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Page 1: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being

PRINCIPIA 2013 Presents



© Mike Dooley

All rights reserved.

Page 2: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


TUT Adventurers Club Oath

“In the face of adversity, uncertainty, and conflicting sensory information, I hereby pledge to remain ever mindful of the magical, infinite, loving reality in which I live. A reality that

conspires tirelessly in my favor.

“I further recognize that living within space and time, as a Creation amongst my own Creations, is the ultimate Adventure,

because thoughts become things, dreams come true, and all things remain forever possible.

“As a Being of Light, I hereby resolve to live, love, and be happy, at all costs, no matter what, with reverence and kindness for all.

So be it!”

To receive your FREE daily

Notes from the Universe

Take the Oath at www.tut.com to receive brief emails that

will help keep you centered in the truth about who you really

are and all you can have, do, and be. Each of the Notes shared

in this program were previously sent out to subscribers free of

charge, and are copyright protected. Most are contained, with

over 600 others, in Mike’s 3, Notes from the Universe books.

Page 3: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


Leveraging the Universe 7 Steps to Engaging Life’s Magic

1 Understand Your Power

2 Chart Your Course

3 Take Action and Delegate

4 Leverage the Universe

5 Align Your Beliefs

6 Engage the Magic

7 Adjust Your Sails

Page 4: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


1 Understand Your Power

“There’s only God. We’re all one. Thoughts become things.”

1. The #1 reason people don’t lead happier and fuller lives is because they

don’t confidently ____________________ who we are, _______ we’re

here, and ______ we’re capable of.

2. Every man, woman and child is here in time and space to

_______________, with an inclination to __________________, and

the ability to discern all ____________________.

3. The “absolute” of our lives that gives us traction, is the principle of our

_________________ __________________ _______________!

4. The “how’s,” “who’s,” and details are the domain of the

____________________. Our most important job is simply deciding

upon our ___________ ________________.

5. Sometimes getting a little _______________ and

__________________ are the most spiritual things you can do.

“True, while there really is no such thing as “judgment,” “wrong,” or “sin,” as you’ve likely been taught, there remain such things as consequences.”

Page 5: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


1 Understand Your Power

A Note from the Universe

What do you give someone who already has it all, forever and ever?

Did you just say, “How about the fleeting

illusion they don’t have it all, to create a sense of adventure, to fill their days with drama, and to

impose upon them the almost unbearable lightness of being that all angels feel when

dancing in time and space . . . dude”?

Or was “dude” actually “duh”?

Don’t believe in the fleeting illusions, dude. The Universe

P.S. For all the hoopla, heaven can get pretty

boring without sometimes believing in have and have not, here and there, now and then,

shaken not stirred.

Page 6: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


1 Understand Your Power

1) What thoughts of yours have become things?

At work or in business?



In your relationships?



At home?






In health, appearance, or otherwise physically?



2) Share your favorite story with a partner.

Page 7: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


2 Chart Your Course

1. What do I want?

2. Where am I today?

3. Which paths will I take?

1. The cursed _________________ are as “bad” as the cursed HOWS! Be

led by your dreams and desires.

2. When you DON’T know what else to do, keep doing what you’re

already doing, but _______ _______ ____________________.

3. When you DON’T have something to do, do ___________________!

4. ________________ brings clarity and creates traction.

5. Where you are is NEVER ____________________ you are. It’s just a

step along an infinite path. __________________ you’re doing, what

you’ve done, and what you will one day do, is always temporary.

A Note from the Universe

Treating “any old job” as if it were your dream job is the fastest way to spark the kind of life changes that will yield your dream job.

Same for any old house, friend, day, life—or pair of espadrilles.

Yeah, The Universe

Page 8: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


2 Chart Your Course

1) Where are shoulds guiding you instead of desires?

Name one false motivator and a corresponding desire:

Life-Area I should... I want...

At work or in business?

In your relationships?

At home?


Health, appearance, or physically?

2) What are you now doing, that you could be doing better?

Life-Area I could improve...

At work or in business?

In your relationships?

At home?


Health, appearance, or physically?

Page 9: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


3 Take Action and Delegate

Goal/Dream/End Result: _______________________

This is the side of the

triangle that you will

enter anything and

everything you could

possibly do to move

yourself closer to your

dream coming true.

Include physical and

spiritual action steps,

from networking

to visualizing.

This is where you will

write down the

seeming magic and

miracles, coincidences

and serendipities that

the Universe will

orchestrate for you

with regards to the

manifestation of the

above listed dream.

Page 10: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


3 Take Action and Delegate

Your side of the Triangle – Examples:

For new or improved career, work, or livelihood: If you’re in sales, make more cold calls. Start or continue refining your education. Obtain licenses, certifications, websites, and/or business cards. Create a business plan. Actively seek or strategize to find new partners, investors, customers, and so on. Ask mentors for help. Read how-to books and success stories of those who have gone before you. Help others who want what you want (a great way to get a new perspective on your own

situation). For improving a relationship:

Travel, cook, or learn to do something new together. Seek the advice of friends, family, or counselors to smooth out any issues. Try “date nights,” or surprise your partner with new behavior. Revisit old places and activities that previously brought joy to the relationship. Talk to your partner more, in new ways—reaching out, compromising, or asking for help. Find others who are perhaps in a similar situation or form a support group.

For starting a new relationship:

Be sure your friends are allies on your quest for love. Join dating services, online or otherwise. Get out more, especially to places where you could meet new people. Volunteer in your community, not only to help but to be available. Get a job (if not for the money, then to meet people). Choose a hobby and get involved with local groups who enjoy the same interests.

Spiritually speaking, no matter what you’re after, here are some entries for your side of the triangle, if they appeal to you:

Visualize every day (see tips on this in the next chapter). Join a spiritual community. Unity Churches and Centers for Spiritual Living Churches are in

alignment with all I’m sharing about how to create change in your life. Read more books, listen to audio programs, and attend seminars like this one. Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical

well-being. Create a vision board and use other similar tools.

Page 11: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


3 Take Action and Delegate

The Universe’s Side of the Triangle – Examples: Help you unexpectedly meet new people who can help you. Give you a bright idea that will not only change your life but also the world. Provide inspiration and motivation when you most need it. Resolve inner conflicts. Arrange circumstances to ease your journey. Open your eyes to new possibilities. Help you negotiate and transcend obstacles, tricky people, and other distractions that aren’t

serving you. Hone your skills, improve talents, and instill confidence. Accumulate physical resources and summon new opportunities. Reveal your negative thinking and limiting beliefs. And much more...

A Note from the Universe

Little tiny dreams require little tiny thoughts and little tiny steps.

Great big dreams require great big thoughts and little tiny steps.

Do I paint a clear picture? The Universe

Page 12: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


3 Take Action and Delegate

You can’t know either where or when the Universe will enter your affairs—only that it will. So just pitch your

pitches, take your baby steps, enjoy the journey . . . and prepare to be astounded!

1. Being ____________________ about life is never enough to

________________ your life.

2. The reason you hoist your sails is not to move the boat, but to

_____________ ______ _______________.

3. Miracles become automatic for those who:

1) _______________ ________________.

2) _______________ (in terms of the end result).

3) _______________ ________________ (consistently).

4. The difference between cursed HOWS and taking action lies not in

______________ you do, but in ______________ you perceive the

reasons for doing it.

5. For every step you take, the Universe takes ____________________.

The real reason the early bird catches the worm is not

because they’re early but because they’re there; they showed up, and the Universe provided.

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3 Take Action and Delegate

Goal/Dream/End Result: _______________________________________

Page 14: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


4 Leveraging the Universe

On the plane of manifestation you cannot say things— anything—without influencing the circumstances

you will experience next.

1. Your words and deeds are simply forms of __________________; tune

in to learn what you’re thinking, and be proactive to create change.

2. ___________________ literally rearranges the material elements of

your life.

3. _______________ _________________ override and suppress any

invisible limiting beliefs that contradict them – known or unknown.

4. In all cases of safety, health, comfort, or doubt,

__________ __________ _______ ___ _______ ________________.

5. Gratitude for what you have, _____________ _________ ____ ____;

gratitude for what you don’t have, _________________ ____ _____

_______ _____ ______, hastens its manifestation.

A Note from the Universe

Just curious: when was the last time you looked into a mirror and addressed yourself as “Gorgeous,” “Magnificent,” or “Sublime”?

It matters.

Here’s looking at you, Gorgeous. The Universe

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4 Leveraging the Universe

7 Guidelines for Visualizing

1. One time a __________is all that’s necessary

2. No longer than ____________ minutes at a time

3. Imagine every _____________ _____________

4. Feel the _______________

5. Put yourself _________________________

6. Dwell from the end result, _________________

7. ______________________!!!!

A Note from the Universe

Anyone watching you?

Good. This is a double-secret exercise.

Pretend you just received a phone call with wonderful mind blowing, life changing news!

As you put down the receiver, your arms fly up over your head with joy. Pumping fists, then waving palms, like you just crossed a finish line before

throngs of adoring fans. You cover your face with your hands trying to contain the euphoria, but it doesn't work, so you reach for the sky again

while shaking your head in disbelief.

You're grinning, crying, and just so happy! Yes! Life is awesome, and you feel so grateful!!!!!!!

Got it? The Universe xxoo

PS - Now if someone catches you doing this, just tell 'em it was your pet psychic who called, and they'll forget everything they just saw.

Page 16: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


4 Leveraging the Universe

PRETEND your dream of ________________________ was inevitably

about to happen or has already happened.

List ACTIONS you can now take that either prepare the way for the inevitable manifestation of your changes, or that presuppose your manifestations have ALREADY come to pass:

Prepare the Way: Acting “As If” Dream has already manifested:

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

The demonstration of physically preparing for your dream to arrive sends shock waves into the unseen,

evidencing your own thoughts and implied new beliefs about your inevitable success.

Page 17: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


4 Leveraging the Universe

On the next page, write a “Reverse Worry” letter that can also

be used as a scripted scene to visualize. First, get clear on what

you will write by completing this info:

To whom will you write?______________________________

Reminisce about something funny to briefly catch up on,

make it realistic: ___________________________________


What goal have you just accomplished? ________________


What are 5 reasons it was so easy?

1) ________________________________

2) ________________________________

3) ________________________________

4) ________________________________

5) ________________________________

How did you celebrate? ______________________________

What gift are you giving them? _________________________

Sign off in your own fun way! __________________________

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4 Leveraging the Universe – Write a Letter/Script, Con’t.




















Page 19: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


4 Leveraging the Universe – Mantras

I love:_____ _____ _____ _____

____ ___ _____ ______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __________ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ _______

My life is:_____ _____ ______

____ ___ _____ ______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __________ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ _______

I am:_____ _____ _____ ______

____ ___ _____ ______ ______ _____ ____ ___ __________ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ _______

Page 20: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


5 Align Your Beliefs

You don’t need to figure out your past or unravel your beliefs in order to blast forward. You just need to move forward, and then the right

beliefs will assemble themselves around you quickly enough.

1. Our beliefs are almighty, yet they derive ALL their power from our

_______________ ________________ ________________.

2. You don’t have to know ____________ you got where you are today, to

____________ __________ to move forward deliberately. Nor do you

have to know what your ______________ ________________ are to

move beyond them.

3. The only thing standing between you today and the life of your dreams,

are the _______________, _________________, and ______________

you choose between now and then.

4. Installing new empowering beliefs is as simple as knowing what

_______________ you want, and then ____________ ___ ___ they

were yours.

5. Giving and tithing are powerful physical demonstrations that clearly

state, “I am __________________ _______!” And so you shall be.

To jump-start the installment of your new beliefs, dwell upon them and focus on the brilliance of their truth so they

can quickly become part of your “default” worldview.

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5 Align Your Beliefs

A Note from the Universe

While I would actually LOVE to help every living soul on the planet remember who they were in prior lives, why the pyramids were really built, and how their past beliefs shaped present

manifestations, I’d infinitely prefer to help them bust a move here and now, learn some new tricks and live their dreams, which, incidentally, is the only reason

anyone ever chooses to come back.

Let’s do this, The Universe

P.S. Suffice it to say, Your Highness, you’ve always been crazy-sexy-cool.

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5 Align Your Beliefs

Belief Installation

1. What do you want? ____________________________

2. What would you believe?











3. How would you behave?











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6 Engage the Magic

“Starting” is a physical demonstration, the ultimate act of faith that leverages the Universe and engages

life’s magic because it says, “I am on my way, and I intend to finish!”

1. You may have already reached the ________________

______________ towards your own inevitable success, but

you’ll never know unless you keep going.

2. Tomorrow will come with its own ___________________.

3. The magic ingredient to engaging the Universe lies in

______________ based upon ____________________ how life

works, in spite of appearances to the contrary.

4. ____________________ is part of doing all you can, with what

you have, from where you are.

5. All dreams come true vis-a-vie an entirely unpredictable,

unknowable ______________________, which in part means

you never know ______________________________________!

“Start” is not to be confused with “start, and then stop to see if anything happens.” Nope, that’s “I’m scared, tired, and not sure what I

really want.”

Page 24: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


6 Engage the Magic

1. When have you summoned the MAGIC before? Think of prior dreams come true, they need not be HUGE dreams?

At work or in business? _____________________________________

In your relationships? _______________________________________

At home? _________________________________________________

Socially? __________________________________________________


2. How did you start moving towards these dreams, without knowing how you’d finish? Chances are, you moved in totally different directions than were even used!

At work or in business? _____________________________________

In your relationships? _______________________________________

At home? _________________________________________________

Socially? __________________________________________________


3. What resources, if any, were made available to you after you started?

At work or in business? _____________________________________

In your relationships? _______________________________________

At home? _________________________________________________

Socially? __________________________________________________


Page 25: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being


7 Adjusting Your Sails

Love can only exist when there’s a vision for prosperity, a belief in your own worthiness, and a

sense that all is exactly as it should be.

1. Your _________________ thoughts are 10,000 times more

powerful than your _________________ thoughts.

2. The secret to living the life of your dreams, is to

_______________________________________ to any degree

you can.

3. Do not judge your progress with your ___________________


4. You _______ the Universe; you _______ the Magic.

5. You chose to be here to be _________________________

___________________________________, and you knew

exactly what you were doing!

Sure, there are mind-control techniques, hemi-sync systems,

and meditation programs by the thousands, but not a single one of them is more useful, effective, or practical than thoughts become

things. That’s it! Discover it! Eat, sleep, and breathe it!

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7 Adjusting Your Sails

In just a few words, what were your 3 “take-aways” during the past 3 days?

1) ______________________________________________________

2) ______________________________________________________

3) ______________________________________________________

How will you apply these to your life in the days ahead?

1) ______________________________________________________

2) ______________________________________________________

3) ______________________________________________________

You are adored.

Page 27: MIKE DOOLEY - TUT · Join meet-up and/or mastermind groups (or form your own). Begin or learn meditation, yoga, or other exercises that enhance peace of mind and physical well-being

Leveraging the Universe Location: Date:

CONTENT: 1= Not Much 5=Very Much

Is this a program you'd recommend to others? 1 2 3 4 5

Did the program meet with your expectations, as advertised?

1 2 3 4 5

Was the content suitable to "where" you are in your life? 1 2 3 4 5

Please circle the "Agenda Topics" you enjoyed the most: 1. Understand Your Power 2. Chart Your Course 3.Take Action and Delegate 4. Leverage the Universe 5. Align Your Beliefs 6. Engage the Magic 7. Adjust Your Sails All of them.

Any other CONTENT comments? (please use back of sheet if you need more room):

What were the most valuable things you learned? (please use back of sheet if you need more room):

FORMAT: 1= Not Much 5=Very Much

Was the meeting space appropriate? 1 2 3 4 5

Was the PowerPoint presentation helpful? 1 2 3 4 5

Was the Handout helpful and organized? 1 2 3 4 5

Were the exercises helpful? 1 2 3 4 5

Was the length of the event (please circle): too short just right too long

Were you comfortable in every way? Seating? Temperatures? Lighting? Sound? Break times? Meals?

Would you have liked more (circle): Lecture time? "Exercise" time? Questions and Answer time?

MIKE DOOLEY: 1= Not Much 5=Very Much

Was Mike properly prepared? 1 2 3 4 5

Did Mike seem to care about the program/event/people? 1 2 3 4 5

TESTIMONIAL or OTHER COMMENTS (please use back of sheet if you need more room):

How would you compare this event to others you've attended (circle): Not as good. As Good as. Better.


Your name (optional):______________________________________

Please submit at the event OR fax to 407-488-1981

OR email your comments to [email protected] Thank you!!!!

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Please do NOT use this page for

NOTES... it is the back of the evaluation

form that you will turn in at the end of

the event