no306 newslettr daily e-24-11_2013

PAGE 4 The leader of the battalion “Saifullah Maslool” was killed in Damascus “Chechen bull” is dead in the countryside of Lattakia PAGE 4 2013/11/24 -NO. (306) A Temporary accom- modation centers for .humanitarian cases The withdraw from the Yarmouk refugee .camp PAGE 4 2145 scientific com- petitor at the provin- cial level. PAGE 3 A Massive attack by insurgents in East Gouta. PAGE 2

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Page 1: No306 newslettr daily e-24-11_2013


The leader of the battalion “Saifullah Maslool” was killed in Damascus“Chechen bull” is dead in the countryside of Lattakia


2013/11/24 -NO. (306)

A Temporary accom- modation centers for

.humanitarian cases

The withdraw from the Yarmouk refugee


PAGE 42145 scientific com-petitor at the provin-

cial level.

PAGE 3A Massive attack by insurgents in East Gouta.


Page 2: No306 newslettr daily e-24-11_2013

Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (306( 2013/11/24

The leader of the battalion “Saifullah Maslool” was killed in Damascus.

A Massive attack by in-surgents in East Gouta.

Syrian army controls the markets of old Aleppo.

According to an official source that the Syrian army set - in collaboration with people - the headquarters of the armed group in Kosya area of the in Rural Damas-cus containing automatic rifles and sniper rifles and quantities of ammunition di-verse, and were killed, “Alaa Masoud” a leader battal-ion “Saifullah Maslool” and 7 members of his group in Manshyet in Khan Sheih.The army destroyed the headquar-ters of the opposition mili-tants in the Corniche Was-tani area in neighborhood of Jobar containing cannons and mortars, also the army is

clashed with armed groups on the axis of Zamalka- Ar-bin, and the clashes contin-ued in the farms of Dier Ati-yah, and in Qara city, which ended with the destruction of a car equipped with a heavy machine gun. During that the army units are targeted gath-

The militants’ Army of Islam and the various armed factions in East Gouta by a large num-bers and armored vehicles are targeted areas Qaysa, Qasimia, ska, Otaiba and Deir Salman in order to regain the control while the army responded at-tack using tanks, while the Air Force is monitoring convoys cars and large gatherings of militants by shelling and de-struction, and according to opposition sources, it was lib-erated those areas from the hands of the Syrian army.

ering for opposition fighters in the town of Babila. Also Syrian army is kill the most prominent activist in the me-dia of militia “Army of Is-lam” during an ambush in Gerba area in East Gouta, the activist is “Ammar Tpaju” his nickname (Mohammed Saeed), a spokesman for the Council leadership “revolu-tion in Damascus”.On the other hand; 17 citizen were wounded due to the fall of the 12 mortar shell on the Berouni hospital and its sur-roundings in the Harasta an in suburb of Assad in Damas-cus, and the additional to ma-terial damage

An official source said that the Syrian army tightened its grip on the gold mar-kets and Alzerb and Kheert Beck in old Aleppo, and dis-mantled dozens of impro-vised explosive devices that were planted in the markets, while army units are tar-geted armed groups in the Bab and northeast Alnairab, villages and towns Mayer and Haritan.And destroyed a weapons and ammunition were loaded with cars on the road to Aleppo-Raqqa and the axis Alcastelo northern of industrial city in Sheikh Najjar.In Aleppo city, army units are foiled infiltra-tion attempt by gunmen to safe areas in the districts

of Salah al-Din, Ashrafieh and Mahlet Alhamidiah, and other units were target-ed an armed groups on the roundabout in Ahalouanah, Boustan Al-Kaser and Bani Zeid.

Page 3: No306 newslettr daily e-24-11_2013

Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (306( 2013/11/24

The clashes are continue in Daraa.

A suicide bombing in Qamishli.

The withdraw from the Yarmouk refugee camp

“Chechen bull” is dead in the countryside of Lattakia.

Guns and rocket launch-ers and a hospital in


In lattakia countryside, the is targeting the headquarters of gunmen in the villages Shahroura, Hayaat and Attarh and in the village of Doreen which killed during the clashes some of Arab gunmen some of them are: a leader of “Daash” nicknamed the “Bull of the Chechen” and “Abu Clem” Tu-

nisian and “Abu-Saddam” Iraqian.

The army units are ccontinu-ing to prosecute militants in areas of Mansheya and sur-roundings of Bilal Mosque and Hamadeen area and on Seert road in Daraa and in towns Lakeran and Abu shoulder and Khirbet Ghadeer Al Bustan and Nasiriyah in the countryside, and also dis-mantled a large number of mines in those areas.

The security forces of the Democratic Union Party “asayesh” is distributed a statement saying, that a sui-cide bomber blew himself up yesterday evening in the neighborhood of the Suez Canal in Qamishli, and three man were killed and one of “asayesh”also was killed, and the wounding a nine others.

The director of central op-erations in Fatah movement “Abu Iyad Zahra” confirm that “the armed opposition is agree to withdraw from the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus.Abu Iyad, pointed out that “the gunmen arrived at the stage of desperation and weakness that forced them to agree to go out of the camp.

Military source said that the army units are targeted the headquarters of militants of the opposition in the villages Nhalia, Zarzour and Ganau-dih and areas of Abu Aldhor and Valley Wadi Al-Deef in the countryside of Idlib, and the army was responded to an attempted attack by an armed group on some mili-tary points in Qmenas east of the town of Idlib, was through it destructing a five mortars and 3 rules launch homemade rockets and a field hospital that belonging

to the gunmen.

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Page NO.4The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (306( 2013/11/24

Denied the news of assassination of Major General “Bassam Mirhi”.”

2145 scientific competitor at the provincial level.

Medical aid shipment at the Damascus airport.

A Temporary accommo-dation centers for human-

itarian cases. A special sources in the Syr-ian government denied the news of the assassination the Director of the Security Of-fice at the Republican Palace the Major General “Bassam

Mirhij” .

Arrival this morning to Damascus International Airport a ship-ment medical aid provided by the Federal Republic of Russia to the Syrians in order to alleviate the repercussions of armed attacks on health institutions, pharmaceutical laboratories and

unfair economic sanctions imposed on Syria.

With the participation of 2145 young men and women begin today the third phase of the competition season, the local scientific Olympics sci-entific Syrian 2013-2014 at the provincial level, and held the playoffs on two phases, the first is on Sunday in the provinces of Damascus and its countryside and Qunei-tra, Aleppo, Idlib and Deir al-Zour and Al-Hasakah, while the second phase next Wednesday in the provinces

The Ministy of Social Affairs said the care to secure the return of the displaced Syr-ians who are abroad and to provide the necessary facili-ties for their safe return af-ter the current circumstances that forced them to leave the country and will provide places and temporary accom-modation centers to receive the families coming from abroad, while maintaining the confidentiality of the data for this segment which were exposed to certain violations.

of Latakia, Tartous, Homs , Hama, Daraa and Soydaa where it is the province of Latakia tests at the National Center for distinguished in Teshreen University.