ofi $/rw'a-

ofi CONFIDENTIAL h^.d"fu $/rW'A- Minister-in-Charge MEMORANDUM Public Work (B&R) Minister Administrative Secretary Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Haryana Public Work (B&R) DePartment subject- Annual Administrative report of the Public works (B&R) Department, Haryana for the year 2016'17 ' The Annual Administrative Report of the Public Works (B&R) Department of the year 2016-17 alongwith its Review and Critique placed before the Council of Ministers, Haryana for their approval in accordance with the Government instructions contained in U.O. No. 16/31 tg1-4PP, dated 01 July, 1991. Therefore, this report along with its review and critique will be printed. 2. Prior approval of the Chief Minister has been obtained for placing this matter before the Council of Ministers. Dated: -08-20{8 Chandigarh Additional Chief Secretary to Government of Haryana Public Works (B&R) Department.

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h^.d"fu $/rW'A-



Public Work (B&R) Minister

Administrative Secretary Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Haryana

Public Work (B&R) DePartment

subject- Annual Administrative report of the Public works (B&R)

Department, Haryana for the year 2016'17 '

The Annual Administrative Report of the Public Works (B&R)

Department of the year 2016-17 alongwith its Review and Critique placed before the

Council of Ministers, Haryana for their approval in accordance with the Government

instructions contained in U.O. No. 16/31 tg1-4PP, dated 01 July, 1991. Therefore,

this report along with its review and critique will be printed.

2. Prior approval of the Chief Minister has been obtained for placing this

matter before the Council of Ministers.

Dated: -08-20{8Chandigarh

Additional Chief Secretary to Government ofHaryana Public Works (B&R) Department.

Page 2: ofi $/rW'A-


The public works Department (Buirding and Roads) is the principal

department of the sirt. GovernmJfiito, the constirEtion and maintenance of roads'

bridges and goveln;;i buildings in ifre state ot Haryan'' ft has set up statewide offices

to accomplish th; task of construction and ,,.,tint*"n"" of roads' bridges and

government bu,dings. rt enjoy, " ,t.ii- r"pui.tion toi"ngineering capabirities and quality

manpower. n rras'-aiso ."t'up the- tirrvln"_state no""J. anJ aiioges Deveropment

Corporation Ltd. (HSRDC); Haryaia ntiraf Roads- and lnfrastructure Development

Agency (HARR|DA); L"ryrl. ?]ji; eriiJingr & Roads Academv of Research and

iiJ"i'igJ "t E,l?l,L"nX'#"il:i5J':ltffXlil*,t haverceen one or the major thrust areas or

the state Government right tro'n t J-u"gi"ri.g nttl-r in" slate of Haryana was carved

out on 1.t Nov.1966, Govt. tauncnel-fi-"."irL drive to connect each and every vi*age

with a population oi'zso and achiJvlJ ir'it t"tg91!V gi rt1"tn'tgZ3' The tength of road

network increased lo 13,322xrt JVii iii"tfi'igzg' t'lo* the road length is as under:

The Department has been continuously trying.to improve its performance, in terms

of both quantity and quality OV .on..pi;*g;;"iitP"" ti;;' using ihe tatest construction

techniques, taking steps by introdu;n .;gHnistrative r"toirr to ireate corporate type of

work environment, better cash flowaiO tin"ntiat manaleTenl as. well as use of modern

management praciices including "ppli;"tion

of lnformation Technology tools'

Dated: -08-2018Chandigarh

Additional Chief Secretary to Government of

ii;ty;;; Fublic Works (B&R) Department '






Page 3: ofi $/rW'A-


during the year 2016-17. WOrks involving construction and maintenance of roads'

buildings and bridges were executed. The break-up for these categories is given as


Total 313514.98

Rs. 313514.98 Lacs (APProx.)

During the year, 29 km of new roads were constructed and roads already

existing with a length of 1893 km were improved' Therefore, the progress of the

Department during financial year remained satisfactory,

1. Expenditure on Construction of Buildings

2. Maintenance charges of Buildings

3. Deposit amount works of Buildings

4. Deposit works through funds deposited with HSRDC

5. Expenditure on Construction /improvement

of Roads

6. Expenditure on Maintenance of Roads

7. Expenditure on Constn' of National

Highways/ Roads (including Bridges)

8. Expenditure on Maintenance of National Highways

L Expenditure on Construction of Bridges

(Rs. in Lac)











Additional Chief Secretary to Government ofHaryana Public Works (B&R) Department.

Dated: -08-2018Chandigarh

Page 4: ofi $/rW'A-

During the year 2016-17'. the Public Works Department

Roads) carried J=, '[]]o;"i ".iriii"s

for the construction and

Roads and Bridg;;.'ir addition to construction and maintenance

works of improve,ilniotioad netwoii<-nave oeen taken in hand'

zot*'zott -. , ^- 'aaa an-rn,nd development

SincetheformationofHaryanaStatetherehasbeenall-rounddevelolin the State especiallv i!ll"lq,,:?t[to*il'd;

i:' ttto'' 1e66' out of 6764

d i recto ry vi I I as es, o I lY 1.3 I 9 " #,q + f":1" hU ",*:l y:ll*::1,iliJiL'3 J:il

fl l"rll" 3, "JlT."i;" lil; :!iji$ li i;;h, io t,* r

"s " co n n e ctiv itv h a s s o n e

up for Tolzvillases;i; lozt uitt^g"' "" p'"11"1"^': ioll'with road length

of 26051 km' Vitt'g" connectiv:riy n"t'increaseJ by 5'06 times since

incePtion of Haryana State'


5054(R&B)nnnuatPlan2016:zoywasoriginallyaporovedforRs'2816.00crore which *r. iit'"f '"''t"o !o. T'' 1652'52c-rore J'tot which Rs' 827'50

crore was provio"i'iliH""j sos4 (R&B) roads State Schemes'

2gKmsofnewroadsWereconstructedduring20l,6-2017underHead5054(R&B) and 1893 K;;. oi,o,o. n.,-n"uln i,pioveo ,no"' Head 5054 (R&B)

state schemes bv *'y ^ i"-Yi$TL?h#':::llr";lp/,


R:::.","r"Xi#,?',"rlJ.,,U3J c il sro;ki o,,'ins the vear 2016-17

rr^ ?LrE vtraEl 2016-17

ffi".,.*ngthofroads,l.th"StateincludingNationalHighwaysason 31.3.101?

'" 2dd'i rms' with following details'

1. National Highways with Haryana State 1198 kms'

2. National Highway with NHAI 1284 Kms

3. State HighwaYs 1801 kms'

4. Major Distt' Roads 1395 kms'

5. Other Distt' A/illage Roads 20373 kms'

Total: - 26051 kms'

ili='JfiH'::Jf."Jlu*i,iJl"il.I;'X1"HHi:itr'fi $iiili:::"*,ll[*'t';:"mili:0"'Bor basis was awarded t9 n1o 19'11"::Sj::1i :"T?;;'U*::S3H?SfI:3'"J': i? ; l'3". 3Y::: ffi J:-'H. ;:;' ;il ; i;d; n d th e co n cess io n ai re h a s

been coltecting aii"i""" June ZOIZ'aiiconcession period is seventeen (17)

Rs. 61g.00 crore were provided for repair and maintenance of

roads. widening/ strengtheningl ral"si;;/ Bg99.1rr1ctron7 Piemix carpetivas

carried out on 236;.i;;.'oi.r1, oiiii.'g 'zo7a-tt

besides carryins out patch

work and other repairs' a lot has been done to

Although repair is a continuous activity' yet

restore confidenc-Jl*ong thg ;"p|":-inJ t'""9 network was kept in

satisfactory tevei-ot-s"*i"" tnroffi'-c"rwing out extensive patch work

campaigni UY tne dePartment'

Tomaintainbridgegapininvestmentandbasicinfrastructures,theGovt. of Haryan;"iJk ,ltirliui t" i.i"^i'6ut worrt on ppp mode and avail

Vc'r tt". Plinning Commission GOI'

(Buildings and

maintenance ot

of roads, many






Page 5: ofi $/rW'A-



24 Nos. National Highways with a total length of about 2478'74 km pass

through the State of fi"r,rna. When tne StatJof Haryana was formed' only 5

Nos. National Highways with a totat tength of .655.261 km were passing

through the Statel N"*, the total nrrnettf National Highways in the state

has increased to 24 Nos. with a total length of 2478'74 km'

Theresponsibilityforupkeep,maintenanceandupgradat,."Igl6gS52kmlength of Nationat riigr,ways'is entrusted to the Haryana PWD (B&R)' These

include 3 National Highways namety part NH-65, pirt NH-7gg-Extn' and part


Theresponsibilityfortheupkegq,maintenanceandupgradationofNationalHighway No. 1 ,2',-8, io, i l, zz, 5;;,6i' 65' 71'-714'12' 73' 73-A' 248-A'

334-8, 71-B, 703, part 709-Extn,' ptn i+g-g' 709-A' 352-A', 444-A' 21-4',

with a total lengtn & i+0a.892 km"rs entrusted io National Highways Authority

of lndia.

The details of works undertaken by Haryana

Highways during 2016-17 are as follows:

i)lTNos.worksamountingtoRs.T9g,T6CroreWeresanctionedbyMinistry of Road Transport and Highways'

ii) Against tne revLed target of 60 kri'(originat.target 40 km) for construction

and impror"r"ni ot rultion.f iigh*;VJ under iead NH (Original Works)'

achievement was 60'55 km'

iii) Total works uni", NH (Original works ) with a length of 142'42 km were

awarded .g"init the reviseo trrg"ror ,o-q !.1 (original target 38.00 km)

iv) 11 Nos. works of p"rioOicaf Re"nlwal of NationaiHighways costing 74'27

Crore inuorrin--g; rength of tr8.91 km. were sanctioned' The Periodical

Renewal of 10g.3s km was .ornpr"t"o during the ye-ar 2016,-1.7 which

included spill over of 67.03 frlri,.tioned during 2015-16 and 42'32 km

sanctioned during 2016-17 '

v) Against tn"'[uJdJ ot nt.150 Crore during 2016'17 for NH (o) works'

expenditure incuired was Rs. iOi.Zl Crore For Periodical Renewal works'

against the budget of Rs. +s Crore expenditure incurred during 2016-17

was Rs. 49.54 Crore

Gentral Road Fund

1 16 Nos works with a total road length of 135'4 km with estimated cost of

Rs. 4S3.13 C;ore ;ere sanctioned during the year 2016-17 '

2 The expenditure incurred during 2016-17 was Rs' 95'50 crore against

budget grant of Rs'95'82 Crore



PWD B&R on National

-l Scheme:-;i PMGSY-I Scheme, starting from Phase-l (Year

2000) to Phase lX (Year 2009) stand already completed & PMGSY- I scheme

stand physically and financially closed. An expenditure of Rs' 1402 crores

have been incused so for in PMGSY-I Scheme'

A) SYAll 419 nos. works

Page 6: ofi $/rW'A-


i) pMGSy-lt scheme for state was sanctioned by Ministry of Rural Development

(MoRD), Govt. of lndia on Sth May, 2014. The scheme was consisting of 83

nos.roadworks(involvinglengthof989.320km.atacostofRs.877.93crores), and 18 nos bridge work (involving length of 653'200 m' at a cost of

Rs. 39.52 Crores).

Till now, 83 nos Road works (length achieved 963'198 km') have been

completed at an expenditure of Rs. 719'13 Crores and 18 nos Bridge works

have been completed (length achieved 605.200 m') at an expenditure of Rs'

33.86 Crores.

G) MoRD Sanction asainst Lenqth Savinqs of PMGSYJI:-





becompletedsoon,i'e.wellbeforethetargetdateof05.0l.20lEofcompletion of work. lt is also brought out that the central Govt' has fixed

the date of closure of PMGSY-I and PMGSY-|| Scheme' as 31"1 March


The centre Govt. has sanctioned & released Rs' 20'25 crores tO the state


Rural Roads vide their office Memo No' P-1701713t2017-RC FMS No' 35084

dated 28th Febru ary, 2017. The case for making provision of Centre Share


the Planning Branch vide this office u.o' No' 56/PMGSY dated 05'07 '2017 '




142618-620dated23,ol'2olT.TheFinanceDepartmenthasmadeaprovision of Rs. 33.75 crore in the state Budget in the supplementary

Estimates 2017-18 (lst lnstallment)' The funds will be got released from the

State Govt. in the 3'd week of December 2017 '

ii)TheAdministrativeApprovalfrom62nos.ofworksamountingtoRs.3707.55 lacs has so far been received from the state Govt' Further' DNITs &

D/Esfor5gnos.ofworkshavealreadybeenapproved&tendersforapproved works are under process/ being allotted'

Page 7: ofi $/rW'A-




Bridges): ComPleted'

(b)NABARDPRoJEGTUNDERRIDF.XVIII(Roads):Allthe25No.works have been

"orpr"t"o. Total expenditure incurred on these


2.NABARDPRoJEGTUNDERRIDF.XIX(Roa!s).^z]^+!;zznos'roadsfor amounting to ns._zzo.g1+ 80.21+ 19.45= 376,57 crore having

fengih of lgtlgO+37.18+34.99= 264.13 km. have been approved from

the NABARD. Out of iz no. worrs 30 works have been completed' 2

nos. works are in piog*r". Total expenditure- incurred on these

projects during tne yeaiz 016-17 is Rs. 256.62 Crore. About 252'40

x,,.' [ngth ori"ot zai,3 km length has been completed.

3. NABARD pRoJEcr UNDER RtDF-xlx (Bridges): 22 nos. bridges for

amounting to Rs. roo.og crore has been a[proved.flom NABARD'

out of 22 No. works io No. works have been completed and 2 No'

works have been OroppiO. ihe total upto date expenditure incurred on

tnese pioju.t. during'the year 2016-17 is Rs. 66.89 Crore'

4.NABARDPRoJECTUNDERRtDF-xx(Roads}:?1^no'.roadsforamountingtoRs.353.60Crorehavinglengthgf246^qgKmhasbeenappiou"O"from NABARD. Out of 31 ftos. works 26 Nos' works have

beencompletedand2Nos.workshavebeendropped.3Nos.work,ru in pt,igress. rne totat expenditure incurred on these projects

duringtheyear2016-17isRs.166'64croresabout108'95kmlengthout oizao.Og Lt* length has been completed'

5. NABARD PRoJECT UNDER RlDF.xxll (Roads & Bridge): 26 roads

having length of 184.78 km & 3 bridges= ig tttos' works for amounting

toRs.154.21+29,77=lS3.gScrorehasbeensanctionedfromNABARD. Out of 29 Nos. works 24 Nos' works have been allotted'

The total expenditurl incurred on these projects during the year 2016-

17 is Rs' 22,70 ",o,",

about 12,20 rm tength out of 184.78 km length

has been comPleted'

6.NABARDPRoJECTUNDERRtDF.xxII(AdditionalRoads):27roads having length of 230.73 km for amounting to Rs' 115'36 Crore

has been sanctioned from NABARD'


5 bridges under Head 5054 with an approximate cost of Rs. 10,52

crore have been compteteJ-during year 2O1O-ll, 4 Nos' Bridges with an

approximaie cost of Rs. 27 .74 crores in progress under Head,5054 during the

year zoto-iz, a Nor. nogslnuBs with the cost of Rs' 250.00 crore were

completed and 13 Nos. COednUBs in Progress under Head 5054 with an

estimated cost of Rs' 318'48 crore'

a) Bridges completed with cost Rs. 10.52 crore under head 5054 during

the Year 2016-17:.'



Constructionof2spanTmeach(15skew)RCCboxtypebridgeoverlshapur Kheri Drain at RD 10500 crossing Gohana lakhanmajra road at

RD 6400 in SonePat Distt'

Constructionofsingrespan5meach(23skew)RCCboxtypebridge.onButana Distributarf11 no 58800 .totting Go6ana Lakhanmajra road at

RD 4450 in SonePat Distt'


Page 8: ofi $/rW'A-


3. construction of vented causeway by providi!9 box tw9-cylvgrt on link

road from NH-ZS to village Moginanl itlaggal in Km' 2'05 in Panchkula

Distt.4. construction of 2 span 6 m each RCC box type bridge. oyelihappra

Drain at RD 45990 crossing Gohana Baroda Julana road at RD 15'5 in

SonePat Distt'5. Re construction of 2 lane of H.L. bridges over BMB & Fatehabad

Nizampur-NarnaulMahendergarh-Dad11lh'y3nLHansi-Barwala.Tohana-Munak upto state Border 1sHlzl (Road lD 5369)Km.222'86 &222'91 (ln

Tohana citY Portion).

b) Bridges in progress under head 5054 costing Rs'27'74 crore during

the Year 2016-17-

1. Construction of new H.L. Bridge down stream side of existing bridge on

Ghagger river at Km. 235 on t<iithat-Patiala road in Kaithal distt'

2. Construction of HL bridge on Tangri Nadi in Kalka constituency'

3. construction of new H.L. Bridge oi 6 .prn 9 O_O , each on link road village

KazampurtoRampurThadeoninPanchkulaDistt.4. Reconstruction of bridge or". o Bhuna Ratia road crossing Ratia sub

Branch (sukchain canit; at RD-17947 and Rattakhera Distt. at RD-


17895 in Fatehabad Distt.

RoB/RUBCompletedUnderHead5054costingRs.250.00croreduring the Year 2016-17:-

ROB at Nilokheri at level crossing No' 78-AB 'L 119 on Delhi Ambala

Railway line crossin! on Nilokheri Kaul Dhand in Distt' Karnal'

ROB at Shahbal It tevet crossing No. 98-AC in 179t19-21 on Delhi

Ambala Railway line crossing on "snanoro Thol road (sH-4) in Distt'




Kurukshetra.3. Construction of approaches of 2 lane ROB at level crossing no c-69in

Km. 1 20111-13 on Delhi Ambala Railway line crossing Karnal Munak road

RD-2.10.4. ROB at level x-ing No. 31 in Km 38.100 on Delhi-Bhatinda Railway line on

Kharkhoda Assaudha Road in Distt' Jhajjar'

5. 4 lane ROB over Delhi-Ambala Railway line LC No' 21 on Rai Nahra

Bahadurgarh road. (HSRDC)

6.RoBatJaxrrat-Kulan-BhaturoadatL/CNo.167in.7. construction of 2 lane ROB on L/C No. 26-8 at sonepat on sonepat

Kharkhoda road in SonePat Distt'g. Construction of RUB on Hanumangarh Sadalpur railway line at Railway

Km. 38/1 Talwara Jhil, Ellenabad in'

Construction of ROB at Km. 57.565 on Rewari-Bhatinda Railway line on

bye pass connection Dadri-Bhiwani and Dadri-Bond road near village

Rawaldhi at Dadri in Hary'ana'

ROB on sonepat ayc pr!. crossing New sonepat Jind railway line.

RUBonSonepatByepasscrosslngDelhiAmbalaRailwayline.Low height subway in between Mal Godam road to Anaj Mandi at

Bahadurgarh (DePost work)'construction of nug on Jind panipat Railway line crossing Rajbaha No' 7

in Jind Distt.construction of RUB at Ellenabad on LC No' 32 0n Hanumnangarh

Sadalpur Railway line on Ellenabad-Nohar Road'






7.Fatehabad Distt.

8. Construction oi-z lane RoB at LC No. 18 at Km' 2323t5-o on road from

Kund to Behrod falls between Railwayilo Kathuwas'

g. Construction oi 2lane ROB at f-C flo''"gO at Km' 37t8-9 on road from Ateli

toKherifallsbetweenRailwaystationAtelitoNarnaul.l0.Construction of 2lane ROB atld-Uo.39 at Km4819149/1 on road from

Meerpur to Mandhana road falls between Railway station Ateli to Narnaul'

Page 9: ofi $/rW'A-



11. Construction of 2 lane ROB at LC No. 53 at Km 66/4-5 on road from

Nizampur to Nangal Chaudhary falls on Railway Station Nizampur Yard'

l2.Construction of nbg at Nalwa-Umra/Hisar at L/C no. 80 in Hisar Distt'

l3.Construction of RoB from Bawal to Bawal railway station road (Road lD

1499) LC No. 69 at Bawal.


The department carried out works of construction as well as maintenance of

building works. The department has also undertook construction of non

GovernmenUsemi. Govt. department building works as deposit works'

During the year, 37 no. buildings works completed. The total expenditure

incurred in construction and maintenance of all type of buildings in state was

to the tune of Rs. 13857.1 1 lacs through PWD (B&R)'

Haryana State Roads and Bridges development Corporation has

taken various construction activities in hand during year 2016-17' The work

wise detail of the completed works & ongoing works is as under:-

a)Workscompletedduringfinancialyear20l6.20lT:.1. lmprovement by *ry o'i four lanning of various roads in Rewari District'

2. New construction of various roads in Rewari District'

3. Widening and strengthening of Bahalbgarh chowk to sonepat

Gohana upto Distt. Sonepat boundary road on Jind Road (sH)

4. Widening and strengthening of Gohana Lakhan Majra Bhiwani road

uPto district Rohtak boundary (SH)

5. Gurgaon chandu Badti Road (RD 18.100 to 39.100) (Gurgaon)'

6. Construction of 2 lane ROB at Panipat Jatal Road on Delhi Ambala

Railway line at L/C No' 52C in Panipat District'

7. Const. of 2 Lane ROB at Hodal Hassanpur road on Delhi Palwal

Mathura RailwaY line at L/C No' 553

8. Const. of ROB at GT Road to Rai Nahra Bahadurgarh road on Delhi

Ambala RailwaY line at LC No' 21'

b) On going Roads during financialyear 2016'2017:'

1. Upgradation of new various roads in Rewari

(ij - Kosli to Guryani to Palhawas road'

(ii) HailY Mandi to Palhawas road'

Z. Construction of road from NH-10 to NH-71 (upto Southern Bye Pass of

NH-10 in Rohtak Distt.).

3. Four lanning of Jhajjar Farrukhnagar road from RD 0.00 to 21'30 in

Jhajar/Gurgaon d istrict.


Page 10: ofi $/rW'A-


5. 2 Lane ROB at Sonepat Purkhas road nearSugar Mill on Delhi

Ambala RailwaY line at L/C No. 29'

6. Const. of additional 2lane ROB at level crossing no. 3 on Hisar-

Sadalpur Railway line at Dabra Chowk Hisar'

7. Construction of approaches of 4 lane ROB on LC no' 79 on Delhi

Bhatinda Railway line crossing Gohana Lakhanmajra Mehan road.

8. Constructon of 2 lane ROB at L/C no. 54 on Jind Panipat section

(location 66/9-10) crossing road alongwith Delhi water carrier link

channel in PaniPat District.

9. Construction of 2 lane ROB at level x-ing no. 55 on Jind Panipat

Section(location 67t10-11) over road on Panipat Kabri road in Panipat


The total expenditure incurred during the Financial Year

2016-2017 is Rs. 131.08 Crores.

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On the administrative side of the Govt., Sh.Hardeep Kumar, IAS remained as theAdditional Chief Secretary from 01 .04.2016 to 31 .122016 and Sh. Alok Nigam, IASremained as the Additional Chief Secretary from 04.01.2017 to 31.03.2017. Smt.Pankaj Chaudhary, HCS Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of the Department and alsothe Chief Vigilance Officer of HSRDC and HARRIDA. Sh. Rakesh Manocharemained in the capacity of Engineer-in-Chief, Managing Director, HSRDC andSecretary General, (HARRIDA) during the year 2016-2017.

Dated: -08-2018Chandigarh


Additional Chief Secretary to Government ofHaryana Public Works (B&R) Department .

Page 12: ofi $/rW'A-



The administrative & professional Head of the Deptt. is Engineer-in-Chief. There are

seven Chief Engineers i.e. (i) Chief Engineer (Buildings), (ii) Chief Engineer(Roads), (iii) Chief Engineer (National Highways), (iv) Chief Engineer (Nabard), (v)

bni"t fnginber (BridgJs) and (vi) Chief Engineer (NCR) (vii) Chief Engineer (Elect.&

Mech.). dniet Engineers are responsible for their works to Engineer-in-Chief and

Govt. There are i1- Civil Circles, one Mechanical and one Electrical Circle. Each

Circle is headed by Superintending Engineer, generally consisting of three to four

Divisions. There ire 46 Civil Divisions, 5 Electrical Divisions & 5 Mechanical

Divisions. Divisions are headed by Executive Engineers consisting of three to four

Sub Divisions. Sub Divisions consist of three to four Sections headed by Junior

Engineers in charge of Sections.

There is a well developed Mechanical wing headed by a Superintending Engineer

(Mechanical) who reports to the Engineer-in-Chief through the Chief Engineer

ieafUl. The State has large fleet of machinery and it is maintained in the Central

MechanicalWorkshop at (arnal; besides a chain of regional workshops. There is an

Electrical wing headed by SE (Electrical ) who looks after the electrical works of the

Buildings and reports to Chief Engineer (E&M).

The work of Horticulture wing is controlled by one Executive Engineers (Hort') who

is assisted by Sub-Divisionaf Engineers. The work of acquiring the land for buildings

and roads is looked after by Land Acquisition Officers.

The State Research Laboratory is situated at Hisar and is headed by 1 Chief

Engineer, designated as Director Research Laboratory. There is a Quality Control

cell headed by Dy. Director at Hisar and Executive Engineers (Quality Control)

located at FaiiOa6aO & Karnal, who examine the quality of materials and perform

tests, independent of the construction agency. Apart from. the main Research

Laboratory at Hisar, there are regional laboratoiies at Bhiwani, Rohtak and Karnal

besides the field laboratories woiking at sites of major construction works. During

the year, 2938 no. samples were ta[en by Quality Control Cell, out of which 2902

were passed and 36 no are under re-checking'

Haryana State Roads & Bridges Development Corporation is headed by

Managing Director-cum-Engineer--in-Chief and assisted by Executive Director who

is Chief Engineer on deputition from the Departmentand there are 7 no' DGMs

located in tietO irr the rank of Executive Engineers, are also on deputation frompWD (B&R) Deptt. Whereas, Haryana Rural Roads and lnfrastructure Development

Agency (HARRiDA) is headed by Secretary General- cum-Engineer-in-Chief PWD

tg;&nl'and assistei Uy Executive Directoiwho is Chief Engineer (Nabard) and

various PlUs in the rank of Executive Engineers posted in the field'

Page 13: ofi $/rW'A-


An expenditure of Rs 327661.68 crore was incurred

Bridges and Buitdings, both in respect of construction

up as under:-

on various works of Roads,

and maintenance. The break

STATE RDADSConstruction RoadBridgesMainienance

BUILDINGSConstructic.rnMaintenance of Building(lncluding machinery)

N.H.WorksConstructic ir (l ncluding Bridges)Maintenance

Total expenditure on works

Work charged staff which isCornponeni of works.Regular work charged staffRegular EstablishmentTotal

Total ExPenditure = A+B

Rs. in Lac.136246.38



= Rs 327661.68



292299.28 - A


The cost of regular establishment Comes to:-

35362.40 x 100327661.68 = 10.79 Yo

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According to this office no case of PWD B&R Department was referred to VigilanceDepartment during the years 2016-17.

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Administrative Report for thg vear 2016-2017Harvana Public Works (Buildins & Roads) Department Chandisarh


S/Sh.From To

Enqineer-in-Chief Rakesh Manocha 01.04.16 31.03.17Chief Enq neer (Buildinqs) Surai Bhan Boora 01.04.16 31.03.17Chief Enq neer (Roads) Anup Chauhan 01.04.16 31.03.17Chief Enq neer (NH) HR Raheia 01.04.16 31.03.17Chief Enqineer (Bridoes) Subhash Chander 01.04.16 31.03.17Chief Enqineer (NCR) GD Goel 01.04.16 31.03.17Chief Enqineer (E&M) V.B. Dahiva 02.05.16 31.03.17Superintending Engineer(Buildinq)

Jatinder Mittal 01.04.16 31.03.17

Superintending Engineer(Roads)

RK Verma 01.04.16 31.03.17

Superintending Engineer(PMGSY)

Neeraj GuptaVirender Jakhar


26.02.1731 .03.17

Executive Engineer (Roads-l) Mahesh KumarMadaan

01.04.16 31.03.17

Executive Enqineer (Roads-l l) Romit Chush 01.04.16 31.03.17Executive Enqineer (lnquirv-l) Sanieet Kumar 01.04.16 31.03.17Executive Engineer (l nq uiry-l !) SS Hooda 01.04.16 31.03.17Executive Enqineer (Building-l) Puneet Kumar 01.04.16 31.03.17Executive Engineer (Building-!l) Navneet Kumar

Nain ,

Udawir Jhaihria



Executive Engineer (Bridges) Kuldeep ChandBhupinder SinghRai Kumar


02.08.1621.12.1631 .03.17

Executive Engineer (Elect.) LM JindalDevki NandanSharma



Executive Engineer (General) Jagbir SinghRK Mittal


22.11.1631 .03.17

Executive Engineer (Mech.) Arun KumarPardeep KumarSharma



Executive Engineer (NH) AK Dahiva 01.04.16 31.03.17Executive Engineer (PMGSY-I) Nihal Singh

Karam SinghPathania '



Executive Enqineer (PMGSY-Il Ram Charan 01.04.16 31.03.17Executive Enqineer (NABARD) KS Jakhar 01.04.16 31.03.17


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Chandigarh Circle

Ambala Gircle

Bhiwani Circle

Gurugram Circle


Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Desiqnation

From To

Superintending EnginegrChandigarh Circle

AK GargPK Goel

01 .04.1509.12.16

30.11.1631 .03.17

Const. Divn. Chandigarh NK Tomar 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. Naraingarh Sandeep Goyal 01.04.16 31.03.17

Const Divn. (NH) Chandigarh Vikas Surjewala 01 .04.16 31.03.17

Hort. Divn. Panchkula Kulbir Singh Puwar 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. Panchkula Harpal Singh 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. Yamuna Nagar RK Tindwal 01 .04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerAmbala

PK GoyalKS Suhas



Prov. Divn. No. IAmbala Ram Charan ,

DD Kamboi01.04.1604.04.16


Prov.Divn. No. ll Ambala Sunil Kundu 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. I Kurukshetr:a JP Kamboj 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. ll Kurukshetra SP Siroha 01.04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerBhiwani

A.K. Mehta 01 .04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. Bhiwani PK Bagri 01.04.16 31.03.17Prov.Divn. Charkhi Dadri Narender Singh 01.04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting NameS/Sh./Desionation

From To

Superintending EngineerGurugram

Rajeev Agganral 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. I Gurugram VK Sharma 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov.Divn. No. ll Gurugram Chander Mohan 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. Faridabad BS Khokar 01.04.16 31.03.17

ADB Project Divn. Faridabad RA HoodaBS KhokarParveen Chaudhary


30.11.1624.01.1731 03.17

PD Palwal Ashok Kumar 01.04.16 31.03.17

CD Gurugram Vishal Kumar 01.04.16 31.03.17


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t7Hisar Circle

Kaithal Circle

Rewari Circle

Rohtak Circle

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending Engineer Hisar H.N. Singla 0'1.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. ! Hisar VG MachraRK SehrawatRai SinghYooesh Mohan Mehra



Prov.Divn. No. lll Hisar RK SehrawatRai SinghVishal Sharma



Prov. Divn. Hansi Manoj Kumar Ola 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. Fatehabad Subhash Bhamboo, EE(Now SE)Jaqbeer Singh





Prov. Divn. No. I Sirsa PK JindalAjit Singh



Prov. Divn. No. ll Sirsa PK Jindal 01.04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerKaithal

OP BholaBS Dahiya ,

Arvind Kumar



Prov. Divn. No. I Kaithal KK NainJaspal Singh MehraKuldeep Chand



Prov.Divn. No. ll Kaithal Vishal SharmaJaspal Sinqh Mehra


1 1 .06.1631.03.17

Prov. Divn. Jind Jaspal Singh Meh.raVishal SharmaNavneet Nain



Prov. Divn. Nanalana SP KaushikJaspal Singh MehraSS Kaushish



Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerRewari

DVS Dahiya 01.04.16 31..03.17

Prov. Divn. Rewari AK Singlal,{emant Kumar



Prov.Divn. Nuh Sajjan Singh 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. Narnaul MS SangwanSada SukhDarshan Kumar



Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerRohtak

Pardeep Ranjan 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. I Rohtak Arvind KumarHS Sanqwan



Prov. Divn. No. ll Rohtak HS Sangwan 01.04.16 02.12.16



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JRK Sehrawat 03.12.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. ll! (NH) Rohtak Karan SinghHS Sanowan



Prov. Divn. No. lV Rohtak SC Sachdeva 01.04.16 31.03.17

Sonepat Gircle

Jhajjar Circle

Karnal Gircle

Elect. Gircle Karnal

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerSonepat

AK Goel 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. I Sonepat KS Suhag, EE (Now SE)Bhuoinder Sinqh



Prov. Divn. No. ll Sonepat Vikas Kumar 01.04.16 31.03.17

DGM-lll Sonepat Jagbir Singh Kajla 01.04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerJhajjar

SS PanwarAK GoelNihal Sinqh


31 .1 0.1 613.02.1731.03.17

Prov. Divn. Jhajjar S.S. Dalal 01.04.16 31,03.17

Prov.,Divn. Bahadurgarh SP Singhmar 01.04.16 31.03.17

Deputy General Manager-lV,HSRDC, Jhajjar

Jagveer Singh Kajla 01.04.16 31 03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Desig nation From To

Superintend ing EngineerKarnal

Ramesh Kumar 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. I Karnal Virender JakharDalel Sinqh



Prov. Divn. No. ll Karnal Yogesh Mohan MehraRK Nain



Prov. Divn. Panipat Pardeep Attri 01.04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Desig nation From To

Superintend ing Eng ineerElect. Circle Karnal

R.S. Sehrawat 01.04.16 31.03.17

Elect. Divn. Karnal NK Handa 01.04.16 31.03.17

Elect. Divn. Ambala PK Singla 01.04.16 31.03.17

Elect. Divn. Hisar Bhim Sain 01.04.16 31.03.17

Elect. Divn. Rohtak Sanjeev JoharRaiesh Ahuia



Elect. Divn. Gurgaon Rajesh AhujaSanieev Johar



Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerMech. Circle Karnal

VB Dahiya, SE (Now CE)SS Lohan



Mech. Circle Karnal



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Quality Control Circle Karnal

National Highway Gircle Jind

Mech. Divn. Rohtak AK Saini 04.07.16 31.03.17

Mech. Divn. Ambala AN Chauhan 01.04.16 31.03.17

Mech. Divn. Hisar Kuibir Singh 01.04.16 31.03.17

Mech. Divn. Karnal RK BagriAN Chauhan (Dual Charge)AK Saini (Dual charge)Sumit Kumar



Mech. Divn. Faridabad. Satish Bansal 01.04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Qualitv Control Circle Karnallnderjit BishnoiRamesh Kumar



Quality Control Divn. Hisar Dalel SinghRai Kumar

01.04.16Feb 17

January 1731.03.17

Quality Control Divn.Faridabad

Rajpal Singh 01.04.16 31.03.17

Place of Posting Name S/Sh./Designation From To

Superintending EngineerKarnal National Highway CircleJind

BS Dahiya .

Arvind Kumar01.04.1606.03.17


National Highway Divn. Jind Balraj Singh 01.04.16 31.03.17

Prov. Divn. No. !l Hisar Ramdhari 01.04.16 31.03.17

