tasks 5: 15 april-24 april 1º eso- revision of units 1-5...burlington ©international english b2+...

Burlington International English B2+ Photocopiable © Burlington Books 1 TASKS 5: 15 April-24 April 1º ESO- Revision of units 1-5 1 You are going to read an article in which three people talk about language learning. For questions 1-10, choose from the people, A-C. The people may be chosen more than once. Which person … speaks more than one foreign language? learned new words through conversations with his / her teacher? had to learn a new profession? was upset by the idea of living in a different country? changed his / her plan? was afraid he / she wouldn’t do well in school? chose a profession based on his / her experiences as a child? attended a British school in a foreign country? was very impressed by a place? got help from someone he / she knew? 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Learning a New Language A Larry Humes I was never any good at learning foreign languages, so when I heard that we were going to move to Spain for two years, I wasn’t too thrilled. How was I going to make new friends if I couldn’t speak the language? And worse, at school they’d probably make me repeat a year or even two because I wouldn’t understand what the teacher was saying in class. Then Mrs Rodriguez, our Spanish teacher at school, offered to come to our house a couple of times a week and give me extra lessons. The lessons at home were nothing like our classes at school. We spent the whole time talking. At first she did most of the talking. She told me about her life and her interests. But soon I was picking up lots of vocabulary not difficult words really, but the kind you can use every day. And then I began to feel more confident and started using some of the words I had heard to tell her about myself. I can’t tell you what a difference those lessons with Mrs Rodriguez made. B Patricia Long I was very happy in my job. I was a psychologist and working with young children. But then, one summer, I took a trip to Denmark with a friend. We were just going for a month or so to see the sights and after the trip, I was going to go back home. But life is full of surprises. In a short time, I fell in love with the country and the people and when my friend went back to England, I stayed on in Denmark. When I had no more money left, I knew I had to find work but I had no idea what I could do because I didn’t speak Danish. But then it occured to me that I could teach English. Of course, I didn’t know anything about how people learn a foreign language or how to teach one, so I took a course and afterwards I got a job teaching English to adults. I never did go back to England. I met a Danish guy, got married and I’ve been a teacher here in Denmark ever since. C James Kelly Someone once asked me how I started writing books to help students learn English. I think the fact that my family moved around a lot when I was young must have had something to do with it. In Montreal, where I was born, people spoke English and French, and I had to learn both languages at school. Then, when I started high school we moved to Italy. I really wanted to go to a local school, but my parents thought it would be best if I went to a school where they spoke English. In the end, I went to a British school where I really didn’t learn much Italian. Luckily, I picked up a lot just from everyday life in the city. It’s not that different from French, really. After a few years in Rome, we moved to Greece because of my father’s job. But there I was sent to a local school and picked up Greek in no time at all. Anyway, I think having to learn all those languages made me very aware of how I could help other people learn them.

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Burlington International English B2+ Photocopiable ©© Burlington Books 1

TASKS 5: 15 April-24 April

1º ESO- Revision of units 1-5

1 You are going to read an article in which three people talk about language learning. For questions 1-10, choose from the people,

A-C. The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person …

speaks more than one foreign language?

learned new words through conversations with his / her teacher?

had to learn a new profession?

was upset by the idea of living in a different country?

changed his / her plan?

was afraid he / she wouldn’t do well in school?

chose a profession based on his / her experiences as a child?

attended a British school in a foreign country?

was very impressed by a place?

got help from someone he / she knew?











Learning a New Language

A Larry Humes

I was never any good at learning foreign languages, so when I heard that we were going to move to Spain for

two years, I wasn’t too thrilled. How was I going to make new friends if I couldn’t speak the language? And

worse, at school they’d probably make me repeat a year or even two because I wouldn’t understand what the

teacher was saying in class. Then Mrs Rodriguez, our Spanish teacher at school, offered to come to our house

a couple of times a week and give me extra lessons. The lessons at home were nothing like our classes at

school. We spent the whole time talking. At first she did most of the talking. She told me about her life and her

interests. But soon I was picking up lots of vocabulary – not difficult words really, but the kind you can use

every day. And then I began to feel more confident and started using some of the words I had heard to tell her

about myself. I can’t tell you what a difference those lessons with Mrs Rodriguez made.

B Patricia Long

I was very happy in my job. I was a psychologist and working with young children. But then, one summer, I

took a trip to Denmark with a friend. We were just going for a month or so to see the sights and after the trip, I

was going to go back home. But life is full of surprises. In a short time, I fell in love with the country and the

people and when my friend went back to England, I stayed on in Denmark. When I had no more money left, I

knew I had to find work but I had no idea what I could do because I didn’t speak Danish. But then it occured

to me that I could teach English. Of course, I didn’t know anything about how people learn a foreign language

or how to teach one, so I took a course and afterwards I got a job teaching English to adults. I never did go

back to England. I met a Danish guy, got married and I’ve been a teacher here in Denmark ever since.

C James Kelly

Someone once asked me how I started writing books to help students learn English. I think the fact that my

family moved around a lot when I was young must have had something to do with it. In Montreal, where I was

born, people spoke English and French, and I had to learn both languages at school. Then, when I started high

school we moved to Italy. I really wanted to go to a local school, but my parents thought it would be best if I

went to a school where they spoke English. In the end, I went to a British school where I really didn’t learn

much Italian. Luckily, I picked up a lot just from everyday life in the city. It’s not that different from French,

really. After a few years in Rome, we moved to Greece because of my father’s job. But there I was sent to a

local school and picked up Greek in no time at all. Anyway, I think having to learn all those languages made

me very aware of how I could help other people learn them.

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Task 5 15-24 April

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1º ESO

2 Circle the correct answer. (4 points)

1. You should try on / turn into those jeans before you buy them.

2. It’s important to wear gentle / comfortable shoes.

3. I liked his speech. It was very meaningful / ridiculous.

4. I’m sorry I got angry with you. It was a misunderstanding / discovery.

5. Tina has a lot of clothes in her equipment / wardrobe.

6. We must protect / solve the environment.

7. Laura has a bracelet / tattoo of a flower on her shoulder.

8. A team of engineers have developed / hatched a new robot.

3 Complete the text with the words below. Make any necessary changes. (10 points)

instead of • after all • affect • human being • disappear • imagine • expert • sociable • customer • not surprisingly

4 Complete the phrases in bold with one word. The first letter of each answer has been given. (6 points)

1. I am not k..................................... on her idea. It isn’t very practical.

2. Claire and Mike go out for lunch e..................................... now and then.

3. Tom looks worried. He must have a lot on his m..................................... .

4. Before you go home, make sure you don’t leave anything b..................................... .

5. Please come straight a..................................... . It’s urgent.

6. I don’t know where we are. I’m not f..................................... with this part of town.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (5 points)

1. What should we do? Do you have any ............................................................ ? (suggest)

2. The scientist was excited about her new ............................................................ . (invent)

3. Tom is still in pain, but there is some ............................................................ in his condition. (improve)

4. I didn’t like Justin’s aggressive ............................................................ . (behave)

5. I thought Amy’s ............................................................ was perfect. (respond)

Jobs for Robots

It is hard to (1) ..................................... what the job market will look like in a hundred years’ time. Will people still

be doing the same kind of work as today, or will most jobs have (2) ..................................... by then? According

to (3) ..................................... , the job market will change dramatically in the future. Robots will be used

(4) ..................................... people for almost every job we know today. To get an idea of how robots may

(5) ..................................... our lives in the future, you should visit Robot Restaurant in Harbin, China. When you

enter this restaurant, you will see robotic waiters. They take orders, serve food to the (6) .....................................

and even say, “Enjoy your meal”. (7) ..................................... , this restaurant has become very popular.

(8) ..................................... , the robots are funny, smart and very (9) ..................................... . But what will happen

in the future? Will it still be fun to go out for a meal or will people miss the good old times when waiters were

(10) ..................................... who gave us service with a real smile? Time will tell.

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Task 5 15-24 April

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1º ESO

6 Complete the mini-dialogues with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 points)

BBeettssyy:: I heard that there is a good film tonight. When (1) .............................. (it / begin)?

AAnnggeellaa:: At 7.00. (2) .............................. (you / be) home by then?

BBeettssyy:: I’m not sure, but I (3) .............................. (try).

* * *

BBoobb:: John (4) .............................. (come) to visit us this Tuesday.

TTeessss:: That’s nice. How long (5) .............................. (he / stay)?

BBoobb:: Just one night. He (6) .............................. (travel) to Berlin the next morning.

* * *

AAnnnn:: I (7) .............................. (post) some pictures on Facebook yesterday.

JJaannee:: I know. I (8) .............................. (see) them this morning as I (9) .............................. (wait) for the bus.

I liked the one you took of me while I (10) .............................. (eat) an ice cream.


Your teacher has asked you to write a short story. Your story must begin with this sentence:

Your story must include: • a rubbish dump • a polluted river

8 Watching

After you watch this video, answer the questions.


1) Where are these people from? What do they do?

2) How do they practice social distancing in their different countries?

You do not have to copy the instructions. Write the page and the number of the exercise.

Send your exercises to this mail address: [email protected] (do not include the XXX). If you

have any doubts you can send an e-mail and ask.

On Monday 27, I will provide you with more tasks

Katie was looking forward to a hiking trip with her friends, but at the beginning things didn’t go as she’d planned.

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Task 5 15-24 April

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Vocabulary and Grammar

1 Complete the sentences.

1. Luke’s parents always s … … … … … t him when he has trouble at school.

2. Rose and Lily r … … … … t going on that trip. They didn’t enjoy it.

3. How did she d … … e to cross the Atlantic on her own?

4. My parents didn’t e … … … u … … … … me when I started bungee jumping.

5. It is always best to a … … … d dangerous situations.

6. Mia s … … … … … … … d with the maths problem and eventually solved it.

2 Complete the text with the words below.

turn back took risks gave up went wrong amazed prove

At the beginning of the 20th century, explorers 1.……………………………… when

they travelled in South America. One explorer 2.……………………………… everyone

when he went exploring there, not once, but several times. His name was Colonel Percy

Fawcett. On one trip, he couldn’t find food for 20 days, but he never 3.……………………………… . Eventually, he managed to kill an animal and eat it. In

1925, he went to look for an ancient city in the Brazilian jungle. Some native people

saw him. They wanted him to 4.……………………………… because it was too

dangerous. However, he continued and then something 5.……………………………… .

He disappeared! According to some people, the natives killed him, but no one can 6.……………………………… this.

3 Answer the questions with the words in brackets. Use will, be going to, the Present Continuous with future

meaning or the Present Simple. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? (rain)


2. What are your plans for the weekend? (go mountain climbing)


3. When’s the next bus? (leave in ten minutes)


4. Can we meet after school today? (Cynthia and I study this afternoon)


5. Do you promise to call me? (not forget)


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4º ESO

4 Complete the sentences and questions in A with the verbs in brackets. Use will,

be going to or the Present Simple. Then match A to B.


1. Do you think he …………………… (win) the race?

2. Where …………………… Liz and Charlie …………………… (go) on their boat trip?

3. We’re lost. I think I …………………… (call) for help.

4. When …………………… the bus from London …………………… (arrive)?

5. I hope you …………………… (not take) any risks.

6. Which desert …………………… he …………………… (cross) next?


...... a. The Sahara.

...... b. Don’t worry. I promise.

...... c. To the Hawaiian islands.

...... d. Yes, I think you should.

...... e. At 10.00 am.

...... f. Yes, I’m sure of it.

B) A kiss before dying part 3

Chapter 3: The Smelting Works

1) Write a summary of the chapter. (80-90 words)

2) Give your opinion about the book. (40-50 words)


After you watch this video, answer the questions.


1) Where are these people from? What do they do?

2) How do they practice social distancing in their different countries?

You do not have to copy the instructions. Write the page and the number of the exercise. Send your

exercises to this mail address: [email protected] (do not include the XXX). If you have any

doubts you can send an e-mail and ask.

On Monday 27, I will provide you with more tasks

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Task 5 15-24 April

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1ºBACH: Revision units 1-5


You are going to read a magazine article about insects as food. Five paragraphs have been removed. Choose the correct paragraph (A-F) that fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.


Here are the facts. Global meat production has tripled over the last four decades. As the demand for animal products

rises sharply with economic growth, we’ll need to work out how to produce enough protein for the world’s growing

population, expected to reach nine billion by 2050.

A growing number of people believe that insects might be the answer, pointing out that insects are rich in protein and

make a sensible and environmentally friendly alternative to other livestock forms. Not only is less space needed to

raise them, but they also emit lower levels of greenhouse gases. What is more, some species of insects are able to

resist drought and may require less water than cows, pigs or poultry.

Yet in Modern Europe, insects have never been commonly perceived as a food source. Some speculate this could

be because insects thrive in hot, wet tropical climates. The first people to populate the northern latitudes came in the

Ice Age. In such cold temperatures, there was little chance humans could survive by eating the few insects to be

found. However, over the course of human evolution, the practice of eating insects became a phenomenon in the

tropics, where they were abundant.

Some enthusiasts, however, believe that human food tastes can change. The example often raised is that of sushi.

When this Japanese dish of raw fish was first introduced into the West decades ago, only a few curious people tried it –

but they found it delicious! Their enthusiasm, combined with a drop in its price and an increase in its availability, was

what eventually resulted in the widespread popularity of this unusual dish.

Meanwhile, insect farmers in North America, who focus mainly on raising crickets, are preparing for the change they

are sure will come. In 2014, the recently founded North American Edible Insect Coalition had its first meeting. The

coalition consists of people involved in the industry, as well as insect-eating supporters and researchers. Together,

they hope to explore and expand the use of insects in human food and animal feed through research and improved

production methods.

Clearly, it may be years before the local grocery or supermarket chains feature packages of fried crickets or cricket

flour for cake. Yet the industry is putting all its efforts into turning this plan into a reality and, who knows, they just

might be successful!






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Task 5 15-24 April

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A There is nothing new about turning to insects for nourishment. It is mentioned in the Bible, as well as in texts from

Ancient Greece and Rome. In fact, it is still a common practice in some countries, where at least two billion people

eat a wide variety of insects. From yellow jacket wasp larvae, popular in Japan, to the treasured cicadas of Malawi,

the list of edible insect species has already reached 1,900 and is growing.

B There are still challenges ahead of them. For example, the problem of ensuring consistent taste in the insect

product has not been solved. A lizard, they explain, might not be picky about the flavour of one particular cricket

over another, but people make an issue when it comes to taste. Another problem is number. In order to capture the

market of large food buyers, the cricket farmers would have to produce billions of crickets per year. Existing farms

are not yet equipped for such massive production.

C Apart from the history of climate and human migration, there is the cultural taboo. Simply put, by many in the West,

insects are seen as pests that transmit diseases. This has given rise to something called the “yuck factor” – the

very idea of eating bugs is disgusting.

D Unfortunately, producing more meat using our current system is a poor solution to this problem because of its

heavy cost to our environment. Raising livestock like cattle and pigs consumes vast amounts of land and water.

Furthermore, animal waste and veterinary medicines given to animals end up polluting the soil and water. Finally,

the livestock industry produces more greenhouse gases than aeroplanes, trains and automobiles combined.

E When it comes to labelling the final product, it is likely that regulating authorities will insist on an allergy warning.

This is because increasing evidence shows that people who are allergic to shellfish may also be allergic to insects.

F According to the research of Jonas House, a doctoral candidate in human geography at the University of Sheffield

in England, the same success can happen with insects. House does not believe in trying to disguise the fact that

you are marketing insects as food. Instead, he says “you have to have some kind of insect food that is really

distinctive and tastes good. … a great taste they can’t get anywhere else.”


1 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. (8 points)

An Australian Sport

Would you like to have a go (1) ...... Physie? Most people haven’t heard of Physie, a sport which combines elements

of dance, Pilates, aerobics and yoga. However, in Australia, thousands of women are (2) ...... on this unusual sport.

And they enjoy it regardless (3) ...... their age. Physie practitioners range from three to 73! Initially brought to

Tasmania, Australia by Danish-born Hans Christian Bjelke-Petersen in 1892, Physie was introduced as a form of

gymnastics meant to improve the health of the entire body through movement. The (4) ...... Bjelke-Petersen worked

hard to promote his new sport and his efforts (5) ...... off. By the 1920s, he was responsible for the physical education

of children in some 80 private schools and, as the sport increased in popularity, competitions were introduced. Today,

there are over 200 Physie clubs in Australia and the movement is experiencing (6) ...... interest, which some (7) ...... to

the influence of social media. Whatever the reasons for its current popularity, Physie practitioners take (8) ...... in their

exercise routine and dream of competing in the Senior Finals which are held annually at the world famous Sydney

Opera House.

1. A in B at C on D by

2. A overeager B strong C keen D dedicated

3. A for B of C off D from

4. A abundant B selective C enterprising D equipped

5. A polished B put C laid D paid

6. A repeated B renewed C vigorous D common

7. A attribute B submit C derive D pinpoint

8. A promotion B notion C promise D pride

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Task 5 15-24 April

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2 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. (14 points)

1. The President ........................... a visit to the injured soldiers in hospital.

2. After failing the first time, we decided to make a ........................... start.

3. If you have any complaints, call customer ........................... .

4. Do you know how much the airline charges for five kilos of ........................... baggage?

5. The fringe ........................... for the job include a car and a driver.

6. The plane crash made the ........................... in all the newspapers.

7. My stomach hurt terribly. I simply couldn’t ........................... the pain.

3 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form

a word that fits in the gap in the same line. (8 points)


Fifteen-year-old Kaashif Kamaly was awarded a £76,000 scholarship to Eton, one of the

best-known schools in the world. (1) ........................... , Kaashif’s background was not DOUBT

(2) ........................... to that of most Eton students, who include such famous and COMPARE

influential people as the Princes William and Harry and film stars Damian Lewis and Hugh

Laurie. The son of an immigrant from Bangladesh, he lived with his family in a poor

London neighbourhood where drugs and crime often lead to low academic achievement

among young people and their being charged with (3) ........................... conduct. ORDER

However, Kaashif made no (4) ........................... for his background. He felt he was able APOLOGISE

to (5) ........................... many of the obstacles put in his way with the help of his teachers COME

at Forest Gate Community School. Forest Park prides itself on helping (6) ........................... PROMISE

students achieve academic excellence. He was also well aware that his academic

(7) ........................... would not have been possible without the devotion of his family. ACCOMPLISH

Their encouragement (8) ........................... his determination to succeed at Eton. “I have STRONG

this extraordinary opportunity that I will grab with both hands but it won’t change who I am

and where I have come from, nor would I want it to,” Kaashif

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets, active or passive. (6 points)

1. ................................................. (it / consider) healthier to exercise every day or every other day?

2. If only I ................................................. (take) my phone with me!

3. You’ll have to get up early to get the train. It ................................................. (leave) at 6 am.

4. By the time the chief of police arrived, all the witnesses ................................................. (question).

5. I understand why you’re upset. You ................................................. (should / not ask) to change your seat.

6. If you ................................................. (not stop) writing yet, stop now and put your pens away.

7. Jessica ................................................. (swim) for years before she started swimming competitively.

8. More and more tickets ................................................. (buy) online nowadays.

9. My dad will get you some milk. He ................................................. (go) to the supermarket anyway.

10. Supposing the restaurant closes early, where ................................................. (we / have) lunch?

11. That tiny woman ................................................. (cannot / carry) that heavy sofa alone! Who helped her?

12. You’ve studied Spanish, haven’t you? ................................................. (you / say) it’s difficult?

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Task 5 15-24 April

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5 Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. (8 points)


When the first men (1) ........................... sent to the moon, people thought there was little chance, if (2) ........................... ,

that humans would one day take a holiday in space. But now, nearly 45 years later, it seems likely that two humans

(3) ........................... soon be vacationing on a trip to the moon. Their rocket, which was manufactured

(4) ........................... the private company SpaceX, is scheduled to take them on a week-long journey, circling once

around the moon before returning them to Earth. Before making its historic voyage, the spaceship will

(5) ........................... sent on a test voyage without any humans aboard. SpaceX will also (6) ........................... the

travellers undergo special training to teach them to cope with emergency procedures. Sir Richard Branson shares

SpaceX’s vision of space tourism and his company, Virgin Galactic, is also working towards this end. Since a crash

of one of their spaceships occurred in 2014, the company (7) ........................... made improvements and their new

rocket recently completed a successful flight. With all the effort that companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic are

(8) ........................... into developing space tourism, the dream of a holiday in space has every chance of becoming

a reality.

6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.

Use between three and six words, including the word given. (6 points)

1. If my speech is offensive, I will apologise. BY

If they ...................................................................... , I will apologise.

2. My throat is sore and it feels like I’m about to have the flu. DOWN

My throat is sore and I think I ...................................................................... the flu.

3. The firefighters couldn’t keep the fire from spreading, despite their efforts. CONTAIN

The firefighters were ...................................................................... fire, despite their efforts.

4. It’s not a good idea for you to make Liz feel hopeful about it. RAISE

I wish ...................................................................... about it.

5. “By the end of the season, I hope the team will be up to par,” the coach said. IMPROVED

“By the end of the season, I hope the team ...................................................................... ,” the coach said.

6. We were all pleased by Jane’s unexpected visit. TURNED

Everyone was pleased ...................................................................... unexpectedly.

C Watching

After you watch this video, answer the questions.


1) What similarities and differences are there in the confinement of the different countries? (50-70 words)

2) Write 3 words or new expressions you have learned from the video. Explain their meaning in the context.

3) Write about some new information you got from the video.

You do not have to copy the instructions. Write the page and the number of the exercise.

Send your exercises to this mail address: [email protected] (do not include the XXX). If you

have any doubts you can send an e-mail and ask.

On Monday 27, I will provide you with more tasks

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Task 5 15-24 April

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BACH Revision

1 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below. There are more words than you need. (9 x 1 = 9 points)

typical • disastrous • well-deserved • take pride in • like clockwork

far-fetched • resign • run short of • creature • slack off • owner

1. Alex has always been a hard worker. However, lately he has begun to …………………… .

2. We saw the …………………… results of the earthquake on television.

3. The surprise birthday party was a success. Everything went …………………… .

4. Maria had a …………………… excuse, so no one believed her.

5. We try and do our best because we …………………… our work.

6. You should start looking for another job before you …………………… from this one.

7. Kate is a …………………… teenager. She spends a lot of time talking on the phone.

8. My neighbours have a big family. They go shopping twice a week in order not to …………………… food.

9. Does anyone know who’s the …………………… of this car?

2 The following sentences do not make sense. Correct them without changing the words in bold. (6 x ½ = 3 points)

1. There are many drawbacks to working here. One of them is the benefits.


2. He’s out of a job. He should be back in a few minutes.


3. The teacher gave advance notice about the quiz, so everyone was surprised.


4. Drive slowly because the view is treacherous.


5. One of the job qualifications is working long hours.


6. It was a last-minute decision that we had planned for weeks.


3 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Pay attention to the words in bold. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. Janet refused to participate because she thought it was a ……………………………… idea.

2. They collided with one another because they weren’t ……………………………… .

3. Brad landed a job after going to many ……………………………… .

4. They decided to put off the meeting because it wasn’t a good ……………………………… for everyone.

5. You should take your time. Don’t ……………………………… !

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Task 5 15-24 April

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4 Complete the passage with words and collocations below. There are more words than you need. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

gigantic • realistic • attempts • run an errand • accurate • worldwide • launched

blow up • guarantee • spacecraft • find out • voyage • out of a job

It was 1.30 am on 6th August 2012 and hundreds of people filled Times Square in Manhattan.

They weren’t waiting for a rock star or a famous actor to appear. They wanted to see how the 1.

…………………… of NASA’s Mars space mission would end. NASA had sent a 2.

…………………… to Mars on 26th November 2011 with a special vehicle to explore the planet.

The vehicle, called Curiosity, was 3. …………………… from the spacecraft and was supposed to

land on Mars. However, nobody could 4. …………………… that Curiosity wouldn’t crash. Since

1969, there have been many 5. …………………… to land on Mars, but until 2012, only six had

actually succeeded. That changed when Curiosity landed successfully on Mars and became the

seventh while millions of people watched it happen live on the Internet and television. However,

if you didn’t want to wait until 6th August, you could use Eyes on the Solar System to 6.

…………………… what the landing would look like. Eyes on the Solar System is a free NASA

computer program which lets you create 7. …………………… 3D images of anything in space.

The images are very 8. …………………… because the program uses real data from NASA. The

program was very popular just before the Mars landing with more than 700,000 downloads.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable verb. (7 x 1 = 7 points)

1. My friends finally flew to Australia. They ………………………………………… about going there for months.

2. I ………………………………………… to yoga classes since September. It helps me deal with school pressure.

3. If only you ………………………………………… me. I would have helped you before the exam.

4. This route ………………………………………… to be the most dangerous one to hike.

5. I didn’t do any of the cooking. I ………………………………………… everything …………………………………………


6. Unless you say something, nobody ………………………………………… the truth.

7. He ………………………………………… by anyone for days. His family is very worried.

6 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (8 x 1 = 8 points)

A: I heard you were on holiday this summer. Where did you go?

B: I was in the Philippines for three weeks. I was doing volunteer work there.

A: Where did you get that idea?

B: A friend from school posted photos online from her trip to India where she 1. ……………………………… (work)

as a volunteer all summer. I called her and she told me all about the organisation. I checked their website and

thought that the programme in the Philippines was interesting. All the arrangements

2. ……………………………… (done) online and a week later, I was flying to a place called Tacloban City. I 3.

……………………………… (meet) by a driver at the airport who drove me to my host family. The next day, I

started working in a shelter for street kids.

A: It must have been challenging.

B: Yeah, it was, but I enjoyed every minute. I also got to travel around the country on tours that

4. ……………………………… (organise) by the programme. The Philippines is a beautiful country and the

people are so friendly. I 5. ……………………………… (go back) to visit if I ever get the chance.

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Task 5 15-24 April

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A:How much did it cost?

B: It was quite expensive – more than $2,000. But I 6. ……………………………… (save) my money for months.

A: Do you think it was worth it?

B: It was the best experience I 7. ……………………………… (ever / have). And because of my trip, I’ve decided to

become a social worker. I 8. ……………………………… never ……………………………… (decide) that if I hadn’t

gone on the programme. I can’t wait to show you the photos I took!


After you watch this video, answer the questions.


4) What similarities and differences are there in the confinement of the different countries? (50-70 words)

5) Write 3 words or new expressions you have learned from the video. Explain their meaning in the context.

6) Write about some new information you got from the video.

You do not have to copy the instructions. Write the page and the number of the exercise.

Send your exercises to this mail address: [email protected] (do not include the XXX). If you

have any doubts you can send an e-mail and ask.

On Monday 27, I will provide you with more tasks