english in use eso 1 galician b burlington books€¦ · 3 1gloosar english in use eso 1 galician©...

1 English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books Getting Started April /'CBUpLo/ abril arm /El/ brazo August /'GZLgW/ agosto black /VoDY/ negro/a blue /VoI/ azul book /VHY/ libro brother /'VpJfL/ irmán brown /VpPm/ marrón; castaño/a dad /XDX/ papá day /XM/ día December /XB'gClVL/ decembro diary /'XOLpi/ diario; axenda ear /R/ orella; oído eight /CBW/ oito eighteen /CB'WAm/ dezaoito eighteenth /CB'WAme/ décimo oitavo/a eighth /CBWe/ oitavo/a eightieth /'CBWiLe/ octoxésimo/a eighty /'CBWi/ oitenta eleven /B'oCdm/ once eleventh /B'oCdme/ décimo primeiro/a eye /O/ ollo father /'cEfL/ pai February /'cCVpILpi/ febreiro feet /cAW/ pés fifteen /cBc'WAm/ quince fifteenth /cBc'WAme/ décimo quinto/a fifth /cBce/ quinto/a fiftieth /'cBcWiLe/ quincuaxésimo/a fifty /'cBcWi/ cincuenta first /cKgW/ primeiro/a five /cOd/ cinco foot /cHW/ fortieth /'cGWiLe/ cuadraxésimo/a forty /'cGWi/ corenta four /cG/ catro fourteen /cG'WAm/ catorce fourteenth /cG'WAme/ décimo cuarto/a fourth /cGe/ cuarto/a Friday /'cpOXM/ venres grandfather /'ZpDmcEfL/ avó grandmother /'ZpDmlJfL/ avoa green /ZpAm/ verde grey /ZpCB/ gris hair /kCL/ pelo hand /kæmX/ man hundred /'kJmXpLX/ cen; cento hundredth /'kJmXpLXe/ centésimo/a January /'bDmqHLpi/ xaneiro July /bI'oO/ xullo June /XjIm/ xuño leg /oCZ/ perna March /lEa/ marzo marker /'lEYL/ rotulador May /lM/ maio Monday /'lJmXM/ luns, segunda feira month /lJme/ mes mother /'lJfL/ nai mouth /lPe/ boca mum /lJl/ mamá nine /mOm/ nove nineteen /mOm'WAm/ dezanove nineteenth /mOm'WAme/ décimo noveno/a ninetieth /'mOmWiLe/ nonaxésimo/a ninety /'mOmWi/ noventa ninth /mOme/ noveno/a nose /mNh/ nariz notebook /'mNWVHY/ caderno November /mLH'dClVL/ novembro October /FY'WNVL/ outubro one /rJm/ un one hundred /rJm 'kJmXpLX/ cen orange /'FpBmb/ laranxa pen /UCm/ bolígrafo pencil /'UCmgo/ lapis pencil case /'UCmgo YMg/ estoxo pencil sharpener /'UCmgo iEUmL/ afialapis pink /UBnY/ rosa purple /'UKUo/ morado/a red /pCX/ vermello/a rubber /'pJVL/ goma, borrador ruler /'pIoL/ regra Saturday /'gDWLXM/ sábado Glossary

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1English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Getting StartedApril /'CBUpLo/ abril

arm /El/ brazo

August /'GZLgW/ agosto

black /VoDY/ negro/a

blue /VoI/ azul

book /VHY/ libro

brother /'VpJfL/ irmán

brown /VpPm/ marrón; castaño/a

dad /XDX/ papá

day /XM/ día

December /XB'gClVL/ decembro

diary /'XOLpi/ diario; axenda

ear /R/ orella; oído

eight /CBW/ oito

eighteen /CB'WAm/ dezaoito

eighteenth /CB'WAme/ décimo oitavo/a

eighth /CBWe/ oitavo/a

eightieth /'CBWiLe/ octoxésimo/a

eighty /'CBWi/ oitenta

eleven /B'oCdm/ once

eleventh /B'oCdme/ décimo primeiro/a

eye /O/ ollo

father /'cEfL/ pai

February /'cCVpILpi/ febreiro

feet /cAW/ pés

fifteen /cBc'WAm/ quince

fifteenth /cBc'WAme/ décimo quinto/a

fifth /cBce/ quinto/a

fiftieth /'cBcWiLe/ quincuaxésimo/a

fifty /'cBcWi/ cincuenta

first /cKgW/ primeiro/a

five /cOd/ cinco

foot /cHW/ pé

fortieth /'cGWiLe/ cuadraxésimo/a

forty /'cGWi/ corenta

four /cG/ catro

fourteen /cG'WAm/ catorce

fourteenth /cG'WAme/ décimo cuarto/a

fourth /cGe/ cuarto/a

Friday /'cpOXM/ venres

grandfather /'ZpDmcEfL/ avó

grandmother /'ZpDmlJfL/ avoa

green /ZpAm/ verde

grey /ZpCB/ gris

hair /kCL/ pelo

hand /kæmX/ man

hundred /'kJmXpLX/ cen; cento

hundredth /'kJmXpLXe/ centésimo/a

January /'bDmqHLpi/ xaneiro

July /bI'oO/ xullo

June /XjIm/ xuño

leg /oCZ/ perna

March /lEa/ marzo

marker /'lEYL/ rotulador

May /lM/ maio

Monday /'lJmXM/ luns, segunda feira

month /lJme/ mes

mother /'lJfL/ nai

mouth /lPe/ boca

mum /lJl/ mamá

nine /mOm/ nove

nineteen /mOm'WAm/ dezanove

nineteenth /mOm'WAme/ décimo noveno/a

ninetieth /'mOmWiLe/ nonaxésimo/a

ninety /'mOmWi/ noventa

ninth /mOme/ noveno/a

nose /mNh/ nariz

notebook /'mNWVHY/ caderno

November /mLH'dClVL/ novembro

October /FY'WNVL/ outubro

one /rJm/ un

one hundred /rJm 'kJmXpLX/ cen

orange /'FpBmb/ laranxa

pen /UCm/ bolígrafo

pencil /'UCmgo/ lapis

pencil case /'UCmgo YMg/ estoxo

pencil sharpener /'UCmgo iEUmL/ afialapis

pink /UBnY/ rosa

purple /'UKUo/ morado/a

red /pCX/ vermello/a

rubber /'pJVL/ goma, borrador

ruler /'pIoL/ regra

Saturday /'gDWLXM/ sábado


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2English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

schoolbag /'gYIoVDZ/ mochila

second /'gCYLmX/ segundo/a

September /gCU'WClVL/ setembro

seven /'gCdm/ sete

seventeen /gCdm'WAm/ dezasete

seventeenth /gCdm'WAme/ décimo sétimo/a

seventh /'gCdme/ séptimo/a

seventieth /'gCdmWiLe/ septuaxésimo/a

seventy /'gCdmWi/ setenta

sister /'gBgWL/ irmá

six /gBYg/ seis

sixteen /gBYg'WAm/ dezaseis

sixteenth /gBYg'WAme/ décimo sexto/a

sixth /gBYge/ sexto/a

sixtieth /'gBYgWiLe/ sexaxésimo/a

sixty /'gBYgWi/ sesenta

Sunday /'gJmXM/ domingo

ten /WCm/ dez

tenth /WCme/ décimo/a

third /eKX/ terceiro/a

thirteen /eK'WAm/ trece

thirteenth /eK'WAme/ décimo terceiro/a

thirtieth /'eKWiLe/ trixésimo/a

thirty /'eKWi/ trinta

three /epA/ tres

Thursday /'eKhXM/ xoves, quinta feira

Tuesday /'WqIhXM/ martes, terza feira

twelfth /WrCoce/ décimo segundo/a

twelve /WrCod/ doce

twentieth /'WrCmWiLe/ vixésimo/a

twenty /'WrCmWi/ vinte

two /WI/ dous, dúas

Wednesday /'rCmhXM/ mércores, cuarta feira

week /rAY/ semana

white /rOW/ branco/a

year /qR/ ano

yellow /'qCoN/ amarelo/a

Unit 1actress /'DYWpLg/ actriz

adventurous /LX'dCmWiLpLg/ aventureiro/a

athletic /De'oCWBY/ atlético/a

beautiful /'VqIWBco/ fermoso/a, bonito/a; guapa

big /VBZ/ grande

brave /VpMd/ valente, afouto/a

character /'YæpLYWL/ personaxe

clever /'YoCdL/ intelixente, listo/a

confident /'YFmcBXLmW/ seguro/a de si mesmo/a, confiado/a

creative /YpA'MWBd/ creativo/a

curly /'YKoi/ rizado/a, crecho/a

dark /XEY/ escuro/a; moreno/a

easy-going /Ahi'ZNBn/ de bo trato

fat /cæW/ gordo/a

friendly /'cpCmXoi/ simpático/a

fun /cJm/ divertido/a (Have ~!: Que te divirtas!, Que o pases ben!)

funny /'cJmi/ gracioso/a

generous /'bCmLpLg/ xeneroso/a

good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/ atractivo/a

hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ traballador/a

honest /'FmBgW/ sincero/a; honrado/a, honesto/a

lazy /'oCBhi/ preguiceiro/a

light /oOW/ claro/a; loiro/a

long /oFn/ longo/a

look like /'oHY oOY/ semellar, parecer; ser (fisicamente)

medium height /'lAXiLl kOW/ de estatura media

narrow /'mDpN/ estreito/a

near /mBL/ preto de

nice /mOg/ bonito/a; agradábel, simpático/a

old /NoX/ vello/a

ready /'pCXi/ preparado/a, disposto/a

reason /'pAhm/ razón

round /pPmX/ redondo/a

shape /iMU/ forma, figura

short /iGW/ curto/a; baixo/a

shy /iO/ tímido/a, apoucado/a

small /glGo/ pequeno/a

step /gWCU/ paso

straight /gWpMW/ liso/a

strong /gWpFn/ forte

tail /WMo/ cola, rabo

tall /WGo/ alto/a

thin /eBm/ delgado/a

ugly /'JZoi/ feo/a

voice actor /'dQg DYWL/ actor de voz

weak /rAY/ débil, feble

wide /rOX/ ancho/a

young /qJn/ mozo/a

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English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Unit 2armchair /'ElWiCL/ cadeira de brazos

bathroom /'VEepIl/ cuarto de baño

become /VB'YJl/ facerse

bed /VCX/ cama, leito

bedroom /'VCXpIl/ dormitorio, cuarto

beige /VMj/ castaño claro

blanket /'VoDnYBW/ manta

cave /YMd/ cova

ceiling fan /'gAoBn cDm/ ventilador de teito

chair /aS/ cadeira

clock /YoFY/ reloxo

comfortable /'YJlcWLVo/ cómodo/a,confortábel; agradábel

computer /YLl'UqIWL/ ordenador

cooker /'YHYL/ cociña (fogóns e forno)

cottage /'YFWBb/ casa de campo

cupboard /'YJVLX/ armario

curtain /'YKWBm/ cortina

desk /XCgY/ escritorio

detached house /XB'WDWiW kPg/ chalé individual, casa independente

dining room /'XOmBn pIl/ comedor

duchess /'XJWiLg/ duquesa

duvet /'XIdM/ edredón (nórdico)

find out /cOmX 'PW/ descubrir; esculcar

flat /coæW/ apartamento, piso

fridge /cpBb/ neveira, frigorífico

furniture /'cKmBaL/ móbeis, moblaxe

garage /'ZDpEj/ garaxe

garden /'ZEXm/ xardín

happen /'kæULm/ ocorrer, pasar

houseboat /'kPgVNW/ casa flotante

kitchen /'YBWiBm/ cociña

lamp /oDlU/ lámpada

large /oEb/ grande

leg /oCZ/ pata, pé

living room /'oBdBn pIl/ cuarto de estar, salón

mat /læW/ colchoneta

mirror /'lBpL/ espello

nomadic /mN'lDXBY/ nómade

picture /'UBYaL/ fotografía; cadro; debuxo

pillow /'UBoN/ almofada; coxín

poster /'UNgWL/ póster

rug /pJZ/ alfombra

shelf /iCoc/ balda, andel

shower /'iPL/ ducha

sink /gBnY/ vertedoiro, pía; lavabo

sofa /'gLHcL/ sofá

suddenly /'gJXLmoi/ de súpeto/ repente

table /'WMVo/ mesa

teen /WAm/ rapaz/a, adolescente

tent /WCmW/ tenda de campaña

toilet /'WQoLW/ baño, servizo, váter

trip /WpBU/ excursión

warm /rGl/ cálido/a

Unit 3according to /L'YGXBn WL/ segundo

average /'DdLpBb/ medio/a

boarding school /'VGXBn gYIo/ internado

break /VpMY/ recreo

busy /'VBhi/ atafegado/a

chat online /aDW Fm'oOm/ parolar / chatear na rede

do homework /XI 'kNlrKY/ facer os deberes

do sport /XI 'gUGW/ practicar deporte

download songs /XPmoNX 'gFnh/ descargar(se) cancións

even /'Adm/ mesmo, até

for free /cL 'cpA/ gratis, de balde

get dressed /ZCW 'XpCgW/ vestirse

get up /ZCW 'JU/ erguerse

go home /ZLH 'kNl/ ir(se) á casa

go shopping /ZLH 'iFUBn/ ir de compras / tendas

go to bed /ZLH WL 'VCX/ deitarse, ir(se) á cama

go to school /ZLH WL 'gYIo/ ir ao colexio

have a shower /kDd L 'iPL/ ducharse

have breakfast /kDd 'VpCYcLgW/ almorzar

improve /Bl'UpId/ mellorar

listen to music /oBgm WL 'lqIhBY/ escoitar música

mark /lEY/ cualificación

meet friends /lAW 'cpCmXh/ quedar con amigos/as

play computer games /UoM YLl'UqIWL ZMlh/ xogar a xogos de ordenador

play football /UoM 'cHWVGo/ xogar ao fútbol

play the guitar /UoM fL ZB'WE/ tocar a guitarra

pocket money /'UFYBW lJmi/ paga, diñeiro para gastos (persoais)

read magazines /pAX lDZL'hAmh/ ler revistas

ride my bike /pOX lO 'VOY/ ir en bici

send text messages /gCmX 'WCYgW lCgBbBh/ mandar mensaxes (de texto)

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4English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

stay at home /gWM DW 'kNl/ quedar na casa

study with friends /'gWJXi rBf cpCmXh/ estudar con amigos

surf the web /'gKc fL rCV/ navegar pola rede

survey /'gKdM/ enquisa

talk on the phone /WGY Fm fL 'cNm/ falar por teléfono

tidy my room /WOXi lO 'pIl/ arrombar / recoller o meu cuarto

top /WFU/ primeiro/a posto, posición, cabeza (be at the ~ of: encabezar, estar á cabeza de)

walk the dog /rGY fL 'XFZ/ pasear o can

walk to /'rGY WL/ ir andando/ a pé

watch TV /rFa WA'dA/ ver a televisión

Review 1ancient /'MmiLmW/ antigo/a

god /ZFX/ deus

kingdom /'YBnXLl/ reino

wish for /'rBi cL/ desexar

Unit 4beach /VAWi/ praia

boot /VIW/ bota

cave /YMd/ cova

coat /YNW/ abrigo

desert /'XChLW/ deserto

dress /XpCg/ vestido

dry /XpO/ seco/a, árido/a

forest /'cFpBgW/ bosque

frightened /'cpOWmX/ asustado/a, arrepiado/a (be ~ of: ter medo a / de)

frightening /'cpOWmBn/ arrepiante; de medo

glove /ZoJd/ luva

hat /kDW/ gorro/a; sombreiro, chapeu

hill /kBo/ outeiro

island /'OoLmX/ illa

jacket /'bDYBW/ chaqueta

jeans /bAmh/ pantalóns vaqueiros

jungle /'bJnZo/ selva, xungla

lake /oMY/ lago

lorry /'oFpi/ camión

microwave /'lOYpLrMd/ (de) microondas

mountain /'lPmWLm/ montaña

mummy /'lJli/ momia

ocean /'Nim/ océano

river /'pBdL/ río

run from /'pJm cpFl/ fuxir de

sandal /'gDmXo/ sandalia

scarf /gYEc/ bufanda

shirt /iKW/ camisa

shoe /iI/ zapato

shorts /iGWg/ pantalóns curtos

signal /'gBZmLo/ sinal

skirt /gYKW/ saia

sock /gFY/ calcetín

still /gWBo/ aínda

sweater /'grCWL/ xersei

swimsuit /'grBlgIW/ bañador, traxe de baño

tonne /WJm/ tonelada

trainers /'WpMmLh/ zapatillas de deporte

trousers /'WpPhLh/ pantalóns

T-shirt /'aKW/ camiseta

underwear /'JmXLrCL/ roupa interior

up to /'JU WL/ até

valley /'dDoi/ val

waterfall /'rGWLcGo/ cascada, fervenza

weather /'rCfL/ tempo (meteorolóxico)

weigh /rM/ pesar

Unit 5actually /'DYWiToi/ en realidade, realmente

allow /L'oP/ permitir

basket /'VEgYBW/ canastra, cesta

basketball /'VEgYBWVGo/ baloncesto

bicycle /'VOgBYo/ bicicleta, bici

bowling /'VLHoBn/ birlos

catch /YDa/ coller, atrapar

climb up /YoOl 'JU/ subir, rubir, agatuñar

court /YGW/ cancha, pista

cycling /'gOYoBn/ ciclismo

dancing /'XEmgBn/ baile

discus throwing /'XBgYLg epNBn/ lanzamento de disco

enter /'CmWL/ tomar parte en

follow /'cFoN/ obedecer, cumplir

football /'cHWVGo/ fútbol

football pitch /'cHWVGo UBWi/ campo de fútbol

get better /ZCW 'VCWL/ mellorar

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English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

goal /ZLHo/ portaría, meta

goggles /'ZFZoh/ lentes de natación / baño

golf /ZFoc/ golf

golf club /'ZFoc YoJV/ pau de golf

golf course /'ZFoc YGg/ campo de golf

gymnastics /bBl'mægWBYg/ ximnasia

hard /kEX/ forte; duro, moito

helmet /'kColBW/ casco

hide /kOX/ agocharse, ocultarse

hit /kBW/ golpear

hole /kNo/ burato; foxo

jump /bJlU/ brincar, choutar, saltar

karate /YL'pEWi/ karate

kick /YBY/ dar patadas / couces

lift /oBcW/ erguer

losing /'oIhBn/ perdedor/a

net /mCW/ rede

prize money /'UpOh lJmi/ premio en metálico

race /pMg/ carreira

racket /'pDYBW/ raqueta

register /'pCbBgWL/ inscribirse

rollerblades /'pNoLVoMXh/ patíns (de rodas) en liña

rollerblading /'pNoLVoMXBn/ patinaxe en liña

running /'pJmBn/ correr

scuba diving /'gYIVL XOdBn/ mergullo, submarinismo

singles /'gBnoh/ de individuais

skateboard /'gYMWVGX/ monopatín

skateboarding /'gYMWVGXBn/ montar en monopatín

skiing /'gYABn/ esquí

still /gWBo/ de todos os xeitos, aínda así

surfboard /'gKcVGX/ táboa de surf

surfing /'gKcBn/ surf

swimming /'grBlBn/ natación

swimming cap /'grBlBn YDU/ gorro de natación / baño

swimming pool /'grBlBn UIo/ piscina

take out /WMY 'PW/ sacar, tirar

take place /WCBY 'UoMg/ ter lugar

tennis /'WCmBg/ tenis

tennis court /'WCmBg YGW/ cancha / pista de tenis

throw /epN/ lanzar, guindar; tirar

truth /WpIe/ verdade

volleyball /'dFoiVGo/ voleibol

weightlifting /'rMWoBcWBn/ levantamento de peso, halterofilia

winning /'rBmBn/ gañador/a, vencedor/a

Unit 6amazing /L'lMhBn/ asombroso/a, pasmoso/a; incríbel

amphibian /Dl'cBViLm/ anfibio

ant /DmW/ formiga

bat /VDW/ morcego

bird /VKX/ paxaro

butterfly /'VJWLcoO/ bolboreta

chicken /'aBYBm/ galiña; polo

chimpanzee /aBlUDm'hA/ chimpancé

colourful /'YJoLco/ colorido/a, de cores vivas

cow /YP/ vaca

crocodile /'YpFYLXOo/ crocodilo

cute /YqIW/ curro/a, bonito/a

dangerous /'XMmbLpLg/ perigoso/a

dolphin /'XFocim/ golfiño

domesticated /XL'lCgWBYMWBX/ domesticado/a

Easter /'AgWL/ pascua, Semana Santa

elephant /'CoBcLmW/ elefante

farm /cEl/ (de) granxa

feral /'cCpLo/ silvestre, salvaxe

fire /'cOL/ lume, incendio

fish /cBi/ peixe(s)

fly /coO/ mosca

fox /cFYg/ raposo, golpe

frog /cpFZ/ ra

giraffe /bL'pEc/ xirafa

goldfish /'ZLHoXcBi/ peixe de cores

gorilla /ZL'pBoL/ gorila

hard-to-reach /kEXWL'pAWi/ de difícil acceso

hard-to-see /kEXWL'gA/ de pouca visibilidade

heavy /'kCdi/ pesado/a

horse /kGg/ cabalo

huge /kqIb/ enorme, inmenso/a

iguana /B'ZrEmL/ iguana

insect /'BmgCYW/ insecto

interesting /'BmWpLgWBn/ interesante

kitten /'YBWm/ gatiño/a

lion /'oOLm/ león

lizard /'oBhLX/ lagarto; lagarta

mammal /'lDlo/ mamífero

mosquito /lL'gYAWLH/ mosquito

ordinary /'GXmpi/ normal, corrente

parrot /'UDpLW/ loro, papagaio

pet /UCW/ mascota, animal doméstico

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6English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

pig /UBZ/ porco

population /UFUqH'oMim/ poboación

puppy /'UJUi/ cachorro/a, canciño/cadeliña

python /'UOeLm/ (serpe) pitón

rabbit /'pDVBW/ coello

rat /pDW/ rata

reptile /'pCUWOo/ réptil

rubbish /'pJVBi/ lixo

salamander /'gDoLlDmXL/ salamántiga

sensitive /'gCmgLWBd/ sensíbel

shark /iEY/ quenlla

sheep /iAU/ ovella/s

snake /gmMY/ serpe

spider /'gUOXL/ araña

tiger /'WOZL/ tigre

tiny /'WOmi/ diminuto/a, minúsculo/a

tool /WIo/ ferramenta

touch /WJWi/ tacto

turtle /'WKWo/ tartaruga (mariña)

unusual /Jm'qIjHLo/ inusual, pouco común

wet /rCW/ chuvioso/a

whale /rMo/ balea

whisker /'rBgYL/ bigote (animal)

wild /rOoX/ salvaxe

wolf /rHoc/ lobo

worm /rKl/ lombriga, miñoca, verme

zebra /'hCVpL/ cebra

Review 2broom /VpIl/ vasoira

cage /YMb/ gaiola, xaula

dust /XJgW/ quitar o po a / de

fix /cBs/ arranxar, amañar

handwriting /'kæmXpOWBn/ letra, escritura

notice /'mNWBg/ decatarse, darse conta, reparar

put away /UHW L'rCB/ gardar, pór no seu sitio

rather /'pEfL/ bastante

scrub /gYpJV/ cofar, fregar

Unit 7Aborigine /DVL'pBbLmi/ aborixe australiano/a

apple /'DUo/ mazá

banana /VL'mEmL/ banana, plátano

bean /VAm/ feixón

boring /'VGpBn/ aborrecido/a, aburrido/a

bug /VJZ/ bicho, becho

butter /'VJWL/ manteiga

cake /YMY/ torta, pastel

carrot /'YDpLW/ cenoria

cheese /aAh/ queixo

cherry /'aCpi/ cereixa

chip /aBU/ pataca fritida

clean /YoAm/ limpo/a

crisp /YpBgU/ pataca fritida (de bolsa)

crowded /'YpPXBX/ acugulado/a, cheo/a (de xente)

delicious /XB'oBiLg/ delicioso/a

dirty /'XKWi/ sucio/a, luxado/a

disappointing /XBgL'UQmWBn/ decepcionante

disgusting /XBg'ZJgWBn/ noxento/a, repugnante

dish /XBi/ prato

egg /CZ/ ovo

enjoyable /Bm'bQLVo/ agradábel, entretido/a

environment /Bm'dOpLmlLmW/ medio natural / ambiente

event /B'dCmW/ acontecemento

excellent /'CYgLoLmW/ excelente

exciting /BY'gOWBn/ emocionante

feed /cAX/ alimentar

fizzy drink /'cBhi XpBnY/ bebida con gas, refresco

global warming /ZoNVo 'rGlBn/ quecemento global

grape /ZpMU/ uva

greenhouse gas /ZpAmkPg 'ZDg/ gas invernadoiro

grub /ZpJV/ larva

guide /ZOX/ guía

ham /kDl/ xamón

hamburger /'kDlVKZL/ hamburguesa

horrible /'kFpLVo/ horríbel, terríbel

hot dog /'kFW XFZ/ bocadillo de salchicha

ice cream /Og 'YpAl/ xeado

juice /bIg/ zume

lettuce /'oCWBg/ leituga

noisy /'mQhi/ ruidoso/a

noodle /'mIXo/ fideo; tallarín

olive /'FoBd/ oliva

onion /'JmqLm/ cebola

orange /'FpBmb/ laranxa

pie /UO/ torta

piece /UAg/ porción; anaco, pedazo, cacho

potato /UL'WMWN/ pataca

quiet /'YrOLW/ calado/a; tranquilo/a

rice /pOg/ arroz

roll /pNo/ boliño, rolo

salmon /'gDlLm/ salmón

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English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

shrimp /ipBlU/ camarón, gamba

snack /gmDY/ taco

soup /gIU/ sopa

stand /gWæmX/ estar de pé

steak /gWMY/ filete

strange /gWpMmb/ estraño/a, raro/a

street food /'gWpAW cIX/ comida (de venda) na rúa

surprising /gL'UpOhBn/ sorprendente

taste /WMgW/ saber (sabor)

tasty /'WMgWi/ saboroso/a, apetitoso/a, rico/a

tomato /WL'lEWN/ tomate

turkey /'WKYi/ pavo

wedding /'rCXBn/ voda

Unit 8achievement /L'WiAdlLmW/ logro, fazaña

actress /'DYWpLg/ actriz

architect /'EYBWCYW/ arquitecto/a

artist /'EWBgW/ artista

businessman /'VBhmLglDm/ home de negocios

businesswoman /'VBhmLgrHlLm/ muller de negocios

change /aMmb/ cambiar, trocar

charity /'WiDpLWi/ obras benéficas; organización benéfica

chef /iCc/ xefe/a de cociña, chef

collect /YL'oCYW/ reunir, xuntar

compete /YLl'UAW/ competir

computer programmer /YLlUqIWL 'UpLHZpDlL/ programador/a

contest /'YFmWCgW/ concurso

create /Ypi'MW/ crear

design /XB'hOm/ deseñar

discover /XB'gYJdL/ descubrir

donate /XN'mMW/ doar

engineer /CmbB'mBL/ enxeñeiro/a

hairdresser /'kCLXpCgL/ perruqueiro/a

help /kCoU/ axudar (a)

invent /Bm'dCmW/ inventar

inventor /Bm'dCmWL/ inventor/a

later on /'oCBWL Fm/ máis tarde / adiante

look after /oHY 'EcWL/ coidar de /a; ter conta de

model /'lFXo/ modelo

musician /lqI'hBim/ músico/a

organise /'GZLmOh/ organizar

photographer /cL'WFZpLcL/ fotógrafo/a

pilot /'UOoLW/ piloto

politician /UFoL'WBim/ político/a

postman /'UNgWlLm/ carteiro

push /UHi/ premer

raise /pMh/ recadar

real life /pALo 'oOc/ da vida real, auténtico/a

receive /pB'gAd/ recibir

rename /pA'mMl/ pór novo nome a

rubbish dump /'pJVBi XJlU/ vertedoiro de lixo

run away /pJm L'rCB/ fuxir

save /gMd/ salvar, rescatar

scientist /'gOLmWBgW/ científico/a

sculptor /'gYJoUWL/ escultor/a

singer /'gBnL/ cantante

station /'gWMim/ canle

successful /gLY'gCgco/ que ten éxito (be ~: ter éxito)

talk show /'WGY iLH/ programa de entrevistas

teenaged /'WAmMbX/ rapaz/a, adolescente

trust /WpJgW/ fundación

TV host /WAdA 'kLHgW/ presentador/a de televisión

unmarried /Jm'lDpiX/ solteiro/a

upset /JU'gCW/ desgustado/a

user-friendly /qIhL'cpCmXoi/ doado de empregar / usar

writer /'pOWL/ escritor/a

Unit 9amusement park /L'lqIhlLmW UEY/ parque de


arcade /E'YCBX/ salón recreativo

bakery /'VMYLpi/ panadaría

bank /VDnY/ banco

bar /VE/ bar

bullying /'VHoiBn/ intimidación, abuso

café /'YæcM/ cafetería, café

cartoonist /YE'WImBgW/ debuxante

chemist’s /'YClBgWg/ farmacia

church /WiKa/ igrexa

cinema /'gBmLlL/ cine

department store /XB'UEWlLmW gWG/ grandes almacéns

eat out /AW 'PW/ comer fóra

fair /cCL/ xusto/a

finally /'cOmLoi/ por fin; por último, finalmente

follow /'cFoN/ seguir (a)

go camping /ZLH 'YælUBn/ ir de acampada / cámping

go hiking /ZLH 'kOYBn/ ir de excursión a pé, facer unha camiñada / andaina

go on rides /ZLH Fm 'pOXh/ montar nas atraccións

go to a concert /ZLH WL L 'YFmgLW/ ir a un concerto

go to the beach /ZLH WL fL 'VAWi/ ir á praia

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8English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

hang out /kæn 'PW/ pasar o tempo

have a party /kDd L 'UEWi/ dar / facer unha festa

hire a bike /'kOL L VOY/ alugar unha bici

hospital /'kFgUBWo/ hospital

library /'oOVpLpi/ biblioteca

museum /lqI'hALl/ museo

order pizza /GXL 'UAWgL/ pedir unha pizza

police station /UL'oAg gWMim/ comisaría

post office /'UNgW FcBg/ oficina de correos

relax /pB'oæYg/ relaxarse

remind /pB'lOmX/ lembrar a

restaurant /'pCgWpFmW/ restaurante

shopping centre /'iFUBn gCmWL/ centro comercial

sleep late /goAU 'oCBW/ erguerse tarde

sports centre /'gUGWg gCmWL/ polideportivo

sweet shop /'grAW iFU/ tenda de larpeiradas

take a trip /WMY L 'WpBU/ facer unha viaxe

true to /'WpI WL/ fiel a

visit relatives /dBhBW 'pCoLWBdh/ visitar parentes / familiares

work out /rKY 'PW/ facer exercicio

Review 3get rid of /ZCW 'pBX Fd/ desfacerse de

jewel /'bILo/ xoia, alfaia

maiden /'lCBXm/ doncela

reward /pB'rGX/ recompensa

turn /WKm/ volverse, xirarse

warn against /rGm L'ZCmgW/ previr contra

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9English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Greetings and introductionsHello. Are you new? /kL'oLH E qI mqI/ Ola, es novo/a?

My name is … . /lO 'mMl Bh/ Chámome... .

Hi, … . I’m … . /'kO … Ol/ Hola, .... Son... .

Nice to meet you. /mOg WL 'lAW qI/ Encantado/a de coñecerte.

Welcome to … . /'rCoYLl WL/ Benvido/a a… .

Classroom languageWhat page are we on? /rFW 'UMb E ri Fm/

En que páxina estamos?

Can you help me, please? /YLm qI 'kCoU lA UoAh/ Podes axudarme, por favor?

What is the homework? /rFW Bh fL 'kNlrKY/ Que deberes hai?, Cales son os deberes?

How do you spell … ? /kP XL qI 'gUCo/ Como se soletrea?

When is the … exam? /rCm Bh fL '… BZhDl/ Cando é o exame de... ?

Talking about peopleWhat’s her name? /rFWg kL 'mMl/ Como se chama?

Where is she from? /rCL Bh iA 'cpFl/ De onde é?

How old is she? /kP 'NoX Bh iA/ Cantos anos ten?

What does she look like? /rFW XJh iA 'oHY oOY/ Que aspecto ten?, Como é (de aspecto)?

What’s she like? /rFWg iA 'oOY/ Como é (de carácter)?

Is she … ? /Bh iA '…/ É...?

Has she got … ? /kLh iA 'ZFW/ Ten...?

Getting informationAre there any … ? /E fS 'Cmi/ Hai algún/algunha...?

What colour are they? /rFW 'YJoL E fM/ De que cor son?

Is there a … ? /'Bh fS L/ Hai un/unha...?

Where is it? /rCL 'Bh BW/ Onde está?

Have you got any … ? /kDd qI 'ZFW Cmi/ Tes algún/algunha…?

How many … have you got? /kP lCmi '… kDd qI ZFW/ Cantos/as… tes?

Doing a surveyWhat do you usually do on … ? /rFW XI qI qIhILoi

'XI Fm/ Que adoitas facer os…?

How often do you … ? /kP 'Fcm XL qI/ Con que frecuencia...?

When do you … ? /'rCm XL qI/ Cando...?

Where do you … ? /'rCL XL qI/ Onde...? A onde…?

Do you often … ? /XI qI 'Fcm/ A miúdo…? Adoitas...?

How much … ? /kP 'lJa/ Canto/a...?

Do you (download music)? /XI qI XPmoNX 'lIhBY/ (Descargas música)?

Do you like … ? /XI qI 'oOY/ Gústache...?

Talking about a photoHere’s a photo of … . /kBLh L 'cNWN Ld/ Aquí hai /

Velaquí unha foto de...

Where are you? /rCL 'E qI/ Onde estás?

What are you doing? /rFW L qI 'XIBn/ Que estás a facer?

Who’s with you? /kIh 'rBf qI/ Quen está contigo?

What are you wearing? /rFW L qI 'rCLpBn/ Que levas / levades posto?

Why are you wearing them? /rO L qI 'rCLpBn fCl/ Por que os/as levas / levades postos/as?

Getting information about a sportHow many people can play it? /kP lCmi UAUo YDm

'UoM BW/ Canta xente pode xogar?

What equipment do you need? /rFW B'YrBUlLmW XL qI

mAX/ Que equipo / equipamento precisas / se precisa?

Where do you play it? /rCL XI qI 'UoM BW/ Onde xogas / se xoga?

What are the rules of the game? /rFW L fL 'pIoh Ld fL

ZMl/ Cales son as regras do xogo?

How do you win? /kP XL qI 'rBm/ Como gañas / se gaña?

Speaking Glossary

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10English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Getting information about an animalWhat type of animal is it? /rFW WOU Ld 'DmBlo Bh BW/

Que tipo de animal é?

How big is it? /kP 'VBZ Bh BW/ Como é de grande?

What does it look like? /rFW XJh BW 'oHY oOY/ Que aspecto ten?, Como é (de aspecto)?

Where does it live? /rCL XJh BW 'oBd/ Onde vive?

What does it eat? /rFW XJh BW 'AW/ Que come?

Talking about a past eventWhen was it? /rCm 'rFh BW/ Cando foi?

It was on … . /BW rLh 'Fm/ Foi o... .

Where was it? /rCL 'rFh BW/ Onde foi?

It was at … . /BW rLh 'æW/ Foi o... .

Who was there? /kI rLh 'fS/ Quen estivo alí?

… were there. /'… rK fS/ ... estiveron alí.

What was it like? /rFW rLh BW 'oOY/ Como foi?

It was … . /BW rLh '…/ Foi… .

What food was there? /rFW 'cIX rLh fS/ Que comida houbo?

There was … . /fS rLh '…/ Houbo... .

Was the food good? /rLh fL cIX 'ZHX/ A comida estivo boa?

Yes. It was very tasty. /qCg BW rLh dCpi 'WMgWi/ Estivo, si. Estivo moi rica.

Exchanging biographical informationWhen was … born? /rCm rLh … 'VGm/ Cando naceu...?

She was born in … . /iA rLh 'VGm Bm/ Naceu en... .

When did she die? /rCm XBX iA 'XO/ Cando morreu?

She died in … . /iA 'XOX Bm/ Morreu en ... .

Where did she live? /rCL XBX iA 'oBd/ Onde viviu?

She lived in … . /iA 'oBdX Bm/ Viviu en... .

What did she do? /rFW XBX iA 'XI/ A que se dedicou?, En que traballaba?

She was … . /iA 'rFh/ Foi… ., Era… .

Why did she become famous? /rO XBX iA VBYJl

'cCBlLg/ Por que se fixo célebre?

Discussing plansWhy don’t we … ? /'rO XNmW ri/ Por que non...?

Do you feel like … ? /XI qI 'cAo oOY/ Apetéceche...?

Are you busy on … ? /E qI 'VBhi Fm/ Estás ocupado/a o/os...?

What are you going to do … ? /rFW L qI ZLHBn WL 'XI/ Que vas facer...?

Let’s go to … . /oCWg 'ZN WL/ Vamos / Vaiamos a... .

Maybe we can … . /'lMVi ri YDm/ Talvez podemos... .

I’m going to … . /Ol 'ZLHBn WL/ Vou... .

I prefer … . /O UpB'cK/ Prefiro... .

That’s a great idea. /eDWg L ZpMW O'XBL/ Esa é unha idea moi boa.

I’m not sure. /Ol mFW 'iHL/ Non sei., Non estou certo/a.

Not really. /mFW 'pBLoi/ Non moito., A verdade é que non.

I’m afraid I am. /Ol LcpCBX O 'æl/ Sospeito que si.

I’m busy … . /Ol 'VBhi/ Estou ocupado/a... .

How about … ? /kP L'VPW/ Que tal... ?

Great! See you then. /'ZpCBW gA qI fCm/ Xenial! Logo te vexo.

GuessingI know! It’s … . /'O mN BWg/ Xa o sei! É... .

I think it’s … . /O 'eBnY BWg/ Coido que é... .

Can I have another clue? /YLm O kæd LmJfL 'YoI/ Pódesme dar outra pista?

RememberingI’m not sure. /Ol mFW 'iHL/ Non estou certo/a.

I can’t remember. /O YEmW pB'lClVL/ Non me lembro.

Maybe … . /'lMVi/ Talvez... .

Saying where things arein /Bm/ en, dentro de

on /Fm/ sobre, encol de, en

under /'JmXL/ debaixo de

near /mBL/ preto de

next to /'mCYgW WL/ ao lado de, a carón de

behind /VB'kOmX/ detrás de

in front of /Bm 'cpJmW Ld/ diante de

above /L'VJd/ enriba de

between /VB'WrAm/ entre

opposite /'FULhBW/ fronte a, enfronte de

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Speaking Glossary

11English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Checking yourselfHere? /kBL/ Aquí?

Is this correct? /Bh fBg YL'pCYW/ Isto / Así está ben?

Like this? /oOY 'fBg/ Así?

Time expressionsonce a week /rJmg L 'rAY/ unha vez á semana

twice a week /WrOg L 'rAY/ dúas veces á semana

Showing surpriseReally? /'pBLoi/ De verdade?, En serio?

I can’t believe it! /O YEmW VB'oAd BW/ Non o podo crer!

Are you kidding? /E qI 'YBXBn/ Estás de broma?, En serio?

Responding to guessesThat’s right! /eDWg 'pOW/ Iso / Así é!

Guess again. /ZCg L'ZCm/ Intenta adiviñalo outra vez.

Try again. /WpO L'ZCm/ Inténtao outra vez.

Finding differencesNot in my picture. /mFW Bm 'lO UBYaL/ Na miña

fotografía non.

Here too. /kBL 'WI/ Aquí tamén.

Not here. /mFW 'kBL/ Aquí non.

Reacting to informationI’m surprised. /Ol gL'UpOhX/ Sorpréndeme., Estou


I didn’t know that. /O XBXmW 'mN fDW/ Non o sabía.

I was right. /O rLh 'pOW/ Tiña razón eu.

Follow-up questionsI can … . Can you? /O YLm … Yæm 'qI/ Eu podo… .

E ti?

What about you? /rFW LVPW 'qI/ E ti?

And you? /LmX 'qI/ E ti?

Asking for more informationCan I have another clue? /YLm O kæd LmJfL 'YoI/

Pódesme dar outra pista?

What else can you tell me? /rFW 'Cog YLm qI WCo lA/ Que máis podes dicirme?

Anything else? /CmieBn 'Cog/ Algo máis?

Clarifying informationHow big / long / heavy? /kP 'VBZ / 'oFn / 'kCdi/

Como de grande / longo/a pesado/a?

How much? /kP 'lJa/ Canto/a?

Where? /rCL/ Onde?

Gaining timeHmm /kl/ Mmm

Well, … . /rCo/ Ben, ... .

Let’s see. /oCWg 'gA/ Vexamos.

Let me think. /oCW lA 'eBnY/ Déixame pensar / que pense

Talking about the pastlast Sunday /oEgW 'gJmXM/ domingo pasado

a week ago /L 'rAY LZN/ hai unha semana

on Tuesday /Fm 'WqIhXM/ martes

yesterday /'qCgWLXM/ onte

in January /Bm 'bDmqHLpi/ en xaneiro

in 2010 /Bm WI ePhmX LmX 'WCm / Bm 'WrCmWi WCm/ en 2010

Reporting statisticsfifty per cent /'cBcWi UL gCmW/ cincuenta por cento

more than half /lG fLm 'kEc/ máis da metade

less than 25% /oCg fLm WrCmWi cOd UL 'gCmW/ menos do 25%

most /lNgW/ os/as máis / a maioría de

Making planson Tuesday /Fm 'WqIhXM/ martes

at 3 o’clock /LW epA L'YoFY/ ás 3 en punto

from 2.00 to 4.00 /cpLl 'WI WL 'cG / cpLl 'WI LYoFY WL

'cG LYoFY/ das 2:00 ás 4:00

in the morning /Bm fL 'lGmBn/ pola mañá

Making suggestionsLet’s … . /oCWg/ Vamos / Vaiamos a… .

Maybe we can … . /'lMVi ri YDm/ Talvez podemos... .

Would you like to … ? /rHX qI 'oOY WL/ Gustaríache...?

Why don’t we … ? /rO 'XNmW ri/ Por que non...?

What about … ? /rFW L'VPW/ Que hai de ... ?

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12English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Getting StartedOs pronomes persoais suxeito

I eu

you ti, vostede

he el

she ela

it iso

we nós

you vós, vostedes

they eles/as

• Fan de suxeito e nunca poden faltar para que a oración sexa correcta e teña sentido.

I have got a new notebook. It is blue. (Teño un caderno novo. É azul.) Tim is German. He is twelve. (Tim es alemán. Ten doce anos.)

• LembraqueIsempreseescribeenmaiúsculaequeit(queserefireacousasouanimais)nonseadoitatraducir.

Os adxectivos posesivosmy o(s)meu(s),a(s)miña(s)

your o(s)teu(s),a(s)túa(s)//o(s)seu(s),a(s)súa(s)[de vostede]

his o(s)seu(s),a(s)súa(s)[del]

her o(s)seu(s),a(s)súa(s)[dela]

its o(s)seu(s),a(s)súa(s)[decousaouanimal]

our o(s)noso(s),a(s)nosa(s)

your o(s)voso(s),a(s)vosa(s)

their o(s)seu(s),a(s)súa(s)[deles/as]

• Indicandequenéalgo.

• Semprevandiantedosubstantivoqueindicaacousaposuída,senimportaroxéneroninonúmeroqueestateña:my pencil, my books(omeulapis,osmeuslibros).

• Na3ªpersoadosingularhaitresformas,segundooposuidorsexamasculino(his),feminino(her)ouneutro(its).

Os pronomes posesivosmine meu/miña,meus/miñas

yours teu/túa,teus/túas, seu/súa,seus/súas(devostede)

his seu/súa,seus/súas(del)

hers seu/súa,seus/súas(dela)

ours noso/a, nosos/as

yours voso/a, vosos/as, seu/súa,seus/súas(devostedes)

theirs seu/súa,seus/súas(deles/as)

• Substitúenosubstantivoquesinalaacousaposuídaeconcordancoposuidor.

The red schoolbag is yours. (Amochilavermellaétúa)

• Aotraducilos,podenacompañarseestespronomescoartigodeterminado.

The green book isn’t mine. It’s yours. (Olibroverdenoné(o)meu.É(o)teu.)

• Na3ªpersoadosingularhaidúasformas:masculina(his)efeminina(hers).Nonhaiformaneutra.

this, that, these, thoseThis este / esta / isto

That ese/esa/isoouaquel/aquela/aquilo

Refírenseanomescontábeisensingulareanomes noncontábeis.

These estes / estas

Those eses/esasouaqueles/aquelas


• Sinalanseosubstantivoaoqueserefirenestápretooulonxedofalante.

•Candosonpronomesvansós. This is her brother. (Esteéoseuirmán.)

That is my hand. (Esaéamiñaman.) These are my markers. (Estessonosmeusrotuladores.) Those are her rubbers. (Aquelassonassúasgomas.)

• Funcionancomoadxectivoscandovandiantedunsubstantivo.Nestecaso,this e thatnonconservanosignificadode“isto”,“iso”ou“aquilo”.

This colour is nice.(Estacorébonita.) That girl is tall.(Esarapazaéalta.) These books are new. (Esteslibrossonnovos.) Those chairs are red. (Aquelascadeirassonvermellas.)

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As partículas interrogativasWho ...?Quen...? Who is her sister?

What ...?Que...?Cal/es...? What is your favourite city?

When ...?Cando...? When is his birthday?

Where ...?Onde...? Where is the park?

Why ...?Porque...? Why are you sad?

• Empréganseaocomezodaspreguntasquenonsepodenrespondercun“si”ouun“non”.

Unit 1O verbo to be en presente

Afirmativa Forma contraídaI am I’mYou are You’reHe is He’sShe is She’sIt is It’sWe are We’reYou are You’reThey are They’reNegativa Forma contraídaI am not I’m notYou are not You aren’tHe is not He isn’tShe is not She isn’tIt is not It isn’tWe are not We aren’tYou are not You aren’tThey are not They aren’t

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Am I ...? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.Are you ...? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Is he ...? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.Is she ...? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.Is it ...? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.Are we ...? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.Are you ...? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Are they ...? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Overboto besignificaprincipalmente“ser”ou“estar”.• Afirmativa:suxeito+am / is / are.Éoúnicoverboquetentresformasdistintasnopresente.Asformascontraídasúsansemáisnaconversa.

She is good-looking.(Elaéatractiva.)• Negativa: suxeito+am / is / are+apartículanot ouacontracciónn’t(quesepodeengadirais e a are,maisnonaam).

You aren’t short.(Nonesbaixo.)• Interrogativa: Am / Is / Are+suxeito. Is he a singer?(Elécantante?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Is Woody a toy? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. (Woodyéunxoguete?É.Si./Non.)

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Os usos do verbo to beDefiniciónsefeitosxerais

Bristol is in England.(BristolestáenInglaterra.)

SentimentoseestadosWe are very happy.(Estamosmoiledos.)

IdadeShe is twelve years old.(Elatendoceanos.)


Johnny Depp is an actor.(JohnnyDeepéunactor.)

PrezosHow much is it? It’s 5 euros.(Cantoé?Son5euros.)

MedidasIt’s 2 metres long.(Mide2metrosdelongo.)

TempoatmosféricoIt is windy.(Vaivento.)

O verbo have gotAfirmativa Forma contraídaI have got I’ve gotYou have got You’ve gotHe has got He’s gotShe has got She’s gotIt has got It’s gotWe have got We’ve gotYou have got You’ve gotThey have got They’ve gotNegativa Forma contraídaI have not got I haven’t gotYou have not got You haven’t gotHe has not got He hasn’t gotShe has not got She hasn’t gotIt has not got It hasn’t gotWe have not got We haven’t gotYou have not got You haven’t gotThey have not got They haven’t got

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Have I got ...? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.Have you got ...? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.Has he got ...? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.Has she got ...? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t.Has it got ...? Yes, it has. No, it hasn’t.Have we got ...? Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.Have you got ...? Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.Have they got ...? Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.

Overbohave got significa“ter”.Expresaoqueposuímosouostrazosdealguénoualgocandoodescribimos.

•Afirmativa:suxeito+have (’ve)got ou has (’s)got. I have got a famous friend. (Teñounhaamigafamosa.)

•Negativa:suxeito+have / has+not (n’t)+got. She hasn’t got curly hair. (Elanontenopelorizado.)

• Interrogativa: Have / Has+suxeito+got. Have you got blue eyes? (Tes(os)ollosazuis?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+have / has ou haven’t / hasn’t (sen got).

Has he got small ears? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t. (Eltenasorellaspequenas?Ten.Si./Non.)

O xenitivo saxón•Emprégaseparaindicarposesióneúsaseconpersoas,animaisoupaíses.Paraformalo,engadimosunapóstrofo(’)euns.

Lucy’s hair(opelodeLucy) the cat’s legs(aspatasdogato) Spain’s food(acomidadeEspaña)

• Seosubstantivoéunpluralregularouacabaens, engádesesó ’,maisseéunpluralirregularengádese’s.

the boys’ school(ocolexiodosnenos) the women’s photo(afotodasmulleres)

• Seonomepropioremataens,pódese engadir’ ou ’s.

James’ / James’s car(ocochedeJames)• Coascousasúsaseof,nonoxenitivosaxón. the colour of the pencil(acordolapis)

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How much / How manyHow many ...?Cantos/as…?


How many rooms are there?

How much ...?Canto/a…?

Nomesnoncontábeis Candovaicoverboto beserveparapreguntarpoloprezodunhacousa.

How much water do you need? How much is it?


Unit 2There is / There are

Contábeis Non contábeis

Afirmativa There is a house. There are rooms.

There is rubbish.

Negativa There isn’t a toilet. There aren’t beds. There isn’t tea.

Interrogativa Is there a fridge? Are there tables? Is there money?

Respostas curtas

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

• Afirmativa: There isvaiseguidodenomescontábeisensingularounoncontábeis.There are vaiseguidodenomescontábeisenplural. Ambososdouspódensetraducircomo“Hai...”.

• Negativa: There is / There are +apartícula not (There is not / There are not)ouacontracciónn’t (There isn’t / There aren’t).

• Interrogativa:aspreguntascomezanpoloIs / Are+there.

• Respostas curtas:vólveseáordenormalenanegativaúsanseasformascontraídas.

Os determinantes



o, a, os/asI have got a house. The house has got a garden.

a / anConnomescontábeisensingular.Úsansediantedunnomequenonécoñecidopolofalante.

un/unha a shelf, an armchair


Frasesafirmativas: Connomescontábeisenpluralenoncontábeis.Frasesinterrogativas: Candoapreguntaexpresaunhaofertaoupeticióneagárdasequearespostasexaafirmativa.

uns/unhas algúns/algunhas algode unpoucode (ounonsetraduce)

There are some tables. We’ve got some food.

Would you like some tea?


Frasesnegativasouinterrogativas: Connomescontábeisenpluralenoncontábeis.

ningún/ningunha nada de (ounonsetraduce)

There aren’t any pictures. He hasn’t got any homework.

algún/algunha algúns/algunhas algode (ounonsetraduce)

Are there any shelves? Have you got any milk?

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Unit 3O Present Simple

Afirmativa Negativa Forma contraídaI play I do not play I don’t playYou play You do not play You don’t playHe plays He does not play He doesn’t playShe plays She does not play She doesn’t playIt plays It does not play It doesn’t playWe play We do not play We don’t playYou play You do not play You don’t playThey play They do not play They don’t play

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Do I play ...? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.Do you play ...? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.Does he play ...? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.Does she play ...? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.Does it play ...? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.Do we play ...? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.Do you play ...? Yes, you do. No, you don’t.Do they play ...? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

• Afirmativa:écomoaformabasedoverbo(infinitivosen to)entodasaspersoasmenosna3ªdesingular,naqueseengade-s.

He walks the dog every day. (Elpaseaocantodososdías.) Nosseguintescasos,engádese-esnocantode-s: -Seremataenss, sh, ch e x: pass - passes wash - washes mix - mixes -Seremataeno: do - does go - goes -Seremataenconsoante+y,cámbiaseoypor

un i: study - studies carry - carries• Negativa:suxeito+do / does +not (n’t)+verbonaformabase.

My friend doesn’t play the guitar. (Amiñaamiganontocaaguitarra.)

• Interrogativa: Do / Does+suxeito+verbo. Do you study with friends?(Estudasconamigos?)• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+do / does ou don’t / doesn’t.

Does she watch TV? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. (Elveatelevisión?Ve.Si./Non.)

Os usos do Present SimpleVerdadesxeraisedescricións

The sun sets in the west.(Osolponsepolooeste.)


I surf the web every day.(Navegopolaredetodos osdías.)

Gostoseopinións She likes sport.(Gostadodeporte.)

Programasehorarios We get up at 7 o’clock.(Erguémonosásseteenpunto.)

• CoPresent Simpleadoitanempregarseasseguintesexpresións temporais:every day / week / year (todososdías/semanas/anos),once / twice a year(unha/dúasvecesaoano),on+díadasemanaenplural,at night(polanoite),in the morning(polamañá),in the summer(noverán),etc. Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

She plays football twice a year. (Elaxogaaofútboldúasvecesaoano.)

Os adverbios de frecuencia• Co Present Simple adoitanempregarseosseguintesadverbiosdefrecuencia:

always sempre

usually poloxeral,normalmente

often amiúdo

sometimes algunhasveces,ásveces

rarely rara/estrañavez

never nunca,xamais

• Estesadverbiosexpresanafrecuenciacoaquesefaialgunhacousa.Colócansediantedoverbo,agásnocasodoverboto be,quevandetrás.

I rarely talk on the phone. (Estrañavezfaloporteléfono.)

She usually chats online. (Elapoloxeralparolanarede.)

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Unit 4O Present Continuous

Afirmativa Forma contraídaI am eating I’m eatingYou are eating You’re eatingHe is eating He’s eatingShe is eating She’s eatingIt is eating It’s eatingWe are eating We’re eatingYou are eating You’re eatingThey are eating They’re eatingNegativa Forma contraídaI am not eating I’m not eatingYou are not eating You aren’t / You’re not eatingHe is not eating He isn’t / He’s not eatingShe is not eating She isn’t / She’s not eatingIt is not eating It isn’t / It’s not eatingWe are not eating We aren’t / We’re not eatingYou are not eating You aren’t / You’re not eatingThey are not eating They aren’t / They’re not eating

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Am I eating? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.Are you eating? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Is he eating? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.Is she eating? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.Is it eating? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.Are we eating? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.Are you eating? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Are they eating? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+am / is / are+unverborematadoen-ing.

They are visiting the city. (Estánavisitaracidade.) Nosseguintescasos,cómprerepararnestasregrasortográficasparaengadir-ing:

-Seremataenemudo,perdeoe: live - living

-Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante,dóbraseestaconsoante: run - running sit - sitting

-Seéde2sílabasetenoacentonaderradeira,dóbraseaderradeiraconsoante: refer - referring begin - beginning

-Seremataenl,dóbraseesaletra travel - travelling

-Seremataenie,cámbiaseieporuny: lie - lying die - dying

• Negativa:suxeito+am / is / are +apartículanot ouacontracciónn’t(quesepodeengadirais e a are,maisnonaam)+unverborematadoen-ing.Naconversaadoitaempregarseaformacontraída.

We aren’t sitting in a kayak. (Nonestamossentadosnunkaiak.)

• Interrogativa: Am / Is / Are+suxeito+unverborematadoen-ing.

Is she sleeping at the moment? (Elaestáadurmirnestemomento?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoal suxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Are you walking in the forest? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.(Estásaandarpolobosque?Estou.Si./Non.)

• OPresent Continuousadoitaempregarseparadescribirfotos,poisfálasedaescenacomasefosealgoqueestáaocorreragora.

In the picture, there is a man. He is sitting on a chair. (Nafotografíahaiunhome.Estásentadonunhacadeira.)

• CoPresent Continuousadóitanseempregarasseguintesexpresións temporais:now(agora), at the moment(nestemomento),right now (arestora,agoramesmo),today(hoxe),these days (hoxeendía),this week(estasemana),etc. Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldarase,peroadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

I am buying a bus ticket now. (Estouamercarunbilletedeautobúsagora.)

Contraste Present Simple / Present ContinuousO Present Simpleexpresahábitos,mentresqueoPresent Continuoussinalaoqueestáaocorrernomomentodefalar. I usually study at home, but today I’m studying at

my friend’s house.(Poloxeralestudonacasa,perohoxeestouaestudarnacasadomeuamigo.)

Os verbos “estáticos”Osverbosestáticosempréganseparaexpresargostos,sentimentosedesexos,actividadesdamente,posesiónepercepión.Refírenseaestadosnocantodeaaccións,poloquenonseadoitanempregarcoPresent Continuous. She wants to go to Mexico. (ElaquereiraMéxico.)

I don’t know the answer. (Nonseiaresposta.

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Unit 5can

Afirmativa Negativa Forma contraídaI can play I cannot play I can’t playYou can play You cannot play You can’t playHe can play He cannot play He can’t playShe can play She cannot play She can’t playIt can play It cannot play It can’t playWe can play We cannot play We can’t playYou can play You cannot play You can’t playThey can play They cannot play They can’t play

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Can I play? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.Can you play? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.Can he play? Yes, he can. No, he can’t.Can she play? Yes, she can. No, she can’t.Can it play? Yes, it can. No, it can’t.Can we play? Yes, we can. No, we can’t.Can you play? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.Can they play? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.

Overbomodalcansignifica“saber”ou“poder”.• Afirmativa:suxeito+can+verbonaformabase.Comoéunverbomodal,nonseengade-sna3ªpersoadosingular.

I can play volleyball. (Seixogaraovoleibol.)

• Negativa:suxeito+cannotouacontracción can’t+verbonaformabase.

My brother can’t ride a bike. (Omeuirmánnonsabe/podemontarenbici.)

• Interrogativa: Can +suxeito+verbonaformabase.

Can you throw me the ball? (Podeslanzarmeunhapelota?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+can ou can’t.

Can they swim? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. (Sabennadar?Saben.Si./Non.)

Os usos do verbo canHabilidadeoucapacidadeparafaceralgo:“saber”

I can speak Spanish.(Seifalarespañol.)


I can meet you tomorrow.(Podoquedarcontigomañá.)


Can you close the door?(Podespecharaporta?)

Os adverbios de modoAdxectivo Adverbio de modo

bad malo/a,mao/má

badly mal

slow lento/a, vagaroso/a

slowly amodo

quick rápido/a quickly áprésa,rapidamente

careful coidadoso/a carefully concoidado,coidadosamente

easy fácil,doado/a

easily confacilidade,facilmente

quiet calado/a quietlyensilencio,áscaladas,senfacerruído

clear claro/a clearly conclaridade,claramente

generous xeneroso/a generously xenerosamente

regular regular regularly regularmente

good bo/a well ben

hard duro/a,difícil

hard duramente,moito;forte

fast rápido/a fast áprésa,rapidamente

high alto/a high agrandealtura,alto

far lonxano/a,afastado/a

far lonxe

• Osadverbiosdemodomodificanosverbos,poisdescribenaformaenqueserealizaaacción.ConelesrespóndeseáspreguntasquecomezanporHow ...?(Como...?).

• Osmáissonregularesefórmanseengadindoaterminación-lyaoadxectivocorrespondente.Maistaménhaiadverbiosirregulares,comooscincoderradeirosdatáboaanterior.

He lifts weights easily. (Ellevantapesasconfacilidade.) She runs fast. (Elacorreáprésa.)

mustAfirmativa NegativaI must run I mustn’t runYou must run You mustn’t runHe must run He mustn’t runShe must run She mustn’t runIt must run It mustn’t runWe must run We mustn’t runYou must run You mustn’t runThey must run They mustn’t run

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En negativa,encambio,posúeunsignificadototalmenteoposto:expresaprohibición,quealgononestápermitidoouquenonsedebefacerporquenonconvénounonécorrecto.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+must+verbonaformabase.Comotaménéunverbomodal,nonseengade -s na3ªpersoadosingular.

You must study hard for the exam. (Debesestudarmoitoparaoexame.)


You must go to the new swimming pool. It’s great! (Tesqueirápiscinanova.Éxenial!).

• Negativa:suxeito+must notouacontracciónmustn’t+verbonaformabase.

You mustn’t kick the basketball. (Nondebesdarllepatadasaobalóndebaloncesto.)[estáprohibido]

You mustn’t shout at the other players. (Nondebesberraraosoutrosxogadores.)[nonécorrecto]

• Interrogativa: Must+suxeito+verbonaformabase.Nestecasomustexpresaobrigaounecesidade,aíndaqueesteverbomodalnonseadoitaempregarnaformainterrogativa.

Must I bring water? (Debolevarauga?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+must.

Must you leave now? Yes, I must. (Debesirteagora?Debo.Si.)

O imperativoAofalardenormasouregras(comoporexemploasregrasdunxogooudeporte)adoitaempregarseomodoimperativo.Taménseusaparadarordesouinstrucións.Lembraquenasfrasesenimperativononhaisuxeito. Use a helmet. (Usacasco.)

Come here now! (Venaquíagora!)

Unit 6O comparativoParacomparardúascousas,animaisoupersoasempréganseosadxectivosengraocomparativo.

• Ocomparativodesuperioridade(máis...que)úsaseparacomparardúascousas,animaisoupersoascandounhasuperaáoutranalgúnaspecto.Paraformalocómprerepararnalonxitudedoadxectivo:


A crocodile is bigger than a lizard. (Uncrocodiloémáisgrandecaunlagarto.)


-Seten1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante, dóbraseesaconsoante: thin - thinner big - bigger

-Seten2sílabaseremataenconsoante+y, cámbiaseoyporuni: crazy - crazier lucky - luckier

-Seremataenl,duplícaseesaletra: cruel - crueller

-Seremataenemudo,sóseengade-r: nice - nicer


Wolves are more dangerous than zebras. (Oslobossonmáisperigososqueascebras.)


good - better bad - worse

• Ocomparativodeigualdadefórmaseempregando (not) as+adxectivo+as((non)tan...coma).

Mosquitoes aren’t as colourful as butterflies. (Osmosquitosnonsontancoloridoscomoasbolboretas.)

• Ocomparativodeinferioridadefórmasecon less+adxectivo+than(menos...que).

Chimpanzees are less frightening than gorillas. (Oschimpancésdanmenosmedoqueosgorilas.)

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Unit 7There was / There were

Contábeis Non contábeis

Afirmativa There was a house. There were rooms.

There was rubbish.

Negativa There wasn’t a toilet. There weren’t beds.

There wasn’t tea.

Interrogativa Was there a fridge? Were there tables?

Was there money?

Respostas curtas

Yes, there was. / No, there wasn’t. Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.

• Afirmativa: There wasvaiseguidodenomescontábeisensingularounoncontábeis.There were vaiseguidodenomescontábeisenplural.SonasformasdepasadodeThere is e There aree,polotanto,significan“Había...”ou“Houbo...”.

• Negativa: There was / There were+apartículanot (There was not / There were not)ouacontracciónn’t (There wasn’t / There weren’t).

• Interrogativa:aspreguntascomezanpoloverbo Was / Were+there.

• Respostas curtas:vólveseáordenormalenanegativaempréganseasformascontraídas.

O verbo to be en pasadoAfirmativa Negativa Forma contraídaI was I was not I wasn’tYou were You were not You weren’tHe was He was not He wasn’tShe was She was not She wasn’tIt was It was not It wasn’tWe were We were not We weren’tYou were You were not You weren’tThey were They were not They weren’t

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Was I ...? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.Were you ...? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.Was he ...? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.Was she ...? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.Was it ...? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.Were we ...? Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.Were you ...? Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.Were they ...? Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Opasadodoverboto beemprégaseparadescribiroucontarfeitospasados.

• Afirmativa:suxeito+was / were.Emprégasewas paraa1ªe3ªpersoadosingular,ewereparaasdemais.

The tomatoes were green. (Ostomatesestabanverdes.)

• Negativa:suxeito+was / were +apartículanot ou acontracciónn’t.Enconversaadoitaempregarseaformacontraída.

The fizzy drink wasn’t cold. (Orefrescononestabafrío.)

• Interrogativa: Was / Were+suxeito. Was the Thanksgiving dinner good? (EstababoaaceadeAccióndeGrazas?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+was / were ou wasn’t / weren’t.

Were the children quiet? Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. (Osnenosestabancalados?Estaban.Si./Non.)

• Paraindicarenquemomentoocorreuaacción,asoraciónsenpasadoadoitanlevarasseguintesexpresións temporais:asquelevanago(hai)aofinaldaexpresión,last night / week / month / year (estanoite,asemanapasado,omes/anopasado),yesterday (onte),in the past(nopasado),at+unhahora,in+unano,on+díadasemanaoudata,etc. Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

Two days ago, I was at a party. (Haidousdías,estivennunhafesta.)

The tomato soup wasn’t hot last night. (Asopadetomatenonestabaquenteestanoite.)

Os adverbios de intensidadevery moi,ben

really moi

quite bastante,moi

not at all nada,enabsoluto

fairly bastante,ben

reasonably bastante,razoablemente

slightly lixeiramente,unpouco

completely enteiramente,completamente

Vandiantedoutrosadverbiosoudeadxectivosematizanoseusignificadodandounhaideademaioroumenorintensidade. The man was very strange. (Ohomeeramoiestraño.)

The films were quite enjoyable. (Aspelículaseranbastanteentretidas.)

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Grammar Appendix

21English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Unit 8O Past Simple

Afirmativa Negativa Forma contraídaI washed I did not wash I didn’t washYou washed You did not wash You didn’t washHe washed He did not wash He didn’t washShe washed She did not wash She didn’t washIt washed It did not wash It didn’t washWe washed We did not wash We didn’t washYou washed You did not wash You didn’t washThey washed They did not wash They didn’t wash

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Did I wash ...? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.Did you wash ...? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.Did he wash ...? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.Did she wash ...? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t.Did it wash ...? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.Did we wash ...? Yes, we did. No, we didn’t.Did you wash ...? Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.Did they wash ...? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.

• Afirmativa:fórmaseengadindo-edaosverbosregulareseéigualentodasaspersoas.

Bill Gates created Microsoft. (BillGatescreouMicrosoft.)


-Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal+1 consoante,dóbraseestaconsoante: stop - stopped plan - planned

-Seéde2sílabasetenoacentonaúltima,dóbraseaderradeiraconsoante: prefer - preferred permit - permitted

-Seremataenl,dóbraseesaletra: travel - travelled

-Seremataenconsoante + y,cámbiaseoypor un i: worry - worried try - tried

-Seremataene mudo,sóseengade-d: bake - baked live - lived


see saw ver

hear heard oír

read read ler

go went ir

begin began comezar

have had ter

• Negativa:suxeito+did not ou didn’t+unverbonaformabase.

She didn’t receive the letter. (Elanonrecibiuacarta.)

• Interrogativa: Did+suxeito+unverbonaformabase.

Did she go to the party? (Elafoiáfesta?)

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+did ou didn’t.

Did Picasso paint that picture? Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. (Picassopintouesecadro?Pintou.Si./Non.)

Os usos do Past Simple


We received a letter yesterday.(Recibimosunhacartaonte.)


The architect designed that house. (Oarquitectodeseñouesacasa.)


I helped my friend. Then I went home.(Axudeiamiñaamiga.Logomarcheiácasa.)


In the past, postmen had more work. (Nopasado,oscarteirostiñanmáistraballo.)

• CoPast Simpleadoitanempregarseestasexpresiónstemporais:asquelevanago(hai)aofinaldaexpresión,last night / week / year (esta noite, asemanapasada,oanopasado),at+unhahora,on+undíaouunhadata,in+unano,in the past (nopasado),yesterday(onte),etc. Podeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,maisadoitanpoñerseaofinal.

The athlete won a medal four years ago. (Aatletagañouunhamedallahaicatroanos.)

He created the company in 1989. (Elcreouaempresaen1989.)

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22English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Os pronomes persoais obxectome me(amin)

you te,che(ati),o,a,lle,se(avostede)

him o,lle,se(ael)

her a,lle,se(aela)

it o,a(unhacousa)

us nos(anós)

you vos(avós),os,as,lles(avostedes)

them os,as,lles,se(aeles/as)

• Fanasfunciónsdeobxecto,édicir,decomplementodirecto,indirectooupreposicional.

I met him last month. (Coñecinoomespasado.) They gave me a present yesterday. (Déronmeunagasalloonte.) I sang for them. (Canteiparaeles.)

• Senafrasehaiuncomplementodirectoeoutroindirectonasúaformadepronome,póñensenestaorde:CD+preposición+CI.

Sue needed a book about art and I gave it to her. (Sueprecisabaunlibrosobrearteedeillo.)

Unit 9O futuro con be going to

Afirmativa Forma contraídaI am going to run I’m going to runYou are going to run You’re going to runHe is going to run He’s going to runShe is going to run She’s going to runIt is going to run It’s going to runWe are going to run We’re going to runYou are going to run You’re going to runThey are going to run They’re going to runNegativa e forma contraídaI am not / I’m not going to runYou are not / You aren’t / You’re not going to runHe is not / He isn’t / He’s not going to runShe is not / She isn’t / She’s not going to runIt is not / It isn’t / It’s not going to runWe are not / We aren’t / We’re not going to runYou are not / You aren’t / You’re not going to runThey are not / They aren’t / They’re not going to run

InterrogativaRespostas curtasAfirmativa Negativa

Am I going to run? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.Are you going to run? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Is he going to run? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.Is she going to run? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.Is it going to run? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.Are we going to run? Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.Are you going to run? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.Are they going to run? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


• Afirmativa:suxeito+to beenpresente+ going to+verbonaformabase.

He is going to see a film. (Elvaiverunhapelícula.)

• Negativa:suxeito+ to beenpresente+ not (n’t)+going to+verbonaformabase.

They aren’t going to go shopping. (Nonvanirdecompras.)

• Interrogativa: to beenpresente+suxeito+going to+verbonaformabase.

Is she going to buy new shoes? (Elavaimercarzapatosnovos?)

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Grammar Appendix

23English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

• Respostas curtas:ponseopronomepersoalsuxeito+overboto be,sencontraerenafirmativaoucontraídocoapartículanotennegativa.

Are you going to wear jeans? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.(Vaslevar/poñerpantalónsvaqueiros?Vou. Si./Non.)

Os usos do futuro con be going toFalardeintencións,plansoudecisións

I’m going to visit Ireland.(VouvisitarIrlanda.)

Expresaroquevaiocorrerpoisvemossinais diso

I am very tired. I am going to sleep late.(Estoumoicansa.Voumeerguertarde.)

• Conbe going toadóitanseempregarasseguintesexpresións temporais:later(máistarde,logo),soon (pronto,axiña,nunpouco),this afternoon / evening (estatarde),tonight(estanoite),tomorrow(mañá),in+unano,next week / month / year(asemana/omes/oanoquevén/próximo/a),in the future (no futuro),on+undíadasemanaoudata,etc. Todaspodeniraocomezoouaofinaldafrase,peroadóitansepóraofinal.

I am going to meet friends later. (Vouquedarcosamigoslogo.)

Next month, I’m going to go to the amusement park. (Omesquevén,vouiraoparquedeatraccións.)

O Present Continuous con valor de futuro• OPresent Continuous(comoxaseviunaunidade4)emprégaseparaexpresaroqueestáocorrendonomomentodefalar.Fórmaseconto be+unverborematadoen-ing,edébenseseguirunhasregrasortográficasparaengadircorrectamenteesaterminación(It’s raining, She is living,etc.).

• Pero,ademais,oPresent Continuousten“valordefuturo”,poisemprégaseparaanunciaracciónsfixadasconadiantoqueocorreránnofuturopróximo.

I am visiting my friend in hospital tomorrow. (Visito/Visitareiomeuamigonohospitalmañá.)

• AdiferenzacoPresent Continuousnormalestáenqueoquetenvalordefuturodebelevarunhaexpresióntemporaldefuturoquesinalecandovaiocorreraacción:this afternoon / evening (esta tarde),on+undíadasemanaouunhadata,in+unmesouunano,next week / month(asemana/omesquevén/próximo/a),at+unhahora,tomorrow (mañá),in ten minutes(dentrodedezminutos),etc.

The library is opening in one hour. (Abibliotecaabre/abriráenunhahora.)

• Adiferenzaconbe going toéquenonsetratasódunhaintención,senóndealgoquevaiocorrercontodaseguridadepoisxasefixoudeantemán.Conestevalorúsanseprincipalmenteosverbosdemovemento.

She is coming to church with us next Sunday. (Elavén/virááigrexaconnoscoovindeirodomingo.)[xaquedaron,éseguro.]

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be /VA/ was/were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ ser, estarbeat /VAW/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ golpear, baterbecome /VB'YJl/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ chegar a ser, convertersebegin /VB'ZBm/ began /VB'Zæm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ comezar, empezarbend /VCmX/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ dobrar(se)bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ apostarbite /VOW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ trabarbleed /VoAX/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ sangrarblow /VoLH/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ soprarbreak /VpMY/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYLm/ crebar, romper, racharbring /VpBn/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ traerbuild /VBoX/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ construírburn /VKm/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ queimarbuy /VO/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ mercar, comprarcatch /Yæa/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ coller, agarrarchoose /aIh/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ elixircome /YJl/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ vircost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ custarcut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cortardig /XBZ/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ cavar, sachardo /XI/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ facerdraw /XpG/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ debuxardream /XpAl/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ soñardrink /XpBnY/ drank /XpænY/ drunk /XpJnY/ beberdrive /XpOd/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ conducireat /AW/ ate /CBW/ eaten /'AWm/ comerfall /cGo/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGoLm/ caerfeed /cAX/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ alimentarfeel /cAo/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ sentir(se)fight /cOW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ loitar, pelexarfind /cOmX/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ atoparfly /coO/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ voarforget /cL'ZCW/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ esquecerforgive /cL'ZBd/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ perdoarfreeze /cpAh/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ conxelar(se)get /ZCW/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ conseguir, acadar; chegargive /ZBd/ gave /ZMd/ given /'ZBdm/ dargo /ZN/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ irgrow /ZpN/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ crecer; cultivarhang /kæn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ pendurarhave /kæd/ had /kæX/ had /kæX/ ter; haberhear /kBL/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ oír, ouvirhide /kOX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ agochar(se)hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ golpear, bater, pegarhold /kNoX/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ suxeitar, soster, termar dehurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ ferir, mancar, magoar; doerkeep /YAU/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ gardar, manterknow /mN/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ saber, coñecer

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Irregular Verb List

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lay /oCB/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ poñer, pór, estenderlead /oAX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ guiar, conducirlearn /oKm/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ aprenderleave /oAd/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ deixar; marchar, saírlend /oCmX/ lent /oCmW/ lent /oCmW/ emprestar, deixarlet /oCW/ let /oCW/ let /oCW/ permitir, deixarlie /oO/ lay /oCB/ lain /oCBm/ tombarse, deitarselie /oO/ (regular verb) lied /oOX/ lied /oOX/ mentirlight /oOW/ lit /oBW/ lit /oBW/ acender, prenderlose /oIh/ lost /oFgW/ lost /oFgW/ perdermake /lCBY/ made /lCBX/ made /lCBX/ facer, fabricarmean /lAm/ meant /lCmW/ meant /lCmW/ significar, querer dicirmeet /lAW/ met /lCW/ met /lCW/ coñecer a; xuntarse conpay /UM/ paid /UMX/ paid /UMX/ pagarput /UHW/ put /UHW/ put /UHW/ poñer, pórread /pAX/ read /pCX/ read /pCX/ lerride /pOX/ rode /pLHX/ ridden /'pBXm/ montarring /pBn/ rang /pæn/ rung /pJn/ chamar (por teléfono)rise /pOh/ rose /pLHh/ risen /'pBhm/ elevarse, erguerserun /pJm/ ran /pæm/ run /pJm/ corrersay /gM/ said /gCX/ said /gCX/ dicirsee /gA/ saw /gG/ seen /gAm/ versell /gCo/ sold /gLHoX/ sold /gLHoX/ vendersend /gCmX/ sent /gCmW/ sent /gCmW/ enviarset /gCW/ set /gCW/ set /gCW/ colocarshake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/ axitarshine /iOm/ shone /iFm/ shone /iFm/ brillar, escintilarshoot /iIW/ shot /iFW/ shot /iFW/ dispararshow /iLH/ showed /iLHX/ shown /iLHm/ amosar, ensinarshut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ pecharsing /gBn/ sang /gæn/ sung /gJn/ cantarsink /gBnY/ sank /gænY/ sunk /gJnY/ afundirsit /gBW/ sat /gæW/ sat /gæW/ sentarsleep /goAU/ slept /goCUW/ slept /goCUW/ durmir(se)smell /glCo/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ ulir, cheirarspeak /gUAY/ spoke /gULHY/ spoken /'gULHYLm/ falarspell /gUCo/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ soletrearspend /gUCmX/ spent /gUCmW/ spent /gUCmW/ gastar; pasar (tempo)stand /gWæmX/ stood /gWHX/ stood /gWHX/ estar a pésteal /gWAo/ stole /gWLHo/ stolen /'gWLHoLm/ roubarstick /gWBY/ stuck /gWJY/ stuck /gWJY/ apegarsweep /grAU/ swept /grCUW/ swept /grCUW/ varrerswim /grBl/ swam /græl/ swum /grJl/ nadartake /WMY/ took /WHY/ taken /'WMYLm/ coller, levarteach /WAa/ taught /WGW/ taught /WGW/ aprender, ensinartear /WCL/ tore /WG/ torn /WGm/ rachar, esgazartell /WCo/ told /WLHoX/ told /WLHoX/ dicir, contarthink /eBnY/ thought /eGW/ thought /eGW/ coidar, pensarthrow /epN/ threw /epI/ thrown /epNm/ guindar, tirarunderstand /JmXC'gWæmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ comprender, entenderwake up /rMY 'JU/ woke up /rLHY 'JU/ woken up /rLHYLm 'JU/ espertarwear /rCL/ wore /rG/ worn /rGm/ levar posto; poñersewin /rBm/ won /rJm/ won /rJm/ gañarwrite /pOW/ wrote /pLHW/ written /'pBWm/ escribir

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26English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Check Your Progress

Translation Exercises

Unit 1 1. El non ten un nariz ancho. 2. El é un home honesto? 3. Os seus ollos son pequenos e redondos. 4. As nenas teñen o pelo bonito. 5. Eu non son valente.

Unit 2

1. Hai unha mesa no xardín? 2. Non hai lámpadas no comedor. 3. Hai un vello reloxo no garaxe. 4. Hai un pouco de comida na cociña. 5. Hai cortinas no dormitorio?

Unit 3

1. Jim a miúdo xoga a xogos de ordenador. 2. Eles sempre van en bici ao colexio? 3. Con que frecuencia envía o teu amigo

mensaxes de texto? 4. Polo xeral non navego pola rede pola mañá. 5. Pat almorza na casa todos os días.

Unit 4

1. Ela visita a cova a miúdo. 2. Bill está a levar o seu abrigo ao lago? 3. Póñense chaquetas e gorros en inverno? 4. O can está a xogar a carón do río. 5. Os nenos non están escalando a montaña.

Unit 5

1. Non montes en bici na pista de tenis. 2. Debes poñer un gorro de baño e mais lentes

de natación. 3. Non podemos ir xogar aos birlos os luns. 4. Non debemos irnos lonxe nos nosos

monopatíns. 5. Sue pode brincar alto?

Unit 6

1. As quenllas son máis perigosas que os peixes de cores.

2. Os peixes son tan coloridos coma as

bolboretas. 3. Os elefantes non son tan enormes como as

baleas. 4. Creo que os porcos son máis bonitos que as

vacas. 5. As moscas son máis grandes que as formigas?

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27English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Unit 7 1. Había algunha manteiga nos boliños? 2. Non había tomates na sopa. 3. Había unha torta de mazá deliciosa no

frigorífico. 4. Non había ningún filete no restaurante. 5. O peixe e mais as patacas fritidas estaban


Unit 8

1. O arquitecto deseñou un colexio novo. 2. O chef non cambiou o menú. 3. O inventor creou un ordenador diminuto. 4. O presentador de televisión axudou ao

político. 5. Como salvou o piloto as súas vidas?

Unit 9

1. Van montar nas atraccións do parque de atraccións.

2. Non visitaremos familiares a semana que vén. 3. Pam vai facer exercicio ao pavillón deportivo? 4. Non vou alugar unha bici esta fin de semana. 5. Dan vai ir á tenda de larpeiradas, á panadaría

e mais á farmacia.

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Repasa o escritoChecking your work

A orde das palabras: Suxeito – verbo (Word order: Subject – Verb)O suxeito da oración ponse diante do verbo.Adam is lazy. We are shy. s v s v

Mais nas preguntas vai detrás do verbo.Is Adam lazy? Are you shy? v s v s

A orde das palabras: Os adxectivos (Word order: Adjectives)Polo xeral van diante dos substantivos.clever students long hair adj n adj n

E tamén detrás do verbo to be.The students are clever. My hair is long. v adj v adj

A orde das palabras: Os adverbios (Word order: Adverbs)Os adverbios van detrás do verbo. You sing quite nicely.

A puntuación (Punctuation)• O punto (.) vai ao final das oracións afirmativas e

negativas. I have got a cheese sandwich.

He hasn’t got a big salad.

• Avírgula(,)emprégaseparasepararpalabrasouideas. Polo xeral non se pon diante de and.

I’ve got lemons, onions, apples and strawberries.

• Osinaldeinterrogacion(?)ponseaofinaldaspreguntas.

Have you got a cheese sandwich? Has he got a big salad?

• Osinaldeexclamación(!)ponseaofinaldafraseeserve para expresar unha emoción ou un sentimento eparafacerfincapénalgunhacousa.

Wow! You’ve got blue rice!

Antes de escribirBrainstorming

• Reparaenquecomprendesotemasobreoquevasescribir.

• Faiunhalistaxecoasideasrelacionadasconesetemaeanotatodasasquesecheocorransenpreocupartepolagramáticaninaortografía.


Escribe un textoWriting a paragraph


• Aintrodución, limiarouprimeiraoración(opening sentence),quepresentaotema.

• Odesenvolvemento oucorpodotexto(body of paragraph),queamplíaaideaprincipalconinformaciónimportante.

• Aconclusiónouderradeiraoración(closing sentence),queresumeotemaerepiteaideaprincipalconoutras palabras.

closing sentence

body of paragraph

opening sentenceDan is my best friend.

He’s from Australia. He’s tall and

he’s got short blond hair and blue

eyes. He’s strong and athletic. We

both love sport.

We always have a great time together.

adverbofdegree adverbofmanner

28English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Writing Guide

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As preposicións de tempo (Prepositions of time)Empréganse distintas preposicións diante das horas e os períodos de festa, os días e as datas, os meses, os anos e as partes do día. É moi importante que saibas empregar a correcta en cada caso. Préstalle atención a estes exemplos:•at horas: at four o’clock festividades: at Christmas•on díasdasemana: on Tuesday datas: on 12th June on Christmas Day• in meses: in March estacións: in summer anos: in 2015 partesdodía: in the morningAgás: at the weekend at night

As maiúsculas (Capital letters)

Escríbense con maiúscula:• osnomesetítulosdaspersoas

Albert Anderson, Ms Kate Simmons, Dr Belman• osnomesdelugarescomocidades,países,continentes,edificioscélebres,museos,etc.:Paris, Italy, Europe, Buckingham Palace, the Metropolitan Museum

•asnacionalidades:Japanese, French, Swedish•osdías:Sunday, Monday, Wednesday•osmeses:June, May, February• aprimeirapalabradunhaoración:

My name is Melanie.•opronomepersoalI:I am British.•osidiomas:English, Thai, German• aspalabrasrelevantesdostítulosdelibrosepelículas,cancións,festividadesexogosdeordenador.

The Lord of the Rings Avatar Say a Prayer Easter, Christmas Sim City

As conxuncións (Linking words)


•and(e)unedúasoraciónsouideas. The blanket is black and the pillows are pink.•but(pero)contrastadúasideas. I like the pillows, but I don’t like the blanket.• because(porque)expresaarazónoucausadalgunhacousa.

I like the pillows because pink is a happy colour.

Os conectores de secuencia (Connectors of sequence)


• first(primeiro,enprimeirolugar)• then(logo,daquela,entón)•next(acontinuación)•finally(aofinal,pararematar)Firstsinalaoprimeiroquepasouefinallyoderradeiro.Thursday was a great day. First, I got 100% in my English test. Then, Greg invited me to a party. Next, my class won the football match. Finally, in the evening my parents and I went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. Thursday was a special day.

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SER ou ESTAR Presente

TO BE Present Simple

SER ou ESTAR Pasado

TO BE Past Simple

eu son / estouti es / estás

el, ela é / estánós somos / estamosvós sodes / estadeseles, elas son / están

I amyou are

he, she, it iswe areyou arethey are

eu era, fun / estaba, estiventi eras, fuches / estabas, estiveches

el, ela era, foi / estaba, estivonós eramos, fomos / estabamos, estivemosvós erades, fostes / estabades, estivesteseles, elas eran, foron / estaban, estiveron

I wasyou were

he, she, it waswe wereyou werethey were


1.- O verbo to be é un verbo auxiliar, polo que para facer a súa negativa abonda con engadirlle not. Para a interrogativa, poñeremos o verbo diante do suxeito.

2.- Traducirémolo por “ser” ou “estar” segundo o contexto. Ademais empregaremos este verbo para dicir a idade dunha persoa: I am twelve years old. (Teño doce anos.)

TER Presente

TO HAVE GOT Present Simple

eu teñoti tes

el, ela tennós temos

vós tedes / tendeseles, elas teñen

I have gotyou have got

he, she, it has gotwe have gotyou have gotthey have got


1.- O verbo have é un verbo auxiliar, polo que para facer a súa negativa abonda con engadirlle not. Para a interrogativa, poñeremos o verbo have / has / had diante do suxeito, seguido de got.

2.- Nunca se pode utilizar o verbo have got para referírmonos á idade dunha persoa. Para iso, empregaremos o verbo to be.

30English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books

Cadros resumo

Page 31: English in Use ESO 1 Galician B Burlington Books€¦ · 3 1Gloosar English in Use ESO 1 Galician© B Burlington Books Unit 2 armchair /'ElWiCL/ cadeira de brazos bathroom /'VEepIl



eu xogoti xogas

el, ela xoganós xogamosvós xogades

eles, elas xogan

I playyou play

he, she, it playswe playyou playthey play


eu estou a xogar / xogandoti estás a xogar / xogando

el, ela está a xogar / xogandonós estamos a xogar / xogandovós estades a xogar / xogando

eles, elas están a xogar / xogando

I am playingyou are playing

he, she, it is playingwe are playingyou are playingthey are playing

eu vou xogarti vas xogar

el, ela vai xogarnós imos xogarvós ides xogar

eles, elas van xogar


I am going to playyou are going to play

he, she, it is going to playwe are going to playyou are going to playthey are going to play


eu xogabati xogabas

el, ela xogabanós xogabamosvós xogabades

eles, elas xogaban

I playedyou played

he, she, it playedwe playedyou playedthey played

eu xogueiti xogachesel, ela xogounós xogamosvós xogastes

eles, elas xogaron

31English in Use ESO 1 Galician © B Burlington Books