lob leadership

GROUP 12 Supr iy a Sahu Shruti Goswami V ina y Kat ari a Ar sh ad Abba sMd. Fa iy az Faruque .

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Supriya Sahu

Shruti GoswamiVinay Kataria

Arshad Abbas Md.

Faiyaz Faruque.

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` A Complex Multifunctional capability

` One should realize that the traits of a person which help him

succeed in a Particular situation may not always work for him

given a different situation.

` A Successful Leader is one who

is able to adapt his working style to the different working


motivate his fellow workers to go ahead in achieving their


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` Many a times it is seen decisions being taken about candidatesbased on Distorted information, known as the ³HALO EFFECT´ .

` When it comes to hiring and promoting, it is often seen that acandidate is evaluated by top mgmt level by overvaluing his skill and

traits while overlooking others.

` Familiarity And Similarity : It is often seen that a Team leader oftenback people who are like minded.

` Being a Team Player : We often come across situations where theteam leader is not able to take decisions on his own he isdependent on his group to take decisions.

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Inspire not Command :

 A good leader is one who inspires his followers.

³A Leader is best when people barely knows he exists when his workis done , his aim fulfilled, they will say : we did it ourselves´-Lao Tsu.

Have Confidence and Belief:

Unless a Leader has a clear vision as to where he wants to go, it is

impossible in his part to make others follow.

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Be willing to admit mistakes:He / She should not hesitate to consult his peers and subordinates

for fresh ideas. A Leader should ignore his ego, when coming to admit his mistakes.

Delegate where Appropriate:

 A Leader should not do the tasks assigned to his workers.People need to feel valued and given responsibility.

³Leadership is getting someone else do something you want donebecause he wants to do it´. Dwight D. Eisenhower .

Learn from Others: A good leader  should be constantly learning and improving.Good leadership requires wisdom and humility to learn.

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Leadership style is the manner  and approach of  providing direction, 

implementing plans, and motivating people.

The three major  styles of  leadership are :-

` Authoritarian (autocratic)


Participative (democratic)` Delegative (or  free Reign)

` Paternalistic 

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` Self-Evaluation :

Self-evaluation is a part of the system for both entry and experienced


Self-evaluation is a process whereby individuals access their  performance related to standards and objectives.

Self-evaluation promotes self-awareness and provides data for 

 performance enhancement.

The employee takes responsibility for bringing self-evaluation data to

the attention of the supervisor during performance enhancementconferences.

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` Annual Appraisal

The final appraisal conference should follow the

strategic planning and budgeting cycle generallycompleted in February-March.

During the discussion, the supervisor and employee will

determine the final ratings on each of the standards. After the

supervisor completes the forms and both the supervisor andthe SAMP employee sign them, they are placed in the

employee's personnel file.

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` 360 Degree Feedback :360 degree feedback, also known as 'multi-rater  feedback', is the 

most comprehensive appraisal where the feedback about the 

employees¶ performance comes from all the sources that come in 

contact with the employee on his  job

360 degree respondents for  an employee can be his/her  peers, 

managers (i.e. superior), subordinates, team members, customers, 

suppliers/ vendors - anyone who comes into contact with the 

employee and can provide valuable insights and information or feedback regarding the "on-the-  job" performance of  the 


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` 360 degree appraisal has four  integral components:

1. Self  appraisal

2. Superior¶s appraisal

3. Subordinate¶s appraisal

4. Peer  appraisal

` Self   Appraisal gives a chance to the employee to look at his/her  

strengths and weaknesses, his achievements, and  judge his own 

performance. Superior¶s appraisal forms the traditional part of  

the 360 degree performance appraisal where the employees¶ responsibilities and actual performance is rated by the superior .

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` Subordinates appraisal gives a chance to  judge the employee on the parameters like communication and motivating abilities, superior¶s ability to delegate the work, leadership qualities etc.

` Peer   Appraisal Peers also known as internal customers, the correct feedback given by peers can help to find employees¶ abilities to 

work in a team, co-operation and sensitivity towards others.

` 360 degree performance appraisal is also a powerful developmental tool because when conducted at regular  intervals (say yearly) it helps to keep a track of  the changes others¶ perceptions about the employees. Some of  the organizations following it are Wipro, 

Infosys, and Reliance Industries etc.

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` 360-degree feedback provides a better  understanding of  individuals 

performance at work

` 360-degree feedback provides a multifaceted view about the 

employees from different sources


360-degree feedback provides increased the understanding about one's role expectations

` 360-degree feedback reduces training costs by identifying common 

development needs.

` It promotes better Communication within departments


360-degree feedback ensure better  interpersonal relationship and group cohesiveness

` It promotes self -directed learning and provides a road map for  

employee's development planning

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` Effective follow-up is the prime requirement of  360-degree 

feedback. Failure in follow-up may cause more harm than good

` The 360-degree feedback is time consuming and cost consuming 

assessment process. Without having adequate resource to 

implement the process, it will end up nowhere and develop financial 

burden to organisation

` The trust and confidence on the employees who undergo this 

feedback assessment process is a determinant factor  in its 

outcome. Many consider  this appraisal as tool for  downsizing.

` Many times the confidentiality of  the appraisal cannot be ensured 

from the HR department

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` R ating System:

To rate human behavior  is difficult at best.

 A majority of  the indicators should represent the typical employee 


The rating scale for  competency in each of  the standards for  both 

Entry and Experienced Leaders follows.

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` Exemplary: Consistently exceeds standards and expectations for  performance; demands excellence for  self  and others;.

` Highly Effective: Consistently meets and sometimes exceeds standards and expectations for  performance within the District.

` Effective: Regularly meets and sometimes exceeds standards and 

expectations for  performance within the District.` Needs Improvement: Exhibits minimum quality performance in 

relation to standards and expectations; continues or  begins to develop as a SAMP employee in the District.

` Unsatisfactory: Needs assistance to improve to an acceptable level of  performance in relation to standards and expectations for  

SAMP employees within the District

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` Prerequisites: Top Management Support

Confidence of  employees on the appraisal  methodology

Objectives need to be measurable with performance requirements clearly stated.

A detailed plan of  implementation

Collaboration between superior  and subordinates

Some prior  experimentation and positive experiences Clear  organizational philosophy and policy objective