no257 newslettr daily e-6_10_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )257( 2013/10/6 Syrian Arab Republic Ministry of Information The Directorate of Electronic Information Page NO .1 “Victory Court legitimacy “in Damascus 3 militants fired mortar shells in the area of Bab Touma led to the death of a citizen and wounded two others, whilst units of the Syrian army de- stroyed headquarters of so- called “ Sharia Court “ to Al- Nasra militants in Al-Saki street and ruled on a number of militants one of, Leba- nese nationality in the Mon- astery of Saint Jacob in Na- bek , and battled other units with armed groups southeast building of teachers in Jobar and ruled during three snip- ers , including “ Radwan Noor Sheikh ,” and ruled on by an armed group calling itself the “ Salehia Brigade Martyrs “ full members with its leader called “ Abu Pro Alsalhani “ in the neighborhood of, this has been eliminated on anoth- er armed group full members ,while were pursuing armed groups east hospital in Harasta , in Daria was the elimination of many members , includ- ing “ Bassam Alrez “ and de- structed their full equipment, to that, army destroyed weap- ons loaded with three cars on the road of Yabrood spent on armed groups full members in Rima farms and Mount Saint Maron. Shells on Homs neighborhoods In Homs gunmen fired a number of rocket- propelled grenades on the neighborhoods Gota and limited damage to the material , while chased army units armed groups in the vicinity of Khadija School and the National Hospital district and caused many deaths and injuries in their ranks, also clashed oth- er units with two armed sets in Al-Dahab street near Mustafa mosque Pasha and the Directorate of civil Status in Bab Hood and spent most of their personnel and destroyed their equipment , were among the dead , “ Mohammed al-Haj Ali” and “Mohammed Molly, this has been the destruction of oth- er groupings gunmen in Rastan , and the elimination of many of them , engaged in the meantime an army unit to a sneaking at- tempt by an armed group from the town of Al-Daar Al-Kaberra towards the village of Khalidiya and killed them.

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Page 1: No257 newslettr daily e-6_10_2013

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )257( 2013/10/6

Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of InformationThe Directorate of

Electronic Information

Page NO.1

“Victory Court legitimacy “in Damascus3 militants fired mortar shells in the area of Bab Touma led to the death of a citizen and wounded two others, whilst units of the Syrian army de-stroyed headquarters of so-called “ Sharia Court “ to Al-Nasra militants in Al-Saki street and ruled on a number of militants one of, Leba-nese nationality in the Mon-astery of Saint Jacob in Na-bek , and battled other units with armed groups southeast building of teachers in Jobar and ruled during three snip-ers , including “ Radwan Noor Sheikh ,” and ruled on by an armed group calling itself the

“ Salehia Brigade Martyrs “ full members with its leader called “ Abu Pro Alsalhani “ in the neighborhood of, this has been eliminated on anoth-er armed group full members ,while were pursuing armed groups east hospital in Harasta , in Daria was the elimination

of many members , includ-ing “ Bassam Alrez “ and de-structed their full equipment, to that, army destroyed weap-ons loaded with three cars on the road of Yabrood spent on armed groups full members in Rima farms and Mount Saint Maron.

Shells on Homs neighborhoodsIn Homs gunmen fired a number of rocket-propelled grenades on the neighborhoods Gota and limited damage to the material , while chased army units armed groups in the vicinity of Khadija School and the National Hospital district and caused many deaths and injuries in their ranks, also clashed oth-er units with two armed sets in Al-Dahab street near Mustafa mosque Pasha and the Directorate of civil Status in Bab Hood and

spent most of their personnel and destroyed their equipment , were among the dead , “ Mohammed al-Haj Ali” and “Mohammed Molly, this has been the destruction of oth-er groupings gunmen in Rastan , and the elimination of many of them , engaged in the meantime an army unit to a sneaking at-tempt by an armed group from the town of Al-Daar Al-Kaberra towards the village of Khalidiya and killed them.

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Page NO.2

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )257( 2013/10/6

Regularization of 43 militants Moroccan and Libyan nationalities in the countryside of IdlibWhile continuing operations in the countryside of Idlib the Syrian army killed Dozens of gunmen from the non-Syrians in the village of Kafr Owaid , and destroyed a warehouse of weapons and explosive mate-rials and a number of vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns , among the dead, “Jo-seph Gareba “ and “ Ibrahim Mglaj “ and “ Faisal Aboud “ and “ Khaled Hassan “and” Jawad Al-Ali , “ in addition to the Libyan nicknamed” Abu Al-Khalek “ and Moroc-can nicknamed” Farazdaq , “ this has been the destruction of the headquarters of the gunmen , some of “Al-Nasra “ in the town of Punch and laboratory cork , In the vil-lage of Marteen clashed with the army unit gunmen tried to assault on a military check-point and spent 7 of them and wounding others . This the Free army has targeted the 6 security barriers between Te-baa, Imam and the city Ael-latamna in Hama There were violent clashes resulted in the damage of a tank at Al-Mada-

jen checkpoint.

3 children killed in Aleppo countryside

3 children were killed and 6 civilians wounded after gun-men lunched several rocket-propelled grenades from the villages of Meyer and Kevin on the villages of Nobol and Zahra in Aleppo, in addition to inflicting material damage in the homes of citizens, also targeted the “Free Army” with “homemade” rockets the Syrian army troops sta-tioned in Kweres the military Airport, Alepoo countryside , this has battled an army unit with an armed group in Aleppo North West result-

ed in most members of the group killed and destroyed a number of vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns and anti - Air guns caliber 23 mm. As has been the ar-resting armed groups fully in the village of Khan Toman and the destruction of cars loaded with ammunition in f Kafr Hamra , Aleppo west , while in Aleppo has been the arrest of the numbers of insurgents killed in the vicin-ity of Aleppo Central prison and Al-Kindi Hospital and villages of Meyer , Handa-rat ,Azzan and Allirmon . This has emerged in the city of Azaz a mass demonstra-tion calling for the departure of “ Daash “ of the city and offset “ Daash “in open fire on demonstrators to disperse them , and now the city is witnessing a state of tension and boiling without reports of injuries.

43 militants deliver them-selves with their weapons to settle their situation in the village Talkalkh, an official source pointed out that the

competent authorities pur-sue their military operations to clear the outskirts of the village and its surroundings from the insurgents.

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The correspondent channel TV 7 Bulgarian “ Dlaana Katie Tinshipa “ said dur-ing her visit a number of areas in Syria that gangs of armed terrorist in Syria train children to fight and the rape of women and chopping the heads of civilians in large numbers , and confirmed Katie that during its tour of the city Maloula which was overcrowded with snipers of “Front victory “ who attack churches and monasteries historical noting that she and the crew accompanying her were attacked by them but thanks to the forces of the Syrian army was repulsed the attack , at a meeting of the correspondence known as “ Sheikh Al-Sahmal,” said they came to Damascus Gh-outa to defend Islam in Syria and revealed that the fund-ing come to them from Saudi Arabia , Qatar , on an infor-mal basis from countries in

the European Union.

Page NO.3

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )257( 2013/10/6

Statement for “Front victory” in DaraaInsurgents in Syriatrain children to fight

In Hasaka

Honoring the Syrian army officers

A woman was killed and ten wounded after the bombing of armed citizens bicycle af-

Established College of the Air Defense in Homs (on the anniversary of October Lib-eration War) in honor of the officers in the Syrian army, the participants saw “that the wins of the army, which is still in a row since October War and yet it will win the

ter they had parked it near 8 March oven in Tal Hajar dis-tric.

day over the forces of terror-ism and takfirist coming from every corner of the earth.”

“Front ictory” issued in Daraa a statement in which it called on Muslims (merchants and owners of economic activi-ties that fall to the Jordanian border ) not to approach the Jordanian border limits “Nas-eeb “ because the area will

be considered a military zone of date the statement issued . On the other hand killed a number of militants in the area of customs old and in-jured others were among the dead, “ Mohammed Ahmed Masalmah “ , while groups of militants were targeted in Angel and Nawa and Enkhel and the elimination of many of them, including “ Ahmed Hael Bardan “ and “ Ibra-him and “ Walid Hammoud Zubi “ the leader of so-called “ Al-Bayan battalion ,” this has been the elimination of armed groups in Tel Samen west Daraa and the destruc-tion of two armored vehicles.

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Page NO.4

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )257( 2013/10/6

Popular Front calls for breaking the siege Al-Assad: people Won in the war of October and will be victorious in the President Bashar Al-Assad said in an interview with Teshreen newspaper in the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Octo-ber Liberation War that the most important thing in the October War is the victory of the will and the Arab mind on fear and illu-sions that have been developed in the mind of the Arab citizens in the phase that followed the 1967 war, and added Al-Assad that the Syrian people who mad October War in its steadfastness and embrace of the armed forces which will make his victory to-day in the elimination of terror-ists and terrorist ideology and plan developed by some coun-tries abroad in order to destroy Syria. Al-Assad also stressed in an interview with Khalek Chan-nel and Yurt newspaper the Turk-ish “that Erdogan’s government bears responsibility for the blood of thousands of Syrians and the destruction of infrastructure in Syria and hit the stability in the region,” warning that terrorists in the borders of Turkey (backed by Turkey) will affect in the furure on Turkey which will pay the price, pointing out the need to work on respecting the Syrian-Turkish relations far away from Erdogan policy towards Syria.

Civil institutions and organizations commemorate October War

Celebrated a number of in-stitutions, organizations and parties in the 40th anniversary of the October Liberation War assuring it will remain a mem-ory in the heart of the Syrian people and set an example for the cohesion of the people and the victory over every transgressor , where celebrat-

ed both the Arab Socialist Movement , and student or-ganizations Arabic at the Uni-versity of Damascus, and the sons of the Syrian Golan, and the movement of Nazarenes independent in Lebanon, and students Syrians studying in Cuba and the Syrian commu-nity , while the heads of all of the Lebanese Democratic Party and events of the Pal-estinian National within the territory of 48, and Accord Party national in Egypt, “ the Syrian Arab Army , who tri-umph in October War is able to victory again in the current barbarism war waged by the forces of terror and atonement on Syria. “

Confirmed the Popular Front for Change and Liberation at its second to the existence of forces inside and outside Syr-ia impede access to a political solution and get out safe from the crisis, pointing out that “ the major task in front of the Syrian people are autism to root out militants because they are the spearhead of the American-Zionist scheme reactionary Arab fragmenta-tion of Syria ,” and called the front lift the siege on Syrian cities , particularly the city of Aleppo and neutralize pub-lic roads that carry food sup-plies and relief , “ for his part, Kadri Jamel member of the presidency of the front that external intervention in Syria eliminates the right of Syrians

to self-determination and that prevent this interference will result in the birth of Syria re-newed , saying “ the Geneva Conference 2 “ as imperative , while Ali Haider a member of the Presidency of the front said objective conditions in-ternally , regionally and in-ternationally matured to start a political process out of Syria crisis , pointing out that post in front of an interna-tional conference to resolve the political “ national duty .”