no80 newslettr daily - e -11_4_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )80( 2013/4/11 Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Information The Directorate of Electronic Information Page NO .1 Army strengthens its operations in countryside provinces Audio bomb exploded yesterday in a car at Umayyad mall in Damascus caused material damages with no causalities, components forces foiled an attempt by terrorists to explode 4 explo- Syrian army forces eliminated on a large number of terrorists including Missiles- shells throwers and snipers, destroyed ve- hicles. Border guards confronted to terrorists One citizen martyred and two others wounded after the fall of a mortar shell fired by terrorists on the houses near the Hanano garage in old city of Aleppo, also another shell landed on the outer wall of sive devices at north Jobar. Army forces eliminat- ed on terrorists groups at Damascus countryside, destroyed mortar cannons, a car included terror- ists, and warehouse of ammunition and weapons. attempted to infiltrate from Lebanon across the site of Talkalakh countryside and left them between dead and injured, and the rest fled into the Lebanese territory. Municipal Palace building during the Subcommittee for National Dialogue caused injuring a number of citizens. Terrorists Targeted unit 20 in the university city of Aleppo with homemade rocket re- Audio bomb in the car at Umayyads mall Missiles-shells throwers are killed in Homs Homemade rockets at Aleppo University City... mortar in the building of the Municipal Palace sulted in material damage and no injuries, it is reported that University City receives families fleeing the crimes of terrorist groups. In Aleppo and surroundings units of the armed forces clashed with the

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Page 1: No80 newslettr daily - e -11_4_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )80( 2013/4/11

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of InformationThe Directorate of

Electronic Information

Page NO.1

Army strengthens its operations in countryside provinces

Audio bomb exploded yesterday in a car at Umayyad mall in Damascus caused material damages with no causalities, components forces foiled an attempt by terrorists to explode 4 explo-

Syrian army forces eliminated on a large number of terrorists including Missiles-shells throwers and snipers, destroyed ve-hicles. Border guards confronted to terrorists

One citizen martyred and two others wounded after the fall of a mortar shell fired by terrorists on the houses near the Hanano garage in old city of Aleppo, also another shell landed on the outer wall of

sive devices at north Jobar. Army forces eliminat-ed on terrorists groups at Damascus countryside, destroyed mortar cannons, a car included terror-ists, and warehouse of ammunition and weapons.

attempted to infiltrate from Lebanon across the site of Talkalakh countryside and left them between dead and injured, and the rest fled into the Lebanese territory.

Municipal Palace building during the Subcommittee for National Dialogue caused injuring a number of citizens. Terrorists Targeted unit 20 in the university city of Aleppo with homemade rocket re-

Audio bomb in the car at Umayyads mall

Missiles-shells throwers are killed in Homs

Homemade rockets at Aleppo University City... mortar in the building of the Municipal Palace

sulted in material damage and no injuries, it is reported that University City receives families fleeing the crimes of terrorist groups. In Aleppo and surroundings units of the armed forces clashed with the

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Page NO.2

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )80( 2013/4/11

Eliminating on terrorists at Daraa and Idleb countryside

The attack on the Hasakah phone station and stealing its contents ...

Weapons container in the port of Beirut

Conditions of 216 people were Settled in Damascus

Armed group burgled on April 7phone station at the entrance the Hasaka city , and working on linking the province to other governorates, also other terror-ist groups burgled on the depot of Al-Hasakah connections branch and stole some of its contents, and damaged pro-jector cable, and the loot included die-sel engines and a collection of network and phone network, and the value of the

Lebanese security services have confis-cated a container in the port of Beirut was carrying sophisticated communica-tions equipment for the armed terrorist groups in Syria, and started investiga-tions to find out who is behind these devices.

Conditions 50 people from Damascus were settled of who were deceived and have been involved in recent events, and were released after pledging not to return to take up arms, and acts of sabo-tage, or all aspects affecting the security of Syria in the future.

Unites of Syrian army eliminated on ter-rorists in Daraa countryside including 3 unknown terrorists, another group con-fronted an attempt to attack Gabageb sta-tion, and dismantled a bomb car loaded with one ton.

stolen items was estimated at 40 million pounds.

Operations of the Army in Hama and Deir EZZor ...

units of the armed forces targeted terror-

ists’ gatherings in Hama and its country-side and killed a large number of them, and destroyed their vehicles.In Deir Ezzour unit of the Syrian Arab army eliminated on full members of a ter-rorist group calling itself “ Aisha battalion “, another unit also clashed with terror-ists in the neighborhood of city and killed most of their members .

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Page NO.3

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )80( 2013/4/11

Lavrov... There are parties hinder efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria...

Osei ... Dialogue and reconciliation are two basic pillars to resolve the crisis

Iran calls for condemnation of the use of chemicals in Syria

Lavrov confirmed that there are parties hin-der efforts to resolve the crisis in Syria. He said “We make efforts to calm the situation in

“Bets on the use of the Kurdish compo-nent against Syria fell because the Kurds in Syria are Syrian, and Syria’s security and stability is a red line for them,” These words of the Chairman of the Na-tional Reconciliation Commission in par-liament, head of the National Initiative for the Kurds Omar Osei, came at a seminar

Kazem Gharib Abadi Iran’s ambassador to the Netherlands and Permanent Representa-tive to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, demanded to detect and punish who provide chemical weapons to armed groups in Syria, and condemn the use of these weapons in Khan Al-Asal at Aleppo countryside.

Syria, and whenever there was a sign of hope on the horizon, some actors do everything in its power to undermine these hopes, and push the status towards war until victory, and there will be no victor. The Russian Foreign Minis-ter said that the Syrian government formed its team for dialogue and negotiations, express-ing his regret for the U.S. and other forces’ disable to urge the opposition to form such a team. For his part U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said he will contribute in forming a team for negotiations in the Syrian opposition.

hosted by Medical Association Branch in Lattakia titled “ whither the national Rec-onciliation.. Kurds and their role in the recent variants” added that dialogue and reconciliation are two basic pillars for the withdrawal of Syria from the crisis, ac-cording to the political project launched by the leadership in this regard.

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Page NO.4

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )80( 2013/4/11

Meeting of the Ministerial committee to implement the political solution

The second Medicine College in Tartous

Ministerial Committee met law-yers and jurists who considered the political program a real ex-pression of the organizer com-munity and wills understand the concept of the state and protect it, in addition to giving large swathes of dialogue and free-dom under the roof of National Unity, and the Syrian state

immunity. Dr. Wael Al-Halki the Prime Minister and Chair-man of the Committee called on all political and societal forces and citizens to participate in the process of political dialogue according to a national vision rejects outside interference, and believed in democratic political pluralism in Syria.

President Bashar al-Assad issued a decree of making the second Medi-cine College at Te-shreen University and to be based in Tartous city.

The Ministry of Education.. New Website

Ministry of Education launched a website of the National Committee for Education, Science and Culture in order to increase and diversify experiences and communicate and look at the strategies, programs, action plans, activities and events. The website:

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Page NO.5

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )80( 2013/4/11

3.2 billion Syrian pounds the cement profits

Committee for pricing of strategic crops

Minister of Agriculture and agriculture reform issued a decision to form a com-mittee comprising representatives from the Ministries of Industry, Trade and Consum-

The general manager of the General Organization for Cement Ibrahim Abbas said that profits of the company exceeded three billion pounds, and losses of suspended companies amount about 139 Million Syrian pounds because of the crisis in the country and the high transport fares and fuel prices and lower sales, noting that the transferred amounts to the Finance Min-

istry amounted about7.8 billion pounds.

er Protection, finance, agriculture and its trade union bodies, its mission is pricing the strategic crops (wheat, cotton, sugar beet) promoted by public entities.