nalaar legacy chapter one: it's a shack

The Nalaar Legacy Chapter One It's A Shack

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Chapter one


Page 1: Nalaar Legacy Chapter One: It's A Shack

The Nalaar Legacy

Chapter One

It's A Shack

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Hello and welcome to the Nalaar Legacy. The surname comes from Chandra Nalaar, a volcanic planeswalker from Magic: The Gathering. Anyway, that dashing redhead you see before you is my founder, Ava Nalaar. She is named for Ava Gardner, one of the greats of American cinema.

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Ava here is a 5/9/6/2/3 Popularity/Romance Sim. Her LTW is to-- Ava: “Wait! Wait, wait, wait! This is a shack. You've stuck me in a shack.” It is not a shack! Ava: “It's 3x3...and doesn't even have a floor. It's a shack.” It's a work in progress. Ava: *rolls eyes*

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Digging for treasure already? The welcome wagon hasn't even shown up yet.

Ava: “Yeah, well, I can't very well entertain friends in a shack, now can I?”

You know, I thought I could avoid this whole ordeal since you're not Fortune, but nope. No breaks. Ugh. But Ava did find one of the maps her first go. She actually has really good luck with treasure. By the end of the second day,

she found three maps, a potted potential, and other stuff worth decent amounts of simoleons. Go Ava.

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Find your dream job?

Ava: “Nope. Dance is fun, though, right?” I guess. I don't really dance, but other people seem to like it.

Ava: “....okay then.”

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I caught a fish! I also decided it was a good time to fill you in on some of the special rules that I'll be using for this legacy. Now, I won't be scoring, because I honestly just don't feel like keeping up with all that. But I have added a few handicaps to

help keep things interesting.

1) If a Sim gets fired or quits a job, they are barred from ever entering that career path again. 2) I can't ignore chance cards, not even the dumb hobby ones.

3) Each heir must be chosen by chance. I either flip a coin or roll the dice. 4) I not only have to roll for aspirations on the Teen birthday, I have to re-roll them in college. 5) No Elixir of Life, no Cow-plant Elixir, no resurrection, no pleading with Grim. Dead is dead.

6) Free-Roaming Ghosts

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And since I know that people like to see where Simselves live, this is Captain Mills HQ. I don't like to go in for big laggy mansions, and I'm just not a great builder, so I have somewhat smaller, cozy house with a large yard.

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I fell on my butt. Thought I should share.

Anyway, let's get back to Ava and see what she's up to.

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...and she's picking fights with the Garden Club.

Ava: “Listen, old man, you'll be my friend or I will destroy you!” I don't think that's the proper way to make friends, Ava.

Ava: “Be my friend now!” Joe Graham: “Of course I'll be your friend, Ms. Nalaar. And not just because you're kind of scary.”

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Ava: “Really?”

Really? Joe: “Yes, really. I respect a Sim who just goes after what they want.”

Ava: “Awesome! I knew the tough approach would work!” Oh goodness, I hope this isn't an indication of how things are going to go from now on...

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Well I guess we'll find out soon enough now that the welcome wagon has arrived. Let's see...we've got Trisha Traveller, Julian Cooke (I think that's his name), and one of the Larson twins (can't even guess his name right now). If you're wondering why

the binners are here, it's cause I don't like sticking Sims in completely empty neighborhoods, so I moved in all the Sims out of the bin. Except the Ottomas family. I deleted them. No buggy twins ruining Tawel Valley. A stray dog even showed up, but I have no idea what his name is.

Joe: “Um, Ms. Nalaar...Ava...I'm still here, you know.”

Give it up Joe, she's got new people to focus on. There's no keeping a Popularity Sim focused on one person for long.

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Poor Joe. He so wants Ava to talk to him some more, but she's distracted by making friends with Trisha to even notice.

This was honestly the least social welcome wagon I've ever seen. Ava doesn't want to talk to anyone but Trisha, Joe doesn't want to talk to anyone but Ava, the Larson guy doesn't want to talk to anyone at all, and Julian won't stop playing with the dog.

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Trisha: “And when we got there to move in, we realized that we had accidentally bought the house with one bedroom instead of two!”

Ava: “No way!” Trisha: “Yeah! Now poor Tina has to share a room with me and Trent until we can expand the house.”

Ava: “Hahaha*snort*hahaha!!”

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Just back from her first day of work, and Ava is...looking very sad. What's wrong?

Ava: “I busted my ankle on the way to work, but I figured I could lead the class anyway. But I collapsed right and the end and everyone panicked. My boss told me take a 'permanent break.'” Oh. I'm sorry, Ava. I bet checking the newspaper for a new job will cheer you right up!

Ava: “You are the Devil.”

Maybe. Now go check the paper.

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I see a smile... Ava: “No, you don't.” Yes, I do. I see everything and I definitely see you smiling right now. I guess there was something good in the paper? Ava: “Ugh, fine. There's a listing for a file clerk. Happy?” Of course I'm happy! Being a file clerk is only about ten steps away from becoming The Law! Ava: “Like I don't know that.”

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Looking forward to your first day at a new job? Ava: “A few hours away from you and working towards my lifetime want? Of course!” You know, one of these days, you're going to mellow out and start being civil towards me. Ava: “And just when do you think that's going to happen?” Probably after you're married with kids and don't have enough energy to be snarky. Ava: “Yeah, good luck with that.”

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How was your first day?

Ava: “It was good. I convinced my boss to take Ms. Vanderseaux's case against the Repo Men and he promoted me.” Awesome! I've always hated those Repo Men. So, where are you off to now?

Ava: “Lucky Card Shack. I am a Popularity Sim after all.” Alrighty.

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Goodness, Trisha, is that you? You are wearing the worst outerwear in the whole game. I really need to go around and fix these wardrobes.

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Ava: “I ended up on a great lot with tons of room and really close to the cliff-side, but all I could afford to build was a tiny 3x3 shack!”

Joe Carr: “Oh man, Ava. That's awful! How can you entertain guests in a shack? More importantly, how can you show off how rich you are and make everyone else totally jealous?!”

*sigh* Fortune Sims... Oh well. He and Ava have two bolts, so I guess it's meant to be. Mostly because I don't like lot hopping and he's got a nice face.

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Joe: “So, did I hear that you're a legacy Sim?”

Ava: “Yeah, but don't get your hopes up. Remember what I said before: shack.” Joe: “Shack for now. But legacies always end up rich, living in mansions, and achieving lifetime wants.”

Ava: “You'd have to deal with the Creator breathing down your neck all the time. And that's not an exaggeration. I really mean all. The. Time.”

Joe: “For you...and money...I can deal with even the most annoying Creators.”

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Ava: *dreamy sigh* “I like you, Joe.” I like Joe, too. Ava: “Don't say that. You'll ruin him for me.” Goodness, you are worse than a teenager. Ava: “Your fault. You made me.” Touché.

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Okay, I apologize for how awful this picture is. But I had to show you the hearts. Ava and Joe fell in love with two hours left on the date clock. I have never had Sims fall for each other this quickly before. I've even had three-bolters who took longer than


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After work the next day, Ava couldn't wait to see Joe again. She called him up and practically jumped him the second he set foot on the property.

I'm fairly certain that Joe doesn't mind a bit.

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Ava: “Joe, sweetie, I know we only met last night, but we are in love already. So I really don't see the point of waiting and having some dumb, drawn-out courtship when we already know what's going to happen. Marry me?”

Joe: “Of course I'll marry you! I love you, and after all, the sooner we get married, the sooner we can start getting rich and living in a mansion with six pets!”

Well...that was certainly roman---WAIT WHAT?! Six pets?! What the...oh no. Joe, please don't tell me that's your LTW. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...Maybe we should wait on the whole marriage thing...

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No, no, no, stop! Don't do it!

Ava: “Too late.” Ah hell.

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Well, here's Joe Nalaar. Formerly Joe Carr. He is a Fortune/Pleasure Sim with the LTW of...*gulp*...having 6 sassafrackin pets reach the top of their career tracks. Ugh. Why, Joe, why? Here I was liking you so much and then you go and you do that. And

if anyone's wondering, yes, I'm going to go for it. It might take a while because they'll need more money for it, and I'll want whatever kids they end up having to at least be out of toddlerhood before I start this one. Anyway, his personality is 6/5/8/3/3, so a pretty decent match for Ava. He joined the family as a Senior Manager in the

Business track, and brought in a whopping 315 simoleons.

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An inaugural snuggling for the newly expanded house that even includes an actual bedroom!

...okay, so I can't be too mad at Joe when he and Ava look this adorable together. (And yes, I did get rid of his ridi culous pompadour).

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Hey, Ava. What'cha studying today?

Ava: “Cooking. Did you know that eating cheesecake can make you have twins?” Yeah...

Ava: “Well, of course you would. You just know everything, don't you.” I should have known better than to hope that meeting her soul mate would brighten her up a bit. Oh well.

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Having some morning sickness?

Ava: “Yeah...”*blarf* “Kids better be worth all this or I am going to be one angry Sim.” Oh don't worry, Ava. I'm sure you'll be fine.

Ava: “If I'm not...”*glarb* Yeah, yeah I know. You'll be mad and might do something unpleasant.

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Dapper Gentleman Alert!

Also, I forgot the roof. Sorry.

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Just what do you think you're doing with that cheesecake?

Ava: “I'm going to eat it.” But...but...TWINS!!! And you're not a Family Sim! Do you know how hard twins are even for Sims that are all about babies??

Ava: “Well, I need an heir and a spare, and I am definitely not getting pregnant again. This way, I get what I need and what I want. Win-win.”

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Well, don't say didn't warn you...

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The Dapper Gentleman gave Joe an expensive TV.

Hey, what's that sound? Didn't you hear it? It's the sound of 8,000 simoleons being added to the “Build A Better House” fund. I love networking.

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Pop goes the belly!

Ava: “There had better be two of you in there...”

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Joe's Friend on the Phone: “I heard you work at Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, and Holliway*. Goodman's actually my uncle! I'm totally going to make him promote you when you get back from maternity leave.”

I really love networking.

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What are you so happy about?

Joe: “I just got promoted to CEO. The new salary plus the bonus has us at over 20,000 simoleons...liquid. Not just net worth.” You know, I'm starting to wonder why I ever doubted you.

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Ava: “It's conclusive. CEO butt is way better than any other butt.”

Joe: “Except for maybe pregnant legal secretary butt.”

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Um...Ava...why did you suddenly stop repairing the shower?

Ava: “...ow...” Of course. Joe just went to bed and the bathroom is flooded. What better time to go into labor?

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Ava: “OW!!!! Owowowowowowowowowowow!! This hurts a lot more than I was expecting!”

You're in labor. Of course it hurts. Just power through. You'll spin soon. Ava: “OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

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Ava: “GET OUT OF ME!!!!”

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Hahaha! Okay, maybe now you should get your arm out of the baby...

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Well, the cheesecake definitely worked cause here's Baby #2!

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Give a big welcome to Generation Two! Ava had two baby girls, both of whom inherited their father's brown hair and blue eyes. The theme for Gen 2 is opera.

On the right, being held by Joe, is Maria, the older twin. Ava has the younger one, Rosa.

Aren't they just the cutest?

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Aren't they just adorable when they're screaming or stinking?

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Ava: “Rassafrackin, goat licking, mother of toads toilet! I just had two babies and now I'm the one who has to unclog this thing?!”

Sorry, Ava. But you're the only one home who can, well, walk. Ava: “That's it! I'm not taking this anymore!”

Whoa, Ava, maybe take some time to calm down before you do anything rash?

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Ava: “Hello? Butlers, Inc.? Yeah, this is Ava Nalaar. Can you send someone over, like, right now? Preferably someone who is good with small children. One hour? That sounds great. Thank you!”

Okay, not what I was expecting. Much better than what I was expecting. Ava: “What exactly did you think I was going to do?”


Ava: “Uh huh...sure.”

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So now we have a butler much earlier in the legacy than is the norm. The twins were just as hard, if not harder, on Ava as I had warned. Mr. Potato Face Butler here is Ethan Cox, and he's not bad.

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Though he does seem to do a lot of pacing. I guess this is a much smaller, less chaotic house than butlers are used to and he just doesn't know what to do with himself. I hope he doesn't get too bored.

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Well you're looking pretty happy there, Joe. Another promotion?

Joe: “Sort of. I just got re-promoted to CEO.” Wait, what?

Joe: “Remember? I got demoted over something about rockets? Well, I just got un-demoted, or, as I like to call it, re-promoted.”

Oh yeah, the chance card I accidentally clicked on before I read it. Whoops. As long as you're happy, I guess.

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It's birthday time! First up is Maria.

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Ava: “Make a wish, little one! Here's a tip: friends are never not awesome.”

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I love cute toddlers.

Maria has a somewhat extreme personality. 10/10/9/3/1. Well, we know that she will always keep the house clean...even if she does it by burning it to the ground.

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Next up is little Rosa.

Joe: “Wish for money, kiddo. Money makes everything better. Everything.”

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I'm pretty sure that's Ava's nose there. Cute toddlers ftw.

Rosa has the exact same personality as Joe. 6/5/8/3/3. I'm not sure if that's cute or not. Probably cute.

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Thanks for joining me for Chapter One of the Nalaar Legacy! I hope to see you around Tawel Valley again.

*The name of the law firm that Ava works at (Goodman, Lieber, Kurtzberg, and Holliway) is the name of the law firm that She-Hulk practices at.

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Maria: [Silly block! You will go where you are told or you will be destroyed! I will burn you! And then I will burn the ashes! And then I will eat the ashes!]