new jersey geospatial forum preserved lands/open space task force

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New Jersey Geospatial Forum Preserved Lands/Open Space Task Force. A Methodology to Develop and Maintain a Comprehensive Database of Preserved Lands and Other Open Spaces in New Jersey. Tanya Nolte, NJ Conservation Foundation Brian Embley, The Nature Conservancy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • New Jersey Geospatial ForumPreserved Lands/Open Space Task ForceA Methodology to Develop and Maintain a Comprehensive Database of Preserved Lands and Other Open Spaces in New JerseyTanya Nolte, NJ Conservation FoundationBrian Embley, The Nature ConservancyPaul Caris, NJ Department of Environmental ProtectionDouglas M. Schleifer, NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of GISYelena Pikovskaya, NJ Office of Information Technology, Office of GIS

  • Preserved Lands/Open Space Task ForceThe Preserved Lands/Open Space Task Force was established by the New Jersey Geospatial Forum* Executive Committee for the purpose of creating a methodology for the development and maintenance of a comprehensive database for preserved lands and other open spaces in New Jersey (PL/OS Database).

    The primary purpose for this database is to inform various planning efforts for government agencies and other organizations involved in the preservation and management of these lands for public benefit.

    *NJ Geospatial Forum is a statewide users group and the coordinating body for geospatial technology activities throughout New Jersey.

    One of the many functions of the Forum is to form task forces based on issues or activities of importance to the Forum membership.

    *NJ Geospatial Forum is a statewide users group and the coordinating body for geospatial technology activities throughout New Jersey.

    One of the many functions of the Forum is to form task forces based on issues or activities of importance to the Forum membership.

  • In order to meet the goal to develop and maintain a preserved lands/open space database for New Jersey the Preserved Lands/Open Space Task Force has to fulfill the following objectives:Examine various methodologies to map preserved lands and other open spaces. Define categories of preserved lands/open space within a statewide context. Identify core and optional attribute information, and develop database schema. Define a comprehensive process for the development and maintenance of a preserved lands/open space dataset in New Jersey.

    Task Force Objectives and StructureFor that purpose the Task Force was structured into the following subgroups:ResearchCategories and DefinitionsAttributesMethodology

  • ResearchResearch was conducted on methodologies used by several federal and state agencies, universities and non-profit organizations throughout the nation that collect preserved lands/open space data.

    The purpose of the research was to educate the task force and determine best practices, based on the experiences of agencies, institutions and organizations, to aggregate information, and develop and maintain databases.

    The most instructive and useful programs were:The Protected Areas Database of the U.S., or PAD-US (USGS GAP project)The Nature Conservancy Enterprise Conservation Data ProgramCalifornia Protected Areas Database (CPAD)Massachusetts GIS Protected and Recreational OpenSpace Schema (MassGIS)New Hampshire GRANIT (Geographically Referenced Analysis & Information Transfer System)Vermont Conserved Lands DatabaseNY State Environmental Conservation LandsThe NJ Highlands Council Land Preservation and Stewardship Program

  • The results revealed a variety of approaches to inventory creation and mapping. Major findings answered the following basic questions.

    What are the methods of capturing information?

    There are two main approaches for mapping lands: property ownership (land stewardship), or combining this method with the natural resources delineation (environmental). As a qualitative or quantitative characteristic of a mapped unit, a protection status category (or level of protection) was often attributed.

    2. How are the datasets structured?

    For structuring the NJ PL/OS database model, the key components of the PAD-US database - its geometric structure and core attributes were taken as an example.Research (cont.)

  • Research (cont.)3. How are easements handled?

    Some programs capture fee simple lands only, and plan to track easements in a separate database (PAD-US and CPAD), or later in the same database (NY State).

    Other programs include easements in their open space data sets: TNC, all the New England states, and NJ Highlands.

    Easements are differently classified: by primary use (Conservation, Agricultural, or other) - MassGIS and Highlands;by legal restrictions and/or ownership - NH and Vermont .

  • 4. What is the base mapping unit?

    The programs collecting information on fee simple lands use Tax Parcel as a minimum mapping unit. The programs tracking easements regard base map unit smaller than parcel, because an easement boundary can split a parcel.

    5. What is a character of polygon boundaries?Easements very often are surveyed carefully, and their boundaries are natural, while parcel-base polygons have administrative boundaries of properties. Also, some programs such as NJ Highlands make their own land delineation. In this cases land boundaries are environmental as well.

    Research (cont.)

  • Research (cont.)


    Most data sets are available for download on the web in gdb, shapefiles or pdf formats; some are distributed by request (The Natural Conservancy lands in NJ). Vermonts data are distributed depending on database version (public, private, or full database). The distribution can be either open or strictly limited.

    Details about the programs are located in the file under Preserved Lands/Open Space on the Current Task Forces Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Presentations page of the NJ Geospatial Forum web site at:

  • Categories and DefinitionsGoals of the Categories and Definitions subgroup:

    develop a definition of preserved land

    define the categories of land to be included in the database

  • Categories and DefinitionsFirst recommendation

    Broaden the scope of Taskforce from:

    Developing a database of Preserved Lands

    Developing a database of Preserved Lands and other Open Space(i.e. open spaces that are not preserved) Lands.

  • Categories and DefinitionsDefinition of Preserved Land

    Lands permanently protected for agricultural, conservation, historic/cultural, horticultural or recreation purposes via legal or legislative encumbrance. Protection of these lands can only be rescinded by legal or legislative action.

    Examples of encumbrances include:deed restrictions or easementslands purchased with dedicated preservation trust fund dollars, etc.Inclusion of lands on a Recreation & Open Space Inventory (ROSI) filed with the Green Acres Program

  • Categories and DefinitionsCategories of land use to be included in the database:

    Agricultural LandsConservation LandsHistoric / Cultural LandsHorticultural LandsRecreation Lands

    In each of these 5 categories, if land is identified as Preserved, it will automatically be included.

  • Categories and DefinitionsHowever, for other Open Spaces there are 2 criteria to help specify whether land will be included in the database:

    Ownership: public, private or non-profit

    Public access

  • Sheet1

    Preserved LandsOther Open Spaces (Does not meet the definition of preserved)

    Non-ProfitPublicly OwnedPrivately OwnedNon-ProfitPublicly OwnedPrivately Owned

    Public AccessNo Public AccessPublic AccessNo Public AccessPublic AccessNo Public AccessPublic AccessNo Public AccessPublic AccessNo Public AccessPublic AccessNo Public Access

    Agricultural Land+++++++++---

    Conservation Land+++++++++-+-

    Historic / Cultural Properties+++++++++-+-


    Recreation Land/Facilities+++++++++---



  • The PL/OS database has been designed for three major spatial components:Parcel based open spaceUnit based open spaceEncumbrances*Database Tables and Feature ClassesParcel based open spaceUnit based open space* Most encumbrances are easements and most easements do not cover entire parcels. The encumbrances table can be joined with parcels data to create a polygon feature class to identify the parcels the encumbrances are located within.

  • Database Structure

  • Attributes in a Database Structure (cont.)Most information about open space is stored in the parcel-based open space table, with the Parcel ID (PAMS_PIN) used as the primary key to join to a parcels polygon feature class.

    The basic mapping unit for Open Space architecture is a Tax Parcel.

  • PAMS_PIN field is also used to link to other tables with detailed characteristics. Each database table has one or two key fields for joining to other tables (Parcel ID; OS_Unit ID, Encumbrance ID).Attributes in a Database Structure (cont.)

  • AttributesDetailed open space attributes based on PARCELS

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField TypeParcel IDPAMS_PINParcel ID code developed by NJOIT-OGIS (see NJ Parcel Mapping Standard). Underscores are used to concatenate county/municipality code, block number, lot number and, if provided, qualifier code.NJ Parcel Mapping StandardTextOpen Space Unit IDOS_IDUnique ID of the entire open space unitAssigned unique IDTextOpen Space Unit NameOS_NAMEOfficial name of the open space unitUnabbreviated nameTextAlternate Open Space NameOS_ALTNAMEAlternate or locally known name of the open space unitUnabbreviated nameTextOpen Space Sub-Unit Name(s)OS_SUBNAMEName(s) of distinct functional sub-unit(s) within the open space unitUnabbreviated name(s)TextOwner(s) ClassificationOS_OWNCLASSLand owner(s) classification Federal; State; Regional; County; Municipal; Non-Profit; Private organization; Private individual; UnknownAutomated TextOwner Name(s) OS_OWNNAMELand owner name(s), from deedAgency Master ListText/Drop down listManaging Entity(ies)OS_MANAGEAgency(ies) responsible for managing the open spaceAgency Master ListText/Drop down list

  • Attributes (cont.)Detailed open space attributes based on PARCELS (cont.)

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField Type

    Primary UseOS_USENJDEP-Green Acres primary use of propertyGreen Acres ListText/Drop down listAgricultural LandOS_AGLand use is agriculture. Lands characterized by the production of crops, raising of livestock and other agricultural commodities.y/nTextConservation LandOS_CONLand use is conservation. Lands characterized by the protection or management of natural resources.y/nTextHistoric/Cultural LandOS_HISTLand use is historic/cultural. Lands characterized by historic/cultural sites that are included in, or meet the criteria for inclusion, in the National or NJ Register of Historic Places.y/nTextHorticultural LandOS_HORTLand use is horticultural. Lands characterized by horticultural features such as botanical gardens, ornamental or decorative gardens, community gardens, arboretums, etc.y/nTextRecreation LandOS_RECLand use is recreation. Lands with indoor or outdoor facilities developed specifically for active or passive recreational purposes. y/nText

  • Attributes (cont.)Detailed open space attributes based on PARCELS (cont.)

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField Type

    Access TypeOS_ACCESSFull Public Access - The entire property is open to the public for a scheduled amount of time on an annual basis. Entry may be free or an access fee may be required; Limited Public Access - Less than the entire property is open to the public for a scheduled amount of time on an annual basis. Entry may be free or an access fee may be required; Restricted Access - Authorized access only; Unknown - Access information unknownFull Public; Limited Public; Restricted; UnknownText/Drop down listProtection StatusOS_PROSTATUSPreserved - entire parcel protected by encumbrance; Partially preserved - less than the entire parcel protected by encumbrance; Unpreserved - entire parcel not protected by enbumbrancePreserved; Partially preserved; UnpreservedText/Drop down listOpen Space Designation DateOS_DATEDate the land was designated as open spaceDateOpen Space Funding Source(s)OS_FUNDSRCOpen space acquisition funding source(s)Agency Master ListText/Drop down list

  • Attributes (cont.)Detailed open space attributes based on PARCELS (cont.)

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField Type

    MunicipalityMUNIMunicipality automatically entered by referencing county/municipality code from Parcel IDAutomated TextCountyCOUNTYCounty automatically entered by referencing county/municipality code from Parcel IDAutomated TextOpen Space Source AcresOS_ACRESAcres specified in deed or surveyDoubleGIS AcresOS_GISACRESAcres calculated by GIS softwareDoubleSpatial DataOS_SPATIALGeoreferenced GIS or CAD data of open spaceBlobMap ImageOS_MAPDigital image of open space from site plan, survey, tax map or other source (e.g. pdf, jpg)BlobCommentsOS_COMMENTSAny comments from either the source or aggregator (e.g. any special circumstances regarding the ownership status of this property)Text

  • Attributes (cont.)Generalized attributes based on OPEN SPACE UNITS

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField TypeOpen Space Unit IDUNIT_IDUnique ID of the entire open space unitAssigned unique IDAutomated TextOpen Space Unit NameNAMEFormal name of the open space unitUnabbreviated nameAutomated TextOpen Space Unit Label NameNAME_LABELAbbreviated unit name for map labelsAbbreviated nameAutomated TextOpen Space Sub-Unit Name(s)SUBNAMEName(s) of distinct functional sub-unit(s) within the open space unitUnabbreviated name(s)Automated TextOpen Space Sub-Unit Label Name(s)SUBNAME_LABELAbbreviated sub-unit name(s) for map labelsAbbreviated name(s)Automated TextOwner Name(s) OWNNAMELand owner name(s)Agency Master ListAutomated TextOwner(s) ClassificationOWNCLASSLand owner level classificationFederal; State; Regional; County; Municipal; Non-Profit; Private organization; Private individual; Joint; UnknownAutomated TextMunicipality/County NamesMUNICOUNTYMunicipality/County names of open space unitAutomated TextGIS AcresGISACRESAcreage calculated by GIS softwareDouble

  • Attributes (cont.)Detailed encumbrance attributes based on PARCELS

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField TypeParcel IDPAMS_PINParcel ID code developed by NJOIT-OGIS (see NJ Parcel Mapping Standard). Underscores are used to concatenate county/municipality code, block number, lot number and, if provided, qualifier code.NJ Parcel Mapping StandardTextEncumbrance IDENC_IDUnique ID of the encumbranceAssigned unique IDTextAgricultural EncumbranceENC_AGEncumbrance specifies agricultural related usesy/nTextConservation EncumbranceENC_CONEncumbrance specifies conservation related usesy/nTextHistoric/Cultural EncumbranceENC_HISTEncumbrance specifies historic/cultural related usesy/nTextHorticultural EncumbranceENC_HORTEncumbrance specifies horticultural related usesy/nTextRecreation EncumbranceENC_RECEncumbrance specifies recreation related usesy/nText

  • Attributes (cont.)Detailed encumbrance attributes based on PARCELS (cont.)

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField Type

    Protection StatusENC_PROSTATUSPreserved - entire parcel protected by encumbrance; Partially preserved - less than the entire parcel protected by encumbrancePreserved; Partially preservedText/Drop down listProtection MechanismENC_PROMECHType of encumbranceEncumbrances Look-up tableText/Drop down listProtection Funding Source(s)ENC_FUNDSRCFunding source(s) of encumbranceAgency Master ListText/Drop down listAccess TypeENC_ACCESSPublic Access - The encumbrance allows for some level of regular public access; Restricted Access - Authorized access only; Unknown - Access information unknownPublic; Restricted; UnknownText/Drop down listEncumbrance Owner ENC_OWNEncumbrance owner name(s) shown on the deedAgency Master ListText/Drop down listEncumbrance Owner(s) ClassificationENC_OWNCLASSEncumbrance owner(s) classification Federal; State; Regional; County; Municipal; Non-Profit; Private organization; Private individual; UnknownAutomated Text

  • Attributes (cont.)Detailed encumbrance attributes based on PARCELS (cont.)

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField Type

    Secondary right of enforcementENC_SECROEEntity name with secondary right of enforcement for encumbranceAgency Master ListText/Drop down listEncumbrance Deed Name/TitleENC_NAMEEncumbrance name from deedTextEncumbrance DescriptionENC_DESCDescriptive encumbrance information regarding location and configuration on the property, and size, as measured or by percentage of property (not metes and bounds)TextEncumbrance Designation DateENC_DATEDate the encumbrance was designatedDateMunicipalityMUNIMunicipality automatically entered by referencing parcel IDAutomated TextCountyCOUNTYCounty automatically entered by referencing parcel IDAutomated Text

  • Attributes (cont.)Detailed encumbrance attributes based on PARCELS (cont.)

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField Type

    Encumbrance AcresENC_ACRESEncumbered acres specified in deed or surveyDoubleGIS AcresENC_GISACRESAcres calculated by GIS softwareDoubleSpatial DataENC_SPATIALGeoreferenced GIS or CAD data of encumbranceBlobMap ImageENC_MAPDigital image of encumbrance from site plan, tax map or other source (e.g. pdf, jpg)BlobDeed/Survey ImageENC_DEEDDigital image of deed and/or surveyBlobCommentsENC_COMMENTSAny comments from either the source or aggregator (e.g. any special circumstances regarding the ownership status of the encumbrance)Text

  • Attributes (cont.)Open Space Information Tracking

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField TypeParcel IDPAMS_PINParcel ID code developed by NJOIT-OGIS (see NJ Parcel Mapping Standard). Underscores are used to concatenate county/municipal code, block number, lot number and, if provided, qualifier code.NJ Parcel Mapping StandardTextOpen Space Unit IDOS_IDUnique ID of the entire open space unitAssigned unique IDTextInformation SourceOS_SRCSource of informationAgency Master ListText/Drop down listInformation Source DateOS_SRCDATEDate of source of informationDateAggregatorOS_AGGOrganization responsible for aggregating dataAgency Master ListText/Drop down listUpdate DateOS_UPDATEDate of last data updateDate

  • Attributes (cont.)Encumbrances Information Tracking

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionDomainField TypeParcel IDPAMS_PINParcel ID code developed by NJOIT-OGIS (see NJ Parcel Mapping Standard). Underscores are used to concatenate county/municipal code, block number, lot number and, if provided, qualifier code.NJ Parcel Mapping StandardTextEncumbrance IDENC_IDUnique ID of the encumbranceAssigned unique IDTextInformation SourceENC_SRCSource of informationAgency Master ListText/Drop down listInformation Source DateENC_SRCDATEDate of source of informationDateAggregatorENC_AGGOrganization responsible for aggregating dataAgency Master ListText/Drop down listUpdate DateENC_UPDATEDate of last data updateDate

  • Attributes (cont.)Agency/Organization/Institution Master List TableEncumbrances Type Lookup Table

    Field NameField AbbreviationDescriptionAgency/Organization/Institution NameML_NAMEName of agency (non-abbreviated)Agency/Organization/Institution AcronymML_ABBRAgency acronym or abbreviationAgency/Organization/Institution Owner ClassificationML_CLASSAgency classificationAgency/Organization/Institution AddressML_ADDRESSFully spelled out addressAgency/Organization/Institution Phone NumberML_PHONEPhone number including area codeAgency/Organization/Institution WebsiteML_WEBSITEWebsite URL

    Protection MechanismAcronymEasementESMTDeed Restriction (non-easement)DEEDTransfer of Development RightsTDRPinelands Development CreditsPDCRecreation & Open Space InventoryROSIState Constitutional ProvisionSCPState StatuteSSFederal Constitutional ProvisionFCPFederal StatuteFS

  • Attributes (cont.)Green Acres Primary Use Categories Lookup Table

    Primary Use



  • MethodologyMethodology Subgroup ObjectivesDetermine Data Products to be producedDatabase(s)Feature Class(es)Map ServicesDevelop list of available data sources Federal agencies NPS, USFWS, etc.State agencies Green Acres, SADC, SHPO, Pinelands Comm., Highlands Comm., etc.County & Municipal agencies Planning, Engineering, Parks & Rec., Open Space Comm., Historic Comm., etc.Non-ProfitsOtherDetermine Data Development Process & Technology NeedsData InventoryData InputData ReconciliationData Management/StewardshipData HostDetermine Dataset Update ProcessMethodApplications/ToolsScheduleIdentify Potential Agencies for Developing, Maintaining and Hosting DataState AgenciesNon-Profit OrganizationsAcademic InstitutionsIdentify Potential Funding SourcesNJDEPPAD-US/other FederalNon-ProfitsGrants

  • Beyond Task Force ScopeImplementationFundingOther?
