michael parkinson - word and image - an incomplete retrospective 2009 - 2014

Michael Parkinson – word and image  An incomplete retrospective 2009 to 2014

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A collection of painting and poetry from the yet to be acclaimed, never ashamed Portsmouth progeny that is the Parky.


Page 1: Michael Parkinson - Word and Image - An Incomplete Retrospective 2009 - 2014

Michael Parkinson – word and image  An incomplete retrospective 2009 to 2014

Page 2: Michael Parkinson - Word and Image - An Incomplete Retrospective 2009 - 2014


A golden breath of intention on the bare, trembling neck of beauty

Creation is the source of everything, can what we imagine be truly realised, in effect does reality permit us to project infinity upon its naked form, rendering complete the dreams of ages. never before has such possibility arisen as that with which we are faaced today, for truly this is a glorious moment of indefinity, fluid as we reach toward the depths of what is magic and ordinary, how long before its message can arise unhindered like the changing of the seasons and unansered questions no longer be asked.

Amore and lust overwhelming

precautions thrown to the wind unabashed at the consequence of hasty judgements

before its too late run with sentiment run with resolve run with precision in to the billowing furnace as flames strip asunder the restraints of former times. could this strengthen the body, as only the spirit can?

once, twice and thrice before seemed to us the mystery complete - only then can we let go from whence we came to what we once were. How can it be allowed this deception of mortality, ripening into fruition that which has for centuries been unfolding, bringer closer to hand redemption ascension, an intervention in the intention of control.

Truth shines as lies do obscure, proof be told is unneeded it changes never static, the joy ecstatic of reconfirming deeply held notions that illuminate onwards out from the darkness of learned ignorance.

Chaos embraced and understood in the order of motionHopeless in terms unremembered flexibility of the highest order, synthesis recreating examples of elation, all is the source as we are too.

Eventually communication strips asunder the shackles of language corrupted forms cheapened by commerce until meaning is dictated by sales promotion, material desire-mongerings...

...and shells break forth from ocean currents, washed up on beaches of plenty and cleaned by monsoons, warm scents of fruit and flower enrich lush evenings a tropical peace rich in heart, a heady mix of passion and primal stirrings as life courses gladly within through veins and flesh and hair and skin.

That not so distant place, that daydreams turn to, an eden utopia exotic enchanting, endless heat and moistened brow.

And to what end, how long can illusions be sustained before restlessness rears its busy head. The next pursuit, as self entangles in ambition and desire. Inside is where the paradise resides, bestill the storm and all is green and pleasent. Master this and then continue, existance is your friend and ally and life reflects what we enjoy.

Challenges accepted and consequence revealed, enough we say and end this day.

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Compassion in the Face of Adversity

The woman with the sword symbolises justice, she is dressed in green as she represents the natural order, receiving power poured from higher realms as the old masculine abuse is expelled.Her sword is sharp yet it is held lightly with compassion

The 3 figures at the top are humanity ruled by dark forces, the powers that order the bombs and distruction. The darkness will destroy them from within, it gives them power but at a high price for although they appear untouchable in their lofty position they are slaves to its will.

They are without colour as the warmth of love is absent from their hearts and they look down on all as they bathe the cities in flame, but on a deeper level it is

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only the material that burns. the gentle golden deer faces the flames defiantly unflinchingly as love continues to blossom in the face of adversity.

The lion, noble couragous and strong, a message communicated from one bird to another standing upon buildings, holy, breastlike poring forth the nurturing milk of hope amidst chaos and confusion.Mars reigns grand as war tears asunder at the setting of the sun, a sea blood red with flames rising to meet him in the heavens.

Cooperation between the species as an answer is created, developed, decoded. Aquarius waiting with her waters ready to pour forth and extinguish the flames. A guardian silently communicates to the kingfisher from one epoch to another.

Another guards the material realm as waters rush by dividing the fruition of the seed of life from the cubic disassembly of a previous construction.

Cyclicly the elements rotate and interact, the spiritual progression enacted in the material.Death is not to be feared wars will rage yet dont let their darkness poisen you. Stand strong with compassion and love for we are all spirit and this is our challenge.

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And A Child Shall Lead The Way....

A Safe place pointed out during times of destruction,monkey rides the bull as ocean approachesA Sky God lifts the veil whilst guarding the wayBudda burns but is unaffected a fire spirit is born from flamethe wind delivers a gift as explosions fill the skythe young and the peaceful protected .

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Love, Betrayal and A New Life

For many lifetimes two souls shared a love strong and enduring.He a brave warrior born of the sun the flame and the eagle She a shaman princess born of the moon fluid as the rivers and seas.

However in this incarnation love does not run smoothly, for in all reality does it ever?

Betrayal from one close and trusted, yet slippery and decieving, results in a pregnancy, which for the warrior is unexplainable. The higher self of the princess cries rivers at the misfortune of her mortal self, yet in physicality she is content and happy to feel a life grow within her.

What shall become of this unborn soul yet to enter the womb and guarded by three strange protectors?

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As Time Treads its Weary Way

Set forth unaided free from cultural restraint - a life of luxury, frugal at the most.

The best of times the rest of times alone i sit absorbed in this,the work intended, at last is rendered into existance from behind the veilMy purpose understood, distraction resisted - pour forth sweet waters as they were meant to be


How many times is life repeated, nothing new, reused, the same but different.

In this at last absorbed, instructed, opening channels for actions that unknown allow themselves to be, bestill be bold and leave a mark of proof in that communication recorded, re-uttered a sense of what at best is uncluttered


mere play, they say, embark on seas of voyage.expect that help be far from sight.but close at hand, within, eternal, as all is safely washed away.an ocean of experience a reservoir of knowledgethe ship that sails so close to land is always bound to what is knownyet far into these foreigns waters is where i long to be pushing open boundries of possibility.

Horizons ever far away draw closer to the end of dayand dips his head the sun my friend and bathes himself in waters cool and clearready for his next return, repeat performance, headline act, on the stage of yesterdayyet changed and rearranged the props put out, the backdrop raised, the curtain pulls away.

And life it seems to spin so giddy as hands on clocks chase round, the circuit of their pre planned course revolving. until the battery stops .

even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day - the sample on the orbital record would say, in teenage haze of drug filled daysand nights. deprogramming and re-examining life from new perspectiveswithout these times, how different things would be perhaps i'll stand corrected.

but back we go, around again, for now i feel the same,as i did back then, but no suprise, as things had never changed.

The same sun rises, the same moon setsthe hands have done their little dancethe waltz of time conitues and im still me following my little path.

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Creating Reality

We create the world with our thoughts, first it exists in the astral spiritual plane and then manifests in the material. we can analyse the material physical and the temporal, but we can only get so far... unless we bring into account the invisible indefinable influence of other realms.In this respect the artist in her analysis of the world is at an advantage to the scientist, who whilst a master of the material temporal, is lost amongst the details, missing the larger picture.And the girl whos heart is strong does not analyse but creates afresh, connected to the infinite,shaping reality with will and thought, channeling the divine into reality.

Owl = wisdomMonkey = inteligenceChameleon = illusion

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Love Thy Demons

Who would ever have believed it, as the answer grows closer how far must we reach before it is within our grasp.

Groping around in the darkness hoping that what brushes against ones hand is not the demon supressed by generations of repression, perhaps that is the answer? to accomidate and aquaint oneself with thy demons.

Bad publicity and a smear campaign, unjustly 'demonised', have we shunned our most worthy allies.

Embrace and replace the fear and distaste, bring love, bring wine, bring light, make haste. One day, will it all make sense? surely then the game would end and more than likely we'd be dead.

Mexico. 2014