new english in use eso 2 galician b burlington books1gloosar new english in use eso 2 galician© b...

1 New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books Getting Started adventurous /LX'dCmWiLpLg/ aventureiro/a amusement park /L'lqIhlLmW UEY/ parque de atraccións ant /DmW/ formiga arcade /E'YCBX/ galería comercial; salón recreativo armchair /'ElWiCL/ cadeira de brazos athletic /De'oCWBY/ atlético/a bank /VDnY/ banco bar /VE/ bar basketball /'VEgYBWVGo/ baloncesto bat /VDW/ morcego bathroom /'VEepIl/ cuarto de baño beautiful /'VqIWBco/ fermoso/a, bonito/a; guapa bed /VCX/ cama, leito bedroom /'VCXpIl/ dormitorio, cuarto big /VBZ/ grande bowling /'VLHoBn/ birlos brave /VpMd/ valente, afouto/a butterfly /'VJWLcoO/ bolboreta café /'YæcM/ cafetaría, café catch /YDa/ coller chair /aS/ cadeira chemists /'YClBgWg/ farmacia chicken /'aBYBm/ galiña; polo chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/ chimpancé church /WiKa/ igrexa cinema /'gBmLlL/ cine, cinema clever /'YoCdL/ listo/a, espelido/a, intelixente climb /YoOl/ escalar, rubir, gabear clock /YoFY/ reloxo cooker /'YHYL/ cociña (fogóns e forno) cow /YP/ vaca creative /YpA'MWBd/ creativo/a crocodile /'YpFYLXOo/ crocodilo cupboard /'YJVLX/ armario curly /'YKoi/ rizado/a, crecho/a curtains /'YKWBmh/ cortinas cycling /'gOYoBn/ ciclismo dancing /'XEmgBn/ baile dark /XEY/ escuro/a; moreno/a department store /XB'UEWlLmW gWG/ grandes almacéns desk /XCgY/ escritorio dining room /'XOmBn pIl/ comedor dolphin /'XFocim/ golfiño duvet /'XIdM/ edredón (nórdico) elephant /'CoBcLmW/ elefante fat /cæW/ gordo/a fly /coO/ mosca football /'cHWVGo/ fútbol fridge /cpBb/ frigorífico, neveira frog /cpFZ/ ra funny /'cJmi/ gracioso/a generous /'bCmLpLg/ xeneroso/a giraffe /bL'pEc/ xirafa goggles /'ZFZoh/ lentes de natación golf /ZFoc/ golf good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/ guapo/a, atractivo/a hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ traballador/a helmet /'kColBW/ casco honest /'FmBgW/ honrado/a, sincero/a horse /kGg/ cabalo hospital /'kFgUBWo/ hospital iguana /B'ZrEmL/ iguana karate /YL'pEWi/ karate kitchen /'YBWiBm/ cociña lamp /oDlU/ lámpada lazy /'oCBhi/ preguiceiro/a, lacazán/ana library /'oOVpLpi/ biblioteca light /oOW/ claro/a lion /'oOLm/ león living room /'oBdBn pIl/ cuarto de estar, salón lizard /'oBhLX/ lagarto; lagarta long /oFn/ longo/a medium height /'lAXiLl kOW/ de estatura media mirror /'lBpL/ espello mosquito /lL'gYAWLH/ mosquito museum /lqI'hALl/ museo old /NoX/ vello/a parrot /'UDpLW/ loro pillow /'UBoN/ almofada; coxín police station /UL'oAg gWMim/ comisaría post office /'UNgW FcBg/ oficina de correos rabbit /'pDVBW/ coello restaurant /'pCgWpFmW/ restaurante rollerblading /'pNoLVoMXBn/ patinaxe en liña round /pPmX/ redondo/a rug /pJZ/ alfombra Glossary

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Page 1: New English in Use ESO 2 Galician B Burlington Books1Gloosar New English in Use ESO 2 Galician© B Burlington Books 3 perform in a band /UL'cGl Bm L VDmX/ tocar nun grupo play the

1New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Getting Startedadventurous /LX'dCmWiLpLg/ aventureiro/a

amusement park /L'lqIhlLmW UEY/ parque de atraccións

ant /DmW/ formiga

arcade /E'YCBX/ galería comercial; salón recreativo

armchair /'ElWiCL/ cadeira de brazos

athletic /De'oCWBY/ atlético/a

bank /VDnY/ banco

bar /VE/ bar

basketball /'VEgYBWVGo/ baloncesto

bat /VDW/ morcego

bathroom /'VEepIl/ cuarto de baño

beautiful /'VqIWBco/ fermoso/a, bonito/a; guapa

bed /VCX/ cama, leito

bedroom /'VCXpIl/ dormitorio, cuarto

big /VBZ/ grande

bowling /'VLHoBn/ birlos

brave /VpMd/ valente, afouto/a

butterfly /'VJWLcoO/ bolboreta

café /'YæcM/ cafetaría, café

catch /YDa/ coller

chair /aS/ cadeira

chemist’s /'YClBgWg/ farmacia

chicken /'aBYBm/ galiña; polo

chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/ chimpancé

church /WiKa/ igrexa

cinema /'gBmLlL/ cine, cinema

clever /'YoCdL/ listo/a, espelido/a, intelixente

climb /YoOl/ escalar, rubir, gabear

clock /YoFY/ reloxo

cooker /'YHYL/ cociña (fogóns e forno)

cow /YP/ vaca

creative /YpA'MWBd/ creativo/a

crocodile /'YpFYLXOo/ crocodilo

cupboard /'YJVLX/ armario

curly /'YKoi/ rizado/a, crecho/a

curtains /'YKWBmh/ cortinas

cycling /'gOYoBn/ ciclismo

dancing /'XEmgBn/ baile

dark /XEY/ escuro/a; moreno/a

department store /XB'UEWlLmW gWG/ grandes almacéns

desk /XCgY/ escritorio

dining room /'XOmBn pIl/ comedor

dolphin /'XFocim/ golfiño

duvet /'XIdM/ edredón (nórdico)

elephant /'CoBcLmW/ elefante

fat /cæW/ gordo/a

fly /coO/ mosca

football /'cHWVGo/ fútbol

fridge /cpBb/ frigorífico, neveira

frog /cpFZ/ ra

funny /'cJmi/ gracioso/a

generous /'bCmLpLg/ xeneroso/a

giraffe /bL'pEc/ xirafa

goggles /'ZFZoh/ lentes de natación

golf /ZFoc/ golf

good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/ guapo/a, atractivo/a

hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ traballador/a

helmet /'kColBW/ casco

honest /'FmBgW/ honrado/a, sincero/a

horse /kGg/ cabalo

hospital /'kFgUBWo/ hospital

iguana /B'ZrEmL/ iguana

karate /YL'pEWi/ karate

kitchen /'YBWiBm/ cociña

lamp /oDlU/ lámpada

lazy /'oCBhi/ preguiceiro/a, lacazán/ana

library /'oOVpLpi/ biblioteca

light /oOW/ claro/a

lion /'oOLm/ león

living room /'oBdBn pIl/ cuarto de estar, salón

lizard /'oBhLX/ lagarto; lagarta

long /oFn/ longo/a

medium height /'lAXiLl kOW/ de estatura media

mirror /'lBpL/ espello

mosquito /lL'gYAWLH/ mosquito

museum /lqI'hALl/ museo

old /NoX/ vello/a

parrot /'UDpLW/ loro

pillow /'UBoN/ almofada; coxín

police station /UL'oAg gWMim/ comisaría

post office /'UNgW FcBg/ oficina de correos

rabbit /'pDVBW/ coello

restaurant /'pCgWpFmW/ restaurante

rollerblading /'pNoLVoMXBn/ patinaxe en liña

round /pPmX/ redondo/a

rug /pJZ/ alfombra


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2New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

running /'pJmBn/ correr

scuba diving /'gYIVL XOdBn/ mergullo, submarinismo

shark /iEY/ quenlla

sheep /iAU/ ovella/s

shelf /iCoc/ andel

shopping centre /'iFUBn gCmWL/ centro comercial

short /iGW/ curto/a; baixo/a

shower /'iPL/ ducha

shy /iO/ apoucado/a, tímido/a

sink /gBnY/ vertedoiro; lavabo

skiing /'gYABn/ esquí

small /glGo/ pequeno/a

snake /gmMY/ serpe

sofa /'gLHcL/ sofá

spider /'gUOXL/ araña

sports centre /'gUGWg gCmWL/ polideportivo

straight /gWpMW/ liso/a

strong /gWpFn/ forte

surfing /'gKcBn/ surf

sweet shop /'grAW iFU/ tenda de lambonadas / larpeiradas

swimming /'grBlBn/ natación

swimming cap /'grBlBn YDU/ gorro de natación

swimming pool /'grBlBn UIo/ piscina

table /'WMVo/ mesa

tall /WGo/ alto/a

tennis /'WCmBg/ tenis

thin /eBm/ delgado/a

throw /epN/ lanzar, guindar; tirar

tiger /'WOZL/ tigre

toilet /'WQoLW/ baño, servizo, váter

turtle /'WKWo/ tartaruga, sapoconcho

ugly /'JZoi/ feo/a

volleyball /'dFoiVGo/ voleibol, balonvolea

weak /rAY/ débil, feble

weightlifting /'rMWoBcWBn/ levantamento de peso, halterofilia

whale /rMo/ balea

wolf /rHoc/ lobo

worm /rKl/ miñoca, verme

young /qJn/ mozo/a

Unit 1art /EW/ arte, debuxo

athlete /'DeoAW/ deportista; atleta

atlas /'DWoLg/ atlas

balance /'VDoLmg/ equilibrio

blackboard /'VoDYVGX/ encerado

build models /VBoX 'lFXoh/ construír maquetas

calculator /'YDoYqHoMWL/ calculadora

chalk /'aGY/ xiz

champion /'aDlUiLm/ campión/oa

check e-mails /aCY 'AlMoh/ mirar o correo electrónico

compass /'YJlULg/ compás

computer technology /YLlUqIWL WCY'mFoLbi/ informática

crayon /'YpMLm/ lapis de cor

destroy /XB'gWpQ/ destruír, esnaquizar

dictionary /'XBYiLmpi/ dicionario

disaster zone /XB'hEgWL hNm/ zona catastrófica / de desastre

diver /'XOdL/ saltador/a (de natación)

do experiments /XI BY'gUCpBlLmWg/ facer experimentos

do judo /XI 'bIXN/ facer judo

drama /'XpElL/ teatro

English /'BnZoBi/ inglés

flash drive /'coæi XpOd/ memoria

flood /coJX/ inundación

French /cpCma/ francés

geography /bi'FZpLci/ xeografía

globe /ZoNV/ globo terráqueo

glue /ZoI/ pegamento

go horse-riding /ZLH 'kGgpOXBn/ ir montar a cabalo; facer equitación

gold /ZLHoX/ ouro

government /'ZJdLmlLmW/ goberno

gymnast /'bBlmægW/ ximnasta

hard /kEX/ difícil; moito

history /'kBgWpi/ historia

hope /kNU/ agardar, esperar

join /bQm/ entrar en

laptop /'oDUWFU/ ordenador portátil

large /oEb/ grande

learn a new language /oKm L mqI 'oDnZrBb/ aprender un idioma novo

learn competitive diving /oKm YLl'UCWLWBd XOdBn/ aprender (a facer) salto (de natación)

literature /'oBWpLWiL/ literatura

look for /'oHY cG/ procurar, buscar

maths /lDeg/ mates (matemáticas)

microscope /'lOYpLgYNU/ microscopio

music /'lqIhBY/ música

next to /'mCYgW WL/ a carón de / ao lado de / á beira de

one in (number) /'rJm Bm/ un/ha de cada (número)

ordinary /'GXmpi/ normal

paintbrush /'UCBmWVpJi/ pincel

paint pictures /UCBmW 'UBYaLh/ pintar cadros

paints /UCBmWg/ pinturas

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3New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

perform in a band /UL'cGl Bm L VDmX/ tocar nun grupo

play the piano /UoM fL Ui'DmN/ tocar o piano

pleased /UoAhX/ ledo/a, contento/a

potential /UL'WCmio/ posíbel, en potencia

proud /UpPX/ orgulloso/a, fachendoso/a

repair computers /pB'UCL YLlUqIWLh/ arranxar / reparar ordenadores

science /'gOLmg/ ciencia(s)

scissors /'gBhLh/ tesoiras

send text messages /gCmX 'WCYgW lCgBbBh/ mandar mensaxes (de texto)

soon /gIm/ pronto, axiña (How ~ ...?: Canto (se) tarda en...?)

sport /gUGW/ deporte, educación física

stapler /'gWMUoL/ grampadora

succeed /gLY'gAX/ triunfar, ter éxito

supplies /gL'UoOh/ material/ais

tablet /'WDVoLW/ tableta

take a nap /WMY L 'mDU/ botar a / unha sesta

take photos /WMY 'cNWNh/ facer fotos

talented /'WDoLmWBX/ talentoso/a, con talento

textbook /'WCsWVHY/ libro de texto

train /WpMm/ adestrar (a)

weightlifter /'rMWoBcWL/ levantador/a de peso, halterófilo/a

Unit 2attach /L'WDWi/ adxuntar; pór, acoplar

(be) born /VA 'VGm/ nacer

belong to /VB'oFn WL/ pertencer a

bite /VOW/ morder / trabar a

borrow /'VFpLH/ pedir / coller prestado/a

charge /WiEb/ cargar

clever /'YoCdL/ enxeñoso/a

come out /YJl 'PW/ saír

cross /YpFg/ cruzar, atravesar

demonstrate /'XClLmgWpMW/ manifestarse; facer unha demostración de

design /XB'hOm/ modelo, deseño

develop /XB'dCoLU/ desenvolver

die /XO/ morrer

dwarf /XrGc/ anano/a

evil /'Ado/ malvado/a

fall in love /cGo Bm 'oJd/ namorarse

fight /cOW/ pelexar / loitar (contra)

freeze /cpAh/ xear(se), conxelar(se)

get a job /ZCW L 'bFV/ acadar un traballo

get divorced /ZCW XB'dGgX/ divorciarse

get married /ZCW 'lDpiX/ casar

go to university /ZLH WL qImB'dKgLWi/ ir á universidade

GPS tracking device /bAUA'Cg WpDYBn XBdOg/ dispositivo de localización por GPS

graduate from /'ZpDbHMW cpLl/ graduarse en

grow up /ZpN 'JU/ crecer, medrar, criarse

have a child /kLd L 'aOoX/ ter un/ha fillo/a

improve /Bl'UpId/ mellorar

join /bQm/ unirse a (~ the army: alistarse no exército)

keep warm /YAU 'rGl/ manter abrigado/a / quente a

light /oOW/ prender, acender

main character /lCBm 'YDpLYWL/ protagonista

Middle-earth /lBXo'Ke/ Terra Media

move to /'lId WL/ mudarse a

prevent /UpB'dCmW/ evitar, previr; impedir

pull /UHo/ tirar (de)

reach /pAa/ acadar, chegar a

receive awards /pB'gAd LrGXh/ recibir premios

satellite phone /'gDWLoOW cNm/ teléfono por satélite

save /gMd/ salvar / rescatar (a)

solo /'gNoLH/ a soas; só

steal /gWAo/ roubar

survive /gL'dOd/ sobrevivir (a)

take (lessons) /WMY 'oCgmh/ recibir / ir a (clases)

top /WFU/ cume, cumio, cima

treasure /'WpCjL/ tesouro

volunteer /dFoLm'WBL/ facer voluntariado, ser voluntario/a

wheel /rAo/ roda

Unit 3bird-watcher /'VKXrFaL/ observador/a de aves

calm /YEl/ tranquilo/a; en calma

canyon /'YæmqLm/ canón

carriage /'YDpBb/ coche / carruaxe tirada por cabalos (public ~: dilixencia)

cliff /YoBc/ acantilado, cantil

coach /YNWi/ dilixencia

coast /YNgW/ costa

coral reef /'YFpLo pAc/ arrecife / baixío de coral

course /YGg/ rumbo, derrota

dull /XJo/ aburrido/a, aborrecido/a

east /AgW/ leste

elegant /'CoBZLmW/ elegante, requintado/a

extraordinary /BY'gWpGXLmpi/ extraordinario/a

field /cAoX/ campo

frightening /'cpOWmBn/ arrepiante, espantoso/a

frogs’ legs /'cpFZh oCZh/ ancas de ra

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4New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

glacier /'ZoDgiL/ glaciar

ground /ZpPmX/ chan, terra

harbour /'kEVL/ porto

holiday resort /'kFoLXM pBhGW/ lugar de veraneo

ideal /O'XALo/ ideal

isolated /'OgLoMWBX/ illado/a, afastado/a

jumbo jet /bJlVN 'bCW/ Jumbo, avión de fuselaxe ancha

lively /'oOdoi/ animado/a, bulicioso/a

location /oN'YMim/ lugar; situación, emprazamento

north /mGe/ norte

pack /UDY/ meter na maleta

peaceful /'UAgco/ tranquilo/a

pleasant /'UoChmW/ agradábel

polluted /UL'oIWBX/ contaminado/a

rainforest /'pMmcFpBgW/ selva tropical

relaxing /pB'oæYgBn/ relaxante

rough /pJc/ axitado/a, encrespado/a, picado/a

safe /gMc/ seguro/a, a salvo

salt lake /'gGoW oMY/ lago de auga salgada

scenery /'gAmLpi/ paisaxe

smelly /'glCoi/ cheirento/a

snail /gmMo/ caracol

south /gPe/ sur

steam train /'gWAl WpMm/ tren de vapor

stream /gWpAl/ regato

swamp /grFlU/ pantano

tasteless /'WMgWoLg/ eslamiado/a, insípido/a

terrible /'WCpLVo/ espantoso/a, terríbel

unreliable /JmpB'oOLVo/ pouco fiábel

useless /'qIgoLg/ inútil, inservíbel

wake up to /rMY 'JU WL/ espertar(se) con

west /rCgW/ oeste

wonderful /'rJmXLco/ marabilloso/a, precioso/a

worry /'rJpi/ preocupación

Review 1bend back /VCmX 'VDY/ dobrar cara atrás

backboard /'VDYVGX/ taboleiro

blow out /VoN 'PW/ apagar (cun sopro)

bounce off /VPmg 'Fc/ rebotar

freezing /'cpAhBn/ xeado/a, conxelado/a

half-court shot /'kEcYGW iFW/ tiro (á canastra) desde metade da cancha

light /oOW/ prender, acender

shoot /iIW/ tirar (á canastra)

three-pointer /epA'UQmWL/ tripla

trophy /'WpNci/ trofeo

Unit 4aunt /EmW/ tía

cave /YMd/ cova

cloudy /'YoPXi/ nubrado/a

cold /YNoX/ frío/a

cool /YIo/ fresco/a

cousin /'YJhm/ curmán/curmá

daughter /'XGWL/ filla

daytime /'XMWOl/ de día

dry /XpO/ seco/a, ermo/a

earth /Ke/ terra

entry /'CmWpi/ entrada, comentario, chamada

flood /coJX/ asolagar

foggy /'cFZi/ bretemoso/a, neboento/a

get around /ZCW L'pPmX/ moverse, desprazarse

go away /ZLH L'rCB/ marchar (de vacacións)

granddaughter /'ZpDmXGWL/ neta

grandfather /'ZpDmcEfL/ avó

grandmother /'ZpDmlJfL/ avoa

grandson /'ZpDmgJm/ neto

heating /'kAWBn/ calefacción

hike (n) /kOY/ andaina, camiñada

hike (v) /kOY/ facer sendeirismo, facer unha andaina

hot /kFW/ caloroso/a, cálido/a (it’s ~: vai calor)

husband /'kJhVLmX/ marido, home, esposo

lightning /'oOWmBn/ raio/s, lóstrego/s

mat /læW/ colchón inchábel

monsoon /lFm'gIm/ do monzón

nephew /'mCcqI/ sobriño

niece /mAg/ sobriña

outdoors /PW'XGh/ ao ar libre, fóra

parents /'UCLpLmWg/ pais

pipe /UOU/ tubaxe

rain /pMm/ choiva

snow /gmN/ neve

son /gJm/ fillo

spotlight /'gUFWoOW/ centro de atención

stilt /gWBoW/ piar

stormy /'gWGli/ treboento/a (it’s ~: hai treboada)

sunny /'gJmi/ solleiro/a (it’s ~: vai sol)

tent /WCmW/ tenda de campaña

thunder /'eJmXL/ trono/s

uncle /'JnYo/ tío

warm /rGl/ cálido/a, temperado/a

wet /rCW/ chuviñoso/a; mollado/a

wife /rOc/ dona, muller, esposa

windy /'rBmXi/ ventoso/a, de moito vento (it’s ~: vai vento)

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5New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Unit 5arrest /L'pCgW/ arrestar (a)

burglar /'VKZoL/ ladrón/oa

close off /YoNh 'Fc/ pechar ao público / tráfico

clue /YoI/ pista

court /YGW/ tribunal, xulgado

criminal /'YpBlBmo/ criminal

detective /XB'WCYWBd/ detective

drop /XpFU/ deixar caer (sen querer)

evidence /'CdBXLmg/ probas

expert /'CsUKW/ experto/a, especialista

fingerprint /'cBnZLUpBmW/ impresión dactilar / dixital

forensic scientist /cL'pCmgBY gOLmWBgW/ investigador/a forense

forger /'cGbL/ falsificador/a

get in /ZCW 'Bm/ entrar, meterse

gun /ZJm/ pistola, revólver

helpful /'kCoUco/ útil

hijack /'kObDY/ secuestrar

hurry /'kJpi/ bulir (para chegar a)

investigate /Bm'dCgWBZCBW/ investigar, pescudar

judge /bJb/ xuíz/a

jury /'bHLpi/ xurado

knife /mOc/ coitelo

lawyer /'oGqL/ avogado/a

loud /oPX/ forte

murder /'lKXL/ asasinato

next door /mCYgW 'XG/ do lado

plan /UoDm/ plano

police officer /UL'oAg FcBgL/ policía

prison /'UpBhm/ prisión, cadea, cárcere

prisoner /'UpBhmL/ detido/a; acusado/a, preso/a, reo/a

return /pB'WKm/ devolver

robbery /'pFVLpi/ roubo

scene /gAm/ lugar, espazo, escenario

security guard /gB'YqHLpLWi ZEX/ garda xurado, garda de seguridade

shocked /iFYW/ abraiado/a, estupefacto/a

smell /glCo/ ulido, cheiro, olor

suspect /'gJgUCYW/ sospeitoso/a

thief /eAc/ ladrón/oa

towel /'WPLo/ toalla

victim /'dBYWBl/ vítima

weapon /'rCULm/ arma

witness /'rBWmLg/ testemuña

Unit 6aeroplane /'CLpLUoCBm/ avión

air pollution /'CL ULoIim/ contaminación do aire / atmosférica

bottom /'VFWLl/ fondo

clean up /YoAm 'JU/ limpar

coach /YNWi/ autobús

cruise ship /'YpIh iBU/ cruceiro

cut down /YJW 'XPm/ deforestar

damage /'XDlBXj/ danar, prexudicar

destroy /XB'gWpQ/ destruír, esnaquizar

disastrous /XB'hEgWpLg/ catastrófico/a

ferry /'cCpi/ transbordador

harm /kEl/ danar

helicopter /'kCoBYFUWL/ helicóptero

in order to /Bm 'GXL WL/ para, a fin de

increase /Bm'YpAg/ aumentar

indoors /Bm'XGh/ nun lugar cuberto, dentro

jeep /bAU/ todo terreo

law /oG/ lei

lorry /'oFpi/ camión

major /'lMbL/ principal

make a difference /lMY L 'XBcpLmg/ cambiar as cousas, causar un impacto positivo

minivan /'lBmidæm/ monovolume

motorbike /'lNWLVOY/ motocicleta, moto

motorboat /'lNWLVNW/ (lancha) motora

pick up /UBY 'JU/ coller, recoller

plant /UoEmW/ plantar

power /'UPL/ enerxía

protect /UpL'WCYW/ protexer

rally /'pDoi/ concentración

recycle /pA'gOYo/ reciclar

replace /pB'UoMg/ substituír

resource /pB'gGg/ recurso

reuse /pA'qIh/ reutilizar, volver usar

room /pIl/ sitio, espazo; cuarto

save /gMd/ salvar; aforrar

scooter /'gYIWL/ vespa, scooter

source /gGg/ fonte, orixe

throw out /epN 'PW/ tirar

tram /WpDl/ tranvía

underground /'JmXLZpPmX/ metro

unplug /Jm'UoJZ/ desenchufar, desconectar

waste /rMgW/ desbaldir

yacht /qFW/ iate

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Review 2ark /EY/ arca

climb out /YoOl 'PW/ saír gabeando

dig (for) /'XBZ cG/ escavar (á busca de)

pull up /UHo 'JU/ erguer, levantar, subir

raider /'pMXL/ ladrón/oa

Raiders of the Lost Ark /pMXLh Ld fL oFgW 'EY/ Á busca da arca perdida

rope /pNU/ corda, soga

torch /WGa/ facho, facheiro

Unit 7amaze /L'lMh/ asombrar

angry /'DnZpi/ amolado/a, enfadado/a

break a record /VpMY L 'pCYGX/ superar unha marca

build up (someone’s) confidence /VBoX JU gJlrJmh

'YFmcBXLmg/ dar máis confianza en si mesmo/a (a alguén)

exhausted /BZ'hGgWBX/ exhausto/a, esgotado/a

face-to-face /cMgWL'cMg/ cara a cara

fail the test /cMo fL 'WCgW/ suspender o exame

feed a wild animal /cAX L rOoX 'DmBlo/ dar de comer a un animal salvaxe

few /cqI/ poucos/as

forget things /cL'ZCW eBnh/ esquecer cousas

frightened /'cpOWmX/ asustado/a (be ~: ter medo)

get lost /ZCW 'oFgW/ perderse

go abroad /ZLH L'VpGX/ ir(se) ao estranxeiro

go on a cruise /ZLH Fm L 'YpIh/ ir de / facer un cruceiro

juggle /'bJZo/ facer xogos malabares

Latin /'oDWBm/ latino/a

look back /oHY 'VDY/ mirar cara atrás; pensar no pasado

nasty /'mEgWi/ desagradábel

perform in a circus /ULcGl Bm L 'gKYLg/ actuar nun circo

performer /UL'cGlL/ artista

profile /'UpNcOo/ perfil

proud /UpPX/ orgulloso/a, fachendoso/a

put out a fire /UHW PW L 'cOL/ apagar / extinguir un lume / incendio

reality TV /pi'DoLWi WA dA/ (de) telerrealidade

ridiculous /pB'XBYqLoLg/ ridículo/a, absurdo/a (Don’t be ~!: Non digas parvadas!)

risky /'pBgYi/ arriscado/a

row a boat /pN L 'VNW/ remar unha barca / un bote

rude /pIX/ groseiro/a

silly /'gBoi/ parvo/a, absurdo/a

social networking site /gNio 'mCWrKYBn gOW/ páxina / sitio web de redes sociais

surprised /gL'UpOhX/ sorprendido/a

take away from /WMY L'rCB cpLl/ restar

take lessons in self-defence /WMY oCgmh Bm gCoc XB'cCmg/ ir a clases de defensa persoal

take part in a carnival /WMY UEW Bm L 'YEmBdo/ participar nun carnaval / entroido

tell lies /WCo 'oOh/ dicir mentiras

text /WCsW/ enviar mensaxes de texto

unicycle /'qImBgOYo/ monociclo

unique /qI'mAY/ único/a, excepcional

unpleasant /Jm'UoChmW/ desagradábel

upset /JU'gCW/ desgustado/a, amolado/a, molesto/a

walk a tightrope /rGY L 'WOWpNU/ andar pola corda frouxa

worried /'rJpiX/ preocupado/a

youth /qIe/ xuvenil, da mocidade

Unit 8balanced diet /VDoLmgW 'XOLW/ dieta equilibrada

befriend /VB'cpCmX/ confraternizar con, tratar con amizade a

bone /VLHm/ óso

break out /VpMY 'PW/ estoupar

caffeine /'YæcAm/ cafeína

calories /'YæoLpih/ calorías

carbohydrates /YEVN'kOXpMWg/ carbohidratos

cheer /aR/ dar hurras

die in action /XO Bm 'DYim/ morrer en combate / acción (de guerra)

diet /'XOLW/ estar a réxime, facer dieta

dietician /XOL'WBim/ médico especialista en dietética, dietista

egg-white /'CZrOW/ de clara de ovo

exercise /'CYgLgOh/ facer exercicio

fat /cæW/ graxa

fight back /cOW 'VDY/ contraatacar

fitness trainer /'cBWmLg WpMmL/ adestrador/a

fresh air /cpCi 'CL/ aire fresco

gain weight /ZMm 'rMW/ gañar peso, engordar

get fit /ZCW 'cBW/ poñerse en forma

go crazy /ZLH 'YpCBhi/ poñerse como tolo/a, tolear

gym /bBl/ ximnasio

healthy lifestyle /kCoei 'oOcgWOo/ estilo de vida san / saudábel

heart /kEW/ corazón

in a row /Bm L 'pN/ seguido/a, consecutivo/a

injury /'BmbLpi/ lesión

junk food /'bJnY cIX/ comida lixo

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liquid /'oBYrBX/ líquido

long jump /oFn 'bJlU/ salto de lonxitude

lose weight /oIh 'rMW/ perder peso, adelgazar, enfraquecer

meal /lAo/ comida

medal /'lCXo/ medalla

muscle /'lJgo/ músculo

nutrition /mqI'WpBim/ nutrición

omelette /'FloLW/ tortilla

pancake /'UDmYMY/ filloa

porridge /'UFpBb/ avea cocida

processed food /'UpNgCgW cIX/ comida procesada

protein /'UpLHWAm/ proteína

remain /pB'lCBm/ seguir, continuar

salt /gGoW/ sal

score /gYG/ marcar

slice /goOg/ rebanda

snack /gmDY/ taco, parva

sort /gGW/ clase, tipo

sugar /'iHZL/ azucre

take the lead /WMY fL 'oAX/ coller a dianteira

team /WAl/ (de) equipo

track /WpDY/ pista

unhealthy /Jm'kCoei/ pouco san/sa

vitamins /'dBWLlBmh/ vitaminas

Unit 9animal rights /'DmBlLo pOWg/ dereitos dos animais

bearskin /'VCLgYBm/ gorro militar de pel de oso

belt /VCoW/ cinto

best man /VCgW 'lDm/ padriño

bracelet /'VpMgoLW/ pulseira

bright /VpOW/ forte, vivo/a

casual /'YæjHLo/ informal, de sport

cheap /aAU/ barato/a

colourful /'YJoLco/ colorido/a, de cores vivas

comfortable /'YJlcWLVo/ cómodo/a

cool /YIo/ xenial (be ~: molar, prestar)

Crown Jewels /YpPm 'bILoh/ xoias da Coroa

curriculum /YL'pBYqLoLl/ plan de estudos

device /XB'dOg/ dispositivo, aparato, aparello

earrings /'BLpBnh/ pendentes

expensive /BY'gUCmgBd/ caro/a

fashionable /'cæimLVo/ moderno/a, á / de moda

finance /'cOmDmg/ finanzas, asuntos financeiros

formal /'cGlo/ formal; de etiqueta

fur /cK/ (de) pel

groom /ZpIl/ noivo

handbag /'kæmXVæZ/ bolso (de man)

hoodie /'kHXi/ suadoiro con caparucha

kilt /YBoW/ saia escocesa

leather /'oCfL/ de coiro / pel

lovely /'oJdoi/ fermoso/a, precioso/a

make-up /'lMYJU/ maquillaxe

manage /'lDmBb/ administrar

modern /'lFXm/ moderno/a

nail varnish /'mCBo dEmBi/ esmalte / verniz de unllas

necklace /'mCYoLg/ colar

old-fashioned /NoX'cDimX/ anticuado/a, pasado/a de moda

pattern /'UæWm/ deseño, estampado

phone case /'cNm YMg/ funda de teléfono

plain /UoCBm/ sinxelo/a; liso/a

practical /'UpDYWBYo/ práctico/a

pretty /'UpBWi/ bonito/a, fermoso/a

purse /UKg/ moedeiro

ring /pBn/ anel

ruling /'pIoBn/ reinante

save /gMd/ aforrar (~ for a “rainy day”: aforrar para chando cheguen tempos peores)

second-hand /gCYLmX'kDmX/ de segunda man

shamrock /'iDlpFY/ trevo

sophisticated /gL'cBgWBYMWBX/ sofisticado/a

spending /'gUCmXBn/ gastos

square /gYrS/ cadro, cadrado

sunglasses /'gJmZoEgBh/ lentes de sol

thistle /'eBgo/ cardo

tights /WOWg/ pantis, medias

trendy /'WpCmXi/ moderno/ a, á moda

understanding /JmXL'gWDmXBn/ coñecemento/s

wallet /'rFoBW/ carteira

warder /'rGXL/ celador/a

watch /rFa/ reloxo (de pulso)

wool /rHo/ la

Review 3belly /'VCoi/ barriga

buck /VJY/ dólar

celery /'gCoLpi/ apio

deal /XAo/ trato, acordo

delight /XB'oOW/ deleite, pracer

eggplant (Am. Eng.) /'CZUoEmW/ berenxena

hand /kæmX/ dar (en man)

string beans (Am. Eng.) /gWpBn 'VAmh/ feixóns

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8New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Greetings and introductionsAre you new here? /E qI 'mqI kBL/ Es novo/a aquí?

This is my friend … . /fBg Bh lO 'cpCmX/ Este/a é o meu/a miña amigo/a… .

Is this … ? /'Bh fBg/ É este …?

Can I please speak to … ? /YLm O 'UoAh gUAY WL/ Podo falar con…, por favor?

Hi, welcome to our school. /kO 'rCoYLl WL E gYIo/ Ola, benvido/a ao noso colexio.

Sorry, … isn’t here. /'gFpi … BhmW kBL/ Síntoo, … non está aquí.

Thanks, my name’s … . Nice to meet you. /eDnYg lO

mMlh '… mOg WL 'lAW qI/ Grazas, chámome… . Encantado/a de coñecerte.

Yes, it is. Who’s calling? /qCg BW 'Bh. kIh 'YGoBn/

Quen chama / é?

Yes, I’m from … . /'qCg Ol cpFl/ Si, son de… .

Hi, I’m … . /'kO Ol/ Ola, son… .

Hello, … . This is … . /kL'oLH … fBg Bh/ Ola, … . Son… .

Call again later, … . /YGo LZCm 'oMWL/ Volve chamar logo / máis tarde, … .

Classroom languageListen carefully. /oBgm 'YCLcoi/ Escoita/de con atención.

Can you explain this to me, please? /YLm qI BY'gUoMm

fBg WL li UoAh/ Pode explicarme isto, por favor?

Where is your homework? /rCL Bh qG 'kNlrKY/ Onde están os teus deberes?

I’m sorry I’m late. /Ol 'gFpi Ol oCBW/ Sinto chegar tarde.

Can you spell this word? /YLm qI 'gUCo fBg rKX/ Pode soletrear esta palabra?

Can I borrow a … , please? /YLm O 'VFpN L … UoAh/

Podo coller prestado/a / Préstasme un/ha…, por favor?

Who knows the answer to this question? /kI mNh

fA 'EmgL WL fBg YrCgWiLm/ Quen sabe a resposta a esta pregunta?

When is the … exam? /rCm Bh fL '… BZhDl/ Cando é o exame de…?

What page are we on? /rFW 'UMb E ri Fm/ En que páxina estamos?

Describing a pictureThere are … . /'fCL E/ Hai… .

The … looks … . /fL '… oHYg/ O / A… semella / parece… .

There’s a … and a … in the picture. /fCLh L '… LmX L

'… Bm fL UBYaL/ Hai un/nha… e un/ha… na imaxe.

I can see … and they’re … . /O Yæm gA '… LmX fS/ Vexo / Podo ver… e están… .

In this picture, … is … . / Bm 'fBg UBYaL … Bh/ Nesta imaxe, … está… .

The … are … . /fL '… E/ Os / as… son / están… .

Discussing biographiesWhen was … born? /rCm rLh … 'VGm/ Cando naceu…?

Where was … born? /rCL rFh … 'VGm/ Onde naceu…?

What did … do? /rFW XBX … 'XI/ Que fixo / facía…?

Why was … famous? /rO rFh … 'cCBlLg/ Por que foi / era célebre…?

When did … get married? /rCm XBX … ZCW 'lDpiX/ Cando casou…?

Did … have children? /XBX … kLd 'WiBoXpLm/ … tivo / tiña fillos?

When did … die? /rCm XBX … 'XO/ Cando morreu…?

Where did … die? /rCL XBX … 'XO/ Onde morreu…?

Planning a holidayWhat kind of holiday do you want? /rFW YOmX Ld

'kFoLXM XL qI rFmW/ Que tipo de vacacións queres?

Where do you want to go? /rCL XL qI rFmW WL 'ZN/ A onde queres ir?

When do you want to go? /rCm XL qI rFmW WL 'ZN/ Cando queres ir?

How long do you want to be away? /kP 'oFn XL qI rFmW

WL VA LrCB/ Canto tempo queres estar fóra?

What do you want to do there? /rFW XL qI rFmW WL 'XI

fCL/ Que queres facer alí?

What do you think of … ? /rFW XL qI 'eBnY Ld/ Que pensas / opinas de…?

A personal interviewHow many … have you got? /kP lCmi '… kDd qI ZFW/

Cantos/as… tes?

What are your favourite … ? /rFW E qG 'cCBdLpBW/ Cales son os/as teus/túas… favoritos/as?

What … do you do? /rFW '… XL qI XL/ Que… fas?

How often do you … ? /kP 'Fcm XL qI/ Con que frecuencia… ?

Where does … work? /rCL XJh '… rKY/ Onde traballa…?

What’s the weather like where you live? /rFWg fL 'rCfL

oOY rCL qI oBd/ Como é o tempo onde vives?

Speaking Glossary

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Speaking Glossary

9New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Investigating a crimeWhat were you doing on … at … last night?

/rFW rK qI 'XIBn Fm … LW … oEgW mOW/ Que estaba a facer en… esta noite ás…?

What happened? /rFW 'kDULmX/ Que ocorreu / pasou?

What did you do? /rFW XBX qI 'XI/ Que fixo?

Can you describe the … ? /Yæm qI 'XBgYpOV fL/ Pode describir (a) o / a…?

What was … wearing? /rFW rLh … 'rCLpBn/ Que levaba posto…?

Can you give us any more information? /Yæm qI ZBd

Lg Cmi lG BmcL'lMim/ Pódenos dar máis información?

Talking about plansWhere are you going? /rCL E qI 'ZLHBn/ A onde vas?

What are you going to do? /rFW E qI ZLHBn WL 'XI/ Que vas facer?

Who is doing the project with you? /kI Bh XIBn fL

'UpFXjCYW rBf qI/ Quen está a facer o proxecto contigo?

Do you think it’ll be difficult? /XI qI eBnY BWo VA 'XBcBYLoW/ Cres que será difícil?

Will it really help? /rBo BW pBLoi 'kCoU/ De verdade servirá?

Talking about experiencesI’d love to try that, wouldn’t you? /OX 'oJd WL WpO fDW

rHXmW qI/ Encantaríame probar / intentar iso, a ti non? / e a ti?

But why would I do such a risky thing? /VLW rO rHX

O XI gJWi L 'pBgYi eBn/ Pero, por que faría eu algo tan arriscado?

That’s not my idea of fun. /fDWg 'mFW lO OXBL Ld cJm/ Esa non é a miña idea de pasalo ben.

My parents would be really worried. /lO UCLpLmWg rHX

VA pBLoi 'rJpiX/ Os meus pais estarían moi preocupados.

I’d be too frightened. /OX VA WI 'cpOWmX/ Estaría asustado/a de máis.

It sounds like a ridiculous idea to me. /BW gPmXh oOY L

pB'XBYqLoLg OXBL WL lA/ Paréceme unha idea absurda.

What a silly thing to do. /rFW L 'gBoi eBn WL XI/ Que parvada.

I’ve always wanted to do that, haven’t you? /Od 'GorCBh

rFmWBX WL XI fDW kDdmW qI/ Sempre quixen facer iso, ti non? / e ti?

Giving adviceWhat should I do? /rFW iLX O 'XI/ Que debería facer /


The best thing for you to do is … . /fL 'VCgW eBn cL qI WL

XI Bh/ O mellor que podes facer é… .

I think you need to … . /O 'eBnY qI mAX WL/ Coido que tes que… .

Maybe you should … . /'lMVi qI iHX/ Talvez / Se cadra deberías… .

I think it’s a good idea to … . /O eBnY BWg L ZHX OX'R WL/ Coido / Penso que é unha boa idea… .

Why don’t you … ? /rO 'XNmW qI/ Por que non…?

You can either … or … . /qI YLm 'OfL … G/ Podes… ou… .

Buying a giftDoes that sound like a good idea? /XJh fDW gPmX oOY L

ZHX O'XBL/ Paréce(che) unha boa idea?

How much do you want to spend? /kP 'lJa XL qI rFmW

WL gUCmX/ Canto queres gastar?

Let’s get … ! /oCWg 'ZCW/ Imos mercar / Merquemos…!

Let’s buy … ! /oCWg 'VO/ Imos mercar / Merquemos…!

It’s quite … . /BWg 'YrOW/ É bastante… .

How about getting this … ? /'kP LVPW ZCWBn fBg/ Que tal se merco / mercamos este/a…?

What a great idea! /rFW L ZpMW O'XBL/ Que boa idea!

I don’t think so. /O XNmW 'eBnY gN/ Paréceme / Penso / Coido que non.

What do you want to buy for … ? /rFW XL qI rFmW WL

'VO cG/ Que queres mercar para…?

These are very … . /'fAh E dCpi/ Estes / Estas son moi… .

I agree. /O L'ZpA/ Estou de acordo.

What do you think of … ? /rFW XL qI 'eBnY Ld/

Que pensas / opinas de…?

That looks … . /fDW 'oHYg/ (Iso) Semella / Está… .

Thinking / AnsweringI’m pretty sure … /Ol 'UpBWi iHL/ Estou bastante certo/a

de… .

I have no idea. /O kDd mN O'XBL/ Non teño nin idea.

I think so. /O 'eBnY gN/ Iso penso / coido., Penso / coido que si.

Agreeing and disagreeingThat’s true. /fDWg 'WpI/ Iso é verdade / certo.

That’s wrong. /fDWg 'pFn/ Iso é incorrecto / está mal.

That’s false. /fDWg 'cGog/ Iso é falso.

No way! /mN 'rM/ Nin falar!, De ningún xeito!

Asking questionsWho / What / Where / Why … ? /kI/rFW/rCL/rO/

Quen…? / Que…?, Cales…? / Onde…?, A onde…? / Por que…?

Which … ? /rBa/ Cal/es…?, Que…?

How / How many / How long … ? /kP/kP 'lCmi/

kP 'oFn/ Como…? / Cantos/as…? / Canto tempo…?

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10New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Asking for clarificationCan you repeat that? /YLm qI pB'UAW fDW/

Podes repetir iso?

How do you spell that? /kP XL qI 'gUCo fDW/ Como se soletrea iso?

How many? /kP 'lCmi/ Cantos/as?

When was that? /rCm rLh 'fDW/ Cando foi iso?

Asking for more informationWhy do you think that? /rO XI qI 'eBnY fDW/

Por que pensas iso?

What else? /rFW 'Cog/ Que máis?

Tell me more. /WCo lA 'lG/ Cóntame máis (cousas).

Making suggestionsLet’s … /oCWg/ Vamos / Vaiamos… .

What do you think of … ? /rFW XL qI 'eBnY Ld/ Que pensas / opinas de…?

How about … ? /kP L'VPW/ Que tal se…?, Que hai de…?

Answering questionsI’m quite sure. /Ol 'YrOW iHL/ Estou totalmente certo/a.

That’s easy. /fDWg 'Ahi/ Iso é doado.

I’m really not sure. /Ol 'pALoi mFW iHL/ A verdade é que non estou certo/a.

ComparingSo do I. /gN XI 'O/ Eu / A min tamén.

Me, too. /lA 'WI/ Eu / A min tamén.

Not me. /mFW 'lA/ Eu / A min non.

Thinking backLet me think. /oCW lA 'eBnY/ Déixame pensar / que pense.

I really don’t remember. /O 'pALoi XNmW pBlClVL/ A verdade é que non me lembro.

I’m not sure. /Ol mFW 'iHL/ Non estou seguro/a.

Answering questionsI think … /O 'eBnY/ Coido… ., Penso… .

Definitely. /'XCcBmLWoi/ Seguro., Sen dúbida.

Not really. /mFW 'pBLoi/ Non moito., A verdade é que non.

I’m quite sure. /Ol 'YrOW iHL/ Estou totalmente seguro/a.

Predicting plansprobably /'UpFVLVoi/ probabelmente, seica

definitely /'XCcBmLWoi/ decididamente, definitivamente

maybe /'lMVi/ talvez, se cadra, quizais

ReactingHow boring! /kP 'VGpBn/ Que aborrecido/a!

Aren’t you exaggerating? /EmW qI BZ'hDbLpMWBn/

Non estás a esaxerar?

That’s a nice idea. /fDWg L mOg O'XBL/ Esa é unha boa idea.

Comparing experiencesHow about you? /kP LVPW 'qI/ E ti?, Como che vai?

And you? /LmX 'qI/ E ti?

Me, too. /lA 'WI/ Eu / A min tamén.

Me neither. /lA 'mOfL/ Eu / A min tampouco.

Showing surpriseNo way! /mN 'rM/ Nin falar!, De ningún xeito!

Are you crazy? /E qI 'YpCBhi/ Estás tolo/a? / Toleaches?

Are you kidding? /E qI 'YBXBn/ Estás a bromear / de broma?

Of course. /Ld 'YGg/ Por suposto., Xaora.

ThinkingUm … /Jl/ Eh… .

I’m not sure. /Ol mFW 'iHL/ Non estou seguro/a.

Let me think. /oCW lA 'eBnY/ Déixame pensar / que pense.

Solving problemsPerhaps … /UL'kDUg/ Talvez / Se cadra / Quizais… .

It seems to me (that) … /BW gAlh WL 'lA fDW/ Paréceme (que)… .

In my opinion, … /Bm lO L'UBmqLm/ Na miña opinión, … .

Saying whenin the past /Bm fL 'UEgW/ no pasado

the other day /fL 'JfL XM/ o outro día

a while ago /L 'rOo LZN/ hai un pouco, hai un anaco

ReactingDo you? /'XI qI/ Si?

That's too bad. /fDWg 'WI VDX/ Que mágoa.

Yes, we are. /'qCg rA E/ Somos. Si.

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Getting StartedOs pronomes persoais suxeito

I eu it isoyou ti, vostede we nóshe el you vós, vostedesshe ela they eles/as

• Fandesuxeitoenuncapodenfaltarparaqueaoraciónsexacorrectaeteñasentido.

I have got a new notebook. It is blue. (Teñouncadernonovo.Éazul.)

• LembraqueIsempreseescribeenmaiúsculaequeit(queserefireacousasouanimais)nonseadoitatraducir.

Os adxectivos posesivosmy meu,meusyour teu,teus,seu,seus(devostede)his seu,seus(del)her seu,súas(dela)its seu,seus(decousaouanimal)our noso/a, nosos/asyour voso/a,vosos/as,seu,seus(devostedes)their seu/súa,seus/súas(deles/as)

• Indicandequenéalgo.

• Semprevandiantedosubstantivoqueindicaoqueseposúe,senqueimporteoxéneroninonúmeroqueteña:my class, my books(amiñaclase,osmeuslibros).

• Na3ªpersoadosingularhaitresformas,dependendodeseoposuidorémasculino(his),feminino(her)ouneutro(its).

Os pronomes posesivosmine meu/miña,meus/miñas

yours teu/túa,teus/túas, seu/súa,seus/súas(devostede)

his seu/súa,seus/súas(del)hers seu/súa,seus/súas(dela)ours noso/a, nosos/as

yours voso/a, vosos/as, seu/súa,seus/súas(devostedes)

theirs seu/súa,seus/súas(deles/as)

• Substitúenosubstantivoquesinalaoqueseposúeeconcordancoposuidor.

The red schoolbag is yours.(Amochilavermellaétúa.)• Aotraducilos,podenacompañarseestespronomescoartigodeterminado.

The green book isn’t mine. It’s yours. (Olibroverdenoné(o)meu.É(o)teu.)

• Na3ªpersoadosingularhaidúasformas:masculina(his)efeminina(hers).Nonhaiformaneutra.

O xenitivo saxón•Emprégaseparaindicarposesióneúsaseconpersoas,animaisoupaíses.Paraformalo,engadimosunapóstrofo(’ )euns.

Lucy’s hair(opelodeLucy) the cat’s legs(aspatasdogato) Spain’s food(acomidadeEspaña)

• Seosubstantivoéunpluralregularouacaba en s,engádesesó ’,maisseéunpluralirregularengádese’s.

the boys’ school(ocolexiodosnenos) the women’s photo(afotodasmulleres)

• Seonomepropioremataens,pódeseengadir’ ou ’s. James’ / James’s car(ocochedeJames)• Coascousasúsaseof,nonoxenitivosaxón. the colour of the pencil(acordolapis)

O verbo to beOverbo to be significaprincipalmente“ser”ou“estar”.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+am / is / are.Éoúnicoverboquetentresformasdistintasnopresente.Asformascontraídasúsansemáisnaconversa.

She is very clever.(Elaémoiintelixente.)• Negativa:suxeito+am / is / are+apartículanot ouacontracciónn’t(quesepodeengadirais e a are,maisnonaam).

You aren’t funny.(Nonsodesgraciosos.)• Interrogativa: Am / Is / Are+suxeito. Is he a singer?(Elécantante?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídoennegativa.

Is Woody a toy? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. (Woodyéunxoguete?É.Si./Non.)

Os usos do verbo to beDefiniciónsefeitosxerais

Bristol is in England.(BristolestáenInglaterra.)

SentimentoseestadosWe are very happy.(Estamosmoiledos.)

IdadeShe is twelve years old.(Elatendoceanos.)


Johnny Depp is an actor.(JohnnyDeppéunactor.)

PrezosHow much is it? It’s 5 euros.(Cantoé?Son5euros.)

MedidasIt’s 2 metres long.(Mide2metrosdelongo.)

TempoatmosféricoIt is windy.(Vaivento.)

O verbo have gotOverbohave got significa“ter”.Expresaoqueposuímosouostrazosdealguénoualgocando odescribimos.

Grammar Appendix

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• Afirmativa:suxeito+have (’ve)got ou has (’s)got. I have got a famous friend. (Teñounhaamigafamosa.)

• Negativa:suxeito+have / has+not (n’t)+got. She hasn’t got curly hair. (Elanontenopelocrecho.)

• Interrogativa: Have / Has+suxeito+got. Have you got an adventurous brother? (Tesunirmánaventureiro?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+have / has ou haven’t / hasn’t (sen got).

Has he got small ears? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. (Eltenasorellaspequenas?Ten.Si./Non.)

Os pronomes persoais obxectome me(amin)

you te,che(ati),o,a,lle,se(avostede)

him o,lle,se(ael)

her a,lle,se(aela)

it o,a(unhacousa)

us nos(anós)

you vos(avós),os,as,lles(avostedes)

them os,as,lles,se(aeles/as)

• Fanasfunciónsdeobxecto,édicir,decomplementodirecto,indirectooupreposicional.

I met him last month. (Coñecinoomespasado.) They gave me a present yesterday. (Déronmeunagasalloonte.) I sang for them. (Canteiparaeles.)

• Senafrasehaiuncomplementodirectoeoutroindirectonasúaformadepronome,póñensenestaorde:CD+preposición+CI.

Sue needed a book about art and I gave it to her. (Sueprecisabaunlibrosobrearteedeillo.)

O Present Simple• Afirmativa: écomoaformabasedoverbo(infinitivo

sen to)entodasaspersoasmenosna3ªdesingular,naqueseengade -s.

He walks the dog every day. (Elpaseaocantodososdías.)

Nosseguintescasos,engádese-esnocantode-s: -Seremataenss, sh, ch e x:

pass - passes wash - washes mix - mixes -Seremataeno:

do - does go - goes -Seremataenconsoante+y,cámbiaseoypor

un i: study - studies carry - carries

• Negativa:suxeito+do / does+not (n’t)+verbonaformabase.

My mother doesn’t cook.(Miñanainoncociña.)• Interrogativa: Do / Does+suxeito+verbo. Do you study with friends?(Estudasconamigos?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+do / does ou don’t / doesn’t.

Does she watch TV? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. (Elaveatelevisión?Ve.Si./Non.)

• Co PresentSimple adoitanempregarseasseguintes expresións temporais:every day / week / year (todososdías/semanas/anos),once / twice a year (unha/dúasvecesaoano),on+díadasemanaenplural, at night (polanoite),in the morning (polamañá),in the summer (noverán),etc. Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

She plays football twice a year. (Elaxogaaofútboldúasvecesaoano.)

• Taménseempreganestesadverbiosdefrecuencia:always(sempre),usually(poloxeral,normalmente),often(amiúdo),sometimes(algunhasveces,ásveces),rarely(raravez)enever(nunca).Estescolócansediantedoverbo,maisseacompañan aoverboto bevandetrás.

We often go there.(Amiúdoimosalí.) She is always funny.(Elasempreégraciosa).

Os usos do Present SimpleVerdadesxeraisedescricións

The sun sets in the west.(Osolponsepolooeste.)


Do you play football?(Xogasaofútbol?)

Gostoseopinión She likes sport.(Gostadosdeportes.)

Programasehorarios We get up at 7.30.(Erguémonosásseteemedia.)

O Present ContinuousExpresaoqueestáaocorrernomomentodefalarounoperíododetempopresente.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+am / is / are+unverborematadoen-ing.

He is visiting the house.(Elestáavisitaracasa.) Nosseguintescasos,cómprerepararnestasregrasortográficasparaengadir-ing aoverbo:

-Seremataenemudo,perdeoe: live - living

- Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante quenonsexaw, x ou y,dóbraseestaconsoante: run - running sit - sitting

-Seéde2sílabasetenoacentonaderradeira,dóbraseaderradeiraconsoante: refer - referring begin - beginning

-Seremataenl,dóbraseesaletra: travel - travelling

-Seremataenie,cámbiaseieporuny: lie - lying die - dying

• Negativa:suxeito+am / is / are+apartículanot ouacontracciónn’t(quesepodeengadirais e a are,maisnonaam)+unverborematadoen-ing.Naconversaadoitaempregarseaformacontraída.

We aren’t driving my car. (Nonestamosaconduciromeucoche.)

• Interrogativa: Am / Is / Are+suxeito+unverborematadoen-ing.

Is she sleeping at the moment? (Elaestáadurmirnestemomento?)

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• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídoennegativa.

Are you walking in the forest? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.(Estásaandarpolobosque?Estou.Si./Non.)

• O PresentContinuousadoitaempregarseparadescribirfotos,poissefaladaescenacomasefosealgoqueestáaocorreragora.

In the photo, there is a man. He is sitting on a chair. (Nafotohaiunhome.Estásentadonunhacadeira.)

• CoPresentContinuousadóitanseempregarasseguintesexpresións temporais:now(agora), at the moment(nestemomento),right now (arestora,agoramesmo),today(hoxe),these days (hoxeendía),this week(estasemana),etc. Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

I am buying a bus ticket now. (Estouamercarunbilletedeautobúsagora.)

Unit 1Contraste Present Simple / Present ContinuousO Present Simpleexpresahábitosecostumes,mentresqueo PresentContinuous sinalaoqueestáaocorrernomomentodefalar. I usually study at home, but today I’m studying at

my friend’s house.(Poloxeralestudonacasa,perohoxeestouaestudarnacasadomeuamigo.)

Os verbos “estáticos”Osverbosestáticosempréganseparaexpresargustos,sentimentosedesexos,actividadesdamente,posesiónepercepción.Refírenseaestadosencantodeaaccións,poloquenonseadoitanempregarcoPresentContinuous. She likes the film. (Elagustadapelícula.) I don’t know the answer. (Nonseiaresposta.)

There is / There areContábeis Non contábeis


There is a house.(Haiunhacasa.)There arerooms.(Haicuartos.)

There is rubbish.(Hailixo.)


There isn’t a toilet.(Nonhaiunbaño.)There aren’tbeds.(Nonhaicamas.)

There isn’t tea.(Nonhaité.)


Is there a fridge?(Haiunfrigorífico?)Are there tables?(Haimesas?)

Is there money?(Haicartos?)

Respostas curtas

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.(Hai.Si./Non.)Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.(Hai.Si./Non.)

• Afirmativa: There isvaiseguidodenomescontábeisensingularounoncontábeis.There are vaiseguidodenomescontábeisenplural.Ambososdouspodentraducirsecomo“Hai...”.

• Negativa: There is / There are +apartícula not (There is not / There are not)ouacontracciónn’t (There isn’t / There aren’t).

• Interrogativa:aspreguntascomezanporIs / Are+there.

• Respostas curtas:vólveseáordenormalenanegativaúsanseasformascontraídas.

Artigos e cuantificadores

a / an

Connomescontábeisensingular. Úsansediantedunnomequenonécoñecidopolofalante.

un/unha a picture, an orange pero a uniform


Connomescontábeisenoncontábeis. Úsansediantedunnomequeécoñecidopolofalante.

o, a, os / as

I have got a house. The house has got a garden.(Teñounhacasa. Acasatenunxardín.)


Frasesafirmativas: Connomescontábeisenpluralenoncontábeis.Frasesinterrogativas: Candoapreguntaexpresaunhaofertaoupeticióneagárdasequearespostasexaafirmativa.uns/unhas algúns/algunhas algode unpoucode (ou non se traduce)

There are some trees.(Haialgunhasárbores.)We’ve got some fruit.(Temosalgodefroita.)

Would you like some tea?(Querestomarté?)


Frasesnegativasouinterrogativas: Connomescontábeisenpluralenoncontábeis.

ningún/ningunha nada de (ou non se traduce)

I haven’t got any sisters.(Nonteñoningunhairmá.)She hasn’t got any money.(Nontencartos.)

algún/algunha algúns/algunhas algode (ou non se traduce)

Are there any biscuits?(Haialgunhagalleta?)Have you got any water?(Tesauga?)

a lot of / lots of


moito/a/os/as unhachea/moreade

A lot of children study here.(Moitosnenosestudanaquí.)I have got a lot of homework.(Teñomoitosdeberes.)Lots of people enjoy films.(Amoitaxentegústanlleaspelículas.)

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Nosseguintescasos,cómprerepararnestasregrasortográficasparaengadir-ed aoverbo:

- Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante quenonsexaw, x ou y,dóbraseestaconsoante: stop - stopped drop - dropped

- Seéde2sílabasetenoacentonaúltima,dóbraseaderradeiraconsoante: prefer - preferred permit - permitted-Seremataenl,dóbraseesaletra:

travel - travelled - Seremataenconsoante+y,cámbiaseo yporuni:

worry - worried try - tried-Seremataen e mudo,sóseengade-d:

bake - baked live - lived• Negativa: suxeito+did not ou didn’t+unverbonaformabase.

She didn’t go there.(Elanonfoialí.)• Interrogativa: Did+suxeito+unverbonaformabase.

Did you call her last night?(Chamáchelaapasadanoite?)

• Respostas curtas: ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+did ou didn’t.

Did she go to the party? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. (Elafoiáfesta?Foi.Si./Non.)

• CoPastSimpleadoitanempregarseestasexpresións temporais:asquelevanago(hai) aofinaldaexpresión,last night / week(apasadanoite,apasadasemana),at+unhahora,on+undíaouunhadata,in+unano,in the past (no pasado),yesterday(onte),etc.Podeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

Three days ago, they came. (Viñeronhaitresdías.) He created the company in 1989. (Elcreouaempresaen1989.)

Os usos do Past SimpleExpresaracciónspasadas

We watched that film. (Vimosestapelícula.)


They went home yesterday.(Fóronseácasaonte.)


I visited the tower. Then I went to the museum. (Visiteiatorre.Logofunaomuseo.)


In the past, people worked more hours. (Nopasado,axentetraballabamáishoras.)

There was / There wereContábeis Non contábeis


There was a house.(Habíaunhacasa.)There wererooms.(Habíacuartos.)

There was rubbish.(Habíalixo.)


There wasn’t a toilet.(Nonhabíaunbaño.)There weren’t beds.(Nonhabíacamas.)

There wasn’t tea.(Nonhabíaté.)



moitos/asMany students play football.(Moitosestudantesxoganaofútbol.)




I haven’t got much money.(Nonteñomoitoscartos.)

Was there much smoke?(Habíamoitofume?)

How many / How muchEmpregamosHow many e How muchparapreguntarpolacantidadedealgo.

How many ...?Cantos/as…?


How many rooms are there?(Cantascuartoshai?)

How much ...?Canto/a…?

Nomesnoncontábeis.Candovaicoverboto beserveparapreguntaroprezodunhacousa.

How much water do you need?(Cantaaugaprecisas?)How much is it?(Cantoé?)

Unit 2O Past Simple

Afirmativa Negativa Forma contraídaI washed I did not wash I didn’t washYou washed You did not wash You didn’t washHe washed He did not wash He didn’t washShe washed She did not wash She didn’t washIt washed It did not wash It didn’t washWe washed We did not wash We didn’t washYou washed You did not wash You didn’t washThey washed They did not wash They didn’t wash

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Did I wash ...? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.Did you wash ...? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.Did he wash ...? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.Did she wash ...? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.Did it wash ...? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.Did we wash ...? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.Did you wash ...? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.Did they wash ...? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

• Afirmativa: fórmaseengadindo-edaosverbosregulareseéigualentodasaspersoas.Osverbosirregularesnonseguenregraningunhaeporisocómpreaprendelosdememoria.Podesconsultaralistaxedaspáxinas24-25.

I visited Larry last night.(VisiteiaLarryestanoite.)

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Was there a fridge?(Habíaunfrigorífico?)Were there tables?(Habíamesas?)

Was there money?(Habíacartos?)

Respostas curtas

Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t.(Había.Si./Non.)Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.(Había.Si./Non.)

• Afirmativa: There wasvaiseguidodenomescontábeisensingularounoncontábeis.There were vaiseguidodenomescontábeisenplural. SonasformasdepasadodeThere is e There are e, polotanto,significan“Había...”ou“Houbo...”.

• Negativa: There was / There were+apartículanot (There was not / There were not)ouacontracciónn’t (There wasn’t / There weren’t).

• Interrogativa:aspreguntascomezanporWas / Were+there.

• Respostas curtas:vólveseáordenormalenanegativaempréganseasformascontraídas.

used toUsed to expresafeitosouestadosqueeranhabituaisnoutrotempoelogodeixarondeselo.Sótenformadepasadoevaiseguidodoutroverbonaformabase.Tradúcesecomoopretéritoimperfectodoverbo“adoitar”oudoverboqueosegue.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+used to +unverbonaformabase. We used to go to the swimming pool every day. (Adoitabamosir/Iamosápiscinatodososdías.)

• Negativa: suxeito+did not / didn’t+use to (sen“d”)+unverbonaformabase. He didn’t use to buy vegetables.(Nonadoitabamercar/mercabaverdurasnosupermercado.)

• Interrogativa: Did+suxeito+use to (sen “d”) + un verbo na forma base. Did you use to play tennis on Sundays? (Adoitabasxogar/Xogabasaotenisosdomingos?)

• Respostas curtas: ponse o pronome persoal suxeito+did ou didn’t. Did she use to travel abroad? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.(Adoitabaviaxar/Viaxabaaoestranxeiro?Viaxaba.Si./Non.)

Unit 3O comparativo dos adxectivosParacomparardúascousas,animaisoupersoasempréganseosadxectivosengraocomparativo.

• Ocomparativodesuperioridade(máis...que/ca/doque)úsaseparacomparardúascousas,animaisoupersoascandounhasuperaáoutranalgúnaspecto.Paraformalocómprerepararnalonxitudedoadxectivo:


A crocodile is bigger than a lizard. (Uncrocodiloémáisgrandecaunlagarto.)


- Seten1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante, dóbraseesaconsoante: thin - thinner big - bigger

-Seten2sílabaseremataenconsoante+y, cámbiaseoyporuni: crazy - crazier lucky - luckier

-Seremataenl,duplícaseesaletra: cruel - crueller

-Seremataenemudo,sóseengade-r: nice - nicer


Wolves are more dangerous than zebras. (Oslobossonmáisperigososcáscebras.)

• Ocomparativodeinferioridadefórmaseconless+adxectivo+than(menos...que/ca/doque).

Chimpanzees are less frightening than gorillas. (Oschimpancésdanmenosmedocósgorilas.)

O superlativo dos adxectivos• Emprégaseparacompararmáisdedúascousas,animaisoupersoasedicirqueunhasalientasobreasdemais.Taméncómpreterencontaalonxitudedoadxectivo:

1.Seécurto,ponsediantetheeengádeselleaterminación-estsegundoasmesmasregrasqueempregamosparaformarocomparativocon-er. This is the cheapest necklace in the shop. (Esteéocolarmáisbaratodatenda.)

2.Seélongo,ponsediantethe most. This forest is the most pleasant place in the area. (Estebosqueéolugarmáisagradábeldazona.)

• Osuperlativopodeirseguidodaspreposicións in, of e on.

Spring is the most colourful season of the year. (Aprimaveraéaestaciónmáiscoloridadoano.)

• Paraindicarquealguénoualgoéinferiorque orestonalgúnaspectoemprégaseaestrutura the least+adxectivo.

Deserts are the least noisy places in the world. (Os desertossonoslugaresmenosruidososdomundo.)

Os adxectivos irregulares


Adxectivo Comparativo Superlativogood (bo/a) better bestbad (malo/a, mao/má) worse worst

far (lonxano/a, afastado/a) farther / further farthest / furthest

little (pouco/a) less least

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(not) as ... as / too ... / (not) ... enough• Ocomparativodeigualdadefórmasecon(not) as+adxectivo+as((non)tan/tanto...como/a).

This table is as heavy as an elephant. (Estamesaétanpesadacomaunelefante.)

Mount Aneto is not as high as Mount Everest. (OAnetononétanaltocomaoEverest.)

• Toovaidiantedoadxectivoesinalaqueacualidadeexpresadaporesteéexcesiva.Significa“demáis/demasiado”.

These earrings are too expensive for me. (Estespendentessoncarosdemáisparamin.)

• Porén, enough ponsedetrásdoadxectivoesignifica“(o)bastante/abondo”ou“(o)suficientemente”.

This pub is lively enough for us. (Estebaré(o)bastante/abondoanimadoparanós.)


This place is not peaceful enough to study. (Este lugarnoné(o)bastantetranquiloparaestudar.)

I didn’t feel full enough after the meal. (Nonmesentín(o)suficientementecheodespoisdacomida.)

Unit 4Subject / Object QuestionsAspartículasinterrogativaswho, what, which, where, when, why e how often empréganseparafacerpreguntassobreosuxeito,ocomplementodirectoouocomplementocircunstancialdaoración.

• Parapedirinformaciónsobreosuxeitoempregamoswho ou what.Aordedaspalabrasnapreguntaéamesmaqueadunhafraseafirmativaesempreseponoverbona3ªpersoadosingular,maisarespostapodeirensingularouenplural.Who works in this company? He works in this company. (Quentraballanestaempresa?Eltraballanestaempresa.)What makes you feel happy? Babies make me feel happy. (Quechefaisentirfeliz?Osbebésfanmesentirfeliz.)

• Parapedirinformaciónsobreocomplementodirectoempregamoswho, what ou which.Aordedaspalabrasnapreguntaéamesmaqueadunhafraseinterrogativa,dexeitoquesemprehaiqueinverteraordesuxeito-verboouempregardo, does ou did.What do you prefer? (Queprefires?)Which sport do you play? (Aquedeportexogas?)Candooverborexeunhapreposición,estaponseaofinaldapregunta. Who did you play baseball with? (Conquenxogachesaobéisbol?)

• Parapedirinformaciónsobreocomplementocircunstancial(lugar,tempo,causaoufrecuencia)empregamoswhere, when, why ou how often.Aordedaspalabrasnapreguntaéamesmaqueadunhafraseinterrogativa,dexeitoquecómpreinverteraordesuxeito-verboouempregardo, does ou did.

Where does she have lunch? (Ondecomeela?)When did they arrive? (Candochegaron?)Why is Beth crying? (PorqueestáachorarBeth?)How often does it rain? (Conquefrecuenciachove?)

Os adverbios de modo• Osadverbiosdemododescribenaformaenqueserealizaaacción.ConelesrespóndeseáspreguntasquecomezanporHow ... ?(Como...?).

• Osmáissonregularesefórmanseengadindoaterminación-ly aoadxectivocorrespondente. They eat slowly. (Comenamodo.)

Seoadxectivoremataen consoante + y,cámbiase o yporunielogoengádese-ly. It all ended happily. (Todorematoufelizmente.)

• Algúnssonirregularese,oubenonseasemellannadaaoadxectivo,oubensoniguais. She sings very well. (Elacantamoiben.)

O comparativo dos adverbios• Serveparacomparardúasacciónsefórmaseasí:

more / less+adverbio+than. You listened to it more carefully than I did. (Escoitácheloconmáisatencióncamin.)

• Coas+adverbio+asindícasequedúasacciónsserealizandomesmoxeito. We ran as fast as you.(Corremostanáprésacomati.)

Os adverbios irregularesAononseguirenregraningunhacómpreaprender dememoriaestesadverbiosemaisasúaformacomparativa.

Adxectivo Adverbio Forma comparativa

fast(rápido/a) fast(áprésa,rapidamente)

faster thanhard (duro/a;difícil)

hard (duro,moito)

harder than

high(alto/a) high(alto) higher thanfar(lonxano/a,afastado/a)


farther / further than

good(bo/a) well(ben) better thanbad(malo/a,mao/má)

badly(mal) worse than

Unit 5O Past Continuous

Afirmativa NegativaI was eating I was not / wasn’t eatingYou were eating You were not / weren’t eatingHe was eating He was not / wasn’t eatingShe was eating She was not / wasn’t eatingIt was eating It was not / wasn’t eatingWe were eating We were not / weren’t eatingYou were eating You were not / weren’t eatingThey were eating They were not / weren’t eating

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InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Was I eating? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.Were you eating? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.Was he eating? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.Was she eating? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.Was it eating? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.Were we eating? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.Were you eating? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.Were they eating? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+was / were+unverborematadoen-ing.

I was cooking in the kitchen. (Estabaacociñarnacociña.)

Asregrasparaengadir-ing pódenseconsultarnapáxina12.

• Negativa:suxeito+was / were +apartículanot ouacontracciónn’t+unverborematadoen-ing.

They weren’t playing tennis. (Nonestabanaxogaraotenis.)

• Interrogativa: Was / Were+suxeito+unverborematadoen-ing.

Was Sue taking pictures? (Sueestabaafacerfotos?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+was / were,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídoennegativa.

Was it raining yesterday? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. (Estivoachoveronte?Estivo.Si./Non.)

• Co PastContinuous adóitanseempregarestas expresións temporais:asquelevan ago (hai)aofinaldaexpresión, at +unhahora, yesterday morning / afternoon (ontepolamañá/tarde), last night (esta pasadanoite), etc.Podeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

They were watching a match at six o’clock yesterday. (Estabanaverunpartidoonteásseisenpunto.)

Os usos do Past Continuous


At eight o’clock last night, we were swimming. (Estanoitepasadaásoitoenpunto,estabamosanadar.)

Describirdúasoumáisacciónsprolongadasesimultáneasnopasado,unidaspor while ou as

She was talking to her friend while / as she was driving. (Elaestabaafalarcoasúaamigamentresestabaaconducir.)

Contraste Past Continuous / Past Simple• OPastSimplesinalaqueaacciónocorreuerematounotemposinaladonafrase,mentresque o PastContinuousfaladeacciónsprolongadasqueestabanaocorrernopasado.

He did his homework last Monday. (Fixoosdeberesolunspasado.)

He was doing his homework yesterday afternoon. (Estivoafacerosdeberesontepolatarde.)

• CoPastSimpleadoitaempregarsewheneco PastContinuousasconxunciónswhile ou as.

We were listening to the news when he arrived. (Estabamosaescoitarasnoticiascandochegou.)

While / As we were listening to the news, he arrived. (Chegoumentresestabamosaescoitarasnoticias.)

Unit 6O futuro con will

Afirmativa Forma contraídaI will read I’ll readYou will read You’ll readHe will read He’ll readShe will read She’ll readIt will read It’ll readWe will read We’ll readYou will read You’ll readThey will read They’ll readNegativa Forma contraídaI will not read I won’t readYou will not read You won’t readHe will not read He won’t readShe will not read She won’t readIt will not read It won’t readWe will not read We won’t readYou will not read You won’t readThey will not read They won’t read

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Will I read ...? Yes, I will. No, I won’t.Will you read ...? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.Will he read ...? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.Will she read ...? Yes, she will. No, she won’t.Will it read ...? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.Will we read ...? Yes, we will. No, we won’t.Will you read ...? Yes, you will. No, you won’t.Will they read ...? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+oauxiliarwill+verbonaformabase.Éomesmoentodasaspersoas.Naconversa,willcontraecosuxeito(’ll)epronúnciasecomounsó“l”.

We will win the match.(Gañaremosopartido.)• Negativa:suxeito+will+apartículanot (ou a contracciónwon’t)+verbonaformabase.

They won’t score another goal.(Nonmarcaránoutrogol.)• Interrogativa: Will+suxeito+verbonaformabase. Will Jess play today?(Jessxogaráhoxe?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+will ou won’t.

Will pollution increase? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. (Iraamáisacontaminación?Irá.Si./Non.)

• Cowilladoitanempregarseexpresións temporais comolater(máistarde,logo),soon(pronto,axiña,nunpouco),in an hour(dentrodeunhahora),next month / year(omes/oanoquevén/próximo/vindeiro),

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tomorrow(mañá),etc.Taménseempreganoutrasqueindicanunfuturoafastado:in ten years(dentrodedezanos),in+unano,one day(algúndía),in the future (nofuturo),etc.Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadoitapoñerseaofinal.

One day, I will become a doctor. (Algúndíachegareiasermédico.)

Os usos do futuro con willAnunciaracciónsoufeitosfuturos

Messi will score a goal.(Messimarcaráungol.)


I think it will rain tomorrow.(Creoquechoverámañá.)


It’s cold. I’ll take my coat.(Vaifrío.Collereioabrigo.)

O futuro con be going toAfirmativa Forma contraídaI am going to run I’m going to runYou are going to run You’re going to runHe is going to run He’s going to runShe is going to run She’s going to runIt is going to run It’s going to runWe are going to run We’re going to runYou are going to run You’re going to runThey are going to run They’re going to runNegativa e forma contraídaI am not / I’m not going to runYou are not / You aren’t / You’re not going to runHe is not / He isn’t / He’s not going to runShe is not / She isn’t / She’s not going to runIt is not / It isn’t / It’s not going to runWe are not / We aren’t / We’re not going to runYou are not / You aren’t / You’re not going to runThey are not / They aren’t / They’re not going to run

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Am I going to run? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.Are you going to run? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Is he going to run? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.Is she going to run? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.Is it going to run? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.Are we going to run? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.Are you going to run? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Are they going to run? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+to beenpresente+ going to+verbonaformabase.

He is going to have a party. (Elvaifacerunhafesta.)• Negativa:suxeito+ to beenpresente+ not (n’t)+

going to+verbonaformabase. They aren’t going to order pizza. (Nonvanpedirpizza.)

• Interrogativa: to beenpresente+suxeito+going to +verbonaformabase.

Is she going to take a trip? (Elavaifacerunhaviaxe?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídoennegativa.

Are you going to go hiking? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. (Vasfacerunhaandaina?Vou.Si./Non.)

• Cobe going toadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporais:later(máistarde,logo),soon (axiña,pronto,nunpouco),this afternoon / evening (estatarde),tonight (esta noite),tomorrow (mañá), in+unano,next week / month / year(asemana/omes/oanoquevén/vindeiro/a),in the future (no futuro),on+undíadasemanaoudata,etc. Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanempregarseaofinal.

I am going to visit my relatives later. (Vouvisitarosmeusparenteslogo.)

Next month, I’m going to go to a concert. (Omesquevénvouiraunconcerto.)

Os usos do futuro con be going toFalardeintencións,plansoudecisións

I’m going to visit Ireland.(VouvisitarIrlanda.)

Expresaroquevaiocorrerporquevemossinais diso

I am very tired. I am going to sleep late. (Estoumoicansa.Vouerguermetarde.)

El Present Continuous con valor de futuro• O PresentContinuous (comoxaseviunaunidadeintrodutoria)emprégaseparaexpresaroqueestáaocorrernomomentodefalar.Fórmasecon to be+unverborematadoen -ing, edébenseseguirunhasregrasortográficasparaengadircorrectamenteestaterminación.

• Pero,ademais,oPresentContinuous ten“valor defuturo”,poisseempregaparaanunciaracciónsfixadasconadiantoouplansconcretosqueocorreránnofuturovindeiro.

I am visiting my cousins next week. (Visito/Visitareiaosmeuscurmánsasemanavindeira.)

• Adiferenzaco PresentContinuous normalestáenqueoquetenvalordefuturodebelevarunhaexpresión temporal defuturoqueindiquecando vaiocorreraacción:next week (asemanaquevén/próxima/vindeira),this afternoon / evening (esta tarde),on+undíadasemanaouunhadata, in+un mesouunano, at+unhahora, in ten minutes (dentrodedezminutos),tomorrow (mañá),etc.

The library is opening in one hour. (Abibliotecaabre/abrirádentrodunhahora.)

• Adiferenzacon be going to équenonsetratasódunhaintención,senóndealgoquevaiocorrercontodaseguridadepoisxasefixoudeantemán.Conestevalorempréganseprincipalmenteosverbosdemovemento.

She is running in a race tomorrow. (Elacorre/correránunhacarreiramañá.)[seguro]

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O primeiro condicionalEmprégaseparafalardeacciónsqueocorreránsesecumpreacondiciónsinalada.

• Afirmativa:acondición(oraciónsubordinada)exprésaseconif+PresentSimple,eoresultado(oraciónprincipal)adoitairenfuturoconwill.

He will win the medal if he runs faster. (Elgañaráamedallasecorremáisáprésa.) Seacondiciónvaiprimeiro,ponseunhavirgulaentreaoraciónprincipaleasubordinada.

If he runs faster, he will win the medal. (Seelcorremáisáprésa,gañaráamedalla.)

• Negativa:pódesenegaroverboenpresente,overboenfuturoouambososdous.

If he doesn’t go, I will stay at home. (Seelnonvai,quedareinacasa.) If he goes, I won’t stay at home. (Seelvai,nonquedareinacasa.) If he doesn’t go, I won’t stay at home. (Seelnonvai,nonquedareinacasa.)

• Interrogativa: Will+suxeito+predicadodaoraciónprincipal+oraciónsubordinada.

Will they go skiing if it is stormy? (Iránesquiarsehaitormenta?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+will ou won’t.

Will you come to the beach if it is sunny? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t.(Virásápraiasevaisol?Virei.Si./Non.)

Paraexpresarmosquealgoocorreráounonocorrerásenonsecumpreacondición,asubordinadaintrodúcesepolaconxunción unless, queequivalea if not (“anonserque”,“amenosque”,“senon”).Estaconxunciónemprégaseconbastanteasiduidadenoprimeirocondicional,peroémenosfrecuentenosegundo. Unless you train us, we will lose the next match. (Anonserquenosadestres/Senonnosadestras,perderemosovindeiropartido.)

O segundo condicionalEmprégaseparafalardeacciónshipotéticasreferidasaopresente(édicir,queépoucoprobábelqueocorran)etaménparadarconsellos.

• Afirmativa:acondiciónfórmaseconif+PastSimple, eoresultadoconwould(ouacontracción’d)+overbonaformabase.If there were more policemen, people would feel safe. (Sehoubesemáispolicías,axentesentiríasesegura.)

Nocantode would, podemosempregaroverbomodal could noresultado,maisestesinalaqueaprobabilidadedequesecumpraahipóteseéaíndamenor.Equivaleaoverbo“poder”encondicionalouásexpresións“talvez”ou“quizá/s”+condicional.If I had money, I could buy a new car. (Seeutivesecartos,talvezmercaríauncochenovo.)

Seoverbodacondiciónéto be,adóitaseempregarwereentodasaspersoasdosingularedoplural. If he were home, he’d open the door. (Seelestivesenacasa,abriríaaporta.)

Paradarconsellosemprégaseafórmula If I were.If I were you, I’d go to the new market. (Eudeti,iríaaomercadonovo.)

• Negativa: pódesenegaracondición,oresultadoouambososdous.If I didn’t have a car, I would go by bus. (Seeunontiveseuncoche,iríaenautobús.)If I had a car, I wouldn’t go by bus. (Seeutiveseuncoche,noniríaenautobús.)If I didn’t have a car, I wouldn’t go by bus. (Seeunontiveseuncoche,noniríaenautobús.)

• Interrogativa: Would +suxeito+predicadodaoraciónprincipal+oraciónsubordinada.Would you buy a house in the city if you had money? (Mercaríasunhacasanacidadesetivesescartos?)

• Respostas curtas: ponseopronomepersoal suxeito+ would ou wouldn’t.Would you do volunteer work if you had free time? Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.(Traballaríascomovoluntariosetivesestempolibre?Traballaría.Si./Non.)

Unit 7O Present Perfect Simple

Afirmativa Forma contraídaI have played I’ve playedYou have played You’ve playedHe has played He’s playedShe has played She’s playedIt has played It’s playedWe have played We’ve playedYou have played You’ve playedThey have played They’ve playedNegativa Forma contraídaI have not played I haven’t playedYou have not played You haven’t playedHe has not played He hasn’t playedShe has not played She hasn’t playedIt has not played It hasn’t playedWe have not played We haven’t playedYou have not played You haven’t playedThey have not played They haven’t played

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Have I played ...? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.Have you played ...? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.Has he played ...? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.Has she played ...? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.Has it played ...? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.Have we played ...? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.Have you played ...? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.Have they played ...? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

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• Afirmativa:suxeito+has / have+unverboenparticipio.Oparticipiofórmaseengadindo -ed aos verbosregulareseéomesmoentodasaspersoas.Osverbosirregularesnonseguenningunharegraeporisocómpreaprendelosdememoria.Podesconsultalosnalistaxedaspáxinas24-25.

We have milked the cows. (Muximosasvacas.)• Negativa:suxeito+has / have+apartículanot ou acontracciónn’t+unverboenparticipio.

Megan hasn’t swum with sharks. (Megannonnadouconquenllas.)

• Interrogativa: Has / Have+suxeito+unverboenparticipio.

Have you had any unusual pets? (Tivechesalgunhamascotapoucocomún?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+has / have,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Have they discovered anything? Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. (Descubrironalgo?Descubriron.Si./Non.)

• Co PresentPerfectSimple adoitanempregarseosseguintesadverbios e expresións:



Have you ever held a snake?(Collichesalgunhavezunhaserpe?)

negativa: “nunca”,“xamais”

I haven’t ever fed lions.(Nuncadeidecomeraleóns.)

never afirmativa:“nunca”

She has never trained dogs.(Nuncaadestreicans.)

always “sempre” They’ve always had that car. (Sempretiveronesecoche.)

already afirmativa: “xa”

We’ve already been to Berlin. (XaestivemosenBerlín.)

just afirmativa:“acabar/virde”

We have just met them.(Acabámolosdecoñecer.)


negativa: “aínda”

She hasn’t tried your cake yet. (Aíndanonprobeioteupastel.)

interrogativa: “xa”

Have you watched that film yet? (Vichesesapelículaxa?)

recently “haipouco” Have they been here recently? (Estiveronaquíhaipouco?)

lately “ultimamente”He hasn’t been to the gym lately. (Nonforonaoximnasioultimamente.)

several times “variasveces”

They have volunteered there several times. (Foronvoluntariosalívariasveces.)

so far “atéomomento”

How much of the country have you explored so far?(Cantoexplorachesdopaísatéomomento?)

Cómpreterencontaque just, already, always, ever e never póñenseentreoauxiliar have eoparticipiodoverboprincipal.Yet colócaseaofinaldafrase.Orestopodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

for / sinceCo PresentPerfectSimple taménseempreganasexpresións temporaisquecomezancon:• Apreposiciónforseguidadunperíododetempoqueindicaaduracióndaacción.Tradúcesecomo“aolongode”ounonsetraduce.

Your sister has lived in the USA for one year. (AtúairmáviviuenEUAaolongodeunano.) (AtúairmáviviuunanoenEUA.)

• Apreposiciónsince,quesinalaomomentoenquecomezouaacción.Tradúcesecomo“desde/dende”.

I haven’t seen him since Tuesday. (Nonovindesde/dendeomartes.)

Os usos do Present Perfect SimpleAcciónsquecomezaronnopasadoeaíndacontinúan(levafor ou sinceetradúceseenpresente)

Sam has volunteered at the Red Cross since 1998. (SamévoluntariodaCruzVermelladesde1998.)


I have rowed for hours. I’m very tired now. (Remeihoras.Agoraestoumoicanso.)


I have parachuted once.(Salteienparacaídasunhavez.)

Acciónsmoirecentes(leva justetradúcesepor“acabar/virde”+infinitivo

The aeroplane has just landed. (Oaviónacabadeaterrar.)

Unit 8can

Afirmativa NegativaI can play I cannot / can’t playYou can play You cannot / can’t playHe can play He cannot / can’t playShe can play She cannot / can’t playIt can play It cannot / can’t playWe can play We cannot / can’t playYou can play You cannot / can’t playThey can play They cannot / can’t play

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Can I play? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.Can you play? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.Can he play? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.Can she play? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.Can it play? Yes, it can. No, it can’t.Can we play? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.Can you play? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.Can they play? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.


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• Afirmativa:suxeito+can+verbonaformabase.Comoéunverbomodal,nonseengade-s na 3ª persoadosingular.

She can play football. (Elasabexogaraofútbol.)• Negativa: suxeito+cannot ouacontraccióncan’t+verbonaformabase.

My brother can’t ride a bike. (Omeuirmánnonsabe/podemontarenbici.)

• Interrogativa: Can +suxeito+verbonaformabase. Can you throw me the ball? (Podeslanzarmeapelota?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+can ou can’t.

Can they play today? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. (Podenxogarhoxe?Poden.Si./Non.)

Os usos de canHabilidadeoucapacidadeparafaceralgo:“saber”

I can speak Spanish.(Seifalarespañol.)


I can meet you tomorrow.(Podoquedarcontigomañá.)


Can you close the door?(Podespecharaporta?)

couldAfirmativa NegativaI could go I couldn’t goYou could go You couldn’t goHe could go He couldn’t goShe could go She couldn’t goIt could go It couldn’t goWe could go We couldn’t goYou could go You couldn’t goThey could go They couldn’t go

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Could I go? Yes, I could. No, I couldn’t.Could you go? Yes, you could. No, you couldn’t.Could he go? Yes, he could. No, he couldn’t.Could she go? Yes, she could. No, she couldn’t.Could it go? Yes, it could. No, it couldn’t.Could we go? Yes, we could. No, we couldn’t.Could you go? Yes, you could. No, you couldn’t.Could they go? Yes, they could. No, they couldn’t.

• Afirmativa: suxeito+could+verbonaformabase.Comoéunverbomodal,nonseengade-s na 3ª persoadosingular.

When I was five, I could speak two languages. (Candotiñacincoanos,sabíafalardousidiomas.)

In the past, people could drive fast on this road. (Nopasado,axentepodíaconduciráprésanestaestrada.)

• Negativa: suxeito+could not ouacontracción couldn’t(amáishabitualéasegunda)+verbo naformabase.

They couldn’t find any ghosts in the house. (Nonpuideronatoparningunhapantasmanacasa.)

• Interrogativa: Could+suxeito+verbonaformabase.

Could they give you any explanation? (Puiderondarchealgunhaexplicación?)

• Respostas curtas: ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+could ou couldn’t.

Could they do it? Yes, they could. / No, they couldn’t. (Puideronfacelo?Puideron.Si./Non.)

Os usos de couldHabilidadeoucapacidadeparafaceralgonopasado

Sam could read at the age of six. (Samsabíalerconseisanos.)


I couldn’t refuse to do it. (Nonpuidennegarmeafacelo.)


Could you pick me up? (Poderíasrecollerme?)

mustAfirmativa NegativaI must run I mustn’t runYou must run You mustn’t runHe must run He mustn’t runShe must run She mustn’t runIt must run It mustn’t runWe must run We mustn’t runYou must run You mustn’t runThey must run They mustn’t run

Overbomodalmust en afirmativasignifica“deber”eexpresaaobrigaouanecesidadegrandedefaceralgo.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+must+verbonaformabase.Comoéunverbomodal,nonseengade -s na 3ª persoadosingular.

In the UK, you must drive on the left. (NoReinoUnido,debesconducirpolaesquerda.)

• Negativa:suxeito+must notouacontracciónmustn’t(amáishabitualéasegunda)+verbo naformabase.

You mustn’t kick the basketball. (Nondebesdarllepatadasaobalóndebaloncesto.)[estáprohibido]

You mustn’t shout at the other players. (Nondebesberraraosoutrosxogadores.)[nonécorrecto]

• Interrogativa: Must+suxeito+verbonaformabase.Nestecaso,mustexpresaobrigaounecesidade,aíndaqueesteverbomodalnonseadoitaempregarnaformainterrogativa.

Must I bring water?(Debolevarauga?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+must.

Must you leave now? Yes, I must. (Debesirteagora?Debo.Si.)

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22New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

should Afirmativa NegativaI should try I shouldn’t tryYou should try You shouldn’t tryHe should try He shouldn’t tryShe should try She shouldn’t tryIt should try It shouldn’t tryWe should try We shouldn’t tryYou should try You shouldn’t tryThey should try They shouldn’t try

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Should I try? Yes, I should. No, I shouldn’t.Should you try? Yes, you should. No, you shouldn’t.Should he try? Yes, he should. No, he shouldn’t.Should she try? Yes, she should. No, she shouldn’t.Should it try? Yes, it should. No, it shouldn’t.Should we try? Yes, we should. No, we shouldn’t.Should you try? Yes, you should. No, you shouldn’t.Should they try? Yes, they should. No, they shouldn’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+should+verbonaformabase.Comoéunverbomodal,nonseengade -s na 3ª persoadosingular.

You should have a balanced diet. (Deberíaslevarunhadietaequilibrada.)• Negativa:suxeito+should notouacontracción


You shouldn’t eat junk food. (Nondeberíascomercomidalixo.)

• Interrogativa: Should+suxeito+verbonaformabase.

Should I be worried? (Deberíaestarpreocupado?)• Respostas curtas:sponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+should ou shouldn’t.

Should I lose weight? Yes, you should. / No, you shouldn’t. (Deberíaadelgazar?Debería.Si./Non.)

Os usos de should

Darconsellos You should go now. It’s late.(Deberíasmarcharxa.Étarde.)


They shouldn’t shout here. (Nondeberíanberraraquí.)

have toAfirmativa NegativaI have to go I don’t have to goYou have to go You don’t have to goHe has to go He doesn’t have to goShe has to go She doesn’t have to goIt has to go It doesn’t have to goWe have to go We don’t have to goYou have to go You don’t have to goThey have to go They don’t have to go

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Do I have to go? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Do you have to go? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.Does he have to go? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.Does she have to go? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.Does it have to go? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.Do we have to go? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.Do you have to go? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.Do they have to go? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+have / has to +verbonaformabase.Significa“terque”eexpresa,comamust,aobrigaounecesidadedefaceralgo.Adiferenzaéquehave tosiseconxugae,poriso,emprégasenostemposquemustnonten.We have to send her an e-mail right now. (Temos queenviarlleuncorreoelectrónicoagoramesmo.)

• Negativa:suxeito+don’t / doesn’t have to+verbonaformabase.Significa“nonterque/porque”.He doesn’t have to buy her a present. (Nontenque/porquecomprarlleunagasallo.)

Lembra quehave tosignificaomesmocamust, pero don’t have to e mustn’t nonsonequivalentes.You don’t have to go. (Nontesque/porqueir.)[nonépreciso]You mustn’t go. (Nondebesir.)[estáprohibido]

• Interrogativa: Do / Does+suxeito+have to+verbonaformabase.Do you have to do any homework this afternoon? (Tesquefacerdeberesestatarde?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+do / does ou don’t / doesn’t.Does she have to leave now? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t.(Tenquemarcharagora?Ten.Si./Non.)

need toAfirmativa NegativaI need to call I don’t need to callYou need to call You don’t need to callHe needs to call He doesn’t need to callShe needs to call She doesn’t need to callIt needs to call It doesn’t need to callWe need to call We don’t need to callYou need to call You don’t need to callThey need to call They don’t need to call

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Do I need to call? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Do you need to call? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.Does he need to call? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.Does she need to call? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.Does it need to call? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.Do we need to call? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.Do you need to call? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.Do they need to call? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

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Grammar Appendix

23New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Need tosignifica“terque”eexpresa,comohave to, a obrigaounecesidadedefaceralgo.Pódeseconxugardexeitoquepodeempregarseentodosostemposverbais.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+need / needs to+verbonaformabase.

I need to rest for a few days because I’m tired. (Teñoquedescansarunsdíasporqueestoucansa.)

• Negativa:suxeito+don’t / doesn’t need to +verbonaformabase.

You don’t need to help me. (Nontesqueaxudarme.)• Interrogativa: Do / Does+suxeito+need to+verbonaformabase.

Do you need to buy something for dinner? (Tesquemercaralgoparaacea?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+do / does ou don’t / doesn’t.

Does he need to come home soon? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. (Tenquevirprontoácasa?Ten.Si./Non.)

Unit 9O estilo indirecto• Emprégaseparacontarmosoquealguéndixo senrepetirxustamenteassúaspalabras.Paraiso,emprégaseoverbosayeaconxunciónthat (esta adóitaseomitirnoinglésfalado),quítanseascomiñasecámbianseopronomesuxeitoeapersoadoverbo.“Many people use watches,” Alice says. Alice says that many people use watches.(Alicediquemoitaxenteusareloxos.)

• Maisonormalécontaloenpasado.Polotanto,emprégasesaide,ademais,overbodaoraciónintroducidaporthatdáunsaltocaraatrásnotempo.

Estilo directo Estilo indirectoPresent Simple Past Simple

“I always recycle newspapers,” Beth said.Beth said that she always recycled newspapers. (Bethdixoquesemprereciclabaosxornais.)Present Continuous Past Continuous

“She is giving a talk at school,” Paul said.Paul said that she was giving a talk at school. (Pauldixoqueelaestabaadarunhacharlanocolexio.)will would“I will visit all the museums in Oslo,” Jane said.Jane said that she would visit all the museums in Oslo. (JanedixoquevisitaríatodososmuseosdeOslo.)can could“You can buy green products,” he said.He said that we could buy green products. (Eldixoquepodiamosmercarprodutosecolóxicos.)

• Ocambiodeestilodirectoaindirectotaménafectaásexpresiónsdetempoedelugar,aosdemostrativoseaosposesivos:

Estilo directo Estilo indirectonow, today, tonight then, that day, that nighttomorrow the next / following day, the day after

next week / year the following week / year, the week / year after

here therethis, these that, thosemy his / her, etc.

Reporting verbs• Sonosqueintroducenoestiloindirectocomo say

e tellparatransmitiramensaxesenengadirmáisinformaciónnoqueserefireáintenciónoutondofalante.Overbotellvaisempreseguidodeuncomplementoindirecto.O verbo saypodelevarounonlevarcomplementoindirecto,maisseoleva, debeirprecedidodeto.

tell+c.indirecto say(+to+c.indirecto)“I throw the newspapers in the recycling bin,” he said. He said (to us) / told us that he threw the newspapers in the recycling bin. (Eldíxonosquetirabaosxornaisaocolectordereciclaxe.)

O xerundio e o infinitivoO xerundio


• Comosuxeitodaoraciónaofalarmosdeaccións oufeitosenxeral.Visiting Beijing was an amazing experience. (VisitarPequínfoiunhaexperienciaincríbel.)

•Comoobxectodirectodalgúnsverbos:finish, enjoy, avoid, miss, recommend, suggest, imagine, regret, keep, mind, spend,etc.She enjoys eating food from different countries. (Elagozatomandocomidadedistintospaíses.)

•Detrásdaspreposicións.He is thinking about learning Chinese. (Elestápensandoenaprenderchinés.)

• Detrásdalgunhasformasverbais:can’t stand, feel like, don’t mind, it’s no use, look forward to,etc.I don’t mind walking to work. (Nonmeimportairandandoaotraballo.)

O infinitivo

Éaformaverbalprecedidade toeemprégasenestescasos:

• Detrásdeverboscomo: decide, want, promise, hope, pretend, refuse, offer, agree, seem, appear, choose, expect, learn, plan, wish, allow, wait, etc.Paul has promised to take her dog to the vet. (Paulprometeulevaroseucanáveterinaria.)She decided to wear the red tights. (Decidiupoñerasmediasvermellas.)

• Despoisdeadxectivoscomo easy, happy, sad, lucky, hard, surprised e nice.I’m happy to volunteer. (Estoucontentaporservoluntaria.)

Verbos seguidos de xerundio e de infinitivo

Algúnsverbos (like, love, hate, prefer, begin, start, continue,etc.)podenirseguidosdexerundiooudeinfinitivosenoqueoseusignificadovaríe.

They like going / to go to summer camps. (Gostan/Gustandeiraoscampamentosdeverán.)

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be /VA/ was/were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ ser, estarbeat /VAW/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ golpear, baterbecome /VB'YJl/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ chegar a ser, convertersebegin /VB'ZBm/ began /VB'Zæm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ comezar, empezarbend /VCmX/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ dobrar(se)bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ apostarbite /VOW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ trabarbleed /VoAX/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ sangrarblow /VoLH/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ soprarbreak /VpMY/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYLm/ crebar, romper, racharbring /VpBn/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ traerbuild /VBoX/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ construírburn /VKm/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ queimarbuy /VO/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ mercar, comprarcatch /Yæa/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ coller, agarrarchoose /aIh/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ elixircome /YJl/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ vircost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ custarcut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cortardig /XBZ/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ cavar, sachardo /XI/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ facerdraw /XpG/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ debuxardream /XpAl/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ soñardrink /XpBnY/ drank /XpænY/ drunk /XpJnY/ beberdrive /XpOd/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ conducireat /AW/ ate /CBW/ eaten /'AWm/ comerfall /cGo/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGoLm/ caerfeed /cAX/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ alimentarfeel /cAo/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ sentir(se)fight /cOW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ loitar, pelexarfind /cOmX/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ atoparfly /coO/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ voarforget /cL'ZCW/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ esquecerforgive /cL'ZBd/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ perdoarfreeze /cpAh/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ conxelar(se)get /ZCW/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ conseguir, acadar; chegargive /ZBd/ gave /ZMd/ given /'ZBdm/ dargo /ZN/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ irgrow /ZpN/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ crecer; cultivarhang /kæn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ pendurarhave /kæd/ had /kæX/ had /kæX/ ter; haberhear /kBL/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ oír, ouvirhide /kOX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ agochar(se)hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ golpear, bater, pegarhold /kNoX/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ suxeitar, soster, termar dehurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ ferir, mancar, magoar; doerkeep /YAU/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ gardar, manterknow /mN/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ saber, coñecer

24New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Irregular Verb List

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lay /oCB/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ poñer, pór, estenderlead /oAX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ guiar, conducirlearn /oKm/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ aprenderleave /oAd/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ deixar; marchar, saírlend /oCmX/ lent /oCmW/ lent /oCmW/ emprestar, deixarlet /oCW/ let /oCW/ let /oCW/ permitir, deixarlie /oO/ lay /oCB/ lain /oCBm/ tombarse, deitarselie /oO/ (regular verb) lied /oOX/ lied /oOX/ mentirlight /oOW/ lit /oBW/ lit /oBW/ acender, prenderlose /oIh/ lost /oFgW/ lost /oFgW/ perdermake /lCBY/ made /lCBX/ made /lCBX/ facer, fabricarmean /lAm/ meant /lCmW/ meant /lCmW/ significar, querer dicirmeet /lAW/ met /lCW/ met /lCW/ coñecer a; xuntarse conpay /UM/ paid /UMX/ paid /UMX/ pagarput /UHW/ put /UHW/ put /UHW/ poñer, pórread /pAX/ read /pCX/ read /pCX/ lerride /pOX/ rode /pLHX/ ridden /'pBXm/ montarring /pBn/ rang /pæn/ rung /pJn/ chamar (por teléfono)rise /pOh/ rose /pLHh/ risen /'pBhm/ elevarse, erguerserun /pJm/ ran /pæm/ run /pJm/ corrersay /gM/ said /gCX/ said /gCX/ dicirsee /gA/ saw /gG/ seen /gAm/ versell /gCo/ sold /gLHoX/ sold /gLHoX/ vendersend /gCmX/ sent /gCmW/ sent /gCmW/ enviarset /gCW/ set /gCW/ set /gCW/ colocarshake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/ axitarshine /iOm/ shone /iFm/ shone /iFm/ brillar, escintilarshoot /iIW/ shot /iFW/ shot /iFW/ dispararshow /iLH/ showed /iLHX/ shown /iLHm/ amosar, ensinarshut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ pecharsing /gBn/ sang /gæn/ sung /gJn/ cantarsink /gBnY/ sank /gænY/ sunk /gJnY/ afundirsit /gBW/ sat /gæW/ sat /gæW/ sentarsleep /goAU/ slept /goCUW/ slept /goCUW/ durmir(se)smell /glCo/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ ulir, cheirarspeak /gUAY/ spoke /gULHY/ spoken /'gULHYLm/ falarspell /gUCo/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ soletrearspend /gUCmX/ spent /gUCmW/ spent /gUCmW/ gastar; pasar (tempo)stand /gWæmX/ stood /gWHX/ stood /gWHX/ estar a pésteal /gWAo/ stole /gWLHo/ stolen /'gWLHoLm/ roubarstick /gWBY/ stuck /gWJY/ stuck /gWJY/ apegarsweep /grAU/ swept /grCUW/ swept /grCUW/ varrerswim /grBl/ swam /græl/ swum /grJl/ nadartake /WMY/ took /WHY/ taken /'WMYLm/ coller, levarteach /WAa/ taught /WGW/ taught /WGW/ aprender, ensinartear /WCL/ tore /WG/ torn /WGm/ rachar, esgazartell /WCo/ told /WLHoX/ told /WLHoX/ dicir, contarthink /eBnY/ thought /eGW/ thought /eGW/ coidar, pensarthrow /epN/ threw /epI/ thrown /epNm/ guindar, tirarunderstand /JmXC'gWæmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ comprender, entenderwake up /rMY 'JU/ woke up /rLHY 'JU/ woken up /rLHYLm 'JU/ espertarwear /rCL/ wore /rG/ worn /rGm/ levar posto; poñersewin /rBm/ won /rJm/ won /rJm/ gañarwrite /pOW/ wrote /pLHW/ written /'pBWm/ escribir

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Check Your Progress

Translation Exercises

Unit 1 1. Cantos alumnos están a facer judo neste

intre? 2. El está a mirar o correo electrónico na súa

tableta. 3. Usas un microscopio nas túas clases de

ciencias? 4. Hai algúns pinceis, un atlas e un compás

enriba do escritorio. 5. Ela aprende a facer salto de natación na


Unit 2 1. Abby naceu en Madrid, mais criouse en

Barcelona. 2. El adoitaba pertencer a un club deportivo. 3. Ela recibiu un premio porque foi voluntaria

nun hospital. 4. Despois diso, non me unín a grupo ningún. 5. El adoitaba roubar cousas?

Unit 3 1. É arrepiante de máis andar por ese cantil. 2. A costa leste está máis illada que a costa oeste. 3. Non é suficientemente seguro entrar no canón. 4. Estes son os baixíos de coral máis

extraordinarios do mundo. 5. O porto non é tan bulicioso como a praia.

Unit 4 1. Quen chamou á túa muller? 2. Quen está a correr sobre o chan mollado? 3. Meus pais están a bailar ledamente baixo a

choiva. 4. A miña tía corre máis á présa que o meu tío. 5. Non nado tan ben coma o meu curmán.

Unit 5 1. O xurado estivo sentado no tribunal durante

tres horas. 2. O investigador forense non estivo a traballar

no seu laboratorio onte. 3. O falsificador estaba a pintar un cadro cando

o policía o arrestou. 4. O garda xurado estaba a durmir ás 10:00. 5. O detective estivo a mirar pegadas dixitais

toda a mañá.

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Unit 6 1. Se a xente tirase o lixo ao océano, danaría o

baixío de coral. 2. Vou ir ao colexio en metro mañá. 3. Agardo que planten máis árbores no parque. 4. Imos dar unha volta en todo terreo esta fin de

semana. 5. Aforrarás enerxía se desenchufas a televisión.

Unit 7 1. Non esquecemos o teu aniversario. 2. El actuou nun circo desde que era un neno. 3. Os teus pais estiveron preocupados por ti

algunha vez? 4. Xamais me perdín. 5. Xamais dei de comer a un animal salvaxe

porque teño demasiado medo.

Unit 8 1. Non debes engordar antes da carreira. 2. Non podo xogar porque teño unha lesión. 3. Os atletas non deberían comer graxas pouco

sas. 4. Tes que facer exercicio porque é bo para o

corazón. 5. Os nutricionistas poden axudar á xente a

levar un estilo de vida saudábel.

Unit 9 1. Mike díxonos que non gustaba de levar roupa

formal. 2. Decidín mercar un vestido sinxelo e cómodo. 3. Mercar fundas de móbil e bolsos é divertido. 4. Bill dixo que non podía levar un suadoiro con

caparucha ao colexio. 5. Emma dixo que lle faría a Claire unha

pulseira ou un colar polo seu aniversario.

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28New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Writing GuideAntes de escribirBrainstorming•Reparaenquecomprendesotemasobreoquevasescribir.



Estrutura do parágrafoParagraph structure


•Aprimeiraoración(opening sentence),quepresentaaideaprincipal.

•Ocorpodoparágrafo(body of paragraph),queamplíaaideaprincipalconinformaciónimportante.

•Aderradeiraoración(closing sentence),queresumeaideaprincipalerepíteaconoutraspalabras.

Repasa o escritoChecking your writing

As maiúsculas (Capital letters)



Mrs Sandra Bennett, Dr Perry, Ray Mears•osnomesdelugarescomocidades,países,continentes,edificioscélebres,museos,etc.:London, Italy, Asia, the Eiffel Tower, the Guggenheim Museum

•asnacionalidades:English, Chinese, American•osdías:Saturday, Tuesday, Friday• osmeses: January, July, October• aprimeirapalabradunhaoración: My sister is

thirteen years old.• opronomepersoalI:I go ice skating and I play the

guitar.• osidiomas: French, Thai, Arabic •aspalabrasrelevantesdostítulosdelibrosepelículas,cancións,festividadesexogosdeordenador:

A Tale of Two Cities, Avatar, California Dreamin’, Christmas, SimCity

As preposicións de tempo (Prepositions of time)


• at horas: at two o’clock festividades: at Christmas • on díasdasemana: on Sunday datas: on 10th May on Christmas Day• in meses: in June estacións: in winter anos: in 2010 partesdodía: in the eveningAgás: at the weekend at night

History of Tennis

Major Walter Wingfield invented the game in 1873.He gave it the name Sphairistike.People play tennis on tennis courts.The first world tennis competition at Wimbledon was in 1877.In 1877, there were 22 players and 200 spectators.People wear tennis shoes when they play tennis.Spencer Gore won the first competition.In 1884, women started competing in Wimbledon.

closing sentence

body of paragraph

opening sentenceI love music.

I use my phone on the way to school.

I download songs from the Internet

onto my phone and I listen to it all

the time. I like many types of music:

hip-hop, Latin, jazz and pop, too.

When there is good music, I’m happy.

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A puntuación (Punctuation)• Opunto(.)vaiaofinaldasoraciónsafirmativasenegativas.

Mary is fourteen years old.• Avirgula(,)emprégaseparasepararpalabrasouideas.Poloxeralnonsepondiantede and.

I’ve got maths, English and science today.• Osinaldeinterrogación(?)ponsesóaofinaldaspreguntas.

Do you like sport?• Osinaldeexclamación(!)taménseponsóaofinaldafraseeserveparaexpresarunhaemociónouunsentimentoeparafacerfincapénalgunhacousa.

I love football!

A orde das palabras: suxeito – verbo (Word order: Subject – Verb)Osuxeitodaoraciónponsediantedoverbo. David walks to school. s v David is riding a new bike. s vMaisnaspreguntasvaidetrásdoverboouentreoauxiliareoverboprincipal. Where is my swimming cap? v s Does David walk to school? aux s v

A orde das palabras: as expresións temporais (Word order: Time expressions)Asexpresiónstemporaispodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,aíndaqueémáishabitualpoñelasaofinal. Tom Hanks started acting in the 1980s. time expr.Sevanaocomezo,sepáransedaoraciónprincipalcunhavirgula. In the 1980s, Tom Hanks started acting. time expr.

A orde das palabras: os adxectivos (Word order: Adjectives)

• Poloxeralvandiantedossubstantivos. warm sweater adj n Etaméndetrásdoverboto be. The sweater is warm. v adj•Sehaivariosadxectivos,adoitanirnestaorde:

opinión,tamaño,cor. She’s got a beautiful, tiny black kitten. o s c

A orde das palabras: os adverbios (Word order: Adverbs)

• Osadverbiosdeintensidadeedemodovandetrásdoverbo.

Anna is sitting very quietly.


He always acts in comedies. adv v

Maisseoverboéto be,oadverbiovaidetrás. Celebrities are usually very rich. v adv

As conxuncións (Linking words)


• and (e)unedúasoraciónsouideas. I sailed to Greece and I flew to Australia last year.• or (ou)unedúasideasdistintas. We walk to school or we go on a bus.• but(pero,mais)contrastadúasideas. David likes travelling but he doesn’t like flying.• because (porque)expresaarazónoucausadalgunhacousa.

Janice doesn’t go on a motorboat because she doesn’t like water.

• so(xaquelogo)expresaoresultadodoquesedixoconanterioridade.

I forgot my textbook, so my teacher will be angry.

adverbofdegree adverbofmanner

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30New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

Os conectores de secuencia (Connectors of sequence)Candocontamosunhaseriedefeitosempregamosestaspalabrasparaamosaraordeenqueocorreron:


•next (acontinuación) •then (logo,daquela,entón)•after that (logo,despois[diso])•finally (aofinal,pararematar)Firstsinalaoprimeiroquepasoue finally oderradeiro.My grandfather came to England sixty years ago. First, he worked in a restaurant. Next, he studied science at university. Then, he became a chemist and opened a chemist’s. After that, he met my grandmother and they got married. He worked for many years, but finally, he sold his shop and he and my grandmother went to live near the sea.

Os conectores temporais na narración (Narrative linkers)Osconectorestemporais,comowhen, suddenly ou a minute later,empréganseparaunirideasedarcohesiónánarración.I was in the shop when the robbery took place.Suddenly, a man started shouting.A police officer came a minute later and arrested the man.

As conxuncións e locucións consecutivas (Connectors of result)Asconxunciónselocuciónsconsecutivas,comofor this reason, as a resulteso,empréganseparapresentarunhasituacióneoseuresultadoouconsecuencia.Travelling by tram is very slow. For this reason, people prefer to take the underground.We waste too much water. As a result, there won’t be enough water for everyone in the near future.I don’t need these plastic bottles, so I’m going to recycle them.

As preposicións (Prepositions)Aspreposiciónsacompañanunsubstantivo,pronomeousintagmanominaleasúafunciónvaríasegundooquequereexpresar:podenservirparaamosardirección,posiciónoutempo,asícomoparaintroduciruncomplemento.


He is coming at 3 o’clock. We were standing at the door. She was born on 9th July. The books are on the table. The keys are in my pocket. I usually have a shower in the morning. In the end, Redhill won the match.We played against the Timberwolves. He is the captain of the Timberwolves. Who is running with the ball right now?She received an injury to her leg.The shop is open from Monday to Friday.The score went from 12 to 44.He fell in the last minute of the game.We won the competition for the fifth time in a row.

Page 31: New English in Use ESO 2 Galician B Burlington Books1Gloosar New English in Use ESO 2 Galician© B Burlington Books 3 perform in a band /UL'cGl Bm L VDmX/ tocar nun grupo play the


eu xogoti xogas

el, ela xoganós xogamosvós xogades

eles, elas xogan

I playyou play

he, she, it playswe playyou playthey play

PERÍFRASE PRESENT CONTINUOUS FUTURO: PERÍFRASEeu estou a xogar / xogandoti estás a xogar / xogando

el, ela está a xogar / xogandonós estamos a xogar / xogandovós estades a xogar / xogando

eles, elas están a xogar / xogando

I am playingyou are playing

he, she, it is playingwe are playingyou are playingthey are playing

eu vou xogarti vas xogar

el, ela vai xogarnós imos xogarvós ides xogar

eles, elas van xogar

FUTURE: BE GOING TOI am going to play

you are going to playhe, she, it is going to play

we are going to playyou are going to playthey are going to play

FUTURO FUTURO: WILLeu xogareiti xogarás

el, ela xogaránós xogaremosvós xogaredes

eles, elas xogarán

I will playyou will play

he, she, it will playwe will playyou will playthey will play


eu xogabati xogabas

el, ela xogabanós xogabamosvós xogabades

eles, elas xogaban

I was playingyou were playing

he, she, it was playingwe were playingyou were playingthey were playing

eu estaba a xogarti estabas a xogar

el, ela estaba a xogarnós estabamos a xogarvós estabades a xogar

eles, elas estaban a xogarPAST SIMPLE

I playedyou played

he, she, it playedwe playedyou playedthey played


eu xogueiti xogachesel, ela xogounós xogamosvós xogastes

eles, elas xogaron


you have playedhe, she, it has played

we have playedyou have playedthey have played

eu teño xogadoti tes xogado

el, ela ten xogadonós temos xogadovós tedes xogado

eles, elas teñen xogado

31New English in Use ESO 2 Galician © B Burlington Books

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