manual oopp v 2 2011 03

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  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    48 pages. Decent, practical introduction in participatory project planning, using OOPP/ZOPP

    approach. Practical and with checklist, tools, examples, ut somewhat dated. Does not co!er

    methods de!eloped since "###. $tarting point, ut needs to e updated or supplemented with

    more recent materials

    %e!iewed "#&& or, 'd(

    Manual Objective Oriented Project Planning

    A Guide for Trainers, Trainees and Students

    Euroconsult / BMB Mott MacDonald


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    Table of contentsPreface..........................................................................................................................................................iii


    Glossary........................................................................................................................................................ v

    1 Getting Started.......................................................................................................................................2

    1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................2

    1.2 Benefits......................................................................................................................................2

    1.3 Purpose......................................................................................................................................3

    1. !onditions..................................................................................................................................3

    1." #i$itations..................................................................................................................................3

    1.% Ot&er Instru$ents......................................................................................................................

    2 Objective Oriented Project Planning...................................................................................................

    2.1 'tructure of OOPP....................................................................................................................."

    2.2 Participation (nal)sis................................................................................................................."

    2.3 Proble$ (nal)sis* t&e !ore Proble$.........................................................................................%

    2. !auses and Effects* t&e Proble$ Tree......................................................................................+

    2." Ob,ecti-es (nal)sis....................................................................................................................

    2.% 'trate) 'election....................................................................................................................12

    2.+ #oical ra$eor...................................................................................................................1

    2.8 uestions and ansers............................................................................................................1%

    ! A""lications of OOPP.........................................................................................................................1#

    3.1 Pro,ect or$ulation..................................................................................................................1

    3.2 Inception P&ase.......................................................................................................................1

    3.3 Pro,ect e4tension......................................................................................................................1

    $ Su""orting Materials...........................................................................................................................2%

    .1 E4ercises..................................................................................................................................20

    .1.1 E4ercise 1 5 Identif) t&e core proble$.....................................................................................20

    .1.2 E4ercise 2 5 Proble$ anal)sis.................................................................................................20

    .1.3 E4ercise 3 5 Ob,ecti-es anal)sis..............................................................................................21

    .1. E4ercise 5 'trate) anal)sis.................................................................................................21

    Euroconsult/BMB Mott MacDonald i

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    .1." E4ercise " 5 #oical fra$eor* inter-ention loic..................................................................21

    .1.% (nsers e4ercise 1 5 Identif) t&e core proble$......................................................................22

    .1.+ (nsers e4ercise 2 5 Proble$ anal)sis...................................................................................22

    .1.8 5 se (nsers E4ercise 3 5 Ob,ecti-es anal)sis.......................................................................22

    .1. (nsers e4ercise 5 'trate) 'election.................................................................................2"

    .1.10 (nsers E4ercise " 5 #oical ra$eor...............................................................................2%

    .2 Trainin 6uidelines..................................................................................................................28

    .2.1 Trainin Preparation.................................................................................................................28

    &ac'ground Infor(ation.....................................................................................................................!)

    ".1 7eferences...............................................................................................................................3%

    ".2 E4a$ples.................................................................................................................................3%

    Euroconsult/BMB Mott MacDonald ii

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    PrefaceInstitutional de-elop$ent &as beco$e a per$anent inredient of all pro,ects assisted b) our co$pan).

    'o$eti$es as one aspect of a $ostl) tec&nical pro,ect so$eti$es as t&e $ain focus of an inter-ention.

    But in all situations it is essential to understand t&e oranisational settin in &ic& our staff operate and to

    ensure t&at our contribution leads to i$pro-e$ents t&at ill be absorbed and sustained b) local


    Most of our e4perts &a-e substantial e4perience and e4pertise it& reard to institutional de-elop$ent

    issues and approac&es. But not all $i&t &a-e i$$ediate and recent e4perience it& t&e full rane of

    practical instru$ents and $et&ods in t&is field. or t&at purpose e decided to define and present t&e

    $ost rele-ant instru$ents and to de-elop trainin $aterials and $anuals on t&ese instru$ents. irst of all

    to uprade and update t&e sills of our staff but also to enable t&eir counterparts and local colleaues to

    de-elop suc& sills.

    T&e practical results of t&is initiati-e is t&e production of Manuals on 9Instru$ents for institutional

    de-elop$ent9. T&ese $anuals are t&e outco$es of a collecti-e effort of t&e staff at :ead Office and in t&e

    field and t&e present -ersion incorporates t&e e4perience fro$ t&e use of draft -ersions. ;e &ope to

    i$pro-e and e4pand t&ese $anuals &ile ti$e oes on.

    T&e purpose of t&e $anuals is t&reefold. irstl) t&e) pro-ide a co$plete set of $aterials and uidelines for

    trainers. ( trainer can dra fro$ t&is to prepare and i-e a

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    IntroductionT&is first $anual in t&e series on Instru$ents for Institutional De-elop$ent deals it& Ob,ecti-e Oriented

    Pro,ect Plannin

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP


    ( proble$ is a neati-e state and is t&erefore not e4pressed as t&e absence of a solution. Ao co$puters

    a-ailableA is t&e absence of a solution &ereas Aineffecti-e data anal)sisA is a neati-e state and a proper

    for$ulation of t&e proble$.

    *ore Proble(

    T&e core proble$ is t&e central point in a proble$atic situation. T&e participants s&ould reac& consensus

    on one core proble$.

    Proble( Tree

    T&e proble$ tree is a -isualised presentation of proble$s and t&eir cause and effect relations&ips. (

    proble$ tree is a si$plified reduced for$ of a real proble$atic situation.


    (n ob,ecti-e is a positi-e situation to be ac&ie-ed b) t&e pro,ect in t&e future. (n ob,ecti-e occurs at

    se-eral le-els and it s&ould be indicated at &ic& le-el of detail t&e ob,ecti-e is specified.

    Objective Tree

    T&e proble$ tree for$s t&e basis for t&e ob,ecti-e tree. Proble$s are reorded into positi-e state$ents

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    &ic& seeds to pro-ide to t&e far$ers of a certain district. In t&is case staff of t&e Mo( are direct

    recipients t&e seed co$panies are inter$ediate beneficiaries and t&e far$ers are end beneficiaries.

    Euroconsult/BMB Mott MacDonald -i

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    1 6ettin 'tarted1.1 Introduction

    'uccessful de-elop$ent inter-entions start it& a clear definition of e4istin proble$s. (bsence of a

    t&orou& proble$ anal)sis $a) lead to selection of inappropriate or irrele-ant ob,ecti-es and

    unsustainable pro,ect results and insufficient participation of local i$ple$enters and oranisations.

    Pro,ect ob,ecti-es are not liel) to be $et &en t&ese are unclear and unrealistic. (n effecti-e definition of

    oners&ip and responsibilities and of t&e intended beneficiaries is i$possible it& -aue ob,ecti-es.

    OOPP tries to create Aoners&ipA of and co$$it$ent to t&e plannin process b) e$p&asisin t&e direct

    in-ol-e$ent of future i$ple$entors in pro,ect desin.

    OOPP &elps to define t&e ob,ecti-es of t&e pro,ect b) t&e direct recipients and t&e beneficiaries ,ointl)

    facilitated b) t&e consultant. T&is process en&ances t&e lieli&ood t&at t&e identified proble$s are in line

    it& t&e needs of t&e beneficiaries and as suc& reflect Asocial realit)A instead of -iepoints onl) e4istin

    it&in t&e pro,ect or re>uestin oranisation. #ocal oranisations &a-e an i$portant role to pla) in t&e

    definition of proble$s and t&e selection of inter-entions because of t&eir t&orou& understandin of and

    e4perience in t&e local situation.

    In s&ort OOPP pro-ides a fle4ible and efficient fra$eor to i$pro-e plannin for tec&nical as ell as

    institutional de-elop$ent pro,ects it& t&e acti-e in-ol-e$ent of t&e oranisations associated it& oraffected b) t&e proble$. OOPP does not intend to replace creati-e t&inin or spontaneous ideas. OOPP

    does not &a-e to be applied fro$ step 1 to step . 'teps can be used separatel).

    1.2 Benefits

    OOPP pro$otes open@$inded and ide@ranin reflection on t&e causes and effects of a proble$atic

    situation. T&e se>uence of steps uides participants to beco$e $ore specific and loical in t&eir often

    broad and intuiti-e notions about t&e percei-ed proble$s. OOPP &elps to et a $ore specific $odest and

    realistic understandin of pro,ect ob,ecti-es as opposed to $ain seepin state$ents about

    unattainable and un-erifiable oals. T&e for$ulation of a strate) to be adopted b) t&e pro,ect is t&e

    outco$e of OOPP.

    T&e process of OOPP establis&es a con-incin loic beteen t&e oal pro,ect purpose outputs acti-ities

    and inputs. Toet&er t&ese ele$ents constitute t&e intended inter-ention &ic& in-ol-es a nu$ber of

    specified oranisations and beneficiaries. In t&e oriinal 6T? approac& t&e Pro,ect Plannin Matri4

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    si$plified and i$pro-ed infor$ation for plannin &ic& leads to better understandin a$on collaboratin

    oranisations. Direct outputs of OOPP are a proble$ tree an ob,ecti-es tree and ele$ents of a loical


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    OOPP puts e$p&asis on t&e core proble$ &ic& presents a so$e&at narro -ie at a i-en point in

    ti$e. T&is $eans t&at &en OOPP is applied in a riid $anner t&e identified proble$s and ob,ecti-es

    could after so$e ti$e not be applicable.

    (not&er li$itation of OOPP is t&at a bias toards pro,ect potential and purpose occurs -er) easil). ;&en

    participants are aare of t&e pro,ect purpose be&ind t&e e4ercise t&e) tend to $ention not t&e ArealA

    proble$s but t&ose proble$s &ic& can $ost certainl) be addressed b) t&e pro,ect.

    ( practical li$itation is t&e ti$e needed to pursue OOPP until t&e draftin of t&e loical fra$eor. T&e

    process can be -er) ti$e consu$in &en eac& step &as to be finalised properl) and consensus &as to be

    establis&ed on eac& issue.

    1.% Ot&er Instru$ents

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    2 Ob,ecti-e Oriented Pro,ect Plannin2.1 'tructure of OOPP

    OOPP &as fi-e practical steps to arri-e at a pro,ect strate). Eac& step &as its specific purpose. OOPP

    starts it& a participation anal)sis to $ae an in-entor) of t&e people &o affect and &o are affected b)

    t&e proble$ situation. T&e second step is proble$ anal)sis to identif) t&e core proble$. T&e t&ird step

    anal)ses t&e causes and effects of t&e core proble$. T&e fourt& step ob,ecti-es anal)sis describes t&e

    future situation t&at could be ac&ie-ed b) sol-in t&e proble$s. T&e fift& and last step is t&e selection of a

    strate) to identif) potential alternati-e solutions to proble$s. T&is results in t&e identification of t&e $ost

    appropriate strate). T&is strate) is ine-itabl) a lobal one but for$s t&e basis for de-elopin a $ore

    specific pro,ect plan. In so$e approac&es to OOPP suc& pro,ect plannin is included. In t&is $anual e

    treat t&is as anot&er p&ase to be dealt it& b) a separate instru$ent t&e #oical ra$eor &ic& is

    discussed in $anual nu$ber 2 of t&is series. T&e to instru$ents are co$ple$entar).

    T&e fi-e steps are one t&rou& b) a tea$. ;&o t&e $e$bers of t&is tea$ are depends on t&e situation.

    T&e tea$ &oe-er $ust be able to deal it& interdisciplinar) issues

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    Participation anal)sis is t&e tas of a s$all roup of core people for e4a$ple t&e consultant and t&e

    oranisation t&at initiated t&e OOPP e4ercise

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Manual OOPP

    @ brain@stor$in role a$es or ot&er decision@$ain aidsH

    @ decide te$poraril) to continue it& se-eral proble$s but tr) to deter$ine t&e core

    proble$ in t&e ne4t p&ase of OOPP.

    ". If aree$ent is reac&ed on t&e core proble$ t&e core proble$ is clearl) defined in as si$ple as

    possible ter$s. !ore proble$s as percei-ed b) eac& tea$ $e$ber do not auto$aticall) turn into

    t&e pro,ect purpose. T&e core proble$ s&ould be it&in t&e do$ain of t&e pro,ect or prora$$e.

    One s&ould realise t&at t&e selection of one core proble$ is a step to si$plif) realit). OOPP is an

    instru$ent to assist in si$plif)in realit) in full aareness of t&e li$itations of t&e process.

    2. !auses and Effects* t&e Proble$ Tree

    Direct causes and effects of t&e core proble$ are identified. !ausal relations&ips s&ould be direct and

    essential. Often proble$s &ic& are rele-ant for t&e da)@to@da) pro,ect i$ple$entation are lo in t&e

    proble$ tree. It depends on t&e purpose of t&e e4ercise &o detailed t&e proble$ tree ill be.


    T&e purpose of anal)sin causes and effects of t&e core proble$ and of drain t&e proble$ tree is to

    create insi&t into relations&ips beteen -arious proble$s. T&is enables participants to see &o proble$s

    cause or reinforce eac& ot&er.

    o- to analyse causes and effects of te core "roble(

    1. T&e direct causes of t&e core proble$ are placed parallel to eac& ot&er underneat& t&e core proble$.

    2. T&e direct effects of t&e core proble$ are placed parallel to one anot&er abo-e t&e core proble$.

    3. T&e fiure can be furt&er e4tended for eac& of t&e identified causes and effects usin t&e sa$e


    . T&e proble$ anal)sis can be concluded &en t&e tea$ is con-inced t&at t&e essential infor$ation &as

    been used to build up a causal netor e4plainin t&e $ain cause@effect relations&ips for t&e proble$

    situation. 'uc& cause@effect relations&ips are c&aracterised b) an if @ t&en se>uence* if cause ( @ t&en

    effect B

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    ar$ers infor$ed too late

    about establis&ed crop prices

    Cnreliable transport s)ste$

    Maret s)ste$ poorl)





    Poor li-in conditions

    of t&e rural population

    in a)ou$

    Ineffecti-e use of land

    and ater resources in


    #o rice


    #ac of inputs

    #ac of credit facilities

    (ppropriate croppin

    s)ste$ unnon

    Insufficient ater

    usersparticipation in ater


    #i$ited in-ol-e$ent of

    far$ersoranisations in

    irriation and drainae

    Outdated ater $anae@

    $ent polic) for a)ou$

    'ectoral ater

    $anae$ent ineffecti-e

    Inefficient OJM and

    re&abilitation of irriation

    and drainae s)ste$

    #i$ited capacit) of t&e

    MP;;7 it&in


    Cnclear leal basis for

    ater usersin-ol-e$ent

    ar$ers lac support

    to perfor$ tass

    K(d &oc decision

    $ade on



    #i$ited insi&t in

    OJM tec&ni>ues


    ties ineffecti-el)


    arro perspecti-e

    on ater related


    a)ou$ Irr.Dept.

    unable to fulfil its

    tass ade>uatel)


    perfor$s belo


    'taff sills are


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    2." Ob,ecti-es (nal)sis

    'ince a pro,ect ai$s at findin solutions for identified proble$s ob,ecti-es can be deri-ed fro$ t&e

    proble$s identified in t&e proble$ tree. T&e assu$ption is t&at once t&e ob,ecti-e is ac&ie-ed t&e proble$

    is sol-ed. In eneral all proble$s can be translated into potential ob,ecti-es pro-ided t&e ob,ecti-e is

    et&ical and potentiall) ac&ie-able. In ot&er cases t&e ob,ecti-es s&ould be rep&rased or be left as

    proble$s in t&e ob,ecti-e tree. T&ese proble$s $a) later be $o-ed to t&e assu$ptions colu$n of t&e

    loical fra$eor $atri4.

    ( clarification of t&e ord ob,ecti-es is necessar) &ere since -arious oranisations use different

    ter$inolo) to indicate t&e sa$e. T&e ter$ ob,ecti-e is t&e $ost eneral one in fact ob,ecti-es occur at

    se-eral le-els. or clarit) sae different ter$s are used to indicate t&e ob,ecti-es for eac& le-el.



    CDP Farious ;orld Ban

    O&80*TI90S O-erall Ob,ecti-e De-elop$ent





    Pro,ect Purpose I$$ediate





    7esults Outputs 'ub@ob,ecti-es Outputs

    (cti-ities (cti-ities 'ub@ob,ecti-es (cti-ities

    T&e ter$inolo) used in t&is $anual is t&at suested b) t&e ;orld Ban. T&is ill beco$e clear in B+ t&e

    #oical ra$eor.


    T&e purpose of t&e ob,ecti-es anal)sis is to transfor$ t&e &ierarc&) of proble$s

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    3. T&e cause@effect relations&ip of t&e proble$ tree is c&aracterised b) an if @ t&en se>uence &ic&

    for t&e ob,ecti-e tree s&ould be* $eans ( in order to ac&ie-e end B. ;&ile oin don t&e tree

    t&e folloin >uestions s&ould be ased* :as t&e causal relations&ip been c&aned into a

    plausible $eans@end relations&ip E.* 9If staff of t&e Ministr) of P;;7 &as li$ited capacit)

    t&en ater is inefficientl) $anaed9 9Increased capacit) leads to better ater $anae$ent9

    :as t&e cause

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    iure 1Objectives tree based on te "roble( tree of te ayou( 5ater Manage(ent Project, 0gy"t

    !rop prices non at

    appropriate ti$e

    7eliable transport


    Marets i$pro-ed




    En&anced li-in

    conditions of t&e rural

    population in a)ou$

    'ustainable use ofland and ater

    resources in

    a)ou$ ac&ie-ed




    (de>uate inputs


    !redit s)ste$ for

    far$ers operational

    (ppropriate croppin

    s)ste$ non

    En&anced far$er

    participation in ater


    ;ater user boards

    uate capacit) of

    t&e MP;;7 it&in


    Polic) and leal

    basis for ;BCs in


    'upport to i$pro-ed

    ater $anae$ent at

    $es>a le-el a-ailable

    'tructured decisions

    $ade on re&abilitation


    I$rpo-ed decision

    $ain on OJM


    I$pro-ed coordination of

    &oriNontal and -ertical

    ater $anae$ent

    Intertated perspecti-e

    on ater $anae$ent in


    a)ou$ Irr.Dept.

    ade>uatel) fulfillin

    its tass

    Distr.En. Office


    'taff sills


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    2.% 'trate) 'election

    1 &e fourt& p&ase of OOPP concerns t&e identification and selection of potential alternati-e strateies

    toards realiNin all or so$e of t&e ob,ecti-es. T&e pro,ectAs ulti$ate strate) s&ould reflect a c&oice

    a$on t&ese alternati-es. T&e policies of t&e o-ern$ent and t&e in-ol-ed oranisations as ell as donor

    preferences &a-e to be considered durin t&e selection of a strate).


    ( strate) reflects a decision on &o a core ob,ecti-e s&ould be pursued. ( strate) is t&e basis for an)

    plan and is deri-ed fro$ t&e pro,ect ob,ecti-es and t&e conte4t in &ic& t&ese &a-e been for$ulated. T&e

    ob,ecti-e tree is t&e startin point to define a strate). ( c&oice &as to be $ade* &ic& $eans @ end

    branc&es in t&e ob,ecti-es tree are selected. or an) i-en end $an) $eans $a) be considered based

    on criteria lie a$ount of $one) re>uired accessibilit) deree of control etcetera. T&e aru$ents for t&is

    c&oice ,ustif) t&e selected strate).

    o- to identify alternative strategies

    1 Identif) ob,ecti-es t&at cannot be ac&ie-ed due to resource li$itations and set t&ese aside &en

    considerin alternati-es. T&ese ob,ecti-es later beco$e assu$ptions in t&e loical


    2 !lusters of ob,ecti-es related b) cause and effect in t&e ob,ecti-es tree are identified as possible

    alternati-e pro,ect strateies. ( circle is dran around t&ese $eans@end linaes. T&ese $eans@

    end linaes constitute t&e alternati-e solutions and as suc& t&e different strateies. T&is is

    s&on in fiure 3.

    3 T&e alternati-es are $ared it& labels lie Aproduction approac&A inco$e approac&A Ainstitutional

    de-elop$ent approac&A.

    (ppraise t&e selected strateies in ter$s of*

    @ resource constraints J can it be i$ple$ented

    @ ti$e &oriNon

    @ oranisational capacit) and capabilit)

    @ probabilit) of ac&ie-in $ain ob,ecti-e

    @ o-ern$ent policies

    @ co$parison of inputs and outputs efficienc)

    @ donor policies

    @ political interests

    @ pro,ect $andate

    igure ! Selection of a strategy fro( several o"tions : see ne4t "age.

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    igure ! : Selection of a strategy fro( several o"tions

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    T&e selected strate) t&e land and ater use strate) needs to be $ade $uc& $ore specific and

    elaborated in ter$s of tarets plans budets and assu$ptions. T&is is done in a separate e>uall)

    s)ste$atic series of steps presented in our Manual on t&e loical fra$eor. :oe-er it is I$portant to

    understand &o t&e results of t&e OOPP e4ercise relate to t&e loical fra$eor approac&. One is

    inconcei-able it&out t&e ot&er. OOPP la)s t&e foundation for t&e loical fra$eor.

    2.+ #oical ra$eor

    1 &e loical fra$eor describes in a condensed for$at ualit) ti$e period place taret roup and partner institutions. (n indicator

    describes to &at e4tent t&e oal purpose and outputs &a-e been reac&ed.

    8 Means of -erification are sources of infor$ation to -erif) eac& indicator. T&ese for$ t&e basis for

    t&e infor$ation s)ste$ of t&e pro,ect and possibl) for future $onitorin and e-aluation.

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Table 1 : Te logical fra(e-or' (atri4

    Inter-ention loic Ob,ecti-el) Ferifiable


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Table 2 Objectives fro( te selected strategy transferred to te logical fra(e-or' (atri4

    Intervention +ogic O9I Mo9 Assu("tions


    en&anced li-in conditions of

    rural population in a)ou$


    sustainable use of land and

    ater resources in a)ou$


    1. en&anced ater usersA

    participation in ;M

    2. interated ;M ac&ie-ed

    3. i$pro-ed OJM and

    re&abilitation practices. . ade>uate capacit) of

    MP;;7 it&in a)ou$


    1.1 establis& ater user boards

    a le-el

    2.1 support de-elop$ent of

    ater $t polic)

    2.2 pro$ote transition fro$

    sectoral toards interated ;M


    2.3 &oriNontal and -ertical ;M

    coordination en&anced

    3.1 de-elop a $aster plan for

    irr. s)ste$ re&abilitation

    3.2 introduce i$pro-ed decision

    $ain on oJM tec&ni>ues

    .1 support establis&$ent of

    tec&n. office at ID

    .2 strent&en t&e District En

    Office .3 pro-ide for$al


    2.8 uestions and ansers

    T&e folloin >uestions $a) &elp to do t&e proble$s and ob,ecti-es anal)ses.

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    1. 5at area are -e addressing;

    ;e $ust be certain of t&e precise field for consideration. Often t&is is i-en in t&e Ter$s of 7eference. In

    an) case t&e startin point is to state t&e c&aracteristics clearl)* &at econo$ic sector sub@sector

    industr) set of acti-ities or institutions are e dealin it& ;&ic& eorap&ical area ;&ic& occupational


    2. 5o is 3 or sould be 3 involved in tis area;

    #ist all of t&e cateories of people liel) to be affected in so$e sinificant a). T&is could be pro,ect

    beneficiaries decision@$aers and people potentiall) bein affected.

    !. 5at is te (ain "roble(;

    In order to obtain a usable list of proble$s it is useful to &a-e brainstor$in sessions. ( roup of people is

    encouraed to co$e up it& an)t&in t&e) consider a proble$. T&en discuss t&e list eli$inate

    duplications and set t&e re$ainin ite$s in order. T&e e) proble$s $ust be stated clearl).

    ( t)pical proble$ $i&t be econo$ic social cultural and en-iron$ental at t&e sa$e ti$e. People it&

    different bacrounds ill percei-e t&ese proble$s differentl). or t&is reason selectin &o s&ould

    participate in OOPP ors&ops is a sensiti-e and i$portant business.

    $. 5at are te underlying causes of tis "roble(;

    ;&ene-er a set of proble$s is listed so$e are liel) to arise out of ot&ers. or e4a$ple food s&ortaes

    $a) be caused b) poor production losses after &ar-est bad distribution or a co$bination of t&ese and

    ot&er reasons. In turn poor production $a) itself be a result of ron crops or ineffecti-e $et&ods. Eac&

    proble$ s&ould t&erefore be traced bac as far as possible so t&at t&e funda$ental cause is clarified.

    . 5at -ill te future situation be once te "roble( as been addressed;T&is is t&e ai$ of t&e pro,ect. Often t&is $a) be a si$ple neation of t&e anser to t&e abo-e proble$.

    (ain t&e issue of &o$ is oin to benefit fro$ t&e sol-ed proble$s s&ould be considered in detail.

    ). o- best sould tis situation be acieved;

    ;&at are t&e $eans b) &ic& t&e future situation s&all be ac&ie-ed ;&at are t&e strateies t&at ill

    ac&ie-e t&e ai$ it& $a4i$u$ cost@effecti-eness Cnderstandin t&e proble$s underl)in t&e causes

    uestion = ill &elp to deter$ine t&e strateies.

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    ;&en assessin t&e $ost appropriate focus uirin outside inter-ention

    If an) anser is no t&e need for a pro,ect is >uestionable.

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    3 (pplications of OOPP3.1 Pro,ect or$ulation

    1 &e process of OOPP could be useful to assess if t&e pro,ect is actuall) dealin it& e) issues as

    percei-ed b) t&e direct recipients and ot&er stae&olders. (n OOPP e4ercise $a) identif) issues t&at &a-e

    been left out or t&at are included but are irrele-ant.

    (t t&e sa$e ti$e an OOPP e4ercise $a) deter$ine &et&er t&e pro,ect addresses t&e causes or

    s)$pto$s of a proble$ situation. or instance in a -illae &ere suar is &ardl) a-ailable one can c&oose

    to i-e eac& citiNen to bas of suar

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    'upportin Materials.1 E4ercises

    T&e folloin fi-e e4ercises are based on t&e case stud) A'trent&enin of 'oil 'ur-e) of Paistan

    included in t&is $anual. T&e ansers i-en are not t&e onl) Ari&tA ansers. T&e) are presented &ere to et

    an idea of t&e reasonin and loic be&ind OOPP.

    E4ercise 1 Identif) t&e core proble$

    E4ercise 2 Proble$ anal)sis

    E4ercise 3 Ob,ecti-es anal)sis

    E4ercise 'trate) anal)sis

    E4ercise " T&e loical fra$eor

    .1.1 E4ercise 1 5 Identif) t&e core proble$

    T&e identification of t&e core proble$ is not a linear process. B) discussin and definin clusters of cards

    t&e core proble$ ill e-entuall) be identified.

    1. Please read paes + till 1113 till 1" 1+ 18 and 32 till 3+ on t&e draft Pro,ect Docu$ent fro$ une

    11 on t&e 'oil 'ur-e) of Paistan and 9responses to >uestions 9 attac&ed at t&e end of t&e


    2. Identif) t&e proble$s described in t&e case stud).

    3. ;rite t&e $ost crucial proble$ on a card if necessar) use $ore cards but li$it one proble$ to one


    . Put t&e cards on t&e all.

    ". O$it t&e cards &ic& duplicate.

    %. Mae sure all cards are understood b) t&e participants.

    +. Establis& consensus on &at reall) is t&e core proble$ b) discussin $o-in cards and definin


    .1.2 E4ercise 2 5 Proble$ anal)sis

    1. Identif) t&e proble$s t&at cause t&e core proble$

    2. Place t&e direct causes underneat& t&e core proble$ on t&e sa$e le-el

    3. Oranise t&e ot&er proble$s related to eac& direct cause

    . Identif) t&e effects caused b) t&e core proble$

    ". Place t&e direct effects abo-e t&e core proble$ on t&e sa$e le-el

    %. Oranise t&e ot&er effects related to eac& direct effect+. or$ a proble$ tree s&oin t&e cause and effect relations&ips

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    .1.3 E4ercise 3 5 Ob,ecti-es anal)sis

    1. Tae t&e proble$ tree as starlin point

    2. 7ep&rase t&e proble$s orded as a neati-e p&rase into positi-e ob,ecti-es orin fro$ t&e top


    3. !&ec t&e relations&ips beteen t&e -arious le-els of ob,ecti-es in ter$s of t&e if@t&en se>uence

    . !&ec &et&er t&e ob,ecti-es are sufficient to reac& t&e ne4t &i&er le-el

    .1. E4ercise 5 'trate) anal)sis

    1. 7ead t&e To7 of t&e 'oil 'ur-e) of Paistan

    2. Identif) ob,ecti-es in )our proble$ tree &ic& cannot be ac&ie-ed due to resource li$itations or

    because t&ese are unet&ical or non@sensical and set t&ese aside &en considerin alternati-e


    3. Branc&es related b) $eans and ends are identified as possible alternati-e pro,ect strateies. ( circle

    can be dran around t&e $eans@end branc&es to sinif) t&e alternati-e solutions and as suc& t&edifferent strateies

    . Identif) t&e strate) c&osen b) t&e pro,ect desiners and dra t&e rele-ant circle

    ". (ppraise t&e selected strate) in ter$s of*

    @ feasibilit)

    @ ti$e &oriNon

    @ oranisational capacit) and capabilit)

    @ probabilit) of ac&ie-in $ain ob,ecti-e

    @ o-ern$ent policies

    @ co$parison of inputs and outputs efficienc)

    @ donor policies

    @ political interests

    %. Identif) t&e direct recipients inter$ediate beneficiaries and end beneficiaries

    .1." E4ercise " 5 #oical fra$eor* inter-ention loic

    1. Tae t&e selected strate) as startin point

    2. Transfor$ t&e $ain ob,ecti-e into t&e purpose

    3. Transfor$ t&e ne4t &i&er le-el into t&e oal

    . Transfor$ t&e le-el belo t&e $ain ob,ecti-e into outputs

    ". Transfor$ t&e le-el belo t&e outputs into acti-ities and for$ulate t&e state$ents into an action

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    .1.% (nsers e4ercise 1 5 Identif) t&e core proble$

    Proble(s described in te case study>

    1. Met&ods for soil and ater anal)sis outdated

    2. #i$ited effecti-eness of plannin and desin of aricultural de-elop$ent and soil conser-ation

    3. prora$$es

    . 'taff &as poor $anae$ent sills

    ". Outdated lab capacit)

    %. #i$ited client orientation

    +. ''oP ineffecti-el) $eetin de$ands for soil data and anal)sis

    8. Insufficient aareness on t&e side of t&e clients about ''oP ser-ices

    . ;orin $et&ods of staff insufficientl) ad,usted to t&e de$and

    10. Infor$ation on soil p&)sical c&aracteristics unoranised

    11. Insufficient allocation of disse$ination of infor$ation

    12. #i$ited and poor rane of offered ser-ices

    13. Ineffecti-e and unclear oranisational structure it&in ''oP

    1. eeds and -ies of clients are unnon

    1". Outdated lab e>uip$ent

    1%. Poor $anae$ent capacit)

    1+. Insufficient use of present da) tec&noloies

    18. Modern de-elop$ent in t&e direction of >uantitati-e land e-aluation not folloed

    1. #i$ited and rando$l) ti$e spent on $eetins

    20. #i$ited sills in selected disciplines related to client orientation

    21. #ac of facilities

    22. ;orin $et&ods for t&e laborator) ineffecti-e23. Budetin and accountin s)ste$ badl) finetuned to client orientation

    2. Processin of researc& data inefficient

    2". #i$ited lab facilities

    2%. 'taff &as li$ited $oti-ation to orient toards client

    2+. De$and and suppl) of rele-ant ser-ices unnon

    28. Present fundin arrane$ents inade>uate

    2. 'taff &as lo tec&nical sills

    .1.+ (nsers e4ercise 2 5 Proble$ anal)sis

    Proble$ tree of t&e proble$s related to t&e 'oil 'ur-e) of Paistan

    .1.8 5 se (nsers E4ercise 3 5 Ob,ecti-es anal)sis

    Ob,ecti-e tree of t&e ob,ecti-es based on t&e proble$ tree of t&e 'oil 'ur-e) of Paistan 5 see ne4t pae

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    #i$ited effecti-eness of plannin and desin of aricultural

    de-elop$ent and soil conser-ation prora$$es

    ''oP ineffecti-el) $eetin de$ands for soil data and anal)sis

    #i$ited client orientation #i$ited and poor rane of

    offered ser-ices

    Poor $anae$ent capacit) Outdated lab capacit)

    #i$ited sills in selected


    eeds and -ies of clients

    are unnon

    !lients insufficientl) aare

    about ''oP ser-ices

    ;orin $et&ods of staff

    insufficientl) ad,usted to t&e


    'taff &as li$ited $oti-ation

    to or it& clients

    Disse$ination of

    infor$ation insufficientl)


    Infor$ation on soil p&)sical

    c&aracteristics unoranised

    Insufficient use of present

    da) tec&noloies

    De$and and suppl) of

    rele-ant ser-ices unnon

    ;orin $et&ods for t&e

    laborator) ineffecti-e

    Modern de-elop$ent in t&e

    direction of >uantitati-e land

    e-aluation not folloed

    Processin of researc& data inefficient

    #ac of facilities

    'taff &as poor $anae$ent


    #i$ited and rando$l) ti$e

    spent on $eetins

    Ineffecti-e and unclear

    oranisational structure

    it&in ''oP

    Budettin and accountin

    s)ste$ poorl) finetuned to


    Present fundin

    arrane$ents inace>uate

    Met&ods for soil and ater

    anal)sis outdated

    'taff &as lo tec&nical


    #i$ited lab facilities

    Outdated lab e>uip$ent

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Increased effecti-eness of plannin and desin of aricultural

    de-elop$ent and soil conser-ation prora$$es

    ''oP effecti-el) $eetin de$ands for soil data and anal)sis

    Increased client orientation E4panded and i$pro-ed rane

    of offered ser-ices

    I$pro-ed $anae$ent capacit) E4panded lab capacit)

    'taff &as i$pro-ed e4pertise

    in selected disciplines

    eeds and -ies of clients

    are non

    P7 e4ercise conducted

    Increased co$petence of

    staff in de$and@led orin


    Increased $oti-ation to

    or it& clients

    Infor$ation disse$ination

    ade>uatel) allocated

    Infor$ation on soil p&)sical

    c&aracteristics oranised

    'ufficient use $ade of

    present da) tec&noloies

    De$and and suppl) of

    rele-ant ser-ices non

    Effecti-e orin $et&ods

    for t&e lab desined

    Modern >uantitati-e land

    e-aluation $et&ods folloed

    Efficient processin of

    researc& data

    I$pro-ed infrastructure

    I$pro-ed $anae$ent sills

    of staff

    More ti$e spent effecti-el)

    on for$al $eetins

    Oranisational structure

    it&in ''oP effecti-e and


    Budettin and accountin

    s)ste$ adapted to client


    (de>uate fundin

    arrane$ents in place

    e $et&ods for soil and

    ater anal)sis introduced

    'taff &as increased

    tec&nical sills

    #ab facilities e4panded

    e lab e>uip$ent


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    .1. (nsers e4ercise 5 'trate) 'election

    T&e pro,ect addresses eanesses in t&e plannin for sustainable use of land ater and ot&er natural

    resources on t&e s&ort and lon ter$. T&e selected strate) is to en&ance contributions b) t&e ''oP to t&e

    plannin process b) i$pro-in t&e functionin of t&is oranisation in order for it to pro-ide better $ore

    -aried and $ore rele-ant soil data to a rane of

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    .1.10 (nsers E4ercise " 5 #oical ra$eor

    Inter-ention #oic OFI MoF (ssu$ptions


    Increased effecti-eness of plannin and desin of aricultural de-elop$ent

    and soil conser-ation prora$$es


    ''oP effecti-el) $eetin de$ands for soil data and anal)sis


    1. increased client orientation

    2. e4panded and i$pro-ed rane of offered ser-ices

    3. i$pro-ed $anae$ent capacit)


    1.1 arrane for trainin in selected disciplines

    1.2 e4plore needs and -ies of clients

    1.3 conduct P7 e4ercise

    1. train staff in de$and@led orin $et&ods

    1." introduce incenti-es for client orientation

    1.% assin responsibilities for infor$ation disse$ination

    2.1 establis& data base on soil c&aracteristics

    2.2 operationalise 6I'

    2.3 identif) de$and and suppl) of rele-ant ser-ices

    2. desin effecti-e orin $et&ods for t&e laborator)

    2." introduce >uantitati-e land e-aluation $et&ods for t&e laborator)

    2.% introduce co$puterised processin of researc& data

    2.+ construct auditoriu$ and e4&ibition roo$

    3.1 train in $anae$ent sills


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Inter-ention #oic OFI MoF (ssu$ptions

    32 introduce reular $eetins

    3.3 introduce transparent oranisational strucuture

    3. adapt budetin and accountin s)ste$ to client orientation

    3." e4plore options for alternati-e fundin arrane$ents

    .1 introduce ne $et&ods for soil and ater anal)sis

    .2 uprade tec&nical sills

    .3 e4pand lab facilities. introduce ne e>uip$ent

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    .2 Trainin 6uidelines

    ;&en plannin to conduct a trainin in OOPP se-eral issues &a-e to be taen into consideration. Durin

    t&e preparation of t&e trainin one needs to pa) attention to t&e prora$$e $aterials location and

    co$position of t&e roup of trainees. T&e trainin itself re>uires e4cellent sills fro$ t&e trainer or facilitator

    to deal it& roup discussions and orin roups to create an opti$al learnin process. (n e-aluation

    after t&e trainin assesses strent&s and eanesses and opportunities for i$pro-e$ent.

    .2.1 Trainin Preparation

    A. Training Progra((e

    ;&ile t&e plenar) roup s&ould not e4ceed 1" people t&e orin roups s&ould not include $ore t&an

    fi-e people for effecti-e roup or. ( possible ti$e sc&edule is pro-ided belo.

    (cti-it) Ti$e 7e>uired or$atIntroduction to t&e trainin 10 $in. Plenar)

    Introduction to OOPP 30 $in. Plenar)

    E4planation of proble$ anal)sis and e4ercise 1

    04ercise 1> core "roble(

    Presentation b) one roup and discussion

    " $in.

    20 $in.

    1" $in.


    ;orin roups


    E4planation of e4ercise 2

    04ercise 2> "roble( analysis

    Presentation b) one roup and discussion

    10 $in.

    " $in.

    30 $in.


    ;orin roups


    E4planation of ob,ecti-es anal)sis and e4ercise 3

    04ercise !> objectives analysisPresentation b) one roup and discussion

    10 $in.

    20 $in.20 $in.


    ;orin roupsPlenar)

    E4planation of strate) selection and e4ercise

    04ercise $> strategy selection

    Presentation b) one roup and discussion

    10 $in.

    " $in.

    30 $in.


    ;orin roups


    E4planation of loical fra$eor and e4ercise "

    04ercise > logical fra(e-or' 6intervention logic7

    1" $in.

    30 $in.


    ;orin roups

    Discussion on OOPP process " $in. Plenar)

    E-aluation of t&e trainin 30 $in. Indi-idual/Plenar)

    Total ti$e re>uired for t&e trainin session + &ours

    &. Materials


    O-er&ead@pro, ector

    +" cards of 1/2 ( for$at



    *. +ocation

    T&e location is i$portant for a successful trainin. Participants are encouraed to sta) o-erni&t. Infor$al

    discussions $a) contribute to t&e effecti-eness of t&e trainin.

    'pace s&ould be allocated to allo orin in roups. Eac& roup s&ould be able to or in a separate

    roo$ or if t&e roo$ is lare enou& in a corner of t&e roo$.

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Training Session

    Durin t&e trainin t&e use of o-er&ead s&eets and flip@o-ers to clarif) specific ele$ents of OOPP is

    encouraed. O-er&ead s&eets produced for t&e OOPP course are included in t&is c&apter.

    T&e trainer s&ould not onl) be noledeable on OOPP but s&ould also &a-e t&e sills to facilitate plenar)

    sessions and roup or.

    Ob,ecti-e Oriented Pro,ect PlanninPurpose


    to i$pro-e understandin of pro,ect rationale

    to $ae trade@offs in pro,ect desin e4plicit

    to establis& consensus

    to pro$ote participation

    Ob,ecti-e Oriented Pro,ect Plannin


    open process

    uses -isualisation

    builds on tea$ or

    stresses interrelations&ips

    fro$ t&e eneral to t&e specific

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Ob,ecti-e Oriented Pro,ect PlanninMain 'teps


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    @ cost@benefit ratios

    @ opportunities

    @ special interests

    @ stae&olders support

    @ etcetera

    'trate)Tolls us*

    5y>ustificationH strateic oals

    5at to do>Direct supportH Institutional

    De-elop$entH !&oice o Inter-entions

    or 5o( and -it -o(>Intended

    beneficiairiesH Direct recipientsH Ot&er partners

    o->Institutional fra$eor

    'trate) selection'o$e criteria

    Tecnical> appropriateness local resources$aret suitabilit)

    inancial>coats fln. attainabilit) fora4 0cono(ic>coat effecti-eness scon return Institutional>capacit) capabilit) T( re>uire$ents

    and absorption 0nviron(ental>effects en-lr.costs attainabilit) Prag(atic>$andate ot&er efforts co$parati-e


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    1. Pro,ect Identification

    2. Identif) stae&olders

    3. Initial ors&op

    . Define and ran proble$s

    ". Define and ran ob,ecti-es

    %. 'elect taret roupuip$ent

    #ac of






    (bsence of

    reional treat)

    #o political


    '&ortae of


    o dedicated

    lab. facilit);ea internal

    leal fra$eor

    O-er@fis&in reional seas

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Objectives treeTuna Project

    Econo$ic utilisation of

    natural resources

    'ustainable $anae$ent of

    tuna resources in t&e reion

    (de>uate infor$ation

    on tuna fis&eries


    $anae$ent of




    on tuna

    Proper under@

    standin of

    Tuna biolo)


    of info a$on

    7eional states


    staffin of



    E>uip$ent for

    ad$in. J



    base info










    treat) on





    :i& pol.


    Objectives treeTuna Project



    Econo$ic utilisation of

    natural resources

    'ustainable $anae$ent

    of tuna resource in t&e


    (de>uate infor$ation

    on tuna fis&eries



    on tuna

    Proper under@

    standin of

    Tuna biolo)

    Disse$ination of

    info a$on

    reional states



    Goal or



    Pur"ose or



    /esults or



  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Training 0valuation for( OOPP ate>

    Please ans-er by scoring on a scale of 1 6usually (ost negative7 and 6usually (ost "ositive7.

    arrati!e comments are welcome.

    1. 5at -as te level of your 'no-ledge and s'ills

    on OOPP before te -or'so";

    +o- 1 2 ! $ ig


    2. 5at -as your interest i OOPP before te


    +o- 1 2 ! $ ig


    !. o- useful did you find tis -or'so"


    +o- 1 2 ! $ ig


    $. Te -or'so" gave too (uc attention to>

    . Te -or'so" gave too little attention to>

    ). Te -or'so" sould ave been>

    a= duration s&orter 1 2 ! $ loner

    b= ti$in poor ti$in 1 2 ! $ ood


    c= location bad 1 2 ! $ ood

    d= selection of trainees poor 1 2 ! $ ood


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Training 0valuation for( OOPP ate>


    #. o- do you rate your "resent s'ills and

    'no-ledge of OOPP;

    #ittle 1 2 ! $ &i&


    1%. 5at is your "resent interest in using OOPP; #o 1 2 ! $ &i&


    11. o you e4"ect to use OOPP tis year; Cnliel) 1 2 ! $ liel)


    12. o- do you rate your ability to carry out a

    -or'so" on OOPP yourself;

    #o 1 2 ! $ &i&


    1!. o you e4"ect to actually do suc a -or'so"

    tis year;

    Cnliel) 1 2 ! $ liel)


    1$. o- did you li'e te training venue; Bad 1 2 ! $ ood


    1. o- did you li'e your acco((odation; Bad 1 2 ! $ ood


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    " Bacround Infor$ation".1 7eferences

    0uroconsult e4"erience

    ( proble$ tree onl) is used in pro,ect preparation docu$ents and/or inception reports. (n e4a$ple is*

    !oastal ;etlands Protection and De-elop$ent. Fiet a$ (ricultural 'ector Manae$ent 'upport Prora$$e Se$en !oastal ;etlands Protection and De-elop$ent Fiet a$ 'ource* Manual Pro,ect !)cle Manae$ent 'ource* Manual P!M

    +ogical ra(e-or' 1>'ource* Manual P!M

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Proble( tree 1 : Agricultural Manage(ent Su""ort Progra((e, Be(en

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    #ac of ood land #ac of ater #ac of ar. inputs 'ales not attracti-e Cse of inade>uate tec&noloies

    Tenanc) and

    s&are croppin



    of land

    o ater storae


    :i& cost

    of inputs



    #o prices for

    so$e food crops

    ar$er doesnt no

    alternati-e tec&nolo)

    #i$itations of tradi@

    tional tec&noloies

    O-er@raNin of


    O-er cuttin of


    o access

    to credit

    o $essaes on rainfed

    aric Or li-estoc

    ar$er does not accept

    e4tension $essaes

    E4tensionist does

    not -isit far$er

    7esearc& $essaes not

    con-erted to e4tension

    7esearc& biased toards

    irriated ariculture

    !onfusin $essaes

    fro$ different aencies


    $et&od not


    #ac of



    #ac of



    Bias to@ards

    so$e far$ers

    ;ea contact researc&


    Infor$ation fro$

    e4tensionsits does not

    reac& researc&ers

    o co$$unica@

    tion beteen

    -arious aencies

    #ac of nolede of

    e4tension and co$$u@

    nication $et&ods

    o fe$ale



    #ac of


    ;ronl) se@

    lected e4@



    (ric output lo and not sustainable

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Proble( tree 2 : *oastal 5etlands Protection and evelo"(ent, 9iet ?a(

    #ac of conser-ation


    priorit) G sur-i-al

    Increased pressure on scarce resources*

    @ fireood/c&arcoal

    @ construction ood

    @ land for production

    #ac of resources

    #i$ited sills /


    ;ea o-ern$ental

    control / protection structure


    Of $anro-e forests in coastal


    Ficious circle


    of natural ua@

    culture ualit) post

    lar-ae production

    Inade>uate $ain


    Inade>uate pond desin

    and $anae$ent

    Decline in coastal

    area fis&in


    Increased fis&in

    effortProduction of pollution

    / acidit)

    'tart of crab

    cultures!ollapse of s&ri$p industr)


    econo$ic acti-it)


  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Proble( tree ! Source> Manual P*M, 0uro"ean *o((ission

    Objectives tree 1 Source> Manual P*M, 0uro"ean *o((ission



    P/O@*TIO? O? I++S


    /I*0 P/O@*TIO?


    E7O'IO O

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    P/O@*TIO? O? I++S

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    MO7E 7E6C#(7

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  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    +ogical ra(e-or' 1 Source> Manual P*M, 0uro"ean *o((ission

    7ice production ort&ern Pro-ince Boo

    Inter-ention #oic Ob,ecti-el) Ferifiable Indicators 'ources of



    Overall objective>

    ood situation


    ood situation i$pro-ed. (fter

    1+ 300 rice or %00

    $anioc consu$ed sa$e

  • 8/10/2019 Manual Oopp v 2 2011 03


    Inter-ention #oic Ob,ecti-el) Ferifiable Indicators 'ources of





    Disputes beteen &ill

    far$ers and loland far$ers

    are settled

    Official appro-al of

    oraniNational set@up