my experience of non violence day

1 The Day of Nonviolence Nonviolence is personal practice of being harmless to self, and others under every condition. For some nonviolent action is an expedient technique for dealing with conflict or bringing about social change. For others nonviolence is moral imperative or even a way of life. I tried to avoid nonviolence by using some efforts. First I tried to find causes of such type of violent behavior, sometimes it’s hard to notice when people, thoughts or events are adding stress in your life which results aggression it provoke us to behave nonviolently, but removing stress by help of others can make us feel better and calm. I thought staying alone and not sharing my tensions with anyone is also cause of nonviolence. To form attraction with someone can also be helpful as I did. I speak to my friend and I told him about my feeling. It made me feel calm in such condition in which I usually behave violently. Because keeping those things in mind which I don’t like triggered me most of time to react violently. But sharing with someone my feelings made me to stay calm and think about the positive or negative site of someone behavior what were attributes. Why they did something. When I was thinking of all the aspect about any behavior I used my conscience I thought about my behavior also. I thought of my mistakes and I apologize. I thought of good and bad outcome before doing any act. I avoid aggressiveness and tried not to speak in calm and soft manner and it help me to behave nonviolently. Before doing any act I was asking myself that what worst could happen?. My behavior was different from the normal. I liked myself today when I was behaving nonviolently. I usually become frustrated when I don’t get anything that I desire. Frustration is main cause of my violent behavior. And I used to engage in condescension that I was arrogant. I disdain on the parts of others. I usually became the victim of provocation when others tease me I lose my conscience and behave badly. When I behave nonviolently I felt good. I was being recognized as a good girl. Everyone was giving me attention. Attention was also a cause of behaving violently By Ambreen BBA-II (A)

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Post on 08-Aug-2015



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Page 1: My experience of non violence day

1 The Day of Nonviolence

Nonviolence is personal practice of being harmless to self, and others under every condition. For some nonviolent action is an expedient technique for dealing with conflict or bringing about social change. For others nonviolence is moral imperative or even a way of life. I tried to avoid nonviolence by using some efforts. First I tried to find causes of such type of violent behavior, sometimes it’s hard to notice when people, thoughts or events are adding stress in your life which results aggression it provoke us to behave nonviolently, but removing stress by help of others can make us feel better and calm. I thought staying alone and not sharing my tensions with anyone is also cause of nonviolence. To form attraction with someone can also be helpful as I did. I speak to my friend and I told him about my feeling. It made me feel calm in such condition in which I usually behave violently. Because keeping those things in mind which I don’t like triggered me most of time to react violently. But sharing with someone my feelings made me to stay calm and think about the positive or negative site of someone behavior what were attributes. Why they did something. When I was thinking of all the aspect about any behavior I used my conscience I thought about my behavior also. I thought of my mistakes and I apologize. I thought of good and bad outcome before doing any act. I avoid aggressiveness and tried not to speak in calm and soft manner and it help me to behave nonviolently. Before doing any act I was asking myself that what worst could happen?.

My behavior was different from the normal. I liked myself today when I was behaving nonviolently. I usually become frustrated when I don’t get anything that I desire. Frustration is main cause of my violent behavior. And I used to engage in condescension that I was arrogant. I disdain on the parts of others. I usually became the victim of provocation when others tease me I lose my conscience and behave badly. When I behave nonviolently I felt good. I was being recognized as a good girl. Everyone was giving me attention. Attention was also a cause of behaving violently and aggressively. Everyone was trying to understand me. And that is also necessary because if we behave in nonviolent manner or in other words in bad manner, then that someone might form a negative impression of us, therefore in order to avoid such consequences I usually try to form a nice

By AmbreenBBA-II (A)

Page 2: My experience of non violence day

2 The Day of Nonviolence

impression but when we got close we avoid to pretend to be what we are not.

After being nonviolent I was now feeling myself as a valuable person to others and that others also need me and want to be with me. When I was behaving violent no one was listening to me because they perceived me as an aggressive and twisted girl but now everything seems change to me. But now I was accepting them and I was happy what was given to me I was not behaving nonviolently because of jealousy or something like that. . I was being recognized as a good girl. Everyone was giving me attention. Attention was also a cause of behaving violently and aggressively. So I was not getting what I desire to get except acceptance. And these benefits were better than the cost I incurred. Others felt that I am being changed. They also supported me by giving importance. And they tried to help me in being calm. Even they don’t know that it was just an experiment on “day of nonviolence”. People who are mostly affected by our behavior are our parents, friends and siblings. All were used to be angry with me when I was a violent girl but now I felt my importance in their eye. My friends make me to participate on every matter with them. My parents were expressing their love by smiling to me. My siblings were sharing anything to me. My younger sister told me about her school that means she trusted me. And she was sure that I will listen her I felt good . They thought that I have just realized their importance and my mistakes. But I also incurred cost of it. We forgo one thing to get another. As I was behaving nonviolently and aggressively everyone was being irritated and they were accepting my thought to get rid of my violence or I was getting what I want. Or any islamiyat teacher had given me any lecture on ethics and morals. Because they were perceiving it as miracle or something but not reality but they were happy because of my reactions. It is good to behave calmly and understand others.

The benefit that I got after behaving nonviolently was:

Acceptance from others Importance from other Happy and calm Self satisfaction Everything was good

By AmbreenBBA-II (A)

Page 3: My experience of non violence day

3 The Day of Nonviolence

I will also suggest others to behave nonviolently. I will try to persuade them by telling them positive effects of it. I will try to use learning theories like classical conditioning and operant conditioning. As operant conditioning says that positive or negative rewards enhances the behavior and positive or negative punishment stops the behavior I may reward them. Reward can be appreciation also. I will try to influence them using technique of social influence and I may follow the techniques of conformity. I can warn them of negative outcomes that they may face if they behave aggressively. Then if anyone does not accept my request I can also punish them when condition would be rarely met. And these type of techniques like learning theories, punishments and rewards persuasion and social influence may also foster a less violent and happy society.

As prediction do not always results as accurate we become victim of planning fallacies also but it is human’s nature to make an assumption or something like that. As I have realized the benefits of being nonviolent I can apply this in my whole life. I can predict that if I live like this only one month, it may become a habit of mine. I am being accepted in my family and I can realize my importance now everyone was behaving positively to me because of my nonviolent behavior. These outcomes I like the most. But I realize that Keeping calm during hardships is a difficult practice to inherit. It's important to teach yourself this skill because you'll be able to cope with unwarranted situations. So I found my day on nonviolence better than other days I will try to continue to live with it. On the other hand If I would not like that I may became more aggressive than before because I may think that there is no benefit to live with nonviolence. As I saw in my experiment I was not getting the thing I liked. So I may stop thinking with calm mind before reacting to any stimulus. But prediction can go wrong and human’s nature is also volatile and changing habit is also a difficult task. I will try to live with nonviolence. I am fully influenced by this day that I want to write a quote of Mahatma Gandhi. He said “Anger in the enemy of non-violence. And pride is monster that swallows

it up” THE END

By AmbreenBBA-II (A)

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4 The Day of Nonviolence

By AmbreenBBA-II (A)