 10 m 12 S h o u l d e r s " . . ' <> ((I " I^trd, " 1o an 12 I>jrk, " 8 ® , 10 Tal low, " 8 (St 10 « * g s , $ Dos, 10OT, 12 Oreen A p p l e s , ^ b i i . , . . . V5 (fh S« Dried " $ b u . , . . . 5(Si 0

•' Plants 5p " ' .-.. l f ( ^ 15 " Peaches^) " . . . 1«@ 25

Pit i l l t ty , M * , , . . . ' 8 (fa 12 6 a U , | J b M . f i i w , 144<m 1 6 0

" " coarse 12ft <a>"" l t a v - I M o n , 6 i n ) f t 8 00 I f m m j i cord 3 0f)T?Ti, 00 W o o l $ I b . , 40(S> 50

GOJUH PJEK8. A NEW AHaOET5tfcrr.J^EW STYLES. W a r r a n l c d

x V t o g |re satlafactlon. Mease dull and examine. j I u l y » « M * G 0 W . U . - V i l l i H .

READ ! READ !! READ 11 \-— — o

Cairo, I l l i n o i s , July ftHh, 1S00. Messrs . .Tons' W i t c o x A Co.:

Your "Inpcetin*','* or "Pers ian Fever Charm," has d o n e wonders, I wAs wholly d e s p o n d e n t a n d wretched *J»en I SppJieil il , anil in iiirj} h o u r s t h a cliUls * i i re_ ie i moved and no fever lu*) e n s u e d . It Is the s implest Cure imaginable, and a wArider of nftturo or art. 1 would not he without this " t n p e c t l n e " a single hour. B y constant ly wear ing it I s e e m to be "ague proof,"

Yours Very Truly , K; 51. STOUT.

F m n i l y P l i y s l c .

;— JRom Dr. £• W* IMriwtiylit, iM Your Pi l l s are the princo of purges. Their excellent

qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, hut very certain and effectual in their action on tlie bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease.

I I e a d a c H e , S t c k H e a d a c H e , F o u l S t o m a c h . From Dr. Edward Ut>yd, BuUimart.

DEARBBO. AVER: I cannot answer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that we ever treat with apuri/atiise medicine* I place great depen­dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with disease, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the host we b a t e , I Of course value them highly.

PiTTSBtmo, Ta., May J, 1858. Da. J. C. A r m . Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of

the worst headache any body can havo by a dose or two of your Pi l l s . I t seems to arise from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once.

Yours with groat respect, E D . W, PREHLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion.

B H l o m Dlaordagj.—Liver Complaln te . From Dr. Theodore Bell, of New York City.

Not only are your Pills ndmirably-adapted to their pur­pose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac­tice proved more effectual for the cure of bilious com-

n/« t l m n any una r„ , ly T - . , , • , i . „ l i „ n t a l p ^ , „ l y

ONLY PREPARATION Hitviiig proof* sAtrong and dirtcl u to


F o r Statesmen, Judges , Edi tors , P h y s k l a n s of the o i d e s t s c h o o l s as wall a s n e w , g ive it the ir unqualified Dkiictlon, and reeommeud it for all o t R i n f eruption*, and tlistttserof the s c i l p and brain, but all who h a v e used it, unite in to tifying that it will p r e s e r v e the hair from being gray , and from fall ing t o a n y a g e , a* Well a s re s tore . Head the following :

Oak Q r o v e , S . C , J u n e 2 1 t h , 1869. Paor, O.J . W O O D : Dear Sir :—Your H a i r Restorat ive

li iapidly gaining popularity in tnm commutine. I h a v e had occasion to lay prejudice a s i d e , and g ive your Hair Restorative a perfect test: —

During the year 1831, I was so unfor tunate as to b e thrown from my sulky aga ins t a roek n e a r the road­s ide , from which my h e a d received a most terrible bins ; caus ing a great deal of irritat ion, which c o m m u n i c a t ­e d to the brain and e x t e r n a l surface of the head, from the effects of which my hair was f inal ly destroyed over the entire surface of the h e a d . From the time I first d i s c o v e r e d Its dropping, however , up to the time of its total disappearance, I employed e v e r y t h i n g I could th ink of, being a professional man mysel f , a n d , as I thought , understanding the nature of tlie d i sease , hut w a i finally defeated in e v e r y prescript ion advanced .

These and no other c i r c u m s t a n c e s induced me to re ­s o r t to your worthy Hair Restorative, which 1 have e v e r y reason to believe, produced a very happy result: two months after the tlrst appl icat ion, I had us beaut i ­ful a head of you i g hair as I ever saw, for which I ; cer ta in ly owe you my s i n c e r e thanks . Rest assured, I dear sir, I shall recommend your remedy to al l lnqulr- I ers; moreover, I shall use my inf luence, which I (latter my s elf to say, Is not a Tittle

S.S.C0BB&C0 Cle

O F if' E It




IMS.III! You can publish this if you think proper .

Yours, very respectfully, M. J . W U I O H T . M . D ,

Office of the ~Jt*tTt?r;ioTitRi'i1 — ' P h t l i p p l , V a . , Deo . 12,1158

Dear Sir:—I feci it my duty as well as my pleasure, to state to you the follow! ig c i r c u m s t a n c e , which you c a n use as you think proper . A jgentleiuan of this p lace , (a lawyer) has been bald ever s ince his early ynulli , so much BU, ttrnt hs was compel led to wear a wig . He was induced to use a bott le of your " Hair R e s t o r a t i r e j " which he liked very much; and after us­ing two or three bottles h is hair grew out quite haxurl-antry^aiTrrmTTiow has a nandionH! IHJW of Bair\ The gent l eman' s name is Bradford, and as he is very well known in our adjoining count ies , m a n y persons pan


rejoice that we have at length a purgative which id wor­thy the confidence of the profession and the people.

DEPARTMENT OV TIIR INTERIOR, \ Washington, D. C , 7 th Feb., 1850. ;

test i fy to the truth of this statement; 1 g ive it to you a t the request of Mr. Bradford. You c a n sel l a great deal of your Hair Restorative in this and the adjoining count ies if you have the proper a g e n t s . Yours, A c ,


D R . W O O D : Dear Sir: Permit me to express the obli gat lons I aiu under for the entire restorat ion of m y hair to its original color; about the t ime of my arr iva l in the United States it was rapidly becoming gray , but upon the application of y o u r " H a i r Restorat ive" i t s o o n recovered its original hue. I c o n s i d e r yonr Restora­t ive as a very wonderful invent ion , quite efficacious as w e l l as agreeable . S. THALBERG.

The Restorative is put up In bottles of three s izes , v iz: l arge , medium and small; the small h o l d s % a pint, and retai ls for o iu dollar per bottle; the medium holds at leas t twenty pur cent, more in proport ion than the smal l , retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart , 40 per cent, m o i e in propor t ion , and retails for three dollars per bott le . '—

O. J. WOOD k CO., Propr ie tors , 444 Broadway, New York,and 114 Market street , St. L o u i s , Mo.

And sold by all gcod Druggists and Fancy G o o d s Dea lers .

I have need your Pills in my general and hospital aifdud cannot hesitate to

S I R : practice ever since you made then say they aro the best cathartic we employ. Their regu­lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse­quently t h e y are an admirable remedy lor deruugemeiits of that organ. Indeed, 1 have seldom found a case of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. i'rateHudiy yuurs,.. ALO.NZu 11ALL, M. D.,

l'hi/sician of the MarniiHospital.

D y s e n t e r y , D i a r r h o e a , R e l a x , W o r m s . From Dr. J. U. Orcen, of Chicago.

• Yonr PIH* Itavo had a long trial hi m y practice, and I hold tlrenr in esteem as one of the best aperients 1 have ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dyieHtr.rii and diarrhoea. Their siigar-cbnting makes t h e m very acceptable and convenient ftir the use of women and children.

J y s p o p s l a , I m p u r i t y erf < * e B l o o d . .JVom tiev. J. V. Mines, Pastor of Advent Church, Boston.

DR. Arr.tt: I hnvaimeil ynni- Pills with a-rtrapvrlireiry



For circulars apply to Mr. Kingsland's Music s ton



g out S a l e










S o d a W a t e r , I C E C R E A M , V HOOFLANB'S it


Variety of Confectionery.1 ^ ^ ™ * " ^ r ^ l lav i i igen , -ngedt l»«*trv ieeso l a a old and « ell known Q R B A T

* N B


at J . W.SMITH &CO>S.

2 0 0 P i e c e s Fast Colored Ixawns,

at J . W . SMITH Sc GO'S.

CunicctiuiH r,

MR. SAMUEL. iinlsBrv, I am now prepared lo supply and lill all order* in my

line. I will fill all orders for CREAM and DELIVER In

frc t iers , for

FOUR SHILLINGS PER QUART; or if taken at Ihe Store, for

3 Sh i l l ings [per Qt. — ^ , • • , . . . . — i — t _ — i 1 ,

, Mv assortment of

C A N D I E S Mhall n o t b e s u r p a s s e d i n

\Y E 8 T K LI N K B W - V O B K .

STANDARD REMEDIES Ot the present uge, havo acquired their great popularity

only through years of trial. Vnbouuded satisfaction fal rendered by them iu all case*.

I ^ C O P L A N D ' S


iUver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervosa I bl l i ty . Diseases of the Kidneys ,

and e l f diseases arising from a disordered liver, or i oe«* of the Stomach and Digestive Organs,


ffUOW Wilt, BILIOUS I W I , A M K V H A M H U E .

i-eo our Almanac for proof. PRICE, 75 cents per Bottle.




got up at s h o r t l l O l i c o and iii the


Hooilamls Balsamic Cordial WILL POSl tmCV CURB

Coughs, Colds, er Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption,

and has performed the most astonishing cures ever known of

C O N F I R M E D C O N S C M P T I O W .

As a BJarrhusa Cordiul it is unequaUrd. PKICE, 75 efcnta 5 —; per Iwtllu.

II. L. SUVUAM. July IS, 1-fio.



B A R E G E R O B E S A t $ 0 , 0 0 .



0 F T II O S E

Black Grenadine Barege, BLACK TAMARTINE,


W a n d K i t I wMiilks*

Sitring 4* Summer.

apply or the Principal

- AHguw-i«t,aa ifc-ew«.

C l a s s i c a l



E d w i success in n in distress, a. 'umily and among those i am culled to visit

To regulate the organs of digestion and purify the blood, they aro the very host remedy I havo ever known, nud I cau confidently recommend tlipm to my friends. Yours, J . V. HIJIES,

WARSAW, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. D t v a StB:; I am using yonr thttliartin Itrhrtii m y pnngi

•inn, ani l fliiii thnin ILII <utmllni i t p i n y i i H v g In elannm» t h e system and vuril'y the fountains if the bhml.


C o i i s j i p u t I o n , Co<*< i v t i i c s N , S u p p r e s s i o n , It l i e i i i i i . i | i ^ n i , < 4 o « t , N e u r a l g i a , D r o p ­s y , P a r a l y s i s , f i t s , e t c .

FrantJJr. J.J'. Vanillin. Montreal, Cnnaila-Too much cannot bo said of your Pil ls for the cure of

emtiieiifss. I f others of our fraternity have found them


Double Threaded Family

us efficacious as I have, thoy should join me in nroelnlm. t n g K i o r r-HTngHfeni'ot tfio fHiiltltuiles who Ftrflbr frotii that compliiint, which, nlthougli bad enough in itself, is the progeuitor of otliois that aro worse. I believe cos-tii-mets to originate In tho liver, but your Pills affect that organ and cure the disease.

.Fraro Sirs. F. Stuart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.

T find ono or two largo doses of your Pills , taken at the proper t ime, are excellent promotives of the natural secre-t innwlieu wholly or par!ially suppressed, nnd also very effectual to demise the stomach and cjyiel worms. They a r e SO nipf li t lm lurel ptifltC-\i-'H..fam!lJ-tlaftL-B»g>»'T"'JS.d no other to "my patients.

Ji-oia the Jlcv. Dr. IIavakrs,ofthe. irMn)M %,;, rV.i.^h.

P C L A « I I UotJSR. Savannah, On., Jan. 6, 186(1. HONOBEO SIR : I should 1* nngratt.fiit for tlie relief

yonr skill has brought me if I did not report my caav to you, A cold settled iu my limbs ami brought on excru-clfttlrlg neuralgic paint, which ended iu chronic rheuma­tism. Notwithstanding 1 hud tho best of physicians, the disease grow worse and worse, until by Hie advice of yonr excellent agent iu Baltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your -P i lhu-^ l i e l r effaots wore shrtv, but sure. By perscTeTtirg-ia the use of them, I am n o * entirely well.

SBXATE CHASTBRS, Pulton Honge, La., 6 Dec. 1S65. D B . A r a n : I have lieon entirely enred, by yonr Pills, of

Rheumatic Gout—a painful disease that Jiad afflicted ma for years. VINCENT SLIDELL.


- PRICE $35 ffi $40,




Everybody and life Wife

IBm^i mm USacs W@irMc T^ IIEY will stitch and Hem, Tuck and Fell, Gather

and Embroider with perfection and are especially a d a p t e d to Family use . They will sew all kinds of good*, from the finest to the coarse s t , better than any other Machine now extant , and may be used with ex­ce l lent sneeess of light leather work. Any person of

successfully. These machines are warranted , and any person purchasing them can return them and g p t l b w

* B - M o s t of the Pills in market contain Mercury, whli-h, al though a valuable remedy In skilful hsnds.'is dnngerotts in a public pill, from the dreailftil conse­quences that frequently fol io* its liicnutrons nee. These contaiu no mercury or mineral substance whatever.

Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared t y Dr. J. C. ATEB &v CO., Lowell, Mas*

All our remedies are for s i i e by a l l t h e Drugg i sWfh G e n e v a , a n d by al lDealerseverywheju. 1 .

D.'C. 5 13&0—Cm

Mobile, A l a b a m a , July Mil . I S O . 0«*Tt ,KMBS!

— I have-bean i n a U h w l trmm t h * -ff « T « hy the apullca? i l n n of yoar wenderhil " I n p e e t l n e , " or"Pers !nn Fever 4!harm." For severa l years I h a v e suffered every sea -t o n from fever aod a g u e . L a s t Spr ing my life was lbr<-at«n«4, tent yonr remedy h a s destroyed the disease a n * I ant rapidly ga in ing an appet i te and s lronptb.

Respectfulijr, Y o u r s , D . 8 , BARRON.

Thl" truly wonderful prreentlrt and cure for Fcve-And Ague and Bili ious Fevers will be sunt by mal l , poet pa id , on receipt of o n e dollar. Also for sale at all rer spec iab le Drngglati and Country Stores .

•r lne ipa i Depat and Manufactory , 188 Main S t . , Rleh-raond. Va. Branch Office, Bank of Commerce Build tog, New York. Address ,

1 S ' 8 J O H N WILCOX A CO.

E M P O R I U M I I n o w e o m p l e t e l y s tocked with.a s e l e c t assortment o f

Good* ill their line of trade,whlch h a v e been purchas­ed it the lowes t New ToTk Cash rates . They would In-v i t t the a t t e n t i o n of the public to their as sor tment of


DYK-STPFFP, OLA'r' l S H A K E R - H E R B S , , PAJTTTr — - ^ -



S Y R U P , SPICES, F R U I T S , Ac. In add i t i on to the allove ordinary stock of goods , m a y

be found m a n y useful and ornamental articles , and a large and genetal Assortment of

C U L I N A R Y A l l T l C I . « « J i

u s e d hy e v e r y family. And furthcr,tricy will ait itthitt a l l g n n d s a r a warranted an repvedented, and that moderate pr i ce s w i n ever accompany the goods sold from tneifCS" t a b l i s h m e n t .

P R E S C R I P T I O N n E P A H T i n i C N T .

P a r t i c u l a r attention will be given to e o m p o n n d l n g P h y s i c i a n s and Family Prescriptions. This department of their b u s i n e s s will be under the gu idance of tho ie trtto a r e «rtre«retreaHy arrd praetleally e x p e r i e n e e d s c i e n c e o f Pharmacy.

N o . 8 S e n e c a S t . ,

m o n e y , If, alter a month's trial t h e j do not pfove satis f a c t o r y .

The following are a m o n g the a d v a n t a g e s they possess over all other machines :—

1st. They are simple, strong and durable , easily un­derstood and managed , and not l iable to get out of or­d e r .

2d. They use cotton from the ordinary epool without rcwludiuu, saving time, trouble-and waste .

8d. The stitch is stronger and more difficult to rip than any other made by machinery, and is superior to the bei4 hand-sewing. The U o threads sre double looped into each an 1 firmly tied and knotted at every sttch. The principle of toe Hitch Isthe same as tlie ce l ­ebrated Orover A Raker's, with the except ion , that tbe object ional cord, orr the under shhr,tr entirely dispensed wi th , and leaves a perfectly strong, suiootjt and even s e a m .

4th. They sew with cot ton , l inen and silk thread equal ly well.

6th. They FINISH their work. Therel is no occasion to fasten the threads at elthi r end of the seam, as Is re quired by all shuttle st itch Machines .

Gthi Every Machine Is made to run by hand or fool power , and thus combining the advuntages of both methods .

R B P E n E K T O E S : We have a large list of references but will give the

names ol only a few who are among the first families, via;

Montpel ier , Vt . , Dec. 27, !8'd). We , the unders igned, have purchased one of E.

Clark's Patent Sewing Machines, and h a v e worked Hon differentkinds of goods in our famil ies . And webei ievo no other Machine can do a greater v a r i e t y of work, or do it betttr . Therefore , we recommend it to the notice 'of the public as a first rate Sewing Machine .

Mrs. 0 . H. Carter, Mrs. D, L. Fuller, " Joseph Finher, *' O Washburn, " Lewis B. F i s h , " fl. E Russell,

Bancroft, —•—"*"."€?"" Brown, L .Burnham, " M a r y A. l l a r r a n .


at J . W. SMITH Jt CO<S.

Plain Colored Barege*, Figured Bareges,

Lawns & Jaconets

HOOFLAND'S GERMAN PILL, being well ktiowri throughout Europe snd Anasfea, n e e * no commendation here. They aro purely vegetables ar* . prepared with great exactness, and are ciigar-coated. N o t ^ l l . , , P - H ^ r t h . Pi l l - u n !,» f..nn,l I'ulnr, 9K rtm p a * h " * .

These medicines ore prepared by Dr. C. M. jAcasott k. Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Louis, Mo., and are sold by druggists and dealers iu medicines everywhere. The sig­nature of C. M. jACEaox will bo ou the outside of each bottle or box.

In our " Everybody's Almanac," published aunnally, y o u will find testimony and commendatory notices froai a l l parts of the country. These Almanacs are given away b y all oar agents


at J . TV. SMITH & CO'S.


»t-J^;fr, SMITTI Sc CO'-S.

Parasols, Sun Shades and

Sun Umbroll&ft,

a t . 1 . June t i - a M f c —



CASSiMERE I m m . which were purchased

T w e u t y - U v e per Ci.nt Chcaptr than were the same qual i ty of Goods earlier in the sea­son, all of whi ;h 1 will

se l l by tUo Y a r d o r P a t t e r n , or intake* to mi n a m e a t lite s ame sale*.


OLOTHIN of all styles and qualit ies—a large assortment will be

Suld ve i ' } l o w .

A n « » r , • ; • *. I » t — a t * » i + u , it » 1 « *> r o o t i n g S tpc • u i i i i o r o h a - a , > > r v o n M t l w b i l

M A R I S M U S o r W a n i n g ; < 011-mii |u .011

And all diseaaen of the I 'r ino-t ic i i i ta l O r g a n s . A CLASS of Maladies prevai l to a fearful e x t e n t

/ I L coinmuiilt> ;"d«omtlig at leaTT "nny m o b s s u a y o u of both s e x e s , annual ly , to an early g r a \ c . These di cases are very imperfeclly unders tood . Their e x t e r n a iiaiisfe«itations or symptoms arc NervousDcbi lTfy ,re lax­at ion and exhaust ion; Marasmus, or muscular w a s t i n g and consumption of the t issues of the whole b o d y . — ;b.u.vlucsa u! breal lal ie , ,.r hurried brenthjrig on a s c . i id- f

FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds very CHEAP.

Custom W o i k In its various branches , promptly attended to ami done lu the beat, must fashionable ami u p p n n e d imniiitrm -

insz a hill, a flipht ot s ta irs; great palpi tat ion of t h e heart; Asthma, DroachUIs . t n d Sore Tl n a l ; Shak ing of the hands and limbs, 'Aversion to s o c i e t y , and to b u s i ­ness and study; Dimness of Eye-s ight .Los* of M e m o r y , Hi/./inessof the llead.Niur.-ilcic Pains in varieus parts o f the body, pains in the back mid l imbs; L n m b a e o , D y s ­pepsia, iir Indigestion; irregularity o l t h e bowt l s ; l ) e -ranged secre*lon of tiie k idneys ami oHier g lands of t h e body us be«corrhoea ,or Fleur Albus .Ac. Likewise , E p ­ilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms and virulent pr i ­vate d iseases t oth in mule and female.

Now, in ninety-nine out ofevery one hundred c a s e s , all the above named disorders , and a hnst of others , n o t named, have Ihe irseat pr imai i ly in the sexua l o r g a n s ; arise from morbid excitement and clirohic in f lamat ion—

'nf n*»l'bid iritllbilUy^. h e n e e I h e Want ft.f_tildL^,_ eess III t rea t ing symptoms on the part of Old S c h o o l Doctors .

Dr. Andrew Stone, phys ic ian to the Troy L u n g nnd II, eieiiio Ins t i tute , is now engaged in treat ing 4hip c l a s s of moderii maladies with the most a t foh ish ing s u c c e s s . The treatment adopted by the institute is new; i t i s bared upon scientific principle?,with n e w discovert <1 n m e d i c s ; witliout minerals of jmisotiv. The facil it ies of t a r e n r u soi li that pat ients a n be enred at the ir hoinei a i lho i i t expense , in an>»part of the country , frhm a e u i s k i d e -scrlptlous Qf their case .bv let ler: and have the nuiliciru^

E . K E N T . O e n c v n , Mav 2,-lffid.


CPS,4s now supplied at the City Drug Store Foun­ta in , as'heretofore, a t

3 Cents per glass.

Beau t i fu l AMiorttnenf,) JUST RECEIVED.

J . I I . P I C K E T T , F I N E MOLE AND CASS1MERE DRESS HATS, ar 'FAKfS AND AMERltJA.V-HTTiTlSTJF^OI^TTAT?: Also, Hulfalo Robe?, ( i luves , L'inbfellas, Canes , Carpet Uags, Satchels , S c . , Ac.


Windsor, Vt., Sept. 26, lR*!t.

We , t h e u n d e r s ' g n e d , cltieifns of Windsor, V t . , h a v f used In our families fbr the past three months , one of E .Clark ' s Latest Improved sewing Mach ines ,and we find it one of the best Machines for a l l kinds of Family Sewing now iu use, and cheerfully icesmtuond it to the publ ie .





D r . A. H. S T E V E N S , I^LECTROPATHIST, ha» assoc ia ted wiHi h i m , D T . D

-J M. BENNETT, of Utlca . fo* the purpose of attend-ing to o i l CH lis mere promptly in his odice, a n d a l so to enable him to g o and treat cases, either a".ute or chron ic , out of the office, t i e has had m a n y sttch ca l l s s ince be came here , but h a s In most cases been unable t o a tl end to them. And as Electricity, properly appl ied , for all Kinds of lnflammattori:hdweveraeafe,or all fevers which are the mere result of InHammalitn—the c a r e often almost Instantaneous,

Dr. BKSMKTT IS one of Prof. Bol ls ' s t d d e n t s , and has been practicing very successfully in Ctico fdr abont two y e a r s .

A. II. STEVENS. March S I , 1840.

S U M M E R S I L K S .



A . S P~£ R R Y Has removed to the

Veazie Corner, Corner of Casllc a n d Water si eels.

THE undersigned having this day formed a Co-Part-nership under the firm of A. SPERRY A CO., where

will be found a targe assortment of all k inds o f

DI feu's, Women's & Chi dren's


The purest materials known to the chemical art a-r used in operating this Fountain, and the water thus pro lueed Is pronounced by tin.1 medleal faculty perfectly ealthy ami of1 unsurpassed e x c e l l e n c e June 27,1*80.

sent to them by mall or c x r r t t s . { t T " A ! l . 7Z3T uimimicatlons are regarded with s a c r t

conscient ious l idel ity. The iiisfituHoh gives the most irmTXrwptionabterefer*

ence to men of standing in all parts of the country t h a t have heen successfully cured.

XS~ Young men suffering from these direful i l l s , w i l l l TeTCfTgfor tS;-ii bottle of T.tfr D r o p s Or hifcftil*.**^ a series of l l eahh Hubs . tnd -per f t t t - t f car t e f C a r * , which will be to them a true Polar Star tbrouga l i f e .

To t'EMlLES.—The Monthly Pills , prepSr id by i h e I n ­stitution are an infallible, never-fal l ing remedy . Will he s e n t by mall to any part of the country , on the rece ipt oT f 1, iviin"ample injtriR'tioinfor IIHC, nfifitr anefrenm-Sf lHJCfS.

A 'Tr fill >"e mi fli e r/i imet,,/ If, ,• en <4yii»cUyafAm*T-~ ieun ynulh.;)nflpublinhtd by Ihe Inxtitnlion, Kill b* gent in 11 settled tntelupe to all jiurls of tit Vniom, en A>* vrptipt i>f •»'" itHttfui pimtitf/t. ft C* 11 tliiHtijiy irnrk anil xhdulil be read by etery ptrit>n bith tiuilu and feuiult.

Tlie.attending Physician will be ftiulid at the I n s t i t n -tntioii f»r consn l ta t lon , frem It k. M . to 0 P . M . of t a c b d a y . S u n d a y s , in the forenoon . Addrrs i

Da ANDREW STONE, Phys ie lnn to the Tr«y Limp and HyKieiiie Iriftifufc

j l c lan for Diseases of Ihe Heart ,Throat a n d Lungs." 96 Fifth s t r e e t , T r o y , H . Y .

oct 19—1659.



U l l . l t l , \ > A C O . , 1 6 1 , 3 0 9 , A l t A 7 5 0 B f d ' v . I I H M , > A A U K , 1.5 A l . i

P a i l , R o n . F . • . W E L L S it ( L O . , 1 1 3 F r a n k l i n S t r e e t ,

H VVE made arrangements with thwrmtenFigTied to sup-pi y the trade at the lowest prices, with

3VIlll*j»* D o i x r t o o i i i a ! 3 V t i l l s » * B o u r b o n l a !

A superior article of Bonrbon Whiskey; dist i l led ex­pressly for the Proprietor", In Bourbon Co., %y.

It is the best remedial ageht for all Pulmonary Affec­tions—Asflima, Bronch i t eS jAcTever offered to the pub-Do, hav ing received the approval of many of the most eminent ; hysiclfttis of the c o u n t r y , and i» admitted by every one who has o sed It, as possessing the most re­markable medicinal propert ies ,

I t is sold by every drufftffst and grocer of r s s p s s t l bilite In Geneva ,» t the low prteeof i"> cents pertrnttle.

.1 t i l t \ U l l , l > A- C O . , l > r < i | i r i c i o r t , 1 4 B r i i a i i u . i l , > . v .

Sold by Dayton k Smith, Lum A Son.

If there Is in the list of remedies g iven to the worlrt for ace"ptance and approval , any which are ent i t led t o

Ideiice by their perfect adherence to the l a w s aud. Intention o f the Creator, one i s t h e

Liii verbal (ousrli l l e m e d y ! For every spec ies of Lung, Throat a n d Bronchial diffl-c"ntty, ev"en that of

A o t i t a l C o n » u . m p t i o n . a n d n i e other the justly celebrated

A most perfect remedy for Neuralgia, Gfft*. B h e n t n a -H«m, Partial and actual Paralysis , St. Vitus D a n c e , Chronic, Spasmodic add Nervous Headache , T o o t h a c h e , Earache* And that chief of all causes o f d i s e a s e s ,

Loss of s l e e p . If your friends wHl accept the declaration that for s i x

or eizlil years these preparations h a v e been through t-sts that would satisfy a l l , in jtlace Of sweeping dec la ­rations that mean nothing and then procure and rea<i the phamplets; to be found with all dealers and a g e n t s , they will l> • able to judg« how tit they e a a b e re l ied npon .

G E N E R A L A G E N T S .

.1. W,



M F'rnit ,JarF»

AEON'S Patent, Self-sealing Fruit Jars at DAYTON A SMITH'S

711 li

MANHOOD. H O W I . O S T , H O W I I K S T O H E D .

Juit Vuhlithed in a /Seated Envelope, A LFCTtTlll? ON T n E N A T I R F


Weakness , Sexual Debility, Nervonsness and Involuntary Emissions producing Impotency, Con­sumption and Mental and Phys ica l Debility.

BY ROB. J . CTJLT*n»7FLI„ » . T). l i e Important fact that t h * awful consequences o*

•elf abase may be efMetnaity rftmrived without Intenial remedies or the dangerous appl icat ion of caus t i c s , in-t lr ia iesAa,medicated bougies , a n d other cmplriaal devi­c e s , Is here clearly d e m o n s t r a t e d , and the entirely n e w a n d highly successful t reatment , as adopted.),', the (K le • brated auther fully exp la ined , by m e a n s of which every • • • Is enabled to cure himself perfect ly , and at the least possible eost , , thereby av o ld lng all advertised nostrums a t ihe day. This Iceiure will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.

Seat under seal t<* anv address , p.>*t paid r,n >t »wn postern stamps, hy address ing Dr t i l A S . .1. C

l i r t t Avenue, S*tfTtk«h - " U o x i , ^ * ,




\ \ A L h I X .


H O U S E S . Committee No. 27.

For the best, pair Matched Horsci or Marcs for Walking, in harnrt i , Dip A |T 00

rto 9d be«(, , . , J DO do 8d best , • A el Trans

iB»lxx«l«> B C o r n e i l . For the best single Horse or Mare for Walking,

m harness , Dtp A $A 00 do M best, * , « 6 ° ° do 3d beet, Vol Trans The Matched llorsrn or Marti must both be owned l y

the same person. Attif. I S , T8I».

Ore. Ltnrley, P, It. M'hltn.W,

, D.Stone, . C. Long, Art.i B. Green, Worlhern, W tleralng, W. Lawrence, H . l l a w l e y , H l i t g a l l

3. H. Spaoldlfig-, II, E. Damson, If. F. Thompson, A. W . Mather, J . D. H a t c h , U . M i l l i U n , 8. R. Stocker,

N. St i l es . II. B lodget t .

J . K,

St. Louis , December , |S.'9.

We , the undersigned, c i t i sens of S t . Louis, Mo„ hav­i n g used successfully Clark's L a t e s t Improved Patent Family Sewing Machine for the past y e a r . In our fami­l ies , do cheerfully recommend it to all wishing to pur-ehase for family use.



Mrs. Mrs. , D . II. Gal s , T, Henqnembnrgh J. A. Tennison , N. Ford, L. A. Wilkinson. D. R- Arbuckle, Win. Moffet, 11 M. Blossom, G. W. Phillips, 0 . R. WUrf , L. M. Llvermore, 3. A. U Lampton,

Three thousand fespeclablc families In

Carew Sander*. " A . W . T i l l m a n , " J. J . Ifoll idsy, '* J a n e Clemens, •' M . J . A. Hale , " J . J. Wilcox , " D . B . P r e s e o t t ,

Dr. J o h n R Atkinson, Mr. Edward Berry,

" George Gay, •• O. W. Flshhsrk, " D.DavitOO.

different pla-



More Sew llookss r P I t RICZITIB:

T h e l . l l t t o i l F i t m l l ) . hy Farjh H Bradford. I ,»« te» from H B a r l i t l o r , « Hook of

I I f C , hv Ft»nrt , t npeult. ^ingrn/inon for *rri?m»»?r. At AUK- -•-'. \m, C MORS*-'*.

ces In the Bast, West and South, pronounce this the be*t Machine In the world for family use, and the references above given are quite sufficient to Insure an examlna-lion of our Machines.

The revolving Looper l i a late and Important im­provement on Clark's Improved Machine .

Ail letters of inquiry with an extra postage stamp.wlll inswre a reply.

| 3 # * | 8 » enclosed, by mail ot Express , will p*y for a good working Machine, and all orders addressed to Ed­win Clerk, Wlnsdor, T t . , wlH meet prompt attention W e I n v i t e t h e p n b i l e t o r a i l a t o u r r o o m s

H I t h e t r t t t t k l i n H u l c l ,

Where they will be on e tWMtt tn only a few dsys .— They will find a lady lh s t tendanee , who will a lways re­spectfully receive our customers and operate the Ma­chine .

Agents wanted In all towns In the Vnited Stales , to whom very liberal discounts will lie g i v e n . Addr.»«

EDWIN CLARK. Win-dor, vM F' - - - - - " • - - . - . - - • . > .





Everybody look before you buy.

S. & Oobb & Oo. July 11,1860,

JUST RECEIVED at the Corner ore In the


C o m e r of Castle & Water Streets of every descript ion end qual i ty , a t a n c t l l o w pri<•<•» that the community cannot fi l l to be pleased, When once they have avallc4 themselves of the

H a r e i n r t i i r r i i i o n t e o f f e r e d t h T T n .

We nuttHtfttctitr* Boot* emit M e < s * y * * # » y deem'ip Uon to 0nter.

JtrfiT. Patent and Frrnrli Cnlf, Pegged and Sewed Boot*.

We devote especial attention to

Ladies' ff*ork, and in this departs ient do not intend to be out done either In quaBty, beauty of s ty le and finfsti or work­manship .

CORNER STORE IN VEAZIK IIOUSK, Oi i tn i t l eA . Wate Streets,

Geneva, <V. V., Where we will he found ready to wait upon all who

may favor us with a call .

R E P A I R I N G done on short not ice ,


Geneva , April H l^W.

irTEBATElLEST TT T h e l l h o f J u l y ,

TH8 C0MM8NCEMENT, Presidential lVomlnations and

al l o ther isOurc4A of E x c i t e ­ment and especial interest

Have Gone

I f t i n n e w e l I A C o . , 7 A S f ' e m ' l s V h f , l l o s i o n .

f S e o , l l n n n c w e i l , I 4 5 W u l e r M r e r i , fsetr Y o r k

I'mlcr the special supervis ion of JOHN L. HL'NNE-H'ELL, Chemist and Pliarmaceittiet , Bos ton , M a s s . whose s ignature covers the corks of the genuine o n l y and to whom address all communicat ions .

Sold by all respectable dea lers every where, Aeenf, for Geneva, Geo. P. Mowry," Dayton A S m i t h ,

I>. L. Lum * Son. July Ph.lSW -aw. TSto.

^ w ^ COLDS. Page's medicated Cough Candy,



S c h o o l for B o y s . ( O r * T j y e e t n n A v e n u e . )

THE FIRST TERM of the Second year of this School Will begli >n MONDAY, S E I T . grd, and will eon

t lgne 11 week*. Boys are token a s soon as they are able to commence

,1 systematic course of »t«4y, and carried t« a n y desired point (« their education.

TERMS;- 7>» ItvUnr* per quarter . For boy* of D or ttt y n r s of age , in the elementary Brtgtrsh branehe*, ,Str,en- liiillmm nntl a Samper quarter . Payable in ad v a n c e . A b U . H. ROGERS, M. A.

Geneva , Aug. 1S*0.

White Brandy . FOR preserving fruit, for *:ile by

G.r. IfOfRf. August 1st, i s iw .

Hi* store and Snloon t* the smme attractive nirjr^t ft has been for vear-,, and is much frequented for the ilell-•Wptol it always aflorils.

We have all sizes of

CE-CREAM PYRAMIDS, And fill all order* and DELIVER in any part of the vll-

3 Sh i l l ings P e r Qt. <OWJB <st>aara«T2tia33tr

Is m iimfactiired hy the best of workmen, and !• under the supervision of one who ha* been engaged In this es-ahllshmcni over 15 year*, and Intend* that the depart­ment shall be amply filled with the

C h o i c e s t <fe B e s t . m

" The fount, where that superior

S O D A is drawn front h e , needs no comment, b u i l t Is not to be overlook**'*

C I I A S . K I P P . ,\i*fr • £ f$#H4




Xo. 7 Scnt-ca St N. Y.

the Way , A ND wHl be recerved this week, the f Wil -

lought.y Fruit Jar ," sclf-svalfiif, which for s impl i ­city and cfTicieiiry, U said to surpass all of i t , predeCee-

« l.nv as any other se l f se» | , , r . To he found at the-City D r u g Store. U P. MOWDV.

Aug 1st, fSffr

I t '•"•Cnn" h e l > o i i o . T~

A NOTHER bd of Ludlowt self-sealing Fruft Cans , (p in t - , quarts, and half ga l lons . ) Just opened a n d

for sale. Also cheaper kind In s tore . Call and e x a m ­ine a: the c i t y Dntf more . t i . p . MOWRT.

August 1st, 1*60.

Oil Window 8 h a 4 e . A N D T R A N S P A R R N T C C R T A I S S — W a i n and Q l l t -t \ . an e l egant assortment o f new and beautiful s t y l e s , ust rece ived by [apr IS] C M 0 R 8 R .

Kntst India Carrie P o w d e r . TH E Genuine art ic le , Just r e c e i v e d and for s a l e a t

the Cltv Drug Store by G . P . M O W R T . J u l y 1 3 , 1359. _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _

Simtl.i * School Cihrarlcs , Mnsle Books ,Catechisms , Question Books , Class B o o k s , Re-

rd Cards, Ac. Sold a t N. Y. pr ices . May W t h , l»fiO. W. H . S M I T H ,

SOUTH JUTD NORTH. U y . T o h n S , C . A b b o t t .

W HILE the author show* by i t s t l s l l e * the a d v a n ­t a g e of Frte ever irttrwelibnf, the book le * Ml leu

in such a style that it carmot fail to interest those w h o are most bit terly o/sposeif fa ft tn prfttcflffev

A cheap edition hs.- been puhUshed. For sale b y Aug re, \<m. w II S M I T H .

Trusses a n d SupfMei-ters, \ t R l F O s « 0 r l i it pnimlnr s ty le

" 31 Mr Dnig W 1 V .

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