no293 newslettr daily e-11-11_2013

PAGE 4 killing of children in Damascus Opposition declares curfew.. PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 6 2013/11/11 -NO. (293) 125 Contracts for million euro Targeting Palestinian refugee camps in coordination with Israel ISIS” expels Free” army from Alturkmen !!Mountain Withdrawing from Yarmouk camp is soon PAGE 2

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Page 1: No293 newslettr daily e-11-11_2013


killing of children in DamascusOpposition declares curfew..




2013/11/11 -NO. (293)

125 Contracts formillion euro

Targeting Palestinian refugee camps in

coordination with Israel

ISIS” expels Free” army from Alturkmen


Withdrawing from Yarmouk camp is



Page 2: No293 newslettr daily e-11-11_2013

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (293( 2013/11/11

Three children and their fa-ther were killed, and more than 20 people were injured due to the fall of 9 mor-tar shells on the residential neighborhoods in Jaramana and Harasta, in Damascus countryside. Clashes also continued in al-Qasmya and Dier Salman in the Eastern Ghota, and near Sbayna, al-Hajar al-Aswad, and Daraya, and in al-Qaboun and Jobar neighborhoods in Damascus, and in Rima farms in Yabroud. The army also destroyed three cars were transporting weapons and ammunition for militants in al-Nashabeya. A security source stated that a headquarter of militants was targeted, which was used to store, organize and equip explosive devices and snip-ing operations. CIFOR and electronic and time devices, which were used in bombing, were found there in addition

killing of children in Damascus

Withdrawing from Yarmouk campThe Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stated that the armed groups, which have been existing in Yar-mouk camp for 11 months ago, expressed for the Sec-retary-General for the front, Ahmed Jibril, willingness to withdraw from the camp, adding that the field devel-opments in the surrounding of the camp by the progress of the army towards al-Hajar

to wireless devices, ammuni-tion and pistols with silenc-ers and five American-made rifles / M 16 / and machine guns, stores and communica-tion devices “Thuraya”. In addition to an explosive de-vice equipped with a camera and laser device to be deto-nated during the passing of

important personalities. The weapons were hid in a base-ment between two walls In a breaking news, official sourc-es stated that the Syrian army stopped from advancing in al-Hjiera after a call submitted by reconciliation committees for evacuating civilians from paces of conflict.

al-Aswad, and after the army controlled over Sbayna, caused a new equation on the ground, reflected positively on the development of the

camp. the achievements of the army coincided with a meeting between a delegation from inside the camp with Ji-bril, they expressed the will-ingness of militants to with-draw from the camp, to be followed by the supervision of the Palestinian factions on the security and living situa-tion conditions in preparation for the return of all the people in the camp.

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Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (293( 2013/11/11

Opposition declares curfew..

After growing clashes be-tween the opposition and the Syrian army in the vicinity of Brigade 80, stationed the Syr-ian army in Tel Aren and cut off the road for militants op-position there, after clashes in Tel Aren, station FM, Rodko company, a gas station,Fallaha factories resulted in killing gunmen, some from foreign nationals belonging to Tawhed brigade and Shahbaa brigade and grandchildren of Aeraour brigade and a brigade of immi-grants from Indonesia, , And a military source said that it had been destroyed 40 cars loaded with weapons and ammuni-tion and dozens of trenches and tunnels, and adjust the 3

plants for the manufacture of improvised explosive devices and 11 cannon 120 mm mortar rounds and rocket launching platforms and Grad rockets, , Was also dismantled more than 800 bomb and dozens of anti-tank mines and destroy 3 rocket launchers and 3 mor-tars 120 mm , This it has been by targeted an armed group in Kwers, arbed and Jdaedah , Aleppo central prison and the vicinity of Canadi hospi-tal, and the destruction of cars loaded with ammunition north AlBaba city , Anakarin and Alcastelo, and targeted other armed groups in the neighbor-hoods of Karam , Hanano and Alhaidariya city of Aleppo.

This an oppositional sources mentioned that the free army faced a try to the Syrian army in areas controlled by the op-position in Khalidiya district in Aleppo, And managed to destroy a tank and truck BMB and a truck in which twenty element of the soldiers of the Syrian army in the clashes, which are still ongoing in the region and around the brigade 80 so far, while an-nounced gathering brigades “Fastqm Kma Amart” curfew after eight in the evening in the neighborhoods of Sokari, Mashhad, pilgrimage bridge, Ezaa, Zbdeah, Saif Dawla, Salah al-Din and al-Ansari Sharqui.

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Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (293( 2013/11/11

Boats of Weapons in Homs

Killing the deputy of the military council in Dair


The Syrian Arab army con-fiscated 5 boats carried weapons and ammunition for the gunmen of “Ahrar Al-Sham” movement in Al-rastan Lake .The boats was going for helping the armed groups in Alrastan and Al-hola , a military source said that the Syrian Arab army targeted many armed groups

in Maheen,Hawareen ,Al-hadath and Alkalidiah vil-lages in Alrastan and it killed many gunmen .While the confrontations are still con-tinued at the range of the Na-tional Hospital in Alkarabees district and near Alamal hos-pital and Teachers’ union in Jorat Alsheiah and Alwaeer towers .

An official source said that the Syrian Arab Army tar-geted armed groups from Jabhit Al-Nusra in Alrashi-deiah ,Alhamediah and Al-meriaa villages. The leader of “immigrants brigade” Shjaa Naweji and the depu-ty of the military council in Dair Ezzor had been killed with many members of his group ,during the clashes with an armed group ,which is affiliated to “ISIS”, near Mohaimadia village in the countryside of Deir Ezzor.

Clashes in Idleb and Daraa

A unit of the Syrian Arab army clashed with gunmen of the opposition who attacked a military checkpoint in Jesser Alshogour in the countryside of Idleb .A military Syrian source said that the members of the group had been killed and wounded, the source said that the army targeted gunmen in Maraaean ,Een Larouz villages and towns at the range of Alzawiah moun-tain. Also, sources of opposi-tion announced that the “Free

Army” bombed a headquarter of the Syrian Arab army forc-es on the way of Darra mar-ket ,while the clashes are still continued during the artillery fire on the region .It coincide with fierce clashes between the “Free Army” and the Syr-ian Arab army at the range of Konkoras battalion and the military security depart-ment in Nawa city, the “Free Army” damaged a car of am-munition of the Syrian Arab army forces in Hag Arfoush.

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Page NO.5The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (293( 2013/11/11

“ISIS” expels Free army from Alturkmen Moun-


The return of water and electricity gradually to Aleppo

Mission of chemical weapons continues its third phase of work

Close sources of the “ISIS” organization said that “ISIS” Started an operation for clean-ing the Alturkmen Mountain of the Free Army gangs that they considered it gangs of stealing and theft in the coun-tryside of Lattakia

An official source stated that the technical workshops be-gan maintenance work for the towers of electricity in a num-ber of areas of the province to provide another source of electricity of the city, in order to deliver it to water pumps to resume work again, after the thermal station became out of service and the power outages. the return of water and electricity is expected to return gradually to the city within 24 hours.

The mission of the Organi-zation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons of the United Nations dismantle

chemical weapons in Syria continued its third phase of work in the inspection of these weapons’ stores, amid

great cooperation with the Syrian government accord-ing to a report by the coor-dinator of the mission.

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Page NO.6The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (293( 2013/11/11

Al-Miqdad .. Targeting Palestinian refugee camps is an evidence of coordina-tion with Israel

Contracts for 125 million euro

Dr. Faisal al-Miqdad, Dep-uty Minister of Foreign Af-fairs and Emigrants, met the delegation of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, before yesterday afternoon, and stressed on Syria’s keen-ness on the Palestinian issue, adding that it is the central issue of the Arab nation. And Syria will continue in defending the rights of the Palestinian people to liber-

The implementation of four contracts worth 125 million euro out of 12 contracts ap-proved in a Convention on the line of credit facility agreement signed between the Syrian Commercial Bank and the Export Development

Bank of Iran, which has the approval of these four de-cades concluded with each of the organization, storage and marketing enterprise, electricity and the Public Institution for mills out of 12 stipulated in the contract

agreement signed in Tehran on 16/01/2013 in a financial budget reach to 1 billion $, and is expected to get final approvals for the remaining contracts to be able to take advantage of the full facili-ties granted.

ate their land and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital , say-ing that targeting Palestin-ian refugee camps in Syria by terrorists is a blatant sign of the depth of coordination between them and Israel in the war waged against Syr-ia, which includes targeting Palestinian refugees and end the right of return, as a pre-lude to end the Palestinian cause.